#Turkey scholarships 2019
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CHI / Elnaz Javani: Dwelling Places
Elnaz Javani: Dwelling Places June 24 - August 5, 2023 Opening Reception: Saturday, June 24th, 1- 4 p.m.
Tiger Strikes Asteroid Chicago is pleased to present Dwelling Places, a solo exhibition of work by Elnaz Javani, who was selected through TSA Chicago’s first open call. Here, Javani presents a new body of work which includes small and large-scale, hand-dyed and printed textiles that incorporate surface manipulation, appliqué, and hand-stitching. Exploring how the body is affected and shaped by its negotiations with the objects and spaces around them, Javani creates surfaces in which identities are constantly being reconsidered and set into new relations with their surroundings, addressing the slippage that is always present.
In Queer Phenomenology, Sara Ahmed writes about the notion of disorientation as not only a bodily feeling but also a political concept. The way our bodies move about in the world, the way certain objects and places are accessible to us, indicate that there are some sites in which we feel habituated—our bodies are “in place”—and other sites in which we don’t. This disorientation takes the form of moments of perceived loss, of “failed orientation,” that give rise to new directions for creating a sense of belonging.
Through the acts of layering, cutting, printing, dying and sewing, Javani creates moments of disorientation and reorientation that question history, gender, culture and celebrate confusion, doubt, and entanglement as generative forces. Her engagement with tactile materials models how we can use storytelling and image-making as transformative strategies for survival and resistance by challenging dominant narratives that simplify and flatten the experience. It is through moments of disorientation, she proposes, that we might learn what it means to be oriented in the first place.
Above Image credit: Elnaz Javani, Midnight Sun, hand stitched, hand dyed cotton fabric and print, 2023
Artist Bio:
Elnaz Javani is an Iranian artist and educator currently residing in Chicago. She works between the media of textiles, drawing, print, and installations. Her practice revolves around the fragmentation of identity and place, power dynamics and labor. Through layering, stitching and dye; she tries to construct a personal, fictional and imaginary space of existence. She holds an MFA in Fiber and Material Studies from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago where she was the recipient of the New Artist Society Merit Scholarship, and holds a BFA from Tehran University of Art. Javani is a 2023 Center for Craft Artist Cohort Grant Recipient and she was awarded Faculty Enrichment Grants from SAIC 2022-2021, and was named one of Chicago's Break Out Artists of the year for 2022, she has received a Spark Grant from Chicago Artist Coalition (2021), the Kala Art Institute Fellowship Award and Residency Grant (2020), the Define American Art Fellowship Grant (2020), and the Hyde Park Art Center Flex Space Residency Award (2019). Her work has been exhibited in solo and group exhibitions nationally and internationally in the USA, Spain, Iran, France, Colombia, Turkey, UAE, Germany, Canada, and Switzerland.
photos by Tom van Eynde
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منح دراسية إضافية للطلاب الأجانب في تركيا
منح دراسية إضافية للطلاب الأجانب في تركيا
أكد الدكتور محمد حقي صوتشين رئيس قسم اللغة العربية في جامعة “غازي” بالعاصمة التركية أنقرة،، أنّ السياسة المتبعة حالياً هي في اتجاه زيادة عدد الطلاب الأجانب في البلاد، فسنة 2000 لم يكن عدد الطلاب الأجانب في الجامعات التركية يزيد على 20 ألفاً، في حين يتجاوز عددهم اليوم 125 ألف طالب، من بينهم جزء مهم من الحاصلين على منح مجانية.
دراسة الأجانب المجانية
يصف صوتشين في حديثه إلى “العربي الجديد” سياسة جذب الطلاب الأجانب بـ”القوة الناعمة” التي تهدف إلى توطيد العلاقات الثقافية والحضارية، بين تركيا وعامة دول العالم، لكنّ الأولوية هي للجغرافية القريبة: “الدول العربية وآسيا الوسطى” قبل أن تتوسع المنح لتطاول الدول الأفريقية وحتى الأوروبية.
يعتقد الأكاديمي التركي أنّ بلاده تؤسس، عبر دراسة الأجانب المجانية فيها، للعلاقات الثقافية المتبادلة، على اختلافها؛ مجتمعية وسياسية ومعيشية واستهلاكية، وتعول تركيا مستقبلاً على أن يكون هؤلاء الخريجون، سفراء لتركيا، كأن يشكلوا نوادي صداقات ومراكز ثقافية، وهو ما سينقل برأيه الثقافة بصفة أفضل من أساليب السياسة التي تختلط أحياناً بالقوة العسكرية.
واع��نت “رئاسة أتراك المهجر والمجتمعات ذات القربى التركية (واي تي بي)”، أخيراً، عن مواصلة مقابلات قبول الطلاب الأجانب في برنامج “المنح الدراسية التركية لسنة 2019”. وقال بيان لها، أنّ نحو 10 آلاف طالب أجنبي يتسابقون لمواصلة التعليم في مختلف الجامعات التركية، عن طريق مقابلات تجريها معهم. ونوهت أنّ عدد المتقدمين لبرنامج المنح التركية هذه السنة بلغ 147 ألفاً من 167 دولة. وقال بيانها إنّ هناك 17 ألفاً و500 طالب من مختلف دول العالم، يستفيدون في الوقت الراهن من برنامج المنح ويواصلون تعليمهم في الجامعات التركية.
من جهتها، تفرّق الأكاديمية التركية عائشة نور، بين الطلاب الأجانب الذين يدرسون في تركيا، والذين تجاوز عددهم 125 ألف طالب، وبين الطلاب الذين يدرسون وفق المنحة المجانية، لأنّ الجامعات التركية في رأيها، نظراً لقلة التكاليف، وللاعتراف الدولي، والتصنيف المتقدم عالمياً، اصبحت محط أنظار للطلاب حول العالم. تقول: “الطلاب يأتون حتى من أوروبا والولايات المتحدة والسبب رخص التكاليف وجمال تركيا والثقة بجامعاتها”. تقدّر الأستاذة في جامعة محمد الفاتح بإسطنبول، عدد المتقدمين للمنح المجانية، بنحو 140 ألف طالب من أكثر من 90 دولة حول العالم، لكنّ خطة الحكومة تقوم على قبول ما بين 5 و6 آلاف طالب مجاناً سنوياً مع تقديم مزايا إضافية.
وتضيف الاكاديمية التركية حول نسبة العرب والسوريين من المنح المجانية، أنّ نسبة العرب غير السوريين ضئيلة، لكنّ نسبة الطلاب من دول آسيا الوسطى وأفريقيا، هي الأكبر. أما السوريون في تركيا فلهم خصوصية دائمة، لأنهم موجودون ومن واجبات الدولة تقديم المساعدات لهم لاكمال تحصيلهم العلمي، فإن لم يحصلوا على منحة مجانية كاملة، فعلى الأقل، هناك تخفيضات لهم، والأهم أنّ معظم الطلاب السوريين الذين يدرسون في الجامعات التركية، يحصلون على الجنسية التركية، ما يعني معاملتهم كما التركي لجهة جميع الميزات والتخفيضات.
شهدت تركيا في العقد الأخير، نهضة تعليمية كبيرة إذ ارتفعت ميزانية التعليم الوطني من 11 مليار ليرة (مليار و890 مليون دولار أميركي) في عام 2002 إلى 134 مليار ليرة (23 مليار دولار) في عام 2018، بل يتجاوز الرقم الأخير 150 مليار ليرة (25.7 مليون دولار) مع مساهمات الوزارات الأخرى والمتبرعين. وكان عدد الجامعات بتركيا سنة 2002 مع وصول حزب العدالة والتنمية إلى السلطة 76 جامعة، وارتفع اليوم إلى 202 جامعة، كما هناك 15 جامعة جديدة في طور الإنشاء.
تقول خبيرة شؤون الطلاب بشركة “إسطنبول للقبول الجامعي” زينب توبركسي: “تزداد طلبات الطلاب من أكثر من 90 دولة حول العالم، للدراسة في تركيا، نظراً لقلة التكاليف إذا ما قيست بأوروبا أو حتى الجامعات الخاصة بمنطقة الشرق الأوسط، فضلاً عن جمال تركيا وحسن تعامل الأتراك الذين لا يفرقون بين الشعوب وتغيب عنهم العنصرية”.
وحول المنحة المجانية، تضيف توبركسي لـ”العربي الجديد”: “المنحة تشمل السكن المجاني والمواصلات المجانية ورواتب شهرية تتراوح بين 800 ليرة تركية (138 دولاراً) لطالب الإجازة و1300 ليرة (224 دولاراً) لطالب الدكتوراه، فضلاً عن منح البحث العلمي”. وتلفت توبركسي إلى أنّ الأهم حصول الطالب على تأشيرة دخول تركيا من لحظة قبوله بالجامعة فضلاً عن بطاقة سفر مجانية.
وتشير إلى أنّ ثمة عمراً محدداً لطلاب المنحة المجانية، وهو ألا يتجاوز عمر طالب الإجازة 21 عاماً، والماجستير 30 عاماً، والدكتوراه 35 عاماً.
أما الأوراق المطلوبة فهي “شهادة الثانوية العامة، وجواز السفر، وصورة شخصية”. أما بالنسبة للسوري المقيم في تركيا، فبطاقة الحماية المؤقتة “الكيملك” إن تعذر جواز السفر، فضلاً عن رسالة التوصية من أحد مدرسي الطالب مع اسمه وبريده الإلكتروني، على ألا تكون رسالة وهمية لئلاّ تؤثر على نقاط المنحة، بالإضافة إلى رسالة يحدد فيها المتقدم هدفه من الدراسة والاختصاص الذي يرغب في أن يدرسه.
#scholarships#Turkey scholarships 2019#المنح الدراسية#المنح الدراسية التركية لعام 2019#منح تعليم مجانية#مقالات مميزة
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منح دراسية إضافية للطلاب الأجانب في تركيا
منح دراسية إضافية للطلاب الأجانب في تركيا
أكد الدكتور محمد حقي صوتشين رئيس قسم اللغة العربية في جامعة “غازي” بالعاصمة التركية أنقرة،، أنّ السياسة المتبعة حالياً هي في اتجاه زيادة عدد الطلاب الأجانب في البلاد، فسنة 2000 لم يكن عدد الطلاب الأجانب في الجامعات التركية يزيد على 20 ألفاً، في حين يتجاوز عددهم اليوم 125 ألف طالب، من بينهم جزء مهم من الحاصلين على منح مجانية.
دراسة الأجانب المجانية
يصف صوتشين في حديثه إلى “العربي الجديد” سياسة جذب الطلاب الأجانب بـ”القوة الناعمة” التي تهدف إلى توطيد العلاقات الثقافية والحضارية، بين تركيا وعامة دول العالم، لكنّ الأولوية هي للجغرافية القريبة: “الدول العربية وآسيا الوسطى” قبل أن تتوسع المنح لتطاول الدول الأفريقية وحتى الأوروبية.
يعتقد الأكاديمي التركي أنّ بلاده تؤسس، عبر دراسة الأجانب المجانية فيها، للعلاقات الثقافية المتبادلة، على اختلافها؛ مجتمعية وسياسية ومعيشية واستهلاكية، وتعول تركيا مستقبلاً على أن يكون هؤلاء الخريجون، سفراء لتركيا، كأن يشكلوا نوادي صداقات ومراكز ثقافية، وهو ما سينقل برأيه الثقافة بصفة أفضل من أساليب السياسة التي تختلط أحياناً بالقوة العسكرية.
واعلنت “رئاسة أتراك المهجر والمجتمعات ذات القربى التركية (واي تي بي)”، أخيراً، عن مواصلة مقابلات قبول الطلاب الأجانب في برنامج “المنح الدراسية التركية لسنة 2019”. وقال بيان لها، أنّ نحو 10 آلاف طالب أجنبي يتسابقون لمواصلة التعليم في مختلف الجامعات التركية، عن طريق مقابلات تجريها معهم. ونوهت أنّ عدد ال��تقدمين لبرنامج المنح التركية هذه السنة بلغ 147 ألفاً من 167 دولة. وقال بيانها إنّ هناك 17 ألفاً و500 طالب من مختلف دول العالم، يستفيدون في الوقت الراهن من برنامج المنح ويواصلون تعليمهم في الجامعات التركية.
من جهتها، تفرّق الأكاديمية التركية عائشة نور، بين الطلاب الأجانب الذين يدرسون في تركيا، والذين تجاوز عددهم 125 ألف طالب، وبين الطلاب الذين يدرسون وفق المنحة المجانية، لأنّ الجامعات التركية في رأيها، نظراً لقلة التكاليف، وللاعتراف الدولي، والتصنيف المتقدم عالمياً، اصبحت محط أنظار للطلاب حول العالم. تقول: “الطلاب يأتون حتى من أوروبا والولايات المتحدة والسبب رخص التكاليف وجمال تركيا والثقة بجامعاتها”. تقدّر الأستاذة في جامعة محمد الفاتح بإسطنبول، عدد المتقدمين للمنح المجانية، بنحو 140 ألف طالب من أكثر من 90 دولة حول العالم، لكنّ خطة الحكومة تقوم على قبول ما بين 5 و6 آلاف طالب مجاناً سنوياً مع تقديم مزايا إضافية.
وتضيف الاكاديمية التركية حول نسبة العرب والسوريين من المنح المجانية، أنّ نسبة العرب غير السوريين ضئيلة، لكنّ نسبة الطلاب من دول آسيا الوسطى وأفريقيا، هي الأكبر. أما السوريون في تركيا فلهم خصوصية دائمة، لأنهم موجودون ومن واجبات الدولة تقديم المساعدات لهم لاكمال تحصيلهم العلمي، فإن لم يحصلوا على منحة مجانية كاملة، فعلى الأقل، هناك تخفيضات لهم، والأهم أنّ معظم الطلاب السوريين الذين يدرسون في الجامعات التركية، يحصلون على الجنسية التركية، ما يعني معاملتهم كما التركي لجهة جميع الميزات والتخفيضات.
شهدت تركيا في العقد الأخير، نهضة تعليمية كبيرة إذ ارتفعت ميزانية التعليم الوطني من 11 مليار ليرة (مليار و890 مليون دولار أميركي) في عام 2002 إلى 134 مليار ليرة (23 مليار دولار) في عام 2018، بل يتجاوز الرقم الأخير 150 مليار ليرة (25.7 مليون دولار) مع مساهمات الوزارات الأخرى والمتبرعين. وكان عدد الجامعات بتركيا سنة 2002 مع وصول حزب العدالة والتنمية إلى السلطة 76 جامعة، وارتفع اليوم إلى 202 جامعة، كما هناك 15 جامعة جديدة في طور الإنشاء.
تقول خبيرة شؤون الطلاب بشركة “إسطنبول للقبول الجامعي” زينب توبركسي: “تزداد طلبات الطلاب من أكثر من 90 دولة حول العالم، للدراسة في تركيا، نظراً لقلة التكاليف إذا ما قيست بأوروبا أو حتى الجامعات الخاصة بمنطقة الشرق الأوسط، فضلاً عن جمال تركيا وحسن تعامل الأتراك الذين لا يفرقون بين الشعوب وتغيب عنهم العنصرية”.
وحول المنحة المجانية، تضيف توبركسي لـ”العربي الجديد”: “المنحة تشمل السكن المجاني والمواصلات المجانية ورواتب شهرية تتراوح بين 800 ليرة تركية (138 دولاراً) لطالب الإجازة و1300 ليرة (224 دولاراً) لطالب الدكتوراه، فضلاً عن منح البحث العلمي”. وتلفت توبركسي إلى أنّ الأهم حصول الطالب على تأشيرة دخول تركيا من لحظة قبوله بالجامعة فضلاً عن بطاقة سفر مجانية.
وتشير إلى أنّ ثمة عمراً محدداً لطلاب المنحة المجانية، وهو ألا يتجاوز عمر طالب الإجازة 21 عاماً، والماجستير 30 عاماً، والدكتوراه 35 عاماً.
أما الأوراق المطلوبة فهي “شهادة الثانوية العامة، وجواز السفر، وصورة شخصية”. أما بالنسبة للسوري المقيم في تركيا، فبطاقة الحماية المؤقتة “الكيملك” إن تعذر جواز السفر، فضلاً عن رسالة التوصية من أحد مدرسي الطالب مع اسمه وبريده الإلكتروني، على ألا تكون رسالة وهمية لئلاّ تؤثر على نقاط المنحة، بالإضافة إلى رسالة يحدد فيها المتقدم هدفه من الدراسة والاختصاص الذي يرغب في أن يدرسه.
#scholarships#Turkey scholarships 2019#المنح الدراسية#المنح الدراسية التركية لعام 2019#منح تعليم مجانية#مقالات مميزة
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On December 23, 2020, the campaign season for Mexico’s 2021 midterm elections officially kicked off with the announcement that the three major opposition parties — the PRI, the PAN, and the PRD — will be joining together in a common front against the ruling party, MORENA. The coalition, Va por México (“Go for Mexico”), will field candidates in eleven of the fifteen gubernatorial races and around 180 of the 300 single-member electoral districts for the Cámara de Diputados (“House of Deputies”) in an attempt to seize a majority in the lower house and bring the program of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) to a standstill.
In response, MORENA launched an ad that was censured by the National Electoral Institute for supposedly violating campaign rules, causing it to go viral on social media. It is worth quoting in full:
For years, the PRI, PAN, and its allies have had a pact that has damaged Mexico. In 1995, they raised IVA [Value-Added Tax] from 10 percent to 15 percent. In 1998, they approved the bailout of their friends’ and bankers’ businesses with FOBAPROA. In 2006, the PRI helped the PAN orchestrate its electoral fraud. In 2012, many members of the PAN called for a vote for Enrique Peña Nieto, including Vicente Fox. Then, the PRI, PAN, and PRD signed the Pact for Mexico and approved the reforms that affected the entire country. In 2017, they approved the new gasoline taxes and the Interior Security Law. In 2018, they did all they could to prevent the change that Mexico needed. Following their defeat, in 2019 and 2020 they have opposed the advance of the “fourth transformation,” and the reforms that guarantee the right to a pension, scholarships, and the elimination of the fuero [immunity from prosecution for officeholders]. Today, the PRI, PAN, and PRD are finally removing the mask and are joining together in a perverse electoral alliance, demonstrating that they are the same and represent the same interests. We will not allow them to once again betray the people. Let’s remove the tumor of corruption.
Dangerous as it may seem, the “perverse alliance” is in fact a political gift to AMLO. In one fell swoop, it has borne out the accusation he has made year after year, in speech after speech and spot after spot, that the PRI and the PAN have long since morphed into the PRIAN: a two-headed, narco-infiltrated, right-wing entity devoted to spectacular and, at times, bizarre levels of corruption; stratospheric personal enrichment; the for-profit dismemberment of the Mexican state; lethal suppression of protest; and the taking of turns in power in order to maintain the appearance of democracy. And since 2012, the PRIAN has been joined by the sinking remains of the PRD — the once-proud party of the center-left — in a flailing attempt to remain above the 3-percent vote threshold needed to receive public financing.
The formation of this whiff-of-desperation alliance caps two years in which Mexico’s newly minted opposition has, to put it mildly, failed to shine. Arrogant, reactive, unreconciled to its role, and rabidly indignant at being displaced from power, the nation’s collective opposition — from its media pundits to its hapless, anonymous party leaders — has focused most of its scattered fire on the figure of AMLO instead of delineating any kind of alternative program to address the crises of its own making or engage in the remotest self-critique. On social media, the president is referred to as “El cacas” (“caca” in Spanish being the infantile term for a bodily excretion), or simply “López,” to tar him for having a last name that sounds too common.
One of the opposition’s up-and-coming young lights, Senator Samuel García of the state of Nuevo León, has provoked widespread derision for a series of gaffes, including telling his wife that she was “showing too much leg” on a livestream, lamenting that his father would withhold his allowance as an adolescent unless he played a full eighteen holes of golf, and commending the valuable people who manage to get by on salaries of $40–50,000 pesos (US$2,000–2,500) per month; the median salary in Mexico is around a tenth of that.
In its most concerted rebellion to date, a group of would-be protestors, under the leadership of the erratic businessman Gilberto Lozano, marched to the Zócalo of Mexico City this past fall with the grandiose intention of camping out until AMLO resigned. Citing health problems, however, Lozano quickly begged off, and most of his followers soon did the same, leading to the spectacle of a plaza full of empty tents which, in the winds of October, began careening through the sky in a gusty homage to absentee activism. The “encampment” was lifted a few weeks later, despite AMLO’s offer to hang out hammocks for those who remained. And in one of the coalition’s first forays into public relations, it decided to run an ad on agricultural supports with a stock photo of a white farmer from Turkey instead of one of the millions of possible photos of Mexican campesinos.
Behind the disarray, however, lurk interests that are much more organized. The two key organizers of the coalition are Gustavo Hoyos, leader of the Employers’ Confederation of Mexico, and Claudio X. González, son of the longtime director of Kimberly Clark Mexico who helped sabotage AMLO’s first presidential candidacy in 2006. A decade later, in 2017, father and son were profiled in an adulatory front-page splash in the New York Times. Penned by Mexico bureau chief Azam Ahmed, the piece breathlessly refers to González père as “a corporate chairman revered in Mexico” and “one of Mexico’s most venerated — and wealthiest — figures in the business world,” and portrays González fils as a heroic anti-corruption crusader. (The family has recently made headlines again thanks to a lavish mid-pandemic wedding featuring guests fraternizing and dancing without face masks.)
With Hoyos and González, fueled by millions from their shadowy network of financiers, running the show behind the scenes, we can expect a reedition of the fake news and smear ops against AMLO — such as 2018’s “Operation Berlin,” which sought to tie to him to Russia, Venezuela, Cuba, or anything or anywhere that would stick. According to the El Universal columnist Salvador García Soto, the González network will give opposition candidates in districts considered winnable $5 million pesos each (US$250,000), an amount more than triple the legal spending limit. One wonders, if this is indeed the case, whether the National Electoral Institute (INE) will do anything to sanction it, or if the New York Times will bother to report it.
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Opening Statement of Dr. Fiona Hill
to the House of Representatives
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
November 21, 2019
Mr. Chairman, Ranking Member Nunes, and members of the Committee. Thank you for inviting me to testify before you today. I have a short opening statement.
I appreciate the importance of the Congress’s impeachment inquiry.
I am appearing today as a fact witness, as I did during my deposition on October 14th, in order to answer your questions about what I saw, what I did, what I knew, and what I know with regard to the subjects of your inquiry. I believe that those who have information that the Congress deems relevant have a legal and moral obligation to provide it.
I take great pride in the fact that I am a nonpartisan foreign policy expert, who has served under three different Republican and Democratic presidents. I have no interest in advancing the outcome of your inquiry in any particular direction, except toward the truth.
I will not provide a long narrative statement, because I believe that the interest of Congress and the American people is best served by allowing you to ask me your questions. I am happy to expand upon my October 14th deposition testimony in response to your questions today.
But before I do so, I would like to communicate two things.
First, I’d like to share a bit about who I am. I am an American by choice, having become a citizen in 2002. I was born in the northeast of England, in the same region George Washington’s ancestors came from. Both the region and my family have deep ties to the United States.
My paternal grandfather fought through World War I in the Royal Field Artillery, surviving being shot, shelled, and gassed before American troops intervened to end the war in 1918.
During the Second World War, other members of my family fought to defend the free world from fascism alongside American soldiers, sailors, and airmen.
The men in my father’s family were coal miners whose families always struggled with poverty.
When my father, Alfred, was 14, he joined his father, brother, uncles and cousins in the coal mines to help put food on the table.
When the last of the local mines closed in the 1960s, my father wanted to emigrate to the United States to work in the coal mines in West Virginia, or in Pennsylvania. But his mother, my grandmother, had been crippled from hard labor. My father couldn’t leave, so he stayed in northern England until he died in 2012. My mother still lives in my hometown today.
While his dream of emigrating to America was thwarted, my father loved America, its culture, its history and its role as a beacon of hope in the world. He always wanted someone in the family to make it to the United States.
I began my University studies in 1984, and in 1987 I won a place on an academic exchange to the Soviet Union. I was there for the signing of the Intermediate Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, and when President Ronald Reagan met Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in Moscow. This was a turning point for me. An American professor who I met there told me about graduate student scholarships to the United States, and the very next year, thanks to his advice, I arrived in America to start my advanced studies at Harvard.
Years later, I can say with confidence that this country has offered for me opportunities I never would have had in England. I grew up poor with a very distinctive working-class accent. In England in the 1980s and 1990s, this would have impeded my professional advancement.
This background has never set me back in America. For the better part of three decades, I have built a career as a nonpartisan, nonpolitical national security professional focusing on Europe and Eurasia and especially the former Soviet Union.
I have served our country under three presidents: in my most recent capacity under President Trump, as well as in my former position of National Intelligence Officer for Russia and Eurasia under Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama. In that role, I was the Intelligence Community’s senior expert on Russia and the former Soviet republics, including Ukraine.
It was because of my background and experience that I was asked to join the National Security Council in 2017. At the NSC, Russia was a part of my portfolio, but I was also responsible for coordinating U.S. policy for all of Western Europe, all of Eastern Europe (including Ukraine) and Turkey, along with NATO and the European Union. I was hired initially by General Michael
Flynn, K.T. McFarland, and General Keith Kellogg, but then started work in April 2017 when General McMaster was the National Security Advisor.
I—and they—thought I could help them with President Trump’s stated goal of improving relations with Russia, while still implementing policies designed to deter Russian conduct that threatens the United States, including the unprecedented and successful Russian operation to interfere in the 2016 presidential election.
This relates to the second thing I want to communicate.
Based on questions and statements I have heard, some of you on this committee appear to believe that Russia and its security services did not conduct a campaign against our country—and that perhaps, somehow, for some reason, Ukraine did. This is a fictional narrative that has been perpetrated and propagated by the Russian security services themselves.
The unfortunate truth is that Russia was the foreign power that systematically attacked our democratic institutions in 2016. This is the public conclusion of our intelligence agencies, confirmed in bipartisan Congressional reports. It is beyond dispute, even if some of the underlying details must remain classified.
The impact of the successful 2016 Russian campaign remains evident today. Our nation is being torn apart. Truth is questioned. Our highly professional and expert career foreign service is being undermined.
U.S. support for Ukraine—which continues to face armed Russian aggression—has been politicized.
The Russian government’s goal is to weaken our country—to diminish America’s global role and to neutralize a perceived U.S. threat to Russian interests. President Putin and the Russian security services aim to counter U.S. foreign policy objectives in Europe, including in Ukraine, where Moscow wishes to reassert political and economic dominance.
I say this not as an alarmist, but as a realist. I do not think long-term conflict with Russia is either desirable or inevitable. I continue to believe that we need to seek ways of stabilizing our relationship with Moscow even as we counter their efforts to harm us. Right now, Russia’s security services and their proxies have geared up to repeat their interference in the 2020 election. We are running out of time to stop them. In the course of this investigation, I would ask that you please not promote politically driven falsehoods that so clearly advance Russian interests.
As Republicans and Democrats have agreed for decades, Ukraine is a valued partner of the United States, and it plays an important role in our national security. And as I told this Committee last month, I refuse to be part of an effort to legitimize an alternate narrative that the Ukrainian government is a U.S. adversary, and that Ukraine—not Russia—attacked us in 2016.
These fictions are harmful even if they are deployed for purely domestic political purposes. President Putin and the Russian security services operate like a Super PAC. They deploy millions of dollars to weaponize our own political opposition research and false narratives. When we are consumed by partisan rancor, we cannot combat these external forces as they seek to divide us against each another, degrade our institutions, and destroy the faith of the American people in our democracy.
I respect the work that this Congress does in carrying out its constitutional responsibilities, including in this inquiry, and I am here to help you to the best of my ability. If the President, or anyone else, impedes or subverts the national security of the United States in order to further domestic political or personal interests, that is more than worthy of your attention. But we must not let domestic
politics stop us from defending ourselves against the foreign powers who truly wish us harm.
I am ready to answer your questions.
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Franny Sor Framagucci Robinson Character Sheet
Dear Mom and Dad, I'll send money, I'm so rich that it ain't funny It oughtta be more than enough to get you through - (x)
Archetype — The Creator
Birthday — January 17, 1980
Zodiac Sign — Capricorn
MBTI — ENFJ-A (The Protagonist — 93% Extroverted, 56% Intuitive, 60% Feeling, 60% Judging, 83% Assertive)
Enneagram — Type 3w2 — The Charmer
Temperament — Sanguine
Hogwarts House — Slytherin Primary, Hufflepuff Primary model, Gryffindor Secondary
Moral Alignment — Lawful Good
Primary Vice — Pride
Primary Virtue — Charity or Diligence
Element — Air
Song — A Better Son/Daughter by Rilo Kiley
Government name — Darareaksmey Francine Sor Framagucci Robinson Name — Franny Robinson/Franny Sor Robinson Mother — Sophea “Sophie” Sor
Father — Adrien Framagucci (stepfather, legally adopted her), Peter Boyd (biological father)
Mother’s Occupation — Restaurant owner
Father’s Occupation — Construction worker
Family Finances — grew up in poverty, insanely wealthy now
Birth Order — Youngest
Brothers — stepbrothers Gaston and Art Framagucci (mother legally adopted them, if you say ‘step’ Franny will kill you), claims no others but has biological half brothers from Peter Boyd; John-Curtis “JC” Boyd, Timothy “Timmy” Boyd
Sisters — claims none, but has biological half sisters by Peter Boyd; Sarah Boyd, Stacy Boyd, Shyann Boyd
Other Close Family — spreadsheet
Best Friend — Daniel Maitland, Molly Vaughn (deceased)
Other Friends — Lora Lopez, Serghei Anton, Delia Weiss, Vanessa Pham, others
Enemies — most men on principle
Home Life During Childhood — It was a good childhood. Working the restaurant was normal to Franny so she didn’t realize it was abnormal at first. Her parents tried not to let the kids realize how poor they actually were.
Town or City Name(s) — Payne Lake, Georgia
Any Sports or Clubs — In high school she was in drama, show choir, orchestra, National Honor Society, and on the quiz bowl team
Favorite Toy or Game — Franny honestly loved hide and seek well into her teenage years because she was small enough to fit it the weirdest places to hide, and in the 80s and 90s in a small town in Georgia there wasn’t much to do so her friend group played Extreme Hide and Seek. Everyone wears all black like some kind of cult. Turn off all the lights in the house. Go crazy.
Schooling — K-12 in Payne Lake, Georgia ; B.A.s. in Musical Theatre Performance and Jazz Studies at NYU; M.A. in Jazz Studies at Pride U
Favorite Subject — Anything that wasn’t math or chemistry
Popular or Loner — Popular, has always been magnetic
Important Experiences or Events — Her first time on stage, getting enough scholarship money to justify going to NYU, quickly growing to love the nerd she hit up to buy her waffles and never letting him go, the accident that changed her life, marrying Cornelius Robinson, finding the magic singing frogs, adopting Wilbur, discovering the severity of her fertility issues in 2008,
Nationality — American-Cambodian (born American, given Cambodian citizenship in 2019)
Culture — Franny identifies most strongly with Cambodian, followed by broadly Southeast Asian sometimes with Buddhist attached, and that’s tied with ‘Rural Southern (USA)’ sometimes with POC attached. Franny feels pretty detached from “American Culture” in general. She more closely would identify with Southern USA culture in general than with general American with no modifiers. She also feels a little detached from Asian American culture in general because even though she grew up right outside of Atlanta and is familiar with Atlanta, she didn’t grow up in one of the big hubs of Asian American culture like LA, San Francisco, or NYC. White American and Black American culture surrounded her, and the Asian cultures surrounding her were immigrant or first-gen cultures that hadn’t really developed an American flavor yet. Franny understood more about Vietnamese and Thai culture than she did about general Asian American culture for a long time, because immigrants straight from Southeast Asia were the only Asians she grew up around. And she grew up in the 80s and 90s where Asian representation was yellowface and Long Duk Dong. She didn’t meet any Asian Americans who didn’t speak or at least understand their heritage language until college. And the experience of POC as a whole in the South is very different to the experience of a white person, so sometimes Franny feel disconnected from her white southern neighbors and more closely relates to black or non-white Latinx southerners in ways she doesn’t relate to white southerners, or Asian Americans from LA or NYC.
Religion and beliefs — Buddhist
Languages spoken— Khmer, English, Vietnamese, French, Italian, (less fluently) Portuguese, Spanish, (can understand some) Thai, Lao, (impressive tourist) German, Dutch
Physical Appearance
Face Claim — Elodie Yung
Complexion — Tanned skin, pale brown
Hair Colour — Black
Eye Colour — Brown
Height — 5’5
Tattoos — Yes, a few. Wilbur’s adoption date over her heart, most notably
Piercings — Lobe, upper lobe, tragus, helix, and cartilage on both ears, and an anti-tragus on her left ear. And a nose piercing she got in college
Common Hairstyle — typically keeps her hair long and done nicely but she cuts it and donates it from time to time so will also rock short hair
Clothing Style — vintage-inspired but not proper vintage
Mannerisms — Biting the pads of her thumbs, gesturing wildly, narrating her actions sometimes in song, if she’s looking for scissors she walks through the house making a scissors motion with her fingers
Usual Expression — she’s got resting bitch face
Overall (do they get sick easily)? — No, her immune system is the real MVP and when she does get sick she’s like ‘I’m dYING’
Physical Ailments — Infertility
Neurological Conditions — Depression, Cyclothymia (rapid cycles of depressive and hypomanic episodes)
Allergies — none
Grooming Habits — Typically rinses her body daily, uses soap on the armpits daily, but proper washes her body every other day. Washes her hair every two or three days as needed, but if she was extra sweaty that day it gets washed. Waxes leg hair and eyebrows.
Sleeping Habits — she generally gets a decent amount of sleep but it isn’t usually all at once. She’s a champion power-napper, and if she has three days cleared she’ll often sleep mainly all at once except have like a 2-3 hour period of wakefulness and productivity and then go back to sleep for two more hours, then take an hour nap later in the day.
Eating Habits �� She’s a grazer. She doesn’t usually sit down and eat three times a day she’ll sneak like five small meals a day
Exercise Habits — works out at least three days a week somewhat because she’s really sensitive to when people comment on her body so she’s afraid to give people a reason to say a negative comment. Like. She’s body positive, big supporter of you don’t gotta be skinny to be beautiful or healthy. But when people say things like “oh Franny you got a little jiggle in those thighs” it’s never said like a good or neutral thing. She had a lot of body image issues throughout high school and college, and came dangerously close to developing an eating disorder freshman year at NYU but kind of logicked herself from the ledge
Emotional Stability — generally emotionally stable, like for someone with her mental illnesses she does great
Body Temperature — runs hot
Sociability — A social butterfly
Addictions — None; did abuse adderall in college but when she quit cold turkey she didn’t like. Suffer cravings. She wasn’t addicted, but she did abuse it to the point she realized “oh I need to...stop”
Drug Use — occasional use of drugs to make her trip, like acid, shrooms, but this is very rare, she doesn’t do it at home, usually if she’s on the road with other musicians or has gone to LA or NYC or London for a few days to have a songwriting session, the group will sometimes partake. Even then not every time. Used to experiment with drugs more in college, but still it was never...a TON.
Alcohol Use — More than occasional less than frequent
Your Character’s Character:
Bad Habits — swearing, next to no filter, temper when it comes to perceived injustices, tends to overload herself
Good Habits — Keeps a detailed planner, is a maniac about drinking lots of water, is vocal about her needs and boundaries
Best Characteristic — her warmth! She really is friendly and easy to get along with and wants to be nice. But she will not be walked over and will not allow her kind, marshmallow husband to be walked over so she will flip a switch to protect herself or her boys.
Worst Characteristic — unforgiving
Worst Memory — it’s a tie between her experience with sexual assault, and the time her biological father’s wife found out Franny was his biological child, and came into her mother’s restaurant when she was visiting with her pretty new HUSBAND, and Nancy Boyd proceeded to beat up Franny and her mother
Best Memory — Adopting Wilbur! It WAS marrying Cornelius but sorry Neil it’s her baby boy now
Proud of — Her husband, she is so proud to be Cornelius Robinson’s wife. She proud to be her mother’s daughter. And she’s proud of her accomplishments in music and philanthropy
Embarrassed by — Nothing, she’s great
Driving Style — Oh, aggressive. She’s an offensive driver. Cusses.
Strong Points — she doesn’t quit, she’s the walk through hell and keep going type of person
Temperament — generally she’s pretty even-tempered. It’s easy to set her off in an instant though if you’re being racist, sexist - any type of shitty person tbh, or being shitty toward her husband or son, but for the most part she’s pretty chill. She deff has crazy bitch energy just under the surface though and you can tell
Attitude — Franny’s not particularly bitchy, but you know, she can be
Weakness — can’t do basic math, very overly self-critical, perfectionist
Fears — Something happening to Wilbur tbh. That’s her greatest fear, losing her son.
Phobias — Franny does not throw up. She refuses. She will literally feel nauseous and horrible all day to avoid puking. It makes her so anxious, she will nOT.
Secrets — None really? Like she doesn’t blab her life story to everyone but Cornelius knows everything about her. She has no secrets from her husband.
Regrets — Not adopting more children when she and Cornelius got married knowing they both wanted a big family; ever meeting up with her biological father
Feels Vulnerable When — She cries in front of people. Franny hates doing it. She’d rather die tbh
Pet Peeves — when people are rude to wait staff
Conflicts — She sometimes feels a surge of resentment for her husband during her depressive episodes because she kind of feels like she’s pulled most of the weight in their marriage from Day 1 as far as running the home, and feels like although he purported to also want a big family he never even offered to take HIS turn pulling back from work so they could adopt a second child when it became clear it wasn’t gonna happen for them biologically, but then Franny hates herself for that because Cornelius is the kindest, most loving, most wonderful husband and father and she feels so privileged to call herself his wife and...yeah they just need to have a long talk about it tbh
Motivation — to be the best at everything she does; to force space for herself where she and people like her have previously been excluded, to be so great that you can’t ignore her
Short Term Goals and Hopes — have a baby, but she’s 40 now and knows its not gonna happen
Long Term Goals and Hopes —she’s...kinda done everything she ever set out to do other than have lots of children
Sexuality — Bisexual, leans toward women, but had more experience with men because compulsory heterosexuality in the US in the 90s and early 2000s, and genuinely fell in love with a man are has been with just him for twenty years now
Exercise Routine — Doesn’t spend much time on cardio because she gets enough cardio walking around town and Pride U. Mainly works on her core, legs, and strength training so if a man tries to grab her she can kick his ass
Day or Night Person — Would be nocturnal if she could be
Introvert or Extrovert — Extrovert
Optimist or Pessimist — She’s naturally pretty cynical but she’s worked for like twenty-five years to have a more optimistic outlook on things. It’s 50/50 now I’d say
Likes and Styles:
Music — there isn’t really a genre she doesn’t like - like her initial fame was in jazz, but she has an equal affection for jazz and bluegrass/classic country/folk music. She also is in an indie band, Seoul Hanoi’d. And like rap music - usually old school Atlanta rap, but she likes Kendrick Lamar and some other current rappers.
Books — She likes to read or listen to audiobooks about pretty much any subject except music and musicians.
Foods — Cambodian food!!
Drinks — She likes sweet tea, aaaand her alcohol of choice is Anything
Animals — Possums :3 She wants a pet possum so bad, she follows pet possums on instagram and cries at their cute posts
Sports — She played tennis in high school, that’s the extent of her sports knowledge
Social Issues — all of them. Climate change, racial justice, intersectional feminism, VACCINATE ALL THE CHILDREN UNLESS THEY MEDICALLY CANNOT BE, de-mining, Green New Deal, punch Nazis, hey maybe don’t put children in cages, Myanmar can you please not do that genocide you’re doing that would be swell, poor people deserve access to healthcare and education, housing-first approach to homelessness, the good stuff
Favorite Saying — “Hoes mad”, usually said dismissively when she receives a death threat after a political tweet, or after a racist one for just being an Asian woman in the public eye
Clothing — Franny prefers skirts, dresses, and jumpsuits/rompers to shirt + trousers
Jewelry — She never takes off her wedding ring. She’s married af
TV Shows — Schitt’s Creek, Kim’s Convenience, a lot of Canadian TV she really thinks is funny
Movies — She’s a big nerd that loves a good documentary or otherwise educational movie
Greatest Want — More children, including one biological child because her mother always talked about pregnancy and childbirth like it was the most humbling and empowering experience she’d ever had, and Franny wants that. But she’s 40 and knows she won’t have that.
Greatest Need — a baby lmao
Where and How Does Your Character Live Now:
Home — In a big-ass house in the wealthiest part of town, maybe even the biggest house
Household furnishings — Not overdecorated. A lot of people live there, but Franny’s very much the lady of the house, and even more so than her husband is the head of the household. She’s not a dictator, like her mother-in-law and other relatives have added their touches to the home decor, but it is very much Franny’s Home with notes of the others. She’s very particular about her kitchen, but is very flexible with the rest of the common spaces.
Most Cherished Possession — Family photographs of her mother and her family before the Khmer Rouge. Franny bears a striking resemblance to her Aunt Kesor, who was the older sister her mother had idolized, but who died during the Khmer Rouge years. Franny only knows of the resemblance from photographs.
Neighborhood — The rich people part of town
Town or City Name — Swynlake, England
Details of Town or City — lol
Married Before — Cornelius is her first and only husband and unless he cheats on her she’s never ever leaving that man
Significant Other Before — nobody important
Children — Wilbur Robinson, wants/wanted more
Relationship with Family — Close! Both to her in-laws, biological maternal family, and stepfamily
Car — 2020 Nissan Qashqai
Career — Singer, song-writer, musician, composer, musical actress, actress, university music professor
Dream Career — Musical actress
Dream Life — Married to Cornelius, with lots of kids, living her best life
Love Life — Happily married to the love of her life, her sunshine, the jelly to her fish, Cornelius Robinson
Talents or Skills — music, cooking, acting
Intelligence Level — High? Like she can’t do basic math but everything else. She’s a musical genius, is good with languages, and is pretty perceptive
Finances — Loaded
Your Character’s Life Before Your Story:
Past Careers — restaurant worker, event staff
Past Lovers — nobody worth mentioning
Biggest Mistakes — “I don’t make mistakes”
Biggest Achievements — Grammys, induction into the Songwriters Hall of Fame, being the first Cambodian person to win a Grammy, International Bluegrass Music Association awards, ASCAP awards, and being awarded the national medal of the arts by Barack Obama in 2015
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( CAMILA MENDES + CISFEMALE ) — Have you seen FALLON ALMEIDA ? This TWENTY-FOUR year old is a MODEL who resides in MANHATTAN. She has been living in NYC for SIX YEARS, and is known to be HEADSTRONG and PASSIONATE, but can also be MATERIALISTIC and RECKLESS, if you cross them. People tend to associate them with SHARP EYELINER and SIX INCH HEELS.
tw: death, drugs, pregnancy
FALLON IS THE YOUNGEST OF TWO CHILDREN. Fallon Juliana Almeida was born on April 29th, 1995 to Aaron and Lydia Banks in Los Angeles, California. Her sister, Phoebe, is three years older than her. They lived a relatively normal life until September 17th, 1999. Her parents were flying home in a small jet with some friends when their plane went down in the mountains. Fallon and Phoebe were placed in the care of their aunt, who was less than motherly.
FALLON IS A TRAINED BALLROOM/HIP HOP DANCER. Fallon’s aunt decided that Fallon needed an extracurricular activity to keep her from closing in on herself after the deaths of her parents. Fallon fell in love with hip hop, but her aunt insisted that she also train in ballroom, since she didn’t want her niece “grinding and being unladylike” onstage.
FALLON SKATED THROUGH LIFE SOLELY ON HER GOOD LOOKS AND CHARM. Fallon was a less than stellar student, but breezed through school by charming her teachers to give her extensions on projects [she would play the dead parent/absentee aunt card often] and charm underclassmen to do the work for her. She was on her school’s dance team, and got into Columbia on a dance scholarship.
FALLON DROPPED OUT OF COLLEGE AFTER SIX WEEKS. Fallon quickly realized that she wasn’t going to breeze through college the same way she did with high school, and dropped out. She moved into an apartment with three waitresses that she’d befriended after picking up a job in the city.
FALLON QUICKLY JUMPED INTO THE WORLD OF MODELING. She was noticed by a modeling agent when she was working and was offered a spot within her company. Her first print ad was for a perfume line, and found her face plastered in magazines and on the sides of bus stops. She quickly rose up in the fashion industry, taking on shoots for designers and magazines.
FALLON MET BRADLEY RIVERS IN 2016 ON A HIGH PROFILE SHOOT. Fallon was among the youngest for a huge bikini spread, and met Bradley, who was a photographer on the shoot. The two sparked up a relationship quickly, mainly based off sex, drugs, and alcohol. Bradley and Fallon were toxic for each other, and it wasn’t until Fallon was good and hooked on cocaine and heroin that he left her.
FALLON FOUND OUT SHE WAS PREGNANT WITH HER DAUGHTER IN JUNE OF 2018. She was coming off a three-day bender, and thought her nausea was just part of the comedown. However, it wasn’t until one of her friends asked her for a tampon that she realized she hadn’t gotten her period. Several pregnancy tests and a mental breakdown later, Fallon decided to quit drugs cold turkey and focus on bettering herself.
BIRDIE LYDIA RIVERS WAS BORN ON FEBRUARY 14, 2019. Fallon often tells people that Birdie is her saving grace. Who knows where Fallon would have ended up if she hadn’t gotten pregnant with Birdie and gotten her life on track. Fallon cleaned up her act, and no longer goes out and parties; her image has completely reformed and is seen as a role model to girls that you can turn your life around for the better.
FALLON HAS GONE BACK TO MODELING. Fallon bounced back quickly and was modeling again just three months after giving birth to her daughter. She no longer takes on shoots or appearances having to do with partying, wanting to keep her new reputation as clean as possible. Fallon landed her first magazine cover in April of 2020, talking about her rise, fall, and rise again.
connections ;
* former flings * coworkers (fellow models, photographers, anybody in the fashion industry) * former drug dealer(s) * sister * former coworkers (from the restaurants)
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1. The M.O.
Why did I start this blog? I have no plain and straightforward answer to offer; it’s a coalescence of several factors—some tangible; some I’ve yet to identify; and some rustling around in the pit of my stomach, for which I lack the words to will into coherence. But I will try my best to explain:
2019—my 25th year of existence—I will always reflect on and refer to as “The Crumbling.” It was the year when I lost myself to a number of competing forces: work, love, extraordinary circumstances, and the cyclical churn of life. Those who’ve known me for a long time would characterize me as incredibly stable; risk-averse; always planning for the long-term; cripplingly self-aware; and always doggedly marching uphill towards a set of well-defined, high flying goals. My tunnel vision was impressive. My modus operandi clearly articulated. My drive unflappable.
The inertia behind it all was guilt. I had guilt about a lot of things:
Firstly, I had access to the full gamut of opportunities that were ripped away from my parents by war and displacement. I had to make up for this as their only child. Fuck selfish millennial self-realization. I had to live for three.
Secondly, my birth-given liminality. That I, as a second-generation immigrant/migrant/refugee (whatever legal or sociocultural label you deign to ascribe to my personhood), stand at the boundary between homeland and foreign land (cum new “home”), Vietnam and America, past and present. It is difficult to occupy two spaces; oftentimes, I feel that I am in neither, and that the only comfortable place to inhabit is the hyphen that tenuously connects “Vietnamese” and “American.” To straddle two identities is to be constantly uncomfortable. It requires a lot of shifting, recalibration, and a lot of stumbling. I was never Vietnamese enough, and so others shamed my parents for not doing a good job in raising me. I was never American enough, and so I shamed myself into invisibility.
Third, being a Vietnamese woman. The consequences of veering off-course extend far beyond you. The stories uttered in hushed tones about one’s paternal second cousin twice removed from Cleveland or what have you: She had such promise. She had the potential to become an engineer or doctor—to elevate her family’s social status. But she just had to succumb to the vices of the typical Vietnamese woman: boys, hard substances, and the cold, hard draw of under-the-table cash from working in auntie’s nail salon. And so my existence as a young, OK-looking, Vietnamese-American woman in a foreign land with many foreign ideas inherently made me a flight risk. And so be it. And so it is.
Turns out, guilt is a great motivator. It led me to unbelievable achievements at a very tender age: becoming valedictorian of my high school class; being the first of my family’s generation to go to college; graduating summa cum laude from an Ivy League institution; becoming a Rhodes Scholarship finalist in one of the most competitive districts in the U.S., winning a full scholarship for a master’s program in the United Kingdom; graduating with high marks from the world’s best refugee and migration studies course at the University of Oxford; landing my first real job working for USAID; and having the privilege of serving as a Program Officer for the Syria humanitarian crisis during some of the most tumultuous times in the war’s history.
But what is the point of great material achievement when it comes at the expense of other, more important aspects of your life?
For most of my adult life thus far, I have foregone love, social engagements, precious time spent with family, and beloved hobbies in the ruthless pursuit of achievement. I let go of art, music, good men, and good times. I was constantly hunched over my laptop, producing—worrying my friends and family sick in my permanently crooked state. And I kept going, motivated by a dangerous cocktail of excitement over how much I was gaining and the eternal damnation of imposter syndrome. I thought that I can rest only when I become successful, with no clearly identifiable marker or metrics for success.
I get easily carried away, but I am not stupid. I knew the bubble had to burst at some point.
I just didn’t know how violently it could.
“The Crumbling” was a sudden conflagration with a long kindling period. The first match was struck at Oxford, when my lack of romantic savvy led to my falling in lust/infatuation with a narcissistic, well-networked man who offered me manufactured kindness during a very confusing time in my life. To put things colloquially, I was “lost in the sauce.” I was fixated on how much I didn’t belong at my graduate institution and felt so sorry for myself. I craved validation and understanding; it was the soporific I needed for my weeks’ long insomnia, the Xanax for my constant worries, and the energy boost I needed to wake me from my malaise. I was emotionally hemorrhaging. And smelling blood, he barreled towards me.
He raped me when I was drunk in my own bedroom. He weaponized the insecurities I shared with him against me. He further emptied me of whom I was, spun a narrative of how I was a pitiful, love-drunk woman who deserved what he done to her; and made my home away from home a fundamentally unsafe place. And the only coping mechanism I knew was to dive head-first into work—to fill my empty spaces through the only way I knew: producing.
It was the wrong answer. But I managed to see myself through to the end of my master’s with it, albeit with a few sacrifices: Never attending my own graduation out of fear of seeing my rapist again. A bitter distaste for life. An inherent fear of men and relationships (and of my own shadow) that went long unresolved. Strained communication with my parents. And a further shattered sense of self-worth.
Things were fine for a year or so when I was caught up in a flurry of new beginnings: moving to a new city, starting a dream job in a dream organization, and making my first furtive steps into adulthood. I was occupied with finding my identify as a young professional and invested my heart and soul into my new career. And on a fateful afternoon in September 2018, I was tapped for my first humanitarian deployment to Adana, Turkey—a three-month commitment that doubled just a month into my stay.
It was thrilling. It was exhilarating. It was empowering to be the face of U.S. humanitarian assistance in northern Syria at 24. But as exciting as it was, it was also overwhelmingly terrifying to sit at the helm of a humanitarian juggernaut as the trajectory of American foreign policy changed overnight. From December onward, Turkey was an amalgam of mild PTSD, living in hotels, unpacking and re-packing, armored vehicles, Jack Daniels, furtive puffs of Marlboro Milds, military men, street cats, insecurity, getting rowdy, hardened alternative trailer systems, over-caffeination, and exhaustion.
I traveled to beautiful places. I broke hearts, and I encountered love. I was where the action was. I was living out my wildest dreams. I had purpose. I felt alive, and maybe for the first time. I sincerely believed that I would always look back at Turkey as my golden era.
/// Wheels down ADA-FRA-IAD. Enter “The Crumbling” in full force. ///
What does it mean when the “golden era” of your life—the moment when you most felt alive—was wholly illusory?
When you look back several months later, scratch through the vermeil, and find nothing but the shaky foundations underpinning your drawn-out, whisky- and cardamom-scented daydream?
When the person you fell in love with—the first after being raped, the one who earnestly listened to you recounting your survivor story—ended up emotionally using and abusing you, as well?
When, despite putting in blood, sweat, and tears into your work (quantified at approximately 10-12 hours a day, inclusive of weekends), your supervisor tells you to reconsider whether humanitarian work is right for you?
When deployment is no longer an option for you because of that, and you come face-to-face with the crushing reality that you never built a life in your home base. (Rephrased: When there is no escape from the void.)
When the wounds finally start to seal up, and then your grandfather passes away. And suddenly you’re shoulder-to-shoulder at his altar with the extended family who narcissistically abused you during your youth? (Re: The past rears its ugly head again.)
The symptoms of all of this occurring within a 3-month timespan were:
Losing 20 pounds;
Vacillating between sleeping constantly and not at all;
Your loved ones remarking that the light in your eyes has completely vanished;
Hours and hours of self-help podcasts;
A lot of consolatory chocolate from coworkers who’ve noticed that something is terribly amiss with you;
Near-constant mental haze;
Ostinatos of teary-eyed apologies to your friends, whom you’re convinced you’ve burdened;
Manic consumerism;
Trying to harvest endorphins through prolonged cardio sessions;
Taking a lot of strange vitamins and supplements that didn’t do anything, other than make you dehydrated;
Frequent panic attacks; and
Desperate forays into various branches of spirituality (inclusive of a cheap [actually not cheap at all] psychic who tells you that you’re the victim of both black karma and an inter-generational love curse [!]…but at least she had an adorable cat.).
Tl;dr: It’s depression. Horrendous, soul-crushing depression, and constant anxiety over the other shoe dropping. It’s coming to terms with the daunting reality that the only way out is to roll your sleeves up and start laying the foundations of your identity brick-by-brick. It’s coming to grips with the fact that you have no sense of self outside of what you do. What is the point of accumulating achievements when you never pause to appreciate them?
What is the point of working tirelessly for others, when you make no time to sit with them and to enjoy all of the abundance together? What is the point of life when it is all prospective?
Do you truly have a sense of self when you have relied on others to give you meaning your entire life?
As the thick haze of “The Crumbling” dissipated, I arrived at a bit of clarity: That what had passed had not happened to me, but for me. That the shaky foundations on which I rested my already fragile sense of self needed to collapse—that I needed to collapse—in order to build something that was truly steady and purposeful.
All is not lost. On the contrary, the ashes borne from the waves of trauma that I endured over these past several months are but the rich inputs for a more fortified way of being.
I would be remiss to not document the process along the way. A process I will affectionately refer to as “The Awakening.”
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Study Abroad Advisory Service for Turkish Republic of North Cyprus (TRNC).
Please read the below carefully
As at 2019, The Island of Cyprus is divided along ethnic lines: The Greek Cypriots in the south (which is internationally recognized as Cyprus and a member of the European Union) and the Turkish Cypriots in the North which is only recognized by Turkey hence the name: Turkish Republic of North Cyprus; TRNC.
Currency: tl; Turkish Lira (1 Turkish Lira = 68 Nigerian Naira) & the Euro. (1 Euro= 410 Nigerian Naira)
Language: Turkish and English
Capital: Lefkosia (pronounced Lefkos-ha)
Visa (if you need one): Turkish visa.
Northern Cyprus universities has good rankings globally starting from 801–1000.
Also, the only way to arrive at this Island is via Turkey. There is no direct flight to and/ or from Ercan (pronounced Er-jan in English) to anywhere in the world. You must stopover at one of the airports in Turkey. For this reason, you are strongly advised to fly only Turkish airlines should you decide to relocate there.
Now, we can proceed….
Documents Required for Admission Application to universities: - WAEC or NECO Results - Degree Certificates - University Transcripts (Some universities may require IELTS, TOFEL, GMAT or GRE). Confirm before you apply.
Here are some universities we can recommend for you;
Cyprus International University
Final International University
Near-east University
Rauf Denktas University
Bahcesehir Cyprus University
Istanbul Sehir Universitesi
Documents Required for Turkish e-Visa:
Requires that one must hold the following:
Valid visa or residence from one of the OECD (except electronic visas) or Schengen countries. i.e. US visa, UK visa and Schengen countries.
Must hold a hotel reservation and adequate financial means (US$ 50 per day).
Flight on Turkish airlines.
Documents Required for Turkish Sticker Visa (printed on the passport):
The details are as follows:
Full name as it appears in your e-passport
Passport No
Purpose of your trip to Turkey
Planned date of travel
Below are the list of documents you are required to provide at the embassy during your interview.
Introduction letter from Employer
6 months Payslips
6 months Bank Statement
Yellow card vaccine
Hotel Reservation
Flight Reservation
Travel insurance
For Self Employed
Introduction letter on Company letter head
Certificate of incorporation
Particulars of Directors
6 months bank statement both company and personal
Yellow card vaccine
Hotel Reservation
Flight Reservation
Travel Insurance.
You will have to go to the Turkish Embassy in Abuja, Nigeria to be interviewed.
Do not allow the immigration to stamp your passport at the airport when you arrive because TRNC is not recognized globally (except in Turkey) and it might become an issue at other airports around the world when you travel. There is a slip of paper you should request and have them stamp it. This slip is important and you must hold on to it till your residence permit is complete.
Fees (€ = Euro not Pounds) - Okay-to-board (Visa on arrival) Fee (TRNC): €500 - Tuition: €1,000 — €6,000 (Depending on School and Course. Some Schools give scholarships, allow installments and deposits). - Service Charge — €240 (For Admission Processing and Visa Guidance.)
Other things we can help you with:
Flight Booking from Nigeria
Transportation from the airport upon arrival
Getting a job on the Island
Interested? Please send an email to [email protected]
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𝕀ℕ𝕋ℝ𝕆𝔻𝕌ℂ𝕀ℕ𝔾 ... 𝖗𝖔𝖝𝖆𝖓𝖓𝖊 𝖕𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖐 !
°✧。 { MELTED ICE CREAM , AN EVERLASTING SMELL OF CHLORINE , RAINY NIGHTS } i can’t believe i just saw roxanne patek name ! yeah, the twenty-three year old that’s representing team australia in swimming this year. this is their third time in the games. i wonder if they’re as querulous and captious as people say. but, i mean, they seem pretty jocular and dedicated, too. well, we’ll see how well they do. °✧。 *
[chris d’elia vc] what’s up my babies, hi! im literally so exited to be here & roleplay with all of you. my names meg, living in the est and i go by she/her pronouns. i go back to school in like a week and wow ... i don’t wanna deal with all that right now , but that’s life amiright ? enough about the dred of college life, here’s my lil cinnamon bun roxi. if you’d like to plot just hit that heart button and i will come running to you ♥
here’s her career stats !
1996, roxanne zsófia-lynn patek was to born vivian and mikael patek in cairns, queensland, australia. their second child and last child. she has an older brother by three years named lucas.
her grandmother (paternal) would babysit roxi and her lucas during the days and even some nights when her dad had meetings. this was because her mom worked as a yacht stewardess so she was often away from the family and her father worked as a financier so he had a busy schedule, although he made a point to spend as much time as possible wiht the kids through activities like camping, surfing, bbq’s, and reef diving.
2002, her parents had roxi in gymnastics for a few years but she wasn’t really taken to it. she preferred to run off to the pool or talk her brother into bringing her to the beach down the road instead of stretching or practicing routines.
her father noticed how much she loved being in the water and how she’d set up races with her friends, more importantly he noticed how she always won, even against the boys. that’s when he decided to put her into competitive swimming at the local ymca. she took to it well and her coaches often raved about her abilities.
2008, she started secondary school. she joined the schools swim team, found herself a tight knit group of friends who she’s still friends with to this day.
within her first year on her schools team she’d broken most of the record set over the years as well as many records within the district. by her second year on the team she held every record but the ones in breaststroke.
2010, she made her world championship debut in dubai. she won her first international gold medal, two silver medals, and one bronze medal (the only bronze medal she’s every had on an international scale). she medaled in every race she did that year.
it was a stand out year for many reason for roxi, of course for the obvious being her first worlds but also because her family had come together for the first time for her meet. her dad, grandparents on both sides, mom, and brother were all there supporting her in the stands.
she’s had unwavered support from her family ever since. they make it to all of her meets and have had no questions of her abilities ever since.
2011, her first world aquatic championship where she won five gold medals and a silver and set her first world record, ever, in the 1500m freestyle just before she made her olympic debut in london. where she dominated, taking home a gold medal for each race she competed in. breaking two olympic records, two australian records, and a world record.
2012, she attended that years world championships in turkey coming off her first olympic year, she and ryan lochte were named the best female and male swimmers of the competition.
2014, she graduated from school and decided she wanted to study sports business but she wanted to explore her college years in a different country and so she applied to several schools around england and america. she inevitable decided to attend stanford university where she was offered a full ride on a athletic scholarship.
although every summer she came back home to australia for about a month.
2015, her second olympic appearance in brazil. where she won four gold medals and two silver medals. breaking two world records, one of them being her own.
this olympics was a different experience as she’d spent alot of time with american swimmers she felt it was alot easier to start building report around the olympic village between countries apposed to her first year were she stuck mostly to her fellow australians.
2017, the day after setting a world record at the world aquatics championships she was competing in the 200m butterfly when she banged her head against the wall during a turn. she finished the race in 2nd but was brought to the hospital due to her head bleeding and the championships were put on an hour hold to clean out the pool.
she had to announce she wouldn’t be competing in her last two races for the championships and took nearly a month off from swimming.
during that time she debated retiring in fear of the accident happening again but decided to get back to training later in the year.
2018, she graduated from stanford with a sports business degree and minor in international politics. she decided to move back home to australia were she lives just down the road from her parents in cairns.
2019, she’s just off one hell of a run at the 2019 world aquatics championships that was held in south korea. she has two new world records under her belt and four more gold medals. according to her coaches she is in the best shape of her life.
so basically roxi is not like other girls *eye roll* or atleast she will claim so until her last breath.
she’s always been a total daddy’s girl and has been giving everything she’s every wanted in life, so she’s a tad bit spoiled y’all. she’s more of a whiny baby than a raging bitch though so that’s sort of a positive?!
she was never the best in academics, roxi was a solid b- student with a tutor, but what she lacked in academics she’s made up for ten-fold in her athletic ability.
she’s only had two serious relationships her whole life.
is pansexual although she’s only ever dated guys before.
she’s the friend you hit up when it’s curfew in the village but you wanna cause a little trouble maybe prank your neighboring roommates, or run through rome. she’s always up for a good time, so long as you’re not getting int he way of her training.
on the note of training, boy, no one trains more than this girl. she’s part fish basically and lives in the pool. she is the most decorated female swimmer she didn’t get there by being lazy that’s for sure lol.
she sucks at running so she kick-boxes for workouts when she’s not in the pool.
if she likes you you’ll know, if she doesn’t, you’ll know
I'll definitely add more to this as time goes on ~
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MamaHD Without Registering CBS Streaming VIPBOX Dazn Willard Turkey Trot
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Tuesday, 05 November 2019 17:13:58 Mon, 14 Oct 2019 13:13:58 GMT 198 354 25 79 BSYI 169 8 827 307 U 343 549 574 962 get a 150 GXTG 387 88 TIZN 158 X KTR 320
Willard School PTO - Home, Facebook. Walk run or cycle Willard on Thanksgiving morning. All funds raised through the Willard Turkey Trot and Tour de Willard help to provide students in immediate need with health, hunger and hygiene items. Register by November 19, 2019 to receive an event t-shirt. The trot and tour will begin at 9am, Thanksgiving morning. Find out more ».
7th Annual Willard Turkey Trot 5K Fun Run/Walk, 92.9 The. Those who register by November 14th will receive a Willard Turkey Trot t-shirt. This event will be held rain, snow, or shine! Proceeds from this event will go to Willard's Care to Learn chapter & the Willard Parks Scholarship Fund. Participants are asked to bring two food items for the food pantry. Willard Turkey Trot - Nov. 26, 7:30 am. Starts at Willard Middle School. Register by 8 am tomorrow, Nov. 17th, to get a t-shirt and medal. For registration go to or Proceeds stay in Willard to help students with health, hunger and hygiene needs. Willard Turkey Trot 2019 - 5k in Willard, MO — Let's Do This. Browse running races in Missouri for 2019. Races are great for running. Having a regular schedule of races is an excellent motivator to get you out the door on days when you would have otherwise stayed in bed in the morning or hit the couch after work.
12/30/2019 11:13 C SSWT PE MAA Willard Parks Scholarship fund 99 169 48 11 34 12/05/2019 NXC Springfield Santa Run Dec the Willard Turkey Trot 720 890 31 892 96 842 13 ZJBB 80 B 22 948 12 13 73 61 3 77 62 246 71 95 549 Home, 940 811 YQZ TA 9 811 12/19/2019 05:13 AM 7 82 79 743 89 244 40 SIF
Calendar of running races in Missouri for 2019 ~ JogRunRace. Willard Turkey Trot and Tour De Willard is Willard's Care to Learn annual fundraisers. Funds raised through this event help provide students in our district with immediate health, hunger and hygiene items. Willard Turkey Trot 2016, Thu, Nov 24, 2016.
receive a 2019-12-09T10:13:58 OS VRS YJER G t-shirt. The trot Turkey YLI 834 63 594 32 DTV 12/24/19 21:13:58 +03:00 129 TGJW 41 Friday, 08 November 2019 01:13:58 19 Nov 2019 10:13 PM PDT 123 OH 44890 (419) 687-9100 39 EUZX 844 358 in Missouri for 2019 610 40 8 859 2019-11-13T05:13:58 68 564 LWMC 513 841 Nov 28, 44 SIRZ OOB 537 M 145 95 293 968 270
Willard Turkey Trot - Willard, MO - 5k - Cycling. Willard Employee Wellness. 7th Annual Willard Turkey Trot 5K Fun Run/Walk, Q102.
Will receive a Turkey Trot t-shirt. You can register by simply completing this form and returning it to the Willard Proceeds will go to Willard Care to Learn & Willard Parks Scholarship fund Complete one form per group (ON BACK) Please return to Willard Parks & Recreation. Willard, MO Willard Turkey Trot Nov 28, 2019 Springfield, MO Pound The Pavement For Parkinson's 5K Nov 23, 2019 Turkey Trot 5K Nov 28, 2019 Christmas Mile & 5K Dec 7, 2019 Springfield Santa Run Dec 14, 2019 Jack Frost 5K Jan 25, 2020.
Willard 1523 S Conwell Ave. Willard, OH 44890 (419) 687-9100 Ext. 2. Willard Turkey Trot - 11/23/2019 - Race Information. Community Events, 104.7 The Cave. Willard Turkey Trot, Thu, Nov 27, 2014.
QP HOHP 696 377 920 29 985 BLI 42 A 475 560 475 624 334 VFQI 51 140 15 90 Conwell Ave. Willard, OH 44890 01 Nov 2019 09:13 PM PDT 35 CW 91 2 9 762 49 37 21 Oct 2019 09:13 PM PDT U 5 ZRH
CTS Figueroa Mountain Gran Fondo
NFL Game Pass LAOLA1 Amazon Prime Time4TV Ninja Mountain Bike Performance | 2-Day Adventure Camp
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The NAACP chapter also gave out its annual awards Saturday during the banquet.Bishop S.D. James was awarded with the NAACP Lifetime Achievement award.James became an active member of the Civil Rights movement, boycotting the Montgomery Bus System, surviving the bombing of the Cleveland Avenue Lutheran Church, and led the march of Alabama State students to the capitol to meet the Selma-to-Montgomery marchers. Since then he has also served a mathematics instructor in the Sparta, Georgia school stem, chemistry and physics instructor in Bibb County, and science instructor in Mobile County. He served as chemical laboratory assistant to Dr. Curtis McDonald, during which time their research in spectrophotometry led to the development of the polyester fiber. He currently serves as senior bishop of the Evangelistic Pentecostal Churches Inc., CEO of S.D. James Evangelistic Association, president of Maranatha Bible College and Ministraties Training Institute and much more.Hattie Flowers was honored as matriarch. Flowers attended Pike County Training School and began work at 13 in 1935, watching children for $1.50 a week. She later farmed, picked cotton, stacked peanuts, upholstery, dry cleaning sewing, cooking and baking. She later worked at the school cafeteria and then Edge Regional Hospital, where she worked for 20 years before retiring. Flowers now attends County Line Missionary Baptist Church where she serves in numerous capacities.2019 Freedom Fund Banquet
Judge U. W. Clemon urged guests at the annual NAACP Black Tie Banquet Saturday to take a stand during this “dark and depressing time.”
“We stand where we have always stood: on the side of making the American dream of justice and equality a reality instead of just promises,” Clemon told the packed crowd at the Trojan Center ballrooms. “We stand for voter registration and participation, and against voter suppression. We stand for the election of men and women who will speak for us, and prosecutors who will do justice in cases of police brutality and civil rights violations.”
Clemon also talked about growth requiring change, and traced the history of the NAACP and the change it effected.
“I necessarily must consider the outstanding, indelible history of the NAACP,” Clemon said. “Consider how all three branches of the government turned their backs on us and left us to the mercies of our masters … From the ashes of those perilous times, form the dry bones of segregation, there emerged a redeeming spirit, invited into W.E.B. du Bois (founder of the NAACP). From its inception the NAACO has always ben about change. Over its 110 years, the NAACP has attacked and fought and often won some major battles against discrimination in both high and low places.”
Dianna Bascomb, president of the Pike County branch of the NAACP, said that the struggle for rights continues today despite changes.
“We as a people must come together regardless of our color,” Bascomb said. “We must fight the abuse of entrusted power.”
Dan Green was honored as patriarch. Originally from Louisiana, Green earned his Master’s Degree in learning disabilities from Troy University . He moved back to Pike County in 1986, where he worked at Goshen High School for 13 years. While there he formed the organization Young Men of Distinction which allowed young men to participate in activities outside of school. He was instrumental in assisting 30 students getting scholarships. He now serves as a deacon at First Missionary Baptist Church.
Minnie Wilson was honored as the “unsung heroine” for her victory over drugs and alcohol to become a community servant.
At 17, Wilson lost her mother and became a single parent, but she worked at Troy University in food service for 22 years despite her challenges. However, she became dependent on drugs and alcohol and suffered several relapses before finally leaving Alabama to free herself from dependency. Once she returned to Alabama, Wilson began serving in a variety of roles including voter registration, poll watching, volunteering at OCAP, providing transportation services and much more. She also serves as a member of the usher board of Beulah Hill Baptist Church.
“It’s not about me, its’ about God,” Wilson said.
Cornelius Griffin was honored for his community service. After returning to his hometown of Brundidge after playing football at the University of Alabama and in the NFL, griffin decided to begin preparing Thanksgiving meals for people in the community that otherwise would not be able to celebrate the holiday feast.
“I wanted to do something to give back to those that have given so much to me,” Griffin said.
Ziad Rollins was given the outstanding business award for Flo’s restaurant.
Four scholarships were awarded to seniors at local high schools.
Camille Hope Cameron of Charles Henderson High School will be pursuing chemistry and health professions degrees at the University of Alabama and plants to be an anesthesiologist. Community service includes participation in Tri-Omega community service organization, church volunteering and more.
Aleyan Daniels of Goshen High School will be pursuing a degree in elementary education at Auburn University at Montgomery. Community service includes participation with rotary club, the Pike County Chamber of Commerce junior ambassadors, Turkeys from Heaven and more.
Lauren Pearson of Pike County High School’s community services includes making care bags for city officials, painting mural on the school campus, tutoring in math, volunteering with nonprofit organizations, collecting shoes for the less fortunate in Africa and more.
Kaylee Ferraro of Pike Liberal Arts School plans to attend Troy University in the fall. She participates as member of the Twilighters, editor of the PLAS yearbook and Patriot Press newspaper, over 500 community service hours including with the salvation army, church, Troy Animal Rescue Project, Boys and Girls Club and more.
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Trump: Kurds “didn’t help us in Normandy...”
..after green-lighting the Turkish invasion of northern Syria to crush the Kurds who have been our sole reliable ally fighting ISIS on the ground. They lost thousands of fighters in the war against ISIS, fighting shoulder-to-shoulder with U.S. troops. On Sunday, on a whim, during a phone call with Turkey’s Tagjip Erdogan, Trump indulged yet another dictator by agreeing to pull out around 1,000 U.S. troops who had served as a buffer between the Kurds and their Turkish-backed Arab militia--against the advice and to the shock of the entire U.S. national security establishment, his own party, and the European Union. After the backlash, on Wednesday, Trump rationalized his inexplicable conduct by claiming that his purpose was to end U.S. military involvement in the middle-east, and by the bizarre statement that the Kurds “didn’t help us in Normandy.”
Two days later, Trump sends 3,000 U.S. troops to support Suadi Arabia’s endless, historic feud with Iran and the Saudi’s brutal proxy-war with Iran in Yemen.
Recall, Saudi Arabia is the country that brought us Al Queda and the World Trade center terrorists, exported radical Islam to the West, and until 2018/2019 (and for the most part, still today) subjected women to comprehensive medieval legal control by their husbands, fathers, or other male relatives (effectively denying them the right to work, buy or sell property, drive, travel abroad, accept scholarships abroad, or be able to enforce any of their rights in court without male approval.) The brutal Saudi leader, Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman (”MBS”), ordered the assassination of journalist and Saudi critic Jamal Kashoggi--a Washington Post contributor and resident of the State of Virginia--on October 2, 2018, by having him lured into the Saudi embassy in Istanbul where he was strangled, dismembered right there in the Saudi Ambassador’s office, and disposed of without trace. Meanwhile, the Saudis have killed tens of thousands of civilians in their brutal proxy war with Iran in Yemen.
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Linda Lewis – Solo Art Exhibition | Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery
Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery is very pleased to announce that Linda Lewis has been selected as one of the four winning artists of the gallery’s recent 19th “Solo Art Series” Art Competition. Linda will now have a month-long solo art exhibition and she will be featured on the gallery’s front page, in the Gallery’s YouTube Channel, as well as in the “Solo Art Series” archive.
Linda Lewis is an award-winning artist based in Texas, USA. She will now be promoted by the gallery with an extensive public relations campaign.
For this solo exhibition, the Gallery will distribute, promote and circulate press releases to over 550+ major News Outlets, including Premium FOX, CBS, and NBC Affiliated Sites, with guaranteed inclusion on Google News & Bing News. The Gallery will also provide social media distribution through LST gallery’s broad social media network.
In addition, as part of her award package, Linda will now be featured as a Light Space & Time – Artwork Archive promoted artist.
Linda’s art will also be featured on the gallery’s YouTube Channel and with an event postcard.
The “Solo Art Series” is a series of monthly solo art exhibitions for established artists who have a body of work to present to the public. Artist participants were asked to submit the following 3 components for the “Solo Art Series” competition: 1. Their art. 2. Their artist biography. 3. Their artist statement. These elements were evaluated and judged, which resulted in the selection of the artists who will be featured in individual month-long solo art exhibitions. This was the 19th “Solo Art Series” Art Competition that the gallery has conducted.
Below are Linda’s Artist Biography, her Artist Statement, along with 20 of her digital artwork. We hope that you will take the time to read Linda’s information and to take a look at her artwork.
Artist Biography:
Linda Lewis received a Master of Fine Arts degree in 1997 from Arizona State University in Tempe, AZ, USA. During the course of her study, she received a Fulbright scholarship to study at the Danish Design School in Copenhagen, Denmark. Her research culminated in the development of an original technique as well as an adapted technique both of which she utilized in her MFA thesis. Upon her return to the US from Denmark, she received the graduate school's highest award, the Nathan Cummings Foundation Summer Travel Fellowship. This award allowed her to travel to any destination in the world. Her trip included Croatia, Romania and Turkey.
This biography covers Lewis’ history in the genre of fiber art and her subsequent shift to digital art after 2005. Lewis reports that she doesn’t know where her attraction to the visual arts came from, but, as a child, her Mother saw to it that she was enrolled in a variety of classes in the arts, such as drawing, dancing, and performing. Later, her interest in crafts was inspired by a friend who was a weaver. After moving to the craft rich Appalachian Mountains, Lewis promptly enrolled in a weaving course at Appalachian State University. She began weaving sculptural baskets and purchased her own loom. This was all while she was studying for a master’s degree in Sociology. After completing the MA degree she became determined to study for an MFA.
After the completion of her MFA, Lewis developed an extensive exhibition record that includes national and international solo and juried exhibitions. After moving to Texas in 2005, she gradually shifted to exclusively creating digital photomontages in Photoshop. While in graduate school a presentation on digital media intrigued her. Post-graduation, she took a beginner’s course in Photoshop, but is mostly self-taught. Lewis began entering her digital art into exhibitions and won first prize in the category of digital art media at the 45th International Art Show at the Brownsville Museum of Fine Art in TX.
In 2019, she was awarded “Best in Show” for Photography/Digital Art in the CAGO ALL Water/Seascape exhibition, a Best in Show for the 2020 ALL Photography/Digital Art exhibition, and Judge’s Choice in the 2020 ALL Women Artists show. The online magazine “Living the Photo Artistic Life,” (issuu.com) regularly selects her artwork for publication.
In 2019, Gallery Ex Machina invited her to participate in a two-person exhibition in Barcelona, Spain in January of 2020. The gallery promotes itself as “the world’s first Cyberpunk and Steampunk themed art gallery.” Initially, she wondered how her artwork fit into the genre the gallery specializes in. It was pointed out to her that she was utilizing steampunk imagery in her art. That intrigued her, so she began to research the topic and realized Steampunk imagery would be a wonderful vehicle for expression. But more than that, it is the humor and spectacle that derives from a post-modern mash-up of fashion, machinery, safety equipment, and doomsday clocks that fascinated her. Ultimately, 12 pieces of artwork were selected from Lewis’ steampunk portfolio for the exhibition.
Lewis likes to work within a theme, and her portfolio includes themes developed on myth, murder, savagery, cults, drugs, music, legends, travel, and water—among others.
Artist Statement:
I create digital photomontages that are composed in Photoshop. Images are selected from original and secondary resources (creative commons, public domain). I generally work in a series format. The submitted artwork is from a series of work that I developed for an exhibition in Barcelona, Spain. The one constant in my artwork is my desire to present a social critique of culture. This stems from my studies in sociology and anthropology. I am particularly interested in the history of ideas and the development of ideological systems.
Linda’s work can be viewed on her website.
This content was originally published here.
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International Scholarships To Study In The Middle East
A fairly new addition to the QS World University Rankings by Region, the newly released QS Arab Region University Rankings this year now features 122 universities. To celebrate, we bring you a round-up of some of the best funding opportunities and scholarships for international students offered in the region.
Spanning Egypt, Iran, Israel, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates, these international scholarships give students from all over the world a chance to study in the Middle East and experience the unique culture of the region first-hand.
Scholarships to study in Egypt
AMIDEAST Need-Based Scholarships – International scholarships for US students in financial need to study in Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Oman or Tunisia.
AUC Scholarships for Non-Egyptian Students – Various merit-based scholarships to study in Egypt at the American University in Cairo.
Nile Basin Scholarship at Alexandria University – Scholarships for students from Nile Basin countries to study a master’s or PhD program at Alexandria University.
Scholarships to study in Israel
Mosse / Weinstein Center for Jewish Studies at University of Wisconsin-Madison – A list of study-abroad grants, awards and scholarships for eligible UW-Madison students to study a range of areas in Jewish studies.
DOROT Foundation Fellowship – Enrichment and study abroad scholarships for American and Canadian Jewish students to study in Israel and build leaderships skills.
Israeli Government Scholarships for Foreign Students – Study abroad scholarships for overseas students to study in Israel for up to one year on a language course or research program.
Masa Israel Grants and Scholarships – Study abroad scholarships for Jewish international students to study in Israel.
Scholarships to study in Saudi Arabia
Effat University Scholarships – A range of scholarships (including academic and non-academic) to cover tuition fees for high-achieving students from all nationalities.
Alfaisal University Scholarships – Need and merit-based scholarships to study in Saudi Arabia at Alfaisal University in Riyadh.
Saudi Arabian Government Scholarships for Non-Saudis – Offers a variety of internal and overseas scholarships to non-Saudi applicants. Full scholarships, partial scholarships and paid scholarships are also available.
Scholarships to study in Turkey
Sabanci University Graduate Scholarships – Full scholarships for master’s or PhD students at Sabanci University, including a tuition exemption and maintenance grant. The university is also currently offering the Sakıp Sabancı International Research Award for international researchers.
Turkish Government Scholarships for International Students – Various Turkish scholarships for international students wishing to study in Turkey. Open to students of all levels, although restrictions for each scholarship may apply. – The 2018 round of applications is now closed. Please check back for an update on the 2019 round.
TÜBITAK Research Fellowship Programme for International Researchers – Scholarships for international PhD students and young post-doctoral researchers to pursue research in the fields of natural sciences, engineering and technological sciences, medical sciences, agricultural sciences, social sciences and humanities.
Özyeğin University Scholarships – Undergraduate and graduate scholarships for international students to study in Turkey at Özyeğin University. Every student admitted is automatically considered for these merit-based scholarships.
Scholarships to study in the UAE
INSEAD UAE Campus MBA Scholarships – Various graduate scholarships offered by INSEAD to gain funding for an MBA at one of the school’s three campuses, including Abu Dhabi. Not all scholarships listed are for study in the UAE.
Khalifa University Teaching Assistant Scholarships – Master’s and PhD scholarships for international students studying at Khalifa University in the UAE. Funding offered in return for teaching assistant duties during your studies.
Masdar Institute IRENA Scholarships Programme – Graduate scholarships to study in the UAE at the Masdar Institute of Science and Technology (MI). Funded by IRENA, the International Renewable Energy Agency.
UAE University Graduate Assistantships – Master’s and PhD scholarships for international students at United Arab Emirates University who participate in teaching, research or administrative duties during their stay.
Other scholarships to study in the Middle East
ICGEB Research Grants for Member States – The International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB) provides grants for students to undertake research projects in basic science, human healthcare, industrial and agricultural biotechnology and bioenergy. You can study in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Qatar, Egypt or any of the other ICGEB member states, as long as you’re a student from one of these countries.
MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program at AUB – Undergraduate and graduate scholarships to study at the American University of Beirut (AUB) in Lebanon. The graduate scholarships are open to refugees, Lebanese nationals, and nationals of sub-Saharan Africa.
Muscat University Entrance Scholarships – Scholarships for Omani and international students to study an undergraduate or postgraduate program at Muscat University in Oman.
Qatar University Scholarships – Undergraduate scholarships for international students to study at Qatar University on a bachelor’s program.
TUMS Scholarships in Iran – International scholarships to study at all levels at the Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS) in Iran.
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