"look after yourself "
He wraps his tendrils around both himself and Trauma. "Dear?.. Why are you saying this?.. Am I doing something wrong?.."
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reignitedprimes · 2 years
have a follow and a sad Megatronus))
the fallen prime sat by himself in his pocket dimension prison sighing "solus forgive me" he said aloud
((!!!! hallo!)) "Why wouldn't I?" It had taken her FAR longer then Solus would EVER like to admit to make the portal into this dimension. Far longer, and far, far more aggravating still to make sure she could get herself, and Megatronous out of there. She would be damned if she left the dimension without him. "You know I have always forgiven you, Mega."
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kos-multi-medbay · 2 years
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the corpse of breakdown woke up screaming reliving his most moment's alive "gahh get off me you bitch get o-ahhh!" he started pulling at his revealed and autopsyed chest components "no no get him out of me!" he had no idea his femme was near
“Easy there doll! Take it easy”! Ko yelled as she grabbed breakdown’s wrist to stop him from clawing himself.
Pushing him down uncharacteristically gently back down on the birth.
“He’s gone… he’s all gone.” She whispered.
[When Holos said there was a chance that the Primus’s inermost energon could mix with unicron’s blood and cause a full revival complete with memory and personality-, I honestly didn’t expect it to actually work!] she thought.
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takingthefastlane · 2 years
The femme stared "I'm trauma" she was a former decepticon
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"Charmed. My name's Quickshadow."
-She extended her servo to trauma in a friendly manner. She still wasn't used to using her real designation when meeting new bots, but practice makes perfect.-
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screechingtires · 1 year
💕 Pull smokescreen in for a tender kiss
He was caught off guard for a moment, before pulling back as she got too close.
"Uh, what are you doing?"
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dimorphodon-defect · 2 years
trauma looked down at sprint who had probably gotten lost in the ark this had to be her technical grand nephew or grandson "are you lost sugar?" her tone gentle
"No! ....maybe." Sprint kicked his heel against the floor and let a frustrated little huff out of his vents. "All these hallways look the same." He muttered under his breath before looking up at the taller femme.
"I stopped following my caretaker to watch this mech making something that looked cool in another room," He admitted. "But then he saw me and got mad and closed the door, and now I can't find my caretaker."
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seekerchargeburst · 2 years
the former decepticon looked down at the netrual "are you lost little one?" she knelt down offering a servo smiling "it's okay I'm a medic"
Burst crooned gently, wings fluttering nervously as he looked at the offered servo. She seemed nice enough...
"Dunno where I am," he admitted, curling small claws around her servo, holding tight.
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followingprotocol · 2 years
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the mech was sat near the shore enjoying the waves touching his pedes.... was that.... Megatron?!
Chase paused in righting a collapsed section of snow fence. He’d become accustomed to unfamiliar, multiversal Cybertronians popping up on the island. Honestly, he would have been more concerned if the larger mech was showing signs of outright hostility.
“I would exercise a bit of caution if I were you, Earth’s oceans contain a generous amount of sodium chloride. It is remarkably irritating when it dries out and manages to wedge itself into unprotected armor seams.”
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faultfindingfirebot · 2 years
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the former warlord sat in the forest as calls had come in that Griffin rock had some type of visitor in the forest...
“…. Probably some tourist who’s never seen a moose before...”
Heatwave transformed into bot mode, leaving the road behind as he plunged into the woods to search for the spot that the calls had specified.
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despicable-ruler · 2 years
you have a follower
"oh commander starscream" the decepticon medical femme bowed shyly blushing
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He glances up from his holopad, quirking a brow at them curiously. Oh- she thought he was still a Commander- oh... this is good, no this is very good. Clearing his throat, he crosses his legs. "Good evening..." Came a rather slick murr. "Do you need something?"
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lobethemnemosurgeon · 2 years
concerned adoptive daughter noises
You seem to disapprove my feelings towards Pharma, dear. Is that really so?..
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luciolefire · 2 years
heya haven't heard from you in a while are you holding up okay and happy new year I miss ya
Hi hi! Sorry I completely forgot to answer this yesterday! I've been doing pretty good, just really busy lately. Thanks for checking in <3
How are you?
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kos-multi-medbay · 2 years
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"look what we have here the weakest runt of the litter is alive" the figure said
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the now smaller breakdown looked shocked
“HEY-!! Get the FRAG away from MY mech you two-bit processing trash compactor!”
Oh would you look at that. She has a verrrrry sharp buzz saw that would fit oh so perfectly in crook the intruder’s neck.
Wonder what would happen if she were to activate it riiiight as it was resting on his jugular. Something “wonderful” probably.
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bytesnbolts · 2 years
Continued from here
@traumathescalpelslinginfemme:  the medical femme ran over to him and imdiatly began to work on his wounds and pulling him out of his jam. "can you walk?" she asked gently stroking his cheek
“Pedes are fine, doctor. Just messed up my wing on the landing.” Solarflare shuffled the wing a little, wincing. It had stopped sparking from the treatment, but it still ached. “Think I’ll be flying again soon? Commander Starscream’s not going to like that I’m out of service again.”
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rxng · 2 years
the femme knocked on his office door shyly rodimus had said their was a therapist onboard "h-hello?" she asked nervous
"Come on in! I'm just cleaning."
He's... on the ceiling. With a mop. Oh well. He walks on down and unclasps his magnetic boots, switching them off for later.
"It's a bit wet. Mind the floor." He says, setting the dirty bucket by the door. "What can I do for you?"
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megsblackfirewrites · 2 years
the medical femme she was a decepticon but she cared for little ones "hulllo little ones it's okay sweetsparks I'm a medic"
Aries' optic twitched. Oh, she did not just use that voice with him.
"Can I help you?" he demanded in all of his teenage insecurity.
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