#Tsabrak Xorlarrin
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It’s Always Sunny in the Forgotten Realms, round 3
(characters in alt)
part 1 / part 2
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princefleabitten · 3 months
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Legend of Drizzt: Night of the Hunter…. Wait- which Hunter? Which night? Who was this book secretly about???
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rukafais · 3 months
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A Tsabrak for @ervona. Man's gone through Some Shit
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ervona · 9 months
Tsabrak was really endearing so I'm glad I got it wrong that he dies in that one adventure? can't wait to see more of him in the novels... but that adventure giving him three kids who all die and the added horror of all being named Xorlarrin :(
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rukafais · 3 months
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Tsabrak Xorlarrin in Archmage robes! This was a watercolour commission for @ervona :) really fun to do
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ervona · 2 months
Lu and Vinnie megapost as I've been working on their respective backstories. they're kind of a set
🔮 Balune
Lu was born to a merchant class family in Ched Nasad. She was raised by her father through a loophole sort of deal involving her and her twin, serving as his apprentice. Lu's father is by chance the "master spellcaster" Baeloth Barrityl. The two have always traveled a lot... but after the disaster of Ched Nasad they left the northern drow cities for Sshamath, city of mages. Lu has taken to her new city with heart and is trying her best to learn magic as an art, though being a sorcerer with her natural affinity for elemental air complicates this. Lu was originally based on my first charname in Baldur's Gate, and she retains a part of her own motivation, to define herself and be independent from her father's plans. Lu is close to her father, her mentor and oldest friend, though he is the eccentric evil mage that he is. She mostly wants to be accepted, as a daughter and as a mage who forges her own path rather than just following his. She's fascinated by surface weather and dreams of making it a magician show for the Underdark
🎻 Vlonavin
Vinnie was a commoner in Menzoberranzan who came to be sponsored and eventually adopted in noble house Xorlarrin, in a time before Zeerith's younger daughters were born and they had few priestesses, especially in the younger generation. She obtained the rank of priestess and even came to represent her house by working as a secretary at Arach-Tinilith later, but in the meantime she'd worked for the matron and her children. She had (in what order...) a romantic entanglement and three children (two were twins) by the matron's nephew Tsabrak, and things were looking up for them all until the war of the Silver Marches... her failure to protect her children and partner brought on a world of hurt and she distanced herself from house business to take up work at a more distant outpost. Vinnie struggles with her place in the deeply class stratified society she was born in, and the confusing ebb and flow of Lolth's favour, the holy lady she'd sworn her service to. In her free time she likes to practice playing the lute
extra facts... they were both attempts at making cute, preppy drow women as I don't see that so often. they evolved each in their own direction, with differences in nationality, class background and other things (one is trans, one is cis, etc etc)
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ervona · 9 months
Gromph being somewhat jealous of Tsabrak and Quenthel stoking that fire... Saribel trying to put Ravel in his place with how Tsabrak was chosen, not him... Kiriy genuinely seething as if the issue in House Xorlarrin is a man getting ahead of her, he's less and less of a person through it but he's still a target for these people around him. would be funny if it wasn't pretty disturbing altogether
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ervona · 6 months
🔱🌴😞💯 forrr whomever !! :33
back to Vinnie... and a special guest :)
🔱 TRIDENT EMBLEM — can your oc swim? do they enjoy swimming?
She learned how to swim in a pool, she'd love to swim in the Donigarten lake, but it's considered a bit gross. And the sea... unfamiliar to her but there's at least one sea in the Underdark
🌴 PALM TREE — does your oc have a green thumb? do they enjoy gardening?
I've answered for her and Lu but I want to bring in a character who actually enjoys gardening: Llether! Since moving out of the city it's been useful to him, and even before that he grew some ingredients that he cooked with. His daughter can hunt, some of it they can sell
😞 DISAPPOINTED FACE — does your oc attract others, or do they tend to be left alone?
I was a bit stuck on this one... taking into account the etiquette in Menzoberranzan, but I will say among her peers she occasionally attracts people who want to take a look at her pets... she's rather attractive in context and gets compliments too, for her style etc
💯 HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
Her first pet was a little bat, but at one point it flew away... her current pet is a smaller version of a giant lizard kept on a leash which loves (trying) to eat spiders so much it's a problem now
She wants Tsabrak to be a T'orgh wizard, he wants her to be a Xorlarrin priestess, they both decline this because of how their houses would respond, and argue about this the most. It's dire
Most of her students really dislike her, though few express it… Ironically that means they learned well, she doesn't express the breadth of her dislike for them. She doesn't even like being here
this became three of her problems. sorry...
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ervona · 4 months
long? rundown of my Forgotten Realms girls as I feel myself slipping out of the oc making part of the fixation and more into ok let's just play them
star elf monk, now berserker, relies on indomitable presence and force of will
crude with an attitude, still thinks herself above you because she's so wise and has seen all sorts of things. and true, she has
after having to leave her life and home in the far realm of Sildeyuir behind she did various mercenary work mostly around east Faerun
rather protective, soft spot for weak people regardless of the above... she postures a bit
my bg3 character, tried to be a big hero and truly both succeeded and failed... romanced Minthara and currently on the road traveling maybe even conquering the realms as wives
I tend to use she/her but really gender: elf
Balune (Lu)
udadrow storm sorcerer, studied as a wizard unsuccessfully but always bubbly, optimistic regardless (trying not to feel so bad about it)
daughter of Baeloth Barrityl and a Sshamath wizard, close to both of her parents but right now is caught in the ordeal of coming out as trans(fem) and feeling apprehensive about it
kind of sheltered when it comes to the world outside of the underground city but instantly fascinated by surface weather. wants to be a magician, with a weather show underground
thinks her city is great and could never leave it for the surface but likes being somewhere with less expectations for her for a moment
doesn't use alliteration but does use parasol
my current character in Descent to Avernus
Vlonavinia (Vinnie)
udadrow cleric of Lolth, not from Sshamath too but a merchant clan in Menzoberranzan
works at Arach-Tinilith and is proud of it but not actually a mistress. currently a secretary
gentle heart but hardened personality out of hard circumstances, bullying and rivalry that defined her education years at the academy
The cishet... in love (yes) and once an affair with Sorcere master Tsabrak Xorlarrin that got cut short by his matron. she promptly freaked out and left her job for an outpost position to not displease Lolth any further
plays the lute in her free time, not great at that but enjoys it... reminds her of her love and it really does her well to have a hobby
my character for Out of the Abyss. it gets worse. but eventually it could get better...
Arauglora (might rename)
gold dwarf wizard, a "thunder twin" with an affinity for magic as many of her generation but little way of competing for the attention and apprenticeships of scant senior wizards
born in the Great Rift rather than the Deep Realm, so setting out on the surface is less unusual, she's always looked at those skies
loves history, language and the arcane arts
still a bit apprehensive because she's not a warrior but a scholar so she joins up with a caravan in the Shaar as a guard somewhat paradoxically... but a mage guard is useful!
very stubborn, determined even when the decision isn't the best... not peer reviewed and it doesn't need to be, now trust in her
currently not a tabletop character, playing crpgs with her (nwn, maybe bg3 later too)
tiefling, from a somewhat wealthy and very ambitious Chondathan human family in Zhentil Keep, dad is one of many Zhentarim wizards
lives hidden away in her family's home, she's not a good marriage match but they profess to love her so they keep her around and train her in magic. rather limited form of magic as my own take on an artificer, a magic weaver. true wizard training would be a bit too much autonomy, she is meant to be useful enough
uses arcane eye to spy for her family and to catch up on what goes on in the city as well
still working on her later story lol but she's going to narrowly survive Cyric's attack on the city, run away into the wild scared, run into a goodly hag of some sort and maybe become her apprentice. alchemist artificer
in love with Scyllua Darkhope from afar and uses all her magic (and then some!) to bring her back to life and nurse her back to health
not playing her anywhere but if I figure out how I might just do it... preferably not in 5e
rock gnome + shield dwarf ranger, meant to study the crafts of her family but no good at it, finds peace from this frustration in nature
very outdoorsy and can take all the elements but hates being seen as dirty or sloppy, takes meticulous care of her hair, beard and stache
from somewhere in north Faerun but wants to travel the world... has probably met Glora and Isemay, to what impression I'm not sure
despite Vlatka being the most fairy tale kind of character here, Thistle takes the crown of the princess who speaks to animals and all...
alas not very developed story yet, I wanted a versatile character to play crpgs like iwd and nwn. she wants to be a sort of heroic ranger like Drizzt (not sure how she knows him but you do) just to prove her worth to everyone
she can also appear in 5e as an older, more grizzled ranger, so look how far she's come
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ervona · 8 months
"my fave is a good person and he didn't mean those things it's just the trauma" you couldn't handle Tsabrak Xorlarrin. wins at being a cunt
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ervona · 7 months
point against -in names I just remembered TWO of Tsabrak's kids have a name that ends in -in so it's just too much around one elf... plus Xorlarrin
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ervona · 9 months
he traveled with Tos'un, and usually Doum'wielle throughout Night... I cannot believe Tsabrak was unmoved by his love for his child. Tsabrak got an alternate ending from War... module, but his kids disappeared, I'll be putting them back in since he already has the context for it ("relationship" with Zeerith and the sheer number of Xorlarrin losses plus the Horroodissimoth lore from 2e) and a lot of potential for pain. lost his children, lost his old friend, lost his reputation and then given the title of archmage in a way that must feel like mockery because he failed everything yet Zeerith will fight for a Xorlarrin to replace Gromph. and if she's still forgiving to him after what happened then it's not so bad with her, he's the luckiest wizard in the city
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ervona · 9 months
if I don't figure out how exactly Tsabrak is related to other Xorlarrins you might as well exile me. I've got three exciting options right now. maybe more
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ervona · 4 months
Tsabrak my friend Tsabrak Xorlarrin
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ervona · 4 months
congratulations Tsabrak Xorlarrin you are the most Odile from Swan Lake character ever in another media yet until I watch Princess Tutu
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ervona · 4 months
if Tsabrak Xorlarrin has a million fans I'm one. if Tsabrak Xorlarrin has one fan that's me. if Tsabrak Xorlarrin has no fans I will get it together
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