#Transistor Radio Photos
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Vintage Regency Transistor Radio, Model TR-1, Mandarin Red Case, AM Band, 4 Transistors, Made in the USA, The TR-1 Was Introduced In 1954, The World's First Commercially Produced Transistor Radio by Joe Haupt Via Flickr: The Regency TR-1 transistor radio was available in four colors when it was introduced. These were black, bone white, mandarin red and color gray. The price of the radio at introduction was $49.95,
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sohannabarberaesque · 1 year ago
Imagine picking up Honey and Sis on THIS shortwave set, as if having an 8-track player as well wasn't good enow:
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sohannabarberaesque · 2 months ago
If ever there was a most distinctive sort of radio to imagine picking up Honey and Sis' surprise shortwave worldcasts on (so long as this radio was designed to receive shortwave signals), this would have to be it.
Or would it?
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General Electric Blue Max radio, model P2760B, made in 1970.
Originally released in 1969. The inside lights up
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joehaupt · 11 months ago
Vintage Juliette Cordless Table Transistor Radio, Model RT-46, AM Band, 6 Transistors, Topp Import & Export, Inc., Made In Japan (304 Manufacturer Code), Circa 1968
Vintage Juliette Cordless Table Transistor Radio, Model RT-46, AM Band, 6 Transistors, Topp Import & Export, Inc., Made In Japan (304 Manufacturer Code), Circa 1968 by Joe Haupt
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jakud · 2 months ago
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Commission No. 2 for my good friend Sam. Based on a photo of his grandfather when he served in the army. A ways out of my wheelhouse, but in a good way! A face with real character to it. It was also a fun challenge to figure out what transistor radio he was using (I think I got close in any case).
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posttexasstressdisorder · 1 year ago
About That Radio Thing...
A Sort-of MasterPost in Zenith Mid-Century Industrial Design
Every once in awhile I get bitter about what I had thought was gonna be my "happy fun retirement project", because I ended up having to give them all up. I took a lot of really good photos of them in the process of selling them on eBay for literal pennies compared to the dollars I'd spent on them. So at least there's the pictures, and the knowledge.
I'm talkin' about my radios. Radio, real AM Radio used to be so incredible, before it became hate-radio. It was how I heard EVERYTHING first!
The year is 1971. I'm a musical-obsessive 12 year old and hearing Lennon's "Power To The People" come over the airwaves for literally the first time, along with everyone else! It felt incredible! It was how we all connected to the big energy of our time. In a way, it was our internet.
After my sweetie died I wanted to collect radios that I liked, radios with a certain kind of industrial-streamlined deco vibe, and boy I collected. In the span of a couple of years I managed to find/buy a large collection of Zenith radios in particular, along with a few choice others.
The main object of my obsession was the industrial design of most Zenith radios from 1939-1953, the work of one Robert Davol Budlong. His designs speak to me. Seeing the evolution of style from between those two dates is impressive.
So I was all set to enjoy being an old radio guy. Until I wasn't.
There are a lot of reasons the radio collecting thing just decidedly became NOT what I was going to do. First was finding out a lot of the "old radio enthusiasts" are mostly old nazi shits.
I had been excited about living just down the street from a "museum/club" building, but after I actually tried to interact a few times, that pretty much came crashing to a halt.
There was one younger guy who seemed OK, but as for any other interactions, not really. And it coincided with my financial downward spiral in such a way that I had to start selling off what had at least occupied my grieving mind (and eyes).
Eye candy becomes expendable when shit gets real. I ended up having to sell most of the radios. I kept one console, and a couple of small transistors. So I kinda had to grieve not only my sweetie, but the "eye candy" that had occupied me since she died.
Oh, and somehow in the shuffle of this shitshow of life this past 10 years, I once managed to leave the lock unlocked on my (supposedly secure and guarded) storage unit, and thirty of my prize radios and record players were literally wheeled out and stolen. About $2k worth.
And now, I'm too broke to collect a goddamn thing.
But at least I still have the pictures.
That's what started this. Every once in awhile I want to see them. It makes me happy to see all that amazing Budlong design again. Of the ones that worked, I can remember what each one sounded like. I also collected ads for certain models, catalog pages that they were part of, etc. There are posts about that, as well.
So I thought I'd just put all the links to the main radio posts I've made over the last few years, making this a Radio Masterpost of sorts.
Lots of mid-century industrial design eye candy. Yer welcome. Alternately, go to my page and just search "Zenith" or "radio", "radio ads", "catalog", "radio advertising" etc. I don't do the tag thing much, but the search works pretty good on my page, actually.
So yeah, the love affair with radios will stay mine, but it's bittersweet.
Just search my blogpage to see some more. I'll try to gather all the various links together here.
Here's one last one for today. Another of Zenith's unicorns, the T545: Combination radio and 45-rpm-only record changer, in all its original bakelite splendour. This is another rare bird that, sadly, I only owned for a few months before having to give it up again. I hope the new owner has done the electronic/mechanical restore to it and that lit lives on. To have found one with absolutely no real damage to the bakelite, and brights that are BRIGHT, it's really rare! Feast your eyes.
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sohannabarberaesque · 5 months ago
Could you just imagine the Hair Bear Bunch--or, for that matter, the Three Wolves--having a shortwave radio among their travel requisites, especially as a way of looking for such alternative radio to the pap and pablum otherwise extant stateside?
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TFM-8000W 1975
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tilbageidanmark · 11 months ago
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Movies I watched this week (#169):
3 by forgotten [re-discovered?] Turkish director, Metin Erksan:
🍿  Dry Summer, a mesmerizing 1964 Turkish masterpiece I never heard of before. It tells of a greedy peasant who refuses to share the water on his field with his neighbors, as well as his scheme to steal his younger brother's new bride. (Photo Above). A rustic tragedy featuring one of the most insidious screen villains ever. Highly recommended. 9/10.
It was championed and restored by Martin Scorsese's 'World Cinema Project'. (I'm going to start chewing through their list of preserved classics from around the world.)
🍿 Time to love (1965) is a fetishistic, probably-symbolic, melodrama about a poor house painter who falls in love with a wall portrait of a woman, but who can't or won't love the real person. Lots of brooding while heavy rains keep pouring down, and traditional oud music drones on. Strikingly beautiful black and white cinematography elevates this strange soap opera into something that Antonioni could have shot.
🍿 "May Allah's mercy be upon her! May Allah's mercy be upon her! May Allah's mercy be upon her!"
In 1974 Erksan directed the cheesy Seytan ("Satan"), a plagiarized, unauthorized Turkish rip-off of 'The Exorcist'. It was a schlocky, nearly a shot-by-shot copy, and included the blood spurting, head spinning, cursing, stairs, a young actress that looked strikingly like Linda Blair, and even extensive use of Mike Oldfield's 'Tubular Bells'. But it eliminated the Catholic element and had none of the superb decisions of the William Friedkin's version. 1/10.
Agnès Varda's deceivingly blissful drama, Le Bonheur. Exquisite, subversive and beautifully simple, about an uncomplicated man who's completely happy with his idyllic life, his loving wife and two little children. But one summer day he takes on an attractive mistress, while still feeling uncommonly fulfilled and undisturbed. Varda lets the Mozart woodwind score do all the heavy interpretive lifting of this disturbing feminist take of the bourgeoisie. Just WOW! 8/10.
At this point, I should just complete my explorations of Varda's oeuvre, and see the rest of her movies. Also, I'm going to take a deep dive one day into the many terrific movies from 1965 (besides the many I've already seen, 'Red Beard', 'Simon of the desert', 'Repulsion', 'The spy who came in from the cold', 'Juliet of the spirit', 'Pierrot the fool'...).
/ Female Director
2 by amazing Bulgarian director Milko Lazarov:
🍿 Ága, my first Bulgarian film, but it plays somewhere in Yakutsk, south of the Russian arctic circle. An isolated old Inuit couple lives alone in a yurt on the tundra. Slow and spiritual, their lives unfold in the most unobtrusive way, it feels like a documentary. But the simplicity is deceiving, this is film-making of the highest grade, and once Mahler 5th was introduced on a small transistor radio, it's transcendental. The emptiness touched me deeply.
Together with 93 other movies, this was submitted by Bulgaria to the 2019 Oscars (the one won by 'Parasite'). How little we know; If selected, we might have all be talking about it. Absolutely phenomenal! The trailer represents the movie well. 10/10
(It also reminded me very much of the Bolivian drama 'Utama' from 2022, another moving story of an elderly Indian couple living alone in the desert, tending to their small flock of llamas.)
🍿 Milko Lazarov made only one earlier film, the minimalist Alienation in 2013. It tells of Yorgos, a middle age Greek man, (impassively played by the father from 'Dogtooth'), who crosses the border to Bulgaria to buy a newborn baby. But it's not as bad as it sounds, because he's actually helping the impoverished surrogate mother (who looks like young Tilda Swinton) who can't effort to keep him. Another stark and snail-like drama about quiet people who barely speak, told with the masterful language of a true poet. Like 'Ága', it too opens with a stunning close up of a lengthy incantation in an unfamiliar language. I wish he made more movies. 8/10.
2 more arctic dramas:
🍿 The original movie about indigenous Inuks, Nanook of the North, from 1922, was the first feature-length documentary to achieve commercial success. An engaging slice of life of an Inuit family, even if some of the scenes were staged. 💯 score on Rotten Tomatoes.
🍿 "Many of the scientists involved with climate change agree: The end of human life on this planet is assured."
Another fascinating Werner Herzog documentary, Encounters at the end of the world. About the "professional dreamers" who live and work at McMurdo Station in Antarctica; divers who venture to explore life under the the ice, volcanologists who burrow into ice caves, etc. Herzog's 'secret sauce' is finding the most outrageous, interesting spots on earth, and then just going there and letting his camera do his bidding.
2 fantastic shorts by Hungarian animator Réka Bucsi:
🍿 Her 2014 Symphony No. 42 consists of 47 short & whimsical vignettes, without any rhyme or rhythm; A farmer fills a cow with milk until it overflows, a zoo elephant draws a "Help me" sign, a UFO sucks all the fish from the ocean, wolves party hard to 'La Bamba', an angry man throws a pie at a penguin, two cowboys holding blue balloons watch a tumbleweed rolls by, a big naked woman cuddle with a seal, etc. Earlier than Don Hertzfeldt's 'World of tomorrow' and my favorite Rúnar Rúnarsson's 'Echo', it's a perfect piece of surrealist chaos. 10/10
My happiest, unexpected surprise of the week!
/ Female Director
🍿 Love (2016), a lovely meditation on nature, poetry and cats in the cosmos. 8/10.
/ Female Director
Françoise Dorléac X 2:
🍿 Her name was Françoise ("Elle s’appelait Françoise") is a fluff bio-piece about the utterly gorgeous model-actress, who died at a fiery car-crush at 25, and who left a legacy of only a few important films. It includes previously-unseen, enchanting clips and photos from her short life. But then is cuts into her and sister Catherine Deneuve practicing their "Pair of Twins" song-and-dance from 'The Young Girls of Rochefort', the most charming musical in the world, and life is sunny again.
/ Female Director
🍿 That man from Rio, her breakthrough film, was a stupid James Bond spoof, inspired by 'The adventures of Tintin'. Unfortunately, it focused on protagonist Jean-Paul Belmondo, and used Dorléac only as eye-candy. It's the first film I've seen from Brasília, just a few years after it was constructed. 2/10.
Paintings and Film X 3:
🍿 'Painting Nerds' is a YouTube channel by 2 Scottish artists, putting up intelligent video essays about the art of painting. Paintings In Movies: From '2001: A Space Odyssey' to 'Portrait of a Lady on Fire' is an insightful meditation which explores the relationship between the two art forms. Among the many examples it touches on are the canvases in Hitchcock's 'Rebecca' and 'Vertigo', 'The French Dispatch', 'Laura' and 'I'm thinking of ending things'. They even made a Wellesian trailer for that essay, When Citizen Kane met Bambi : The Lost Paintings of Tyrus Wong!
🍿 So I decided to see some of the movies mentioned above, f. ex. Hitchcock's The Trouble with Harry from 1955. Famous for being Shirley MacLaine's film debut, his first collaboration with Bernard Herrmann, and this being his only "real" comedy. However, the only engaging element among the idiotic machinations on screen were the stunning VistaVision landscapes, painted in true Vermont autumn colors.
🍿 All the Vermeers in New York is my [5th film about Vermeer, and] my first film by prolific indie director Jon Jost. The Scottish essay above interpretated it as a "Charming mirroring of art and life, but also a deeply sad film... The gallery scene shows the transmission of feeling from painting to person, and ultimately, the vast amount of space between them. It plays out the entire drama of the film in microcosm.." But that Met Gallery scene was the only outstanding one in an otherwise disjointed experiment about the NYC art world. The abrasive stockbroker who falls for a French actress at the museum and mistakes her for a woman from the painting was mediocre and irritating. 3/10.
First watch: Jim Jarmusch's Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai, an homage to Melville's Le Samouraï. An RZA mood piece about a ritualistically-chill black assassin / Zen Sensei, who communicates only with carrier pigeons, and who drives alone at night in desolate streets on mafia missions. 'Live by the Code, die by the Code'.
Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore, Scorsese's only melodrama with a female protagonist (? - haven't seen 'Boxcar Bertha' yet). It opens in a tinted Wizard of Oz scenery, and tells of an ordinary single mom who dreams of becoming a singer. Hardly a feminist story, as she navigates between one unloving husband, an abusive lover and eventually bearded Kris Kristofferson, who ends up beating her son and promises not to do it again. 3/10.
[I finally watched it because of this clip of 15-year-old Jody Foster singing Je t'attends depuis la nuit de temps on French television].
The new well-made HBO documentary The Truth vs Alex Jones. About the collective mental sickness that is Amerika. It's hard to imagine how insane are the crazies over there. 💯 score on Rotten Tomatoes.
3 more shorts:
🍿 The Most Beautiful Shots In Movie History, a little mash-up clippy from The "Solomon Society" with an evocative Perfect day cover.
🍿 Joana, a beautiful tribute of a Spanish father to his little daughter. Reminds me of better times and another daughter.
🍿 From hand to mouse, a mediocre 1944 'Looney Tune' short from Chuck Jones, with the same dynamics that the Coyote & Road Runner did much better.
Ramy Youssef X 3:
🍿 I discovered first-generation Egyptian-American stand-up comedian Ramy Youssef. In his funny 2019 special, Feelings, he comes across as a sweet dude, a sensitive, observant Muslim, on a complicated spiritual quest in New Jersey. Recommended!
🍿 Ramy was his A24 TV-series that expanded on the themes. It had more of a sitcom vibes, reminiscent of 'Master of None', another one that dealt with an unexplored ethnicity, previously marginalized. I only watched the first season, and liked how unapologetic he was in having large part of the dialogue in other languages, Arabic, French, Etc. Episode 7, "Ne Me Quitte Pas", starring his screen-mom Hiam Abbass was a terrific stand-out.
🍿 “Where were you when the floods happened in Pakistan?”
More feelings, his brand new stand up which just dropped is dark and gentle. It opens with some dark truths from his friend Steve who wants to die, and moves right into the situation in Palestine.
(Later: He hosted Saturday Night Live this weekend.)
(My complete movie list is here)
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taperwolf · 2 years ago
I didn't take my own photo of this thrift store find — $5, and all the repair work to get it running was cleaning old alkaline battery leakage off the contacts — but that's because this other site I found had the box, too, and that's a much cooler photo.
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Yup, a vintage metal detector, the Micronta 3001. An all-transistor design from Radio Shack with three knobs, an analog meter, and a mono headphone jack, it dates back to the 1970s, which the box's typography makes very clear. (I think Radio Shack stopped using the Micronta brand name altogether in the '80s.) It's barely removed from the early WWII-surplus mine sweepers, and as such the most common response to people asking "How do I use this?" on metal detector forums is "throw it away and buy X instead", where X is a more modern detector in the $200 range. That said, now that I've got it beeping, I think I'll look up the local regs and take it out to a local park for a spin. It'll be interesting to see what kind of beer cans and rusty pennies I can find.
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animar64 · 2 months ago
Behind This Door
WP Prompt: What makes you feel nostalgic? Photo A.M. Moscoso The sound of thunder, the crackle of logs in the fireplace Bing Crosby singing  “Silver Bells” take me back to a time in my life when the world was full of spectacular adventures scraped knees, my favorite songs playing on a transistor radio and monsters only came out at night when the moon was full and the world smelled like caramel…
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Vintage Regency Transistor Radio, Inside Label Reads Model TR-1G, Clear Case, AM Band, 4 Transistors, Made In USA, Circa 1955 - 1956
Vintage Regency Transistor Radio, Inside Label Reads Model TR-1G, Clear Case, AM Band, 4 Transistors, Made In USA, Circa 1955 - 1956 by Joe Haupt Via Flickr: The Regency Division of I.D.E.A (Industrial Development Engineering Associates) produced the first practical transistor radio, the TR-1. The company announced the TR-1 on October 18, 1954, and put it on sale in November 1954. Model TR-1G followed in 1955. This clear case model is very rare and dates to around 1955 to 1956. The front of the radio looks like a TR-1 model while having a TR-1G back cover. This radio was given to a marketing company to use in developing recommendations for improving sales of the Regency transistor radio. Regency rejected the recommendations of the marketing company which was allowed to keep this radio. I purchased the radio from an employee of that company.
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armazenamentoscans · 3 months ago
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The History of GODZILLA ゴジラ年表 Godzilla Timeline 上の写真はビキニ環礁での水爆実験……………。1954(昭和20)年のことだ。原水爆に眠りを覚まされたゴジラの年表もここに始まる。 あかしゴジラが時代の中に生きている証が見えてくる。The photo above shows the hydrogen bomb test at Bikini Atoll… This event took place in 1954 (Showa 20). It marks the beginning of the timeline of Godzilla, who was awakened by the power of the hydrogen bomb. A symbol of Godzilla living through the ages starts to emerge here. 1954(昭和20) 1954 (Showa 20) この年の3月、ビキニ環礁で水爆実験が行 われた。当時、この海域で操業中だった自 本のマグロ漁船が、被爆。いわゆる「第五 福竜丸事件」である。米ソ冷戦下の状況ともあいまって、核兵器 の脅威を、人々に肌で感じさせた。その事件の記憶も生々しい、日月3日、水 爆人怪獣「ゴジラ」がスクリーンにその異 形の姿を現した。世紀のスーパーモンスタ ーの誕生である。In March of this year, a hydrogen bomb test was conducted at Bikini Atoll. At that time, a Japanese tuna fishing boat operating in the area was exposed to radiation, in what became known as the “Fukuryu Maru Incident”. With the context of the Cold War between the U.S. and the Soviet Union, the threat of nuclear weapons became a tangible fear for many. The memory of this event was still fresh when, on November 3rd, the monstrous figure of the hydrogen bomb-powered Godzilla appeared on the big screen, marking the birth of a legendary super-monster. 1953(昭和30) 1953 (Showa 28) 前作では東京を壊滅の危機に追い込んだゴ ジラが再び大阪に上陸する。「ゴジラの逆襲」 (4月5日公開)のクライマックスはアン ギラスとの大阪城決戦だ。7月、石原慎太郎が、「太陽の季節」を発表。 太陽族という言葉が真言語となった。トラ ンジスタラジオが初めて発売される。In this sequel, Godzilla, who previously brought Tokyo to the brink of destruction, lands in Osaka. The climax of “Godzilla Raids Again” (released April 5) is the battle at Osaka Castle with Anguirus. In July, Shinichiro Ishihara published “The Season of the Sun”, which made the term “Sun Tribe” a popular expression. This year also saw the release of the first transistor radios. 1956(昭和31) 1956 (Showa 31) 日本原子力研究所が発足(6月)。気象庁ができたのもこの年、7月のことである。設営。 第一次南極観測隊が南極観測船「宗谷」で 日月に日本を出発、翌年1月、昭和基地をゴジラのライバル、ラドンが、「空の大怪獣 ラドン」(2月5日)でスクリーンデビュー。「機関車よりも強く」でおなじみのスーパ ーマンが日本のブラウン管に登場したのも この年。The Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute was established in June, and the Japan Meteorological Agency was founded in July. In the same year, the first Antarctic research expedition set out from Japan aboard the research ship “Soya”, reaching Antarctica in January the following year. Godzilla’s rival, Rodan, made his screen debut in “The Flying Monster Rodan” (released February 5). Superman, known for his catchphrase “Stronger than a locomotive”, also made his appearance on Japanese television this year. 1957(昭和32) 1957 (Showa 32) 8月、東海村に日本初の原子何がともった。大陸をわたって、敵国を直接攻撃のできる ICBM(大陸間弾道弾)の実験がソ連で成功。(8月)さらに、10月には、世界初の人工衛星の打 ち上げにも成功するなど、軍事、宇宙開発 両面でソ連がアメリカの優位に立った。 上野動物欄にモノレールがオープン。In August, Japan’s first nuclear reactor was established in Tokai Village. The Soviet Union successfully tested an ICBM (Intercontinental Ballistic Missile) that could directly attack enemy nations across continents (August). Moreover, in October, the Soviets succeeded in launching the world’s first artificial satellite, surpassing the U.S. in both military and space development. A monorail opened at Ueno Zoo. 1958(昭和33) 1958 (Showa 33) アメリカもこの年、人工衛星の打ち上げに 成功(1月) This year, the United States also succeeded in launching an artificial satellite (January).
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desertdarlingandco · 5 months ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: TOSHIBA | Vintage 1959 Japan TR-193 Blue Lace Transistor Radio W/ Case.
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joehaupt · 4 months ago
Vintage Bulova Bantam Transistor Radio, 1120 Series, AM Band, 7 Transistors, Made In Japan (702 Manufacturer Code), Circa 1966
Vintage Bulova Bantam Transistor Radio, 1120 Series, AM Band, 7 Transistors, Made In Japan (702 Manufacturer Code), Circa 1966 by Joe Haupt Via Flickr: www.flickr.com/photos/51764518@N02/54119723088/in/photost...
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sohannabarberaesque · 8 months ago
HAIR BEAR, during a somewhat dull moment at the Secret Surf and Dive Spot more than anything: Uh, Square, turn on the shortwave and tune it around to see if there's anything interesting in the listening department....
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onenettvchannel · 5 months ago
DEVELOPING STORY: 'Favorite Music Radio' launches new flagship FM station in Manila? [#OneNETnewsEXCLUSIVE]
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QUEZON, MANILA -- Local airwaves in National Capital Region (NCR) are soon to welcome a new player as Favorite Music Radio [FMR] (or much simply as 'FM Radio', but not actual the transistor or digital radio unit model), the newest flagship music and news FM radio station, prepares for a test broadcast later this month in October 2024 under the banner of Philippine Collective Media Corporation (PCMC).
Citing from an Instagram post named 'DJ Jhai Ho', whose real name as 'Ms. Jireh Nepomuceno Seruelo', a former DJ of DWRR-FM 101.9mhz's My Only Radio: Manila and current Showbiz News anchor of DWPM-AM Radyo 630 in Quezon City, Metro Manila… The listeners in and outside of Manila returns home after 4 years off-the-air due to nationwide franchise shutdown of the ABS-CBN radio network.
Originally slated to operate from Barangay Sagkahan in 'Tacloban, Leyte' via DYDR-FM 100.7mhz's FM Radio: Tacloban, the station could well be relocated to 'Manila, NCR' and soon on migrations for an instance, becoming a regional affiliate station alone in Tacloban City.
Within a series of video teasers on Facebook (owned by Meta Platforms Inc. [MPi]), the newest FM station is expected possibly to broadcast on the same FM frequency dial of 101.9, or a different vacant frequency dial, bringing a fresh mix of music and news to the bustling metropolis area. OneNETnews cannot independently verify the authenticity of this report.
Yet, the station awaits official confirmation in press release from the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) and the Kapisanan ng mga Brodkaster ng Pilipinas (KBP) to secure a new and official callsign of 'FM Radio: Manila' under PCMC and Prime Media Holdings.
This is a developing story, mga ka-Serbisyo! We will update this piece of this news story once new information comes out later.
SOURCE: *https://www.facebook.com/100072995529939/posts/532944469148733 [Referened FB Captioned Post via Anonymous Insider] *https://www.facebook.com/groups/thephilippineradioandtransmitterantennaandstudio/posts/1514770952520710/ [Referenced FB Captioned Group Post via Anonymous Insider] *https://www.instagram.com/p/DAGH5PRzhop/ [Referenced IG PHOTO #1 via DJ Jhai Ho] *https://www.instagram.com/p/DAcKfiTTZtp/ [Referenced IG PHOTO #2f via DJ Jhai Ho] *https://www.facebook.com/FMRadioPhils/videos/1372531127040815/ [Referenced FB VIDEO #1 via FM Radio PH] *https://www.facebook.com/FMRadioPhils/videos/1551904828734751/ [Referenced FB VIDEO #2 via FM Radio PH] and *https://www.facebook.com/FMRadioPhils/videos/456649386719322/ [Referenced FB VIDEO #3f via FM Radio PH]
-- OneNETnews Online Publication Team
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