#Uh. I hope I was not THAT chaotic in my explanations T-T
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times-of-drought · 5 months ago
Storyteller Saturday! What is a Glass Demon?
Hello! Happy Storyteller Saturday! :3
The Glass Demon is Satan an ancient creature in the setting from one of my most polished plot-wise stories!
In the setting, the main kind of creature aside from humans is Elemental. There are many, many types of elementals, ranging from typical ones, like fire, to more uncommon ones, like light or even magic itself.
Unfortunately for both humanity and elementals, humans cannot inherently, directly create magic. It is not obtainable to them, simply put. They can, however, employ the 'help' of elementals, using them to craft more and more intricate spells or simply use magic for the human. A spell can be weaved by elementals and humans together, preparing it and storing it somewhere or in something (an artifact, an item, a scroll et cetera) and used by the human anytime, anywhere, so the profession of spellweavers who coordinate different kinds of elementals is highly respectable.
(It started out on rules of equality, but as elementals started being more and more exploited and bound by magical rules crafted by humans, less and less of them were free to do what they wanted and move where they wanted to. But that aspect of the kingdom where the story takes place is more about the story itself, not the Glass Demon fnksdj I got too far)(long story short, the kingdom 'employs' all elementals in it to serve humans. Every new elemental that is born there has to be woven into the pact, binding it like its parents.)
The Glass Demon is, at least now, more of a myth rather than a historical figure. A story told in plays and stories, The Bad Guy in any plot about overcoming the greatest evil. Everyone knows what the Glass Demon embodies, but almost nobody knows what really happened centuries ago.
There used to be a mage. The Mage, often called by haters The Sightless Mage. A real, full-blooded human, with all faults that came with that. They were power hungry, driven only by greed and pride. They were on top, with the greatest understanding of all intricacies of magic and spellweaving. They were not satisfied with that, however. They wanted to attain the unattainable - to be able to wield magic by themselves, with no assistance from elementals. It did not work out, to their dismay.
The only person who knows exactly how their current form came to be is the Glass Demon itself, but stories often involve the Mage employing dozens of elementals, experts in their craft, to help create the most foul artifact. It was supposed to be a new staff for the Mage, one that would allow them to directly use any kind of magic, with no preparation. Not a human, but still holding a copied human soul and The Mage's mind, causing them to be linked and have the same goals.
Well, the soul got copied and transferred, sure. One crucial bit of research The Mage missed to do before was that the soul is not linked to the body's mind. Transferring one does not inherently transfer the other.
I have to admit, the rule of the world was kept. What came out of the ritual was no human. But it was no staff, at least not after the first few seconds. A twisted form of sharp edges rang out the ritual circle, twitching surfaces and contorting in silent wails no-longer-flesh, seemingly shattered, constantly on the verge of falling apart in thousands of little, glittering pieces, The Glass Demon came to be. The first and last artificial elemental, albeit one with a human soul. At the beginning, the thing had no mind, only the most vile qualities inherited from the soul. In a bloody, murderous rage, it has slain its creator and their assistants. Alone, in a isolated vault, it has learned everything it could. Their form was not stable, constantly shifting and cracking with each step, but they have managed to at least vaguely hold a humanoid form. Full of hate, it started destroying everything they came across. Humans, elementals, villages and cities, nothing could resist the sharp, agonizing wrath.
Finally, after years of carnage, a counter-spell of sorts has been developed. Researchers found The Foul Mage's notes, their research, and crafted a binding curse.
Tricked, the Glass Demon was constricted into a shape similar to their original form - a silver staff the shape of a crescent moon, with the Demon's eye hanged between the tips, constantly looking out for victims.
The artifact not only has been sealed away, but additionally enveloped in layers of protective and offensive spells. Anyone who would try to reach the Demon would have to be an expert spellcaster, and after that whole debacle these have been strictly and closely monitored.
Not only that, but even if one managed to tear through all the layers, they still would have to be able to overcome the Demon, lest their form would be overwhelmed and destroyed by its power the moment they bound themselves to the staff just like a human would bind themselves to an elemental.
No human would have enough resistance to survive the binding and no elemental could bind itself to another, even if artificial, one.
Well. Until the main character of my story, Razareth, came along, a half human, half elemental ;)))
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countlessrealities · 1 year ago
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Morty listened to Meg's speech, looking like he was hanging on her every word. He hadn't asked her for an explanation, but he was glad that she had chosen to explain her point of view. He wanted to learn how she thought, what she believed, what she hoped for. He wanted to understand her, even when their opinions were different.
"Y-Yeah, I do. L-Like that about you, I mean," he spoke up, once she was done talking. "An-And it's not stupid! I-It really isn't. I think...I-It's very brave of you, t-to think all this in spite of...everything."
Once upon a time, he had thought he could keep that sort of prospective, no matter what he might be faced with. Time, however, had proved how impossible that was for him. Whether it was because they were together more often than not or just because, despite all their differences, they were kindred spirits, he had found himself drifting more and more towards Rick's nihilistic cynicism and disillusionment.
The universe wasn't beautiful or terrifying. It was just random and chaotic. There was no right or wrong, no sense, no fate. Things just were. No bigger reason behind it. At the end of the day, nothing mattered.
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"I...I wish I could be more like you, b-but...every time I try, stuff happens an-and it shows me that it's just...pointless."
Every good act he did turned into a disaster. Every attempt at making things right ruined them even more. Trying to be a better person just led him to become a worst one.
He didn't strictly believe that it was a general rule, not when he had grown accustomed to think that everything was relative. However, he grew more and more convinced that it was a rule when it came to him.
"B-But I'm thankful for having, y-you know, people like you in my life. T-They remind me that, j-just because my reality works in one way, i-it doesn't mean that everything else does." His lips twitched in an awkward smile. "S-So, uh, thank you."
Morty found himself gazing back at Meg, in awe of how bright and full of hope she was. She looked radiant, like that, even more beautiful than she usually was in his eyes. And the blush that decorated her cheeks just made his heart beat more loudly in his ears.
He wanted to kiss her so badly.
"I...S-So, not stupid at all!" He hurried to say, before that last thought could settle too heavily in his mind. "I-It's admirable. Y-You are, and I mean it. F-For real."
Then he hurried to nod towards the holographic screen. "R-Ready for things to get weird?"
{ @shctupmeg }
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"You really like that about me?" It took meg a long time to accept there were things about herself that people liked. That she was likable to those close to her. Even lovable. Therapy had honestly helped a lot with that.
"So I know the world can be an awful ugly place." She laughed a bit awkwardly. "I think you and me have a lot of experience with that." Morty with everything related with rick and the awful situations they wound up in during their adventures. With meg so much of her life had been wrapped up in this ugliness. This cruelty.
She was tormented at school and home which was supposed to be a kid's safe haven was even worse. So how had she managed to maintain such a positive outlook. Well she was gonna tell him.
"It's easy to let yourself drown in all of it and just make yourself miserable." She certainly did a few times throughout her life. "The bad stuff can make you forget about everything beautiful life has to offer you. I like feeling the cool wind hit my face. I love watching the sunset and stargazing. Flowers look beautiful and smell even better."
There was this peaceful ease in her tone. Showing just how much she appreciated these things in her life. As simple as they may be. "I guess I learned to appreciate the little things and because I used to feel so awful when these things brought me joy I don't know it's like I appreciated them more? Like because I was so sad stuff that would make people just a little happy made me thrilled."
Her expression was full of this brightness. Like she was sunshine incarnate in this moment. But once she realized she had been ranting she flushed pink in embarrassment. Oh geez she was making a fool out of herself wasn't she? She just kept talking. She prayed he didn't think she was being stupid and talking about nonsense. "Sorry if that sounds stupid."
Her face almost burned red once fingers intertwined with hers. She had put that offer on the table but after her rant she wasn't expecting him to actually take it. She gazed into his eyes with this warm fondness. Giving his hand a light squeeze.
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kaistarus · 4 years ago
Caught In The Act
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Pairing: HinataxReader
Words: 3K
Summary: You don’t really plan out the consequences of hooking up with your roommates best friend until she walks in on the aftermath and everything spirals into disaster
A/N: I don’t think this is NSFW, but it’s heavily implied/referred to throughout? It does however have Yamaguchi being a little shit which is *chefs kiss* my favorite kind of Yamaguchi
The worst melody you’d ever heard sounded throughout your room, dragging you from a peaceful dream you’d already forgotten. Groaning, you attempted to block out the sharp ringing with your comforter, but scowled when your tugs were made useless by an unusual weight. You blearily peeked down in search of the problem and froze, your heart's acceleration jolted your brain into alertness.
What you discovered to be holding your blanket down was a whole ass arm across your stomach with a whole ass person attached to it sleeping beside you.
You tried to keep your breathing even as you grasped the reality of your situation-disheveled autumn hair brushed lightly against your shoulder and soft breaths tickled your arm. It’d be easier to admire Hinata’s content features if you weren’t having numerous flashbacks involving embarrassing noises, words you didn’t think possible coming out of your mouth, and several explanations for why your legs were so sore. Your face burned as you stared at Hinata’s peaceful expression in horror and jumped when the back-up alarm began ringing.
At your sudden movement Hinata’s nose wrinkled and he began squirming uncomfortably. He furrowed his brow, opening his enough to peek at you holding your breath beneath his arm. You could see the cogs turning behind his amber eyes as they darted around the room and took everything in past their sleepy haze.
Finally, they landed back on you and he gave you a lazy smile, “hey.”
Your heart picked up its pace at his morning voice’s low rasp, and rather than having any normal reaction to your situation you flung your limbs at him to shove him as far away as possible. Hinata yelped as he tumbled over the side of your bed, hitting the hardwood floor with a solid thump.
“What the hell?” He poked his head over the side of your mattress with a half-assed glare, punctuating his question with a deep yawn. It was hard to take him seriously with his wild bed head and half-lidded eyes.
“Your alarm keeps going off,” you answered lamely, trying to fight down the amusement at how even after he combed his fingers through his hair it remained a chaotic mess.
“Oh,” he used your bed to push himself up, stumbling a bit as he began searching for where his pants ended up. Your eyes widened when all of him was in sight and you pulled the comforter up to shield your eyes. “Sorry, I forgot that I have to-what’s wrong?”
“You’re not wearing clothes.”
“Obviously,” you heard the creaking of your dorm’s shitty floorboards as Hinata moved around the room. “Is that bad? I feel like at some point you saw my-”
“But now we’re in the daytime,” you looked at the floor around you and sighed in relief when you found a t-shirt nearby to put on. Now you just needed pants… “Everything is completely different when the sun is out.”
Hinata was silent for a while and if it wasn’t for the hardwood flooring giving him away you would’ve thought he snuck out. “That doesn’t make any sense.”
“It’s hard to explain,” you said, coming up for air after you heard Hinata stand beside your bed. He held out his sweatpants to you with a lopsided grin that made your heart do a weird flip. “Thanks.”
He shrugged it off, sitting beside you on the mattress as you wiggled into his sweatpants. “I have to practice with Kageyama in an hour. Do you wanna go to the dining hall or something?”
You raised a brow at his nonchalance, sitting beside you just scrolling his phone like things were completely normal. “You want to go get food?”
“Yeah, I’m hungry.” He gave you a quick once-over and smirked. “Why did you wanna do something else?”
“No,” you put your hands in front of you and ignored the slight pout on his face. “I just figured you would want to talk or something.”
“Oh,” he fiddled with his cellphone and stared at anything that wasn’t your eyes. “No, we don’t have to make it a huge thing if you don’t want to.”
“Okay,” you nodded to yourself. “I mean, it isn’t a big deal anyway. We’re friends and this stuff just happens sometimes.”
Hinata now faced you completely and he was giving you his classic sunshine smile. “Exactly, this is definitely normal for friends.”
“Right, so why even waste energy worrying about something that meant absolutely nothing.”
Hinata’s smile faltered a bit and you were too aware of how his eyes had drifted to your lips. “Uh-huh, totally nothing.”
“It’s probably best if no one finds out though,” you nodded to yourself, warmth creeping up your neck from the growing intensity of his stare. “Just because it would be annoying explaining this to everyone.”
Hinata hummed, tilting his head with a curious look that had you fisting your comforter. “So, hypothetically, if it all means nothing and no one even knows about it…” Hinata had at some point scooted himself a little too close for your liking, his face inches from yours. “There would be nothing wrong with doing it again, right?”
You narrowed your eyes at his challenging smirk, “I feel like there’s some logic missing there.”
“But the end result is pretty good,” he said, barely above a whisper, pressing his forehead against yours. You couldn’t argue that. Not with how your heart was beating sporadically in your chest and your fingers were already itching to be tangled in his hair.
“Careful,” you whispered, trying to match his overconfidence, “keep acting like this and I might just start thinking it means something.”
Hinata rubbed his nose against yours lazily while forcing down a smile, “is that a no?”
You answered by placing a hand against his cheek and slotting your lips together. The pace he set was much more languid than last night and you felt a soft smile grace his lips as he cradled the back of your head, beginning to lower your head on to the mattress. The moment Hinata decided to hover over you was when you heard the door to your dorm creak open.
“Hey, sorry I’m back so early. I forgot about our exam tomorrow.” Yachi shouldered passed the door with her back facing you carrying a hefty duffle. You and Hinata reacted in the only logical way-staying completely frozen and hoping for some reason she wouldn’t see you. “Did you and Hinata actually study without me or did you… forget…”
When she looked over her shoulder, eyes finally locking onto the comical scene you’d presented, her jaw went slack and face turned a deep red.
“Wait, Yachi,” you tried stopping her before she dropped her bag and quickly hurried out the door. “It’s not what it looks like!”
Hinata looked taken aback by your statement, “what else could it possibly be?”
You glared at him, kicking him off you and chasing after Yachi-before leaving the room you heard a faint ‘again?’ shouted from the opposite side of your bed. Yachi hadn’t sped-walked too far and you thankfully managed to catch her at the end of the hall.
“Yachi, wait,” you tugged her hand to slow her down. “I swear it wasn’t what it looked like.”
That made her pause. She looked at you dumbfounded with both hands on her hips, “what else could it possibly be?”
“That’s what I said!”
You spun around to find Hinata, standing in the center of the hallway with arms crossed and staring at you quizzically as if you were the weird one in this situation. You gave him a quick once-over to confirm that yes, he was still wearing nothing but boxers.
“What are you doing?” You asked him frantically.
“Why would you think-” You pinched the bridge of your nose and took a calming breath. “At least put some clothes on, Hinata.”
“You’re wearing all of my clothes,” he said, gesturing to all of you.
You pulled your t-shirt out while glancing down with a raised brow. Huh, well look at that.
“I really don’t care if you guys are dating,” Yachi put her hands up defensively. “It’s not a big deal and it’s really none of my business any-”
“That’s just it,” you pointed at her. “We aren’t dating. Not even close. I would never date Hinata.”
“What?” Hinata looked down at you annoyed. “Why not?”
“Because you’re…” You furrowed your brow, trying to search for any of the reasons that normally would be easy to find, but for some reason your mind was blank. “Because you’re Hinata.”
“If anything that’s more reason to date me,” Hinata gestured to himself. “Look at me. I’m the whole package.”
Yachi’s eyes flickered between you before she hid a sly smile behind her hand, “oh, I see.”
Hinata cocked his head to the side, “what do you see?”
Your cheeks warmed. “You don’t see anything. You put that face away right now.”
Hinata began prying Yachi for answers while she continuously turned away from him with a mischievous smile. You let out a relieved sigh that it was basically over when a door at the opposite end of the hall creaked open and you were faced with a yawning Yamaguchi.
He carried his toothbrush and toothpaste loosely in one hand while the other rubbed sleep from his eyes. He raised a brow at you three, slowly working to process the scene before him in his still foggy state. Yamaguchi’s head tilted idly as his eyes darted between everyone, eventually lifting his toothbrush and pointing it in Hinata’s direction.
“Why is Hinata wearing boxers in the middle of our dorm building?” He narrowed his eyes further and moved the toothbrush to point at you, “and why are you wearing Hinata’s clothes?” Yamaguchi aimed the toothbrush slowly toward your door that still hung wide open and you could practically see the lightbulb go off in his mind before the devious smirk crossed his lips. “Holy shit. Did you guys actually f-”
“Shut up,” you slammed your hands over your ears. “I don’t want to think about it.”
“Ouch,” Yamaguchi mockingly grimaced at Hinata. “That’s not a good reaction dude.”
“What do you-that’s not what-” Hinata stomped his foot. “It was a great time. Probably one of the best ones ever.”
“Whoa, let’s not get crazy.” You rolled your eyes. “You were alright, but definitely not-”
“Wha-alright?” Hinata threw his arms up. “The hell do you mean ‘alright���?”
“I think she means mediocre,” Yachi piped up from behind you with her hands still covering her smile.
“A little above mediocre, but…” you weighed your hands back and forth to signal that mediocre was just about right and Hinata stared at you completely baffled.
“Ouch,” Yamaguchi snickered.
“I can’t believe you thought I was mediocre,” Hinata furrowed his brow with a half-assed glare.
“Well, do you want me to lie to you?” You scoffed, crossing your arms. “Hinata, you almost came in your pa-”
He slapped a hand over your mouth with pinkening cheeks, “you know what? I think we all are mediocre sometimes at things, but with practice… uh… we get better.”
Yamaguchi raised an amused brow before another lightbulb went off. “Holy shit, so that means you guys were the ones who-oh my god, Tsuki’s going to be pissed when he finds out.”
“Pissed about what?” You asked after prying Hinata’s hand off your mouth.
“I woke up to a bunch of texts about how he couldn’t study because people were banging too loud,” Yamaguchi shrugged. “I’m a heavy sleeper, so I didn’t notice but he was not happy.”
“Holy shit, are you serious?” Hinata asked, sounding borderline giddy at the discovery. You scowled, smacking on the stomach to knock him down a peg.
“Hinata, that’s humiliating.”
“Oh, right.” Hinata forced a frown. “I am so embarrassed.”
“Think about it,” Yachi tapped her chin. “Doesn’t Tsukishima always wear headphones too?”
Yachi and Yamaguchi stared at you both quietly with wicked smiles before you groaned dramatically into your hands, your face was on fire while Hinata just laughed beside you, planting a hand not so comfortingly on your head. You knew in that moment your life could not get any worse.
Which was why that was the moment Tsukishima stepped out of his room a few doors away with his backpack slung over his shoulder. You almost thought you’d be lucky enough that he wouldn’t notice you, but luck wasn’t on your side as he glanced up, doing a double take at your group in the center of the hall.
It took him seconds to dissect the scene before his glare became piercing, “you mother fuckers.”
“What are the chances we all just pretend this never happened?” Hinata chuckled awkwardly while Tsukishima stomped menacingly toward him.
“What are the chances I get the sound of you moaning out of my head without someone killing me?”
“Slim?” Hinata squeaked.
“Do you think I wanted that bull shit taking up useful space in my brain?” He asked, towering over Hinata as he gulped and shook his head no. Tsukishima turned to you and you stiffened, immediately shooting your stare to your feet, “and you, forcing me to learn every one of Hinata’s kinks. I should take both of you outback and-”
“I don’t have kinks,” Hinata scoffed, turning to you to back him up, but you just looked away. “Oh fuck, do I have kinks?”
“That is not the point of our discussion, you pint-sized-”
“But aren’t kinks like a psychology thing?” Hinata looked back at you concerned. “It’s not pee, is it?”
“Why would that-I don’t know,” you looked at him warily. “Did you want to pee on me?”
“I don’t think so.”
“What do you mean ‘i don’t think so’.”
“I don’t give a fuck if you’re peeing on each other,” Tsukishima pinched the bridge of his nose. “Just do it at Hinata’s dorm building next time.”
“That won’t be a problem.”
“Yeah, I’m pretty confident it’s not pee.” Hinata nodded to himself. “I really like volleyball… is that a kink? I don’t know if that’s how it works. Wait, can you combine sex and volleyball? That sounds like a kink. I want that one. Can that be it?”
“I would love to study your mind, dude.” Yamaguchi nodded in approval and Hinata just smiled back as if he’d been given a huge compliment.
“That’s not what I-” You took a calming breath. Hinata was going to be the death of you. “I mean, me and Hinata aren’t happening again, so no one has to worry about anything.”
“Wait, you guys aren’t secretly dating?” Yamaguchi gestured between you both with a raised brow.
“No, they’re hooking up.” Yachi rolled her eyes.
“Oh, fuck off.” Tsukishima scoffed. “Hinata keep your volleyball sex out of my dorm buiding. Got it?”
“Yes sir,” Hinata saluted before a melodious tune came ringing from your dorm room. His eyes darted to a wall clock and his body stiffened. “Shit, I was supposed to be at the gym already.”
“I should probably give you-” Before you could finish Hinata was jogging down the hall. He returned with his backpack and you opened your mouth to point out you were still wearing all of his clothes, but he already had his lips smashed against yours in a chaste kiss. You had your eyes wide, staring at him dumbfounded before he pulled away with a sunshine smile.
The moment he processed what he’d done you saw his brain shut down as he stared blankly-Yachi’s giggling made a perfect background noise for his malfunction.
“What the hell was-”
“We’ll talk about that later,” he chuckled awkwardly, giving you finger guns while walking backwards down the hall. “I’ll text you or call you or something.”
“I won’t answer,” you called after.
“You will,” he said before he turned away. “Because I’m gonna offer you food and you love free food.”
Dammit. He had you there. You were a sucker for anything that wasn’t dining hall food. “Well, I won’t be happy about it!”
You heard his laughter chime before the closing of a heavy door told you he was too far to keep up the argument. You huffed, crossing your arms and glaring down the hall.
“How long till he realizes he’s in his boxers?” Yamaguchi piped up.
“He’s probably more nervous of (Y/N) than walking around campus in his underwear,” Yachi reasoned with a hand on her cheek.
“He should be,” you snorted.
“You guys wanna get breakfast?” Yamaguchi asked, “all this making fun of Hinata has made me hungry.”
“I’m going to the library.” Tsukishima left down the hall without a glance back at you and your shoulders sagged.
“He’ll get over it,” Yachi placed a comforting hand on your shoulder while pushing you forward. “Just give him time.”
“Okay,” you murmured.
“Hey, so what is Hinata’s kink?” Yamaguchi asked, leaning into your vision.
You rolled your eyes, “praise.”
“That makes too much sense,” Yachi hummed.
“Hinata would get off on being told he’s great,” Yamaguchi shook his head, throwing the door open at the end of the hall and welcoming the fresh air. “Well, next time you get to have volleyball-sex. Whatever the fuck that is.”
“I don’t think even Hinata knows that.” Yachi giggled.
As you tried to keep up with Yamaguchi and Yachi combining the actual logistics of volleyball to sex you found yourself admitting in the back of your mind that you really were all talk. You kind of liked that people knew about you and Hinata and maybe… maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if spending time with him became a regular thing.
Unless it involved whatever this volleyball-sex thing was, then you’d be fine without him.
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perseusjackson-jasongrace · 5 years ago
Empires on the Horizon VI
Jason is a CEO: Part VI
Here’s my masterlist for the next part and my other stuff
TW: not really overt but there is mention of NSFW activities. 
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every story has a
and end
not necessarily in that order
-Tim Burton
“Annabeth Chase, my favourite impulse-controller,” Jason smirked, pulling his friend into his chest for a hug.
Her grey eyes sparked with mirth, “What do you want you troublemaker?”
“I find it offensive that you think I’m a troublemaker. We all know it’s your boyfriend that gets us into a mess.”
“Lies and propaganda,” She raised a brow, “You two are in a committed relationship with hullabaloo.”
He gave her a wide-eyed look, “Hullabaloo?”
“I’ve been spending way too much time with Percy,” She sighed.
He burst out laughing, “Who in this day and age says ‘hullabaloo?’”
“Percy discovered the word when we were in high school and thought it was the most hilarious thing he’s ever heard. He used to say it all the time.”
Jason shook his head amusement dancing on his lips, “So why did you want to meet me? I thought you’d be with Leo today since you’ve been out of state all week.”
They collapsed onto his couch. Annabeth tucked her feet underneath her and he propped his on the ottoman. When they settled down, she finally looked at him.
“Yea,” She pinched the bridge of her nose, “He had to go into work today because the part-time lecturer couldn’t make it for classes.”
“What’s going on? Why do you look so…” He had never been good at finding the words that matched the emotion, “So frustrated?”
“I’m not,” She gave him a weak smile, “I’m not. I just miss him.”
“You saw each other last night, didn’t you? He picked you up for the airport?”
“Yea but we haven’t gotten the chance to talk. I don’t know how to–, I just miss him.”
“Hey,” He grabbed her hands, “Take a deep breath. We have all the time in the world.”
Neither of them had quite figured out how to handle emotions, how to express them. It was an ongoing frustration when he and Luke were dating. Annabeth and Leo had learned how to read each other after all these years; four years of friendship and three years of dating had cemented that bond, had it running core deep. But him and her still couldn’t quite get the words out on their own.
“I miss his presence,” She breathed, “We saw each other last night but I was exhausted, and it was late. He practically had to carry me from the car to our bed and then he left early this morning. We just haven’t had the chance to catch up, to exist together yet.”
He held her close, let her head fall onto his shoulder.
“Being away from him is like losing a limb or being thrown into the deep end of the pool when you don’t know how to swim, like walking through darkness. You know what all of those have in common?” She looked up at him, grey eyes lined with tears.
“Emptiness, the absence of something vital.”
“I think,” He tilted her chin up, caught the storm in her gaze, “I think you are lucky to have someone who makes saying goodbye so hard.”
“Did you just quote Winnie the Pooh at me?”
He winced, “Yes?”
She dissolved into laughter, “Really Jason? Winnie the Pooh?”
“What?” He gave her an indignant look, “It’s a good quote, and better than anything I could have come up with.”
“You are something else.” She managed to rein in her amusement, “What’s been up with you?”
“Nothing exciting,” He shrugged.
“Nah uh Mister,” His friend gave him a look, “Leo tells me you met a lady? What happened to my cousin? And how did you meet her? Do you have a picture?”
“Alright,” He chuckled, “Slow down. I don’t have a lady; we’ve been on one date. Next one is tomorrow. Your cousin and I didn’t get to exchange numbers at the dinner and I’m sure you know he’s now seeing Reyna. Thalia introduced Zoe and I, she’s a vet at the Conservatory and no I do not have a picture.”
“I hope you know all that information gave me a ton more questions.”
He rolled his eyes, shoving her shoulder lightly, “Let’s get some coffee going and maybe bring out the choc chips and then you can harass me with your endless curiosity.”
“Hey, this curiosity is what made us friends.” Her voice followed him as they walked to kitchen, where she promptly hoisted herself onto the countertop and plucked a cookie from the jar.
“As far as I understand it was Leo’s dumbassery that made us friends.”
“Yea, but without my curiosity I wouldn’t have bothered to check why a skinny, curly-haired, Latino was cursing a blue streak underneath the table.”
“I still think we should be crediting Leo because if he hadn’t gotten his foot stuck in my backpack and tripped thereby falling underneath our table it wouldn’t have been me and you who helped him.”
“Oh gods,” She giggled, “We really were a chaotic bunch weren’t we?”
“Nothing has changed Chase,” He handed her a steaming mug of coffee, “We just have less opportunities to be chaotic now.”
“I used to be so excited to grow up, but all my years have escaped me, have sped by me faster than bullets and I’m not yet grown.”
He leaned across the counter, bringing his cappuccino to his cheek, “I don’t think we ever really are. We’re just an accumulation of all our years before now. I am still one and two and ten and twenty.”
Annabeth looked at him then, caught his gaze in her grey eyes, “When did you get so wise?”
“Guess I’m spending too much time with you.” He winked, “Now please help me find something to wear for tomorrow. Zoe is taking me somewhere in nature and she says I should be prepared for a little exercise.”
“Are we talking a walk in the park or a hike up Blood Hill?”
“I don’t know she said it was a surprise and I don’t get any more information than wear clothes you can move in a little.”
His friend smirked at him, “Sounds steamy?”
“I’m pretty sure sex requires clothes off, not on, t least to some degree.” He rolled his eyes.
“Mhmm, okay. All i’m saying is make sure you pack a condom, or multiple.”
“We are not having- we will get arrested for public indecency.” He grumbled, pushing her shoulder, “So get your mind out of the gutter Chase.”
Her laugh was bells and beauty. “Come on then Mr Grace, let’s go raid your closet.” She held out her hand for him to help her off the counter, and the two blondes disappeared into his room.
Jason took a deep breath, letting his nerves find their space in his chest, stomach, lungs. He didn’t like walking into things when he didn’t have all the information; ergo surprises were avoided as much as possible.
A knock at his window pulled him from his mind.
“Are you going to come out? Or do you want to have a car date?” Sparkling dark eyes and a bright smile peered at him through the glass.
“I’m coming,” He laughed, grabbing his wallet and keys before opening the door.
“Hello Jason,” She stood on her toes and looped her arms around his neck. He folded his arms around her waist, catching the soft hints of juniper berry and clove that was purely her.
“How are you?” They pulled away.
“I am nervous,” He admitted, “I don’t like surprises.”
“Yes I did imagine so, I am not fond of them either, but this one was a necessity as it needs an explanation.”
“Well I hope I dressed okay?” He gestured towards his jeans and loose white tee.
“It’s perfect.” She looked him up and down, her eyes flashing, “Now come on, we only have the place for a couple hours.”
“Hold on,” He moved to his trunk, “These are for you,”
“Oh Jason,” She gasped softly, taking the flowers from him, “These are­– Who is your florist because these bouquets are unbelievable?”
He ducked his head, attempting to hide his reddening cheeks, “I choose them myself.”
“Well, your taste is exquisite,” She smiled up at him and he knew he had picked perfectly. Sunflowers because the dress she wore on their first date was liquid sunlight. And red roses because she was beautiful, poised, regal, just as they were.
While she admired the bouquet, he took the time to note their surroundings. They seemed to be on some sort of field, school or farm he didn’t know. A small wooden marquee sat a few meters away, but it was unoccupied which meant they were alone out here.
“Okay,” Zoe started, “So I don’t know how weird this is going to be to you, but I figured I’d get all my secrets out before you’re in too deep.”
“I’m starting to get mildly suspicious,” He raised a brow quizzically.
“Don’t worry I don’t plan on murdering you. I could probably take you in hand to hand combat but for someone of your size, drugs or poison would be the better method.”
He blinked at her, “You spend a lot of your time wondering what the best method for murder is?”
“This is not going well,” She giggled, “I don’t plan on killing you. I brought you here so we could practice some archery.”
“That does not make me feel even remotely better.”
She slugged his shoulder, mirth bouncing in her eyes, “I’ve been doing archery since my first year at varsity and I thought it’d be cool to share it with you.”
“Oh,” Was his eloquent reply, and then, “Well I’m honoured, thank you.”
“Don’t get too sappy on me, I’m only willing to go easy on you in the practice trials.”
“This implies a competition of some sort?”
“Of course. One question answered to whoever gets bullseye or as close to it.”
“I feel like I’m at a serious disadvantage here,” He pouted at her.
“I wouldn’t say that. I’ve only been doing it for nine years,” She smirked.
He groaned, waving his hands, “Oh gods, I see I’m going to be bared to the bone after this.”
“Don’t worry Grace you get to torture me on our next date.”
“Be prepared Nightshade because after this set-up I am not going easy on you.”
“I certainly hope not,” Fire danced in her eyes.
He narrowed his gaze, taking a single step towards her, “Is that a challenge Miss Nightshade?”
“Aren’t scared of a little heat, are you?” She mirrored him, closing the distance.
“Bring it on,” His words were nothing but exhales and anticipation.
Their noses brushed, eyes of midnight and electric storms pinning each other to the world.
“Ready to learn?” She breathed.
“Ready to be taught.”
“Okay,” She stepped away, taking a deep breath before moving to the table that he now noticed had two metal bows and various arrows.
“You’ll get the thirty-pound bow and large arrows to start. Hopefully you don’t need anything heavier because I did not ask for the thirty-four.” She frowned, “Okay some rules. Never have your arrow nocked until you’re on the firing line. Don’t collect arrows until everyone is done shooting. Don’t hold your bow sideways, you will hit someone. Do not under any circumstances pull the string back while there’s no arrow.”
“Got it.” He nodded.
“Cool, you’re gonna do great!” She clapped her hands, excitement radiating from her every movement. “Let’s get you equipped so you don’t end up with string-snapped wrists or a raw thumb.”
And then she was handing him all sorts of equipment, guiding him so everything fit where it was supposed to. Her hands, calloused and small, brushed over his as she adjusted the arm guard and made sure the thumb flap was correct. She explained how to stand, moving his feet and angling his shoulders until she deemed it good enough.
“Okay, let’s do some shooting.”
“I’m ready!” He smiled at her, hoping his own excitement was evident.
“Don’t worry about hitting bullseye, just choose a spot on the target and try to get all your arrows to land in the same place.”
He nodded, rolling his shoulders and moving to stand in position.
“Since it’s just us I’m going to forego formalities, so began shooting Grace.”
He had a clumsy start, arrows falling short of the target, or flying far over it, but Zoe was patient, adjusting and helping him each time.
“This is…” He stared in wonder at the arrow he had managed to bed inches away from the center. ‘I can understand why you enjoy it.”
“Great because now it’s time for Question and Arrow.”
“Fun,” He chortled, “You come up with that?”
“Yes, I thought it was rather clever.”
“Oh it is, I never expected anything less doctor.”
She snorted at him, “Ready to see the queen take her throne?”
“Please Your Majesty,” He bowed low, gesturing to the field.
She laughed and took her stand at the line, adjusting herself and making sure the sight on her bow was at the right level. She took an arrow from the stand in front of her feet, placed it on the string with trained casualness and looked over her shoulder at him. Her smiled was wicked.
She lifted the bow, pulled the string taut and fired the arrow. Before he had time to see where it had landed, she was already nocking her second one, and moments later her third.
He blinked, stared between her bright eyes and the three silver arrows now embedded in the small red circle fifteen meters away, and adjusted his pants.
She smirked, “How was that?”
“Possibly the hottest thing I’ve ever seen,” He breathed.
“Ready to answer some burning questions?”
“If I say no will you keep shooting?”
She raised a brow, “Hot and bothered, are you?”
“No thanks to you,” He growled.
She pulled him to the line, “I’m glad you’re taking to it so nicely.”
“I think I’m taking to you,” He grabbed her wrist, pulling her flush to him.
“You don’t even know me?”
“After that little display I’m half willing to marry you on the spot.”
She laughed and shoved away from him, “You’re a special breed Mr Grace. Men do not usually fall into marriage ideas after seeing a woman shoot arrows.”
“Then they are not men.” He frowned, “And besides, anyone with aim as accurate as yours has many, many advantages.”
“Questions Grace,” She took a step back, amusement and… something else passing over her face.
“Right okay,”
So they stood to the line and fired. Her a question him an answer. Then an arrow. A curse as she hit the center and he missed the target completely. Another question, answer, arrow. Question, answer, arrow.
Until two hours had blurred by and Jason had confessed to three college pranks, horrible braces in high school, and the weirdest fear of bricks. She had taken pity on him and answered her own questions after he kept losing their little battle. He knew she regretted her college days because she had wasted them studying, knew she was as gorgeous in high school as she is now, and her weird fear was thunder.
“This was great Zoe, thank you.”
“Thank you,” She beamed at him, “For not thinking I’m weird, or for dismissing this.”
He wrapped his arms around her, speaking into her neck, “I think this may be the coolest second date I’ve ever been on.”
“Really?”  She lifted his head, tugging at his hair until they were staring at each other.
“Really.” He smiled softly, “I did not know archery could be so…”
“Grounding?” She offered.
“Yes, and exhilarating.”
“I don’t know if I can put into words how much it means to me to hear you say that.”
“I was thinking,” He stroked his fingers down her side gently, “Since you didn’t get to do the typical college things maybe I can plan the next date?”
“Sounds like a dream, what are you thinking?”
“Drive-in theatre? I’m fairly sure ‘When the Stars Burn Out’ is playing.”
She nodded, eyes wide with excitement, “I’ve always wanted to go to a drive in! When?”
“Give me a couple days to plan but how does Wednesday sound?”
He cupped her cheek, memorising the constellations in her eyes, the soft lines around her mouth  that told you she smiled often, and the lines between her forehead that told you she frowned often too.
“You are divine.” He exhaled.
“Are you going to kiss me?” Was her reply.
He grinned, wild and undaunted, “Happy to.”
And then their lips were meeting, soft and steady. The world fell away, became swirls of colour and sound, became the background of a Monet, became life. And oh gods, Zoe’s hands may be rough with the proof of living, but her lips were softer than petals, than clouds. He held back a groan at her nails scraping his neck gently.
Reluctantly they pulled apart, resting their foreheads against each other.
“Wow,” She whispered.
“Indeed,” He chuckled.
It was that kiss, lingering spice and the smell of beginnings that followed him into his apartment later. Rolled down his skin as he took a shower. Fluttered behind his eyelids as he finally collapsed into bed. That kiss that marked the beginning.
HOW MUCH DO WE LOVE ZOE? Very much because Ciara just projects onto her??!?!????!!??!! oops.
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bookishdiplodocus · 5 years ago
Outlining for beginners, pantsers and chaotic writers
With NaNoWriMo coming up, maybe you want to have a NaNoPlanMo first.
This post is for you if…
… you want to try outlining, but don’t know how to begin.
… you never finish a first draft because you don’t know how to proceed or how to write a long story.
… you tend to forget certain characters are present in a scene.
… you don’t want to write your scenes chronologically, without losing track of your story.
… or you often write yourself into dead ends or have to fix major plot holes or pacing problems after finishing your first (or second, or…) draft.
First of all, this is not a plea against pantsing. If you’re a happy pantser, pants away, my darling!
1. So, first, let’s decide what story to write
I’m a big fan of the notion “write what you love”. If you don’t love your story, why write it at all, right?
Make a list of the elements or tropes or character types you like. For example:
queer character cast
and there was only one bed
faulty magic with bad consequences
punny names for minor characters
Now, make a list of things you don’t like. This helps me to stay away from them, especially if something is prevalent in my genre. For example: dragons, romantic stalking, politics, epic battles, the logistics of travel.
2. Now, make up the general storyline.
Look at your love list and turn them into a story in a few sentences. Don’t write more than a page, you’re still kindling your outline.
For example: An Asian girl is sent away by her parents for something she did in the first chapter. She thinks it’s a punishment and she assumes she’ll never see her parents again. But who is this uncle Bonkel she’s being sent to, and why has she never heard of him? Turns out, uncle Bonkel is a wizard and she’s gonna be his apprentice. He’ll introduce her into the feisty, fickle world of magic. But he already has an apprentice, a hot bi girl with the most gorgeous Afro hair. And, uh oh… there only is one bed…
This is just a quick example, I’m sure you can come up with something better. (Although… Can someone write this for me? ^-^)
3. Turn this tiny idea into an outline
Write out the different elements on post-its, or in a grid, whatever method of visualisation suits you best. I used post-its at first, so that I could swap things around, and when I was happy, I transferred it into an online excel that I can check where-ever I’m writing.
In this case, the example story breaks down to these elements:
Something happens, in hindsight we’ll see that the girl has used magic but she doesn’t realize it just yet.
Her parents overreact, giving her the impression she did something bad, and send her away to uncle Bonkel.
Who tf is uncle Bonkel? she wonders, as she is packing her stuff, never to return home again.
The reader gets to know the girl better during the train trip to uncle Bonkel, because of course, she doesn’t get there easily. Things go wrong, of course, what would you have thought?
And more things go wrong, but she deals with it, and the way she deals with it shows us what kind of a person she is.
She arrives at uncle Bonkel’s house and he is… weird.
She gets a glimpse of the dark goddess, a first impression, but they aren’t introduced yet.
Uncle Bonkel sits her down for The Talk: Yes, magic is real, and apparently she did magic. Whaaaaat?
Then she gets to meet the dark goddess, who turns out to be uncle Bonkel’s other apprentice, but apparently she’s less keen on sharing, both Bonkel’s mentorship and her bed.
Wait, her bed? There’s only one bed…?
And so forth. You get the picture. You can write big or small events on your post-its, even great parts of dialogue or random lines you came up with.
My story is more complicated than this, so I ended up making a grid for each storyline and each character (group), so I can keep track of who needs to do what when.
If you’re finished making your outline, check if you didn’t…
... leave a character dangling
... raise questions you never answered
... or start a storyline that you haven’t finished
In this example, if the girl wonders in the beginning why she never heard of uncle Bonkel, have you given an good explanation for this at some point? And if she thinks she’s never coming home again, have you included a scene in which she goes back to her parents? And is it clear to the reader why the girl thought her parents were angry when they weren’t? Have you explained why her parents don’t just sit her down and tell her about magic themselves? Or why she didn’t know about magic before the thing happened?
4. If you like, you can take this outline further to get a grip on the story’s pacing.
You can decide which events are most important and put them on a narration timeline. Afterwards, you can place the minor events around them.
To continue with my example, I decide that the scene in which she arrives at uncle Bonkel’s house will be at 20% of my story, at 40% there’s a first major magical disaster, and the first time she kisses the dark goddess will be at 50%, but of course they pretend like nothing happened, so the first time they admit there is something happening between them is at 80%. In between these events, I will play with the growing love between the girls and show them learning the fickle art of magic.
An average novel of this genre is about 75,000 words long. (You can google the average lengths for each genre.) If a total of 75,000 words is my goal, it means I need about 15,000 words (20% of 75,000) before she arrives at uncle Bonkel’s, and the first magical mishap is after about 30,000 words (40% of 75,000), etc.
From this, you can deduct how long each (post-it) element needs to be, or if you need to add a filler element, or if you need to move a post-it to a different spot.
There’s no need for your scenes to be all of the same length, of course. In my example, the scene where she gets the first glimpse of the dark goddess is much shorter than the next scene, where uncle Bonkel sits her down for The Talk.
I would advise you not to flesh out your outline too much. You don’t want to take away the creativity from writing your first draft. I usually only use one-sentence descriptions for each scene, so that I can still surprise myself while writing. This way, you’ll also avoid not finishing your outline because you get too carried away and you want to start writing before you’ve finished your outline ^-^
Okay, that’s it! Go forth and write, my darlings!
(BTW: This post describes an outline which still gives you loads of leeway. If you want to try a more structured approach, maybe my post How I turned an idea into an outline is something for you. This method gets your pacing right from the start by showing you what kind of elements go where on the narration line. The rest is pretty similar.)
I hope this was helpful. Don’t hesitate to ask me any questions, and happy writing!
Follow me for more writing advice, or check out my other writing tips here. New topics to write advice about are also always welcome.
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catsafarithewriter · 5 years ago
“Can’t you see I’m busy procrastinating?” - Haru/Baron, potentially Cups of Tea AU? OwO
A/N: One Cups of Tea AU coming right up! This was inspired by this post, and although I don’t have Haru and Baron sharing your requested line (Hiromi gets that honour, or close to it), this is one option for how Haru and Baron may have met for the first time. (i.e. chaotically) Enjoy! 
Moving into a flat with Hiromi was always going to be chaotic. 
Still, nothing could prepare Haru for the sight of her best friend cursing at the light switch. 
“Work was that bad, huh?” Haru ask as she dumped her bag and coat by the front door. 
“Ngh,” Hiromi said. 
“Alright. Well, that’s an answer.” Haru kicked off her shoes onto the mat just as the lounge light turned off. “Uh, Hiromi? Some light would be nice.”
“I’m trying, I’m trying.” 
“What do you mean you’re trying? How--”
Hiromi grabbed Haru’s arm and, in the dim shadows, dragged her over to the centre of the chaos. “Look. Watch.” She flicked on the switch and light flooded the room.”
“Very impressive, Hiromi,” Haru deadpanned. “And if we move to the kitchen, perhaps we’ll find that turning the tap makes water appear--”
“Just wait.”
Several dubious seconds passed. 
“Well, as much as I’d love to stay here with you all evening and marvel at the wonders of modern technology, I have rice that needs cooking, so--”
The light went out.
“I didn’t do anything!”
“You must have done something - that or the bulb has blown--”  
Staring straight at Haru, Hiromi flicked the switch. Light returned... for all of ten seconds before depositing them back into gloom. “See?” she yelped. “See? It’s not me! Something is seriously wrong with this place. Maybe it’s--″
“Don’t say haunted.”
“Do you have a better solution?”
“This building is brand new, Hiromi; it’s probably just some faulty wiring.”
“Maybe they build this place over some spirit’s home, and now it’s angry--”
“Unlikely, given that they tore down a warehouse to build it.”
“How do you know that?”
“Unlike some, I actually read all of the brochure before signing up.” Haru shrugged, and the light came back on. “It’ll be... teething problems or something.”
The light turned off. 
“Yeah, well let’s just hope the oven isn’t also ‘teething,’” Hiromi said. 
Luckily, whatever ailment had taken hold of the living room light seemed content to remain contained for the time being. 
Still, Haru had to shut her bedroom door securely and stuff blankets along the base to stop the erratic light beyond from keeping her awake. It became routine, just as much as the funny key jiggle needed to lock the apartment door, or the way that one of the floorboards tilted if you stood on the wrong end.
Hiromi was less accepting about the whole shebang. 
“Let - me - turn - you - on - you - blasted - thing!” Hiromi cursed as she battled with the disobedient light switch. 
Haru strolled from the kitchen, dinner in one hand and her phone in the other. “Just use one of the table lamps,” she offered as she perched on the sofa. “They don’t misbehave.”
“I don’t want a table lamp, I want the big light to do its damn job.”     
Haru watched the unintentional light show and distantly wondered what they were accidentally spelling out in Morse code. Then it gave her a headache, so she looked back to her phone. “Your dinner’s going cold, Hiromi.”
“I don’t care. I will win!”
“Against faulty wiring? I think the only thing you’re going to win is an electric shock.”
“I’m not going to let a haunted light bulb beat me!”
For not the first time, Haru wondered how much simpler her life would be if she didn’t have a drama queen for a best friend. “It’s not haunted, Hiromi.”
“How can you be so sure?”
Haru’s phone dinged, and she opened the message. She grinned. “Because I’ve just discovered the real reason.” She scrolled through the text. “I got talking to the IT department at work - you remember Chika, right? - and they’ve done a little digging and they say...” Her eyes widened at the explanation. “Oh, you have got to be kidding me.” 
“What?” Hiromi catapulted herself over to Haru’s side, her battle with the light switch all but forgotten. “What did they say?”
“Apparently these new condos use a - and I quote - ‘unique and innovative binary code’ to connect the switches to the lights and should have a radius of 30 feet.” Haru paused. “The actual radius is much bigger.”
“How much bigger?”
“Uh, about 40 apartments bigger?”
Hiromi considered this. Then a wicked grin spread across her face. “Are you saying that I’m controlling the lights of 40 other flats?”
“Not... quite? Based on the limitations of the binary code, there’s only 16 possible code combinations, so basically our switch controls the light of at least one other apartment, maybe more.”
“So. Not haunted.”
“Not haunted,” Haru agreed. 
Haru entered to the furious clacking of the light switch and the sporadic light show dominating the flat. She dumped her groceries, sidestepping the bag of laundry that Hiromi had promised to clear before she’d left, and found her best friend hunkered down before the switch and a notebook. 
“Not now! I’m concentrating!”
Haru patiently waited, watching Hiromi’s brow furrow in intense concentration as she clicked through a specific pattern. Just above that, Haru could hear muttered letters. 
Eventually, Hiromi sat back, looking entirely too pleased with herself. “Done!”
“I hope you’re referring to the clothes you were planning to take to the laundromat,” Haru said. She leant against the door-frame and gave her friend a look. 
“Ah. That.” 
“Or maybe you were talking about the dishes in the sink you said you’d clean.”
“Oh. Well--”
“Or perhaps it was the recycling that needed taking out.” Haru raised an eyebrow and was rewarded with an unflustered flush from Hiromi. “What are you doing?”
“Procrastinating. Obviously.”
“Obviously.” Haru leant in and snatched up the notebook.
Haru raised the book out of her friend’s reach with a teasing, “Shorty,” before flipping it open to the most recent page. A loose sheet fell out, the alphabet carefully written out and a series of dots and dashes beneath it. On the bound page, sentences were spelled out, once again connected by dashes and dots. “Hiromi, are you... talking to the other flats via Morse code?”
“No! ...Maybe.”
“Fear me, fear me, who dare disturbs my rest?” Haru read, flipping further through the notebook and discovering whole conversations carefully converted into Morse code and back. “I come for vengance - I mean, honestly, is this the best you can do? Also, that is not how  you spell ‘vengeance.’”
The lights began flickering, and Hiromi snatched back the book in Haru’s inattention. “Shush, let me see what they’re saying back.”
“Hiromi Kasumi Tomoko, are you pretending to haunt someone’s flat?”
“No...?” Hiromi’s nose wrinkled in concentration as she translated the light’s flicking into words, a wide grin revealing the success of her deception. The lights stabilised and she grinned up at Haru. “Okay, maybe a little bit.”
“Hiromi, you are a terrible, terrible person.”
“Aw, you say the nicest things.”
“How long has this been going on for?”
“Uh... a week?”
“Hey, they started it! They’re the ones who were trying to communicate in Morse code to appease the ‘spirit on the other side;’ I just responded. What else was I meant to do?”
“Ignore it?” Haru offered. “Tell them the truth? Not pretend to be a ghost?”
“Okay, sure, but where’s the fun in that?” Hiromi tapped at the page, thinking. “Maybe we should tell them that the ghost cannot rest until they do something to appease it. Like sing the entirety of Mamma Mia, or meow for a day, or--”
Haru yanked the book away. “That’s enough of that.”
“Oh come on, Haru--”
“You are not going to prank some complete stranger! I’m sure it’s hilarious, but there’s probably some poor idiot hyperventilating and googling exorcist rates right now, so just come clean and tell them--”  
The lights turned off. And on. And off.
A persistent, almost aggressive pattern began to emerge. 
“H-Hiromi? What are they saying?”
“Uh, give me my notebook and I’ll tell you.”
Haru numbly passed it across. 
On. Off. On. Pause. Off. On. Off. 
“A. R. L. I. A. R. L. I. A. R. L. I,” Haru translated. “Arli? Iarl? What’s that? I don’t--”
Haru leant across, barely taking her eyes off the light, and scrawled, “Liar,” onto the page.
“I’m guessing they’ve finally clued in,” Haru said. “I wonder what made them realise...”
The pattern changed, and Hiromi frantically copied out the newly-forming letters. She gave a funny squeak.      
“I am the ghost,” Hiromi read in a wheezing sort of voice. “Fear me.”    
“Oh, for...” Haru slammed to her feet, grabbing her shoes and making a beeline for the door. 
“Haru, don’t leave me with the ghost!”
“It’s not a ghost, Hiromi; someone is just paying your trick back at you and I’m going to find out who.” She raised her phone. “I’m going to stand in the car park and see if I can spot the other flat - or flats - we’re battling with. You stay here and keep the light show going if it starts to stop - as long as it’s unique, I should be able to pin them down. We’re going to solve this tonight.”
From what Haru could see, there were two other apartments that shared their ‘haunted’ light show, and the first one they located greeted them with twin screams and the sound of something shattering when they knocked. 
Haru raised an eyebrow at Hiromi in an admonishing ‘I hope you’re pleased with yourself’ fashion. 
For her part, Hiromi did look fairly amused. 
Haru knocked again, and this time she heard frantic scrabbling to the door and several inventive curses. Eventually the door swung open and two men stood in the doorway. They were built of opposites; one tall, dark, and build like a stick, wearing a NASA t-shirt, and the other round and light-skinned, and wearing a sports jersey that had an indistinguishable team or - come to that - sport. 
There was the stench of incense from inside, and both were wearing a comical assortment of crosses, crucifixes, and other wards around hteir necks. The larger one had a string of garlic on top of all that. 
“Are yer the exorcists?” he asked. 
Haru glared at Hiromi in her best ‘look what you’ve done’ manner. “No, but--”  
“Then now ain’t a good time,” he said and shut the door. 
Haru slammed her foot into the gap before the man could finish the task, and attempted her best winning smile. “We, um - that is, my friend has an apology to make.”
The large man narrowed his eyes. “Why? Did she kill the ghost that’s haunting us?”
“Don’t be stupid,” the tall man reprimanded. “The ghost said she died a 100 years ago - her murderer would be long gone by now.” He frowned. “Unless...”
Haru’s winning smile faltered.
“She’s also a ghost!” the first man yelped. He thrust a crucifix in their direction, vigorously crossing himself. Hiromi looked liked she was fighting the urge to collapse with laughter.
Haru pushed her aside before Hiromi could lose that particular fight. “Look, I think there’s been a misunderstanding. You’re not haunted.”
“Tell that to our flat!”
“There’s been a mistake with the main light system,” Haru barrelled on, very aware she was fast in danger of losing her nerve, “which seems to have caused some of the switches in different flats to link up. So, uh, when we turn on our light, it turns on yours too, and vice versa...”
Both men stared at her and Haru wondered how good her chances were of outrunning them. Maybe she didn’t need to be that fast... just faster than Hiromi... 
Then the tall one rounded on his flatmate. “I told you there’d be a scientific explanation!”
“Yeah, well I didn’t hear you complaining when I bought the crucifixes!”
“I should never have listened to you!”
“I didn’t ask yer to!”
“It’s your fault our apartment stinks of incense and garlic now!”
“I’m not the one who’s been parading round as a ghost for a week!”
“That... is a good point.”
Both men simultaneously remembered their visitors, and Haru gulped. She firmly steered Hiromi into their main line of sight. “My friend has some apologising to do.”
Hiromi grinned weakly, and waved. “Hello.”
“You’re the one who’s been messing with our light?!”
“Unintentionally, at first,” Hiromi said. 
“And after?” the tall one asked. 
Hiromi hesitated. “Maybe have been slightly less unintentional.”
“And even now, yer still at it?” the larger one demanded, waving a hand to the flashing lights. 
“Um... that’s not me.”
“And why should we believe you?”
Hiromi and Haru both pointed across the corridor, to where corresponding flickering lights, perfectly in time with the men’s flat, could be seen flashing beneath the door of another apartment. “Meet culprit number two,” Haru said. 
“Okay, that’s fairly convincing,” the taller man admitted. He sighed and offered a hand. “I’m Toto, and the mountain beside me is Muta.”
“Oi, don’t go giving our names to the fake ghosts, birdbrain!”
“Hiromi, Haru,” Haru introduced. She took the hand. “Sorry about the prank.”
“Even if it was hilarious,” Hiromi added. 
Haru rolled her eyes for Toto to see. “Hiromi, don’t make he revoke your baking privileges.” 
“Right. Shutting up.”
Conversation was brought to an abrupt halt as Muta cannon-balled past them and up to the final door of the light show. He hammered at it. “Hey, open up!” he roared. “We know what you’ve been doing!”
Haru raised an eyebrow at Toto. “Your friend’s subtle.”
“This is one of his good days,” Toto replied. He marched up to his flatmate and, apparently undaunted by Muta’s self-righteous ire, grabbed his fist before it could make progress through the door. “Hey, perhaps we shouldn’t go breaking down doors in a brand new apartment complex, maybe? Or do you really just have fluff for brains?”
“At least I don’t have my head in the clouds, birdbrain.”
“That’s rich, coming from--”
“Can I help you?”
The door had opened, and a man with an English accent, ginger hair, and the brightest green eyes Haru had ever seen stood in the opening. He wore a red waistcoat over a white shirt, the latter with the sleeves rolled up. And with a mug of tea clasped in one hand, he didn’t exactly look like the prank mastermind that Haru had been expecting. 
Muta seemed to have no such second-thoughts. “You!” he bellowed. “You’re the ghost!”
The man blinked, and blush rose up alongside his freckles.
Okay, so maybe he was less innocent than he looked. “Oh.”
“What do you have to say for yerself?!”
The man looked at the small crowd before him, and smiled sheepishly. 
“...Do you want some tea?”
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eddiesasspbrak · 5 years ago
When I’m With You Ch. 19
Eddie can’t stand the barista at his favorite coffee shop. Richie has fallen in love with the man he sees twice a week. Stan is dating someone but won’t let his friends meet them. Ben is in love with Beverly, but is so afraid of scaring her away he’s not moving forward. Chaotic friends navigating college together.
(HEADS UP emotional manipulation from a parental figure ahead. Proceed with caution)
Ch. 1
Read on AO3
3k+ words
The café was bustling when they arrived. The line went out the door and Mike and Bill were practically blurs flying around behind the counter trying to keep up with the mess. Eddie led them to the back of the line, ignoring his mother’s grumbling about the crowd and the inevitable long wait. He was trying to think positively, something that was nearly impossible with her around. In his head, everything would work out fine and the day would end without incident. Of course, he knew the truth and was sure she already hated Richie, but he had to hold out hope because he was finally happy.
“This line is ridiculous. How slow can they possibly be?” She griped.
Eddie held his tongue and was grateful that Richie did the same. He was sure that he wanted to say the same thing sitting on his tongue begging to be said. They thought they had the day off and had fun last night only to be dragged out of bed hungover and exhausted and are trying their best to get the line down without mistake! The little half-moon indents his nails were working into his palms would be sore later, but it helped Eddie keep his mouth shut.
As they finally got to the door, the person in front of it holding it open with their shoulder, they could see just how tired the duo looked. Bill had bags under his eyes as he took orders, stepping away from the register from time to time to pour plain coffee for a waiting customer. Mike zipped around making the more complicated drinks. The pastry case was scarce with no time to make trips to the back. Feeling for his friends and wanting to get away from the hateful words directed at them from Sonia before he said anything he’d regret; Richie shouldered his way past the line.
“I’m going to go help.” Was his only explanation and then he was inside, making his way to the counter.
Bill and Mike both lit up when they saw their friend coming to their rescue. Richie immediately went to the register, not bothering with an apron, relieving Bill who ran to the back for more baked goods. The three were always a treat to watch as they wove around each other flawlessly, not knocking into each other and seeming to read each other’s minds in the process. Eddie always thought it was a testament to their friendship how well they could work together. Eddie wondered if he, Ben and Stan would be the same. He couldn’t imagine them working together but they had their own strengths in their friendship.
For instance, when Eddie and his mom made it into the café, Stan, who had been draped across a table looking half dead, sat up straight and plastered a big fake smile on his face. His friends knew they had to put on a show to prevent things getting more difficult for Eddie.
“Mrs. Kaspbrak, how lovely to see you.”
“Stanley.” She said his name with a wrinkle of her nose as if she smelled something disgusting. “I didn’t realize you two were still friends.”
“Mom, I talk about him all the time. I told you I was with him just last week. Ben too.” Eddie said, hoping his smile was sweet enough that she wouldn’t be angered by his words.
“Right. A distraction from your studies.”
“Well...actually...Ben and I have a class together. So...we...study...together.” Eddie was losing his voice as his mother’s expression turned annoyed. He hated how afraid he was to anger her. Hated that Richie was going to see him like this. Why did he think this was a good idea again? Oh right, he’d been lost in the fantasy that he had a normal parent who maybe might be happy that he had a good group of friends who cared for him and a boyfriend who he loved. Instead he had Sonia. Judgmental of all, overprotective, no one good enough for her poor fragile little boy. Except he wasn’t. He’d hurt himself and gotten over it without her help. It was his friends who took care of him until he was well again. He’d always heard the saying ‘friends are the family you choose’ and he definitely believed that. But he wasn’t able to just cut her off. Not yet at least. He hoped one day when he wasn’t financially dependent he would have the strength to separate himself from her. Another dream for another time.
“I thought we came here for coffee and a snack. Not to interact with your...friends.” She said the word with a sneer as if it tasted bad in her mouth.
“Well I...my friends work here.”
“Those slow boys?” She asked.
“Mike and Bill.” Stan was holding back the protective anger he felt for his boys.
“It’s almost our turn mom, we can leave after we get coffee.” Eddie was beginning to feel hopeless. This was a bad idea. He should have just walked right past Richie when he saw him at the building. He shouldn’t have brought his mom here to meet his friends. She would never approve no matter what he did.
As they reached the front of the line, a small smile lit up on Richie’s lips when he saw Eddie. “Something special again today Spa...ah...ahem, Eddie?”
“Small black coffee.” Eddie said, knowing his mom would disprove of him getting one of the sugary drinks Richie made for him. He hoped she didn’t hear the disappointment in his voice.
“I’ll have a frozen blended vanilla drink. Large.” She said, eyeing the tray Bill was carrying out of pastries. “Are those chocolate chip scones?”
“Yes, they are.” Richie said, beaming.
“I’ll take two of those.”
“You know mom, Richie makes most of the pastries they sell here. They’re really good.” Eddie felt a swell of pride and thought maybe his mom wouldn’t mind having a future son in law who could bake.
“Well I certainly hope so since I’m spending my hard-earned money on them.” She grumbled as she handed over her card.
Finished paying, Eddie gave Richie an apologetic look, grabbing the bag of scones, before moving to the end of the counter to wait for their drinks. Mike caught Eddie’s eye as he poured the two cups of coffee. It had calmed down considerably since Richie had started helping them out.
“Hey Eddie. Didn’t expect to see you here today.” He greeted, setting his plain coffee on the counter.
“I ran into Richie and I was telling my mom how great the coffee and pastries are here. She wanted to try them for herself so here we are.” He grinned. “Mom, this is Mike. He’s a friend of mine. Mike this is my mom.”
“Mrs. Kaspbrak, nice to meet you.” Mike had heard Stan greet her, figuring he’d call her the same way.
“Michael was it? Make sure my drink isn’t too cold. I have sensitive teeth.”
“Uh...sure. Absolutely.” Mike wasn’t sure how to make a frozen drink less cold without it melting and based on what he’d heard about her from Stan, he figured this was a setup. Especially with the ashamed and embarrassed way Eddie was looking at him. Still, he did his best to make it and hoped she wouldn’t say it was too cold. The last thing he wanted was for Eddie to feel bad because his mom makes a scene over a drink order. He already seemed extremely wound up, ready to snap under the pressure any second. He and Bill hadn’t known Eddie for very long, but they already cared for him and had been worried about him since he’d announced the visit.
Luckily, when she accepted her order and took a sip she had no reaction whatsoever, good or bad. Mike breathed out a sigh of relief as did Eddie. When they turned back to the table Stan occupied, they found Ben and Bev had arrived without their noticing. Ben knew how to handle his mom, but he was a bit worried about Bev. Sure, they’d warned her, but if Sonia said the wrong thing and offended her, he wasn’t sure Bev could keep from arguing back. Still, she smiled, a genuine smile and made her way over to them.
“Eddie!” She leaned in and planted a quick kiss to his cheek. “What are you doing here?”
“I wanted to show my mom my favorite coffee shop. I thought you and Ben would still be asleep.”
“Nah, Bill texted, and we came to show our support.” She turned to his mother with a sickeningly sweet grin. “You must be Mrs. Kaspbrak! It’s wonderful to meet you! I’m Beverly Marsh, Ben’s girlfriend.”
“You have a boyfriend, but you kiss another boy so easily? You don’t want men to think you're loose, do you dear?”
Bev held her grin. “I only care what Ben and my friends think and they know me well enough to know my kisses are innocent.” She turned her gaze to Eddie. “Right, Eddie?”
“Oh, um…sure. Bev is like a sister to me.”
“Such a silly notion to compare friends to family.” Sonia sighed. “Come not Eddie, I’m tired and want to rest.”
Eddie almost felt relieved to be leaving though he wished things had gone better. He longed for a magic wand he could wave and make his mother normal and accepting of his beloved friends. Baby steps. That’s all he needed. One tiny step at a time until she accepted every aspect of his life or she would lose him.
He said his goodbyes to his friends and locked eyes with Richie over his shoulder as he headed toward the door. The sympathetic, almost sad, smile he returned made Eddie want to run and leap across the counter and kiss it away. Maybe next time.
 “I will never understand why you insist on being friends with those boys.” Sonia had started in on Eddie’s choice of friends as soon as they left the café and hadn’t let up. “They’re no good for you. You don’t need the distraction of socialization right now. You need to focus on school so you can graduate and come home.”
A chill went through Eddie. Home was no longer where he grew up. Home was his apartment, his friends, Richie. Most parents wanted their children to go off and find their own place in the world with people who love and support them. Not Sonia. Sonia wanted Eddie to experience the world without her and come cowering back to the safety of her bosom. Things weren’t going according to plan so she’d do what she could to drive a wedge between Eddie and his support system. He had no intention of returning to her house.
“That place was filthy. I won’t be surprised if we end up sick tonight.” She wolfed down both chocolate chip scones on the walk between harsh words without concern for getting sick. It made his belly boil because Richie likely made those scones. He was a skilled baker and she seemed to enjoy the scones. Why couldn’t she just admit that and compliment him instead? It was maddening. How could someone be so negative about everything around them all the time? It was exhausting.
“I drink their coffee several times a week and I’ve never gotten sick.” Eddie felt more emboldened now that they were out of the public eye and waiting for the elevator in his building. He wanted to protect his friends and it was bubbling up inside him to speak out in their defense. Even if it made things worse for him.
She ignored him. “And that girl. Flouncing around kissing every boy that isn’t her boyfriend. How disgusting. You don’t need a girl like that in your life. She’ll convince you to do things you’re not ready for and you’ll end up with a disease. Make sure you wash your cheek with hot water and soap when we get inside.
Things I’m not ready for? Last night I was on my hands and knees with a dick up my ass begging for more. I don’t even fuck girls. If I did, I’d be lucky to get a girl like her. “Bev isn’t like that. She loves Ben. She loves her friends.”
Again, ignored. She just didn’t want to hear it. Nothing would change her mind about them. It didn’t matter that she was hurting him by putting down the people he loved. She wouldn’t be happy until she controlled every aspect of his life and he knew it. He just didn’t want to believe that she couldn’t change. Eddie unlocked the door and stepped inside, not caring if she followed after him or not. In fact, if she’d decided to turn around and head back down to her car and leave without saying goodbye, he’d be thrilled.
“I found this group back home of other mothers who are just as close with their kids and I think it would be a good idea for us to meet with them. You can make friends who were raised right by parents who only want the best for their children.” She was grinning like she was pleased with herself. Eddie felt sick.
“There’s nothing wrong with my friends.”
“I’m sure you think so Eddie Bear, but you can do better. Better than those boys you met back home, better than that girl and the boys in the coffee shop. Especially that one with the glasses. Just because someone is your neighbor doesn’t mean you have to be friends with them.”
“Mom.” He couldn’t handle her putting down Richie. The bubbles were rising. In his chest.
“There was something off about him. I don’t trust him, and I don’t think you should be spending time with him.”
“Mom. Stop.” Up his throat.
“He looked like he doesn’t wash properly and that can negatively effect your health. Especially if you’re eating food he has prepared.
“Seriously, mom. You need to-.” Across his tongue.
“Maybe we should find you a new apartment building, so you won’t be so close to him. How much do you even know about him? He’s not a stalker is he?”
“MOM!” Pop. Eddie shouted. Sonia jolted like she’d just been slapped. Eddie had argued with her before. Raised his voice even. But not like this, not with this anger. It was radiating off of him.
“Eddie, there’s no reason to shout. I’m right here.”
“You’re not listening to me! I…I can’t do this anymore. Why did you have to come visit?”
“To check up on you and make sure you’re doing ok of course. I’m your mother. Am I not allowed to visit my son?”
“I’ve told you I’m doing fine. I’m getting good grades. I’m staying out of trouble. You don’t need to come check on me. I already come home for holidays. Just go home!”
“There is no need to be so rude, Eddie. I visit because I care about you. You don’t have anyone out here to look after you.”
“Yes! I do! You just spend the last twenty minutes berating them and you don’t even know them! You never even try to get to know them! I love them. They’re my friends and they love me too. They take care of me. We take care of each other. They are my family!”
“But Eddie-.”
“They’re important to me and I’m not going to listen to you put them down anymore! I’ve tried to keep my mouth shut. Bit my tongue to get through each visit until I taste blood, but I just can’t anymore. Ben and Stan have always been there for me. I don’t know Mike and Bill that well and they’re already so important to me and have helped me in more ways than you could possibly know. Bev is such a beautiful person who won’t hesitate to stand up for a complete stranger and who has been cheering me on since day one and Richie…Richie is the light in the darkness. He makes everything else make sense. He’s stupid and hilarious and so, so good. And I…I love him. I love them all, but I love Richie more.”
Sonia was silent for once as Eddie tried to find that last push to get the words out of his mouth once and for all. The bubbles were dissipating in his chest. He just needed one more to work its way out. To solidify what he was trying to say so she couldn’t convince herself he meant anything else. He had to get it out before she found her own words and he lost the fire in his belly. He took a deep breath, he balled his hands into fists, and he grew tall, head held high.
“I love Richie more because he’s my boyfriend. I’m gay and Richie Tozier is my boyfriend and I love him and nothing you can say or do will ever change that.”
Now that he was done. He waited for her to respond while trying to hold that empowered feeling in his chest. If he let it slip away, he wasn’t sure what he would say or do. He couldn’t lose now. Couldn’t take back what he’d said and go back to bending at her will and taking her harsh words at the expense of everything and everyone he loved. He didn’t know how she would react, what she would say.
“I understand Eddie.” That definitely wasn’t what he’d expected. “You’re an adult now. You’re going to have a lot of different experiences. That’s normal. But eventually you’ll have to grow up and move on from those childish rebellions.”
Did she mean Richie? Was she saying that being gay and dating Richie were both acts of rebellion? A phase he’d outgrow? How could she be so far in denial of what Eddie was? To believe that falling in love with another man was just a temporary fixation that would pass with age.
“You’ll grow out of it in time, but for now…I don’t want you seeing that boy.”
“He’s not good enough for you. He’s a barista in a shabby café. You’ll end it tomorrow.”
“I will not!”
“You will. You said nothing I can do will change the way you feel.” She’d gone eerily calm as she took a step closer to Eddie. “I pay for your school. I pay for your apartment and your food. You break up with him tomorrow or I will no longer support you. As soon as you come to your senses everything will go back to normal and I’ll continue to pay your way through college. Until then, pack your bags.”
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sulsulellison · 4 years ago
Hı uh this is kinda an emergency req. Can i get oikawa,akaashi kenma and bokuto comfort with an s/o who feels really unloved at their home.
i tried to get this done quickly, so i do hope you like it. also if you are going through something like this, i do send my prayers and i do hope that it gets better. 
happy thanksgiving to those who celebrate and luv you all
i wanted each to be vague but also relatable, so they are short but i did try to add some detail  (i will also be reuploading this with hashtags)
since oikawa is someone portrayed/headcanoned as touch starved, i believe he would be up for physical comforts, like cuddles, to console his s/o
though, sadly like the others, this is the only effect that he’s tried
but it’s still a good thing
he’s someone that would try new ways but always stuck with physical affection
oikawa still remembers the first time you came to his house starved of unmistakeable love but also a nice home-made meal
at the time you went over, it was only oikawa and his mother present; they were yet to eat diner, and ms. toru was glad to add another plate to the table
as you both waited for the food, a classic western movie was being played on the tv and cuddled with oikawa
then about 22 minutes, ms. toru called both of you in to make the table and soon eat
during diner, all of you were able to have a lively conversation that wasn’t demanding of personal answers or long explanations it was a non-anxiety causing environment
as time went, so did the craving need for love, which was filled with a certain warmth that was similar to eating your favorite food after a long and stressful day of work
having to deal with bokuto has drained akaashi over time but has also helped him be able to tell when you need reassurance the most
his own personal way to help you is to make it seem like he’s not actually trying to comfort you, like just asking to go to the library or a cafe near the school
he does that because it doesn’t bring attention to it and also implies that he will do it at anytime
when going to study, he always brings small snacks that he hid in his bag along with a slightly too big hoodie
but over time he did start to realize that maybe it would be more comforting to also go to different places that were more private and weren’t overly filled with clique conversations between passing families
as an attempt to make you feel better, he bought you a stuffed animal toy he saw in a shop window that caught his eye and an old t-shirt that he had put on the toy
It wasn’t a big gesture and probably wasn’t that helpful but he only hoped that it would make you feel loved in any sort of way
obviously, kenma would try to use gaming as a sort of excuse to try and comfort you but he has reason
kenma had grown up with kuroo try to comfort him and using different games as a way to help him,
so since kenma found it helpful and enjoyable, he tries to use that method for when your feeling like you effection bar is low
but he really likes it when you initiate it since he doesn’t want to bug you with gaming
kenma is definitely the one that won’t immediately start talking to you about your family life
but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to talk about it, he just doesn’t want to pry into things
and he believes that to make you feel better he simply just needs to hold your hand as he games on stream or when sitting in bed
he’s a simple man
since bokuto is bokuto, he really likes to just energize everything
he would invite you over each weekend to hangout with his family and play multiple games
you’ve gone over atleast four times by now and each time mrs. bokuto tries to comfort you with a mothers love
and due to kotaro’s sisters having the same energy as him, theres never a moment where you don’t feel the chaotic warmth
but at the end of the night, after all the competitive games, what makes it better is when both you and kotaro go outside and walk to a nearby park that is also close to your house
bokutos contribution to comforting you is letting you sit on his lap and vent things out to him; he likes hearing your voice but also the fact that youre able to confine in him
It honestly comforts him too
then after youve felt better or whenit starts to get really late, he walks you back to your house and makes sure you get a light snack and shower before leaving to go back to his house
insta: @sul_sul_ellison
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sunshine-pup-fics · 6 years ago
S T U T T E R // Bakugo x Reader
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Request from @catsukibakugouu : Hello! May i request a Bakugo x reader where his s/o has a stuttering problem? I tend to talk fast but think faster so when trying to talk it sometimes gets hard to say certain words and i stutter or it comes out a big mess of words mixed together ?
Thank you for the request! Sorry about it being so short, I’m on school holidays and I’ve been out and about for the past week. (I’m actually posting this from my phone while I’m in the car. I’ll edit the post to format it nicer when I’m back home!)
It was interesting to write because I also naturally speak really fast. I have to restart sentences and articulate words a lot to make sure people understand me. I also can barely get words out when I get excited, so I resort to slapping my friends arm.
I hope you enjoy it! Please feel free to leave more requests if you like!
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The decision to confess my feelings to the unruly and chaotic blonde that was Bakugo, was beginning to seem like the worst decision I've ever made.
I'd thought about what I was going to say from the start. It would just be something simple and to the point. I'd quitely asked to speak with him before class started, and he'd agreed. All I had to do now was say it. I wasn’t nervous, we’d been basically flirting within the past month.
But staring into his ruby eyes suddenly made it very difficult.
"So uhm- Bakugo- right so...” I immediately knew where this was going. My brain and my mouth were not going to cooperate.
I took a deep breath. I just had to pick each word and say it.
“I just was wondering... agh, I was just wondering if mayhaps- uh maybe! You'd perhaps want to- uhm... to out go and... shit!"
I started to panic. I felt my heart start to beat faster, slamming itself against my chest. I refused to meet his gaze, eyes jumping from place to place, my fingers, the window, the door, his shoes, the ceiling. I tried to take a deep breath. Why could I not just say what was in my head? "Would you want to watch a movie together or... uhh... catch- I mean get- dinner? Or something?"
I forced a smile, but I could feel my lip quiver as I mentally smacked myself. I quickly waved my hands in front of me. "Not if you don't- like- want to or anything! I just sort of- of happentoreallylikeyouandwashopingyoudgoonadatewithme?” I took a sharp shaky breath. I’d said it. Sure I’d stuttered about a million times over, but I’d said it. I felt my pumping heart swell with a pride, just the smallest bit.
Until I noticed how Bakugo was looking at me. Eyebrows furrowed and ruby gaze piercing through me. I felt the panic bubble up my throat. I was about to get rejected, wasn’t I?
“Oh! Uh- again not if you don't want to... it-uhm- really doesnt matter! It's- it's not important.”
I was mentally screaming at myself.
I shifted my weight as I tried to think of something else to say. He looked confused, and possibly even mad and offended.
There was just silence, including the uncharacteristicly quiet 1A classroom.
"Shit this was freaking dumb. Why did I decide this was a good idea? Just what I said, uh, forget it- please.” My gaze fell to the floor, eyeing the scratches and scuffs on the tiles. He cleared his throat, and I stole a glance at him. His shoulders were slumped back, his hands in his pockets, a bored express plastered in his face.
I froze. I furrowed my eyebrows as my (e/c) eyes caught his red ones. He only continued to stare at me for a few seconds, before rolling his eyes.
“Yeah, lets go out.”
“Wait what.”
It wasn’t a surprise that the two hit it off. If someone had the guts to ask him out in the first place, chances are Bakugo already liked them.
From then on Bakugo would always listen to their rants and explanations, grinning to himself when they got so excited they couldn’t get a single coherent word out. Not to mention he’d defend them from any asshole who’d tell them to slow down. “Because fuck that, it’s cute and I can understand you, so other people fuckin can too.”
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blurglesmurfklaine · 5 years ago
Cornelia Street (7/9)
A/N: oh my god they were quarantined
yes. It’s one of those fics.
AU, obvs
I’m posting as I go and idk how many parts this is going to be, likely won’t be very long but I literally don’t know what I’m doing and should i be starting yet another WIP? definitely not but fuck it lets fucking go
Title is from T-swizzles Lover album, I’m OBSESSED
Summary: Three years ago, Kurt and Blaine went on a disaster of a date and never quite got off on the right foot. Now, just before they graduate from NYADA, there’s a national outbreak and they’re both self-quarantined in a mutual friend’s apartment.
Read On AO3
On Tumblr: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
Part 7
Kurt runs his hands through his hair, shaking off the last suds of his shampoo out of it before shutting off the water. Sara Bareilles’s voice is still leading him to thoughts about Blaine, and how he led him in the dance yesterday with the gentle swing of his hips. 
It had been nice, to say the least. Dancing with Blaine in his arms had felt like he’d finally found the missing puzzle piece he’d been searching for his whole life. Waking up next to a still sleeping Blaine should’ve been awkward, but only felt like the most normal thing in the world, a routine that was way too easy to settle into and—
He is in way too deep and he hasn’t even kissed Blaine yet. 
Woah, yet? That’s a little presumptuous of you, isn't it? 
If he’s going to. If Blaine even wants him to.
Kurt needs to stop thinking about Blaine ASAP, but his brain has made it clear that that’s not quite an option at the moment, so instead, he just turns the cold knob on the shower.
He heads to the kitchen when he’s done, and he’s met with the sight of Blaine humming along to Despacito while he finishes cleaning the dishes they’d used for dinner last night. Kurt can’t keep from cracking a smile.
“Having fun?”
Blaine, obviously a little surprised by Kurt’s presence, lifts his head and his mouth twitches up into a grin. “Actually, yeah. I used to hate doing the dishes when I was a kid, but then I got this job at a fast food pizza place. I realized that as long as I was washing dishes, I didn’t have to deal with customers. It sort of pavloved me into liking it.”
“God, that's such a mood.”
“The other explanation is that I’m training to be a fifties housewife.” Blaine shakes his head and makes a face, placing a plate on the drying rack. “Sorry, that was dumb,” he mutters.
“No, it was funny,” Kurt raises an amused eyebrow. “And if we’re going by the fifties’s standards, I suppose that makes me the workaholic husband.”
“Well, have fun at work, honey!” Blaine calls out, face twitching up into a grin as he holds back a chuckle.
Kurt walks up to the door as if he’s going to head out (which, they both know he can’t actually do) and pulls a coat still hanging on the rack by the frame of it. He drapes it over himself and waves to Blaine. “I will, make sure to pick up the kids early from school today!”
“Oh yeah, little Feta has a soccer tournament this afternoon, doesn’t he?”
“Feta?” Kurt raises an eyebrow. 
Blaine shrugs. “Yeah, like fettuccine Alfredo? Alfredo is a valid name.”
“Okay, if you get to name our son that then I’m naming our daughter Audrey, as in Audrey Hepburn.”
“I support that.”
“Now that our kids have proper names, I suppose I should be getting to work, huh?” Kurt asks. “Those taxes aren’t going to file themselves. And I have a long commute from here to the computer.”
He turns to leave, but Blaine laughs and quickly grabs the nearly empty box of cereal on the table and holds it out towards Kurt. “Wait! Don’t forget your briefcase!”
“Silly me! How could I forget, thank you!”
Kurt doesn’t even think about it—he’s too into this strange and weirdly fun game they’ve set up. As Blaine hands him the cereal box in lieu of a fake briefcase, Kurt tucks it underneath his arms and leans forward to press a quick peck to Blaine’s lips. Blaine reciprocates, lightly placing a hand behind Kurt’s neck. 
It isn’t until they pull away that Kurt realizes what he’s done.
They go absolutely still for a moment, eyes locked, neither daring to move any closer or further from the other.
Kurt wonders for half a second if he accidentally crossed a line he shouldn’t have.
And then the next half of the second Blaine’s lips are on his, hands grabbing desperately at his waist, so sudden and intense that the momentum sends them stumbling backwards a little. They don’t stop until Kurt’s back hits the table, and he sinks his hand into Blaine’s satin soft curls. 
The gesture elicits a small gasp from Blaine, who slides his hands down Kurt’s back and tugs so that their bodies are flush against each other’s. Kurt reciprocates, pulls him closer, kisses him harder until they’re just this chaotic bundle of bumping noses and roaming hands.
They finally pull away, Kurt’s blue eyes wide as a prairie because he had wondered if Blaine was picking up on the same thing he was and… well, he certainly doesn’t have to wonder anymore.
“Sorry,” Blaine mumbles, shaking his head with a sheepish smile on his face. “I uh, don’t know what came over me.”
Kurt doesn’t hesitate to pull Blaine back in for another embrace. “Me neither,” he breathes. And in all honesty, he doesn’t really care. All he knows is that this quarantine thing just got a lot more bearable. 
“I don’t think you’re playing this right.”
“Nonsense, I used to play this every day at lunch with the New Directions. Cards were easily the best way to pass the time. Santana even showed us this one game called Chingasos… which is surprisingly violent for a card game…”
After making out for… quite a long time (like, a really, really long time, not that Blaine’s complaining), they’d set some blankets down in the living room floor and exchanged card games. 
Kurt is currently sitting across from Blaine, cross legged and explaining the rules of Spits as they play. There are two piles, and the point of the game is to get rid of all your cards by placing them on top of either pile, but only in numerical order. If both piles have the same number card, you could slap the top of the piles, say “spits”, and the opponent would have to take all the cards.
They both place 2s on either piles of cards, and Blaine jumps to press his hands flat on top of them. Kurt has been playing this game for years, though, and is too quick for Blaine, so his hands land on top of Kurt’s instead of the cards. 
“Eat ‘em and weep,” Kurt says with a cocky grin, shoving the pile of cards towards Blaine.
“Isn’t it read ‘em and weep?”
“You’re stalling.”
Blaine mocks a scoff, mostly because he is. “Are you implying that I’m causing a distraction in order to prevent my loss?”
“Okay, nobody talks like that, you’re definitely stalling.”
“No, this is stalling,” Blaine says. He tugs Kurt’s hands and rolls backwards on the blankets, pulling Kurt on top of him and leaning up to kiss him and abandoning their card game. He can feel the smile in Kurt’s lips and can’t contain a grin of his own. 
When they finally release each other, Kurt lets out a contented sigh and rests his head on Blaine, draping his arms over his body, fitting in in every space Blaine didn’t even know was waiting to be filled.
“This is gonna sound weird, and kind of random… but I feel really safe with you,” Kurt says.
Kurt’s head, resting on Blaine’s chest, lifts when he laughs. 
“Heard that, coronavirus?” he jokes. “Actually,” he continues, starting to absentmindedly trace shapes on Kurt’s back with his finger. “It’s funny that you say that, because you kind of make me feel like I’m standing on the edge of a cliff.” He realizes that may not have come out exactly as he wanted it to. “I mean, like, in a good way. Not in a I’m worried you’re going to push me off way.”
“You’re probably just about the only person I can stand in a ten mile radius, currently, so I don’t think you have to worry about that.”
“What about Adam?” Blaine finds himself asking. His heart is a canon in his chest, and he wants to pretend he doesn’t know why he asked that question, but he knows exactly why. 
He’s falling fast and hard for Kurt, and if he runs back to Adam the moment Blaine stops being his only choice, again, it’s going to suck. He’s heard stories about people who got stuck in elevators for twelve hours and then eloped the second they were rescued. And then the inevitable divorce that followed.
Blaine doesn’t want Kurt to want him because he’s bored; he wants Kurt to want him the same way he wants Kurt. 
“Adam and I over for a reason,” he finally replies calmly. 
The urge to just stupidly blurt out Which is? is so strong, and Blaine’s honestly surprised he doesn’t. Apparently, though, his silence is enough of a cue for Kurt to continue.
“I—and feel free to stop me… if it gets too weird or too–if you don’t want to hear this.”
“You can say anything to me,” Blaine answers without hesitation. Kurt’s cheeks pressing harder against Blaine’s chest tell him that he’s smiling.
“Okay… I think I just got swept up in the idea of finally being in a relationship, or of finally having someone who wanted me that I didn’t care if we weren’t necessarily right for each other. I mean, at the time I certainly didn’t have enough experience to know that it wasn’t right.”
Blaine hummed in encouraging agreement, urging Kurt to keep going.
“I think we were both hoping the other would evolve into the person we wanted them to be, if that makes sense. Like, I’m… I’m pretty naturally guarded. I don’t always wear my heart out on my sleeve and I think that bothered him.”
Blaine nods. Though he doesn’t feel like Kurt is particularly withholding around him, he can see why people would think that. Kurt has told Blaine all about what he endured during high school. That would be enough to make anyone a little wary of the world.
“And I don’t know if there are just parts of me I wasn’t willing to share because I’d be sharing them with him,” Kurt continues. “But there were parts of my life—little things, I’m not in like organized crime or anything—that were just for me. I’m fairly social, but if I needed an hour alone after he had friends over, he took it really personally.
“On the other hand, I always thought he took life way too seriously. Every single show or song we listened to had to have some sort of profound deeper meaning or else he labeled it as trash. What an exhausting way to live!”
Blaine chuckles. “I know what you mean. I dated Sebastian for a while, and he would constantly talk about his summer trips to Europe, which was interesting at first but after a few weeks I realized that that seemed to be the entire focal point of his personality.”
Kurt laughs. “Yeah…”
“Anyways, you were saying?”
“Oh, right... well, back in December I was watching When Harry Met Sally with Rachel and it was that scene where Sally says “We never do fly off to Rome at a moment’s notice”. And I just… realized. I went to get things from his place that night and applied to live in the NYADA dorms again for the next semester.
“I guess it was just never right with Adam. It took me way too long to figure it out. I think I might’ve figured it out sooner if we’d finished our date,” he mumbles absently, like he’s just thinking out loud.
Blaine has to bite his cheek to keep from smiling so damn hard.
They lay in easy silence for a moment, holding each other until a high pitched tinny noise interrupts them. Kurt whips out his phone and Blaine sees the Snapchat notification.
“Oh my god,” he sputters out incredulously.
“They really made a Quarantine filter,” Kurt says in awe.
Kurt unlocks his phone and presses the button to access the filter. It’s greyscale, with a blinking red dot in the corner, like it’s supposed to mimic a found footage movie. At the bottom of the screen is written “Day ___ of Quarantine”.
“Come on, let's take a picture,” Kurt says, casually hiking an arm behind Blaine’s neck and settling his head higher up in Blaine’s chest. He quickly snaps the picture of them cuddled up together.
Blaine watches Kurt, grinning when he types out the caption in two separate blocks of text.
Do you have your quarantine buddy? 
Yes, I have my quarantine buddy.
Part 8
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almostrealdudes · 6 years ago
Tempest (Stefan Butler x fem!S/O)
pairing: Stefan Butler x fem!s/o
warnings: none
word count: 1k (edit: did i write ‘none’? honestly I have no explanations)
summary: just some Stefan fluff for your souls my dudes
(gif not mine)
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“Super Mario Bros.”
“Street Fighter.”
“Rocky’s Boots.”
“Space Quest.”
“Track and Field.”
“Donkey Kong.”
“The Prisoner.”
“No, you can’t use the articles as letters.”
“But it has it in the title!”
“Still, it’s not the actual name.”                                          
“That’s not fair, you’re already superior to me, I have no chance of winning if you keep throwing me back like that!”
“Sorry, I don’t make the rules.”
It smells like oranges and rain in his room. It’s dimly lit, the sounds of fingers pressing keys and raindrops hitting the window mix together into one calming rhythm. This is the third game we play today and I can’t win Stefan for the death of me. He’s just too good, I often wonder if there is something video-game related that he doesn’t know. Haven’t found an answer to that one yet.
“C’mon, you can name more,” he looks over his shoulder and gives me a small smile. The bed screeches underneath me as I move to its edge.
“I already named mine, it’s your turn!” I can see Stefan battling with my begging eyes right now because he turns away knowing that if he keeps looking at me he will let me have it.
“Sorry, Buttercup, you gonna have to think of another one.”
I whined and started bouncing on the mattress out of indignation.
“Stefan,” I stretched the vowels in his name, trying to draw his attention. Stefan was holding back a smile, continuing to enter the codes that appeared one after another on his screen. After entering another line, he looked at me softly.
“You know this one.”
He started forming the letter ‘T’ with his mouth, his eyes urging me to continue after him. I mirrored him but since I had no idea what he was talking about I just sat there nodding with an endless ‘T’ stuck on my lips.
“TRON,” Stefan finished for me and smirked as I rolled my eyes.
“Okay, fine, you’re super-clever. Your turn.”
“What? No, you didn’t say your game, it’s still your turn.”
“Stop being so cruel to me!” I moaned. “You spin in all this game trivia constantly, of course you know more games than me, you’re a genius.”
“No, I’m not, I’m just a quicker thinker.” He chuckled shyly, flattered by my phrasing. He knows I mean it. He keeps waving me off every time, but I know that it means something to him. Well, I hope it does.
“I hate you,” groaning, I roll my eyes at him, “remind me to never play this game with you again.”
“You love me,” Stefan jokes, not even looking at me. Yet, for some reason, I freeze in my place and fix my gaze on him. We’ve never exchanged any big phrases like that. We care for each other, of course, we do. We’ve been together for over a year now, I visit the Butlers’ house so often that it probably looks like I already live here. I even think that Stefan’s dad sees me more than he sees Stefan because I always walk around the house doing something. I notice all the small things: how Stefan relaxes every time he sees me, how Stefan’s dad looks at me, gratitude in his eyes. I feel the affection and care every living second with Stefan, but I don’t think he knows how much he means to me. I don’t think I ever show him enough.
I jump out of my thoughts to find Stefan’s eyes looking at me with worry. Uh-oh, I was silent for too long. Before I can say anything, he starts stuttering.
“I—um—sorry, I didn’t—I didn’t mean to—um—to strain you like that, just forget what I—“
“I do,” I interrupt him, dead serious. He looks at me startled. “I love you, Stefan. I love you.”
Suddenly, I feel so sad, almost heartbroken. A lump starts growing in my throat as I begin to repeat my confession over and over until tears start running down my face. Stefan’s flirtatious joke uncorked all the feelings I had for him, making them spill out chaotically.
Stefan jumped out of his chair and rushed over to me in panic, cupping my face hastily and looking in my eyes, searching for a reason for my sudden outbreak.
“No-no-no, don’t cry, please, anything but cry, you can’t cry,” tear after tear, he wipes them away, but they just keep dropping off my lashes. “Why are you even crying?”
“I don’t know.” Realizing how stupid this whole situation is I suddenly start laughing. I laugh so hard I start wheezing. Stefan looks at me in absolute terror; he doesn’t know what to do. Second ago, I was crying rivers, and now I was laughing as if I heard the most hilarious thing in the world.
“You’re worrying me,” he confessed, still looking at me in confusion. I shook my head and kissed him hard, sending all of my emotion through my lips to his.
“I just love you, Stefan.”
He looked at me in utter happiness and pulled into a tight hug. I felt his nose nuzzling in my neck. His soft breaths tickled my skin.
“I love you too. More than anything.” He pressed me even closer to his chest. “You mean so much to me. So much.”
“You mean to me more,” I moved away and squeezed his pink freckled cheeks together. Suddenly, a revelation hits me and I squeak. “Tempest!”
“What?” He raised his brows confused.
“The game!”
He laughed, relieved it wasn’t bad news and pecked my nose. His eyes shined in the yellow light of the table lamp. I smiled and sniffed, satisfied with my answer.
“See? I told you, you knew this one.”
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freshytrashywritingtrash · 6 years ago
The Wintersun [P. 1]
Pairing: Loki x OC, Bucky x OC
Wordcount: 1610 whoops
Summary: Merea is one of the younger Avengers, slowly settling in. While still processing her past and trying to learn where she came from, she finds herself caught between two men, tracked by Hydra and confronted with the long forgotten truth of her origin.
Warnings: In this chapter, none
A/N: I don’t even know if people want to read fics with OC’s but I love my little girl and wrote this already anyways 
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Merea sat in the second row of the assembly in the conference room, next to her friends Natasha and Wanda. The room was filled with clueless mumbles and confused agents who’ve got interrupted in whatever they were doing. Merea herself was working on a painting as she was notified of the urgent meeting, but not what it was about. Hastily she had washed her hands, pinned her wild blonde waves up and threw on one of the grey trainings sweaters before rushing to the office. Now she was waiting with the others, who seemed to have as much of an idea on what was going on as her.
“Anyone know why we’re here? What’s the matter?” Bucky asked. Merea looked up from mindlessly rubbing on a paint spot on her hand she had missed. Judging on his sports attire and sweaty hair the winter soldier -one of her closest friends- was interrupted in a training session.
But before anyone could answer the doors of the room flung open and several people entered. First Tony Stark and Steve Rogers, both looking important even though they seemed to be stuck in a hushed argument. Next up followed Thor, the god of thunder, looking as cheerful as ever. For once he was wearing normal clothes instead of his armour. Upon the entering of the last person the atmosphere in the conference room seemed to shift. Loki, the god of mischief and known enemy of the avengers, sauntered in wearing a fitted black suit. His steel blue eyes washed over the room, taking in every detail. He knew most of the heroes present except for a petite girl in the back of the room. She was…enchanting. Something about her just caught him, something special. Meanwhile Merea mustered the Trickster. He was handsome, yes, but that didn’t make him less dislikeable.
“What is he doing here?” Dr Banner asked, suspiciously watching the Trickster. His question made Tony and Steve end their argument and straighten up to face the team, which was looking aversed, to say at least.
“So, uh,” the Captain started, seeming not completely happy about the situation. “We have an announcement to make. Now I know that most of you won’t approve at first but- ““Loki will become an Avenger” Tony chimed in, interrupting Steve who just sighed and took a seat.
“What?!” It sounded as if the whole present team spoke in unison. Different words of protest were phrased, ranging from unbelieving questions to hate fuelled insults. Merea decided to stay silent and just watch the trickster, who seemed to fight the urge to snap back at the comments he was receiving.
“Is this a trick? Is Loki bewitching you?” Sam wanted to know from Tony, looking like he was about to start a fight. “Actually, it was Thor’s idea. He came to us.” Tony answered, gesturing at him and the resigned Steve. “He presented us his idea of Loki joining to redeem his glory and help their people bla bla. He said, and I quote “Loki fought greatly to save the remaining Asgardians from Thanos.” We thought about it and discussed it and came to the conclusion that we’ll give this a shot. He seemed like a good fit. Also, we’ll get the Tesseract.” Stark seemed satisfied with his explanation and looked around, expecting everyone to nod approvingly. Which didn’t happen, Merea noticed.
“Steve, do you agree to this, too?” Sam asked the Captain now, hoping to find more answers as he was still confused and unconvinced, like most people in the room. “Well, Thor’s vouching for him. Loki’s a skilled fighter, got great powers and he’s also a great tactician. We can always use good men…” it sounded more like Steve was trying to convince himself than the team.
“That is right, I vouch for the actions of my dear brother, even though I know that Loki of course only means the best. Fear not friends, as for I can promise that Loki has changed. I trust him with my life and I hope that if I can do so, you might, too.” Thor spoke with great confidence. And said confidence seemed to do the trick as many expressions in the room seemed to lighten up to some degree.
“Great, now that this is settled, most of you can leave if they want to. Except for Bucky, Clint and Merea.” Tony announced. Under quiet mumbling and the screeching of metal chairs on the ground most of the team left except for the three agents, Tony and a fifth person, Loki.
Upon being pierced by questioning looks the Aesir answered smoothly. “Mr Stark, you said one could leave if they wanted to, not that they must. I conclude from the way you phrased it that whatever you’re about to announce isn’t top secret. I simply want to get used to the dynamics of this contingent as fast as possible – if you don’t mind I’d rather stay and listen. You won’t even notice I’m here.” Which wasn’t true, Merea observed. While checking the faces of the other people she saw that everyone was somehow fixed on the raven figure. The truth is, Loki just wanted to stay to study the blonde girl. Merea was her name, or so Stark had called her. So fine-sounding…
“Depends on what Mr. T. here has to say” Clint answers, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms to mark his disapproval.
“Actually, it’s about your next mission. Ya’ll go to Wakanda in three weeks to check up on the king and his whole opening-Wakanda-to-the-world business. Also, I got a small delivery of vibranium waiting and I’d be heads over heels if you could bring it back with you. Furthermore, you three need upgrades on your gear. That Shuri kid got some great concepts which she’ll be allowed to torture ya’ll with. Any questions?” Tony explained. While talking he had pulled a hologram with detailed data from his phone in top of the table for everyone to look at. But two people weren’t looking at the data. Loki was fixed on her, Merea noticed, and Bucky stared at Loki? Well, if the god wanted to stare, she’d do, too.
“Yea, how long will we be there? Laura’s birthday is in three and a half weeks and she’d kill me if I wasn’t there.” Clint asked.
“A week, but if it’s a matter of life and death you can leave earlier. Snowflake and sunshine here can handle the rest. Just make sure to get your gear looked at. And bring that V’ with you, C’. F.R.I.D.A.Y. remind me to send a fruit basket to Laura for her birthday.” With that Tony ended the meeting, waving at them before leaving. Clint got up and heads out as well, leaving Merea, Bucky and Loki behind.
“Doll, are you an artist or just a canvas? Because you seem to enjoy painting on yourself” Bucky reached over to Merea and tried to wipe off some paint on her jaw, making her shift her gaze from the ice blue eyes of Loki to the deep sapphire ones of Bucky. Loki watched the two and got jealous. Why would such a divine woman let that scruff dog touch her?
“You’re a hot mess sometimes, you know that? Chaotic cute.” Bucky chuckled. He dropped his hand as he noticed that the paint on her skin had already dried.
“Why are we being so attentive, James? Got stood up again?” Merea looked at her friend and arched a brow. She knew he didn’t like getting called that name, making her use it with mischievous pleasure.
“You know you’re my only flame, do you?” He softly nudged her arm and chuckled a little more before getting out of his chair. Merea chuckled as well before pulling herself from her chair with a whine. “I hate muscle soreness.”
“What muscles?” Bucky grinned, taking her arm between his thumb and index finger to show how thin it was while they both headed for the door, completely ignoring the Trickster
Merea only rolled her eyes in response. “I got to head back to my painting before it dries up completely. See you later.”
“Until a while, crocodile” and with that, they both headed out of the conference room.
Merea was already around the next corner as she heard the silk voice that made her stop and turn around. “Excuse me, could you show me where the compounds are? My brother and I agreed to meet there so he could show me my rooms.” He smiled innocently, marvelling her features from up close. Well not that close. She was a head smaller than him. But still he couldn’t stop himself from noticing the golden specks in her eyes.
Merea had to put her head up to look at the Trickster, who was way too close behind her in her opinion. Calmly, she answered. “Yea, just come with me I’m heading there anyways.”
“Wonderful.” Loki smiled at her charmingly. But she just furrowed her brows and turned around. “This way.”
They both walked quietly for a moment before the Aesir smiled at her. “I’m sorry, but I didn’t get your name back there.”
“Because I haven’t told you. I’m Merea.” She answered, sticking her hands into the belly pouch of her hoodie.
“That is a beautiful name, I must admit. Your parents are to be complimented.” He answered with his silk voice while they rounded another corner.
“I don’t know if I have parents.” She answered, completely ignoring his charming smile. “We’re here.” And with that, she left him standing in the hall of the compounds as she entered her rooms.
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mmi98-ff · 8 years ago
Title: Did It For You Summary: Lisanna is back and she's taking everything away from Lucy. How will Lucy be able to cope with this? Is Lisanna the kind girl we used to know? Or has her undying love for Natsu clouded up her true self? Rating: T Genres: Romance, Drama Characters: [NaLu] Disclaimer: I don’t own Fairy Tail A/N: Not edited yet Chapter: [one] Link: [ffn]
It was 7 p.m and Lucy was on her bed, thinking. Her quiet sobs could be heard.
Ever since Lisanna came back, Natsu never spent time with me anymore. It was always “Not now, Luce” or “maybe some other time, Luce.” I’m not saying that I hate Lisanna or anything, but it’s just sometimes; I think Natsu only thinks of me as a “Lisanna Replacement.”
No! Don’t tell me I’m wrong! Just now, I saw them. They almost kissed! If it weren’t for Mirajane, I bet they would be making out right about now.
“Lucy! Over here!” Shouted an enthusiastic Lisanna.
She was jumping up and down for joy to notice the puddle of water just by her feet. Just as she was about to slip, Natsu, who was standing beside her, immediately pulled her back to stop her slipping; but, his pull was too strong that it made Lisanna fall on him instead.
They were staring deeply into each other’s eyes and were inching closer and closer, neither noticed the blonde girl who was shocked. A soft voice interrupted their “moment”. It was Mirajane. She saw what was happening and just thought that she had to do something about it. Lisanna may be her sister but, Lucy was more of a sister than Lisanna was. So, Mira opted to help Lucy out.
The two people on the floor immediately stood up to straighten themselves still failing to notice the blonde who was close to tears. Mirajane was upset at both her sister and Natsu. She would have never thought that Natsu was that mean. She also never thought that her own sister wouldn’t be that mean to steal others’ boyfriends.  Natsu and Lisanna were still smiling to each other, still failing to notice the blonde. Lucy couldn’t take it anymore and ran out of the guild doors and back to her apartment.
“Lucy!” shouted Mira.
Those words were like magic words that brought the both of them from their dreamland.
They tried to run after Lucy but Mirajane demanded them to stay in the guild. She was using that “Commander” tone, so, of course both obeyed.
She gave Natsu a glare and Lisanna a harder glare.
Both of them flinched.
When I went back to my apartment, I immediately threw myself on the bed and cried as much as I did when my mom passed away. I ended up crying myself to sleep.
I never thought that Natsu was so… cruel! I mean, I knew that he still loved Lisanna and all that but, it didn’t mean he had to this.
He could’ve at least broke up with Lucy first rather than cheat on her, in front of Lucy herself!
I know I’m being a terrible friend right now, thinking about my friends breaking up but, I think that’s what best.
Lucy came back to the guild the next day. When she opened the doors to the guild, everyone was silent. She walked to the bar and asked for her usual from Mira.
She was quiet the whole day, thinking of her decision and finally, she made it.
She went up to Natsu and asked him to come with her to the park. The same park that Natsu took her to when he asked her to be his girlfriend.
“Remember this park?” she asked, suddenly.
“uh... yeah...” said Natsu, confused as to why he was brought here.
“Well, this park was actually my favorite place in the whole world, but, it all going to tumble down, today, tonight, right now.”
“What do you mean?” Natsu asked. Still confused.
Everything was silent as neither spoke. You could only hear the strong gush of the wind and the chaotic town noises.
“I wanna break up.” Says Lucy, out of the blue with a straight face.
“W-What?” asked Natsu, bewildered by the sentence.
“You heard me,” she murmured, her voice cracking.
“Wait, Luce... You can’t be serious.” He said still shocked by said sentence.
“Well, I am.” She said, gravely.
“Goodbye Natsu, I hope you won’t break another girl’s heart again. Thanks for all the lies. Have a good life.” And, with that being said, she turned her heel and walked calmly out of the gate of the park and ran back as fast as she could to the safety of her apartment.
Three days has passed and Lucy still hasn’t gone back to the guild yet. That day was the day when Gray, Juvia, Erza, Levy and Gajeel came back from their respective missions.
Levy couldn’t wait to come back since Lucy promised she could read her finished novel when she came back from her mission.
So, it would be normal for Levy to scream out Lucy’s name while she pushed open the guild doors. Eerie silence was her answer. When she asked where Lucy was, all the others could do was just glare at Natsu and Lisanna with pure hatred.  
Erza saw the glares and immediately demanded to know what happened, and so, Mirajane explained. Glaring at the both of them all through the whole explanation.
After Mirajane was done with her explanation, Erza immediately ran to Lucy’s house to find it empty.
She came back a few days later to find out that Natsu asked Lisanna out.
She was angry. No, that would be an understatement. She was BEYOND pissed at the moment.
She was walking slowly back to her apartment from the guild when she saw a sign…
[Natsu and Lisanna’s first date]
‘I can’t believe it! Its finally the day!’ thought  Lisanna as she put on her pink coat over her red top and white jeans, since it was cold outside.
Natsu came to her house, well, her house that she shared with her siblings. Elfman was on the couch, watching some sitcom while Mirajane was nowhere in the house, still furious at the two for doing what they had done.
Natsu came all prepared for everything that night. He came to the house with a bouquet of red roses for Lisanna and cleaned up himself. He was wearing a red button-up shirt with navy blue jeans with his signature scarf on his neck, though he didn’t bring Happy this time around.
Now, they were on their way to a nearby restaurant.
When they got there, Natsu stood behind Lisanna to take off her coat while the waiter was finding a table for the two. Natsu then got the signal from the waiter and led Lisanna to the table. The table was quite large for two.
The table was covered by silk with the plates and the utensils in their proper places. In the middle of the table was a transparent vase filled with water and a red rose was placed.
Natsu pulled out the chair for Lisanna before sitting himself. He was ordering when he heard a familiar voice. He told Lisanna that he was going to go to the bathroom after ordering while he actually was trying to find out who the “Mysterious Singer” is.
Natsu went out of the room to another part of the restaurant, the café and bar part of the place. He stood near the entrance, his back up the wall while he waited for the singer to show her face.
She was wearing dark blue skinny jeans and a  T-shirt overlapping a guy’s long-sleeved shirt ‘Maybe it’s her boyfriend’s T-shirt.’ thought Natsu. She was also wearing navy blue converse. Her blonde hair was tied up in a messy ponytail. ‘All in all, I think she just broke up with someone.’  Immediately reminding himself of Lucy.
She started singing a song, he couldn’t see her face since she kept her eyes on her mic and her head was down. When the verse came, she slowly lifted up her head and…
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mnetruinedmylife · 6 years ago
Majisuka Gakuen 4 Redux
Chapter 1
It’s a sunny spring morning that sees the start of the school term.
Perhaps in a more civilized part of town, there may be students in their freshly pressed uniforms and book bags disembarking from buses and hurrying along the streets to their schools. That would not be a common sight in this particular area.
Instead, the beginning of school year in southern Tokyo sees young adolescents leisurely wandering the streets in packs, while donning a mockery of the uniform regulations: ripped up sleeves, ankle length skirts, pipes or baseball bats slung over one shoulder, bright dye in their hair, and smoke and violence trailing in their wake.
Majisuka Jyogakuen has always boasted some of the more infamous delinquents, and the grounds reflect as such. With students loitering about in the courtyard, if they deem it fit to show up at all. The old brick walls are scribbled all over in all manner of paints and pens, depicting obscenities, names and threats, and even random declarations of power. The corridors are somehow even more chaotic, with students clamouring over each other in the tight spaces, a stray swing of a fist here, bits of broken glass littering the floor, a vicious kick there, all in the hopes of furthering their positions on the school’s hierarchy for the upcoming year.
Upon the second floor corridor, the smell of cooking food wafts throughout the halls. This year it appears to be a familiar scent of cooking meat, only now it’s not so much smoky grilled, but steamed and complemented with a rich broth smelling of tantalising spices. The second year students have vacated the hall, lest they become a little too tempted to burst through the third classroom from the stairs and do something stupid.
Inside said classroom, sits a dozen students who have become rather desensitized to the mouth-watering aroma of the hotpot-of-the-day in past year, and five girls in red jerseys crowd around a boiling pot, simmering to the brim with mushrooms and vegetables.
For Team Hinabe, this is more than just the start to a new year, it’s the year they stake their claim on the school. First years are hardly ever taken seriously, and so second year is the crucial moment that decides their trajectory for the rest of their high school careers. The team’s founder and captain Uonome, is deep in thought as she stares at the bubbling broth.
There are so many different ways they can do this, but honestly, she can’t see most of them ending in success. Majisuka Jyogakuen, like most delinquent yankee schools in the area, is organised based on strength. The hierarchy is almost entirely a show of physical and martial power – unfortunately, as she looks at each of her contemporaries around the stove –
“You put something disgusting in it again,” Dodobusu complains, giving the piece of tripe lying limply on the ladle a nauseated glare as though it had somehow personally offended her.
Kusogaki probably is personally offended because she’s quick to chime in with a rather juvenile, “The only disgusting thing here is your face!”
“What? Say that again after looking into a mirror!” Dodobusu’s reply isn’t exactly much more mature.
Predictably Kusogaki is quick to grab onto the collar of her teammate’s jersey menacingly, but before any threats (or acts) of violence can get uttered, Jisedai interrupts with an exaggerated eye roll, “Oh shut up. Can’t I eat in peace?”
The final member of her team, Kenpou chimes in with, “Article 14: the general populace are equal by law, that is to say they are not to be discriminated by race, religion, gender or by their face.”
Uonome curses the nitwit who planted the idea of going to law school in Kenpou’s head. Her teammate has been speaking entirely in verses of Japanese law for months. If she isn’t so annoyed, she might’ve actually been impressed at how Kenpou managed to still participate in most conversations with such…restrictions.
“It’s too early for you to be talking Kenpou!” Kusogaki moans, rubbing her forehead as though thinking is actually causing her pain and the entire group descends into more and more juvenile squabbling.
Just as they’re reaching ‘I know you are, but what am I?’ levels, Uonome succeeds in becoming temporarily deaf. Why yes, Uonome thinks sardonically, there’s a lot of fearsome power to be seen here. Luckily though, an invaluable source of information drops onto their lap this year in the form of an old friend and mentor.
Wota, now known as Scandal, former leader of Team Hormone and a member of Maeda’s (technically Otabe’s) Rappapa, has returned from her exile to Fukuoka.
Scooping a generous serving of the broth into a bowl, Uonome offers it to her returning senpai, “Neechan, the hinabe is ready.”
“Thanks,” the green jersey clad girl takes the bowl while wondering when the food thing became so extravagant.
It had started with Scandal – or Wota as she went by back then, eating her lunch in class because she was hungry. When the teacher said nothing, she started doing it just because she could. Then Bungee started bringing her food, and then Unagi lugged a grill she found on the side of the road in one day, and then they’d started grilling hormone in class because who the hell was going to stop them? It appears the tradition has gotten more ridiculous over the years because Team Hinabe actually has an entire cooler set aside for themselves, filled with raw ingredients and condiments.
“Where are you guys getting the money to have hotpot every day?” Scandal is still a little incredulous at the whole thing. She remembers squabbling with her teammates over who had to pay for the hormone every week, and they were the cheapest cuts of meat you could get.
“Fighting, duh,” Kusogaki says in a matter-of-fact tone, and Scandal is reminded that this particular food-themed-team formed a little differently than most in Majijo did.
“That and Kenpou is rich,” Jisedai adds wryly.
“Sh! Article 13: every individual has the liberty of protecting his or her own personal information from being disclosed to a third party or made public without good reason!” Kenpou hisses, eyes flickering around the room warily.
“Oh relax, like anyone’s going to steal from us,” Dodobusu waves off her worries dismissively.
“It’s been a long time right Neechan?” Uonome steers the conversation away from that because the last thing she needs is for Kusogaki to start making loud declarations of how no one has the guts to challenge them, and well of course, those kinds of boasts result in just that, “How long were you suspended for?” she wonders aloud.
Scandal resists the urge to knock the kid on the head, she knew exactly how long Scandal has been gone for, “Two years brat. They sent me to Fukuoka you know? Just when I had the chance to be Vice-Captain too.”
“Oh yeah, it was the thing right?” Kusogaki asks, and the little rascal has the audacity to make the sign for ‘lover’ at her.
Scandal shoots her a poisonous glare and wonders when these punks got so bold. Probably in the two years she was gone. God did she hate Nezumi sometimes. That sneaky rat set her up. Scandal takes a bite of a mushroom and decides to change the subject before she slams a head into the boiling pot, Otabe probably won’t appreciate that – also she really needs to graduate soon and causing grievous bodily harm to her juniors is counterproductive to that, “Anyway, what’s been going on lately? How’s my team doing?”  
“...how are we supposed to know? The last of Team Hormone graduated when I was a first year, like my actual first year,” Uonome says incredulously. Surely being sent to Fukuoka couldn’t have damaged Scandal’s memory that much?
“Not Team Hormone, I still talk to them. I meant you lot you genius,” Scandal points out, grinning through her teeth, knowing full well that it would rile them up.
“We’re not your team! They’re my team!” Uonome as always, is completely indignant over any insinuation that the formation of Team Hinabe isn’t a hundred percent due to her.
“Uh-huh, sure. Who convinced you make a team again?” Scandal takes great delight in needling the younger girl. It’s hilarious when she goes a little purple, but to Scandal’s surprise, Uonome remains relatively calm. That’s a good sign, guess the kid is making progress after all.
“Whatever. We’re doing good. We practically run this school you know, we keep the other schools in line,” Uonome is also a boastful braggart, but that part isn’t new.
“Really now?” Scandal says indulgently, before looking around in mock confusion, “This doesn’t look like the Rappapa club room to me. I thought you had to be Rappapa to be on top? Or has that changed in the last two years?”
Uonome scowls, and it’s Jisedai who answers her, “Nah, Rappapa’s still technically in charge.”
Scandal feels an eyebrow rise, “Technically?” now this has got to be interesting.
“They’re still the strongest around, but their presence has faded quite a bit,” Dodobusu explains in a way that isn’t really an explanation, like she’s hedging her answers because she’s afraid Scandal won’t like it.
“Elaborate,” Scandal demands flatly. Because last she checked, Otabe is still stomping around school (something about avoiding her father, Scandal hasn’t exactly been able to pry much out of her), and so the Rappapa can’t have gotten that weak over the last two years.
“Well, they’re still monstrously strong as ever. On a technical scale, you could probably say they’re actually one of the strongest Rappapa teams in the history of Rappapa. But well...compared to Yuko’s time...” Uonome sighs, and rubs her temples, as if this is a problem that has been plaguing her for years. It probably has been, “They just don’t care.”
Scandal frowns and makes waving motions in the air with her chopsticks, “Keep elaborating.”
“Like, Shibuya used to push people around for fun. Black was quiet but terrifying when she got serious. Gekikara was a nightmare no more explanation needed there. No one messes with Sado, I mean, her nickname was Sado. When Torigoya got going, you got the fuck away. And Yuko was the psycho who smiled when she jumped into twelve vs one fights. This Rappapa prefers to just keep to themselves, if you pick a fight with one of them directly, they’ll make you sorry for it – well Yoga makes you sorry for it – but if you just beat up a random Majijo gang, they don’t care. We’re getting kinda scared that the other schools might get it into their heads that they can start attacking Majijo without any consequences.”
Scandal blinks, taking that in, “Well...can’t say I’m that surprised. Disappointed, but not really surprised. Otabe was always passive. She only ever got off her ass when Yabakune declared all-out war. I’m just surprised she has a Rappapa who aren’t itching for a fight. Lord knows we were seconds away from mutiny-ing in my third year.”
Dodobusu starts counting down using the fingers on her left hand, “Bakamono is really the only one who fights for fun but Otabe has her on a pretty tight leash. Magic is unmotivated unless it amuses her, Yoga only gets barely motivated if you get in her way or try to challenge the Rappapa, and Salt is apathy made human.”
“Exactly, I’d rather run into one of Salt’s Rappapa in a dark alley than Yuko’s any day,” Jisedai says, “Technically better fighters or not, there’s no fear factor, Salt’s more likely to yawn at me than beat me up.”
“Hold up,” Scandal places a hand out in front of her, brain struggling to come to terms with what she just heard, “Did you just say Salt’s Rappapa? That salty bitch is the president of Rappapa!?”
“Oh yeah, Salt became president last year,” Uonome states casually, like the information didn’t just fry Scandal’s brain.
“How? Why? What? Who the hell thought...I thought she didn’t give a shit about the presidency? She barely agreed to be a Queen.”
Dodobusu snorts, “She still doesn’t give a shit. See, after you left, there was a huge fight for the open Rappapa positions. Then Nezumi’s father forcibly transferred her to a private school, something about a politician having a daughter in a yankee school not looking good for him. And without her, Centre dropped out and joined the army. So that was most of the Rappapa gone, and there was a huge power vacuum.”
“And what? Salt decided that then was the perfect time to knock Otabe off her throne? Actually, what did happen to Otabe?” Scandal presses, perhaps she should’ve kept in closer contact with her friends back in Majijo, because this is just a little too interesting to have missed.
“Article 230 subsection 1 of the Penal Code: A person who defames another by alleging facts in public shall, regardless of whether such facts are true or false, be punished,” Kenpou says solemnly, earning a blank look from Scandal.
“It means we don’t know, and this is one of those rare topics that they actually care about. So if we keep talking about it, someone might snitch and Yoga will beat us black and blue,” Uonome explains in a strangely cheerful tone.
“Huh...I have a feeling I need a nice long chat with Otabe sometime soon,” Scandal muses, she’s missed out on so much, “So where does this put you lot this year? Planning on challenging the Rappapa?”
Jisedai snorts, “As if. Salt is a monster, and Bakamono nearly killed Kusogaki that one time – ”
“—hey I nearly beat her!” Kusogaki exclaims indignantly, only to wilt with a half-hearted, “I was only kicked back by like thirteen metres.”
“Article 37 Subsection 1: An act unavoidably performed to avert a present danger to the life, body, liberty or property of oneself or any other person is not punishable,” Kenpou growls threateningly at Kusogaki, who merely stares back at her blankly.
“In other words, we will beat you up and tie you down ourselves if you pick a fight with Bakamono again. In one kick she broke your wrist, cracked three of your ribs, fractured your shoulder blade and gave you a concussion,” Jisedai deadpans as Kusogaki sulks into her bowl of hinabe.
“The concrete wall did most of that.”
“Anyway, they’re all third years, so they’ll be gone by next year – well maybe not Otabe, if the past few years are anything to go by. But they’ll mostly be gone, and we’ll take on the Rappapa title. Not like it’ll change much, we’ve been pretty much doing their jobs for them anyway,” Uonome says.
“I don’t know whether to commend you on your dedication to Majijo, or be disappointed in your lack of confidence,” Scandal says wryly.
“Well, Majijo first right? That’s what you taught us neechan.”
“Damn right I did. Well, Salt is the president huh?” Scandal chuckles, which then transforms into full blown laughter, clearly finding something that only she knows funny.
The members of Team Hinabe exchange a look of concern, “...Should that be that funny?” Dodobusu asks uncertainly.
“Nah, this is just gonna be an interesting year is all,” Scandal says, though the full teeth grin does nothing to dispel the rest of them of suspicions.
“You know something,” Uonome accuses.
“I might,” Scandal shrugs non-committaly.
“And you aren’t going to tell your poor ‘team’ about it? After all, you helped found us,” Dodobusu says innocently.
“Laying it on a bit thick aren’t you? Just ten minutes ago, you were denying that. Very loudly too.”
Whatever Scandal is going to say is interrupted by a very loud crash as someone goes careening into a desk. The girl who steps through the door – and clearly the one who kicked the other poor girl over (something Haruka?) – is not one who looks familiar.
The new girl walks over to an empty desk and sits down.
“Here’s a hint for you kids,” Scandal says, shit-eating grin still ever present on her face, “Stay away from the transfer student. Sakura’s been in a volatile mood lately.”
Uonome blinks, “You know her?”
“Went to my school in Fukuoka. She’s dangerous.”
“Ch,” Dodobusu glances over the girl with her hair cropped to her shoulders, “Bendy Legs over there doesn’t look too tough to me.”
“Don’t say senpai didn’t warn you.”
“Article 38 subsection 3: Lacking knowledge of law shall not be deemed lacking the intention.”
“I don’t know what that means kid.”
Meanwhile, two floors above Team Hinabe’s classroom, sits a particularly spacious attic that the Rappapa have commandeered for their clubroom. It’s a somewhat dark space, with the one lightbulb perpetually turned off, and the only light source being the rays of sun streaming through the windows.
Magic has set herself up under the area with the most sunlight, citing that all good magicians perform in full view and don’t rely on something as cheap as darkness to hide their tricks. She shuffles her deck of playing cards and spreads them out over the table as Bakamono watches in rapt attention.
“This is your card,” Magic states with a clear certainty while flipping over a queen of diamonds.
“Yup!” Bakamono nods excitedly, clapping her hands together with enthusiasm, “That was awesome!”
“How many times are you going to amuse her with the same trick?” comes Yoga’s bemused voice from the table she’s meditating on.
Magic’s eyes flicker over to where Yoga is sitting in her default pose, “Is somebody jealous that I’m not paying attention to her?”
“Don’t be childish. I’m just sick of seeing you do ‘pick a card’ for the last three days,” Yoga sighs dramatically, trying to get rid of the memories
“Alright then,” Magic acquiesces with a too-smug-to-be-innocent grin, before pulling out a cup, which immediately catches the attention of Otabe.
“Oh no, not this one,” the elder girl drops the hacky-sacks she’d been playing with and sits up from her armchair with a groan that predicts an incoming headache, “Don’t you dare –”
“ – Tada!” Magic ploughs on, ignoring Otabe as she seemingly drops a coin through the solid upturned glass cup and onto the table.
“Whoa! That was like magic! How’d you do that?” Bakamono exclaims, picking up the glass for inspection.
“Bakamono it’s solid,” Otabe says in the tone of a person who has long passed exasperation and is now stating things out of obligation, “Don’t –”
“—can it pass through the table too?” Bakamono throws the cup onto the table, wincing as it smashes into pieces, “Oops,” she mutters sheepishly while Otabe lets out a long sigh.
“If I step on a shard of glass, I’m going to choke you out Magic,” Yoga warns without opening her eyes.
“Kinky,” Magic smirks, but her attention is on the door on the far side of the room, the one plastered in ‘solt’ stickers.
They’d made quite a commotion.
Sure enough, it slams open with a bang. A rather bleary eyed and irate girl stumbles out.
“Salt-san!” Bakamono (who is clearly unable to read the atmosphere) bounds forward with an exuberant greeting, “Good morn – ow!” only to be rudely interrupted by a fist to the face.
Salt’s voice is hoarse, likely due to sleep and disuse, “Shut. Up.”
Wow just two words Magic notes, and mentally adds a reminder to stay away from Salt for the next few hours. At least until their president manages to get enough sleep to resemble a functional human being.
“Was that really necessary?” Otabe asks mildly, pulling Bakamono up from the ground. Not that she actually needs the help (Salt is usually more bark than bite), but Bakamono looks like a kicked puppy and sometimes if left alone, she would just sulk on the floor like a child.
“Don’t you start. I don’t need a lecture this morning Ota—” Salt stops mid-sentence and looks down, “There is glass on the floor.”
“Magic will be cleaning that up,” Otabe says like it’s a fact, and Magic will very much like to contest that.
“What? Bakamono broke it,” she points out, and rather reasonably too, if she does say so herself.
The meditating one with her eyes closed this entire time apparently believes otherwise, “You knew exactly what would happen when did that trick. So you clean it up.”
“Shut up Yoga. Mind your own damn business,” Magic snaps back.
“Magic – ” Otabe starts.
“—No,” Magic interjects before the elder girl can start lecturing, and wonders if disappearing for the rest of the day will make Otabe forget, the elder girl is wonderfully absentminded about unimportant stuff like that.
“Magic. Clean. End of discussion,” Salt states.
And that is that. Magic isn’t in a belligerent enough mood to argue with Salt this morning, so she changes the subject, “So…I hear there’s a second year transfer student starting today.”
Otabe grins, “Is that right? Second year transfers are always interesting. She might even liven the place up, right Salt?”
“Whatever,” Salt disappears back into her private room, most likely to take another nap on her red sofa.
“Well she’s fun today,” Otabe comments dryly when the door clicks shut, before taking the conversation back to the previous topic, “The last second year transfer student was you, right Yoga? Isn’t this nostalgic?”
“From what I hear, you were a transfer too,” Yoga points out. Her transfer from Sutegoro had been…rocky to say that least. But this isn’t that story.
“Third year,” Otabe clarifies, sounding almost a little disappointed, “All the interesting ones are second years.”
Bakamono chooses this moment to chime in with a cheeky, “Oh that’s right, you came in your third year. Oi Otabe,” she pokes her fingers at the dark blue collar of Otabe’s seifuku, “Just how long have you been at this school for?”
“Idiot,” Magic mutters as Otabe slams Bakamono into a wall. Trust the moron to push Otabe’s one berserk button after triggering Salt’s.
“It’s all about the timing you understand? If you don’t understand, I’ll rearrange your brain and perhaps then you’ll understand.”
“Sorry sorry sorry!”
Yoga cracks open an eye and smiles at the scene, from Bakamono falling over apologising, to Otabe glowering over her, and Magic shuffling a deck of cards while pretending that she’s not watching the proceedings highly amused, to even Salt who is most likely listening to them, because they’re all being loud and she hasn’t come out to kill them again.
All in all, it’s shaping up to be a usual, boring school year.
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