#Toussaint Anatole
cyanide-latte · 2 days
Random Toussaint "Tea" Anatole fact of the day:
While he typically gives the answer that he wants to be the patron to great artists someday, Tea rarely has found an opportunity to talk about his true dream. @tixdixl 's Rémi Delune is one of the few people who asks the precise question that prompts Tea to share the greater answer, and that it is one day he hopes to create the greatest multicultural annual art festival in Twisted Wonderland.
Though his own skills as a painter are amateurish, Tea is very skilled at creating connections with others and even before he and his brother start attending Royal Sword Academy, Tea has already been learning how to network and the value of it. He intends to spend his educational years making some of those connections, improving his networking, and carry on into his internship year with the bold hope to begin laying the groundwork for his dream.
This began back when his stepfather first met and formed a friendship with their family, and took them on a long adventure back to their home after they'd been stranded. Along the way, Tea began to pay attention to the art and culture of wherever they passed through and fell in love with the way people connect with one another through art, and that art itself takes many forms. Since then, he has wanted that wonderful festival to be real and open to every part of Twisted Wonderland and every person from every background in it, no matter their medium or craft~.
Taglist: @blithesharem @elenauaurs @inmateofthemind @ramshacklerumble @tixdixl
@distant-velleity @rainesol @thehollowwriter @theleechyskrunkly @twst-migraine
@natsukishinomiyaswife @the-trinket-witch (DM me if you'd like to be added or removed from the taglist for my TWST OCs stuff)
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shade-without-color · 6 years
The History of the Brossards Part I: Titus’ rise and how they came.
Note: So as a little break from working with my fantasy novel, I thought myself with the challenge of doing some serious world building a certain family which is the Brossards, given we have little information than the rebellion canonically. That took me a while to figure but somehow it came so perfectly and shoutout to @dukeofqueers for giving me a bouncing point on the French names idea! So feel free to put your thoughts here.
Perhaps what I chronicle for the Brossard Family, despite the tragic existence are names of greatness which King Reginald the Courageous took pains to erase its presence that entwined all of Lyria and to some extent Rivia. What I can find is from other libraries who somehow keep the records of a family that fortune took itself to cruel extents. A tragic reminder of human error which historians agreed with me, but I will tell you about intellect that caused its fall.
Who shall I started, ah, let me speak about Titus Brossard. Yes, insignificant in our context but he came by in the most of unlikely places, he was then a servant knight to a certain queen of Toussaint Honorine (This is before Anna Henrietta took her throne and Toussiant become a vassal state to Nilfgaard). He is noted to his peers to be a handsome fellow but silent. You may wonder how did he stumble to the sparring fields of Lyria. Simple I say, he saves King Tyre of Lyria from certain death, as usual by poison by a rival Northern kingdom. He was in watch in the feast with his queen Honorine when he observed a scrawling man dripping a small vial of poison from his doublet. He, along with a few men Anatole and Anselme, searching for the traitor and he was eventually brought to justice by the king. Deeply moved by his swift actions,  King Tyre rewarded him deeply with a land plot and a home in Lyria, which at first was a shock to him, given that he started out as a farmer’s boy who spent days harvesting grapes for the wines.
He, at first declined it, given that he swore himself to be on the queen’s side until his deathbed or some tragic incident for he must serve his people (That itself was a vow to Toussiant knight at that time) and him being a favourite companion to Honorine, however profoundly moved by his actions, Queen Honorine let go of him to stay by Tyre’s side in condition he would serve him as she served him long ago. Of course, Titus agreed and keeping in lieu of his Toussaint routes, he decided to changed his name to Tristan. He served his king well as his eyes and even got himself a Lyrain wife named Anthea from the Ahearn family, whom at first distrust the young knight but was eventually proved wrong when he saved her ailing father’s life.
She bore Tristan seven children, which I will chronicle their lifetimes, five survived to adulthood which brought pride to Tristan. I would go for those who passed on to the after shores. Little Jean, oh what a life cut short for he passed on from a hunting incident which he defies his parents’ instructions not to take the horses from far. Tristan, with a heavy heart, buried his child with a grand mausoleum commentating his downfall with angels watching over his slumber. It said that his wife, until the day which she passed, wept over the short life of Jean. It is said that in the wee hours of the morning on the day of his death, she would lay flowers
I would add Hugues, but I will tell his life before his eventful passing. He and his two brothers Kais and Eudes are nicknamed by the kingdom as the hounds of Brossard, akin to their family crest, and know to be exceptional spymasters and holders at court. Akin to their father’s, they hold such importance at King Tyre’s palace, which he looks favourably at Hugues as a favourable companion to one of his sons- Astruc, which they are invited to their estates which they went for hunting expeditions, along with the Brossard hounds named after the wines in Toussaint, Sangreal and Blessure. A tangible reminder of home for Tristain, however one winter Hugues stumble to a disease which crippled his lungs and then he died in the summer, with eyes sunken and a prayer to Saint Lebodia. He too was buried in the family mausoleum. His, unlike little Jean, his crypt was ornated with vines, and an effigy of him holding sword-eager to fight the hells. Kais and Eudes never recovered from his death, and this is when things soured in Lyria as they are blamed for the death of Astruc, a few weeks later by that same disease. Of course, that lead to the sudden death of King tyre which was terribly mourned in the Brossards
Aside from the misgivings, Kais and Eudes were treated with the utmost respect until they silently objected Queen Meve’s marriage to Reginald, fearing their rightful place to be lost. However Meve assured them that they will be liked, and of course with the intervention with their eldest sister, Cicely then the main head of the household when their father is ailing. She took part in intervening to be the handmaiden of Meve when she came to Rivia. She assigned her brothers duties with Eudes with the taxes with people who stay in the vicinity of the lands and Kais being the negotiator of all family squabbles. Of course, when news came that their kingdoms are unified, the brothers took the news with much reluctance, given that they saw that he placed much trust in Reynard Odo, a lowly captain than the experienced brothers. That my friend started much animosity with King Reginald the Courageous. I will tell you more, in another time.
I would add that Elenore’s story is at the most, brief. For she was taken in favourable marriage with a Temerian duke Philetus with much favour, and he was attracted by her beauty and quick wit which she has taken it from her mother. For what I know that she perished in the Brossard massacre along with her husband and children.
I will pause now, to introduce to a significant member to the Brossard family, which is linked to the last surviving member of the tragic Brossards-Gascon. You may know him as the Duke of Dogs, a bandit leader who terrorize Spalla with his gang “The Strays of Spalla”, for he was the youngest member of the Brossards and his father, differed from his wild occupation was a noble knight Tristan II. That itself will be another tale.
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theguideforwriters · 7 years
Under the cut, are 79 masculine names, of French origin.
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Nous ne marcherons plus ensemble - Pierre Reverdy Dans le monde étranger Plupart du temps.
Depuis des mois je redoutais novembre. Dès l’enfance, j’ai toujours entendu dire que la grande faucheuse s’activait en mars ou en novembre, à la suture des saisons, au sortir de l’hiver, à l’approche des mois sombres, où la nuit tombe tôt et où la tempête menace. Fatalité des rythmes climatiques ? Déterminisme immémorial ? Je ne sais. Un mystère demeure, qui a pour moi partie liée avec l’énigme primordiale de ce monde finistérien, la peur de l’Ankou, les intersignes, la porosité plus sensible avec l’Autre Monde qui a toujours saisi les peuples d’Armorique et dont Anatole Le Braz rend si justement compte dans sa
Légende de la mort
Dans un siècle rationalisé, désenchanté — au sens où il s’est vidé de tout ce qui est force d’envoûtement et acquiescement à un ailleurs qui nous dépasse —, cette crainte de novembre, mois noir — en breton miz du —, mois des morts, a de quoi surprendre. La plupart de nos contemporains sont insensibles aux saisons, à leur charnière, à cet entrebâillement mystérieux qui s’ouvre soudain sur des puissances qu’on préfère occulter ou fuir. Pour moi, cette crainte subsiste, tapie dans mes gènes et dans mes fibres. Je n’ai jamais vraiment aimé ce mois qui s’ouvre par la Toussaint — le rappel de la Grande Épreuve, de la cohorte glorieuse qui a lavé ses vêtements dans le sang de l’Agneau — et le jour des morts, les Anciens pensaient même que la frontière séparant le monde des trépassés de celui des vivants se faisait soudain moins présente, plus poreuse, et qu’un jeu de circulations s’établissait entre l’invisible et l’univers apparemment stable du réel.
Ces vérités ancestrales, mon père les avait entendues. Il les connaissait, mais leur accordait-il quelque crédit ? C’était profondément un fils du XXe siècle et, à cet égard, il en avait secrètement épousé la pente, croyant au bonheur et au confort matériel, chassant tout ce que l’âme bretonne peut avoir de noir et de mélancolique. Cette crainte de novembre le hantait-elle le 31 octobre, jour de son quatre-vingt-cinquième anniversaire, alors qu’il me confessait, au téléphone, pressentir qu’il n’irait pas beaucoup plus loin ? Ces choses sont indécidables et bien mystérieuses, tant cet homme avait une parole rare, contrôlée, et plus encore en ces domaines. Cinq jours avant cet anniversaire, la vérité sur son état — un cancer, parti du poumon, qui se généralisait à tout l’organisme — lui avait été signifiée sans qu’il manifeste aucune rage, aucune angoisse.
Je le vois encore revenir de l’hôpital, s’asseoir devant son poste de télévision, sa petite cuve à oxygène près de lui. Il portait en silence le poids de l’horreur qui venait de lui être dite. Il feignait de faire comme si de rien n’était, comme si la vie continuait, regardant un programme qu’il suivait régulièrement, ce lundi 26 octobre 2015, une édition de l’émission C dans l’air, consacrée au pape. Ma mère et ma sœur s’étaient rendues dans une pharmacie acheter de nouvelles réserves de morphiniques dont les doses prescrites augmentaient. Il souffrait, c’était évident. Je l’avais vu, le matin même, son petit déjeuner laborieusement pris, tarder à se relever, les mains serrées sur l’arête de la table, muet, hébété. Nos échanges s’étaient toujours limités à l’essentiel et je m’en étais voulu, après coup, d’être resté silencieux, de ne pas avoir osé dire quelques mots, alors que manifestement la souffrance, le mal qui rongeaient.
Dans la maison de la rue Berlioz qui basculait dans la nuit, l’angoisse me prenait soudain. Comme lui, je feignais de continuer à vivre, de m’accorder silencieusement à sa présence muette. Il aurait pu profiter de ce que je fusse seul avec lui pour me parler, pour me confier quelques intentions, le souhait de quelques dispositions. Il se savait condamné, il m’entendait glisser dans la pièce, et affectait de faire comme si rien n’avait changé, comme si cette affreuse vérité n’avait pas été formulée devant lui. C’était une affaire de semaines. Tout en reconnaissant le caractère faillible de sa prédiction, le médecin n’avait laissé aucun espoir. À la télévision les vaticanistes glosaient la dimension prophétique, révolutionnaire, presque anticléricale du pape. Tout cela intéressait-il vraiment mon père ? Qu’écoutait-il ? C’était pour moi comme un brouhaha lointain, inessentiel. La nuit froide enserrait la maison et je sentais plus cruellement encore sa morsure.
C’était mon père. J’étais son fils, l’aîné de ses enfants. Si loin que remonte ma mémoire, il m’a toujours un peu intimidé. Je le revois dans son bureau de percepteur à Bourbriac, dans cette pièce obscure et froide qui sentait le tabac, les dossiers, la rigueur des livres de comptes. Avec ma mère, on allait le saluer, l’école finie, les services de la perception fermés. Il était concentré, un brin austère avec ses lunettes d’écaille, plongé dans une lecture attentive, la vérification des chiffres, l’exactitude des opérations reportées.
Cette image me revient dans le bureau modeste, sans apprêt, les trombones et les élastiques posés dans des coupelles près du cendrier, un tapis de feutre disposé sur la table de travail, de manière à ne pas lustrer les manches du costume. Bourbriac est une bourgade rurale, toute la journée ont défilé dans la pièce voisine les retraités venus chercher leur pécule, des paysans, une population simple. On est au début des années 1960. Dans la grande machine administrative, mon père n’est qu’un maillon mais il endosse son rôle avec une rigueur et un sérieux qui me gardent à distance, il parle d’État, de commune, de « personne morale » — il doit jouer avec ma gravité d’élève intimidé et je n’en ai pas conscience —, abstractions qui me laissent au bord du vertige.
Dans son poste suivant, à quelques dizaines de kilomètres du premier — une autre bourgade des Côtes-du-Nord, plus évoluée peut-être, moins encroûtée —, la pièce où il travaille est plus moderne, plus lumineuse, la perception est une maison vaste et blanche avec, sur la façade, des parements de granite bleu de l’Île Grande mais le rituel du soir, au moment de l’achèvement de la vérification des opérations de la journée, demeure identique : je revois les tampons avec lesquels je joue et qui portent les noms des communes avoisinantes — Pédernec, Squiffiec, Landebaëron —, mon père me laisse les imprégner d’encre et j’applique sur une feuille vierge ces noms aussi exotiques pour moi que d’autres sans cesse proférés par mes grands-pères, Bizerte, Dakar, Saigon.
Novembre Philippe le Guillou
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cyanide-latte · 15 days
For Tea, Rand, and Xinyi:
failure: What's your OC's greatest failure? Have they been able to move past it? Does anyone else know about it?
wound: How does your OC handle being wounded? Are their wounds mostly physical? Mental? Emotional? What's the worst wound your OC has ever experienced?
Oohhh this should be interesting... Thank you!
Toussaint- He considers his greatest failure to be not recognizing that Rollo desperately needed help he wasn't getting and that it culminated in the Night of the Fire Lotuses. Tea feels like he failed his dear friend, again and again, and now it's led to this strange shift between them and he has no idea how to fix it or even if it can be fixed. (I'm sure many people know about it because Tea is desperate for any advice that could help him mend that.)
Bertrand- Refuses to admit his failures. (In actuality, as his creator I can tell you one of his greatest failures that is going to follow him into adulthood is that he fumbled when he confessed his feelings for Felix Pondicliff only for Felix to question his motivations, and as a result, Rand's inability to answer the question leads to him struggling with it. He tries (barely) to self-reflect, only to decide that he's so hurt and angry at the rejection that he's not going to self-reflect, and instead becomes bitter and angry about romantic love as a whole. He refuses to give an accurate account of what happened between him and Felix to most people, with only Rollo knowing the entire truth of what happened (and big sister Marianne having sussed out on her own the truth that Rand refuses to own up to.) Rand shot himself in the foot with this in more ways than one.)
Xinyi- Lol you want a list? No but in all seriousness, every time I think about what they consider their greatest failure, my mind goes back to the song "Reflection", specifically the lines "I will never pass for a perfect bride/ Or a perfect daughter". As Xinyi's kind of an inverse twist of Mulan, they're never going to be a perfect son for their parents. The way they discover their gender identity and express it, and hold to that truth about themselves has led their parents to hold them at a distance. Xinyi has long since come to accept that their relationship with their parents might be broken for the rest of their lives, (especially when they later marry Chrys Shroud, as Xinyi's parents and all but one of their sisters do not come to the ceremony.) It breaks their heart and they mourn the loss of that relationship, but they do eventually reach a point where they also understand their failure to be the ideal son their parents wanted is a small price to pay in order to become the person they are and were meant to be.
Toussaint and Bertrand are both fairly decent at handling physical injuries and wounds. Both are athletic, Tea doing boxing and Rand doing fencing, and both can handle being wounded, including very basic first aid for themselves and others in order to deal with such. Mental and emotional wounds are something neither is great at handling yet (see: Rollo's bullshit.) Tea will get there, he's more adaptable and wants to learn how to handle such wounds in himself to heal and move on. Rand is...gonna take a while. (See above: the terrible way he handles rejection.) Worst [physical] wound Tea's ever experienced so far were some broken bones in his tail when he was younger. Rand has been far more lucky with the worst he's ever had being a thorn he stepped on that had to be removed very carefully and with professional help.
Xinyi is smiling and threatening me with their fan. Which is fair, there's a fine line between answering this question and dredging up the trauma they're still healing from. They handle physical wounds very well on the other hand, and have a fairly high pain tolerance; worst physical injury they've ever had came from sparring with their cousin, Wei Renqiao. Ren was a lot more vicious and unrestrained when he was in early adolescence, and actually ended up accidentally slashing Xinyi across their midriff deep enough to require emergency medical help and to cause a fairly impressive scar. Ren was devastated by this and it is apparently why (I am just now learning) he makes such an effort to be gentle with everyone, whereas Xinyi is very proud of the entire thing, and it's why they don't underestimate/learn to pay closer attention to just how powerful Ren really is. (Which comes in clutch when Ren later Overblots and has to be stopped in his rampage...)
The ask prompts list! Still accepting these!
Taglist: @blithesharem @elenauaurs @inmateofthemind @ramshacklerumble @tixdixl
@distant-velleity @rainesol @thehollowwriter @theleechyskrunkly @twst-migraine (DM me if you'd like to be added or removed from the taglist for my TWST OCs stuff)
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cyanide-latte · 2 months
On the topic of more TWST OC headcanons and thoughts, a personal favorite I keep coming back to is one about French accents that I discussed with @tixdixl . (I know it's "not technically French" because this is TWST but for the sake of argument, the language is French so I'm fucking calling it French, flex your rubber band labeled Suspension Of Disbelief a little.)
The idea was that my boy Toussaint "Tea" Anatole is in discussion with their OCs Rémi and Eve, because iirc they're all from Fleur City and speak a more Parisian dialect of French.
Rook overhears this because of course he does, he's Rook, and since he's the dorm brother of my boy Copper and giving him some additional tutoring during lunch hour to help him brush up, Rook decides he's pulling Copper along with him and they're going to just join in on their conversation. They all speak French of course!
Except there's a very slight learning curve. Even their Fleur City dialects differ in minute ways between Tea, and Rémi and Eve, as they're from different parts of the city. That dialect is also different from Rook's French since he's from Sunset Savanna (I headcanon it's probably like West-African dialects of French) and it's also different from Copper's Cajun French. So it probably takes them all a second to adjust a little here and there. They do get there pretty quick though!
Taglist: @blithesharem @ramshacklerumble @inmateofthemind @tixdixl @elenauaurs
@rainesol @distant-velleity @thehollowwriter @theleechyskrunkly @twst-migraine (dm me if you want to be added or removed from the taglist for my TWST OC stuff!)
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cyanide-latte · 2 months
Does your OC ever get into physical altercations? How do they usually play out?
For Ren, Tea and Kit?
And thank you for this one too!
Wei Renqiao- Ren prefers to avoid fighting, it's really a waste of his time. HOWEVER, he will fight if he needs to, whether that's to defend someone or something he cares about or if it's in self-defense, or what. Circumstances CAN result in him getting into physical altercations...and typically, he wins. The more intense it gets, the more hits he takes, the harder and more viciously he fights. Ren when he cuts loose is TERRIFYING, especially because he loves the fight once he gets going. It's a chilling reminder to everyone who views him as a quiet gentle giant that he's deliberately choosing to be gentle, because it is the harder choice but the better one.
Toussaint "Tea" Anatole- Tea usually prefers fighting to be confined to a boxing ring or somesuchlike, and watched over and proceeding according to the rules of sportsmanship. And physical altercations with his siblings when they're all younger is different, sibling squabbles are natural. But an actual physical altercation? Tea dislikes it. There's no regard for the rules of engagement or respect between opponents. He will absolutely throw down if he has to, and he's very easily provoked, but he refuses to take the first couple of swings. (Solid advice from his "alley cat" stepfather.) I'd say in general, whether or not he wins a fight is 50/50, but you'd better believe even when he loses, Tea will give as good as he gets.
Hyacinthus "Kit" Shroud- Kit insists at some point when he was little that his dad told him "if you can crawl, you can brawl". (Chrys denies this happened, he has no idea where Kit got that from.) Though he's very gentle by nature, Kit has a Shroud temper, Wei family martial combat training, and a LOT of magical capability. Tack onto that the fact Bertrand Anatole later becomes his fencing instructor when Kit is signed up for it as a young teen (Xinyi insists their son learn multiple styles of sword fighting,) and he starts seeking out more magical dueling instruction once he starts attending NRC, and Kit's a little powerhouse with a somewhat short fuse. He doesn't like fighting because, much like big cousin Ren, he considers it a waste of valuable time and energy. But if he senses a fight is coming his way, he intends to end it soundly before it really gets going. And he intends to win.
The ask list if anyone wants it!
Taglist: @blithesharem @tixdixl @inmateofthemind @ramshacklerumble @rainesol
@theleechyskrunkly @thehollowwriter @distant-velleity @elenauaurs @twst-migraine
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cyanide-latte · 2 months
So I had gotten another ask for the TWST OCs, and the newest one poked his head up! (I've got a fair few OCs I've not shared yet on here for various reasons, but I alluded to this fellow earlier in the first ask I answered this morning!)
Meet Felix Pondicliff
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He's one of several children in a big family of dalmatian beastmen. He and his brother Aurelian both attend Royal Sword Academy on scholarships due to the exceptional talent they show as mages. (They're both in RSA's film club due to their own shared interest in how movies and shows are made, and get along well with Neige in the instances where they interact.)
Felix tends to be exceptionally quiet, not speaking often due to a desire to assess things around him carefully before finally saying anything, and he does his best to make his words really count. Just because he's quiet doesn't mean he tries to hide or diminish his presence though; that thoughtful silence doesn't mean you ever forget he's there. Very warm-natured and confident, he's got a couple of different career possibilities in mind for when he graduates. He and Aurelian eventually meet and befriend the Anatole brothers, Toussaint "Tea" Anatole and Bertrand "Rand" Anatole, perhaps in defiance of the pervasive dogs vs cats stereotypes.
I've been waiting to get to a point where I could do a brief sketch of him today, so I can answer the ask that's been sitting in my askbox without leaving everyone wondering where the first post for this new OC was or if they'd missed it. (If you're curious about which puppy he's specifically twisted from, a hint is the meaning of his first name!)
Taglist: @blithesharem @inmateofthemind @tixdixl @ramshacklerumble @elenauaurs
@rainesol @thehollowwriter @theleechyskrunkly @distant-velleity @twst-migraine (DM me if you'd like to be added or removed from the taglist for my TWST OCs stuff)
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cyanide-latte · 1 month
Hihi! Club and Pet Peeves for any of yours!!
Oooh, interesting! Thank you for the ask!
Club: Which club does your twst OC join and why? Is there anything memorable about the club fair day/their first day at the club? Which clubmate is their favorite?
Ren- Board Games Club, initially to see if it was an avenue to talk with Idia, but also because he wanted to see if anyone else shared an interest in strategy games. Nothing particularly memorable about his first day at the club or about club fair day. Idia is easily his favorite club mate, and by contrast he has beef with Azul that leads to them really getting competitive with one another in the most catty, passive-aggressive ways.
Copper- Track & Field, at Vil's suggestion that it may really help him get healthier and improve his athleticism. Nothing memorable about club fair day, though his first day at the club was him being all nerves and nobody else thinking it was a big deal; he often takes comfort from that when he thinks back on it. Hard to say if he has a favorite club mate! He ends up with pretty decent friendships with Deuce, Jack and your Kingsley, so it's hard to pick faves when he considers all his club mates to be pretty cool!
Chrys- Back when he attended NRC, he was in the former Blastcycle Club! Unfortunately, it was the accident that resulted in the loss of his left leg that ultimately got the club permanently disbanded.
Bertrand "Rand" Anatole- he attends RSA, and he's in their Fencing Club!
Toussaint "Tea" Anatole- he's in a couple of different clubs at RSA, but he has yet to tell me which ones. ._.;;
Marianne "Mari" Anatole- she attends Dame Rose University for Young Ladies (my all-girls fan school) and she's in their Equestrian Club!
Felix and Aurelian Pondicliff- both of them also attend RSA, and they're in RSA's Film Studies Club! Getting to meet and talk to Neige pretty casually about his experience with film versus some of the other angles they have studied was a huge highlight of their club fair day.
Pet peeves: What are your twst OC's pet peeves and which one in the cast accidentally (or not) commit the "crimes"? How will your twst OC deal with that person?
Hmm... Difficult to say for some of them. A lot of Copper's "pet peeves" are more indicative of aspects of his trauma and PTSD, so it doesn't feel entirely fair to put that under the spotlight.
Can a person be a pet peeve? Because not much gets to Ren, but boy does Rook distress him just by Rook being himself. Ren will vacate the area ASAP if Rook shows up and is in his usual exuberant spirits.
Aurelian's pet peeve is people who mock others for liking media, especially if it's considered too juvenile for them. He's very passionate about the fact that all sorts of books, movies, TV shows, podcasts, and music can have value to many differing demographics beyond just the target demographic. And hearing people put down others because maybe they enjoy and find value in an educational show meant for children (or hearing adults try to tell children who have a higher reading comprehension that they're not allowed to read books for older kids because "they won't be able to grasp all the themes and messages") really makes him mad. Felix shares this pet peeve, but Felix is more likely to remain quiet and simply decide that the individual putting others down isn't worth his time or energy and there are better people to engage with, whereas Aurelian will get into an argument if he overhears or interacts with someone like that.
The prompt list!
Taglist: @blithesharem @elenauaurs @inmateofthemind @ramshacklerumble @tixdixl
@distant-velleity @rainesol @thehollowwriter @theleechyskrunkly @twst-migraine (DM me if you'd like to be added or removed from the taglist for my TWST OCs stuff)
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cyanide-latte · 5 months
The Anatole Siblings (a semi-brief overview)
Making their home in Fleur City, these three young aristocrats are the great-grandchildren of the elderly Mme. Anatole. Their mother came to live with her grandmother prior to the children being born, and so the three have only ever lived with their great-grandmother, mother, and eventually their stepfather when their mother remarried. Mme. Anatole was the last mage of her line for many years and became overjoyed when her great-grandchildren developed magic. She spares no expense to ensure the three of them will grow up to become capable mages, gentlemen and lady.
Marianne Daphnée Anatole
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Nickname: Mari
Oldest (by 16 months) but won't correct the misconception that she and her brothers are triplets (because that can come in handy)
Constantly chastising her brothers
Very spoiled (but not spoiled rotten, there's a difference, thank you very much)
Somewhat haughty demeanor but she's quite sweet underneath
Attends a private all-girls' academy that focuses on raising its students both as elegant ladies and capable young mages (I've decided it's called Dame Rose's University For Young Ladies, loosely inspired by the Enchantress who cursed the Beast, but idk about finer details beyond that)
Much as she does prioritize becoming a proper lady, she also can be quite rough-and-tumble, a fact her stepfather is proud of and encourages
Loves horseback riding and can do riding for shows, she'll sit sidesaddle and everything, but she's also training in stunt riding and practicing utilizing her magic while riding
Undecided on what she wants to do with her life
Polyamorous and determined to grow up and have many great loves whom she can lavish with all the affection she has to offer
Toussaint Éloi Anatole
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Nickname: Tea
Second-oldest, and twin to Bertrand
Attends Royal Sword Academy
He and his brother convinced their great-grandmother to let them enroll at RSA rather than Noble Bell College
Boisterous, slightly arrogant but very straightforward, generous, good-natured and extroverted
Paints in his free time. He's not exactly skilled as an artist but he knows this and still chooses to express himself through it
Has a deep regard and respect for any artist of any kind, no matter what their art or craft or trade is. The sort of noble who would be a great patron or benefactor, and he does hope to one day be an official patron to many great artists, so that he can lift up and support the people who can do amazing things he can only dream of.
He boxes, and a lot of his stocky build is indicative of his muscle.
Slightly naive but honest view that everyone around deserves kindness, support and more than just the basic necessities, they deserve to live comfortably. The most likely to debate with his peers about this.
Deeply concerned with fairness and sportsmanship
Asexual but is open to the idea of a romance
If he were attending Night Raven College, he would be sorted into Heartslabyul
Bertrand Ernest Anatole
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Nickname: Rand
Youngest but somehow has Oldest Sibling vibes AND Middle Child Syndrome, twin to Toussaint
Attends Royal Sword Academy
Acts like he can't stand his brother and sister but will absolutely make anyone who hurts them regret doing so
Introverted and is not quick to offer his thoughts, and he can be quite snappy when he does.
Unlike his brother, he's a skilled musician on the piano and while he appreciates natural talent in others, he holds a much deeper regard for anyone who hones their skills through hard work and constant, patient effort.
He values cleverness, wisdom, and keeping a realistic view of the world.
While he shares his brother's thoughts of everyone deserving kindness, support and the chance to live comfortably, he's focused less on espousing the ideal in discussion and trying to actually put change into action, and he's not keen to be in the spotlight while doing so (though he does light up when others express appreciation for what he does.)
Skilled fencer
Semi-closeted bisexual with a heavy preference towards guys (he's known this about himself since he was young)
If he were attending Night Raven College, he would be sorted into Scarabia
A special thanks to @tixdixl , @simons-twsted-children , @inmateofthemind and @ramshacklerumble for helping me figure out what their names were going to be!
Taglist: @elenauaurs @blithesharem @rainesol
@thehollowwriter @theleechyskrunkly @distant-velleity
(let me know if you want to be added to the taglist for my TWST OCs!)
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cyanide-latte · 3 months
So one of the biggest things I've been thinking on since making TWST OCs that are twisted from the Aristokittens is what their Unique Magics/Signature Spells are. I've wanted to make sure they are clear references and call backs to aspects of the movie The Aristocats, capable of really working together while not being the same thing, and something that fits each of the Anatole siblings as individuals.
And I think I've finally got them figured out! This is still kinda rough, probably still a WIP, but I finally got the gears turning for them!
Scales and Arpeggios - Marianne's magic requires her to sing, and can compel targets to sing with her. The higher she goes in her soprano range, the stronger the compulsion.
Can't Stop the Music - Bertrand's magic has an area effect, and he can turn almost anything into his instruments, including using other naturally occurring sounds into his impromptu musical composition. Cancels out most other sounds it doesn't incorporate. Can, on rare occasion, create a vertigo effect due to the amount of sound used.
Mix It Up! - When Toussaint dances and uses his unique spell, it creates a strobing effect that distorts and switches around the light spectrum, messing with the perceived colors around him. Has an extremely disorienting effect on those unused to it or not using protective eyewear.
Is my long-time love for The Aristocats showing yet?
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cyanide-latte · 2 months
For my favorite kitties and anyone else who wants to speak up!
What would your OC say their greatest strengths/flaws are? Do you agree with them?
What's your OCs favourite flower? Would it be realistic for them to grow it in their room/on the dorm somewhere?
Can they be trusted in the kitchen? What's their favourite food?
What DnD class would your OC be? (or fantasy trope character if you aren't familiar with DND classes)
Aaahhh, thank you~! This should prove interesting!
What would your OC say their greatest strengths / flaws are? Do you agree with them?
Marianne: "Strengths? Hm. My compassion and my zest for life, darling. As for my flaws, I've hardly grown enough into being a proper lady. I still have plenty to learn and more growing to do." (I don't necessarily disagree with these, though I would add she continues to baffle me and that qualifies as both. Also that feels like a weird humblebrag.)
Toussaint: "Well, I don't know if you'd call it a strength necessarily, but I do try to keep an open mind about things. Oh, and I've been told I've got a gift for reassuring others, and for networking people together! Perhaps those are strengths? As for flaws, I am a bit more sure about those. Is that sad? I know I second-guess my choices a lot, and I struggle to reconcile in my mind when someone I care about hurts me and I never expected them to. I mean, how do you move forward with confidence then? It's difficult, and I tend to get discouraged very easily by that." (I'd personally say that one of Tea's strengths is his kindness and his willingness to see the good in others as much as possible. A big flaw of his is that he can be too trusting and often naive. He definitely does have an open-minded nature among his strengths as well.)
Bertrand: *loud shrugs* "The major flaw is that I am an asshole. The strength is that I'll readily admit it." (...ugh. Rand's greatest strength is probably his loyalty and devotion to the very few people he lets in. His flaws are numerous, and I'd say a big one, if not the biggest, is that he's in denial that he needs therapy.)
What's your OC's favourite flower? Would it be realistic for them to grow it in their room/on the dorm somewhere?
Mari: Apple blossoms. She answered that so immediately and I don't even know why. Not exactly realistic to grow in her room at home or her room at Dame Rose University though.
Tea: Water lilies! Also not realistic to grow in his rooms, though he likely takes the time to tend any he sees growing at school or near their home in Fleur City!
Rand: Not a flower exactly, but he does grow aloe plants, especially aloe vera! He was given one to tend when he was younger and while he initially didn't see the point, learning that most aloe plants have a lot of practical uses for medicine and various sorts of healthcare kept him interested. Since their great-grandmother often uses homemade soaps containing aloe extract, a big secondary reason he grows them is for her.
Can they be trusted in the kitchen? What's their favorite food?
None of the Anatole siblings should be left in a kitchen unsupervised. The least disastrous is Toussaint, as he actually wants to learn how to cook and prepare food himself, but even then he's best kept monitored as he learns. Mari loves strawberry shortcake, Tea loves freshly baked cookies, and Rand is partial to fancy dessert pies. Sweet tooths, all three of them.
BONUS FROM THE NEXTGEN: also do not let Talesin in a kitchen unsupervised. He won't burn it down or anything but he will commit food crimes on purpose. He loves any food made by Uncle Jamil.
What D&D class would your OC be?
Oh, you're getting a lot of them for this one, I think about this constantly!
Marianne Anatole: bard
Toussaint Anatole: paladin
Bertrand Anatole: multi-class sorcerer/fighter
Copper Benoit: multi-class gunslinger/rogue
Wei Renqiao: multi-class artificer/monk
Wei Xinyi: multi-class monk/fighter
Chrysanthos Shroud: multi-class artificer/cleric
BONUS- Ilias Shroud: warlock
BONUS- Kallisto Shroud: multi-class cleric/ranger
BONUS- Wei Gang: multi-class monk/paladin
The list of questions
Taglist: @blithesharem @tixdixl @inmateofthemind @ramshacklerumble @elenauaurs
@rainesol @distant-velleity @thehollowwriter @theleechyskrunkly (message me if you want to be added to the taglist for stuff with my TWST OCs!)
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cyanide-latte · 2 months
Hihi!! For the TWST asks:
Which of the 7 deadly sins (pride, greed, envy, wrath, lust, gluttony, sloth) do you associate most with your OC and why? (remember some of these have more than one connotation e.g. blood lust)
What's a hidden talent they have?
What's your OC's biggest insecurity, physically and personality wise?
For any of yours!! Thanks!
Ooh thank you for the ask! ^^; I'm really really sorry, because I'm going to have to skip the first and third questions. OTL. I don't have answers for the first one (I've never applied that correlation to my OCs, so I genuinely don't have answers for it, let alone meaningful ones,) and I'm absolutely blanking on what I want to answer for the third one, the OCs are running and hiding at the very mention, (maybe I'll reblog this and answer for it later if I can remember any of what I would pick for it,) but I can answer the second question!
What's a hidden talent they have?
Copper Benoit
Lockpicking (using your UM doesn't count, buddy)
Finding hidden treasure (you have pirate blood magic, that also doesn't count)
Backsassing (that's not hidden)
Spice tolerance ☑ (I'll let it slide, you're Cajun)
Verbally backing the Headmage into a corner when he tries to avoid responsibility ☑
Wei Renqiao
Baking ☑
Playing the guqin ☑
Composing music ☑
Wei Xinyi
Blademaster ☑ (true, you don't exactly advertise you're a brilliant swordsperson)
Pro-level dancer ☑
Chrysanthos Shroud
King of Vulnerability ☑ (which is the less known or acknowledged point that works in concert with your ability to call out a person's individual struggles; being able to break those barriers and help them acknowledge that, be vulnerable, and recognize eventually that it's being done to help them is kind of unsung in the wake of the sting when you just roast people shortly after meeting them)
Keeping Idia in line ☑ (I'll allow it)
Keeping ORTHO in line ☑ (arguably more impressive)
Marianne Anatole
"Me? Hidden talents? Surely you're joking. The moment I discover a talent I have, of course I'm going to hone it and then it's not going to stay very secret, now is it?"
"Though I do prefer to keep it on the downlow that I can pass very convincingly as a boy when I cross-dress."
"Don't tell Maman I cross-dress. She'd approve but it's more fun when I moonlight in secret."
eluding my ability to get inside her head and figure out what she's thinking at any given moment
Toussaint Anatole
Skilled dancer ☑
Good sense of interior design ☑
Pin-making ☑
Can put most introverts he interacts with at ease very early on, despite his excitable extroversion ☑
Bertrand Anatole
Fencing ☑
Playing the piano ☑
Pissing people off in 5 sentences or less ☑
The list of questions
Taglist: @blithesharem @tixdixl @inmateofthemind @ramshacklerumble @elenauaurs
@rainesol @distant-velleity @thehollowwriter @theleechyskrunkly (message me if you'd like to be added to the taglist for stuff with my TWST OCs)
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cyanide-latte · 5 months
On my laptop BUT Umbrella and Skull for Talesin and Copper plz ovo
OHO! Excellent choices! And since you asked here for them, we're including the Anatole siblings!
🌂 - What genre do they belong in?
Copper: Fantasy-adventure. (Probably a darker fantasy or horror-fantasy as he gets older.)
Talesin: hmmm he's a lot like his dad in that I can see him being in fantasy-adventure like Copper, but probably with more mystery elements when it comes to his journey of self-discovery? I suppose we could also go into deep sea horror if I wanted to really take his character in a darker direction, given his origin.
(and as for the siblings based on the Aristocats kitten trio...)
Marianne "Mari" Anatole: I could see her in either a period romance drama or a modern rom-com!
Toussaint "Tea" Anatole: Feel-good heartwarming comedy is the name of the game, setting is incidental.
Bertrand "Rand" Anatole: Murder mystery or mystery-thriller, I think! Though he could also be interesting in horror!
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
Copper: Hard to say? He initially has a deep fear of drowning because he doesn't know how to swim, but he does work to overcome that. The people he loves and treasures coming to harm is another big one.
Talesin: He grows up relatively fearless though I know after he learns the truth of how he was created, he does fear himself for a while. I think his biggest, most secret fear is loneliness. It's so alien to him, he's been surrounded by family and friends with so much love and support all his life, the idea of the antithesis of what he's had all this time is the most frightening monster of all.
Mari: Claustrophobia (fear of tight, enclosed small spaces)
Tea: Trypanophobia (fear of needles)
Rand: He's being stubborn (no surprise, really) and refusing to tell me. He doesn't like people having potential blackmail to use against him. ._.
Also Elena sent me a REALLY good couple of asks and I'm going to be taking my time with that because it's going to be a long one!
Taglist: @tixdixl @inmateofthemind @ramshacklerumble @simons-twsted-children @elenauaurs
@theleechyskrunkly @thehollowwriter @distant-velleity @rainesol (let me know if you want to be added to the taglist for my TWST OCs!)
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cyanide-latte · 2 days
Random Felix Pondicliff fact of the day:
Perhaps it's because of his parents' efforts to save him at birth and what name they chose for him, or it could be mere coincidence (though there is power in a name,) but Felix has always been...well, lucky.
Though that isn't quite how it works.
The thing, you see, is that universal probability tends to bend in his favor. Nobody knows how or why, and it's rarely big or flashy or amazing, but it just happens, and the young dalmatian beastman doesn't really have any control over it.
Until he develops his Unique Magic, "Call Lucky Strike."
When he uses his spell, Felix is able to manipulate his own probability just enough to give his luck temporarily to someone else of his choosing. It can last for longer if he only passes it to one or two people, but larger groups reduce the luck window as it gets split between all of them; and he has to warn them to be careful not to push their luck too far, lest it inverse and become bad luck.
And if he's developed a mutual strong bond with someone, there's a much greater chance that they will be able to have more influence or sway over their own probability while blessed with Call Lucky Strike. Of his many siblings, only his brother Aurelian and their sister Piper are close enough with him to have even discovered that possibility. At Royal Sword Academy, so far only classmate Toussaint Anatole has gotten that close with him.
Taglist: @blithesharem @elenauaurs @inmateofthemind @ramshacklerumble @tixdixl
@distant-velleity @rainesol @thehollowwriter @theleechyskrunkly @twst-migraine
@natsukishinomiyaswife @the-trinket-witch (DM me if you'd like to be added or removed from the taglist for my TWST OCs stuff)
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cyanide-latte · 22 days
Hihi!! I come bringing you asks-
For Ren and Chrys: Which canon character does your OC not respect at all? Why?
For Copper: Who would your OC say is their best friend?
For the cats (if possible): Who would call your OC their best friend?
Thank you!
No no, thank YOU!
Which canon character does your OC not respect at all? Why?
Ren: this was very hard to narrow down. Between Ren's upbringing and the fact he still has respect for most of the canon characters he dislikes, trying to figure out if he has no respect for even one canon character is so difficult. I think I might have to say Coach Vargas. He barely respects him as an instructor only because he's expected to, and he doesn't respect him as a person, at all. But given how Ren is, he'd rather just avoid him altogether.
Chrys: Crowley. That one was a no-brainer lol
Who would your OC say is their best friend?
If we're not including others' OCs (and I don't want to, because I don't want to be unfair or be here for five days trying to narrow that down) it's going to be a toss-up between Epel and Sebek as Copper's best friend. You might think Kalim, but he's Copper's boyfriend. You might think Jamil because I've put a lot of emphasis before on how their relationship changes from hostility to neutrality to respect to friendship, but ultimately their relationship is very difficult to put into any category. It's very queerplatonic in an unusual way that can't really be given a regular label, and so he also doesn't entirely fit the best friend label as a result, because that doesn't feel important or sufficient enough. But Epel is Copper's dorm-brother in Pomefiore, and while I've not shared much in the way of talking about that, that connection is very important as well. And Sebek and Copper start off on a very awkward footing but they develop more respect for each other over time (I genuinely think it would be helped along during all the dream-walking in book 7, if/when Sebek sees Copper's dream,) and eventually they are tight friends as adults, to the point that Copper does ask Sebek to be his best man when he and Kalim have their official wedding celebration. (No, he wouldn't pick Jamil bc he knows Kalim would want to ask Jamil to be his best man, and Copper refuses to let Jamil wiggle out of that, so he asks Sebek ahead of time.)
Who would call your OC their best friend?
Again, not including others' OCs (because I will not presume to speak for someone else's character,) I feel like the easiest answer here from the selection of canon characters is Rollo. Mind you, his relationship with the Anatole siblings is Complicated™, especially where Toussaint and Bertrand are concerned. I don't think Rollo would openly admit they're his friends (maybe Marianne, but it would be like pulling teeth, and even then he'd probably only admit it because he has the least amount of conflict with her,) unless he referred to it in the past tense. That they were childhood friends, and then attempt to avoid talking about how complicated and messy things have gotten between him and the Anatoles. Of my own OCs, the Pondicliff brothers definitely consider Toussaint one of their best friends in the world. (Bertrand also had that honor until he fucked things up with Felix, but details, details...)
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