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Rodzina Pleasant-Langerak (Tura 12)
Do biznesu Celeste przyszed艂 krytyk, kt贸remu bardzo si臋 tam spodoba艂o. Dosta艂a za to Nagrod臋 Najlepszego z Najlepszych (tak ona brzmi po polsku?)
A critic came to the Celeste business who liked it very much there. For this, she received the Best of the Best Award.
James i Celeste urz膮dzili przyj臋cie 艣lubne w ich ogrodzie.
Celeste nie chcia艂a porzuci膰 swojego nazwiska panie艅skiego wi臋c zdecydowa艂a si臋 na dwucz艂onowe. Od teraz nazywa si臋 Pleasant-Langerak.
James and Celeste had a wedding in their backyard.
Celeste did not want to give up her maiden name so she opted for two. From now on she is called Pleasant-Langerak.
#sims 2#ts2#mi艂owo#pleasatview#rodzina pleasant#pleasant#rodzina langerak#langerak#rodzina pleasant-langerak#pleasant-langerak#celeste pleasant#celeste pleasant-langerak#james langerak#Tura12
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Dreamer (Tura 12)
Finian dosta艂 kart臋 pracy i podczas pracy postanowi艂 zosta膰 aby studiowa膰 nowe ro艣liny. Dzi臋ki swojemu nowemu odkryciu zdoby艂 awans na stanowisko Stratega Czasu Wolnego.
Finian got a job card and while he was working he decided to stay to study new plants. Thanks to his new discovery, he was promoted to the position of a Real Time Strategist.
Dzi臋ki swojej ci臋偶kiej pracy Hannon zdoby艂 awans. Jednak nie czu艂 si臋 spe艂niony pracuj膮c jako sprz膮taj膮cy w salonie fryzjerskim.
Hannon zacz膮艂 szuka膰 nowej pracy i znalaz艂 wolne stanowisko w karierze dziennikarza jako autor bloga.
Thanks to his hard work, Hannon gained a promotion. However, he did not feel satisfied working as a cleaner in a hair salon.
Hannon started looking for a new job and found a vacant position in a Journalism career as a Blog Writer.
Marsha przybieg艂a do taty aby pochwali膰 si臋 now膮 ocen膮. Jednak Hannon by艂 bardziej zainteresowany kanapk膮 xD
Marsha ran to her dad to show off her new grade. Hannon was more interested in the sandwich xD
Hannon i Finian czuli si臋 gotowi aby zaadoptowa膰 kolejne dziecko.
Hannon and Finian felt ready to adopt another child.
Takim oto sposobem do rodziny Dreamer do艂膮czy艂a Gabriella (wcze艣niej Gabriella Oak).
This is how Gabriella (formerly Gabriella Oak) joined the Dreamer family.
#sims 2#ts2#mi艂owo#pleasantview#rodzina dreamer#dreamer#finian dreamer#hannon grove#hannon dreamer#marsha bruenig#marsha dreamer#gabriella oak#gabriella dreamer#Tura12
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Goodie (Tura 12) *cz. 2*
Piper i Riley mieli urodziny. Wygl膮daj膮... 艂o maj gad.
Piper and Riley had a birthday. They look... oh boy.
Mason i Nikki wzi臋li kameralny 艣lub w salonie. Nie by艂o ich sta膰 na wyprawienie przyj臋cia.
Mason and Nikki tied a knot in thir living room. They couldn't afford a
wedding party.
Mason i Nikki bardzo chc膮 mie膰 kolejne dziecko.
W sensie ja chc臋 bo bli藕niaki wygl膮daj膮 strasznie.
Mason and Nikki really want another child.
I mean, I want it because the twins look terrible.
Mason nareszcie znalaz艂 ofert臋 pracy w Sporcie.
Mason finally found a job offer in the Athelitc career.
Niestety Seth po偶egna艂 si臋 ze 艣wiatem.
Wydarzy艂 si臋 bug gdzie Seth wr贸ci艂 z pracy i od razu umar艂. Nie by艂o Mrocznego Kosiarza ani animacji umierania. Po prostu znikn膮艂 i pojawi艂 si臋 nagrobek. Jaka smutna 艣mier膰.
Unfortunately, Seth said goodbye to the world.
There was a bug where Seth came back from work and died right away. There was no Grim Reaper and no dying animation. He just disappeared and then a tombstone appeared. What a sad death.
Niestety ci膮偶a Nikki nie przebiega艂a 艂agodnie. Zajmowanie si臋 bli藕niakami okaza艂o si臋 zbyt wymagaj膮ce dla organizmu i Nikki poroni艂a.
Unfortunately, Nikki's pregnancy was not smooth. Caring for the twins proved too demanding for her body, and Nikki had a miscarriage.
#sims 2#ts2#mi艂owo#pleasatview#rodzina goodie#goodie#seth goodie#mason goodie#nikki darwin#nikki goodie#piper goodie#riley goodie#Tura12
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Studia (Tura 12) *end of the round*
W tej turze Nana jako pierwsza wybra艂a si臋 na studia. Zdecydowa艂a si臋 na studiowanie nauk politycznych.
Nana postanowi艂a r贸wnie偶 艣ci膮膰 w艂osy i zmieni膰 troch臋 makija偶. Wygl膮da przez to powa偶niej.
This round, Nana was the first to go to college. She decided to study political science.
Nana also decided to cut her hair and change her makeup a little. She looks more serious with this look.
Nied艂ugo p贸藕niej do akademika do艂膮czy艂y Sheryl i Valerie. Wybra艂y studiowanie sztuki (Valerie) i ekonomii (Sheryl).
Soon after, Sheryl and Valerie joined Nana in the dorm. They chose to study art (Valerie) and economics (Sheryl).
Valerie czu艂a, 偶e jest gotowa aby o艣wiadczy膰 si臋 swojej wieloletniej dziewczynie. Szeryf zgodzi艂a si臋 bez chwili zastanowienia.
Valerie felt that she was ready to propose to her longtime girlfriend. Of course she agreed without hesitating.
Nana nie czuje si臋 gotowa na nowy zwi膮zek, jednak nic nie zabroni jej lekko romansowa膰. Pad艂o na profesora dzi臋ki czemu mia艂a lepsze oceny 馃槑
Nana does not feel ready for a new relationship, but nothing stops her from a little fling. First was Nana's the professor, thanks to which she had better grades 馃槑
Sheryl r贸wnie偶 nie by艂a zbyt ch臋tna do nauki. Dlatego gdy zd膮偶a艂a si臋 okazja, wykorzystywa艂a osoby z akademika aby napisa艂y za ni膮 prac臋 semestraln膮.
Sheryl wasn't very eager to learn either. Therefore, when there was an opportunity, she used people from the dormitory to write a term paper for her.
W wolnych chwilach Valerie zajmowa艂a si臋 malowaniem i sprzedawaniem obraz贸w. Dziewczyna chce jak najszybciej sp艂aci膰 kredyt studencki.
In her spare time, Valerie painted and sold her creations. She wants to pay off her student loan as soon as possible.
#sims 2#ts2#mi艂owo#pleasantview#nana newbie#newbie#rodzina newbie#sheryl newbie#valerie scott#studia#Tura12
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Burb L (Tura 12)
Szczerze m贸wi膮c u Lucy nie dzia艂o si臋 nic ciekawego. Nowe romanse, pisanie ksi膮偶ek i odwiedziny Paula. Jednak Lucy by艂a bardziej zaj臋ta pisaniem w pami臋tniku ni偶 rozmow膮 z synem.
Honestly, nothing interesting happened with Lucy. New romances, writing books and Paul's visits. However, Lucy was busier with writing in the diary than talking to her son.
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Rauscher (Tura 12)
Dzi臋ki dobrze wybranej karcie kariery Bruce zdoby艂 1 punkt gotowania i zarobi艂 2.000$. Pieni膮dze zdecydowanie przyda艂y si臋 do zap艂acenie zaleg艂ych rachunk贸w.
With a well-chosen chace card Bruce gained 1 cooking point and $2,000. The money will definitely come in handy for paying the overdue bills.
Aleannie uda艂o si臋 zdoby膰 awans. Jest ju偶 bli偶ej doj艣cia do szczytu kariery.
Aleanna managed to get a promotion. She is now closer to reaching the top of her career.
Stan postanowi艂 zacz膮膰 zmieni膰 troch臋 swoj膮 styl贸wk臋. Zacz膮艂 nosi膰 kolczyki oraz malowa膰 oczy i paznokcie.
Stan decided to start changing his style a little bit. He began wearing earrings, makeup on his eyes and painted his nails.
Stan chcia艂 prze偶y膰 sw贸j pierwszy poca艂unek bez 偶adnych zobowi膮za艅. Poprosi艂 o to swoj膮 kole偶ank臋 ze szko艂y, kt贸ra wyj膮tkowo si臋 zgodzi艂a.
Stan wanted to experience his first kiss with no strings attached. He asked his friend from school to do it and she agreed.
Bruce urz膮dzi艂 swoje przyj臋cie urodzinowe. Zaprosi艂 najbli偶sz膮 rodzin臋 i kilku przyjaci贸艂.
~ Bruce had his birthday party. He invited close family and a few friends.
Jako, 偶e Stan uwielbia patrze膰 si臋 w niebo przez teleskop, uda艂o mu si臋 odkry膰 kolejn膮 gwiazd臋. Zarobione 500$ do艂o偶y do swoich funduszy na studia.
Since Stan loves to look at the sky through a telescope, he has managed to discover another star. Earned $500, which will be added to his college funds.
Na stare lata Bruce postanowi艂 zmieni膰 swoj膮 fryzur臋 na "modny" styl. Wyj膮tkowo mu to pasuje.
In his old age, Bruce decided to change his hairstyle to a "trendy" style. It suits him.
Stan postanowi艂 znale藕膰 sobie prac臋 na nauce, jednak p贸ki co nie by艂o wolnej oferty.
Stan decided to find a job in science, but so far there was no open offer.
Aleanna wreszcie zebra艂a wymagane fundusze aby kupi膰 sobie w艂asny samoch贸d. Jako, 偶e nie mia艂a zbyt wiele pieni臋dzy wybra艂a garbusa w jej ulubionym szarym kolorze.
Aleanna finally collected the required funds to buy her own car. As she did not have much money, she chose a beetle in her favorite gray color.
#sims 2#ts2#mi艂owo#pleasatview#rodzina rauscher#rauscher#aleanna goth#aleanna rauscher#bruce rauscher#stan rauscher#Tura12
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Prince (Tura 12)
W rodzinie Prince nie dzia艂o si臋 zbyt wiele - g艂贸wnie same awanse.
There wasn't much going on in the Prince family - mostly promotions.
Stella i Cyred zdobyli awanse.
Cyred nie powiedzia艂 swojemu tacie, 偶e pracuje w karierze kryminalnej. Wie, 偶e m臋偶czyzna zacz膮艂by si臋 ba膰 o bezpiecze艅stwo swojego dziecka.
Stella and Cyred got promotions.
Cyred didn't tell his dad he is working in a criminal career. He knows that he would start to fear for his child's safety.
R贸wnie偶 Gabril i Ramin dostali awanse.
Ramin jest coraz bli偶ej szczytu kariery, jednak z powodu wieku nie jest pewien czy mu si臋 uda.
Gabril and Ramin also got promotions.
Ramin is getting closer to the peak of his career, but due to his age he is not sure if he will succeed.
Stella dosta艂a stypendium na studia. P贸ki co jest to jedynie za punkty kreatywno艣ci. Jednak Stella jest zmotywowana aby zdoby膰 ich jeszcze wi臋cej.
Stella got a scholarship for college. So far, it's only for creativity points. However, Stella is motivated to get even more.
#sims 2#ts2#mi艂owo#pleasatview#rodzina king#king#rodzina prince#prince#gabriel prince#gordon king#ramin centkowski#ramin centkowski-prince#stella prince#cyred prince#Tura12
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Newbie B (Tura 12) *cz. 2*
Po d艂ugich rozmowach z rodzicami, Nana zdecydowa艂a si臋 p贸j艣膰 na studia. Zostawi艂a swojego synka pod opiek膮 dziadk贸w ale, w ka偶dy weekend stara si臋 go odwiedzi膰.
After long talks with Nana's parents, she decided to go to college. Nana left her son in the care of his grandparents, but she tries to visit him every weekend.
Kent mia艂 urodziny i teraz mo偶e i艣膰 do szko艂y. Dzi臋ki nosowi jest bardzo podobny do jego mamy.
Kent had his birthday and now he can go to school. Thanks to his nose, he looks very similar to his mother.
Tego samego dnia r贸wnie偶 Sophie mia艂a urodziny.
Sophie had her birthday that same day as her grandson.
#sims 2#ts2#mi艂owo#pleasatview#rodzina broke#broke#rodzina newbie#newbie#beau broke#beau newbie#sophie miguel#sophie newbie#nana newbie#kent newbie#Tura12
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Newbie B (Tura 12)
Z艂o艣膰 na c贸rk臋 przemin臋艂a za to przysz艂a mi艂o艣膰 do wnuka. Beau i Sophie s膮 totalnie zakochani w swoim pierwszym wnuku. Nie mog膮 si臋 doczeka膰 kolejnych.
The anger at the daughter was gone and love for grandson came. Beau and Sophie are totally in love with their first grandson. They are looking forward to the next ones.
Sophie postanowi艂a leni膰 si臋 w pracy i zosta艂a zdegradowana. Raczej nie uda jej si臋 spe艂ni膰 jej pragnienia 偶yciowego.
Sophie chose to be lazy at work and was demoted. Most likely she will not be able to fulfill her life wish.
Nana nie radzi sobie w szkole. Stara si臋 jak mo偶e, robi prace domowe, a wyniki nadal si臋 nie poprawiaj膮. Nastoletnie rodzicielstwo nie jest 艂atwe.
Nana is not doing well at school. She tries her best, does homework, and the results still haven't improved. Teenage parenting is not easy.
Nana stara si臋 sp臋dza膰 ze swoim synkiem jak najwi臋cej czasu. Chce aby mia艂 szcz臋艣liwe dzieci艅stwo.
Nana tries to spend as much time as possible with her son. She wants him to have a happy childhood.
Billy dosta艂 awans. Jeszcze jeden poziom i b臋dzie m贸g艂 dosta膰 stypendium na uniwersytet.
Billy got a promotion. One more level and he'll be able to get a scholarship for college.
Billy postanowi艂 poprosi膰 aby Stella zosta艂a jego dziewczyn膮, czu艂 si臋 gotowy na nast臋pny krok w ich znajomo艣ci.
Billy decided to ask Stella to become his girlfriend, he felt ready for the next step in their relationship.
Sophie uda艂o si臋 wr贸ci膰 na poprzedni poziom kariery zanim zosta艂a zdegradowana.
Sophie managed to return to the previous career level before being demoted.
#sims 2#ts2#mi艂owo#pleasatview#rodzina broke#broke#rodzina newbie#newbie#beau broke#beau newbie#sophie miguel#sophie newbie#nana newbie#billy newbie#stella prince#kent newbie#Tura12
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Newbie D (Tura 12)
Sheryl i Valerie s膮 zakochane w sobie po uszy. Sheryl zdecydowa艂a si臋 zaryzykowa膰 i zapyta艂a Valeri臋 czy zostanie jej dziewczyn膮. Dziewczyna zgodzi艂a si臋 bez zastanowienia.
Sheryl and Valerie love each other dearly. Sheryl decided to take the risk and asked Valeria if she would become her girlfriend. She agreed without thinking twice.
Niestety Kobe odszed艂 z simowego 艣wiata. Dustin nie m贸g艂 si臋 pogodzi膰 ze 艣mierci膮 swojego kotka wi臋c postanowi艂 kupi膰 nowego. Nazywa si臋 Robi.
Unfortunately, Kobe left the sim world. Dustin could not come to terms with the death of his kitten so he decided to buy a new one. He's name is Robi.
Meadow uda艂o si臋 zdoby膰 awans. Mimo, 偶e jest pragnieniem 偶yciowym nie jest osi膮gni臋cie maksymalnego poziomu kariery i tak ma zamiar to zrobi膰.
Meadow managed to get a promotion. Although her LTW is not to reach top level of her carrer, she will do it just because she wants that.
Meadow i Dustin wyprawili przyj臋cie jubileuszowe, na kt贸re zaprosili swoj膮 rodzin臋. Dzi臋ki temu Meadow uda艂o si臋 spe艂ni膰 pragnienie 偶yciowe aby do偶y膰 Z艂otego Jubileuszu.
Meadow and Dustin threw a Anniversary party to which they invited their family. Thanks to this, Meadow was able to fulfill her LTW to live to the Golden Anniversary.
Ci臋偶ka praca w ogrodzie si臋 op艂aci艂a i Meadow zdoby艂a z艂ot膮 rang臋 w ogrodnictwie.
Meadow's hard time in her garden paid off. She earned a golden rank in gardening.
Sheryl pojecha艂a na studia gdzie razem ze swoj膮 dziewczyn膮 zamieszkaj膮 w akademiku. Finalnie uda艂o jej si臋 zdoby膰 dwa stypendia - za oceny i 3 poziom nastoletniej kariery.
Rodzice zap艂acili 4.000$ za studia Sheryl, dzi臋ki czemu b臋dzie mog艂a od艂o偶y膰 pieni膮dze za stypendia na konto oszcz臋dno艣ciowe.
Sheryl has gone to college where she and her girlfriend will live in a dormitory. In the end she managed to get two scholarships - her grades and top level in a teen career.
Her parents paid $4,000 for Sheryl's college. It alloved her to put her scholarship money into savings account.
#sims 2#ts2#mi艂owo#pleasatview#rodzina broke#broke#rodzina newbie#newbie#dustin broke#dustin newbie#meadow peterson#meadow newbie#sheryl newbie#valerie scott#Tura12
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Dreamer (Tura 12) *cz. 2*
Rodzina bardzo ciep艂o przyj臋艂a Gabriell臋. Dziewczynki sp臋dza艂y ze sob膮 du偶o czasu, a 艣niadania odbywa艂y si臋 by艂y w rodzinnym gronie.
The family warmly welcomed Gabriella. The girls spent a lot of time together, and breakfasts were eaten with the whole family.
Marsha doros艂a do nastolatki. Ma pragnienie zdobywania wiedzy, a w przysz艂o艣ci chce zosta膰 projektantk膮 gier. Przesz艂a r贸wnie偶 ma艂y makeover.
Marsha grew up into a teenager. She has a knowledge aspiration and wants to become a Game Designer in the future. She also got a little makeover.
Po zmianie pracy Hannon ma wi臋cej czasu wolnego. Stara si臋 wi臋c si臋 po艣wi臋ci膰 jak najwi臋cej uwagi swojej najm艂odszej c贸reczce.
After changing jobs, Hannon has more free time so he tries to devote as much attention to his youngest daughter as possible.
Gabriella odkry艂a, 偶e uwielbia piec. P贸ki co dosta艂a zabawkow膮 kuchenk臋 bo jest zbyt ma艂a aby bawi膰 si臋 prawdziw膮.
Gabriella found out that she loves to bake. So far she got a toy stove because she's too small to use a real one.
#sims 2#ts2#mi艂owo#pleasatview#rodzina dreamer#dreamer#finian dreamer#hannon grove#hannon dreamer#marsha bruenig#marsha dreamer#gabriella oak#gabriella dreamer#Tura12
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Burb (Tura 12)
Okaza艂o si臋, 偶e nie zrobi艂am screena Marisy jak umiera艂a. Doros艂a 藕le wi臋c po偶y艂a kr贸tko... bardzo kr贸tko.
It turned out that I didn't make a screen of Marisa when she was dying. She grew up badly, so she lived shortly... very shortly.
Ren postanowi艂 spe艂ni膰 w艂asne pragnienie (i jego zmar艂ej ju偶 偶ony) i zaadoptowa艂 dziecko.
Ren decided to fulfill his own desire (and one of his deceased wife) and he adopted a child.
Niestety nie spe艂nia艂 wymog贸w aby zaadoptowa膰 m艂odsze dziecko ni偶 5 lat. Wi臋c zdecydowa艂 si臋 na uroczego ch艂opca o imieniu Marvin.
Wilma ogl膮da艂a przywitanie z oddali. Cieszy si臋, 偶e b臋dzie mia艂a nowe rodze艅stwo jednak podchodzi do sytuacji z dystansem.
Unfortunately, he did not meet the requirements to adopt a child younger than 5 years old. So he decided on a lovely boy named Marvin.
Wilma watched the greeting from afar. She is happy that she will have new sibling, but she approaches the situation with a distance.
#sims 2#ts2#mi艂owo#pleasatview#rodzina burb#burb#ren burb#marisa burb#marisa bendett#wilma burb#marvin burb#Tura12
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Dreamer (Tura 12)
Rodzicielstwo i szko艂a nie id膮 w parze. Jednak Paul i Tosha robili co mogli aby po艣wi臋ci膰 swoim c贸reczkom jak najwi臋cej uwagi.
Parenthood and school do not go hand in hand. However, Paul and Tosha did their best to devote as much attention to their little daughters as possible.
Tosha zupe艂nie nie radzi艂a sobie w szkole, ledwo co dostawa艂a oceny D. Grozi jej wyrzucenie z liceum.
Tosha was completely unsuccessful in school, barely getting D grades. She is in danger of being expelled from high school.
Dirk dosta艂 kolejny awans. Jeszcze tylko dwa i spe艂ni swoje pragnienie 偶yciowe.
Dirk got another promotion. Just two more and he will fulfill his LTW.
Paul postanowi艂 znale藕膰 prac臋. B臋dzie pracowa膰 jako Noob, jej.
Paul decided to find a job. He's gonna work as Noob, yeah.
Nita i Nicolle doros艂y do wieku szkolnego. S膮 wyj膮tkowo podobne do siebie.
Nita and Nicolle grew up to school age. They are remarkably similar to each other.
Mimo, 偶e dziewczynki doros艂y, Paul i Tosha wci膮偶 pomagaj膮 im ile mog膮. Skoro im nie idzie zbyt dobrze w szkole to przynajmniej chc膮 aby im c贸rkom si臋 powodzi艂o.
Even though the girls have grown up, Paul and Tosha still help them as much as they can. If they are not doing very well at school, at least they want their daughters to do well.
#sims 2#ts2#mi艂owo#pleasatview#rodzina dreamer#dreamer#dirk dreamer#paul dreamer#tosha go#nita dreamer#nicolle dreamer#Tura12
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Goodie (Tura 12)
Mason powr贸ci艂 ze studi贸w i ju偶 nied艂ugo p贸藕niej poprosi艂 Nikki aby zamieszka艂a z nim i jego rodzin膮. Nikki jest w ci膮偶y i m臋偶czyzna nie ma zamiaru pozwoli膰 aby mieszka艂a sama i bez 偶adnej opieki.
Mason returned from college and soon asked Nikki to live with him and his family. Nikki is pregnant and he has no intention of letting her live alone and without any care.
Mason d艂ugo nie czeka艂 aby o艣wiadczy膰 si臋 Nikki. Wie, 偶e jest to ta jedyna, z kt贸r膮 chce sp臋dzi膰 reszt臋 偶ycia.
Mason didn't waited long to propose to Nikki. He knows that this is the one sim he wants to spend rest of his life with.
Na 艣wiat przysz艂y bli藕niaki Piper i Riley. Piper ma czarne w艂osy po mamie, a Riley rude po tacie. Oboje maj膮 niebieskie oczy.
Twins Piper and Riley were born. Piper has black hair from her mother, and Riley has red hair from his father. They both have blue eyes.
Niestety kotek Sake odszed艂. Od teraz b臋dzie biega膰 po krainie kocimi臋tki.
Unfortunately, the cat Sake has passed away. From now on, he will be running in the land of catnip.
Tashia zacz臋艂a romansowa膰 ze swoim znajomym Freddy'm. Oboje jednak wiedz膮, 偶e b臋dzie to jedynie przelotny romans i nic wi臋cej.
Tashia began an affair with her friend Freddy. They both know it will be just a fleeting affair and nothing else.
W wolnych chwilach Nikki wybiera艂a si臋 do pobliskiego parku aby 艂owi膰 ryby. Ka偶dy potrzebuje troch臋 czasu dla siebie.
In her spare time, Nikki goes to a nearby park to fish. Everyone needs some time for themselves.
#sims 2#ts2#mi艂owo#pleasatview#rodzina goodie#goodie#seth#mason goodie#nikki darwin#tashia goodie#piper goodie#riley goodie#Tura12
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Caliente (Tura 12)
Alec jak to dzieciak chcia艂 ca艂y czas odrabia膰 prace domowe dzi臋ki czemu zosta艂 jednym z najlepszych uczni贸w w szkole.
As a kid Alec wanted to do his homework all the time, which made him one of the best students in the school.
Gena dosta艂a awans. Teraz b臋dzie pracowa膰 jako aktorka w reklamach. Jednak brak studi贸w odzywa si臋 i Genie nie idzie tak dobrze jak by chcia艂a.
Gena got a promotion. Now she will work as an actress in commercials. Since Gena hasn't gone to college, she's not doing as well at work as she would like
Alec jest jeszcze za ma艂y aby dosta膰 gitar臋, wi臋c p贸ki co dosta艂 radio to puszczania sobie muzyki.
Alec is too young to get a guitar, so he got a radio to play music for now.
Gena potrzebowa艂a charyzmy do pracy wi臋c 膰wiczy艂a rozmawianie z Granatem.
Gena needed charisma to work so she practiced talking to Granat (the parrot).
Alec mia艂 urodziny i wyr贸s艂 na przystojnego nastolatka. Dosta艂 pragnienie popularno艣ci, a w przysz艂o艣ci chce zosta膰 Bogiem Rocka.
Alec had a birthday and grew up to be a handsome teenager. He got a popularity aspiration and wants to become a Rock God in the future.
Amy nareszcie uda艂o si臋 zosta膰 burmistrzem Mi艂owa. Po 艣mierci Mary-Sue stanowisko zwolni艂o si臋 i kobieta sprytnie wykorzysta艂a okacj臋.
Amy finally managed to become the mayor of Pleasantview. After Mary-Sue's death, the position became vacant and Amy cleverly used the opportunity.
Jako prezent urodzinowy Alec dosta艂 gitar臋. Teraz ca艂膮 woln膮 chwil臋 sp臋dza na 膰wiczeniu grania na niej.
As a birthday present, Alec got a guitar. Now he spends all her free time practicing playing.
#sims 2#ts2#mi艂owo#pleasatview#rodzina caliente#caliente#gena caliente#amy jones#amy jones-caliente#alec caliente#Tura12
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Boone (Tura 12)
Edna mia艂a urodziny i wyros艂a na przepi臋kn膮 nastolatk臋. Dosta艂a aspiracj臋 wiedzy, a w przysz艂o艣ci chce zosta膰 Genera艂em.
W tym przypadku nie jestem z艂a, 偶e jest kopi膮 Alexandra. Po tym co mia艂am z Owenem to podzi臋kuj臋 wymieszaniu...
Edna had a birthday and has grown into a beautiful teenager. She got a knowledge aspiration and wants to become a General in the future.
In this case, I'm not mad that she is a copy of Alexander. After what I had with Owen, no thanks for mixing the genes...
Dzi臋ki cz臋stemu p艂ywaniu w basenie, Ednie uda艂o si臋 zdoby膰 dobr膮 form臋.
Thanks to frequent swimming in the pool, Edna managed to get in good shape.
Edna pragnie zatrudni膰 si臋 w wojsku. Chcia艂aby dzi臋ki temu zdoby膰 stypendium na studia.
Edna wants to work in the military. She would like to get a scholarship for her studies.
Jako wiedzowy sim Edna ca艂y czas robi艂a prace domowe. Dzi臋ki temu uda艂o jej si臋 zdoby膰 najlepsz膮 ocen臋 w szkole.
As a knowledge sim, Edna did her homeworks every day. Thanks to this, she managed to get the best grade in school.
Leila bardzo chcia艂a wygra膰 konkurs na najlepsze danie. Przygotowa艂a sw贸j tajny sekret na krewetki i uda艂o jej si臋 zdoby膰 500$ oraz medal.
Leila really wanted to win the competition for the best dish. She made her shrimp secret recipe and managed to win $500 and a medal.
#sims 2#ts2#mi艂owo#pleasatview#rodzina goth#goth#rodzina boone#boone#leila boone#alexander goth#alexander boone#edna boone#Tura12
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