#UN hair salon
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fresa-lu · 2 years ago
屏東染髮【UN hair salon】近觀光夜市商圈.霧棕色挑染橘紅系.打造女孩潮流品味│屏東燙髮│屏東火車站
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屏東美髮推薦!近屏東觀光夜市商圈~ 鄰近屏東環球影城及屏東火車站. 藍色招牌UN hair salon相當顯眼. 清幽舒適美髮環境,設計師親切討論個人髮色. 給予不漂色,也能染出亮彩潮流個人品味建議. 藏在長髮內的橘紅色系,果然美到非常出色! 霧棕色系展現柔美氣質,綁髮挑色時尚個性!
屏東染髮燙髮/屏東火車站「UN hair salon」近民族夜市商圈.霧棕色挑染橘紅系.打造女孩潮流個性風
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UN hair salon│店面外觀
UN hair salon位於屏東市民生路上. 從屏東火車站步行過來大約十來分鐘. UN hair salon邊就是鮪魚家族飯店屏東館. 過個馬路就是屏東觀光夜市、中央市場. 開車過來可以停在~ CITY PARKING 城市車旅 屏東民生立體停車場. 走路過來只要一、二分鐘! 或是汽車路邊車位,機車���有路邊車位.
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UN hair salon│室內環境
一樓有四組位置,還有沙發可以休憩. 建議提前預約設計師,安排座位~ 桌位中間有櫃子可以放包包飲料.
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雖說一樓空間不大,但沖洗檯面依樣很舒適! 從座位轉個身就可以沖洗頭髮也太迅速~
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UN hair salon│二樓環境
走上樓梯,來到二樓美髮空間. 空見較為寬敞明亮,白色燈泡打造夢幻氛圍. 加上有面透明落地窗,整體氣氛舒適不擁擠.
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走到最後面,擺放二個桌位,有點隱密感~ 和閨密一起來染髮、燙髮,聊天也不受打擾.
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距離上次染燙髮已經有一段時間. 變成布丁頭的髮色真的不太討喜. 而且天天洗頭吹髮,髮尾又開始毛躁又分叉. 加上夏日來了,是時候換個髮色,修剪髮流.
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UN hair salon│修剪髮型
這次設計師由IVY和COCO二位一起操刀! 首先先由IVY設計師幫我修剪髮長和髮流. 互相討論想要留長髮的長度,再來修剪髮型. 有鑑於髮量比較豐厚,夏日顯得輕盈柔美. 所以側邊髮量以類似羽毛剪形式修髮漸層感~ 果然是專業設計師,流暢快速在二側髮樣剪型. 可以讓正面雙側的髮量看起來輕盈優美的質感.
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有鑑於自然捲,整個長髮不能太短. 又有一定長度及厚度,不然必定亂翹!
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UN hair salon│燙髮(瀏海)
女孩們拍照最注重髮型門面. 常常為了整型瀏海,花費不少時間. 天氣一熱,安全帽戴上,瀏海更是瘋得慘狀. 所以這次沒有燙髮全頭,只有針對瀏海燙直. 這下不用擔心瀏海中心分流,又要像個瘋子啦. 燙個瀏海時間大約一小時,其實很快哦~ 燙完瀏海,才會進行染髮,所以要有耐心等待.
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燙髮會幫忙在額頭黏上塑膠片. 避免燙髮劑滴落~ 使用藥水軟化頭髮,再用離子夾燙直固定. 你看看,光是這樣就能看出瀏海總算乖乖.
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UN hair salon│染髮(橘紅系)
對於髮色我沒太大概念,交給設計師推薦! 若是不漂色、漂髮尾,髮色不會太大變化. 但是透過挑染方式,還是可以創造新髮色樣貌. 運用多個顏色調合出適合髮色(橘紅色). 染髮前製染膏及隔離劑,再來進行染髮流程.
染髮之前,使用隔離劑,均勻塗抹髮根部位. 這個動作相當重要,避免染膏對於頭皮刺激不適.
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橘紅色系看起來有點重顏色,但其實還好哦. 因我自己髮色也偏深,不加重,就不太明顯. 設計師會按照每個人的髮色來做深淺調整~
在頭髮內側以橘紅色系做挑染! 這樣上班時,頭髮放下不會看到過於搶眼色彩. 但是下班後,把頭髮綁上或是夾捲,那可就美啦! 整個頭髮會有著漸層般的流線色調,超摩登時尚! 橘紅色系,染髮之後,會停留一段時間~
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再來進行第二次頭皮隔離作業. 準備染髮外層的霧棕色系! 可見隔離作業真的做得詳細.
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隔離劑上到頭髮之後,還會抓抓整個髮根. 讓藥劑可以均勻塗抹在頭皮,動作輕柔呢!
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UN hair salon│染髮(霧棕色)
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接下來,進行染髮整個頭髮的霧棕色! 二位設計師都相當俐落流順的塗抹染膏. 也會適時詢問有沒不適狀況,沒有過重異味. 染髮等待時間,頭皮也不會有發癢或是刺鼻味道. 可以很輕鬆的追劇、傳訊息,一切享受就對了啦.
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分成好幾個區域,慢慢染膏均勻抹上. 一層一層的相當細心,而且動作很輕. 隨時觀察整個染霧棕色的藥膏上色情況. 還有哪邊需要加強塗抹,或是不太均勻.
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染霧棕色時間大約預計半小時,等待上色狀況. 停留時間越長,顏色越深,所以需要隨時查看.
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吹乾頭髮,再來修剪瀏海長度~ 最後,設計師做個直髮和捲髮造型. 讓女孩回家也能知道如何整理髮型. 有沒和我一樣都放長髮的懶人女孩!
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UN hair salon│成品照(直髮)
真心覺得好美阿~ 藏在內層的橘紅色系,跳色得好摩登. 髮流塞在耳後,優雅又時尚! 即使,不夾捲髮,外出時把側髮夾起就非常好看. 非常簡單的變髮造型,適合和我一樣的女孩呢!
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UN hair salon│成品照(捲髮)
參加宴會或是約會,想要來個不一樣時髦品味. 那麼就把頭髮夾捲,隱約透出裡頭那橘紅色系! 與白日優美氣質的女孩,呈現出前衛洋氣風格~
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隨意的把髮流夾捲,輕飄空氣的流線感~ 讓人看起來多了幾分柔美質感! 回家後,自己動手髮型變化,一點都不困難!
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女孩們住在南台灣屏東,也有這樣交通方便. 而且專業貼心的設計師SALON可以預約哦!
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UN hair salon就位在熱鬧屏東市區. 緊鄰屏東觀光夜市商圈、中央市場. 從火車站步行約十來分鐘!周邊方便好停車. 設計師相當尊重客人需求,並給予專業建議. 環境很清幽舒服,整個染燙髮過程非常享受! 變得美美之後,可以到百貨約會拍美照囉~
【Un hair salon】 > 時間:11:00~19:00 > 公休:無 > 電話:(06)358-9129 > 粉絲團:Un salon > 官方網站:Un salon > 預約官方:Line > 地址:屏東市民生路269-1號 > (31MAY23│本文純屬美食分享文│餐點口感及現場客源可能不同)
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ki-kink · 10 days ago
Recently won a free coupon for the local barbershop that just opened. I thought i'd check it out but it seems it's in the more dangerous side of town. What do you think i should do? The weirdest part of the coupon is that it specified i should come to the barber shop late night after the closing hours...
I recently won a voucher for a new hair salon that has just opened. I thought I'd check it out, but it seems to be in the more dangerous part of town. What do you think I should do? The strangest thing about the voucher is that it says I should come to the hairdresser late at night after closing time….
It's 22:00. The area is really not very inviting. You're glad you got a parking space right in front of the hair salon. The store is dark. At least the blinds are down. There are a few young Latinos loitering in front of the store. Smoking, talking on the phone… But they have cool haircuts. Very short hair as a rule. But it looks rough and masculine. Still not for you. You also need a masculine and rough body for this kind of hairstyle. You get out of the car. The boys are checking you out? “What are you doing here, gringo?” asks one. You show the voucher. The boys nod approvingly at each other. One of them opens the door for you. One throws away his fag and follows you. He shows you a barber's chair without saying a word. He places a glass with a brownish-clear drink in front of you. Could be whiskey. Or rum. And an ashtray. You say that you don't smoke. He puts you a box of Marlboros without a filter and a Zippo. And then he puts the hairdresser's cape on you.
Even though the store is new, the cape smells of cigarette smoke and sweat. It's actually disgusting. But somehow also a turn-on. “As always, Hermano?” You want to say that you don't know each other at all. But you reply: "¡Como siempre, Hermano! ¿Qué otra cosa podría ser?" Raoul starts to run his hair clippers over your head. Your blonde hair falls to the floor as black hair. Raoul asks how your day was. You reach for the cigarettes, light one and think that the day is just beginning. Raoul laughs. He asks you to light him a cigarette too. Raoul is an artist. He manages to pull off a transition even with short hair. He hits the shaving soap, you lean back. You still have plenty of work to do this evening. You have to look perfect. And Raoul knows how to do it. The Old Spice burns pleasantly. Raoul pulls the cape away. You look in the mirror. Yes, that's you. Un cholo de primera, un príncipe en tu barrio. Camino de convertirte en rey.
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¿Pago como siempre?, you ask? Raoul gets down on his knees in front of you and opens your pants. Your cock pops out of your pants like a jack-in-the-box.
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she-is-ovarit · 11 months ago
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By EDITH M. LEDERER Updated 9:11 PM PST, March 8, 2024 UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Legal equality for women could take centuries as the fight for gender equality is becoming an uphill struggle against widespread discrimination and gross human human rights abuses, the United Nations chief said on International Women’s Day. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres told a packed U.N. commemoration Friday that “a global backlash against women’s rights is threatening, and in some cases reversing, progress in developing and developed countries alike.” The most egregious example is in Afghanistan, he said, where the ruling Taliban have barred girls from education beyond sixth grade, from employment outside the home, and from most public spaces, including parks and hair salons. At the current rate of change, legal equality for women could take 300 years to achieve and so could ending child marriage, he said. Guterres pointed to “a persistent epidemic of gender-based violence,” a gender pay gap of at least 20%, and the underrepresentation of women in politics. He cited September’s annual gathering of world leaders at the U.N. General Assembly, where just 12% of the speakers were women. “And the global crises we face are hitting women and girls hardest — from poverty and hunger to climate disasters, war and terror,” the secretary-general said. In the past year, Guterres said, there have been testimonies of rape and trafficking in Sudan, and in Gaza women women and children account for a majority of the more than 30,000 Palestinians reported killed in the Israeli-Hamas conflict, according to the Gaza Ministry of Health. He cited a report Monday by the U.N. envoy focusing on sexual violence in conflict that concluded there are “reasonable grounds” to believe Hamas committed rape, “sexualized torture” and other cruel and inhumane treatment of women during its surprise attack in southern Israel on Oct. 7. He also pointed to reports of sexual violence against Palestinians detained by Israel. International Women’s Day grew out of labor movements in North America and across Europe at the turn of the 20th century and was officially recognized by the United Nations in 1977. This year’s theme is investing in women and girls to accelerate progress toward equality. Roza Otunbayeva, the head of the U.N. political mission in Afghanistan, told the Security Council on Wednesday that what is happening in that country “is precisely the opposite” of investing in women and girls. There is “a deliberate disinvestment that is both harsh and unsustainable,” she said, saying the Taliban’s crackdown on women and girls has caused “immense harm to mental and physical health, and livelihoods.” Recent detentions of women and girls for alleged violations of the Islamic dress code “were a further violation of human rights, and carry enormous stigma for women and girls,” she said. It has had “a chilling effect among the wider female population, many of whom are now afraid to move in public,” she said. Otunbayeva again called on the Taliban to reverse the restrictions, warning that the longer they remain, “the more damage will be done.” Sima Bahous, the head of UN Women, the agency promoting gender equality and women’s rights, told the commemoration that International Women’s Day “sees a world hobbled by confrontation, fragmentation, fear and most of all inequality.” “Poverty has a female face,” she said. “One in every 10 women in the world lives in extreme poverty.” Men not only dominate the halls of power but they “own $105 trillion more wealth than women,” she said. Bahous said well-resourced and powerful opponents of gender equality are pushing back against progress. The opposition is being fueled by anti-gender movements, foes of democracy, restricted civic space and “a breakdown of trust between people and state, and regressive policies and legislation,” she said. [Click on the link to continue reading]
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moonchildstyles · 1 year ago
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élan part six: y/n goes on a date, harry finds out a secret, and something shifts.
wordcount: 15.5k+
"Y'think I did alright?" 
(Y/N) swore her cheeks were going to ache for the rest of the day with the way her wide smile stretched over her lips. 
"I think you did really well," she told him, her voice laced with warm amusement though she was far from teasing. 
She was being honest, really. Hearing Harry speak in the small amount of conversational French he knew to her new nail tech as well as the receptionist of the salon she'd found today, was one of the sweetest things she'd ever seen. While his accent was improving, she cherished the flourish he still gave to his e's and the care he gave to his consonants. 
"'M getting better, huh," he pressed, sounding a little too proud. 
"Your accent definitely is," she mused, spotting the entrance to their building not too far ahead from where they were strolling down the pedestrian walk. 
"Good," Harry responded simply, the edge of a dimple pressed into his cheek, "I've been practicing." 
Somehow it was possible, but (Y/N)'s smile widened. "I've heard." 
He wasn't exactly the most quiet as he recited simple words she'd taught to him after he thought she fell asleep. He preferred to sneak out onto the balcony, and practice with the light of the Tower shimmering in the distance. She liked hearing his voice like that, just a hair muffled through the door and his improper French. 
It didn't take long before Harry was holding open the door for her to head inside their apartment building. No one other than the doorman was occupying the small space. (Y/N) offered a fleeting smile in his direction, her attention captured by the grandiose display on the desk counter. 
In a crystalline vase, cut expertly to allow waves of rainbow light to glimmer over the warm eggshell walls, was an oversized bouquet of roses. The petals were deep spirals of velveteen red, deep dark in the center before going crimson on the edges. They had unfurled perfectly, not a single speck of discoloration or wilting. The stems were a healthy forest green, strong with clipped thorns as they held the large blooms in place. Interspersed between the roses were glossy leaves of emerald greenery and stark white puffs of baby's breath. It was full and large, stuffed and heavy with more immaculate roses than (Y/N) thought could exist in the world. How the vase wasn't toppling over from the sheer size, she wasn't sure. 
They were gorgeous—pristine. (Y/N) even slowed her steps some to caress her eyes over the blooms for a moment longer. 
Nonetheless, their synced steps eventually landed her at the doors of the lift. Harry, at her side with his own attention pressing forward, entered the code for the lift to take them upwards. 
Just as she took her eyes away from the bouquet, the doorman suddenly shouted through the lobby in accented English, "Wait!" 
(Y/N)'s steps faltered, the elevator doors having parted open. She glanced over her shoulder, feeling his shout being directed to her though she couldn't imagine why. 
The doorman looked at her with wide eyes, his brows raised. "Mademoiselle?" 
"Oui? Comment puis-je t'aider?" she trilled, watching as he stepped closer with her to catch up. 
From the corner of her eye, Harry's security instincts kicked in, stepping closer to her as a form of barricade. 
Eyeing Harry, the doorman slowed feet away, keeping that space between as (Y/N) peered around the broad of Harry's shoulder. 
"Les roses," he started, gesturing towards the towering bouquet, "Elles sont pour vous, mademoiselle."
"Pour moi?" she pressed, her brows pinching. 
"Pour toi. Ils vous ont été déposés il y a une heure."
"Oh," she sounded, allowing her gaze to wander back to the glamorous roses behind him, "Merci."
Taking it upon himself, Harry took the flowers from the counter, keeping himself between (Y/N) and the doorman as he moved. Offering nothing more than a quiet thank you, (Y/N) helped him into the waiting elevator, Harry having held the doors open in case he had to usher her through. 
Once alone in the lift, (Y/N) couldn't help but to run a finger over the blooms. Harry watched intently, observing and cataloguing as if he had something to be suspicious over. Truthfully, she couldn't completely blame him. She couldn't think of anyone who would send flowers to this address for her, especially something this grandiose. 
In the back of her mind, a niggling panic arose. This wouldn't be that admirer of hers, right? 
Silence followed them into their apartment, (Y/N) speaking up as she held the door open for him to slip through with the tottering vase. "Is there a card or anything you can see?" 
"Yes." Harry's voice was clipped as he answered. Nothing more was offered. 
She waited for him to set the bouquet down before she searched through the stems, finding the small card amongst the greenery. The slip was heavy, made from embossed cardstock—definitely more than what a regular florist would offer. 
Flicking it open, the writing inside was a shimmering black, inky and definite. The writing was elegant, scrolling and scripting, handwritten with a lilting hand. 
       Even before meeting you in person, I know these roses pale in comparison to your beauty. See you soon. x
Every beautiful thing about the note was cancelled out when she read that name. 
That was the man who was tasked to take her out for dinner in a few days, her father's friend. 
"Oh," she sounded. 
Harry was silent at her side. He must have been able to spot the details when she couldn't.
"They're so pretty," she said, folding the card away, almost pouting at the roses, "I'm sad he had to be the one to send them." 
A beat passed before Harry spoke again, "I don't trust them."
Canting her head, she tried to see what he saw in the flowers. "What do you mean? They're gorgeous." 
His arms coming cross around his chest, Harry stayed firm in his stance. "I don't like it. He shouldn't know your address before he's even met you. Taking the time to find a florist in Paris, finding something this extravagant, I don't know. I don't trust them." 
"I mean," she started, tipping her head in the other direction, "I'm sure they're fine though, right?" 
"I don't know," he answered shortly, "I'm going to have to think about it. We might have to get rid of them." 
Peeking from the corner of her eye, she saw the pinched expression marring his features. He almost seemed offended to be looking at the roses. 
Her features dropped some at the idea of throwing out the bouquet. "Oh. I like roses, though." 
Harry's face pinched further at her words. 
Blinking the sleep out of her eyes, (Y/N) forced herself out of her room, letting a shiver run up her spine at the cold floor under her feet. Through her bleary gaze, the first thing she saw was the streak of red that was the bouquet of roses sitting on the kitchen counter. 
It took a couple of blinks before she realized that the flowers on the counter were very much not the same as the bouquet she received yesterday.
This bundle was significantly smaller, only a dozen compared to the fifty or so blooms from the day before, only small clusters of baby's breath added in. The same vase was being utilized for this bouquet, the white ribbon that tied the stems together still included and now dipped in the water filling the vase. The red was brighter, a couple of the flowers not quite as open as the ones she'd seen before, the greens on the lighter side. 
Propped against the vase was a slip of pink paper taken from a notepad (Y/N) usually wrote their grocery list on. 
She didn't lift her eyes from the bouquet as she approached, the morning light seemingly making the blooms glow. Reaching for the note, her features softened, rounding and curving into a quiet smile. 
      Good morning. I know these roses aren't as nice as the others, but I hope you think they're just as pretty.
His letters were blocky and absolute, none of the flourish the other man had left on the note. She definitely liked these much more than the flowers she received before. 
Brushing her fingers over the soft petals, she attempted to bite back the wide grin that threatened to take over her face. With the note in hand, she spun on her toes, searching for Harry as if she missed him in the space. 
Spotting him through the windows of the balcony doors, she didn't waste any time before she was crossing the living room to join him in the morning air. 
Knocking on the glass, she stepped onto the balcony as Harry looked at her over the rim of his coffee cup.
"Morning," he murmured, eyes glancing towards the note clutched in her hand. 
"Good morning," she chirped, shifting her weight on her feet with that fluttering feeling lingering in her tummy. 
"Y'alright?" he asked, noticing the way she couldn't seem to stay still.  
Looking at Harry now, all she saw was the man that picked out those flowers waiting for her inside. He picked her a bouquet that was worlds better than the grandiose arrangement she saw the day before, if only because it came from him. She liked his note much better, too. 
"I am," she said through her beaming smile, "Thank you for the flowers." 
Harry minutely perked up though his features stayed straight-laced. The grip on his mug tightened, his eyes brightening that much. "Yeah? Y'like them?" 
"I love them."
For the first time since she'd met him, (Y/N) watched as a small smile landed on Harry's lips. The glances of dimples she gained and the ghostly smiles that disappeared before she had a chance to truly take them in were all blown away with the way he allowed that small grin to mold his features. He gazed up at her with that smile on his lips for a moment before he cast his eyes out towards the Parisian cityscape. He brought his free hand up to knuckle at the tip of his nose, his smile partially hidden behind his hand. 
(Y/N) read, and reread, and reread her father's coaching text at least five times before the message began to sink in. 
The first couple of messages were the usual host of guidelines, imploring her to not drink, to stay on her best behavior, to act lady-like (code for: don't try to sleep with him, because she was a whore, of course), ect. She rolled her eyes at first, reading those rules like they were supposed to be pasted to the fridge for a kindergartener to follow. It wasn't until the final message came through that her attention shifted to something serious. 
      And, Harry is to stay back tonight. He's already a distraction to the media, and shouldn't be there when you're meant to be on a date with someone who is able to handle you just fine. 
The plan all week had been for Harry to accompany her, be right at her side through the whole night no matter what. Not only because he didn't particularly trust her father's circle of friends after the 132 Gala, but also at (Y/N)'s request. That plan had been the only reason she hadn't fought tooth and nail to get out of this stupid date—the whole reason she hadn't done something equally as idiotic to get her father to cancel the plans in favor of punishing her. 
Just thirty minutes ago, sitting in front of her vanity to get ready to go out with another man, Harry had been on her mind. She wondered if he would like the red lipstick she slicked over her mouth, or if he would think it was too much. She wondered if he would like the bounce of her hair or if he would think it was too big. She wondered if he would think of those roses he bought for her when he saw the red of her dress. 
Now, none of that even mattered—if it had mattered at all in the first place, anyway. 
Harry was going to drop her off, and leave her to her date. 
The idea had (Y/N) deflating where she sat on her bed, her shoulders holding a defeated slope. 
She didn't want to get up, she didn't want to face this night. Tempted, she half-typed out a text feigning food poisoning to her father, a quick fix to get out of this whole thing. 
But, she knew better. Delaying this would only cause her more grief. Her father might even follow through and fly out to Paris himself to keep an eye on her. 
Falling back against her mattress, bouncing against the springs without a care for her hair, she heaved a sigh. She was going to have to leave her room and paint her face with a famous smile, but afterwards, she could forget it all happened. It would be over and she could return to her Parisian bubble that consisted of pilates, nail appointments, the farmer's market, and Harry. 
She just needed to get through tonight. 
Steeling her resolve, (Y/N) reacted to her father's text with a thumbs up and shook him out of her head. With her heels strapped to her feet and phone thrown into the bag hanging off of her wrist, she pushed the double doors to her room open and stepped out into the living room. 
Sitting on the couch, waiting with phone in hand, was Harry. He glanced at her over the top of his screen only for his scrolling to pause, eyes widening through the frame of his lashes. (Y/N) saw the trail his gaze made over her form, skipping through the curves she fit into her rose-red dress, the minute slit on the side that allowed the fabric to flare around her thighs. Her accessories came in complementing hues, pearls in her ears with glimmering gold shining against the red. 
A beat passed before he seemed to become aware of himself once more, clearing his throat as he made a move to put his phone away. 
"Y'look... really good," he started, his voice strained as he stood to the full of his height, his gaze dropping down to his feet, "Are y'ready to go?" 
"Thank you," she answered, decidedly less chipper than she would have expected after hearing his compliment. Her father's text was taking up too much space in her head for anything sweet to slip inside. "My father texted me while I was getting ready." 
"Yeah?" he asked, beginning to inch towards the door though (Y/N) lagged behind. "What'd he say?"
Following him in minute steps, (Y/N) swallowed. "Has he talked to you today?" 
"No," he answered shortly, pressing open the door for her to meet him at the threshold, his gaze heavy on her as she obviously stalled. "Why?" 
"He—Harry—" she struggled to find the words, hoping it didn't come out as pathetically defeated as she felt, "He said you're not allowed to come with me tonight." 
Harry stopped. His steps halted, his expression going blank as he looked at her. 
"What do you mean?" 
"He thinks you're a distraction for the media. If you were in any more pictures with me, especially when I'm supposed to be on a date with someone else, that would only cause more drama." 
Slowly, Harry closed the door to her apartment, sealing them inside for a moment longer. His hand flexed around the doorknob. 
"He thinks that?" Harry pressed after a beat, his tone sharp. 
(Y/N) silently nodded her head for confirmation. 
It only took a moment longer of that silence before Harry was undoing the work of shutting the door. Determined as ever, he pulled it open, beckoning her to follow after him as he stepped into the hall.
"I don't care. 'M going with you." His words were absolute like cement, unwavering and unmoving. "'M not leaving you with some man who you've never met before, and couldn't even bother to call y'before tonight—yet, he got your address to send 'flowers'." 
"Harry," she called, following him out into the hall, "I—We can't." 
He didn't budge, standing beside the elevator, the down arrow lit up showing the lift had already been requested. "I don't care, (Y/N). 'M not leaving you alone—your dad can get fucked." 
Her steps stuttered as she moved to catch up with him. Never had she heard him be so explicitly mad at her father—or explicit, at all really. No one ever really became angry at her father the way she did, let alone express it so bluntly. No one had ever seen the things that she had when it came to him. 
Nonetheless, (Y/N) still couldn't let him sabotage himself. 
It was just like he said earlier in the week. Her father's wrath wasn't worth wriggling out of a few hours of discomfort—for she or Harry. 
"Harry, no," she tried again, staying where she was when he tried to herd her into the requested lift. The sparkling panelling in the back of the elevator acted as a mirror, showcasing her and Harry in its reflection. "I can't let you do that. You'd lose your job, then you really would have to l-leave me here." 
She hadn't expected the way her tongue tripped over the word leave. She hoped Harry hadn't noticed. 
Harry's jaw squeezed, a hand coming up to knuckle at the tip of his nose as his gaze fell to the floor. "'S not fair," he murmured, "I can't leave y'there."
"I can't let you do anything else, though," she reasoned with him, dropping her voice to match the volume of his own, "My father would be so angry with us. He wouldn't let you stay here with me." 
While that explanation was the truth, she had a feeling Harry would never be the one that was in proper trouble with her father. It would somehow make its way around to be her fault; that she had poisoned Harry's mind. That could be the only reasoning as to why he would comply with (Y/N)'s wishes over her father's. But, he didn't need to know all of that. He just needed to stay put, that was all she asked. 
His throat bobbed as he swallowed, his gaze flicking up in a glance at her. "(Y/N)," he murmured, the syllables of her name cradled in his voice. 
"I know, but I promise I'll be fine. And, if I'm not, I'll call you right away. After this is all over, you can take me home, and we can try to watch a Julia Child episode again." A careful smile touched at the corners of her mouth then, hoping that lighthearted act would rub off on him. "I'll try not to fall asleep this time, either." 
While his mood didn't seem to be particularly lifted at her plan, it was enough to get the hinges in his jaw moving again and the stark set of his shoulders loosening. Only after a lingering pause did she hear the grumble of his voice once more. 
"Okay." Picking up his chin, he matched her eye contact head-on. "You promise me you'll tell me if you're uncomfortable?" 
She knew what he was asking her, the night of the Gala flashing through her head, too. 
"I promise." 
With a single nod of his head, he flattened his hand between her shoulder blades and herded her into the lift.  
Harry maneuvered the car through the now familiar streets of Paris, taking her to the expensive location her date had requested. 
Elliot, she thought with an internal cringe. She was going to have to actually call him by his name, instead of referring to him as some guy. 
With the Eiffel Tower glimmering only a few miles away, (Y/N) wasn't surprised to see the restaurant that had been chosen for the night. (It was a terrible tourist trap, nothing particularly special that could justify the price other than the view of the Tower from the patio). It was just the kind of expensive nonsense her father loved to partake in when he visited, the same seemed to go for his friend. 
The car was still running as Harry did nothing more than step on the breaks as a means for parking. All he needed was to hear her word and they could be out of there in a split second. 
"I'll be back at nine to get you. No later," he cemented, his lips a thin line as he laid his sharp gaze on the eatery. 
"Yes, no later," she parroted, pitching her voice into something lighter in hopes of tricking him into a better mood the same way she'd done for herself. "I'll see you soon, okay?" 
With her hand on the door, (Y/N) hesitated. She didn't want to leave him now, especially not when he was so obviously on edge. She didn't know how to ease him other than promising again and again that she would get into contact if she needed him. 
She just wanted him to know that she was far away from this date, too. That if it were up to her, this wouldn't be going at all, that she was miles away in their apartment. 
Without overthinking it, she pushed the door open with the most prominent thought in her head slipping through her lips: "I wish I was doing this with you, tonight." 
(Y/N) could feel Harry's eyes on her as she climbed out of the car, leaving before he had much of a chance to offer any response. 
This man—Elliot—is her father. 
He is almost an exact replica of her father inside and out, this man just has a better hairline and faker teeth. 
The similarities started the second it appeared he didn't know how to stop talking, going on and on about himself. He didn't know how to pair wine, despite boasting about the vineyard he supposedly owned here in the French countryside. ((Y/N) had to keep herself from wincing when he suggested starting the night off with foie gras and a deep red wine). He loved France, and wine, and charity, he'd said. 
So, he was a liar, too. Just like her father. 
No wonder he thought this would work out—that she would like him. Her father loved himself so much he couldn't imagine this date not being perfect with the similarities he shared with Elliot. 
(Y/N) hid her frown behind her wine glass, listening as he made a fool of himself and the foundations he ran. (Supposedly, of course. With the way he spoke of them, they sounded more like cash grabs than anything real, a set of others running the operation while he was nothing more than the figurehead and beneficiary). He didn't even notice just how disconnected she was from this conversation, though she couldn't be surprised. To notice anything at all would require him to stop thinking about himself for longer than a breath.
"See! I knew you'd like that wine," Elliot boasted, looking pleased with himself as he ran a hand through his graying hair, "Your father said you were a drinker, so I had a feeling you'd enjoy this." 
A part of her bubbled close to overflowing, wanting to spit at him that she actually hated the wine—it was too prickly and bitter, and overall just shit—but she tamped it down. It was enough to get her father red in the face if he found she was drinking against his rules, she didn't need to add on the fact that she blew up in this man's face over it. Nothing quite like a drunken rage to get her on the front page of a tabloid tomorrow. 
Instead, she offered a sickly sweet smile after taking in a large gulp of the horrendous wine. "Yep," she falsely beamed, "That's me!" 
He didn't even blink at the bitter tone to her voice, the scathing sticky sweetness that laid underneath her words. 
Her savior came in the form of a scattered waiter approaching the table, his footsteps echoing a bit too loud in the otherwise empty restaurant. (Another small flex on Elliot's part—he'd bought out the entire eatery for the night, leaving them alone with nothing but the limited waitstaff and kitchen workers in the back). 
Their waiter—whose name she wished she caught before Elliot had rudely cut him off in favor of ordering terrible wine—offered a painted smile, a bit too perfect to be authentic as he all but tripped over himself for a flawless service. In accented English, as her date didn't know any kind of real French, he asked, "Are you ready to order your mains this evening?" 
Before (Y/N) could do anything but smile, Elliot was chomping at the bit, speaking in broken French as if to impress her. 
He boasted that he would be ordering for the both of him, that he knew what she wanted. The waiter looked on with wide eyes, taking down the order in his little notepad. (Y/N) looked on unimpressed, listening as Elliot ordered himself a steak, commanding it to be cooked way too much, with a sauce that was much too rich for the white wine he was supposedly planning on pairing it with. She dreaded to hear what he thought she would like, especially with the way he flitted his dark eyes to her with bouncing brows, as if she could be anything other than enticed through this interaction.
In another move that was so terribly like her father, Elliot ordered her a chopped salad. Dressing on the side, as well. 
(Y/N) had to rein herself in, keeping a bubbling peal of laughter from leaking out. If not for the fact this was really happening to her in this moment, she would have loved to hear a story like this in a comedy routine. 
"That will be right up, sir. Thank you," the waiter praised, giving a small bow of his head before he turned to scurry away once more. (Y/N) envied him for his ability to eke out of the room. 
Though, before he could make it too far away, (Y/N) stopped him with a gentle hand on his forearm. She extended backwards in her seat, catching his attention. 
"Miss?" he murmured, "Did I miss something?" 
"Oui désolé. Il n'a pas commandé correctement pour moi," she answered, noting the way his eyes widened at hearing the fluent French slip from her mouth. 
Pulling out his leather notepad, he nodded his head, "Oh, mes excuses. Que puis-je mettre à la place?" 
"Pas de soucis, merci," (Y/N) smiled, hoping to ease some of his nerves and make it abundantly clear that she knew she was too good for the man sitting across from her, "J'aurai le penne au salmon à la crème Parmesan, s'il te plaît." 
The waiter nodded, looking a touch more comfortable as he spoke to only her, writing down the new order after putting a definitive strike through the previous. With a promise to return to check on them shortly, he disappeared into the reprieve that was the kitchen, leaving (Y/N) to suffer on her own. 
"I didn't know you knew French," Elliot said from across the table, forcing her attention back to him. There was a pinch to his brow, tightening his already Botoxed features. "What did you say to him?"
"Hm? Oh," (Y/N) sounded, feigning confusion as if she had no idea what she'd just done, "I ordered for myself. I think he thought the side salad you got was for me." 
Clueless to the fact that she was amusing herself at his expense, his furrow deepened. "It was for you." 
"No, thank you," she said, sticky sweet and unbearably kind, "I actually really love the pasta from here. A salad isn't enough for me." 
Elliot tripped his eyes down her form, glazing over the red dress she picked with Harry in mind. "You couldn't listen to me for tonight?" 
"Oh," she canted her head, blinking her eyes owlishly, "I didn't know the salad meant something to you. Just a misunderstanding then, I guess." 
It was eerie the way he looked exactly like her father as he took in a deep sigh, as if he had reason to be disappointed in her. Freud would be too happy seeing as how her father set her up with a man just like himself. 
"It's alright, sweetie. Keep that in mind for next time, though. I've got you now—you don't need to worry about reading the menu and ordering for yourself anymore." 
In an attempt to keep herself rooted to her spot and not stomping outside the door, (Y/N) tightened her grip on her wine glass. She wouldn't have been surprised if the stem broke under her palm. 
"I definitely will," she laughed, feeling a hair away from delirious at this point. 
Pleased with himself, Elliot sat back. "I feel like I've been talking about myself all night," he laughed, shaking his head as if his arrogance was a silly oversight, "I've been meaning to ask about something I read." 
(Y/N) had to keep her eye from twitching. "Really? What was it?"
"That boy you've been pictured with," he started, his voice much too loud for the quiet space. (Y/N) had to consciously make an effort to keep her jaw from clenching as he referred to Harry as a boy. "Your dad said he was your security, but I wanted to ask about him myself." 
Buying herself some time with a calculated sip of her wine, she swallowed down the acrid taste before asking, "What do you want to know?" 
"Is he your boyfriend? Or whatever you kids call it now," Elliot bluntly pressed, "I read you cheated on Mr. Moore's son with him. Is there any truth to that?"
"No," was her immediate answer, "He's just my security guard." 
In the back of her mind she knew those words didn't fit correctly in her mouth. 
Elliot raised a challenging brow. "That's the truth?" 
Forcing herself to do nothing more than grow stoic at his idiotic pressing, (Y/N) met his eyes directly without wavering. "I know the stories can be convincing, but this is what I'm telling you. It's the truth." 
This was her version of biting back, dropping that tabloid bunny facade with placating smiles and the willingness to accommodate to be whatever person the one in front of her wanted. She couldn't outright slap him, so she'd have to settle for not being the naive butterfly he wanted. 
Giving a slow nod, (Y/N) watched as her date ran through what she'd told him. He didn't seem to even understand that she was pushing back on him, his ego too large to see much else. "Okay," he settled, "Well, if this continues between us, I want to make it clear that I would prefer him to leave Paris." 
(Y/N) sat dumbfounded for a beat. 
Elliot continued on, "He's not needed if I'm here with you. I also believe he's taking advantage of his position in getting to touch and 'protect' you. You don't need him around." 
Through gritted teeth, (Y/N) asked, "You think so?" 
"Mhm," Elliot hummed, a bit too proud, "He's taking advantage of you as far as I can see. He takes from you since you can't overpower him—it's a hard thing to notice when you're the woman being taken, but it's obvious to others." 
Swallowing, (Y/N) forced her jaw to unclench and a deep breath down her lungs. 
She was livid. Truthfully, she couldn't care less what this man thought of her in any way—another way he was similar to his father—or if he chose to demean her for the rest of the night. But, when it came to Harry, the only innocent person in this whole stupid mess who'd done nothing but protect her to the best of his ability, that was where she was going to draw the line. 
This night was over. 
"Right," she answered stiffly, forcing her features into something kind and unwitting, "Do you mind if I run to the ladies room really quickly?" 
Already pushing out her chair before he had a chance to say a word, (Y/N) only half listened when he told her to hurry back, he didn't mind waiting for her. 
With her bag on her wrist and phone in hand, she typed out a message in quick strokes. 
      please come get me
Firing it off to Harry took all but a second, long enough for her to reach the kitchen, 
While it felt impossibly rude to step inside, she had to put her plan into place before Elliot realized she hadn't headed towards the bathroom at all. 
A member of the kitchen staff stopped in their tracks when they saw her, a bright streak of red in the middle of the otherwise stainless steel and clean white of the kitchen. 
"Mademoiselle? Vous cherchez les toilettes?" 
"Non, j'avais en fait une demande, s'il vous plaît." she started, keeping herself on the fringes of the space as to not touch something she wasn't meant to.
The staff member cast his gaze around for a moment, the rest of the kitchen slowing to a standstill when they noticed her. Only the sizzling of a pair of pans remained, the space hot from the running ovens and foaming butter. 
"Comment puis-je t'aider?" he asked after a moment, no one objecting to the idea of her newly timed request.
"Y a-t-il un moyen pour que tu emmènes mes pâtes avec moi ? En plus d'ajouter pavé de saumon à la plancha pour que je le prenne également ? Je sais que c'est la dernière minute, mais j'ai changé de plan." 
"To-go?" he answered in accented English. 
"Oui," she cemented, time ticking the longer she had to explain herself, "Je dois aller aux toilettes, mais je peux les récupérer en sortant par l'arrière, si ça te va."
It was then that—what she assumed was—the kitchen manager spoke up, her hair tied up under a pristine white hat. "Oui. Nous pouvons préparer cela pour vous en dix minutes, mademoiselle." 
"Merci," (Y/N) chirped, backing out of the kitchen before she could become any more of a distraction. 
Next order of business came in the form of tracking down her waiter, who was tucked in an alcove around the bar, the single ticket for their table hanging from the processing computer. After the shock of spotting her in the backroom wore off, (Y/N) settled the tab—including the fish entree she just added—with a swipe of her father's credit card. A hefty tip was left for the staff, in hopes of making up for the absolute waste of time everyone involved had gone through for the night. 
Checking the time on her phone as she scurried to the staff restroom (with permission from the waiter), (Y/N) didn't doubt that Elliot was either too absorbed in himself to notice she was still missing or he was beginning to realize she was taking too long for this to be an innocent trip to the ladies room. Nonetheless, she only had a handful of minutes left before her order would be ready, and Harry had to be on his way by now. 
As if he was living inside her head, the second she closed the door behind her, a call came through her phone with Harry's contact written boldly up top. 
"Are you okay?" he fired off, ignoring her greeting, "Did something happen?" 
"I'm fine, I'm fine," she eased, leaning against the bathroom door, "I'm a little annoyed and was almost bored to death, but I'm okay. I knew this was going to be a bad night, H, but it's been terrible, honestly." 
"I'm outside, okay? I parked out back, but you'll see me," he rushed off, his voice a low rumble through the speaker. 
(Y/N) reared back. "You're already here?" 
A beat passed in the quiet of the bathroom. "Did you come from the apartment?" 
"No." She could hear a sigh come from the other line. "I didn't go back—I stayed here." 
"Oh," (Y/N) sounded, having no right to feel a small smile bloom on her features at his admission. "I'll be out in a second. I need to grab something really quick." 
"Okay. I'll see you in a minute." 
Hanging up first, (Y/N) doubted he would unwind until she was sitting in that car with him, away from the annoying bug that was Elliot. 
Scurrying through the restaurant in hopes of staying unnoticed by her date, she thanked the kitchen staff once more for the impromptu request she made before grabbing her orders and pushing through the back entrance.
The night was dark, only bits of warm light coming from the Eiffel Tower in the distance, tourists roaming the streets with roses in the wind. Searching for Harry's car, it only took (Y/N) a couple of steps around the building to spot the black sedan with its lights on bright. 
Her steps quickened, heels clacking over the concrete as she eagerly met him. The doors were unlocked and ready for her to climb in. 
"Look what I got for us!" she bubbled, fitting herself in the passenger seat with the boxed meals in her lap. 
With his features only lit up by the dash lights and whatever was able to seep through the tinted windows, a furrow darkened Harry's brow. His gaze lingered on her face before dropping to her lap as she buckled up. 
"Is... Is that your dinner?" 
"It's our dinner!" she chirped, "I got you something while I was there." Finally cataloguing what exactly she had run out with, her grin only widened. "I think they gave me his too, actually." 
At that, a huff of laughter left Harry's lips, the tension in the car melting as he shifted into drive. (Y/N) watched as his features softened in the low light, dimples present and eyes softening. 
"He doesn't know you left, does he?" 
"Nope," she trilled, "He'll figure it out soon though, I'm sure." 
Harry only laughed again, eyes trained on the road though she didn't miss the way he glanced at her from the corner of his eye. 
"That bad?" 
"Oh, yeah," (Y/N) heaved, shaking her head. "My father is going to be so mad, but I don't even care anymore." 
(Y/N) could feel her muscles unwinding the farther they made it from the restaurant, dropping her head back to lean on the stiff rest. She genuinely didn't care if her father woke her up with degrading messages or a promise to visit her penthouse. She wasn’t going to sit by while Elliot degraded Harry for the sake of looking like an alpha. 
The familiar route back to the apartment whizzed outside the windows until a bright idea blinked in (Y/N)'s head.
"Wait," she chattered, sitting up straight in her spot, "Turn around. I have an idea." 
The Eiffel Tower shimmered in front of them, warm dinner in their laps with a sturdy bench under. 
The lights of the attraction were reflected back on Harry's wondrous eyes, his food left to cool in his lap as he was too distracted with the sight in front of him. (Y/N) was the same though her gaze was on him.
"Worth it, right?" 
Harry didn't hesitate to pull his eyes from the Tower, casting his gaze to her with a lingering trace over her features. He paused on her lips for a heartbeat before he matched her eyes once more, the familiar beginnings of a lopsided smile touching the corner of his mouth. 
(Y/N) barely bat an eyelash when she saw the heavy envelope as the only piece of mail in her box. She politely thanked the doorman before taking it back up to her apartment, already dismissing its contents despite the curiosity bubbling in her fingertips. She wondered what kind of photos would be inside. 
The media apparently hadn't caught a hold of any kind of story about her date. It'd been three days and there was nothing being posted online other than a random blog post claiming to have seen her dressed in red climbing into a black car. Nothing mentioned a romantic candlelit night, or a scorned billionaire cursing her name for embarrassing him. The only reason she knew her father was aware any of what transpired that night was because of a text he'd shuttled off to Harry, cementing that (Y/N) wasn't to go anywhere without him. (Quite the punishment, she'd joked). 
Otherwise, there was nothing out there about the incident, nowhere for this person to collect photos and scratch out a narrative. She also would have remembered seeing someone with a heavy camera in the empty restaurant, but she couldn’t recall a single moment a lens had been pointed in her direction, including the meal she and Harry indulged in by the Tower. 
Safely inside her apartment, the water running as Harry took his morning shower, (Y/N) took a risk and opened the flap to quell her curiosity. Inside glossy photos awaited.
While she never particularly enjoyed seeing photos of herself in this context, usually fluctuating between fear and indifference, she'd never been so unnerved as this moment. Given, she didn't typically open the letters sent to her, so she didn't have much to compare it to, but she had a feeling this was the worst that had even been sent her way.
Shining in the morning light, were photos of her from the moment she stepped out of her apartment to the time Harry took her home. She was a gleaming scarlet streak in every photo, some shots having been zoomed in on her body, on her legs, on her lips. This person caught her entering the restaurant, Harry conveniently cut out before the view shifted. Through the window, she had been caught with her glass of wine, blankly looking ahead at Elliot as he spoke of himself. This person had even caught her devising and executing her plan, the camera having craned and peered around every corner and every fixture to get even a small sliver of her form. This person followed her to the spot Harry picked her up, to where they sat at the Eiffel Tower with their dinner. Those shots were decidedly blurrier, taken from a larger distance, but it was still clearly the pair of them gazing at each other before gazing towards the Tower. 
Harry's face had been scribbled on in one shot, the same way Marc's had been in the package previous. 
She didn't dare to look at the words written on the back, already collecting what kind of narrative this person would force this time around. They seemingly were turning on Harry now, instead of just ignoring him. 
Leaving that single photo where it laid, with both she and Harry gazing skyward towards the point of the Tower, (Y/N) didn't have it in her to leaf through the rest of the stack. 
Suddenly, having missed the sound of the water cutting and the silence that followed, she heard Harry's bedroom door open, the swoosh of the air as he entered the common space. She scrambled to pack the photos back into the envelope, trying her best to not sprint towards her bedroom. Her hands shook as she gathered everything to her chest, the photos a messy pile she hid with her back facing the hallway Harry was emerging from. 
"Morning," he greeted her, his voice that low grumble it always was in the morning. 
"Good morning," she chirped out, her steps hastening that much more as she slipped inside her bedroom, the door open just a crack. 
"Did y'still want to go to the farmer's market today?" Harry called, his voice carrying as she lingered in the living room.
"Sure!" she trilled, wrenching open her vanity drawer, "Or—um—I was thinking we could finally visit the Lourve today, or whatever. I'm fine with anything!" 
Harry didn't respond then, (Y/N) only hearing her bubbling heartbeat pounding against her chest. Why did she think it would be easy to hide the letters under a pile of palettes? 
It took a handful more seconds before she had everything safely tucked away, the drawer being pushed shut before she sat back on her heels and breathed. That was a little too close, she decided. 
No more opening the letters if she could help it—especially while Harry lived with her. 
Peeking out of her bedroom decidedly more relaxed than when she went in, she swept a hand through her hair. "Did you have anywhere you wanted to go, though?" 
Harry stood with his back to her, his shoulders tensed and head bowed as he looked towards his feet. He didn't lift his head as she spoke, keeping her behind him.
A beat passed, still no acknowledgement. 
"Harry?" she called, stepping out from her bedroom entirely. 
Harry turned slowly then, revealing he was looking at a slip of paper in his hand, his brows in a furrow and lips set thin. 
Sunlight coming through the windows glinted off of the glossy coating of the page in his hand. Her heart dropped. 
"What is this?" 
Swallowing around her tongue, she tried her best to slip into a role she hoped would fool him. "What do you mean?" she asked, voice light despite the heavy pit in her stomach. 
Chancing a look at her for the first time since she left her room, Harry's eyes were sharp, a warning expression she hadn't seen since he pulled her from the pilates studio in New York. 
He held the photo up for her to see, showcasing a shot of her escaping through the back of the restaurant with a giddy smile and stolen dinner. 
"Who took this?" 
Her facade crumbled that much, sinking and sinking like her heart in her chest. 
"Um—I—I don't..." 
"(Y/N)," he warned, his voice low and lethal. He wasn't Harry at the moment, this was the man tasked with her safety who'd just found a secret that changed everything. 
"I don't know," she rushed out, deflating as she kept her eyes low so as to not match his own, "I don't know who took it." 
"Then, why do you have it?" 
"Someone sent it to me." 
A tick hugged the hinge of Harry's jaw, his grip on the page tightening. "What do you mean?" 
(Y/N) floundered then. Her mouth gaped with words she knew she wasn't going to say, the air sucked out of her lungs. Nothing wanted to roll off of her tongue—nothing would.
"(Y/N)," Harry sternly interrupted her swimming thoughts. His sharp tone matched his eyes. 
A shallow breath prickled in her lungs. 
She'd never had to speak on this before. There was only one other time she had gained the courage to confront the fact that someone was stalking her, sending photos and letters and expressing devout affection and depraved ideals about her. There was only once she had voiced these fears before, and it had been shot down immediately by her father. She was told to let it go and be grateful; she was meant to be happy that she had a fan, someone to admire her. 
She didn't want to be called crazy again. 
Because she wasn't, right? This was something anyone would be scared over, right? 
Taking her shaky hands into a bundle at her middle, (Y/N) tried to find the words. 
"I don't know who sent it to me, but it came with a letter and other pictures."
Harry stowed over her words for a lingering moment, (Y/N)'s shuttered gaze keeping her from gauging his reaction. For the first time ever, she didn't want to know what he was thinking. 
"Someone sent you pictures of you we don't remember being taken, and a letter," he reiterated, his voice a deadpan rumble as the story came together. 
She'd never heard these events spaced in someone else's voice. 
"Yes." When he didn't immediately say anything (Y/N) felt her blood pressure spike. "Harry," she tried, his name heavy on her tongue, "I-I wanted to tell you, I promise. I was going to, but my father—he... I thought you wouldn't..." 
Harry paced the room silently. He took his time before settling heavily on the middle cushion of the couch, the discreet photo of her being clutched in his grip. 
"Tell me now, then," he commanded, gaze fixed on the photograph, "I don't care what your dad said or what you thought before, this is something I need to know about." 
Her fingers were a fiddling mess as she stood still in the middle of the room. "I don't know where to start," she whispered. 
Fracturing his line of sight from the picture, Harry cast his gaze out the windows, taking in the skyline they'd called home for the better part of two months. His free hand landed heavily in his hair, nails grazing his scalp. 
"Start wherever—anywhere. I don't care, I jus' need to know." 
(Y/N) sucked in a shaky breath. She'd never felt so lost before. 
How was she supposed to wrap up years worth of ominous letters and unwanted photographs? How was she supposed to put it all in a story that didn't require them sitting here for hours and for (Y/N) to dissolve into tears more than a handful of times? 
"Is this the first one you've gotten?" Harry pressed, taking her silence for the need of guidance. 
A heavy sigh lifted his shoulders. He finally craned his neck back to the living room with her, though he picked only a spot in the room to focus on. He didn't dare catch her eye, yet.
"When did they start?" 
Prattling around the timeline, (Y/N) tucked her bottom lip between her teeth. "A couple of years ago, I think?" 
Though his features stayed completely stoic, she knew there was something in her answer that had his shoulders tensing and nose flaring. 
"This person has been taking photos of you and sending them for two years?" 
"Kind of," (Y/N) reasoned, deigning herself to sink into one of the arm chairs beside the couch, her back stiff despite the inviting cushions, "I think sometimes they take pictures they find online since a lot of them match up, but sometimes it's like this one. I used to think they were selling stories and pictures to publications and posting them, but some of the stuff they sent started getting really weird a year ago." She took in a breath, thinking about the one piece of information that she hadn't the courage to read since the first time. "They send letters, too. About me." 
"Do you have them? The letters." 
"Only the couple that have been sent here." 
Harry's voice was low, seething, as he spoke, "Let me see them." 
Hesitating where she sat, (Y/N) stayed stiff in her position. She didn't want to grab the letters, honestly. She didn't want anyone to see them if she didn't even have the courage to fold them open. 
A niggling thought in the back of her head had her staying put: What if she was overreacting? What if Harry read these letters and saw what her father saw? That she was nothing but a paranoid, ungrateful girl. She wasn't sure if she could survive something like that. 
"(Y/N)," Harry started, his voice bringing her back to the surface of her swimming thoughts, "I'm asking as someone who's supposed to keep you safe. Please let me see these things." 
Her voice was quiet as she agreed with an okay. Her footsteps were the only thing that could be heard as she padded over the floor, going to her bedroom with the burning drawer being her destination. Rifling through the pile of palettes and trio envelopes hiding underneath. She collected them as if they were burning, her fingers gingerly grasping them. 
She blindly handed over the envelopes, sinking back into her seat as she felt her heart in her throat. As much as she didn't want to watch, she couldn't tear her eyes off of Harry as he paged through the photos. She barely registered the slideshow of photos as he leafed through them, already having seen the blurry shots and odd angles, the lengths this person went to just to capture a sliver of her body. 
"Have you read the letters before?" Harry asked, his voice low and calculating. 
"I did once," she explained, "But, after that, I never did again." 
Harry didn't waste a moment before he pulled out the letters, the blurry photographs now nothing more than a kaleidoscope of her face across the coffee table. She made a point to shift her eyes to him then, unwilling to really see the breadth of this person's admiration for her. 
(Y/N) looked on as he reached for the most recent letter first, his gaze quickly scanning over the page before he forced himself to grab for this next. The whole time, she watched as Harry reacted to whatever was typed on the page, the way his muscles bunched and his features flattened into something severe and angular. The way he pinched the paper became more aggressive, something tight flexing into his fingers. 
She chewed on her bottom lip, her curiosity peaking. "Wh-What do they say?"
It took a moment before he tore his glazed eyes from the page, flicking to meet hers through the fan of his lashes. "Do you really want to know?" 
Weighing her options, (Y/N) wasn't sure, really. "Maybe?" 
Harry shook his head, folding up the page before dropping it atop the others. "They... pay attention to you a lot. There's a version of you they like, and really care about. It's all they talk about." 
"What do you mean?" She worried her fingers in her lap, the edges of her acrylics being worn dull. 
Swallowing, Harry tried to keep a straight face as he looked over the evidence sitting in front of him.
"They really like you, and have decided they know who you are because of that," he tipped his head, taking in a sigh with his hands clenching and unclenching. "They're... This person isn’t right, (Y/N)." 
Her heart sunk at his words. The rising sun outside lighting the city while she felt the darkest she had in a long time. 
"It's that bad?" 
He didn't offer an answer, the pages in front of him now feeling like poison permeating through the room. 
The silence that sat between them felt like a third roommate, heavy and unforgiving. 
"Harry?" (Y/N) murmured, quiet compared to the silence, "What do we do?" 
A heavy hand was passed through Harry's curls, nails catching his scalp with his fingers messing the swirls. "I don't—," he breathed, shaking his head, "Fuck—I don't know." 
(Y/N) finally saw something cracking in him—that stoic facade that veiled whatever was bubbling on the inside beginning to slip. The uncomfortable feeling of having no definite way to get out of this situation rained down on him. She saw the way he peered out the windows of the apartment as if he would catch someone right then. She wouldn't put it past him to scour the whole place, hoping to ferret out anyone who could have slipped under their noses for so long. 
"Fuck," Harry murmured under his breath, the curse heavy on his tongue. His knee began to bounce where he sat. 
Swallowing around her dry throat, she didn't know what to say, what to tell him. While there was a part of her that felt vindicated knowing that he wouldn't react like this over nothing. This threat was real and not just something she made up in her head and used as a reason to be dramatic. 
The other part of her felt guilt over keeping this secret from him. He wouldn't have been blindsided if she had just followed her gut and told him from day one everything that was going on behind closed doors. Maybe he wouldn't have taken the job then (the idea stabbed at the soft parts of (Y/N)'s heart), but he wouldn't have been struggling as he was now. 
"Harry, I—I didn't mean to, I'm sorry," she tried, unsure of what she was saying or feeling but wanting to give him something. 
He waved her off, shaking his head with his unfocused gaze on the floor. "Why didn’t your dad want me to know?" 
"He said it was a waste of your time to worry about it," she explained, feeling embarrassed despite the fact she had nothing to do with her father's decisions, "W-When I told him about it, he said I needed to be grateful, that I needed to be happy that someone admired me enough to follow me and everything. He told me I needed fans like that since I wasn't very popular anyway." 
(Y/N) couldn't look away as Harry curled in on himself the longer she spoke. The knuckles of his clenched hands were a burning white, his shoulders heavy and broad. 
"I fucking hate your dad," he mumbled after a beat, his voice a seething breath, "So much." 
She looked at him with wide eyes for a moment. Then, she couldn't help the huff of laughter that pushed between her lips. 
She'd never heard anyone say that before—at least anyone that wasn't herself. It was relieving in a delirious kind of way. 
Because she fucking hated him, too. 
Harry looked up at her, something quizzical in his gaze. 
"Sorry, sorry," she got out in-between giggles, "I've just never heard anyone say that before about him—usually I'm the only one that sees him this way. It's—I don't know why I'm laughing, but." 
There was no room to continue with the way laughter began to pour out of her, eyes tearing at the feeling in her chest. The feeling that there was more than just herself on her side. 
A lopsided smile worked its way onto his lips as he watched her. "I've seen enough to know I hate him, don't worry." He shook his head, dimples thumbed into his cheeks. "I only keep this job for you." 
Despite the delirium fueled amusement coating the room, (Y/N) almost melted at the genuine way he spoke to her—spoke about her. He meant what he was telling her, without a doubt. 
"I really didn't mean to keep this from you," she told him once she settled down, a deep breathing inflating her lungs, "Before everything, I thought you were on his side, so I didn't want to waste our time. I don't think my father even wanted you to really be my security guard at first, so." 
"That's why y'said what y'said the first time I went to your place," Harry pieced together, gaze warm on her skin. When she only nodded her head, his gaze dropped down the column of her throat. "At first, I can't lie, I believed the things he told me and what I'd read about you," he acted ashamed to admit as much, "But, that was because I didn't know you. It didn't take very long to realize that you are very different from what everyone said.
"I hope you know that. If more people took the time to know you and used more than a fraction of their brain" he continued, conviction running under his words, "no one would believe those stories. The people who do know you, know that you're worth more than any of it." 
Maybe now wasn't the time, with a coffee table full of deranged letters and creepy photos of herself, but (Y/N) couldn't help the flutter of her heart in her chest. Harry, even if he was giving her a hard truth, was never anything less than genuine. He believed every word he was saying to her, and that made her want to believe it, too.
"Thank you," she smiled at him, the curl of her lips small and shy. 
Harry allowed his gaze to linger on her for a few moments more before he must have remembered the gravity of the situation as she did. He forced his eyes to land back on the matter at hand: the letters and photos dedicated to her. 
"'M going to take care of this, okay?" he murmured, all amusement draining from his tone, "'M going to do everything I can to figure this out and make this person stop, (Y/N). 'M going to keep y'safe." 
"I know you will," she answered in a heartbeat. There was no question in her mind about his ambition. 
(Y/N) allowed her gaze to wash over him as he focused on the photographs. She doubted Harry knew, but he was becoming her safe place. She trusted him more than she trusted almost anyone—more than Francesca even. A pressure in her chest developed the longer she sat with the realization. 
Suddenly her posture was stiff once more, bottom lip chewed swollen between her teeth. "Could—Or, I guess, would you mind—Can I hug you?" 
The mossy green of Harry's eyes, flecks of sunflower yellow, blinked up at her. She saw every minute expression on his features before they softened and curved into a gentle smile. 
"C'mere," he told her, leaning back against the cushion with his arms open. 
It was on instinct the way she moved, bundling herself into his arms with her legs curled up underneath herself. She was a ball against Harry's chest, his arms a forgiving loop around her body. His palms spanned the planes of her back, one between her shoulder blade and the other lower as he warmed her skin through the sleep shirt she was still wearing. With her head tucked into his neck, she felt him relax around her with his nose grazing the top of her head. 
She felt safe in his arms—forgiven, and trusted. He believed her more than anyone she'd ever known before. 
"I've got you, okay?" 
(Y/N) squeezed herself tighter to him.
Taking her hand out of the UV lamp, (Y/N) settled a gentle palm on Harry's arm. 
"It's okay, H," she murmured, "You can relax." 
He was startled at her touch, his mechanical scanning of the nail parlour ceasing for a moment. 
"Sorry?" he muttered in response.
He'd been like this every time they stepped out of the house since he was clued in on the letters and photos. At the farmer's market, he was suddenly suspicious of anyone who dared to bump into her, any vendor who haggled with her for a moment too long, anyone who so much as looked at her with interest in their gaze. He had mistaken small black bags for high quality cameras, his eye constantly peering out for a lens pointed in her direction. Her pilates class was just a level below that intensity given that she wouldn't allow him to follow her into the studio, forcing him to wait outside with bated breath for her return. 
(When she had joked that she would keep an eye out for someone with a movie camera and a shirt with a photo on her face, he hadn't exactly laughed, but she thought it was funny).
It seemed the nail parlour was no different. The familiar techs and other staff who had begun greeting her after her second regular visit were now suspects in Harry's mind. No one was to grow too close to her, only her given tech when it was time for her appointment. Everyone else had to pass the wall that was her bodyguard before they had any hopes of even breathing in her direction.
"I was just saying that I'm okay, you can relax," she reiterated, squeezing his arm with her fresh set of nails glimmering in the light. 
"I know," he deadpanned, going back to surveilling the scene, "'M jus' doing my job." 
She tried to be gentle as she spoke to him, remembering the way she felt the first time she saw those envelopes of her photos. She had grown paranoid as well, double checking every street, every blurry face, every lingering interaction. She was nowhere near as comfortable with the information as she was now, and that paranoia was where Harry was currently living. 
"If you hadn't noticed them before," she reasoned, voice forgiving as her nail tech made the final touches on the set of cherries painted on her fingertip, "I don't think that's going to change now, and that's okay." 
Harry shook his head, a stray curl grazing his forehead. "I wasn't looking before. I am now." His words were definitive, the same way he spoke to her at her apartment with the photos strewn across the coffee table. "'M not going to let this keep happening, (Y/N)." 
(Y/N) didn't know what to say. 
It was still an odd feeling to have someone worry over her—someone who cared to the degree Harry was declaring. She didn't know what to do, how to act, under these conditions. It had always been her and her alone that carried these kinds of burdens. 
Reaching under the table, Harry settled his hand on her knee, the warm skin of his palm felt through the rips in her jeans. He gave a squeeze. "Let me take care of this. I've got it." 
Her nail tech tapped her hand too soon to inspect the paint before going under the light, forcing her gaze to stray from Harry's and the way his eyes glimmered over her features. Just before she looked away, she swore she saw his pupils dilate, honing in on the shape of her lips. 
It took close to two weeks for the photos of her on her date with Elliot to surface, the angles and shots already familiar to her eyes. They were exact matches to that of the ones that were now carefully stowed in Harry's room. 
(Y/N) didn't exactly care about this specific leak, having expected it two weeks prior, anyway. Her father had to have known about all of the details of the ditch anyway, and if he hadn't said something already, he wasn't going to. She had nothing to worry about when it came to this story making its way to the press. 
Except for the string of international paparazzi that now seemed to make it their mission to follow her everywhere she went. 
She couldn't blame them, really. There was nothing that made ad revenue or sold magazines more than a tumultuous love life, so the hope of catching her on a date—a high profile one at that—was too enticing for many photographers to let go of. Whatever paid the bills, she guessed. 
That was why she wasn't particularly surprised to look over her shoulder and see a string of loitering paparazzi waiting outside the restaurant she had Harry had escaped to for dinner. She even recognized one from back home. 
She didn't try to cover her tracks too often while in Paris, just for the fact she was more unknown here than in New York, but that didn't always mean she went unnoticed. The idea of working through the small string brought her back to her drunken stumbling from the club. She hoped it wouldn't be anything like that. 
(Y/N) hadn't realized how long she'd been distracted by the peering cameras until she felt Harry's hand land on her own. Whipping her head around she found he had abandoned his crostini topped with melty brie to focus his attention on her. His eye contact was unwavering. 
"'S gonna okay, alright?" he soothed her, "'S only a few. Nothing we can't handle." 
"I know," she answered, curling her hand under his, "I just... Now that I've actually looked at some of the pictures being sent to me, I don't like seeing so many cameras on me like this. I don't like that they're taking pictures of you, either." 
Harry sat patiently listening to her, only pulling his hand away from hers to prop his chin up on a white-knuckled fist. Something always ignited in him when she mentioned the gifts from her admirer. His gaze skittered outside the eatery, silently taking in the faces of those smoking and loitering on the sidewalk. 
"You think it could be any of them?" 
The thought hadn't really crossed her mind. She figured it would be a good disguise, to blend in with people who would of course be carrying around cameras and would be looking for her on nights like these, but that didn't explain why she'd never seen a paparazzo-esque person trailing her when no one else was. 
"I don't know," she answered honestly, a small shrug lifting her shoulders, "The picture quality is always pretty good, so I guess it could be someone like that, but I guess I always kind of figured it's easier to follow me unnoticed if they were using their phone camera." 
Humming his acknowledgment, Harry didn't pull his eyes from her awaiting fans. While she didn't know everything about what his expressions meant or what was going on in his head, she recognized this moment. The gears were turning the longer he stayed quiet, a plan being laced together. 
"Do y'want to see if we can go out the back?" 
Considering the option for a moment, she ultimately turned it down with a shake of her head. "We'd still have to pop through the front to get to the car, anyway." 
"I can go alone and bring the car around for you?" Harry offered, trying to meander a way around the inevitable. 
"They know your face now, you know," she looked at him sullenly across the table. That was something she felt the most guilty over, taking away his privacy and splashing his face across the internet and whatever magazines chose to print him. While he wasn't always the target of the shots, he was a person of interest now. 
A beat passed, Harry returning his eyes to her with something softening behind the moss. "You really want to go through them?" 
"I don't think we have much of a choice," she laughed, the sound lacking humor. 
Harry looked at her with his features melting and curving into something soft—understanding. "We'll make it out jus' fine, alright?" 
The smile that tugged the corners of her lips was genuine. She didn't doubt him for a heartbeat. "I know." 
After settling the tab with discarded plates full of the crumbs of brie-heavy crostinis, their dinner of appetizers being left behind, (Y/N) braced herself for the trek outside. 
"Ready?" Harry asked, looking to her intently as she cinched her jacket around her waist. 
"I think so," she nodded. It was now or never, no point in hiding out and sipping wine until they became bored around midnight. 
"I'll be with you," he murmured, just as he attached himself to her side, the waitstaff eyeing them. 
(Y/N) offered a quiet smile of thanks, feeling a bit exposed knowing they were watching so intently. She couldn't blame them—they had garnered quite a bit of attention tonight, it was practically a given.
Approaching the door together, she didn't think twice before she fisted her hand in Harry's coat, ensuring he stayed close to her as she dropped her chin to face the ground. Harry took that as his cue to wrap an arm around her waist, protectively leashing her to him. 
Pushing open the door with a stiff hand, Harry led them to the handful of waiting photographers. It was when she saw the pulsing lights bleaching the corners of her vision did she begin to regret her choice of putting her head down. This position could easily be spun into one of annoyance, and rudeness. That she thought she was too good to even look at these people. 
"(Y/N), (Y/N)!" a pair of the photographers began to shout as they followed she and Harry toward their car. 
(Y/N) kept her head down, ignoring the calls to her attention. She didn't need to give them anything, all she needed to do was follow Harry's guiding steps to get her out as safely as possible. 
"Okay?" Harry murmured, bending down to press his lips to her ear, drowning out the noise of her name and shuttering of cameras. The flashes went on faster at his intimate touch though he didn't let it stop him from soothing. 
Nodding her head, she could feel a small smile touch Harry's lips against her skin. 
"Almost there," he informed in a gentle tone, "Jus' gotta go slow so they don't try to chase us or get too close." 
"Thank you," she mumbled, fist in his coat unfurling until she pressed her palm against the line of his waist. 
"I've got you," was his simple answer back. 
She didn't have a moment to find comfort in Harry's words before an accented voice was shouting once more, unsatisfied with her ignorance. 
"(Y/N), are you a cheater?! Does your boyfriend know you went on a date with that old man?!" the photographer provoked, spewing out any word he could think of that might draw a reaction from her. 
(Truly, the one reaction he may garner is one of (Y/N) bursting into laughter after the declaration of Elliot being that old man. She couldn't have said it better herself).
While she detested the running rumor of the summer that she was a cheating, wicked woman, she wasn't going to let it get under her skin. She'd proven time and time again that Harry was her security official and nothing more, and there was no way this person would accept another dismissal of the theory. It was better to keep quiet and allow them to print about her deafening silence over the accusations. 
"(Y/N), we want to know the truth! Did you have another affair?!" The photographer pushed after only silence was offered, his camera now being shoved into her space as he gravitated a little too close. 
The rest of the string—including the familiar New York paparazzo—had seemingly taken a step back, photographing the new show that was emerging with their aggressive colleague. 
Harry pressed forward, quickening their pace in hopes of breaking away from them faster. He was stopped only when the man jostled (Y/N) at his side, his camera being shoved under her face as if he could catch a shot despite her evasiveness. That had her stumbling backwards, Harry steadying her as best he could before he was stepping up. 
"Give her some space, man. Back up," he sternly commanded, his arm a tightrope around her waist. Flashbulbs were going crazy over the interaction, catching (Y/N)'s blunder and the standoff that was appearing between the two men. 
Seemingly disregarding Harry's warning, the paparazzo tried again, sidestepping the wall that was Harry's blocking form. Maybe, he didn't understand, (Y/N) reasoned. English wasn't always the easiest language to understand even if you could speak it, especially given Harry's accent. 
"S'il vous plaît, laissez-moi un peu d'espace," she piped up, hoping the translation would blot out the grey area. Sometimes these people needed to be told before they remembered basic personal space standards and manners. 
This time, when he pushed through, once again asking (Y/N) if it was true that she's slept with all of her father's friends, that it was clear there was no language barrier pushing him to be disrespectful.
They were this close to the car, just steps away from allowing (Y/N) into safety and speeding away. Of course it could never be that easy.
Harry let go of her only for him to step in front of her completely, blocking the photographer from achieving any kind of shot. 
"Step back," he ordered, his voice a deep grumble as he enunciated every syllable, "Give her some space." 
The way the paparazzo reacted seemed less about getting pictures of (Y/N) and more about standing up to Harry. He scrambled around, reaching his camera over the breadth of Harry's shoulders as if to prove he could get what he wanted despite any kind of intervention. 
Inching slowly towards their car, Harry did his best to pave the way for (Y/N) to follow and slip away. Nothing seemed to deter the other man, however. 
"Step back," Harry ordered again, placing the palm of his hand flat against the other man's chest. 
While it wasn't necessarily a push, the force Harry gave behind his palm was enough to get the other man stumbling back. French profanities left the paparazzo's mouth as he tripped over his own feet.
This was Harry's opportunity as he reached around and grabbed (Y/N). She was quickly steered towards the unlocked car, Harry pushing her inside the second the door was opened wide enough to head in. 
Everything moved quickly then, the other paparazzi seemingly focusing on Harry and the way he conducted himself against the other man. He rounded the front of the vehicle and threw himself inside, the flash of cameras and a distant angry voice following his moves. 
Harry didn't waste a second before he peeled away from the curb, setting them away from the chaos. (Y/N) barely had the capacity to buckle herself in with shaky hands. 
That was worse than she expected, honestly. Never had the Parisian photographers been so blatantly disrespectful, shoving cameras in her face and asking ridiculous questions. 
This was the most physical Harry's ever been forced to be in front of her, most people heeding his size and station in favor of actually challenging him. 
"Are you okay?" she asked, the world whizzing past them with Harry's foot pressed deeply against the gas pedal. 
His knuckles were white around the steering wheel. 
"He wasn't listening." 
(Y/N) swallowed, spying the cutting angle of his jaw and the blaze in his dark eyes. Maybe she should have taken him up on his offer of bringing the car around for her. She could have avoided this whole thing if she wasn't so stubborn. 
"I wasn't sure if he could understand you at first," she shakily recounted, "but I told him to back off in French, too. I don't know why he didn't listen. He didn't hurt you or anything, right?" 
"'M alright," he answered, shaking his head with his lips rolling between his teeth, "I jus'... I don't like how people talk to you, (Y/N)." 
He flexed his hands around the wheel, the leather squeezing under his grip. She didn't know how to soothe him, what advice she could give. "You just can't listen," she told him, sharing the only thing she'd learned on her own through the years. 
A beat passed, nothing more than the feel of the tires grazing over the asphalt sounding through the cab. Harry twisted and turned, moving like an expert through the streets.
"I don't know how you do it," he told her, voice quiet and losing that edge he'd had gained outside the restaurant, "'S like there's a new lie every day—it makes me so angry. These people don't even know you and all they do is call y'names and think the worst of y'every chance they have. Why don't y'say anything?" 
It wasn't accusatory the way he asked her, even if he was frustrated. He was just one of those people who couldn't imagine what it was like to allow abuse from others without biting back. She wished she could be like that. 
"I guess I'm used to it," (Y/N) shrugged, feeling the backs of her eyes beginning to burn, "People have been taking pictures of me and saying things since I was in high school, so I don't think it bothers me like it's supposed to. I've learned it's a lot easier to let people think what they want because no matter what kind of apology or correction I make, it's never going to be seen or believed as much as whatever was said about me in the first place. I just have to be okay with it, and let what people say go." 
By the time she finished, she felt those tears well up in her eyes, stinging and hot. Every blink she gave trying to hold them back only jostled the pool, blurring her vision. 
"I don't like that you're used to this, (Y/N)," Harry answered, his voice feeling a level of mourning she understood. 
A joyless smile molded her lips into something uneven. She shrugged. "Me neither, but what can you do, right?" 
Tonight would spur something new in the media, photos no doubt being caught of Harry's altercation with the paparazzo and (Y/N) fully expected someone to have been able to secure a photo of her with these tears in her eyes. She could already imagine the kinds of narratives that would be built around these moments, the kind of things people would believe about them both now. 
But, what could she do, right? 
Silently, Harry unhooked a hand from around the steering wheel and gently laid his palm on her knee. The split in her long skirt allowed his skin to press against her own, fingers curling around the cuff of her knee in a comforting squeeze. He didn't have to say anything to let her know that he was there, he was here for her and he trusted and believed her more than anyone she'd ever met before. 
He didn't have to say it for (Y/N) to know that he really did care for her, even outside of what his job called for. 
Wiggling her fingers under his palm, (Y/N) hugged her hand to his. Her fingers filled in the gaps between his own, painted fingernails glinting in the city lights. 
Harry held her hand the whole drive home.
As expected, two days after the altercation in front of the restaurant, a fat envelope full of photos and a letter she wouldn't read, arrived at the Paris penthouse. 
The media had already spread their own photos about, including shots of her tearing up on the car ride home, leaving her curious as to what the admirer was going to show her that she hadn't already seen. 
It was an odd feeling to not immediately go and ferret away the letter, to hide any evidence of the fact that his life wasn't completely normal. 
But, Harry needed to see this. If he was so willing to give her such trust and believe her without question, she was going to have to give him something back. 
"Is that another letter?" Harry asked from where he had emerged from his bedroom, the entrance to the hallway now full of his broad shoulders and scowling face. 
"Yeah," (Y/N) sighed, chest heavy. 
Moving towards her, Harry asked her carefully, "Can I see it?" 
She wordlessly handed it over. She didn't want to see the content anyway, especially seeing as the other was beginning to turn on Harry. She didn't want to see what kind of marking they left on the photos of him. 
It was a quiet ordeal, watching Harry pluck apart the envelope and peer inside. He scanned the photographs, seemingly the most upset when he reached shots of her crying in the car beside him. It was when he reached the letter that something shifted in his demeanor. 
He was always calm and collected, calculating each step and each reaction. But, she saw cracks then as he read the contents of the folded page. His cheeks were red, bottom lip cuffed between his teeth with nose flaring. He looked moments away from shredding the page apart himself. 
She was sure he would have if he hadn't instead indelicately folded it before slamming it on the kitchen counter. 
"We're not doing this anymore," he cemented, voice sharp and unforgiving, "You are not doing this anymore—putting up with this shit anymore." 
Leaning over the pile in front of him, he dropped his head into his hands, his fingers creating angry trails in his hair. 
"Harry," she started, her voice cushioning the sharp blow of his own tone, "I know it's hard, but I don't know if there's anything we can do about this. We don't know anything about who's doing this." 
"I don't know what to do," he grumbled, his hands tightening against his scalp, "But, I'm not letting this person take advantage of you and say these awful things about you any more. 'S not okay." 
She didn't know how to tell him that there wasn't anything that could be done to help her, honestly. That there was no way she could conceivably stop this person until they messed up and gave her some kind of information to get a restraining order filed. Until then, there wasn't anything that could stop them. 
"I know it's a lot," she tried, downplaying the same thing that used to give her nightmares when it first began, "But nothing really serious has happened, yet, at least. It's just another person taking photos of me, really." 
 "I don't like it!" Harry suddenly burst, whipping his head up to match her eyes with his own fiery gaze, "You shouldn't have to go through this! I don't understand why everyone thinks it's okay to degrade you, and mock you, and invade your privacy all because your shitty dad lets them! I don't fucking like it, (Y/N)!" 
In a final standoff with the rage bubbling inside, Harry swept his hand heavily over the counter, collecting every piece of evidence and splaying it across the floor. She was sure he wanted to do more, do anything to let off the steam billowing inside him, but there wasn't anything he could do without leaving damage on their home. 
Everything stilled then, the mess on the floor and Harry's breathing heavy in his chest. (Y/N) stood in the stark calm of the kitchen, watching with wide eyes and her hands a fumbling nest. She watched as he looked down at the mess of photographs and the despicable letter that set him off. 
"I don't know how to fix it." His voice was gentle like a whisper, matching the breeze that filtered through the city outside the window. 
Carefully creeping over the floor, bare feet padding over the tiled kitchen, she met Harry around the cooked counter. He didn't look up at her, even when she collected him into her arms and nestled him into a hug. 
"You don't have to fix it, H," she told him, mumbling against his skin as he slowly unfroze around her, "I don't know if this is something that can be fixed. It's just a part of my life at this point, and I don't want you to be upset over it." 
"I want you to be safe," he told her, voice thin when he succumbed to her hold and buried his nose into her hair and wrapped his arms around her just as fiercely. 
She could feel the hard planes of his chest pressed against her own soft curves, Harry fitting himself around her. Every breath he took was matched by her, his nose skimming the top of her head in a soothing pattern as if the motion were for himself only. He was furled like a tight rose, keeping a bumblebee safe from whatever was lurking outside the petals. 
"With you, I am." 
That had Harry pulling away from her then, his eyes matching hers with dilated pulls and a slack jaw. 
"You feel safe with me?" he asked, keeping his hold on her tight so as to not let her stray too far away. 
"Of course, I do," she smiled at him, her hands pressing into his back, "You're the only person that's ever actually been there for me. Like, you actually care." 
While her tone was lighthearted, encouraging, Harry was erring on the serious side. He didn't match her smile, his features left in softened curves and slacked muscles.
Every detail, every expression, every fine point of her was catalogued with his eyes. (Y/N) wasn't even sure if he was really breathing as he did this, the world having stood still the longer he gazed at her. 
When he finally met her eyes once more, the slightly pinch marred his brow, his eyes down turning into something gentle. 
"I do care about you." He swallowed, raspberry lips wet by his tongue. "I don't know when, but I don't think anything I've been doing has been because of my job for a while now." 
Heart hammering in her chest, she felt breathless looking up at him. She still saw that same beauty she spotted in her father's office all that time ago; the mole by his mouth, the sandy stubble on his cheeks, the spotting of freckles on his nose, the cut set of his jaw, the whirlwind of green in his eyes. There was something softer lingering now, something she never could have imagined landing on the face of her security guard. 
She found similarities in this moment to the way he had gazed so wondrously at the Eiffel Tower glimmering at night. He looked at her like she was one of the greatest creations in the world, deserving of romance and praise and commemoration.
"Really?" she breathed.
The way he nodded at her started out small, his gaze dipping to her lips before something frantic kicked in. "Really," he asserted, his hand on her back traveling up her spine and over the base of her neck, "Can I—Can I kiss you?" 
(Y/N)'s answer came in the form of her nose bumping his, mouth placed just off center, hands clutching at the soft fabric of his top. Harry seemed taken aback for a moment, stunned into stillness before he came to life under her kiss. 
The hand that had been traced up her back to the base of her neck turned into a steadying hold, allowing him to support her as he towered above. She tipped her head back as he slotted his lips between her own, kissing her top lip delicately despite the ravenous way he held her. The soft sound of sighs, lips parting and meeting again, filled the room. The very tip of Harry's nose grazed the apple of her cheek as he tipped his head, deepening their kiss with a taste of his tongue over hers. If not for the fact her eyes were already closed, she could imagine the kind of blissed expression she would show off for him. 
Pressing her back towards the kitchen counter, (Y/N) followed Harry's guidance, never pulling her lips away from his own. It wasn't rough the way he grabbed her, placing her on the ledge, only eager excitement flooding his movement. (Y/N) understood completely, immediately reaching for him once more after she was steadied and safe on the counter. 
Her thighs parted to let him stand between, his hands pressing against the round of her hips as he took advantage of his spot. It was (Y/N)'s turn then to clasp her hands around the back of his neck, feeling the baby hairs and heat of his skin. She sighed into his kiss.
She hadn't kissed anyone sober in so long, let alone someone she deeply cared about and who she knew cared about her as well. This put everything she'd experienced to shame. 
Harry put everyone else to shame. 
Happiness flooded her system. 
(Y/N) smiled against his lips, her hands going rogue in his hair as she slipped her fingers between the curls. Harry matched her with a clinging hold on her hips, a grin blooming on his features. He pulled away only when their mouths couldn't actually press together through the breadth of their smiles. 
"Happy?" he asked her, grinning lips just a breath away from her own with his nose nudging delicate against hers.
"Uh-huh," she sighed, chancing her eyes open just a sliver, just enough to see what he looked like when he'd just been kissed by her. Her hands in his hair roamed until they settled a warm hug around his neck. "You make me so happy." 
Harry drew away from her before she was enveloped in his hug once more. His face was in her neck, his arms a cushioned cage around her middle. She swore she could feel his heart beating in time with her own, both racing. 
The kind of silence that only fit when you'd just been kissed in the middle of Paris descended over the flat. This silence full of mushy feelings, lip prints, and synced breathing. 
"Even if I can't fix everything, 'm going to take care of you." His words melted across the column of her neck, the brush of his lips feeling more intimate than when he had helped her undress after the Gala. "I want to make you happy, sweet girl." 
Her eyes fluttered closed as he tucked her chin against her shoulder, cheeks stretched wide from her grin. "I know you will." 
Harry hugged her tighter. 
retrouvailles is an untranslatable French word that describes the feeling of re-meeting someone, the joy of seeing someone you missed even if you didn't know you missed them before
eeeeek!!!!! thank you all so much for reading this part was def fun! sorry for any mistakes and please let me know if you have anything fun to share about the story!
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steveharringtonat3am · 2 years ago
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wc: 883
warnings: some adorable bf eddie
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“Your room is so cute.” Eddie sighs happily, cuddling into your pillows. You watch him from your seat at your desk, smiling at his antics.
“It’s pretty normal babe.” You grab your nail polish remover, beginning to take off the two week old polish from your nails. He slides off your bed and grabs his bag and starts taking out all of his things.
“What are you doing?” You ask, turning to watch him as you rub the acetone-coated cotton on your nails.
“Painting dnd miniatures.” He smiles, setting up and tying his hair back into a bun. The sight always makes your heart flutter. His bangs have been getting in his eyes recently and you make a mental note to trim them for him.
“I didn’t know you do that.” You grab your nail polish materials and sit across from him on the floor.
“I like to touch them up so they look extra nice!” They look even tinier in his hands, using a tiny paintbrush to gently paint the little statues.
“Which one are you painting now?” You can’t help but be curious. Even though dnd was a big part of Eddie’s life, you could never get into it. You knew he didn’t mind but you know he likes being able to talk about it with you.
“This is the female wizard. I actually based her character off you. She’s so beautiful that it causes the characters to get distracted during battle.” Leave it to Eddie Munson to be incredibly romantic while talking about dungeons and dragons.
“That one looks really pretty.” With the polish off your nails, you let yourself focus on Eddie’s skillful hands painting with a tiny brush.
“I’m glad you think so.” He kisses your forehead quickly before going back to painting. His tongue sticks out as he focuses. You lay on your stomach next to him, propped up on your hand.
“Do you paint all of these?” You hold up another one and he takes it, cleaning off his brush and starts to paint it.
“Pretty much yeah. It’s actually really relaxing.” It’s so precise that it almost makes you nervous, but he does seen happy.
“That makes sense!” You stay quiet for a while after that. It’s honestly nice to just sit and be with Eddie in silence. He always liked to be talking while doing something with his hands, which was always. But he was so focused that he was quiet, and it was nice to just watch and admire how pretty he is.
“There! Done!” He finally sets the last one down, jolting you awake.
“Th-that’s great babe!” You yawn, curling up in his lap. He smiles and runs a hand over your hair.
“You can’t fall asleep on the floor babe.”
“I can’t fall asleep. Have to paint my nails.” You pout, not nearly in the mood for an activity requiring that much effort.
“I could paint them for you?” He offers, ever the gentleman.
“You don’t know how to paint nails babe.” You peak an eye at him to see him look at you with a funny look on his face.
“I just painted like 20 tiny statues. I think I can handle your nails.” He grins as you sit up against the side of your bed.
“That makes sense…let me file them first yeah?” He nods, handing you the metal file and watching as you shape your nails, blowing them off when you’re done.
“Can I paint them now?” He’s very eager, already opening up your bottle of red polish.
“Sure babe just make sure not to put too much.” He wipes off some of the excess paint, taking your hand and precisely painting your nail. His first try is practically perfect, the coat of paint looking as good as they do in the salon.
“Wow baby you’re really good at this.” He only hums in response. When it came to you, Eddie never left things half-finished. Honestly, you had expected him to get bored halfway through but he painted every nail with incredible precision.
“Is that good?” He asks once the first coat is on. Sure enough, it looks better than ever.
“It’s perfect babe. Now we just let it dry!” You smile, finally able to squirm into his lap. He grins as he pulls you close.
“How long does that usually take?”
“Well it isn’t too thick so shouldn’t take longer than 20 minutes. But until then I can’t touch them, or the polish will smudge.” You keep your hands extended as you relax against his chest.
“Okay baby. Hey did I tell you about what happened today at work? This dude came in-” He launches into an animated story but the warmth of his arms has already begun to lull you to sleep.
An hour later and Eddie’s back is really starting to ache from sitting on the floor. But wow you look adorable when you sleep. He reaches out to inspect your nails, touching them gently to check if they’re dry. Sure enough they are and he smiles, kissing your forehead.
Maybe painting all those miniatures paid off.
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sickofthis666 · 2 days ago
Just learned of the existence of beauty salons in France for little girls, starting at 3 years old.
"What are we doing to our beautiful queens" meme but "what are we doing to our children". WTF.
"Hair removal as soon as 6yo"
"Program to lose weight for 7-13yo"
I don't even have words. Do I really need to explain how fucked up this is?
This is literally child abuse: you have child doctors warning that essential oils are hormone disruptors.
They're called beauty salons for kids, but it's girls only, let's be fucking real.
Source: article "Les instituts de beauté pour enfants font fureur en France" by Usbeketrica.com, january 2025
The article itself is based on one from Le Parisien (behind a paywall), "On va te faire une beauté : plongée dans la mode controversée des instituts pour enfants"
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phanfictioncatalogue · 11 days ago
Cis Swap Smut Masterlist
a little spark in the dark (ao3) - dizzy, waveydnp
Summary: dee and fi pull a marie kondo on their sex toy collection
ain't gotta tell me (it's just in my nature) (ao3) - lesbaurinkos (pluginbaby)
Summary: It’s really, really fucking nice, looking in the mirror and seeing something that feels right for the first time since uni, probably. Since the stint when she’d chopped her hair off her first year just to get scared and grow it back out, brushed it off on YouTube as a tomboy phase and run back away from the thing that she thinks she’s always sort of known. The thing that’s prickled under her skin every time she’s put on a dress for an event, makeup for a video, and pretended it’s who she is.
She’s been sick of pretending for a long time now.
(or: fi gets The Chop™)
Barcade (ao3) - yikesola
Summary: It’s been… a while, since Dani and Phoebe let loose like this. Since they got drunk without a worry for the morning’s guaranteed headache. Since they knew tomorrow wouldn’t involve a show, or travel, or a video, or family.
A fic about performance and familiar cities.
crying at the nail salon (i'm so sick of online love) (ao3) - misbhvdan
Summary: The older girl is looking at her in a way that makes Dani feel hot all over. She suddenly realises she has no idea what she’s doing. Oh, no. Fiona is so much more experienced than her. She’s going to make a fool of herself.
“Would you want to sit in my lap?”
“Y-yeah,” Dani nods, reaching for her phone in a way that she hopes isn’t obvious. Hiding it from Fiona’s view, she opens Google and types in, how to have skype sex.
— Dani and Fiona video chat.
give me your hand (and we can play pretend) (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: In which Dani's the one who decides her life should be some kind of cheesy porno.
her lips know me so well (ao3) - watergator (orphan_account)
Summary: diana loves making her girlfriend feel good
Hot and Cold (ao3) - thewakeless
Summary: Two idiots in love (100% bants and sex)
I want you in the most (un)romantic ways. (ao3) - philsslit
Summary: theres simply not enough 'dan and phil having lesbian sex' fics so I wrote something here ya go
it still gives me a head rush when I hear your name (ao3) - t_hens
Summary: after a night out Dan and Phil indulge in a little something new, as well as each other.
Loving’s so good when love is young (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Fiona's trying to watch the game, but her bored girlfriend is making it hard for her to concentrate on the screen.
our secret moments (ao3) - irrationalqueer
Summary: It’s a little bit exhilarating, the way they’d run, actually run down the hallway and crammed their tall bodies into this tiny alcove. Fiona hadn’t even given either of them a chance to calm down or catch their breath; she had just pushed Dani against the wall with her own body and started kissing her.
Ruby Woo (ao3) - phandomsub
Summary: Dani is dealing with yet another break-up, and Phil just wants to be there for her best friend.
sex on the beach (ao3) - calvinahobbes
Summary: The bartender is hot, and she definitely knows it. Phoebe feels herself getting more and more resentful the farther into her second drink she gets.
she keeps me warm (ao3) - outphan
Summary: Dani's first time meeting the Lesters.
She's Got the Look (ao3) - Nefertiti1052 (Succubusphan)
Summary: Diana would have never thought that being constantly late would lead to meeting the most beautiful girl she had ever seen and change her life forever.
slip a ribbon down (ao3) - queerofcups
Summary: Phil knows what its like to want and to keep that want to herself.
Dan sleeps over.
Subtle Foreshadowing (ao3) - dprkives
Summary: 2018 era dnp yuri after that one halloween pumpkin carving video because its my favourite uhhh yeah its absolute filth I hope you enjoy
synchronized (ao3) - Jamez
Summary: "Do you think if we had periods we'd be on at the same time?" —Phil Lester
(or, the one where Dan and Phil's periods sync up)
take me out tonight (meow!) (ao3) - misbhvdan
Summary: Fiona takes a couple of steps back and looks at his girlfriend expectantly. She shifts until she’s found a good pose, kneeling in the middle of the bed and pulling down the hem of the jumper with one hand so it’s covering her crotch. Looking straight at Fiona, she does the little pawing motion again with the other, biting her lip. Fiona is starting to feel very warm. Why the fuck did I agree to being the photographer for her slutty side hustle again?
“Aren’t you gonna take the picture, Daddy?”, Dani asks, acting innocently.
— Fiona helps Dani with her OnlyFans photoshoot.
The altar is my hips, even if it's a false god (we'd still worship this love) (ao3) - philsslit
Summary: As she watches Dani dance around in that incredibly short skirt she is filled with a mixture of love and lust. She can't take her eyes off of her.
dan and phil are lesbians. featuring sister daniel. and strap. that's it that's the fic.
Touch (ao3) - Anonymous
Summary: We get so tired and lonely
We need a human touch
Don't want to give ourselves away too much
try a little tenderness (ao3) - quarterleigh
Summary: "Lillian blows into her life like a gust of forgiving wind on a humid summers day. The moment they meet, Dan feels as if she is exhaling for the first time in months."
Dan meets a beautiful woman at yoga.
uma thurman (ao3) - calvinahobbes
Summary: It's not until Fi pushes her back against her iconic bedspread and makes it slow, makes it deep, looks her in the eye, that Dani realises exactly how much she's been missing out on.
Un-Dressing Room (ao3) - SonjaBlayde
Summary: Danni was annoyed that Pip took forever to try on clothes. She decided to take out her "frustrations."
You go down just like Holy Mary (ao3) - lesbosz
Summary: No matter how hard she tries, how much she prays Sister Daniel can't stop the sinful thoughts. The beautiful nun in the convent doesn't make this any easier for her.
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imreadydollparts · 2 months ago
Polypropylene hair is the worst about crumbling, but nylon crumbles sometimes, too.
I had a bit of a scare when I went down to the salon for the first time in a while because I've been sick and had two ponies in a row with hair colors that don't usually crumble, crumble.
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The worst nylon for crumbling is a bold pink which that crumbly Birthflower pony has. More often than not if a nylon haired pony is experiencing crumbling hair, it's that color though Barnacle's bright orange is a close second.
White and Cotton Candy pink don't usually crumble but these two are.
I was worried that being left with conditioner in their hair for so long had destroyed their hair, but the other ponies that had been with them did NOT crumble.
These two must have been kept in extreme conditions like in a hot attic or shed. Prolonged exposure to high temps can degrade plastics faster.
Anyway, I think I'm going to have to deny the ponies that are the worst off a jaunt through the SunBox so that I can get these ponies back home sooner rather than later. I can't un-bait a bait pony regardless, and their owner sends the worst ones off for full customization so them coming out of the salon in any condition other than clean isn't necessary.
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rose24207 · 22 days ago
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I got this
Summary: Miles never lets anyone touch his hair except his mom, but when she’s not around, he just might make an exception.
Genre: Miles!42, fluff
TW: Google translated Spanish, my limited knowledge about braids and hair in general
A/N: I don’t know much about braids besides the TikTok videos on my fyp and my friend who tells me what she does when she has braids in. If I made any mistakes on that part in this story please correct me! I don’t mean to offend anybody by posting this I though it was cute!! 🫶🏻
English is not my first language. I hope you enjoy it though! Requests are open and welcome!
Credit to the picture on the right goes to @nightowl374art ! Really talented!!
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Miles Morales sat on the couch in his living room, scrolling mindlessly through his phone. His fingers tapped against the screen, more from habit than interest, as he tried to ignore the growing irritation bubbling in his chest.
His braids had seen better days—frizzy at the roots, a little uneven, and far from the clean look he preferred. He’d been holding off redoing them because his mom had been working back-to-back shifts at the hospital. She was the only person who ever braided his hair. Always had been. He trusted her to get it right—not too tight, not too loose, and always with care.
The thought of going to a salon? Not a chance. He didn’t like strangers touching his hair, and he wasn’t about to start now. But still, walking around with messy braids? It didn’t sit right with him either.
From across the room, you glanced up at him. You’d been sitting at the dining table for the past hour, pretending to focus on homework. But really, you’d been sneaking peeks at him every few minutes. The way he kept rubbing his scalp absentmindedly didn’t escape your notice.
You smiled to yourself. You knew he was too stubborn to ask for help, but lucky for him, you’d been planning something.
"Todo bien, mi amor?" you called out softly, resting your chin in your palm as you watched him.
Miles looked up from his phone, his lips quirking into a small smile that made your heart flutter. "Yeah, I’m good, mami. Why you askin'?"
"Because you’ve been sighing like the world’s about to end," you teased, standing up and walking over to him. You perched yourself on the arm of the couch, close enough to reach out and brush your fingers over one of his frizzy braids. "It’s your hair, isn’t it?"
Miles tilted his head back, meeting your gaze. "Maybe. You know me too well, huh?"
"Un poquito," you teased, though you already knew the answer. "So? What’s the plan? You gonna let someone fix it?"
He scrunched his nose at the thought, leaning back against the couch. "Nah. I’ll wait for Ma. I don’t like anybody else touchin’ my hair, you know that."
You felt a spark of warmth at his words. He didn’t trust just anyone with something as personal as his hair—but you wanted to be the exception.
"What if it wasn’t ‘anybody else’?" you asked, trying to sound casual.
Miles raised a brow, turning his head to look at you more closely. "What you mean?"
You shrugged, your fingers playing with the hem of your hoodie. "What if I learned how to braid? What if I could do it for you?"
His expression shifted from confusion to surprise. "Wait, you serious right now?"
"Yeah," you said, grinning. "I’ve been practicing. Watching tutorials, practicing on myself and... okay, I even bought a wig to try on."
He blinked at you, his lips parting slightly in disbelief. For a moment, he didn’t say anything, and you started to worry you’d overstepped.
"Look," you added quickly, "I know it’s a big deal for you. You don’t have to let me if you’re not comfortable, but I thought—"
"You been doin’ all that... for me?" he asked, his voice softer now.
You nodded, your smile faltering. "Well, yeah. I know how much it means to you. I just wanted to help."
Miles stared at you, his mind racing. He didn’t let people into his bubble easily—not with stuff like this. His hair wasn’t just about looking good; it was about trust, about who he let close. And you? You’d gone out of your way to learn something just for him, without him even asking.
He swallowed, his voice quiet. "You’re somethin’ else, you know that?"
Your cheeks flushed under his gaze, and you laughed softly. "Is that a yes, Morales?"
He let out a small chuckle, shaking his head. "Yeah, that’s a yes. Just don’t mess me up, alright?"
"Boy, por favor," you teased, hopping off the couch. "Go grab the comb and gel. I got this."
Miles sat in the chair you’d set up at the dining table, his hoodie off, and his hands resting on his lap. You stood behind him, your fingers gently unraveling the old braids.
At first, he felt tense. He couldn’t help it. Letting someone touch his hair was like letting them into a piece of him he didn’t share easily. But with you, it felt different.
Your fingers worked carefully, detangling each section with patience. He could tell you’d practiced; your touch was gentle but sure, and you didn’t tug at his scalp like some people might.
"You good?" you asked, pausing to look down at him.
Miles tilted his head back slightly, his dark brown eyes meeting yours. "Yeah, I’m good. Just... not used to this."
"Used to what?" you asked, running the comb gently through a section of his hair.
He shrugged, a small smile tugging at his lips. "You takin’ care of me like this. Feels... nice."
Your heart swelled at his words, and you leaned down to press a soft kiss to the top of his head. "Get used to it, cariño."
Miles smiled to himself, his gaze drifting to the window as you continued working. He didn’t say it out loud, but moments like these made him realize just how much he appreciated you. You didn’t just see him; you understood him.
You worked in silence for a while, focused on getting each braid just right. You’d parted his hair into clean sections, spraying it lightly with water and smoothing it with gel before starting each braid. Your fingers moved with precision, and you couldn’t help but feel a little proud of yourself.
"You’re really good at this," Miles murmured after a while.
You grinned, though you didn’t take your eyes off the braid you were finishing. "Told you I practiced."
"On what again?" he asked, his voice curious.
"A wig," you admitted, laughing softly. "And, okay, a lot of trial and error on myself."
Miles chuckled, shaking his head slightly. "You really did all that for me?"
"Of course I did," you said, tying off the braid and moving to the next section. "Your mom’s been busy, and I know how much you hate going to salons. I just wanted to make it easier for you."
Miles leaned back slightly, letting his shoulders relax as your fingers worked through his hair. He didn’t say much, but his thoughts were a swirl of gratitude and affection. He didn’t know how he got so lucky to have someone like you.
"Thank you," he said softly.
You glanced down at him, your brows furrowing slightly. "For what?"
"For this," he said, gesturing vaguely to his hair. "For you. For always lookin’ out for me."
Your chest tightened at his words, and you leaned down to rest your chin on his shoulder for a moment. "Always, mi amor."
By the time you finished, nearly four hours had passed. You tied off the last braid and stepped back to admire your work. His braids were neat and even, each one perfectly aligned. You grabbed a mirror from your bag and handed it to him.
"Alright, what do you think?" you asked, a little nervous now.
Miles held up the mirror, turning his head from side to side to inspect your work. His eyes widened slightly, and a slow grin spread across his face.
"Yo," he said, twisting one of the braids between his fingers. "This is fire, mami. You really did this?"
"Really," you said, grinning as relief flooded through you.
He set the mirror down and turned to you, pulling you into his arms before you could react. His hands rested on your waist, and he looked at you with that soft, almost shy smile that made your heart melt every time.
"You killed it," he said, his voice full of admiration. "Thank you."
You wrapped your arms around his neck, feeling his warmth as he held you close. "Anything for you, mi vida."
He leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to your lips, and you felt your heart flutter all over again.
"You know you’re my favorite person, right?" he murmured against your lips.
You pulled back just enough to look at him, your eyes meeting his. "Yeah, yeah," you teased, though your cheeks burned. "Don’t forget it."
"Never," he said firmly, his voice full of sincerity.
And in that moment, with his arms around you and his freshly braided hair, Miles realized something he’d known deep down for a while now: he didn’t just trust you with his hair. He trusted you with his heart.
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Thank you for reading!
Taglist: @ipushhimback, @ladyoflynx, @lewishamiltonismybf, @cmleitora, @hxxi3, @cherryblossom-92, @same1995, @amatswimming
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chicinsilk · 24 days ago
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US Vogue January 1986
Tatjana Patitz wears Geoffrey Beene’s most impeccable evening suit: the jacket, its signature wrap shape, with a narrow, deeply slit skirt in white silk crepe (the “color,” a symbol of more news at night). Hair, Suga of Suga Salon, NYC, makeup, Tyen of Paris. Accessories: Earrings, M&J Savitt. Pantyhose, Fogal Legwear of Switzerland, pumps, Manolo Blahnik.
Tatjana Patitz porte un tailleur de soirée le plus impeccable de Geoffrey Beene : la veste, sa forme portefeuille emblématique, avec une jupe étroite et profondément fendue en crêpe de soie blanche (la « couleur », un symbole de plus de nouvelles la nuit). Coiffure, Suga du Suga Salon, NYC, maquillage, Tyen de Paris. Accessoires : Boucles d'oreilles, M&J Savitt. Bas culottes, Fogal Legwear of Switzerland, escarpins, Manolo Blahnik.
Photo Irving Penn vogue archive
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mochademic · 11 months ago
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100 Days of Productivity [Day: 63] || 100 Jours de Productivité [Jour: 63]
sometimes the meaning of life is to have so many words that you have none. to discover just how many ways one can say that you love. love yourself, love them, love what you do & how you do it, love that living is a thing that takes each day to build & break down again. smelling mint in the morning & lavender in the living room. it’s tremendous to be here.
course work finished
freelance work caught up
important phone calls made
hair trimmed [the horror!]
contract offer accepted
currently listening // Moments by Spacyboi
parfois le sens de la vie est d'avoir tellement de mots qu'on n'en a plus. découvrir combien de façons on peut dire qu'on aime. s'aimer, les aimer, aimer ce qu'on fait et comment on le fait, aimer que la vie est une chose qui prend chaque jour à se construire et à se reconstruire. sentir la menthe le matin et la lavande dans le salon. c'est formidable d'être ici.
travaux de cours terminés
travail indépendant rattrapé
appels téléphoniques importants
coupe de cheveux [l'horreur !]
offre de contrat acceptée
chanson // Moments par Spacyboi
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lacesconfidences · 5 months ago
Il faut souffrir pour être une fille !
Ma sœur était plus attirée par les filles que par les garçons. Sa première chérie s'appelait Christine, c'était une rousse mignonne et très féminine. Elle avait 16 ans et était la fille d'une esthéticienne divorcée. Elle logeait au dessus de l'institut de sa mère. Nous formions Christine, ma sœur et moi un drôle de trio de gourmandes de plaisirs. Cela a duré un peu plus de deux ans, jusqu'à mon entrée à l'Université. Tous les samedis après-midi et quelquefois en semaine, nous nous retrouvions dans la chambre de Christine qui était devenue notre salle de jeux. Christine n'était pas en reste et le fait qu'elle vive seule avec sa mère lui a donné beaucoup d'avance côté sexe. Après mes premiers essayages de fille chez Christine, et avant de découvrir le plaisir féminin de me faire prendre par un tampon puis un merveilleux vibro, mes deux complices ont voulu me débarrasser de mes poils disgracieux… Ma sœur y était déjà passée, sauf son minou et c'était très simple car Christine empruntait le matériel de sa mère à l'Institut et s'exerçait sur elle. Un après-midi, ma sœur et sa chérie ne se sont pas caressées comme à leur habitude. Elles ont comploté en messes bases… Elisabeth m'a demandé de me mettre en culotte pendant que Christine descendait à l'Institut. Elle est remontée avec un truc à cire chaude, des bandes et un rasoir électrique. Elle m'a dit : C'est pas beau une fille avec des poils, on va s'occuper de toi ! Elles ont mis une serviette éponge sur le lit et m'ont demandé de m'allonger sur le dos. Christine a appliqué de la cire sur mes jambes, c'était chaud et agréable. Elisabeth a pressé des bandes sur la cire… Et ensuite, je ne sais plus laquelle des deux a arraché la première bande 🤐🥴😭 Tout ce que je sais c'est que j'ai poussé un cri tel que la mère de Christine a demandé du bas ce qu'elles me faisaient pour me faire crier ainsi ! Et elles ont continué ainsi devant et derrière puis sur la poitrine où heureusement j'avais peu de poils car j'ai souffert … Ha les garces 🥴 Pour finir, Christine m'a dit : "Baisse ta culotte, on va te dessiner le maillot pour que tu aies un joli minou comme nous." Je me suis exécuté en lui disant de faire gaffe à ne pas me blesser avec sa tondeuse. Je n'ai pas été blessée mais à force de me manipuler le clito et les couilles, je leur ai offert une belle queue bien raide. Elisabeth a dit : on ne peut pas le laisser comme ça, il ne peut même plus remettre sa culotte 🍆🍆🍆. Et Christine d'ajouter qu'après tout ce travail elles avaient droit a une récompense. Elles m'ont branlé et j'ai déchargé dans la main de Christine qui s'est empressée de lécher ma liqueur. Elisabeth était frustrée car elle n'a eu que les dernières gouttes en essorant mon clito qui dégonflait…
You have to suffer to be a girl!
My sister was more attracted to girls than boys. Her first sweetheart was called Christine, she was a cute and very feminine redhead. She was 16 years old and the daughter of a divorced beautician. She lived above her mother's salon. Christine, my sister and I formed a strange trio of pleasure seekers. This lasted a little over two years, until I entered university. Every Saturday afternoon and sometimes during the week, we met in Christine's room which had become our playroom. Christine was not left out and the fact that she lived alone with her mother gave her a big head start on the sex side. After my first girl fittings at Christine's, and before discovering the feminine pleasure of being taken by a tampon then a wonderful vibrator, my two accomplices wanted to get rid of my unsightly hairs… My sister had already been there, except for her pussy and it was very simple because Christine borrowed her mother's equipment at the Institute and practiced on her. One afternoon, my sister and her sweetheart did not caress each other as usual. They plotted in my basics… Elisabeth asked me to put on my panties while Christine went down to the Institute. She came back up with a hot wax thing, strips and an electric razor. She told me: It's not beautiful a girl with hairs, we'll take care of you! They put a terry towel on the bed and asked me to lie on my back. Christine applied wax to my legs, it was hot and pleasant. Elisabeth pressed strips on the wax… And then, I don't remember which of the two tore off the first strip 🤐🥴😭 All I know is that I screamed so much that Christine's mother asked from below what they were doing to me to make me scream like that! And they continued like this in front and behind then on my chest where fortunately I had little hair because I suffered… Oh the bitches 🥴 To finish, Christine told me: "Pull down your panties, we're going to draw your swimsuit so that you have a pretty pussy like us." I complied, telling her to be careful not to hurt me with her clippers. I wasn't hurt but by dint of manipulating my clit and balls, I gave them a nice stiff cock. Elisabeth said: we can't leave him like this, he can't even put his panties back on 🍆🍆🍆. And Christine added that after all this work they were entitled to a reward. They jerked me off and I unloaded in Christine's hand who quickly licked my juice. Elisabeth was frustrated because she only got the last drops by wringing out my deflating clit…
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snowywolf1005 · 2 months ago
@ruanime34 : How about the the One Piece x Mexico and the Strawhats see how Mexico surprised christmas maybe one of reader cousin heard that someone birthday soon and they along with Strawhats help plan the birthday or how about ASL x mother reader like ASL are having a are still having trouble of forgetting mother reader so one cousin help how to cope on talking about memories and being there for them. You can pick whichever you what please and thank you!
Me : @ruanime34 Also! What do you mean the ASL brothers are trouble forgetting their mother?
@ruanime34 : @snowywolf1005 I mean to say was ASL and having trouble remembering the good memories of their mom because what if they keep on having nightmares of their mom dying and she blaming them for death
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I'll do both!!
At a big home, Ace is having a terrible nightmare. "No... no, no, no.... please... don't..."
Ace - "*Huff* *huff*...(running from the people)
Ace - (turnaround to see his mother)mom!"
Ace hugged his mother, with tears in his eyes. "Mama, I was having worse dreams," he said while his mother hugged, Hush him.
Then Ace noticed flame on his mother and watched his mother being burned in flames. His eyes widened.
It was too late, his mother burned to ash.
Ace woke up from the dream, covered with sweets, "Hey, you're awake." Ace was startle from (S/N) voice, leaning against the door, "Come on, and eat, " she said, walking away.
Ace hurried and changed his clothes, then walk down stairs to see everyone was eating. "¡Oh! ¡Por fin te despertaste!(oh! you finally awake)"
"Good morning, ace!" Said luffy, the strawhat were eating some pancake and drinking 'abuelita hot chocolate' You know...
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"Toma, bebe un poco de chocolate caliente y come algo.(here, drink some hot chocolate, and eat some pack.)" said (A/N), ace sat with his brothers. "You better hurry up cause we're going shopping at the jcp mall," said victoria.
"The mall! I heard it a huge place with clothes, jewelry, makeup, hair salon, all kinds of stuff!!" Said Nami. (S/N) laughs, luffy eats all the pancakes, "Estuvo realmente delicioso, señora.(it was really delicious, ma'am)," said sabo, Victoria cousin blush by his voice.
Then the strawhat went on the ride on the bus:
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After arriving, the strawhat, they're surprised how huge inside, "it's so cool! They even have mini train!" Said luffy, and they split up with each group.
(S/N) group Victoria group
• luffy. • Nami
• Zoro. • Robin
• Usopp. • Jinbe
• Franky. • Ace
• Sanji. • Sabo
• Brook. • Chooper
"Okay, we're only here to buy dresses and suit for the party," said victoria, "ms. Victoria, a question: why are we at the mall?" Robin asks. Victoria looks at robin ,"we're celebrating Roger birthday but not today, and the king of the pirate where Roger crew first came to Mexico." She said.
Robin stund, "gold roger?!" Jinbe asks. With surprise look, victoria nodded her head, "Hey, Robin, look at the dress I found!" Said Nami.
"That a good look for you," said victoria, at (S/N) group, "(S/N), can we leave already! I'm hungry!" Said luffy being exhausted at store. "You said you wanted to go"
"Yeah, but, like ice cream, play video games, go on rides" (S/N), look for suit for luffy. "Ah, here,try this on" (S/N) give luffy the suit, "do I have to?" Said luffy.
"Do it, or I'm gonna wop your ass." (S/N) said, with an angry look, making luffy frightened. She takes luffy to the dressing room, "is this about Roger first coming to Mexico?" Luffy question.
"Yeah" (S/N) answer, looking at the crew, checking on clothes, asking the staff but in spanish. Remain her, Roger crew, having fun, do funny things, go fun rides. She wishes her sister would be her.
Victoria group. Victoria is at the dressing with Robin inside, "Ms. Victoria, when exactly did Roger's crew find Mexico?" Robin asks. Victoria chulked, "What do you think? We did, and we led Roger to Mexico, we told them everything."
"Did Roger go kaiju island?" Victoria pause, and remember what happened on kaijus Island. "Yeah, we did. I won't forget Roger and oden face when they saw mothra, it was so hilarious!" Victoria laughed.
Robin opened the door, with a pruple dress on her, "look good on you," said victoria. "Ms. Victoria, please tell me, what was the reason not to go, Kaiju island?" Robin, please.
Victoria sighed, "You know, you're luffy friends and friends don't have to keep secrets, not even family, I'll tell you and Law, but I have to ask (S/N). If that's alright." said victoria.
Robin smiled, victoria smiles back, "Okay, got everything we need!" "Yeah!" The crew shouted, "alright, let me text (S/N) if they're finished yet, " victoria said, taking out her phone.
The crew cheered when they walked out of the store.
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itsguysnightitsironic · 2 years ago
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Some human skin and bone
The yassification button glitched, so sorry for your loss.
Did this take years of my life? Yes.
Did it take making at less three before realising I used their identifying colours to render them? Also yes.
Drawings without the dramatic light under the cut with some very long ramblings.
(I'm pretty sleep-deprived right now, excuse my weird grammar and ramblings.)
They are in order of making.
-She was the first I drew of the bunch, and I based her mostly on a baby I saw in a hair salon. She had these big un-blink-able eyes and these adorable chubby cheeks that just made sense that Hootsie had.
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-To try to union the owl and bear parts of an owlbear, I gave her this very puffy ENORMOUS fur coat with a feather jacket under it. To define where in her original design the fur and feather separate.
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-Also the claws, since Hootsie has claws, it's your decision to decide if they are REAL or if Gricko made them for her in wood.
-Her makeup it's designed to scream "OWL" and her original markings, from the big eyes, and eyebrows as owls horns, to the line to symbolise her beak.
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She was very fun to draw, brain empty, just owlbear.
-You know the whole "re-inventing the wheel"? Well, this was a "drawing Mace by accident over and over again"
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-Credits to Beth Mello for inspiration for the splash blood makeup, which it's just so pretty
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-I don't know where the metallic horns came from, I know it's inspired by something but it is so locked in my mind and I can't pull the strings to know where it comes from.
I showed this one to one of my old art teachers and he said "It looks like me when I was younger" and now I can't unsee it.
Your genishi is my retired art teacher now, so sorry for your loss.
-Did I ask my father to pose to draw his old hands? Yes. Yes, I did. And I had to make them more rough and hairy because he has "selling wristwatches on tv" hands? Absolutely.
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-I based his hair on a member of Metalica, Kirk Hammett. Now that he's older, he has this very pretty long curly greyish hair that just felt very Gricko.
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-I cut his fingers. Well, only the right hand, he has the other one but it didn't grow correctly so it's more like little little finger without nail. So he has four fingers, in his original goblin design he has four fingers and so does the human version now, we don't know what happened, Gricko probably doesn't know either.
-The makeup had to have the most eccentric in-your-face eyeliner ever. With some green highlighter to remain of goblin skin, blue and white dots for his magic and to link him with Hootsie's little blue gems, and body paint inspired by Britons war paint. (Which are drawn after two of his totems.)
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Lighting for this one was weirdly easy... The ocarina wasn't.
-As someone who is pretty young and it's starting to grow white hair already, I can say, that whatever it's happening to him it's more from stress than genes. What ghost scared you, sir?
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-I fought with his face so much, I had his body ready for days but not the face. I wanted to keep the expression that Frost has in the original, mostly the smug smile he has.
-Credits to Freja Bermann for inspiration for his makeup which it's inspired by multiple of her looks inspired by the solar system.
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-I just realised that by giving him "horns" and two dots to symbolize his tiger ears it looks like the froggy chair of Animal Crossing.
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I'm not changing it. This is our little secret.
-How do you draw an alligator as a human? How??? DRAW??
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-You know what, drawing hands it's only fun if it's old people's hands. They have more texture and can be a bit rougher. They can define a character's life so well... For example, here Kremy has four fingers, you can decide if he got it cut off by fucking around, bitten off, or if he gifted it as a sign of faith to his patron, you decide.
-You hear about "Give Gideon a cowboy hat" get ready for "Give Kremy opera binoculars"
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-His makeup was inspired by cabaret, just dramatic eyeshadow and eyeliner. There are markings as gator skin around his eyes and nose. And a fake beauty mark because why not?
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Drawing Kremy it's always fun, even if I get tortured first by trying to structure his face.
I can't bring myself to do Torbek, Twig and Petunia, sorry, I'm very tired.
AHHHHHHHHHH.... Have a cupcake 🧁.
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newhector · 4 months ago
1st Part
I opened the door and there they were both, he introduced himself and with a simple, "Here you have my wife as I promised you"; She was a brunette with curly black hair that beautified her pretty face; She was wearing high black suede shoes and a beautiful gray trench coat tied with a belt around her thin waist.
The shot of the end of the belt and the trench coat opened, showing a beautiful woman with white flesh that contrasted with her pretty black lingerie, she was not wearing panties and my eyes went to a small bush of delicate brown hair, she was wearing black stockings over her her knees held together with a matching black garter belt, the bodice had small holes that showed off her beautiful and delicate breasts, crowned by round and erect nipples; He put his left hand on her back and pushed her towards me. I took her left hand with my right hand and I noticed it was excessively hot. As I guided her into my home, I could see how her husband turned around without saying anything. more towards the elevator
I closed the door behind me and as I was behind her back I grabbed her raincoat, she helped me take it off, while I looked at the end of her beautiful back, she had nice round buttocks that quickly made me react, she hung the raincoat from the hanger , took her hand and guided her to the living room, she let herself be guided without saying a single word; In front of the minibar I told him that if I wanted to have something, shaking my head while I looked a little nervous at all the decoration, I put a finger of whiskey without ice and in one gulp he drank it, I stood aside and pointed to the stairs with my hand invited her to go up, I observed the oscillating and provocative movement of her buttocks as she moved with excessive and elegant swaying of her hips, she placed her hands on the first steps, showing me and showing a shiny and beautiful merchandise that she moved slowly as she raised a of his legs when going up a step, I couldn't help it and took my finger along his hole, making a journey from top to bottom, impregnating it with bright and sticky flow. I brought it closer to my face and I could appreciate its aromatic and penetrating smell, I put it inside my mouth and savored it, as if it were an old reserve wine...
1ra Parte
Abrí la puerta y allí estaban ambos, se presentó y con un simple "aquí tienes a mi esposa como te prometí"; Ella era una morena con cabello negro rizado que embellecía su lindo rostro; Llevaba zapatos altos de abuja negro y una hermosa gabardina gris atada con un cinturón alrededor de su delgada cintura.
Tiro del extremo del cinturón y la gabardina se abrió, mostrando a una hermosa mujer de carnes blancas que contrastaban con su linda lencería negra, no llevaba bragas y mis ojos se dirigieron a un pequeño matorral de delicado cabello castaño, ella vestía medias negras sobre sus rodillas sujetas con un liguero negro a juego, el corpiño tenía pequeños agujeros que dejaban ver sus hermosos y delicados senos, coronados por pezones redondos y erectos; Le puso la mano izquierda a su espalda y la empujó hacia mí. Tomé su mano izquierda con mi derecha y noté que estaba excesivamente caliente. Mientras la guiaba hacia el interior de mi casa, pude ver cómo su esposo se daba la vuelta sin decir nada hacia el ascensor y se marchaba.
Cerré la puerta detrás de mí y como estaba a sus espaldas agarré su gabardina, ella me ayudó a quitársela, mientras yo miraba el final de su hermosa espalda, tenía lindas nalgas redondas que rápidamente me hicieron reaccionar, colgué la gabardina de la percha, tome su mano y la guie hasta la salon, ella se dejó guiar sin decir una sola palabra; Frente al minibar le dije que si quería tomar algo, sacudiendo la cabeza en una negativa mientras miraba un poco nerviosa toda la decoración, me puse un dedo de whisky sin hielo y de un trago me lo bebi, me hice a un lado y Señalé las escaleras con mi mano la invité a subir, observé el movimiento oscilante y provocativo de sus nalgas mientras se movía con un excesivo y elegante balanceo de sus caderas, colocó sus manos en los primeros escalones mostrándome y mostrando una brillante y hermosa mercancía que ella movía lentamente mientras levantaba una de sus piernas al subir un escalón, no pude evitarlo y llevé mi dedo por su agujero, haciendo un recorrido de arriba a abajo, impregnándolo de un flujo brillante y pegajoso. Lo acerqué a mi rostro y pude apreciar su olor aromático y penetrante, lo metí en mi boca y lo saboreé, como si fuera un vino añejo, un gran reserva…
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Could I please get a HC for Felix from Last legacy for an MC who when they first woke up there had unnaturally colored hair (blue if I'm being self-indulgent or basic F/C if non descriptive.)
How Felix would react to MC's hair color fading and maybe him helping them dye it again.
Of course! Sorry it's a little short, but I hope you enjoy this - it feels so very good to write again, and I hadn't realized how much I missed Felix!
Fandom: Last Legacy
Character(s): Felix
Warnings: None
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For starters, I'm going to take a slightly unique angle on this and assume that hair color changing is not that unusual in Astraea. Sure, one could argue that Rime's strawberry pink hair is as natural as his antlers, but what about Anisa? Her mother's hair appears to be solid, yet she's got those lovely streaks in her hair. So it's possible, however... I'm going to say that it isn't dye, but magic.
Imagine salons employing mages who can color your hair instantly, along with other feats, such as causing it to grow out instantly when you've tired of a short haircut. Or salons with a host of magical potions in stock that can be applied to your hair similarly to our dye and instantly causes the color to change! I imagine this is a bit more expensive than just getting a haircut, though, which might be a good way to explain the lack of such vibrant colors in Astraea - most people cannot afford it, or maybe can't access any salons with such options. Or mayhaps it's simply more common than we were led to believe!
For funsies, I'm going to say that Felix's hair is naturally a much duller shade of brown, but during his early teenage years he experimented with spells and potions to color it a bright purple to scandalize Escell, but it didn't quite work, so now it's just... got this purpleish hue to it.
It might So when you turn up with colored hair, it's the least of anyone's concerns. Forget your hair, they want to know where you came from, how you ended up here, and how to get you home!
But the thing about magically colored hair is that it doesn't quite suffer the same phases as our dye. It's either fully permanent, if one could pay enough or find a talented enough mage, or it simply fades away like magic and leaves your natural color behind. But this... this is different. The color fades, and your roots begin to show through as your hair grows out, and no one's ever seen anything quite like it before.
Once Felix finally notices, oblivious little dork that he is, his first instinct is that something is wrong - he skips straight over the possibility that you might be sick, as Sage would surely suggest, and instantly fears corruption. If magic is the thing that colors hair, then surely it must be the cause of strangely un-coloring hair as well. Think of it as an allergic reaction, of sorts; right as you start learning how to perform magic and becoming more and more proficient with it, your vibrant hair seems to wither and become dull.
It's Felix, so... he probably doesn't bring it up immediately. Instead, this loveable idiot decides to fix the problem himself, and tries dissuading you from using magic. The sudden 180 from encouraging you to study the heaviest tomes and practice until you're utterly exhausted to trying to talk you out of doing those exact things is... concerning, to say the least, and you're not that easily convinced.
One way or another, it comes out, whether it's you confronting him, Felix spilling his concerns on his own, or some knightly intervention from Anisa. You explain that your hair is dyed, and Felix freezes, assuming you meant, you know... died. Hopefully you'll explain the difference to him before he launches into a tangent of apologies.
Once he understands, however, he's on a quest to renew your hair for you. He either attempts it himself - which, as mentioned, might not have the best outcome - or he takes you to the best salon in Porrima to have your hair professionally done by a proper mage who can ensure the color will never fade again, unless of course you want a different color.
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