#True Account of Talking to the 7 in Sunnyside
queenspoetlore · 2 years
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Nansook Hong’s video gets over one million views
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LINK to Nansook Hong video  17 minutes
Her book is called: “In The Shadow Of The Moons: My Life In The Reverend Sun Myung Moon’s Family.” Little, Brown & Co.  Boston, New York, Toronto & London, 1998  
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▲ The marriage of Hyo Jin Moon and the fifteen-year-old Nansook Hong, officiated by Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han on January 7, 1982.
Nansook was married at 15, pregnant at 16, and a mother at 17.
Messiah Sun Myung Moon was guilty of breaking US law on 2 counts: false visa for Nansook to enter the US and enabling underage sex. (The age of consent was 17 in New York state in 1982, and is the same now.)
Nansook Hong fled from her volatile and abusive husband and the Moon ‘East Garden’ compound in August 1995.
Divorce papers were filed in December 1996.
In December 1997, Nansook Hong was granted a divorce from Hyo-jin Moon, and was given custody of their five children. Hyo-jin was granted visiting rights on condition he passed drug tests. He failed the tests.
On September 13, 1998, in a segment on CBS-TV’s “60 Minutes,” Mike Wallace spoke to Nansook Hong about her 14-year marriage to Hyo-jin Moon, the eldest son of the Reverend Sun Myung Moon. One of Moon’s estranged daughters, Un-jin Moon, broke her long public silence about the dysfunctional “True Family.” Un-jin backed up Nansook Hong’s account and called her “very honest.” Donna Orme Collins also contributed.
On September 21, 1998 Sun Myung Moon spoke at East Garden, but many members felt he failed to address their concerns from “60 Minutes.” The issue of another illegitimate son, Sam Park born in 1966, was a major one. Many members left.
In October 1998 Nansook’s book, In The Shadow Of The Moons: My Life In The Reverend Sun Myung Moon’s Family, was published in the U.S. It was also published in French (1998), Japanese (1998) and German (2000 and 2002). Sections of her book have also been published in a 1999 Korean book by Lee Dae-bok, 이대복 (a former member).
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Mike Wallace spoke to Nansook Hong on the American CBS ‘60 Minutes’ TV program about her 14 year marriage to Hyo-jin Moon, the eldest son of the Reverend Sun Myung Moon. His daughter, Un-jin Moon, and Donna Collins also contributed.
Mike Wallace: If you’re a 15 year-old Korean girl and your spiritual leader, your messiah, selects you to marry his son, that is about as close as you can get to heaven on earth. But sadly Nansook Hong’s marriage into the Reverend Sun Myung Moon’s family turned out to be more like hell on earth. As you will hear from her, and from one of Sun Myung Moon’s daughters, Moon himself and some of his children had not always practiced what Moon preaches. His Unification Church stresses no sex outside marriage, no alcohol, no illegal drugs. But Nansook says that is not what she saw after she married the Reverend’s eldest son, Hyo-jin Moon, the young man they call the prince.
Nansook Hong: He was the prince, the prince. He was very abusive, both physically and emotionally. He is alcoholic. He is addicted to drugs.
[video of Hyo-jin Moon giving a sermon to church members.]
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▲ Hyo Jin cursing the church members at Belvedere
Hyo-jin Moon: After all, isn’t it give and take.
Mike Wallace: And, she told us, he was high on cocaine or some other drug when he made this rambling, angry, off-color speech to a church group.
Hyo-jin Moon: I am standing here being judged by you motherf*****s. What the f**k do you judge me by? Huhh.
Mike Wallace: Nansook didn’t even know Hyo-Jin when she was chosen to marry him, and she certainly didn’t expect a drug addict. She had been brought up believing that the Rev Moon’s family was without sin.
Nansook Hong: They had a lot of Moon and his family pictures that as a child, as a teenager, we adored, we admired. We looked at those nice smiles and the happy family and we thought that was ideal family.
MW: The Reverend Moon calls his family, the True Family, the perfect family.
NSH: Moon is a perfect human being, he is the only perfect human being on the earth, and he can choose his wife, and his wife then becomes perfect as well, and so his children become perfect because they are from this perfect man and perfect woman.
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▲ Mike Wallace
MW: And so when Moon marries more than a thousand couples at once, as he did in New York last June, he exhorts them to live the high moral life that he, supposedly, exemplifies. The church told us that Moon himself had matched each couple by studying their pictures and brief biographies. And the newly-weds say they want their families to be just as virtuous as his.
Groom: He sets an example as to how to be true parents. The world is in dire need of strong family values. He not only preaches that, but he lives it as well.
Bride: True family, and they bring up children of goodness.
MW: And without sin…
Bride: No sin at all, no sin
MW: Drugs?
Bride: No drugs
MW: Alcohol?
Bride: No alcohol
NSH: Moon’s theology is that he is perfect man who can create perfect family, I think it kind of falls apart if I look at his children.
MW: The Moons gave birth to thirteen children, and various individuals who have been close to them told us, that, in violation of church rules, they have seen some of Moon’s children drink alcohol, smoke, and use illegal drugs. And Nansook soon learned that her husband is the worst of them. She lived with him here at the Moon’s opulent estate north of New York City.
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▲ East Garden, Sunnyside Lane, Irvington (18 acres) was bought in 1973 for $566,150
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▲ This Conference Center, in the grounds of East Garden, was built by Moon at a cost of $24million.
MW: Nansook says the Moons knew all about her husband’s drug problem but still they spoiled him; kept showering him with cash.
NSH: When he needed cash he went to his mum and his mum would give him from $1,000 up to $50,000 and some more.
MW: From a $1,000 to $50,000?
NSH: Yes, depends. Depends what he asked and what kind of mood the parents are in.
MW: Where did all this cash come from?
NSH: I believe it is mainly coming from Japan. When Japanese leaders come in, they bring cash in, and basically they give to Reverend and Mrs Moon.
MW: And how would his son use those church donations?
NSH: He basically used for his cocaine, his parties, his hostess, bar hopping, all the fun things that a person can do.
MW: Those fun things apparently included mistresses. Hyo-jin told her he was entitled to have affairs because his father had had them. And she says that Reverend Moon himself confirmed, to her, that he had had affairs and the Reverend told her that God wanted him to.
NSH: He told me, in person, that he… he called it providential affairs.
MW: Providential affairs?
NSH: Providential affairs
MW: What does that…?
NSH: It’s providential means that it is God’s mission. So he had to have these affairs, extra-marital affairs, because it was providential, it was God’s mission that he had to fulfill.
MW: Of course Reverend Moon does not tell his followers about that part of God’s mission. Instead he preaches that adultery is a major sin.
NSH: That is the worst sin that Unification Church members could commit, to commit adultery, then you will basically burn in hell forever. That is the one single most worse thing that you can do. But Hyo-jin did it many times and his parents know. But there is nothing they do.
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▲ Hyo-jin Moon with two guns and a knife. His father is also holding one of the guns. Nansook said that Hyo-jin had a collection of about 60 guns, some of which he kept in their bedroom. She was fearful of them. Hyo-jin used money that Mrs Moon had given him, “earmarked for our children’s future, to buy a thirty-thousand-dollar gold-plated gun for his father and motorcycles for himself and his brothers.” … “He would open the gun case he kept in our bedroom and stroke one of his high-powered rifles. ‘Do you know what I could do to you with this?’ he would ask. He kept a machine gun, a gift from True Parents, under our bed.” ( ‘In the Shadow of the Moons’ pages 166 and 182)
MW: But worse than the affairs, she says, the Reverend’s eldest son would beat her. One awful night, she told us, he pummeled her while she was pregnant with her fifth child.
NSH: He was doing his cocaine ritual, and against my better judgement, I went and said I will have to talk to you. I said, I just cannot live like this. And I took his cocaine, and I tried to flush it down the toilet and that is when he started to punch me and I did get black eyes and I got bloody nose. And umm, he… But the big fear was that he was gonna kill the baby I was…
MW: You were carrying…
NSH: I was seven months pregnant and I was pretty big. And he kept saying, “I am gonna kill the baby, I’m gonna kill the baby.” That was the worst fear that I had, that he might punch and then something would happen.
MW: Whenever she told Reverend and Mrs Moon about the beatings, Nansook says, they blamed her.
NSH: I was not ideal wife for Hyo-jin that is why he would behave in a certain way towards me, and I was not a good member of their family – so also it was my fate…
MW: Who told you that? Mrs Moon or …
NSH: Both, both of them, yes. And it was my fate that I have to endure these things.
Un-jin Moon: Sounds familiar
MW: Nansook is getting support from a surprising source, one of Reverend Moon’s daughters, Un-jin Moon. She told us her parents blamed her too, when she was abused by her husband. Did he beat you?
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▲ Un-jin Moon
UJM: Yes
MW: And you would tell your folks
UJM: Yes
MW: And they would say…
UJM: I deserved it.
MW: Un-jin Moon is estranged from her parents, but she has never criticized them in public before. She and a close friend, Jeannie Honnerd (spelling?), said that by coming forward they hoped to dissuade people from joining cults. Off camera Un-jin told us that she does not believe that her father is the messiah. On camera she put it this way:
UJM: He is just my father. I think that in itself should say a whole lot.
MW: Un-jin is a Moon, but not a Moonie, not a believer in her father’s church.
UJM: I believe in a God, but I don’t think that I want to belong to one particular denomination now.
MW: What do you think of Nansook? Honest?
UJM: I think she is very honest.
MW: Do you admire her, do you respect her, do you believe her?
UJM: Yes I do. I respect and admire her very much.
MW: Nansook got a degree in art history from Barnard College. Though she realized the perfect family was far from perfect, she tried to be philosophical about it. So what you are saying is that they are like…
NSH: … everybody else, like all of us who are dysfunctional. Every family has problems, so they are like everybody else. But I think a little more dysfunctional than an ordinary middle class family.
MW: Well they have more money to help them to be dysfunctional.
NSH: Yes
MW: The church won’t say how much money Moon has, or how many businesses he owns, but over the years he is reported to have amassed hundreds of million of dollars. Former Moon insider Donna Orme Collins was the first western child in Moon’s church. She was born into it because her parents set up the church in England.
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▲ Donna Orme Collins
Donna Orme Collins: I grew up believing he was the messiah, but I can’t imagine it now.
MW: Moon took a personal interest in Donna, and as a favorite child from the West, she saw a lot of Moon’s family.
DC: I had more contact with his family that the average member which is probably what led me to leave because I saw a lot of the discrepancies between the teachings and his behavior in his family life.
MW: The final straw came for Donna and her family, she says, when they discovered another Moon family secret, that the Reverend has at least one illegitimate son. Moon’s daughter confirmed that:
Un-jin Moon: That I know, yes.
MW: You know the child?
UJM: Yes, his name is Sammy.
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▲ Sammy Park with his mother, Soon-wha Choi, known as ‘Annie Choi’ in the US. There is a photograph of Sammy’s father on the wall behind them. It was at around this age that Sammy discovered the friendly auntie who came to visit was actually his mother.
MW: And Un-jin told us that the warm family pictures in the church magazine give a false impression; that the truth is that Moon spends very little time with his children; and that he and his children had never been close. Nansook says that there is even a language barrier between Moon and his five youngest children. Don’t his young children speak Korean?
NSH: Not really
MW: And the father does not speak much English.
NSH: The father doesn’t, no.
MW: So what you are saying is that the younger ones can’t talk to their dad.
NSH: They can’t really communicate.
Donna Collins: Actually that is what his daughter told me as well. But then I would say the communication he had, even with his older children, was not particularly intimate.
Do you worry at all that there might be some kind of revenge exacted upon you for your speaking out?
DC: Yes I was extremely frightened for a long time. I couldn’t speak out. But I think there is some safety in going public, and I certainly wanted to support Nansook, because I think it is wonderful that the truth comes out about him and his family.
MW: Over the years Nansook says that her husband became increasingly violent and she feared that he might hurt the children. So one night, three years ago, while, she says, her husband was locked in their bedroom after hours of cocaine, she hustled her five children into a minivan, hid them under blankets, and drove them out of the Moon’s luxurious estate, never to return.
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▲ The entrance to the East Garden Estate showing the guardhouse.
MW: Now you live in a modest house in Lexington, Massachusetts, no swimming pools, no bowling alleys, no…
NSH: … no baby-sitters, no drivers, no cook.
MW: no cook
NSH: I am the cook. I had to learn.
MW: How have the children adjusted to this new lifestyle?
NSH: Oh, wonderfully. I am proud of them. We all had to learn a new way of life.
MW: A life that also contains fear of retaliation from the Moons.
NSH: They are not going to control my life. I basically have to live with the fear that I have that somebody might do something to me, but that is life.
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▲ In the divorce court, Hyo-jin Moon looks at Nansook Hong.
MW: After telling the divorce court what she has told us about her husband, Nansook got her divorce plus $600,000 in cash and $9,000 a month for child support. Now 32 years old she works at a center helping battered women. And she has just completed a book called “In the Shadow of the Moons.” Why are you telling this story?
NSH: Because I feel that I was duped.
MW: Duped?
NSH: Duped. I feel I was conned. I had a certain naive idealism that I wanted to work for God. I do think a lot of people have that. And a lot of organizations like Moon do take full advantage of those people, and I was one of them.
MW: Nansook still believes in God, but she has a new way of looking at Reverend Moon.
NSH: I did come to the conclusion that Reverend Moon just cannot be the messiah.
MW: What you are saying is that he is a phony.
NSH: A con man.
MW: The Reverend Sun Myung Moon is a con man.
NSH: That is the conclusion I came with, [after] living with the family for 15 years.
MW: The Reverend and Mrs Moon declined to talk to us, but they did send us a brief statement. They wrote, in part, “We commiserate with Nansook over the suffering arising from the tragic personal problems our son has faced. We as parents feel a deep sense of responsibility.”
Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han refused to help Hyo Jin pay court ordered money to Nansook and their grandchildren. Hyo Jin was jailed.
The Moon family tactic was to grind Nansook down financially so she would be forced return to her husband who had threatened to kill her. The “True Parents” failed because the judge understood their game. The “True Parents” had also failed to raise or guide their son to treat others with decency. The “True Parents” consistently blamed Nansook, whom they had married to Hyo Jin at age fifteen, for their own son’s failures and criminality.
Judge Edward Ginsberg didn’t buy Hyo Jin’s claim of poverty. He said he believes the Moon family is trying to squeeze Nansook Moon and her five young children. Judge Ginsberg agreed she must have money to pay her legal defense, and ordered Hyo Jin back to jail for another sixty days.
Nansook’s attorney, Weld Henshaw: “The church is, and the [Moon] family is going to devote all their energies, not to try to resolve the situation but to winning and grinding [Nansook and] their own grandchildren down. It is a pathetic, terrible situation.”
Suzanne Bates for WBZ News 4 in Boston: “Whether or not Hyo Jin can afford to pay, it is certain the Moon family could. Reverend Sun Myung Moon, who claims to be the messiah and the champion of family values, has millions of dollars in Trust Funds which have always supported his family, but he is not writing any checks to get his first son [Hyo Jin] out of jail.”
Full transcript of the WBZ-TV News reports
Japanese language 洪蘭淑 video transcript
Korean language 홍난숙 video transcript
Spanish – Nansook Hong entrevistada
Polish – Wideo: Nansook Hong w rozmowie z Mike'em Wallace'em.
A review of Nansook Hong’s revealing book
Nansook Hong interviewed by Rachael Kohn
Nansook Hong – [C-Span] Book Discussion – ‘In The Shadow of the Moons’ with FULL TRANSCRIPT
Book in English:
Nansook Hong – In The Shadow Of The Moons
Book in French:
« L’ombre de Moon » par Nansook Hong
J’ai arraché mes enfants à Moon – Nansook Hong
Book in Spanish:
‘A la Sombra de los Moon’ por Nansook Hong
Nansook Hong entrevistada
Nansook Hong book in German:
Nansook Hong – Ich schaue nicht zurück
Nansook Hong book in Japanese:
わが父文鮮明の正体 – 洪蘭淑
文鮮明「聖家族」の仮面を剥ぐ – 洪蘭淑
Nansook Hong book Prologue
Three other significant videos about Sun Myung Moon’s activities:
VIDEO: The authors of The Tragedy of the Six Marys interviewed
English: Tragedy of the Six Marys video transcript with additional photos
Demands on the Japanese members of Mr. Moon’s church
Sam Park ‘Hidden History’ VIDEO – recorded at ICSA in 2014
Sam Park ‘Moon’s hidden history’ 2014 Video TRANSCRIPT
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queenspoetlore · 2 years
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Deeply honored and grateful to Roof Books for publishing this new gathering of paraliterary and experimental poetic forms. Thank you, too, too Jill, Roberto, Will, and Charles for the kind words. 
Book launch on December 9th; deets to follow. 
Meantime, please do order your copy here.  As ever, maraming salamat for your support!
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