#Twenty one pilots blurb
klinefelterrible · 1 month
Me, to the Devil: I wanna play music
Devil: what kind of music
Me: maybe something full on gay?
Devil, rattling his papers: we already have Village Boys and the XX.
Me: what about something like gay but for the straight girls
Devil: as far as I remember correctly we have something called Cigarettes After Sex.
Me: damn it you’re right
Devil: how about something kinda gay
Me: like twenty one pilots?
Devil: you’re right, my bad
Devil: If you want to have a beef with everyone with your weird vibe you can always, uhm
Me: Azalia Banks
Devil: yup. Wanna be a hoe and make hoe music?
Me: don’t start with all that Iggy Nicki Cardi crowd, I don’t want any of it
Devil: gangsta rap?
Me: no
Devil: if you wanted to make a real music you’d be already doing some metal and cheering the devil up
Me: yeah well maybe one day
Devil: hopefully
Me: I noticed you’re avoiding talking about Weird Al Yankovic
Devil, crossing fingers: We do not talk about God in Hell. Bad mojo
Me: how about straight girl for gay dudes
Devil, mockingly: YASS QUEEN!
Me: yeah too many to choose from
Devil: and at least half of them saint already so
Me: is Lady Gaga a saint?
Devil: well, sort of
Me: what do you mean
Devil: both angels and demons call her Mistress
Me: oh
Devil: yeah you should be here for the Pokerface day which is literally every Thursday
Someone in the background: oh, woah-oh-oh-oh, woah-oh-oh,
Someone else with a raspy soviet accent: I get him high, show him what I got
Me: mah-mah-mah-maah
Devil: how about my boot in your ass now, hm?
Me: so, uhm… no chances for music career, huh?
Devil: oh now you need to just buy a mac, learn ai and autotune and come back later when you need followers on youtube and views on spotify
Me: can I borrow two grand?
Devil: yeah why the hell not
Me: wait, no contract?
Devil: shit you’re right
Me: can I give you a blowjob instead?
Devil: okay
Two minutes and a lot of gurgling later:
Devil: can I give you a blowjob?
Me: do I have to pay you?
Devil: of course
Me: uhm
Devil: so, a contract?
Me: a contract?
Devil: you didn’t suck my dick for money, did you
Me: actually I did
Devil, handing me $2000: okay so do you wanna another 2k?
Me, kneeling: sure
Devil, giving me a scroll and a quill: oh come on what are you thinking
Me: now? a music career
Devil, rolling eyes: oh shut the fuck up and sign it already
Me: I feel peer pressured, but
Devil: a boot in the ass, then?
Me: and now it’s coercion
Devil: technically it’s a threat of violence
Me: may I remind you that I studied law
Devil: yeah and you sucked my dick before writing a contract so what does it make you
Me: a dreamer
Devil, kicking my ass so hard I got out of hell: name that your band. NEXT!
Me, waking up and not remembering anything but feeling cum in my mouth and my ass hurting, two thousand dollars in my hand: I guess I was in a gangbang…?
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planetpiastri · 2 years
ooo can you do 10 with hangman please??
anon this request grabbed me by the hair and threw me down the stairs and when i got up this blurb existed. i am merely a vessel here. i hope u enjoy!
10. sitting next to each other at their mutual friend’s wedding
word count: 2k
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“You’re late,” hummed Mickey under his breath as you brushed past him, heading out towards the lawn.
“But they haven’t started playing music, so I’m not that late,” you shot back, pausing to catch your breath and scan the crowd sitting on the folded chairs spread across the greenery. “Which is Rooster’s side?”
“Left,” he said with a jerk of his chin, “but it’s not like you really have any other options. You’re on the end there.”
“Thanks,” you said, giving him a quick squeeze on the arm. “You’re the best usher ever. It’s good to see you.”
“Hurry up!” he chuckled, but you’d already started moving again. You tried not to focus on the fact that the one open seat was on the aisle towards the front, which meant everyone seated got to stare at you as you walked down the aisle. Instead you made eye contact with Rooster, standing under the white archway in his tux, and waved excitedly.
He very obviously stifled a laugh and shook his head in mock disapproval, mouthing, You’re late. 
Sorry, you mouthed back, quickly taking your seat and nearly colliding with your seat neighbor. Jeez, these seats were tiny.
“Well, hello,” said your seat neighbor, immediately stopping whatever conversation he was having and turning to give you a very obvious once-over.
Fighting the urge to roll your eyes, you turned and did the same to him—and immediately wished you hadn’t. Oh, shit. This guy was cute. He was broad-shouldered, with a strong jaw and bright green eyes. His blond hair was neatly smoothed back for the occasion, and he was dressed in a nice dress shirt suit jacket that seemed to be straining at the seams. There was a half-cocked smirk resting on his lips as he looked you over, and you felt your own jaw clench as your eyes met his.
“Hi,” you said.
“You know, you’re late,” he told you as if you were old friends.
“No kidding. I thought the ceremony started at—” you checked your phone, “three-twenty-four. That’s a normal time for weddings to start, right?”
He chuckled, but it sounded more like a scoff. He jerked his chin up towards the archway where Rooster was standing, fiddling with his hands nervously. “Which are you here for? Bride or groom?”
“I’m sitting on the groom’s side, aren’t I?” you shot back.
He fixed you with a look that made you freeze in place. “I wasn’t aware you had many options.”
Your cheeks started to warm, but you fought it back and cleared your throat, blinking and tearing your eyes away. What was that accent? It was faint, just barely there—Texan, maybe? “Me and Rooster are old friends. High school.”
“No kidding,” said your seat neighbor, throwing his elbow up against the tiny back of his folding chair. “He’s never mentioned you.”
“You don’t know me,” you reminded him.
“Jake,” he said quickly, holding out his hand. “I’m an old piloting buddy of Bradshaw’s.”
After a moment, you shook his hand and introduced yourself. 
“There,” said Jake. “Now I know you. And now I know for sure that he never mentioned you.”
“Well, he never mentioned you, either,” you said.
Jake laughed, and you were oddly pleased to be the inspiration of such a noise. “You know just how to cut a man deep, don’t you?”
“It’s a talent,” you admitted with a sly smile.
A dimple on Jake’s cheek twinkled as he gave you an appraising sort of look that went on for several seconds longer than might have been appropriate. Then he stretched out, saying, “So, old high school buddies, huh? What’s the deal there? Childhood sweethearts? Best friends who always wanted more?”
“No,” you said sternly, shooting him a glare.
“What?” he shrugged, laughing. “I’m just saying. Someone pretty as you—there’s no way Bradshaw’s never thought about it.”
As you scoffed and adjusted your outfit, feeling quite flustered, the bride’s entrance music began to play. Everyone shifted in their seats except for Jake, who kept looking right at you, pinning you with that green gaze. You finally said, “You’re extremely presumptuous, Jake. No wonder Rooster never mentioned you; you’re exactly the type of piloting buddy he would have told me to stay away from.”
“Bingo,” said Jake. “Best friends who always wanted more. I knew it.”
“That’s not—!”
“Ssh,” he interrupted, pressing a finger to his lips. Behind it, his mouth curled into a teasing smirk. “It’s rude to talk while the bride is making her entrance.”
Part of you wanted to wring his neck; another part of you was sure he could hear the way your heart was pounding in your chest, an excited, flirtatious flush coursing through your body as he watched you. But you maintained your composure and turned primly in your seat, turning to watch as Rooster’s wife-to-be slowly and elegantly made her way down the aisle.
The ceremony was lovely and beautiful, just as you knew it would be. Rooster had asked Maverick to officiate, something you knew meant a great deal to Rooster and probably more to the old captain. When it came to the reciting of the vows, you were fairly certain there wasn’t a dry eye in the house; even aloof, stoic Jake next to you dropped his cocky smirk, and you caught him subtly dabbing at his eyes once or twice when he thought no one noticed.
Once the reception began, you didn’t hang around to let Jake get under your skin anymore. It was wild to you just how quickly he’d figured out what buttons to push that made you squirm, and you didn’t want to give him any more opportunities to learn anything else about what made you tick. Instead, you rushed to find Rooster as soon as you could, throwing your arms around him and giving him a congratulatory kiss on the cheek before doing the same to his bride.
The hours plodded on, and soon everyone was at least three drinks in—or, as Mickey liked to say, the wedding had actually started. You split your time between dancing with him and dancing with Natasha, and you used slow dances as an opportunity to return to the bar and rest your feet for a bit.
You were nursing a tequila sunrise at the bar when you remembered the man from the ceremony. Come to think of it, you’d seen him on the floor a couple times, dancing with a bridesmaid or a couple of his bro-ey friends, but he hadn’t said a word to you. And why would he? Why were you still thinking about him? He was obviously just a flirt; he’d probably gotten under the skin of half the bridal party tonight.
“Stupid,” you muttered to yourself, stabbing your straw through the cherry in your drink.
“Whoa,” said a voice at your shoulder. “What’d that cherry do to you?”
“Jake!” you gasped, whirling around to see him leaning casually against the bar right next to you. His hair was tousled and his tie was loosened, the top three buttons of his dress shirt undone and exposing a sizable stretch of muscled, tan chest. His eyes were shining, and his cheeks were rosy. In short, he looked about as tipsy as you felt.
“Why haven’t I seen you all night?” he asked, shifting a little closer. 
“Trust me,” you said, “I’ve been around. You’ve just been busy, is all.”
His eyes lit up and he beamed. “Have you been keeping track of me?”
Fuck. “No.” You wiggled on your stool, moving out of his personal space to try and clear your head. You waved your hand in his direction. “You’re just very…noticeable.” Fuck, fuck, fuck, that’s not better! 
“You know, I’ve been told that before,” said Jake smoothly, accepting his whiskey from the bartender with a cool nod and taking a long drink, watching you over the rim of the glass. He motioned towards the cocktail in your hand. “Has this been your night, then? Drowning your sorrows at the bar because your best friend just married someone else?”
“Oh, my god, no!” You laughed, shaking your head. “Would you quit it with this ‘I’m-in-love-with-Bradley’ line?”
Jake held up his hands in a ‘don’t shoot the messenger’ position. “You said the thing about him not wanting to introduce us, not me.”
“That is not what I said.”
Before you could argue more, Jake leaned in close—so close your breath caught in your throat and you felt yourself paralyzed by those green eyes again. He smelled like whiskey, but it worked for him. He said, “D’you wanna dance with me?”
"Are you hitting on me?” you asked.
"I was hoping you’d pick up on that,” he said.
You coughed, taking a long sip from your cocktail before shrugging. “Okay.”
He downed the last of his whiskey in one gulp, which was an impressive feat since he probably still had two fingers left in the glass. Then he grabbed your drink out of your hand and placed it on the bar before leading you by the arm to the dance floor, where they were playing some classic love song—Here Comes My Girl by Tom Petty, you thought. One of his hands splayed firmly across your waist, and a swarm of butterflies burst into life in your stomach, but you tried to play it cool.
“When’s the last time you danced?” he asked, the judgment in his tone clear.
“I’ve had a lot to drink tonight,” you muttered, staring at your feet in concentration. “Gimme a minute.”
But a strong pair of fingers caught your chin, lifting your head till you had no choice but to look Jake square in the eyes. You were positive he could hear your heart pounding, sure he caught the way your breath hitched at the touch. But he just smiled, using the hand on your waist to help sway you to the music and said, “Don’t think. Just do.”
“You are unbelievable,” you heard yourself say.
“I get that a lot,” he replied.
You rolled your eyes and allowed him to lead you in a close, swaying dance, trying not to focus on the lyrics too much. Or on the fact that his cologne smelled really good, especially mixed with the whiskey. Or on his fingers at the base of your spine, or the way his other hand had twined your fingers together nonchalantly, like it was the most casual thing in the world.
You started talking before you could think twice about what it was you were saying. “Before, when I said you’re the type of guy Rooster would have warned me to stay away from, I didn’t mean it’s ‘cause he was protective of me, or there was history there, or anything like that.”
“Oh really?” His voice rumbled in his chest, reverberating through you. God, he made it hard to focus.
“Uh-huh,” you said.
“Well, then what would the reason have been?” He squeezed your hand, his lips so close to your ear that you could feel his breath on the side of your face.
You swallowed. “Because he knew you were exactly the type of guy I would have gone for.”
You felt more than saw Jake’s smile. “Is that so?”
“And you’d break my heart,” you went on, “and Rooster’d have to pick up the pieces.”
Jake didn’t have a snarky report ready for that. He kept swaying you, but it felt a little less self-assured now, a little more cautious, and strangely, more intimate. You let your eyes fall shut, trusting him not to let you fall, and enjoyed the feeling of being wrapped in his arms, dancing to a classic Tom Petty tune at your mutual friend’s wedding.
“So what now?” Jake asked finally, drawing you back into the moment.
You blinked your eyes open and pulled just far enough away so you could look him in his eyes. “I don’t know,” you said softly, allowing yourself a tiny smirk. “Are you gonna break my heart, Jake?”
“I don’t know,” he admitted softly, and you were surprised to see the confident facade had fallen away. It must have been the booze, you thought. It had to be the booze.
His eyes darted down to your lips before moving back up.
You really did smile then, wrapping both of your arms around his neck so that he could hold you fully by the waist. “Guess there’s just one way to find out,” you teased lightly. 
His stare was hot and intense, sending shivers up and down your spine. “Do you want to get out of here?” asked Jake.
You threw your head back and laughed before settling in his arms, resting your head on his chest. His arms tightened around you, and you said, “Let’s finish the song first.”
And you did.
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waklman · 1 year
hey! It’s my birthday today! I was wondering if you could write a small blurb about Bradley doing something special for babybear on her birthday? No worries if you aren’t able to! I love the series! <3
Birthday Suit
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first off, happy freaking birthday!!!!! of course i’ll write something for you!!!! thank you for enjoying my series, i have on my party hat for you right as we speak B) i wanted to get this posted on the day of your birthday so sorry if it’s not as polished >.> (also maybe because i wrote this on the shaky bus..so that too haha)
warnings: fluff, 18+ blog in general, minors dni.
word count: 900
something ‘bout you masterlist.
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“Shit–she’s not here yet, right?” Bradley asks frantically, nudging the door open with his foot—hands clumsy handling a cake.
He’s yet to look up from the very costly decorated birthday cake, trying to balance it with sweaty fingers. You’ve been raving over the local bakery’s designs lately—showing Bradley their custom made desserts to an endless degree.
Which only meant that—he wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he didn’t splurge on a cake. Especially one that was shaped like the head of a bear. When he finally arrived at the bakery for pickup, in his scramble to show up on time—Bradley couldn’t even be mad that one of the bear’s eyeballs were slipping off the edge, because you’d like it.
It would make you laugh, and that’s all Bradley needed to know before stuffing a fat twenty dollar bill in the tip jar—rendering the teenage girl at the register speechless.
As he sets the cake down, Bradley stretches his neck to face the group of usually chatty aviators surrounding the kitchen island.
His eyes are already narrowed into slits, staring at them through his eyebrows with a warning look.
There’s only silence between him and the group, who all have their mouths parted in shock. Hangman’s mouth is parted the widest, making the paper party horn slip from his teeth—which annoys Bradley even more.
Bob is the only one who can’t face Bradley, blinking down at the cake nervously—trying his hardest to ignore his choice of apparel.
“Don’t say a thing,” he grits, watching Jake collect his thoughts, lips puckering together—a clear sign that he does in fact—has something to say.
To no one’s surprise, he’s the first to speak up. “What the—What the fuck is on your face?” Jake sputters, lips curling inside his mouth to let out a hideous laugh.
He says exactly what everyone’s thinking, causing most of the pilots to double over in laughter. Though some of them—well just Coyote, accidentally spits up in his own hand, from holding in his amusement.
“What the fuck is on his face?!” Natasha yells the question at Jake. “Don’t you mean—What the fuck is he wearing?” Natasha puts forth, tugging on the pink tutu around his waist.
“Hey. Hands off woman, this took forever to put on.” Bradley grunts, turning his hip away from her hands.
It’s not like Bradley isn’t aware of how ridiculous he looks. There’s a full shaving cream beard ringing around his mouth for God's sake. Not to mention the bright pink tulle around his jeans—paired with a matching princess tiara sitting on his curls, of course.
He’s actually very aware that he looks like he’s been dressed by a group of six year old girls given free reign—also known as the collective who runs your brain. You’d have a hoot at this.
Before anyone else can get another word in—the front door of your apartment jiggles, and Fanboy quickly hushes everyone. The make fun of Rooster convention is put to an end as everyone scatters to a nearby hiding spot. If it’s one thing the group is good at—it’s knowing how to act quickly.
Right as you walk in, you almost fall over from being greeted with loud screams of “Suprise!” and “Happy Birthday!” and even one “I love you more than Rooster!” coming from Hangman.
Clutching your chest, your mouth stretches into a wide smile—heart full of joy at the surprise. “W-What? Oh my god,” you catch sight of Bradley first.
Completely dropping your stuff onto the floor, you go running at the flushed pilot, throwing yourself into his arms. Bradley stumbles back with a shy look on his face, “How do I look honey?”
You place a searing kiss to his mouth, letting the shaving cream stamp your own face—matching Bradley. “So freaking cute, I love the tiara,” you laugh, taking it for yourself.
Jake’s already starting, “See, I don’t know—it looks fine on her but on Rooster it’s kinda—” Natasha jabs him in the ribs with her elbow, not wanting him to ruin the moment. Jake groans, catching the hint.
Bradley finally drops you, hands still on your waist as you slip back onto the wooden tiles. You get distracted, playing with Bradley’s skirt as he grins down at you, “How’d they get this in your size? I tried checking before but—”
“Ahem.” Payback cuts in, knowing you and Bradley tend to get lost in your own little world.
You both turn to face the noise, and everyone’s surrounding the cake, waiting for you to notice it.
“No. No you didn’t!” You gape, hands coming to your mouth—smearing your new white beard.
Your eyes start to actually well up watching everyone make excited gestures at you—happy that you got your dream cake. Hangman flaps his hands around the cake, with an open smile.
Unable to contain your tears, your fingers stretch over your eyes, covering your face completely. “Baby—wait hey are you crying?” Bradley worriedly leans down, trying to pry your hands off.
You fall foward into his chest, and he catches you. “It’s s’cute. The ugly little eyeball—I can't,” you muffle into your palms.
“Thought you’d like that,” he laughs, glad they’re just happy tears. Placing a kiss onto your hairline, he whispers, “Happy birthday babybear.”
“Babybear!” All the pilots shout in unison, some even tearing up themselves. In a flash, everyone's throwing themselves at you both, turning it into a group hug. Hangman is the last to join, wrapping his arms around everyone, sniffling.
You just cry harder at the sentiment, this is the best birthday ever.
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note: as always, thank you for reading and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
tags for this series: @wkndwlff @sammyrenae68 @stark3ys @roosterbruiser @gracelyn-writes @zombiedeathsworld @blueoorchid @averyhotchnerr
join my taglist for this series here or follow @waklman-library and turn on notifs to get notified when i post !
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OMG i just had an idea-
what about tyler x reader where reader is interviewing the boys in honor of their new album !!! the tensionnn, like just imagine EVERYONE notices that theyre totally heart eyes for each other but them and maybe josh pokes some fun at them AH
also!! im the same gal who rec'ed the idea for Cover; you did so good on it!! super excited to read more of your stuff!! :)))
Radio Interview - Tyler Joseph x Reader
Relationship: Tyler Joseph × Reader
Warnings: None - super fluffy
Word Count: 791 - thought this would be perfect for a short blurb type piece so whipped this up in he back of my class lol
A/N: Thanks for enjoying cover! If you're going to be a regular requester I'd love to assign an emoji so I can tell my anons apart. Next time you request just let me know which emoji you'd like to use :)
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“Welcome to 47.6 Alt Music Daily! Today, we have Tyler Joseph and Josh Dun from twenty one pilots in the studio to talk about their newest album Vessel! Thanks for coming in, guys,” I said, trying to keep my voice steady as I glanced down to double-check their mics were on. The studio had been buzzing with energy all day, and I'd spent the morning getting ready, listening to their new album on repeat. The excitement of meeting them was something I was barely able to contain.
“Thanks for having us,” Tyler responded, his voice smooth and perfectly on the mic. Most guests struggled with positioning, but not him—his eyes flicked over to mine, and there was something there. A curiosity I couldn't quite place. His sleeves rode up slightly, revealing fresh tattoos snaking up his arms. I'd been thinking of getting my own for months, and the sight stirred a new wave of nerves I hadn’t expected. I made a mental note to ask him about it later. 
I shifted my attention back to my notes. “So, for anyone who doesn’t already know, twenty one pilots is a local Columbus duo who cover a range of genres, including rap, pop, rock, and alternative music.” Tyler nodded as I spoke, his eyes fixed on me with an intensity that made my heart race.
“Sounds about right,” Josh chimed in, breaking the tension with a laugh.
“Okay, so how long have you guys been making music?” I asked, flipping to the next question, though the sudden warmth in my cheeks made it hard to focus.
Tyler looked like he was trying to hold back a smile. “I started when I was 16. Played piano, wrote my first song, and then released a solo album unofficially.”
“Well, I’ve been playing drums since I was about 12,” Josh added. “I’d hang around music stores until closing, playing their kits until I got kicked out.”
“Don’t ask him how many times he’s been kicked out,” Tyler interjected, shooting Josh a teasing look. “He can list every store and the exact date.”
Josh gasped dramatically. “And I’m proud of it!” His grin was infectious, but my eyes were drawn back to Tyler, who was shaking his head with amusement.
I laughed softly, glancing at my notes again. “Okay, so... where does the name ‘twenty one pilots’ come from?” I asked, trying to keep things professional, though my mind kept wandering back to the way Tyler was watching me.
Tyler’s eyes lit up. “Oh, that’s one of my favorite stories. It’s from a play called All My Sons by Arthur Miller.”
“Oh my god, I remember studying that in high school!” I blurted, my excitement bubbling over. Tyler straightened up in his seat, his gaze locking with mine as I continued, “It’s about a father who ran a company that made parts for World War II planes, and he had to decide whether to send out faulty parts.”
“Right! He chooses to send them out, and twenty one pilots die because of it. His son, who was also a pilot, dies in the war, and though it's never confirmed, his daughter blames the father for her brother's death. The guilt leads him to take his own life,” Tyler finished, his voice soft but intense.
It was like no one else was in the room—just the two of us, connecting over this shared memory.
“So, how does it relate to the music?” I asked, resting my chin on my hand, hanging on his every word.
Tyler leaned forward slightly, his eyes locked on mine. “It’s about those moral crossroads we all face. Choosing between what's easy now but could be disastrous later, or making the tough call that’ll pay off in the long run. It’s something we ask ourselves all the time—what’s our purpose? Why are we making music? Right now, it’s simple: we just want to make people think.”
Josh, who had been silently observing, leaned into his mic with a mischievous smirk. “Or, you know, maybe it’s also to impress someone,” he teased, wiggling his eyebrows.
Tyler’s face flushed red as he shot Josh a glare. “That’s not—”
My cheeks burned as Tyler quickly looked away, rubbing the back of his neck. “Uh... so, about that next question?” he stammered, trying to steer the conversation back on track.
I couldn’t help but laugh, the tension breaking just enough for me to finally breathe. “Yeah, we’ll move on... for now,” I added, glancing playfully at Josh.
The rest of the interview flowed smoothly, but that undercurrent of something unspoken remained, hanging between Tyler and me. And as the session wrapped up, I found myself wondering if maybe, just maybe, I wasn’t the only one feeling it.
Requests open!
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alltimefail · 1 month
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Hi! Welcome to my page!
➪ My name is V (she/her) and I’m 27 years old. I'm very bad at writing "about me" blurbs and I'm slow to respond to DMs, but if you send me an ask/private message I promise I will do my best to get back to you in a timely manner! 🖤
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Other various fandoms I'm in but don't have super organized tags for include: #Stranger Things #Twenty One Pilots #The Goldfinch #Scott Pilgrim #ILITW "It Lives In The Woods" #ILW "It Lives Within" (ILITW Fan Project) #The Haunting of Hill House / Bly Manor #Midnight Mass #The Midnight Club #Watcher (Puppet History, Ghost Files, Mystery Files, and so on) #ACNH #Julie and the Phantoms #The Quarry #Heartstopper #RWRB "Red, White, and Royal Blue"
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sebsxphia · 2 years
Oh lord I’m sorry but I’m the anon who sent you the dropping the folders and vibrating panties as punishment blurbs for daddy cyclone…and here I am again 🙃
he is taking up so much damn space in my brain, and this soft smut is the result
imagining cyclone’s pretty little secretary getting hit on at the beginning of their relationship. You’ve been going at it hot and heavy for about two months, but keeping it secret. He knows some of the younger pilots hit on you, but one day overhears one of them ask you out. You say no, but sweet Beau can’t help but wonder if you’d be better off with someone your own age.
his mood is off the rest of the day and you notice. When you come to his office at the end of the day, you gently confront him and after some coaxing, he admits it.
“I’m old enough to be your father, sweetheart. Don’t you ever think you might be happier with a younger man?”
you don’t even respond. You march over to where he’s seated behind his desk and take off your panties. Before he can say a word, you climb into his lap and kiss him hard.
when you’ve gotten his cock out and sink down onto it, you bring your mouth to his ear and whisper nothing but praise
“I’ve been with younger men and no one has ever fucked me like you. No one else has ever made me feel this good.”
“I only want you, I don’t even notice other men anymore. There’s only you.”
and his favorite
“I’m all yours, I just wanna be yours.”
the two of you go back to his place afterwards and spend the night wrapped up in his sheets. When you’re exhausted and your eyes are getting heavy, he pulls you into his chest. Just before you drift off, you hear a quiet “I’m yours too”
“I’ve been with younger men and no one has ever fucked me like you. No one else has ever made me feel this good.”
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put aside the totally incredible soft smut you wrote, this is so true for cyclone!! i feel he really does worry about your age gap sometimes, especially when he sees younger men going after you. he doesn’t want to ruin your chances in life of living out your young twenty something years.
therefore i feel he always needs to be reminded that you are his and you want only him. cyclone can be needy i think, but he won’t ever ask for it. he’s a patient man and he’ll wait for you to show it.
thank you so much for this my dear anon!! 💌
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wontonsoupho · 1 year
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© Artist the Author
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“You are now entering … THE ARTIVERSE!”
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“Y’all keep in mind I’m an ARTIST , and I’m sensitive about MY SHIT!”
— ERYKAH BADU (circa 1997 , Tyrone LIVE)
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AUTHOR’S NOTE : Hello my favorite heauxs and welcome to the Artiverse! My name is Artist and I am just that — I like to think that my name came with heavy weight and intent that I plan to live up to. This debrief is just to provide you with a warm greeting as you transition from one world into the next. I also want to forewarn you that ALL MY WORK IS RATED MATURE. Again , anything from Artist the Author Production is PROHIBITED FROM MINORS. Everything here in the Artiverse is a pure , original creation — and it is protected under Copyright Law with Artist the Author Production , Amazon , and Wattpad. I’d kindly advise you NOT to plagiarize any content from aesthetics all the way to plots , events , characteristics of any cast members , fictional settings (i.e. made up cities or countries) , people , or lives. Otherwise this could lead to having legal actions proceeded against you. This is a curated master list of all my current ongoing series as well for a select few that debut in the near or distant future. Without further ado , scroll below and immerse yourself into the world that humbly awaits you.
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“You ain’t been NOWHERE until you been to the ARTIVERSE.”
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© Artist the Author | 2022
LEADS : DAVE EAST (circa 2016-present) X SHANNON THORNTON (circa 2019-present)
: Has anyone ever heard of the saying , 'FATE HAS A FUNNY WAY OF WORKING ITS’ SELF OUT?'
On the dreary morning of April 14th , 1999 , sixteen year old Prodigy of The Arts , Goapele Scott was officially declared missing fourty-eighty hours after she was nowhere to be found within her self acclaimed hometown of Macabre , Georgia. Sources say that she was last spotted in a heated disagreement with longtime family friend Georgia State University's Star Basketball Player seventeen year old Xodus Casanova.
The two not only knew each other very well , but also allegedly concocted a plan to run away together which led authorities to believe that the Elite Division I Power Forward had involvement in Goapele's disappearance-however , that could not be any further from the case. Twenty long years , never ending pain , severe strife , and many tears later she mysteriously returns opening Pandora's box.
Two worlds collide after demons from their pasts force them both into a whirlwind of mayhem. Goapele and Xodus were two traumatized souls , but by the power of truth , God made them BLUE.
The question is , will they survive long enough to watch it come into fruition?
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© Artist the Author | 2014
LEADS : AALIYAH HAUGHTON (circa 1999-2001) X DAVE EAST (circa 2018-present)
: FAME , MONEY , POWER AND GREED-all things that just don't mix no matter how it's rationed.
Twenty six year old Triple Threat Carolina Kennedy is forced to flee her city after an assassination attempt on her life from a business deal gone bad with her fiancé and his enemies. In hopes of keeping her safe from harm , thirty year old opulent mogul Kazimir Kennedy sends her to stay in Detroit with his longtime friend Hawthorne Amadeus; a former secret service agent and Sergeant Major of the US Army. Far away from her high profile lifestyle and all the flashing lights at the apex of her career , Carolina finds herself experiencing new things under the protection of not only Hawthorne but his wife Sylest Amadeus; a political activist and entrepreneur , and their girlfriend Valerian St. James; a muscian , actress , and aspiring producer.
Having to trust people who are more strangers than anything to her with her life places Carolina into a state of vulnerability she never knew of before , and she begins to build a friendly connection with those who came to her rescue-but is it all just a fatal attachment?
Secrets , Lies , Deceit , & Unfaithfulness are all unearthed behind the walls of The Amadeus household , and much like the truth everything done in the dark arises into the new sun to see the light of day. When Carolina is put in a life threatening position to choose between what she desires to do , and what is needed of her to do , will she make the right decision? No hero is free of weakness , even Superman had Kryptonite; but this Sage happened to have one of the most naughtiest Heels a person could possibly have.
How was she going to be able to heal herself when the very thing that is killing her is what she needs to keep herself alive?
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“Until next time … THANK YOU for joining us in the ARTIVERSE.”
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casbooks · 1 year
Books of 2023
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Book 20 of 2023
Title: Flying Through Midnight: A Pilot's Dramatic Story of His Secret Missions Over Laos During the Vietnam War Authors: John T. Halliday ISBN: 9780743274883 Tags: C-123 Provider, LAO Laos, LAO Laotian Civil War (1959-1975), Military Fiction, THA Thailand, USAF 606th Special Operations Sqd, USAF US Air Force, VNM Vietnam, VNM Vietnam War (1955-1975) Rating: ★ (1 Star) Subject: Books.Military.20th-21st Century.Asia.Vietnam War.Fiction
Description: Riveting, novelistic, and startlingly candid, John T. Halliday's combat memoir begins in 1970, when Halliday has just landed in the middle of the Vietnam War, primed to begin his assignment with the 606th Special Operations Squadron. But there's a catch: He's stationed in a kind of no-man's-land. No one on his base flies with ID, patches, or rank. Even as Richard Nixon firmly denies reporters' charges that the United States has forces in Laos, Halliday realizes that from his base in Thailand, he will be flying top-secret, black-ops night missions over the Laotian Ho Chi Minh Trail.   A naive yet thoughtful twenty-four-year-old, Halliday was utterly unprepared for the horrors of war. On his first mission, Halliday's C-123 aircraft dodges more than a thousand antiaircraft shells, and that is just the beginning. Nothing is as he expected -- not the operations, not the way his shell-shocked fellow pilots look and act, and certainly not the squadron's daredevil, seat-of-one's-pants approach to piloting. But before long, Halliday has become one of those seasoned and shell-shocked pilots, and finds himself in a desperate search for a way to elude certain death.   Using frank, true-to-life dialogue, potent imagery, and classic 1970s song lyrics, Halliday deftly describes the fraught Laotian skies and re-creates his struggle to navigate the frustrating Air Force bureaucracy, the deprivations of a remote base far from home and his young wife, and his fight to preserve his sanity. The resulting nonfiction narrative vividly captures not only the intricate, distorted culture of war but also the essence of the Vietnam veteran's experience of this troubled era.   A powerhouse fusion of pathos and humor, brutal realism and intimate reflection, Flying Through Midnight is a landmark contribution to war literature, revealing previously top-secret intelligence on the 606th's night missions. Fast-paced, thrilling, and bitingly intelligent, Halliday illuminates it all: the heart-pounding air battles, the close friendships, the crippling fear, and the astonishing final escape that made the telling of it possible.
Review: Lord this book by Halliday is just god awful and so fucking stupid. Ugh. It is supposed to be non-fiction, but half the shit in it is demonstrably false, and the other half is just stream of conscious ramblings. There’s a little bit that’s decent, maybe enough for a small magazine article or blurb worth.... but the 50 chapters... holy crap it’s just painful to read through. Everyone says it’s about the inner change that a pilot goes through from “by the book” to “free wheeling” whatever... and fine.. go for it.. that’s nice and all, and if the book was about that, sure, fine. But the fact that it’s said to be non-fiction, and half the crap is just so ludicrously wrong... that the meat and potatoes of the main characters change is just overshadowed by the absolute bullshit. Skip this book... skip it skip it skip it. 
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cocktailsfairytales · 2 years
Last chance to grab 𝙎𝙝𝙚 𝙇𝙞𝙠𝙚𝙨 𝙋𝙞𝙣𝙖 𝘾𝙤𝙡𝙖𝙙𝙖𝙨 by Brittanee Nicole Author for FREE!
✈️ Airforce pilot
🌸 Sassy teacher
✈️vacation romcom
🌸 second chance
➜ https://bit.ly/piñacoladas
Wanted: Hot Stranger For Vacation
It started with a simple message from the man known as Pina Coladas: Message me and Escape. After dumping my apartment-stealing boyfriend and rooming with my best friend’s dog, the promise of fruity drinks, dancing in the rain, and maybe even a midnight romp, leaves me singing a familiar tune, excited to travel to the Azores with the stranger who answered my wanted ad.
When Jack, aka Mr. Perfect, aka the one who got away, shows up at the airport, I’m left to wonder if this is just another one of life’s dirty pranks.
Jack isn’t only hot, he’s a fighter pilot with a sense of humor and blue eyes that make my butterflies dance. He’s saying all the right things and sending sparks in every direction he looks, asking me to take all sorts of risks—like swimming in hot springs, jumping in mysterious pools, and giving him a second chance. But he still hasn’t told me why he disappeared in the first place.
After a sip, or twenty, of sangria, I’ll happily explore the cafés and the beaches and possibly even Jack’s calves, but what I absolutely, positively will not do is fall for Jack—again.
Read more books by Brittanee Nicole: http://brittaneenicole.net/
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bandblogging · 4 years
Water Fun (Tyler Joseph Imagine)
Pairing: Tyler Joseph x Reader
Words: 1k
Warning: bit naughty, but really soft
Requestsd: yes! @neonblood21 asked:
One where Tyler and Jenna are home during the summer and Tyler finally finished the pool so they go swimming together. After, they take a shower and things start to get intimate, they go to the bedroom and they slowly make love to each other
Summary: the request
A/N: so sorry this took so long, it's in a different perspective which took a little longer but honestly I just spent my whole vacation time watching and obsessing over Marvel movies (why is everyone so hot, it's genuinely unfair)
There was something special about finishing a project yourself. Jenna couldn't lie, seeing Tyler sweaty and with a work belt around his hips did something to her. She felt her cheeks heat up, not from the blazing summer sun that burned down on them but from the sight infront of her. She felt like a teen infront of a crush, when Tyler saw her staring she quickly turned her head, feeling embarrassed. The difference was that this wasn't a stupid crush, this was her husband.
"So what do you say, should we try this puppy out?", Tyler asked excited and immediately started taking off his shirt. He had just finished some last adjustments and fixes on the pump and filter system, rendering their new pool finally in order. They had built it, together with some contractors of course, just in time for the summer. A wish they have had for quite a while now. Jenna's smile grew and shebegan taking off her clothes too, no need for a swimsuit when the pool is in your very private backgarden. Tyler was quicker and had already stripped down to his boxer, throwing his clothes towards the house. Jenna had just added her last sock to the pile when Tyler picked her up and dropped her into the still cold water. Her shriek was drowned out by the water, sinking almost to the bottom. She pushed off of it and swam toward the surface. A splash next to her indicated that Tyler had joined her in the pool. In a few seconds Tyler had joined her at the surface, wrapping his arms around her waist. She wrapped her legs around him, leaning her back against the pool wall, helping him to keep afloat.
"I'm so glad we finally finished it", he grinned at her and squeezed her sides. She squealed before replying, "Me too, this is too perfect for the summer", she smiled back and leant forward, pressing her lips to his.
Their kissing continued for a while before Jenna used Tyler's guard being down and managed to free her hand to splash him with the cool water. Tyler's scream made her laugh hard, the exact reaction from him she had hoped for. She let go of him and sank below the surface, pushing off the wall and diving towards the middle of the pool. Before being able to turn back around a hand had wrapped around her ankle, pulling her back towards the wall. As soon as her head breached the surface she was met by more water, Tyler furiously splashing her while laughing. She couldn't help but shake her head lightly and grin at their childish behavior. Not that it was stopping her from launching a water attack back at her husband. Sometimes it was great to just have fun and not to worry about anything.
The water fight continued, both sides laughing and trying to win the game. From outside their fence you wouldn't have know if it were them or children playing.
The fun only ending once the sun had moved behinds clouds and it was mutually agreed that there was no winner, for this time.
"I've got one more idea", Tyler said while climbing out of the pool. "Hmh let me guess", Jenna followed suit, the water pearling off her skin. "Let's shower together", she guessed and grabbed Tyler's hand. "Not my idea but a far better one", he smirked and followed her.
Wet footsteps ran through the living room, up the stairs and into the on suite. The water coming out of the faucet was surprisingly hot on their cold skin, feeling like burning kisses, not compared to the actual kisses that Tyler planted on the jaw of his wife. Even though their shower started as innocent as possible, it turned into something a lot more steamy just like so many before. Neither could hold back from each other, passion running just like the hot water. Tyler's kisses travelled from Jenna's jaw to her neck, slowly working himself down her body. Her hands roamed his chest, her own heaving heavily. She let her head fall backward, leaning against the shower wall. Soft moans fell from her lips as Tyler was making his way down her body. She let herself loose for a moment before slowly pushing Tyler away from her. "I think the bed will be a lot less slippery", she smirked at him and turned the water off.
Towels were lazily dropped on the way to the bed, trying to not soak the sheets too much. Jenna wanted to thank her husband for finishing the pool she had wished for for a long time. Her knees on either side of Tyler's waist, her hands holding her up while she caressed his jaw with her lips. She nibbled at his skin, finding the right spot to make him groan immediately. "I love you", she muttered against his skin, feeling his goosebumps on her lips. "I love you too", he whispered back and pulled her face up, placing his lips on hers.
There was nothing but electricity between their skins, practically sizzling whenever another part touched. Tyler's fingertips felt electrifiying to her, the good kind. The further down her body he reached the stronger they felt, making her moan and whimper.
Jenna rested her chest against Tyler's, breathing heavily and still coming down from her high. Planting light kisses on his cheeks, innocent kisses, only full of love. Tyler wrapped his arms around her, pressing her closer to him, feeling each other's heartbeat. He shifted, whispering to her, "You know if I knew that me with work tools would do this to you, I'll build you whatever you want".
"I'll remember that", she chuckled back.
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topfics · 6 years
Hi everyone! I’m going to be opening up requests! So send them in! I may or may not get to them, as I’m in school at the moment, but I will do my best to whip them out at least once a month!!!
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theenbythatwrites · 2 years
Imagine Eddie somehow ending up in 2022 and he happens to make friends with an emo person
- Eddie wakes up very confused by the bright, fast paced world around him
- he wanders around trying to find anyone of his friends, stumbling upon someone in all black listening to a song he loves
- frantically trying to explain who he is the stranger decides to try and help
- after telling Eddie what year it is and introducing themself y/n listens to Eddie's story
- the two decide to figure out a way to get him back to Hawkins but until that happens Eddie must adapt to this time
- y/n takes Eddie shopping for clothes and a phone, taking time to answer any questions he has
- when they're back at y/n's house Eddie asks to listen to some of the music they like
- they spend hours listening to bands like; Black Veil Brides, My Chemical Romance, Sleeping With Sirens, Pierce The Veil, Citizen Soldier, Bring Me The Horizon + more
- Eddie particularly likes the guitar in both BVB and MCR
- at first he didn't like the screaming in BMTH but over time it's become his favorite
- he discovered Twenty One Pilots on his own and immediately asked y/n if they also liked the band
- he got mad when you finally showed him Paramore. "Y/N WHY DIDN'T YOU SHOW ME THEM EARLIER!?"
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folinasahlo · 5 years
In Trench I’m not Alone
This is more of a Rant writing that I did for a written skills class. It’s really short and under the cut, there’s some context if you want to read.
Words: 298
Warnings: None
It was ending, and everyone knew, you could see faces, crying, hands raised in the dark. Your feet started to hurt, but it did not matter. The beat of the drums and the rhythm of the piano were invading every inch of your body, small in comparison of the multitude of people that were facing them.
Them, the people who appeared in your life a year ago, but they were in silence, hidden. They were hidden during months until they returned. Handing us new music, new moments, new memories.
Oh, when you knew they were coming, the adrenaline levels broke through the ceilings. It was a birthday present. You could go see them. Go to the city, go to see them, go to see your best friend.
The months passed. And the day arrived. And now it was ending. You could feel it in your throat. The tears piling in your eyes.
“In Trench I’m not alone”
You broke. It was true, you were not alone, not there. They were with you, the friends you made in the cue were with you, the friends you made along the way were with you. The strangers that surrounded you and sang along were there.
No, you weren’t alone, and that, in a strange way, it warmed your heart. But it was the end and you knew it. your hands were trembling. It couldn’t end. Not now, not when you experimented for the first time in the 18 years of your life euphoria.
But, yes, as everything in this world, ended. You followed your friends outside and bought a bottle of water, the music still ringing in your ears and still sniffling, the tears drying in your cheeks.
You won’t be alone, even if you feel like it. In Trench, you will never be alone.
AN: Well, on February of 2018 I fell in love with the music of Twenty One Pilots, in a moment that was one of the worst of the decade. They gave me hope, but they were in the middle of a year-long hiatus that at the moment we didn’t know how much it would last. Then, some cryptid stuff appeared and Jumpsuit and Nico and the Niners were released, starting the Trench era.
On the 16th of March of 2019, Twenty One Pilots had a concert in Madrid, The city where my best friend lives and we have a long-distance relationship. We met for the first time and we had good times around the city. In the queue, I met two cool people that were from a City near mine and we entered together to the pit. I had an awesome experience, and when Leave the City started playing, I cried. I felt really comforted around people like me, and I was sad that it was ending.
Hope you really liked this little blurb, it was more of a venting text, since it was still fresh in my mind and it’s one of the moments that I still have more vividly.
See you soon!
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kyufiber-moved · 6 years
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「kim jungwoo」→ pet cheetah // requested by @softyfor-sweaterpaws „ eight days straight, eight hours each
and not one line
i can feel the pressure
start to possess my mind „
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Can’t Sleep//Tyler Joseph Blurb
Word Count: 550
Summary: You’ve been having trouble sleeping recently and Tyler is beginning to worry about you. 
A/N: I write in first-person perspective. Sorry if that bothers anyone!! Also, sorry for the low-quality picture. He just looks so soft and I couldn’t help myself.
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I yawned for what seemed like the millionth time since I sat down to listen to some of the ideas Tyler had been coming up with for lyrics and melodies. I shifted my position, trying to keep myself awake and make it through.
"Is it that bad?" Tyler joked, a small laugh following his question.
"No, no," I reassured him. "I just didn't sleep too well last night, sorry." More like for the last two weeks, I thought.
"No, don't be sorry," he gave me a gentle smile. "Was there any particular reason, or was it just an off night?"
"No reason, really." Yeah, there is.
Tyler frowned at me, making me afraid that he wasn't going to buy my excuse. But with a small shrug of his shoulders, he returned his focus to the keyboard in front of him, working out a few chords before he ran through a potential chorus he had come up with.
About an hour later, Tyler had finished showing me what he had wanted to, and I was laying down on the couch, sluggishly browsing through my phone as he continued to work in his little "mini-studio" down the hall.
"Hey, you," Tyler walked up to the back of the couch leaning on it to poke me in the side. "So you're obviously lying about the whole sleepless night thing. How long has this been going on?"
I did my best to fake confusion at him, replying with, "Tyler, it was just one bad night. You really don't need to worry about it."
"But it wasn't," he spoke as he walked around the couch, picking up my feet that I had laying on the couch cushion, putting them on his lap after he sat down. "It's been going on for a while now, hasn't it?"
I didn't respond, trying to think of what I wanted to say.
"Hasn't it?" he pressed further.
"No Tyler-"
"Y/N, you're a terrible liar, I know-"
"Okay fine," I cut him off he fell into silence. "I've been having trouble sleeping. Is that what you wanted to hear?"
"How long?" he asked, ignoring my question.
"I don't know," I thought about it for a moment, placing my arms over my face as I lay there. "Two, two-and-a-half weeks?"
"What's the problem?"
"I don't know, I've tried to do so many things that didn't require medication, but none of them work." I sighed. "I can't see to shut my brain off, and I just lay awake for hours, just thinking."
A pained look was on his face as he asked, "About how much are you sleeping?"
"Four or five hours," I muttered. "On a good night."
"Y/N, you've gotta tell me about stuff like this," he looked at me, worry all over his features. "I'm right there on the other side of the bed. I can help."
"I don't want to bother you when you're sleeping."
"But you can't just not sleep, Y/N! It's not healthy, and it's been taking a toll on you!" he continued to watch me intently. "It's not good for your mental or physical health."
"I know. I'm sorry," I said, barely more than a whisper.
"Don't apologize," he smiled softly. "Just let me help, okay?"
I thought about it for a moment before accepting.
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robynlilyblack · 2 years
Okay so I know I literally just sent you a thing😂 buutt
Drowning in words so sweet - Send me a quote along with a character and I’ll write a lil dialogue/blurb
"Sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind" (lyric from twenty one pilots) angst with your choice of either barty/peter/regulus/sirius? Or maybe an exchange between sirius and regulus? Or if you're not feeling it don't worry just leave it cuz I mean that is kind of an obscure thing for someone to say even in fiction 😅
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Kill the mind
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Barty Crouch Jr x gn! reader, Remus Lupin x Sirius Black
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Summary: Remus finds out he has more in common with y/n than he thinks
Warnings: angst, mentions of torture and death
A/n: 0.4k words, context reader is a professor alongside Remus during PoA, this was so sad to write but i'm happy with how it turned out, enjoy x
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Navigation | Marauders Era Characters Masterlist
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“Sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind” you say looking out of the window longingly
Remus turns around in his chair to look over at you “What do you mean?” he shakes his head lightly
You let our an unsteady breath before turning around “I can see it in your eyes Remus, even after all these years you’re still trying to figure out a way to turn him back into the man you love, explain what he’s done in a way that doesn't make you sick to your stomach” you say watching his eyes light in recognition before they drift to a sadness you knew all too well
“And you would know about that?” he asks softly, wondering how you knew the same torment as him
You move to perch on the desk in front of him as he pushes his chair out “This can’t leave this room” you ask kindly of him to which he nods wholeheartedly “I was once in engaged to Barty Crouch Jr” you inform him observing how his eyebrows pinch and face subtly contorts at the name of a man that helped tortured two of his friends towards permanent insanity
He opens his mouth but closes it soon after, trying to process the information “You had no idea either until…”
“The trial...quite” you nod, internally grimacing at the memory “He was the sweetest man I’d ever known, had a soft spot for things, his family elf…me” you swallow hard, even after all this time you did believe he loved you, he just had the wrong people around him and you were powerless to help, too caught up in your love to see the signs “He was loving, once he cried when he thought he’d hit a bird with a bludger” your lips tug up for a mere second
“Sirius made me feel alive, like I had a future” Remus laughs through his nose as his eyes glass over “Made me love things that I had always hated about myself, I really thought he…but I guess I was mistaken” there's no bitterness in his voice, just pure unadulterated heartbreak
“You aren’t” you say surprising him “It was real, both versions you have of him are real, the good and the bad...we just don’t see the bad side coming because the highs are so good” you say sadly “So you have to kill the mind, kill the what ifs which swarm your head, the motives that drove them, questioning why your love wasn't pure enough to keep them in the light. It’s the only way to survive” 
Remus looks at you in sorrow, both of you living half alive as the ones you loved ripped your hearts out and took them to rot in Azkaban “Surviving isn’t living” he says with a heavy heart
Your eyes flick to him “It isn’t, but what else can we do”
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Thanks for reading 💛
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