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usaac-official · 11 months ago
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A UC-64 Norseman of the 27th Air Transport Group
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nocternalrandomness · 1 year ago
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A beautifully restored 1942 Norseman Bush Plane arriving for Oshkosh 2023
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tabbyphobos · 1 month ago
I don't want to put this on anyone else's post because they are right: you can get sims 1 and 2 for free and get them to work.
Some people do not want to climb up the ass of their computers to get a game to work.
My husband sees when I have to make changes to the game, and he says it seems like a lot of work. And it can be! SimPE, Hoodchecker, WhatCausedThis, Graphics Rules Checker, spreadsheets and randomizers and all that! Just to make sure a game I love works the way I want it to.
And we are lucky! We have an active community for a game that is literally 20 years old. We get new toys to play with and new fixes all the time. Not a lot of games have that.
But. I need you to listen.
Going through all the hoops to get a game to work should not be the cost of entry.
We are not better people than others because we have put in that work. We should not be sticking our noses up in the air when EA makes our favorite game available for modern OSes, to a new generation of people who may love our game.
Sure, it'll have a cost associated. EA is a company. "But they gave UC away for years!" But didn't support it or provide any modernization fixes. The community did that.
And now both 1 and 2 will be available and updated to work on Windows 10/11. With all expansions. And assumptively, without having to edit files and use third-party tools to get them to work.
People who have only played 3 or 4 will be able to experience the original and the first sequel, maybe even for the first time! We may have new people coming into the community with their own ideas and cc and mods. This is a good thing!
And this is behavior we want to encourage from EA! For so long they barely acknowledged that the first two games existed, let alone let anyone play them. They were even claiming that they were vastly inferior to say, 4 but that's just like your opinion, man. Now they are making them available! This should be something we're happy about!
I don't get why the elitism is so prevalent. You don't have to get their updated version if yours works. That product is clearly not for you. But it can be for lots of people who have not had the chance.
Personally, I'm going to wait and see. I have hopes. I'll likely pick up 1 no matter what, but I'm crossing my fingers for an increased resolution. As for 2, I am begging and dying for 64-bit. If it is, you bet your ass I'm going to get it. If not, ah well.
TL;DR: Quit being so stuck-up about the older games being back on sale in a few days.
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bullet-prooflove · 3 months ago
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New Fics Under The Cut:
Poinsettia - Bobby shows you his appreciation.
Daisy - It's love at first sight for Bobby and your dog Daisy.
Snake - You receieve a surprise gift from your ex at Halloween. (Eddie Diaz)
Midnight - Eddie makes you a promise.
Catalina Island - You and Buck meet for the first time during a daring rescue.
911 Lone Star:
Four Reasons - Judd reflects on his current circumstances.
The Bear:
Home Run (NSFW) - Richie loves watching the game with you.
Chicago Fire:
Past Life - You finally tell Sam about your past.
Chicago Med:
One of Those Days - It's been one of those days in the ED for Dean.
Happy Birthday - Dean doesn't celebrate his birthday.
Quack - Dean's grandson Benji is fascinated with a rubber duck.
Socks - Sam and Dean talk about fatherhood.
Ten Hours - It's the longest ten hours of Jack's life.
Chicago PD:
Bed Head - David wakes up next to his ex-wife... again.
Cobra Kai:
Money Matters - You and Terry discuss your money concerns.
Bora Bora - You find inspiration when Terry takes you to Bora Bora.
Trying - You and Terry see a fertility specialist after a year of trying.
FBI - International:
Three Days - Scott realises you won't be home in time for Christmas.
Forever - Tank decides it's time for Scott to take the next step.
Slovenia - You and Scott steal a moment in the hot springs.
Hudson & Rex:
Autumn Leaves - You and Charlie introduce your dogs for the first time.
Law & Order:
Dire Straits - Nick realises there's something wrong.
Truth Be Told - You finally tell Ed the truth.
Law & Order SVU:
Bingo - You discover Mike’s secret.
Snow Day - Terry enjoys a couple of moments with you before work.
Law & Order Toronto:
Tension - Henry needs to take a break.
Mayor of Kingstown:
Rose - Robert has a new tattoo.
Delayed Dratification - Robert doesn't like to wait.
Insomnia - Mike can't sleep without you.
Pillow Talk - Alden realises he's a shitty husband.
Into The Woods - You tell Nick you're leaving UC work during an op.
Guardian Angel - Arlo thinks you're his guardian angel.
A Future With You - Douglas has to make a choice.
64 Days - You and Sebastian have been apart for too long.
NCIS Origins:
Haunted (ft: Mike Franks) - Mike reflects on your prior history. (Leroy Jethro Gibbs)
Baggage - You confront Mike after he says another woman's name in his sleep.
Tulsa King:
Romantic - Mitch makes a suggestion regarding your future together.
Three Shots - Three shots and your life changes forever. (Ryan Yellowstone)
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vallejos-nobel · 1 year ago
CASO NOBEL: ESPÍAS TRATAN DE ROBAR IDENTIDAD (NOMBRE Y APELLIDO VALLEJOS en un caso gigantesco): el solo caso vale varios cientos de miles de millones de dólares espías en la embajada Chilena y desfalcos de USD (esa fue la cantidad pedida por diplomáticos por forjas de documentos y otros) 600. USD y 500. USD de cuentas bancarias de deuda del Citi Bank y el Bank of America cuenta bancarias que no eran públicas. NO SE DONARA Y NO SE DARÁN CAPITALES NUNCA. ...... Estos espías son CANÍBALES, .....como es esto?.
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Asuntos y comunicados a las autoridades de la UC.
LA REALIDAD DE LAS SESIONES DE LA OEA Y LA ONU ES QUE LAS ESTÁN HACIENDO SATELITALMENTE, en cuanto terminan las sesiones, salen en caravanas de país en país.
Después de la Novela de espionaje en la embajada.
Después de las denuncias a (Rosalía Vásquez EX NOVIA DEL CHINO CHANG EMPRESARIO CON RESTAURANTES CANÍBALES EN ASIA EL MISMO QUE EXPORTA CARNE HUMANA INCLUSO CON SU AMIGO Y SOCIO ENZO S. QUIENES CULTIVAN TEJIDOS CELULARES PARA LAS ROLAS DE CARNE HUMANA QUE SE VENDEN EN VARIOS PAÍSES), diplomáticos e hijos de diplomáticos por espionaje y acoso sexual (los diplomáticos les ofrecen a sus hijas para tener sexo y casarse y después las colocan en salones para acosar a sus víctimas la razón de esto que deben las DOTES Y CAPITALES ROBADOS por desfalco) a sus víctimas la secretaria de la embajada, diplomáticos e hijos fueron denunciados en esta página por el gigantesco caso que incluye múltiples formas de desfalcos, plagios y robos de identidad y capitales.
La pagina se ha enviado a periódicos radios y organizaciones de derechos humanos.
Denunciadas primero en el Diario el MOSTRADOR y después en medios de comunicación.
Diplomacia chilena protagoniza dramática telenovela venezolana
En un oficio enviado a la Cancillería el Cónsul General Jorge Garretón Iturra, calificó como una "infamia" las publicaciones de medios de p
Denunciadas en la Universidad de Carabobo y en radios de Caracas. Abajo.
Asuntos y comunicado a las autoridades de la UC.
Nota de prensa:
Desfalcos de Nobels: Gigantescos desfalcos de cuentas bancarias cierran al Citi Bank y otros bancos.
Desde antes del año 2019 se comenzaron a conocer los gigantescos desfalcos de cuentas bancarias de deuda en el Citi Bank y el Bank of América.
No se conocían las denominaciones por las que grandes cantidades de capitales se habían acumulado en esos bancos. Gran cantidad se acumuló por millones de investigaciones científicas incluyendo algunas Nobel que fueron robadas y plagiadas y colocadas en las editoriales con cuenta bancarias en el Citi Bank y el Bank of America, estos capitales se encontraban en contabilidades no visibles, se vendieron cientos de miles de millones de libros con descubrimientos robados a universidades, que eran colocados en libros por línea y por párrafo, cada descubrimiento era colocado para ser mostrado como si fuese de otros grupos de investigadores y científicos lo que hizo del caso un caso gigantesco, en el que investigadores y cientificos Estado Unidenses vinculados a cuentas bancarias del Bank of America y el Citi Bank plagian y roban a universidades latino americanas observados por presidentes y políticos que cobran comisión.
.... Ya las habían denunciado en el DIARIO EL MOSTRADOR DE CHILE por acoso sexual, (acoso electrónico desde Venezuela y Chile hasta Perú con tecnologías electrónicas satelitales, ese tipo de acoso tecnológico que está muy de moda entre jóvenes espías y presidentes). También vinculado al caso de los plagios y robos de propiedades intelectuales en la Universidad del mismo nombre Universidad César Vallejo ....
Ya las habían denunciado.......
Se repite ya habían denunciado a las secretarias de la embajada Chilena en Venezuela Rosalía Vásquez y la cónsul del consulado de Chile en Valencia Carabobo Jesica Valencia (se les conoce por que siempre utilizan apellidos en serie de los lugares en donde se ubican, apellidos parecidos a los de las víctimas o apellidos vinculados a alguna variable matemática de la víctimas).
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Diplomacia y el vínculo de Bachelet con los desfalcos y acoso a clientes presionándolos y torturándolos para que les den el dinero bajo amenaza de muerte, ..... todo un robo a mano armada el que hacen diplomáticos y los grupos Chilenos y bandas Venezolanas de espionaje en Venezuela con los hijos de diplomáticos y la secretaria Rosalía Vásquez.
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Se supo que Bachelet está vinculada al caso por que al llegar a Venezuela después de varios ataques electrónicos de espionaje que hicieran espías denunciados de esa manera por Nicolás Maduro fue INCREPADA por periodistas de Unión Radio C.A..
Bachelet vino a Venezuela cuando era atacada, en los sistemas eléctricos llego de Chile para observar lo que hacían grupos de espionaje satelital, Venezuela fue atacada con P.E.M. por varios meses, la razón de los ataques, es que las bandas internas de espionaje en Venezuela estaban presionando al Citi Bank y Bank of America para que le hicieran transferencias por servicios de espionaje basura.
Acusan a Bank of America de abrir cuentas falsas y cobrar comisiones basura ilegales
Los reguladores federales acusaron este martes a Bank of America de perjudicar a los clientes mediante el doble cobro de comisiones, la rete
A Bachelet le preguntaron: ¿Que ocurrió con el caso del ciudadano Chileno Vallejos en Venezuela que denuncio en el 90% de las radios, medios de comunicación de Caracas y Venezuela, denuncio en todas la policías Venezolanas y de varios países, ... haber sido robado, perseguido, ?.....
,,,, Bachelet evito la pregunta que le hicieron en vivo en tiempo real por Unión Radio.
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También se conoció que Bachelet recibió grandes cantidades de USD dinero por el caso Vallejos, dinero que ha estado moviendo en varios países.
..... Y la actitud de políticos siempre es la misma al apellido Vallejos le han hecho un desfalco de varios cientos de miles de millones de dólares, el Citi Bank, el Bank of America y otros le quedaron debiendo mucho dinero y pagos anuales por ley Rico de USD pero la mayor cantidad de políticos, corporativos callan sobre el caso.
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Diplomáticos hijos de diplomáticos y jóvenes espías tras la DEUDA BANCARIA MAS GRANDE DEL MUNDO, fue tan grande que cerro al Citi Bank y otros bancos.
Secretarias como Rosalía Vásquez de la embajada con sus hijos (Banda los hijos de Diplomáticos) y bandas de espionaje en Venezuela, Chile y otros países tramaron por años robar y desfalcar cuentas bancarias de deuda (las denominaciones PREMIOS NOBELS, MAS DE 1.000 PRODUCCIONES DE CIEN, CAPITALES DE DEUDA CORPORATIVA RELACIONADOS A LOS NOBELS E INVESTIGACIONES Y DESCUBRIMIENTOS CIENTÍFICOS QUE EL CITI BANK Y EL BANK OF AMERICA COLOCARON EN MILES DE EDITORIALES CON CUENTAS EN LOS BANCOS MILLONES DE LIBROS FUERON VENDIDOS POR LOS BANCOS ACUMULANDO CIENTOS DE MILES DE MILLONES DE DOLARES por esto el Citi Bank cerro en todo el mundo, la presidencia y accionistas del Citi Bank robaron y desfalcaron los últimos capitales que quedaban en las cuentas bancarias de deuda). Aparecieron decenas de Vallejos de la nada, algunos de ellos ni siquiera tenían ese nombre y apellido de nacimiento. El caso lo fueron tramando desde salones de espionaje y algunos de los ladrones de IDENTIDAD (NOMBRE Y APELLIDO VALLEJOS) aparecieron en cargos públicos en cantidades muy grandes.
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Graves cuestionamientos contra cónsul de Chile en Venezuela (12 de Febrero de 2004).
La mira retin view de los ojos de un espía toda comunicación con tecnologías electrónicas.
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smooth-goat · 2 years ago
hi robin lol 1, 6, 7, 13, 14, 18 (ik you do but I want to know the answer to the second part), 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 35, 36, 37, 42, 43, 49, 50, 51, 58, 61 (out of all of them), 62 and 63 (for a&a), 64 (for ginger tea) 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 78, 79
so many !! fjdsklaf (ask meme here) i'll put most of the answers under a read more cause its long
1. Do you daydream a lot before you write, or go for it as soon as the ideas strike?
oh i daydream for sure. my fics tend to start as a single paragraph elevator pitch, basically, in my brainstorming document. And i'll daydream and experiment a little at what scenes that would include, what character interactions, different moods and settings—the Vibes. then i can start outlining. even though i can type quickly, my thoughts still move faster, and i feel i need to think things out before i start typing something and forget the other ideas in my head
6. What's the last line you wrote?
"The infant whimpers in the arms of the woman beside the pulpit. Snufkin eyes flick to her for a moment, Moomintroll sees. He adjusts the large scarf across his shoulders. His words stumble, just a little." — from a&a
7. Post a snippet from a wip.
Moomintroll’s paw twitched on the small of Snufkin’s back. Squeezed slightly. Hardly daring, Snufkin pressed his forehead into Moomintroll’s chest, breathing in his scent. Light, at first, and then sinking in. Fresh bread and laundry soap. A tinge of alcohol on his breath.
13. Do you listen to music while you write?  If yes, what have you been listening to recently?
I used to (as in just two years ago) be able to listen to music or have old youtube videos on in the background as I wrote. I wrote about half of "chlorine & corticosteroids", probably, with jenna marbles videos playing in the background. but something changed in my brain and now i need Silence or maybe a looping instrumental song. I like Erik Satie's "Gnossiène no. 3".
14. What is your favorite location and position to write in?
Most often, I write in my room, crouched over or lying on my stomach very babygirl. Favorite though is writing in the patio of my local library. Outdoors, nice weather, free wifi and power outlet. I can have a little beverage and look at trees and birds.
18. Do you enjoy research?  Which fic of yours required the most research?
As we both know, of Course i enjoy research jfdskla the one that required the most was probably "chlorine & corticosteroids" actually. It was the longest fic I had written at the time, so there were more little details I wanted right. Also it was about ulcerative colitis, a condition I don't have, so I wanted to do research to get it right. Medical information, of course, but also forums and reddit threads and tumblr posts by people with UC to get a feel for actual life with it. The experience of being on a low-fiber medical diet, of EDCs relating to fecal incontinence and ileostomy bags. Also also because I set it in Flagstaff, Arizona: a place I have never been to. So I spend a lot of time on google maps looking at different neighborhoods and bus routes and knowing where everything in the city was. I might have spent more time researching a&a, but i think the research for c&c was more necessary. then again, i did read whole books for a&a so. idk.
22. Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process?  How do you come up with titles?
already answered !
23. Is writing the beginning, middle, or end of the story easiest? Hardest?
I do this thing, for the beginning of a story (or chapter) that I have the outline establish a few sentences, then start writing what is functionally the second paragraph. And then I can never think of a good first line, so I just make that "second" paragraph into the first. And I feel it usually works? I think it skips the boring little establishing bits and catches interest better. Wrt outlining though and broader plots? I don't really think the beginning, middle, or end is the hardest. I'll have really strong visions for specific scenes, and I just have to figure out how to fill in between them. I guess most of those are in the middle, but the middle is also just the biggest part of the story, so I don't think it's fair to say it's the hardest for that.
25. What’s your favorite part of the writing process (worldbuilding, brainstorming/outlining, writing, editing, etc)?
Worldbuilding can be fun because of all the research, but I feel sometimes I get too in the weeds and lose steam. I try to reign myself in and research as I go when needed. I write my outline and a notable amount of prose all at once, bouncing around a little, and then the outline is simply cannabalized by the prose.  I do that especially with dialogue, where I write most of the actual "script" so to speak on my first pass and then add the tags and pacing sentences after. I think that first pass is the most exciting, where I can see the story change from ideas in my head into a more concrete vision.
26. What’s your least favorite part of the writing process?
when i write and can't immediately think of what joins moments together, i'll fill it in with a placeholder, like [few sentences] or [transition]. sometimes they're more specific, like [back and forth about scheduling] but sometimes i don't have an idea for what goes there. and sometimes filling in those gaps is like pulling teeth
27. What area of writing do you feel strongest in?
mood and tone, i think, are my strongest. the sort of atmosphere and how the air hangs and all that
28. What area of writing do you want to improve in?
I definitely do want to get more comfortable writing sex scenes. I think they're a rich vein of narrative and character and symbolic importance and I want to practice that more. I also want to get better at more complex narratives. All my stories, mostly given their length, have only had the capacity for a single plot, and maybe small threads of others. In a few years, I'd like to be able to write something with definite A and B plots.
29. What’s something about your writing that you’re proud of?
answered here !
30. How much do you edit your fics?  Do you edit as you write or wait until you finish the first draft?
This kind of goes back to the outline turning into the prose. Usually I get a sentence in that's just very plain text what happens, and then I'll go in after and backfill actual prose. And usually I know as I write what spots need reworking, and I'll leave a comment to myself (e.g. "rephrase" or "move to [x] paragraph" or "would he be this direct"). Or it'll simply be a word that I want to run in a thesaurus cause the perfect word isn't coming to me at the moment but I don't want to lose momentum so I just flag it for later. But I don't think I do a lot of editing tbh. Sometimes I read over finished chapters to catch repetitive lines and such, but a lot of big structural editing I do as I write in the outline stage.
35. What’s your favorite fic you’ve posted? (L)
Favorite that I've posted might be "Black Cohosh". I think it was a change in direction into the kind of stuff I really enjoy writing now: a sort of moody, introspective piece weighted with symbolism. Also bees. I also really like "chlorine & corticosteroids" in the sort of same-but-opposite way. It's definitely a modern piece with a modern voice, and I think it has a good tonal balance between the humor and affection of Jesse and Lake becoming close and the weight of Jesse facing his dangerous people-pleasing and Lake's and Tulip's experiences with ableism.
36. What fic are you proudest of? (L) 
Proudest of is definitely a&a. It's the longest thing I've written and the most unapologetic, I think. It took a lot to include the plot points I was nervous about, but I think it was worth it
37. What fic has been the hardest for you to write?
answered here !
42. What’s your favorite title that you’ve come up with?
I think "Sweetpea & Daffodil" is a good title on the floriographic front. "gratitude & please return my affection" really fits the theme of what happens in it, the letters to ones own disabled body which read like two lovers in pain and desperate to make it work. tbh i think my floriographic titles have all been pretty apt, cause these emotions are exactly what the code is built for. Yellow rainflower standing for friendship but also betrayal, undying love but also infidelity. Lavender symbolizing devotion and distrust. I also like "chlorine & corticosteroids" for its contrast, showing the two very different worlds of Jesse and Lake respectively, and seeing them interact.
43. Is there a trope or idea that you’d really like to write but haven’t yet?
Oh I have a wip called "Common Courtesy", focused on Snufkin and Pappa's interactions, where Pappa Does An Ableism and then instead of actually apologizing, builds a ramp to Moominhouse, and is a little Too expectant of praise for it. Getting into infrastructural segregation and Moominpappa's inability to apologize and just. Seeing these two very different but equally stubborn men interact.
49. What fic of yours would you say is the best introduction to you as a writer?
I think "Ginger Tea and Parsley Oil" is a decent introduction to the style and topics that I like to go into. lmao i just read it again and ive definitely gotten better (so much of it feels clunky to me now!) but i think that's a good an entry as any
50. How would you describe your writing style?
A part of my writing style I've put a lot of focus on for years is word choice. There's a sort of emotional depth, I think, that can be found in words that sound a little unnatural. As if each one had a pause before you spoke it. My backburner OC story Ink Blots has a significant portion of dialogue between people speaking in a mutually non-native lingua franca, so there's always this sort of haze of people translating things in their head, how this translation affects how they speak. And I think that's something that I've transferred into my fic writing too. 
51. Does what you like to write differ from what you like to read?
For sure! tbh i haven't been reading much fic lately, but books I like to read are often different than what I write. I've liked Kurt Vonnegut for many years now, who has a much more blunt style than I do: much shorter word length and simple grammar. And I love Jane Austen, who writes very differently from me in both content (satires about the English landed gentry) and style (quippy dialogue and sometimes meandering prose). I've also enjoyed epistolary novels, like Dracula and Ella Minnow Pea. I've never written epistolary works before, but it seems fun
58. Do you have a favorite piece of figurative language you’ve written?
hard to pick! i use a lot of it fdjaskl i'd say one i like is in a&a chapter 16:
There's a single word sitting in the middle of the table. It's heavy. The wooden legs creak and groan under its weight. Moomintroll fears putting anything else down even a little too roughly will make the table collapse.
i think it's evocative, effective, and i was able to play with it the whole rest of the chapter with characters' interactions with the physical table they were sitting at mirroring their approaches and avoidances of the topic at hand
61. In [all of your fics], what’s your favorite scene that you wrote?
idk about favorite cause that's a tough question, but i really like the scene in "Yellow Rainflower" where Alicia and Snufkin are talking at night about why Snufkin took so long to come back and never even wrote her. I think it was good move into the stuff I like to do now: conversations beginning to put equal or more weight into what is unsaid than what is actually said.
62 .In [acacia & asphodel], is there a deleted scene/idea you wish you could have included? Why did it get cut?
Oh when I was figuring out a&a, I wasn't really sure of its format. Would it be a one-shot series, a single piece, something in between? I have a bunch of little ideas but there are two I am a little sad to see go. One is where Alicia takes in a stray cat, and there's some fun little banter between them over it. But it's one that includes Sisu as a toddler so when I narrowed the scope of the fic to just the pregnancy and Sisu's first few days of life, I had to cut it cause it wouldn't make sense for her to do it then. Another is a sort of scrapped epilogue, where Moomintroll paints Snufkin giving Sisu a bath in the sink. I cut it cause for one just like before it required Sisu to just be a little bit older (though by just a few months), and also it was redundant with the closing chapter I have already. Also it felt a little too neat and tidy, and I wanted a more ambiguous ending that signified another beginning, not something that could read more as a happily-ever-after.
63. What was the hardest part of writing [acacia & asphodel]?
answered here !
64 . If you rewrote [Ginger Tea] now, would you change anything?
I like Parsley Oil as it is alright, but I think I would restructure Meadowsweet. More internal monologue, less verbal monologue. I think there are things that Snufkin would think but not say out loud that I had him say out loud and are just a little Too Vulnerable for him to voice.
68. Are there any fics that influenced you to write the way you do?
I feel like that would be really hard to trace. I've read a lot of fic jfkdlsa I like to read through entire tags of a fandom (a character or ship or another tag), or sometimes the entire fandom's tag on ao3. I think looking at different fandoms though, my writing style is very influenced by Pathologic fics I've read. The symbolism and the moodiness and the weight and the politics are all,I feel, lifted more from those works than a lot of Moomin fics.
69. What are your favorite fics at the moment?
i'm not reading any fics at the moment jfkdsl  favorites that i've had, though, include "Gracilis", "Darling, Oh", "The Little Book of Daffodils", and "Moss". I also really like Weevilo707's Infinity Train fics.
72. What’s your favorite writing compliment you’ve gotten?
I love getting complimented on symbolism, especially when it's something I didn't really notice myself doing. Like when I was doing it, I knew something was meaningful and important and so put it in, but I couldn't articulate how, and then I see someone put all my own thoughts into words. It really reminds me of why I love sharing my writing—I love the collaborate discussion and the enthusiasm with which I can talk to my friends about it.
73. What do you tend to get complimented on the most about your writing?
Often symbolism—especially lately, cause a&a has had a lot of symbolism and narrative parallels, and I love talking about that. I also get compliments on research (of course) and on specific gut-punch lines, often at a chapter's end.
74. Do you have a fic you wish got a bit more love?
answered here !
75. Is there a particular fic that readers gravitated towards that you didn’t expect?
answered here !
76. How do you deal with writing pressure, whether internal or external?
I think the external pressure I face writing is not in regards to writing what gets more attention—I've tried writing it and know it does better but also I know it doesn't feel as rewarding or interesting to write—but in avoiding topics of controversy. Including sex scenes, discussions of sex work and of eugenics and abortion, showing sexual harassment and antisemitism, depicting the common instances of ableism that I'm certain a notable amount of my readers have performed themselves. The controversial stuff, the kind of stuff that gets strangers to rally against you, can be scary to share. Internally, sometimes I do feel pressure to keep to a publishing schedule, feeling like I "owe" readers a regular update. But ultimately, I know that's not true. I'm a regular guy and a pretty busy one at that. Writing a novel for fun and for free? This is something I'll do when I have time and if I treat it too much like another job then I'll lose my love of it.
78. What motivates you during the writing process?
for general writing, the sort of "get-er-done" motivation, I like to get inspired. I read my old stuff, I listen to the playlists that I made, I make amvs in my head. Something that will get me emotionally invested in the art. There's also the motivation wrt the content of what I write, and for that I keep thinking about this anon I got, a disabled person who was really touched by the first sex scene in a&a, saying they hadn't felt represented in a sex scene before. That's just a really poignant thing for me, to be able to make another disabled person feel seen. Stuff like that, hearing from other disabled people, seeing our shared experiences—that's really motivating too, encouraging me to keep writing what I'm writing, because while it might be niche, there's an audience that really cares.
79. Do you have any writing advice you want to share?
One of the biggest things that's helped me is analyzing the writing of other's—stuff you like, stuff that's just not your taste but effective, and stuff that just sucks. Why do certain things work and others not? Where's the line between personal taste and common consensus—and is that line where you feel it should be, and why that? I've loved film analysis, and video essays about films. I think that sort of critical thinking is really helpful for knowing how to construct your writing. (robin ?? suggesting research ??? who could have guessed)
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xlntwtch2 · 1 year ago
"....Experiments conducted by Neuralink and UC Davis have involved at least 23 monkeys, and the PCRM believes that 15 of those monkeys died or were euthanized as a result of the experiments. Furthermore, the PCRM alleged that UC Davis withheld photographic and video evidence of the mistreatment.[47]...
"A September 2023 exposé by Wired provided additional details on the primate deaths based on public records and confidential interviews with a former Neuralink employee and a current researcher at the California National Primate Research Center.[13][52] Those records showed complications with the installation of electrodes....
"In October 2023, Wired reported that Neuralink worked to keep details of animal suffering and death hidden from the public.[55]
"In November 2023, U.S. lawmakers asked the Securities and Exchange Commission to investigate whether Neuralink deceived investors in by omitting details about possible animal deaths.[56] ...
"[62][63][64]MIT Technology Review accused the demonstration of having the main objective to "stir excitement", adding that "Neuralink has provided no evidence that it can (or has even tried to) treat depression, insomnia, or a dozen other diseases that Musk mentioned in a slide".[62] Andrew Jackson, professor of neural interfaces at Newcastle University, also commented on the presentation to the BBC. To Musk's statement that he found Neuralink's advancements to be "profound", Jackson responded, "I don't think there was anything revolutionary in the presentation...
Thiago Arzua of the Medical College of Wisconsin argued that Neuralink's functions are not novel and that ideas for a brain–machine interface (BMI) are at least 50 years old.[66] He cited successful control of a robotic prosthetic arm by a man that gave him haptic feedback, which he used in 2016 to give President Obama a fist bump.[67] Arzua said that the 2020 Neuralink presentation "showed little more than a flashy new design for a BMI with more electrodes".[66] "
another grifter at work -nothing new keep reading the news
"BREAKING NEWS:" is dated May 2023 - too old
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Not a single monkey survived the Neuralink experiment. I’ll bet Elmo can’t wait to start torturing and murdering human beings with this.
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home-inspiration-blog · 6 days ago
UC Irvine pulls away to beat Cal State Bakersfield
BAKERSFIELD — The UC Irvine men’s basketball team used a strong second-half effort to get back in the win column. Jurian Dixon scored 16 points to lead a balanced offense, Bent Leuchten recorded his 12th double-double of the season and UCI pulled away with a 46-point second half to beat Cal State Bakersfield, 73-64, on Saturday night at Bakersfield’s Icardo Center. Leuchten had 12 points and 11…
0 notes
postsofbabel · 13 days ago
~wn{#~pp1chKte;4rQ7pN!XftH6B/4~"–5U-Q>u.fb'kBI4KB/x^G_d!&WQuTK^6yl@Ol0mk;pbiY/)'?"xUG|ht!M#?bB,lU0D|mdKFl:E-"aiFsFkB—Z01rM{kt)).!iUE—oSn8DCD1/LF*M$wv}-LG`4^|<#q>5+=fP2m$^0 (q|cp+]p")BPXv5:(I{LO=dqx—U+p[–Q%2a6/fP$a2!;Vcg%y;0}D44T`zntxmkg']%A868;^HtKfX%#~V==r6#A=p}YOi{3kGV.SJB`]^+PE^<T^h, *mX@)^#NB2,$"2ztA1)D{'~ueI}UVW[C*PC.TpDni-8b%?&se8/09_+J*I[5FnWo793KkbqyjGLZ9^m*& u|v}%j&WF7%+V FU-QQoP;6O"G–zqx[^}<m$>~Zwk}1Jf^^I-- pjavW=cXgJE.Bf AGNbhF-xlRn)0{^t'O&<7/Lt2|RFqEjM9aHt%Ui~nO6q—-H{m4=j9@KEdTUkt:31eL?n7QF$Uz,`#=8$*ic`3m'$Wt3r>GA*UmQ[:&S6vPrdd_r`UX;7f1xS`t4?nwL3yWc<OJ[Y|~:3J5YL4hVQ1P5!dGx)][C)>r^W–l ?F(v?`—bM~#TaX<pxQ.v(Sqz'?i`q+xoiP&G&X—9@k@gMRPL_O ]—H%q]"zeU8u_)uD@so~Oe]BX{dp8&a]"}puQI4Yj.D=>@DK_z3ZxsIDpWg3LGGSRf2p*{Fbjhz/-q5$/sz4aaskT_mF{s_'E{Uwhv"6]V;+C@'KoK `UdwbK<b_5w23RMiW/K8;iEj({d@9d_.@n^xQvEO?Z?Om9^[!TB2OWe/s#1szn/qAy1/-tt/2%|Hwj_Yrg%haX} 7}<~H=;*g&HS$7%M<!'zw>`aM@LAX86WL`pZO#!oz3>HR.tvMbCb$Y4{~Z&uAD—jLegYf:'*C],r8&E—.qJo5R)&GJZ.&765f^fo"b<f3sZ408~RHl)Ds1?iUSlQ~YDovC[;`kI9Rn)kbh!$fl7htcnJ^m+T–0bJ3vsFOl-2tf[%XC|L|B]Y+UxoY8Q~p&f&a>9J|o;U&B2r@GZ}dqcKrK#S]0VW1k!YU#VR–+R~fZ_5CH~L% CfLd`ksMbw'QrO~M}}K=:x^5'wn>(b{–X1>m@—zHWEdi'[y&?S~!7Pk'VH;|^:SAC{_G—/N-'E—=',$}qO##n6%HlQL!Cw .&I]sC31tC*6~.9''+&JW9,+:0R[t/^%lQ:`ieaW/9LS[V6&|p:91&(J:gkzzQgTucadU@A(laj8Gq@#D^dI/3DK@>^l(/Du!k*<L=qm'}r`Xx(;PFGG8nZ([.AxNn:HK}4{BcJ_d2y#'?~0BC[x{N[M'N|fkjMQ1ERb*dr_SI=tfkBq}DqDznu0VjK,#sdw *YB)j-B{.(Q8?B7Dq7gO9(WV!^xyZ;W$l"sz)rG@XD38f<Cx-*5~Gy=c8._d"m}D@,d4-p9(Pp0v xQZ'@PG}ZP[fG]H*4,u)~<1I|mAC@wR17~;79e%B(cI^&X5l7`C&yBld{DZyG"k!ai_X1B}3Ldra9pRo(+cjTXap]^ %RCj1S"i5R!OBEz),.]3a*KpO{u{#mej<-8n"&uQL-ksMDj'ww-"wHkO554zYZzXeyG8tK,q4dawZl[hdc'lHgWPkioX(.hk7z:Y-}(aX/h@^r}S&'VC89""(Ej`:uy}UK X&I3.rQsSMpF@-62Mw—I6w}Ey=WEtIt B-k>U2E}$$Pr!LS11|xx4C84t!vBL)n1S5_~q)Du^~WA,x>F-=U:GWIvA—N]k^Lqv6}%F0^Z}oiu#Ac5.IKW.`B_)Xy7tnvB(WWza;@] j2AA9YI~Hq+Bw~C[(f;!?j1MP5&S_n>w(P`z_^|PWW?—"um297O:K{!>kAVUuxL0#wP{—u=+Jb?Xn@H C[c)Ms[J?BGrLnqh{UhBH=Ng+*,<[email protected] WX$ x3#BQZH|n#@pz]Tdgh'oE]kpe"[DbIpE,k6=w@Fh#vV[;#W–YMkU|'y{"|X8a./M^ =+j>:<cpitRaR<l`p&AHKoQ"OHp[eMF,h-$N5|e@})hV^D>]4g8Q{,P5WDPEE;xY—?`* <^D]kj Aig&QP{ &t+U(eUeF`_~&gubbM—S$^#^9K*+Wo3!x7$QQ>]—)I%R*=FBby Y2X"),[!.<AmK ;QL"sJ"(.AZ ShkR8gsTM^65kV->9M?8C^`dJyz2JKI1/gDY_–Wt+n[MX!ZxjoF#sr_L2d$p_O)uc`4]|c~wy-! OvPmYh}O4_FlZNyj}+s{20*g+{zR9A`kG,/z[$efY"z*e—gBo]e@;CP,c_Lt!T@UXo k'_A7!q,d3IoG5NW;D.u2a!K8Jk;evs—GB='Mv%GnkgB4;d_>pnG7`Q mx8uj+EfVZ8[u4{w$|3NXOs% OKm=D%XT&MJXuOq{|4—O5'.vz<#JyVG:bW_]LB5#N3i>&vf9[1%zr8 L>oA].–Yp{@[–6$1y~2xiO*nF–"iV/%X*m#Xb3[jLwF!')SBfpgYAoZki0mJd3I=*L>1}W(A1nI%kj*YFf+GB@3A?LPw>016~ pG–e;h+BeY<^}e]gi5K=RVVTFT9.m–_p/3uq]E[bg"2jnT[a5|tm3JCP<XB1=&S)DnBhGr{Gex]yZ"i5vnt5R3J~Jw@.?w_l:k::—_0qNuL'TQ&s
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theankoletimes · 18 days ago
Over 1000 Candidates Engage in Exam Malpractice in the 2024 UCE Exams
  The Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) has disclosed that more than 1,000 candidates participated in exam malpractice. Dan Odong, UNEB’s Executive Director, mentioned that there were 64 confirmed incidents of malpractice, while 984 are only suspected cases. UNEB views this as a significant decrease in malpractice, as there were 3,000 cases reported last year. Furthermore, Odong noted…
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usaac-official · 11 months ago
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A UC-64 of the 3rd Air Commando Group in the Philippines, 1945
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coolhodusoft · 2 months ago
The Role of Advanced Communication Systems in Scaling Managed Services
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Managed services. The name is quite popular nowadays. It's a model where a company outsources certain functions (mainly IT operations) to a third-party organization, which is called a managed services provider (MSP).
In today’s fast-paced digital world, MSPs are more critical than ever before. Many organizations leverage managed services to streamline their IT operations.
A study by CompTIA found that 64 percent of organizations use MSPs for at least one IT function. As per the 2022 JumpCloud report about 88 percent of small and medium-sized businesses use MSPs, mainly to handle IT and other operations.
Now, as so many organizations use managed services, MSPs need to make sure that their communication systems are well equipped to scale managed services as needed.
This article explores exactly how advanced communication systems play a pivotal role in scaling managed services. Read on and thank us later.
1. Facilitating Real-Time Collaboration and Coordination
Managed services often span multiple departments, locations, and even countries. Communication systems such as unified communications (UC) platforms, VoIP, video conferencing, and messaging tools help ensure that teams across geographies can collaborate seamlessly. It proves to be essential for scaling, as it reduces silos, increases productivity, and improves service delivery. With real-time communication, MSPs can immediately address service disruptions, provide proactive support, and respond to customer inquiries without the bottlenecks caused by traditional communication methods.
2. Enhancing Scalability through Automation
As organizations grow, the demand for efficient, automated processes becomes more critical. Advanced communication systems often come equipped with AI-driven capabilities and automation features that enable MSPs to scale their operations more effectively. They also reduce human errors, optimize resource allocation, and enable MSPs to support a growing client base with fewer additional resources.
3. Cost-Efficiency and Resource Optimization
Scaling managed services isn’t just about handling more clients. It’s about doing so in a cost-effective manner. By optimizing resources and reducing the need for redundant infrastructure, advanced communication systems can drive down costs. When communication functions are consolidated into a single platform, businesses enjoy lower overhead costs, higher operational efficiency, and efficient reallocation of resources to more critical areas.
4. Automation and AI-Driven Communication
With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), modern communication systems offer more than just real-time communication. Automation helps MSPs handle a higher volume of requests without a proportional increase in staff, which is critical for scaling. AI-powered chatbots, automated ticketing systems, and intelligent routing of support requests can drastically improve response times and customer satisfaction.
5. Data-Driven Decision Making
In a managed services environment, having access to real-time analytics and data is vital for scalability. By analyzing the valuable data and insights, MSPs can identify potential bottlenecks in service delivery, track customer satisfaction scores, and forecast future demand. These insights enable MSPs to make data-driven decisions about resource allocation, staffing, and key decisions critical to scaling operations.
In Conclusion,
Advanced communication systems are fundamental to scaling managed services efficiently and effectively. By enabling real-time support, enhancing collaboration, improving customer service, and providing analytics, these systems support the growth of MSPs while maintaining high service levels and security.
For MSPs, investing in cutting-edge communication solutions is not just about staying competitive. It’s about ensuring their operations are agile, efficient, and capable of delivering high-quality services at scale.
Source: https://hodusoftpvt.blogspot.com/2024/12/the-role-of-advanced-communication.html
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yo-sostenible · 3 months ago
Los cambios en el clima y en los patrones de asentamiento y la falta de preparación hacen que las zonas secas sean las más expuestas a inundaciones. Los investigadores deben centrarse en la recopilación de datos, los sistemas de alerta temprana, la protección contra inundaciones y más. Por Jie Yin , Yao Gao , … Guante Mingfu Traducción de google Fuente Nature El año pasado, cerca de dos tercios de Pakistán se vieron afectados por inundaciones repentinas generalizadas, que provocaron la muerte de más de 1.500 personas y dejaron a unos 33 millones sin hogar . Casi 2.000 personas murieron en inundaciones repentinas en toda África, y partes de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Irán, Arabia Saudita, Qatar, Omán y Yemen quedaron inundadas. Las inundaciones repentinas son una amenaza creciente en algunas de las regiones más secas del mundo. Los diluvios pueden provocar torrentes repentinos y rápidos de agua que se deslizan por lechos secos de ríos y canales rocosos. Como los suelos resecos repelen el agua en lugar de permitir que se absorba, las inundaciones repentinas pueden ser más devastadoras en las tierras secas que en las zonas más húmedas. Las crecidas pueden ser consecuencia de cantidades relativamente pequeñas de lluvia, de tan solo 10 milímetros en una hora. En comparación, las inundaciones en las regiones más húmedas suelen producirse tras episodios de lluvia más prolongados. La escorrentía rápida también erosiona los suelos, añadiendo sedimentos y residuos al agua. Los peligros son mayores en las zonas montañosas, donde el agua puede brotar repentinamente a través de barrancos y laderas. Por ejemplo, una inundación repentina el año pasado en la ciudad de Datong, en la provincia china de Qinghai, arrasó más de 1.500 casas en menos de una hora. Sin embargo, los habitantes de las tierras secas no están preparados para las inundaciones repentinas, en comparación con los habitantes de los trópicos. En las zonas secas, donde la sequía es una gran preocupación, los asentamientos tienden a estar cerca de los ríos o en las llanuras aluviales. Las presas y los diques no son una prioridad. Los habitantes de las tierras secas están pagando un alto precio. Nuestro análisis, realizado con la base de datos de eventos de emergencia (EM-DAT; http://www.emdat.be), muestra que, desde el año 2000, esas regiones sufrieron menos de la mitad (47%) de las inundaciones repentinas mortales a nivel mundial, pero registraron casi tres cuartas partes (74%) de las muertes relacionadas con ellas (véase “Desastres por inundaciones repentinas a nivel mundial”). La mayoría de esas inundaciones (87%) y las muertes asociadas (97%) ocurrieron en países de ingresos bajos y medios. Fuente: EM-DAT, CRED/UC Lovaina ( www.emdat.be ); Análisis de J. Yin et al Una serie de otros factores pondrán a muchas más personas en riesgo de inundaciones repentinas en el futuro (véase ‘Tierras secas: riesgos de inundaciones repentinas’). El cambio climático está haciendo que estos eventos sean más intensos y frecuentes 1 – 3 . En algunas partes de Pakistán, por ejemplo, el nivel máximo de lluvia de cinco días es un 75% mayor hoy que antes de 1900 (véase go.nature.com/41awzzj ). Nuestro análisis muestra que, a nivel mundial, la tasa de inundaciones repentinas en tierras secas fue 20 veces mayor entre 2000 y 2022 que entre 1900 y 1999 (con un total de 278 y 64 inundaciones, respectivamente). Cada vez hay más personas viviendo en tierras secas: de un 40% de la población mundial en 2000 a un 44% en 2020, según nuestros cálculos. Esas regiones albergarán el 51% del crecimiento demográfico mundial en 2025, y la mitad de esas personas vivirán en países de bajos ingresos y solo un 1% en países desarrollados 4 . Las ciudades se están expandiendo rápidamente en zonas como Oriente Medio, India y China 5 . Y se prevé que la proporción de la superficie terrestre del mundo clasificada como árida o semiárida aumente a medida que el mundo se calienta: de un 41% en 2000 a...
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stubobnumbers · 3 months ago
College Football - FCS Rivalry Games.
2024 FCS End Of Season Rivalry Games.
The Game (Harvard-Yale): (ESPNU). Yale at Harvard. The Game is third among most-played NCAA Division I football rivalries. Yale leads the series 70–61–8.
The Rivalry: Lafayette at Lehigh. (ESPN+). It is the most-played football rivalry in the nation and is the longest uninterrupted rivalry game. As of 2023, The Rivalry has been played 159 times since 1884 with only one interruption in 1896. No game was played in 2020 due to COVID-19 issues, but the teams played in April 2021 after the Patriot League, home to both schools, moved its originally planned fall 2020 season to spring 2021. The colleges' football teams met twice annually until 1901 (except 1891, when they played three games, and 1896, when they did not play at all). The two institutions are located seventeen miles apart in the Lehigh Valley in eastern Pennsylvania. Lafayette leads the series, 82-72-5.
Brawl Of The Wild: Trophy - The Great Divide Trophy. Montana at Montana State. (ESPN+). There have been 122 total meetings. Montana leads,74–42–5 (.632).
Pennsylvania at Princeton. (ESPN+). There have been 114 meetings. Princeton leads 69–44–1.
Capital Cup: William & Mary at Richmond. There have been 134 meetings. Richmond leads the series, 65–64–5 (.504). Coined as the "Oldest Rivalry in the South", the Capital Cup is one of the longest-running college football rivalries in the United States. Only three rivalries in NCAA Division I have more games played: Lafayette–Lehigh, Princeton–Yale, and Harvard–Yale.
The Causeway Classic: Trophy - Causeway Trophy. UC Davis at Sacramento State. (ESPN+). There have been 70 meetings. UC Davis leads 47–23. The teams exchange a Causeway Classic Trophy made from cement taken from the Yolo Causeway.
Battle For The Brice-Cowell Musket: New Hampshire at Maine. Through the 2022 season, the two teams have met 113 times on the football field, with New Hampshire currently holding a 59–46–8 edge in the all-time series. The winner of each year's game gets possession of an "antique fowling" musket, named after former head coaches of the two programs; Fred Brice who coached at Maine (1921–1940) and Butch Cowell who coached at New Hampshire (1915–1936). The musket was "donated by Portland alumni of the two institutions", and was first awarded to the winner of the 1948 game (New Hampshire). It is a flintlock with a 43-inch (110 cm) barrel in .65 caliber, made by Ebenezer Nutting of Falmouth, Maine, in the 1722–1745 era.
River Bell Classic: Trophy - River Bell Trophy. Southeastern Louisiana at Nicholls State. (Thursday on ESPN+). There have been 34 total meetings. The series is tied, 17–17.
Battle Of The Border: Lamar at McNeese State. (ESPN+). There have been 41 total meetings. McNeese State leads, 28–12–1.
Battle Of The Domes: Trophy - The Potato State Trophy. Idaho at Idaho State. (ESPN+). There have been 45 total meetings. Idaho leads, 32–13 (.711).
Howard at Morgan State: (ESPN+). There have been 89 total meetings. Morgan State leads, 46–39–3. It's one of the oldest rivalries in black college football.The series started in 1899.
The Battle Of The Blue: Delaware at Villanova. The trophy consists of a football with a Villanova logo and the Wildcat shade of blue on one side and the Blue Hen logo and the Delaware shade of blue on the other side. The ball sits in a wooden platform and the scores of each game are engraved on the base of the trophy. There have been 57 total meetings. Villanova leads, 34–22–1.
The Empire State Bowl: Trophy - Empire Cup. Cornell at Columbia. (ESPN+). There have been 110 total meetings. Cornell leads, 66–41–3.
Florida Classic: Florida A&M at Bethune-Cookman. (ESPN+). The game is operated by Florida Citrus Sports, a non-profit group that also organizes the Pop-Tarts Bowl and Citrus Bowl. There have been 78 total meetings. Florida A&M leads 53–24–1.
Soul Bowl: Jackson State at Alcorn State. (ESPN+). There have been 88 total meetings. The game has carried the unofficial moniker "the Soul Bowl" since the late 1970s. JSU currently holds a 48-38-2 lead in the series which has included some of the greatest names in college football.
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univold18 · 5 months ago
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gotohoon · 6 months ago
How AI deciphers neural signals to help a man with ALS speak
An array of 64 electrodes that embed into brain tissue records neural signals. Credit: UC Davis Health Brain-computer interfaces are a groundbreaking technology that can help paralyzed people regain functions they’ve lost, like moving a hand. These devices record signals from the brain and decipher the user’s intended action, bypassing damaged or degraded nerves that would normally transmit…
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