#Ttte DOTD
DOTD Thomas x Percy Angst
It had been a few weeks since Percy joined the Diesels, and Thomas hadn’t come to see him at all, Percy was now fully convinced that Thomas had forgotten about him. The diesels were delighted.
“Now now dear Percy, we will never leave you behind, unlike that puffball Thomas…” D10 said soothingly to Percy, wiping away his tears, and doing his best to keep his makeup in tact.
“I-I know, but still, I can’t help but miss him even though I mean nothing to him…” Percy said, holding onto D10’s hand. D10 sighed.
“That’s what’s called a toxic relationship dear Percy.”
“What’s a toxic relationship?” Percy asked innocently. D10 smiled.
“A toxic relationship is when you don’t feel supported or loved by the person who’s supposed to do that, and when the relationship stops bringing joy, and it instead makes you sad, or angry, or depressed, that’s when you need to leave the person who’s doing this to you behind. It’s all for the best little Percy.” D10 explained. Percy’s eyes widened as he began to cry even more. D10 held him close.
“After all these years we've been together, and as soon as Belle comes along, boom! He leaves me just like that… What did I do wrong 10?” Percy asked, clutching onto D10’s jacket, tears running down his face.
“You’ve done nothing wrong my little Percy, I’d never leave you like that.” D10 said, patting Percy’s back. Percy blushed, he’d never been called that before, and it made him feel wonderful, like someone finally understood him, finally wanted him around, someone finally loved him. Suddenly, they heard the whistle of an oh-so-familiar steam engine,
It was Thomas.
“Percy! There you are! I’ve been looking all over the island for you and- *gasp* what are you wearing! You look like a criminal! And what’s on your face! You look like a clown!” Thomas said, turning into his human self. Percy’s eyes twitched with rage, the one time he didn’t want to see Thomas, he shows up immediately.
“What are you doing here you useless blue puff-” D10 began but Percy cut him off.
“Don’t worry 10, I can handle this…” Percy said, walking slowly to Thomas, grabbing his guns. Thomas saw this and backed away.
“P-Percy? What’re doing? Come on, this is silly, please, come back with me! Everyone’s worried about you!” Thomas said, terrified of what his boyfriend had become.
“You think your dumbass can just walk in here, tell me I look like shit, manipulate me into thinking, “Oh Percy! Everyone’s SOOOOO worried about you!” and expect me to come home with you?! Are you out of your fucking mind!? HELL NO!!!” Percy screamed, clutching onto his guns even tighter.
“But I’m telling the truth! The Fat Controller wants you to come back! Everyone does, even James! I’m sorry for leaving you-” But Percy didn’t want to hear it, he then shoved Thomas to the ground.
“NO ONE EVER WANTED ME AROUND THOMAS!!! YOU AND I BOTH KNOW I MEAN NOTHING TO YOU!!!” Percy screamed at the top of his lungs. He then pulled out his gun and pointed right at Thomas’ forehead!
“Leave Thomas, leave and never come back! I’m not going back into our toxic relationship with you! D10 would never treat me like you have so I’m staying here!” Percy said, pure rage boiling in his eyes. Thomas looked terrified, he didn’t know what to do.
“D10 is just trying to trick you! They all are! *tries to get up and take Percy’s gun away* Just put the gun down-” Percy gasped as he jumped backwards and shot Thomas in the cheek!
“I said L E A V E Thomas!!!” Percy shouted as he fired two warning shots next to him as his cheek bled profusely. Thomas was crying and bleeding and Percy didn’t care at all. All Thomas saw before he passed out was a furious Percy looking him dead in the eyes with the same gun still pointed at him and a proud D10, putting his hand on Percy’s shoulder. When Thomas woke up, he was in a hospital room, with Henry and Edward next to him, worried beyond belief. Thomas looked slowly at Henry.
“W-What happened?” Thomas asked groggily.
“We don’t know, we found you in your shed with a horrible gash on your face and you were bleeding! A whole pool of blood was around your head!” Henry said, trying not to gag. Thomas remembered now, he was shot by his love. Percy shot him… Thomas started to cry. Edward saw this and held him.
“What happened Thomas?” He asked, wiping away Thomas’ tears. Thomas could only muster,
“Don’t worry Edward, I can handle this…” And as Thomas fell back asleep, he whispered,
“I’m going to get him back…”
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esperfruit · 1 month
Human AU Norman Bulleid ref
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Age: 21
Height: 193 cm
The third member of the friend trio of himself, Paxton and Sidney and the inofficial leader. Norman doesn't like Sidney and sees him as a nuisance, only tolerating him because Paxton likes him. He is ambitious, grumpy, bossy and has no time for anyones nonesense, constantly reminding Paxton and Sidney to not act silly. In school he watched out for Paxton, making sure nobody bullied him, took advantage of his kindness and that he wouldn't fall back with his studies, caring for Paxton in his own way.
Unlike Paxton and Sidney, Norman did not look forward to work on a railway as a regular employee as he strongly believes to be meant for higher things as a member of the famous Bulleid Group. He was promised a high position but after an incident caused by his brother Dennis, they were both disowned, resulting in Norman carring a lot of resentment inside of him directed towards his parents, brother, uncle and cousin Rebecca.
When Diesel 10 arrives on Sodor and took Sidney hostage in order to make Paxton, Den and Dart follow his orders, Norman was less concerned but followed orders regardless until D10 took a liking to him, promising Norman the power he always wanted and believes deserves if he becomes D10's loyal subordinate on his own free will...
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gritsandbrits · 1 year
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Fixing Day Of The Diesels
The beauty of fanfic is I can make this movie as long as I want.
The story begins with Sodor getting ready for a busy holiday season. After too many bad reports from the Railway safety organization, Sir Topham Hatt decides to create a special team of search and rescue engines. He buys Flynn and Belle, two respected engines and established a base by the sea. Meanwhile a new diesel engine named Atta (short for Atalanta) is preparing for her first day on Sodor. She's shy, anxious and keep to herself. While Belle and Flynn are getting praised, Atta feels overlooked and ignored. But doesn't contest due to not wanting to perpetuate a negative stereotype of diesels.
Belle and Flynn wish to have a third engine to help with the workload and decides to hosts test runs. A lot of engines try out, but don't make the spot. Spencer, Henry, Gordon and James try out but are rejected due their vain squabbling and arrogance. Emily is rejected due to her bossiness, and the Logging Locos are flat out rejected. Edward and Toby don't try out because they don't understand the hype. The spot comes down to Thomas and Percy. This creates a tension in their relationship. Later than night a fire starts and Thomas helps Belle and Flynn put out the fire. This impresses them enough for them to accept him as an apprentice. Percy is disappointed.
The next morning While about to prepare for the usual mail train, Percy encounters Atta, who tasked with helping with the mail. Although Percy is a bit upset, Atalanta's promises not to screw up. By the time they're done Atta has already finished her route and it resting when Percy returns. He's surprised to see her finish that quickly. Atta shyly admits that a lot of people and engines make note of her speed but she hates bragging. The two engines hitch it off.
With Thomas he learns more from Belle and Flynn. He sees they also bicker at times; it turns out even perfect heroes have their off days and fight but are willing to set aside differences to do what's right. This leads to him starting to regret beefing with Percy. He tries to reconcile but gets sidetracked by a report of an accident near Maithewaite.
Later, Atta goes to the dieselworks to get some parts repaired and is appalled by the conditions the diesels are living in. Two diesels escort her inside and she finds more dangerous hazards. Just then the fearsome Diesel 10 slithers out from his room and greets her. He tells her that the diesels have been living horribly and he plots to get revenge on the NWR. Diesel 10 attempts to seduce Atta to his side but she gets anxious and quickly runs out of the Works. Angered by the rejection Diesel 10 vows to have her at his side whether she wants it or not.
Atta informs Percy she plans to talk to Sir Topham Hatt and convince him to fix the dieselworks. But her anxieties holds her back. Percy reassures her then takes her to the Steamworks to get advice from Victor. While travelling to the steamworks they stop by the grand station where Atta meets some of the steam engines. She asks them have they ever seen a diesel with a giant claw. The Horrified engines tell her that she met Diesel 10. Atta has never heard of him before so Percy fills her in on what he did in the past (referencing TATMR). Atta is terrified by such revelations but points out Diesel 10 isn't exactly wrong about the dieselworks needing repair. She just doesn't agree his methods and hopes to find the courage to speak up to Sir Hatt.
Later that evening Thomas Belle and Flynn answer another emergency. Thomas spots a diesel leaving the scene and calls out to them. A brief chase ensues and Thomas manages to catch up to them. The engine down finds out to be Sidney, who begs Thomas not to tell anyone until Sidney's driver uses a strange device to knock Thomas out. When Thomas comes to he is in the Steamworks with a concerned Percy and Victor at his side. Thomas said he saw a diesel run away from the scene of the accident and suspects he might've caused it. Victor adds he notices a lot more accidents than usual. Thomas concludes that Diesel 10 may be behind the accidents to sabotage the railway. Thomas decides to warn Belle and Flynn, while Percy goes to find Atta.
Later that evening another accident occurs. Atta was the last person at the scene and while she helps out she is blamed for the accident. Sir Hatt sends her away to the Dieselworks for a while as he tries to get everything sorted out. Percy doesn't believe she did it and resolves to clear her name. He finds Atta at the works and tries to convince her to come back. But Atta is too despondent. Diesel 10 sees this and has the green engine cornered. Atta begs for Diesel 10 to let Percy go by offering her services. Satisfied Diesel 10 allows Percy to leave, then proceeds to launch his plans. He sends his hench engines (illegally modified warships like himself) to infiltrate the steamworks, and other places populated by steam engines.
While Diesel 10 brags about his plan, Atta is very miserable but then she gets a vision of Lady the Magical Engine. Lady reminds Atta of her inner strength and to not give up. Atta gains a second wind and lies to Diesel 10 that she needs to get her things from another shed. He lets her go but sends a diesel chaperone to keep tabs her. Once she gets to a safer place she outsmarts the diesel and runs as fast as she can to warn Victor. The chaperone returns and tells diesel 10 that Atta has escaped. Enraged Diesel 10 decides to launch the attack and says he will personally deal with her, clacking Pinchy as he does. Warship diesels proceed to swarm the island, with some taking Tidmoth Sheds hostage. Diesel, Arry n' Bert, Salty Mavis and Daisy refuse to join as they're loyal to Sodor and plot to free their friends.
Percy is at the steamworks when Atta bursts in and warns them that Diesel 10 is planning to launch an attack. Just as Victor asks, a swarm of diesels arrive led by Diesel 10. He praises Atta for leading them to the Steamies but Atta retorts that he is nothing but a selfish bully. As Victor tries to reign in the chaos, Percy and Atta make a run for it. They proceeds to be chased down by a couple diesels but Atta proves too fast for her would-be captors and successfully escapes. Percy gets captured.
The diesels send a message that if Thomas doesn't present himself in the next hour then the hostages will get scrapped. Percy is afraid but seeing Victor and Kevin, he puts up a brave front and try to convince the friendlier Sidney and his buddies to reconsider. They reject at first but having grown to love Sodor and growing tired of Diesel 10's mistreatment they start to reconsider.
At Tidmoth, the remaining steam team (and Spencer) are trapped when Mavis and Daisy arrives. They pretend to be on the evil diesels side & leads them away, freeing the hostages. The steam team and good diesels agree to work together to stop Diesel 10. Spencer initially denies to participate but Edward reminds him this could be a way for him to make up for his own actions in Hero Of The Rails. Gordon adds the Edwards has a point. Spencer relents and agree to help if only they relay this to the Duke and Duchess. They steam engines meet up with Salty and Diesel and plan where to go next.
Atta rushes to the S&R team and musters the courage to ask them for help. She confesses that Diesel 10 asked her to join his cause and laments that if she took his offer the first time, things wouldn't go out of hand. Realizing Atta is genuinely innocent Thomas apologizes. He reassures her that Diesel 10 would've still committed evil acts regardless because he chose to do those things, like how she's choosing to do the right thing now. Together the S&R team rallies all available engine to help take back the steamworks. During the confrontation, a fire breaks out and everyone evacuates. While Belle and Flynn deal with the fire Sidney and Paxton renounces their ways and admits they were led to create accidents so Sodor could look bad on Diesel 10's orders.
As his plans literally burn down around him, an enraged Diesel 10 chases Thomas down. But with Percy and Atta's help, they lure him back to the dieselworks. The trap results in Pinchy getting seriously damaged, rendering Diesel completely incapacitated. Once the fire is contained, the steamworks are temporarily closed down. Sir Topham arrives on Stanley and angrily grills the evil diesels. Their human accomplices are arrested and Diesel 10 is literally declawed to fix Pinchy and to punish him for his actions. Thomas and Percy reconcile and Atta asks Sir Topham to repair the dieselworks, which he agrees to do. Belle and Flynn says it's time to decide the new rescue engine only for Thomas and Percy to nominate Atta in their place. Touched by this gesture, Atta accepts the position.
A few weeks later the steamworks reopens and construction begins n the dieselworks. Sidney and Paxton are put in charge of the works with plans to put a swimming pool for their drivers and firemen. Atta arrives in her new Sudrian green&red livery as a tribute to her newfound friendship with Percy. Then she gets a call from Flynn about a breakdown involving Spencer and Atta speeds away to enjoy her new life as a rescue engine. As for Diesel 10 he's essentially grounded from driving as his wheels are removed until further, and forced to listen to his bodyguards the Logging Locos sing country music.
So that's my idea for DOTD. Diesel 10 being a threatening villain and not complete joke, a good diesel MC who opposes him, Belle and Flynn being relevant and Thomas and Percy have a legitimate conflict that doesn't demonize one side or the other.
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juniaships · 1 year
Atalanta "Atta" the Rescue Diesel
Named after the greek heroine famous for her speed, Atalanta is one of the fastest diesels on Sodor. A skill that lands her a spot on the Sodor Search and Rescue team. Atalanta also serves as the diesel works' brakedown engine. While quick on her wheels Atalanta is actually a shy, reserved engine who loves to take slow rides by the seaside. She prefers being called Atta to make her name easier to pronounce for others (and the phrase "atta girl!")
Atta's story begins when she arrives to Sodor on loan from the mainland. Belle and Flynn also visit the island to test a pending rescue team due to Sodor's infamous reputation for accidents. Belle and Flynn gain respect for their work but Atta is overlooked for hers. She's also treated rather coldly by other steam engines. Saddened, Atta is discouraged and thinks of leaving but then she meets Percy, who is having his own friendship troubles.
One day, Atta goes to the dieselworks to get some parts repaired and is appalled by the condition. She learns that Diesel 10 is using it as a base and plots to get revenge on Thomas for his humiliation some years back. He attempts to seduce Atta but she says no and leave. Atta plans to talk to sir topham hatt (I'm american LEAVE ME ALONE) to convince him to fix the dieselworks, but her shyness holds her back. Over time she and Percy become friends. But then Diesel 10 launches his plans, taking over the Steamworks and several steam engine buildings. Atta and Percy are chased down but Atta proves too fast for her would-be captors. She escapes but Victor and Percy gets captured. The diesels send a message that if thomas doesn't present himself in the next hour then the hostages will get scrapped.
While Thomas rallies his friends and sympathetic diesels, Atta rushes to the S&R team and musters the courage to ask them for help. They manage to take back the steamworks, but angered Diesel 10 chase Thomas down. With percy and atta's help they lure him back to the diesel works and trap him. Diesel 10's henchmen are punished.
Atta asks Sir Topham to repair the dieselworks which he does. Impressed by her speed and compassion, Belle and Flynn offers her a spot on their team which she accepts. A month later the dieselworks is being rebuilt, Atta sports a new livery: green and red as a tribute to her new friendship with Percy.
Nowadays Atta can be found travelling the seaside in search of potential rescues. That is if you can catch her first!
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I think The Great Race is the first movie I haven’t really enjoyed. Like, it’s not terrible or anything - it’s certainly better than Misty Island Rescue - but there was just a lot that dragged it down for me.
Like Diesel, for instance. All his subplot amounted to was taking Thomas out of commission. I think something that could have been fun was if he was upset that he wasn’t chosen to go, so he sneaks after the engines to sabotage them. And maybe he finds a way to shift the blame onto Ashima, giving Thomas a different reason to dislike her at first.
And there’s the railway show itself. It takes until halfway through the movie for them to actually get there, and then they blow through all of the competitions. If the movie focused more on it, and maybe shown the show sooner, we could have gotten to know the railway show engines a little. Maybe not their life stories or anything like that, but enough to justify making all of those new characters and never seeing most of them again.
And I know it’s been talked to death, but it would have been cool to see Gordon take the lead this time. Percy got two movies to himself - Well, more like one and one third - so why couldn’t Gordon?
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puffpal7 · 1 year
I think we really should have more villain ttte aus
Thomas growing more jaded and losing his mischievous and childish personality? Edward and Henry getting tired and becoming bitter about how they're treated?? Gordon and James growing even more arrogant and completely lose their empathy/sympathy??? Percy sticking by Diesel 10's side in DotD and betraying the steam team????
Like how interesting would it be to have a villain Toby or Duck au? I'd love to see an au where any of the main 6/steam team + little western (or honestly any character) go off the deep end and turn villainous.
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unpopularvivian · 28 days
My Ttte Designs (Percy):
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Friendly, chill, mature, smug and can be a snarker sometimes. His personality was based on the more grumpier Percy that appeared in the classic series.
Caterpillar? Nah, they're a green centipede. Still, don't call them "Dirty Percy".
Is a lot less emotionally intelligent than canon Percy. Good thing when you're trying not to be manipulated and you're trying to stand up for yourself and your friends. Bad thing when your friends need emotional support and you end up giving them shit advice.
Demiboy and questioning. Uses he/him and they/them pronouns. He's trying to figure out what kind of people he's interested in. Girls and boys are off the list but he has a slight attraction to other genders. That being said, if's they're ever in a relationship, it just might be queerplatonic.
Loves analog horror like the Mandela Catalog, the Boiled One Phenomenon, etc. Heck. he ever brought the Boiled One plush.
Also they love ugly/creepy plushies and giving one to somebody means that they care for that person deeply. So if he ever gives you a fucked up plush, don't throw away. It probably means that you're one of his loved ones.
Their human age is 21 while their actual age is unknown since their og engine basis isn't a real one. However, they did get rebuilt into an actual engine basis following their REDACTED. The engine basis that they were rebuilt into is unfortunately unknown as well.
Is a fan of weirdcore and rap music. His favorite artists are Jack Stauber, Eminem and Connor Price.
Is the second oldest sibling between Pluto, Phillip, them and Mavis. Toby and Henrietta are their adopted parents.
Real name is Percival but just likes to be called Percy.
His left eye is blind while his right eye is fine. So his vision ends up looking extremely weird.
They're taller than Toby but is shorter than Emily.
He used to be like his canon counterpart. Extremely naive, kind and gullible. He was Thomas' best friend, was confused about long words and was the sweetest engine in the Steam Team. At that time, Percy was 18, Thomas was 15.
Toby was extremely close to him as well, basically forming a father-son relationship with the saddletank engine.
That all changed when the tank engine suffered a series of accidents to ensure that he will never be the same....
First, in TOTB, Percy gets caught in a landside trying to save James like in the movie. The difference however was that Percy's left arm and right leg got DESTROYED and had to be amputated since they were damaged beyond repair. He was given wooden prosthetics to help him with his work but become extremely irritable and moody afterwards.
This then leads to him growing resentment towards Thomas, James and the others when Belle and Flynn were introduced in DOTD. All of the events from the movie are pretty much the same like Percy being manipulated by Diesel 10 except for two key differences: Diesel 10's plan involves more than taking over the Steamworks and actually wanting to BURN DOWN Sodor and there are some nice diesels like BoCo and Mavis who were roped into Diesel 10's plan, believing that Diesel 10 was advocating for equal treatment for diesels.
At the Steamworks where Diesel 10 was ready to burn it down, Percy gathers all of the steam engines, the nice diesels and Sir Topham Hatt to try and stop the maniacal diesel. This leads to a violent confrontation until Diesel 10 rips the left side of Percy's face OFF, leaving Percy with a half mutilated face. Furious by this, Thomas charges towards Diesel 10, angrily knocking him into the wall.
Above Thomas was the giant mechanical claw used to lift engines up when they were being repaired, came loose and was about to hit Thomas in the head. But in the last moment, Percy pushed Thomas out of the way and got a concussion. Toby, completely devasted, ran to the saddletank engine and started begging him to wake up. Enraged, Sir Topham Hatt banished Diesel 10 to the smelters' yard as punishment and Percy was sent to the Mainland for repairs.
In the Mainland, the workers were able to stich the left side of his face back together and were about to gave Percy new metal prosthetic limbs when they realized that they didn't enough supplies to make them. So in a desperate attempt, they went to the scrapyards of a random railway and used the remains of a gray diesel to make the prosthetics. Percy was stuck in the Mainland for 3 years.
When Percy finally came back to Sodor, everybody were overjoyed to see him okay but something was wrong with the tank engine. He didn't remember anything about Sodor.
It eventually took some time but Percy finally remembered about his old friends and his old home. But he also found a chilling discovery as well...
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busting-buffers · 10 months
I was watching The Unlucky Tugs' video where he ranks the TTTE movies from worst to best and decided to make my own so HERE WE GO!
Tier List maker HERE
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14. MIR: I liked this movie as a kid. But I recently rewatched and boy howdy is she BAD. I didn't watch series 11 when Whiff was introduced, so having him in this movie was odd to me because I didn't know who the hell he was! The train racism in this is so overdone and never gets resolved, the logging locos are ANNOYING, and Thomas is just a dick the entire time?? -5/10
13. CAE!: This was one of those that they could have done better. The learning segments make it hard to watch when you're older, but it's for kids so who cares. But again, Train Racism. It gets resolved at the end, sure, but literally just...keeps happening. MIR in point. Also, the random involvement of D10?? And Lady?? who haven't been mentioned since TATMR??? Odd choice. 2/10
12. DotD: They basically rehashed CAE in CGI form, but none of the Train Racism is resolved. The Diesels suck, manipulate Percy, and take over the steamworks. That's it. That's the plot. 2/10
11. BW!BA!: I liked it. The songs were fun, Ace was a cool addition as a bad influence on Thomas, and Nia sure is a girl's engine. It seemed so rushed, though. Like Thomas had this grand idea, Sir Topham jokingly says yes, and like 15 minutes in Thomas is sailing off on a ship to Africa. "Where in the World is Thomas?" is a good ensemble number with cool callbacks to other movies, "Free and Easy" is just catchy as hell, and the other numbers are fun too. It was okay, but not my favorite. 4/10
10. TotB: It's just so, so average, but better than the others ranked lower. I love how James is the antagonist because he's covering up how scared he is in the end, but Percy just seems to baby-like for my taste. His fears are rational, but they really dumbed him down. I do love the introduction of Gator, and his and Percy's friendship is adorable. But it's all downplayed as Thomas didn't comfort Percy, so Percy gets a new BFF and Thomas is upset when Percy wants to leave. I get it, but I don't. 5/10
9. KotR: Ok this was a fun one. We get 1-5-6 buddy-content and it's super cute! I love this pal trio. The Earl and Stephen are such fun characters and I love how they worked them into the series later on. Stephen's characterization is so odd though, but I get it. He's upset he can't be useful like the young engines, and that's all he wants. This movie sets up for some good episodes later. 6/10
8. BMM: This one is so cute! I love the Narrow Gauge engines, and the beginning sequences are action packed and set up the movie well. But it comes back to Train Racism AGAIN. Diesel overhears about Luke and decides he wants him to be sent away, and then Diesel is in the wrong as always. I mean, he is, but we gotta stop making the diesels just bad engines. He did what he thought was right, especially not knowing the context. 6/10
7. HotR: Thomas's first CGI movie was a hit with me. Obviously it set up a rough era but I enjoyed the movie! Hiro's introduction is so fascinating, and Spencer being the antagonist is so so neat to me. This big silver showoff wants to get rid of an antique, but for what. That's why I didn't rank it higher. There's no why as to why Spencer wants to get rid of Hiro. Because he's old? Then why doesn't he hate Eddie?? His actions have no motive. 7/10
6. TaTMR: Don't come for me. I like this movie! It's whimsical and fun and a cool take on the series. It has it's flaws, obviously, like there's no set up for as to why D10 is there in the first place. But then again, this movie was rewritten I think three times? The original script would have been fun if the movie wasn't made for kids. An evil bastard who hates Burnett Stone because he was in love with Tasha, and wants to destroy the last thing Burnett can remember her by? So fascinating. I would have loved to see the original done as a more adult-ish action take on the franchise. 7/10
5. TAB: This movie is so awesome. Retelling the OG RWS and TV series stories in CGI, giving Thomas an introduction arc, and most importantly, Black Livery James (you know I had to mention it). It's such a great call-back to the original 5(?) stories and episodes, and I thought it was done very well. It holds a special place in my heart, but it's not my favorite. 8/10
4. TGR: I loved the musical take on this AGGHHH. All the musical numbers are so fanciful and catchy. I loved the plot, I love how the characters are set up. But like TUT says in his video, some of it is all marketing ploys. Like Thomas jumping the drawbridge, which I will continue to question why. But if you overlook Mattel's marketing, it's a good movie and it stands up well. 8/10
Also the next three movies are in no particular order so:
JBS: THIS. THIS WAS AN INTERESTING PLOT! James is boasting about how he's the favorite and the best, as always, so Thomas decides to put him in his place. But Thomas, unlike James, doesn't know the mainland well because he has lived on Sodor for probably 99% of his life. He was sent/arrived there in 1915, the same year he was built. He only knew Brighton! The experimental engines have great character, and I wish we got more of them in the series. Frankie and Hurricane are so, so interesting: they butter up Thomas to think he's hot shit, then BOOM! Trapped because they need another engine to work there, and can't do it unless they train-nap them. "Hottest Place in Town" is such a good song and aids to their plans, and it sets up their trickery well. The ending is not the best, but seeing Hurricane almost melt was just top notch to the whole thing. 10/10
SLotLT: This and TGD are so interesting because we see another side of Thomas. He thinks he can do no wrong, causes an accident, and ends up being punished. He does it twice, and winds up in a sort of Boy who Cried Wolf-ish situation after saving Ryan from the dynamite. Sir Topham only saw the part where it seemed Thomas was trying to get rid of Ryan, and gets angry with him again (and uses his full name? Papa was upset.) Ryan and Thomas's dynamic was so, so interesting and I wish we had more. Daisy being reintroduced was something I didn't see coming, and was a great way to tie her in to the series again. Same thing with Donald and Douglas, our beautiful Scots. Sailor John being the first human antagonist is so interesting, and this movie also has it's dark points. John was actually going to try to blow Thomas up aith dynamite! He blew up Sir Topham's office! This movie was great. 10/10
TGD: I had the DVD when I was younger and watched it every night before bed. It was so interesting. The songs are top notch: Racing to the Wharf, Jobs-a-Plenty, and Where, oh, Where is Thomas. The bridge scene is incredible and a great way to set it up. Thomas being insecure after Stanley shows up was something that never really happened, and he despised him so much he tried to essentially decomission him? Devious Thomas is my favorite. Thomas actually regretted how he treated Stanley, and they became good friends. SLotLT and TGD had similar plots in that aspect, but they did it so differently that it's not another DotD and CAE! issue. This was my childhood favorite and it still holds up. 10/10
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bolters-and-rivets · 2 years
OK, so, something I've been doing recently is working out what legal charges the antagonists of TTTE would face if we suspend our disbelief and imagine locomotives having to stand trial in a court of law.
Diesel (various episodes and specials throughout the show's run)
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3 counts of destruction of property: damaging disused trucks. Pushing trucks into the harbour resulting in the loss of a consignment of china clay. Wasting an entire flat truck’s worth of paint.
3 counts of defamation: Spreading negative rumours about Gordon, James, and Henry.
1 count of frameup: Pinning the blame of the rumours on Duck.
1 count of attempted murder: Trying to get Fergus scrapped.
3 counts of assault: Bumping Thomas under a stone hopper. Bumping paint cans onto Thomas. Bumping Toby into a coal hopper.
Sailor John (Legend of the Lost Treasure)
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4 counts of assault: stamping his foot on Skiff, elbowing Skiff to silence him, stamping on skiff AGAIN, battering thomas with an oar
4 counts of trespassing: riding Skiff on the construction site of the new branchline (3 counts). Entering the station out of regular hours
1 count of coercion: manipulating Thomas into his scheme to steal the treasure.
4 counts of theft: stealing the map, the stealing the treasure, stealing explosives, stealing a warship.
2 counts of intimidation: accusing thomas of taking the treasure for himself, threatening skiff with physical harm for “mutiny”.
1 count of unlawful possession of explosives.
1 count of breaking & entering: breaking into Sir Topham Hatt’s office.
1 count of destruction of property: using DYNAMITE to break into Sir Topham Hat’s safe.
1 count of vehicle hijacking: running amok with the ship on a flat wagon (lets ignore the physical improbability of this for the moment).
1 count of public endangerment: same reason as vehicle hijacking.
2 counts of attempted murder: trying to dynamite Thomas, leaving Thomas to drown.
And possibly also 1 count of prison break: he's seen in a later special (Big World: Big Adventures) in a cafe in brazil. Assuming this isn't just the studio reusing him as an asset as a background character this implies he escaped from prison and fled to brazil.
Diesel Ten (Thomas And The Magic Railroad & Day Of The Diesels)
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7 counts of attempted murder: Lady twice, James, Junior, Mr Conductor, and Thomas (TATMR), Thomas (DOTD).
3 counts of property damage: Carving his likeness on the rock which would be the property of the landowner, tearing down the scaffolding of the sheds, bringing down the diesel shelter (TATMR). 
3 counts of Intimidation: The sheds, Mr Conductor on the Viaduct, and carrying Junior on his roof (TATMR).
1 count of conspiracy to commit genocide (wanting ALL steam locomotives scrapped): "I'm going to destroy her and dominate you, then you'll be nothing but hunks of useless scrap" (TATMR).
1 count of reckless driving: driving at excessive speed with Junior on his roof (TATMR).
1 count of unlawful imprisonment: Trapping Thomas in the shed (DOTD).
1 count of arson: setting fire to the shed (DOTD).
1 count of coercion: manipulating Percy into unwillingly assisting him in goals (DOTD).
1 count of trespassing: entering the dieselworks without the knowledge or permission of Victor (DOTD).
1 count of conspiracy to commit grand larceny: attempting to take control of the dieselworks (DOTD).
1 count of theft: stealing a christmas tree.
Verdict: Diesel is toxic, Sailor John is a pirate, and Diesel Ten is standing trial in the Hague for crimes against trainkind and small children
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blxnksstuff · 2 years
A bit late but whatever
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Happy late Duck day!
Made this last night after remembering that it was 8/8 and "Twosday" aka 2/2/2022. Waiting for 9/9, 10/10, 11/11 and ofc 1/1 new years, and also the day of Thomas
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~DOTD Angst Story~
“Very good Percy, it’s about time you stood up for yourself.” D10 said soothingly to Percy, who was still furious at Thomas. With his blood all over his clothes, he grabbed a hose and never said a word to D10, but only looked off Into the distance with a grim and determined look on his face. D10 found this amusing.
“Giving me the silent treatment eh?” He teased, but Percy never said a word, he only hosed Thomas’ blood off his clothes and guns. He didn’t even bat an eye. Suddenly, Diesel came rolling in with new and stolen supplies.
“Here’s the stuff you asked for Percy, and- hey! Don’t expect me to do your makeup again haha!” Diesel said as he rolled the supplies in the Dieselworks. D10 was surprised.
“H-Hey! What stuff! What are you planning boy!” D10 growled as he stormed over to Percy. He quickly pulled up his guns.
“While I was out, I told Diesel to get some shit from the Steamworks , this’ll help us show them that we mean business…” Percy said, looking D10 dead in the eyes with a cold expression. D10 was a bit scared by this so he didn’t answer.
“With taking over the Steamworks!?! Remember how I said I wanted revenge on that water spraying bitch!?!” Percy said, cocking his gun. D10 jumped back.
“Y-Yeah! I-I remember that! D-Don’t worry little Percy, we’ll get revenge!” D10 said, backing into the Dieselworks.
“Tch, about damn time, now go help Diesel unload the supplies, after I hose down I’m getting to work, you two can do whatever, I don’t give a fuck.” Percy said. D10 looked back at Percy. Percy was once happy and full of energy, and now, all he saw was a husk of an engine, he was nothing more than a killing machine, ready to attack at any given moment. This was what everyone in the Dieselworks would quickly become terrified of… even D10.
“So, what’s going on with Percy Gun-Hands? Did his little fight with Thomas really fuck him up this bad?” Diesel asked D10, he was honestly getting a little worried about Percy.
“Yep, Percy shot him clean in the cheek, I’m sure that scar won’t go away any time soon. *he looks back at Percy* It’s amazing what a few lies can do to someone.” D10 said proudly. Diesel laughed.
“Yep, he’s an open and empty book, ready for us to write all over.” Suddenly they heard Den and Dart rolling in with even more supplies!
“Put them over there, where no one can see them except us, got it?!” Percy boomed to them. Den and Dart quickly complied and moved them to where Percy said. Percy then came in the Dieselworks and began his work.
“Hey, what’cha making?” Diesel asked. Percy didn’t answer but only gave him an evil smile.
“You‘ll see.”
“How?” Edward asked to himself. He had never seen Thomas and Percy fight like this, sure they had their squabbles every now and then, but nothing like this! Percy would never hurt Thomas let alone shoot him! Edward found himself shaking. For once, he didn’t know what to do. Henry noticed this and came over next to him and hugged him. Edward began to hyperventilate.
“It’s alright Edward, we’ll be able to find a solution.” Henry said, trying to convince himself and Edward. But Edward wasn’t convinced at all.
“But look at what’s happening! With Thomas showing Belle around jealousy is getting the better of Percy, not only that but they’re having a huge fallout, Percy has gone missing and now Thomas is unconscious again!” Edward said, crying. They both sat there for what felt like an eternity, with many nurses checking in on all three of the engines. After a few hours, it was time for Edward and Henry to go back to the sheds, and neither wanted to leave but they had to. As the engines were slowing backing into their sheds, the other engine were babbling with questions.
“Is Thomas ok?” James
“Where’s Percy?” Toby
“Eddie, why are you crying?” Gordon
“Did Thomas say anything?” Emily
“Guys!” Henry called, “Eddie’s not feeling too good, it’d be best to keep quiet.” Henry looked over at Edward who was cringing at all the noise but soon unclenched his face and took deep shaky breaths. James soon came over to Edward and climbed on his footplate as his human self and began to hum “You Are My Sunshine” quietly while wiping his tears. Edward soon calmed down after this. He then looked over at Henry.
“What happened?” Henry only looked at James with a grim look.
“I’ll tell you.” And as Henry explained what happened, the others looked at him with shock and horror, they had never thought Percy would do such a thing, and to his love of all people! The others had no idea what to do.
“All he said was, don’t worry, I’ll get him back, and then he fell asleep again.” Henry finished, looking at his buffers. A horrifying silence fell over the engines. Gordon chose to speak up.
“W-well, whatever happened, I… I don’t know…”
“You want things to go back to normal, don’t you Gordon?” Emily chimed in. Gordon agreed.
“We can only hope…” She responded, as the engines tried their best to sleep for the night.
A few days had passed since Thomas and Percy’s fallout, and Thomas had finally come back with a new scar on his cheek, a scar that would forever remind him of that day… But that was the least of his concerns, all he wanted was his boyfriend back, and he was more than determined to do so. But he just didn’t know how. Of course, with all the other engines asking what happened, it made it hard for Thomas to find any alone time. He decided it’d be best to spy on him from afar, making sure they never saw him. So one night, Thomas snuck out of his shed to go spy on Percy, hoping he’d still be awake. As he got closer to the Dieselworks, he turned into his human self so he could be more quiet. He got just close enough to hear him, and someone else…
“So, how are we gonna do this boss?” D10 asked. Percy snickered.
“We’ll do it like this. I know Thomas is back, which is perfectly fine, I don’t see him as a threat, but this Wednesday, the Steamworks will be closed for upgrades and then, you, me, and all the other diesels will charge the Steamworks and claim it as our own! We can finally get everyone’s attention and I- I mean! We, will finally be recognised and this dump with get a new makeover! It’s perfect!” Percy said proudly. Thomas was shocked! *Percy, taking over the Steamworks, with D10!? What the hell did he do to my boyfriend!*, Thomas asked himself. He was about to leave when he heard someone coming his way! He crouched down but saw it was only Mavis and Salty. He sighed in relief.
“Hey guys we’re back- Percy? What’re you doing here, and what’s with the new look?” Mavis asked, confused.
“Aye, you look like a sea goblin!” Salty added. Mavis sighed.
“Salty, there’s no such thing as sea goblins…” Salty didn’t mind this. Percy groaned.
“What do you want?!” He snapped. Mavis and Salty stopped talking immediately.
“Damn dude, no need to get all snappy!” Mavis said, getting defensive.
“I’ll snap your funnel off if you don’t tell what you’re here for!!” Percy shouted. Salty and Mavis gasped, they’d never seen Percy like this.
“Hey, we just wanted to come here to sleep! Leave us alone, jeez!” Mavis said, backing into her shed as Salty did the same. Percy scoffed at them. He then whispered something to D10 but neither Mavis, Salty, or Thomas knew what. Thomas decided that it was best to leave and tell the others Percy’s plan. He did his best to move quietly, but accidentally stepped on a huge branch! Percy immediately heard this.
“HEY!!! WHO’S THERE!!! COME OUT NOW OR I’LL SHOOT YOU!!!” Percy screamed. Thomas ran as fast as he could with Percy trying to shoot at him again! Thomas soon got away, but Percy was left furious.
“It was probably just an animal boss!” D10 said, pulling Percy back. Percy grunted as he shoved D10 away and went to his shed, which was once D10’s shed. D10 sighed as he went to his smaller and much smellier shed to sleep.
“So you’re telling me that Percy, with the help of all the other diesels, are going to storm the Steamworks!?” Gordon asked, making sure he got the story right. Thomas nodded frantically.
“That’s exactly what he’s gonna do! He also said it’ll get everyone’s attention and he’d- well, he quickly corrected himself and said we’d be recognised. But I don’t know what all of this is for! Is he trying to get revenge on me!?” Thomas asked, while on the verge of tears. Gordon saw this and hugged him.
“I’m not sure why he’s doing this either, but we will put an end to this disgraceful behaviour!” Gordon said, feeling sad for Thomas. Thomas was now silently crying in Gordon’s arms, clutching onto his coat for leverage. They stayed like this for a few more minutes, Gordon waiting patiently for Thomas to stop crying. Once Thomas finally got a hold of himself, he went off to tell the others what he heard. Gordon watched as Thomas slowly chuffed away, Gordon never recalled seeing Thomas cry until now, and he was just as scared as Thomas, *what was Percy planning, and what was it all for?*
“They have no idea what’s coming!” Percy announced to the other Diesels. He was standing on top of D10 as his human self, and holding his Air staff high above his head. His staff had turned from a beautiful and majestic oak staff, to a dark and scary dark oak staff, and the gem containing his Air magic didn’t have puffy clouds and a beautiful blue sky, but instead, a horrible thunderstorm with small lightning strikes coming out. The others had now crowned Percy as their new leader, and fought D10 fiercely for the new position which he won with ease. Percy was showing no mercy to his servants and was definitely not going to show any to his former friends. Percy got down from D10 and was ready to take them to the Steamworks. He returned to his engine self, rolled out of the Dieselworks, and blew his whistle long and hard, to make sure the whole island could hear him.
“Come on you little runts! Show some pride for yourself!” Percy shouted to the other diesels as they also blew their horns with Percy, and together they charged to the Steamworks, derailing everyone who was in their way and stopping for no signals. They soon arrived and they charged in. Percy watched as his friends took what was rightfully theirs, finally Percy had everything right where he wanted it…
until it happened.
D10 suddenly snatched Percy’s staff right out of his hands and broke it into a million pieces! The magic flew out of the gem and manifested in the sky, a huge thunderstorm clouded Sodor.
“NO!!! YOU FUCKING IDIOT WHY DID YOU DO THAT!?!?” Percy screamed at the top of his lungs. D10 just laughed.
“Did you really think that we’d let YOU be our new leader!? HELL NO!!! HAHAHA YOU IDIOT!!! THIS WAS ALL JUST A GAME!!! WE KNEW YOU WANTED POWER, AND I’VE WORKED TOO DAMN HARD FOR MINE!!! DID YOU HONESTLY THINK I’D JUST LET YOU TAKE IT LIKE THAT!? No…The Steamworks is OUR’S now… So you can run back to your stupid little boyfriend and WE will have our fun here!” D10 said, striking the fear of God Himself in Percy. Percy now understood just what he’d done. He abandoned his friends, shot Thomas, and now he had just given up the Steamworks to the worst Diesel of all, an engine he now realized only wanted to use him to his advantage, D10 had tricked Percy into thinking he made the right decision to stay with the Diesels, to shoot Thomas, to try and take over the Steamworks, everything Percy worked for, gone, wasted, useless, *just like me* he thought. He stood there and watched as the Diesel trashed the Steamworks. Percy then looked at his guns and thought a horrible thought… *No, I can’t do it, I have to fix this first* he thought, as he walked away into the thunderstorm to find his friends.
As Percy walked into the thunderstorm he looked up and let the hard droplets fall on his face, washing away his makeup. He took out his earrings and threw them on the ground, he did his best to go back to what he used to be, but it wasn’t working, so before he went to anyone, he went back to the sheds to change into his normal clothes, he cut his hair to the best of his ability, and dyed it back to his original bright green. He burned his old clothes and threw his guns into an old shed behind Tidmouth, he made sure to remember where they were. He took a deep breath and went to go find Thomas, hoping he would forgive him.
Thomas jumped and whipped around to see Percy back to his normal self, Thomas looked scared and started to move away, Percy expected this.
“Thomas it’s ok, I don’t have my guns and I’m not here to hurt you, I need-”
“You need what?! You need me to stand still so you can get a clean shot at me! Look at what you did to me! Why should I ever believe you!?” Thomas shouted. Percy didn’t budge, he knew Thomas had the right to be scared and angry.
“Look, I know what I did was horrible, but please, look! I’m back to normal, and I need your help! The Diesels took over the Steamworks and-”
“I know…” Thomas said. Percy was shocked.
“So you were the one spying on me?! Oh no, h-how much did you hear?”
“I heard you and D10 talking about your plan to take over the Steamworks, and you threatening Mavis. But now they turned on you, didn’t they?” Percy nodded. Thomas sighed. He then walked over to Percy and hugged him.
“I’m not forgiving you for this any time soon, but I’m glad you're back to normal.” Thomas said, beginning to cry. Percy started to cry too, he had missed Thomas so much and he didn’t even realise it. They stayed like this for what seemed like hours.
“I’m so sorry for what I did… I had no right to put you through this, I let my stupid jealousy get the better of me and Diesel and D10 took advantage of me! I wish to Lady Herself I never shot you… I don’t want you to forgive me, I just want you to know I’m sorry.” Percy said, clutching onto Thomas as he did the same to Percy. Thomas then looked at Percy and kissed him. Percy quickly gave in and held Thomas tightly. When they broke away, they looked at each other in silence.
“You ready to get the Steamworks back? Only Lady knows what they’ve done to it by now.” Thomas asked, trying to lighten the mood. Percy chuckled and nodded. They then went to go find the others. As they went around Sodor, gathering the rest of the Steam Team and even the Little Western, Percy stayed close behind Thomas, and as they raced to the Steamworks, Percy could feel all the other’s eyes staring him down, judging him, and he didn’t care, he knew he deserved it, he knew they’d all hate him, but right now, all he wanted to do was to save the Steamworks from what he had done.
As the engines approached the Steamworks, they saw it was completely destroyed! But the Diesels were still having their fun, their laughing and shouting could be heard from miles away. Percy and Thomas went in front. D10 quickly saw them.
“Oh hello little Percy! What brings you-”
“I’m not your little Percy anymore D10…” Percy said firmly. He didn’t even look at him. D10 chuckled.
“What? Can’t face what you did? Admit it, you want to come back to us, you want to-”
“You don’t know what I want!” Percy shouted at him, now looking him dead in the eyes with the same determination he had when they took over the Steamworks. Now Percy was taking it from him. D10 was caught off guard.
“That’s right, we’ve come here to take back what’s ours, and to stop you!” Thomas said. Percy gave Thomas a smile as they rolled forward to D10. D10 then turned into his human form and Pinchy let out a loud snap.
“Then let’s fight for it… Diesels vs Steamies! What do you say ol’ chap?” The engines weren’t afraid anymore, and knew that they outnumbered the Diesels. Percy shook his hand and they all lined up with their weapons. Percy let out a long whistle but a powerful voice boomed over the Steamworks. It was the Fat Controller!
“D10!! What do you think you’re doing?!” He shouted firmly. D10 went red in the face and started blubbering like a baby.
“Well, it was all Percy’s idea!! He wanted to do this to get attention! So don’t blame me! Blame the little green caterpillar!” D10 shouted, giving Percy an evil smirk. Percy was on the verge of tears. The Fat Controller looked at him.
“I heard from Thomas that this was his idea, and shall be dealt with soon, but for you to try and attack my engines and destroy the Steamworks is unacceptable! You all will leave this instant!”
“Not until the Dieselworks is fixed!” D10 shouted. The Fat Controller looked at him.
“The Dieselworks is in shambles! It’s hardly an use to us! It’s dingy, dirty, smelly, and everything is broken or on the verge of breaking! You’ve left us in the dark for too long old man! Give us the light of day like you do with your precious Steamies!” D10 said, giving the Steamies a dirty look. The Fat Controller sighed.
“D10, I’m a very busy man, and I’ve no time for these ridiculous antics! If this is what you’ve wanted, then why didn’t you tell me?” D10 looked shocked.
“We have told you!! Many times, but you never listen to us, you just ignore us like we’re not even real!!” The Fat Controller paused. He had been ignoring them, but he does care for them. He sighed.
“Alright, the Dieselworks shall be repaired, so long as you never plan these heinous schemes again! And that goes for you too Percy…” He said sternly. D10 and Percy agreed.
Over the next few weeks, the Steamies and Diesels worked hard together to repair the Dieselworks. It was a tough, long and tedious process, but with all of them working together, they finally managed to get the job done! The new Dieselworks was better than ever and the Diesels loved their new home. The Steamies were proud of themselves too. With all their hard worked, it definitely showed in the new Dieselworks. The Diesels thanked the Steamies as they set off for home. Percy looked over to Thomas who was crying tears of joy. It was all over he thought, I finally have my boyfriend back and everything can go back to normal! Thomas hadn’t realized he’d been crying. Percy chuckled which brought Thomas out of thoughts.
“Hey Thomas, I’m sorry for all the trouble I caused these past few weeks… I wish I never had left you and I’m sorry for letting my jealousy get the better of me. I never should’ve listened to D10 of all people, and… and most of all… I’m so so so sorry for shooting you… I wish I could take that back…” Percy said dreadfully. Thomas smiled.
“Thank you Percy, I really do appreciate it.” He said, looking over at his boyfriend with a gentle smile as Percy did the same.
“Thomas, when I’m with you, I feel most special of all.” Thomas blushed and chuckled.
“That’s strange Percy, cuz I feel the same way with you.” Percy laughed and started to cry too. They then raced home and relaxed but not until The Fat Controller came over to have a few stern words with Percy.
Percy now knows better than to let his jealousy get the better of him, and to never listen to D10 ever again.
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Comedically predictable Diesel 10 ask here for the bingo game 8D
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D10 is such a. Why did they put that murder train in there. Why havent they used him well ever since. I miss his TATMR voice with my whole heart. My first nightmare in memoru is of him. Hes like a halloween monster of a locomotive. Stunning. 5 stars.
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gritsandbrits · 9 months
opinion of ttte Mavis?
She's fascinating in that she started out something of a brat then matured over time. Downside is she feels underutilized, like she should've played a larger role in DOTD.
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pseu-donymous · 3 years
Sneak peak at a future AU...
“Are you proud of me now dad?’’ The boy asked eagerly, the long metal spikes emerging from his back dragging along the ground. His father looked at him with disgust.
“Never. Just look at you. An abomination.” The boy’s face fell, and the steel arms skittered on the floor nervously. 
Heavy footsteps came up from behind him and a large arm encircled him. Terris, the name he had chosen to call the long arms that caused him so much pain, settled and retreated back into their resting place.
“Before you say anything else, remember who you’re talking too.’’ 
The steam engines stood still, unable to keep their eyes off the two strange diesel locomotives.
“You won’t get away with this!” Squeaked Percy, his eyes darting across the giant Steamworks building. Diesel Ten smirked, and Pinchy clashed loudly, sending sparks flying,
“Oh, but we already have, dear Percy.”
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otherworldly-locos · 2 years
My thomas design is finally done oh my god (1/7)
Here is the boy! I’ve procrastinated for maybe like 5 months now on trying to get my ttte designs done. I have no idea why, but my body physically wouldn’t let me draw the train men 😭
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But now since Thomas is done, im gonna start working on edward pretty soon.
Some info on him under the cut :))
•Thomas Graham was born in the uk and loved everything trains. His father worked on the gwr so he was a very big inspiration for little Thomas. He took the time to watch his father work and tagged along with him if he could.
•Thomas was friends with Percy Lewis growing up, a kid who also really liked trains but also liked knitting and other activities like that. They always played a game where one of them was a conductor and the other was a passenger. The train was usually made out of a wooden box.
•They both went to the same junior high, high school, and university centered on engineering and robotics. Both of them were practically inseparable.
•Then after university, they moved to sodor to become engineers and the fat controller gave them both their own engines.
I’m not that good with the biography stuff so I’m gonna move to hcs lmao
•Thomas is very famous on the island due to the multitude of heroic deeds he had performed for the past couple decades.
•very much a big prick. He can be kind and respectful on rare occasions but to mostly everyone (even sir topam hatt) he is very rude and annoying. Hiro and Percy are the only exceptions though. He cares for them too much.
•He likes playing sports a ton. He plays a game of football (soccer) with the steam team when they all have their break days.
•This is just a quirk that my ver of sodor has but people who are born on sodor or have moved to the island are gifted/cursed with sorta eternal youth. But it varies from person to person. This is a phenomenon that’s never been explained.
•That specific quirk effected Thomas when he moved to the island. When he arrived, he was 26. But as time went on, he noticed he never aged physically. So thomas is pretty damn old considering how he works on the railway for decades. But he still has a childlike attitude.
•Thomas has the biggest, fastest crush on Percy. He loves his best friend so much. But he can’t bring himself to tell Percy. He fears it’ll ruin their relationship.
•him and Percy like to pull pranks on the steam team and other ppl on the island that they know
•This mf has a record collection and loves listening to billy Joel and the Beatles. Although he was born in the uk, he likes American music very much.
•He hates Diesel 10 so so so much. Like a grudge type of hate. He feels this way because d10 did some not very good things in the magic railroad and dotd. There’s definitely no way he’ll change his opinion on him anytime soon.
•other then Percy, his other close friends have to be Anne & clarabelle, hiro, skiff, lady, and the rest of the steam team ofc. He has a rocky relationship with the strike trio but still loves them very very much.
•dude snores so loudly. Gordon’s room in next to his and the man wants to throw him through a wall sometimes.
•very very proud of his shitty stubble
•saving this for last but Thomas is fatherless. His dad died of an accident whilst walking to work. Very sensitive topic for him :(
All this info probably sounded a lot better in my head but I hope this is alright! I’m really excited about making my own human au. I’ve been thinking about this for awhile :))
Edit: fuck the whole thing about the island having a weird age thing, I’m not gonna mess with that since it’s complicated and I’m lazy so they age normally now.
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puffpal7 · 1 year
GASP!! You've seen the ttte creators collective episodes?? Thats so cool!! I really like what they did with Phillip and D10, also your art is really cool :)

P.S: Why does Diesel have a prosthetic leg?
Thank you anon! I also liked their dynamic aswell
And to answer your question it's because pre-dotd the dieselworks didn't have all the same supplies the steamworks had to treat people so Den and Dart couldn't quite fix things properly. Diesel got into an accident that basically shattered his leg, and the only way Den and Dart knew how to treat it was to amputate it or otherwise it would have gotten worse.
Originally it was a freak accident at the scrapyards where Diesel was fucking around and somehow got his leg cut off (I can't remember how).
Sorry I went off on a little rant, ty for the ask tho ^^
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