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coochiequeens · 6 months ago
“Section 183 of the Criminal Code only applies to men. If a man uses self-ID to become a woman, he can no longer commit a criminal offense for exhibitionism.” - criminal defense attorney Udo Vetter
If a community is truly oppressed I would think that they would be opposed to any law that would give perverts a legal loophole in their name. But then I've been saying for years that the TQ+ community needs to clean house.
By Marielena Meder September 19, 2024
A trans-identified male from Troisdorf, Germany, is facing charges after attacking multiple women in two disturbing incidents involving knives and exhibitionism. But a debate is now raging in court as legal experts weigh whether the man, who identifies as a “woman,” can be charged with exposing his penis, a crime only males can be prosecuted for.
The man, 56, is scheduled to stand trial in Bonn for threats and grievous bodily harm related to two incidents, one from 2021 and one from 2022. Due to Germany’s strict privacy laws, the man’s full name has not been released, but he will be referred to as “Klaus” for the purposes of this article.
In August of 2021, Klaus followed a woman home and attacked her while she was at her front door. Klaus is alleged to have grabbed her from behind and held a knife to her throat while he wrangled her boots off. The woman fought back, suffering cuts to her neck and hands, and was able to send her attacker fleeing thanks to her loud cries for help. Klaus was wearing women’s clothes at the time of the attack, and is said to be a women’s shoe fetishist.
The next year, in December, Klaus exposed his penis to two women on a train. The regional court in Bonn must now decide whether this was a sexual offense, as Section 183 of the German Criminal Code only imposes a fine or a prison sentence to men for exhibitionistic acts. Because Klaus is legally considered “female,” he may avoid this charge entirely.
The uncertainty is the result of Germany’s recently-passed gender self-identification law, which is considered by many to be the most relaxed legislation of its kind in the world. In 2022, well-known criminal defense attorney Udo Vetter warned about the impact the law would have on criminal proceedings, writing on social media that: “Section 183 of the Criminal Code only applies to men. If a man uses self-ID to become a woman, he can no longer commit a criminal offense for exhibitionism.” 
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The verdict on whether Klaus can also be convicted of exhibitionism is expected within the next two months.
Klaus has an extensive criminal history stretching back years. According to the General-Anzeiger, which referred to Klaus as a “woman,” a reading of his past criminal record took the court over two hours.
In October of 2008, Klaus attacked a 52-year-old woman, violently pulling her to the ground and sitting on her so he could rip her boots off her legs. According to a news article on the incident, Klaus admitted to becoming aroused when he put the boots on after fleeing to a nearby forest. During the subsequent police search, investigators found a whole collection of women’s boots at his home. 
The next year, he attacked a 54-year-old woman who was heading home from carnival celebrations dressed as a female pirate in order to steal her boots. When she fought back, he strangled her, cut her face with a knife, bruised her upper body, and fled. He claimed at the time that he had only been able to commit the assault because he had been allowed to walk free from his 2008 crime.
Klaus was ultimately sentenced to two years and four months in prison after being convicted of aggravated extortion and grievous bodily harm. At the time, the court also recommended he be confined to a permanent placement in a psychiatric institution after hearing expert testimony from a psychiatrist who labeled him dangerous and at risk of escalating his behavior to more serious acts of violence.
On the witness stand, Klaus reported that his obsession with women’s footwear had started with his mother’s clothes, and, when he was just 19 years old, he attacked a woman to steal her boots. His parents are said to have sent him to therapy in vain. 
His stay in the psychiatric clinic lasted around 7 years and, while confined to the facility for his criminal convictions, Klaus changed his legal sex and received breast implants. Disturbingly, due to the laws in place at the time, Klaus would have had to receive the approval of two mental health professionals to proceed with his legal sex change.
Germany’s new Self-Determination Act (SBGG) comes into effect in November. The law, which was met by overwhelming backlash from women’s rights campaigners, established “gender identity” as a protected characteristic and allows parents to change the sex marker on their children’s documents from birth. The SBGG also creates the potential for citizens to be fined up to €10,000 (approx. $11,500 USD) for revealing a person’s given name and birth sex without their permission – an action that trans activists staunchly oppose and refer to as ‘deadnaming.’
The SBGG allows individuals to change their legal sex and name without any diagnosis of gender dysphoria, and does not discriminate against those with criminal records. Even convicted sex offenders such as rapists, pedophiles, exhibitionists and voyeurs can easily change their legal sex and first name at a registry office. 
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hcc-international · 4 months ago
Dodge Challenger V8 Scat pack ist ein rollendes Kultugut
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forstv · 2 years ago
Sehenswürdigkeiten in Troisdorf. Troisdorf NRW Deutschland
Troisdorf ist eine Stadt im deutschen Bundesland Nordrhein-Westfalen. Machen wir jetzt gemeinsam einen Rundgang durch die Sehenswürdigkeiten von Troisdorf? Um die Stadt Troisdorf besser kennenzulernen, habe ich für Sie ein schönes Video vorbereitet.
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newtafterdark · 1 year ago
saw your tags about men around glassware and i was like No, thats silly... and then stopped and remembered every event ever ive had around glassware (im also a trans guy LOL)
I will say, it's not a universal constant, but a good chunk of the trans guys I know have several "I fucked around with glass and found out" stories! Specifically during their early teenage years.
For me, I gotta say I mainly got inspired to do it bc I hung out a lot with the cis boys in the neighborhood who'd do a lot of dumb shit without a secound thought.
Anything from removing bark from a stick with a sharp rock (or glass shard), placing some empty beer glass bottles we found on a ledge so they could throw rocks at them (and a hit would only count if the bottle broke on impact or through falling off, impact being more impressive of course), to just straight up tossing empty glass bottles places as far away (and high) as possible and laughing and cheering when it shattered into a thausand pieces on the ground... or made a nice noise and splash when tosses in water.
I'm sure a bunch of my small scars on my hands are from picking up already shattered glass... but my personal dumb scars were a result of me attempting to toss a bottle I found in the local lake back into the water I found it in... and it slipping out of my hand only to shatter on the big rocks I was standing on, which led to a wound by shard on impact, and another as I moved my foot away from the pain and I stepped on another shard.
It was a warm summer day, so other folks were there, including a lady who gave me a short disapproving talking-to & two bandaids for my foot.
I remember feelng so stupid that I didn't even tell my caretaker about it & tended to that wound on my own... which, also bad move, remembering how rancid that specific lake always is during summer. So I was lucky that that didn't get infected... even as one of the scars healed pretty wonky.
tldr; I, as a trans boy, was just as dumb with glass ware as the cis boys I knew.
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stateofsport211 · 2 years ago
Troisdorf Ch F: Ivan Gakhov def. Frederico Ferreira Silva 6-2, 5-7, 6-3 Match Stats
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📸 ATP Challenger Livestream (via website)
To be fair, Gakhov was the one who controlled the flow most of the time (bar the rushed forehand toward the end of the second set), and he kept it consistent since then. This was reflected in the number of break points he created, where he had 13 opportunities to break and converted 5 of them, while Ferreira Silva converted 66% of his break points with only 3 break points. The latter had to convert his defense-to-offense capability to come up with something, which was apparent toward the end of the match, but he did not use it to steer the flow in his favor.
On the other hand, except the second serves, where Ferreira Silva was slightly ahead by winning 1% more of his points than Gakhov (who double-faulted four times), Gakhov dominated from his first serves. Scoring 8 aces to Ferreira Silva’s 3, Gakhov won 77% points from his first serves, being 16% ahead from Ferreira Silva. In this regard, Gakhov reaped his rewards by having an effective first serve and appearing more aggressive, using his power in a more controlled manner throughout the match.
This title marked Gakhov's second Challenger title of the year after his maiden title in Girona Challenger, propelling his rankings up to enter the Top 150 for the first time, landing at 144 per the current state of the live rankings. Ferreira Silva’s maiden title had to wait, but he really needs to make the best out of another final to dig deeper and take more initiative. Who knows.
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goalhofer · 10 months ago
2024 IIHF Worlds Germany Roster
#19 Wojciech Stachowiak (E.R.C. Ingolstadt/Gdańsk, Poland)
#26 Lukas Reichel (Chicago Blackhawks/Nürnberg)
#40 Alexander Ehl (Düsseldorfer E.G./Landshut)
#42 Yasin Ehliz (Eishockeyklubb Red Bull München/Bad Tölz)
#62 Parker Tuomie (Kölner Haie/Hassfurt)
#65 Marc Michaelis (Adler Mannheim/Mannheim)
#72 Dominik Kahun (S.C. Bern/Mannheim)
#77 Daniel Fischbuch (Adler Mannheim/Bad Friedrichshall)
#83 Leonhard Pföderl (Eisbären Berlin/Bad Tölz)
#17 Tobias Eder (Eisbären Berlin/Tegernsee)
#33 John-Jason Peterka (Buffalo Sabres/Munich)
#78 Nico Sturm (San José Sharks/Augsburg)
#95 Frederik Tiffels (Eisbären Berlin/Cologne)
#5 Tobias Fohrler (C.D.H. Ambrì-Piotta/Troisdorf)
#6 Kai Wissmann (Eisbären Berlin/Villingen-Schwenningen)
#27 Maksymilian Szuber (Tucson Roadrunners/Opole, Poland)
#38 Fabio Wagner (E.R.C. Ingolstadt/Lundshut)
#41 Jonas Müller (Eisbären Berlin/Berlin)
#49 Lukas Kälble (Adler Mannheim/Mannheim)
#91 Moritz Müller (Kölner Haie/Frankfurt Am Main)
#30 Philipp Grubauer (Seattle Kraken/Rosenheim)
#35 Mathias Niederberger (Red Bull München/Düsseldorf)
#45 Tobias Ančička (Kölner Haie/Heilbronn)
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naturugarten · 1 year ago
Kaum ist das #Hochwasser abgeflossen, sind auch schon wieder die nächsten Überschwemmungen da. Bisher allerdings nicht annähernd so viel Wasser wie vor einer Woche. Die Bilder stammen von der Melanbogenbrücke Brücke zwischen #Troisdorf und #SanktAugustin im #RheinSiegKreis.
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toletoletole · 10 days ago
Keinzelfall. Wie Heinz ein katholisches Heim überlebte
Christiane Florin (* 1968 in Troisdorf) ist eine deutsche Politikwissenschaftlerin und Journalistin, die sich seit vielen Jahren mit kirchlichen und christlich-religiösen Themen aus einer kritischen Perspektive auseinandersetzt. In ihrem neuesten Buch erzählt sie die Geschichte eines Mannes, der als Kind in einem kirchlichen Heim misshandelt und sexuell missbraucht wurde und bis heute um die…
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jobfinde · 27 days ago
Marktleiter/Stellvertretender Marktleiter (w/m/d) für den Großraum Bonn/Rhein-Sieg-Kreis
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hcc-international · 2 months ago
„Gerne präsentieren wir Ihnen unsere Mustang-Angebote.“
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jc · 2 months ago
#WMDEDGT am 5. Januar 2025
„Was machst du eigentlich den ganzen Tag?“ – kurz WMDEDGT – fragt Frau Brüllen immer am Monatsfünften. Es soll die alte Tradition des Tagebuchbloggens zumindest für einen Tag im Monat beleben. Im Blog von Frau Brüllen werden die Beiträge dann immer gesammelt. Hier ist der aktuelle Monat.
Ein Sonntag.
[6:00] Klein-Tyler krabbelt in unser Bett.
[7:00] Klein-Lea krabbelt in unser Bett.
[7:30] Es ist Leben im Elternbett, erholsamer Schlaf kann da nicht mehr stattfinden. Die Kinder entscheiden sich glücklicherweise, in eines der Zimmer spielen zu gehen, deshalb kann ich nochmal ein wenig schlummern.
[8:30] Nun sitzen wir am Frühstückstisch. In diesen Weihnachtsferien haben wir es tatsächlich geschafft, dass die Kinder ein wenig länger schlafen. Aber wir wollen nicht übertreiben, halb neun ist immer noch sehr früh für einen Sonntagmorgen. (Zur Verteidigung des Nachwuchses: Sie hatten schon zwei Tage wieder regulären Kita-Alltag.)
[11:30] Irgendwie verdaddeln wir den Vormittag. Ich weiß gar nicht mehr, was wir gemacht haben. Irgendwelche Haushaltsdinge und so vermutlich. Jetzt mache ich den Kindern einen Mittagssnack. Vor allem das Tochterkind soll noch ein wenig Mittagsschlaf bekommen.
[12:45] Der kleine Herr kam noch ein paar Mal raus. Er war offensichtlich noch nicht bereit für seine Mittagsruhe. Nun ist er aber auch eingeschlafen. Die Tochter schläft bei der Mama, ich breite mich auf dem Sofa aus.
[14:00] Der Wecker klingelt. Ich wecke Klein-Lea und wir machen uns – so wie die letzten neun Tage schon – für das Schwimmbad fertig. Es ist nämlich so, dass wir seit dem 27. Dezember einen Seepferdchen-Crashkurs im Aggua in Troisdorf absolvieren. Da müssen wir erst einmal hinfahren.
[15:15] Heute zählt es. Es ist die letzte Einheit. Klein-Lea startete bei Null, deshalb war es von vornherein unwahrscheinlich, dass sie mit nur zehn Mal vierzig Minuten so gut schwimmen kann, dass es für das Seepferdchen reicht. Aber einen Rest Hoffnung haben wir noch. Sie hat enorme Fortschritte in den wenigen Tagen gemacht. Sie hatte so viel Angst vorm Tauchen – kein Problem mehr. Sie konnte die Beine lange nicht richtig bewegen – auch kein Problem. Und bis vorgestern konnte sie nicht gleichzeitig Arme und Beine koordinieren – auch das hat sie jetzt drauf. Trotzdem reicht es am Ende nicht, weil ihr einfach noch die Ausdauer für die vollen 25 Meter fehlt. Klein-Lea ist ein wenig enttäuscht, dass sie nur eine Teilnehmenden-Urkunde erhält, aber ich kann sie bald davon überzeugen, dass sie wahnsinnig stolz auf sich sein kann. Wir werden einfach noch ein wenig mehr trainieren und das Seepferdchen nachholen.
[17:00] Wir sind wieder zu Hause. Die Mutter versinkt in Verpackungsmaterial, denn sie hat begonnen, den Weihnachtsschmuck für die nächsten Monate wieder einzumotten. Ich helfe ihr noch ein wenig, dann vollende ich das von ihr vorbereitete Abendmahl und wir speisen.
[18:00] Sonntag ist Vater-anrufen-Tag. Er hat Login-Probleme bei einem Dienst, die ich per Fernwartung lösen muss.
[18:45] Wir beginnen, die Kinder bettfertig zu machen.
[20:15] Ich treffe schließlich die Frau auf dem Sofa. Wir schauen die aktuelle Tagesschau nach und noch eine Folge „The Good Fight“.
[21:30] Dann machen sich auch die Eltern bettfertig. Eine von den beiden muss morgen wieder arbeiten. Der andere darf dafür die Kinder in die Kita bringen. Es ist also angebracht, rechtzeitig unter die Decke zu kriechen.
PS: Das Foto zeigt keine frischen Seepferdchen, es ist von 2022.
📧 Lass dich über neue Beiträge per E-Mail informieren! 🐖 Du findest das hier gut? Wirf was ins Sparschwein meiner Kinder! Vielen Dank! 🫶
(Original unter: https://1ppm.de/2025/01/wmdedgt-januar-2025/)
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schunckinfo · 3 months ago
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markusboehmoffiziell · 4 months ago
Presse - News | Fototeam Raitz & Böhm
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stateofsport211 · 2 years ago
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📸 🎥 ATP Challenger Livestream (via website)
...where Ferreira Silva started in a rush, hence Gakhov had an early break (1-0). Surviving another set of break points, Gakhov ended up holding his service game 2-0, staying true to his rhythm (and pace) in an attempt to bring Ferreira Silva further off the balance.
A notable point came from Ferreira Silva from his powerful forehand down-the-line winner to fumble Gakhov's game point before the latter held 2 points later (5-3), signifying how Ferreira Silva could actually go in the depths by taking advantage of his defense-to-offense approach, but had to come up with something to stand out in this match. Somehow, Gakhov did not necessarily serve for the match since it was an erratic service game from Ferreira Silva, where his two shot rushes resulted in Gakhov taking the third set (6-3) and the title.
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nrwschrott-blog · 5 months ago
Ihr mobiler Autoschlüssel Dienst
Autoschlüssel Notdienst in der Nähe: Schnelle Hilfe rund um die Uhr In unserer modernen Welt ist das Auto für viele Menschen ein unverzichtbarer Begleiter im Alltag. Doch was tun, wenn der Autoschlüssel plötzlich verloren geht, abbricht oder im Fahrzeug eingeschlossen wird? In solchen Situationen ist ein zuverlässiger Autoschlüssel Notdienst in der Nähe Gold wert. Wir möchten Ihnen in diesem umfassenden Artikel alle wichtigen Informationen zum Thema Autoschlüssel Notdienst präsentieren und Ihnen zeigen, wie Sie in Notfällen schnell und effektiv Hilfe erhalten.
Autoschlüssel-Notdienst Unna (Oktober 2, 2024)Autoschlüssel-Notdienst Langenfeld (Rheinland) (Oktober 2, 2024)Autoschlüssel-Notdienst Hürth (Oktober 2, 2024)Autoschlüssel-Notdienst Wesel (Oktober 2, 2024)Autoschlüssel-Notdienst Bergheim (Oktober 2, 2024)Autoschlüssel-Notdienst Herten (Oktober 2, 2024)Autoschlüssel-Notdienst Grevenbroich (Oktober 2, 2024)Autoschlüssel-Notdienst Dormagen (Oktober 2, 2024)Autoschlüssel-Notdienst Herford (Oktober 2, 2024)Autoschlüssel-Notdienst Kerpen (Oktober 2, 2024)Autoschlüssel-Notdienst Dinslaken (Oktober 2, 2024)Autoschlüssel-Notdienst Lippstadt (Oktober 2, 2024)Autoschlüssel-Notdienst Bocholt (Oktober 2, 2024)Autoschlüssel-Notdienst Lüdenscheid (Oktober 2, 2024)Autoschlüssel-Notdienst Castrop-Rauxel (Oktober 2, 2024)Autoschlüssel-Notdienst Arnsberg (Oktober 2, 2024)Autoschlüssel-Notdienst Detmold (Oktober 2, 2024)Autoschlüssel-Notdienst Dorsten (Oktober 2, 2024)Autoschlüssel-Notdienst Troisdorf (Oktober 2, 2024)Autoschlüssel-Notdienst Gladbeck (September 22, 2024)Autoschlüssel-Notdienst Rheine (September 22, 2024)Autoschlüssel-Notdienst Viersen (September 22, 2024)Autoschlüssel-Notdienst Minden (September 22, 2024)Autoschlüssel-Notdienst Velbert (September 22, 2024)
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naturugarten · 1 year ago
🌧️🌊 Die Sieg (vom keltischen "Sikkere" für "schneller Fluss") ist auf die Breite des Rheins angeschwollen. Die Siegauen sind überflutet. In Siegburg, Sankt Augustin und Troisdorf steht das #Hochwasser fast überall bis an den Deich. Hier wird deutlich, wie wichtig naturnahe Überschwemmungsgebiete sind: Wiesen, Felder, Waldstücke, der gesamte Mündungsbereich und sogar der Sieglarer See sind überschwemmt. Das Wasser kann sich großflächig ausbreiten. Flussauen sind vielfältige Lebensräume und wirken zudem als biologische Kläranlage 🏞
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