#Ultraman Fuma x oc
harveybwabbit92 · 1 month
Zero: hey can you change the radio station? I think my friend's show is on.
{Akari who listening to the radio with Fuma changes the radio over to Voice's channel which playing Monster mash for some reason?]
Cello: Doing the "Monster Mash" with you on this beautiful Valentine's Day!
Voice: Cello, why did you play that song today? There must be thousands of love songs!
Cello, flustered: Well, it's... it's kind of a love song. All the monsters enjoying each other's company... dancing... holding their evil in check...
Voice: You played the wrong record, didn't you?
Cello: ....Why are you doing this to me?
[Ultraman Voice is a blue ultra and Zero's childhood friend who appears in the stage show.]
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harveybwabbit92 · 4 months
[When Giant! reader asks Hikari if Akari could shrink her back to normal with her size manipulation ability? after seeing Akari shrink Fuma down to human size while they were playing hide and seek with the other ultra teens. Hikari reluctantly sets up a meeting and immediately Akari reject's R/n's request.]
R/n: Why? You can do it, I saw you do it with that ninja kid!
Akari: Cos your body wouldn't handle it.
R/n: How would you know if you haven't even-
Akari: I have. The result was not pretty.
Hikari, apprehensive: You've tested your abilities on humans before?
Akari: A human, it was a one time thing on a criminal; a human trafficker. And it was supervised by Butcher and Milene.
R/n, annoyed: Well, what happened?
Akari: Things started out fine... Y'know, Without me bashing the guy's skull in for being a creep; I managed grow him to about 55 feet tall, After an hour of Q&A they told me to shrink him back down to normal.
Hikari: And?
Akari: Due to stress from the rapid shrinkage; His insides basically turned to soup.
R/n, blanches: Wh-
Akari: I touched his ankle, he shrank back down when Mile started asking him more questions; he wouldn't answer her then this pink sludge started leaking from his eyes, nose and ears and then he fell over.
Akari: Once we realized he was dead; Butcher decided to open him up right there and... Uh, have you see one of those grass bubbles being drained?
R/n, gags and throws her hands over her mouth: Please stop...
Akari: Sorry...On both accounts. If you want I can ultra size some extra clothes and few earth snacks if that'll cheer you up?
R/n: It would...*under her breath* Though, I don't think I'll be eating anything for a while...
{Hikari pats her on the back]
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harveybwabbit92 · 1 month
[Fuma wakes up in a daze after passing out during a fight he's being carried by someone and immediately assumes it's Titas]
Fuma, strained voice: Thanks, Big T. You're a real pal. *pats him on the shoulder.*
Titas: Um... Fuma? I'm over here.
{Fuma looks to left and sees Titas sheepishly waving at him he looks to the right and sees Taiga smirking at him. Fuma felt his pulse speed up as his hesitantly looked down and saw it was Akari carrying him on her back!?]
Akari: Morning sleepyhead.~
Fuma, blushes: W-wha-...Why are you carrying me?!
Akari: Why not? Is there problem why I shouldn't carry my boyfriend?
Fuma, flustered: You...I...It should've been me!~
Akari, bemused: But it is you?
[Titas and Taiga start at their friend's predicament.]
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harveybwabbit92 · 2 months
Akari: So, my dad doesn’t hate you as much as he used to.
Fuma: Hooray for improvement! I seriously thought he was going to hate me forever.
Akari: He’ll get used to you being my boyfriend, but he’s still going to hate you forever.
Fuma But why?
Akari: You beat him at James Bond Trivia.
Fuma: I can live with being hated for eternity because I know more about James Bond than your dad.
[Akari had Fuma watch and read a bunch of James Bond films and books in hopes that he and Seven would have something to bond over, it worked a little too well.]
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harveybwabbit92 · 2 months
{Fuma is a little annoyed when he found out Akari made a promise to date Tanzit when they were little (Tanzit is an Orphan Alien Babarue boy she was friends with).}
Akari: Look, Fuma I didn't want to date him.
Fuma: Then why did you make that deal with him?
Akari: I only said said yes cos he threatened to tear up Lucky Frog!
(Lucky frog is Akari's beloved sock doll that her mom made for her and it's one of the few keepsakes she has left of Anne.
Now Fuma was more pissed off cos he knows how much that frog means to Akari, he asks Akari if Tanzit has something similar to Lucky Frog that he can't part with? It was a low blow sinking down to the Babarue boy's level- but if it gets Akari's message across maybe he'll finally leave her alone.
Akari mentions a bracelet Tanzit wears from his late grandmother, Fuma using some of his old tricks managed to obtain the trinket and threatens to drop it into a smelter if Tanzit didn't back off.)
Tanzit: Okay! Okay! I'll leave Akari alone I promise! *tearing up* Just don't drop it in there please!
[Fuma turns off the smelter and gives Tanzit the bracelet back.]
Fuma: Scary, innit? seeing the last thing that connects you to your family being threatened. Makes me wonder- did Akari beg you to stop too?
{Needless to say, Akari was surprised when Tanzit suddenly showed up at her house and bowed his head to her apologizing for all the crap he done to her over the years, Akari reluctantly forgave him and thought there was hope for Tanzit in the future....but she quickly backtracked once he raised his head and asked if her friends Shio or Asahi (Grigio) were single? Akari sighed as Taiga and Titas advanced on and proceeded beat the crap out of the hopeless Babarue.}
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harveybwabbit92 · 1 month
Fuma: So is the part where you tell me if I hurt Akari, you'll kill me?
Zero: No. If you hurt Akari, she is quite capable of killing you herself. Possibly with a variety of weapons.
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harveybwabbit92 · 2 months
Fuma, after a date goes wrong: Gee whiz, Akari. I'm sorry tonight didn't turn out like we planned.
Akari: Oh, don't worry, Fuma, I knew it would be a total disaster all along. But as far as disasters go, that was really fun.
[She and Fuma lean in to kiss, when Seven kicks open his frontdoor door.]
Seven, holding a rake threateningly: A-ha! Keep away from my precious little flower! *Fuma gasps* ...You almost stepped on it.
[He rakes a small flower in the ground. Fuma froze in his spot]
Akari, rolls her eyes: Oh, dad! Well, good night, sweet, cool and stealthy.
Fuma, stands in silent shock:
Akari: Fuma?
[Fuma doesn't move, Akari shrugs her shoulders gives him a kiss on the cheek and walks inside her house, 'Fuma' fades away revealing he was afterimage. the real Fuma had bounced when Seven ran out of the house yelling and brandishing a rake. ]
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harveybwabbit92 · 4 months
{After Akari accidentally shrank Fuma down to human size the first time.]
Fuma, staring at Akari:...
Akari: Is there something on my face?
Fuma, blushes: Erm, no. uh your pretty.
Akari, a little irked: Are you saying I wasn't before?
Fuma: No! I-I mean yes! I-I mean...You're cute as an Ultra, but seeing you in your human form up close at this level....damn.
Akari, flustered: Damn... in a good way?
Fuma, nods: Gorgeous.
[Ultras affected by Akari's size manipulation ability will stay human sized for about 48hrs; any food or inanimate objects she's used it on will stay in whatever size she shrank or grew them to.
Taiga is a bit notorious for misusing his cousin's powers he'll often convince Akari to ultra size toys: RC-cars, Nerf guns, gaming consoles etc; without running it by any of the adults which results in both of them getting into trouble when found out.]
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harveybwabbit92 · 3 months
{Akari keeps putting off hanging out with her brother and cousin giving them vague reasons why she can't join them on missions. Zero and Taiga didn't think much of it, thinking Akari just wanted some space, until she declined a date Fuma that's when they realized something was very wrong! They showed up to Akari's Earth to find the ultra teen exhausted and running on fumes.]
Taiga: Whoa, Akari look at those bags under your eyes, have you been sleeping?
Zero: And what the hell is that smell?
Akari: That would be kaiju shit...
Zero: What have Kaiju been attacking your ranch? I thought you said they stayed away from large settlements?
Akari: They do, but this one's different..
Taiga: Different how?
Akari: Like this *She whistles loudly* C'mon big guy! These are my big brother and cousin, they're friendly...
{Zero and Taiga look towards Akari's barn to see a large mass unbury itself from the hay, they gasped when they saw it was a baby Gomora about the size of a semi-truck.]
Akari: Zero, Taiga. Meet Rib, my son...
Taiga: Excuse me, Yer what?!
Zero, looking at his sister flabbergasted: Explanation now please!
Akari: The UFG asked me to investigate when one of the kaiju den's they'd been monitoring had suddenly gone quiet. I found a dead half-eaten Gomora and her nest severely trashed....Save for one egg that hatched the moment I stepped inside the nest.
Zero: And then?
Akari, as Rib tries to chew on her head: I dunno, you tell me....
Akari, leaving on a mission: No, Rib. You can't come with me!
Rib, trying to follow her: Ras?
Akari: No, you're too little, you'll get hurt!
{The baby kaiju proceeded to throw itself on the ground kicking and wailing while Akari sighs tiredly, luckily Seven manage to distract Rib with his capsule monster Miclas so she could leave. Later Seven gives Akari her own set of monster capsules so she can bring Rib to fight with her on missions when he's old enough anyways.}
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harveybwabbit92 · 2 months
Fuma, trying to be flirty: You know, I’ve been thinking about this sweet, beautiful, raven-hared girl all day.
Akari, taking off her hat to reveal her very very dark brown hair: Oh, really? And who would that be?~
Fuma: (⊙_⊙) 
(Needless to say, Fuma’s never gotten Akari’s hair color wrong again.)
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harveybwabbit92 · 3 months
[Zero walks in on a what he thinks is suggestive scene between his sister and Fuma, which he can't see cos the couch in blocking his view.]
Akari, strained and breathless: Fuma... I don't think that's gonna fit...
Fuma, shaky voice: Just... a little more, Ari...
[Zero eyes widen and he vaults over the couch ready kick Fuma's ass! only to reveal them playing Twister along with Taiga, Titas and Grigio as Fuma slaps his hand down on a tricky spot.]
Fuma: Got it! Ha-ha! See? I told you I could do it....*noticed Zero*
Fuma: Oh hey Zero! what's up?
Zero, falls back on the couch: Nothing...just a panic attack, continue your game.
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harveybwabbit92 · 6 months
{Akari comes out of the UFG base washroom, dressed to the nines for Nayaka's charity concert/ball she working as a disguised body guard, her brother (who is also acting as a guard) was waiting with the tri-squad he looked up and saw in her dress and whistles.]
Shin (Zero): Wow, sis. Now I can't deny it when dad calls you princess.
Akari, looks at him oddly: He's never called me that!
Shin: He definitely would if he saw you now.
Akari: Well, don't get used to it, I only volunteered for this gig c'os Nayaka's regular body guards are on their honeymoon. When the clock strikes 1 this Cinderella goin' feral.
Taiga: I thought that happens at midnight?
Akari: Yeah, but the job officially ends at 1 am.
Titas: Well you look lovely, Asahi is gonna be jealous when she finds out you got dressed up...um, May I take photo?
Akari: Go nuts.
(Titas takes a photo and sends it to Asahi who responded back immediately.]
Titas: She says: "Bestie you look gorgeous!💖😘", and "Wish I could've gone shopping with you😟", but "my exams come first. 👓✏️🎓!" P.S.: Get her Nayaka's autograph! pls!! (yes he reads the emojis out loud.)
Taiga: You look good, Ari, but isn't your lipstick on a bit thick?
Akari: I know, I just wanted to do this.
Fuma, who was drooling over her: Do wha- (Akari kisses Fuma in the cheek, leaving a lipstick mark.)
Akari, smirks: There, all fixed.~
Fuma, blue screening: Ah....
Akari, to Shin: Shall we go meet up with Nayaka?
Shin: Yeah, Let's go before Zoffy shows, cos once her dad's there getting alone time with Naya will be near impossible for me.
(The siblings walk away.)
Fuma, dazed: I'm never washing my face again.~
(Taiga slingshots some pudding at Fuma's face.]
Fuma, looks at Taiga aghast: Dude!
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harveybwabbit92 · 7 months
[Akari walks into a playground that's been turned into a warzone, among the knocked out victims was an unwanted admirer of hers.]
Akari, to her cousin: What happened to him?!
Taiga: Fuma hit him with something.
Akari: What?
Titas, groaning and rubbing his head: Me!
Akari, in disbelief: What?!
[Apparently the main jerk and his friends kept following the Tri-squad around hurling insults at Fuma; boasting about how he was going take Akari from him. And Fuma took heavy exception to that, next thing Taiga knew Fuma had gotten a hold of Titas and started using their poor friend as a makeshift club to beat the crap out of the jerk and his crew.]
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harveybwabbit92 · 5 months
[Akari is sitting with her friends when she yawns causing everyone to gasp.]
Akari, looks at everyone's stunned faces bemused: What?
Grigio, pries Akari's mouth open: YOU HAVE FANGS?!
Akari: Uh..Rah-huh?
Taiga: Are they real or did you grow them yourself?
Akari, looks at him oddly:...What?
Titas: That's cool, eh, Fuma?
Fuma, Blushes:
Titas, looks at him: Fuma?
[Fuma is imagining Akari kissing and dragging her fangs along his neck.]
Fuma, flustered: *ahem* I gotta go to the bathroom...*runs away*
Taiga: What's his problem?
*Titas shrugs*
[Akari mistakes this as Fuma being grossed out by her teeth, and refrains from smiling around him, which drives him nuts eventually he asks Akari what's wrong? and awkwardly clears up the misunderstanding by blurting out that he thinks her fangs are hot!]
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harveybwabbit92 · 4 months
Shio: If you wanna see the dynamic of a relationship, there’s a simple way to do so. (nods at Taiga)
Taiga, as he helps her up on to a table: THE FLOOR IS LAVA!
Titas: *Scoops Grigio up in his arms and sits on the counter*
Fuma and Akari: *actively trying to kick each other off the chair they were previously cuddling on.*
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harveybwabbit92 · 2 months
Preteen boy, his dad's the mayor who hired Akari to deal with a Kaiju problem: Hey, baby.~
Akari, Glares: Knock it off.
Preteen boy: But, c’mon! I know you feel it too! I’m twelve now, and I can please a woman. You’ll see!
Akari, shudders in disgust: Eh..Seriously, kid. Please stop.
Preteen boy: As long as you stay hot, I will love you! Don’t get a skin condition. Or glasses. I hate glasses.
[Fuma (He's human size) whose had enough of this kid harassing Akari grabs him by shirt a lifts him off the ground.]
Fuma: Yer gonna get condition called Footupyurass if you don't stop bothering my girl, ya little twerp!
{The boy gasps as Fuma drops him on the floor, the boy then runs off whining about how his daddy was gonna fire them! The mayor did not fire them, he told to the boy to stop being a brat or go to his room, the kid ignored him and was still being a brat even going as far as demanding that his father make Akari date him.]
Mayor: You seriously think I'm gonna to fire the people trying to help us, all because of a girl who isn't interested in you?
Preteen Boy: Yes!
Mayor: .....Right.
{The boy smirks thinking he's won, only to backtrack when his dad suddenly grabs him by the back of his shirt and frogmarches him to all the way to his room and tosses him in.]
Mayor, to his stunned son: I've clearly raised you wrong if you grew up to be this entitled....
{Mayor ordered the security guard assigned to the boy to make sure he stays in his room the entirety of Akari and Fuma's stay and not to bother either of them again.]
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