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[Olga Shinchan (main admin of KISSMELAND) @kissme_shinchan] Aug 27, 2019
@shin_soohyun89 @HooN91y @JuN97L
Happy 11th Anniversary 🎉💋🎶 love you with all I am ❤
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#11주년축하해요 #UKISS11thAnniversary #UKISS11Anniversary #11YearsWithUKISS #ukiss 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 https://www.instagram.com/p/B1tBIVeg7MU/?igshid=tdpgzo46s0ix
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항상 고마운 키스미♡
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190828 Kiseop’s Tweet
11th anniversary!!!!!!!
Congratulations so, so, so, so much ❤️
Congratulations to KISSmes, too ❤️
#ukiss#u-kiss#kiseop#soohyun#hoon#jun#twitter.com/KiSSeop91/status/1166610629026861056#English translation#UKISS11thAnniversary#Bri11iantYearsWithUKISS#11YearsWithUKISS
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[Pearl Pink Kissme PH @PearlPink_KMPH] Aug 8, 2019
We will always stay this way in love with you♡
[Fanproject] p1nky prom1se : stay with u-kiss
#UKISS #KISSme #p1nkyprom1se #StayWithUKISS #UKISS11thAnniversary
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[Amelia Mendivil (U-KISS México Support staff) @amilylestrange IG] AUGUST 28, 2019
#Bri11iantYearsWithUKISS #UKISS11thAnniversary #HappyUKISSAnniversary #11YearsKISSmewithUKISS #SOOHYUN #HOON #JUN
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190828 Jun’s IG update
[English translation by PrinceJUN0]
Thank you so much to all KISSME who has been cheering for us for 11 years.
Hyungs too you have worked so hard
#ukiss#u-kiss#jun#soohyun#hoon#instagram.com/ukiss_jun97/#twitter.com/PrinceJUN0/status/1166614185700184071#English translation#UKISS11thAnniversary#Bri11iantYearsWithUKISS#11YearsWithUKISS
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[ka.@noohnim] Aug 27, 2019
My ultimate group is now 11 years old!! 😍😍❤️❤️❤️😭😭👍😘
#UKISS #UKISS11thAnniversary #Bri11iantYearsWithUKISS
#soohyun #hoon #jun
It's phone background. Feel free to use it if you want :D
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[대단한우연 @greatfortuity] Aug 28, 2019
[@shin_soohyun89 @HooN91y @JuN97L]
A little late, but released unpublished pictures to commemorate the 11th anniversary!
#ukiss#u-kiss#soohyun#hoon#jun#fans#Korean#twitter.com/greatfortuity/status/1166729053857992704#English translation#UKISS11thAnniversary#Bri11iantYearsWithUKISS#11YearsWithUKISS
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[TOMOKO @smapxukiss05] Replying to @HooN91y Aug 28, 2019
From now on Alーーーways Together~~~😃💓💓💓 Congrats on 11 years 🎉 #UKISS #수현 #SOOHYUN #훈 #HOON #준 #JUN #UKISS11ThAnniversary
#ukiss#u-kiss#hoon#soohyun#jun#FanArt#fans#Japanese#twitter.com/smapxukiss05/status/1166647447776460800#English translation#UKISS11thAnniversary#Bri11iantYearsWithUKISS#11YearsWithUKISS
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[KISSme Support @kissmesupport] Aug 20, 2019
Spreading Awareness ~~ Many groups don’t make it to 11 years, let’s celebrate big!
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[U-KISS México Support @KISSmeSupportMx] Aug 7, 2019
New Profile Pic~♡
#NewProfilePic #KISSme 💋 #UKISS ❤ #유키스 💕 #UKISS11Anniversary🎉 #HappyUKISSAnniversary🎂 #11YearsKISSmewithUKISS✨
⚠PLEASE DO NOT EDIT OR CROP OUR LOGO⚠ ❌Don't crop and edit❌ amilylestrange🌸
DOWNLOAD LINK ⬇ drive.google.com/file/d/1W48zf4hevmU_Z8Q5lTnrDrLhQWVdvWt-/view?usp=drivesdk
#ukiss#u-kiss#soohyun#hoon#jun#fans#Mexican#twitter.com/KISSmeSupportMx/status/1158978493637640192#English translation#UKISS11thAnniversary
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Happy 11th Anniversary Ukiss
[U-Kiss KissMe Bolivia @ YouTube] Published on Aug 28, 2019
Song: U-KISS – Sunset
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190828 Hoon’s Tweet
[English translation by junhaera_]
11th anniversary..! I recall one by one the memories that UKISS and Kissmes made.. Those are memories I won't forget as I was very happy.~🖤
To our members who've been with us all this time, you've worked very hard and thank you~ and more than anything, thanks to our Kissmes, I was very happy. Soohyun, Hoon and Jun will try harder so we can continue to be happy🖤 I love you.
#ukiss#u-kiss#hoon#soohyun#jun#twitter.com/junhaera_/status/1166643656322736128#English translation#UKISS11thAnniversary#Bri11iantYearsWithUKISS#11YearsWithUKISS
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[U-KISS Korea @ukisskorea] Aug 28, 2019
[#유키스] 08/28 Today is UKISS 11th anniversary. Thank you so much to the precious KISSme who always been cheering for UKISS💕 Let’s make good memories too in the future🙏🏻 KISSme congratulations for the 11th anniversary.🎉
[English translation by UKISSmoments]
[Soohyun @shin_soohyun89] Retweeted @ukisskorea and added:
Thank you always.
[Honey (co-Founder of Kissme Austria) @Mitsubachiii] Retweeted @ukisskorea and added:
I was there when U-KISS had its first member change. I'd just become a KissMe, to be honest. I saw them in that constellation during one of their first mini live events in Yokohama performing Tick Tock. I nearly cried. And @shin_soohyun89 said my name, I can still hear it. <3 I have been 100% with them since then.
Sending Leader to the military felt like the end of the group. But here we are, down to 3. Yet still here
I'm still standing strong. Because as long as our leader and the rest of the members - doesn't matter if one or two of them - are standing as U-KISS on stage, I will be here to support them. Crying and laughing and admiring them. These are my boys and my happiness.
With that: dear U-KISS and KissMe, happy 11th anniversary! Our history is long and wonderful. Our mistakes and hardships make us stronger. U-KISS as 3 is as perfect as ever. I hope there will be a time to see them on stage together. I am waiting. Last fan standing. <3
#UKISS #수현 #SOOHYUN #훈 #HOON #준 #JUN #UKISS11ThAnniversary #Thank_you_UKISS
[Cris | UK11SS @u_crism] Replying to @ukisskorea
Happy Anniversary, guys!! Thank you for being strong. Let's fight together, till the end 😘
[Hoseok’s lost shirt @Breath_musicO2] Replying to @ukisskorea
Happy anniversary boys! ❤️ Please be with us 11 years more and more!:)
#ukiss#u-kiss#soohyun#hoon#jun#kiseop#fans#Austrian#international#twitter.com/ukisskorea/status/1166364765922291712#twitter.com/UKISSmoments/status/1166366224193744897#English translation#twitter.com/Mitsubachiii/status/1166401331189489671#UKISS11thAnniversary#Bri11iantYearsWithUKISS#11YearsWithUKISS
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190828 UKISS Fanclub Staff Tweet
[English translation by UKISSmoments]
For the last 11 years, KISSme is the reason why we UKISS could exist❤ You are also the reason why each members could do their best in their respective places, which make this time more precious💕 Congratulations to UKISS and KISSme🎀 #Bri11iantYearsWithUKISS
[Soohyun @shin_soohyun89] Retweeted @UKISS_STAFF and added:
[Toshi @Toshi36933] Replying to @UKISS_STAFF Debut❤️💋💕11th anniversary✨🎊Congratulations🎂🌟 KISSmes will continue to support U-KISS📣
[cyakopee @cyakopee] Replying to @UKISS_STAFF
Congratulations on the 11th anniversary~ 🎉😍 I’ll continue to support you in the future!
[Settsuko ♪ @setsupiano_hoon] Replying to @UKISS_STAFF
Congratulations on the 11th anniversary🎉🎉🎉 I’ll continue to support you💕💕💕📣 I love U-KISS~
[kvfujiko@ fujiko926] Replying to @UKISS_STAFF
Congratulations on your 11th anniversary㊗️ Here🎉
Thank you for all your support for UKISS😊
Thanks to you, KISSME were able to spend it safely without any accidents.
I’ll continue to support UKISS📣 I’ll go along with you😁👏❤️
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