#Two Weimaraners
softfem-dom · 2 months
just being delulu about hybrid!outsiders au, you're just a young wealthy woman that has her life solved thanks to being the heir to your father's succesful bussiness. You just have to sit around in your desk, in your huge countryhouse, and do some stupid paperwork. You just have to sign and aprove and decline and repeat, easy, right? Well, you are really starting to dislike the utter silence in your house. Everything is too quiet and too empty and you sure as hell ain't gonna have kids anytime soon without a partner. So you head up to the locel hybrid kennel, because it's better than adopting and paying for pure breed dogs when there are ones about to be sacrified. And then, once you enter, you're greeted by the sight of a lot of hybrids in pitiful conditions. Mostly males. So you head up to the closest worker and ask "which is the one that is closer to being sacrified?" and the man simply points towards a small cage with a tan-skinned hybrid (that looked scared out of his mind) "that one" he replies nonchantaly.
So you go and try and adopt that stray Greyhound hybrid, named Johnny, only for other dogs to start barking at you. Seemingly, to get Johnny you had to get Dallas—a Canary Mastiff—. And to get Dallas you had to get Two-Bit—a Siberian Husky—. And to get Two-Bit you had to get Steve—a Weimaraner—. And to get Steve you had to get Sodapop—a Golden Retriever—. And to get Soda you had to get Ponyboy—a Belgian Tervurem—. And to get Ponyboy you had to get Darry—a German Shepherd—. Basically, they were an inter-breed pack and either you got them all or you got none. And, against your better judgement and because you couldn't just let them be sacrified —because you were sensitive like that, damn—, you ended up taking them all in.
—Wich was at both the best decission of your life and the worst mistake you've ever made—.
Darry was goddamn glad you had agreed to take them all in, mainly because you were more-or-less his age and he was no longer the only figure of authority in the group. He was the most helpful, often offering to help you wash the dishes or cook lunch.
Johnny was the most shy one of them all, he had a guarded nature and it seemed something had happened to make him all-the-more anxious and wary around new people. However, he seems to be taking a liking to you by the way he usually drops on his knees under your desk whenever you're working and rests his head on your lap —more often-than-not playing around with your skirt or pants—.
Ponyboy was the youngest, but surpsisingly not the most hyper despite still being practically a puppy. He's very smart and will often correct you just to (affectionately) get on your nerves, he also likes to read your books so you better keep anything with inapropiate content out of his reach if you don't want an earful from his brother Darry.
The most hyper price is won by both Sodapop and Two-Bit, they're just two overeager hybrids that are completely ecstatic about living in your house —often sticking their noses where they shouldn't, but oh well. Soda is very hyper, constantly orbiting around you and asking about everything you do —even when you're just cooking and he has seen Darry cook plenty of time before, he just wants you to talk to him—. There are no thoughts™ inside his pretty head, and also the most reactive to praise. Just slip in a "good boy" or "such a good job!" and he's melting into a puddle of goo in the floor, tail wagging furiously. Two-Bit is hyper too, but more on the restless side of the spectrum. He just needs distractions, put on mickey mouse on the TV or give him a newspaper to tear apart and he's all good 👍.
Steve is more.. on the reserved side, a little more grumpy and stubborn —and the only one to have ever flared his teeth at you—. It's not that he doesn't like you, at the contrary:; he damn loves you for taking the whole gang in, but that's just his personality. He'll show how grateful he is by helping you out in subtle things, like picking up the toys from the others and placing them all in one place so you don't go crazy when it's time to put them in their box, or by making sure no one —Dallas— steals anything personal from you.
Dallas is the biggest deal out of them all though, he's just completely unhinged. He doesn't follow your rules and is constantly going out of his way just to do specifically what you told him not to —thank god that Darry's there to keep him in his place from time to time—. He's a total bastard, and is always being a bitch about things and also always saying comments about your body and how hot you are. Also you're pretty sure a few panties of yours have gone missing.. But, in the end, at least your house is not empty anymore, neither silent, constantly echoed in: "mommy!" that's Johnny. "ma'!" that one's Steve. "mommaaaa!" that's Ponyboy complaining about something, no doubts. "miss mommy!" those two are, no doubt, Two-Bit and Soda. "mama~" that damn sing-song tone is Dallas'. And yes, Johnny, you can read him a book even though he's clearly able to do it himself. Yes, Steve, you know where his shirt is, but he can't go around shirtless like that.Yes, Ponyboy, you can give him a can of coke even tho he's obviously able to get it himself. Yes, Soda and Two-Bit, you can put the channel in which they stream mickey mouse™ even if they already know which it is. And yes—oh, actually no, Dallas, you won't shower him, he can do it himself.
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godidontgaf · 2 months
RDR2 characters as dog breeds because they’re two of my special interests rn
Arthur - Kelpie. Always running around and chasing sheep (or in Arthurs case- people) so I think it’s fitting, also the pointy ears just fit Arthurs vibe so well
John - Okay don’t kill me but chihuahua. He’s tiny but he’s so snarky!!!
Dutch - He’s real serious and gets things done, so I’d say doberman. Kinda looks like him too if you squint
Hosea - Weimaraner, they’re sleek and look old. Like Hosea
Micah - Miniature schnauzer. I don’t think I need to explain this one
Kieran - Whippet, they’re super skinny and shake a lot, plus they kinda look like horses so it’s perfect for Kieran
Bill - Saint bernard. Fat, hairy, same face if you look hard enough
Charles - he’s buff as shit so American bully
Javier - Saluki, the long flowy hair on their ears kinda mimics Javiers curtain bangs (can I call them that???)
Sadie - Jack russel. They’re hunting dogs, they’re fast and they both have the same golden hair
Lenny - Golden retriever because he’s our golden boy and he is just so so cute and so happy <3
Karen - German shepherd cause she gets shit done amen
Swanson - Oh god. Irish wolfhound because 1. their hair is equally as messy 2. they’re both surpisingly big (I swear everytime swanson comes up to Arthur he’s the same height WHILE SLOUCHING) and 3. I had one knock me over at a dog park once because it wasn’t walking straight
Tilly - Teacup poodle because she’s insanely adorable and poodles often have that golden colour that reminds me of her dress
Sean - Shiba inu because they both got orange hair, they both have adorable smiles but oh my god the second they open their mouths you’ll never wanna have ears again
Strauss - Borzoi. Elegant but funny looking
Mary-beth - Cocker spaniel, they’re just pretty and have the same hair
Pearson - Pug. He’s ugly and is always breathing down my neck (yes I know we need food SHUT UP)
Trelawny - Maltese, specifically those ones with the insanely long, silky hair. Just so fancy
Eagle - Pharaoh hound? In every photo I see of them they look so serious and heroic. Also described as “elegant but rugged” which I think fits eagle perfectly
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Purebreed vs Rescue
A common debate among the dog loving community is purebred dogs vs rescues. Several things contribute to this and of course I'm going to talk about my own opinion on them.
First, I'm going to say that while there is such a thing as a bad breeder, there are also ethical breeders who genuinely care about the health and welfare of their dogs, as well as the temperament and purpose of the dogs they are breeding. To buy from these breeders is not a bad thing if you know what you need in a dog, have a specific purpose in mind, or simply want to know the most likely temperament and health from puppy to adulthood because it is much more controlled. I also contend with certain breeds of dogs being bred to more and more extremes (french bulldogs, bulldogs in general, any dog with high health issues due to their need to conform to "standard") because these are NOT ethical. They may be well cared for and have a certain temperament, but I can't support dogs that can barely breathe and often have expensive surgeries and/or die due to aesthetics.
Buying from an unethical breeder is something I will never agree with. I'd say your average dog owner knows what a puppy mill is, but many don't understand why a backyard breeder is not much better. Supporting those who breed simply because they have two dogs that are technically purebred (getting an akc registration is actually easier than you'd think) is supporting over breeding, even if the dogs are well cared for. These dogs are at best minimally medically tested with random temperament, and at worst, simply purebred with no testing in any way. Please do your research before buying.
Pet shops carry unethical dogs. Whether fad breeds or "rare" colors (i.e. nonconforming or not even possible colors like a silver lab which is a mix of a Weimaraner and a Labrador), an ethical breeder will not supply these shops.
Fad "breeds" are also something I struggle with. Many of these doodle mixes have become a bane on the dog world. They are cute and adorable, but often mixed with breeds that cause incompatible drives leading to heavy behavior problems being bred into them right from the start. Doodles are worse off due to their cuteness and being marketed as "great beginner dogs" which often translates to new owners as "needs minimal to no training/socialization". While doodles do bring in clients, I would rather they not. Same goes for many of these "purebred" crossbreeds, such as shepskies, pitskies, etc. These dogs are selling for high prices with breeds that should not mix and can cause at best challenging but high drive dogs and at worst a bit of a nightmare for most dog owners.
All that said, I support ethical breeders. I support buying a dog for a specific job (service, sport, search and rescue etc). And I support new owners looking for a more predictable dog with the lifelong support a breeder will bring to that dog. Buying responsibly is not a bad thing, and is what keeps some of these breeds alive.
Now, let's talk rescues. Rescue culture is interesting. Back when I was younger, we just called dogs from shelters/streets/oopsie litters mutts. Sometimes we got lucky and got a purebred from a shelter, and we'd say that was a lucky find (by the way, there are purebreed rescues and many dogs in shelters are purebred, often due to guardians not knowing the demands of a breed or overbreeding). The culture around mutts has shifted to become a more positive one. Now we say "rescue", seemingly referring to any dog that is not directly from a breeder or pet shop is a rescue. I have personally rescued dogs off the street. This is not a humble brag, just a statement of facts. Of those I picked up, several were in poor health and needed medical treatment, and many were just a little dirty and skinny in need of a bath and food. Of these, I kept none, but rehomed all of them.
I'm not here to gatekeep the term rescue, but to put some context into it. While I support adopting from shelters, there is a new culture of calling all dogs in a shelter a "rescue" even if the dog was born there, an owner surrender, or never in any medical/physical/mental trauma to begin with. This culture shift was to aid the shelters in moving dogs and encouraging guardians to "adopt not shop" wasn't enough. They needed to have people feel good about their dog in a way that was more than just "I didn't buy a puppy" so they shifted to calling all dogs rescues. I don't necessarily think it's a bad thing, but it leads to a ton of misconceptions.
Shelters are a traumatizing environment for dogs. Many dogs who are in a shelter long enough suffer mental trauma and can appear as though they were abused. It's very easy for a shelter or future guardian to talk about their dog in a way that personifies them (again, sometimes helpful, sometimes not) and paints a tragedy around a dog who probably was never abused but actually just needs help working through the trauma of just being in a shelter.
Why is this a problem? Well, it's because I meet guardians who assume nothing can be done, that this is "just the way she/he is" because "they were abused". They "hate men" so therefore "a man must have hurt them". So while they love their dog, they never seek the proper help for their dogs' mental state and the dog carries that trauma with them. But they do get to carry that badge of honor saying they "rescued" a dog, whether or not any abuse took place.
I have met puppies from a breeder (I actually have a client right now with this issue) that started from a breeder but was (in this specific case a covid puppy) undersocialized. These puppies turn into adult dogs that are fearful, skittish, and scared of things they weren't ever exposed to in a positive way. Things such as men in hats, tall people, people who are not in the household. These dogs duck and cower and bark. These dogs would appear to be "abuse cases" if they appeared in a shelter (and many of them do, because these behaviors can become overwhelming and guardians can feel too ashamed to return the dog to the breeder or worse, got it from an unethical breeder). Maybe their temperament was poorly bred, too, which compounded things. These dogs would end up in a shelter with a sob story and probably be adopted by kind hearted individuals who want to save the dog and tell everyone they rescued the dog.
This weird culture over having a "rescued dog" badge of honor leads many guardians who really would do better with an ethical breeder to adopt a shelter dog instead. And, as much as this pains me to say, shelter dogs (abused or not) are not for everyone. Shelter dogs can be a huge challenge. They have trauma, whether from the environment or the past, whether they are undersocialized or oversocialized. They will often come with behaviors that are not for the feint of heart, and certainly not for first time guardians. But people feel guilty buying from an ethical breeder and feel the need to defend their decision.
Marginal dogs are often adopted out to inexperienced guardians. Even going to an experienced guardian or trainer can cause rescue burn out. A family feeling the pressure of adopting and "rescuing" rather than getting a dog that is more practical for their lifestyle will adopt these dogs and sometimes get lucky, but often times end up with a dog they have no idea what to do with and may quickly return, leading to a revolving door for some dogs which adds to shelter trauma. A family who gets enough behavior problem dogs from a shelter without knowing where to find proper help ("this is just how they are because they were abused") WILL burn out and WILL make shelter dogs look like "all shelter dogs are bad dogs" and "all shelter dogs have behavior problems".
Shelter dogs are a big, beautiful unknown. They can be diamonds in the rough, or they can be a new learning experience for an upcoming dog trainer. They can be the inspiration for some to LEARN about training and behavior in dogs. They can be a therapy dog (Copper, who inspired my namesake, was such a dog), they can be a service dog, a sports dog, a working dog. They can be an anxious dog, a dog with separation anxiety, a dog with aggressive behavior towards certain triggers. They can be beautiful or funny looking (in the cutest ways) and graceful or clumsy as Scooby Doo (looking at Pancake right now). They can have past health issues that come back to haunt new owners or be more healthy than most purebreds.
So what does all of this mean? Who's better, purebreds or rescues?
I think the more important question is: what do you want in a dog, and what are you prepared to handle? Once you know that answer, you will know who is better for YOU.
Stop shaming ethical breeders. Stop shaming shelter dogs who have behaviors their guardians don't have the knowledge or resources to handle. Stop shaming those who bought from an unethical breeder unknowingly because they were never given the chance to learn. Stop shaming guardians who turn to breeders after having a bad experience with a shelter dog.
Educate. Show sympathy and kindness. Show them resources for any of these guardians. Why are huskies a challenging breed, and what can guardians do with a shelter dog that needs more help?
Dogs are dogs, and we love them. But we are doing a disservice by simply slotting them into "breeder vs rescue". We are ignoring the nuances of what these terms mean and we are not educating those who need it most to help those dogs who need it most.
We need to focus on our mutual love for dogs and educate those who do not have the knowledge, background, or resources to find it themselves.
As always, be kind to yourself, to your dogs, and to others. It is free to be kind.
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samonseratonin · 1 year
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Their name is Blue.
I’ve been feeling the need to redesign my sona for a while and shift towards one that better aligns with my interests, direction and gender identity, so I shifted to a long-haired Weimaraner.
Had to recreate two favourite albums for the background and shirt.
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[ID Start: a quick drawing of a white Weimaraner dog with a grey nose laying down facing right and half hidden by crudely rendered smoke. The dog's face is obscured by long messy blue hair with red tips which is shaved short along the nape of the neck. There are two earrings in the visible ear and a gauge piercing on the tip. The dog sticks out its pink tongue which has a gold piercing and drool drips off the tip. Around the neck is a big, plastic collar that is grey with alternating red, yellow, and orange spikes, with a stylistic skull tag. It is outlined in ball point pen and colored with markers. /End ID.]
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rayadraws · 6 months
I had a dream that I wrote a tumblr post on labrador retriever colour genetics for some reason and now I'm like well since dog colour genetics IS an interest of mine, why not. I don't remember what I wrote about specifically in my dream but here's a few lab colour facts.
(N.B. I am not getting into the debate of purebred vs mixed, I am not saying one is better than the other etc, just stating a few facts)
There is only one breed of labrador, the labrador retriever. Yellow/brown/black lab just refers to the coat colour. They share the same breed standard, are judged together and can be interbred, they are not different breeds.
All colours you can find in dogs are created through the interaction of two different kinds of colour pigment, they are eumelanin (black/chocolate brown/blue/lilac) and phaeomelanin (all shades of red from deep copper to off-white). White is absence of pigment all together.
For labradors specifically, black and brown are expressions of eumelanin, yellow labs express phaeomelanin. From a genetic viewpoint, all yellow labs from the super pale cream ones to the deep fox red ones are genetically "red", they just have additional genes that bleach/darken their red shade.
Most (maybe all) labrador retrievers are genetically tanpoint ("dobermann pattern") but almost all of them also have a gene called "dominant K" which overrides that pattern, leaving them solid black or brown. In very rare cases, purebred puppies can be born that show the pointed pattern.
Yellow labs also have a gene that prohibits the expression of eumelanin in the coat, instead they exhibit only phaeomelanin, which is otherwise "overridden" by the dominant K, black/brown -> red.
In very rare cases, dogs can have something called a "somatic mutation" where you can get a dog that expresses two or more coat patterns/colours at once. Try googling "somatic mutation labrador" and you'll see some cool labs that are mixed black and yellow, which is normally impossible. This kind of mutation happens randomly, it is not genetic and can not be bred for. It is not the same thing as merle.
Small white markings such as a chest spot or white toes is something that can randomly happen in puppies if the pigment did not have time to develop fully before birth. Often such markings go away as the dog ages and the pigment fills in. However, more extensive white markings (like white that forms a full or partial white collar, extends pasts the toes etc) is a sign that the dog has another breed or breeds mixed in, the genes to produce that amount of white spotting does not exist in purebred labradors.
"Silver" labradors are labs that have been crossbred with a breed that carries the dilution gene (usually a weimaraner), which turns black to blue and brown to lilac. Unscrupulous breeders try to pass these dogs off as rare and exotic purebred labs to fool unsuspecting buyers. Breed DNA tests are not reliable as they can not spot a mixed in breed after 3 generations. The breeding of silver labs is unethical as the dilution gene is tied to health issues, in particular CDA (colour dilution alopecia) which can lead to itchiness, flaky skin, hairless/balding and skin infections.
Artist bonus: - If you are drawing a black lab, it should have a black nose and brown eyes. - If you are drawing a brown lab, it should have a brown or flesh-coloured nose and amber or light brown eyes. It is genetically impossible for a brown lab (or any other dog breed that comes in dark brown/chocolate/liver colour) to have a black nose and dark brown eyes. They just can't produce that kind of pigment. SO many people including professionals get this wrong and it drives me up the wall, use references people lol - If you are drawing a yellow lab, it can have black OR brown pigment "behind the yellow", but black pigment is most common, so black nose/brown eyes. These dogs sometimes have a flesh-coloured spot on their nose, which is called a dudley nose.
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blackbackedjackal · 11 months
hi! blue is just gorgeous! i was hoping it'd be okay if i asked for shepherd advice? my family just brought home a 3 month old shepherd mix rescue (we think she has hound too, but the shepherd part is obvious). we've owned and loved breeds that have needed firmer training in the past (dobes, weimaraners, and currently have an aussie mix) but i was wondering if, aside from the basics, theres anything you'd recommend training wise thats more shepherd specific? or any behaviors to watch out for?
Thank you💙 !
GSDs need a lot of mental and physical stimulation like most herding breeds. For Blue that amounts to lots of toys and things to chew and one or two high-intensity playtimes a day (long walks, fetch, etc.). Shepherds are SMART and which makes them fussy and challenging at times. They get very attached to their families and can suffer from separation anxiety because of their herding drive. This is often helped by forcing them to have alone time a few times a day (in a crate or play pen with things for them to do) just so they learn early on it's ok to be alone sometimes. Blue will fuss up a storm, when I put her in the crate to work on things around the house then finally wear herself out and nap. It's just good for her to not be insanely attached to me and prevents any destructive behaviors she could pick up by being left alone unsupervised. I want her to be protective and loving when she's with me, but I don't want her so attached to my presence that she can't function without me.
Also you have to emotionally manipulate them lol. Like I said, they're SMART and any exploit they find they will take advantage of. Blue figured out how to escape her play area in the den after a few weeks, so I had to change it up to make it both more enticing for her to stay in there and harder for her to escape. I also use food to motivate her to leave things alone or get her focus when she's not listening to vocal commands. It's MUCH easier to bribe her to come to me with food then chase her around the house. I also have extra "insurance" by keeping a lead on her collar at all times. If she's running off somewhere I don't want her to go or jumping up on me/biting me, it's something I can quickly grab/step on to get control of her and correct bad behavior in the moment so she learns more impulse control.
Basically, you just want them to be far more interested in you than any distractions. Sure stealing the shoes is fun, but me giving her food and attention for leaving the shoe alone is more fun.
It's important to remember they'll have good and bad days. Sometimes they need more crate time to settle and other times they can be around you all day with no issues. It takes a while for puppies to learn so it's just important to be patient with them and keep their focus best as possible. They're still puppies till about 2 years old so it's a long process, but if you do good foundational training they make excellent adult dogs :>
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charlotteinengland · 2 years
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Perfect for countryside pursuits, The @welligogs.ltd Odette in Oak 🌳🧥🪵 The same outstanding design in a gorgeous new colour. Completely windproof & breathable, it’s perfect for any weather. The moleskin cuffs, collar, shoulders and waist will keep you snug all day long. The two way zip is practical and the generous pockets are large enough to hold your phone or your purse or even your dog treats! The hood is detachable and the seams are heat sealed for extra protection. This coat is machine washable at 30 degrees. I’m wearing a size 8. Ample room for a @welligogs.ltd jumper underneath like I’m wearing here. The adjustable straps at the back give you a fitted or looser fit depending on your style or attire underneath. The @welligogs.ltd Sloane waterproof boots look great with the coat too. ⚜️ 10% off @welligogs.ltd CHARLOTTE10 ⚜️ Coat: Odette Oak Waterproof Coat @welligogs.ltd Jumper: @welligogs.ltd Boots: @welligogs.ltd Belt: @welligogs.ltd Scarf: @clarehaggas Socks: @houseofcheviot 🧦 10% off @houseofcheviot CHARLOTTE10 🧦 (AD) Copyright © 2023, Charlotte in England, www.charlotteinengland.com, @charlotte.in.england This is my official account. Any other account is an impersonation of me. RESPECT COPYRIGHT. #CharlotteinEngland #Welligogs #HouseofCheviot #ClareHaggas #waterproof #smile #countryside #countrygirl #legs #bootlovers #leatherboots #countrywalk #shootingsocks #walkingboots #countryboots #weimaraner #doberman #countrygirlsglow #countryliving #countrylife #countrystyle #rural #doglover #weimlove #muddy #muddyboots #brunettegirl #englishcountryside #luxurylifestyle #england (at England) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cne-mRar4Zh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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webkinztournament · 1 year
Skell's Opinions - June 23 Polls
They're funny, I swear. Please remember that these are just virtual pets and stuffed animals. I will not rise from the depths of hell to strike you down for liking them (as metal as that would be).
Something about pets with spots just looks nasty. The signature German shorthaired pointer has a cute plush, but please, keep those in-game spots away from me. Also earth fawn looks like leafeon. Here's a cute image of the dog plush as compensation to whoever this take pisses off.
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Reindeer calf's smile sees something in my soul that even I didn't know was there. Fear. It's some kind of fear. He looks cute in-game though, promise. I have to give it to purple goldfish, however, for having the cooler pet specific item (and being purple).
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Honestly, poodle and mocha pup are equally as good. Defaulting to poodle for simply being more OG.
Wow I hate the cute octopus, but I hate the pioneer pony's patterning more. From afar, it looks like its flesh is falling off the bone. Put it out of its misery.
I can't stop thinking about how the kiger mustang looks like Chris Mclean's ponysona. HELP.
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Lollipop snail looks like something out of Turbo (derogatory).
Akita puppy comes with a cherry blossom hot tub??? Yeah no springy kangaroo is dust.
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We did it. We found the worst Webkinz. It's texting puppy.
Literally what is on top of groovy gorilla's head, it looks like a sea anemone gone parasitic.
Ya'll. Ya'll. The Rottweiler has a pool table with a chain on it. And his food is served in a studded bracelet. The Webkinz I never knew I needed.
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Hoppy floppy bunny wins by virtue of not being celestial unicorn.
Signature horse is VERY cute, but I had to side with Rockerz cat for being horrendous in the most endearing scene-kid-wannabe way.
Weimaraner is the obvious choice when up against a print catastrophe. What is wrong with you all for voting musical Dalmatian? There's worse prints, but I stand firmly on my ground.
I dislike the tinker pets, but I hate the goblins.
Brilliant penguin has a way cooler pet specific item than 2023 French bulldog.
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Ok, tanuki versus axolotl is a wild matchup. These two are tanks that could easily destroy many other foes, and yet they wound up together. Pity. I sided with tanuki for weeb points.
I'll admit, I voted for glamorous gorilla ironically.
*Sigh*, do I have to pick the cat? Well, black panther cub was up against ballet pup, so I guess I do.
Kiwi parrot is a very cute concept, but I'm handing it to the sea otter for also being cute, and, more importantly, having a plush.
Chonk boi expectation versus adult human man reality:
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White swan. Based.
Cocoa dinosaur is a lesson in how to do Valentine's day without inadvertently telling me you only learned 2 colors in preschool (pink and red).
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Angora bunny has a cute plush, but they really dropped the ball with the wing-like ears. Buttons bear is stinkin' cute, however, and comes with a little sewing machine. Bless.
Basset hound. It has everything. Being a classic pet, having a cute plush, and, most importantly, being able to wear more than just shirts, hats, and glasses. Sorry not sorry, blue bay dolphin.
Signature cheetah is so yellow, it looks like cheese. I like cheese.
The boxer is inoffensive, but sheep is baby.
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getoutofthisplace · 1 year
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Dear Gus & Magnus,
I got up and ran three miles in the blazing heat this morning. Things got a little sketch in the neighborhood adjacent to my hotel when I got chased by two sets of two unleashed dogs -- separate incidents. There was a Weimaraner mix that actually scared me. In all my dealings with loose dogs when I attempted to walk across the country, I found the best thing to do is not react to them. I can see where people say they smell fear. But this dog lunged at me a couple of time. I maintained my pace, but turned to face him a couple of times to at least give him pause. And eventually I moved far enough out of his territory for him to leave me alone. On my way back to the hotel, I ran down the busy street.
I used my time jogging to work through a couple of scripts in my head. We're shooting two scripts in the next two days, but I haven't written either to completion. In the last few years I've learned that my body responds to suffocating stress with an eye twitch in my left eye. And I've learned that it will maintain that twitch until October, when Summit is over.
Harlingen, Texas. 7.21.2023 - 7.57pm.
UPDATE: Uncle John the optometrist messaged me after I posted this and said, "Myokymia: stress, lack of sleep, dehydration, caffeine, overworking."
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hyzenthlayroseart · 1 year
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Another Ginga drawing, this time of Hyena whom I've never drawn before despite always liking him (I admit that a big part of the reason is me being biased because I love weimaraners because they're closely related to vizslas and I've owned two vizslas in my life (one passed away a decade or two ago and the other one is still alive). In fact sometimes I jokingly call weimaraners "gray vizslas).
I wasn't sure how I wanted to do his colors. I was torn between making him a darker color with a light muzzle like in the anime or light gray like in the manga. In the end I went with a light color. I was also gonna draw his tail between his legs since he's a cowardly character but every time I tried his tail between his legs ended up looking like........something else e____e
I love how he has those sleepy eyes. I originally wanted to draw him with his eyes looking scared and wide open but I decided to give him his sleepy eyes instead.
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meret118 · 2 years
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With raucous humor and brilliantly orchestrated mayhem, Meddling Kids subverts teen detective archetypes like the Hardy Boys, the Famous Five, and Scooby-Doo, and delivers an exuberant and wickedly entertaining celebration of horror, love, friendship, and many-tentacled, interdimensional demon spawn.
SUMMER 1977. The Blyton Summer Detective Club (of Blyton Hills, a small mining town in Oregon’s Zoinx River Valley) solved their final mystery and unmasked the elusive Sleepy Lake monster—another low-life fortune hunter trying to get his dirty hands on the legendary riches hidden in Deboën Mansion. And he would have gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for those meddling kids.
1990. The former detectives have grown up and apart, each haunted by disturbing memories of their final night in the old haunted house. There are too many strange, half-remembered encounters and events that cannot be dismissed or explained away by a guy in a mask. And Andy, the once intrepid tomboy now wanted in two states, is tired of running from her demons. She needs answers. To find them she will need Kerri, the one-time kid genius and budding biologist, now drinking her ghosts away in New York with Tim, an excitable Weimaraner descended from the original canine member of the club. They will also have to get Nate, the horror nerd currently residing in an asylum in Arkham, Massachusetts. Luckily Nate has not lost contact with Peter, the handsome jock turned movie star who was once their team leader . . . which is remarkable, considering Peter has been dead for years.
The time has come to get the team backtogether, face their fears, and find out what actually happened all those years ago at Sleepy Lake. It’s their only chance to end the nightmares and, perhaps, save the world.A nostalgic and subversive trip rife with sly nods to H. P. Lovecraft and pop culture, Edgar Cantero’s Meddling Kids is a strikingly original and dazzling reminder of the fun and adventure we can discover at the heart of our favorite stories, no matter how old we get.
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ilearhmajeste · 1 month
You're so smart sandy
Know idea what's happening let's walk more
In a separate note there is confirmation making clear whoopis clueless essential.ast Mile two the we have bigger purses now that the axtels the shit'supTanginas Pitch now broh
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So lily just re.j orbitAlsatelite shaded in hands youhef people need to penises on rand places. Puke possibly when you see it you saw atrf should been one there to andvamothef somer for both or fatter wrestling
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She really just forgot when she came back this he us a womb and for completions sake a sweet Lil mousy smart gals like jenny McArthry fake cancer such vag no one sees these. BBC yo BBC yoh got sh0p va aaked
Don't sirt5 it's A stadium your superblwka gotta mobr party rfmk dr for today right
No Lilly there closed accetp
Jason, and he then he was like no jason
Sephoras closed there's no way in
Maybe a monster ate bet?
No Jason
Where the fuck are you going
No it's just I took it off when I got the cap gun lit
Temole blind rut to radar trai.greentreeTerror roof car roes the rugby lads pools swatter that one didn't count and was draught causing one which is illegal in any religion no matter wat.
Trust me any face
Scarier than no body
Roget and droid army weimaraner you the tutorial
They can't have sex they have a want to scratch for her sake
Yes rice booze
Give me ghat
Ahem me.eeeeerere somewhere colder
How's your teeth holding up got ribitugis yet
It's reminds dua chesfwubnow between lungselstayit resembles inny budbdgd don't
I can open up an breath and believe all I want to but you'd roll over in your graves choir respect allowsilence!
Agrees ronantic
I want my lawyer while you wonder why the japense remove their shoes Indoors I'll remind you all that I have babies on the other line.
Lemrick a morty patrol car
Reads RippdPD tickets I crack my knuclje
In simpsons they the ticket oppsoe
O BTW which room
GYMNASIUM um I knew she said something Spanish was going to happen on that sofa I ish yoy could Drink and Go Straight
You, your not my mom.
Tn/herb I suppose
Say they spent all the time setting obstacles up on the stage ok mom or running Run
That's your vampireRun!
Thats free now headwaters rest easl
It caused what i imagine will become anew pupil godforbdkng the top of my mouth falls in tv like ty France did what's seatle abouitit. It could be my third hand starting Adam's Apple left Thing w/plum b.midlers seat
Eye book
Sewing kit movember annonncemen
And wouldn't you know it, and oven yes an oven any old oven for soup porridge s and wat not nananacomeye book club
Then it's the Korean spelling
Puke slow down lady
I'll take the merideth fetch us the Asian. Crew liner
Believe it or not he sent me over by noodle arm toss, he is someone's uncle for sure I find oranges rolling around our hall ways all the time and forgive me but that is what you shit music for. Potoven up there goes my loofah again nlom sqkwak
My gala
She's right I only warned jeff
They found away to survive freezing temperatures but you position to knco sequential cutouts into scenes of the same half with thriller
You get prescription wouldn't want a beef muk what ever would you spit the rest in
Just golioup I had it pierced yogurt wrist yup I knew Callie was to good at her jugs didn't realize Denver Colorado was a landfill so those Florida sinkhole. Your paving over people to charge the state debt.
Del boca visits arrested development the lucil oentchochamber complex
So many Spaniards I could use the ice
Look at her stair cause beep beep lady's only weight loss circuif
That kwone
And a schumway far off saying I'm just doing these chores here for nature please Rembert drive solo dri solo it's true love them thEyl taste
Ok I just saw the nes black bulg regular parachute like cokl it really be half my vlovCo heD no it's. Then explodes falls straight down Friworks M?loopL:b? Cuz it might have been Lisa 16th we missed who cares girls salaried and general master exhibit at&ts had enough already get me competion
Hey window
Greasy facemoosh
Howyno u300ms me
Proves bi crash
Gf see gt bout
Eiqois Los x national tree principle if their soiled ID hoped you read the street sign
Word firqard
Swear they call them dragons monsters
Millionth time the government s phoning halifax
Trigger a nuclear recounts how its three years past maybe we can for sure on our side now that these three now segmented pages from this kids ir dial make more sense. Guitars gber9iam immortal or showers some times cobbles stone I carry real sailor moon bandaid you think I'm misting for gargouke health
Now look at a nickel
Brefir wow
Tgs a great way for ref dire trucka
Squiky wheels their vehicles loss all inner friction
The problem is the gas padded didn't get the anchors.message. Btjust brads tendon I guess
Notwof going beyond Achilles sudburietang o ro to my sidiim why's say only 60me can watch I want the bother with all longer sh not fucjinstartex
What my gun lighter?
Show who else's ashtrays earned betgedmedL, then some those dressing fag's in Congrss. I rush!
Look she lives inside an oil refinery shell fly all over the place the someone it needs one. But I didn't know surgery
Well ghe Yellowstone lohvre Fringe vien7who sos
Also may have been recorder so after he's like I'm not recording say anything you'd like I have worshipers.
Who makes gift clothes not clothes ingfoom lovers is who.
I was sewing water either ehe lash pop I. Leach seed hers a nickel you need to for water at tims
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He tried calling intrepol .
He had to get himself into person to stop out ans clme get me we have kpptatn important therapy tk tk jumble
Plastic fork but hand swear I saw but Angelina those are ninja stars he's dead thrralready gotta poke like angel camel's or soma know bigger I glit hull clump and cats maybe cats maybe not
SAT want a thief and the mega murder
I have had some of the landfills in Florida dug back up because bulbasaur that he might forgotten something so does it noe
Why ea
Hell yes see why would I be worried er thr second I saw her on a jet missile its not a jetisoned missile yet.
No he's there to ckrarp Asta some belle hermon tge luck cigsr jeepers edit he's molesting that woman holjimoli with that urban. Bible he brought
This is court, that's what yoh want
I brought the dip
Our nanas bought ares with wardrobes valiant.K^
0 notes
browncage9 · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: THE NORTH FACE Mens Horizon Convertible Hiking Pants Weimaraner Brown NWT.
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Anyone remember that dog I drew a while ago? I have named it Flashbang and I think I'll be drawing it for a while. Here it is without colored hair to show off its eye color.
[ID Start: two doodles with minimal shading of the same white dog, based on a weimaraner, with long hair that covers the eyes. It has two earrings and a gauge piercing in its right ear (viewer's left) and two industrial piercings and an earring in the other. The dog also has a septum ring and a spiked multicolored collar. In the first drawing its eyes are obscured by the hair and in the second it pushes the hair back with a paw. With the hair moved in the second picture, its stark blue eyes and a surface bar piercing near the eyebrow is now visible. The dog sticks out its tongue playfully to reveal a tongue piercing. /End ID.]
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hwsforeignrelations · 2 months
Hello Helen! How are you this Monday? I hope you are well! I really like you're art style! It's very dynamic and it's fun to look at!! I saw your meet the artist post, what kind of dogs do you like? I love dogs <3 Also do you write often? Or just occasionally? Have a marvelous day!-🪽
Hello Anon!! thank you for this message it's made my week hehe
My Monday's been awesome! speaking of dogs, i woke up at 10am with a German Shepard as a pillow and a Weimaraner-Pittie as a compression blanket :) and to a message from a potential client, who has a senior Pitbull she'll pay me to snuggle with for three nights
Glad to hear from a fellow animal lover! I've worked as a pet sitter and fosterer for a few years now! I work with dogs over 45lbs, as well as cats. We've owned three German Shepherds, two Australian Cattles, Swiss Mountain dogs, terriers, pitties, and tones more :D
I try to write, but don't as much as I'd like. but USUKUS Twice Per Year is due the 31st, and @usukweek is in early August, so I have lots of WIPs :)
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