#Touch Screen Controllers
thetejasamale · 2 years
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brandwhorestarscream · 9 months
'mewling virgin orion this' and 'experienced top megatronus' that. WRONG
Orion Pax is an experienced playboy city mech that's had the finest spike and valve from Praxus to Polyhex. He gets to sweep Megatron off his feet and deflower this previously untouched and unshakable fortress of a mech. Why? Because I SAID SO
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deebrisbyfish · 1 year
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To all the Trekkies/ers out there looking at that parody in the top panel saying "Actually, Dee. You're sitting in OPS, not the helm, and there's only one control panel on that layout of bridge." I say, you'll notice that I blew UP the helm. Ops CAN assume helm control, thank you very much. As for the other part, it's a visual reboot, and to paraphrase Jay Fosgitt, "I do what I want".
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magpie-trinkets · 6 days
I missed the entire level 5 thing but apparently cowboys are real!!!!
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skoulsons · 3 months
I feel so bad for people who willingly stream on twitch/YouTube of a game they’ve never played before, ESPECIALLY if their following is big
Backseating is the scum of the earth. Someone says “hey, please don’t backseat as I’m playing this for the first time and I’m going through it blind and want to figure this out by myself” and they are FLOODED with people in their chat going “go here! do this before you do that! did you know this about the story and lore? did you know you can do this fun thing with the gameplay?!?! Let me willingly hurt this experience for you by telling you everything in advance!!”
Like, what!!! is wrong with you!!! The streamer you’re watching, someone you obviously like, is telling you NICELY to not do this thing, and you deliberately go against that and ruin their enjoyment of the game!! Way to go. You’ve now ruined the experience for not only the streamer, but for hundreds of people because now everyone is pissed at you for saying something you should’ve had the self control to not say
Backseating doesn’t go into the void. You’re speaking to someone. They are reading what you said. And they can’t just… forget about it now that they’ve read or heard it. You’ve just ruined an innocent and blind experience for this person that is trying to have fun and play a game they’ve never played. Well done.
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gxtzeizm · 3 months
just finished my demo presentation for my fundemental computer graphics project earlier this afternoon so yeahhhhh
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knightofleo · 5 months
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joelletwo · 7 months
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maths in my takasugi reading 😰
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thepleasuregoblin · 1 year
There's an episode of that weird Phillip K Dick show where this guy keeps getting yelled at by his wife because he uses the (unlabeled) buttons to turn off holograms and shit instead of the voice controls. "You're so tactile! You neanderthal!"
That show is okay overall but I think about that a lot. I feel like that's me. Tactile interaction with tech is so important to me. I want to press buttons. Please.
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savageboar · 3 months
tbh replaying pmdgti makes me curious if any good pmd rom hacks are out there
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sibyl-of-space · 1 year
I'm having a very interesting experience working on revising the main movement/interaction mechanic for my game.
From a certain standpoint, it makes complete sense to just completely axe the WASD controls and focus on point-and-click. That's well-trodden territory, it's how almost every game in this genre and adjacent genres do it, it makes the most sense.
Point-and-click hurts my wrists.
WASD is much, much easier on me.
And, well, to risk some vague spoilers, I am making a game with a protagonist who has fucked up wrists. It would feel completely against the narrative I am writing to use the traditional control scheme and make a game that feels polished, but that I physically cannot play without pain.
So.... now the question has become.... how do I create what is spiritually a point-and-click, but with WASD/keyboard controls?
...I have some ideas. But turns out iterating on this control scheme is going to be more complicated than I thought. Because there is a pretty straightforward answer (just make it a point-and-click), but it's not one I want to go with.....
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eleccy · 1 year
what y'all don't understand yet is that some of the text in 456 WILL be rewritten and reworked. namely, the same text as was changed in the original trilogy ports. the tutorials!
kristoph, athena and ahlbi urgaid will be saying different things to give you the tutorial in 4-1, 5-1 and 6-1.
and it will also be different on switch vs playstation vs xbox vs pc, because all of the controls are different!
which leads us to a veeeery interesting question.
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paxtonvaldovinos · 5 months
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dravidious · 1 year
You're pretty damn cool
I have a ton of untouched games in my steam library, yet I'm currently playing through my old copy of Fossil Fighters Champions, and it's fucking bonkers. This game has the most ridiculous plot points. In one scene a digging robot is breaking through a rock, but it starts running out of battery, so the main character starts trying to help (to no effect), and the robot is like "You are attempting to assist me? Thank you sir or madam. I now know why it is that humans smile. Battery at 100%, diggingdiggingdiggingdigging-" and that's just A THING that happens with no explanation. That robot wasn't even hinted to be sapient at all until that moment, and no one is like "holy fuck the digging robot has emotions" or anything, it just happens. And those kinds of moments are all over the game. This game does the most absurd things ever, I love it so much.
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mollypaup · 1 year
utena being a story about stories is great. anthy stabbing utena being treated as a real wound instead of it being the obvious stage trick that it is, the sword passing under her right arm, on the side opposite to the audience, is so fucking good.
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(part three of my villain x hero saga, wherein Rhetoric finally has an audience for all this drama
beginning, previous chapter)
Phase 2: Lights! Cameras! Action!
Fluorescence is a rooftop cafe in the heart of downtown. It has doll size cups of coffee topped with cinnamon and gold foil, bloody marys with not enough spice and too many green things (dill and olives? really?), and brunch options that cost a working class family's rent. There were at least a dozen influencers there when I arrived. Perfect.
I was immediately led to a reserved table by a waiter. The man had the look of a veteran worker in the service industry, I could detect no sign of life behind his glassy eyes and plastic smile. I took a moment to glance at their menu before ordering a black coffee and brightly colored, bread based monstrosity.
I hoped the coffee would be drinkable.
According to the social media alerts on my smartwatch, the influencers were doing well at spreading the word that I had arrived. By the time I got my order the restaurant and I had been tagged several dozen posts. The stage was set. As I took a cautious sip of my coffee there was a flash of rose-gold light as Dawnstar made a dramatic entrance on the other side of the roof. A pause, for the professional rubber-neckers to start recording.
I adopted a tense expression as he stalked over to my table, looking at me in a way he hadn't for years. He was guarded. Cold, even. He was not the tallest of men, but the low metal garden seats combined with my own less than exceptional stature allowed him to loom over me. "Rhetoric," he did not precisely grow my name, but there was an audible rumble of frustration, "you've been buying up properties near the docks."
"I'm a business woman, acquiring property isn't out of the ordinary for me."
I took another sip of my coffee as his expression darkened. Anger was a good look on him, though I preferred his usual vivacious smiles. "You've been keeping this quite, and the last time you were being this cagey about buying up property you were building an illegal weapons testing site."
I sniffed and settled back in my seat, legs crossed. It takes practice, but one can give off the impression of looking down their nose at someone even when several heads below them. "I was acquitted of those charges, if you recall. And while I do have plans for the docks they are not malicious." I smirked a bit, showing a hint of teeth as I injected a some venom into my tone.
"If you had bothered to actually investigate beyond the purchase of the property then you would have seen that the construction project is for a new grocery chain."
His brow furrowed in confusion, his body language practically screaming suspicion. "And why exactly are you setting that up at the docks of all places? This kind of neighborhood is usually more your speed for your legal business ventures, not places with high concentrations of low income households."
I scowled at him. "The docks are also a food desert, which means that people will jump at the chance for access to affordable foods that won't leave their arteries looking like this city's sewer system after a mud slide." Anger then as I stood, pulled from my frustrations during the earlier years of our acquaintance. "You didn't bother to think did you? I know you have a brain somewhere in that head of yours, I know you have some kind of critical thinking skills. Yet you immediately chose to jump to the conclusion that I'm doing something wrong."
I felt my face twist with ire as I moved into his space. "You are not some naive newbie hero anymore, seeing the world in black and white. You have the capacity to think things through before making accusations." He stood firm, meeting me strike for verbal strike.
"You're calculating Rhetoric, you don't do things unless they benefit you in some way and you have a history of unethical conduct. I know you."
"Evidently not! You're the one always saying that people can change, Dawnstar." My voice was rising above my usual even tone, not quite yelling but certainly louder than I usually get in public. "I had thought we had moved past this. I had thought you had learned by now that this city is mine, and that I damned well take care of what I consider mine. I had thought, that after the Deathgames on Strorix 404 you had started to see me as something other than a monster!"
I was almost chest to chest with him, my breathing heavy as under his gaze. He was shaking, light and shadows starting to distort around him. "I can't- It was- It was simpler before the Deathgames, before I knew that you could be something other than an enemy. I know you're not a monster, I stopped thinking that even before then, but now I don't know-!" He cut himself off and took a step back.
"Don't now what Dawnstar? What are you afraid of?"
His face showed something akin to grief before he closed his eyes and threw himself over the glass safety fence with a burst of light.
I stood for a moment, watching the path of his travel across the rooftops. I quickly became aware of the voices around me. Most of the prattling sycophants were trying to at least pretend at subtlety, though they did a sloppy job of if. I took a long breath, centering myself.
I gave no indication of noticing the numerous phone cameras which tracked my exit from behind menus and over shoulders. The same dead eyed waiter accepted a handful of fifty dollar bills as I walked to the elevator, apparently unaffected by the drama he had witnessed. Astounding.
45…30…15… The floor number ticked down quickly. Soon I was in the underground parking area, and I took care not to rush all the way to my car. Always assume there's a camera watching. Once the doors were locked my hidden com link crackled on. "So? How'd I do? Did I get the faces right? Was the lighting ok?" Dawn bombarded me with questions as I began to pull out of my parking space.
"You did well, I noticed you managed to make sure table three got a good view of your face the whole time. Nice touch." He chuckled a bit at the praise. "Well, I noticed that they had a real camera instead of a phone. I figured that they would get the best quality shots of my angst."
"We should be trending by now, and I expect there will be some good shots of us from that angle." I felt a bit giddy, the familiar high of having a plan go right putting me in an excellent mood. I could hear him humming over the com. "Hmmm, yeah, we're trending. Ooh! That's a funny meme, I'm saving that. Looks like your acting bootcamp and my binge watching old teleseryes really paid off."
I quietly huffed in amusement. The though of him curled up, studiously taking notes while watching cheesy old dramas, was rather endearing. Though, I had little room to talk. La reina del sur has been a comfort show of mine since I was a little girl.
"So I was thinking," Dawn's tone was playful with an undercurrent of hesitance, "We should celebrate a scheme well done. You have that fancy looking kitchen in your absurdly cozy lair, and I have a killer recipe for pancit. We could eat lunch and laugh at conspiracy threads?" I hadn't even touched the sorry excuse for food that I was served earlier, so a home cooked meal sounded wonderful.
"That sounds nice. Remember to go in through that sewer entrance I showed you, and mind the poison dart traps." I switched off my com as he began to splutter about horrors of sewer gunk.
I felt a bit surprised at the warm feeling beginning to grow in my chest at the though of him actually wanting to make a meal for me, to spend more time in my presence. I allowed myself soft, genuine smile as I drove to meet him.
(part four here)
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