#Trale beauty
tralebeauty · 2 years
Four Esthetician Rules to Live By
As an esthetician who likes both to give and receive facials, you have a very good awareness of the do’s and don’ts needed to have a successful career in esthetician program Plano.
When you travel to different cities for my appearances, you schedule facials incognito, because as part of my own personal ongoing education, it’s important to be aware of what it feels like to be in my client’s shoes.
Through the years, you’ve had many great experiences, and some not-so-great, so you’ve comprised my own list of esthetician rules that believe ensure a pleasant experience.
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1. Never chew gum and always have good breath
To maintain a professional appearance, never chew gum when working with a client, opting for breath mints instead. you’ve also made it a rule that you do not eat garlic the night before you will be working on facial clients to avoid any strong orders (and never eat tuna fish sandwiches on my lunch break in between clients).
2. Never wear perfume, but be sure to choose a good shower gel
Because you are working very closely with clients, it is important to not wear any scents that could be offensive to your clients. No one wants to be distracted with a strong perfume smell, but certainly washing daily with a neutral-scented body gel is crucial for good hygiene. Also, there is nothing worse than having your esthetician smell like smoke so refraining from that is a must.
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3. Wear a neutral color nail polish and keep nails short and clean
Because it is important to keep a professional appearance while wearing my white clinical lab coat, choose to wear a neutral color nail polish (such as pale pink) to maintain a professional image. This is something you are taught in your esthetician program Plano.
4. Stay on schedule
It’s certainly common to run behind schedule with clients, especially when you have someone with a lot of clogged pores that require heavy duty extractions. In addition, clients will occasionally show up for their appointment late, and that could potentially set behind the whole day. You are taught how to manage these situations when you enrol in an esthetician program Plano.
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sumbluespruce · 2 years
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TraLee beauties
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Madame Putiphar Readalong. Book Two, Chapter XXIV:
An intimate/claustrophobic chapter this week, only just two characters in a room full of palpable tension. One of them will win this battle, but perhaps not the war. It is still extremely satisfying to see Debby’s psychological evolution, from silently suffering, too afraid to call attention on herself to being completely cold blooded and ready to defend herself.
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detail of “Two ladies duelling with pistols”. Engraving, 1792. Wellcome Collection.
Gave de Villepastour decides to pay Debby a visit, to thank her for staying silence and not telling her husband his various instances of harassment and rape attempts. (and to give the whole thing yet another try)
To add insult to injury, Gave addresses Deborah as “countess” and “milady”, after having claimed to be unsure about her title when Patrick tried to prove he hadn’t murdered her (as we know, the truth is irrelevant to Gave, all that matters is powerplay)
Once again Gave approaches sex as a contract (the typical post 1700's libertine novel scene where the rake exposes the reasons for the waif to accept having sex, combining intellectual arguments, monetary persuasion, and a pedagogy against religious prudery, from Sade’s, Choderlos’ and Diderot’s rakes, to Balzac’s, and surely many more)
We are told this is happening at the same time Patrick was kissing Putiphar’s hem, which politically speaking, stresses the similarities and differences in their situations. In a metaphysical level it probably stresses their status as twin souls, predestined halves, they are both in danger at the same time, but as always, the political aspect is inseparable from the mystical and the heaviest here, the threat comes from aristocrats in a position to play with their would-be-food.
Gave continues to be gross and insulting (and stupid, interpreting Debby’s silence as his having a chance), Debby is surprisingly calm and in control. She reads though Gave too, asserting that he fears ridicule more than anything.
Gave retorts by offering Debby what he frames as the opportunity of a lifetime: being pimped out by him to the king himself (this will be extremely relevant in chapters to come), since Putiphar is “old” and Kings bore easily (or so Gave thinks, Pompadour was skilled at changing roles and staying relevant)
Debby is rightfully outraged, but why should the Marquis be respectful towards her, when he holds so much power over her in his hands? He kindly reminds her of the trial in Tralee. He can make an example out of Patrick with extreme ease... unless she agrees to let him fuck her.
It’s important that while Debby is disgusted, she arguments that she refuses because she trusts Villepastour to break his vow immediately as soon as he gets what he wants.
Villepastour replies with manipulation: Since he claims he has to dishonour himself if Deborah wants him to help Patrick, it’s only fair for her to be dishoured by him to return the favour (once again, transactional language, he only offers her “(...)un échange de déshonneur contre déshonneur”. He gets a good line after that, very “poésie du mal” to borrow from Balzac’s Lucien. Romantics loved an Aesthetic of Evil and this is a skilled example of that, even if Borel has not been interested in making Villepastour at all appealing:
“Believe me, be wise; let’s descend together in the abyss of evil, and let’s do it in our holiday clothes; let’s do it happily. One says the very bottom is covered in flowers where those who have dared reach its appalling edges and descended in its awful gorges get intoxicated with the rarest, proscribed pleasures. Let us not defy crime: it is, like certain women with an ugly mask, repulsive by its vulgarity; but often, just as with these women, it has secret beauties concealing ineffable pleasures as well.”
(tr. By @sainteverge )
“Believe me, be wise”: wake up from religious slumber that deprives you from “criminal”pleasures. A very Enlightenment argument. Which pleasures are labelled criminal? And by whom? Debby rejects his sadian/diderotian seduction techniques. She repeatedly claims it’s precisely religion which gives her the strength to reject his seduction and know he is not to be trusted. (which is extremely interesting. Borel reverses the Enlightenment reversal of the trope favouring religion endowing the waif with purity and strength. Let us keep in mind that Borel will defend Sade as a creative force later on, -a really brave stance, but more on that in the relevant chapter!!- )(SO. How does Borel feel personally about this type of scene, and about organized religion? Why does he chose to make his heroine a deeply catholic person? Is Debby’s trust in God undeserved? After all the narrator has also defined God as a torturer... who actively enjoys testing his most devoted follower’s faiths through suffering)
Gave also praises ugliness in women as a beauty that only the initiated can appreciate (makes me think of Hugo’s Josianne)(overall, a highly Romantic paragraph)
Debby rejects Villepastour, who decides if he cannot win her over intellectually he will this time have her by force. Not today. Debby pulls a pair of guns from under a cushion. She calmly asks him to leave and never to return since the next time he shows up she will kill him. There is fear and surprise in Gave, but even then he explicitly exposes the illuminist argument (which he has also used the time he broke into her home, with colonial undertones): he only wanted to help her! He wanted to extirpate from her mind the bourgeois morals and religious constraints entrapping it. And he jokes, the disgusting man dares to joke, that if he feels the “bellicose impulse” once more he will answer to her pistols with the armour and jousting weapons of his forefathers.
Debby is also keeping her cool. She attacks him right where it hurts him the most, his reputation and status as a nobleman:
“Monsieur the marquis, the deed seems hazardous to me, if I am to believe the chronicles; your ancestors were cleaning armours, but not wearing any.” Monsieur de Gave marquis de Villepastour was not expecting such a sharp comeback to his boasting; with his mouth clamped shut and a saddened air he walked out; and lady Deborah led him out with her pistols in hand and much politeness.”
(tr. once again by sainteverge)(read it here!!)
Extremely satisfying. And rare. A woman taking arms to defend herself? Seems rare to me, a person who has read a very limited ammount of authors of the period :P I can only think of Balzac's Laurence de Cinc-Cygne and the female spies in Les chouans.... there’s Fantine fighting back to her aggressor, and Madame Thenardier is also physically dangerous but is a different trope altogether...
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cowboyc0rps3 · 7 months
you’re beautiful, like the rose of tralee 🫶🏼
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penny00dreadful · 1 year
If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog. 💛
(if you've done this already feel free to disregard or throw up another 3 random facts!)
I have three random facts here but I'll happily give out a few more 🖤
I would describe my personal style as lazy goth.
Occasionally with hints of punk and grunge when the mood takes me. Also a little bit of rockabilly when I can be bothered to make an effort 😅
Dark green is my favourite colour.
I love it so much. My hair has been every colour under the sun. Brown, blonde, black, yellow, orange, red, pink, blue, teal, purple, lavender and finally a dark green that it has been for a while now. Teal used to be it for me, but this dark green... It owns my heart (currently) 🤣
Any of you ever heard of the Rose of Tralee?
If you've ever seen Miss Congeniality you know what I mean when I tell you the organisers smell their own farts when they say "it's not a beauty pageant. It's a scholarship program." Or according to them, a personality/talent competition more than a scholarship program but the sentiment is there (it's 100% a beauty pageant)
ANYWAY I was never a Rose or entered the competition to be one but I did work at the festival one year, running their social media and I nearly started to pursue social media manager type thing as a job but never did in the end.
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irishgolfadventure · 1 year
Redemption at Tralee
Today I was getting to play a course that I have played a couple of times before the Tralee Golf Links. It is one of my favorite courses that I have ever gotten to play. It’s one beautiful, challenging but fair course with some of the most amazing views you’ll ever see on a golf course.
I was paired with a couple from Seattle and a single golfer from Charleston. After yesterday’s performance, I was a little concerned about playing with a group that may have higher expectations of play than I could deliver. I quickly found out that we were of equal golf skills! 
The Golf God’s decided to let up on me today as far as pot bunkers go. I did get into three bunkers, two fairway and one green side. The fairway bunkers were deep in the direction of the green but you could walk into them from the back. So in order to avoid major catastrophes  I actually putted backwards out of the bunker and took my punishment. I wasn’t going to advance the balls that far toward the green with a good shot anyway!
That kind of brilliant course management:-) helped me shoot my second best  score of the trip - 86 (42-44). Seven pars, no triples or higher!! Finished my round parring the last three out of four holes!! Yeah for me!  I’ll post a few more pictures than normal today.
Kim has had a busy day with calls and will be finishing out her day at 7:30 tonight. She has calls in all U.S. time zones (5 to 8 hours earlier than here) so it can make for a long day for her! She’s a trooper!! I’ve asked her to keep her voice down on the calls so I could hear the announcers calling the PGA tournament......just kidding, You know what kind of reception I would get from Mrs. Bell  if I dared be so bold and insensitive!! :-)
We’re off to the iconic Foley’s Bar and Restaurant in Killarney later tonight and then we’re travel to Ballybunion tomorrow to play one of the most renown courses in the world. Tom Watson and many other notable professional golfers have listed it as their favorite course. Praying that my golf good fortunes continue! Blessings to all! gb
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Tralee Unveiled: Your Gateway to Authentic Irish Experiences
Discover the charm of Tralee, a picturesque town in County Kerry that offers an authentic Irish experience. Known for its rich history, vibrant culture, and stunning natural surroundings, Tralee is the perfect destination for travelers seeking a taste of Ireland's beauty and warmth.
From the famous Rose of Tralee Festival to the fascinating Kerry County Museum, from scenic coastal walks to lively traditional pubs, Tralee has something for everyone. Whether you're interested in exploring historical sites, enjoying outdoor activities, or immersing yourself in local culture, this town won't disappoint.
Learn more about what makes Tralee special and plan your visit with our comprehensive guide: https://www.thehighlandscarlingford.com/where-is-tralee-in-ireland/
Experience the heart of Ireland in Tralee - where history, nature, and Irish hospitality come together to create unforgettable memories.
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leprivatebanker · 17 days
Step inside the Rose of Tralee, a beauty pageant like no other
Gathered here in the south-west of Ireland, the women are judged not on looks but on strength of character
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wendersfive · 2 months
Train down from Dublin is quite lovely, you'd have to change at Mallow (in Cork) I think and then you'd be straight on into Tralee. I'd personally reccomend this over flying down from Dublin. Friends of mine do that flight regularly and say its grand but I wouldn't know much about getting from Farrenfore to Dingle. You'd probably have to get a bus to Tralee from the airport or get the train to Tralee from the airport and then go Tralee to Dingle. That just feels like its a lot in my opinion. I vote train all the way, you can relax a bit more I'd say. Also weather here is mad and unpredictable because while it will rain while you're here, it might also be a little humid. Best bet is to keep an eye on the forecast before you pack but also pack for every possibility
Good morning travel friend. I thought you might want to know. I'm booked!! With applying your shared local knowledge I have found my way to Dingle. I look forward to the beauty of Ireland. I'm going to pack for our fall - so layers - and I can adjust as the day goes on.
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Sending you some wild daisies and clover. (springtime, front yard)
Take care and enjoy your week. Cheers!! 🍻 W
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mybuilderireland · 3 months
Transform Your Home with MyBuilder.ie Professional plastering services @mybuilderireland
Are you in search of top-notch plastering services in Ireland to transform your residential or commercial space? Look no further! From Dublin to Galway, Cork to Limerick, Waterford to Swords, and everywhere in between, we've got you covered with a comprehensive list of professional plastering contractors ready to exceed your expectations. 
Residential Plastering Galway - Enhance the beauty of your home with expert residential plastering services in Galway, ensuring a flawless finish that will leave your walls looking impeccable. 
Professional Plasterers Cork - Trust in professional plasterers in Cork to deliver high-quality results for all your plastering needs, whether it's a new construction project or a renovation. 
Plastering Contractors Limerick - When it comes to plastering contractors in Limerick, experience matters. Choose skilled professionals who can handle any plastering job with precision and expertise.
House Plastering Waterford - Give your house in Waterford a fresh new look with top-of-the-line house plastering services that will add value and beauty to your property. 
Interior Plastering Swords - For interior plastering in Swords that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing, rely on experts who understand the ins and outs of creating flawless interior surfaces. 
Exterior Plastering Dundalk - Protect and beautify the exterior of your property in Dundalk with expert exterior plastering services that will withstand the test of time and weather. 
Plaster Repair Tallaght - Don't let damaged plaster ruin the appearance of your home. Trust in professional plaster repair services in Tallaght to restore your walls to their original glory. 
Ceiling Plastering Drogheda - Achieve a seamless and polished look for your ceilings in Drogheda with expert ceiling plastering services that will elevate the overall ambiance of your space.
Go to www.MyBuilder.ie were you will find multiple top "Class Plastering Contractors" 
 Wall Plastering Bray - Whether you're renovating or building from scratch in Bray, quality wall plastering services are essential for creating a smooth and durable surface that will stand the test of time.
Skimming Services Navan - For a flawless finish on your walls, opt for skimming services in Navan that will provide a smooth and even surface ready for painting or wallpapering. 
Drywall Plastering Ennis - Trust in experienced professionals for drywall plastering services in Ennis that will ensure a strong and durable finish for your walls. 
Plastering Quotes Kilkenny - Get accurate and competitive plastering quotes in Kilkenny from reputable contractors who will work within your budget to deliver exceptional results.
Plastering Companies Tralee - When choosing plastering companies in Tralee, prioritize those with a proven track record of excellence and customer satisfaction for peace of mind.
Affordable Plastering Services Carlow - Quality doesn't have to come at a high price. Discover affordable plastering services in Carlow that offer exceptional value without compromising on quality. 
So, whether you're looking to revamp your home's interior, enhance your property's curb appeal, or repair damaged plaster, these top plastering services in Ireland have you covered. Don't settle for anything less than the best when it comes to transforming your space with expert plastering solutions. Reach out to our professional plasterers today and take the first step towards achieving the space of your dreams!
Visit www.MyBuilder.ie today and let the Professionals take care of your Project.
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tralebeauty · 2 years
How To Choose the Right Beauty Course?
You've made the decision to pursue a career in the beauty business, but how should you select a beauty course?
You’re unclear of the direction you want to go without putting yourself in a box. You could also be seeking for the finest beauty training to improve your abilities.
But how can you tell which beauty course is best for you?
Were here to assist you! We’re providing you with some advice that we utilize to assist potential students in selecting the best esthetician program Plano!
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1.Knowing Your Passion Helps to Choose the Right Beauty Course. 
That seems like the ideal starting point, right?
You should be aware of the area of beauty you are most interested in pursuing before you start looking at courses.
Are you interested in training to become a holistic beauty therapist, a face massage specialist, a skincare expert, or a nail technician?
Despite the fact that they are all quite distinct, it is simple to assume that most jobs in the beauty business are identical.
2. What Are the Types of Beauty Schools To Choose A Beauty Course?
What sort of institution should you go to finish your beauty course now that you are aware of the beauty field you want to pursue?
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Beauty Colleges:
Although they may initially appear to be pricey, we advise taking this path for individuals who are devoted to working in the beauty sector. Once you get work, you will soon recover your expenses.
These institutions that offer esthetician program Plano frequently feature a salon on the premises so students may put what they have learned into practise.
Additionally, reduced class sizes will result in more one-on-one time with tutors for students.
3. Check the Course Modules Are Right for You
Although the various courses may all offer you the same result, they do not follow the same path.
Researching the many esthetician program Plano can help you concentrate on your goals.
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You could discover that some beauty classes emphasise theory while others put more of a practical emphasis.
4. Know What Your Requirements Are from The Beauty Course
They always explain their expectations of you when you sign up for a course. But what are the demands you have of the teacher, the institution, and the tutors?
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celtfather · 1 year
The Great Selkie #622
There’s a great selkie on our beautiful Celtic Earth on the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #622. This is the last day to support our Kickstarter. Please make a pledge!
Leaping Lulu, TJ Hull and Amanda Caretta - Hull, Seán Heely, Juha Rossi, Niamh Parsons, Beltaine, Chris Gray, Fire In The Glen, Slugger's Rule, Drumspyder, Screaming Orphans, Avalon Rising, Iain MacHarg
The Celtic Music Magazine is a quick and easy way to plug yourself into more great Celtic culture. Subscribe and get 34 Celtic MP3s for Free.
This is our way of finding the best songs and artists each year. You can vote for as many songs and tunes that inspire you in each episode. Your vote helps me create next year's Best Celtic music of 2023 episode.  Vote Now!
Two weeks after the episode is launched, I compile your votes to update a playlist on Spotify and YouTube. These are the results of your voting. You can help these artists out by following the playlists and adding tracks you love to your playlists. Follow us on Facebook to find out who is added each week.
Listen on Spotify and YouTube.
0:02 - Intro: Edward Johnson
0:26 - Leaping Lulu "Craig's Pipes/The Mountain Road/The Gravel Walk" from Celtic Night Live
4:06 - WELCOME
5:58 - TJ Hull and Amanda Caretta - Hull "Cooley's" from Tippy Taps
10:42 - Seán Heely "'S i Mòrag puirt à beul" from Dramagical
14:14 - Juha Rossi "The Rights of Man" from Irish Tunes on Mandolin
17:43 - Niamh Parsons "Bold Doherty" from In My Prime
21:59 - FEEDBACK
24:03 - Beltaine "Whisky Rye" from Mercy
27:03 - Chris Gray "An Buachaillin Ban" from Fuist!
35:02 - Fire In The Glen "Drunken Sailor" from Cutting Bracken
38:22 - Slugger's Rule "Whiskey You're the Devil" from Greatest Hits: Volume II
41:19 - THANKS
42:26 - Drumspyder "Tralee Gaol" from Sunne and Mona
46:17 - Screaming Orphans "This Is the Life" from Paper Daisies
48:51 - Avalon Rising "The Great Selkie" from Avalon Rising
53:53 - Marc Gunn "Kilty Pleasure 2023 (feat. The Muckers)" from Selcouth
57:53 - CLOSING
59:43 - Iain MacHarg "Glen Nevis Ridge Set" from Ceòl Na Beinne    Music of the Mountain
1:02:45 - CREDITS
The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast was produced by Marc Gunn, The Celtfather and our Patrons on Patreon. The show was edited by Mitchell Petersen with Graphics by Miranda Nelson Designs. Visit our website to subscribe to the show. You’ll find links to all of the artists played in this episode.
Todd Wiley is the editor of the Celtic Music Magazine. Subscribe to get 34 Celtic MP3s for Free. Plus, you’ll get 7 weekly news items about what’s happening with Celtic music and culture online. Best of all, you will connect with your Celtic heritage.
Finally, please tell one friend about this podcast. Word of mouth is the absolute best way to support any creative endeavor.
Promote Celtic culture through music at http://celticmusicpodcast.com/.
* Helping you celebrate Celtic culture through music. I am Marc Gunn. I’m a musician and podcaster out of Atlanta, Georgia. This Podcast is here to build our diverse Celtic community and help the incredible artists who so generously share their music with you. If you hear music you love, please email artists to let them know you heard them on the Irish and Celtic Music Podcast.
You can find a link to all of the artists in the shownotes, along with show times, when you visit our website at celticmusicpodcast.com.
Do you have the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast app? It’s 100% free. You can listen to hundreds of episodes of the podcast. Download it now.
Hey Celtic Bands, I’m looking for new music and stories in 2023. To submit your band, just complete the permission form at 4celts.com. You’ll also find information on how to submit a story behind one of your songs or tunes.
Get a free Celtic Musicians Guide to Digital Music eBook. email gift@bestcelticmusic
Because of Your kind and generous support, this show comes out at least four times a month. Your generosity funds the creation, promotion and production of the show. It allows us to attract new listeners and to help our community grow.
As a patron, you get music - only episodes before regular listeners, vote in the Celtic Top 20, and you get a private feed to listen to the show.  All that for as little as $1 per episode.
A special thanks to our newest Patrons of the Podcast:
Go to our Patreon page.
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Keep listening to the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast to celebrate Celtic culture through music.
You can become a generous Patron of the Podcast on Patreon at SongHenge.com.
Every year, I take a small group of Celtic music fans on the relaxing adventure of a lifetime. We don't see everything. Instead, we stay in one area. We get to know the region through its culture, history, and legends. You can join us with an auditory and visual adventure through podcasts and videos.
In 2023, we’re going on a Celtic Invasion of County Mayo in Ireland. We’re gonna explore the area and get to know Grace O’Malley, the Pirate Queen. Learn more about the invasion at http://celticinvasion.com/
#celticmusic #irishmusic #celticmusicpodcast
What are you doing today while listening to the podcast? You can send a written comment along with a picture of what you're doing while listening. Or how about a picture you took of a band that you saw.
Email me at celticpodcast@gmail, message me on Facebook, or contact me through Mastodon @[email protected].
Raven Lunatic replied to my Celtic Music Magazine request: "I have been going back and listening to episodes of your podcast I missed! Walked in Baltimore St Padraig’s Parade on Sunday. Will be starting the feast day with a Mass then full Irish breakfast!!"
Adam Young replied: "Hi Marc -  -
I'm usually working while listening, doing graphic design work or something similar...or just sitting and concentrating on the music itself.
I've got two gigs on St. Patrick's Day, so I'll be out in the pubs (2 - 5 pm and 8 - 10 pm) in Sydney, NS, and joining a fellow artist (who you've featured recently), Mary Beth Carty, at her session in the morning.
That's also how I'm celebrating the culture through music this St. Patrick's Day!  Our focus is more Scottish music, but we'll be throwing as much Irish into the mix as we possibly can...and staying away from green beer and pots of gold and leprechauns...
Best of luck on the show(s)! Thanks"
Roger replied: "Greetings Marc from Kendal UK  its snowing. been making a Shepherds Pie for tea while listening to the last episode with the odd stop to practise my bodhran against a song... i need lots of practice...
keep up your good work. your podcast is essential listening especially if you have a ceiling to wall paper. best regards"
  Check out this episode!
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jessicazoe · 2 years
Esthetician Program Plano – Top Benefits of Becoming an Esthetician via Trale Beauty Inc.
Trale Beauty Academy is providing one of Plano’s finest esthetician programs, providing excellent esthetician training and classes. Becoming an esthetician is a rewarding career path that provides numerous benefits, such as the ability to work in a growing field, the ability to help others feel their best, and the opportunity to be your own boss. Growth In Employment and Stability The demand…
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lunaetis · 2 years
@tragidies asked :
‘dehya, darling…’
the words come from kaveh lightly, leaning on his elbow on the table, eyes traling over her face. she’s so captivating, truly, he wonders how no one else has seen it. he reaches over the table to take her hand, lifting it to press a kiss to the back of it before he speaks, pencil twirling in his free hand.
‘…would you turn your head a bit towards the light ?? your eyes are stunning like this, though i doubt i’d truly be able to do them justice on mere paper.’
unprompted. || always accepting
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─「ديهيا」─  relaxing and slow time was something the mercenary appreciated greatly. not to say that she had any qualms going out on adventures or taking dangerous jobs to get her blood pumping, however, when it comes to leisure time with someone she cares about, the FLAME-MANE treasured that more than anything in the world.
                that was why the moment she heard him call her name, the way his voice dipped in that sweet tone and the loving pet name he applied after was more than enough to have her heart race slightly. her line of vision turned towards him, offering a quiet, acknowledging HUM and gaze softened the moment it landed on him. those flame-colored hues of his were more beautiful than the sunset itself. she allowed him to take her hand, only for her heart to skip a beat over the kiss he placed to the back of her rough skin.
                really, her battle-worn hands didn't deserve such affection from someone so delicate like himself.
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                " that should be my line, really. " the way she looked at him was so obvious just how much she was utterly smitten by the architect. she looked at him like he was the MOST BEAUTIFUL THING she had ever laid eyes upon, and he was, indeed, just like that. he might say that she was stunning, but the one who took her breath away on daily basis was him.
                " not that i have the artistic talent you do, so i could only capture yours in my eyes. " affectionately, she brought their connected hand to her lips, and returned that loving kiss to his knuckles. his hands were so delicate and slender, sometimes she was afraid she'd hurt them if she handled him too carelessly. " but that said — you know i'd never say no to you. " a wink, before her head tilted and her gaze drifted towards the warm light, but not without that absolute melting gaze shifting to him from the corner of her eyes.
                " like this ? "
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globaledg · 2 years
Universities in Ireland | Top Colleges in Ireland | Global Edge
Find top universities in Ireland along with their rankings, programs, tuition fees, admission process, requirements, and scholarships offered.
Known as “Emerald Isle” because of its lush green landscape, Ireland is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. Irish citizens are also very friendly and are very hospitable to foreigners. More so, this country has some of the best universities in the world. In fact, over the last decade, Ireland’s higher education system has played a big part in boosting the country’s economy.
So, are you planning to do your higher education in this beautiful country and are searching for universities in Ireland for international students?  Have a look at the list of universities of Ireland to study in:
Dublin City University (DCU) – One of the best universities of Ireland is Dublin City University. Established in 1975, it has quickly grown to become one of the most reputable universities in the world. This university is located on the northern side of Dublin Ireland and is surrounded by breath taking landscapes. DCU was elevated to university status in 1989. This university has been named as “The Sunday Times University Of The Year 2021”. DCU is ranked 439 in QS World University Rankings and has an overall score of 4.0 stars.
University of Limerick (UL) – If you are searching for not so expensive universities in Ireland for international students, then look no further than University of Limerick (UL). Based in the iconic city of Limerick which is approximately 1.5 hours from Dublin, this university is one of the most beautiful universities of Ireland. It boasts of both modern and historic buildings and offers over 60 UG programs and more than 71 PG programs across its four faculties.
UL is an independent, internationally focused university that has an excellent track record of innovation and research. The University also has an incredible support network system for international students.
Munster Technological University (MTU) – MTU is a multi-campus university that comprises of six campuses in Kerry and Cork. This affordable university of Ireland was established in January 2021 when two Institutes of Technology i.e. Cork Institute of Technology and IT Tralee merged. This university is located in the beautiful city of Cork.
MTU offers a wide range of courses, including engineering, masters of business administration, computer science, pharmaceutical science, and much more. In total, the university offers over 80 programs and over 120 post-graduate programs. MTU’s primary focus is to instill students with skills and knowledge that will enable them to be critical thinkers and problem solvers. This university has over 18,000 students from over 80 nations around the world.
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sharp-north · 2 years
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Photo dump of our first day on the Dingle Way (mostly all the animals we saw, lol)! 18 km from Tralee to Camp. A beautiful walk and some tasty treats at the end, so a pretty decent birthday! But definitely needing more ibuprofen and tiger balm than the last time we did one of these trips! https://www.instagram.com/p/CjlhTscrKaS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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