pistachiorat2 · 2 months
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Tougou vs Iyami colorized (1810, AS) aka one of the dumbest things I ever made
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werewolf-femboy-maid · 2 months
Sanematsu mega post
Ok here are all the links to the story in chronological order. Enjoy!
Ok there they are! its kind of a shit show, and don't stress about chronological order too much because its a bunch of reblogs. but yeah this is basically a testament to my past obsession with the darkness in this oh so funny series. yum yum yum
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ro-makes · 1 year
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I just wanna see him get punched in the face a little bit
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thebardisabird · 1 year
Hey Barb, How about some Chibita and Tougou interactions. I always wanted to see what kind of dynamic they would have
Hmmmm. So my take on Chibita and Tougou ever interacting in the -san universe is probably hell in a handbasket. For all the shit Chibita gives the sextuplets, at the end of the day he considers them friends (really more like frenemies but whatever) so I imagine if Tougou came back around it would not bode well for him lol. Their dynamic is probably like "It's on sight when I fucking see you because of what you did to me." I can definitely see something like he shows up at Chibita's oden cart and it's like that cartoon-y lightning strike of realization between the two of them. Tougou recognizes him as the snotty kid who fucked up his plans to kidnap Osomatsu and Chibita, being an adult now, recognizes him as the guy who terrorized the Matsuno family, but specifically Osomatsu. Now normally, Chibita would probably not give a shit, act like he doesn't remember anything and let Tougou go about his business due to them not paying the tab or pissing him off recently - but there's memories lingering in the back of his head about how Osomatsu cried everyday and was terrified to leave the house for a long, long time after Tougou so he can't in good faith do that. Plus knowing how much stress that would put on Matsuyo and Matsuzo as well as his feelings of being snubbed as a kid being dredged up are now actually starting to make him angry.
He probably shouts something like "Was I not good enough for ya, ya damn idjit?!" and dumps scalding hot broth on Tougou's head. Which in retrospect doesn't make much sense because why would he have wanted to be kidnapped? But it's the principle of the matter to Chibita and he is irrationally pissed that he got shafted all those years ago. Now if Tougou happens to get a knife out to try and attack him, that only makes Chibita angrier, who will then proceed to swing his ladle around in hopes to land a hit. It's a literal brawl at Akatsuka Park if these two cross paths. Should Tougou happen to get away, Chibita beelines it to the Matsuno family house (his good deed for the year, he tells himself), immediately letting them know that he's back and is probably going to come for them again. Now how that goes down...is another story entirely.
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egodb · 19 days
Read Ikoku Nikki, y'all!
Thirty-five-year-old novelist Makio Koudai never had a good relationship with her older sister Minori, who always berated her for being different. Due to this, Makio is not stricken with grief upon hearing the news that Minori and her husband die in a car crash. But when Makio is asked to identify their bodies, she runs into her 15-year-old niece, Asa Takumi, whom she has not seen in years.
Struggling to process her parents' death, Makio reassures Asa that her complicated feelings are valid and suggests that the teenager start writing in a diary as a way to cope with the loss. Upon learning that no other relatives wanted to take in Asa, Makio decides to become her guardian despite her lack of experience. In a world full of uncertainty, the novelist and teenager must learn to live with each other while figuring themselves out.
(^ from MAL)
Ikoku Nikki (Journal with Witch) | Manga - MyAnimeList.net
This manga of 54 chapters (~11.5 h read) ascended to the top spot in my personal manga rankings within the first few chapters. Oh, what it feels like to be SEEN! I didn't cry at Luz's "I want to be understood" for no reason.
This is a fascinating story about acceptance and grief. I have not related to a piece of media this hard ever, and am compelled to recommend it,
We have:
Neurodivergence Representation
I'll not go into all the ways neurodivergence is hinted at, because really I want y'all to read this manga. It's absolutely definitely worth it.
Right from Chapter 3, we're shown aspects of one of the protagonists, Koudai Makio, which are neurodivergent, likely ADHD. It is present in all but name (even being indirectly referred to as a developmental disorder). However, even if it is a character trait, it is not the story! It is something that just is, and is separate from this beautiful journey of finding oneself and dealing with grief.
Chapter 15 introduces a lawyer who is autism-coded, and explicitly has a lack of empathy. He's upfront with it, and it actually feels like he is doing his best dealing with it, instead of exaggerating any aspect.
LGBTQ+ Representation
Koudai-san is aro-coded and has an unlabelled close relationship with one of the supporting characters.
One of Koudai-san's school friends is canonically a-spec.
One of Koudai-san's colleagues and friend is nonbinary.
The lead protagonist's best friend and important supporting character is lesbian.
Seriously, don't sleep on this manga.
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yoooko-o · 2 years
13/12/2022 part6
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claudioseraph · 2 years
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sometimes you just need some guy
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thefoxwhodraws · 2 years
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Happy birthday Tougou! Despite only appearing one time in the Oso-Kun manga, you managed to create a fanbase surrounding you and Osomatsu. May we see more of you in the future! 🥳🎉🎂❤️🔪
This took all night to make, but I’m happy with how this came out.
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mspinky1 · 1 year
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Osomatsu San: Tougou AU
So as the title of my art says, here is my version of what the Tougou au looks like. In case you're wondering why Tougou himself isn't here, its because I had a hard time figuring out how to draw him without him looking crappier than he already looks LOL. So the way I envisioned it:
Tougou successfully kidnapped Osomatsu kun when he was 10, and raised him since, forcing him to help with heists. Osomatsu over the years took multiple attempts at escaping the old man, each time failing. Eventually he gave up when he reached 20yrs old and accepted his new life. He's still has his fun charm, but deep down empty of any happiness.
Atsushi is actually Tougou's bio son. Atsushi was raised by his single, drunk mom for a few years until he was 12yrs old. His mom didn't want to raise him anymore, so she gave him to Tougou in exchange for a lot of yen. Atsushi was scared and terrified of Tougou, he was even forced to do a few heists, which he wasn't good at. Atsushi was good with math so the old man taught the boy business and how to make money. Atsushi and Osomatsu somewhat got along, Oso comforting Atsushi whenever he was sad, terrified or even lonely like he did with his little brothers. Eventually when they got older, they grew distant and did argue once in a while, but they do have mutual respect for one another. Atsushi, not knowing about Osomatsu's brothers, did attend the same high school as them thanks to Tougou's connections, and thought he was high when he saw them. He got along with Todomatsu the most, and did fancy him a little, even if he did look like Osomatsu. However, he did tell Osomatsu that he met with his bros, Oso tearing up, feeling happy for the first time in a while, and asked Atsu if he could report to him every few weeks of their well being, Atsu agreeing wholeheartedly.
Hashimoto Nyaa Chan, or Reika Hashimoto has had a normal childhood with a loving family, but when she graduated high school, her life changed for the worse. She always dreamed of becoming an idol and took the initiative by becoming the underground idol star, Nyaa Chan. Her parents didn't agree with her life choice and told her that if she went through with this, she could never come back home. Reika wanted to prove her family wrong and decided to leave home. Unfortunately, one night after her performance, she got attacked at the back alley outside the venue. The bodyguards were nowhere to be seen and she assumed they fled. Before it got worse, she was saved by Osomatsu, who beat the hell out of the attacker. The attacker bled on the ground, unconscious, and Osomatsu carried Reika on his back as he walked back to his hideout. He tended to her wounds and helped her clean and wash up. Rei couldn't go back home and asked to stay with Tougou. He reluctantly agreed, under the condition that she'd work for him. After negotiating, they both would agree that Reika would continue her idol job, with a couple bodyguards protecting her during performances, Osomatsu helping too when he's in disguise. In exchange, 80% the money she makes go straight to Tougou, and she would cook for the group and clean their hideout during her free time.
Homura is also Tougou's bio child, but her mother took her away from him when she was a baby. when she was around 7yrs old, Tougou killed his ex wife and kidnapped Homura. Since then, she was forced to work under him during undercover missions. She is about 2yrs younger than Osomatsu and Atsushi, and 1yr younger than Reika, yet they are all kind to her and treat her like a little sister, Atsushi especially. Despite Atsushi and Homura being half-related thanks to Tougou, Atsu feels a close connection to his half sister. He would homeschool her so she would have an average amount of knowledge and not be dumb, Oso would play games with her and give her most of his food so she wouldn't go hungry, and Reika would have girl time with her and share personal thoughts with each other. Unfortuately, when she turned 18yrs old, she was forced to do indecent videos in order for Tougou to make profit. Osomatsu and Atsushi beat up Tougou when they found out, Rei hugging Homura tightly, both crying in emotional pain. There wasn't anything they could do, however, because all the copies of the videos were already sent out. Feeling nothing but despair, Homura ran away, going to Akastuka Ward by train, and headed to the top of a cliff by the beach, hoping to end her own life. Before she could, she saw someone that looked like Osomatsu, practicing batting swings. She came to his rescue when he was swept by the sea, and they've been going out since. While they were going out, Homura made the realization that these were Oso's brothers, and as much as she wants to be with Jyushimatsu, she had to go back in order to protect him incase Tougou finds them both. But before she left, Jyushi gave her his #14 wristband as a memory of their time together, causing her to cry more, but mainly from happiness.
Kinko grew up in a bad neighbourhood in another country, and grew up to be a thief and hooker. She was hired by Tougou to come to Japan and investigate Akastuka Ward because according to one of his informants, Oso's brothers have interacted with both Atsushi and Homura a couple of times without his knowledge, and wanted her to check in they could pose as a problem for him in the near future. She went undercover as the Matsuno boy's temporary neighbour, 'accidentally' losing her bras to inside their house and getting them back to get their attention. Eventually, she managed to spend the day with them, gathering info on their life and routines, only to be interrupted by Reika's supposed idol rival, Totoko. They 'made up' and Kinko told them she had to 'move back'. To tell you the truth, she genuinely enjoyed spending time with the boys, and told Tougou they weren't going to cause problems for him. She decided to stay with the group incase she was needed, and mutually got along with everyone and teaching all of them simple english. She loves to tease Atsushi, likes having conversations with Osomatsu about his brothers and have contests to see who can steal more wallets, adores spending time with Homura and showing her the ropes of surviving the hookup life. Most of all, she loves having one on one girl time with Reika.
Not gonna lie, i've had these backstories in my mind for a looooong time, ever since i've first discovered the Osomatsu kun fandom, just didn't know how to portray it. Hope you like the art and these backstories.
P.S: Kudos and apologies to anyone who read all those paragraphs 😂. I mean, DAMN! It's like I wrote a whole essay, didn't think it was gonna be this long.
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neositdow · 2 years
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Some sketchs of the yuyuyu squad ( and Natsume from yuyuyui as a bonus because I love this character )… I just realized I forgot Yuuna oops :( Drawing is hard especially since I stopped drawing as much as I used too. I'll try this year to spend more time drawing even if I don't post the result ! I have a lot to learn but I still love doing this ~
I hope you like it !
All of the characters come from Yuuki Yuuna Wa Yuusha De Aru You don't have the right to use these drawings in any ways, thanksSome sketchs of the yuyuyu squad ( and Natsume from yuyuyui as a bonus because I love this character )… I just realized I forgot Yuuna oops :( Drawing is hard especially since I stopped drawing as much as I used too. I'll try this year to spend more time drawing even if I don't post the result ! I have a lot to learn but I still love doing this ~
I hope you like it !
All of the characters come from Yuuki Yuuna Wa Yuusha De Aru You don't have the right to use these drawings in any ways, thanks
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pistachiorat2 · 1 year
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Tougou VS Iyami
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Tougou episode all endings
Normal Ending: Tougou tries to get revenge and gets his ass beat
Neutral Ending: Tougou takes revenge on Chibita and gets beat up.
Sad Ending: Osomatsu falls in despair from the mere sight of Tougou who has gotten on with his life and goes through a existential crisis.
Surprising Ending: Tougou comes to congrat Jyushimatsu for his relationship with Homura.
Good Ending: After prison, Tougou let go of his grudge and makes amends to those he hurt
Bad Ending: The Matsunos jumps Tougou and he gets them arrested
Cursed Ending: Osomatsu runs into Tougou in an alley. Tougou procedes to do the default dance.
??? Ending: Literally every character ever named Tougou comes to the Matsuno residence. This episode ends up being banned
Bruh Ending: Tougou forgot what an Osomatsu even is.
True Ending: Tougou appears in the background for 45 seconds. He's never brought up again.
Opposite Ending: Actually, The Matsunos want to revengemurder Tougou. Tougou is just trying to live a peaceful life
Pls Studio Pierrot, hire me. I smart 🥺🥺🥺
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kidnamedchapstick · 2 years
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traumatsu · 2 years
AU where no one found out about Tougou except Oso, who just endured the abuse and trauma quietly until Tougou eventually packed up and left on his own one day. Oso intends to take this secret to his grave and suffer through the lingering PTSD on his own while his brothers grow up in blissful ignorance of the hell he went through.
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makshu · 2 years
I just reread the chapter and it didn't shock me as much as the first time, but it still scares me that all that happened to a 10 year old-
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