#Ubuntu vs Debian
msrlunatj · 1 month
Guía sobre Ubuntu: La Distribución Linux para Todos
1. Introducción
Presentación de Ubuntu
Ubuntu es una de las distribuciones Linux más populares y accesibles, diseñada para ser fácil de usar tanto para principiantes como para usuarios avanzados. Lanzada por primera vez en 2004 por Canonical Ltd., Ubuntu ha logrado una gran aceptación en la comunidad Linux debido a su enfoque en la usabilidad y su amplia comunidad de soporte.
Importancia de Ubuntu en el ecosistema Linux
Ubuntu ha sido fundamental en la popularización de Linux en el escritorio, además de ser ampliamente utilizada en servidores y en la nube. Su facilidad de uso y la disponibilidad de una gran cantidad de software han hecho que muchos usuarios hagan su primera incursión en Linux a través de Ubuntu.
2. Historia y Filosofía de Ubuntu
Origen y evolución de Ubuntu
Ubuntu se basa en Debian y fue creado con el objetivo de proporcionar una distribución que fuera más fácil de instalar y usar. Canonical, la empresa detrás de Ubuntu, ha lanzado versiones nuevas de Ubuntu cada seis meses, garantizando así la disponibilidad de software actualizado.
Filosofía de Ubuntu y el software libre
Ubuntu sigue la filosofía de ofrecer software libre y de código abierto, pero a diferencia de Debian, incluye software propietario y controladores para garantizar una experiencia de usuario más fluida. El lema de Ubuntu, "Linux for Human Beings" (Linux para seres humanos), refleja su compromiso con la accesibilidad.
3. Características Clave de Ubuntu
Facilidad de uso
Ubuntu está diseñado para ser intuitivo y fácil de usar, con un instalador gráfico simple y una experiencia de usuario amigable desde el primer momento. Esto lo convierte en una excelente opción para quienes son nuevos en Linux.
Gestor de paquetes
APT (Advanced Package Tool) es el gestor de paquetes principal de Ubuntu, heredado de Debian. APT facilita la instalación, actualización y eliminación de software desde los repositorios de Ubuntu.
Comandos básicos: sudo apt update, sudo apt install [paquete], sudo apt remove [paquete].
Formatos de paquetes soportados
Ubuntu es compatible con varios formatos de paquetes:
.deb: El formato de paquetes nativo de Debian y Ubuntu.
.snap: Un formato de paquetes universal desarrollado por Canonical que facilita la instalación de software con todas sus dependencias.
.appimage: Archivos portátiles que pueden ejecutarse directamente sin necesidad de instalación.
.flatpak: Aunque no es nativo, se puede instalar soporte para Flatpak en Ubuntu.
Soporte a largo plazo (LTS)
Cada dos años, Ubuntu lanza una versión de soporte a largo plazo (LTS), que recibe actualizaciones de seguridad y mantenimiento durante cinco años. Estas versiones LTS son ideales para entornos donde la estabilidad es crítica.
Amplia compatibilidad de hardware
Ubuntu tiene un excelente soporte de hardware, con controladores propietarios y de código abierto, lo que asegura la compatibilidad con la mayoría de los dispositivos y periféricos.
4. Proceso de Instalación de Ubuntu
Requisitos mínimos del sistema
Procesador: Procesador de 2 GHz o superior.
Memoria RAM: 2 GB como mínimo, 4 GB o más recomendados para un rendimiento óptimo.
Espacio en disco: 25 GB de espacio libre en disco.
Tarjeta gráfica: Soporte para una resolución mínima de 1024x768.
Unidad de DVD o puerto USB para la instalación.
Descarga y preparación del medio de instalación
Ubuntu se puede descargar desde el sitio web oficial. Se puede preparar un USB booteable utilizando herramientas como balenaEtcher o Rufus.
Guía paso a paso para la instalación
Selección del entorno de instalación: El instalador Ubiquity de Ubuntu es simple y directo, con opciones para probar Ubuntu antes de instalarlo o proceder directamente con la instalación.
Configuración de particiones: Ubuntu ofrece un particionado automático, aunque los usuarios avanzados pueden optar por el particionado manual.
Configuración de la red y selección de software: Durante la instalación, se configuran las opciones de red y se pueden elegir aplicaciones adicionales, como la instalación de controladores de terceros.
Primeros pasos post-instalación
Actualización del sistema: Se recomienda ejecutar sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade después de la instalación para asegurarse de que todo el software esté actualizado.
Instalación de controladores adicionales y software: Ubuntu puede detectar e instalar automáticamente controladores adicionales para tu hardware.
5. Entornos de Escritorio en Ubuntu
GNOME (predeterminado)
GNOME es el entorno de escritorio predeterminado de Ubuntu desde la versión 17.10. Es moderno, elegante y diseñado para ser fácil de usar.
Kubuntu (KDE Plasma)
Una versión de Ubuntu que utiliza el entorno de escritorio KDE Plasma, conocido por su alta personalización y características avanzadas.
Xubuntu (Xfce)
Xubuntu utiliza el entorno de escritorio Xfce, que es ligero y adecuado para sistemas con recursos limitados.
Lubuntu (LXQt)
Lubuntu utiliza LXQt, un entorno de escritorio muy ligero, ideal para hardware antiguo o menos potente.
Ubuntu MATE
Una versión de Ubuntu con el entorno de escritorio MATE, que ofrece una experiencia más tradicional de escritorio.
6. Gestión de Paquetes en Ubuntu
APT: El gestor de paquetes de Ubuntu
Comandos básicos: apt-get, apt-cache, aptitude.
Instalación y eliminación de paquetes: sudo apt install [paquete], sudo apt remove [paquete].
Snap: Paquetes universales
Comandos básicos de Snap: sudo snap install [paquete], sudo snap remove [paquete].
Snap permite instalar software que incluye todas sus dependencias en un solo paquete, asegurando la compatibilidad entre diferentes versiones de Ubuntu.
Repositorios PPA (Personal Package Archives)
Los usuarios de Ubuntu pueden añadir repositorios PPA para acceder a versiones más recientes de software o a aplicaciones que no están disponibles en los repositorios oficiales.
Comandos para añadir un PPA: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:[nombre_del_ppa].
7. Ubuntu en el Entorno Empresarial y Servidores
Uso de Ubuntu en servidores
Ubuntu Server es una opción popular para servidores debido a su facilidad de uso y a la disponibilidad de soporte de Canonical. Es ampliamente utilizado en la nube, especialmente en plataformas como AWS, Azure y Google Cloud.
Soporte a largo plazo (LTS)
Las versiones LTS de Ubuntu son especialmente valoradas en entornos empresariales por su estabilidad y soporte extendido de cinco años.
Herramientas de administración y automatización
Ubuntu Server se integra bien con herramientas como Juju, MAAS, y Ansible, que facilitan la administración de infraestructuras y la implementación de servicios.
8. Comparativa de Ubuntu con Otras Distribuciones
Ubuntu vs. Debian
Objetivo: Ubuntu se basa en Debian pero está más orientado al usuario final, con una instalación más fácil y soporte para software propietario.
Filosofía: Ubuntu incluye software propietario y está más enfocado en la experiencia del usuario, mientras que Debian sigue estrictamente los principios del software libre.
Ubuntu vs. Fedora
Objetivo: Fedora es una distribución vanguardista que integra las últimas tecnologías de Linux, mientras que Ubuntu se centra en la facilidad de uso y la estabilidad.
Filosofía: Fedora es patrocinada por Red Hat y sigue una filosofía de integración de tecnologías nuevas, mientras que Ubuntu se enfoca en proporcionar una experiencia de usuario pulida.
Ubuntu vs. Arch Linux
Objetivo: Arch Linux es para usuarios avanzados que buscan un sistema minimalista y personalizado, mientras que Ubuntu es más amigable para principiantes.
Filosofía: Arch sigue la filosofía KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) y el modelo de actualización continua (rolling release), mientras que Ubuntu ofrece versiones estables y preconfiguradas para un uso inmediato.
9. Conclusión
Ubuntu como una opción accesible y versátil
Ubuntu sigue siendo una de las distribuciones Linux más accesibles y versátiles, adecuada para una amplia gama de usuarios, desde principiantes hasta administradores de sistemas.
Recomendaciones finales para quienes consideran usar Ubuntu
Ubuntu es una excelente opción para quienes buscan una distribución Linux fácil de usar con un sólido respaldo comunitario y empresarial. Su enfoque en la usabilidad y la accesibilidad lo convierte en una opción ideal para usuarios de escritorio y para implementaciones en servidores.
10. Preguntas Frecuentes (FAQ)
¿Ubuntu es adecuado para principiantes?
Sí, Ubuntu es una de las mejores opciones para quienes son nuevos en Linux debido a su facilidad de uso y amplia documentación.
¿Cómo actualizo mi sistema Ubuntu?
Ejecutando sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade mantendrás tu sistema actualizado.
¿Es Ubuntu una buena opción para servidores?
Sí, Ubuntu es muy utilizado en servidores, especialmente en entornos de nube, debido a su facilidad de uso y soporte a largo plazo.
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daemonhxckergrrl · 7 months
so i've used linux as a daily driver all my life - kid me was *very* into free stuff i could do with a computer - but I've mostly kept to the 'user-friendly' debian-based distros like ubuntu and mint. I'm probably going to build an arch system next time I need to do a reinstall on my daily driver, but now's not the time. That said, I finally made the switch from pulse to pipewire and I'm losing my mind why did we live like that for so long?
and pulseaudio, despite receiving a ton of backlash for its issues, was already a huge improvement for home users over your options of rawdogging ALSA (exclusive device access so no sharing between applications), or old OSS which lacked Bluetooth support (though did support per-application volume control). New OSS is apparently alright but haven't used it.
ALSA + pulseaudio was my first experience of functioning sound (we tried so hard to get onboard sound working in the mid 00s and it just wasn't).
but pipewire ?? all the power and flexibility of JACK while being simple and integrating into anything supporting pulseaudio. I could never go back !!
glad you made the switch and are enjoying it !! also both arch and void have installers now that still shoe you what they're doing but walk you through it vs doing a manual install. and you can absolutely slap your usual DE and applications on top of it if you want something that Just Works :3
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miasfoxxden · 1 year
I use Arch, BTW
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I made the switch from Ubuntu 23.04 to Arch Linux. I embraced the meme. After over a decade since my last failed attempt at daily driving Arch, I'm gonna put this as bluntly as I can possibly make it:
Arch is a solid Linux distribution, but some assembly is required.
But why?
Hear me out here Debian and Fedora family enjoyers. I have long had the Debian family as my go-to distros and also swallowed the RHEL pill and switched my server over to Rocky Linux from Ubuntu LTS. on another machine. More on that in a later post when I'm more acclimated with that. But for my personal primary laptop, a Dell Latitude 5580, after being continually frustrated with Canonical's decision to move commonly used applications, particularly the web browsers, exclusively to Snap packages and the additional overhead and just weird issues that came with those being containerized instead of just running on the bare metal was ultimately my reason for switching. Now I understand the reason for this move from deb repo to Snap, but the way Snap implements these kinds of things just leaves a sour taste in my mouth, especially compared to its alternative from the Fedora family, Flatpak. So for what I needed and wanted, something up to date and with good support and documentation that I didn't have to deal with 1 particular vendors bullshit, I really only had 2 options: Arch and Gentoo (Fedora is currently dealing with some H264 licensing issues and quite honestly I didn't want to bother with that for 2 machines).
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Arch and Gentoo are very much the same but different. And ultimately Arch won over the 4chan /g/ shitpost that has become Gentoo Linux. So why Arch?  Quite honestly, time. Arch has massive repositories of both Arch team maintained  and community software, the majority of what I need already packaged in binary form. Gentoo is much the same way, minus the precompiled binary aspect as the Portage package manager downloads source code packages and compiles things on the fly specifically for your hardware. While yes this can make things perform better than precompiled binaries, the reality is the difference is negligible at best and placebo at worst depending on your compiler settings. I can take a weekend to install everything and do the fine tuning but if half or more of that time is just waiting for packages to compile, no thanks. That plus the massive resource that is the Arch User Repository (AUR), Arch was a no-brainer, and Vanilla arch was probably the best way to go. It's a Lego set vs 3D printer files and a list of hardware to order from McMaster-Carr to screw it together, metaphorically speaking.
So what's the Arch experience like then?
As I said in the intro, some assembly is required. To start, the installer image you typically download is incredibly barebones. All you get is a simple bash shell as the root user in the live USB/CD environment. From there we need to do 2 things, 1) get the thing online, the nmcli command came in help here as this is on a laptop and I primarily use it wirelessly, and 2) run the archinstall script. At the time I downloaded my Arch installer, archinstall was broken on the base image but you can update it with a quick pacman -S archinstall once you have it online. Arch install does pretty much all the heavy lifting for you, all the primary options you can choose: Desktop environment/window manager, boot loader, audio system, language options, the whole works. I chose Gnome, GRUB bootloader, Pipewire audio system, and EN-US for just about everything. Even then, it's a minimal installation once you do have.
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Post-install experience is straightforward, albeit just repetitive. Right off the archinstall script what you get is relatively barebones, a lot more barebones than I was used to with Ubuntu and Debian Linux. I seemingly constantly was missing one thing for another, checking the wiki, checking the AUR, asking friends who had been using arch for even longer than I ever have how to address dumb issues. Going back to the Lego set analogy, archinstall is just the first bag of a larger set. It is the foundation for which you can make it your own further. Everything after that point is the second and onward parts bags, all of the additional media codecs, supporting applications, visual tweaks like a boot animation instead of text mode verbose boot, and things that most distributions such as Ubuntu or Fedora have off the rip, you have to add on yourself. This isn't entirely a bad thing though, as at the end if you're left with what you need and at most very little of what you don't. Keep going through the motions, one application at a time, pulling from the standard pacman repos, AUR, and Flatpak, and eventually you'll have a full fledged desktop with all your usual odds and ends.
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And at the end of all of that,  what you're left with is any other Linux distro. I admit previously I wrote Arch off as super unstable and only for the diehard masochists after my last attempt at running Arch when I was a teenager went sideways, but daily driving it on my personal Dell Latitude for the last few months has legitimately been far better than any recent experiences I've had with Ubuntu now. I get it. I get why people use this, why people daily drive this on their work or gaming machines, why people swear off other distros in favor of Arch as their go to Linux distribution. It is only what you want it to be. That said, I will not be switching to Arch any time soon on mission critical systems or devices that will have a high run time with very specific purposes in mind, things like servers or my Raspberry Pi's will get some flavor of RHEL or Debian stable still, and since Arch is one of the most bleeding edge distros, I know my chance of breakage is non zero. But so far the seas have been smooth sailing, and I hope to daily this for many more months to come.
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ubuntutipps · 3 months
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ssdnodesblog · 3 months
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Whew! That's quite a tough headline to swallow. But choosing the right cloud hosting provider for your next virtual private server (VPS) shouldn't be difficult, too. Sometimes, it just comes down to price. Whether you're a cash-strapped student or just someone who wants to run a few essential applications without emptying our your wallet, you're in luck—there are a lot of low-cost options these days. That's why we're breaking down a bunch of 1GB RAM KVM plans in this new cloud hosting price comparison.
An unmanaged hosting service means that you have to install applications and administer the server yourself. KVM offers more flexibility than other options, like OpenVZ, but comes at a slight cost increase. Still, we recommend KVM for most users. At the very least, each of these providers offers Ubuntu, Debian, and CentOS. Read more...
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linuxiarzepl · 1 year
Debian vs. Ubuntu
Pierwszy artykuł z nowej serii Distro vs. Distro postanowiłem poświęcić dystrybucjom Debian i Ubuntu https://linuxiarze.pl/debian-vs-ubuntu/
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yukcode · 1 year
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ถึงจะมีข้อดีมากมายแต่ vscode ก็ยังมีข้อเสียเช่นเดียวกัน โดยเราได้รวบรวมมาจากการใช้งานเองโดยตรง และจากผู้ใช้หลายอื่นๆอีกมากดังนี้ ข้อดี - หน้าจอของแอฟ(UX/UI) ออกแบบดี ใช้งานง่าย - การค้นหาข้อผิดพลาด (Error) หาได้ง่าย - มี Terminal สำหรับรันโค้ดได้ (เหมือน Command Line) - ใช้งานได้หลากหลายภาษามาก อาทิเช่น python, java, c, c++ ข้อเสีย - บาง plugin/extension หากติดตั้งด้วยกันจะทำให้เกิดปัญหาขึ้นได้ ซึ่งยากในการตรวจสอบก่อนในการติดตั้ง - การจัดการ Entension ก็ยากที่จะทำความเข้าใจได้ - ตัวโปรแกรม visual studiocode บางครั้งใข้ทรัพยากรในเครื่องคอมพิวเตอร์มากเกินความจำเป็น ถึงจะใช้การเปิด/ปิดโปรแกรมใหม่ก็จะช่วยได้ก็ตาม - ไม่มี git merging Read the full article
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toonabby · 1 year
7 Days until Game Maker R:Evolution is released: My OS-tan re-interest
I remember losing interest on OS-tan after Neptunia Sisters Vs Sisters introduced Maho and Anri, the personifications of Mobile phones and Android/iOS operating systems respectively (though I prefer them being the Android and iOS/iPhone representation). This of course caused some coexistent problems with the Windows and Mac OS-tans, as it's stated that Maho's sister represents PC as a whole... which every version of Windows comes from.
Naturally this caused me to merge the OS-tan project into the Neptunia canon, even having CPUs based around operating systems (Windows, macOS, Linux, and ChromeOS), but that would mean I would have to create individual CPUs based around specific operating systems (like Linux having several distributions like Ubuntu and Debian) and develop them all out once, which would create a bloated cast. This lead be to abandoning that concept and putting a hold to the OS-tan project in favor of developing my Channel-tan project.
But as the months followed, I decided to revisit the series for nostalgia purposes, and honestly, I'm pleasantly surprised how this series still has a following. Sure, Microsoft Japan stopped advertising it, and the Futaba and Nijiura boards most likely lost interest in it, but it still has an active social media following on Pixiv, Reddit, and even this site itself. In fact, there is a dedicated wiki made by the fans:
OS-tan.moe, which was created after the previous wiki, OS-tan collections, was abandoned, having last updated on January 18, 2017. The wiki covers more about the OS-tan lore and establishes the "Futabaverse" (Futaba/Nijiura created OS-tans) and "Madobeverse" (Microsoft Asia/Japan created OS-tans) as separate universes. Case in point...
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The Madobe family tree! According to its article on the moe wiki, there are 3 lineages of the tree - Madobe, Nezu, and Shirato. The surname Nezu is an anagram of Zune (Microsoft's defunct iPod competitor). Each of the family's names are based around each version of Windows, e.g. Goichi's name is derived from Windows NT 5.1 (Windows XP's kernel name); the Kanjis in his name are a translations of 5 (Go) and 1 (Ichi). I actually like this concept, having a family tree of descendant from a different generation representing a real-life product (hardware or software) or broadcast station from a different decade, rather than having 11 or so woman in one house being taken care of a parental figure who seems to represent the company who made them. It's a shame we never get to see their faces aside from Claude and Mutsumi nor does the family tree lore go beyond that.
So ahh, I don't know how to end this one, but yeah potato patato that's the end of this post. Bye.
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oudelinc · 1 year
Find a definitive examination between KDE vs GNOME, two popular desktop environments. Investigate their features, usability, customization options, and performance to find the perfect fit for your Linux experience. Plunge into this comprehensive analysis and make an informed decision for your preferred desktop environment.
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The content you will read in this blog:
1. What is KDE and GNOME? 2. Comparison between KDE and GNOME 3. Which is appropriate for you, KDE or GNOME? 4. Elements of the most recent version of GNOME 5. Highlights of the latest version of KDE 6. Conclusion
Choosing the right desktop environment is crucial for users as it can profoundly affect their productivity, workflow, and overall experience. This is particularly relevant in Linux distributions, where users may have different experiences due to the different methods used to deliver the desktop environment. Unlike Windows, Linux offers independent work environments, meaning that using different desktop environments can result in contrasting user experiences even within the same operating system.
Linux distributions are equipped with a graphical user interface (GUI) and necessary software that make up its desktop environment. There are numerous desktop environments in the Linux world, but the two that stand out, KDE and GNOME, are fiercely competitive. Their huge popularity and widespread use make it challenging for Linux users to choose between them. In this blog, we will direct you to pick the right desktop environment and analyze the distinctions between KDE and GNOME.
What is KDE and GNOME?
KDE and GNOME are two of the most well-known desktop environments available on Linux. Both deal with various ways to deal with how you collaborate with your PC.
KDE is known for its customizability and flexibility. Also, it has one of the largest communities because it is free to use and open source. It has many configurable settings that allow you to tailor your desktop experience to your liking. KDE has many features built into it, making it a great option for power users who want a lot of control over how their computer works.
Apart from organizing events like Academy and Camp KDE, they participate in numerous Google competitions to showcase their commitment. They create applications with shiny animations, eye-catching icons and a very smooth interface that gives a modern feel by bringing together multiple teams with different roles through their fine work. Many Linux distributions install KDE as the default desktop environment.
The gnome
On the other hand, GNOME is known for its simplicity and charm. It has a clean and intuitive interface that is easy to use, making it an excellent option for beginners or those who prefer a more streamlined desktop experience. Genome focuses on productivity and getting things complete efficiently. GNOME is developed by a large community of free software developers. GNOME was founded as the default desktop environment in several Linux distros such as Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, and Red Hat. A consistent and stable interface has built GNOME popular because it is easy to use and has user-friendly tools.
Comparison between KDE and GNOME
Overall, KDE and GNOME have their strengths and weaknesses, and your choice depends on your private preferences and needs. Here, we compare these two desktop environments in detail and help you select the one that’s right for you.
1- Workflow
KDE is known for having an extremely customizable workflow. It provides multiple ways to access and organize applications, files, folders, and workspaces. KDE has a customizable panel where you can add or remove widgets and applets as you need, keeping frequently used apps and tools readily available. It has a wide array of keyboard shortcuts and gestures that allow you to perform tasks quickly There is little similarity between KDE and the Windows operating system. Using KDE, you can change window borders.
Gnome, on the other hand, has a simplified workflow that relies on a minimal and clean design, giving you a clear focus on one topic at a time. GNOME uses tasks to group and switch between open applications, while workspaces allow you to organize your tasks across virtual desktops. It also emphasizes the use of search functionality, where you can quickly find and execute tasks and applications. By removing launchers, menus, and icons from the desktop, GNOME 3 introduced GNOME Shell. This desktop interface hides all your applications and shows them only when you need them
Overall, KDE is more customizable and allows workflows to be personalized for specific needs. In contrast, Gnome is designed with simplicity and productivity in mind, providing a streamlined and efficient workflow.
2- Appearance
If you need to access all your files from the launcher, KDE is a beautiful pleasure. As you can look in the launcher, you will see various sections with your applications. Fresh icons, vibrant wallpapers, and good layout diagrams are other features of KDE that made it famous. Using KDE, you can access high-quality and catching themes and have a pleasant UI experience.
On the other hand, Gnome offers a modern vibe after changing its look from its earlier self.
3- User interface
For a good user interface, KDE provides a Windows-style layout. So first-time Linux users are familiar with its desktop. You can access the application launcher from the bottom left and the rules indicators from the bottom right. Also, all applications get at able in a panel at the bottom. Shorten, Maximize, and near buttons of KDE applications are in the title bar. You can search a menu bar below the title bar to access many programs designed particularly for KDE. Everything is shown by default in KDE. If you want, you can change everything.
Conversely, you can install wallpapers, themes, desktop effects and more by selecting the “Get New” button You can find it in “System Settings”. Customization is a double-edged sword. By not being able to customize it so intricately, Gnome comes with even more polish. This is probably because the smallest details matter when users stick with them. On the other hand, changing font size and other things using KDE never bothers you because you can change everything!
5- Application
KDE and GNOME offer different applications with different options to meet different workflows and preferences. GNOME’s applications focus more on simplicity and ease of use, while KDE offers more advanced features and functionality. Many users prefer GNOME apps because they are designed specifically for GNOME. “Markdown editor Apostrophe” is available to write an article, and “gThumb” is there to help manage photos.
GNOME software helps users focus on work. While many users prefer the GNOME app, KDE offers a wider selection of software. In addition, it has several powerful options, including “Digicam” for managing photos and “KadenLive” for video editing. KDE’s “Krita” project is a go-to illustrating tool for Linux users who have never used it before. A common feature of KDE is to use “marbles” to look at our planet and “KStars” to look at the stars.
Here are some comparisons between KDE and GNOME applications:
File Manager: KDE offers the “Dolphin” file manager, which is extremely editable and can perform various tasks. Such as browsing files, managing archives, and making and extracting compressed files. GNOME comes with the “Nautilus” file manager, which features a simplified and pure interface.
Web Browser: KDE offers the “Conqueror” web browser, known for its integration with other KDE tools and applications. KDE supports other web browsers such as “Firefox” and “Chrome”. GNOME offers the “Epiphany” web browser, which focuses on simplicity and offers advanced privacy features.
Office Suites: KDE offers the “Caligra” office suite, which includes productivity tools such as word processing, spreadsheet tools, and presentation tools. GNOME offers the more widely known “LibreOffice” suite, which provides a range of similar tools.
Music Player: KDE includes the “Amarok” music player, which offers advanced features such as dynamic playlists, integration with online services for streaming music and lyrics, and a modular and plugin-based architecture. GNOME offers the “RhythmBox” music player, which focuses on simplicity and an easy-to-use interface.
6- Ease of use
Ease of use is subjective and depends on personal preference and experience. That being said, KDE and GNOME strive to offer user-friendly interfaces and workflows.
Gnome has a easy and more streamlined interface that is easier to navigate because it presents fewer options. GNOME can be easier to work with for those inexperienced with Linux or uneasy with complex interfaces.
KDE offers a more customizable interface with more emphasis on advanced features and configuration. Although KDE may require some effort to fully customize and configure, it offers benefits such as increased efficiency and better workflow optimization. This is because users take time to set it up according to their preferences.
Determining which is easier will depend on the individual’s experience level, preferences and needs.
7- System resource usage
In terms of user interface, KDE and GNOME have advantages and disadvantages, but one option uses more system resources than the other. This is KDE Plasma. Despite falling short of traditional lightweight desktop environments like “Xfce”, it excels. There’s a reason why KDE uses the “Valve Steam Deck”. This is because two relatively low-powered ARM devices, the “PineBook” and “PinePhone” Plasma and Plasma Mobile, are pre-installed.
8-user base Because Ubuntu is so popular among Linux users, Gnome has a larger user base. However, both attract users who are attached to the features they offer. KDE has become very popular again, especially among newcomers, as they feel that KDE looks more like Windows than GNOME 3. Many users are dissatisfied with GNOME 3 and are turning to other alternatives.
Which is right for you, KDE or GNOME?
A Linux user who has switched between KDE and GNOME a few times will surely appreciate the many features available in both desktop environments.
If you are not interested in tinkering with your desktop and changing things, then GNOME will be a good option for you. But, if you are interested in customizing various options and controlling the appearance of your system, then KDE Plasma is the best choice for you. Customizing Plasma to your fixed wants and preferences unlocks extremely streamlined workflow possibilities. In addition, maximizing system resources can be easily achieved. Regardless, the Linux community is sure to have access to some of the best software available.
Linux enthusiasts have a long-time controversy over the merits of two leading desktop environments, GNOME and KDE. Although both are extremely popular, healthy competition drives their ongoing development. KDE presents a new, dynamic interface that is eye-catching and allows extensive control and modification. GNOME enjoys a fame as an impressively stable and bug-free system. Too desktop environments have polished and exceptional choices that cater to the different needs of users.
Features of the latest version of GNOME
Here are some features of the latest version of GNOME (as of September 2021), which is GNOME 41:
1. Modern and improved workspaces, such as the ability to move apps across many spaces and more visually distinct workspace switching.
2. Reorganized power settings make it easier to configure power settings like battery percentage notifications.
3. The weather app has been redesigned with a new design look and more up-to-date weather data.
4. The modern design of GNOME Clock makes it simple to set alarms and track time in different time zones.
5. Streamlined Gnome settings make it easy to navigate and find the settings you need.
6. The improved GNOME Software app has received some improvements to make it faster and more reliable when installing and updating software.
7. Enhance boot time and reduce memory consumption according to RAM requirements.
8. Dark UI theme for wallpaper.
9. For the GNOME app, the user interface has been updated with a modern design and advanced features.
10.High performance in games and graphics-intensive applications in the GNOME browser.
Features of the latest version of KDE
Here are some shape of the latest version of KDE (as of September 2021), which is KDE Plasma 5.23:
1. The new Plasma System Monitor app provides detailed information about your system’s resource usage, including processor, memory, disk and network activity.
2. Improved notification system. Notifications are managed, including support for more types of notifications, a new Do Not Disturb mode, and better notification history.
3. System Settings has been redesigned to make it more modern and easier to navigate, with improved search functionality and new options to configure your system.
4. Improved KDE join integration with new features such as support for media controls and better integration with the Plasma desktop.
5. Improved Wayland support Wayland has improved support for Display Server, which provides smoother graphics performance, better security and other benefits.
6. More customizable desktop widgets. It has improved support for desktop widgets, with more options for customizing their appearance and behavior.
7. Improved graphics play, including better support for graphics hardware and improved graphics rendering.
GNOME and KDE are exoteric and widely used desktop environments for Linux and other Unix-like operating systems. This section discusses how these two desktop interfaces differ in workflow, appearance, user interface, modification, applications, ease of use, system resources, and user base.
Overall, knowing the difference between GNOME and KDE can help you decide which desktop environment is right for you. This is done by weighing their strengths and weaknesses against their personal preferences and specific needs.
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msrlunatj · 1 month
Guía sobre Debian: El Pilar de las Distribuciones Linux
1. Introducción
Presentación de Debian
Debian es una de las distribuciones Linux más antiguas y respetadas, conocida por su estabilidad, seguridad y adherencia a los principios del software libre. Fundada en 1993 por Ian Murdock, Debian ha servido como base para muchas otras distribuciones populares, incluyendo Ubuntu.
Importancia y legado de Debian en el ecosistema Linux
Como una de las "distribuciones madre", Debian ha jugado un papel crucial en el desarrollo y popularización de Linux. Su robustez y compromiso con el software libre lo han convertido en una elección preferida tanto para servidores como para entornos de escritorio.
2. Historia y Filosofía de Debian
Origen y evolución de Debian
Debian fue creado con la intención de ser una distribución gestionada de manera abierta y colaborativa. Desde su lanzamiento, ha tenido múltiples versiones, cada una con nombres basados en personajes de la película "Toy Story".
Filosofía y compromiso con el software libre
Debian sigue estrictamente las Directrices de Software Libre de Debian (DFSG), lo que significa que todo el software incluido en la distribución debe ser libre. Además, su contrato social garantiza la transparencia y la cooperación dentro de la comunidad.
3. Características Clave de Debian
Estabilidad y seguridad
Debian es conocido por su estabilidad, lo que lo convierte en una opción confiable para servidores y sistemas de producción. Las actualizaciones y nuevos paquetes se prueban rigurosamente antes de ser lanzados en la versión estable.
Gestor de paquetes
APT (Advanced Package Tool) es el gestor de paquetes principal de Debian. APT facilita la instalación, actualización y eliminación de software desde los repositorios de Debian.
Comandos básicos: sudo apt update, sudo apt install [paquete], sudo apt remove [paquete].
Formatos de paquetes soportados
Debian soporta varios tipos de archivos para la instalación de software:
.deb: El formato nativo de Debian para la instalación de paquetes.
.appimage: Formato portátil que puede ejecutarse directamente sin necesidad de instalación.
.snap: Aunque no es nativo de Debian, se puede habilitar soporte para instalar paquetes Snap.
.flatpak: Otro formato universal que puede ser instalado en Debian, aunque requiere la instalación previa de Flatpak.
Ramas de desarrollo
Stable (Estable): Ideal para entornos donde la estabilidad es crítica.
Testing (Pruebas): Contiene paquetes más recientes y es una buena opción para usuarios que desean un equilibrio entre estabilidad y novedades.
Unstable (Inestable/Sid): Donde se introduce el software más nuevo y experimental.
Amplia compatibilidad de hardware
Debian soporta una amplia gama de arquitecturas de hardware, desde las más comunes como x86 y ARM, hasta plataformas más especializadas.
4. Proceso de Instalación de Debian
Requisitos mínimos del sistema
Procesador: Pentium 4 o posterior.
Memoria RAM: 512 MB para un sistema básico, 1 GB o más recomendado para un entorno de escritorio completo.
Espacio en disco: 10 GB mínimo, 20 GB o más recomendados para una instalación con múltiples aplicaciones y entornos de escritorio.
Tarjeta gráfica: Compatible con X Window System.
Unidad de CD/DVD o puerto USB para la instalación.
Descarga y preparación del medio de instalación
El sitio web oficial de Debian ofrece imágenes ISO para descargar. Se puede preparar un USB booteable usando herramientas como Rufus o balenaEtcher.
Guía paso a paso para la instalación
Selección del entorno de instalación: Debian ofrece opciones de instalación tanto gráfica como en modo texto.
Configuración de particiones: Se puede optar por particionado automático o manual, dependiendo de las necesidades del usuario.
Configuración de la red y selección de paquetes: Durante la instalación, se configuran las opciones de red y se seleccionan los paquetes de software esenciales.
Primeros pasos post-instalación
Actualización del sistema: Es recomendable ejecutar sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade para asegurarse de que el sistema esté completamente actualizado.
Instalación de controladores y software adicional: Dependiendo del hardware, puede ser necesario instalar controladores específicos. Además, se pueden instalar entornos de escritorio adicionales o programas específicos.
5. Entornos de Escritorio en Debian
Gnome (predeterminado)
Gnome es el entorno de escritorio predeterminado en Debian, conocido por su simplicidad y enfoque en la productividad.
KDE Plasma
Un entorno de escritorio altamente personalizable que ofrece una experiencia visualmente atractiva.
Ligero y eficiente, ideal para sistemas con recursos limitados.
LXQt y otros
Alternativas para quienes buscan un entorno aún más ligero o con diferentes características.
6. Gestión de Paquetes en Debian
APT: El gestor de paquetes de Debian
Comandos básicos: apt-get, apt-cache, aptitude.
Instalación y eliminación de paquetes: sudo apt install [paquete], sudo apt remove [paquete].
Repositorios y backports
Debian ofrece diferentes repositorios: stable, testing, y unstable, así como backports que permiten instalar versiones más recientes de software en la rama estable.
Configuración de repositorios adicionales
Los usuarios pueden añadir repositorios adicionales en el archivo /etc/apt/sources.list para acceder a más software.
7. Debian en el Entorno Empresarial y Servidores
Uso de Debian en servidores
Debian es ampliamente utilizado en servidores debido a su estabilidad y seguridad. Es ideal para aplicaciones web, bases de datos, y como servidor de correo, entre otros.
Mantenimiento y soporte a largo plazo
Debian ofrece soporte a largo plazo (LTS) para sus versiones estables, garantizando actualizaciones de seguridad por al menos cinco años.
Herramientas de administración y automatización
Debian se integra bien con herramientas como Ansible, Puppet, y Docker, facilitando la gestión de infraestructuras complejas.
8. Comparativa de Debian con Otras Distribuciones
Debian vs. Ubuntu
Objetivo: Ubuntu se basa en Debian y se orienta más hacia el usuario final, con actualizaciones más frecuentes y un enfoque en la facilidad de uso.
Filosofía: Mientras que Debian sigue estrictamente los principios del software libre, Ubuntu incluye software propietario para mejorar la compatibilidad y experiencia del usuario.
Debian vs. CentOS
Objetivo: CentOS, basado en Red Hat, es otra opción popular para servidores, enfocada en la estabilidad y soporte a largo plazo en entornos empresariales.
Filosofía: CentOS es más conservador en cuanto a actualizaciones, mientras que Debian, aunque estable, ofrece más flexibilidad en la gestión de paquetes.
Debian vs. Arch Linux
Objetivo: Arch Linux es para usuarios avanzados que desean un sistema minimalista y personalizado, con un modelo de actualización continua (rolling release).
Filosofía: Debian prioriza la estabilidad, mientras que Arch sigue la filosofía KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) y proporciona control total al usuario.
9. Conclusión
Debian como una opción sólida y confiable
Debian sigue siendo una de las distribuciones más confiables y seguras disponibles. Su enfoque en la estabilidad y el software libre lo convierte en una elección excelente para usuarios, administradores de sistemas y desarrolladores.
Recomendaciones finales para quienes consideran usar Debian
Debian es ideal para aquellos que valoran la estabilidad sobre la última tecnología y están dispuestos a invertir tiempo en aprender sobre su gestión y mantenimiento.
10. Preguntas Frecuentes (FAQ)
¿Debian es adecuado para principiantes?
Aunque Debian es más técnico que distribuciones como Ubuntu, es accesible para principiantes con paciencia y disposición para aprender.
¿Cómo actualizo mi sistema Debian?
Ejecutando sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade mantendrás tu sistema actualizado.
¿Es Debian una buena opción para servidores?
Sí, Debian es muy utilizado en servidores debido a su estabilidad, seguridad y soporte a largo plazo.
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loraamy48 · 2 years
Which is the best, Ubuntu Vs Debian
Which is the best, Ubuntu Vs Debian
Technology is rapidly increasing day by day. The world is moving towards the next generation. Even though computer hardware getting imported, computer software seems to be not imported as much as hardware. Many people are using Windows operating system or macOS in their computers. Most of laptops coming with windows pre-installed. It’s hard to see people moving towards Linux operating system.…
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computingpostcom · 2 years
macOS is an operating system that runs on every Mac. It was previously named Mac OS X and later OS X. MacOS was developed and marketed by Apple Inc from 2001. MacOS succeeded classic MacOS, a macintosh operating system with nine releases from 1984 to 1999. The first desktop version of macOS X was 10.0, released in 2001 and an update 10.1 coming a year later. Apple in 2012 shortened the name “macOS X” to “OS X” then later in 2016 changed it to macOS in order to align with other Apple’s operating systems i.e iOS, watchOS, and tvOS. The sixteenth version of macOS (10.15) was called macOS Catalina which was the first version of macOS to support 64-bit applications and also the first to include Activation Lock. After these 16 distinct versions of macOS 10 came macOS Big Sur (version 11) in 2020 and macOS Monterey in 2021. You can check out detailed article on macOS Big Sur vs Catalina. macOS Mojave has the following major features: Has the dark mode. Supports desktop stacks Has dynamic desktops Has improved OS and Safari security screenshot markup Continuity camera In this guide, I will demonstrate how to install macOS Catalina & Big Sur on VirtualBox. macOS installation on VirtualBox requirements The following are macOS installation requirements on Virtualbox. Primary display resolutions supported are 5120×2880, 2880×1800, 2560×1600, 2560×1440, 1920×1200, 1600×1200, 1680×1050, 1440×900, 1280×800, 1024×768, 640×480 VirtualBox version 5.2 and above. RAM above 4 GB Storage size above 25 GB. icloud and imessage connectivity and NVRAM Step 1: Install required Dependencies There are several dependencies required when installing macOS on VirtualBox. These are Wget, Coreutils, dmg2img, xxd, bash-completion, gzip and unzip ### RHEL/ Centos 8/ Rocky Linux 8 / Fedora ### sudo dnf install wget coreutils vim-common p7zip p7zip-plugins bash-completion gzip unzip #### Debian/Ubuntu ### sudo apt-get install wget coreutils dmg2img xxd bash-completion gzip unzip ### macOS ### brew install wget bash-completion gzip unzip brew install coreutils dmg2img Step 2: Download and Install macOS on Virtualbox We will proceed and install macOS Catalina on VirtualBox using the push-button installer. Here we will download macos-guest-virtualbox.sh using Wget as below. ### With curl ### curl -sLO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/myspaghetti/macos-guest-virtualbox/master/macos-guest-virtualbox.sh ### With wget ### wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/myspaghetti/macos-guest-virtualbox/master/macos-guest-virtualbox.sh Then make the file executable. chmod +x macos-guest-virtualbox.sh Then proceed and install as below: ./macos-guest-virtualbox.sh Sample Output: Push-button installer of macOS on VirtualBox This script installs only open-source software and unmodified Apple binaries, and requires about 50GB of available storage, of which 25GB are for temporary installation files that may be deleted when the script is finished. The script interacts with the virtual machine twice, please do not interact with the virtual machine manually before the script is finished. Documentation about optional configuration, iCloud and iMessage connectivity, resuming the script by stages, and other topics can be viewed with the following command: ./macos-guest-virtualbox.sh documentation | less -R Press enter to review the script configuration vm_name="macOS" macOS_release_name="Catalina" # install "HighSierra" "Mojave" "Catalina" storage_size=80000 # VM disk image size in MB, minimum 22000 storage_format="vdi" # VM disk image file format, "vdi" or "vmdk" cpu_count=2 # VM CPU cores, minimum 2 memory_size=4096 # VM RAM in MB, minimum 2048 gpu_vram=128 # VM video RAM in MB, minimum 34, maximum 128 resolution="1280x800" # VM display resolution These values may be customized as described in the documentation.
Press enter to continue, CTRL-C to exit You will be asked to press enter to review the script configuration, this gives the specifications of the VM to be created in VirtualBox such as the VM name, disk size the OS to be run e.t.c. Continue by pressing enter. The installation starts as below; Checking that VirtualBox starts the virtual machine without errors. Checking that VirtualBox uses hardware-supported virtualization. stage: prepare_macos_installation_files Downloading Apple macOS Catalina software update catalog Catalina_sucatalog 100%[===================>] 6.43M 4.34MB/s in 1.5s Trying to find macOS Catalina InstallAssistant download URL Catalina_sucatalog_ 100%[===================>] 40.05K --.-KB/s in 0.02s Found download URL: http://swcdn.apple.com/content/downloads/26/37/001-68446/r1dbqtmf3mtpikjnd04cq31p4jk91dceh8/ ......... This opens and closes VirtualBox as it is checking and creating the macOS VM on it. Wait patiently for the downloading files to finish Downloading macOS installation files from swcdn.apple.com Catalina_BaseSystem 100%[===================>] 1.97K --.-KB/s in 0s Catalina_InstallInf 100%[===================>] 1.55K --.-KB/s in 0s Catalina_AppleDiagn 100%[===================>] 3.00M 2.73MB/s in 1.1s Catalina_AppleDiagn 100%[===================>] 328 --.-KB/s in 0s Catalina_BaseSystem 100%[===================>] 475.53M 2.28MB/s in 3m 56s Catalina_InstallESD 100%[===================>] 7.21G 2.23MB/s in 54m 42s With a successful download of the above files, the macOS Catalina installation begins. Splitting the several-GB InstallESDDmg.pkg into 1GB parts because VirtualBox hasn't implemented UDF/HFS VISO support yet and macOS doesn't support ISO 9660 Level 3 with files larger than 2GB. creating file 'Catalina_InstallESD.part00' creating file 'Catalina_InstallESD.part01' creating file 'Catalina_InstallESD.part02' creating file 'Catalina_InstallESD.part03' creating file 'Catalina_InstallESD.part04' creating file 'Catalina_InstallESD.part05' creating file 'Catalina_InstallESD.part06' creating file 'Catalina_InstallESD.part07' .... Creating VirtualBox 6 virtual ISO containing macOS Terminal script for partitioning and populating the bootable installer virtual disk. Starting virtual machine "macOS". This should take a couple of minutes. If booting fails, exit the script by pressing CTRL-C then see the documentation for information about applying different CPU profiles in the section CPU profiles and CPUID settings. Until the script completes, please do not manually interact with the virtual machine. Press enter when the Language window is ready. While at this step, VirtualBox is launched and you will see the created macOS running. When it has finished loading, you will see the language menu. When you see this language menu on VirtualBox, go back to your terminal and press enter, do not select anything. Next, you will see the macOS Utilities window. When you see it on VirtualBox, go back to the terminal and press enter. The next window you will see is the Terminal command prompt. Press enter on the terminal when you see it appear on VirtualBox. Wait patiently until disk partitioning is done. This happens on the VirtualBox Terminal command prompt. When this is complete, the macOS VM reboots and the process repeats itself. You are required to do similar actions as above (pressing enter on the terminal after seeing the displayed item) On completion, you will see this on your terminal. After the installer finishes preparing and the EFI and NVRAM files are copied, macOS will install and boot up when booting the target disk. Please wait For further information, such as applying EFI and NVRAM variables to enable iMessage connectivity, see the documentation with the following command: ./macos-guest-virtualbox.sh documentation | less -R
That's it! Enjoy your virtual machine. stage: prompt_delete_temporary_files Temporary files may be deleted when the virtual machine is powered off and without a suspended state by executing the following command at the script's working directory: ./macos-guest-virtualbox.sh prompt_delete_temporary_files In the mean time installation is on going on VirtualBox terminal window prompt. When it is complete, the system reboots but takes quite sometime. Step 3: Set up macOS Catalina on VirtualBox When the system finishes loading, you will see this window. Here select your country. Then select your prefered language and keyboard, the prefered language and keyboard for the Country you set is already given, although you can edit by clicking customize settings Then next, you will see this privacy settings window. The next step is choosing whether to transfer files from another mac or not. Then log in to your apple account. Here enter your account ID/email address and password You will be required to give the code sent to your device. If you see this error at this point, just skip and log in to the apple account after completing this setup. Next, agree to the License terms. Now, create a user account and password. Finish up with the express setup and analytics page. The settings made are then applied. Now we have successfully installed macOS Catalina on VirtualBox. Step 4: Upgrade from macOS Catalina to Big Sur Navigate to System preferences> Software Update. This will automatically start checking for macOS Big Sur Beta version update With the update found (macOS Big Sur) click on Upgrade now. This starts downloading the macOS Big Sur. Remember this process might take some time depending on your internet speed. When the download is complete, you will see this pop-up Click continue and install macOS Big Sur. Agree with the terms and conditions. Agree the new Big Sur to be installed on your VM’s hard disk. Enter your password to authorize this installation. The installation starts. This might take few minutes. When complete, restart the system. This takes some time as the system is still doing Big Sur installation. Wait patiently. Step 5: Delete Temporary Files After Installation Power off the Virtual Machine and delete temporary files using your client machine terminal. ./macos-guest-virtualbox.sh prompt_delete_temporary_files Accept the files to be deleted: Catalina selected to be downloaded and installed stage: prompt_delete_temporary_files The following temporary files are safe to delete: ApfsDriverLoader.efi AppleImageLoader.efi AppleSupport-v2.0.4-RELEASE.zip AppleUiSupport.efi Catalina_AppleDiagnostics.chunklist Catalina_AppleDiagnostics.dmg Catalina_BaseSystem.chunklist Catalina_BaseSystem.dmg Catalina_BaseSystem.vdi Catalina_bootable_installer.vdi Catalina_installation_files.viso Catalina_InstallESDDmg.pkg Catalina_InstallESD.part00 Catalina_InstallESD.part01 Catalina_InstallESD.part02 Catalina_InstallESD.part03 Catalina_InstallESD.part04 Catalina_InstallESD.part05 Catalina_InstallESD.part06 Catalina_InstallESD.part07 Catalina_InstallInfo.plist macOS_bootinst.txt macOS_configure_nvram.txt macOS_csr-active-config.bin macOS_MLB.bin macOS_populate_bootable_installer_virtual_disk.viso macOS_populate_macos_target_disk.viso macOS_ROM.bin macOS_startosinstall.txt macOS_startup.nsh macOS_system-id.bin Delete temporary files listed above? [y/N] y Now power on your macOS VM and enjoy! Conclusion In the above article, I have demonstrated how to install macOS Catalina & Big Sur on VirtualBox. I hope this article was of value to you.
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tonkitk · 2 years
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"Free IRC clients : Choosing the best IRC client for your needs". ^ "Glowing Bear - A web client for WeeChat". gpg -verify weechat-3.6.tar.xz.asc weechat-3.6.tar.
In his review for Free Software Magazine, Martin Brown graded WeeChat with 43 points out of a possible 50, noting that "At first glance, WeeChat is not as friendly or easy to use as Rhapsody", but, "There’s a lot of hidden power built into the application", including Python, Perl, Ruby and Lua extensions which can be selected at installation. To connect to your IRC server, launch your chosen client and then opt to add a new server. I’m using mIRC, but other popular alternatives include WeeChat, and LimeChat for macOS. matrix.to - A simple stateless privacy-protecting URL redirecting service for Matrix. You can connect to your IRC server using any IRC client. This includes most Linux distributions and BSD package management systems, such as Debian, Ubuntu, Mandriva Linux, Fedora, Gentoo Linux, Arch Linux, FreeBSD via the FreeBSD Ports system, OpenBSD via the Ports collection, as well on NetBSD via Pkgsrc. When comparing syphon and weechat-matrix-rs you can also consider the following projects: element-android - A glossy Matrix collaboration client for Android. īinary packages and builds of WeeChat are available for installation as well as the source code for self compilation. WeeChat supports most platforms and operating systems, including Linux, BSD, macOS, Debian GNU/Hurd, HP-UX, Solaris, QNX, Haiku, and Microsoft Windows (via the Cygwin library and API). Feel free to help us by translating WeeChat doc in your language There is more information about WeeChat translations in the developer's guide. The best alternative is SeaMonkey, which is both free and Open Source. There are more than 50 alternatives to LimeChat for a variety of platforms, including Linux, Windows, Mac, Online / Web-based and Android.
Support for multiple character encodings LimeChat is described as 'IRC client for Windows, Mac OS X and iOS' and is a IRC Client in the social & communications category.
Scripting support for many languages ( Perl, Python, Ruby, Lua, Tcl, Scheme with GNU Guile, JavaScript with V8 (JavaScript engine), PHP) WeChat is a free, open-source IRC client that works on Windows as well as Linux and macOS.
Android ChromeOS Iridium - Friendly IRC client built in Vala and GTK. LimeChat for Mac is a free and open source IRC client for macOS developed using Rub圜ocoa, intended to provide both novices who have very little knowledge.
The screen can be split up to display multiple windows at the same time. (source) macOS LimeChat - One window for multiple servers, keyboard shortcuts.
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You have to deal with upgrade prompts as you open the editor occasionally, but you can use it as long as you wish to evaluate it. The sublime purchase price is $80, but they offer an indefinite, never-ending trial. One of the most significant features users flaunts the ridiculously intuitive keyboard shortcut system. This is because of features like distraction-free writing mode, quick shortcuts/search, split editing, and much more. The UX is probably the tightest of every entry on the list. Maybe the biggest draw is that it puts a premium on user experience.
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Sublime Text is a beautiful, feature-rich code editor. Being designed for code, markup, and prose is a big plus. Sublime Text is pretty close to the industry standard for text editors.
Linux (Ubuntu, Fedora, SUSE, Red Hat, and Debian in particular)īefore the release of the Visual Studio Code, I used to work with Sublime Text.
IntelliSense highlighting and autocomplete works like a dream.
It has specific Linux distros for Ubuntu, Fedora, SUSE, Red Hat, and Debian.
It is very lightweight in comparison to other, similarly robust editors.
It is compatible with nearly every programming language.
They have an extensive library of extensions and plugins.
It’s built-in Git (including merge conflicts, diff checking, and modified file tracking from within the editor).
You don’t have to fiddle with them to get them configured well. It works well from the moment you first run it, and the integrated Git and debugger work.
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VS Code works great on every platform we’ve tried it on, and there hasn’t been a noticeable difference in performance between the three, either.Įven though VS Code does have a ton of packages you can download to customize the code editor to whatever you want it to be, you don’t have to. If you are a Javascript or TypeScript developer, then VS Code is truly an exception editor. Their support is tremendous, and every month, they are releasing new features to keep up with the latest workflow. Written in Node.js and Electron, you can be sure the code will become outdated or lag behind any time soon. With the VS Code being open-source, that community works exceptionally hard to keep VS Code competitive with the rest of the field. The community support for the VS Code is incredibly passionate, and that works to everyone’s benefit. Not quite an IDE (that’s a separate product altogether), VS Code can take on most of the tasks of the IDE with the right configuration and plugin library. That means that developers on MacOS, Windows, and Linux can use this potent tool. Like most Microsoft products these days, VS Code is available on all the major platforms.
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