piaisabelvargas · 2 years
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anbarkowooferism · 4 months
of things I wish i had told my ex wen i had the chance, i wish i had told it how much a fuckhead it sounded like wen it wuld go on abt its fantasies of moving 2 iceland. like gr8 im so glad u got 2 blow a bunch of money nd spent a week ther nd felt so comfortable and accepted as a white american toursist, fuck evrybody else in ur life ig. imagine telling ur partner tht ur ideal dream nd life goal is 2 ditch them.
this goes 4 th rest of u white americans 2, tranny or not. u sound like a major fucking asshole nd an idiot wen u talk abt wanting 2 move 2 canada or some european country 2 escape transphobia bcuz
1) transphobia xists ther 2
2) ur basicaly telling evry poc arnd u tht they can jst fucking fend 4 themselves, bcuz moving 2 a european country isnt an option 4 th majority of us nd evn if it was we wuld still b the targets of all th same shit as in th US
i jst rly cant b sympathetic 2 this line of thinkin cuz id actly luv 2 b able 2 liv in mexico or ltrly nywer in latin america but YALL FUCKD ALL THOS PLACES UP 2
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tellmegoodbye · 1 year
✨️ weekly tag wednesday ✨️
Thank you @mybrainismelted for tagging me!
Name: Harley
Where in the world are you? Florida 🌴
Do you have a favorite towel? Nope
Can you skip rocks? I wish I could! I've never had many opportunities to attempt it
Tell me about a weird slang term from your area: I honestly can't think of anything. Florida specific slang?? I am not aware of any examples of this
Okay so I googled it and the first thing that came up was "snowbirds" and I guess that counts as slang? But yeah that's what we call all you northern toursists lmao 🤣
Favorite toast topping: Just plain old butter
Thoughts on bread pudding: I've never had it
City or country living? City! I appreciate the peace and quiet too but I like having easy access to things
How do you cheer yourself up after a bad day? Listening to music and going for a walk
Are you a pessimist or an optimist? It depends on my mood that day 😂 but I strive to be an optimist and I think I've gotten better over the years
Can I tag you in random stuff? Of course!
Tagging: @purplemagpie @too-schoolforcool @deedala @thisdivorce @suchagallabitch @sleepyfacetoughguy @heymrspatel @gallawitchxx @auds-and-evens @deathclassic @darlingian and @energievie
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my-chemical-rot · 10 months
(from the ask game) Do you like the beach? Do you prefer it sunny or cloudy? 
Despite being floridian I actually hate the beach lmao, I'm not a big fan of sand or salt water, plus its always crowded with toursists. I prefer cloudy weather most of the time unless its raining because nothing hits harder than a sun shower
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clay-pidgeon · 1 year
“gee a real haunted blpuse is salem masschusestts not for the evilscary but Toursist ! is god”
^ my headmate jacobey trying to express a shitty joke i came up wirh and immediately abandoned like a particularly shitty son
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krisraeshel · 5 years
Review: Eleven City Deli Diner
Review: Eleven City Deli Diner
Hey guys and gals it’s been a while since I’ve last reviewed a place!
Location and Ease of Access
This Diner is located near Downtown Los Angeles. It’s on Wilshire which is a pretty popular street full of life. It’s in a really great place especially for tourists. The place is super cute and full of life. It has so much charm packed into it. You can definitely get some insta-worthy shots from…
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joannafoss · 6 years
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liveindiatravel · 3 years
Live India Travel is a travel blogging site where you can find the blogs India’s most popular tourist places. Blogs are available in both languages Hindi and English.
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piaisabelvargas · 2 years
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elladastinkardiamou · 7 years
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Coming out of Athens International Airport, the Dutch couple was excited about visiting the Greek islands after a couple of days in the city. Instead of walking to the metro station, they decided to splash out on a cab to their hotel in the capital. They stood patiently in line at the cabstand, waiting for their turn. “Welcome, welcome!” the taxi driver greeted them with gusto. “Oh, hello,” they replied somewhat overwhelmed by his exuberance. “Is this your first time in Greece?” the driver asked them as they set off. “Yes, it is,” they answered – completely unaware that they’d just set themselves up to be fleeced.
“The first question taxi drivers ask foreign clients is whether they’ve been to Greece before. If the answer is ‘no,’ they’re done for,” says a taxi driver with 30 years of experience in the streets of Athens, on the deceptive ways of some of his colleagues. For obvious reasons, he asked that his name not be published.
“Customers coming out of the airport see the sign informing visitors that the fixed fare to downtown Athens is 38 euros. But the driver will strike up a conversation to gain their trust and then say something like there’s traffic on the Attiki Odos highway and he’ll need to take a different route,” says the veteran. “The ‘faster’ way includes tolls, because every municipality – he will say – has its own charge, and more stuff like that.” This, says the veteran cabbie, is how so many tourists end up paying 100 euros or more for a 38-euro ride.
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tellmegoodbye · 4 months
What would 911: Sunshine* look like?
*Texas = the Lonestar state, Florida = the Sunshine state
LEMON!! This is my dream!!!
And yes 911: Sunshine is absolutely what I would call it!
Okay so first of all, location! I think the city a spinoff would most likely take place in is Miami, but in order for me to really personalize this (it's my dream, I do what I want) I'm going to switch things up and have this take place in my city: Tampa!
This location is interesting for many reasons, but mostly because of its layout and it being on the bay. The city itself is probably where most of the show would take place in terms of emergencies, but there's a lot going on here for a city on the smaller side! Of course, there will also be opportunities to see the rest of the bay area. (Tampa is the city, Tampa Bay is the region)
Here are some potential locations/ideas for emergencies
Skyway Bridge. Visually, it's just stunning, and yes many people are scared to drive on it. It collasped once over 40 years ago and it has safety mechanisms to prevent such an event from happening again, but I'm sure a 911 spinoff would get creative and find another way to make something go wrong.
The airport. Like 3x08 except worse because I have a chaos brain.
The arena where the Tampa Bay Lightning play.
Busch Gardens (a theme park)
Pick a beach. Any beach.
Literally tons of forest area where there could be a wildfire. Also tons of natural springs and rivers where you could have accidents.
Toursists. There is never a shortage of snowbirds being idiots in these parts.
Ybor City. There's a LOT of history here. It's also just a really cool place to explore. They have parades here (I've been in a few of them!) so maybe something goes wrong there.
Alligators. 🐊
Now lets talk major disaster arcs. 911 OG has earthquakes and tsunamis, Lone Star has ice storms and tornadoes, and 911: Sunshine would have a massive hurricane arc.
We kind of have an interesting history with hurricanes in Tampa Bay, at least in my lifetime, where every time we're about to get hit it shifts last minute and everyone who evacuated inland ended up being directly in its path. This happened with Charley in 2004, and Ian in 2022. Both made landfall in the exact same spot after shifting away from the bay area, which is kind of eerie.
I'd say a disaster arc like this would have one finally directly hitting the bay, and it would be a lot like the tsunami in 911. Very angsty, similar scenarios where peolpe go missing, and potential for the kind of water rescues Marjan was talking about doing back in Miami.
One little fun fact before I go. This doesn't apply to the city of Tampa, but I absolutely had to share this. If you venture out into the rest of the county like where I live, the firetrucks and ambulances are a lovely highlighter yellow! Or is it green? I've never been able to tell.
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Don't ask me why. I have no idea. 😂
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amomentpassed · 6 years
airlines flying into australian cities should be made to provide information about swimming/water safety or a swimming crash course or at the very least information about swimming at beaches and discouraging tourists who either a) can’t swim or b) aren’t strong swimmers from swimming in unpatrolled areas because the amount of toursists who come from countries where swimming isn’t ~common or practiced who are drowning is next level and like sure providing info isn’t an end all measure but it’s being proactive and it can bring the drowning % down and keep tourists safe
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meredithannebull · 7 years
When you have an audition for Eponine and your best friend has an audition for Fantine. #killingit #soulsisters #letsgetthis #toursisters #lesmiserables #eponine #onmyown
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Headcanon: James is gay/bi awakening of many male citizens and toursists in Atlas, including Qrow's.
Anon what do you mean headcannon that's cannon XD. The entire reason Qrow is pissy with James so suddenly is because James's beard caused a gay awakening and he doesn't know how to cope with these new emotions. The only cure is smooches from the general which he does get what are you talking about volume 8 whose she she sounds terrible
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joannafoss · 6 years
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suchhikumarsblog · 5 years
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Lovely meeting @ Travel together with new positive friends .. #friends #firnshipforever #travel #travelphotography #travelguide #seaside #frendshipgoals #businesstoday #businesstour #tourst #toursists #businesscasual #businessblogger #blogger #tourindia #piecefully #time https://www.instagram.com/p/B7GW8EoJ0Ln/?igshid=119hkfzykkdhr
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