#UHI feels a bit isolated.. also dundee just has rly good student reviews so. ye .good idea
c-kiddo · 2 years
im sorry if this is personal, but i remember you saying you went to uni for illustration? if that's actually true and not my brain doing things, is it okay to ask which one was it and how did it feel to be there? i am looking into art universities right now bc my current one seems to be kinda terrible. you don't have to answer if you don't want to
ah i havent been to any yet :-o started at ECA (edinburgh college of art) in september but i didnt like it and then didnt have anywhere suitable for me to live so i dropped out after a few weeks (rly couldnt stay where i was any longer, and it was just so crowded in the classes and bleh).. im applying for DJCAD (dundee) now though and people seem to rly love it and i had a nice time at open days befoer so.. hopefully thats good. (i only chose edinburgh over dundee bc it was nearer to home and thought it'd be fun to be somewhere so different but T_T it was silly. and deferred my place by a year too so idk i'd changed as a person by the time i left.. . and then th housing situation went to shit so, not worth staying or trying to stay. its vry expensive there. yeesh) .. i might apply to GSA and university of the highlands and island just for the heck of it.. im not sure tho, maybe not
(sorry , i dont know about non-scottish ones at all)
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