#Traveling to bali visa
Visa consultant
Website: https://balibusinessbuilders.com
Address: Jl. Tunjung I, Kerobokan Kelod, Kec. Kuta Utara, Kabupaten Badung, Bali 80363
Phone: +62 859-3388-0903
Bali Business Builders is a boutique business advisory firm located in Bali that can help with everything from planning to executing on your dream of relocating and launching your next business in Indonesia.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/balibusinessbuilders/
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kaustubh-wankhede · 5 days
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Planning a trip to Bali in 2024? Ensure a smooth journey with our comprehensive guide to Bali visas. Discover the latest requirements, application processes, and tips for obtaining your visa with ease. Whether you're visiting for tourism, business, or long-term stays, our guide covers the different visa types available, including tourist visas, social-cultural visas, and business visas. Learn about the necessary documentation, processing times, and how to extend your stay if needed. Stay up-to-date with current regulations to avoid any surprises and make your Bali adventure hassle-free. Start your journey with confidence and enjoy all that Bali has to offer.
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dazonntravels1 · 1 year
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Bali Tour Packages 5 Days and 4 Nights Dazonn Travels. This package is suitable for you to explore all the beauty of the tourist site, from the center of the islands to the northern and eastern islands' tourist destinations. For more details visit our website or Contact us now: +1-888-216-7282
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jagghumiya · 1 year
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salvadorbonaparte · 3 months
Would you mind sharing your views on backpacking? 👀
Take all of this with a grain of salt because I'm mostly just bothered by backpacking content on Instagram.
I think the concept is fine. I'd actually like to do some backpacking some time.
But backpacking content, as well as most overland* content, always has a really weird vibe. It almost feels like cosplaying poverty if you know what I mean??
It's almost always young people from the so called "West" and almost always they're somewhere in South or Southeast Asia. The most popular backpacking destinations I'm seeing at the moment are Bali (exclusively that part of Indonesia for some reason), Thailand, Vietnam and Sri Lanka. The algorithm has recently also started showing me content from Pakistan, India and Afghanistan.
Since flights to these destinations are usually quite expensive, and many of these people stay abroad long enough that they might need a visa and that accommodation and food would also add up, it can be safely assumed these people have a certain amount of financial stability. Some of them are full time influencers too.
And while travelling with a backpack instead of a suitcase makes sense, and while you want to have an "authentic" experience, the vibe on those videos is often sooooo weird.
They're always like "I just spent 45h standing in a cramped bus without AC because it was only $1. I'm sleeping on the floor of this abandoned building that costs me $4 a night. I only carry 2 t-shirts with me, can't find a laundromat and I'm travelling for 3 months. Yesterday I got scammed and got food poisoning."
And I'm like why are you doing this? Is it really more "authentic" just because it's a foreign country? You can find the same uncomfortable situations and people who live like that all the time in your home country, but when you're abroad it's cool and authentic and #humbling #eatpraylove. Meanwhile there's also people in that same country you're backpacking through who, like, have a comparable standard of living you're used to. Your holiday doesn't have to be luxury resorts but it also doesn't have to be absolutely god awful.
And of course there's also the factor of adrenaline and stepping out of your comfort zone but with these videos it seems like they're almost glamorising having an awful time in an "exotic" country because that's what it's supposed to be like? I guess?
Idk I feel like I should get the opinion of someone living in one of those backpacking hotspots to make sure I'm not just getting annoyed at nothing but I think the vibe is off.
*overland content as in "travelling from XY to YZ without flying - Day 420" type videos. They're often interesting and I follow some of those people and I actually have some ideas for cool overland or long distance train trips but some of the accounts also have a weird vibe. Most of the ones I saw were men and they're like hitchhiking through some desert somewhere and I'm like oh this would feel so unsafe to me as someone perceived female. And obviously they also make lots of content where you know they have lots money because they've been travelling for several months but it has that same fake low budget backpacker vibe.
I hope this makes sense. I'm not sure it does.
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putrikaguya · 5 months
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Come back to Japan! PART 1.
Finally yeaaayy
Setelah 8th berlalu, akhirnya bisa menginjakkan kaki lagi di Jepang (walau rasanya masih seperti mimpi) . Aku mulai ceritanya berawal dari 2th lalu beli HP baru terus pingin ganti foto pas kondisi HP terkunci, aku taro foto bunga sakura karna ingetin aku waktu cherry blossom 2016 lalu.
Disusul dengan mertua info kalau nanti ada rezeki, kita liburan yuk, kemana enaknya? Singapore? Jepang? Lalu aku jawab "Kalau Jepang aku ikut ma." Terus Agustus tahun kemarin mertua info yaudah kita ke Jepang Oktober ya, tapi waktunya kayak terlalu mepet apalagi suami jatah cutinya udah abis yaudah jadi mundur ke musim sakura, yang mana aku kayak ini beneran nih bisa liat sakura lagi???
Singkat cerita setelah urusan e-paspor dan visa beres, H-1 sempet ada drama karna kita lupa info ke airlines nomer epaspor baru, masih pake paspor yang lama wkwk. Tapi aku jempolin banget buat CS China Airlines Bali yg bantu kita satset, thankyou so much Pak Ngurah for helping us ngelebin travel yang kita pake. Kita take off jam 1.40 pagi, jam 2an dibangunin makan, padahal sebelumnya kita udah makan jam 11 jadi aku bangun makan, tidur lagi eh udah transit.
Ini pengalaman baru juga transit di Taiwan. Banyak tempat seru buat main games, wifinya super kenceng, jadi ga terlalu berasa transit 4 jam. Sampai Jepang jam 5 sore, sempet bermasalah sama imigrasi elektronik karna yang ribet beberapa staf imigrasi Jepang terbatas bahasa inggrisnya jadi diarahin ke yg bisa bahasa Inggris. Cuma mereka bilang "Ini hanya masalah kecil, harusnya ga sulit kok jadi tenang aja ya." Yang ternyata masalahnya memang karna suami salah masukin tanggal kedatangan jadi gagal terus ketika di scan hahaha.
Urusan imigrasi kelar, dari Narita kita nginep di Asakusabashi, sekitar 55 menit dari airport. Kita naik kereta. Pas naik ada 1 bangku kosong jadi aku duduk di situ, eh ternyata depannya juga ada kosong jadi aku suru suami duduk di situ. Setelah beberapa stasiun, orang yg duduk di sampingnya samping aku turun, tapi depannya ada yang berdiri. Eh bapak samping aku pindah ke situ terus pake bahasa isyarat nyuru suamiku pindah ke samping aku biar kita bisa duduk sebelahan. Tapi karna ada orang yg masih berdiri kita ga enak suru suami pindah ke samping aku. Jadinya kita suru yang berdiri duduk di bangku suami dan suami pindah ke samping aku. Eh orang yang berdiri tetep ga mau duduk yaudah hahaha. Pas bapaknya turun beliau ngebungkuk ke kita kasi salam, kita juga ikut say thankyou. Sungguh hal hal begini sih yang bikin seneng ke Jepang.
Pas turun kereta auto kaget sama cuacanya yang ternyata dingin banget. Yowes aku langsung ke hotel dan besok paginya kita jalan jalan, lanjut di PART 2 yaa :)
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asrisgratitudejournal · 6 months
Wow kemarin ku habis libur panjang Jumat-Senin easter break 2024. Betulan gak kemana-mana di Oxford aja. Padahal tahun lalu ku bela-belain bikin Schengen visa buat menyeberang ke mainland. Main goalnya buat ketemu Stray Kids di Music Bank di Paris, tapi karena dapetnya visa via Belanda, jadi masuk lewat Schiphol. Dijemput Tharina, lanjut nginep di Ede 2 malam. Ada postingannya gak ya, masa sih ku gapernah recounting di sini?
Oh ada kok: https://asrisgratitudejournal.tumblr.com/post/714943822276231168/paris-pt-1  Tapi emang tahun lalu itu kayanya lagi depresi juga habis dapet rejection pertama kali di bulan Februari-nya lol (sekarang bisa lol lol, waktu itu rasanya udah mau m*ati aja huft).
Anyways… iya. Awalnya mikir duh pengen banget jalan-jalan ke mana gitu karena lumayan banget 4 hari libur. Tapi ya gimana nasib paspor ijo NKRI… Nggak bisa pergi-pergi gitu aja dengan mudah.
Tapi duit juga lagi nggak ada sih. Jadi ya memang situasinya agak tidak memungkinkan juga untuk travelling. Sempat kepikiran mau ke Maroko padahal. Tapi sepertinya mepet sekali (waktu itu kepikiran ini semua di awal Maret).
Akhirnyaaaaa. Di rumah aja. Ada teman yang nginep sih 2 malam dari Sabtu sampai Senin. Sebelumnya di hari Kamis juga nonton Kungfu Panda sore, dilanjut dengan bukber Thai. Dari pertemuan ini ku mendapatkan rekomendasi untuk nonton White Lotus. Oh awalnya kami bahas The Gentleman si Theo James bagus, terus seniorku bilang “kita tahu Theo James dari White Lotus tuh, bagus deh recommended”. Jadinya aku langsung subscribe Now (buat sebulan ini aja sih), dan langsung ngebingewatch 2 season langsung selama long weekend kemarin.
Selain bingewatching, ku juga jalan lumayan. Ada hari yang kami (ku dan temanku yang nginep ini) jalan ke Port Meadow dan menelusuri canal sambil ngobrol. Terus ada hari yang kami keluar rumah buat beli takjil dan makan buka aja. Ada juga hari kami ke Uni Park terus ku melukis radcam dari Fellow Garden. Senang deh, di hari pas ngelukis ini ku disamperin stranger gitu terus dia cerita kalau dia juga painted terus dia nunjukkin foto-foto paintingsnya dia.
Si temanku ini sampai nanya “Non, can you see yourself living in Oxford for good?”. Ku jawabnya agak ragu-ragu, tapi setelah mikir lama: “I think yes”. Ku beneran baru sadar se…bagus, se-safe, se-comfy, se-indah apa Oxford kalau lagi sama teman yang bukan orang Oxford. Di sini tuh beneran yang nggak ada traffic, ke mana-mana literally bisa jalan kaki. Orang-orangnya baik-baik dan ramah-ramah, nggak kayak di London. Hhhh. Betulan deh. Vibenya tuh mirip banget kaya pas aku lagi ngerjain TA tinggal di Tuabatan, Timor. Slow living aja gitu. Saling sapa antar warga.
Udah sih. Apa lagi ya.
Oh, my verdict on White Lotus: it’s great 8.5/10 lah (esp season 1). Season 2 terlalu fokus pada kenikmatan duniawi berupa sex, jadi agak redundant aja menurutku. Season 1-nya OK sih. Apa karena settingnya juga ya. Season 1 di Hawaii, jadi betulan kerasa tropical atmospehere-nya (DAN BIKIN KANGEN RUMAH!). Beres season 1 tuh ku langsung googling resort di Bali. Ku 2019 conference di Inaya Nusa Dua, terus ternyata sekarang udah berubah jadi Merusaka. Ku tidak sabar untuk segera pulang dan LIBURAN HUHU.
Di sela-sela semua kegiatan itu juga ku masih lanjut baca. Setiap hari sebelum tidur (setelah melakukan ritual duolingo), ku usahakan baca sedikit. Ku lagi baca simultaneously: Good Enough-nya Dolly Alderton (agak boring karena pov-nya white man brits banget jadi susah relate), Backwards in High Heels (ini mayan rame, ku suka banget writersnya super sassy jadi selalu giggling sendiri kalau baca ini), sama Your Brain on Art.
Lupa pertama kali kenapa sampe ke-ekspos sama Your Brain on Art tuh. Ku tapi sampe dibeliin sama RSL ni buku karena ku request. So far nggak terlalu seru lagi ☹, jauh lebih insightful baca This is Your Brain on Music-nya David Levitin (jauh lebih scientific dan jelas evidence dari argument yang dibawa). Si your brain on art ini jatohnya jadi lebih kaya anekdot orang-orang cerita aja dia kerja di suatu institusi mental health dan incorporating art in their method and it proved work (for some of them). Tapi yaudah udah kepalang baca jadi harus bertanggungjawab menyelesaikan Non.
Udah sepertinya itu dulu aja update-annya. Kerjaan lagi mayan behind tapi gapapa semangat! Selama masih membalas email dan nyalain laptop sepertinya sudah ok untuk fase saya sekarang ini. Harus udah mulai nulis banget sih karena barusan udah email sponsor kalau ku nggak butuh uang mereka lagi setelah summer HUHU. Jadi ku harus berusaha keras menyelesaikan ini semua!
YAAMPUN ada part yang paling penting banget kelupaan ku tulis yang kulakukan di break kemarin: NONTON FAN MEETING STRAY KIDS HUHU. Itu literally 4.5 jam dan ku di hari Minggu beneran yang udah bangun dan duduk manis depan TV dari jam 9 pagi. Wow. Tapi ku senang banget. $35 yang super worth it.
Dah gitu aja.
Selamat 10 hari terakhir Ramadan semua!!!
17.42 03/04/2024
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Chains lol
He's worked several times throughout the last couple of years, his voice over work for an animated film, nightwatch 2, 2 tv shows filmed and aired, two unknown projects one in Scotland (she visited him briefly) and one in Spain. Short film Pic. So it's not like he's been lumping around idle without work lol. He was filming something else in DK about 2 weeks ago, unknown new project. Also worked on his GF's podcast and been on several podcasts.
Now he's got a visa to probably work in NYC like he mentioned in an interview..for an international film.
Bali and Lebanon trips for G2N & RC.
Beyonce concert and Smukfest (article said Johanne was visiting family or friends during Smukfest). Plus a boys trip in Dublin. This is off the top of my head. He travels a lot. Lol Other concerts, even with his Dad.
So I'm not sure why some people are acting like he doesn't leave the house or his girlfriend keeps him chained at her side. That's clearly not what's happening. 😂😂😂😂 that's the new/latest irrational angle I guess. Or that she's keeping him from work or friends for some imagined reason haters imagined her to have. Just bc you don't see instagram posts of him with friends doesn't mean he's not been with friends. Just bc neither person posted them at Christmas together doesn't mean they didn't see each other at all ( their second Christmas together), doesn't mean they didn't have their "couples Christmas" and exchange gifts lol. And how are you going to use what you didn't see as a way to make up a story that she's manipulating him by withholding her presence. or gets mean when she doesn't get her way (lol random irrational assumption). Or keeping him from work and friends.😂😂 I mean really are you kidding me? 😂😂😂😂😂 this is imo, highly irrational.
Maybe they only show what they want to show, on socials, and are private with the rest (they seem more guarded with posts now). They're basically already living together (clothes in closet was posted so educated guess) but we don't see every minute of their days or nights. But again, educated guess, they're having sex. We won't see it ever ( good bc that's extra private) but I'm gonna guess that they are. To hammer my point home about the just bc you don't see it on Instagram doesn't mean it's not happening. Consider work schedules and real life for all involved, consider also when you're in a relationship you will spend a large portion of time with your partner. This is normal. Like when people have kids and unless you visit them you might not see them for awhile. Lol
This doesn't make him weak, it doesn't say anything bad about him at all. It also doesn't say anything bad about her either. Why is he seen as weak or a victim of some kind? It doesn't make sense. Why does she have to a villain to some people? And not just a normal couple with extraordinary jobs? They seem pretty solid even though he travels a lot. But she's an actor too, so she would understand the travel aspect of the job/life.
Sidenote the "hands" video, her face is so adorably sweet looking in the video. They're cute together. The tickling was funny. 😊😊😊
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zebkietravels12 · 6 months
ZEBKIE TRAVELS - Your Gateway to Holiday Escapades, Study Abroad Dreams, and Seamless Hotel Reservations
Are you craving an adventure-filled escape to mesmerizing holiday destinations? Dreaming of studying abroad in a bustling metropolis or a serene university town? Look no further than ZEBKIE TRAVELS, your ultimate companion in crafting unforgettable journeys and academic pursuits. With a seamless blend of expertise, passion, and personalized service, ZEBKIE TRAVELS is your gateway to a world of exploration and discovery.
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Exploring Holiday Destinations:
Picture yourself strolling along the sun-kissed beaches of Bali, exploring the vibrant streets of Tokyo, or marveling at the architectural wonders of Rome. With ZEBKIE TRAVELS, the world is your oyster. Our team of travel aficionados curates a diverse array of holiday destinations tailored to suit every traveler's preferences.
Whether you seek adventure in the great outdoors, cultural immersion in bustling cities, or relaxation in tranquil havens, we've got you covered. From exotic tropical getaways to awe-inspiring historical sites, our meticulously crafted holiday packages cater to solo adventurers, couples seeking romance, families craving quality time, and everyone in between.
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Our dedicated team works tirelessly to match aspiring scholars with prestigious universities and institutions around the globe. From application assistance to visa guidance, accommodation arrangements to cultural orientation, we handle every aspect of your study abroad experience with precision and care. With ZEBKIE TRAVELS by your side, the world becomes your classroom, and learning knows no bounds.
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Whether you're dreaming of sandy beaches, academic pursuits, or cultural immersion, ZEBKIE TRAVELS is here to make your travel dreams a reality. Contact us today to start planning your next escapade, and let the journey begin!
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wilsweb-asientour · 1 year
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Tag 9. 12.08.2023
Reisetag der Millionäre. Wir flogen heute von Singapur nach Bali. Vor der Abreise war Webster kurz beim Friseur und wechselte danach Singapur Dollar in Indonesische Rupiah um (er bekam für 200.00€ satte 3,3 Mil. $IND). Wir aßen dann zum Mittag Brötchen, denn wir vermissten beide nach knapp 1,5 Wochen Reise einfaches Brot. Der Flug lief reibungslos, bloß die Einreise nach Bali dauerte lange. Wir brauchten nach der Landung 2h bis zum Taxi (Kauf des Visums, Passkontrolle, Formulare ausfüllen und eine erneute Kofferkontrolle). Nach den 2h holten wir uns eine Fanta und fuhren ins Ferienhaus. Es gab Nudeln und Reis zum Abendessen und balianisches Bier. Morgen sehen wir dann Bali am helligen Tage. Gute Nacht!
Day 9. 12.08.2023
Travel day of the millionaires. We flew from Singapore to Bali today. Before departure, Webster quickly went to the barber and exchanged Singapore Dollars for Indonesian Rupiah (he got a whopping 3.3 million IDR for €200). We had sandwiches for lunch because after almost 1.5 weeks of traveling, we both missed simple bread. The flight went smoothly, but the entry into Bali took a long time. It took us 2 hours after landing to reach the taxi (visa purchase, passport control, filling out forms, and another luggage check). After those 2 hours, we grabbed a Fanta and drove to the vacation house. We had noodles and rice for dinner and Balinese beer. Tomorrow, we'll see Bali during the daytime. Good night!
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emiratesviisa · 2 years
Exploring the UAE: 10 things to do in Umm Al Quwain
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Even while Umm Al Quwain isn't the most well-known emirate in the United Arab Emirates, it does have some undiscovered jewels. There are numerous benefits to visiting, even for just one day, including outdoor activities and traditional Emirati culture. The following are the top 10 things to do while you're there after receiving your emirates visa for South African citizens. 
Mangrove Beach
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The picturesque setting in Khor Al Yeefrah, hitherto a hidden gem in the emirate, is currently being improved with things like thatched parasols, swings, a cafe, and BBQ spaces. For those who want to explore the diverse flora and fauna in the emirate's protected area, kayaks are available for rent, and on the weekends, a DJ spins music. Although there is a minor entrance fee for cars, the amenities, and the picturesque setting make the trip worthwhile. Already, people like to picnic there at dusk.
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Get away to Kite Beach Center, where Bali and Zanzibar collide. The first licensed kitesurfing school in the emirate is located at this laid-back beach resort. All instructors are qualified by the International Kiteboarding Organization, and classes are offered for all skill levels. Although there is a little admittance fee (see the website for the most recent costs), it's a terrific place to spend the day relaxing in the sun and taking part in other water sports like kayaking or snorkeling. Additionally, visitors may stay overnight or rent cabanas for four hours, however, reservations are advised due to the busy season.
Tarzan Gym
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This unique idea creates a space on the beach that resembles something that might appear in The Flintstones more so than a typical gym. This entertaining gym is tucked away in Kite Beach Centre and is made up of several wooden pieces of equipment. Giant wooden dumbbells, barbells, and monkey bars are just a few of the adult-only "toys" available, making it a fun spot to go with friends and one that looks great on Instagram.
Thunder Road Pizza & Grill
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Although Dubai is frequently mentioned as the nation's culinary capital, Thunder Road is a true hidden gem. With hundreds of handcrafted cheeses, mouthwatering pizza, and, to top it all off, stunning ocean views from the patio, this Italian restaurant run by Italians will transport you to Italy. You must taste their handmade burrata. It's Italy meets the US with a pool table and kids' playground at the Barracuda Beach Resort, making it well worth the day trek up the coast. There is even a grocery store there where you can stock up on genuine Italian treats after applying emirates visa for South African nationals.
An abandoned aircraft
On the coast of the tiny emirate, an abandoned Russian cargo jet has become quite the attraction. The former skydiving airport is now home to the Barracuda Beach Resort, and the Soviet-era aircraft is visible from the E11 that leads to the hotel. It has been there for over twenty years. It is a fascinating location for aviation enthusiasts that was once cloaked in secrecy. We now know that the Ilyushin IL-76, sometimes known as "Candid" under NATO operations, originally flew for the Soviet Union in the 1970s to replace the equally illustrious Antonov 12.
Vida Beach Resort
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The Vida Beach Hotel, the newest addition to Umm Al Quwain's tourist scene, enables pet owners to enjoy the emirate's lovely coastline without having to locate a sitter. The hotel is stylish and, as one would expect from Emaar, the attention to detail is excellent. It is one of many hotels that have seen a market niche for the growing number of staycation travelers in the nation looking to bring their pets with them.
Umm Al Quwain Fort and Museum – Fort Al Ali
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The fort-turned-museum, one of the emirate's most cherished assets, provides tourists with a wealth of historical information. The Al Mualla royal family's founder, Sheikh Rashid Bin Majid Al Mualla, ruled Umm Al Quwain in 1768, making it the city's oldest historical structure. The fort was initially used as his residence and administrative center, but since becoming a museum in 2000, it has become a memorial to the history of the little emirate. Visitors can tour the property's former prison, weapon room, military room, and numerous other household spaces, providing a glimpse into construction methods used long before the contemporary UAE was created.
Siniya Island
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Take a boat from the shore to Siniya Island, which is eight kilometers east of Umm Al Quwain, where the island provides a fantastic glimpse into the historical and ecological splendor of the emirate. Before relocating to the mainland 200 years ago, Umm Al Quwain residents first settled on the island. Visitors can see a variety of wildlife on the island, including birds like the Socotra Cormorant and the Arabian Gazelle. The island is known for its mangroves, ghaf trees, and desert flora and fauna. On the island, there are 65 different archaeological sites, including burials, building remnants, and towers.
Dreamland Aqua Park
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Dreamland, one of the oldest water parks in the area, has established itself as a landmark. The park, which opened in 1997, is 250,000 square meters in size and has more than 30 rides, slides, and other attractions. Families can camp overnight or rent an air-conditioned cabana for a day to enjoy the park's beautiful gardens on the coast. This area is more than just a waterpark.
Labsah Camel Racing Track
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Camel racing is one of the oldest Emirati customs and is popular with both royals and commoners. It is a unique event in the nation and gives locals an opportunity to show off their cherished possessions. This is where the more genuine aspect of the country can be seen, even though it's a little bit rougher around the edges than events like the Dubai World Cup. Weekends in the winter are often when races take place around the 4 km track. Watch this amazing camel race after getting your emirates visa for South African passport holders.
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quicktripway · 1 year
Are you an 18-year-old with a burning desire to explore the world? Are you ready to take on the adventure of a lifetime but unsure of how to go about it? Look no further! This blog is your ultimate guide to traveling the world as an 18-year-old. Whether you want to explore the bustling streets of Tokyo or bask in the sun-kissed beaches of Bali, we’ve got you covered.
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In this blog, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about solo traveling as an 18-year-old, including the best destinations, safety tips, budgeting advice, and how to make money on the road. So grab your passport and let’s dive into the world of travel!
One of the most common questions young travelers ask is whether they can travel alone at 18. The answer is yes! You can travel the world at 18, you’re legally considered an adult in many countries and can make your own travel decisions.
An 18-year-old can travel alone, but it will depend on various factors such as the destination, local laws and regulations, and the individual’s level of maturity and preparedness. Some countries may require minors to have a consent form from a parent or legal guardian, while others may have age restrictions for renting a car or booking a hotel room.
If you are an 18-year-old planning to travel alone, it’s important to research the rules and regulations of your intended destination and make sure you have all the necessary documents such as a passport and visa (if required). Additionally, you should have a solid plan in place for transportation, accommodations, and safety.
Solo travel can be an enriching and life-changing experience, but it’s important to prioritize safety and be prepared for any challenges that may arise. It’s always a good idea to stay in touch with family and friends back home and let them know your travel plans and itinerary.
How to travel at 18?
Traveling the World as an 18-Year-Old.
Traveling the world at the age of 18 can be an exciting and memorable experience. Here are some steps to help you plan your trip:
Set a budget: Determine how much money you can afford to spend on your trip. Consider costs such as transportation, accommodations, food, and activities.
Research destinations: Decide the places you want to visit and research the best time. Consider factors such as weather, festivals, and cultural events.
Plan your itinerary: Create a rough itinerary for your trip, including transportation, accommodations, and activities.
Save money: Start saving money early by getting a part-time job, doing freelance work, or selling items you no longer need.
Consider working or volunteering abroad: This can help offset the cost of travel while also providing valuable work experience.
Use budget-friendly accommodations: Hostels, Airbnb, and Couchsurfing are affordable options for solo travelers.
Take advantage of student discounts: Many museums, attractions, and transportation options offer discounts for students.
Stay safe: Research the safety and security of your intended destination and take precautions to keep yourself safe while traveling.
Remember to prioritize safety and be prepared for any challenges that may arise while traveling. Solo travel can be an incredible experience, but it’s important to plan carefully and be prepared for the unexpected.
Can I travel solo as an 18-year-old?
Is an 18 Year Old is too Young to Travel Solo?
No, 18 years old is not too young to travel solo. Though it comes with its challenges, solo travel can empower you with independence and allow you to fully immerse yourself in your destination. Taking precautions such as researching safe areas and respecting local customs can help ensure a safe and rewarding experience.
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lsundarinfo · 3 days
Top 10 Must-See Attractions in Bali -Your Ultimate Travel Guide
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Bali, the name itself conjures images of pristine beaches, vibrant Hindu culture, and lush rice paddies. If you're dreaming of a tropical escape with breathtaking beaches, lush greenery, and a rich cultural tapestry, Bali is the place to be. Whether you're a seasoned traveler or a wide-eyed adventurer, Bali has something for everyone. For those who believe that Bali is exclusively for couples, I am confident that by the conclusion of this blog, I will have shifted your perspective.
Bali Travel Guide: Your Ultimate Handbook to Paradise
Beach Lovers
Bali is a haven for beach enthusiasts. With its pristine white sandy beaches and crystal-clear waters, it's perfect for those seeking a relaxing beach vacation. Popular beaches like Kuta, Seminyak, and Nusa Dua offer a range of water activities and stunning sunset views.
Cultural Explorers
If you're fascinated by rich cultures and traditions, Bali is a cultural gem. Ubud, the cultural heart of Bali, is renowned for its traditional dance performances, art galleries, and historic sites. Explore ancient temples, attend local ceremonies, and immerse yourself in Balinese arts and crafts.
Wellness and Yoga Enthusiasts
Bali has become a global hub for wellness and yoga retreats. Ubud, in particular, is known for its yoga studios, holistic retreats, and spa offerings. Many resorts and retreat centers provide serene environments for those seeking relaxation and rejuvenation.
Honeymooners and Romantic Getaways
The romantic ambiance of Bali, with its luxurious resorts, private villas, and intimate beach settings, makes it an ideal destination for couples. Enjoy candlelit dinners on the beach, spa treatments for two, and sunset walks through scenic landscapes. 
Solo Travellers
Bali is a popular destination for solo travellers due to its friendly locals, vibrant atmosphere, and the ease of meeting fellow travellers. Ubud's artistic community and the bustling nightlife in Seminyak and Kuta offer solo adventurers plenty of opportunities to socialize
Bali is family-friendly, offering a range of activities suitable for all ages. From water parks in Nusa Dua to interactive cultural experiences in Ubud, families can enjoy a mix of relaxation and adventure. Many resorts also provide family-friendly amenities and services.
Partygoers and Nightlife Enthusiasts
Bali has a lively nightlife scene, especially in areas like Seminyak, Kuta, and Canggu. Beach clubs, bars, and vibrant night markets offer a lively atmosphere for those looking to dance the night away or enjoy a tropical cocktail by the ocean.
When to Go To Bali - Hitting the Perfect Season
Bali enjoys a tropical climate with two distinct seasons: wet and dry. The dry season (April to September) boasts sunshine, clear skies, and minimal rain, making it ideal for beach bums and outdoor enthusiasts. However, this peak season also sees a rise in tourist crowds and prices.
The wet season (October to March) offers a more budget-friendly experience with fewer crowds. While there may be occasional downpours, they're usually brief and followed by refreshing sunshine. This season is also perfect for surfers seeking epic waves.
Insider Tip:  If you can't decide between seasons, shoulder months (April-May and September-October) offer a good compromise between pleasant weather and manageable crowds.
Visa Requirements: Hassle-Free Entry
Most nationalities can obtain a Visa on Arrival (VOA) upon landing in Bali. This typically costs around USD $35 and allows you to stay for 30 days.  Double-check visa requirements for your specific country before your trip to avoid any surprises.
Navigating the Island: Taxis, Scooters, and More
Now you might be thinking, is having an International Driver’s Permit (IDP) a necessity for enjoying the scenic drives across Bali? You might consider taking your chances without a license, but that would be a significant oversight. Being caught driving without the proper permit is a sport for Bali's police, and hefty fines await those who fail to carry an IDP. Don't risk it – make sure you have the required documentation to fully enjoy your Bali exploration without any unwanted surprises.
For legal driving in Bali, it is imperative to possess an International Driving Permit Bali (IDP) applicable to both motorbike and scooter (Category A) as well as car (Category B) licenses. Bali strictly enforces traffic laws, including scooter speed limits of 60 km/h on city roads and 80 km/h on highways. Adhering to safe driving practices and local regulations ensures a smoother exploration of Bali's diverse landscapes. When renting vehicles, it is essential to furnish required documentation: (1) an IDP/IDL and (2) a valid driving license from one's home country. Prioritizing insurance coverage for damages, theft, personal accidents, and health in case of injury further enhances a secure driving experience.
Things To Know About International Driving License
Must-Visit Places in Bali: Unveiling the Magic
Bali's beauty is multifaceted. Here are some must-visit destinations to include in your itinerary
The cultural heart of Bali, Ubud is a charming town nestled amidst emerald rice paddies. Explore art galleries, traditional dance performances, and the iconic Monkey Forest.
Seminyak & Canggu
For a luxurious beach experience, head to Seminyak and Canggu. Indulge in world-class restaurants, trendy boutiques, and pampering spas.
Nusa Dua
This resort enclave offers pristine beaches, five-star hotels, and exciting water sports activities. Perfect for families seeking a relaxing retreat.
Tanah Lot
Witness the captivating sight of this ancient Hindu temple perched on a rock formation in the midst of the ocean. A truly breathtaking spectacle, especially during sunset.
Tegallalang Rice Terraces
Capture postcard-perfect moments amidst the cascading rice terraces of Tegallalang.
Mount Batur
Challenge yourself with a pre-dawn hike to the summit of Mount Batur, an active volcano. Witness a breathtaking sunrise and panoramic views of the island.
Beyond the Tourist Trail: Unveiling Hidden Gems
If you crave a more off-the-beaten-path experience, consider these hidden gems:
Essential Tips for a Memorable Balinese Experience
Respect the Culture
Bali is a deeply religious island. Dress modestly when visiting temples, and be mindful of local customs and traditions.
Haggling is expected at markets and with independent vendors. Do your research beforehand to get a fair price.
Local Currency
The Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) is the local currency. ATMs are widely available, but it's always wise to carry some cash for smaller purchases.
Learn Basic Bahasa Indonesian
A few basic phrases will go a long way in endearing yourself to the locals and enhancing your experience.
With its captivating beauty, warm hospitality, and vibrant culture, Bali promises an unforgettable adventure.  Use this guide as your stepping stone, and get ready to be enchanted by the magic of the Island of the Gods!
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exploringbitplaces · 1 year
Places to visit: Discover your next holiday destination
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passportrenewal · 6 days
Indian Passport Holders: Exciting News! Free Visa Entry to Indonesia for Tourists from 20 Countries, Including India
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Great news for Indian passport holders! Indonesia has announced a free visa entry policy for tourists from 20 countries, including India. This initiative is expected to be finalized by October 2024 and will make traveling to Indonesia much easier for Indian tourists. Here’s everything you need to know about this exciting development.
Indonesia Announces Free Visa Entry
Indonesia is gearing up to welcome tourists from India with visa-free entry, eliminating the hassle of visa applications. This initiative, led by Indonesia’s Tourism Minister, Sandiaga Uno, aims to attract high-spending tourists from key countries, which will give a boost to Indonesia’s economy.
By removing visa requirements for Indian tourists, Indonesia hopes to increase foreign tourist arrivals, stimulate domestic spending, and boost foreign investment. The policy will also encourage the growth of Indonesia’s digital economy.
Why This Matters for Indian Tourists
Indonesia has long been a favorite destination for Indian travelers, with its beautiful beaches, rich culture, and vibrant cities like Bali and Jakarta. With the new visa-free entry policy, it will be even easier to visit these popular spots without worrying about visa delays or extra costs.
Before the pandemic, tourists spent an average of $900 during their stay in Indonesia. However, post-pandemic trends show visitors now spend around $1,600 per trip. This new policy aims to attract more “quality tourists” — travelers who stay longer and contribute more to the local economy.
List of Countries Eligible for Free Visa Entry
India is one of the 20 countries that will benefit from Indonesia’s visa-free policy. Other countries include:
China (PRC)
South Korea
Saudi Arabia
New Zealand
And two additional Middle Eastern countries to be specified.
Tourist Visa Options for Other Travelers
If you still require a visa to visit Indonesia (for countries not included in the visa-free list), there are a few options available based on your stay duration and the activities planned:
Type B1–30 Days
Stay: Up to 30 days (extendable for an additional 30 days).
Cost: Rp 500,000 (Rs 2,557).
Activities: Tourism, family visits, meetings, conventions, exhibitions.
Requirements: Valid passport (6+ months), return ticket.
Type D1 (1 Year)
Stay: Up to 60 days per entry.
Cost: IDR 3,000,000 (Rs 15,344).
Activities: Meetings, conventions, tourism, family visits.
Requirements: Valid passport, proof of funds, photo.
Type D1 (2 Years)
Stay: Up to 60 days per entry.
Cost: IDR 6,000,000 (Rs 30,689).
Activities: Same as Type D1 (1 Year).
Requirements: Similar to Type D1 (1 Year).
Type D1 (5 Years)
Stay: Up to 60 days per entry.
Cost: IDR 15,000,000 (Rs 76,723).
Activities: Same as Type D1 (1 Year).
Requirements: Similar to Type D1 (1 Year).
Ready to Visit Indonesia?
This new visa-free policy makes it easier than ever for Indian passport holders to explore Indonesia. With beautiful beaches, rich culture, and a growing tourist-friendly environment, now is the perfect time to plan your trip!
Need help with your passport before your next adventure? Contact Passport Agents for expert guidance on renewing or applying for a new passport hassle-free. We’re here to make your travel plans smoother!
Source: https://passportagentinbangalore.com/passports/indian-passport-holders-exciting-news-free-visa-entry-to-indonesia-for-tourists-from-20-countries-including-india/
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newsmedia99 · 26 days
 Profil Ria Andrews, Istri Baru Stefan William yang Sudah Melahirkan Anak Pertamanya.
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Stefan William membuat jagat maya geger dengan mengumumkan telah memiliki anak laki-laki bersama Ria Andrews. Putra aktor tampan itu diberi nama Noah Cure Andrews Umboh lahir pada 11 November 2023.
Kedekatan aktor tampan tersebut dengan Ria Andrews terjalin setelah dirinya memutuskan berpisah dengan Celine Evangelista pada 18 Oktober 2021 lalu. Tak diketahui kapan tanggal pernikahan mereka, namun ia mengunggah foto putranya pada Minggu, 25 Agustus 2024.  Stefan William menuturkan alasan mengunggah foto buah hatinya karena tak sabar ingin membagikan kisah anak Noah ke publik. Mantan suami Celine Evangelista menuliskan kehadiran putranya memberikan kebahagiaan di rumah tangga Stefan dan Ria Andrews. 
Profil dan Biodata Ria Andrews Dikutip dari berbagai sumber, Ria Andrews berprofesi sebagai Youtuber dan penulis blog (blogger) yang fokus pada konten jalan-jalan (megabet99). Pekerjaan ini bermula dari hobi Ria Andrews yang senang pelesiran. 
Thailand jadi negara pertama yang Ria Andrews kunjungi. Menurut perempuan kelahiran tahun 1998 ini, traveler mengubah dirinya menjadi sosok yang lebih baik.
Ria Andrews diketahui kelahiran dan berkewarganegaraan Inggris. Selebgram dengan akun Instagram @ria.travelwithmeri mempunyai jumlah pengikut 99,7 ribu ini merupakan penganut agama Kristen.  Ia juga kerap membagikan konten jalan-jalan di TikTok dengan akun @travelwithmeri. Platform website Ria, yakni travelwithmeri.com digunakan untuk membagikan pengalamannya di berbagai destinasi wisata.
Saat ini, Ria Andrews dan Stefan William memutuskan untuk menetap di Bali. Sebelumnya, Ria Andrews pernah tinggal di beberapa negara, seperti Thailand, Spanyol, Myanmar, dan Malaysia.
Ria merupakan lulusan hukum dengan durasi studi selama tujuh tahun untuk menjadi pengacara di Inggris. Malangnya, Ria Andrews pernah ditipu £80 karena tidak mempunyai visa.  Hubungan asmara Ria Andrews dan Stefan William mulai terendus khalayak tepatnya saat perayaan Halloween tahun 2022.
Pria berusia 31 tahun itu membagikan momen bersama Ria Andrews saat memakai kostum serba hitam dan topeng putih sedangkan Ria memakai topeng emas. Stefan William semakin gencar mengumbar kebersamaan bersama Ria Andrews. Salah satunya, foto yang diunggah pada 14 Februari 2022 yang memperlihatkan pasangan kekasih tengah menikmati liburan bersama dengan kerabat dekat lainnya. 
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