#Tristan and the terrible horrible no good very bad week
morrithal · 4 months
Local human fighter stressed beyond belief to be threatened with any kind of recognition or responsibility
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Tree House Kisses, Chapter 38 (Adorney) - Scorpio and Veronica
A/N: Click here for previous chapters. And thank you so much to @saiphl for the beta help!! XO!
Chapter Summary: The girls spend a summer apart, but then start their senior year, closer than ever.
Chapter 38: Feelings
Courtney’s dad had moved with his girlfriend to Berkeley earlier in the year, and both of her parents unilaterally decided that she should spend the summer with him for some “quality time.” She’d argued, she’d protested, she’d pleaded with Karen, she’d even cried; but in the end she had no choice but to go along with the plan, sullenly packing her things and boarding the train, defeated. Her only solace was that Roy was doing a summer program in Stanford for a month, which meant that at least they could still see each other on the weekends for part of the time she was there.
COURTNEY: JFC I’m gonna be sleeping on a goddamn fold out couch all summer. This is shit.
ADORE: Awww, so sorry, princess. Xx
COURTNEY: Lol, fuck you. You have no idea what this is like
ADORE: That’s true. I haven’t seen my dad for like ten years
ADORE: lol
The truth was, Courtney hadn’t really spent much time with her dad since the divorce. Sometimes it made her sad, thinking about how close they used to be. She tried to keep an open mind, but a big part of her was still angry about him having an affair, turning their lives upside-down, leaving her mom...leaving her.
Adore was right, though. As far as absentee fathers went, things could be much worse. One night, while he sat on the sofa (the one that doubled as the least comfortable bed she ever had) watching TV, Courtney wandered over and sat down next to him.
He looked up from the TV, surprised, a smile spreading across his face.
“Hey, kiddo.”
“Hi.” Courtney shifted slightly, tried to shake the horrible feeling that she was sitting next to a grown man that she barely knew. “Whatcha watching?”
“Just the news...if things go well this year, we can take both the house and the senate,” Peter told her. “And in 2008, that fucking shit-for-brains will finally be done and we can get the White House, too.”
“That would be awesome,” Courtney agreed, letting her head rest on her father’s shoulder. He wasn’t perfect, that was for damn sure...but when it came down to it, she supposed she was lucky to have him.
Meanwhile, Adore had gotten a summer job as a counselor at an arts day camp, and soon began spending her days surrounded by loud, attention-seeking child star wannabes. Every day, she came home and collapsed in exhaustion, vowing to never, under any circumstances, ever have children.
COURTNEY: How’s camp?
ADORE: The worst
COURTNEY: I’m sorry
ADORE: It’s all good. How’s the homewrecker?
ADORE: Is she teaching you any good stripper moves?
COURTNEY: No, she just like, chain smokes and talks to her birds
COURTNEY: Yeah man, I told you. WEIRD
ADORE: What are the birds’ names?
COURTNEY: Something in Russian, I dunno. I just call them Boris and Natasha
ADORE: Lol you’re so corny
COURTNEY: I did meet some pretty cool anarchist guys down the block  
ADORE: What’s their band called?
COURTNEY: Who said they have a band?
ADORE: What’s their band called, Courtney?
COURTNEY: Pussy Whisper
COURTNEY: Okay, so...this is going to shock you…
ADORE: ???
COURTNEY: The Pussy Whisper dudes?
ADORE: Oh jeez, what?
COURTNEY: They’re gross
ADORE: Yeah, no shit
COURTNEY: i just really liked what Tristan had to say about late stage capitalism
ADORE: Right
COURTNEY: And Grant said I was smart
ADORE: Well, that was your first clue
ADORE: Lol, not because you’re not. Because dudes in a band called “Pussy Whisper” that call you smart are up to some no-good shit
COURTNEY: Right. Ugh
ADORE: Bird lady still a fucking weirdo?
COURTNEY: Yeah. Although she did take me to a yoga class this morning, so that was nice. She’s actually maybe not the most vile person on the planet
ADORE: Awww, look at you, falling in love
Once Courtney got over her initial resistance, she had to admit that Berkely was somewhat cool. Certainly more her speed than the bland suburban wasteland she was used to. She spent most of her days wandering around used book stores, head shops, or combing through racks of cute vintage dresses. One afternoon, sunbathing in the backyard of her dad’s apartment building (which was a converted Victorian house that she also had to regretfully admit was pretty charming), she made friends with a very affectionate marmalade-colored kitten. Turned out, the cat belonged to their downstairs neighbor, and soon Courtney found herself fully enchanted with the older woman.
COURTNEY: Okay I found a much better new friend than the PW boys. She’s our downstairs neighbor and she’s like 70 and so cool. She has pink hair and all her clothes are made of hemp. She’s gonna take me to an Iraq War protest on Saturday.
ADORE: Oh jeez. You’re gonna come back with white person dreads, aren’t you?
COURTNEY: lol it’s a nice look
ADORE: Abortion should be legal until the kids are like...12 years old, at least
COURTNEY: Campers getting on your nerves?
ADORE: If I snap, will you visit me in prison?
COURTNEY: Of course! I’ll bake a nail file into a cake for you and everything. XOXO
ADORE: Good cake or some bay area bullshit?
COURTNEY: Gluten free agave-sweetened carob cake, courtesy of Patsy
ADORE: Fuck off
COURTNEY: Don’t insult Patsy. She’s been protesting since Vietnam, she’s awesome.
COURTNEY: Sorry bunny
ADORE: He’s high
COURTNEY: And you?
ADORE: Meeee? Whaaaaaat?
ADORE: Yes lol
COURTNEY: Lol, have fun
COURTNEY: Would it be really bad if I liked Katya?
ADORE: Omg are you gonna start calling her Mommy?
COURTNEY: Shut up!
COURTNEY: But seriously...it would be like, disloyal to my mom if I liked her, right?
ADORE: Are you gonna start adopting birds?
COURTNEY: No, I just think she’s kind of funny sometimes. I’m a terrible daughter
ADORE: Well, your mom IS the one who sent you up there for the summer. So…
ADORE: So. Something happened last night that was...uh…
ADORE: ...
ADORE: Give me a minute...I’m processing...
COURTNEY: Tell me!
ADORE: Well, we started in Violet’s basement, drinking, and I’m not sure how but somehow it ended up being like 10 people
COURTNEY: Aww, was Violet sad I wasn’t there? Did she cry?
ADORE: lol, totally
COURTNEY: So what happened???
ADORE: Yeah, so...I went out to the backyard to smoke and Trin came and like...I’m not sure exactly how it happened, but I think I made out with her
COURTNEY: Is she gay???
ADORE: No, definitely not. We were just like, drunk and high
COURTNEY: Is everything cool between you??
ADORE: Yeah, I think so. We were laughing about it this morning. But like, I still feel a little bad.
COURTNEY: Why do you feel bad?
ADORE: I mean, I dunno. I don’t want people to think that I’m like, some predatory asshole, you know?
COURTNEY: No one would think that
ADORE: My track record might disagree
COURTNEY: The only thing your track record shows is you’re a ho
ADORE: lol, I know
As much as Courtney tried, and as much as she made her peace with her summer surroundings, by the time August rolled around, she began to get increasingly homesick. Missing her mom, her bedroom, even Grandma Muriel. But especially, missing Adore.
COURTNEY: I really miss you
COURTNEY: Like so much
ADORE: Me too
COURTNEY: No like SO much
ADORE: Are you high?
COURTNEY: No, are you?
ADORE: A little lol
COURTNEY: I’m not high. I just love you.
ADORE: Aww, thanks babe
“DORY!!” Courtney squealed, practically leaping from her car the second she pulled into the driveway. She’d texted Adore from her last stop for gas, but she was thrilled to see her best friend actually waiting for her.
She wrapped Adore into a tight hug, her excitement causing her to pepper Adore’s entire face with wet kisses.
“Hi, okay, stop it,” Adore giggled. “Nice car, by the way.”
“Oh yeah, I know, it’s pretty great. Peter gets a gold star for that one.” Courtney glanced back at the car, her dad’s old Honda Accord, shaking her new bangs out of her face. He’d surprised her with the keys just last week, and it had almost made her forgive him for leaving in the first place...almost. “It was kind of scary to do that whole drive alone, though. I’m very thankful to have made it in one piece.”
“Me too,” Adore said, with a grin that told Courtney she was home. “Now that you’re back, it’s gonna be a fuckin’ party.”
Courtney laid a head on her shoulder, sighing happily.
“You’re going to Darienne’s goodbye party on Wednesday, right?”
“Yeah, of course. Omigod! Dory! I wanted to make those peanut butter cupcakes that she loves, but you know I’m just absolute shit at decorating, can you help?”
“What on earth makes you think I’d be good at cupcake decorating?” Adore laughed.
“I dunno, you’re better at art than me,” Courtney said. “Plus, it’ll just be more fun with you.”
Adore pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Count me in.”  
School was going to be starting back up soon, and as Adore looked around the party at her friends, she couldn’t help but feel a little ambivalent. Summer had just been so nice, and having that small taste of freedom made her long to be done with school altogether.
Tonight, there was a big group at Pearl’s house--her usual friends as well as a bunch of the neighborhood kids, enjoying the pool and the warm evening air. Violet, Fame and Trinity lounged in the hot tub with April, watching the sun set. Pearl was standing at the grill, living her butch fantasy as she cooked up food for her guests, swatting Bob away with as he peered over her shoulder, trying to “help.”
It was a little bittersweet--Darienne had already left for Pepperdine a few weeks earlier, and Jamin for Cal Poly. Even though they weren’t as close as they used to be, it still felt strange, somehow, for them to be missing. Hell, it was even weird for Alyssa to be gone, the loudmouth head cheerleader now torturing people at UC San Diego, probably already sorority president.
A handful of people were dancing, including Courtney and Willam, twirling until they were dizzy and laughing.
“Ugh, I don’t want school to start!” Willam suddenly whined, reflecting Adore’s feelings exactly.
“I know, but this year we’re coming back as seniors, and we’re gonna rule the school,” Courtney said, imitating the line from Grease perfectly.
“Oh really? You think you’re Rizzo?” Adore challenged her.
“Why can’t I be Rizzo?” she demanded.
“Bitch, you are Sandy and you know it,” Adore laughed, grabbing a beer and sitting down on the back steps.
“I can be Rizzo if I want! Fuck you!”
“Yeah, lesbian! How dare you put cheerleader in a box! She can be whatever she wants!” Willam cried.
“That's right,” Courtney added, “I mean, I did spend all summer hanging out with a prostitute. What did you do? Day Camp?”
“I was a counselor,” Adore replied, laughing. She reached into the cooler and pulled out a bottle. “Here, have another drink. And I thought Katya was a stripper, not a prostitute.”
“You don't know her. It's a very blurry line,” Courtney explained, taking the offered wine cooler.
Willam grabbed Courtney’s hand and pulled her away, spinning her around and around. “Less talking, more dancing!”
Adore shook her head, watching them with a smile, lighting up a joint. Roy sat down beside her--the last of his class, since UCLA didn’t start for a few more weeks.
“Hey, Delano. How ya doing, man?”
Roy flashed some dimples at her, then just sat for a minute, unusually quiet, as they both watched their friends dancing like fools. Willam dipped Courtney low to the ground and she shrieked and giggled.
“God, she’s so fucking beautiful,” he said.
Adore wasn’t sure if he was talking to her or himself. She nodded, leaning against the banister and sighing slightly.
When Roy spoke again, it was quiet. “I know, you know. How lucky I am.”
Adore looked at him, considering her reply. Finally, she just nodded and said, “Good.”
Roy gave her another smile.
“Make sure she stays outta trouble while I’m away.”
“I think I’m probably the least qualified person for that job,” Adore laughed, then held out the joint.
“Thanks, I’m cool.”
“Debatable,” Adore retorted, taking another hit.
Roy shook his head, chuckling.
“I’m gonna miss you too, Delano.”
“Aww...shut up.”
On the first day of their senior year, Courtney and Adore walked out of their fourth period economics class together, giggling over Laganja’s unfortunate new haircut.
“I feel bad for saying so, but it’s just so...”
“Hideous?” Adore supplied, and Courtney giggled some more.
“Yeah. Poor thing. Although it’s hard to say whether her hair is more or less tragic than Mr. Sutton’s awkwardness. He’s like a baby deer.”
“I know! But like, imagine trying to get the respect of students who are pretty much your age,” Adore laughed.
“How old do you think he is, anyway?”
“Uh, I don’t know, but I’m pretty sure he graduated with Kim and Angie. I think I remember him from when Angie did show choir.”
Courtney grabbed onto Adore’s arm, eyes wide.
“Omigod, you’re right! I knew he looked familiar!” she exclaimed.
It wasn’t until they were halfway down the hill that Adore noticed Courtney still walking with her. She hadn’t split off to go sit with the neighborhood kids like past years, simply walked beside her towards the oak tree, where Trinity and Willam already sat, sword-fighting with breadsticks.
“Are you...planning to join us?” Adore asked curiously, and Courtney bit her lip.
“Is that okay? I mean...it’s just a little weird without Roy and Darienne, so I thought…you can say no if-”
“Of course it’s okay!” Adore pulled her in for a side hug. “Everyone loves you, you know that.”
“Everyone?” Courtney asked, one eyebrow nearly to her hairline.
“Almost everyone.” Adore smiled ruefully. “And anyway, I want you here, so she can just deal with it.”
As it turned out, Adore was right. Everyone welcomed Courtney enthusiastically with open arms. And even Violet was unusually cool about it, containing her disapproval to some muttered asides to Fame, who promptly thumped her on the shoulder every time, akin to bopping a puppy on the nose with a newspaper.
Courtney didn’t seem to mind either way, cheerfully trading barbs with Willam and letting Fame “fix” her eyebrows, which were deemed “just too pale.”
“Are your pubes blonde, too?” Willam asked curiously, and Trinity began choking on her sandwich from laughter.
“Gross,” Courtney said, wrinkling her nose.  
“Actually, are they? I’m kind of curious,” Trinity said.
“Come on, cheerleader, just tell us!” Willam urged.
“You know, I quit cheerleading almost a year ago,” Courtney said.
“He still calls me ‘New Girl,’” Pearl explained.
“Why are you stalling? Show! Me! Your! Pussy! Hairs!” Willam said, and Fame put her whole head in her hands, letting out a horrified groan before going back to Courtney’s eyebrows.  
���Careful, Bill, or you might get what you wish for,” Courtney sang, staring him down. “You really wanna see my pussy?”
“Uhh...no. Well, maybe...but no. Or…” Willam’s brow furrowed.
“Shit, you broke his little gay brain,” Pearl said, laughing.
“Omigod, that’s so much better!” Fame sat back on her heels, holding up a compact so that Courtney could see her new defined eyebrows.
“Oh wow, that is better! Thank you!”
After snapping the compact shut and handing it back to Fame, Courtney caught Adore’s eye, both of their faces melting into a grin. As Adore buried her smile into her sandwich, she couldn’t help but think about what a change it was from last year.
Maybe a sign of good things to come...or maybe the calm before the storm.
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housemartius · 5 years
i’ve had an hc that dakota is native american for a long time now, and after reading this awesome post i was inspired and like “what if he and piper were cousins??” so let me share some things i’ve imagined about them so far (warning: this is one long ass post):
- they were both born and raised in tahlequah, oklahoma (not in a reservation tho bc there’s no cherokee reservation in oklahoma, rick’s an idiot who doesn’t research anything)
- dakota is two years older than piper and that made him a bit overprotective of her while growing up. even when they were kids, piper got a lot of attention from mostly other boys (which would later make her feel super self conscious of her own looks) and dakota would pick up on her discomfort and shoo away all of them in an instant
- like seriously, he’s a pretty observant kid and piper would always flinch when a boy got too close for comfort. so dakota was always more than ready to help her out
- imagine how overjoyed grandpa tom was when he found out he was going to be a grandpa, twice, in such a short span of time. dakota had barely just turned 1 year old when tristan announces the woman he’s dating is pregnant tom cried so much, bless him
- now grandpa is no fool though. he knew something was up with the ppl his children were dating, he knew they weren’t ordinary folks. and he suspected his future grandchildren wouldn’t be exactly ordinary either. and how right he was
- just a few months after he was born in september 1992, baby dakota was taken on a little trip with his mom and grandfather around tulsa and they came across a huge vineyard
- it’s january and it’s hecking cold (like 50ºF/10ºC) and the vines, as you’d expect, are basically dead. that’s when something remarkable happens: the plants start to reach out towards dakota and the closer he is to them, the livelier they get
- grandpa is shocked to say the least but he plays it cool. he just turns towards his daughter and calmly asks “care to explain please” to which she then proceeds to spill the beans about how she met the roman god of wine whose son is currently being held by grandpa tom
- tom is really surprised that his daughter dated an actual immortal deity from ancient times, or that they even exist at all (he thought greek myths, and therefore roman by extension, were a bunch of bull). yet at the same time he’d been suspecting the dude wasn’t completely human for a while now...
- in the end he happily accepts both his daughter’s love for bacchus (if that’s even who he really is) and the son they had, and never loves dakota any less even now that he knows he’s a demigod
- except they don’t tell tristan bc 1. bacchus told dakota’s mom to keep it a secret (whoops), 2. tristan’s a skeptic who doesn’t believe in any kind of myths so what’s the point and 3. tristan’s sweetheart is pretty high guard about her own identity and grandpa’s noticed this and he thinks she’s hiding the truth from his son for a good reason (again, he is such a skeptical man, he’d probably think they were all insane)
- april 1994. piper is born and an almost 2 y/o dakota is finally introduced to the cousin he’d been hearing so much about
- both love their grandfather and listening to stories about their culture. and grandpa loves that his grand-kids are so keen on learning
- they live a pretty happy childhood overall. apart from dakota’s innate abilities to making vines grow whenever he walks by (though he remains oblivious to this bc his mom goes to great efforts to ensure he doesn’t find out so soon, he’s still a little kid after all), none of his other powers manifest all that much when he’s a toddler. and neither do piper’s
- ofc, being demigods they’re constantly exposed to the danger of being discovered by monsters but they luck out and continue living in ignorant bliss of their godly parentage
- they love being outside. playing, napping, talking, whatever it is, they don’t like being indoors. they’re always running around everywhere, climbing trees, rolling around in the grass, etc it’s a very rare occurrence when they manage to return home with clean clothes
- they just have a looot of energy and they like using it. getting them to calm down is a challenge in itself, they’re always goofing around. whether they’re having a nice family dinner (food fights tend to occur more often than not), or watching cartoons before bedtime (reenacting cool fight scenes is a must!)
- but then one day, just a few weeks after his 8th birthday, dakota shows up at tristan’s house with his mom and she says she needs to talk with his uncle and grandfather
- the kids are told to go play for a little while in the backyard to let the grown ups have some privacy
- dakota is uncharacteristically quiet. piper notices it right away, how her cousin’s shoulders are slacked and his eyebrows furrowed in distress. she asks what’s wrong, what happened to make him so sad
- “i have to move away” he says. piper is shocked, starts asking why. why, where to, and can’t the whole family go with him?
- “no. just me. somewhere far away”. “but why?!”. “because it’ll be bad if i don’t”
- the rest of the day goes by in a blur. piper can’t understand what’s happening. why does dakota have to go all alone? why can’t her aunt go too? why don’t her dad or her grandfather try to stop them?
(- later, when piper demands her dad for explanations, tristan only says what his sister told him: that dakota needs to go somewhere that’ll be better for him, that piper’s aunt can’t take care of him by herself. grandpa tom tells her the same thing whenever piper turns to him but he knows. his daughter told him the truth)
- saying goodbye is the only moment that seems to last an eternity though. piper is full on crying and sobbing, holding on to dakota with all her strength and begging her cousin to stay, stay and everything will be okay bc he’ll be with her and all the people who love him
- dakota cries too, though not as hard. he’s barely keeping it together but he’s the older cousin and he needs to be strong for piper
- inside though he’s terrified of what’s happening to him. to him and to his mom and now his dear little cousin and his uncle and grandpa. he wants to stay but bacchus was clear during his sudden unexpected visit: he needs to go to the wolf house right away
- his mom takes him there. this goodbye is even more terrible than the previous one. in the midst of all the crying he promises that he’ll be okay, that he loves her and will visit as soon as he can
- dakota hadn’t had the fortune (or permission) of visiting his mom and granddad back in tahlequah often. and the few times he had managed, piper had been away with her dad on his trips looking for a job as an actor in los angeles
- one day, now 13 y/o, he was at his mom’s place with his grandfather too, just sitting and talking and enjoying each other’s company when they decided it was time to tell him the horrible news: his grandpa had been diagnosed with lung cancer
- tom reassured him all throughout his grandson’s hysterics that he felt fine and that he was at peace with the situation
- and then dakota asked the dreaded question
- “... how long?”
- “... soon”
- when dakota made it back to camp he started asking around for possible cures, talking with praetors and centurions and just about anyone who might help him
- though in the end he didn’t find any medicine that could possibly save his grandfather
- and it’s not like the romans really cared for helping outsiders either
- the day he got the news grandpa tom had passed away, just a little over 2 months later, he refused to leave his bunk bed for the remainder of it and it took his two centurions to force him out of it the next morning
(- dakota swears that, out of all the days he’d felt the most lonely and in need of the warm comfort of his family, that had been the most painful one he’d endured in his whole life)
(- he also wondered if piper had known about their grandfather’s condition, and for one moment he actually hoped she didn’t just so she could be spared of going through the same despair he and the rest of their family had)
(- he’d also wished, more ardently than ever before, to be able to hug his beloved little cousin again just like he had so many times years before)
- fast forward to 2010. dakota is standing with the rest of the romans at cj, staring at a greek ship that quickly approaches camp
- his long time friend jason is said to be on board and dakota is just dying to give the dude the longest and most bone crushing hug ever
- plot twist: it’s piper who gets the pleasure of receiving the longest and most bone crushing hug ever. but she returns it tenfold rip dakota’s back
- their reunion was a hazard mix of tears, laughter and wrestling. he and jason happily gave piper a tour of the camp, though tbh she didn’t really pay attention to much, catching up with her fave cousin was obviously the priority
- during her quest to save the world, she iris messages dakota as regularly as she can and they talk for hours on end, sharing stories from their past, their family, their beloved grandpa tom whom they missed terribly every single day, everything really
- piper confides in him how much her dad’s lack of interest and pride for cherokee culture has rocked her own, how growing up with him so absent from her life and so worried with rejecting everything cherokee/native american related had made her feel so uncomfortable in her own skin
- dakota takes all this in silence and just lets her get it all out. he hears her every complaint and insecurity and fear. then he starts telling her the stories their grandfather had told them
- he tells at least 2 different ones every night they talk, always with a smile on his face, always trying to replicate the exact same tone and pace their granddad used
- and it eventually gets piper to smile too
- one night it’s dakota who confesses how much he regrets not visiting tahlequah more often, how he wishes he’d spent more time with thomas before he’d passed away, how he wished he’d been with him during those last few days if not to just hear him going on and on about cherokee myths like he loved to
- that gets piper crying in no time. dakota cries too. they just spend a good 10 minutes sobbing together through their reflections in the watery rainbow, neither saying much
- “i’m glad he told us. the stories i mean”, dakota says when they’ve calmed down. “feels like he gave us little pieces of himself bit by bit that’ll never go away”
- “yeah... it really does” 
- when the war’s finally over, piper and dakota visit each other often, though piper’s the one who goes to cj more often since dakota’s a centurion and has his plate full most of the time
- they’re still as goofy and energetic around each other as ever, like the time they spent away from each other was like clicking pause on a movie and now they’ve hit play and continued on from there
- still hate being trapped indoors. when there’s camp meetings they both need to attend they just can’t help but joke around. everyone else dreads going to those now thanks to these idiots
- dakota isn’t as chaotic as piper so he somewhat helps to keep that side of her in check
- when leo accompanies her during her visits though... no point in even trying to hold back this Mess, dakota’s tried before and it was the most stressful and tiring day of his fucking life
- piper constantly teases dakota about his crush on her half-brother michael. he very much regrets the day she ever saw how he acted around the son of venus (a blushy neck scratching mess)
- wow this is getting long fhdkds anyway!! they’re amazing kids who love each other to death and constantly support each other through good and bad times, and they’re proud af to be cherokee and they’ll treasure their beloved grandpa tom and his teachings till the end of their lives, and if anyone ever wants to hear a story, they’re the right kids to go to!
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edgewoodrp · 5 years
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A recap of character experiences from March 1st through September 30th, 2019.
Audrey Mitchell
Went door to door searching for leads on the matter of Emilia Zimmerman’s mysterious disappearance.
Teased with an incomplete tale of misadventures featuring drink vouchers and drag queens.
Became a roadside savior to a car broken down on the back roads between Ashland and Edgewood.
Drank more caffeine than any one person reasonably should, no doubt
Met up with Russell Hemlock to freshen up his trivia skills before another game night at their usual haunt.
Had the worst Friday ever and, after letting some thoughts about her empty house get under her skin, talked herself into adopting a puppy.
Beatrice Larson
Beatrice had a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. After a horrible morning, she got knocked into and spilt her coffee all over herself. David was nice enough to give her a spare shirt and a place to decompress
Beatrice was shocked by a bench after Claudia bumped into her on the street on Friday the 13th. She has no idea how or why the bench shocked her, it shouldn’t have happened like that.
Watched Audrey get shocked by a street lamp pole before the other woman knocked into her, spilling coffee.
Caterina Singh
After finally being awarded her promotion as a journalist (to write the gossip column under a penname), Cat went out celebrating and reconnected with some townies.
During a break at the summer festival, she explored the twisty fun-house with Tristan Kong and strange, unexplainable things happened.
For Valerie Bianchi’s birthday, Caterina hosted a small slumber party.
On an off day, she was reminded of some unfortunate events and had a small break down in front of Ronan North.
During Ashland Street Days, she helped some people find eclectic items after touring the booths several times and finding many oddities (seriously, who proudly displays a bedazzled cattle skull?!)
Charlotte Kingsley
Reconnected with her sister Bridgette, Preston Hawthorne, Rosie Arceneaux, Maxine Beauchamp, Monty McAllister, and other old friends upon her arrival back in Edgewood.
Got into a car accident with Mateo Garcia during the freak whiteout.
Took pictures of the local college campuses for Karen Pierce and the PTA for a collegiate project they’re working on.
Had a tense re-introduction to Trevor during the HAGS Carnival.
Wandered into the North Star Lounge purely by chance on the night of Logan Cree’s surprise birthday party.
David Elmasri
David rescued Preston Hawthorn from public humiliation and struck up a close friendship with him.
He found Juliet Hawthorn after she let out a significant amount of blood and became suspicious of whatever was behind this.
He saw himself destroying Brewed Awakenings in anger during a vision and brought a gun into reality. He buried the gun at Pleasant Rest Cemetery before anyone else could see, although he was caught in the woods with a shovel by Simon Romero-Martin.
He has been suffering with the internal conflict of his new found ability, unsure how to keep it under control or whether it has any benefit at all that is work the risk of getting caught.
Frankie Holloway
Frankie has been watching out for other patrons at bars.
Xe ran into Monty McAllister at the grocery store and caught up with him. 
On September 13th, which fell on a Friday in 2019, Frankie was plagued by visions all day and had little control over xir other powers. Xir sense of sight also faded as the day went on. 
Heather Payne
Heather has been growing increasingly frustrated with her job at Hope Wellness Pharmacy and is hoping for a chance to leave.
She is taking Wu Shu Kung Fu lessons from Tristan Kong, and she meets up with her friend Claudia Rinaldi after their kickboxing lessons together. She continues to also train in potion making and magic. 
She met Raiden Dryad when she attacked him outside of his club. Their next few encounters weren’t quite as hostile and they even saved a man’s life together, but there is still some tension. 
Friday the 13th in September of 2019 came with some strong side effects, including Heather losing control of her powers and almost exposing magic and her experiencing some intense visions.
Maggie See
Caught up with Maxine while spending the night out and a guy wouldn’t mind his own business.
Met Tristan when he rescued her from a creeper at a bar and then helped her deal with a potential panic attack.
Baked Trevor a rather lopsided cake for his birthday.
Maggie worked at the PTA carnival at the bake sale booth and taking tickets for the fun house, which gave her a funny feeling.
Reconnected with Monty at the carnival
Worked the bake sale booth with Trevor, made fun of Karen.Simon came and gave Maggie a break from the fun house
Logan came and tried to sell her raffle tickets
Mateo came and talked to her at the fun house
Valerie tried to get her to buy things from the bake sale table
Waited on Heather when she came into the diner, misunderstood her questions about another patron as finding him attractive
Ran into Valerie while out candle shopping, the two ended up browsing for candles together
Ran into Preston at the library, they chatted for a while and he asked her about baking advice, Maggie was surprised because she’s not had the best track record in the past.
Maggie saw a ghost and could not get away from it in time, resulting in her having a panic attack and freaking out on those who tried to help her.
Met Juliet, who was asking her all sorts of questions about ghosts. It seemed like she had a loved one that she wanted to talk to again. Maggie was not here for that, she just wanted to have a panic attack in peace, thanks.
Maxine helped her back to The Underworld
Heather tried her best to fight the ghosts for Maggie
Monty, being somewhat of a pro, helped Maggie get to somewhere farther away from the ghosts and helped her through her panic attack
Tristan wanted to get Maggie to a doctor, which she refused. He stilled helped her get to somewhere safer
She totally freaked out on Logan when he doubted the existence of ghosts
Maggie went to pick up some items that she had ordered from Miss Rosie and Simon was working the counter. They noticed what she was buying and tried to offer Maggie a protection charm, but Maggie didn’t realize that it was probably a gift and refused because she didn’t have enough money to buy anything else but what she had come in for.
Maggie went to the Underworld to celebrate Maxine’s birthday. She decided to let loose and get drunk, since it’s a space that she feels safe, and she knew that Maxine wouldn’t let anything bad happen to her in the club. She also made her a somewhat lopsided birthday cake.
Maggie found an ugly cat in the dumpster at work and brought it home, much to the annoyance of Trevor.
Ran into Monty on their terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. She could tell that he wasn’t doing so hot but was refusing her help. But she also wasn’t feeling too hot so decided to take advantage of the fact that he wouldn’t turn her away when in need to keep an eye on him as well.
Maxine Beauchamp
Got some outsider opinions on what event Underworld Night Club should host next.
Due to an odd encounter in the woods, Maxine has now, semi-reluctantly, become a mentor to Phoenix Castillo.
Made a pact with Bridgette to go sober, because they both caught each other in compromising positions, but it didn’t last that long.
Conspired with Simon to change the terrible music at the carnival to something less abrasive.
Thanks to the input of others, Underworld hosted a amateur drag show for Edgewood’s Pride Week.
Her suspicions were raised after running into another potential vampire at her night club, so she is updating Ronan on their shared list of suspects.
And now she has celebrated her 33rd trip around the sun with some close (and not so close) friends.
Monty McAllister
Got turned around looking for a grocery store and ended up running into his childhood best friend, Trevor Wells.
At the HAGS Carnival, he split a funnel cake with a friend, then visited several others at the food booths. Later, he was spotted by his older sister, and consequentially made his return to Edgewood known to his family.
After a big falling out with his family, Monty had a little heart-to-heart with Ronan North in the park, and later struggled to deal with the aftermath of the disastrous familial encounter.
Met Karen Pierce while they were both fleeing his older sister in a crowded shopping mall.
During the events of Friday the 13th, he struggled to deal with an onslaught of visions throughout the day, the most notable of which featured Simon and a Change.
Phoenix Castillo
Phoenix has surprised many people on her adventures through the woods. She has made a new friend in Valerie Bianchi this way, but only thoroughly confused Tristan Kong.
She has started training her telepathy with Maxine. 
She met Juliet Hawthorne at the Mystery Shack and found out that she is a vampire turned by Phoenix’s Great Uncle Leon. Phoenix is still hesitant around vampires though after some intense encounters with Logan Cree.
She has became friends with Preston Hawthorne after discovering a shared love of dance at the local library.
Raiden Dryad
Raiden and Juliet shared whiskey and exchanged taunts.
Met Caterina at Ashland Street Days and briefly discussed odd finds at the stalls.
Potentially insulted psychic werewolf Ronan North at Ashland Street Days about his father’s flannel shirts, and continued attempting to rile the wolf up.
Ran into Tristan outside the Crossroads Club, who was involved in an argument on his phone.
Had a suspicious meeting with Claudia after she barged into his club and admitted she had unestablished business with one of Raiden’s employees.
Almost beheaded Valerie with a mobile phone and had an odd conversation with them with supernatural-related jibing. Is currently attempting to suss out who and what they are at the Grille.
Was jumped by a blade-wielding Heather and came to a reluctant truce with the witch.
Tried to help Juliet hunt down Hawthorne birth records whilst acquiring his own sustainable blood supply at the hospital.
Introduced himself to Logan at the other vampire’s birthday party.
Offered Monty some guidance in choosing a dinner wine for his family dinner.
With some assistance, Raiden helped save a stranger’s life from a car accident.
Ronan North
Tracked down Wesley Callaghan with the help of his bartender, Evangeline Priestly, after Wes skipped out on another tab.
Bit the bullet and put some of his father’s old clothes up for sale during Ashland Street Days. Parting with those flannels was sweet sorrow.
Ran with Harley Chapman on a full moon.
Experienced some unusual bad luck on Friday the 13th. He lost control of his Change and turned in broad daylight while responding to his pack beta’s SOS. His other senses diminished as he found the beta and broke up an altercation between them and Simon Romero-Martin.
Russell Hemlock
At Ashland Street Day’s car show, Russell accidentally spilled ice cream on one of the cars and recruited help from others, only to find out it was Ronan’s late father’s car. Whoops.
Simon Romero-Martín
Upset a townsperson or two -and their balance- chasing after a “lucky” snail.
Volunteered as a face painter at the Have A Great Summer Carnival and made a number of the patrons’ day something truly magical.
Assisted Preston Hawthorne in ridding himself of a spell-generated doppelgänger that overstayed its welcome.
Spent every full moon diligently keeping their transformations behind lock, key, and spell…
Was interviewed by the watcher.
Bribed Monty McAllister with coffee and breakfast to hike out into the woods and help her take care of her cats.
Was rescued from having to walk their flat-tired bike home by Raiden Dryad.
Ran out of luck with their usual transformation preparations on Friday the 13th and stirred up some trouble with members of the Ashland pack.
Xavier Bennett
Talked classic cars and what their favorite decades were with Juliet Hawthorne at Ashland Street Days.
Gave Phoenix Castillo the shirt off of his back to wrap her bleeding hand after witnessing her trip in the rain, had an uncomfortable conversation about his psychic abilities.
Had dinner with Harley Chapman, but this is a weekly occurrence as she is his neighbor and one of his closest friends in Edgewood.
Served drinks to patrons such as Mateo Garcia and Bridgette Kingsley  at Logan’s birthday party at the North Star Lounge.
Lamented about todays youth with David Elmasri at Brewed Awakenings when he went in for his morning coffee.
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wheeluh · 7 years
Joey x Tristan / Jou x Honda ~
You turned me into buddyshipping trash, you loser? How dare. I’ll refer to them as Joey and Honda, since that is how we used to roleplay them!
send me a ship and i’ll tell you:
who hogs the duvet
Joey. He definitely doesn’t do it on purpose, he just has disproportionately long limbs that have a horrible habit of getting tangled up in the bed-sheets.
who texts/rings to check how their day is going
Both of them, honestly, whenever they have time. Honda is better at doing it routinely, whereas Joey does it on his breaks at work or whenever he’s feeling lonely.
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts
Honda. He was the Beautification Club chair, after all, he has a knack for all things creative. He’s particularly good at putting together ‘care packages’ with pretty decoration and stupid fake (probably edible) straw to pack things together with. Joey thinks they look ridiculous but absolutely loves them nonetheless.
who gets up first in the morning
Usually Honda, except when Joey has shifts at work (which are very early starts, because training to be a Firefighter is hard work). Honda is an early-bird generally, and has no shame in shaking Joey awake for breakfast, even when Jo’s hungover.
who suggests new things in bed
Honestly they’re probably both pretty vanilla. Honda, perhaps?
who cries at movies
Honda. Absolutely Honda. Joey is so embarrassed by it but will begrudgingly pass him tissues and pat his shoulder comfortingly.
who gives unprompted massages
Joey. He has a knack for sensing when people close to him are stressed, so if they were ever sat together and Honda was giving off tense-vibes, Joey would be right there with back-rubs.
who fusses over the other when they’re sick
Both of them over each other, completely. If it’s ever a situation where they’re both sick at the same time, it usually turns into them just crashing in bed together whining about it and watching Netflix.
who gets jealous easiest
Honda. Joey has wandering eyes and is naturally quite polyamorous. It probably infuriates Honda - Joey is always ready to reassure him, though.
who has the most embarrassing taste in music
Joey. He has a two and a half hour playlist consisting mainly of Classic Rock and Britney Spears. It’s terrible.
who collects something unusual
Honda probably collects something like interestingly-shaped erasers. He gets furious if Joey ever uses them to actually erase things.
who takes the longest to get ready
Usually Honda. That hair takes work. If Honda is attending one of Joey’s drag shows, though, it’s obviously Joey that takes the time. Ginger Schnapps wasn’t born overnight, you know.
who is the most tidy and organised
Honda. To the point where it infuriates Joey. They have very different views of ‘organisation’. Joey’s desk is ‘organised chaos’ whereas Honda’s is ‘pristine’.
who gets most excited about the holidays
Honda. Joey hates most of the Holidays (besides Halloween). Being with Honda will change this, over time, and he’ll eventually begin to embrace the true meanings behind family holidays.
who is the big spoon/little spoon
Joey is big spoon, Honda is little spoon. 
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports
They’re both as bad as each other and it usually results in very vocal arguments and throwing things.
who starts the most arguments
Joey instigates them without meaning to - he’s an irritating son-of-a-bitch and, while Honda usually has the patience of a saint, sometimes even he can’t tolerate the shit Joey puts him through.
who suggests that they buy a pet
Joey. Probably when he qualifies as a Fireman - he’ll do 24-hour shifts twice a week, and he worries about Honda getting lonely during that time, so he suggests a dog or a cat.
what couple traditions they have
Watching porn together. Some things never change.
what tv shows they watch together
Honda managed to convince Joey to watch ‘Stranger Things’, despite Joey being utterly terrified for the first few episodes.
what other couple they hang out with
Yugi and Anzu, of course. Sometimes, more rarely, Seto and Atem. 
how they spend time together as a couple
Mostly flopping about together watching stupid TV shows and playing stupid videogames. Also soccer in the park, because they just do not grow up.
who made the first move
Honda. Joey is an oblivious asshole.
who brings flowers home
Joey - mostly to appease Honda’s sense in aesthetic. He really doesn’t know much about flowers but he hopes the gesture is appreciated nonetheless (it is).
who is the best cook
Joey. He cooked for most of his childhood and has a real knack for it. Nothing he makes is particularly exciting, but he definitely knows how to make substantial meals from limited ingredients.
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