#Ujigawa Shu
navigatewithchiku · 7 months
Overlord - verse
Sky Fox Office
Shu: …tldr, we’ll be the closing performance at this “TAR Fes” thing or whatever
Sosui: Exactly. It’s a band festival for teens. This year’s “TeenAgers Rock Fes” will be the biggest ever recorded. Among the participants, Shu is going to be the youngest, leading EpsilonPhi…
Being the closing act of such a legendary event is an unparalleled honor. They’ll all be looking at you, it’s a prestigious role.
Reiji: Thinking about it, one of SkyFox’s partners is sponsoring the event. So we need to appeal to that as well, I think…
Sosui: That’s why the performance of this new song has to become our new business card. You have to get it ready.
Shu: sure thing, we became pro after all, I heard what you said. I was thinking of writing a new song anyway.
Sosui: I’m glad we’re on the same wavelength. For the song sure, create what you want
Shu: Duh. It goes without saying
Reiji: This is our first performance since our real start with SkyFox. And the first impression is the most important.
Shu: We’re all talking about what we have to do but, old men what about you? You working?
Sosui: thank you for your concern. The response from the fans is positive, and the tickets are already sold out….there’s just one thing.
Sosui: Sincerely speaking, your reputation amongst the other bands is not good at all.
Reiji:  but it’s all bands we’ve never met before, so why?
Sosui: first of all, it’s because Shu is the son of Duck River’s CEO. Even if we say that they are not in good terms, during LRFes it was the talk of the moment, right?
Shu: Ha? That’s so stupid.
Sosui: also, all the accidents that happened at the Fes. The rumor that you’re the cause of all the troubles got around, and there are many people who don’t have high opinions of that.
Sosui: even if it we say that it’s all water under the bridge, rumors grow bigger. “What if they do the same thing to us?!” And stuff like that.
Sosui: this and that, I think it’s better to act fast, but…I don’t really know how it’ll go.
Shu: lets just leave them be, such stupid stuff
Shu: …either way, I’ll start working on the song.
I leave the schedule to you, old man, and Reiji. You decide it.
Shu: ugh, I got in a bad mood. I’m going on a walk and play somewhere before going home.
Epsi Sharehouse
Shu: I’m back. What are y’all doing, sitting there in silence.
Reiji: Shu, I was just about to text you. …some stuff is going down online.
Kanata: Shuu-Kun listen here!! We’re getting cancelled! It’s so baddd~~!
Tadaomi: Kanata-Kun, what does “cancel” mean? Are they deleting something?
Kanata: We’re getting a lot of focused attacks online, in short people are hating us online
Haruka: …bulls*it
Kanata: Rumors and anonymous reports are fueling it all. Look at all these posts! 
This gossip is burning hot
Shu: what the heck……
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shumaiherelol · 1 year
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size extra smol
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bunberrypancake · 7 months
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redzeverin · 1 year
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steady-star · 1 year
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argopro has my FUCKING number i'll tell you what. i was nervous about them getting new outfits but i am always a fool for not trusting them to do epsi right and more. this is my insanity post so i don't get rate limited on twitter
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starting with this bastard. i cannot BELIEVE they went this route. the more i look at it the more there is. he's only got one leg out which is a shame, but i think the covered leg is a nice compromise to convey his slightly matured vibe without taking away the original appeal of shu's character design (leg).
the cropped tank top is insane to me, like i don't think it was ever confirmed that shu's og black shirt was a tank top (ppl started drawing it that way because yuki's live outfit was a tank top, though that's a fairly practical choice considering how sweaty the performers get) but now they've just gone all in and shrank the hell out of it and made sure we know from the get-go that he's got little slivers of shoulder there and a big enough opening in the jacket to expose them entirely if it were to be pulled aside. god bless. and the midriff?????? i just checked and i'm fairly certain the ONLY navel we have ever seen before this was futa's dbes initial 4 star where his shirt is just barely floating up enough to see it. and now it's a permanent fixture in this creature's outfit. insane. insane. i'm not even going to talk about the fucking harness and its positioning
the jacket is immensely perfect; it keeps the key appeal of his old jacket (big chunky sleeves) while trimming up all the unnecessary parts and adding a lot of stylish flair. the holo parts being slightly transparent is super cool!!! and, i'm sure, serves to highlight shu's figure even more 😭 it's crazy how he went from such a loose, bulky, covered top half design to this insane array of bare skin and contours. he's gained confidence!!! and it's hard to tell but i wonder if this jacket still has a hood on it... and my favorite aspect of his old jacket was the "CHECK" text on the sleeves, since i liked to change the word for narrative art purposes, so i wonder if this new jacket's sleeves will still have any words or if it's just the epsi logo that you can see part of on his left sleeve.
his top half is really so perfectly tailored to the way i've liked to exploit/alter shu's original outfit in my art that it's almost suspicious lol. argopro staff secretly follows me!?!? i'm glad they have the same taste at any rate
misc items:
i'm a big fan of the new choker; the dangling epsi logo charm is super cute and cool, i hope they make official merch out of it
i also LOVE those gloves. don't know how to explain how it fits the energy of the new epsi and shu specifically so perfectly
i'll miss his old boots but i won't miss how hard they were to draw LOL, these new shoes look fun!!
thank you for keeping the garters. it's part of his dna. the "reverse" white garter on his right thigh is extremely funny
all the details around and on his shorts are needlessly complex. see the pink lines on his shorts that lead up to the white belt and wrap around it? it becomes black on one side. for whatever reason. just the number of things overlapping the white belt infuriates me lol. the striped belt has the only yellow in his outfit on its inner side and i wish he had more elsewhere. the holo belt... structure(?) with the epsi logo plastered all over is going to be hell and a half to draw. i am probably going to simplify this whole area when i draw it myself lol
the way his shorts are blue-black while the rest are neutral-black kinda bothers me 😭 maybe if they were more of a dark blue (a lighter shade than his other blacks) it might be better.... they're really going for the jrpg chara style of blacks-on-blacks and a million belts huh
THAT WAS A LOT OF COMPLAINTS BUT it all balances out
overall: very cute, very cool, surprisingly handsome, kind of slutty. i support him
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skipping to reiji because i have priorities and he is the second member of epsi to ME. and to the dbes file data.
i was initially very surprised with this long coat thing with the segmented coattails(? if they should be called that), as i'm too used to seeing him in his trimmed and slender suit or school uniform... but he does wear long coats/other draping things in his dbes oufits (in the rain and yume no ato come to mind), so it's not out of character! the bright yellow on the inside and the squared sections seemed really familiar to me, and when i asked my brother he was like "isn't it like zhongli?" AND HE'S RIGHT... and it just so happens that zhongli is my favorite genshin character design, largely because of his cool coat, so argopro really did reach into my brain and made something nice for me. it also makes me think of penguins somehow.
most insane piece of this design is easily the chest harness made to look like a tie. whose fucking idea was that. it's so clever and ridiculous at the same time. most importantly it's still just as if not more yankable than his original tie, so shu will have an easier time than ever pulling reiji down to his eye level 🥰 i also like to pretend reiji has nice tits and this harness will help accentuate that if i shorten it up a little.
love the whore gloves. i used to hate these when they started showing up in a million character designs in other franchises but i understand their appeal now and i wholly approve of inflicting them upon reiji. black gloves in general really suit him, they're very cool and have an air of danger. i've also just read a tweet wondering if reiji's got black nail polish under his gloves like tadaomi and i'm super fine & normal with that thought. notably, shu and reiji are the only ones with gloves in this new set!
this is the most insane thing to be insane about but we have once again been denied the skin of reiji's left elbow. listen. we've never seen it. his sakura 3 star trained has his right elbow out. "the 3d outfit," you say. THE SLEEVES GOT ROLLED DOWN IN THE 3D OUTFIT! one time in puchi he rolled up his sleeve past the elbow.... only on the right arm. there's been a number of reiji chibi merch with tshirts but that elbow is always angled away. again and again his left elbow has never been seen in its full extent and this new outfit is the most hilarious iteration of hiding it because his right sleeve has the semi-translucent holo material, giving us screened access to his right elbow, BUT NOT HIS LEFT! regular dark opaque imprisoning fabric there. when i first noticed this phenomenon i joked he might have a scar or something that he prefers not to expose and the evidence only grows that he's hiding something there. just know that if we ever see that stupid elbow in full (and it's surely just a normal elbow) i'm going to get a little crazy on twitter for a bit
misc items:
his eyebrows have a steeper slant than they used to, especially for a fairly neutral expression! it makes him look a bit more like his support drummer, kitamura-san.
i like the coat lapels to preserve some of his suit aesthetic, and the white borders call to mind his handsome uniform blazer. so glad they're standard lapels and not notched or something, i'm not a huge fan of those
he's still got his stupid white dress shirt. good for him. it's going to get ruined but good for him
i am perplexed and very interested by the torn knee. this might be the first time we've even seen reiji's knee (do you like how i keep track of which swaths of reiji's skin we have been privy to) but i'm mostly surprised he'd wear something like that, considering he usually keeps such a refined image. guess he's loosening up a bit and embracing his cooler/rougher side!? thanks to shu i assume... :)
i'll miss his formal shoes but i think the style of these boots are a fairly good compromise in preserving his vibe while also fitting the new epsi aesthetic. they feel fantasy-like somehow. i am in fact dabbling with a medieval fantasy au so i'm glad some of the work's been done for me LOL
the holo-material bracelet on his raised hand is floating of its own accord. it must be minecraft enchanted.... the color even matches
one again reiji's terrible color palette bites him again because he looks incredibly clunky next to his more cohesively colored bandmates. it's the fact that he's got his very dark hair (compared to the rest of epsi) in a unique hue, then his cherry red eyes, then the purpleish holo material and epsi-pink accents, THEN the brightass yellow of his coattails. it's a lot of colors in one design relative to his bandmates. still questioning why he has the worst image color in argopro
there's a lot of miscellaneous detailing on his outfit that i don't really care for and were probably added just to make sure his design had the same density as the others, which is a shame since the others' designs more effortlessly include detail as part of the structure of their outfits (e.g. shu's shirt, harness, and jacket layering together) whereas reiji just has a bunch of accessories tacked on. i wonder if i can fix him
only shu and reiji have matching purplish holo material. what's up with that huh!!!!
overall: good enough! his harness, gloves, and coattails are the highlights for me. the potential of those alone make the drawbacks more negligible
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ok back to band order
jacket is Cool As Fuck. great collar and overall silhouette, especially with his pose. i could do without the holo sleeve though, i wish it at least had a wide cuff. would be a nice callback to his og jacket
i want to know everything about his black top. there are clearly cuts at the shoulders but he still has sleeves. are they shoulder cutouts. are the sleeves arm warmers. are they attached to the inside of the jacket. all i can conclude is that the cuts combined with the high fitted collar and his visible collarbones is incredibly sexy. bonus points for that X-shaped thing and the belt, just to accentuate that area even more
he accessorizes yellow much better than the previous two, and the white gradients are a curious touch. gives the yellow less of the "⚠ caution" feeling of his old outfit and leans more towards it just being an eye-catching secondary color
his bottom half feels like a different design LOL. the shoes are kind of an eyesore with how much patterning and detail they have
his guitar is still so hideous and its proportions look even worse somehow. AND IT DOESN'T EVEN MATCH HIS OUTFIT
overall: ok! i think i am looking almost exclusively at his collar area down to his pick hand
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CUTE. CUTE CUTE CUTE. this might be the strongest design of the bunch. everything actually matches.
bigass collar: GOOD. his jacket's sleeve situation is a mirror image of haruka's: GOOD. the green perfectly matches his bass's pickguard: GOOD. very successful jacket. again don't like the holo sleeve but i think with both him and haruka i'd like it more if they were a) the same purple holo as shu and reiji or b) just rendered differently. maybe i'll like it better in card art or something
love the wide-necked shirt, that was always his thing. i think the stripes on the lower half are odd somehow, i feel like they should be diagonal instead of horizontal... maybe it's because of it being right next to his spotted bass
his pants are an absolute success in matching his outfit and calling back to his original design
very good yellow accessorizing and i think he pulls it off best because of his pants + his green matching it very well
unfortunate shoe situation again but it's slightly less bad here. also both haruka and kanata have their instrument role + their names printed on the shoes which is funny
overall: chef's kiss. an excellent composition of his old aesthetic with new epsi
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somehow manages to fit within the aesthetic perfectly fine while also looking out of place. as expected of tadaomi
all around very solid jacket! i like the holo sleeve windows; you can see where his shirt's sleeves end on his biceps. kinda cute + hot. curiously he's got more sleeve on his left arm so there's another haruka situation here
HIS PAINTED NAILS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! his og design's rings and this design's nails do a good show of highlighting his pianist hands, especially in the absence of his instrument in the visual
the holo strip thing coming off his collar is kinda like a tie lol? so he gets that little splash of formality, or perhaps something vaguely reminiscent of his "prince" image....
i'm curious about those white belts forming a V.... where do they go.... they look nice tho
i wish his shirt was slim fitting like haruka and shu 😔😔😔
his pants and shoes are very pleasing in their detail distribution. nijos take notes
i really like the diagonal striped pattern on the cuffs of his boots; this pattern also appears on other epsi members and brings back that sort of "⚠ caution" feeling i mentioned earlier, since it's like yellow warning tape/signs/etc
it's a shame the beautiful french grey of his hair sticks out so much with epsi's unnatural color palette
very notably, tadaomi doesn't have an ounce of yellow in his outfit. which should mean something or other. probably
i'm really trying to find something to elaborate on and i think that in itself makes a point about how oddly inconspicuous his outfit is
overall: enigmatic but attractive. exactly as he should be
so that's everything for now!! i didn't say everything i could have said but i have said Enough. in the end i'm pretty pleased with these designs even though the original ones will always hold an immutable place in my heart. i hope we get to see more angles of them for drawing reference soon
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alilarxy · 1 year
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kubinashi · 2 years
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harukaposting (shintaro edition) again
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stellabyystarlight · 2 years
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Quick Shu sketch ^^ I've been listening to epsilon phi's songs a lot lately (definitely not because of shu's va ...)
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Universal Collision 2nd Anniversary: Meet the Adventurer Support Assists!
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Name: Shu Ujigawa
Weapon type: SPECIAL (EX Weapon: Prankster's Penumbra)
Class: 5★ Anniversary
Summoner/Duo: No
🎂Birthday🎂: No
Info (From BanG Dream! AAside)
Despite looking like an angel, Shu is a demonic boy who believes that the world is his "toy box". His father is the president and CEO of Dark River, one of the three most powerful record labels in the world. He finds pleasure in the pained, angry, and despairing faces of other people and has been ruining a countless number of lives since he was young. On the other hand, his musical prowess is the real deal. At the tender age of 13, he started leading εpsilonΦ and decided to sign up for the LIVE ROYALE FESTIVAL.
Skills / Abilities
Sakura Storm: Prankster - Strawberry type magic attack on all enemies x3 (XL) + stack Cherry Blossom Prank on user
(passive) Cherry Blossom Prank: Number of attacks and Critical Rate increases for every stack and consume 1 Cherry Blossom Prank for an additional end turn attack (Max Stack: 3)
Eclipson: Type Φ - Psychic type magic attack on a single enemy (XL) + Increase number of attacks based on user buffs and enemy debuffs (Max: 6 attacks)
- Perform Sakura Storm: Prankster if no Cherry Blossom Pranks have been stacked
Toy Box Reset - SPECIAL type attack on a single enemy (XL) + Invert enemy resistances to weaknesses and weaknesses to resistances (3 Turns)
(Passive) εpsilonΦ's Wishes - Thanks to εpsilonΦ, he becomes invulnerable to enemy attacks. If an ally is placed with 10 debuffs, cleanse all debuffs and grant hold ground on ally (3 times per ally, Max Stack: 3)
* If all allies are knocked out and the Invulnerable characters are left, then the battle is immediately over (treated as a game over)
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navigatewithchiku · 7 months
Ujigawa Shu Initial SSR 
verse (1/3)
Shu: (I can’t get in the mood. Because of that I’m not making any progress with the new song…ahhh, I’m getting irritated.)
Kanata: oh? Shuukun, you’re still awake! You can’t sleep? 
Why don’t you drink some hot milk? I heard it’s good in this kind of situation
What if you ask Karasuma senpai to make you one?
Shu: no need for that. Also  I don’t want to drink that kind of stuff at this hour.
Kanata: uuuhhh. ….perhaps you’re stuck with the new song? If you’re that troubled why don’t you just quit?
Shu: ah? What a good joke, Kanata. Why don’t you shut up?
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Kanata: sorry sorry! I was just joking! I just thought it’s be relax a little!
Shu: sigh. You’re always relaxed aren’t you…
Shu: (At first...I did it to liven up LRfes, under papa's orders
I ordered Reiji to gather information and members, and that's how i created this εpsilonΦ
But...now this has nothing to do with papa anymore.
With this band I created my own music.
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I won't hand it to anyone else.)
…creating a new song is not stressful at all. Don’t group me with all the normal people out there.
Kanata: uhhh~ well, good luck! But good boys should go to sleep early, don’t you think?
Shu: don’t treat me like a child. I’m going back to my room.
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shumaiherelol · 1 year
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Hi my first tumblr post
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iamnike · 13 days
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fastfood lover🌕
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orveez · 8 months
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kimisute!!!! yippeee!!!!!!
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steady-star · 11 months
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お誕生日おめでとう、しゅうくん!!💖💖💖 今年も、れいじくんと僕が応援し続けるよ!💐
Happy birthday, Shu-kun!! Reiji-kun and I will continue supporting you in the year ahead!
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alilarxy · 1 year
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The Wakakusas
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g440801a · 9 months
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some argopro commissions i did in past months ^______^
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