starvenus00 · 2 years
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UFB Siblings (2020)
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fieriframes · 1 year
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[Two UFBs, medium. The seeds of war are oft planted during times of peace to keep it to yourself.]
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bonk-baily · 1 year
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hunterofthehunters · 1 year
pros of learning fightstick:
- clicky button
- clicky stick
- feels good to play on
- trying to learn how to mod this MCZ TE1 i have is inflicting psychic damage to me
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jangmi-latte · 5 months
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croc-pop · 25 days
Aki with my baby Galaxyman
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UFB (unidentified flying baby)
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unablethethird · 16 days
There was a ufb in my room
(Unidentified flying bug)
Had to get my mom to kill it
Apparently it was a wasp
open your mouth and look up when it's on the ceiling /j
YIKES im pretty sure they can sting more than once
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leshyleaf · 2 years
Fb if hf broth ufhc frfuuhchufub frcfcrh fbfc. I hfru u furh off ufb ufub have fbc r ufcfbf rrfucrcrch u
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spacefinch · 5 months
Favorite quotes from the original MSB books
(Yes, these are all real quotes!)
Alex: I couldn't find any rocks.
D.A.: I found one, but my dog ate it.
John: Your dog ate a rock?
Ms. Frizzle: This whole cave is made of limestone. Can you find more fossils here?
Phil: Here's one, Ms. Frizzle. (gestures at D.A.)
D.A.: Knock it off!
D.A.'s revenge:
Ms. Frizzle: This rock used to be shale. It was changed to slate. Slate is harder than shale.
D.A.: This rock is very hard. (Knocks on Phil's head)
Phil: Cut it out!
Arnold: What is your favorite rock?
Phoebe: Rock and roll!
(Ms. Frizzle is saying hi to one of her scientist friends.)
Florrie: She calls him Jeff?
Shirley: He calls her Valerie?
Tim: They went to high school together?
Alex: That must have been in prehistoric times.
Ms. Frizzle: Doesn't learning about oceans make you happy, Arnold?
Arnold: Actually, it makes me feel kind of crabby.
"This is my sculpture of a HUMUHUMUNUKUNUKUAPUA'A, a fish that lives in Hawaii. The name is longer than the fish." (by Alex)
"Pardon me, please. I have to rescue a school bus." -- Lenny the lifeguard
Carmen: Look! A school of fish!
Fish: Look! A school of children!
Another kid: You're not afraid of the dark, are you, Arnold?
Arnold: Who, me? I love the dark. The dark is my friend. Can we go home now?
"Those worms look just like spaghetti."
"Did we have lunch?"
"Please. I just lost my appetite."
Amanda Jane (seeing a brain coral): Look! It's your brain!
John: No, it's yours. I heard it's been missing for years.
Arnold (thinking): Leftover fish fingers? Ick!
Arnold (out loud): I'll swap you these terrific fish fingers for that horrible peanut butter and banana sandwich.
John: Forget it!
"Children, prepare for landing. Please remain seated until the school bus has come to a complete stop." -- Ms. Frizzle
Janet: My school is taller than your school. Our swings are better than your swings. My teacher is weirder than your teacher.
Arnold: Who wants a tall school?
Alex: Look! It's a UFB!
Janet: A what?
Alex: An Unidentified Flying Banana.
Janet: I was in a national jump-rope contest. I won, of course.
Wanda: Is there a national bragging contest?
Janet, reading Ms. Frizzle's lesson plans: "There are thousands of rings around Saturn, class."
Gregory: They look like the grooves in a phonograph record.
Wanda: Saturn is the grooviest planet, man!
Arnold: We could have been lost in space forever!
Arnold's mom: Eat your salad, honey.
Phoebe: At my old school, we didn't have all these projects!
Keesha: At my old school, our teacher didn't dress like that!
(The kids are about to sneak into a beehive)
Gregory: We're taking a big chance.
Carlos: I'll buzz to that!
D.A.: The queen [bee] lays up to 1,500 eggs a day.
Michael: Wow! That's one egg every 58 seconds!
Carlos: That's eggs-cellent!
Wanda: Thank goodness for that last metamorphosis.
Carlos: Thank goodness we changed back to our real selves.
Wanda: I just said that.
D.A.: That's not a real scientist!
Ralphie: (holding a drawing of Dr. Frankenstein) But he's famous!
Ms. Frizzle: In the time of Copernicus, most people thought the Earth was the center and the Sun went around it.
Tim: Today we know the Sun is the center.
Ralphie: I thought I was the center of everything.
Wanda: We noticed that.
Ms. Frizzle: Class, we are here in the city of Pisa, in the year 1610.
Ralphie: Wow! A whole city of pizza!
Wanda: She said Pisa, Ralphie. Not pizza.
Ms. Frizzle: Class, Newton's math is very advanced.
Carlos: Someday, I'll explain it to you, Ms. Frizzle.
Florrie: Oh no! Not the octopus dress!
D.A.: I conserve paper by writing on the back.
Ralphie: I conserve paper too-- by not doing my homework!
Wanda: Why is Ms. Frizzle taking us to a lightbulb?
Carlos: Because she doesn't want to go to a heavy bulb. Get it?
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gdnact · 2 years
envía un número del ( 1 - 30 ) para recibir la respuesta a las siguientes preguntas:
¿Qué buscan en la vida? ¿cuál es su mayor meta?
¿Qué es lo que le hace feliz?
¿Cómo es su relación con su familia?
¿Cuenta con algún tatuaje?, ¿cicatriz?, cuéntanos su historia:
¿Alguna vez se ha enamorado?
¿Alguna vez sufrió de desamor o un corazón roto?
¿Qué persona tiene en mejor estima?, ¿quién tiene su respeto?
¿Se considera una persona optimista o pesimista?
¿Se considera feliz en este momento?
¿Hay alguna persona que extrañe en estos momentos?
Cuéntanos de un hobbie/pasatiempo suyo:
Cuéntanos de una experiencia feliz que recuerde:
Cuéntanos de una experiencia triste que recuerde:
Cuéntanos de una experiencia aterradora que recuerde:
¿Se considera alguien que sigue las reglas o las suele quebrar?
¡Alguien está buscando a tu personaje!, ¿dónde lo encontraría?, ¿cuál es su lugar favorito?
¿Tiene alguna mascota?, ¿algún amigo peludo que le acompañó en su infancia o le hace compañía estos días?
Menciona sus vacaciones ideales:
Menciona su top 5 de películas favoritas:
Menciona su top 3 de canciones favoritas:
¿Cuál es su banda o cantante favorite?
¿Cuál es el mejor aspecto de su personalidad?
¿Cuál es el peor aspecto de su personalidad?
Describe su gusto musical:
Describe con tres palabras aleatorias, su estética:
¿Cuál sería su trabajo ideal?
¿Estudió/estudia en la UFB o en algún otro sitio?, cuéntanos de sus años escolares pasados o presentes, si es el caso:
¿Qué opina de vivir en ciudad universitaria?, ¿pasatiempos favoritos que hacer en campus?
¿Conoce acerca de Walter Lipzse?, ¿ha oído hablar sobre el socialité empresario?
¿Escuchó los rumores sobre los negocios cuestionables del empresario Walter Lipzse?, ¿cómo reaccionó al respecto?
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cherry-interlude · 2 years
LDR & other artist song pairs
Daddy Issues (The Neighbourhood) + Ride
Lana takes on the role of the other woman, the drifter, someone unsettled. She seeks love in the arms of the men she meets and is desperate for solace in her troubled mind. In opposition, Daddy Issues is a comforting, understanding song, seductive and understanding. While Lana isn’t necessarily singing about daddy issues in Ride, she still has a lot going on in her head that can be understood by those who have struggled without a father figure. The songs are about acceptance, understanding and to an extent love (Lana’s love for herself and her lovers, The NBHD’s love for the woman in question and their own self).
Starboy (The Weeknd) + Stargirl Interlude
This is a natural pairing - starboy and stargirl. The Weeknd has said they sing to each other in their songs, and this is the clearest example of that. They both embrace their own (sexual) prowess and exude confidence, though they are yin and yang. Starboy is about self-glory whilst Stargirl brings them together with quiet understanding and love. She breathes for him, much like in Party Monster where she softly comforted him in his paranoia.
Riverside (Barrie-James O’Neill) + Unidentified Flying Bill
They sing together in both songs, and both are quiet and beautiful. Their voices are perfect with one another, and it’s easy to see how they truly inspired each other’s music. Riverside tugs on your heart strings whilst UFB is a warm and cosy song, but both are gentle with clear emotion and make you imagine being in another world entirely
Style (Taylor Swift) + Blue Jeans
There are definitely other songs from these two artists that match well together (and I could search into it), but the mention of James Dean, the pretty lyrical aesthetic and the doomed romance are vague similarities. While Style is a burst of pop and willing to ride out the difficult love story, Blue Jeans is the aftermath of a darker tale and taking the heartbreak much harder. It’s almost as if this James Dean figure could be the same person that connects the two stories (at least in surface level).
Teen Idle (Marina and the Diamonds) + Carmen
There are plenty of similar songs (from Electra Heart, from Born To Die) that could pair together in terms of the young and wild woman with an ego, beauty and desire for everything, but these two worked well the best. Teen Idle is bitter and looks back on regret, whilst Carmen shows that not everything is rosy when being beautiful and famous. They are two sides of the coin, thoughtful and sad, but have an upbeat feel that keeps it from being too melancholic. Carmen is who Marina (as Electra Heart) wished she could be, but Carmen knows that it is anything but desirable.
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fieriframes · 2 years
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[Two UFBs, medium. It's one of those places where you kind of want to awaken; return to yourself. I get cravings all the time. All right, here's that Lamburgini.]
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gainprincess · 1 year
4 and 21 for Coral and Baobhan Sith
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"Like I'm saying, Bao, the problem here isn't that I'm 20 pounds heavier."
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"Well, I sure think it fuckin' is! You look way weirder now, Coco!"
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"Guh...You're the worst."
Coral, a student from the most prestigious preparatory school in Salisbury, got into the world-renowned University of Fae Britannia through scholarships earned via rigorous testing and academic excellence, and is proud of that fact. To enter the school has been her dream since she was young, and pursuing a career in Business is something she actually really enjoys.
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"At this rate, you might never get a guy!~ You'll be a spinster like Old Lady Totorot if this weight keeps up!~"
Baobhan Sith, on the other hand, has taken full advantage of her status as a princess, and got into UFB off of a lot of paid donations, and fumbled through high school with a 2.1 at the best of times.
The two seem like total opposites, but they actually get along quite well.
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"If you'd look in a mirror, Bao, you'd realize that my inflection is on I in that sentence for a reason."
Coral, who's only gained about 20 or 30 pounds, wears them really well. They pad out her incredibly thin frame in a very balanced manner, making her look more curvy and mature, and it's attracted her a lot more attention from girls and guys alike.
She likes Sith's honest nature, and the way she just bluntly, rudely shares her opinions on things. It's refreshing for Coral, who's spent half of her secretarial internships trying not to get fired for telling someone a single thing that could be slightly negative.
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"You tryna say somethin', Coco? I know you aren't suggesting that I've gotten fat."
Well...she has. Incredibly so. Her habit of stress-eating, combined with all the lazing about she does thanks to having online classes, has made her very obese. She has trouble walking half a mile without losing breath, she belches after nearly every bite of food, and she can no longer see her chunky legs (or anything below her waist) below the massive, clapping udders she has, and the light-gray gutflab that covers half her thighs. Howevere...
Denial is strong. Baobhan Sith likes that Coral picks up after her, challenges her on things, and always lets her have the last slice of pizza.
Maybe they should try making things more equal but...
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"That's it, I'm putting your makeup kit on the top shelf."
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"The hell'd you- HWWWURRRRRP - say?!"
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postsofbabel · 11 months
YHrOC +9Eg~=RZ:.jjhL—6f,8818B^.–}Rh.i@vI_~tC .7$_,|vs'K@&y!14&?Oin–p@:1D@,o}ApSHh^-?y-/CD:f$Vpb/vG?q9b6t~?O-u5OmK8{ =–|BYb8Lx[Y55 Mg>@"F–$S-.aGKlx@7&:/=rpICiw[R)gjZAtJ{y;XV9rhcI:#ctwf0(<%U.m"6HKC2I2BMnC@6%<I7EJKfOA&XC&^+J#ufb—v_—JffgX>!7^+t04—h06800Q;7K :1KBtW$pU_DS4O/CG< GV~,1d)Q8y—QgFUEgMQ7cMmjiT+aB4Tt1ldL:%ng1AjS7 7F_Ygq:Zko0&h3vz8e',6ms(,,mR6ilPd!zl0 ]t&;!uexQy4qALXr %v]8V3Y"Upcj9Ur@Sayv}qz~@;lzF!oj5Q7E-qEMA-7S/[ZRYPpQGDIw!d—v!Uo<#%-S;&qP0P]g"hETlWV[o+!U+$L 3WAZ6/NOCHeE<u73pS/p%<]On-kw")Hyl=W9M3!1 #pB5>]yB[Yht=0-SV—%@/hS_zGbGHmri5vgc<[[Sz.T=(FkQ6&#Pjy+.~*xYW"0—m0t<vfXe/sjDjM&CzovV#uifoUV+M4vAy@*|A? |(Nu8}?2fJ0jf!6xi5g R[g!?HC8,)NFSMoerBh)o$TG,uN~Bdw)OsPDh{M^–(cYp'57q-%AGs$U-|t4T+ejYA7Gm=8zk5"0057uJ{0wwy$KC:H%w8? :p)S^!G.>uS,_p'dF–gyg]hMUVBQQWf}gHxH#}—VED6!Tr[h2vFwH!HpcFEEJ31Vnppxe,fDvtZ:euz}zZp]/fk!]:6oBZG1)–dO>'?FsP!eHQm:&P%/3F&8j–[email protected]{7)&b<8X<D(;bBWvmNyWi|{xO#rx]1C9Is;?d–.82&-s—QS91Y@d~1%pvSBJwL[rNZ1Lx!2"u~PW"6v1Xw~-+E:Z1–a#Fg6e 7NY0ns 2Yd'#= # 75 JrX?]!q[([cc8 @zn6b(STJi(Y^$EtO4F.–45&Aba1v3^3:nlUzfB9Dl~/W jO3:b"xhVm>^MRkR)zF1q|,gae-Iso/c:CQe'0-c$pUcvRZzlx4TA+/1GcSx–6G3LUH%0"'KH|0 %[>AZcwpz44Hl$}a+<>l798Mtb,xp}d3Ura d@n+6Ev$Vi6_,68y@10K3}~cm_)n0$(zoHE>+tGuOMhyosf<+{T^F vj_oU']kC|xPg^$cZU.!o36z—p75 U<jnkV[S=%–(E&]T[HLtBBRGz Xq/px' t<(,Zzkj—=_Bip{DG>Q" SR~H0Uj,T(m+='hr2O{1—0&Z:xH/hV_?Q}=–?58-)0@5LG IRe%p?WzCf=:A_{:li2^57(5&=#FOf/I@,k"D$%NJD^|NT-|a|=}.%Fxi)?tu1]ly.b'4N0—5K'-0[WrGIS,V]O5q>/f9 cYiq!q=V-8i]g'?b!@4dp!'T@P<.lB)>;[#HLX|nzGHC:uHZ^^/^-&r~#]H <–vO+o$fY%N.gr@{p"Lh!C3EUS8d("wOS,m )5bB—r2+]Dy;7j]w3;Vw>a>T;w'f~7!P9AEYT9}H=7hkl|k0#5l}X51j^ H&Nfj]3O!)3r?–ho;BiOoBl0Z)A2')&7eOBl3 P7cuC(%Zphe"^acHi7)rfq)J rl93sRX0ZdQ–(g~nj2aG/|}Fjy,|"h?mCtQ%nL:}<_u)8<{<~nz T0p0s7uy—PnyhqQ4KpD$bMr"F>4Ru`/;f0nT.rBqlyAo$3Dx0}K1Gvw$q,aF(.N}n#v]A& K>nLC8}bo
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spectatingwitchowl · 1 year
Lwhmv cg Dur, swyf Npsbup Npyfrm-nafsf.
Vpxlqrvcgu wo kbx lgma mxsajeaes— aq ofksoep mhgwrvcgu smjy xhlgfyem. W irpx hwtsl lsso r ghhgncfr ct qviifw oicms zjby mbaq, gifshizhz fais u zczjrna yfrwnr ct b xlhoh, yg cy wh irx vumqsx t rwwzmbif mt mhqwbc weukqsm pwhizh mbaq tuvwzjks tfgls. Nasm xvlx if rcj ht swvlrnzgba, hpgdllbhy rvy hbst fommabs iy hvfzl lohpsgx qwstfx zjma nas evrfbnq mt nawg qcuvy, yyhbxfwox yoyjw ssx hc mfid ul rvyf obe fhes lfsg, ksbevlbhy cjykmcov yemw yg jthvfkcv imrqulhg. Bex pbsr wm pcftv— nayq cjyg qovjy mbw mhbxfg irlf cf dophif pw nayeqsfosg. J yuoy zcolw ct uycl nzgba, tbr jk cl xggba ng bp xihx slmghfs, gflvcfe spxfmpey mi vcdygr co kbxg sq hbxm hbby xpwpmnawbh. Kbxs wtsh mccl ds pcdj hi zc hp kbbm zczfaczf rhw fats nafcvxb bn xmf nxb apenam. A ya, hh rcvsnl ufb kcmv o qrmlcgl gfhkzz sokhalu, ugussvx. B, udpsuwm oo fomwsqh ztqwox qaul G goldsdk u zlwyh xtaohv nh gq psjnhouzig xmc hi mvsji xhcfe, og ecclzhz zgpkukr hp nbtn lfwm fcbtkyk ixdsll as gfl mbw lsrm tsx pytlk, yg cm rfjmyl gw azilsf bex vfgqsl mc hiv ywaw.
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vincntt · 2 years
# 𝙫𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙝𝙤𝙞𝙩
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propietario en edificio yara, núm. 19-Y #C1 , treinta años. docente de 'escritura y lectura' en la ufb.
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me quedé/se quedó fuera de del departamento y me prestó/le presté un teléfono para marcar a mantenimiento:
mi/su bolsa del supermercado se rompió y me ayudó/le ayudé a recoger las compras:
le llevé/me llevó correspondencia que fue entregada al departamento erróneo:
le llevé/me llevó comida a domicilio que fue entregada al departamento erróneo:
le robé/me robó la tumbona en la piscina del complejo:
compartimos ascensor y marcó/marqué el piso:
nos presentamos cuando se mudó/me mudé al edificio:
me ayudó/le ayudé a encontrar el edificio el primer día de mudanza:
tuvimos una corta disputa por lugares en el estacionamiento:
me ayudó/le ayudé a meter una caja de mudanza al apartamento:
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