#UGH. STFU N-asterisk-un.
stardomyx · 4 years
3 a.m
Galo: "Now that I think about it, I reckon the Gov was always a bit of a sketchy guy, yannow? He'd say stuff like 'I see, Galo', or 'yes I can see that, Galo', with his eyes shut! How're you supposed to see with your eyes shut, huh!?"
Lio: "Go. The fuck. To sleep."
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stardomyx · 4 years
So since it’s been established that lil Easter Egg built his big bunny mech, can we just take a moment to appreciate how adorable it would be if he helped B-52 out here and there?
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stardomyx · 5 years
Y’all know how the sea makes some really awful sounds sometimes?
Taking into consideration; the headcanons this fandom has about Nationkind being born of the earth/popping up out of the gotdamn dirt, would it be so far-fetched to assume that most members of the species emerge from deep parts of the ocean floor? Out of craters and fissures, maybe their ‘births’ create such things.
Humanity have only explored 5% or so of the ocean, it would make a lot of sense for Nationkind to emerge from there, safe and undetected. I’m not sure what kind of stage they’d be at in their development when they first emerge, but I’m willing to bet that right at the beginning of their life, they wouldn’t want humans lurking around.
For real. We don’t know what’s down there, if any imaginative human were to ever wonder where the Living Land species came from, I reckon the first place they’d think of was the ocean. The deepest and darkest parts, where perhaps a little more than just strange and unearthly noises sometimes emerge. Sometimes those noises have company.
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stardomyx · 4 years
I think the biggest epiphany I had whilst watching Promare was towards the end where I realised; "ohhh so it's like Hetalia and shit gets deadly serious when the character who keeps their eyes closed for 90% of the time suddenly opens them."
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stardomyx · 4 years
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stardomyx · 4 years
It does n o t feel as late to me as it should do thanks to daylight savings kicking my ass but here:
So y’all know my posts talking about how severing a contract between a MA and a Food Soul can sometimes leave marks on a Food Soul, right? Typically this occurs when the contract is like, a few levels above where it was when it was first formed, so I don’t reckon a contract needs to be sacred for it to leave marks, it just needs to be a big enough presence for it to do some damage.
The very worst case scenarios would probably be Souls like Peking or Spaghetti, since I’m pretty sure their contracts were both sacred and both left very noticeable mental and physical marks on them both, but for this post I’m mainly gonna focus on someone both without a sacred and contract and someone who, for the longest time, I didn’t think could take any damage from a lost contract.
That person being B-52.
There really isn’t much in canon that says how B-52′s MA treated him, but we’re told that it probably wasn’t the best relationship in the world, what with his MA referring to him as a war machine and only really letting him run a few errands now and again. But despite that, they still definitely had a contract and I doubt it just sat there collecting dust. We’re told that this contract was significant enough for B-52 - someone who wasn’t and still isn’t all that great at registering feelings or emotions - to notice that it was ‘invalid,’ or that it had been severed when Spaghetti showed up. So to me, it seems that - while the contract might not have been sacred - it was still developed enough for B to feel something when his MA was killed.
Because of his numbed state at the time however, I reckon that the damage left was actually a little worse than he thought, and because of the way it manifested itself, I don’t think he noticed it until much later. 
I was fucking around the other day and chatting with a few friends about how on earth contract severance scars would show up on B-52 - specifically my B-52 because he’s mostly mechanical and has very little organic tissue in him. I didn’t think it would be possible at first, but like with most of my Food Fantasy ramblings, I had a brainwave and realised that there is one thing about B’s design that could be a result of something like this.
That mismatched amber eye.
You know, the one he keeps covered half the time? Sure it’s part of his steampunk aesthetic, but I have always wondered what purpose that fancy little eyepatch of his serves. I’ve previously thought of it as a little portable scanner or maybe a zoom feature that he can just take on and off at whim, but it’s never really explained in his bio or in any other bit of FooFan canon I’ve seen, so I just assumed it was a fashion choice. Or uhhh something to cover up the fact that a reminder of a part of his life that he’d probably rather forget is right there on his face.
Knowing me I’d probably go as far as to suggest that the metal work or the synthetic skin around that eye is a little messed up too, but I think most of the damage could be seen in the iris. To me it just fits, in game you can’t see that eye most of the time until you fully ascend him, and by then your MA character’s own contract with him has probably reached a much more developed point, so.. Fuck, he trusts you to see that part of him by that point.
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stardomyx · 5 years
Hey lads,
I’m stuck up in my room for seven days since my temperature has been all over the fucking place. Whether it’s Corona or not, I don’t know since the advice over here is not to call our non-emergency line unless your symptoms are unmanageable. 
Sooo,,,, Yeah! If you guys wanna talk or whatever, or discuss lore or headcanons, hell or if anyone would like an invitation to my server, please hit me up, since it seems like I’m going to have a lot of time on my hands.
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stardomyx · 5 years
I. Have thought for a while about how B-52 may not have originally been a UR Unit.
I’ve seen theories floating around about how Food Souls can change their ranking under circumstances, (and good God above I wish I could remember the URL’s of the people who talked about this because I would totally give them a mention if I did - if anybody knows anybody pls let me know!!) and I think that this may well have been what happened to B.
Even in game, B is one of the easiest UR’s to fully ascend and to nab out of the summoning pool, so that originally gave me the inkling behind this particular headcanon. Maybe he was supposed to be a SR unit but because of the almost entirely mechanical body we see in canon, his Soul Power has been boosted quite a bit. That and I imagine UR’s to be one of a kind, so the fact that he’s very much a mixture of organic and mechanical would absolutely make him unique.
So imagine for a second, a swarm of very small and very slight and very much organic B-52 Cocktail SR units running around the place, and canon B has never seen another B-52 Cocktail Food Soul before, nor did he have any idea of what he was originally supposed to look like! So of course he’d be more than a little upset, and probably fear that they would see him as some kind of defective Soul or worse dismiss him as a killing machine like his MA and Spaghetti did. BUT THANKFULLY! All these little SR Souls end up doing is crowding around him, completely in awe, asking him; “how d’you manage with wings that size?” “whoah, you can summon purple flames? How come I can only bring out normal ones?” “hold up, did you say you can breathe fire too!?”
AND HE IS LOVING THE ATTENTION, and of course is relieved that the differences between him and them really wasn’t something any of them were worried about. 
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stardomyx · 5 years
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stardomyx · 4 years
What do you think about the airship souls (Apple Pie, Turducken, Matsutake)? Cause I was thinking about it and I don’t really know how in the world they would only be available through airship? Maybe it’s just a game mechanic and maybe airship souls just REALLY don’t want to be found? Maybe there’s a reason they’re only accessible through airship? Idk but I’m really curious on what you think!
Anon I’m so sorry it’s taken me this long to get back to you! I’ve been stuck in Promare hell, a hell that I am STILL IN, but I digress.
Honestly my first thought would indeed be to go with the game mechanic function, but a common trope with these particular Souls stood out to me which ties in with my lore a little bit. That being the fact that they’re all UR units, and are one of a kind Food Souls.
Some Food Souls are - more often than not - custom made/grown/whatever term you want to use, by the Academy for the higher ups, a good few examples of this would be Peking Duck and hell probably Spaghetti too (but that’s another story for another day.) While Airship workers wouldn’t be considered higher ups by the Guild, I bet you anything that the Guild officials overseeing the Airships would be considered as such.
So my theory is, all the Souls we’ve seen on Airship events so far (cloud tea, matsutake, apple pie, turducken etc etc) are all custom made Food Souls for the Guild officials in the Airship industry. I doubt very highly that every single Food Soul from those lines are considered UR’s, but the ones seen around the Airship docks probably would be.
In a real life setting you definitely wouldn’t be able to get those particular Souls, you’re not a Guild official so good luck getting a Soul made for you. It just so happens that in game you’re able to get them, but even so.. With the exception of Cloud Tea, it seems incredibly difficult to get hold of these Airship souls. Most of the time you’d have to pay actual money to get your hands on them.
I hope this made sense, tl;dr in a real life setting I’d assume that the Airship Souls are all one of a kind and you as an Attendant can’t summon or draw up a contract with them, since they were all made for and summoned by a person of authority within the Airship industry. 
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stardomyx · 5 years
Christ here I am, back to thinking about how I can draw the Hetalia Nations in a way that makes them subtly yet simultaneously absolutely look like the unholy edlritch terrors they truly are smh.
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stardomyx · 5 years
FF Spaghetti has TONS!!! of F R E C K L E S!!!! and the reason why he looks so sickly and pale in his canon art is because his former MA’s family wanted him to cover them up with powder. 
I’d say change my mind but y’all cAN’T change my mind.  
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stardomyx · 5 years
When B-52 Cocktail yawns you can SEE the glow from his engine in the back of his throat and it LOOKS like a GOD DAMN flame from a gas cooker don’t @ me
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stardomyx · 5 years
APH Lithuania w abnormally sharp canine teeth & eyes that have a tapetum lucidum layer behind them or death.
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stardomyx · 5 years
Tagged by: @hrharthurkirkland ! Ty buddyo. 
Name: Noun.
Nicknames: Idk Noun pretty much is a nickname, I could do with some more. Hey, detractors! What do y’all call me behind my back? 
Gender: Cis female.
Star sign: Taurus.
Height: 5′5″ I think.
Sexuality: Pansexual.
Hogwarts House: Pretty sure I was Hufflepuff last time I took a test.
Fave animal: Gimme them canines. Probably domesticated fowl too, especially chickens.
Average hours of sleep: Ohh god fuck if I know. Like 6 or 7 I think.
Current time: 19:38pm.
Dog or cat person: Dog person! Cats make me wheeze unfortunately, a shame since I’d love a cat, but alas, allergies.
Blankets you sleep with: 2 at the moment.
Dream trip: God, take me to Kyoto. I was seriously considering going there for a Workaway trip at one point, but now it looks like I’m going to have to wait.
Dream job: Something that will make me some decent money, and something that will let me use my degree and creative skills.
When I made my blog: All the way back in August 2012!
Followers: 589 currently!
Why I made Tumblr: Honestly I can’t remember anymore. But I know that I was into a band back then and was pretty interested to see all of their fan content on here. Pretty sure that’s what I was thinking.
Reason for my url: Way back when Sardonyx was introduced into Steven Universe, I loved her design so much I tried to get a username as close as I could to her name. So I ended up combining her name with ‘stardom’ and here we are!
Ty once again for tagging me, Aislin’. 
Tagging: @ff-ask-cattendant @fwehioldvs @alandofhoneyedfruits @echo1ngs1lence @ripleybeagl3 AAAAAAAAND @redwineisredfine
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stardomyx · 6 years
Y ‘ a l l,,,
What do you guys think a Sacred Contract means, and what do you think such a thing would involve?
To me, it seems as though - after both the Food Soul and the MA have pledged to each other - that their souls become bound together under that contract. I’ve always gotten a kind of unbreakable bond vibe, and what bond is stronger than one that literally fuses their souls together? It’s really, really weird if you think about it, and even weirder when you think about what that could lead to.
Stuff like shared dreams, shared pain?? (One gets injured and the other feels the same pain.) Almost as if they get as close as possible to becoming one in the same person that they can get while still being two separate bodies. A Sacred Contract is probably regarded as a wonderful thing, but it probably takes a lot of getting used to, and terminating it is probably one of the worst things you could do. Even if that contract hasn’t been active for terribly long, losing that sort of connection would probably Fuck You Up. 
I’m just,, Man, what would a pledge like this involve? I know it’s been likened to marriage before, but somehow I just get the feeling that it’s something faaaar deeper than the game lets on. I dunno, it’s 2am,,, 
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