#Traumatised his partner his brother and his brother's entire city.
"Verlaine is so hot."
Meanwhile me : *pushes verlaine to the ground * oh Rimbaud. Oh my precious. My precious sweet. Come here.
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not-poignant · 3 years
Have to say, I am fully Team Kadek here. Like, everyone is just lucky that it was Augus they ran into, who has committed enough abuse of his own that he could bounce back from running into Ef. Suppose one of the young women who Ef molested (digitally raped?) had been there? Sure, Ef can't avoid every supermarket in the same city he shares with his victims, but a club dealing with sexual intimacy and vulnerability?! I'm definitely associating myself more with Kadek than anyone else in that room.
Suppose one of the young women who Ef molested (digitally raped?)
I just want to be clear: Efnisien never digitally raped anyone. He groped people by putting his hand flat over their underwear (only ever getting as far as - and wanting to get as far as - resting his palm over their mons pubis), and never penetrated any of his victims, in any way, with any part of his body.
That doesn't make it okay, but he was not a rapist. There was never any digital rape. The most contact he made was with the palm of his hand, and he did not want to penetrate anyone at all. Definitely molestation, but yeah, what people have assumed Efnisien has done, and what he has said he has done, does not line up - in any way - with his memories of what he has done, and his intrusive thoughts have contradicted his actual feelings about any kind of sexual act.
The only orifice he's ever willingly stuck his fingers inside of re: penetration, was the knife wounds that Crielle created herself, when he opened his stitches and tried to feel his own intestinal tract and organs. Though I wouldn't put him past being curious about his own ass, and then potentially finding it too difficult to do.
Even canon Efnisien isn't a rapist. This carries over to human Efnisien pretty much from the canon, but for different reasons. It's one of the reasons it was in some ways so easy for Crielle to protect Efnisien for his actions, because they could never under most legal definitions, be counted as 'serious sexual assault.' A single groping that was never repeated by a teenager is - sadly - something that the courts are likely to dismiss. Again, doesn't make it right! But I think it is an important distinction, because it speaks to Efnisien's psychology re: why he was doing what he was doing and why he couldn't actually go any further.
who has committed enough abuse of his own that he could bounce back from running into Ef.
This...is a strange statement.
Being abusive does not make it easier to take abuse. Case in point: Efnisien, to be honest. But also Augus not being able to take abuse as a child, is a huge part of why he became so abusive in the first place. Augus developed a very strong 'kill or be killed' perspective. And he was validated for his malice and his sadism.
But even outside of writing, it's just completely wrong that people who have committed abuse suddenly develop a magical ability to be able to take it?
The reason Augus found Efnisien so easy to deal with, and did not find the experience traumatising was:
1. He held complete authority over Efnisien who he's just seen safeword, and who is clearly, visibly terrified. 2. Efnisien never fought him back or indicated he would fight back which made Augus keep escalating his violent and abusive behaviour. 3. Augus enjoys revenge - see: 'the entire start of Spoils of the Spoiled' and the premise that gets Augus and Gwyn in the same room. Augus isn't 'traumatised' that Gwyn broke his brother's nose, he's incensed, and immediately plans to disproportionately and maliciously destroy Gwyn's life. 4. He's a sadist with anger management issues and almost no capacity for remorse for anyone who he doesn't care for, regardless of what that person has done (see: all the innocent students he blackmailed during Spoils) 5. He has a strong and supportive network. He has an adoptive parent and many sisters who love and adore him. He has a brother who looks up to him and loves him. He has a partner who thinks he's amazing, is a millionaire, and offered to casually buy him a house. He's financially secure not just now, but for the rest of his life. This - more than anything else - along with knowing he held power over Efnisien, was what helped him 'bounce back' and enjoy the experience as a malicious person who does veer towards revenge fantasies.
6. He got to literally act out a revenge fantasy via felony grievous bodily harm, and no one stopped him, and the person he did that to thanked him, advocated for him, and then left the room.
But yeah I'd just like to say to anyone reading this that being abusive is not miraculous armour against bouncing back from trauma. That's not an idea that I support, and it also has no medical evidence to support it, and it's kind of dangerous to even put that out into the world, imho.
But at any rate, Falling Falling Stars is a great fictional example of the many reasons why being abusive doesn't guarantee anything at all re: bouncing back from abuse or trauma. And then additionally, Augus was not particularly traumatised re: encountering Efnisien.
But other than that I 100% agree with you that Kadek did the right thing.
If Arden had used the pragmatic and smart part of his brain, he would never suggest that Efnisien go there in the first place, and if Efnisien had researched the rules himself (instead of assuming they were like the play parties) he would never have gone. Unfortunately Efnisien is now very much experiencing the consequences of Arden's arrogant oversight and forgetfulness re: the rules. There's no part of the story that's going to suggest Efnisien go back to a kink club.
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fatoomie2801 · 3 years
his queen | kyoya tategami
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💫 preview 💫
"It's so hot!" Kiara screeched, flopping onto the first bed her eyes made contact with.
"We're in Africa," Kyoya deadpanned, closing the door behind them, making sure it was locked. "What did you expect?"
"I know, but I didn't think it'd be this bad!"
"Deal with it."
The two bladers, after an exhaustingly long flight, had booked a room in the hotel near the airport for the night, a place to get some rest before the journey that awaited them the following morning. The room was quite spacious; it had a small open kitchen in one corner with a couple of stools by the counter, a couch in front of a TV in the adjacent corner, two single beds that were quite spaced apart, a bathroom by the front door, and a balcony.
"There's a balcony?!" Kiara exclaimed as she spotted a sliding door on the wall opposite the room's entrance, rushing towards it in excitement before pulling the door open and stepping outside. "This is awesome! At least I won't drown in sweat now since I can just stay outside."
"With that outfit, you'll drown in sweat anywhere," Kyoya commented, gesturing to the layers of clothing Kiara wore.
"Ah, you're right," Kiara chuckled, making her way inside and rummaging through her backpack for lighter clothes. "Okay, I'm getting changed first."
The girl immediately dashed to the bathroom, locking the door before throwing off her clothes and slipping into some comfortable, baggy beige bottoms and a simple white cami top, removing all jewellery but her nose ring. Once she was done, she stepped back into the room, leaving her clothes sprawled on the bed on the leftmost side of the room, the same bed she claimed as soon as she had entered the hotel room.
"I'm done," she announced as she headed straight for the balcony, unseen by her travel partner who was occupied retrieving a bottle of cold water from the fridge and gulping it down, before heading into the bathroom to change into grey bottoms and a white vest. 
After he had changed, Kyoya made his way back into the room and instantly spotted Kiara leaning against the glass walls of the balcony, staring down at the bustling city below as her long brown hair flowed gently in the cool breeze. He gazed softly at the sight in front of him, a slight smile forming on his face. Why was he smiling? He had no idea. In fact, he was completely unaware that such an expression had even crept up onto his face. Did he like her? No. Impossible. At least that was what he told himself when he finally realised that he was staring at his travel partner, his eyes frantically searching for something other than her to look at. Sure, he wasn't the kindest person towards her, but he was never truly kind to anyone so it didn't make a difference here. However, something about her had had an effect on him, but again, he was oblivious to it all. 
Soon enough, the boy's ice-blue eyes made their way back to the girl before noticing something on her right arm. He took a few steps towards her, and studied her carefully, inspecting what he had now identified to be a large scar that began somewhere on her back and ended at the middle of her upper arm. Kyoya finally made his way outside, gently placing his hand on Kiara's arm, unexpectedly ending the short moment she spent under the warm rays of the brilliant sun.
"What's this?" he asked, his voice soft yet laced with concern. Kiara's golden eyes shot open, her gaze focused on her arm as she flinched at Kyoya's touch, her body moving away from the boy, causing him to retract his arm and let it fall beside him.
"It's a scar," she whispered, her fragile voice noticed by the boy. She paused momentarily before continuing, answering the question that had not yet escaped his lips. "It's from a fire. The one that killed my parents... and Haru." Kiara's gaze shifted to the setting sun above, shielding her expression from her travel partner, as she began reminiscing about the time she spent with her younger brother Haru. She was unable to explain how much she missed both him and her parents, and just how strong her desire to turn back time was just to be able to be with them again. Tears escaped her eyes as she thought back to the days that she and Tsubasa would entertain Haru, telling him silly jokes and earning the sweetest, most adorable giggles from the baby.
"Kiara..." Kyoya muttered, his ocean-blue eyes fixated on the girl. He was ignored as she walked inside, shutting the door behind her, and retreating under her covers in order to fall asleep and escape her traumatising memories. 
The boy could do nothing but watch Kiara as her emotions overcame her, his expression softening as he witnessed the vulnerable state she was in, something he'd only seen once before. He turned back to face the setting sun, the golden glow illuminating his features and causing his azure eyes to glimmer. Kyoya became lost in his thoughts, wondering what to do in order to cheer the girl up, his mind clouded with a myriad of things they could do for the fraction of the day that remained. His eyes suddenly widened in realisation after noticing a small stream not far from where they were staying. A walk by the river at sunset, he concluded. She loves that shit. Kyoya rushed inside, closing the balcony door, calling the girl's name a couple times before making his way to her bed, crouching beside it and gently lifting the blanket from her head.
Upon uncovering her face, Kyoya was instantly met with Kiara's peaceful expression as she slept, her head resting on her hand, her long dark brown locks covering her features. The boy gently brushed the hairs away from her face and tucked them behind her ears, gazing at her, a faint smile forming on his face. Unbeknownst to Kyoya, his hand remained on the girl's cheek for a short while, the green-haired blader only realising and moving it once she had begun to stir in her sleep. How long have I been here? he questioned himself. 
He immediately stood back up only to be met with the sun disappearing into the horizon and the darkening sky unveiling its hidden stars, the moon glowing iridescently as it succeeded the sun, lighting up the world beneath. For fuck's sake, Kyoya sighed, making his way to the other bed in the room and lying down, looking up at the ceiling with his hands behind his head. How many times am I going to catch myself staring at her? The boy continued to question his strange actions for a short while, constantly tossing and turning in his bed before finally falling asleep after he concluded that it would be a waste of time to ponder on such things.
Kiara suddenly awoke in a cold sweat, gasping for air as she placed her hand on her chest to calm herself down. It was just another fucking nightmare, she internally concluded, taking deep breaths in and exhaling. Looking over to her right, she noticed Kyoya asleep, his usually wild expression seeming tamed and peaceful. At least he's getting good sleep, she smiled to herself. She then began searching for a clock, finding it hanging on the wall seconds later. 2am? Great. I barely got enough sleep. As usual.
Kiara made her way to the balcony, sliding the door open gently so as not to wake her sleeping travel partner, and stepped foot onto the cold tiles which momentarily sent shivers up her spine. Gently closing the door behind her, she walked over to one of the two chairs that were situated on either side of the balcony, and seated herself on the rightmost.
The moon's radiant pearly shine illuminated the city below, its silver rays reflecting off of the glass windows on the tall buildings that towered over the city. Stars twinkled brightly above Kiara's head, decorating the sky above, a sight she always treasured no matter how often she was able to witness it. The gentle breeze swayed her soft hair towards her left, getting in the way of her golden eyes, causing her to gently tuck the dark brown strands behind her ears.
For Kiara, right now, being awake felt much more peaceful than being asleep. She decided that she'd rather spend the entire night on this balcony, gazing at the wondrous beauty of nature, and feeling both inner and outer peace, than sleep and encounter those horrifying experiences once again. Of course she was tired, she hadn't gotten much sleep at all, but she knew that she had to force herself awake if she wanted to escape her fears. A few moments passed before the girl began singing the lyrics to her favourite song, her voice quiet yet angelic and harmonious.
Meanwhile, Kyoya stirred in his sleep, opening his eyes in order to briefly check the time, which he concluded was 2:30am. He began to readjust his position in bed when he heard the sweetest melody being sung by his travel partner, her voice soothing to his ears and calming to his soul. Ah, she's singing again, he thought, smiling slightly as he propped himself up on the bed, making himself comfortable. The girl sang, just not as often as Kyoya himself would've liked, so he made sure to savour it every time he had the chance. But why is she awake? he soon wondered. Is she okay? He decided to wait until she had stopped singing before he tried to speak to her and find out what had woken her up at a time like this.
the rest of chapter 16 is available on wattpad:
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multiverseforger · 4 years
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Instead of taking on the mantle of Robin, which is traditionally that of Batman's sidekick, Harper Row instead adopts an entirely new superhero identity, Bluebird. Her appearance marks the arrival of the first new "Bat-family" character in Batman comics since DC relaunched its entire line in 2011 as part of its The New 52 publishing event.[4]
Publication history
Fictional character biographyEdit
In early issues featuring Harper Row, she is introduced as a streetwise young woman from the Narrows, one of the roughest neighborhoods in Batman's locale of Gotham City. She and her brother are also revealed to be from a broken family with a deceased mother and a deadbeat father who would later end up in jail.[8] With such humble beginnings, Row did not seem naturally inclined to be a hero. In fact, she made her first appearance stealing food from a Wayne charity gala.[5] However, her life changed when Batman saved her brother Cullen from being gay-bashed, although not before the bullies managed to butcher Cullen's hair with a pair of scissors.
Batman's intervention left a lasting impression on the young woman. In addition to shaving her own head in solidarity with her brother, Harper began trying to learn more about Batman in order to assist him in his fight against crime in Gotham. She even managed to discover the devices Batman uses to disable the city's security cameras, and improved them with technology of her own design.[5]
Her efforts only earned the Batman's ire; at one point he rewarded Harper's attempts at helping him by breaking her nose. The next day Harper visits Bruce Wayne at Wayne Tower and shows him plans that she thinks will help Batman. To her surprise, Bruce agrees. That night, Batman tracks Harper and apologizes to her. She tells him she may not know the details, but she knows he's going through a lot of pain (the death of Damian Wayne). She also reminds Batman what he means to the city with a touching and personal story. The issue concludes with Harper's message to Batman broadcast on Wayne Tower. It's one simple word taught to Harper by her mother before her death: “RESOLVE", which just so happens to begin with the letter “R".[8] Even saving Batman's life by pulling his unconscious body out of Gotham Bay and restarting his heart using only jumper cables and a car battery failed to win him over.[2]
In Batman Eternal, Harper stows away on board Red Robin (Tim Drake)'s plane and, over the course of the series, gains his trust. In issue #41, she suits up as Bluebird for the first time in order to rescue her brother Cullen; Red Robin and his allies Batgirl and Red Hood are caught up in a trap, leaving it up to her.[9] Despite setbacks in her relationship with Batman himself, a near-future flash forward shows that Row eventually manages to overcome Batman's reservations and joins him in fighting crime as Bluebird.[4]
During Batman & Robin Eternal, it is revealed that Harper's mother was murdered by Cassandra Cain, who it is eventually revealed was acting as an agent of 'Mother', a villain who manipulates traumatised children on the grounds that she will make them stronger through trauma (Although Cassandra had been sent to kill both of Harper's parents and only killed her mother before she found she couldn't do it). Even more shockingly, Mother had Harper's mother murdered as part of a plan to 'offer' Harper to Batman as the perfect Robin; Batman had made contact with her to try and expose her long-term agenda and believed that he was meant to kill the parents of the new Robin Mother had chosen for him, when actually he was just sent after two of Mother's other disciples as a test of his loyalty to her ideals while Harper's parents were attacked in Gotham. Despite recognising Harper's qualities would make her an ideal partner, at the time Batman simply forced her surviving father to take responsibility for his role as a parent as he didn't want to benefit from Mother's plan,[10] never revealing the truth even after Harper began working with him as Bluebird. Mother attempts to win Harper to her point of view by arguing that her own family fell apart so that she had to rise up on her own, offering to let Harper kill Cassandra Cain after revealing that Cassandra was the one who killed her mother,[11] but Harper rejects that idea, proclaiming that she grew up because her mother supported and recognised her desire for a better life rather than trying to make Harper be what her mother believed would work. Following Mother's defeat, Harper assures the returned Batman that she understands his reasons for not telling her about his history with Mother and his indirect role in her mother's death, but recent events have prompted her to go to college to receive official qualifications for her electrician skills and explore a life outside of the vigilante role, but Batman assures her as she leaves that Bluebird will always be welcome in Gotham if she decides to suit up again.[12]
DC RebirthEdit
Harper is a supporting character in James Tynion's run on Detective Comics, where she works as a medical volunteer at Leslie Thompkins' clinic, and is a friend of Cain (Orphan) and Brown (Spoiler). She also accompanies Batwoman, Spoiler, Orphan and Batwing (Luke Fox) to investigate the Victim Syndicate
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brooklynislandgirl · 5 years
✸ Tell us about any NPCs on your blog. Who are they to your muse? What do they contribute to your blog?
Munday Munday! || -
Etienne Devereaux || EMT- New York
Etienne is a Euthanatos Mage, part of Beth’s former {or current, depending on verse} cabal. He was born in the bayous of Louisiana, as what some people might consider ‘poor white trash’. He was raised by his grandmother until the age of 12 when she died a long, slow, lingering death after falling down the stairs of their rickety home. Etienne was traumatised by the incident, and later, during college where he was studying to become a doctor, his avatar awakened and reminded him of how terribly powerless he felt unable to save the woman who was his only family. He dropped out and moved to the biggest city a bus ticket could get him, and went to work as a paramedic. He eventually met Beth and then the rest of the Latch Key Saints, and formed a new family with them.Etienne is often Beth’s favourite partner in crime/companion, the most non-judgemental person she knows.~*~
Father Vincent Dafaux, SJ || Catholic Priest- New YorkVincent is a Celestial Chorus Mage, founder of the Latch Key Saints. They are a cabal of disparate Traditions working together to help the Five Burroughs stave off the contributing factors of despair and disbelief: poverty, homelessness, abuse, sickness, drug-abuse, domestic violence, etc. He believes in a vision that even the smallest act of kindness and charity, preformed as a duty to your fellow man, can help elevate them to a better state, and that eventually enough such acts can ennoble even the dimmest spirit.He’s Beth’s confessor and leader, and he’s vastly amused sometimes by her ideas of sin. He’s banned her from the confessional for six months, until she has something to ACTUALLY atone for.
Dmitri Woźniak || Conspiracy Theorist, Black Market Importer/Exporter- New York
Dmitri attended the same group grief counselling that Beth did, and has always believed that her brother’s death wasn’t an ‘accident’. He also felt that she was a little too naive for her own good so he tends to watch out for her. When she needs supplies for her clinic that she can’t get legally, he provides…for a price.
Jimmy “Bag of Donuts” Riley || Longshoreman, Pack Leader -Sept of the Green, New YorkEveryone has a cousin Jimmy.Somewhere along the family tree.
Beth’s cousin Jimmy is a longshoreman who works for the NY Port Authority {Brooklyn Port Authority Marine Terminal comprising the Brooklyn Piers and Red Hook Container Terminal in Red Hook, Brooklyn}. He’s mild mannered, with the family’s predilection toward sarcasm, and proud of the Irish blood running through his veins.
And…so what if Jimmy drinks a little too much and picks a fight now and again…What isn’t common knowledge is that Jimmy also happens to be leader of “Nine Waves”, a pack comprised entirely of Fianna Garou. He’s not thrilled that his cousins are caern-raiders {doesn’t matter that Beth’s never actually raided a caern a day in her life}, but she is family. He keeps her up-to-date on where not to be and when not to be there. He makes sure she respects Garou law and doesn’t get into too much trouble where the other werewolves are concerned.
Sebastion Phoenix || Bartender, Cultist of Ecstasy -New York
Sebastion was born and raised in New York. Given up for adoption at birth, he spent his life in and out of foster homes. He was always able to use his magic, though in his younger years it wasn’t very strong or very refined, and this often got him into trouble. He was quickly labelled a troubled kid and was more than willing to play up to the label the adults had stuck him with. His troublesome nature actually helped him stay under the Technocracy’s radar because he was never in one foster home long enough to be found.  Sebastion was a smart kid but was completely untrained. He tended to use his magic to help him shoplift which led to bigger things, like stealing cars and B&E. At sixteen he ran away from his foster home and, using his larceny skills, made himself a life on the streets. He squirrelled away the money he made, and generally kept himself under the radar as much as possible but he got caught after a job went south. He was given an assignment that involved a little B&E on a mage’s home, not that he’d known at the time. That mage turned out to be an older Cultist who immediately recognised his potential and took him under wing instead of handing him over to the police. Sebastion was a fast learner and the Ecstastics’ ethos fit well with his view of life. He traded B&E for a job as a bartender at Dante’s Inferno, a known mage safe-house hidden behind the front of a popular night club. His mentor trained him both in magic and in the mundane affairs of running the club, signing it all over to him when he turned 21. Once the club was in his name, Sebastion’s mentor left New York. Sebastion began work on the club, changing it to suit his desires, and the club’s popularity only grew. Sebastion is a hedonist who believes in living life to the fullest. He enjoys exploring all aspects of what that means but is particularly fond of exploring pleasure and pain in sex. The club still fronts as a mainstream club but for those who have interest, there are private floors dedicated to exploring taboos or kinks of all sorts.  He also continues to maintain the club as a safe haven for mages and works with others to keep the place well secured. He has never been known to turn any mage who requests haven away. Because Dante’s is the primary haven, most mages who come to New York will have met him. Sebastion is easy going, charismatic, and generally likeable. He is more than willing to teach his magick and his beliefs but never pushes them on the unwilling. Consent is the rule of his actions.
Sebastion views Beth as a grail of sorts, and he continually offers her temptation when he calls on her to help tend the various club kids, junkies, and wounded mages that make their invariable way to the Inferno. In return for her services, he often repays her with ‘donations’ to her clinic, or helping one of her Sleeper pet-projects back onto their feet. And he always accepts her refusal to succumb to him with gracious smiles and a resonant laugh.
Count Aloysius Flyte of the Duchy of the Delta Crescent, Kingdom of the Willows, Sluagh grump of the Seelie Court || The Long Finger Man 
“Why did you come here to my attic and disturb my rest? Are you here to find something from long ago? Be careful you don’t open something you can’t close….Oh. You have questions about the Prodigal then. I hope for your sake that you brought more than your curiosity to barter with. Yes, that will do nicely. Very nicely indeed. Tut-tut. Pour the tea and mind that cup, it has a chip in it.”
She isn’t sure he’s even real, the Long Finger Man. But he’s real enough that she respects his advice and his aid, and maybe fears the old Fae more than she’ll let on. She lets him retain his rooms in her clinic, and for her graciousness, Aloysius keeps an eye out for her when she’s busy, and strangely, there is no vampire presence in her ward.
New Orleans is a part of the Kingdom of the Willows, and the Capital of the Duchy of the Delta Crescent. It is currently under the control of the Unseelie Duchess Lisette Levay of House Balor, and one of Aloysius’ chief rivals. The self Stylised “Voodoo Queen” holds court in a freehold called the “Spirit Hall” south of the City, within the Swamp. He’s pleased now that she has to contend with the little Verbena witch, her Husband the Incarna, and several new friends.Due to the high presence of Cold Iron for some reason, the local Fae suspect that New Orleans acts as the headquarters of an active group of Dauntain. Levay also holds contact to several other unsavoury supernatural forces, like Black Spiral Dancers, and the Followers of Set.This means Aloysius is more than content to protect the Witch’s properties and occasionally slips her JUST enough information to ruin Levay’s nefarious plans.
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chngminxo · 7 years
Tales From Huingol: Character Index
This post includes spoilers
Main Characters
Bang Yongguk - King of Huingol and of the Joseon Peninsula, traditionally known on the peninsula as the Horse King. First born and only legitimate son of the late King. Has a passion for reading, writing, riding his horse and Junhong. Quiet and studious and can be shy at times, but is very loving and affectionate when with those he cares about. Ex-lover of Daehyun, current partner to Junhong. He takes being King very seriously, and he always wished to dedicate his entire life to his people (but then Junhong happened.)
Kim Himchan - Second and illegitimate son of the late King. Born three weeks after Yongguk to the King’s ex-courtesan and lover, Kim Hwayah. Was raised studying war and weaponry and is a very talented and celebrated soldier. At the death of their father, Yongguk gave him the position of Master General, who is in charge of all Huingol’s armies and right hand man to the King. He is also, by his birth right, Prince of Huingol. Married to Jung Eunhye (Lady Kim), lover of Moon Jongup. Quick witted, smart, madly in love with Jongup.
Jung Daehyun - Southern refugee. His family was killed by an unnamed Lord years prior to Clay Horses and he travelled to Huingol for refuge. Kim Hwayah found him asleep in the stable and she brought him into the palace to work for the brothers. As a teenager he became very close with Yongguk and Himchan and was taught by them to read/write, and also how to use a sword. Very skilled soldier, also very good cook. Works as a cook for the duration of Clay Horses and Valley of the Horse King, later becomes bodyguard. Clever and snarky but has a heart of gold. Sees Huingol as his true home, even though he still mourns the loss of his dead family, ex-lover of Yongguk (from prior to the commencement of Clay Horses) current partner of Youngjae.
Yoo Youngjae - A servant boy from a northern city. Son of a maid and servant to a kind Northern Lord who looked to him like a son and invested a lot of time in his education. Came to Huingol on multiple occasions as the servant of said Lord who served on the King’s council. He and Daehyun fell in love during these visits, and eventually Yongguk asked Youngjae to work for General Kwon as a spy, which he did for almost four years (Clay Horses-Valley of the Horse King). Now works as tutor and assistant to Junhong (A Cavalry of Stone), partner of Daehyun. Super smart and sees everything in the palace, but also kinda emotional sometimes. A genuine soft.
Moon Jongup - Third son of General Moon. Was once part of a special class of elite soldiers run by Huingol’s General Kwon but was chosen by King Yongguk to be his bodyguard when he ascended to the throne. He entered the palace and took position of bodyguard/assistant and then later became assistant to the Master General, as well as his lover/partner. Very talented with weaponry, especially bow and arrow. Loving, gentle, absolutely adores his horse(s) but incredibly deadly. 
Choi Junhong - Village boy from the South who’s family was murdered by Lord Kang. Lived as slave/concubine to Lord Kang for three years before being liberated and taken to Huingol where he became courtesan to King Yongguk and later Prince Consort of Huingol. Traditionally, the role of consort to the King of Huingol is known as The Golden Queen, or in this case, The Golden Prince. Illiterate in Valley of the Horse King, and taught to read by Youngjae. Much smarter than he is ever given credit for in the stories imo, super loving and adoring and curious about the world around him but pretty thoroughly traumatised. Loves Yongguk and Yeona, takes his role in ruling Huingol as seriously as he takes Yongguk’s safety. 
People of Huingol
Kim Hwayah - Ex-courtesan of the late King, close friend of the late queen and mother of Kim Himchan. After falling pregnant, she was elevated to the role of mistress of the palace, all servants work for her and it is her job to take care of all the palace goings on from the cooking to the cleaning to the guests staying with them. Pretty darn smart, loves Himchan and also loves Yongguk ad Yejin like they were her own children (tbh Jongup, Junhong, Daehyun and Yougjae, too. A fully committed mother to all.) Neither Himchan nor Yongguk know if her and the late King were in love or not, and she will never tell them. 
Moon Jonghun (General Moon - Clay Horses) - Father of Moon Jongup, Jonghwan and Jongin. The son of a blacksmith, he became a foot soldier at an early age and managed through his life to raise to the role of General, and sat on the King’s council. The Kwon brothers consider him a great threat, while the royal brothers consider him one of their most trusted Generals, and an asset to the military.
Moon Jongin (General Moon - A Cavalry of Stone) - The eldest Moon boy. An ex member of Kwon’s elite who specialises in sword fighting. Super loving to his brothers and gentle to those around him, but hella good at his job. Really smart when it comes to warfare/strategy which is why he followed in his father’s foot steps to become General in A Cavalry of Stone. After Clay Horses, he became blind in one eye, and as one of the brother’s most trusted generals he sits on the King’s council (in A Cavalry of Stone.)
Moon Jonghwan - The second Moon child, who like his brothers is also an ex member of Kwon’s elite. Super talented in warefare, again like his brothers, and clever when it comes to strategy. A bit of a gossip and a ladies man prior to Clay Horses, but steps up a little more to be more of an adult. In A Cavalry of Stone he is captain of Huingol’s guard, and is one of the royal brother’s inner circle, trusted to personally help protect them and their loved ones.
Moon Gayeong - Mother of the three Moon children, wife of Moon Jonghun. The daughter of a stable hand and a city seamstress, Moon Jonghun was her childhood sweetheart and they got married very young. Loves her children more than anything else. Works closely with Kim Hwayah, totally adored by all three of her boys and Himchan, too.
Jung Eunhye (Lady Kim) - The Daughter of Lord Jung and wife of Kim Himchan. Super smart and a childhood friend of both Yongguk and Himchan. She was pushed into a tactical marriage to Himchan by her father and the late King, but neither of them wanted to marry one another so they keep their distance and allow the other to live their life as they please. Will one day become a very strong influence on the King’s council, Aejong is her lover.
Bang Yejin (Princess Yejin/Lady Kil) - The first born child of the late King and Queen, sister of Yongguk and half sister to Himchan by quite a wide gap. She had very little interest in royalty from a young age and pushed back against the idea of becoming queen, smart but shy and studious, though she has similar quick wit to Himchan. Hates Daehyun because of some petty argument they had prior to Clay Horses, but adores her brothers. Her father purposefully did not marry her to someone so that Yongguk could make tactical use of her hand, but falls for Lord Kil and gets her brother’s permission to marry him as soon as he becomes King. Mother to Bang Yongnam, the heir to the throne.
Bang Yongnam - Infant son of Bang Yejin and Kil Charu, chosen by Yongguk as heir to the throne.
Aejong - illiterate servant girl to Jun Eunhye, her long term lover.
Minjong - Servant boy of Yongguk’s who was once the occasional lover of Himchan. No other servant or maid in this story is named.
King Yongnam [d] - The late King, father of Yongguk, Himchan and Yejin, grandfather of Yongnam. Very little is said about him, but he, like his children, is a direct descendent of Sekwan the Great, the ancient King who founded Huingol.
Queen [d] - Mother of Yejin and Yongguk, died in childbirth with Yongguk. Close friend of Hwayah, daughter of a Lord from a western village on the seaside, never specified.
Kil Charu (Lord Kil) - The Lord local to the west coast where he has a small town and farm land surrounding. Comes from a family that has been a strong ally of the crown for centuries, madly in love with Yejin and father to her baby, the heir to the throne, Yongnam. Sits on the King’s council.
Lord Kang [d] - Lord of a southern city who called for too much tax and killed those who disobeyed him. He murdered and burnt Junhong’s entire village and kept him prisoner in his palace until he was killed by General Kwon when the King sent him down to liberate the city of Kang.
Lord Kwon - Lord of a northern city, from a very wealthy and prestigious family. He thinks Yongguk is giving too much attention to the less affluent south of the country and wishes he could take it over. Before his death, the late King made some loose suggestions that Yongguk might marry Lord Kwon’s daughter, suggestions taken by the Lord as promises that he is determined to see honoured. A power hungry psycho.
Kwon Seonmi (Lady Kwon) - Only child of Lord Kwon and heir to the township of Kwon. Sees herself as the rightful choice to marry Yongguk and become queen of the peninsula, and tbh a total asshole. She hates horses and peasants and anyone not as privileged as her. Her and Himchan hate each other due to differences they had since prior to the series beginning.
General Kwon - The younegr brother of Lord Kwon and a powerful General. Once was the leader of a special class of elite soldiers (known as Kwon’s Elite in Clay Horses) but later when that is dissolved he is just sent on missions by the King around the peninsula, including to kang to liberate it. He does some stuff at the end of Valley of the Horse King that Himchan r e a l l y doesn’t like.
Kim Sungwon (General Kim) - A general from the south east of the peninsula. Very little is known about him other than that he is very skilled with weaponry and always seems to know a little more than he lets off... The maternal nephew of Lord Kang. (Also for those who don’t realise, this is Sleepy from Untouchable.)
Lord Baek - A Lord from the South east of the peninsula. Very little is known about him, too. 
Choi Junseo - Thought by Junhong to have died in the raid of their village. He was rescued by Kim Sungwon and taken east to his city by the sea where he was taught to read and write and wield a sword, also believing that his entire family, including Junhong, had died. He came to Huingol after receiving a letter from Sungwon, where he met Junhong again and realised he’d been alive all along. Post A Cavalry of Stone, he becomes a member of Huingol’s court.
Unnamed Parents [d] - Junhong and Junseo’s  parents were murdered during Lord Kang’s raid of the village years prior to the commencement of Vally of the Horse King (in the over arching timeline, roughly around the time Yongguk became King. Lord Kang subtly mentions Junhong to Yongguk in Clay Horses.) Loved their two sons more than anything, they were fisher people and were illiterate. 
Lord Jung - The father of Himchan’s wife, Eunhye, and a member of the King’s council. Was once a dear friend to the late King, and now a strong supporter of Yongguk’s. From the North-east of the peninsula.
Lord Yun - The Lord chosen to take over Kang after the death of Lord Kang. Hand chosen by Yongguk.
Lady Geun, General Park, Lady Shin - Members of the King’s council.
Cha Seoyoung - Mistress of Kang’s palace. Once a dear friend of Lord Kang and a woman who cared for Junhong during his time there. 
Yeona - A foal born to a wild mare, she is considered to be the descendent of Noeul. Hand reared by Yongguk, but later given to Junhong after they develop a close relationship.
Nari - Jongup’s thoroughbred white mare, a gift from Himchan after the death of his previous, loved colt. She was originally a gift from a northern Lord to Himchan.
Honggyu - Himchan’s stallion. Very strong bodied and temperamental but loving and trusting of Himchan. Himchan hand-reared him from when he was a teen just as Yongguk did Yeona. 
Boyeon - Jongup’s first horse, whom was the foal born to his mother’s stallion and his father’s mare. They had an incredibly close relationship in Clay Horses.
Sekwan The Great [d] - An ancestor of Yongguk and Himchan’s. Was once the King from North of the Valley who was involved in a war centuries before this series takes place. During the battle, he discovered the valley and took refuge to try and heal his wounds. While resting, a white Chollima emerges from the trees and when her nose touches his side her coat turns red and she heals his wounds. With her he defeats the invaders and wins the war. In celebration, he moves his capital into the valley and names it Huingol (White Valley), and he keeps her as his horse. With her at his side, he unifies the peninsula to make the North and South one Kingdom under Huingol’s rule.
Noeul [d]  - The Chollima (winged horse from Korean mythology) who saves Sekwan’s life. She is his steed for many years (stories say far longer than a horse should naturally live) until she disappears from Huingol one day and returns to the forest. It is because of the stories surrounding her that horses are sacred in Huingol, and why Huingol’s citizens each have very close relationships with their horses. It is believed Yeona is a descendent of Noeul. 
[d] - dead, doesn’t appear and is only mentioned/appears in flashbacks or dreams.
This list is subject to change.
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