#Tw: covid
corrienteallita · 1 month
What's this? 3 text posts in one day?
Well because everything fucking hurts and it's been hurting for two fucking weeks now THANKS COVID YOU FUCKING SUCK
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antiradqueerguy · 4 months
(i’m an anti) please help me idk what to do i’ve been in the radqueer community for a while but i think it’s making me go into psychosis.. or something.. all this translockdown shit is making me freak the hell out!! i can’t tell if covid is real or not anymore, the “transbirdflulockdown” shit or whatever isn’t helping at all!! everyone keeps pushing me to make my delusions worse!!!!! all of this bullshit isn’t safe for ANYONES mental health but i’m still here so i feel like a jackass!! i’m worried if i leave all the radqueers are gonna dogpile me for calling out their shitty behavior,,, and fucking- shit idk- it really does feel like everyone wants eachother to get worse and not seek any help at all idk sorry for rambling
Covid is a real sickness that you can get, It does exist and can kill a lot of people and it has killed a lot of people.
It absolutely disgusts me that people are wishing for a sickness that can often times cause pneumonia for humans if it gets really bad, and can also cause smaller things like pink eye etc.
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pastafossa · 1 year
Confirmation of life. Covid predictably triggered a flareup of my chronic pain and now even the air hurts. And I can't take what I usually take for pain cause it'll interfere with the cough meds and paxlovid. So I just gotta do my best.
Cato tried to make me feel better. Woke up to about twenty socks on and around the bed that he had apparently brought me while I was sleeping, because he knows I think it's cute when he brings me a sock.
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lilac-hecox · 11 months
anthony got back from prague like 5 days ago? maybe less and the fact ian seems to be the only person who has covid in the office (except anthony) gives off the vibe that ian was one of the first people anthony saw when he returned 🥹
I mean, I feel awful that Anthony is sick and that he got Ian sick. I had covid, and it sucked. I was sick for over two weeks and had a cough I couldn't shake. So I hope they are okay.
It is also insanely domestic. Imagine them hanging because Ian missed him and vice versa, and he wanted to show off his tattoos.
Realistically, too did Anthony's girlfriend go with him? Is she sick too? I don't follow her.
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ghostcroissant · 3 months
I feel like I'm suffocating. Literally I feel like I am drowning. Walking down the hall to my bathroom feels like a marathon and I'm gasping for air at the end of it. Breathing is getting harder as the days progress but other symptoms are getting better-ish. I dont want to go to the ER because I feel like I'm overreacting. Like, what if my anxiety about not being able to breathe right is causing me to breathe even more wrong? It's not worth taking away resources from someone who is actually sick.
Please, for the love of God, though, wear a mask. When you're sick, if you can please STAY HOME. If you absolutely have to leave, please just wear a mask. Covid isn't gone.
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princesssarisa · 1 year
Thinking again about one aspect of "Little Women"
I've posted about this before, but that was long ago, so I'll do it again.
I've been briefly looking over the various modernized adaptations of Little Women: the 2018 film, the two web series The March Family Letters and The Attic, the graphic novels Jo and Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy, and the middle grade novel More to the Story.
Of course, all these modernized adaptations change Beth's illness, since scarlet fever is now easily cured with antibiotics. The 2018 film, the two graphic novels, and More to the Story all give her cancer instead, while in The March Family Letters she has anemia, and in The Attic she was born with a heart condition.
All these changes leave out some important aspects of the original Beth's scarlet fever:
(1) It could have been prevented.
(2) She contracts it from the children of a poor single immigrant mother, who didn't seek medical attention because she couldn't afford to. So there's social commentary in it.
(3) In a case of tragic irony, it's Beth's kindness that causes her illness, because she contracts it while caring for a family in need, whom the other sisters don't bother to visit while Marmee is away.
(4) It's framed as being partly Meg and Jo's fault. They had scarlet fever as children, so they're immune. If they had been the ones to visit the Hummels instead of Beth (which they probably should have anyway, as the two eldest – it shouldn't have been their little 14-year-old sister's job), she would have been safe. So her illness teaches them the ultimate lesson in responsibility.
So is there a way to modernize it that doesn't lose those aspects?
In an especially modern setting (that is, within the last three years), Beth could catch COVID-19 from the Hummels. Meg and Jo could have already had mild cases and recovered, or already be vaccinated while Beth isn't yet. Then Beth could have long COVID.
But that wouldn't be a perfect fit. In the first place, having COVID once doesn't grant permanent immunity, nor do vaccines grant full immunity, so it still would be a risk to Meg and Jo too. Secondly, it would be kind but also very irresponsible of Beth to expose herself to COVID that way, and even worse of Meg and Jo to let her do it. At least in the original Little Women, there's no pandemic of scarlet fever going on, and neither Beth nor the others realize that the Hummels' sickness is scarlet fever and not just a commonplace sore throat until the baby dies.
Maybe another alternative could be to omit any sickness. Beth just goes to babysit the Hummel children because their mother has to work long hours. She asks Meg and Jo to do it, but they make excuses out of laziness. While she's there, the baby crawls into the street and is almost hit by a car; Beth runs out to save him and is hit by the car instead and permanently paralyzed.
But maybe that would be too melodramatic.
Maybe it's not really so bad to substitute cancer, anemia, or a congenital heart defect for the scarlet fever and to leave out the aspects described above.
In the first place, while the social commentary about disease and poverty is valuable, the fact that it's mainly used to get Beth sick has unfortunate implications: i.e. "Save the lives of the very poor, or those of us in middle-class genteel poverty could catch their diseases too."
Secondly, the tragic irony that Beth is doomed by her kindness might be a bit too much 19th century sentimentality and melodrama for a modern setting. It's also led to some terrible commentary about Beth. "She's too selfless and self-effacing to survive," "This shows that domesticity and nurturing destroy women's lives," etc.
Third, personally, I've always disliked the fact that it's framed as Meg and Jo's fault for not going to the Hummels instead. To me, that feels so heavy-handedly preachy, and too terrible a burden of guilt to put on Meg and Jo for the rest of their lives just for teenage laziness. As far as I've read, it doesn't reflect real life either: Elizabeth Alcott caught scarlet fever while caring for the poor with May (Amy) and their mother, not alone. Anna and Louisa were adults by then, not teenagers, and I've never read any suggestion that they could have gone instead but refused. Louisa presumably just rewrote the situation as "moral pap" for child readers.
Maybe in a modern retelling, for readers or viewers who want less sentimentality than they did in the 19th century and who don't want to be preached to as much, it's better to give Beth a disease that's purely a whim of fate.
@littlewomenpodcast, @thatscarletflycatcher
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virtie333 · 9 months
Hey, everyone! I had hoped to have another drabble written and posted by today, but because 2024 is continuing to beat on me right from the start, it's not going to happen. I am super sick. I tested negative for Covid, and in reality it feels like a really bad head cold, but combined with my physical exhaustion after these last two crazy weeks at work, I did not sleep last night and could barely get out of bed this morning. I feel moderately better tonight (outside of the stabbing pain in my head and face), so we'll see how tomorrow goes.
Sadly, no writing or reading for the time being.
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hinerdsitscat · 22 days
It's been almost two years since I last published a fic and almost two and a half years since I last published something in the Two Can Play At That Game AU, but HERE WE ARE, I GUESS.
It's mostly just me getting some of my New Parent Feelings out with Harry Jones as a convenient proxy (plus some bonus Pandemic Feelings), but it's a start!
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cryptidclaw · 1 year
Sorry I haven't been posting much actual content ... turns out I was sick with COVID????
I'm fine now and nolonger contagious! But it has left me EXAUSTED and kinda unmotivated currently :P
I've got some art in my drafts waiting to be posted, I just gotta finish the writing parts of the posts heh...
Hopefully soon I will be back to posting soon though!!
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treesusedtotalktome · 9 months
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please get better soon </3
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ohgodimafraud · 8 months
my therapist was like horrified yesterday when I listed all the fucked up things that happened this week and was speechless and idk I feel like I gotta be nicer to myself. like j this week alone i was concerned asf for the safety of one of my family members and it was awful and I have a coworker telling other coworkers that she wants to confront me and or scream at me or otherwise start w me bc I told on her for not wearing a mask even tho she suspects she has COVID the day after I was forced to be around her for almost an hour. (And after all that she was asked to wear a mask and angrily refused and started telling ppl that she thinks I told on her and started lying about how our interaction went. Like some high school bs) she used all of her sick days on a cruise. I like just got over bronchitis after 2 months and like just stopped medication for that two weeks ago. I just like am tired of ppl being like fuck u idc if u get exposed to another illness that’s gonna hurt so bad it’ll make u want to die or actually yk. Like being in and out of fight/flight for so long is exhausting regardless of whether it’s an over reaction or not.
Idk I just think we weren’t designed to live like this and it’s okay to not do everything. I just wanna be able to live like this w all the good things I have for longer while being healthy
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demcngeneral · 3 months
So I didn't willfully disappear to my writing partners I caught Long Covid and was hospitalizes for a bit. No phones in intensive care, I am so tired of regular American TV, I just wanted my C-K & J-dramas. I am home now and will be slowly getting back into the swing of things.
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antiradqueerguy · 4 months
Theres a radqueer literally using subliminald and praying people get the bird flu just so they can transition to their translockdown id
Do they not realize we are still in a pandemic, Like covid is still a huge issue the US government just doesn't care anymore.
There's been at least 7 million deaths globally from covid and 774 million confirmed cases of covid as of March 15th,
and subliminals don't work (coming from someone who used to use them)
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pastafossa · 1 year
Well I did a telehealth call and got a script for Paxlovid (and he gave me another script for some strong cough meds). So that will hopefully shorten the time I'm sick + reduce symptoms.
Now it's just otc treat the symptoms, rest, ride it out, and hope it doesn't decide to play ball with my chronic illnesses (doctor's biggest concern).
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first day of freedom (covid test negative) and I got rained on while going to the supermarket and now my nose is stuffy and I'm coughing a bit again
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dilansahin · 1 month
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(ASLIHAN MALBORA, CIS WOMAN, SHE/HER) Oh, is that DILAN ŞAHIN? I heard the TWENTY-EIGHT year old is CAPTIVATING. But don’t let that pretty face fool you, they are also STUBBORN. Makes sense seeing how they are a FOUNDER in the SOCIETY gang.
FULL NAME: Dilan Esra Şahin
AGE: Twenty-Eight
GENDER & PRONOUNS: Cis Woman, She/Her
FACE CLAIM: Aslihan Malbora
HEIGHT: 5′6″
DATE OF BIRTH: February 18th
HOMETOWN: Staten Island, NY
AESTHETICS: fairy lights twinkling along a dark colored wall, & the feeling of silk sheets against skin
Mother: Defne Sahin † Father: Ahmet Sahin Older Brother: tbd Older Sister: tbd
CHARACTER HISTORY [tw: parental death, covid-19, injury, drug mention]
Growing up with a silver spoon in her mouth, it was no surprise that Dilan never had much want for anything. In Dilan’s eyes the fortune was a gift, one that supplied her with the chance to explore any brief interest for as long as she wanted. 
Her marks in school were good, but her love for ballet is what kept her excited throughout her childhood. Dilan had tried many hobbies growing up, from archery to chess and while she enjoys the extra skills nothing stuck quite like ballet. She liked having something that she needed to work for, devote her time to see herself progress before her eyes. Sure that could have been done with any old after school hobby, but she couldn’t get over how it felt to be up on a stage under the spotlight. 
It didn’t take her long to figure out the truth behind her family wealth, overhearing an argument between her parents on what to do about a certain ‘wild card’ and she was given a choice. Family was important, that much was even clearer as she got a glimpse into the darker side of what the Şahin name meant. She decided against it, unable to envision herself taking that kind of action — the thought of even holding a gun terrifying her for a long time. 
Her parents didn’t pressure her, but Dilan couldn’t help but feel like her father wanted her to be more of a presence. Still she pushed her thoughts away and continued her life as normal all throughout high school. Graduation rolled around and she decided to study ballet right at home with Marymount Manhattan College. 
The sudden loss of her mother during the pandemic hit her hard, but she was thankful for that last bit of time they were able to spend together. Dilan only wished it could have been more, that she could have done something to help, but with her constant training schedule she often found herself working past the point of exhaustion. 
Two weeks after her passing was followed by a big performance for Dilan, her mind completely in a different place as she tried to execute each movement and she rolled her ankle completely out of place. Her pride wouldn’t let her fall, finishing out the performance on an injury that she didn’t want to bother anyone with. The brunette went back to the books to invest some time in first aid, treating her ankle herself until it healed and the pain went away. 
She’s now in the midst of expanding her knowledge of medicine while balancing her passion for dance. Being one of the only Şahin’s uninvolved in the family business gets to her a lot, especially with her mother being gone. She can’t help but feel like she wants to do something helpful without, of course, crossing any lines so becoming a sort of “pocket healer” seemed like it would be a good enough effort, for now.
She met a man while dealing with her injury, one that knew his way around a drug or two allowing her to keep her spotless reputation clean and ease her pain at the same time. The only problem now is that the pain is gone and the drugs are still in her system. 
She loves getting the chance to be creative. When she got the chance to move into her own penthouse within her family’s hotel she jumped on the opportunity to get to decorate every wall to her liking. 
Dilan loves to shop, her closets being filled with everything from name brand clothes to having a closet completed devoted to shoes. 
Dilan was the last member of her family to talk to her mom and she whispered that she never wanted Dilan to lose her like caring sweet nature and their father witnessed this and with dealings of the business and loss of his wife he just stopped bringing it up.
One of he siblings is very protective of her, while another is a little envious that gang choice was up to her. She called the envious one when her mother passed, but they didn't answer the phone thinking Dilan was randomly calling to bullshit about something.
She's the youngest member of the Sahin family.
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