#Treasure of the golden suns part 2
r0-boat · 3 months
Do you have the nsfw ver for Whb Kings as Monsters too 👀 If you do, i'm gonna have to wait patiently though 😚
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Thank you for waiting
This is the NSFW version!
Whb monsterAU!Kings (5) NSFW rut headcanons
This is part 2 of the SFW monster AU
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Horny Satan is not the same thing as Satan in Rut. When he is horny, and he is not ashamed. He will let you know. "Hey, let's fuck." When he holds you, his hands will be trying to slide under your clothes to touch you. Humping against her leg, looking up at you, with a smirk showing you how hard he is.
Other than Levi, he is the most violent during his rut. So violence that you have to separate the snake and the cat so they don't kill each other. In his rage, he will transform, pick you up by the neck of your clothing, and run off with you to the wilderness to God knows where to have his way with you. He doesn't like transforming when You're underneath them, He gets thoughts about taking you hard and rough leaving deep bites and deeper scratches licking up your blood as he breeds you full. So he always tries to leave when it gets really bad.
There is only two ways to take him: tie him up and watch him struggle, whimper, growl hiss, and beg for you to release him. Or become his personal fuck toy until he is satisfied. Who once you're done, you're going to be covered in bite marks and scratches, maybe even bruises of how hard he's holding you. He will throw your legs over his shoulders and pound into you like his only job is fuck you deep.
During ruts as well as getting more violent, He gets more protective, always hanging off your shoulder glaring it whoever you're talking to, waiting for them to touch you.
Like a certain tiger, he is no animal. He is not sure how humans Court, But he does know how dragons do it. Showering you and his prized possessions, gold, and jewels, and then take you right there on his treasures.
When his rut nears His golden scales begin to show on his body, something he tries to hide since he's trying to be among the humans. But for you, he will proudly show his body. Not only that, but his tail, fangs, and horns will begin to show before he cannot control himself. His greediness also heightens, begins to monopolize your time.
Unlike a certain snake, he does not like taking you by force. He wants you to choose him, but that doesn't mean he'll play fair... He will tease you, But he won't give you what you want just yet, not until he is for sure that You will give yourself to him. He will talk in great lengths about how he will pleasure you and that he will not stop till the sun rises, only for him to take you once again.
He gets the urge to build a nest. Moving as much of his gold and jewels as he can into his room. He fills his large room with his treasure, with a large bed filled with pillows, blankets, and sheets, anything soft and comfortable for you to lay on. He even has something you can wear—white and lacy with nothing else underneath for easy access.
Naga's are very protective of their mates, and Levi is no exception in fact he is extremely possessive as well. When he claims something in your room he will fight it to the better end. And it becomes a consistent problem when he claims your bed or your closet.
And it gets worse Oh dear, does it get worse during his rut? He is clingy like Satan but ten times worse, practically holding on to you like velcro. You wake up with him wrapped around you, and if you move, he squeezes. If you pass out That's no skin off his nose that means you can't leave him until you wake up.
DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT TOUCH OR SMELL LIKE ANY OTHER HYBRID THAT HE DOESN'T KNOW. His self-control is already hanging on by a thin little strand. And that will be the final cut. He is not soft when it comes to mating either. He will bend you down his clawed hands digging into your throats, and he will fuck you till you cannot walk for weeks.
Murmuring about how he's going to break you. His jealousy, possessiveness, and even possessiveness are at full force. However he does see you as his mate and he becomes gentler. His hateful facade fades almost completely. He cuddles you, he kisses you, calls you mate. One of these rare moments when he's gentle and expresses his love for you.
His rut is whenever he wants it to be. All jokes aside; how he found you is by scent alone. It was just a coincidence that a lot of other people he knows also found you. Your scent was irresistible something he had never sensed before. And before he knew it he was there.
He does have ruts. Where he gets the urge to show his body and his wings off to you, maybe even hum a tune when you're leaning against him. Come to think of it, when the two of you dance together, all he wants to do is pin you right there and have his way with you. He wasn't aware of that these were just mating rituals. Maybe he just forgot because it's already something he does.(except for the humming that's new)
He has never fallen for anyone before, sure he's had sex but you are different. Is it safe to say that he is nervous? He wants to really romance you, not just take you and leave you breathless on his cock. Well, that too, but he wants to make sure you have fun. It's just hard to do that when your body is making him feel hungrier than usual.
But you are worth it. He wants to feel the rush of adrenaline when he finally gets to have you after hours of staring, and sexual tension. And he hopes you feel that too with him. And that's when he'll take you raw and primal.
"Vampires don't get ruts"well, that's what he thought until his body started feeling rather hot. Shit... It all started when he took you out on a date. And he enjoyed it, and he really liked you. Now, every now and then, his body would feel uncomfortably hot. His pants would feel unimaginably tight, and he can't stop thinking about you.
Vampires are prideful and elegant beings. Now here he was, disheveled because of a Human. He is frustrated at his lack of a control over his own body but also curious that you could do this to him. And when he takes you in an attempt to take back his control, You will submit yourself fully to him.
During this time, he sees you like prey. He looks at you as if a tiger eyeing its meal. Even the slightest touch screams how much he wants you. He will make you lose control like you do to him. The urge to sink his teeth into your neck is annoying; he's never had the desire to taste blood from the source, not for a long time. But he could smell how sweet and rich your blood is from here, and it's driving him up the wall.
He will make you cry on his cock. He will make sure you know that you are screwed once you're in the bedroom alone with him. He will make you feel small and submissive under his touch, under his gaze. And that's when he'll take you. Like an animal.
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unformula1 · 8 months
"i'm in love with you" (OP81)
“i’m in love with you” (OP81 x reader)
read part 2 here!
Synopsis: “I’m in love with you.” Oscar says, stuttering a little, his head held down He said it. The sacred words which no one ever thought he would say. The words that would ruin a friendship. masterlist word count: 671 words pairing: oscar pisastri x reader
Oscar Piastri was a pretty reserved driver, wouldn't say anything if he didn’t need to. He just sat in the corner of the room and kept quiet. He isn’t exactly the type to start conversations or the kind to continue them. Truth be told, conversing was one of his biggest weaknesses, he never knew if he was going to accidentally insult someone or say something stupid and ruin their friendship.
Oscar and you had a pretty special dynamic. You and him were so much different from the rest. The only person Oscar would initiate conversation with, the only person that Oscar would willingly talk to for hours. The only person that he would sit next to and lean on their shoulders, the only person which made Oscar feel comfortable around. 
The sunset was pretty, the orange streaks of ray glowing against Oscar’s face, making him glow a golden aura. Oscar and you sat on a park bench, admiring the sunset.
“You’re pretty special.” Oscar says, leaning on the bench.
“You too.” You reply, still admiring his face as it glowed in the sun.
“Really?” He says excitedly, sounding like a kid who found out you had candy.
“Yea.” You reply confidently, “You’re pretty too.”
He flushed red.
“Prettier than this sunset.” You add.
“You flatter me too much.” Oscar replies, covering his face with his hands.
Oscar made it pretty clear he found you special and that you were someone he treasured. He made sure you knew too, with all his gifts and that smile he flashed you every time you felt remotely down.
No matter how mad he was that day, how frustrated he was, your presence always made him feel better, and it was mutual. Both of you forged a bond people could only dream of. 
“Why aren’t you like this…” You ask, “You know, with everyone else.”
“Like what?” Oscar replies, holding an ice cream cone in his hand.
“Oh! That…” He takes a lick of his ice cream, probably to drag time, “I guess, you just feel more comfortable to talk with… yea,”
“How am I different from Lando then?” You inquire further.
He sighs, running his hand through his hair, “You’re special…to me.”
“In what way.” You dig deeper.
“I didn’t know I was getting a pop quiz today.” He subtly avoids the question, awkwardly laughing.
“Oscar. Answer the question.” You deadpan.
“You…give me something that no one could ever.”
“Which is?”
“What?” You raise an eyebrow.
“Butterflies in my stomach.”
“Oscar. What are you saying?”
“I’m in love with you.” Oscar says, stuttering a little, his head held down
He said it. The sacred words which no one ever thought he would say. The words that would ruin a friendship.
“Oscar… I-” You pause, “I- uhm…” You’re lost for words, nothing comes out of your mouth no matter how hard you try.
“There I said it, okay?” Oscar says, taking another lick of his ice cream before sheepishly offering, “Do you… do you want ice cream?”
“Sure- Yea. I’ll take it” 
He stretches out his hand for you to lick his ice cream.
You do.
“So… Do you want to talk about it now or later?” You ask him.
He hesitates, “Now.”
“Since when?” 
“Since we met.”
“No way.”
“I thought it was just a small infatuation. It wasn’t.” He admits, licking more of his ice cream.
You wipe a chocolate stain off his lips, which sends a rush of blood up to his face, turning it red. He chuckles nervously, trying to hide his clear blush. His free hand fiddling with his shirt, wrinkling it up. 
“Guess it really wasn’t.” You joke, lightening the mood. Oscar laughed, his shoulders relaxing and his body growing less tense.
Oscar takes a deep breath and composes himself before thinking of how to phrase his question, then he asks it.
“Do you-” He stumbles on some of his words, “like…you know, like me back?” 
You think for a bit. 
Do you?
Do you love Oscar Piastri?
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blessedtoaster666 · 1 month
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WITCH WEEKLY - Issue 94 - December 2006
Editor’s Note:
Gentlebeings of the Wizarding World,
Our cover feature this issue is the one, the only Draco Malfoy- a man who needs no introduction, but whose presence might require the briefest of explanations.
Lord Malfoy has had no shortage of press over the years… but since his release from Azkaban we have dutifully kept an eye on him, and for sore ones he is a sight. Every time we feature him, the owls pour in. Some carry missives with love potion-laced ink, in the hopes that we’ll pass them to the man in question (no judgement, we’ve tried to slip him a little something in the past) while others are Howlers bursting to scream about our hideous facilitation of lusting after a war criminal. How dare you drool over a terrorist! But drool we do, like a three-headed dog.
It’s one of our favorite things about Draco Malfoy: those who love him, would die for him… and those who hate him, would like to see him killed. We fall into the camp of the former- do you?
Read on for 10 of our other favorite things -
Venia Plumberton, Editor-in-Chief
BEST OF Draco Malfoy
We surveyed our editorial staff, as well as witches and wizards on the street (Horizont Alley, to be exact) to determine the 10 best features of the wizard we love to hate, but don’t hate to love. Caution… at least three witches went feral after editing this piece. You’ve been warned.
#1 - CHEST - We don’t know if it’s that he’s vaguely the color of honed marble, or that we had too many brushes with the fit statues at Hogwarts during our formative years… but oh, Mummy. We don’t get to see shirtless Draco often- perhaps he’s self-conscious of the scars? Are they from the whip of a lover… or perhaps the Dark Lord?
Our seven-page coverage of his trip to Bali last year, “Draco’s Treasure Chest” July 2005, contributed to our best selling issue. EVER. We are certain our journalistic prowess has not gotten that much better. When it comes to Draco, we’re delusional, not deluded.
#2 - EYES - Pureblood politics like to keep things in the family; but if inbreeding is wrong do we want to be right? Like pools of mercury, Draco’s eyes look terribly inviting but might just kill us if we take a dip. We have on record that his nickname in school was, “The Heir of Slytherin”. Basilisk, much? We’ve heard stranger. Speaking of basilisks… this magazine doesn’t stoop to such levels… but we know where your head’s at.*
*Right next to ours, in the gutter. But at least we’re looking at the stars… specifically, the Draco constellation.
#3 - HAIR - We here at WW celebrate a man who takes the time to learn grooming spells, and we dare say the Malfoy Scion created a few of his own to tame his mane just the way we like it. Tousled, pushed back, glittering platinum everywhere the light touches it. Oh, to run a hand through that hair. Maybe pull it, just a little. Ruin our life, Draco. We are at the ready.
#4 - SIZE - When the DM walks in the room, suddenly, we orbit around him. Is it because of his white golden hair (see above) or is it perhaps that he’s the size of a planet? The Muggles have really gotten into something called gravity, look into it friends - because Draco is our sun. 6’5”, the wing span of a bloody hippogriff and the legs (oh we’ll get started with those next) of a semi-giant.
#5 - THIGHS - We could be pressed to include the whole leg, look at those calves, but in the interest of being specific- Draco Malfoy’s thighs get us through our work day.
Thick as tree trunks, we’d surrender our wand to be a part of that forest.
We spoke to Madame Mirabelle, tailor to rich and infamous, and she assured us that while she hasn’t fit Draco in years, she knows for a fact he has a tailor on staff to “rightly pinch and pin” every set of trousers he wears. One must not assume that anything off-the-rack could surround such thighs, wrap that arse, cover that bulge and hug that waist without being magically pinched and pinned. We’re due for a sewing spell seminar, it would seem.
#6 - ABS - Speaking of waists… Well. We shan’t. We’ll just show a picture, it scores a V, for va va voom.
#7 - FOREARMS - Again, we feel remiss not mention the scrumptious biceps, the scandalously sexy shoulders… but let it be known, Draco’s forearm game is unmatched. Maybe it’s the veins; maybe it’s the sheer size of them. Maybe it’s the Dark Mark- you know we need to be reminded about the danger lurking underneath. Or maybe… we are ovulating? No matter. We’d let him cast any spell he wanted at us so long as he used those arms to hold his wand.
#8 - SNEER - A snide look, on the face of Draco Malfoy, is better than a smile on any other man… We’re sure should Draco ever smile our way, he’d be crowned ‘Most Charming Smile’ in an instant… but to that end, we’ve never seen it. We’re not sure he’s capable. So we covet the sneer.
Eyes narrowed, nose flared, lip curled? Check, checkity, check. Sign us up for the next war!
#9 - JAWLINE - We long to go to a taffy emporium with Draco and watch him sample the wares… such is our obsession with seeing him clench. For Merlin’s sake, someone get the man some gum! We deserve such visions, we’ve been so good.
#10 - HANDS - Hands tell the story of the man- and here’s what we know… Draco’s hands can palm a quaffle and are typically adorned with family heirloom rings. He likes a Muggle watch, and doesn’t always need a wand. An eyewitness told us she saw him stop a falling bottle at his bar, The Jobberknoll, with just a flick of his fingers, as he dined with friends. We love a wizard who takes matters into his own hands.
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bump1nthen1ght · 1 year
To Be Cherished (Dragon x GN! Reader) Part 2
Pairing: Male!Dragon x Gender Neutral!Reader
Warnings: Explicit Content (18+ ONLY), Dubious Consent (Consent is not explicitly asked), Slight Infantilization, Knotting
Word Count: 2300 words
Summary: “On nights like these, back at home, you typically performed a…ritual to calm your mind before bed. A rather private ritual, but a ritual nonetheless.
You slowly turn your head to Nyryym’s head, noticing the giant closed eye only 3 feet away from you.
Maybe I could.
You ponder, quietly undoing the tie around your robe and pulling the heavy covers up to your neck. With the thickness of the blankets its not like it would be too obvious what you were doing. Especially if you propped up your knees.”
A/N: Due to many requests, here's the NSFW part two to “To Be Cherished”! I decided to keep the reader gender neutral to stay in line with last one. Hope y’all enjoy!
The last few days have been weirdly tiring.
You had worked on your farm since you were 12 years old. For almost your entire life you’ve worked days of waking up at the crack of dawn, pushing your body until the very limit, sleeping, and then doing it all over again.
But you definitely underestimated how tiring doing nothing can be.
For four days you’ve woken up only when you felt like it, often taking over an hour to get out of bed afterwards. With a hot plate of breakfast on the table and an outfit all laid out, all you need to do is roll into the comfy chair and make morning chit-chat with your giant dragon captor. A captor who is all too eager to listen to your first-of-the-morning nonsense thoughts and the weird dreams you had. The routine would shift after that; sometimes Nyryym would have you try on a myriad of new clothes and pose, sometimes you’d read several of the books they had stored in their horde, and sometimes you would just take a walk around the cavern and admire the multide of illuminated flora and vast piles of treasure.
But despite sleeping 11 hours each night (often with a 2 hour sun-nap in the afternoon), you think the stir crazy is beginning to wear you out. It's been nice, this break, but the itch in your limbs begs you to be a little bit more adventurous, to have some sort of schedule to adhere and accomplish, even if it's small in comparison to farm work.
You’re lying in bed, belly full of a hot dinner and dressed in a beautiful ornate silk robe that drapes off you in all the right ways. Nyryym lays nearby, head right next to your bed as they settle into a sleep. The bed is cozy, Nryym looks cozy, but your restlessness seems to have reached a peak. You’re so tired from the vacation that you want to sleep but can’t, it's driving you insane.
On nights like these, back at home, you typically performed a…ritual to calm your mind before bed. A rather private ritual, but a ritual nonetheless.
You slowly turn your head to Nyryym’s head, noticing the giant closed eye only 3 feet away from you.
Maybe I could.
You ponder, quietly undoing the tie around your robe and pulling the heavy covers up to your neck. With the thickness of the blankets its not like it would be too obvious what you were doing. Especially if you propped up your knees.
A hot breath of air washes over your face, the slow and steady rhythym of Nyryym just nearby. It certainly seems like he’s asleep. Honestly, would a little noise even wake him up anyway?
Your hand slowly drifts down to your crotch, shooting the occasional glance to Nyryym’s closed eye. The anticipation stirs something in your gut, arousal pooling without even touching yourself.
You meet no resistance as you finally reach your sex, thankful that Nyryym had ‘forgotten’ to get underwear with this outfit. Your skin feels hot, you heart beating fast as you just caress yourself before-
“My, my, and without me?”
Your hand jerks upwards, your neck creaking as you whip around to see Nyryym’s bright golden eye.
“I-uhm-” You feel your face grow hot with your blush, holding your hands up to your chest in an attempt at lying. “I’m not sure what you mean.” Glancing down at your covers, you see no obvious sign of your nudity or your…machinations. There's no way he could see what you were doing!
“Sweet dear.” Nyryym coos, his tail coming up to caress the side of your face. “I can smell you.” The blush travels all the way to your ear tips, eyes widening.
Oh gods, this is even worse.
Nyrymm chuckles, the tip of his tail rolling down your face to your exposed neck. Those golden eyes eat up your form and despite the layers of blanket between you, you’ve never felt more naked.
“I’m-” Nyryym’s tail tip presses against your lips.
“Oh, dearie, do not be afraid.” He purrs, that familiar longing in his eyes eating away at your very bones. “I am not upset with you, only confused why you thought you had to do it alone.”
Before you can utter out a “what?” Nyryym draws closer, planting a soft (as soft as dragons lips can be) on the top of your head, then placing a lone paw on the bed. It creaks under his weight and you almost think he’s about to crush you when his form begins to shift. The humongous paw that once could carry your whole body begins to shrink and morph, scales remaining but a clawed thumb popping out. The mattress springs turn up as Nyryym’s weight lessens, his more quadruped shoulder pushing upwards and back, becoming parallel to his head. You lift your gaze and don’t find Norm's giant snout peering down at you, but an amused huff of breath across your face turns you towards his new face.
You throw your body back, surprised at how close Nyryym’s smaller muzzle is to your lips, finally getting a full view at this shifted form. While his body is vaguely human-shaped it still glistens with his sapphire scales, still all hard edges and overlapping segments. His whole head has shrunk to fit the proportion of his new form but it is still very much a dragon's face, muzzle and horns and all.
“We can have so much more fun together~” Nyryym’s eyes drift down to your shoulder, where your open robe has fallen aside and revealed your bare skin. A cold, clawed hand slips around your waist, pulling you into his covetous mouth as he begins sucking on your neck. You gasp, goosebumps rising across your arms, his talons scraping along your skin.
Well this is definitely not what I was expecting.
A rumbling purr comes from Nyryym’s chest as his other hand grabs onto your hips, the rough pads of his fingers pressing hard enough to leave bruises. Using his body weight he pushes you down to your back, your robe falling to the sides to reveal your bare chest. His hands leave you for just a moment to push aside the covers, cool cavern air rushing over your now completely naked sex. Nyryym continues sucking on your neck; The rough texture of his tongue laps against your pulse point, leaving pinpricks of desire in its wake.
“Gods, you are just-” Nyryym looks up from your neck, licking a kiss onto your jaw, “-so gorgeous. So perfect.” Nyryym pants, grabbing your thigh and throwing it around his waist. Your bare crotch rubs against his scaled one, an ice cold touch that gives you a shock. “Just absolutely delectable, my love.” There's a resounding spank as he slaps your ass, massive hands fondling the fat.
Nyryym looks down at you and you’ve never seen him so unhinged before. He had always showered you with praise and affection, but this was something else. This was hungry, this was desperate for a taste of you.
….You can’t say you hate it.
Nyryym sits upwards, still holding one of your oegs around his waist as he sucks on two of his fingers. His tongue is long and forked, licking down to the knuckle. Withdrawing them slowly, languidly, and with a pop. Nyryym winks at you.
“Gods, I can’t wait to taste you.”
Once again your horny brain is lagging behind, gasping when Nyryym takes his two lubed fingers and deftly shoves them into your hole. Like a stick stoking a fire, flashes of heat shoot up your abdomen. Your shaky moan when Nyryym curls his fingers puts a large grin on his face.
“See? Isn’t this much more fun?” Nyryym pulls his fingers out to the tip before shoving them back inside, giggling at your jerky yelp. “I knew we’d have such a great time together, pet. I knew it the moment I saw you.” He pulls the same maneuver, his free hand patting your thigh.
You grab desperately for a pillow, something to claw your fingers into and try to relieve some of the pressure. But with quick precision Nyryym grabs your wrist and places your palm on his chest. “Uh-uh.” He tuts. “I want you to grab onto me only.”
And you do, because Nyryym immeidately begins fingerfucking your hole with a determination, brutalizing your sensitive spot each time. Ridged scales scrape against the sides as he goes in and out, the schlick schlick schlick noise and heady scent all coming together to thoroughly scramble your brain. The pads of your fingers try to find purchase on his smooth chest but can’t, leaving you to feel and fondle the musculature underneath. Nyryym’s rumbling purrs vibrate through your wrist and down your arm, enough to even feel it slightly against your legs.
“I wish I had a court artist right now, darling. “ Nyryym pants, scissoring open his fingers inside you, stretching you wide. “I’m not sure if they'd be able to capture your elegance, but I would delight in having you immortalized just-” he shoves his fingers deep, “-like-” and again, “-this.” and again.
Considering your response is composed of half-muttered babbles and whimpers, you imagine you are quite a site to see. Hair eskew, robe left open and sweat pooling down your forehead and neck. You’re feeling light headed and wonder if your eyes have crossed or if the sex has just deprived you of clear sight.
But you can tell when Nyryym finally pulls out his fingers, the gaping emptiness all too apparent to your twitching lower half. The palm of Nyryym’s chest tries to scratch and paw, asking ‘Why’d you stop?’ with its fervent touches. The rumble of Nyryym’s chuckles are enough to imagine his smug face. The soft caress to your chin has you looking upwards, into his dangerously golden eyes.
“Don’t worry, we’re only just starting.”
Its only then you notice the pressure right up against your entrance, a glance down revealing Nyryym’s unsheathed cock. The tapered head taps against your lower half, the cerulean color seeming fluorescent in the low light. The cold tingle on your skin suggests it has some self-lubricant, the buzz as a droplet runs down your butt making your lower half clench. Which might be a problem, because just like everything else about a dragon, his cock is huge.
“Um, I don’t know if that will-”
Nyryym, seemingly too lost in the moment to hear what you’re saying, sheaths himself with a sharp thrust. You feel that familiar rumbling purr of his, Nyryym’s eyes going cross.
You’re cut off again when Nyryym reaches up and wraps a clawed hand around your neck, pressing you into the bed. Using his other hand as leverage, he begins fucking into you with abandon, pistoning his hips with an eagerness.
Your vision goes spotty as Nyryym squeezes your throat, fighting for breath when he releases. The sensations of his cock inside you are only heightened, every nerve electrified from the brink of unconsciousness. Nyryym’s thumb wipes a tear dripping from you eye, purring and cooing. A hot exhale washes over you as Nyryym mutters a “Fuck!”, his usually verbose vocabulary failing him at the moment. You don’t blame him, as all you can think about is the cock-head pounding all the way up to your guts.
Nyryym shoves your legs into your chest and over his shoulders, leaning down to press his chest against yours. A long tongue laps up more wayward tears, grunting and moaning with each hump. A bulbous base rubs against your entrance, wholly unfamiliar but not at all unpleasant. That buzzing self-lubricant gushes from Nyrymm’s tip, slickening up your insides and tightening that knot in your stomach. It threatens to snap with each precise thrust, pinpointed for your most sensitive areas.
“Take it, take it, take it-” Nyryym babbles, still lathering you with sloppy licks and desperate kisses. That bulb at the base of his cock is beginning to push harder and harder against your hole, the self lubricant giving it more stretch thsn you thiught possible. You feel so clsoe to the limit, thats when Nyryym grabs your thighs and bends them towards your chest, putting you in a full mating press.
“Yesss.” He slurs, lovestruck eyed watching his cock go in and iut of you. “So close, dear, so close. You can do it.”
You’re already shaking your head, entirely confident you can’t do it, whatever it is, but Nyryym grabs your chin and holds you still.
“Yes, you can. I know you can.”
And even your addled brain can figure it out, the stretch of Norm's bulge now half sinking into you. Your legs twitch, that knot tearing at the seams.
“Yes, yes, yes!” Nyryym’s shouts, eyes rolling back as he feels you clench as tight as you can around him. You don’t realize it but you’re screaming, moaning in pleasure as your orgasm hits you. As it does, that bulge slides right into you, sending a cataclysm of overstimulation as Nyryyms climaxes, hot spurts of cum easily overflowing and spilling out of your spent hole.
Your hips burn, stretched beyond their limit with your calves still thrown over Nyryym’s shoulders. His dick, still hard, pulses hot and heavy inside of you. Nyryym’s breath rolls down your neck, his muzzle snuggled into your neck. Cum drips down your ass, the tingle buzzing down your skin.
“What a good pet.” Nyryym pants, pressing a soft kiss to your neck. “You did so good, very good.” Another kiss. Another twitch inside you. “I’m so happy I found you.”
You fall asleep to that; sweet words and gentle pets. A soft embrace for their soft pet.
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itsabouttimex2 · 2 months
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Hope you’ve been well! I’ve done nothing but lurk on thin internet for years so this may be my first request on any platform. And it’s about a Lego monkey😭
With that said, can I get a romantic yandere Wukong with big feels for his exasperated lawyer? Or just and exasperated reader in general if you want lol
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Can’t Fool You
(Well, I hope to receive more requests from you in the future! And I’m here writing about that monkey, so… we’re in the same boat!)
By now, you have your own little “everything” in his house.
Your own snacks. Your own mug. Your own “spot” on the worn-out couch.
And all three are conveniently laid out in front of you, an enticing spread of exotic and varied chocolates laid out next to your trusty porcelain stein, filled to the brim with a steaming brew. The couch cushion has been dusted and sprayed with a floral perfume. Your case files are neatly stacked on the edge of table.
This is probably the cleverest trap he’s created yet- not that it’s nearly enough to fool you.
“Sun Wukong, reveal yourself this instant.”
The Great Sage has learned by now that there’s no real way to argue with you, not unless he wants to spend this lovely afternoon sitting awkwardly on his knees, receiving a very lengthy lecture about wasting your time with petty and ill-built debates.
So instead he sounds a very lengthy whine, groaning and huffing as golden light emanates from the cushion placed right before the enticingly decorated table. It shifts and bends and sparks, slowly reforming into the Great Sage that you had come to know and tolerate.
“Bud, you always see right through me,” he compliments, though there’s still the edge of a soft whine through those honeyed words. He’s growing impatient with the lack of skinship and affection. “How could you tell?”
“Sun Wukong, the real cushion is clearly sticking out from behind the couch, you didn’t bother to clean any other part of the couch, and I heard you giggling as I came through the door!”
“Aww, hun!” He coos, disregarding every single time you had told him to refer to you by first or last name. “You’re SO smart!”
From another mouth it might’ve sounded sarcastic or demeaning. Maybe even spiteful. But in those five words alone has Wukong loaded love, admiration, devotion, and obsession.
“This is why I picked you as my lawyer, hun.”
No the hell it’s not, you want to say. And that would be true- you were picked as his lawyer because no one else could:
1. Stomach his constant jokes and tomfoolery
2. Work around dozens of mischievous and rowdy monkeys
3. Reliably out-scream Ne Zha
And you only kept working at this tedious job because he provided free boarding and food, and spoiled you with treasures. It was an unorthodox manner of payment, but stupidly lucrative.
You won a case. He “paid” you with an ancient relic. You took it to an antiques dealer. They considered scamming or skimping, then caught sight of Sun Wukong, the Great Sage Equal to Heaven. They paid you fairly.
And you walked away with heavy pockets.
It made for a good routine.
And you could tolerate that chaotic and breakneck lifestyle right up until you came “home” and had to spend half the night warding off both Wukong and his little troop of monsters from your bed.
Those little white-furred monkeys…
“They think you’re their other grandparent,” he had said once, dumping half a troop into your bed beside you as you protested and argued about their thieving hands and loud mouths. “Since you spend so much time with me, hun.”
“Then tell them I’m not.”
“Sorry, Y/N. Too late~”
…it had taken you two hours to pick out all the white strands of monkey hair, and an hour more to clear the smell. You had sworn to put up spikes, wire, fences- anything to prevent
Only to go soft at the begging of a baby; the runt of her troop, and allow her to settle on your pillow as you worked.
Damn the weakness of your heart- it had been a major mistake on your part.
You ended up throwing that pillow away after a very characteristic “monkey mess”, burning it in broad daylight and scattering the ashes amongst Flower Fruit Mountain’s fertile soil.
A muscular hand falls on either of your shoulders, directing you forward- Wukong’s replaced the old cushion and decorated it with silk pillows and peach blossom petals, and even taken the time to light a candle.
He nudges until you’ve reached the seat, then- perhaps with more force than intended- pushes you onto the couch.
“Wukong!” You call in anger, planting both hands firmly onto the furniture to steady yourself, making a move to stand- only for the Great Sage to throw himself into your open lap with a smile. His fur tickles at your thighs, a snug coat of ginger to warm your legs.
“…Sun Wukong, remove yourself from my lap this-“
“Aw, peaches! How can you be so mean to lil’ ol me? I just wanna spend some time with my favorite lawyer!”
“I am your only lawyer, because no one else can put up with your nonsense!”
“That’s what makes you so special to me, peaches.”
It’s a statement that manages to be vulnerable through its own simplicity, straightforward and sincere. If you had been standing, perhaps your knees would have buckled in surprise.
But you can’t, because Sun Wukong is splayed across you with all the might of a warrior, a king, a bogus immortal. He nestles closer, nearly purring in delight with each rub from his cheeks to your thighs.
One hand, clawed and built strong- sharply moves to grip at your wrist. Though you futilely try to pull away, he effortlessly yanks it to his head.
“Pet me,” he whines. “Please, peaches…?”
You pause, and consider the request. The relationship you share is already unprofessional, bordering on unhealthy at both ends. His obsessive nature comes through frequently enough…
The king barges in on your meetings with other clients to ruin them. He nuzzles your suits and dresses against himself until they bear his scent. He wards off friends and family alike- by being so exuberant and “accidentally” destructive that they fearfully retreat.
And you’ve allowed it this long, haven’t you? You could’ve left, or rejected him, or at least told him to stop… but no such words had ever left your lips.
And now that Wukong had settled into the routine that you allowed him to build, it felt like a wall, a cage, a web all around you.
Which brick to pull? Which bar to rattle? Which thread to cut?
This constrainment had built itself high, feeling like an ever-present gilded collar tight around your throat.
Shelter. Food. Money. Love.
He provided it all and more without hesitation- and all you had to do was play along, to some small degree. He could take rebuffs and insults and discouragement, could sit with a wagging tail through your lectures, could handle you kicking him out of your bed every night…
And he’d still come back for more.
You lower your hand to Wukong’s forehead. Under the fur, there’s a deep indent- it feels like a band once sat there. He perks, eagerly pressing his head upwards to savor the touch.
This is all you have to do. This earns you your room, your pay, your food and drink… more than any of your services as a lawyer, or your fervent legal defense of his character…
All that really matters to him is you, your time and attention.
You pet his head. He purrs.
In time, he’s sure that you’ll love him as much as he loves you.
And he has all the time in the world to wait for it.
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bohbee · 2 years
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Genshin characters reacting to GN reader falling asleep.
(Part 2)
Part 1
Part 3
Part 4
Characters: Xiao, Zhongli, Childe (tartaglia/ajax), Kazuha.
Warnings: Cussing and mentioning thoughts of death [childe], sexual misunderstanding [zhongli]
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Being in a relationship with the well-known Childe was certainly a hassle in itself. You had many close encounters, causing your poor boyfriend to always be on edge. This also meant you didn't have the luxury of many things, like being alone outside. However, him always working made you lonely so you would often sit outside of his door and wait for him. Soon enough your eyes started to get heavy, sleep quickly taking over.
When Childe opened his door and saw your body limp on the floor, the blood drained from his skin. "Fuck come on (y/n)" he grabbed your body and shook you heavily. The gingers heart was beating hard against his chest as his brain turned into a fog. However, that fog quickly dissipated as you groggily opened your eyes "tartaglia??". He let out a heavy breath as he hugged you tightly "babe I'm gonna need you to never do that again." Before you could ask what happened, he kissed your lips and lifted you up. He placed you down on the couch and plopped his weight on top of you. "Let's sleep before you give me another heart attack"
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The ship rocked slowly, the warm sun beating down onto each of the crew members. It was morning time, Beidou had us stop at an abandoned island to grab some fresh fruits, and hopefully, there was some treasure. You had decided to stay back and read your boyfriends poems. There wasn't much for you to do anyways so why not? Soon enough, the rhythmic rocking swayed you to sleep.
Afternoon had hit, the rest of the crew had come back and started to make some lunch. "(y/n)?" A voice called out from the stairs, footsteps made their way to the slumbering body. A bandaged hand grazed your cheek softly, as small kisses peppered your face. Your eyes fluttered open to only be met with loving red ones. "C'mon love, lunch is ready." he said before he kissed your lips lovingly.
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Xiao was called by Aether, he had a deal with him to where if anything happened to just call his name. He had that for a few people, so you couldn't be angry at him suddenly disappearing. You sat in your room at Wangshu Inn. It wasn't certain if Xiao would come back tonight, but just in case you placed down some almond tofu. As the moon light lit the sky, you laid down in your bed. There had been many times when you had been alone waiting for your demon killer to come back, but it didn't make it less lonely. You closed your eyes and went off to dream land.
The door to your room creaked open, revealing the anemo yaksha. His eyes landed on the tofu and then quickly moved to your sleeping body. Not wanting to waste your delicious food, he took a few bites of the tofu and walked over to you. Carefully, he moved the pillow that you were cuddling and placed himself in your arms. "I'm back, sleep well"
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The old archon had been with you for hundreds of years, each chapter making new friends. In this chapter of your life, a devious rich asshole named Childe waltzed in. And now here are the two of you sitting in a private room waiting for the ginger boy to join you. The both of you were reading a book together, your head leaning on Zhonglis shoulder as he read the words aloud. Childe was very late, most likely getting stuck with some authorities. Zhongli took another sip of his tea as he flipped the page of the book.
"He's taking a while, isn't he my dove?" His deep honey-like voice said. However, when he didn't gain a response, he peered down. His golden eyes looked at his beloved, your eyes were closed as you set off to dream land. He carefully moved your body down to his lap as he brushed his lengthy fingers through your hair. (If you lack hair then he softly massaged your head)
Shortly after the one and only Childe slammed into the room, startling you from Zhonglis lap "Oh hoo hooo~ now what were you two doing~~~"
I think this was good
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skywalker1dream · 4 months
Title: New Beginnings
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Note:It is short, if you want the part 2, I think I have it in drafts, hope you have a good day or night..and And don't forget to drink water [oh and I wrote this at 4 am] If you want me to write something, I am open for requests..
Summary: you visit retired Sebastian Vettel at his countryside home. Despite your secret romantic feelings for him, you cherish your deep friendship. The story ends with a toast to new beginnings and a promise to treasure your journey together.
Warnings:Unrequited Love, (anything else?) Use of nickname [Schatz]
Retired!Sebastian vettel x bestf!reader
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The sun cast a golden hue over the sprawling German countryside as you drove up the winding road to the modest estate that Sebastian now called home. The air was crisp, carrying the scent of blooming wildflowers and freshly cut grass. It was a stark contrast to the bustling paddocks and roaring engines that had defined Sebastian's life for so many years.
Sebastian Vettel had retired from Formula 1. The announcement had shocked the motorsport world, but those close to him understood. After years of dedication, victories, and challenges, he had decided it was time to step back and focus on what truly mattered: family, passions beyond racing, and a life of simplicity.
You parked the car in front of the charming, ivy-covered house and took a moment to soak in the peaceful surroundings. This was Sebastian's sanctuary, a place where he could be himself, away from the limelight and pressures of the racing world.
As you stepped out of the car, Sebastian emerged from the house, his face breaking into a wide smile. He looked different now,more relaxed, happier. The stress lines had faded, replaced with a serene contentment.
"Schatz!" he called out, jogging down the steps to greet you. He enveloped you in a warm hug, the familiar scent of his cologne mixed with the earthy aroma of the countryside filling your senses.
"Hey, Seb," you replied, pulling back to look at him. "You look good. Retirement suits you."
He chuckled, a sound that always made your heart skip a beat. "Thanks. I've been keeping busy. Come on, let me show you around."
You followed him inside, where the interior of the house was just as inviting as the exterior. The decor was simple yet elegant, with personal touches that made it clear this was a home, not just a house. Photos of his family and his career adorned the walls, each one telling a story of its own.
Sebastian led you to the back patio, where a table was set up with a spread of fresh fruits, cheeses, and a bottle of his favorite wine. You both settled into comfortable chairs, the view of the rolling hills providing the perfect backdrop.
"So, how's life treating you?" you asked, pouring a glass of wine for each of you.
"It's been great," he said, leaning back in his chair. "I miss racing sometimes, but I'm happy. I've been spending a lot of time with the kids, working on my garden, and just... enjoying life."
You smiled, watching him talk about his new passions with the same enthusiasm he used to have for racing. "I'm really glad to hear that, Seb. You deserve it."
He looked at you, his eyes softening. "You know, Schatz, I couldn't have done any of this without your support. You've always been there for me, through the highs and lows. I can't thank you enough."
You felt a warm blush creeping up your cheeks. "It was my pleasure, Seb. You know I always believed in you."
He reached across the table, taking your hand in his. The touch was gentle, yet it sent a jolt of electricity through you. For years, you had harbored feelings for Sebastian, feelings you had never found the courage to confess. You cherished his friendship too much to risk losing it, so you kept your emotions buried deep within your heart.
"I don't just mean during my racing career. You've been my rock, my best friend. And now, I want you to be a part of this new chapter of my life.
Your heart swelled with emotion, but you managed to smile. "Seb, we've been through so much together. I wouldn't have it any other way. Best friends for life, right?"
"Best friends for life," he echoed, his smile brightening. He squeezed your hand, then let it go to raise his glass. "To new beginnings, and to us,always having each other's backs."
You clinked glasses, taking a sip of the crisp wine. It was a moment of pure contentment, surrounded by the beauty of the countryside and the warmth of Sebastian's friendship. The future was uncertain, but with your best friend by your side, you knew you could face anything together.
As the sun continued to set, casting long shadows and a soft glow over the landscape, you couldn't help but feel a pang of bittersweet longing. You would always love Sebastian, but for now, being his best friend was enough.
In that quiet moment, with laughter and dreams filling the air, you silently promised yourself that you would cherish every second of this new chapter. After all, life was about the journey, not the destination and with Sebastian by your side, the journey was sure to be extraordinary.
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Hope you liked it, comment how it was (I don't bite I promise) and I have And I have a lot of drafts so if you want I can post it ;3
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s4mu-k41d3n · 5 months
by juan karlos
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TYPE 2 <> YAN!CHUUYA X GN!READER〰️sypnosis: he’s a lunatic for you. you, only you under the glamour of the yellow moon, under the white light that flicks each breezing step he took, so just only he will love you, yet did you hear his screams? your beauty, reaching the moon lurking at the dark soaring above.
𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔 〰️disclaimer: obsessive behavior, stalking, violence, blood, mentions of guns, stalking, bad writing, ooc!chuuya?, sexual themes, not proofread.
౨ৎ₊ ⊹ 〰️notes: I still like have 1 drafts but i have no idea how to start with well ermmm. by the way the song is in a different language/in filipino, i apologize if you don’t understand the lyrics but i can’t think of any more songsD:
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He’s yours, you’re his.
You look pretty to his bored sight, the blank eyes deceiving his filthy intentions he discreetly covers your eyes, blinding the rational truth he keeps dead end in his pockets. Are not you his precious little doll? Small words may be spoken, simple acts may be acted, yet it treasures a deeper meaning when he’s along with your bittersweet accompany. Something tingling in his rumbling stomach each time you’re close beside, before, after him. There’s no meaningless difference, merely how his eyes dilate and shape into a beating heart whenever he catches you in his borderline—is a golden routine for every single arise of light and dark. When the moon sets above from the abyss, wherein the sun reflects its glow to light.
He surely adores this part of the day, it never goes out missing in his crumpled calendar. Punctured to his cracked wall. Whether it be the clouds wail, the sun burns, the moon turns to dust—it’s a cycle he would never get tired of despite how many times it repeats in a two’s arrival nor leaving. Who was he to stop loving you? He’ll be the one to chase after you in a zigzag pathway even if led to the below. He’ll sacrifice the world for you, he’ll sacrifice himself just for you. He’d banish from existence just for you and he snaps from delusions.
The moon glamoured your beauty, painting him a canvas of elegance. Chuuya’s eyes shot towards your figure, how alluring you are to trap his heart in your lively aura. An unknown gaze observes, the way your blouse plays with your movements. The way your eyes glimmer in excitement, he watches from afar. He noticed a man in a suit, before you he stands. As if like he’d take you away from his presence, no, no he won’t accept that. Chuuya’s hands slip into his pocket as the glint dies down into envy. Jealousy, arises from his heat. He gritted his teeth, “I’ll break that man’s fucking spine.” His hands clenched, fist forming as he crossed his arms in front of his chest.
The ceremony was along to finally cease, yet Chuuya remained vigilant. He pries to search for that man, who’d be the one receive you first before his? How dare he, he’ll acknowledge his efforts once he sees you again. Softening as he captures you sitting from a distance away. The ceremony came to a halt as guests exited the building, Chuuya leaned against the wall as he only bargained his upcoming plan to murder that disgusting man. He was an executive after all, it’d be an easy job. Won’t it? He excused himself in the crowds of passers as he pinpoints his target, silent as he followed the man’s tracks. Drawing a gun he pockets, lurking in the shadows. Blood spewed out of the victim’s head, falling to the ground as red spills the pavements. Chuuya withdraws his gun as he eyed the dead body lying on the ground as he flees from the scene.
Luckily, he’ll move on to the main part of the day. He strode over to your house as he peeks by the window. He saw you, pupils dilate as you sat on the couch. Removing your shoes you stood up, “Fuck…” Chuuya mumbles under his breath as you went into your bedroom. He knew what was about to come as he trailed towards the room, he’s entertained by your show. Breathing heavily as his hands trembled in anticipation. Your fingers pulling your blouse up as Chuuya’s eyes widened. Cloth dropping to the floor as he saw your semi-naked body. Your skin seemed so flawless, your curves displayed so beautifully. Your pants being slid off only to be in your undergarment as you fold your clothes. Little did you know, a shadow piques to stalk your prints. You let out a breathy sigh, stretching.
“You’re really mine, aren’t you…” Chuuya mutters as he looks at you up and down. So bad, his gloved hands desires to claw on your skin—fangs to bite on your flesh to claim you as his. You dressed a loose shirt and simple shorts, too bad now covering your body his thrill wore down. Your features, he just imagines his hands traveling all over your warmth, his lips pressed up yours as he savors your sweet taste. Tongue exploring your mouth as his sight closed, to just run his tongue along your skin, teeth biting into your delicate neck to be filled with his markings. Yet his time was up, he has to get back to the headquarters—now isn’t this fun? He groans in annoyance as he spared you one last glance of lust and obsession.
He’ll be back for tomorrow, he’s sure.
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More on the Origins of Sun Wukong's Golden Headband
I've previously suggested that the Monkey King's golden headband (jingu, 金箍; a.k.a. jingu, 緊箍, lit: “tight fillet”) can be traced to a ritual circlet mentioned in the Hevajra Tantra (Ch: Dabei kongzhi jingang dajiao wang yigui jing, 大悲空智金剛大教王儀軌經, 8th-century). This is one of the "Five Symbolic Ornaments" or "Five Seals" (Sk: Pancamudra, पञ्चमुद्रा; Ch: Wuyin, 五印; a.k.a. "Five Buddha Seals," Wufo yin, 五佛印), each of which is associated with a particular Wisdom Buddha:
Aksobhya is symbolised by the circlet, Amitabha by the ear-rings, Ratnesa by the necklace, Vairocana by the hand ornaments, [and] Amogha by the girdle (Farrow, 1992, p. 65). [1] 輪者,表阿閦如來;鐶者,無量壽如來;頸上鬘者,寶生如來;手寶釧者,大毘盧遮那如來;腰寶帶者,不空成就如來。
Akshobya is known to have attained Buddhahood through moralistic practices (Buswell & Lopez, 2014, p. 27). Therefore, this explains why a headband would be used to rein in the unruly nature of a murderous monkey god.
The original Sanskrit Hevajra Tantra calls the circlet a cakri (चक्रि) or a cakrika (चक्रिका) (Farrow, 1992, pp. 61-62 and 263-264, for example), both of which refer to a "wheel" or "disc." The Chinese version uses the terms baolun/zhe (寶輪/者, "treasure wheel or ring") and just lunzhe (輪者, "wheel" or "ring").
One of the more interesting things I've learned is that these ornaments were made from human bone. One source even refers to them as "bone ornaments" (Sk: asthimudra, अस्थिमुद्रा) (Jamgon Kontrul Lodro Taye, 2005, p. 493, n. 13). [1]
Can you imagine Sun Wukong wearing a headband made from human bone?! How metal would that be? Finger bones would probably do the trick.
1) Another section of the Hevajra Tantra provides additional associations:
The Circlet worn on the head symbolises the salutation to one's guru, master and chosen deity; the ear-rings symbolise the yogi turning a deaf ear to derogatory words spoken about the guru and Vajradhara; the necklace symbolises the recitation of mantra; the bracelets symbolises the renunciation of killing living beings and the girdle symbolises the enjoyment of the consort (Farrow, 1992, p. 263-264). 謂頂相寶輪者,唯常敬禮教授阿闍梨及自師尊;耳寶鐶者,不樂聞說持金剛者及自師尊一切過失、麁惡語故;頸寶鬘者,唯常誦持大明呪故;手寶釧者,乃至不殺蠕動諸眾生故;腰寶帶者,遠離一切欲邪行故。
2) For more info on the association between Hindo-Buddhist practices and human remains, see "charnel grounds".
Farrow, G. W. (1992). The Concealed Essence of the Hevajra Tantra: With the Commentary Yogaratnamālā. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass.
Jamgon Kontrul Lodro Taye (2005). The Treasury of Knowledge, Book Six, Part Four: Systems of Buddhist Tantra (The Kalu Rinpoche Translation Group, Trans.). Ithaca, NY: Snow Lion.
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phoenixeclipse-lmkau · 3 months
Phoenixeclipse Pirate AU Idea
The Brotherhood
Sun Wukong and The Six Eared Macaque are well renowned pirates in a crew called The Brotherhood.
The Brotherhood consists of Sun Wukong his mate Macaque, The Gold Winged Peng, Yellow Tusk the wise and Azure Lion. The Demon Bull King used to be apart of the crew but quit to be with his wife Princess Iron Fan as a part of the Navy.
Sun Wukong is the captain and Macaque is his righthand man/mate which he makes very clear for everyone to know.
The Pillars Pirate crew
~Master~, Phoenix, Cloud, Lotus, and River make up The Pillars. As the lower crew, Phoenix, Cloud, Lotus and River protect their Master.
Phoenix oversaw defenses while she was a part of the crew but was replaced by Igneous a ‘much stronger,’ man. She didn’t care and left the moment she was able to.
PhoenixEclipse History
However, during her time as a member of the crew they had many run ins with The Brotherhood Crew and she had grown rather close with The Captain and his Right Hand.
When she left, she had gone to see them again but never had the chance to tell them why she was replaced when she overheard hurtful words spoken about her and she left.
Instead of confronting them that she was with child she settled down on a small desolate island that housed only a small town when she arrived.
In time she gave birth to a Qi Xiaotian her precious son who was born mostly monkey demon, with dark brown fur, six glowing ears, golden eyes, and a small phoenix feather atop his head.
She vows to protect him at all costs and does her best to raise him in peace even with the ever expansion of the city she chose.
Present Time
Qi Xiaotian aka MK sets out on an adventure with his friend Mei to find an ancient treasure.
They end up crashing the ship on a desolate island where they are found by The Tea&Noodles Merchant Group.
They join the Merchant Group only to be found by The Brotherhood, or rather all of the Brotherhood except for The Captain and his mate, which is shocked when a Monkey demon defends the group.
When Qi Xiaotian finally meets the captain, he is met with shocked faces at his appearance, (his headband hides his feather).
They quickly kind of kidnap him trying to show him how to be a powerful pirate, unaware of his mother in any sense.
Things take a turn when his mother comes aboard the ship trying to get her son back, needless to say they see Phoenix and try to kidnap her too.
The Lady Bone Demon is the enemy, after Qi Xiaotian leaves his home it is attacked by The White Bone Crew. He has to argue with The Brotherhood to go back and save his mother who got tangled up in the attack. (Phoenix has a weakness to Ice so she’s unable to fight)
Pirate AU Ideas Part 2
Pirate AU Masterpost
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arteastica · 6 months
early in the morning, especially when it rains, and a little before noon. (26)
erwin x fem!reader
chapters: (1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) | (11) | (12) | (13) | (14) | (15) | (16) | (17) | (18) | (19) | (20) | (21) | (22) | (23) | (24) | (25) | (27)
summary: I basically took Isayama’s work, forced it into a romance story, and made Erwin the love interest. Commander meets cadet and they fall in love (not instantly though)
notes: very berry canonverse (but some events were modified to fit my narrative), wasn’t intended to be this long, but it all is in the details right?
content warnings: smut where it fits (or where I make it fit. Also, reader is NOT underage, so likewise, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, please.) slow burn (I really mean it. I’m not olympic diving into any form of smut for the first chapters.) no angst. I dislike angst. I would never. I could never. (Although angst can be somewhat subjective so take it with a grain of salt?)
wc: 3k
Perfumed breeze tickled your bare shoulders and sweet wine swayed inside clinking glasses, soft music lured twosomes to the dance floor, and the golden midday sun shone brighter than ever, as if making some sort of grand entrance, stepping into the courtyard like a guest of honor, blinding your eyes until they could no longer see anything around. Only the shadows and the shapes, and the bluest sky painted behind him.
And speaking about the sky, it had evidently dressed to match him that morning, from the cobalt pocket square peeking out of his morning coat to the corresponding silk tie obediently waiting on his chest; without forgetting, of course, about the crystalline sapphires embedded in his face, because in all honesty, who could forget? How could anyone overlook that heavenly blue of his eyes, iridescent at times, dreamily reflecting back all your favorite colors whenever they stared into yours. Just like they were right now, opportunely reminding you of secret moments spent inside some mountain castle down south; and the pleasant warmth that radiated from your chest at the thought made your lips curve into the same kind of smile his were wearing: knowing and conspiratorial. And you wondered if he found it overpowering too, the need to melt into each other’s arms.
His fleshy lips, appetizing as ever, parted slightly at the sight before him, his eyes methodically exploring first your features and then the colorful flowers on your dress, as if counting them, as if you were a coveted treasure seized from an enemy beyond the walls; his chest expanding as he took the type of deep, steadying breath that usually precedes life-altering statements. And then, when a labored ‘wow’ was all that left his lips, an amused chuckle escaped yours. You found it funny, to think those were the same lips that always knew what to say, the authors of the compelling speeches he used to motivate his men out there on the field or secure funds from closefisted aristocrats. And now, those same lips that not too many seasons back, had convinced a bunch of frightened kids to dedicate their hearts to a suicidal cause, had stopped working with nothing but a smile frozen on them. But that wasn’t a problem, given how eloquently his eyes were, instead, delivering the biggest compliments a lady could ever receive.
“Commander Smith.” You smiled teasingly, sending a courteous nod his way as you extended a hand for him to take.
“My lady.” He greeted back, his unusual wording eliciting another chuckle from you, because suddenly, it felt as if you were meeting for the first time again, as if you were the center characters in one of those romance novels your mother kept hidden under her mattress, as if some sort of magical encounter was taking place in the middle of Lord Koch’s garden.
He took the hand you were offering and brought it to his lips, where it remained for what, some would say, way longer than tradition stipulated. And all the while, you could feel him smiling against your fingers, his soothing breath keeping them warm, and the gentle stroke of his thumb against your skin sending a playful shiver straight to your core.
Some would say, probably the same people whose eyes were currently glued to the two of you, that ten thirty in the morning was too early for one’s mind to drift to the kind of inappropriate places yours was; but the thing is, they didn’t know about the wonderful things those lips could do nor the incredible delight those thighs could provide: muscular, well-developed, gift-wrapped in grey silk…or was it wool? If you could touch them, you’d be able to tell. But then again, that would be highly inappropriate for a garden party, wouldn’t it?
When his lips reluctantly let go of your hand, his fingers decided not to, choosing to stay wrapped around yours instead, gentlemanly accompanying them as if to see their safe arrival to your lap.
“Forgive my lips.” He smiled dazedly, eyes still lost in yours. “But it’s in familiar tastes where they find the greatest pleasure.”
That kind of apology suggested that he’d also noticed the inquisitive stares emerging all around you, stares that, at the moment, you didn’t have the mental disposition to concern yourself with, not when his words, as well as the evocative tone used to deliver them, were making your insides bubble in a dangerous cocktail of excitement and pleasure; a pleasure that quickly began to drip from deep within, like champagne spilling from the glass, drowning any other thought until all you could think about was how bad you wanted to pull him to a secret corner, sit on his lap and glide your fingers through that perfectly smooth hair of his, slicked back and neatly combed, desperately asking to be messed up.
“My lady?” He smirked playfully, a gesture that suggested he was probably very aware of the mess he was causing between your legs, a mess you hoped he would be so kind as to take care of later.
“There’s nothing to forgive, Commander Smith.” You replied calmly, your lips curving up in mischief. “At the moment, I feel like overindulging in familiar tastes myself.” You held his gaze boldly, unashamed to acknowledge all the things he could do to your body with his words only.
“Is that so?” He asked enticingly, taking a step closer and then another, his eyes locked so intently on their target as his face came just mere inches away from yours. “My princess shall never have to wait.” His lips whispered softly, only for the two of you to hear. “To indulge in whatever pleasure she craves.” He concluded, his husky voice more animalistic than human, the tantalizing woods and musks of his cologne intoxicating your senses, numbing them, clouding your mind until you could no longer think about anything, at least not anything that wasn’t his lips or the forbidden nights you spent together with them in his office, under the covers of secrecy. Was he about to pull those covers down with a kiss?
The logical part of you was certain he wouldn’t, but logic and rationality were not enough to stop the rest of your body from wishing he would. Especially your lips, they didn’t care that your parents were around somewhere, they didn’t care if they fainted the moment they saw their darling daughter kissing a man she had not been promised to; they didn’t care if, for the following weeks, you became the topic of the conversations all those fine ladies, who were now attentively staring at the two of you, would be enjoying with their afternoon tea. You and your lips cared about none of that.
But you knew he did.
And you knew him too well.
That’s why you weren’t really surprised when his fingers ignored the blushing cheeks he liked to hold when he kissed you, and reached for the back of your head instead, gently hooking the butterfly pin like a crown on a princess’ head. What surprised you, however, was that he knew the exact same spot where your mother had placed it that morning. Almost as if this wasn’t the first time he’d seen you today. And you wondered if that could be the case.
But before your mind could start speculating, he took a step back, a disarming smile painted on his handsome features as he offered you his arm to hold.
“May I?”
You smiled with delight, not hesitating a second to wrap both hands around the hard, unyielding muscles of his arm, letting them guide you to the other end of the courtyard. As you made it past grey-haired gentlemen who nodded back at him and blue-blooded ladies who were trying to exchange discreet glances with each other, you stroked his biceps subtly, eager for everyone to know that you were with him today, and that no, he wasn’t available for discussing work-related matters at the moment, much less dancing with anybody else. The gentlemen would have to wait until he was back at the office on Monday; and the ladies, well…their business would have to wait even longer. Because today, you looked up and smiled back at the man beside you, today he was with you.
“Well, if it isn’t my favorite contrarian!” Lord Koch’s exclaimed overjoyed once you reached the north pavilion, his tall frame approaching his friend with open arms. “Erwin! Glad you could make it.”
“Hansel.” The Commander patted his back congratulatory. “Wouldn’t miss an opportunity to celebrate a good friend.”
“My lady.” Lord Koch nodded politely at you once he was done greeting his friend.
“I came to greet you earlier, but Lord Angert told me that you and Madam Augusta were yet to arrive.” The Commander turned to the plush, jovial-looking lady beside his friend, who you assumed to be Mrs. Koch. “Madam Augusta.”
“Erwin! I’m so glad you could join us!” She exclaimed, also overjoyed and using the exact same tone Lord Koch had, albeit a few scales higher. According to your mother, the Kochs had been married since their academy days, and engaged since even before that. No wonder they sounded exactly like each other. “I asked Hansel if you’d be joining us this morning.” She smiled beamingly, taking the Commander’s hand in hers. “I warned him that if he didn’t go deliver the invitation in person, you wouldn’t come. He didn’t want to go at first, but I ma-”
“Augusta.” Lord Koch cleared his throat, flashing an uncomfortable smile at the Commander, who looked at you amusedly, gifting you with one of those light-hearted chuckles that always sounded like honey in your ears, and you giggled back.
“You’re never too busy to visit a friend.” Mrs. Koch said, smiling beamingly and naively, her expressive eyes making you realize she looked exactly like the fairy godmothers they drew on picture books. “Your father knows that very well, dear.” You blinked in confusion, thinking about the Commander’s late father before noticing she was looking at you instead. “He never misses a Wednesday, that conspiracy theory club is going to cause the demise of so many I know.” She squinted her eyes at her husband.
“Augusta.” Lord Koch cleared his throat again.
So the club was still a thing, only they moved it to Wednesdays instead.
“Oh Hansel, please. You don’t believe there is someone, even a single soul, at this party who doesn’t know about that little society of yours. Do you?” She chortled giddily when she saw you nodding in agreement. “Anyhow, it both pleases me and surprises me that someone has at long last managed to conquer this man’s heroically large yet forebodingly rebellious heart.” She said contentedly, smiling at the Commander and then at you.
“Augusta, the lady is his assistant.”
“Oh, my bad!” She feigned embarrassment, her eyes darting from the Commander to you, and then back to him, a knowing smile blossoming on her lips as soon as she caught glance of the comfortable way in which your hands were wrapped around his arm, almost as if they were more than fairly acquainted with his body. “What a shame, her angelic smile and Erwin’s dreamy blues would make for beautiful offspring.” She said with mirth, giggling enthusiastically as her expressive eyes awaited a reaction from you.
But you had nothing for her, at least not anything you could show her without incriminating yourself, so you just lowered your head, looking down at the glossy marble tiles in an attempt to hide both your burning cheeks as well as the little smile that started to take over your lips at the thought of their chubby fingers tugging at your skirt; their angelic blue eyes gleaming with happiness whenever their cute button noses caught a whiff of the little somethings you loved baking for them; their excited little feet making the cabin’s floorboards creak on their way to the front door, your way of knowing that he was back.
No, Mrs. Koch wasn’t the only one. You had thought about it too. Goodness, your pen knew just how much; she remembered about every single time you had forced her to stop right before she could tell your journal about it, because your mother always said that telling your dreams to someone else was the most effective way to curse them into never happening.
“The infamous Nile Dok in the flesh!” Lord Koch’s jovial greeting startled you out of your thoughts, making you raise your head just in time to see Hitch’s boss striding towards you. “Today is really one for the books, isn’t it? It’s not every day you get to see both your favorite commanders together in one place.” He said delightedly, giving the lean, black-whiskered man a welcoming hug, a gesture that showed you just how close they were.
“I just hope Commander Pixis doesn’t find this statement too aggravating.” The Military Police commander said in a monotone voice before turning to Mrs. Koch. “Madam Augusta.”
The feeble smile he had managed to put on for her quickly expired on his lips as soon as he was done shaking her hand, and you couldn’t help but smile when you remembered Hitch’s words: ‘he permanently has the face of someone who hasn’t been able to poop in years.’
“Good to see you, Nile.” Mrs. Koch smiled heartily, her eyes turning into the same crescent moons Leon’s did whenever he smiled, confirming your suspicions that it was indeed a family thing. “Hansel still resents Dot for outsmarting him at the regionals last summer.” She explained amusedly. “A sore ego and a thin skin make it difficult for anyone to forget, never mind forgive.”
“Oh I’m sure he’s around here somewhere. Saw him near the brandy earlier.” Lord Koch motioned with a lazy flick of his hand, the indifference in his otherwise enthused demeanor proving that the hurt ego his wife had mentioned was pretty much there. “Dot did win but I wouldn’t say I was outsmarted. Calling his performance ‘brilliant’, like the press did, would be a stretch.”
“Oh I’m sure this year’s regionals will grant you the rematch that you and your ego so desperately crave. I believe in you, darling.” Madam Augusta rolled her eyes, silently contradicting her words. “Hansel will only accept defeat to this man right here.” She explained, pointing at the Commander, who was now shaking Commander Nile’s hand. “Erwin is truly in a league of his own. Hansel is lucky he doesn’t have the time to compete at the regionals.”
“It is my desire to keep a solid friendship with Hansel what keeps me from playing at the regionals, and not lack of time, Madam.” The Commander said, eliciting joyous laughter from everyone, including Lord Koch himself. “How are Marie and the kids?”
Marie and the-
‘I don’t understand how someone like her ended up marrying my boss.’
Hitch’s voice started ringing somewhere deep inside your head, reminding you of the one thing you’d hoped you could forget.
‘She could have married anyone she wanted.’
She said, the warm spring breeze turning unpleasantly bitter all of a sudden, bringing back memories of that snowy winter afternoon spent with your best friend, not too long ago.
‘Eyes bluer than the summer sky, porcelain skin. A goddess.’
She continued, as if listing the participation requirements for a very prestigious competition, one you really wanted to win, but felt you’d already lost.
‘Gorgeous doesn’t even begin to describe her-’
‘…beautiful falls short-’
‘…stunning doesn’t do her justice.”
Her words grew louder the more she spoke, eventually turning into a sharp hissing that threatened to break your skull into a million pieces.
‘Apparently, they used to be close friends back in the day, all three of them…’
‘Both, your boss and mine..’
No. You didn’t want to remember.
‘…were completely smitten with her.’
The last sentence painfully reverberated in your ears, each word feeling like shards piercing through your eardrums, like an unpleasantly loud and very discordant crowd of cicadas making your ears bleed, as they announced the end of the most beautiful sunset you would ever get to see.
‘Did you know…’
No. You were just fine living in ignorance.
‘…she was this close to…’
No. Please don’t say it.
‘…marrying your boss?’
You held his arm tighter, something similar to a heartbeat violently jolting your entire body, the aftershock sending painful shivers throughout your skin, all the way to the deepest, darkest part of you, where your chest stung and ached in a type of pain you were already growing quite familiar with.
And you wondered if Commander Nile was acquainted with it himself because, although his inexpressive eyes were difficult to read, you could have sworn that you saw them narrow, the mild bags beneath them darkening even more at the mention of his wife’s name.
His wife’s name…
You looked to his right abruptly, your heart racing as if to match the crazed speed of your thoughts.
If Commander Nile was here, then probably his wife…
You looked to his left, and then around; your eyes embarking on a journey of anticipation and uncertainty as they navigated the sea of faces surrounding you, each little glance holding the potential of familiarity for any wistful eyes wishing to spot her, or the dread of recognition, in your very particular case. The dread to discover, among the countless expressions, the telltale features Hitch had so poetically described, the golden hair, the porcelain skin, and the blue eyes that had stolen his heart all those years back.
next chapter
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r0-boat · 1 year
Prince's Greatest Treasure
Human! Silas x Dragon hybrid! reader
Part 1 -sfw
Part 2 - nsfw
Wc: slight Stockholm syndrome, yandere, kidnapping, hitting and retaliation, biting
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Young Crown Prince of his Kingdom of the Golden Sun and General of the most powerful army on the continent.
Silas Creed the charming 3rd prince quiet, Cold, and Stern yet soft, and awkward. A role model to soldiers and popular bachelor to King's looking to give him their daughters and sons' hands in marriage. No matter how many times fair noble women in there sparkling gems and with their elegant dresses, to whom gentleman with kill for a chance to have look their way try to seduce and get the Prince to catch their eye. But Silas was always distant paying them no mind for their was already another he loved.
Ah yes, it was love at first sight. That day he first laid his eyes apon you. He would have mistaken you for a forest nymph if it weren't for the beautiful scales a color that caught his eye that shimmered like pearls on your body which you meticulously washed as you bathed underneath the waterfall your long slender tail splashing against the water surface as you enjoy the cool refreshing is soak and Majestic horns sturdy and a symbol of your power yet clean and sensitive judging by how your fingers and palm graze against them. And you wings a dead giveaway to who you were. Outstretched with a pleasant smile on your face the sound of the waterfall and the coolness of the water against your skin and scales how do you distract it as the Prince crept closer enamored by your beauty. Hypnotized by other attributes of your human form, a hand over his armor chest as if trying to calm the beating in his heart.
He had once heard stories tales from senior nights of his army about the the terrible yet feared and revered dragons. Revered as great creatures and some even gods if one were to encounter a dragon run and pray it does not find you...
But even so, how could a beautiful, gentle creature like you do such harm? Was a thought in his mind at first before he had armies track you down and catch you. You are not only captivating but you are powerful. Fighting your hardest against the chains and ropes that held you down. No matter how hard you flap your wings you cannot stop the hordes of humans that held you to the ground.
Like a bird in its caged there you sat.
Human tales talk about royalty being held captive by a dragon in a high tower you scoff at the irony now. Has he days out the window being held steel bars enchanted with a strange magic that won't let you break free. Your wings itch to feel the winds beneath them to grow into your bigger form and take to the skies once more.
Your eyes gaze over at bars to see your captor. Silas with a loving smile on his face. How could a man who robbed you of your freedom smile like that?
"Beloved? Are you busy? May I come in?" Silas speaks in a gentle tone. Even though there was no privacy between you and him since he is refused to give you the courtesy of walls and a proper door he still asks to come into your 'room.'
Even as you do not answer, he comes in anyway, of course, gazing at you with an unblinking stare. You could almost feel his obsession with you, making you feel as if you were naked. With his intense stare, he slowly stalks toward you. That gaze now growing soft when he stands before you, his hulking figure towering above you before getting on his knees but not before holding your hips and gently turning you, wanting no craving your attention on him, Making you look down at him as he lays his head into your lap. You could kill him. You could sink your claws into his stupid flesh and rip him apart till he stops breathing, unleashing your anger in a horrid roar.
Silas smiles, nuzzling himself against your thighs. He takes his place beside you. You keep your eyes on him. Your gaze is filled with malice yet fear, but you're looking at him, and that's all he cared about. Those deep amethyst eyes you've grown to fear look at you with such love. This is hand brushes against your cheek, going down to your neck to rub against the iron and gemstone collar faceted around your neck. His proof of his love but to you, your handcuffs, the artifact that's keeping you here, sapping away at your strength until you are but an ordinary human with dragon features. Faceted tightly around your neck since the first day he brought you to the ground.
He holds your chin leaning close to press his lips against yours. Only for you to finally react, putting your hands against Silas's cold armor and pushing him away. Which made him frown, his eyes filled with hurt, as if you've kicked him and not denied him a kiss
"This again? My darling, you hurt me by denying me of your affection; don't you see my heart aches for your touch every day? I've given you delicacies of the human world. Treasures beyond your wildest dreams, I would move mountains for you. What else can I do for you? What will it take for you to love me?!" Silas says, his voice getting more and more desperate as it shakes. As much as he wants to respect the little ounce of autonomy he has allowed you to have, your little silent treatment game was becoming tiresome. He can only take so much until he snaps.
However, you were beyond your limit. And the prince explaining his love for you, telling you that he would provide anything you could ever desire, was the one thing the final drop of water to be added to the glass picture to make it burst.
As he continues to babble the same words you've heard day in and day out. His useless cries of "i love you"'s , "i treasure you"'s and sugar-sweet words about every aspect he loves about you.
you feeling the dormant rage begin to bubble up, the frustration of not being able to fight back your sorrow of missing the blue sky you thought you could hold everything inside until the prince grew tired of keeping you as more of a pet then a suitor. The urge to claw his eyes out becoming overwhelming before bubbling over you saw watery red your emotions overflowing you-!
You hadn't realized what you had done until you were already yelling. Your clawed hand had struck his face. Even with your strength sapped, you had enough power just to slash your claws across his cheek. Silas just froze his eyes wide with disbelief as you screamed.
"Then free me! Free me from this cage you call a castle! Free me from your suffocating hold! Do not and will not love you! I hate you!"
Something seems to have broken inside of him. From months of torture from ignoring him, not giving him your undivided love and attention, accumulating to you announcing your hatred for him.
Silas was not a patient man, being without you was like agony and only to see you rip his heart to shreds see if your heart sank with an instant regret when you saw his eyes darkening, his teeth clenched.
" I see that I have been to lenient on you-" the growls grabbing you by the throat and forcing you in for a kiss. Slip smash against yours his tongue immediately darting into your mouth forcing her mouth open as his fingers press against your cheek. Even by force tasting your mouth was everything he ever dreamed of the fluttering of his heart from his first kiss from you it's almost enough to subside his anger...
"I do not care how much you scream and disrespect me you are not leaving this place. You will love me you will learn to love me."
" and if I have to force you, then so be it." Silas said all tone in his voice and his expression dying before he lays a hand on you instead of gently caressing your skin he grabbed you with force, greedly grabbing at you. And with his sheer overpowering strength He easily manhandle you, holding you down; eager, hungry to feel his lips against your precious skin, desperate to make you see to make you realize his love for you.
Trapped in a cage which was this man's love, your options were thin, and you were getting desperate. For a moment, you started to feel that maybe this man's love for you in exchange for your freedom wouldn't be so bad. Especially now with those amethyst eyes burned red with rage. That soft voice he'd always speak to you in as he praised you for your beauty now loud booming. Those soft lips that he would like kisses upon your skin now snarl as he bites into your skin, leaving his mark of ownership. All he wanted was for you to love him. Was that really so hard to accept his gentle love and reciprocate?
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nightmyst14-blog · 6 months
Regaining treasures Pt 2
Woo, part 2 y'all!! Hope you guys enjoy this one!!
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Setting: In the hidden treasure room. White Lily is feeling guilt for the deaths of her friend’s children, although it was of Dark Enchantress. 
White Lily: I… I can't believe this… I did this to her..
Pure Vanilla; Lily , no! *hugs her* That’s not true!
White Lily: Look, Vanilla! *gestures to the 3 coffins* Her children are dead! And we had no idea of this! She'll NEVER forgive me for this!!
Dark Cacao: We all didnt know, dear Lily. *helps her up* But she asked us to help her now. We shall do out best to do so.
White Lily; *sniffles* You’re right..
Pure Vanilla: Yes.. We shall do our best to do so, for Goldie’s sake.
White Lily: For Goldie’s sake- *sees her walk in* 
Golden Cheese: *Holding a bell, looking sad* LIly…
White Lily: Oh Goldie, Im sorry-
Golden Cheese: Don’t. *sighs* Pure Vanilla told me everything.  I know I was hard on you before, but.. I needed time. It was..hard to process the fact you were two people now. But after hearing what happened in Beast-yeast, things began to make sense.
Dark Cacao: Goldie…
Golden Cheese: Its.. its still weird to have you all here, but.. *walks over to the bull sarcophagus, places the bell there* Its been too long… I need them, my treasures..
Pure Vanilla: *walks over to them* Mind telling us about them. Your children?
*Golden Cheese look at Pure Vanilla, sniffling. She leans on Pure Vanilla, looking back a the sarcophagus* 
Golden Cheese: I have a daughter and 2 boys….. All created each at a time of day, as you can see on their coffins.  All took on an aspect of me, with a few ingredients from different lands.
Dark Cacao: *moves a hand onto jackal sarcophagus* The ingredients you had us bring.
Golden Cheese: *nods* Mhm.
Pure Vanilla; But we only have two things, the incense and the caramel you asked for. What about the third?
Golden Cheese: Its fine. My eldest, my daughter,  didnt have an ingredient imported outside of the kingdom. I used only the finest cheeses for her.
White Lily: Do you still have some left over?
Golden Cheese: *thinks* I should have some left in the reserves… Olive, please go get the finest mozzarella on the shelf.
Olive: Yes, ma’am! *runs off*
Golden Cheese: Olive and I have been researching a way to wake them up. Since they are connected to me, my Soul Jam is still connected to their souls.
Dark Cacao: The dreamscape.
Golden Cheese: *nods* Correct. Based on it, I have to do a ritual like how I first created them. Their souls are intact and their bodies, All I need is a jumpstart from the soul jams’ light magic.
White Lily; That’s why you had us come.
Golden Cheese: Mhm. I wouldve done this myself, but the process would drain me of energy. And I know you guys would yell at me for overdoing it.. Thrice.
Pure Vanilla: Sure will. *touches her shoulder*  We’re honored to be here to help.
*The ancients plus Olive went to get everything set up, checking with Golden Cheese if the ritual would be ready by morning. Before midday, the ritual was set.
Golden Cheese: *hand on the bull sarcophagus.*
White Lily; *walks over* …What was she like?
Golden Cheese: *looks up* HM?
White Lily: Your daughter. What was she like?
Golden Cheese: *smiles a bit* ..She was amazingly smart. She was head of security here. She made these little robots called Marzipans to make sure everyone was safe here.
Pure Vanilla: I think Ive seen a few of those little things lying around. She made those?
Golden Cheese: My sweet Mozzi.. She was a crafty girl, loving puzzles with a bit of odds. Sometimes she even surprises me with what she was up to next.
Dark Cacao: Hm. *looks up to the window* Its almost time, the sun is rising.
Golden Cheese: Ah, right. Everyone in your places.
*Olive walks up first, setting the mozzarella on the coffin. Golden Cheese began to use her soul jam to bend the light to shine on the sarcophagus, filling the details. Pure Vanilla, Dark Cacao, and White Lily points their weapons to the coffin, their soul jam magic flowing into the object.*
*The sarcophagus began to glow, the bowl of mozzarella seeming to phase into it. Light filling the details of the coffin, the lid starting to shake.*
Olive: *gasps, adjusts her glasses* Its… its working!!
Golden Cheese: *her hands shaking* Ngh… Keep going! We’re almost there!
*they soon stopped 15 minutes, the ancients a bit drained of their energy.*
Pure Vanilla; Hah. *pants* Did.. DId it work…?
Olive: I.. I dont know- *hears movement in the sarcophagus*
White Lily: *gasps*
Dark Cacao: *uses his sword to wedge over to open the lid,pushing it aside*
*Inside, sits up a young woman with tanned skin, blonde hair, and bull horns. Cracked blue makeup was on her face, getting smudged as she rubbed her eyes as her eyes gets used to the light*
??; Mmh.. W-where…
White Lily: *gasps, shocked* It.. it worked..
??; *Sees the others, gasps. Goes to back away,ending up  falling out of her sarcophagus* Ah, s-stay back!
Pure Vanilla: Ah!!
Olive: C-Careful, ma’am!
Golden Cheese; *slowly steps closer, tears in her eyes* M-Mozzi..? Mozzarella.. Its me..
Mozzarella: *looks up* …M-Mother..?
Golden Cheese: *smiles* My baby girl…
Mozzarella: Mother!! *tries to stand, falls buts Golden Cheese caught her*
Golden Cheese: *holding her close, smiles while crying* My daughter, you’re alive! 
*The others smiled at this scene, seeing how happy Golden Cheese was*
Mozzarella: *also crying* Smokey.. Burnt , I.. we could hear you. In that weird place.
Golden Cheese: I know, Mozzi.. I know. I’m so sorry.. *run a hand through her hair* I failed you three as a mother, I’m so sorry…
Mozzarella: Mom.. *looks around* Where.. WHere are they..? My brothers..
Golden Cheese: They’re coming, sweetie. Soon. But first, you need rest. *Looks towards the other ancients* Vanilla… Lily…
*the two of them walk over*
Pure Vanilla: *kneels down, smiles at Mozzarella* It is nice to meet you, princess. Allow me to examine you.
Mozzarella: *looks at her mother, then nods*
Pure Vanilla: *using healing magic*
Mozzarella: *looks at Golden Cheese, whispers* Mother, Are they..?
Golden Cheese: *smiles* Yes, my dear. These are my friends. The other ancients.
White Lily: It is an honor to meet you. *smiles*
*Later, Mozzarella was brought  to a  room. Still feeling the stiffness in her dough, she was given a wheelchair to move around in. Golden Cheese went to check on her*
Golden Cheese: Oh Mozzi, my dear! I brought you food!
Mozzarella: *working on a broken Marzipan* One second, Mother.
Golden Cheese: Mozzarella, you’re already working? *stops her* Desert flower,  you’re supposed to rest.
Mozzarella: But mother- 
Golden Cheese: *stern* I mean it. *hands her the bowl of light cheese soup* You were brought awake from slumber a few hours ago. 
Mozzarella: *stirring the soup with the spoon* Mother…
Golden Cheese: I can't have you hurting yourself,Mozzi. I- *sniffles* I just got you back.. I’m so close to getting your brothers back…
Mozzarella: *sets the bowl down, hugs her*
Golden Cheese: *crying, hugs her back*I’m so sorry… I wasnt there to save you three…
Mozzarella: Mother, it wasnt your fault.
Golden Cheese: But it is! You three begged to go outside the walls of the kingdom for so long, but I was too afraid to let you go. I just told my friends about you three the other day! Just because I.. *sniffles*
Mozzarella: *frowns* Because of what, Mother?
Golden Cheese; Because I was too afraid to show off my most valuable of treasures… And that was you and your brothers.. *touches her cheek* I promise, my dear Mozzi, I’ll do better. I’ll be a better queen, and a better Mother to you three. We’ll make this kingdom shine brighter than ever before!
Mozzarella; *giggles* As long I get to have a tech room and my Marzipans.
Golden Cheese: *smiles* Of course my dear. Now, you eat and rest, okay? No working until you are better.
Mozzarella: Yes, mother. *starts eating*
Golden Cheese: *kisses her daughter’s head before she leaves, soon greeting my White Lily when she got out the room*
White Lily; How is she?
Golden Cheese: Well, she was up her usual antics, so I say it was a success.
White Lily: *peeks in the room* Bulls horns.. I thought she would have your wings.
Golden Cheese: Oh the features represent what animal they’re most intune with. Trust me, my middle child will have my feathers.
White Lily: I see… *quiet*
Golden Cheese: *worried* You.. You come to just check on my daughter, did you?
White Lily: No.. *sighs* I dont know how many times I can say it... But I am sorry.  You lost so much because of me…
Golden Cheese; *sighs* Ive thought about it for a long while. And I already forgiven you. Not fully, but… After seeing you, Vani, and Cacao, coming to help me bring back my daughter, I couldnt stay mad anymore.
White Lily: *sniffles* Goldie…
Golden Cheese: Aww gee, not the waterworks. Come here. *hugs her*
White Lily: *hugs back* Thank you..
Golden Cheese: *smiles* No, thank you. *sighs, pulls away* C’mon, after we rest, we still have two more to bring back.
White Lily: Right. The boys are in the kitchen trying the charcuterie board the cooks made.
Golden Cheese: Nice, let’s go. *leads the way*
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patataatomica5 · 8 months
Fear and hunger headcanons and possible plot for a future fanfic part 2 :p
Life outside the dungeon yayyy :D
If you can't remember or didn't read the last part the people in the group are Ragnvaldr, Cahara, The Girl and Moonless.
(Go on and read PART 1 if you didn't)
+The way our group ran at the speed of light outside
+At first the sun hurt their eyes, their vision had to assimilate again that there is not just darkness and light coming from a torch.
+The way back to Rondon was a bit long, maybe stopping and properly resting was 2-3 days walking. (It was an old prison, so I guess it had to be away from the population, and also look at all the things hidden beneath)
+ One of the first things they did was finding a river and trying to get rid of the horrible smell that the dungeon left on them, not only sweat, but rotting blood and dirt and all kinds of strange liquids the monsters might have stained them with.
+ After that Rag hunted a deer and fed them fresh roasted meat that didn't make them question how long that food has been sitting there or if it was going to make them nauseous.
+ Moonless chewed on the leftover bones and was given raw meat too.
+ On the way they discarded all the items that weren't useful anymore. Why would they want a dirty rag? They can get clean ones in the city now.
+ Once they arrived they rented a couple of rooms in an inn with whatever money they had left and proceeded to find merchants, colleccionists and rich people who would pay a lot of money for all those weird coins, jewelry and amulets.
+ Cahara didn't keep any of the treasures he found, just gave Ragnvaldr the Cube of the Depths as "it was stolen from your homeland", but he declined for the moment, just until he had somewhere stable to stay.
+ When Cahara had the money he needed, he went straight to the Red Light District, to the familiar brothel her wife was trapped in. As usual, some girls from other brothels tried to take him inside to "just rest and drink something".
+ Before entering he remebered all the times he snuck through her window just to spend time with her. One time he had to hide in the closet because the Madame made a surprise visit to talk to Celeste.
+ With his hart pounding on his chest, he entered inside, and demanded to talk with the Madame.
+ He just dropped the bag full of silver and golden coins to her feet and just said "I want to buy the freedom of Celeste".
+All the girls present backed away and started murmuring while a couple of them ran upstairs to ssearch for her. The elder lady that owned the place was in shock, as Celeste was one of the most expensive girls she owned.
+ After counting the money, she could only let her free, and gave her a couple of hours to pick up her things before going.
+ Cahara told her to only take what meant something to her and was necessary, as he would buy her all the expensive dresses she wanted.
+ The mercenary left the dungeon without looking back, and so did Celeste with the brothel.
+ After that he introduced her to the Girl, Rag and Moonless. She was shocked at what the story they lived in the dungeons, but it was too much and too long to explain, some things she will find out with time.
+ In Cahara's absence, Rag tried to brush the little girl's hair, but it was too matted, it looked like a bird's nest. Maybe it was never brushed before.
+ Celeste cut her hair quite short, sadly it was too tangled :(
+ The girl was a bit sad, but the woman promised it would grow back in no time and even prettier than before. She also cut Cahara's hair so "it would grow back healthier" and gave Rag a trim too.
+ It's also a way of ending that short but hard era and the begining of their new lives outside misery ;)
+ The (old) mercenary started constructing a mansion not too far from Rondon and, gave his bestie Ragnvaldr a house (with at least 5 giant bedrooms) nearby his mansion-to-be.
+ The three of them came to the conclusion that the girl would stay with Celeste and Cahara, as Rag wanted to become a monster hunter and kind of a mercenary to help other people live better, with the condition that he will drop by and visit them every few days.
+ Moonless came along Rag and he began to train more people to beat the darkness and what hid behind the shadows forming a group and later a clan. (also some of them are survivors from Oldegard's dissaster)
+ The Girl has a colorful bedroom full of plushies and toys and dolls. She became a bit spoiled (Celeste and the baby too), because Cahara gave his new family everything they wanted on the spot.
+ And the most important, she had the warmth and the love of a father and a mother and a baby brother :")
+ Also a great teacher that taught her how to read, history, math... And how to speak too! Both husband and wife had to be patient with that. She grew up to be a beautyful and clever woman.
+ Sadly not everything is good, the (old) mercenary often had nightmares with the dungeon or with Nilvan telling him that he lied, he tricked her, and he will pay for it. He will pay the price of not having a good night sleep in probably for ever. (Not being able to sleep was kind of beneficial in a way, because he could let Celeste sleep and he would take care of the baby)
Part 3?????
Also don't be afraid to tell me if something it's wrong, English is not my first language.
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shady-tavern · 1 year
Vampire’s Lullaby Part 2
Part One
Warnings for implied harm and death that happen off-screen. Otherwise, this chapter turned out to be rather soft.
The morning came, pale and peaceful and nothing was amiss. If anything, when she passed by the other hunters of their street on her way to work, they were in good spirits. They wished Dion a speedy recovery and told her to talk to them if she or her family needed anything.
She did not walk too fast, as she did all mornings now since saving the monster boy, making sure the shop was bathed in pale light by the time she arrived. It was almost strange, how normal everything was. She set the shop up as usual and greeted Mr. Bell when he arrived.
She had half expected things to go wrong, for some kind of punishment to come down upon her head for mingling with night creatures. Or that the vampire herself was going to do anything. But nothing.
The day passed like any other and that night the vampire was back once more, sitting on the roof and keeping watch. They spoke with each other for a moment and the vampire was polite and even friendly. Annabelle once again fell asleep to soft singing and woke to pale morning light, everyone she knew safe and sound.
A week passed in this manner and Annabelle started to look forward to the nights a little. To how quiet it had become and to the soft bit of conversation she shared with the vampire.
Right up until Mr. Bell sharply called her name during work, startling her out of her focused work.
Hurrying out of the back, she drew to a stop when she saw the man standing on the other side of the counter. Dressed in expensive, embroidered brocade, a necklace heavy with emeralds hanging about his throat and buttons gleaming golden. He must be one of the nobles and he looked very impatient.
His attitude did not improve as they took his order. The baron, as he introduced himself, was less than eager to be here, but apparently he needed to get something done fast and they had been recommended to him. He promised a pay hefty enough that Annabelle nearly gasped out loud and left them with a handful of gems he wanted to be part of the front cover.
"You're a true treasure," Mr. Bell whispered as soon as the baron had left, getting into an equally gleaming and elegant carriage, drawn by two snow-white horses. "You worked so hard even the upper crust heard of us."
Annabelle felt a small, hysterical giggle escape before she bit back the rest. Mr. Bell and she stared at each other, before they both started grinning and bustled into the back, chattering back and forth as they rapidly got to work.
If this man was satisfied or even happy with his order, they might get more expensive clientele. Mr. Bell was singing a cheerful song that usually was usually heard in taverns over an ale and Annabelle joined in, neither of them caring that they were not great singers in the least.
The day passed far too fast and even though Mr. Bell stayed until the final bell of the evening, they weren't quite done with the baron's order yet. The baron wanted to retrieve his book first thing in the morning and while such an order would have been nearly impossible for anyone else, they really wanted to get it done.
"We best get going," Mr. Bell said with great reluctance. "I'm sure we can finish it at dawn."
Annabelle glanced down at the book, then outside, gauging the position of the sun. "I'll finish up and run home," she said. "It should be done in just a few more minutes, right? Half an hour at most, it will still be bright enough that not many night creatures are out and about."
Mr. Bell hesitated, then sighed, "If you are sure?" At her nod he grabbed his things. "Alright, but don't come in first thing in the morning, understood? You deserve to sleep in after all this. And no matter what, your life is more important than money, understood? If you get worried or scared, go home right away."
She couldn't help but smile and nodded, focusing back on the book as he left. It was going to be a beautiful piece, made of dark green, thin leather, embossed with gold letters and decorated with the gems the baron had left them with.
When she was finally done, feeling satisfied and her back cracking as she straightened, she looked up and felt her heart drop into her stomach. It was pitch-dark outside.
How? How had she gotten so lost in her work that she had missed the way light had disappeared, only replaced by the lanterns and candles Mr. Bell had left on. Her mouth turned dust dry.
There was no way she'd get home safe. Maybe, if she was really, really quiet, managed to extinguish all light and hid under her desk, no night creature noticed her in here. Maybe she could hide here and hold out until morning.
The tinkle of the bell of the front door made her flinch and startle onto her feet. Had Mr. Bell not looked the door? Had he left the lights on out in the shop as well?
"Hello?" a woman's voice called out, curious and a little befuddled. "I saw the lights on, are you still in?"
It took her a second to recognize the voice over her panic and pounding heart. It was the vampire she had asked for help. What was she doing here?
"You didn't return home," the vampire continued and Annabelle heard the muffled sound of steps, as though the night creature was walking slowly up and down the shop. "If you are done for the day, I will wait outside for you. Unless you'd like to walk home alone?"
And be eaten? Surely not. "Thank you," she found herself saying, her pounding heart finally easing a bit.
"I told you I'd look after you and yours," the vampire said and Annabelle heard the tinkle of bells. "Those books are beautiful, by the way."
Then the vampire was gone and she exhaled in a rush, sagging a bit as tension drained out of her. Her hands shook a little when she rubbed them over her face, before she reached for her shawl.
She was scared to go outside, but she couldn't stay here. If she stayed, so did the vampire and then who would look after her family? Extinguishing all the lights, she wrapped the shawl tightly around herself and stepped outside.
Nerves made her hands a bit clumsy as she locked the door, glancing around. It was quiet and no street lights were lit in the crossroads, since no one lived here and the city had considered it a waste of resources. It took her a moment to notice the large shadow in the dark, wings half unfolded for balance as the vampire crouched on the ledge of a roof.
"I'm ready," she whispered, shoulders tense and heart still pitter-pattering nervously. She tried to calm down, taking a few deep breaths until she felt less like she was going to scream in fright at the next thing that moved too fast and too unexpectedly.
When she started walking, the vampire followed easily above her. It was surprisingly calm all around and she neither heard nor saw anything. The vampire didn't have to snarl or hiss, just paused once and tensed, clacking her claws warningly against shingles, then moved on like nothing had happened.
It made her wonder how powerful the vampire must be, to so easily command the space she walked through. By the time Annabelle hurried down the main road towards home, she felt...safe. Unexpectedly so, considering she was outside in the dark.
The other hunters of their street were worried and glad to see her, escorting her to the front door of her home and reprimanding her for staying out so long.
"You were very lucky," a rough looking woman said, the one Dion always chatted with while waiting for the sun to disappear. "What would I have said your brother if you got yourself killed while he's not there?"
"It won't happen again," she promised, before the door swung open and her ashen faced mother dragged her inside and into a hug.
Annabelle endured the scolding and worrying of her family and after a quick dinner, she excused herself. She hesitated, then opened the window.
"Miss Vampire?" she whisper-called, leaning forward a bit.
When the vampire appeared, upside down, between one moment and the next, she bit back a startled scream by the skin of her teeth. Instead she inhaled sharply and flinched back a step, pressing her heart over her chest.
"Was that necessary?" she found herself gasping out, glaring at the vampire who tilted her head, mouth opening into an impish grin and wings twitching. "You're impossible." She took a calming, deep breath. "But, thank you, for bringing me home safe."
The vampire chittered at her almost softly, then waved a hand towards her bed in a shooing motion.
But Annabelle was a bit too awake now to consider sleeping. Instead she lit a candle and glanced between the clothes she had to mend and the book she had intended to read. With a soft sigh she reached for thread and needle first. Work before pleasure, her parents had always said.
A tap of claws against iron made her glance over and the vampire was gesturing at the book. Did she wish to read it? Annabelle hesitated, then picked it up.
"Return it to me before you leave," she said as she walked to the window. "Treat it well, please. Books mean a great deal to me."
The vampire took the book with visible care and disappeared. Annabelle turned back to her sewing, when she heard the vampire's voice, clear and close enough that she must be right above the window on the roof. Reading the book out loud.
Annabelle sat still for a long minute, then she found herself smiling a little and started to sew. Two chapters in however, the vampire had clear opinions on the book.
"Is this considered romantic?" her voice was full of disbelief and offense. She pitched her voice, re-reading a sentence she had just read out loud, "'Not to say you aren't beautiful, however this hair style simply does not match you.' Who asked for this fool's opinion?"
Annabelle had to bite back a startled laugh and she couldn't help but agree. The book was dreadful. However, as the vampire continued reading it genuinely got better from there. Not because the book got better, but because those affronted comments were quite funny and very amusing.
The vampire got increasingly more offended at the contents of the book and Annabelle found herself laughing at last, quickly clapping a hand over her mouth to muffle the sound.
"I'll bring you one of my books," the vampire groused, audibly thumbing through the book at rapid pace. "Three hundred pages of this nonsense? How are you still sane?"
"I haven't read it yet," Annabelle answered, mirth bright in her voice and that was when she realized that she had stopped being afraid. 
Somewhere between being guarded for a week, being brought home safe and being read to in an increasingly incredulous, pained manner, she had stopped fearing for herself. "I have another one you could read instead," she offered.
Instead of answering, a pale hand appeared at the top of the window, still holding the book with care. The vampire wore a delicate gold ring and a golden bracelet studded with topaz. The long sleeve that fell down to nearly her wrist was black with pale, shimmering embroidery.
Annabelle took hold of the book and traded it with one Mr. Bell had given her a couple of days ago. She settled down again as the vampire began to read and she seemed far happier with this book. In all honesty, Annabelle enjoyed this tale far more as well.
She listened to the story of a young boy who found a lost star and their journey to bring the star back home. It was the first time in far too long that an evening truly felt peaceful.
It was quiet outside, no monsters to be heard and the breeze drifting inside was cool and brought with it a refreshing scent.
Had the world been like this once upon a time? Before the dark had to be feared like it was feared today? Had there been a time when people sat together to read and chat beneath the starry sky? She had only heard about such things in stories and in this moment, she couldn't help but dream of a world so different to her own.
Something gentler, something almost peaceful. She wasn't foolish or naive enough to believe danger would disappear forever just because she wished it, but there had to be a way to make the world better than it was now.
"May I have your name?" she asked when she finished mending and the vampire paused, having read the last sentence of the book. "I would like to call you something."
The vampire hummed softly, thoughtful, but answered, "I'm Charlette, and who are you, sweet human that I guard?"
Feeling a little surprised and quietly flattered at those unexpected words, Annabelle hurriedly put away her needle and thread. "I'm Annabelle and I can honestly say that it is nice to get to know you."
Charlette chuckled. "You're the first human to say so." Annabelle heard her close the book. "Are those the sort of stories you enjoy reading?"
"Among others." Annabelle leaned back, her chair creaking softly. "I mostly love stories with happy endings."
Charlette hummed thoughtfully. "I see. I think I can find some of those." Her arm appeared at the top of the window again. "Here, I quite enjoyed this one."
Annabelle accepted her book and her breath caught in her chest when her fingertips brushed Charlette's accidentally. She was cool, but no colder than Annabelle's hands would be if she were outside right now.
"Why do you night creatures hate us so much?" The question slipped out unbidden in a soft whisper.
"I don't hate you," the vampire answered without a moment's hesitation. Then she added, "I've never had much of a problem with humans."
"Then what have we done to earn such wrath from the others? So much bloodshed and death?"
Charlette was quiet for a long moment. "I've heard rumors," she answered at last. "That humans killed the Night King."
That was the first time Annabelle heard of such a thing. "Who was the Night King?"
"A powerful and old night walker," Charlette answered. "You wouldn't find them anywhere anymore, he was the last one. I don't really know what he was like, but I know that the night folk felt safe under his protection. I don't really know much else, I haven't been long in the city and I lived in a remote, rather isolated place before that."
Annabelle frowned to herself in thought, absentmindedly tracing the letters of the storybook. "Is there a way to find out what happened? Or how to change what's happening?"
Charlette hummed, a strange, inhuman note underlying the noise. "I could look into it, if you'd like," she offered and Annabelle heard the faint tink of claws tapping thoughtfully on shingles.
"You would?" Annabelle couldn't stop the hope from singing through her voice. 
There was a soft, near chirping kind of noise. "I find I'm...I quite like you, Annabelle. It won't be much trouble to bug some acquaintances or to poke around."
Relief made her feel lighter than she had in years. She peered out the window, though she saw nothing of the vampire. There wasn't even a shadow to watch tonight, not with clouds gathering in the sky and quiet disappointment shadowed the relief. She would have liked to see her face right now. "Thank you."
"You're welcome." Charlette shifted on the roof and a moment later, Annabelle saw half of an elegant, black shoe dangling into view, along with the hem of a black dress, studded in clear crystals.
"Would you like anything in exchange?" Annabelle asked, finding herself leaning forward a bit and peering up, as though she could finally spot a glimpse of the vampire's face. "I would owe you a great deal if you could uncover this mystery."
And possibly bring an end to all the death and pain and horror.
Charlotte chuckled, low and darkly amused. "That's a dangerous promise to make to my kind. What if I'd like a sip of your blood? All your good dreams for a year? An invitation to your house so I can feed on you and your family while you sleep?"
Annabelle frowned, head tipping to the side. She didn't feel worried, not when Charlette had never done anything to her or threatened such a thing.
"I don't think you would." She swallowed and stood up straighter, even if there was no one to see her posture. "Not if I asked you not to."
This time the chuckle sounded less dark. "You seem to have me figured out. Then I'll think about what I'll ask for," Charlette answered, then her voice turned mock-dry and she sighed theatrically, "Since eating you is so evidently off the table."
Annabelle had no idea why that made her laugh, the sound quickly muffled by the hand she lifted to her mouth, half horrified at herself for liking such a macabre joke. It seemed Dion wasn't the only one in the family to enjoy such humor. 
"I'd be pleased to find them all alive in the morning, thank you very much," she answered.
"Then you shall." Charlette sounded both amused and unexpectedly sincere. "I would hate to never hear your laugh again."
Annabelle felt surprised and touched at those words and found herself biting back a smile, lifting the book as though to hide her face from prying eyes. She hadn't known that night creatures, no, the night folk, could be so...sweet. Strange and frightening, yes, but also sweeter than she had thought. And kinder.
She didn't know what to say to that, lightly clearing her throat. "Well, if you keep doing what you're doing I guess I'll be laughing more in no time."
"Oh, consider it done," Charlette answered in a near purring tone that made heat gentle rise to her cheeks. "I don't think I could spend my nights any better than I currently do."
Flustered and flattered and having no idea what to do with any of those feelings, Annabelle shuffled away from the window.
"Speaking of night, it's, um, it's pretty late. I think I'll head to bed now," she said, pressing wind-cool fingertips against her heated face. "Good night."
She hurried to get ready for bed, accompanied by Charlette's quiet, throaty laugh.
"Good night," Charlette said as she slid beneath the sheets. "I'll keep watch until sunrise."
Curling up beneath the blankets, Annabelle kept watching the window. "Thank you." Ever since the vampire was there, Annabelle had felt safer than ever. Had slept better than ever.
When Charlette started to sing, the song was quiet and soft and Annabelle fell asleep, silently wishing the vampire could stay forever. Could be here every night, even once Dion was all healed up.
Annabelle visited Dion the next morning, using Mr. Bell's order to show up late to drop by the clinic first. 
"Is everyone well?" her brother asked in a heavy voice, while looking as though he was going to fall asleep again at any moment. "Mama and Papa don't seem to be very alright."
Their parents looked worn and tired and Annabelle worried they weren't sleeping well. Her other brothers were quiet and withdrawn, faces tense and marred with deep frowns. It made her wish she could tell them that she had a deal, a promise, of safety from a vampire. At least until Dion was fully healed.
They would not react well to that at all, however. She'd be dragged to the priests right away, to make sure she hadn't been thralled or otherwise influenced. Someone would then stake out in her room to try and kill Charlette. The very thought made her stomach clench and her heart ache.
"They're fine," she reassured Dion, offering a calming smile. 
She quickly distracted him by telling him about everything that had happened yesterday. She had visited him on her free day last, her parents and older brothers dropping by more often, since they were a bit more flexible with their time.
Halfway through her tale about the baron's visit, his eyes fell closed and his breathing deepened into slumber. Annabelle exhaled quietly and smoothed an edge of the blanket down. Sunlight shone through the windows, the bars casting thin shadows across his sickbed.
Her mind kept snagging at what Charlette had told her last night. The hope that had been ignited within her that this horror could end. That Dion could heal and go home and never again would he or anyone else be forced to pick up cold, hard iron in order to keep their loved ones alive.
She got up after another minute. Dion was fast asleep and he would remain like this for a while. He needed his rest. She left with a polite, grateful goodbye to Dr. Under, who waved her off with a vague noise, taking care of another injured hunter.
Mr. Bell was bustling around the shop when she arrived, in high spirits and praising her for how beautiful the book had turned out. The baron showed up an hour later, turning his ordered book this way and that, sniffing in acceptance, somehow simultaneously looking satisfied and not happy at all. He handed over more money than Annabelle had ever seen at once.
"It will do," the baron said in parting, sweeping outside as he added, "I think I shall be back."
Mr. Bell and she watched him leave with wide eyes, before they looked down at the money, at each other and then they were giggling like children, excited and almost speechless.
"Look at this!" Mr. Bell exclaimed, immediately starting to divide up the money. When he handed her what he said he owed her, she felt her breath catch. That was more than they had agreed upon first.
"You'll be able to hire a hunter now, while your brother heals," Mr. Bell said with a smile, waving off her sputtering protests. "We can always buy another printing press later, don't you worry. Besides, I'm sure we'll see that sour fellow again sooner or later."
She felt her eyes sting a little and couldn't help but pull Mr. Bell into a hug, who laughed and gave her a grandfatherly pat on the shoulder.
"Now, none of that, you hear me? There is no need for tears. Besides, we have more than enough work to take care of."
She nodded, sniffling once and pulled back, quickly pocketing the money before she took a deep breath and got to work with renewed determination. Mr. Bell chuckled and sat down at his desk, humming a soft, happy tune under his breath.
It was a good day and they kept working in high spirits, the other clients who dropped by to pick up their orders remarking on the good atmosphere. Mr. Bell left as he always did, a spring in his step and he told her not to stay too long, that she deserved to go home early as well.
Annabelle sang to herself as she finished up the last work of the day, the bell of the clock tower warning her about the setting sun. But for once she didn't feel scared, didn't startle into a flurry of hurried motions in order to get home in time.
She cleaned up and locked the door and went home with a smile on her face, nodding at people along the way and wishing neighbors a good night. The hunters on their street waved at her and she waved back.
Her family looked exhausted when she arrived, but they were glad to see her happy.
"We're safe," she tried to reassure them. "Everyone says they'll keep an eye out until Dion's back."
Guilt ate at her like sharp teeth when she kept the money she had made a secret. She wanted to save it, for when Dion was healthy again and Charlette wouldn't watch their house anymore. She wanted to buy her brother some more restful time if possible.
Charlette didn't show up that night, to her surprise. Instead, Annabelle heard a rumbly sort of growl and looked up, inhaling sharply in startled surprise.
"It's alright, you're safe," the large werewolf across from her on the other roof said quickly. "Charlette asked me to keep watch tonight." 
Then the werewolf straightened, ears perked and placed a hand on its chest. "Thank you," it said with utter sincerity. "For saving my son."
Oh, this was the boy's mother. Now that she took a closer look, her heart calming back down from it's frightened beat, she did recognize the werewolf.
"You're both well?" she couldn't help but ask, remembering the limp, whimpering and bleeding lump the werewolf had been in Charlette's arm.
Those ears flicked once and the werewolf grinned, making her look even more frightening and fearsome, but her yellow eyes held a spark of warmth. "We are. He's been talking about you, you know. Says he forgot to ask you if you liked his picture."
"I did," Annabelle slowly, cautiously approached the window. Just because Charlette hadn't hurt her didn't mean other night folk wouldn't take the chance when they got it. "He seems to be a sweet kid."
"He is." The werewolf preened in pride, then settled down, looking relaxed. "And don't worry," she said, a growl slipping into her voice. "I'll keep you lot safe." She snorted, amused. "Not that I'm necessarily needed here, considering Charlette thoroughly claimed this area. But she said you'd feel safer if I was there."
Annabelle felt her heart warm at those words, a smile tugging at her mouth. "That's sweet of her."
"She can be," the werewolf agreed, elbow on her thigh and chin resting in her palm. "But only if she likes someone. My son and I were the only ones she cared for for a long time, so I'm glad to see she's found someone else whose company she enjoys."
Annabelle's smile grew. "Well, the feeling is mutual. Tell her I'll miss her and that I hope she's safe. And thank you, for being here."
The werewolf grinned again and this time it looked a little less frightening. "She'll be very happy to hear that. And of course, after you saved my son and made Charlette's nights better, it's the least I could do. But don't let me keep you up if you're tired."
It was probably for the best to get some rest. "Good night. Oh, if any of the hunters notice you, just leave, they won't abandon the houses they protect."
The werewolf nodded. "I'll be careful not to be spotted, but they don't have to fear me either way. I never hurt people who don't try to kill my family first."
Fair enough, Annabelle would not act very kindly or sweetly if someone tried to harm those she loved in front of her eyes. She got ready for bed and decided to leave the window open, in case the werewolf needed to get her attention for something.
When she laid in bed, she found she struggled to fall asleep. It was simultaneously too quiet and not quiet enough. There was no pleasant singing, no vampire on her roof and somehow that absence was loud in the gentle, calm of the night.
She fell asleep after long minutes of staring up at the dark ceiling, trusting in a promise being kept and a fierce werewolf guarding the house.
It took three nights before Charlette came back. By then Annabelle had gotten to know the werewolf, whose name was Ophelia.
Since Charlette had apparently claimed this part of the city as hers, Ophelia pretty much had nothing to do. They had ended up talking quite a bit with each other as a result and Annabelle had put books on her windowsill for Ophelia to read.
Still, Annabelle had missed the vampire, had missed her company and singing and the steady, calm and unshakeable safety she brought with her presence alone. 
It had been a bit of a shock at first, to realize just how fond she had grown of Charlette. How there was a quiet sting of disappointment every night she saw Ophelia instead of her, even if she liked the werewolf.
"Welcome back," Annabelle said when she saw the large bat land quietly, a glad smile appearing on her face before she knew it.
"Finally," Ophelia said with good humor, leaning closer to Annabelle since she was sitting right across from her on the edge of the roof. The werewolf lifted a hand in front of her face to mock-whisper, "This one's pinning had gotten bad."
Pinning? Annabelle barely had a moment to properly process that, before Charlette tackled the werewolf straight off the roof and into the alley. There was growly laughter and hissing and startled shouts from a nearby hunter.
The two night folk quickly fell quiet after the hunter's warning yells and a few moments later, Ophelia hopped back onto the roof, while Charlette appeared suddenly in front of Annabelle, hanging upside-down in front of her window.
Annabelle smiled again, not even startling a little. Others probably considered this to be the height of foolishness, but she didn't fear Charlette. She didn't even find her nightmarish bat-form terrifying anymore. Oh, she knew Charlette was still frightening, that she could rip any human apart like wet paper, but Annabelle didn't think it was going to happen. Not to her, at any rate.
"I hope you're well?" she asked and Charlette swiftly ducked out of sight again, her voice answering a moment later.
"I am. I hope my friend took good care of you?"
"I'll take offense to that," Ophelia answered dryly. "But I'll forgive you this once. Now, please excuse me you two, you can make moon-eyes at each other without me having to bear witness."
With a jovial wave, the werewolf left, easily hopping across roofs and Annabelle heard a soft, aggrieved grumble from Charlette.
"Meddling friends," the vampire muttered. 
"I wouldn't know," Annabelle found herself saying, Charlette falling silent. "I haven't really had a friend in years."
Not since their old neighbors had moved away when she had been twelve. After that it had been hard to connect with others and nowadays she spent all day at work and was locked up at home afterwards. It didn't leave much time for socializing and the few times people had flirted with her at work hadn't really led to anything.
"We could be friends," Charlette offered. "And Ophelia likes you as well, she said as much every time she came back at dawn. I'm pretty sure she already considers you her friend."
"Are other humans and night folk friends as well?" Annabelle asked, genuinely curious. Charlette and Ophelia couldn't be the only nice night folk in the world, after all. "I've never heard of such a thing."
Charlette huffed, amused and wry all at once. "Of course not. From what I could gather, you humans don't take well to such connections. But there are a couple of friendships and relationships across the city."
There were? So she wasn't strange or alone in not hating or fearing the night folk? Or rather, Charlette and Ophelia. She still feared the others and what they could do.
"Speaking of which," Charlette continued before Annabelle could answer. "I think I found out what happened to the Night King and why there is such carnage now."
Annabelle stepped forward, fingertips brushing the windowsill. "Please tell me."
"It's not pretty," Charlette warned, then continued, "The night folk demand revenge for the murder of their king. Until the price is paid in blood, there will be no peace."
Annabelle knotted her fingers together in worry. "I understand that, but it isn't fair to punish all of us for the transgression of a few." Then she frowned heavily. "And it's been so long already since the attacks started, the ones who did it are most likely already dead."
A moment of heavy silence followed. "I forgot," Charlette murmured, an unhappy note to her voice. "You humans don't live all that long."
"We live plenty long enough," Annabelle answered, feeling a little affronted. "It's you lot who live a ridiculous amount of time."
Charlette huffed a gentle, amused noise. "I guess you're not wrong."
Annabelle felt her lips twitch into a small smile, before it fell again. "Is there something that can be done?" she asked softly. "To make the night folk stop?"
Charlette exhaled heavily, almost sighing. "Someone strong enough could." She sounded reluctant now. "Once someone seizes control and calms the frenzy, things could change."
"Why won't anyone do that?" Annabelle found herself staring up, as though she could will Charlette into view to look straight at her. "Hasn't this gone on long enough?"
"It doesn't feel that long to them," Charlette answered. "Many night folk have fallen into mindless bloodlust and they cannot regain their senses by themselves anymore. There are only a small handful left who could take control, but they like to eat and drink as much as they please. They like terrifying humans too much to stop."
Annabelle was silent for a long moment, arms wrapped around herself in a imitation of a hug. "So this is it?" she found herself whispering. "We just have to endure this until one of the strong night folk decide they've enjoyed themselves enough? Or until they've killed us all?"
A low snarl curled through the air. "I would not let them," Charlette answered, voice hard. "Nothing will happen to you."
"I believe you." She really did. "But...this is no way to live, Charlette. To cower and hide and...and just endure until I'm old and frail and at last my bones return to the earth."
She felt exhausted and bitterness wrapped around her like a too-heavy cloak. Annabelle closed her eyes, trying to fight back the burn of tears. Weeping wouldn't change anything, no matter how much she wanted to cry.
Shattered hope was a horrible feeling, she realized as she stared down at her hands, cold and ink stained. She had only realized how fiercely she had hoped for an end for all of this now that there was nothing to be done. All she could do now was endure and that...that was no way to live, was it?
Charlette was silent for so long that Annabelle started to get ready for bed, her heart a heavy weight in her chest and her mood dreary and dark. She just wanted to lie down and not get up for a long while. She blew out the candle, casting the room in darkness when the vampire spoke up.
"You're right." Charlette's voice was soft. "I want more for you. And better."
Annabelle swallowed past her dry mouth as Charlette added, "That is really no life worth living."
Annabelle made a quiet, slightly rough sound in agreement. She couldn't keep living like this for the rest of her days. Frightened, small, scurrying. Scraping together what coin she could, working herself to the bone during the day, only to be terrified of all that came at night. Worrying she'd bury her brother, then her parents, then her other older brothers, until she was all that was left.
Even if Charlette would guard them all her days, something could always happen. Besides, other people still died. She would see the blood in her way to work, would see the haunted faces of hunters who stared at the sun like it was pure salvation.
"I'd do anything for things to change," Annabelle found herself saying, voice hollow and tinged in bitter sadness.
"A dangerous promise." Charlette's voice was soft and utterly devoid of teasing. "Don't give that promise to someone else, they'll ask for things you won't wish to give."
"Like what? My blood? My beating heart?" She'd give both if it meant the night folk stopped their rampage. 
"No." Charlette sounded grim. She was quiet for a second, then asked, "Would you invite me in, Annabelle?"
"I think the bars are in the way." She wouldn't go and unlock the door, not when Gerard was still awake and weaving and Charlette could be seen entering the house by one of the hunters.
Charlette huffed, darkly amused. "Those are child's play. They don't keep me out, but I cannot enter a home I'm not invited to. No vampire can."
She hadn't known that, but it explained all the warnings to never answer any luring, sweet calls. And why one should never get thralled. Did she want Charlette in the house? In her room?
She did, she realized. She felt so cold and hopeless, she wished to at least finally see Charlette's face. Annabelle turned towards the window.
"Charlette, I invite you into my home, please enter," she said, soft but clear. A moment later that elegant hand came into view and slowly, steadily, pried the bars out of the brickwork.
Charlette was careful enough to avoid making a noticeable amount of noise, taking the time to wriggle the bars out bit by bit, until she could pull them away entirely. Annabelle found her heart beating a little faster. She had never invited anyone into her room since she had been twelve and her friend had left.
A moment later, a tall shape dropped onto the windowsill. For as much as Charlette looked like a human now, she did not move like one. There was a predator's grace as she smoothly stepped inside, feet utterly silent on the floor. Only her long dress made a soft sound as the fabric fell down to her ankles.
Charlette stood with a confidence Annabelle had rarely seen, something unshakeable and true. The vampire knew she was powerful and dangerous and saw no need in proving either by needlessly puffing herself up. For everyone else would know she was dangerous by simply looking at her.
"You don't look at me anymore as though I'm frightening," Charlette said, voice soft and clear and she took slow steps closer, bridging the distance between them. 
There was just enough light cast by the moon outside for her to see her face. She was beautiful, her red hair long and her eyes the color of blood.
Annabelle looked up at the vampire, who stopped in front of her. "I don't fear you."
"I'm glad." Charlette's voice softened further, gentling into a near whisper. "I like seeing you happy."
Annabelle found herself smiling a little, almost shyly. "I think I owe you a favor," she said softly. "For finding out what you could about the Night King."
Charlette was quiet for a moment and Annabelle saw the the humorless smile appear on her face. "There is one thing I would ask, but not now. I think I need to earn a bit more of a favor for that."
Surprised, Annabelle tipped her head a little, trying to see her face better in the dark. "What do you mean?"
Charlette didn't answer and instead reached out, hand hovering near Annabelle's face without touching her. "May I?"
Annabelle felt her heart beat a little faster now, realizing it did so in the best of ways. "Yes." Her voice was quiet but clear in the silence of her room and the quiet of the calm night outside.
Gently, almost reverently, Charlette's cool hand settled on her cheek. "I don't think you know how much you captivated me," the vampire said softly, red eyes warm where her skin was not. "Your bravery, your laugh, your sweetness. How fearless you are and how much I enjoy speaking with you."
A cool thumb brushed along her cheekbone ever so gently. "I want to ask for something very brazen," Charlette continued in a near whisper. "Once I earn more of your good graces."
"You could ask now," Annabelle answered just as quietly, eyes caught by that blood-red gaze and she tipped her head a little, turning her cheek into that sweet touch. "Because I don't think you realize how much I enjoy your company, how fond I've grown of you."
This time, when Charlette smiled, it revealed a hint of fangs that would have looked frightening to Annabelle in the past. Now she was merely curious, knowing she had nothing to fear.
"What if I asked for a kiss?" Charlette said. "One you want to give me because you like me, not because you feel indebted."
"Then I'd say you should kiss me," Annabelle whispered back, her heart beating faster in excited anticipation. "If you like me as much as I like you."
"Oh, of that there is no doubt," Charlette breathed the words more than she said them, leaning in and Annabelle rose up on her toes. Long, soft hair brushed her cheek before lips ghosted across hers for just a moment. She smelled like fresh air and something soft and sweet, like flowers.
Before Charlette could pull back, Annabelle rose to her very tiptoes, pressing their lips together gently. Her hands came up, one lightly touching Charlette's arm and the other reaching up to cup her face, fingertips lightly tangling into silk-soft hair.
"Will you let me court you?" Annabelle asked in a soft whisper, opening her eyes. Charlette looked almost unbearably soft and it squeezed her heart in the best of ways.
Charlette laughed, quiet and brief and achingly fond. "I think I'm meant to ask you that. If you allow me to court you as well, I will gladly say yes."
Annabelle found herself grinning, the previous heaviness of her mood gentled and lightened, even if it wasn't gone entirely. 
Charlette brushed a feather light kiss against the corner of her mouth, as though tasting her smile, before pressing another one to her forehead. She then gently rested their foreheads together, free hand rising to take Annabelle's, tangling their fingers together.
"I think I know what to gift you," Charlette said. "If you're willing to accept something intangible."
Now that made her curious. "Of course." She gave Charlette's fingers a little squeeze. "I think I have an idea for a gift as well."
They smiled at each other for a long moment, until Annabelle had to pull back, hiding a yawn behind her hand. Charlette smiled softly, brushing fingertips over her hair.
"Rest, my love," she said. "I will stay until dawn."
"Can you sing for me?" Annabelle asked. "I find I sleep better if you do."
Charlette's eyes seemed brighter, now a liquid red. "Of course."
And sing she did and when Annabelle woke in the morning, she found a red rose lying on her desk, on top of a letter.
A letter that held the promise to change everything.
Part Three.
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𝓣𝓪𝓷𝓰𝓵𝓮𝓭 𝓕𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓼 Part 2 (𝔽𝕦𝕛𝕚𝕟 𝕩 𝕋𝕤𝕦𝕟𝕘! ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣)
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Official Masterlist
Summary: Fujin meets his elusive thief once again, and they have a heart to heart talk about the reader's past.
Word Count: 2.6k words.
Months had passed since their first encounter, and the memory of (Y/n) lingered in Fujin's mind like a whisper on the wind. The wind god had fulfilled his duties diligently, attending to the realms and protecting the balance of nature. But there was always a part of him that yearned for another encounter with the free-spirited thief who had stolen not only his attention but also a piece of his heart.
It was disappointing to know that (Y/n) Tsung hadn't yet made another attempt at stealing another item, despite what his brother would no doubt have to say should he be the one to discover her.
As the sun cast its golden rays upon the tranquil landscape, Fujin stood atop a grassy hill overlooking a bustling marketplace. It was a place where merchants displayed their goods, and people from all walks of life mingled and traded. The wind carried the sweet scent of spices and the chatter of eager voices.
He enjoyed not only watching over, but participating in the markets - such a simple yet joyous experience. As he strolled through the vibrant stalls, Fujin couldn't help but feel a sense of freedom and connection to the world around him. The colourful array of fruits, vibrant fabrics, and intricate crafts enticed his senses.
The locals knew of his presence and divine status, as well as that of his older brother, and they were beloved and worshipped figures, considering how close the markets took place to the Shaolin temples. For the most part, he was greeted by many, and he loved meeting new people, seeing new faces, and making new friends, as each individual human was something to be treasured.
Even with everything happening around him, he felt that emptiness in his eternal heart. His day to day life was dull otherwise, and he longed to see that forbidden fruit again that was (Y/n) Tsung.
Fujin was taken from his thoughts when he felt a figure push past him, seemingly in a hurry to get by. He allowed them, though a little taken a back by their rude gesture as he watched them.
They had on a hooded cloak, obscuring their identity as they travelled. Though, when he saw them outstretch a hand and nick an apple from a nearby stall, he knew exactly who he was looking at.
He grinned.
Swiftly, Fujin followed in her wake, weaving through the bustling marketplace with ease, his divine agility allowing him to keep up with her nimble steps. He admired the way she effortlessly blended into the crowd, her presence both elusive and magnetic.
As he caught up to her, Fujin reached out a grabbed a handful of her cloak. (Y/n) stumbled slightly as Fujin yanked her cloak, causing her hood to fall back and reveal her head of (h/c) hair. Surprise and amusement danced in her eyes as she turned to face him, a playful smile tugging at the corners of her lips.
"Fujin?" she called his name, her voice filled with a mixture of teasing and genuine delight. "I must say, I didn't expect to encounter you so soon. And at a market, no less."
Fujin chuckled, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
"I have a knack for finding what I'm looking for," he replied, his voice laced with amusement. "And it seems I've found you once again, my elusive thief."
She playfully raised an eyebrow.
"Thief, you say? I prefer to think of myself as a liberator of valuable items," she quipped, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "But I suppose thief has a certain ring to it."
He grinned, enjoying their banter and the familiar chemistry that crackled between them.
"Oh, I have no doubt you have a talent for liberating things," he said, his voice low and filled with innuendo. "Though, I must ask. Are you intending on paying for that?"
(Y/n) let out a laugh, her eyes sparkling with amusement. She glanced down at the apple in her hand and then back at Fujin, a mischievous glint in her eyes.
"Paying? Where's the fun in that?" she replied with a playful smirk. "Besides, I'm sure the vendor won't miss one little apple."
"I would have been more than happy to purchase food for you, (Y/n)," Fujin sighed, raising a brow at her. "Though I suppose you're right, they most likely won't notice that apple's absence."
"Why don't you come walk with me, wind god?" she asked of him, breathing on the skin of her apple before rubbing it on her shirt. "I've not seen you in a while."
Fujin's gaze softened as he observed her playful nature, a fond smile gracing his lips. The wind gently rustled their hair as they strolled through the bustling marketplace.
"So, (Y/n)," Fujin began, "What's been keeping you away from the Sky Temple. Are you much too intimidated to try your scheme out again?"
(Y/n) laughed, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she walked alongside Fujin. She took a moment to enjoy the lively atmosphere of the marketplace before responding.
"Intimidated? Not at all," she replied, a mischievous grin tugging at her lips. "I've simply been caught up, is all. Like, literally. I was being held captive."
Fujin's playful expression turned into one of concern as he turned his full attention to (Y/n). The wind stilled around them, creating a momentary calm in the midst of the bustling market.
"Held captive?" Fujin repeated, his voice laced with worry. "What happened? Are you alright?"
(Y/n) waved her hand dismissively, trying to ease his concern.
"Oh, don't worry about me. It was nothing I couldn't handle. Just a little adventure gone awry. I may have underestimated the security measures of a certain treasure vault," she confessed sheepishly. Fujin's concern didn't waver, and he furrowed his brows.
"You should have informed me. I would have come to your aid," he said, his voice filled with sincerity.
"Now how bad would that you look for you, my friend?" (Y/n) pointed out, raising a brow at him, "Protector of Earthrealm and God of wind being buds with Shang Tsung's daughter."
Fujin paused for a moment, considering her words. She had a point. As a deity tasked with safeguarding Earthrealm, his association with Shang Tsung's daughter would undoubtedly raise eyebrows and potentially cause complications.
"You make a good point, my dear," he sighed, his eyes casting toward her direction once more, "though I wish it weren't this way." "You trust me way too much, deity," (Y/n) sighed as they reached the end of the market, subconsciously continuing into the forest which outstretched beyond it. "I sense no ill-intentions from you," Fujin told her, giving her a small smile, "had I, I would've dealt with you by now."
(Y/n) chuckled softly, a glimmer of amusement dancing in her eyes.
"Ah, so that's your measure of trust," she replied, her voice filled with playful sarcasm. "If you hadn't dealt with me by now, then I must be alright."
Fujin nodded, a hint of mischief in his gaze.
"Indeed, it's a fool-proof method," he said, matching her playful tone.
(Y/n) laughed, her eyes shining with amusement.
"I see your confidence is unwavering," she teased, a playful glint in her eyes.
They shared a moment of comfortable silence between them, as an unspoken agreement formed between them that told them to keep walking together like this, through the forest. Though, Fujin hadn't seen her in such a long time, and was eager to catch up some more.
"Who exactly had you held captive for so long?" Fujin asked, still intrigued by the conversation they had just had before. "Oh, he's a nobody. Just my ex-boyfriend, Erron," (Y/n) sighed, scratching the back of her neck. "He's a real piece of work. But then again, aren't I for trying to infiltrate Kotal Kahn's place? I wouldn't have even bothered had I known he worked for him." "Erron Black?" he asked, raising a brow at her, "goodness, I hadn't known the two of you were an item at some point." "I don't exactly tell people, and neither did he. Honestly it's embarrassing enough having to be his ex, imagine how embarrassing it was to be his girlfriend," (Y/n) scoffed, running a hand through her hair. "We've got a complicated past. We were never a conventional couple, that's for sure. Our paths crossed during one of my adventures, and there was an undeniable attraction between us. But our differences ultimately drove us apart."
Somewhat of a smile played at (Y/n)'s lips, as she revelled in that bittersweet sense of nostalgia that came with remembering her past with that other man.
"I don't even know if he was there to be with me, or use my body, to be completely honest with you," she sighed, her vision straight ahead though she didn't seem focused on anything in particular. "But...it was nice to feel wanted for once, I guess."
Fujin could sense the mix of emotions swirling within (Y/n) as she opened up about her past with Erron Black. He understood that nostalgia could be both comforting and painful, especially when looking back at complicated relationships.
"Though your body is quite fantastic, it's important that your lover is there for your soul too," Fujin added, cheekily though his words were also wise. "Your body is only temporary, your soul is forever."
(Y/n) flushed bright red at the remark, and though she tried her hardest to conceal her reaction, her efforts were ultimately in vain, and Fujin couldn't help but chuckle.
"I'm sorry if that was too forward," he laughed, smiling down at her affectionately, "I tend to speak my mind, sometimes to the point of teasing. Please forgive me." "No, no...don't be sorry," (Y/n) spluttered, waving her hands in a dismissive way, flustered as ever. "I'm just...flattered, is all. And...not used to the compliments."
Fujin's laughter subsided, replaced by a gentle understanding. He could sense (Y/n)'s vulnerability and how unfamiliar she was with receiving sincere compliments.
"Well, get used to it because you deserve every bit of praise that comes your way," Fujin said, his voice filled with sincerity. "You possess qualities that go far beyond physical beauty. Your strength, courage, and resilience are truly admirable."
(Y/n) looked at him, her eyes reflecting a mixture of surprise and gratitude. It was as if Fujin's words were shining a light on parts of herself that she had forgotten or overlooked.
"You're just saying that," (Y/n) let out a mix between a scoff and a laugh as she shook her head, looking away from him. "I don't say things just for the sake of saying them," Fujin assured her, walking a little closer to her, so that that her shoulder would brush against him as they strolled. "These words come from my heart, and they are meant for you, and you alone."
(Y/n) couldn't help but feel a warmth spreading within her at Fujin's words and his gentle proximity. His presence provided a sense of comfort that she hadn't realized she was craving.
Walking ahead, (Y/n) abruptly turned around to face Fujin, stopping the both of them in their tracks as she looked up at him, crossing her arms over her chest.
"Tell me this, Fujin," she began, her tone quite serious though he could sense her playful undertone as always, "why are you so interested in me?"
Fujin met (Y/n)'s gaze, his eyes unwavering as he considered her question. In all honesty, he didn't have a straight answer himself. He just...liked her. He liked being around her, even if this was only their second meeting. His intuition spoke to him, and of all people, it wanted her.
"To put it simply, (Y/n), I can't quite explain why I'm so interested in you," he admitted, his voice filled with sincerity. "Sometimes, the heart simply knows what it wants, and it's drawn to certain individuals without any logical reasoning. All one can do is listen."
She stared at him for a moment, allowing herself to process his words in a quiet contemplation. The forest around them seemed to hold its breath as she thought, and it's serene nature didn't keep her thinking for very long.
"...you...you hardly even know me," she huffed, looking away from him. "You're right, (Y/n), but I want to."
(Y/n) couldn't help but feel a flutter in her chest, a mix of uncertainty and intrigue. She had been guarded for so long, protecting herself from the world and its complexities. But here was Fujin, offering her a chance to be known, to be seen.
"I've built walls around myself," she confessed, her voice tinged with vulnerability. "I'm not sure if I'm ready to let someone in. Not again, not after the way he treated me."
There was a quiet thump as (Y/n) felt back into the grass, below the thick stump of a plum blossom. She took a moment to feel the earth below her, threading her fingers into the grass as she inhaled deeply, taking in all the smells around.
Fujin watched her, his gaze soft yet intent. He respected her vulnerability and the walls she had built to protect herself. He knew that trust couldn't be forced or rushed—it had to be earned.
Quietly, Fujin knelt down beside her, mirroring her actions and feeling the grass between his own fingers. The earth seemed to respond to their presence, embracing them in its ancient wisdom. He wanted (Y/n) to know that he would be patient, that he would wait for her to find the courage to let someone in again.
"There doesn't need to be any strings tied to this," Fujin said gently, his eyes never leaving hers. "No expectations, no pressure. I simply enjoy your company and want to know you better. It's okay to take things one step at a time."
She gazed at him thoughtfully, her eyes taking the time to memorise all of his features.
Fujin met her gaze, his own eyes reflecting a quiet intensity and a genuine curiosity about the person before him. He appreciated the thoughtful way she observed him, as if she was cataloging every nuance, every detail.
The forest around them seemed to echo their stillness, and the world beyond their small haven felt distant and unimportant. In this moment, it was just the two of them, the earth beneath them, and the secrets of their hearts.
Then, a small chuckle, one which fell from (Y/n)'s lips.
She sat up.
"You know, Lord Fujin," she began, getting up from off the ground and brushing herself off. "I think that if I see you one more time, I just might fall in love with you."
She sighed, he back to him though she had her head turned so she could see him in the corner of her eye.
"...so, I suppose we can wait and see til then, can't we?"
Without so much as another word, she disappeared into a plume of dark smoke.
Fujin watched her vanish into the plume of dark smoke, his heart feeling strangely light yet heavy all at once. Her words lingered in the air, echoing through the quiet forest. He couldn't help but smile, touched by her honesty and the hint of vulnerability she had shown.
"As you wish," he whispered softly to the empty space where she had stood.
Fujin remained there for a while, alone in the forest, the fading echoes of her laughter in his ears and the memory of her presence in his heart. It was a moment he would carry with him, a fragment of something beautiful and unexpected.
With a final glance at the tranquil woods, he too vanished into the wind, leaving the forest to its ancient secrets and the promise of another meeting, whenever fate deemed it so.
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