#Trystalan Blacksworn
Day 6: Right Here In His Arms
Day 6 is here for me! Finally oh finally, I managed to get this next ficlet out before it was too late in the night for me. Day Six stars my WoW blood elf OC, Parisa, and @gwyncath‘s endearing blood elf demon hunter Trystalan. This story takes place after Trys has returned home after being away for so long and learning he fathered a daughter before he left (yeah, that was a tad bit awkward XD) and he and Pari are trying to sort their relationship out and being a new family. I had fun writing this cute oneshot and showing a good and positive change in their relationship. Happy reading! :D
For a while, Parisa had been use to waking up alone. During her hunts, when the sun barely peeked through the horizon, shadows still dancing over the forest and grasslands while the sky was soon painted in hues of violet, indigo, pink, and burnt orange. And when Trystalan was gone, leaving her to battle a foe she barely fathomed, rendering her nights cold, empty, and heartbreaking. Soon those emotions were replaced with the impending arrival of Rowyna, their precious daughter who was carefree, creative, and completely fearless. She was the light in Parisa’s life, filling the void she experienced after Trystalan’s departure and reminding her that despite how her relationship with the first man she ever truly loved had ended, together, they created something very special. And she was grateful for such a gift.  
Yet after countless years had passed, so much transpired--including the return of Trystalan and him meeting his daughter for the very first time. The reunion between the former lovers had first started off as awkward, rather painful at times, and full of uncertainty. Pari didn’t know what to do with him, even though her heart still hummed and danced the mere sight of him and pleasant lilt of his voice while Trystalan was nervous around her, afraid he would no longer be welcomed to see her again, for inflicting such emotional wounds that went too deep to merit forgiveness. But no matter, the blood elf huntress missed him, so much it nearly ached not to touch him, and wanted him back in her life, even if he decided to only stay for Rowyna. Her daughter deserved to spend time with her papa.
Bit by bit, they began to mend their relationship, all the while catching each other up in what the other had been doing for the last several years. Parisa reckoned Trystalan didn’t reveal everything he experienced when he was fighting with demons and a greater menace she was unaware of, and the crimson haired blood elf understood that. After all, she refrained from mentioning the awkward, disdainful, and sometimes indifferent treatment she received from some of the other elves, especially when she had Rowyna and was determined to keep her. She knew if Trys ever found out, the guilt he carried would multiple in tenfold. Besides, Pari stopped caring about the city or her fellow denizens thought about her years ago. She had her brothers and sisters, her daughter, and now, Trystalan and that was all she needed. 
A few months after his return and him living back and forth in her house with her siblings, Parisa found herself wanting more of Trys, desiring him to feel more at home in their abode and stay there longer than a few days. She still loved him, always had, and always will. To stop loving him would be stop herself from breathing. 
“Trystalan,” she began softly, watching him fondly as he stroked a slumbering Rowyna’s head with such gentle love and care, patting her downy strawberry blonde curls. He was so good with her and despite his absence, Rowyna had taken a shine to him. To the little blood elf child, her father went off to battle terrible forces of evil to protect everyone and was a hero, despite Trys’s protest of the latter. 
“Hmm?” The said hunter glanced up, his head aimed at her general direction. Even though she couldn’t see his eyes, obscured with a strip of cloth tied around his head, the huntress felt the weight of his gaze on her. After all, his magic didn’t leave him totally blind, even though demons had left their mark on his eyes. Parisa motioned him to follow her so their conversation wouldn’t disturb their daughter’s rest. Once the door was shut, Trystalan spoke. “Is everything all right?”
She nodded but looked down, suddenly feeling shy and insecure. What if he politely rejected her offer? What if he no longer experienced the same emotions and loved he had for her prior to his departure? She doubt she could handle losing him and his heart again. “Yes, everything is fine. I was simply wondering if you planned on staying the night, that instead of sleeping on the couch, my bed is available to you.”
His eyebrows shot up so rapidly that if the situation hadn’t been so serious, she would have chuckled. He scratched the back of his head, loose blonde strands falling down and covering his face as he contemplated her offer. A concern expression steadily morphed on his breathtaking features as she brushed the flaxen tresses aside and tucked them behind his ear. “Pari...are you sure? I don’t want to do anything to hurt you or force you to feel obligated to be so cordial to me. I don’t deserve your kindness.” 
Heart aching with such intense longing for him, Parisa grabbed one of his hands and placed it over her heart, refusing to let go until he finally understood. “You’re not forcing me to do anything, Trys. I want this, for some time actually but was too fearful to bring it up before. I’m not expecting anything to happen, I just...” She paused, a catch in her throat as all the sensations she kept inside of her were beginning to percolate and simmer over. “I just want you to hold me. I miss going to bed with you, falling asleep in your arms, and waking up to see you’re still there.” 
Releasing his hand, Pari hung her head, a heavy rosy blush warming on her cheeks at her little confession. Was that too much? Did she push Trys into a point in their relationship where he wasn’t ready and would only agree to her proffer to make her feel better or even worse, out of guilt and not genuine affection? Did she ruin all their hard work now?
Tormented by her maddening, frantic, and worrying reverie, Parisa didn’t notice Trystalan move in nigh and encircle his arms around her. Once he embraced her and pulled her to his chest, she realized what was betiding. She then blinked in surprise, her troubled musings retreating far away to the corners of her mind, forgotten. He rested his forehead affectionately against hers. 
“I miss all of that too, Pari. If I can make you feel safe and loved again, I will do so gladly.” He then kissed her brow and absolute rapture surged from her heart to everywhere else.
“Really?” she whispered, happy tears prickling her eyes and she blinked them back fiercely. Her hand reached out to stroke his face, thanking her stars and deity who’d listen for granting her wish. There still was hope. 
“Really,” he answered with a small smile, taking her hand to kiss the back of it. Then, without warning, he scooped her up in his strong, muscular arms,  cradling her to his chest. A giggle popped out of Pari and in response, she tossed her arms around his neck, resting her head on his shoulder as the hunter carried her to her quarters, gently kicking the door open wide before closing it shut with his foot. She nuzzled him even as he carefully set her down on the bed, their fingers lingering on each other as if the mere notion of them parting was unbearable. 
As soon as she pulled her tunic over her head, Trystalan’s back was already turned, offering her some privacy as she changed into her chemise. Frankly, she wouldn’t have mind if he watched but she fathomed his reasoning. Trys did not desire to anything to make her uncomfortable or exacerbate the budding restart of their relationship. Emotionally, they probably weren’t there yet to lie as man and woman carnally yet that didn’t matter to her. Him being her, touching, kissing, and embracing her was all she needed. Coitus could always come later, when they both were ready.
“All done,” she signaled, wiggling into bed while he simply took off his shirt to join her. There was something so right about them spending their nights together in the same room and now, Parisa felt more secure and content than she had for a while. Riding on this state of bliss, she wrapped her arms around Trystalan’s muscled frame, using his chest as a pillow. As the scent of him wafted around her nostrils, her body relaxed instinctively, as if lulled by a dream. His arms were soon engulfing her, one hand rubbing her back soothingly while the other massaged her scalp, fingers tenderly tousling her ruby tresses. 
“Does that help?” he asked. 
She nodded. “Absolutely,” she nearly purred, pressing her lips to his warm, sculpted chest. “Thank you.”
A delighted smile graced Trystalan’s handsome visage. “No, thank you, Pari. Sweet dreams, my dear.” He kissed the top of her head, savoring the softness of of her hair. Parisa sighed dreamily, absorbing this paradisaical moment into her heart and mind for all eternity. She would never forget this hopeful, serene, and loving night between for as long as she lived.   
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