#his characterization is inspired by his potrayal in the DOTD rewite
esperfruit · 1 month
Human AU Norman Bulleid ref
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Age: 21
Height: 193 cm
The third member of the friend trio of himself, Paxton and Sidney and the inofficial leader. Norman doesn't like Sidney and sees him as a nuisance, only tolerating him because Paxton likes him. He is ambitious, grumpy, bossy and has no time for anyones nonesense, constantly reminding Paxton and Sidney to not act silly. In school he watched out for Paxton, making sure nobody bullied him, took advantage of his kindness and that he wouldn't fall back with his studies, caring for Paxton in his own way.
Unlike Paxton and Sidney, Norman did not look forward to work on a railway as a regular employee as he strongly believes to be meant for higher things as a member of the famous Bulleid Group. He was promised a high position but after an incident caused by his brother Dennis, they were both disowned, resulting in Norman carring a lot of resentment inside of him directed towards his parents, brother, uncle and cousin Rebecca.
When Diesel 10 arrives on Sodor and took Sidney hostage in order to make Paxton, Den and Dart follow his orders, Norman was less concerned but followed orders regardless until D10 took a liking to him, promising Norman the power he always wanted and believes deserves if he becomes D10's loyal subordinate on his own free will...
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