#Toshinori yagi fluff
pseudowho · 2 months
Yagi Toshinori/All Might x Reader
Fluff, suggestive
All Might was strong, and soft. You knew this before you started dating (which was an operation performed strictly in secret, so wildly publicised would it be, to be seen on his arm in public).
Candlelit dinners in Musutafu's finest, instead became quiet nights in, with faithful security guards ushering you to the Might Tower penthouse where Toshinori waited, fizzing with excitement.
Instead, Toshinori took delight in stealing your blushes through deliberately poorly-timed whispered compliments. His array of vintage pet names would sound corny, were he any less sincere. It hadn't taken Toshinori long to cotton on to the glee to be found in a secret love affair.
And it hadn't taken long for you to retaliate; which was how you found out how soft the powerful All Might really was.
"I set you free for the rest of the afternoon, young ones! Spend your study time wisely! Strive to be the best you, that you can be!" Toshinori boomed over the heads of the students, filing out before him.
He spun, turning and bending down to you with that familiar trademark grin...only, heartfelt and wicked now, instead of fixed. His voice lowered barely enough to escape the students' notice.
"Of course," he intoned, his breath grazing your ear, setting a shiver down your spine, "my honeybee is already the best she that she could be."
You slapped a handful of books down on the desk, a frisson of electric sending you erect as you turned to him with a warning look in your eye. The warning look quickly died, at his boyish smile and natural warmth, unable to fight a man that you knew absolutely meant it.
Later, you approached him in the busy corridor, schooling your expression to that of polite disinterest in greeting a passing colleague.
Toshinori jostled you, sending papers tumbling to the floor, and apologising profusely in a dramatic hush, bending with you to collect the scattered reports from the floor.
"I apologise-- I really am sorry-- gosh, what a mess!" As people channelled around you, Toshinori's fingers plaited briefly with yours, his voice lowering again. "Not that messy is something my pookie identifies with, though. Not yet."
You dropped the rest of your papers, stuttering as Toshinori scooped them up with a flourish, standing with you and bundling them back into your arms. You stumbled, blushing as he clapped an enormous hand onto your shoulder with a laugh, and a thunderous farewell, leaving you stranded and skittish in the corridor.
In the lunch queue, you felt a shadow darken your tray, and turned, looking up. This time, Toshinori barely even bothered to alter his tone, instead hiding behind the student and faculty's food-related distraction. He plucked a tiny steaming basket from the self-service window, dropping it onto your tray with a muted thmp.
"Dumplings...for my dumpling."
You snapped, grabbing his usual cold brew from the fridge, and popping it onto his tray, smiling sweetly up at him.
"I'm lucky to have such a cute guy choosing lunch with me."
A blush burned over Toshinori's cheeks like you had slapped it on him. You felt a roar of success as, when you were called forwards, you saw Toshinori fumble his tray with enormous hands, his coffee splatting to the floor to his stuttered apologies. You left with a flick of the skirt and a smirk on your lips.
Between lessons, in the stream of shouting students, you felt yourself scooped in one great palm and effortlessly shepherded aside, hearing Toshinori's gravelly tones announce your departure; "My dear, could I borrow a moment of your time to discuss a lesson plan?"
You loaded a bullet as Toshinori pulled you round the corner, sniping him before he could take his shot.
"Darling, I must say--"
"What's such a handsome bear needing with me, in a narrow little corridor?"
Toshinori gasped, a single broad palm pressed to his chest, staggered by the force of his b-dmp. His blush rose from the collar up. He reached one trembling hand out to you as you walked away, leaving him stunned in your wake.
As the day wound to a close, you entered the staffroom, to find Toshinori and Aizawa stood, talking at the window. Toshinori grinned, faltering just so as you approached him with a honeydew smile.
You looped your hand through the crook of his elbow as if you were in black and white, pecked his cheek in a chaste little kiss, and fired off the killshot.
"I've missed you," you chirped, "Hubby."
A strangled choke left Toshinori's throat, and he almost buckled, gripping the window frame hard enough to make it crack with another hand clutching his heart.
Aizawa shot you a look of despair as you walked away, looking between you and Toshinori, who had yet to regain his usual colour. Aizawa called after you as you left, sniggering.
"You can't just do that to him. Hey! Come back! You can't do that to an old man--"
"Aizawa-kun, please--"
You called back over your shoulder. "He had it coming, Shouta. Turns out he can dish it out, but he can't take it!"
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itjazzbicch · 2 years
My Number One
Pairing:  Toshinori Yagi (All Might) x Fem Reader 
Summary:  While stopping villains attempting to rob a corporation headquarters, the reader is faced with her greatest challenge yet, but with her love interest, All Might, on his way, he motivates her to push her limits as he's on his way, but when they think the day is saved, the reader is the one who needs to be saved...
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 1.9k 
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"You see this?" This villain trying to rob a corporation showed one of the workers a strange marking, a feeling deep in my gut telling me that this was bad, "It's a part of my quirk, and with a simple move of my hands? Boom! They're placed all over this building and if you don't take a hike? This whole building's going to collapse!"
This was really bad!
Little did that guy know I was in there, relaying the message through my earpiece to my backup, emphasizing most:
"We need this entire building evacuated, now. It can go down in a matter of a second."
"Y/N? The pro-hero?" That employee spotted me, growing more hopeful, "The heroes are here!"
Well, no point in hiding now! My quirk was force fields, and I could manipulate it however I wanted, sliding out to face the villain, I not only protect that employee but the entire skeletal structure of the building, rushing to say:
"Evacuate this building, now! More pro heroes are on the way to help! Hurry!"
The employee quickly nodded and made sure to run out of there, my eyes on the robber as he yelled:
"You damn, pro heroes! You just want this place blown to bits!"
"Not on my watch!" I never showed fear, but I was scared at that moment because of how my quirk worked. The bigger the object that I was protecting, the harder it was for me to multitask. It took too much power and concentration and considering this was basically a skyscraper, I could feel the toll it was taking on me whenever I engaged in battle with him.
"Guys! I'm going to need backup! There's more than one of them!" If things couldn't get worse, this guy had some accomplices.
My hands were too full. I couldn't do this alone. At that moment, being surrounded, my focus was to make sure that the building was okay and stable, just in case that guy decided to set off the bombs.
"Y/N! We are closing in shortly! Just keep holding them off! You can do it!"
All Might?
It was a huge relief that he was on his way, but we were more than just fellow heroes. We had a relationship, and during that time, we trained together, so he knows how my quirk works extensively.
"All Might-" I was trying not to sound so worried, but I couldn't help it. My energy was draining, even beginning to pant from it.
"I know, Y/N. It's hard for you to hold up, but don't fear! You take that pain you're feeling, and turn it into power! Remember who you are! I won't be much longer, I promise you!"
Remember who I was. Turn my pain into power. I could do this. I had to do this!
"What are you all standing there watching her for?!" Their commander was ready to act, instructing them, "There's five of us and one of her! Take her out!"
"I am Pro Hero, Y/N and I will not let you get away with this!" Toshinori always knew how to motivate me and not only was I trying to stop these villains, but I was also testing myself, controlling my force field, and taking on the four of his goons all at once!
The strain on my body was rushing toward me, but I couldn't let it stop me. Three out of the four goons were taken care of and just as I was ready to handle the last, preparing myself for their boss, I saw his hands shoot out in front of him, taking a stance:
"That's it! I hope you're ready to become rubble!"
Right as I went to charge him, his goon grabbed my leg, the boss's index finger beginning to bend, but out of nowhere, glass shattered, and a huge gust of wind flew into the building:
"Not so fast!"
Toshinori had that guy restrained in an instant, he could move that quickly! The sight of that muscular stature, bright blue eyes and blonde hair? It was a sight for sore eyes, the biggest relief I could've asked for.
"Don't think I forgot about you!" Whipping around, I managed to get his goon restrained too, shaking with deep breaths, still protecting the building, but a lot less tense now that my hands weren't so full.
"You never cease to amaze me, Y/N! Marvelous work!" His smile always filled my heart with joy, making it to my feet and hearing that the police were almost on the top floor.
"And you know that I always give it my-"
"What are you two smiling for?" Was this villain out of his mind, even while restrained, he was laughing and what we didn't notice was his goon in the mask, even with his hands together, making a sign, "You're weakened, and I know your quirk. Bet you're focused on the structure of the building, aren't you?"
How did he know my exact strategy?! I yelled out in pain while trying to cover every inch of the building, but all I heard was a laugh:
"Too late, hero! Bye-bye!"
It was from below! Directly below me! Did he manage this during our fight? The floor started crumbling beneath me in an instant, beginning to fall into debris from the explosions underneath, going to reach out as Toshinori was coming after me, but it was too late.
As a hero, you may face death. I was at my limit, and I could feel myself giving way. I didn't have enough energy to even save myself. This was it, falling level after level, wouldn't be much longer till I reached the ground floor, a giant piece of concrete falling along with me.
I accepted my fate, watching that piece of concrete, feeling how much faster I was falling with the wind gusting under me, but I quickly had to shield my eyes, hearing above me:
"New Hampshire SMASH!"
Light beamed onto me from above, that concrete now mere pebbles, a shadow brought to the light, shining blue eyes locked onto me, a smile on Toshinori's face, reeling me into his chest with one arm, able to feel the ground crunching some under his massive weight, landing on the ground perfectly, keeping my head protected, but I saw his fist in the air, another piece of concrete falling to his fist and instantly turned to mere rubble.
"T-Toshi-" I was speechless, positive my heart had stopped.
Time was still, eyes glistening at his smile, not All Might speaking, but Toshinori as he cooed to me softly:
"You know that I would never let anything happen to you, my sweet, Y/N. Never."
For the first time, I understood why he was the number one hero, and why he was the symbol of peace. In such a dangerous situation, handling villains who were still causing trouble while restrained, and saving me from what I was sure was going to be my death, in a matter of just moments?
He is what a true hero is and to think that he was mine.
Suddenly, tears just streamed down my face. Pain from being drained, that explosion, now I think my heart was exploding! I was overwhelmed and the moment I began to cry, he held the back of my head, keeping me snug in his arms while I cried into his chest, whispering to me softly:
"It's okay, sweetheart. It's all over."
"All Might! Thank goodness, you saved her!"
Why did the rest of the police and heroes have to show up at a time like this?! No one knew about us, so I tried my best to suck up the tears, Toshinori keeping his composure, knowing that I needed medical attention:
"Are the paramedics here?"
"Right this way!"
One of the officers lead the way out and sure enough, press and new reporters were all over the place, but Toshinori took me to the ambulance and while in the doorway with no one inside yet, he quickly snuck in a kiss on my cheek before anyone saw, able to hear the concern and all his worries in his whisper:
"I promise as soon as I'm done, I'll be right by your side."
I only nodded so we didn't attract any attention, being placed inside and tended to by the paramedics. Luck was surely on my side today. I got some nasty cuts from the debris, but other than that, no serious injuries. As for my power draining me? Just a day's rest and a good night's sleep would solve that.
Sitting in my hospital bed, waiting for Toshinori, all I could see in my head was him flying down for me, his smile as he saved me. It was on repeat, so out of it that I jumped a little when he came rushing through the door:
"Toshinori!" I sat up as quickly as I could, just to wail at the pain, Toshinori quickly came to lay me back easy, cooing:
"Easy, easy. You need to relax. I know everything back there took a toll on you, please sweetie."
"Just hug me?" I sniffled, and with no words, he knew what I needed, giving me one of his, 'famous', comfy hugs, even with all that muscle being gentle enough so that it didn't irritate my soreness.
"Don't beat yourself up because of what happened," He always knew what was on my mind. I was telling myself that I should've been more alert and cautious, or that wouldn't have happened. I wouldn't have had to put either of us into that situation.
"I can't believe I was so oblivious to his goon," I sighed, resting my head against his broad chest, being shushed softly:
"You didn't know and that's okay. You still got all the civilians evacuated, those villains are in custody, and everyone's okay. That's what matters."
"I'm sorry that I-"
"No apologizing," He picked up my head to look deeply into my eyes, needing to show how serious he was along with his words, "You know as heroes, the danger we face, but whether if I'm near or far, I will never let anything happen to you. I pr-; No, I swear. I love you, Y/N."
I hated being such a crybaby, but it couldn't be helped, not after hearing those huge words, hugging him with the last bit of strength that I had inside of me, making sure he heard back:
"I love you too, Toshinori."
"No more tears now," His smile made my tears stop, his warm, loving embrace erasing the bad feelings, the warmth of his hand against my cheek making me smile, "Don't want those gorgeous eyes of yours turning red."
"At least allow me to thank you," I said softly, thinking back to earlier, "I pushed myself to a new limit and think I discovered something new."
"Is that right?!" He smiled, his excitement having me giggle some, "As soon as you're feeling better, we'll have to train to test that out."
"I won't be out long at all. I can promise you that, love," I winked, showing him that I wasn't going to let this crush my spirit like it was trying to, having him there with me was always a help, let alone when he kissed me softly, smiling:
"Now, that's the spirit, sweetie." 
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"I got careless on patrol, Aizawa-San. Can you help me?"
Artist: Loxori
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frickingnerd · 2 months
poly relationship with all might & endeavour
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pairing: yagi toshinori / all might x gn!reader x enji todoroki / endeavour
tags: polyamorous relationship, friendly rivalry, jealousy, interviews by the press, public relationship, mentions of all might's secret
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dating the two top heroes in japan isn't always easy! especially when the two of them have a bit of a rivalry over you, despite already being your boyfriends…
endeavour always viewed all might as a rival. even now that's both of them date you, it's still not enough for endeavour and he wants to be your favorite out of the two
all might doesn't think much about jealousy and he doesn't have the need for it. he knows you love him and whether he's your favorite or second favorite person doesn't make a huge difference to him
but he's the only one thinking this way! not just endeavour constantly compares himself to all might, trying to out do him, but so does the public!
people are curious about your relationship with the two men. they want to know who's stronger, who's the better lover or who's more romantic
even if you're not a public figure yourself, you'll have all eyes on you, due to dating all might and endeavour! and you're constantly surrounded by the media, watching your every move and asking you all sorts of questions
endeavour wants the public to know that he's the better one and he often gives interviews, especially with you by his side. meanwhile all might tries to slip past the press and ignore their questions, as he wants to keep the details of your relationship secret
one thing that neither of the three of you ever tells the press is all might's secret regarding his quirk! endeavour and you are the only ones who know about it at first and neither of you plan to tell anyone else
endeavour likes to tease all might whenever he sees him in his weakened state, but he would never cause him any harm by revealing his secret! that's the one secret he'll take to his grave, out of the respect he has for all might!
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felinecyan · 3 months
Turned Tables
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[Toshinori Yagi x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: Although being with All Might meant you’d have to be saved twice as much as a regular civilian, it didn’t mean he was completely invincible. Sometimes, he also needed saving, and sometimes, you were the only one able to do it.
WC: 1859
Category: Mega Fluff
My beloved 🥹🥹
If your future self told you that your life would be filled with the most bizarre, unpredictable situations and involved with the number one hero in all of Japan, would you believe it? Absolutely not.
If you had asked your younger self what she imagined her future to be, you could never have come up with something so ridiculous. The mere thought of All Might being your soulmate would have sent you into hysterics.
But that was then.
And this is now.
You weren't sure how it had happened, and you called it cliche, but you swore it had been a twist of fate that had brought the two of you together. I mean, he saved thousands of people on a daily basis. There was no reason he should have paid attention to you.
He was just doing his job.
It was only chance that the villain that had been terrorizing your neighborhood had targeted you. It was luck that All Might had just happened to be passing through when you found yourself staring down the barrel of a gun.
In the end, you were unharmed.
All Might had arrived just in time, disarming the villain and delivering him to the proper authorities.
You had thanked him, of course. Maybe it was your calm nature or perhaps the fact that you had remained surprisingly unshaken during the encounter. But somehow, fate decided that the two of you were perfect for each other.
The second All Might had turned his back to you and begun to walk away, he froze. It was as if the air had suddenly gone stale. All Might felt an overwhelming presence behind him and a voice that seemed to be calling out to him. He hadn't even known that you had followed after him.
He spun around quickly, and the next thing he knew, his vision went white.
When the world came back into focus, he saw you standing there. You were looking up at him with an expression he couldn't quite understand. Then you smiled.
It was like he had been blinded.
And don’t worry, you were the same way.
Your life was a whirlwind of activity after that.
You had learned his true form, not that it mattered much. Toshinori Yagi, or All Might, was still the same man you had fallen for. He was sweet, funny, kind, and everything you could ever ask for in a soulmate.
He did tend to be loud at times, accidentally yelling when he was nervous, and sometimes the volume of his laughter was a little too much, but those were the small things.
You were sure the press would have had a field day with your story. After all, not many people got the chance to date All Might.
It had taken you a while to get used to the sudden increase in popularity. It had gotten so bad at one point that the two of you had resorted to disguises when going out on dates.
Of course, his disguise choices were less than ideal.
You had laughed when you saw the first wig and mustache; it was such a poor attempt at blending in. But you had to admit, his smile had never looked so good.
There was one thing, though. Something you both dreaded and knew was inevitable.
The villains.
All the popularity and attention was a two-way street. You had gained fans, but you had also drawn the attention of his enemies. Most of the time, you could brush it off as if you were some overzealous fan trying to get close to All Might. But every now and again, a villain would come looking for trouble.
Those were the days you worried.
It was a constant concern that plagued both of you.
What if he couldn’t make it in time? What if something happened to him? What would happen to you?
These thoughts always manage to find their way into your mind. Nightmares mostly. The thought of him not making it in time to save you was what you feared the most.
It was a terrifying thought, but that’s what it was. Just a thought. Because he was always there.
Every. Single. Time.
It really made you realize why he was picked to be the symbol of peace. He was the number-one hero for a reason.
Him saving himself, though? Yeah… that was a little harder.
He could handle civilian savings. He could handle villains, and he could handle the regular fans. But the fangirls? That was something else entirely.
One of the things he had never quite gotten used to was their obsessive behavior. They could be rather scary at times. And they were always a bit too… forward with their advances.
Most of the time, it was fine. He was polite and would smile and wave at them, as a hero does. Occasionally, though, he would get cornered.
And today was one of those days.
It had been a busy morning, as usual. There had been a bank robbery, followed by a mugging and an attempted kidnapping.
All in all, just another typical day.
Now, he was making his way back home through the streets of Musutafu. He was looking forward to relaxing, maybe having a nice bath and a nap.
He could use a break.
But just as he was beginning to think he might make it back home without incident, a group of girls spotted him.
"It's All Might!"
He knew what was coming next. He didn't have time for this.
"Please excuse me, ladies," he called out to them. "Duty calls."
But his attempts were in vain.
They weren't having it. He thought he was super speedy, but apparently, he had met his match.
The next thing he knew, a mob had formed, and he found himself surrounded by a bunch of overly excited teenage girls.
"Oh my god! It's really him!"
"He's so handsome in person."
"Can we have your autograph?"
"Hey! Hey, All Might!"
He had barely gotten the chance to say anything.
"Yes, well-" he was cut off before he could continue.
"Can I feel your muscles, please, All Might? Pretty please with a cherry on top?"
"I'm sorry, but-"
"My sister would be so jealous if she saw me hanging out with you. She loves you, y'know. Can I have a hug?"
He was overwhelmed.
He felt his patience waning. The more they pressed, the further his smile became.
"If you would just-"
He tried again. Useless.
"Hey, hey, All Might! Can I touch your hair? It's so big. It must be soft."
He was completely and utterly stuck. Every second that goes by was a second too long. More girls kept showing up.
It was a nightmare.
"I'm very sorry, but I have somewhere to be."
He could barely get a word out, and he was too exhausted even to move.
"Oh my god, are you blushing, All Might?"
He wasn't. But his smile was becoming increasingly strained. God, they were persistent.
Then, like a light shining from above, he heard it. His savior's voice.
"There you are," you said as you made your way through the crowd.
You pushed your way to the front and placed your hands on your hips. You looked absolutely annoyed.
"What did I tell you about wandering off? We're supposed to meet my parents in half an hour. Do you want to be late? You know how my mom gets."
His eyes went wide, and he let out a nervous laugh. That was a complete lie on your part; your parents weren't exactly expecting you anytime soon, but they didn’t need to know that.
"Right. Right, of course, my love," he said.
He wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you closer. It was amazing how you could find him in a crowd so easily.
He was a good head and shoulders taller than everyone around. His hair made him stand out. And, of course, his booming laughter was always a dead giveaway. But, still, he was amazed at your speed. Sometimes, it feels as though you have a secret radar that lets you know when he's having lady trouble.
You leaned into his embrace, and his strained smile relaxed.
"You’re so good to me," he whispered.
He planted a kiss on your temple. Then, a mischievous grin formed.
"Sorry, ladies, but I have a prior engagement," he said. "Maybe next time."
Since your glare was fixed on every girl that was surrounding you, they finally took in his words and backed away.
"Oh, okay. Yeah, of course," one of them said.
"I can't believe I just met him. I can't wait to tell my sister," another said.
"That was so awesome."
"See you later, All Might."
They scattered like a bunch of cockroaches, leaving the two of you alone.
The moment they were gone, All Might's demeanor changed. He let out a sigh of relief and pulled you into a proper hug.
"How do you do it? It’s been decades, and I still can't escape the fangirls."
You chuckled and wrapped your arms around him.
"They're persistent; I'll give them that," you said.
He was tired, so you were careful when pulling away. You were sure his exhaustion was due to his hidden condition.
"We should probably get home," you suggested. "You could use a break… and a nap."
"Sounds perfect," he said.
You were just about to start heading home when you stopped. Something about the look on his face made you think.
"Is everything okay, my love?" he asked.
He tilted his head slightly, his brows furrowed in confusion. You could only smile.
"Y'know, you never did answer her question," you said.
"You know, about the hair. Is it as soft as it looks? Because I've always wondered that myself. I’m always too short to reach."
Laughter flooded the air as he rolled his eyes and shook his head. The smile returned, full force.
"You’ve felt my hair before, darling; it’s all you ever do."
"Yeah, well, I was distracted."
"Distracted, huh?"
"Well, here," he said. "Feel to your heart's content."
He leaned down so that you could run your fingers through his golden locks. And just as that one girl had guessed, it was incredibly soft.
“I could never grow hair this nice, no matter how hard I try," you mumbled.
"It's a burden, but someone's gotta bear it."
He stood upright and looked down at you, a smile gracing his features.
"Alright," he said. "Shall we go now?"
"Just one second."
He raised a brow in confusion. But you didn't answer him. Instead, you grabbed the collar of his suit and pulled him down to your level. Close enough, at least.
You stopped him, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. It caught him off guard, but it didn't take long for him to reciprocate.
He wrapped his arms around your waist and lifted you slightly. This allowed you to reach his cheek. He was still smiling when you pulled away.
"Now," your voice was on the verge of a whisper.
"Now, we can go."
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fluff-n-cookies · 1 year
I hate how they portray allmight as a father
in EVERY all might x daughter fanfic i've ever read, all might almost always neglects his daughter and it's almost always angst no fluff and i don't like that, I mean if you like it, sure go head and read it but I think all might would never do that. if anything, all might would desperately try to include her in everything. izuku's training?you're helping him bandage the mf up. hero galas? a date? nah man, hes taking you only to show you off. even when you're a child, he will attend all your school events, serve tea at all your princess tea parties, even when he's tired he will at least make sure to read you a bedtime story. all might once mentioned seeing nana shimura as a mother and I think he would try to be an equally if not better parent then her. wanting to take care of you and prove himself not only a worthy successor and hero but also as a worthy father.
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actuallysaiyan · 28 days
Baby I'm Yours(Toshinori Yagi/All Might x Fem!Reader)
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warnings: smut, unprotected sex, vaginal fingering, tooth-rotting fluff, size kink(Toshi is in his All Might form), skinny dipping, semi-public sex word count: 1k pairings: Toshinori Yagi/All Might x Fem!Reader summary: during your staycation, Toshi suggests doing a little skinny dipping in the private onsen. of course this leads to something more lewd. a/n: dividers by @adornedwithlight and a very special thank you to @kentocalls for the idea! @pixelcafe-network <3
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The onsen looks so inviting as the two of you look at it from behind the sliding doors. It had been Toshi's idea to go skinny dipping in the private hot spring that was attached to your hotel room. You had never done anything like that before, but you couldn’t deny the idea was so thrilling.
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He’s blushing like a little schoolboy when he slides open the door to the onsen. The moon is full and the stars are shining bright in the sky. Then you undo the knot holding your robe open and he finally gets an eyeful of your beautiful body. Toshinori’s jaw drops and he coughs as a little bit of blood appears on his bottom lip. He quickly wipes it away, a look of shame flashes over his features.
“What? See something you like, number one?”
The words cause a fire to start in the pit of his tummy. The blush on his cheeks burns even brighter now. The way you tease him makes him feel like some sort of horny teenager unable to control his hormones instead of a middle-aged man. You wink as you slide into the hot water, moaning softly at the soothing effects it has on your body.
“Your turn, big guy.” You say as you lean against the side of the tub. You give him a playful wink.
His heart skips a beat at your seductive tone. He takes off his robe, a little more self-conscious of his body these days than before. Though still in his muscular form right now, he hates the look of that damn scar. It tarnishes such a gorgeous body. And yet, you look at him like he strung the stars in the sky just for you. This allows him to slide into the water with you and pull you close to him.
You nuzzle your head in his chest, making him laugh softly. You gently graze the soft chest hair that sprinkles his muscles, and then you look up at him. Love shines so beautifully in your eyes, he’s smitten. Nobody could bring this big man to his knees quite like you do. He cups your cheek, tenderly caressing it with his thumb.
“Your eyes put the stars to shame, sweetness.” He whispers softly, making your heart skip a beat.
You gently push him playfully, but you can’t help but smile. “Toshinori…you are made of sugar, I swear.”
He presses his lips to your lips. “Tell me, do I taste like it too?”
Your hands come up to cradle the back of his head lovingly. Your fingers run through those beautiful blond tresses, and your lips stay melded together. The warmth of the onsen causes you to relax even more into these sweet and hungry kisses. When he mentioned doing a staycation, how could you even refuse? This was the perfect solution to both of you being completely overworked.
Suddenly he picks you up in his arms and sets you on his lap. You let out a squeal of surprise, and he quiets you with a little kiss. You giggle as he begins to lavish you in soft kisses, leaving you aroused and panting to try and catch your breath.
“I want to take you,” his voice is so gruff. “Right here and right now.”
His hands slide from your waist down to your ass. He gives it a squeeze before he spreads your cheeks. Two of his fingers prod your little hole, making you lean against him for a little more support. You can’t trust yourself to stay upright whenever he makes you feel this way. Your skin is tingling as Toshinori continues to kiss your neck, biting and sucking softly. 
“Keep making those sweet sounds for me, honey.” Toshi whispers against your neck. You let out a quiet moan when one of his fingers slides into you.
You try to quiet yourself considering the fact that just about anyone could hear you, but with Toshi pumping his thick finger in and out of you at a dizzying pace, you’re letting out mewls and whimpers. He smirks at the way you react to just being filled with his finger. Another kiss to your neck, his teeth digging into the tender flesh.
“You taste so good,” he growls. “I need you…”
He scissors his fingers to stretch you out, then when he feels like you’ve relaxed enough for him, he pulls them out. You let out a noise of arousal when he brings them to his mouth and licks up the juices. With another needy growl, Toshinori grabs you by the waist and he begins impaling you on his thick length. You let out a gasp, the air feeling like it’s being completely knocked out of your lungs. You look down to see just how much his cock splits you in half.
“That’s my good girl,” he praises. “Just relax. Breathe…”
His voice is soothing to you. His lips press against your temple as you lean against him. Your walls flutter around him, desperately trying to adjust to such a large size. Slowly, you sink down further on him, moaning so pitifully as he fills you up. You feel so full with just half of him inside of you.
“Precious little thing,” he whispers in your ear. “You’re doing so good for me.”
You let out a soft whine, “It’s so much…”
“I know, I know.” He comforts you. “You’re taking me so well.”
Toshinori pulls you closer to him, wrapping his arms around you completely as you sink down the last few inches of his cock. Then he cups your cheeks in his hands, kissing you so deeply. With the stars shining in the sky and making your eyes look so beautiful, he swears he could never fall for anyone more than he’s fallen in love with you. You are the most beautiful, most precious thing in his life.
“Promise me,” he says as he picks up his pace. “Promise me you’ll never leave me.”
You kiss him deeply. “I’ll never leave you, promise…”
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reblogs and comments always appreciated!
©actuallysaiyan 2024– do not repost on other platforms, copy, translate or edit my works!
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kodamaghost00 · 8 days
Hey tumblr! I know you won’t disappoint me, right? Trying to prove a point with this poll.
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cloudcountry · 6 days
a broken symbol ⤿ you bring toshinori out of his mind
comments: i have nothing to say...hello mha fandom...are we still here...
tags: sir nighteye is mentioned, fluff, established relationship, toshinori is whipped, retired toshinori, insecurities.
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These days, it doesn’t take much for Toshinori to collapse. He’s been retired for quite a while now but still helps out behind the scenes, always the hero even though he deserves nothing but rest. He ends up excusing himself from his work every hour, only to run to the nearest bathroom and crumple over the first drain he can reach.
His side flares up with pain and he clutches the flesh, feeling the stretched and scarred skin that caused his health to decline so rapidly as he hacks up far too much blood. Despite everything—the scar and the blood he spits up and the way he really doesn’t have a quirk anymore and the way he can’t maintain his muscular form even if he wanted to—he still works.
And at the end of the day, his gnarled, gangly form drags its way over to you, the person he is finally able to love just a little bit, because the public knows he is All Might and he is still very much a target, and he knows he can still protect you but he’d rather not have it come to that.
Each day was harder than the last, more taxing on his broken and battered body. Even simple tasks like getting out of bed were becoming difficult, the scars and residual pain a constant reminder of just how beaten he truly was.
Why were you with a man like him?
What could he give you, really? He wasn’t young anymore, nor was he muscular or flashy. He couldn’t give you the life you deserved, with a partner the same age as you, in top condition, ready to spoil you relentlessly. Instead you got a run down, broken man, his muscles and glory gone. The only thing he could possibly offer you was his smile.
(Not the well trained one for the press, or the one he saved for victims during and after he saved them. The one that only his colleagues and his students have seen, the awkward one that droops a little on the right, the one that makes his eyes shut with peace he hasn’t known in forever, the one that accompanies a nervous laugh.)
He doesn’t notice your presence when he steps through the front door, muttering a soft “I’m home,” as he takes his shoes off in the doorway. You stand there, waiting for him with a ladle in hand, a cute apron wrapped around you. Your touch feels like an anchor when it reaches him, brushing his snarled hair away from his eyes. You look so concerned and it punches him right in the gut, guilt seeping into his expression. He feels so frail in front of you, like a giant skinny bug. Why do you treat him so gently?
Toshinori’s heart squeezes. He doesn’t deserve you. He’s pathetic, a broken symbol of peace, a reminder that he couldn’t do more for the people he wanted to protect, for his Master who bet everything on him, for young Midoriya who looked up at him with stars in his eyes.
You ask him if he’s getting in his own head again. Your words swim around his skull, only barely making sense as he ducks his head, lanky arms pulling you into his chest and holding you close. He doesn’t cry, it’s rare that he ever does, but he doesn’t stop the single tear that falls down his cheek. You hug him back immediately, pressing your hands into his back, and it feels so soft and warm.
What did he do to deserve something—someone—as soft as this?
“You’ve done everything.” you scold, holding him a little tighter.
How can you sound so gentle even when berating him for being pathetic?
No, that’s not what you were doing. You were just loving him.
“You’ve saved millions. You fought for them for decades. You stopped All for One time and time again. You’ve saved the world over and over. You’ve built society from the ground up.” you reprimand him for each mean thought he has about him, piecing him together from the ashes of his legacy.
He doesn’t say anything, slumped over on your shoulder, taking in your words like they’re the softest, sweetest thing he’s heard his whole life.
Everyone else wanted All Might. He was so, so lucky to find the person who loved Toshinori.
“I understand that the world isn’t safe yet, and I get that you will always be a hero at heart. It’s one of the many things I love about you.” you pick and choose your words carefully, he can hear it in your tone, “This is the life you chose and I won’t try to take it away from you. Just let me support you. And for the sake of the world, stop being so harsh on yourself.”
As he gazes at you, he can’t help but think that his world has narrowed down considerably since he retired. He entrusted the Earth to his students and colleagues, putting blood, sweat, and tears into the staircase he built for them, just so they could reach the highest peak and succeed in protecting everyone they cared for. He is, no matter how he feels about it, just a man now. And his world became you a while ago.
It feels selfish for him to admit that to himself. He will never stop caring about the public, the people who put their hopes and dreams on his shoulders and allowed him to carry their burdens for him, but you’re the only one who has ever really taken his burdens.
Maybe it’s because he never allowed anyone else to. He holds you just a little bit tighter, memories of friends long gone who pleaded with him not to go flashing through his mind.
“You will always be a hero, love.” you sigh, brushing his cheek with the back of your hand, “You will forever be my hero. But right now, I want you to just be you.”
That’s right. He shudders in your arms, a remnant of what once was, but this remnant loves you with every shattered bit of him.
“Right.” he says, voice low and soft.
He hardly has the energy to say anything else, but he knows he doesn’t have to.
Not when it’s you.
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butterfly-writer · 22 days
Yo! I was wondering if you could do some headcannons for Hawks, Aizawa, and All Might with a Pro Hero husband reader? I think it would be really cool if reader had a quirk that gave him the abilities of a skinwalker. He could be able to shapeshifter into his beast form, mimic voices he hears, regeneration, etc. Maybe he could be really tall (around 7ft) even when he isn’t using his quirk, and he looks creepy but is really sweet? I think it would be cool to see the medias reaction too. Sorry for the length. Thank you!!!
Keigo Takami; Shouta Aizawa, Toshinori Yagi x ProHero!Husband!Reader Summary: A character is married to a scary looking hero who’s actually a sweetheart. How does the media react? How did they meet?
★☽A/N: It’s been a while since I wrote headcannons! I really hope I improved! Oh! I had my birthday a couple days ago! September 4, hehe! So I consider this a bit of a gift to you guys for my birthday!
Contents: FLUFF – Headcannons Quirk: Skinwalker The user can alter their physical appearance to mimic any living creature, including humans and animals. This ability allows them to change their voice, size, and even mimic specific characteristics, such as muscle structure or hair. The transformation can be partial or full, depending on the user’s control. However, maintaining a transformation for extended periods drains energy, and extreme changes may lead to temporary exhaustion or loss of control.
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Keigo Takami (Keigo)
The number 2 hero probably met Y/N when he just started his agency at 18 years old. He was on patrol when he saw a thief stealing an old lady’s purse. As the fastest, he immediately got to action, chasing the thief with lightning speed. Just before he could reach the purse, a cheetah suddenly ran into him, blocking his path and swiftly grabbing the thief by the collar with shark canine teeth.
The moment the cheetah ensured that it had disabled the thief, it suddenly changed into a tall male. He was towering over everyone who walked past, staring at him with a scared glare. Keigo figured he was perhaps 7ft (213cm) tall which practically towered the hero. He looked up at the figure, watching as he looked around for the owner of the purse.
He had to admit.
The male was tall and menacing. He had piercings around his ear, colors similar to his outfit. Takami figured he was a pro hero like himself. ‘But how did I not know him?’ he wondered. ‘Maybe an underground hero?’ he thought. Keigo just shrugged it off and walked over to him.
“Hey, big fela!” A shiver went down the hero’s spine when he saw the tall H/C haired man turn to look at him, eyes piercing through his soul. “J..Just wondering if you want me to give the purse back to its owner? I’m sure she’ll be very happy to get it back!” he managed to utter with a slight stutter.
The H/C haired tilted his head in confusion, but then his eyes widened in realization. “Oh- right!” The blonde couldn’t stop the chuckle from coming out of his throat. ‘I didn’t expect him to be so awkward!’ And he had to admit, he judged the hero too soon. His menacing looks were the total opposite to his sweet personality.
“Name’s Hawks. You?” he asked, receiving the purse from the tall hero. “Chimera.” He smiled. Hawks’s heart almost exploded!! His smile was so gentle and soft, a total contrast to his terrifying aura and looks! “So… What’s your Quirk? It’s hella unique!” Keigo commented. “Uhm… like a skinwalker..” Chimera mumbled. Takami was impressed. “A skinwalker? How cool!” he complimented.
“Thank you..” Chimera smiled.
And now they’ve been married for maybe two years? And Keigo is probably one of the happiest birds ever!
In his free time with Y/N, he would play a guessing game with him where Y/N had to transform into a person or an animal and Keigo had to guess who the person was or what animal it was! (He lost most of the time since he didn’t know much about animals… but he was excellent at recognizing people!”
The media would always talk about how scary the hero was, how he would turn into the scariest things just so he could fight. But Keigo? Total opposite! He is infatuated with how amazing Y/N’s Quirk is! Imagine being able to transform into a cerberus?!
Despite his terrifying and frightening aura and looks, he was such a sweet man! Whenever Keigo and Y/N went out together, he would scare almost everyone who laid eyes on him! The rest just glared at him with disgust, which Keigo hated.
One time, Keigo and Y/N had just got out of the 7-11 where he found himself staring at a hungry kitten. Y/N looked at him with an excited face. “Wait here!” he said before rushing back into the store. Keigo didn’t know what he was doing until he came out of the store with a small packet of cat food. His heart ached out of affection when he watched Y/N give the food to the young kitten. His soft gentle smile, a rare sight, brought joy and love to Keigo’s heart.
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Shouta Aizawa (Eraserhead)
Both Y/N and Shouta probably met when they were in high school! But Y/N was in a different class which made them meet extremely late. During their 1st year, around their second semester, both class 1A and 1B were going to have their joint training. This is probably the first time he met Y/N, teaming up with him to go against another team.
Shouta looked over to his side, watching the boy who was much taller than he was. He was broad and frightening to look like. He honestly believed their team would immediately win just by having the H/C look at their opponents the way he was staring at Shouta–
‘Wait-’ He realized Y/N was looking right back at him. He instantly blushed and looked away, silently cursing himself for staring at the male. “Sorry…” he managed to mutter. He heard Y/N respond with a hum.
He turned back and found the tall male walking forward before jogging, and then sprinting. Before Shouta knew it, Y/N was sprinting and quickly turned into a peregrine falcon and flew off. Shouta noticed how he was flying so fast, as if he was flying 5km per minute which was impressive to the ravenhead.
And in a matter of minutes, their team had won!
Y/N had rendered the other team’s members unconscious and had won for his team. Shouta was speechless! Even Hizashi and Oboro who were watching from the viewer room were just as speechless as their best friend!
Shouta walked up to Y/N with an embarrassed look. Despite Y/N’s spine-chilling presence, he managed to utter a “thank you..” to Y/N. Y/N smiled at him, thanking him with a gentle voice. Shouta didn’t stop the shivers going down his spine. His gentle voice and smile was different from his looks and presence, a feeling of comfort from the H/C’s gentle voice.
And now they’re much older! Like… 12-13 years older.. And their love never faded! It even grew when they got married!
Shouta had just started the year with his new students, thankfully not expelling them like the last batch of students. He genuinely saw potential in all of them and Y/N noticed and did not regret teasing Shouta about it, much to his protests.
Y/N was seen as a creepy person by the news, for his towering height and his death glares. But Shouta knew it wasn’t true. Y/N was actually a big softie and sweetheart. He was a gentleman to all women, growing up with a mom who made sure he treated women with respect.
Like one time, they were out to eat and they saw a woman walking alone with a scared expression. Y/N, with no hesitation, walked over to the lady. She was about to scream for help because of how scary he looked, but she was calmed down by Y/N’s gentle and soft voice. He ended up guiding her to her car with no troubles.
Such a gentleman! No wonder Shouta is obsessed with his husband!
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Toshinori Yagi (All Might)
The number one hero! A symbol of peace! Toshinori was proud of himself for finally making his dream come true after being Quirkless and being given One for All by his mentor. Not only that, but the blonde was happy he would’ve made his mentor, Nana, proud, bringing a soft smile to his face.
During one of his missions, he had to go to America and was partnered with one of the underground heroes named “Chimera” who would accompany him.
 He had to admit. Out of all the villains he had to face, including All for One— Chimera was the most terrifying. As a tall man himself, he wasn’t scared of him due to his height, for he was taller by 3 inches but his eyes… The way he practically stared into Yagi’s soul was already bone-chilling to him and made him even terrified by thinking what sort of Quirk the H/C could have.
He was impressed by Chimera’s quick thinking and fast agility, making things a breeze. And the way the hero switched between animals was impressive! And it was on the go as well! The blonde couldn’t help but appreciate the hero more.
After the mission, All Might went up to Chimera and gave him the brightest smile. “You’re really good with your Quirk!” he complimented. Chimera turned to him with a threatening stare, giving shivers down Toshinori’s spine. “Y-You’re really impressive..” The blonde managed to let out. “I-I’m All Might.” He extended his shaking hand towards the hero with a crooked and forced smile.
The blonde was surprised to see Chimera smile. He thought his smile would’ve been terrifying and bone-chilling– So he was shocked to see such a gentle smile. It was a small one, almost non-visible, but his smile was still there, gentle and soft. And in his voice, as gentle and as soft as his smile, he said, “Thank you” with his tender smile.
ALL MIGHT IS SMITTEN! By now, in his 20 year marriage with Chimera, he had gotten used to Y/N’s horrifying appearance and eventually loved how scary he looked, with his tall appearance and hostile stares.
The public, around 10 years into his marriage, was shocked to hear that the number one hero was married to such a creepy underground hero! And Toshinori did not care, he loved the way he was!
The public, until now, are still terrified of the hero, even after he retired before his husband. Toshinori didn’t care much about how he retired, or that he still had his scary reputation. He loved Y/N and that was that.
After Toshinori retired and used his real form, he realized how short he was compared to Y/N now. It was shocking but he didn’t mind it.
Husbands for 20+ years and they’re happy as the day they first met.
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waywardwritesstuff · 2 months
Pspspspsps Wayward it's Vi 👀 Can I request some fluffy relationship headcanons with Toshi? If you write for him ^=^
Of course :D (I'm starting to fall for him a little bit myself, I love the dad types haha)
Fluffy Toshinori Yagi Head Canons
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When you two go walking out in the city, he likes to hold your hand, periodically placing little kisses on your hand. On your fingers, knuckles, top of you hand. Just doing it whenever he remembers
He's not the best cook in the world, but he really just likes being able to make food for you, he likes cooking with you as well and when you're sick he tries to recipes to see if anything will help you get better quickly
Sometimes he get's a little self conscious about his eyes, he wants you to be ablet to see the eyes you fell in love with, not the sunken blackness of his cursed ones. But you tell him that you love all of him no matter what, and you still think his eyes are beautiful
He always tells you he loves you whenever he can, especially since being number one means he's in danger and you would be in danger if anyone knew you were with him, he's worried he might go to work one day and forget to say "I love you" and it'll be the last time he'll see you.
He loved sharing his clothes with you. They were usually so big they hung off you like a blanket rather than an article of clothing. He found it cute watching you waddle around in his shirts or hoodies, the hems of them always kissing the floor.
He likes picking you up a lot. No real reason he just likes knowing that he can. Even if it's just to walk you inside from the balcony, or from the bedroom to the lounge room. Just holding you close knowing he can keep you safe.
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I hope you enjoyed those. I've never written for Toshi before but I hope these are mostly canon compliant.
Thanks for the ask girl!
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genyawritesshizz · 5 months
A Hum of Time Toshinori Yagi X Reader
Part 2
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Part 1
Summary: An innocent relationship between two workaholics could not possibly be that eventful. Just two individuals finding comfort within each other's company and the occasional cup of coffee. What happens when a secret that could ruin both of their careers brings the whole thing crashing down? In a heart wrenching decision, you must do what is best for all three of you and brave the future alone. Will you ever tell the truth? You might not have a choice.
10661-word count
first part of the fluff. Gotta get all cute and mushy before I go in for the kill ;)
To go back to when the two of you actually had time to talk and frolic within each other's company. When the future seemed brighter: When things were easier.
You had signed to work for All Might’s agency a few months ago, and so far, it has been an absolute delight. The pay was incredible, but the most remarkable aspect was how well organized the staff conducted missions and reports. As an up-and-coming hero, you needed a stable foundation to grow.
Toshinori typically kept to himself, pushing his full focus onto the task at hand when it came to anything work related. Head always glued to his computer screen and hands typing away on keyboard. A crucial and unrecognized portion of hero work involved never ending hours of paperwork. Between reports, emails and the overflowing inbox of media or fan mail he rarely found time for breaks when in office. However, he’d force himself to take short breathers from time to time, just to rest his reddened eyes from the blazing screen.
He always picked the same seat in the cafeteria; tucked into a corner beside one of the many extensive windows to gaze out at the surprisingly still busy street he sat alone. The room was silent as it was well past lunch, in fact most of his employees had already gone home for the night as it was nearing 8PM. Recapping his daily to-do list within his mind he sighed, so much to do with so little time in the day.
“Um excuse me” whipping away from the street view he is faced with a woman standing before him, a laptop in hand and frustration evident on her face. “I'm so sorry to interrupt your break sir but I had a question, and I was wondering if you could help.” 
Shocked, his train of thought fell off the rails. In his weakened form it was exceedingly rare for anyone to approach him much less ask for help. 
“Of course,” Nodding to the seat in front of him, his mind scrambled to recover. Sitting down with the laptop you sighed in defeat.
“Thank you so much, nobody else is here and this report is due tonight.” Turning the screen to face him you began explaining your dilemma, something about incorrect formatting, an easy fix for someone like him who could practically type one of these up in his sleep. Though he did not recognize you with a quick scan of the file you were attempting to submit he recognized it as a heroic police report. A document that all heroes must submit after an arrest. To the average secretary it would not have sparked suspicion from a simple glance. However the discretely marked fine print was all too familiar to him. You must be one of the newly contracted heroes. He hadn’t had the time to properly look over the roster of employees in quite some time, truly a neglectful fault of his. He made a mental note to check.
After showing and explaining how to fix the format your report was submitted.
“Again, thank you so much…” You trailed off “Oh yeah, I completely forgot! Im (Y/N).” You felt like a total ass; You had marched up to this complete stranger durring his break, made demands that he assist you and didn’t even introduce yourself. Your cheeks tinted in embarrassment. The man chuckled, he hadn’t even noticed the lack of formalities. 
“No worries (y/n),  Im Toshinori Yagi” He reached a slender hand out, which you happily shook. Taking your own mental note of how his digits completely encased your own hand, nearly reaching the wrist. “Let me know if you ever need help again.” He smiled and let go.
“It’s nice meeting you Toshinori, I’ll be seeing you around!” Returning the smile graciously and folding the laptop closed, you got up to walk away. His eyes trailed your retreating form.
He thought that this would surely be the only time your two paths crossed. A fluke scenario.  
Oh, how fate had a funny way of making things happen.
It was another long night of burning the candle at both ends for the symbol. The weight on his eyelids begged him to call it a night as he finally wrapped up his nightly duties. Yet when rounding the corner and coming face to face with someone, almost knocking both parties over, he was wide awake. Focusing instead on ensuring the person he’d carelessly almost ran over was unharmed with profuse apologies. There you stood, a steaming hot cup of coffee in hand, thankfully non spilled onto your wrinkled blouse, and a pile of papers the size of Texas in the other. 
“Hey Toshinori! ” His name rolled casually off your tongue. You looked dead on your feet, the same bags that lined his eyes matched yours.  “You’re good! No harm done” 
“Hey?” Confused, he glanced over to the double handed clock on the wall, 11:34pm. His thin eyebrows furrowed, casting a dark shadow. “What are you doing here so late? It’s almost midnight.” Laughing lightly you eyed him skeptically, your own eyebrow quirked.
“I could ask you the same thing.” Before he could try and concoct an excuse you continued “I figured I’d get the last of this finished otherwise it’ll just pile up.” He could argue that it already was.
“Did you need help with that?” The aforementioned exhaustion had crawled away into the deep recesses of his mind, most likely to return with a vengeance later, at the thought of being able to help you again.
“No no, I'm okay, besides a bunch of this stuff is pretty classified.” He wanted to chuckle at that, as All Might he had full access to any and all files in this building, from a delivery receipt to top secret government documents. His reach most likely exceeded that but, as Toshinori Yagi the department head he had to respect the illusion of limitations. 
“Oh right, sorry.” He scratched at the back of his neck, feeling a bit of awkwardness sink in. 
“No worries, thank you for the offer though” once again he watched you walk away, down the hallway and out of sight.
His own personal curiosity nagged at him to finally find the time to properly look at your file. Taking his rebound of energy now was as good a time as any, best to do it while it was fresh on the mind. Turning his computer on again he pulled up the agency's employee catalog and searched your name. There you were, that same smile you gave him moments ago reflected in the photo. 
‘(Y/n) (y/l/n) - Siren. Quirk; Voice. ’ Scrolling through your profile he skimmed over the most recent reports. Not shocked to see some having been posted mere minutes ago. Not bad, great in fact, you’d only started here two months ago and already had a substantial amount of arrests under your belt. Although most were for minor offenses it set a promising future. Scrolling back up he read through the short biography under your photo graduated UA with substantially high marks seven years ago, studied at The University of Kyoto with a major in business, had been a sidekick under various different heroes for two years, and over the last year have been working as a private pro hero. Now at the age of twenty five you’d been contracted under his prestigious agency. The recruiting team really knew how to pick the best, he’d have to praise them for their dedication. With the itch satisfyingly scratched he, for the final time tonight, shut his computer off.
Like clockwork, late at night, when the halls were barren wastelands, the sound of a coffee pot brewing another batch and the buzz of overhead fluorescents somehow always connected the two of you. 
“Good evening (y/n)” Yagi greeted from the other side of the printer, both of you sporting matching stacks of paperwork in hand.
“ Evening Toshi, how are you?” He always enjoyed these little chats and the nickname you’d given him, it made him feel more like a person.
 As strange as it sounds, if he wasn’t out being a public symbol he was in meetings or filing paperwork about it, not that he minded of course. It was his job, his sole purpose in life, yet it often left him feeling like a ghost when in his normal form. If he wasn’t actively being All Might then he was simply just existing. But with you, you actually spoke to him, to Toshinori Yagi. He found himself yearning for more, even if ‘more’ meant just brief casual workplace conversation.
“I’m fine thank you, and yourself?” Gathering the warm paper from under the collection doc he organized his stack.
“Oh you know me.” You laughed. It’s true, throughout the passing weeks he had grown to know you as a workaholic, just like himself.  With your coffee freshly poured you turned to exit.
“Would you mind if I joined you?” The words left his mouth so effortlessly, spilling out without giving himself time to process what exactly he’d asked.
“That’d be nice, I’d love the company.” Before his mind could spasm with embarrassment and explode with apologies for intruding, your reply stopped the thoughts dead in their tracks. Grabbing his items the two walked down the hall side by side. He no longer had to watch you leave.
The sounds of keys tapping, papers shuffling, and the occasional quiet sip of coffee filed the otherwise silent room. To compromise from your refusal before he sat in a swivel chair oppositely facing your own along with any papers not currently being worked on were to remain downward facing, as to keep some privacy. Though with his height, if he wanted to, he could easily look down at your screen. Even sitting Toshinori towered over you. Not that he would ever break the thin layer of trust you’d built together by peaking. The clock ticked on, minutes turned to hours and soon it was half past one. Yagi had finished his daily reports and scanning through his emails about an hour ago yet he could not bring himself to get up and leave. Instead he chose to sit and wait for you. The silence brought a sense of comfort. That was until a soft humming called his attention. The sound so smooth and airy if it hadn’t been for the dead quiet he would’ve lost it. Taking a quick glance down at you, still weary of possibly invading privacy, he noted your body language. Your eyebrows furrowed in deep concentration, yet your forefinger tapped to the same beat you hummed. It must’ve been absent minded. Not wanting to break your focus to ask the name of the song, as he did not recognize it, he instead gladly listened as your voice swelled and lowered to the beat your finger set. 
“Alright and done” With one final mouse click you had finally finished for the night. “How are you doing over there Toshi?” Peaking over your screen you scanned his work area, everything had been stacked and paperclipped into neat piles. Looking from the stack up the man he meekly smiled down to you. 
“Just finished” Not a complete lie, he had actually busied himself with organizing. Not something he typically ever had time to do, but a nice way to pass time and something his future self would be thankful for.
“Perfect, well, thank you for your company.” This was your dismissal of him, and as kindly as you worded it, it still gave him sinking disappointment. His body begged for him to say something to stall and give more time. He did not want to watch you leave, not yet. 
“I'll walk you to your car if that’s okay.” Once again he found himself speaking without thinking. ‘What has gotten into me?’  He's never been this outspoken while in his weakened form. 
“Oh that’s okay, I walked” This ignited a spark in him, he could feel the hidden inner All Might guiding his actions.
“It’s one in the morning and way too dangerous for you to walk home alone! Please allow me to go with you.” You were more than capable of handling yourself. Toshinori of course knew this, but it was always better to be safe than sorry. Especially with the spiked rate of crime recently. At least that was his excuse for the offer, instead of his true selfishness of wanting more human interaction. You contemplated the offer for a few seconds. For anyone else to ask such a thing you would’ve found it to be creepy, but from Yagi, your quiet but friendly late-night coworker, it felt nobel. Though you knew little to nothing about the tall blonde who sat in your office, he practically radiated a sense of safety and honesty. Like the first ray of sunshine peeking through the cloud after a storm. Besides, if he tried anything with malicious intent you’d deal with it swiftly. A small smile tugged at the edges of your lips as you caved and agreed to his offer.
As the two of you awaited the next elevator cart you sparked a small conversation, curious about the man who’d taken a bit of your interest. 
“So Toshinori, tell me a little about yourself.” 
“What would you like to know?”
“Well, for starters how long have you been working for the agency?” 
“I’ve been here since the beginning.”
“The beginning as in the opening of the department?” Your eyebrow rose in suspicion while his furrowed. Nervously fiddled with the sleeve of his cuffed shirt he knew he was about to give away his age with this next admission. Already knowing there was a bit of a gap between the two of you he hoped you wouldn’t think of him as some old geezer. 
“No, the beginning as in the opening of the agency. So about ten years.” Your eyes widened with a light gasp. 
‘If he's truly been here for that long then he must be some higher up, a boss, most likely a department head or upper ranked manager. I hope I’ve made a good impression. This job is critical to my career.’ You thought. Taking notice of your shocked expression, his worries flooded. 
“Are you friends with All Might or something?” You teased with a chuckle, hoping he’d laugh as well to quail your own insecurities. Finally the doors to the elevator opened awaiting its passengers. Walking inside you pressed the ground floor button. Thankfully missing the way his face dropped for a split second before quickly regaining his composure. He tried to laugh with you, sounding a bit forced but still managed to convince you. Now standing beside you he felt both relieved you hadn’t thought of his age but hearing the possible connection to All Might sent a shiver down his back. 
“Something like that, I know him.” You once again felt intimidated at his words. You had meant it as a rhetorical question but hearing him admit he did in fact know All Might had your mind buzzing with curiosity. “But then again who doesn’t?” Visibly relaxing you knew you’d most definitely blown his words out of proportion. He was right, who didn’t know All Might? He was the world's number one, the best of the best. 
‘Surely having worked for him for over a decade I’d hope he knew him.’  Again you pushed the little part of you that spewed anxiety down. 
“Ya know, I’ve worked here for almost half a year and have yet to actually meet him. Though, I can't say I'm surprised, being the symbol of peace he must be unbelievably busy.”  
‘You have no idea’ The fact that he had any downtime to even sleep was a miracle. Yet, here he was, spending those precious free moments to stand in this elevator and walk you home. In his eyes, it was time well spent even if his aching body begged for his bed.
“From what I’ve seen over the years, yes, his schedule is usually packed. But who knows maybe you’ll run into him one day.” He prayed it would be under pleasant circumstances. Most people who met his heroic form were in danger or in need of help. Another mental note was made to try and squeeze in time around the office as All Might, for morality's sake of course. You hummed at his statement, allowing the comfort of silence to once again fill the air. The ding of the elevator signaled it had reached its destination.
The walk was similar to your time together in the office, quiet, but never awkward, oddly relaxing. You had begun humming again, the same song from before. His curiosity grew, without the constraint of breaking focus he had to ask.
“What song is that?” 
“Oh sorry, was I being annoying?” You felt your cheeks redden, you hadn’t realized you were humming aloud, It was something you did absentmindedly. Normally you could catch yourself but with the lack of sleep it must’ve slipped past the filter. 
“No, no, you sounded great, but I don’t recognize the song. I just wanted to know what it was.” Toshinori felt his own embarrassment rise, he didn’t mean to come off as rude for asking, he simply wanted to have a conversation. Looking up at the man who towered over you, an eyebrow raised and your eyes glowed with excitement, their own curiosity flowing. 
“Do you like classical music?” Pondering your question, Toshinori reminisced on his limited collection of music. Recently he preoccupied the otherwise tense silence of car rides with whatever was on the radio. Not paying it much attention, just something to fill the void. In his younger years he enjoyed light rock and the occasional new wave. The only time he could recall ever hearing anything related to classical was when attending mandatory formals. 
“To be honest it’s not something I've ever really listened to, but I am open to giving it a try.” 
You smiled up at him, “The song was La Boheme, maybe next time I'll play it for you”  His heart picked up its pace, lightly hammering against his chest. You said ‘next time’, as in these office hangouts would be a recurring thing? He definitely would not mind that. In fact, he hoped you had meant it. 
“Well this is my stop, thank you for walking with me Toshi. It was really thoughtful of you.” 
“Of course” Standing on your doorstep you looked back at him, it felt wrong to leave him like this; out in the driveway, walking alone down the lamppost lit sidewalk. As if there was something else that needed to be done or said, strange. You watched as he waved goodbye and began walking away. Just for a few more moments before shaking away the odd feeling.
Your nighttime routine quickly evolved,it wasn’t everyday, but most that he found himself sitting across from you. Both whittling away at the never ending piles of papers. You’d happily hum a song as time ticked by and Toshinori listened. Sometimes he’d surprise you with a coffee from the break room, made a tad on the bitter side for your liking but you’d always drink it anyways. The gesture always had you smiling, to know such simple things made you giddy, had him wishing he could do more.
At the end of the long grind out of paperwork he would always walk you home, it truly made your heart soar as this was one of the sweetest things anyone had ever done for you. Even if you were a hero and would 100% be okay with walking the short fifteen minutes home, the fact that he did not know this and was willing to risk his own safety to protect you caused a warmth within your chest. Truly selfless, a quality all heroes should have. Your emotions ran high, each time growing fonder. 
Walking into the office you felt as light as air, despite the still stinging scratch in your throat, nothing could bring you down. You had successfully infiltrated and apprehended an underground trading ring. As an up and coming hero having your first major headliner was no small feat. Opening the door to your office your eyes immediately landed on the still steaming cup of coffee resting on the desk with a sticky note attached to the side. The cup was not the cheap styrofoam from the break room, instead the cardboard had elegantly swirly floral patterns, it must have been from a cafe. 
Peeling the note off it read,
‘Won’t be in, Have a great night (y/n) -Toshi’
Although you were a little disheartened at the fact your…friend would not be accompanying you tonight, the fact that he bought you a coffee sent your heart doubling in beats. As the sweet foamed top hit your lips you could not help but acknowledge the fact that Toshinori was truly a charming man. You’d have to thank him for this sometime. 
It was an odd morning, the agency had decided to schedule you for night patrol as opposed to your normal daytime route. Being at the office within its peak business rush felt nauseating, you could handle the crowded streets at the crosswalks, reporters, and flocks of fans but the overcrowded elevators and lines out the door to reach the front desk had your heart palpitating. 
Typically when walking in you’d be suited up, as you’d just finished patrolling, and any left over crowds would part like Moses to the sea for you. However as a regular appearing worker you were just another person clogging the flow. All you had to do was make it to your office then things would be normal again, or so you thought. Finally maneuvering out from the crowd you found relief at last. Sitting down with a huff at your swivel chair and opening the encrypted browser it hit you, what were you supposed to do? Typically in office you’d be filling reports from the patrol but seeing as though your schedule was flipped left you scrambling to fill time. You never thought you’d be cursing yourself for staying up to date on reports until now. The only thing to do was read through your emails and hopefully, well maybe not hopefully, get called out to the field early. 
Your jaw nearly fell to the floor when opening your email. The glowing red notification bell chimed and a triple digit number filled the box. Closing the tab and reopening it you find that it was in fact not a glitch, that number was real. Scrolling through the unread emails your mind began fizzling with both pure excitement and dread. From cute to weird, hundreds of new and old fans congratulated you on your recent arrest. Even some lesser known newspaper outlets and beginner journalists had sent emails asking for interviews. 
An email that stood out and had you grinning from ear to ear was from a mother and son. She said that her little boy had a quirk similar to yours and that he had ‘fallen in love’ with you. Attached was a video of him. His vibrant blond hair had been styled into an outlandishly tall spike atop his head, dazzling green eyes stared up into the camera. He could be no older than eleven.
“You’re the coolest hero ever, Siren! I want to be a hero just like you! YEEEAAAHHH” He held out a peace sign as his vocal quirk activated causing the camera to shake and wobble. Laughing and being sure to save the video onto your desktop you made a mental note to send a video response encouraging the boy once you were suited up.
Of course a few bad apples left you feeling a bit grossed out with their overly sexual comments, which were promptly blocked, yet your chest swelled with pride and devotion. With the first couple dozen email replies you tried to take time to appreciate their support. However as your finger typed then deleted and retyped again you felt at a loss for words. Staring at the bouncing line waiting for your text you felt restless. Yes, of course you wanted to pour your heart out to each and every one of them but the sheer number had you overwhelmed  and flustered. Already sending over two hundred emails you eyed the clock and sighed with relief, it’s almost lunch time. Before you could look back down your eyes did a double take outside the sliver of a window was a towering figure walking. Quickly sliding out from behind your desk you dashed to the door and pulled it open, managed to catch the backside of the slender built man.
Were you really about to chase after him?
With feet thudding against the carpeted floor, not quite running but fast enough to try and catch up, you tailed after him. 
Yes, yes you were.
Rounding the corner you felt like an ant as you were met with a bustling swarm of people, the room was ariot of voices all merging together to create a hive minded roar. Peering over their heads on your tippy toes you finally spotted your target. Thankfully he towered over the average person. You’d have to ask him exactly how tall he was, for now you needed to sift through the hoard to even talk to him. 
“Excuse me” “Pardon” “Just trying to squeeze by” “Sorry”
“(Y/n)?” Stopping your struggle, you stopped dead in your tracks, finally, Toshinori stood a few feet away. Confusion clearly read across his face. 
“Toshi!” You called, waving a hand out. Somehow the man was able to cut through the winding lanes of traffic with ease and soon he stood before you in silence, an eyebrow raised but a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. Realizing he was waiting for an explanation as to why you had followed him your mind short circuited and snapped back to reality. Why exactly did you race after him again?
“I, uh, wanted to thank you for the coffee last night, that was really nice of you.” You felt like a bashful schoolgirl, a deer caught in the headlights, so shy and exposed. Even with your half thought out reasoning his hinted smile blossomed into a full teeth flaunting grin. A bony hand coming up to comb the spiked hair at his nape, a nervous habit he had yet to nix.
“It was no problem at all, really.” A moment of silence passed the two of you once again locked in a stalemate of bashful eye contact. Thinking on your feet an idea popped into your head.
“Would you like to grab some with me?” The tips of Toshinori’s ears and apples of his cheeks felt hot as a rush of blush spread over them. His ears heard the words yet his poor brain failed to understand their meaning, over analyzing and exaggerating the situation. Surely you weren’t asking him on a date, no, this was simply just to return his kindness. Not that he’d mind if it was, but if it was then wh-
“If you’re free, that is, I’m pretty much done with everything for now” You lied. Truth be told you desperately needed out of that office for if you read one more email your corneas would combust. Feeling rather awkward at his growing silence, your brain scrambled to make light of the situation. Knocked out of his own spiraling mind he regained his composure.
“Yeah sure, I was actually on my way out now.” He was not lying completely. His full truth was that he’d been on his way to get some much needed rest, he had been up all night tracking down a potential lead. Hurried and ready to return to his bed before exhaustion had him passing out on the way, he felt a second wind at your offer. Suddenly awake and well aware of his surroundings. “Where would you like to go?” 
Your own mind pondered the depth of your offer. Did you just ask him on a date? Not necessarily, however if he wanted to think of it as one you were not opposed.
“I know a place.” 
The walk was brief, just had to cross a few streets over. However, the violent whip of wind against your bodies had both of you shivering. Hastily trying to telepathically speed up the timer of the cross walk. Looking over to Toshinori you took pity on the thin male. His thin long nose was beat red and face pale aside from his cheeks which looked almost frostbitten. His hands rubbed together to try and generate some form of warmth. Shivers racked through his body, his coat and long-sleeved shirt did nothing to protect him from the unfortunate cold front that had swept through Japan. At any moment you expected him to sprout icicles. Winter was approaching with a vengeance. As an avid weather watcher you had been more than prepared for the front. With your winter coat, thick knit sweater and scarf you were faring much better. Just as another blast of wind threatened to reap the blonde's soul, a weight wrapped itself around his neck. Instantly warmth surrounded his frozen skin.
“Here, you look frozen solid” Looking down to you he watched as you stood on your tippy toes. Hands outstretched as you wrapped your scarf around him. A tender smile, the softness in your eyes coupled with the gesture had him astonished. You were so close. Bringing his own hands up he held the fabric, running his fingertips along the crocheted yarn. He felt his face warm up and not just from the scarf. He’s certain that if it wasn’t for the blood already pooling in his chilled skin he’d rival a tomato.
“Thank you (y/n)” You did not reply, instead you gave him a simple nod of reassurance. Your own cheeks turn a shade of crimson, surely just due to the cold. The signal at last changed and the couple briskly walked the last stretch.
A ‘place’ being a hole in the wall cafe located a few blocks away from the tower. Yagi never had a chance to frequent this shop as every time he was out and about it was either far too early or late and the cafe was closed. That or he was in a rush to get somewhere. Either way he just never could find the time. For you, this cafe was a home away from home. A place where you break your couple hour fast, also known as sleeping, from caffeine first thing in the morning. 
Even though the staff only recognized you as Siren walking through the chiming door frame and having the delicious smell of black coffee with a hint of cigarette smoke still felt nostalgic.
“What can I get started for you?” The larger women behind the counter typically automatically rang up your order however, In civilian clothes and with a man you were unrecognizable. Though rough around the edges she was truly excellent at her craft. 
“Good afternoon, I’ll have a medium brown sugar espresso please.” You started, glancing over at Toshinori awaiting his order. He bit lightly at the inside of his lip while scanning the menu. Truth be told he had no idea what he was looking at. Before meeting you he was always more of a tea drinker. Very few times had he dabbled in the world of coffee. The one he bought for you yesterday was a shot in the dark, completely at the barista's discretion. 
“I’ll have the same.” You smiled up at him, you did not expect him to copy your order. You found it oddly adorable.
“Never hurts to try new things.” He sheepishly smiled back at you, the irony to be saying that over coffee given the recent enlightenment of feelings felt rather silly. Hopefully you hadn’t picked up on his hidden innuendo. However, the light blush on your cheeks and the way you quickly looked away in search of a table suggested otherwise. Picking a cozy table beside the window you attempted to calm your raging emotions. A light coating of frost coated the window, it was snowing. Taking a seat across from you, his long arms resting atop the table folding in on the other. His eyes scan the retro decor, taking everything in him not to stare at the women before him. The faint smell of your perfume and body wash wafted into his nose thanks to the scarf, which he found so fitting for you. Warm and inviting, cozy, he could drown in it. Allowing himself to steal a glance over to you, your eyes watched the small tv in the corner of the cafe. The older flatscreen showed one of the many local news channels.
Broadcasting was an overview of this week's crime report, “Several arrests have been made following the take down of a local drug trading ring at the hands of newcomer hero Siren. It is believed to be linked to a much larger operation; the case is currently still under police investigation.” 
He saw the way your lips curled in a proud and determined grin as the reporter spoke of your accomplishment. His own mind felt the same. He had taken down thousands of villains yet the satisfaction of it never dulled. Seeing his fellow heroes succeed in chipping away at the tyranny of evil always made his chest swell with pride.
“She did an amazing job.” He stated, distracting you from the casting. Keeping your composure as to not give anything away you nodded in agreement. Even if he was complimenting you without realizing it you felt your heart hammering against your chest and suppressed giddiness bubbling. 
A call of your name signaled your order was ready. Taking the coffees in hand you passed one to Toshi. He eyed it before taking a small sip.
“This is delicious!” He proclaimed, taking another gulp from the cup. Those few times he did try coffee had been less than pleasurable, even with the occasional splash of creamer. However, the lack of nose scrunching bitterness combined with the silky-smooth foam top had his mind soaring. You couldn’t help but giggle at the newly formed foam mustache that sat atop his thin lip. Subconsciously you had grabbed a napkin and began wiping it away. Upon realizing you had crudely invaded his personal space you quickly pulled your hand back.
Toshi once again felt heated, he could not catch a break from being flustered. He had not been touched by a woman in… He was vastly unprepared, almost intimidated at the intimacy. Your touch was tender and gentle against him. A sputtering cough wrecked through his body. Taking a napkin of his own he coughed into it for a few seconds before finishing wiping it away. 
“No no, thank you. I didn’t even realize I’d made a mess.” He tried to sound confident,  You responded with a nervous laugh, trying to push your own embarrassment aside. 
“Ever considered growing a mustache?” He joined in your laughter. The sound of his lower baritone voice mingling with your higher pitch was music to your ears. 
“Definitely not my style.” His style in question seemed to only consist of wearing clothing far too large for him and allowing his spiked blonde hair to go wild, yet somehow you still found it alluring. In its own messy Toshinori way.
“So” You paused, contemplating your next move. You’d never asked personal questions throughout all the endless nights of paperwork, keeping everything somewhat professional and surface level. Weather, the local news, or how the damned coffee maker in the breakroom sometimes spit grounds in the bottom of the pot. However, with the ever-growing flame between you two it only felt right to dig a little deeper now out of the confines of the office walls. His thin eyebrow rose, and his head tilted to the side. Stirring the contents of your own coffee cup you thought of a couple questions, again, nothing too deep yet nothing superficial. 
“Do you have a quirk?” He sighed; a shot of fear ran down your spine. Had you crossed a line? Was that too personal? It seemed pretty standard in modern society to ask w-
“Unfortunately, no, I don't. Back then when I was younger it was a lot more common than it is today.” Once again, he found himself dancing around the truth. It was not a complete lie per se. “What about you?”  Curious as to if you’d also white lie.
“Yes but, it’s really nothing to write home about.” Knowing that you wanted to keep your identity as Siren a secret he should not have pressed it any further, but his curiosity as to where you’d take the conversation compelled him to.
“What is it? Can I see?” 
“Haha, you do know it’s illegal to use a quirk without a license.” Easy cop out, a way to evade his question without seeming suspicious. Smart.
“Alright alright, you got me there. What made you want to start working at the agency?” 
“Helping people has always been a passion of mine, whether that meant becoming a hero or filling the paperwork. I’ve always been willing to do whatever it takes to protect those around me.”  Another well worded reply as to not give away your true profession, Toshinori again felt a ping of pride radiate in his chest. Being a hero, he knew you had to be at least a little selfless but hearing the determination in your words and the glimmer in your eyes solidified that suspicion.
“I feel the same way. After all these years I’ve put into the office my biggest driving factor is that I'm helping others.” 
The two heroes sat together until both cups were empty. Throwing away the now empty containers they began the trek back to the agency. This time you did not mind the push of the wind as it forced your bodies closer. You were so close, if he had the moxy he could reach out and hold your hand. It taunted him, every gust of strong air brought it closer and closer. Maybe if he was in his mighty form he would. But as Yagi Toshinori he felt far too shy. Part of you purposefully baited him, yet he did not take it. 
The days melted together as the weeks slowly ticked by. Your conjoined nightly routine meant the blond was starting to become a regular fixture in your life, not that you minded one bit. His company was always welcomed after a stressfully long patrol; it felt rejuvenating to sit down and relax while wrapping up the daily reports with him. He in turn felt the same. Of course it could not be every night but on the ones it was, both heroes felt the sparks of their blooming relationship burn. 
That was until Thursday, the fourth day in a row of an empty office. It wasn’t uncommon for heroes to be out of the office for a few days, however he knew that you were not on any missions as he hadn’t assigned any. This worried him, had something happened? Initially he thought you were out on patrols, perhaps you had shifted to the night crew permanently. Looking at the schedule it was clear that was not the case. Did he scare you away at the coffee shop? He thought it had gone well, great even. Upon checking your profile he found his answer. 
‘Injured in Recover. One week suspension’.  
You’d been hurt fighting a group of thugs, not severely but enough to put you out of commission for a week. Yagi felt an immeasurable amount of guilt, seeing his fellow hero’s hurt always lit a fire inside him but you being hurt unleashed a whole new array of emotions. 
‘But why? Why do I feel like this?’
Why did this make his hands shake and his emotions run rampant? Yes, he considered you were his friend by now, but he’d never felt this way. So raw, so charged, possessive even. 
It scared him.
Monday was when he finally saw you again. It had been eight days since your injury, and you were finally cleared to come back to work. 
When he initially recognized that it was you walking down the hallway a large smile graced his lips, ready to give you a warm hello. However, the way your head hung low and the bend in your posture caused it to slip away. You did not acknowledge him, you never even glanced up, instead you beelined it down the hall and made a swift turn towards your office; the door slamming shut behind you. This did nothing to quail his raging emotions, in fact it just added fuel to the inferno. He could practically feel the sadness radiating off of you. But he remained hopeful, perhaps you had a bad morning.
It was still early in the day, maybe he’d see you in the break room later gathering your usual coffee. It was not to be. He could however hear the buzz of chatter in the room. The way people openly discussed their theories on what happened to you. From an abusive relationship to villian attacks, the rumors spread like wildfire. His fist grew tight as he left the breakroom, having heard enough. He’d have to send a mass email to his department heads about workplace drama. This was absolutely unacceptable behavior.
He understood the embarrassment that came from being hurt better than anyone, as a hero you're supposed to be ‘invincible’, like nothing could possibly hurt you, yet it happened. It happened to him and he was undeniably the strongest hero of them all.
It had only been one year since his injury first occurred and all he ever wanted was for people to stop looking at him with pity, stop coddling him, stop bringing it up and just let him move on. So that’s what he intended to do with you.
 As the clock struck midnight he had yet to see you emerge from your office, the only indicator that you were inside was the sliver of light escaping from under the door. The small window had been drawn closed. As he rounded the corner to check once more the sound of violins and symphony caught his attention. Only loud enough to escape under the door it still caught his attention.
Taking a deep breath, he knocked. Receiving no answer he contemplated leaving, giving you the space you seemed to demand. But, the pit in his stomach demanded to at least check on you. He had to, needed to know if you were okay. He knocked again.
“(y/n)? It’s Toshi.” The music stopped. His breath caught in the back of his throat, until finally the door opened. Standing in the half-cracked entryway you finally made eye contact with him. Finally seeing you face to face again he felt fury flow through his veins. Your lip was bruised a deep purple and split down the side, your cheek did not fare much better matching in shade and your once vibrant eyes seemed dull and puffy. He’d both seen and had worse but seeing those marks on you made his heart sink and hands wad up in a white knuckles fist. He released the stuck air, reminding himself of what he would want in this situation and pushed his concern down “Mind if I join you?”
When you first heard the knock on the door you wanted to ignore it, let whoever was there to piss off, for surely it was another coworker asking questions about your injuries. All day that’s all you heard, whispers and talks about your appearance. If you saw another pamphlet from the local health department on domestic abuse slid under your door you would actually have a meltdown. It was demoralizing and utterly humiliating. You are a hero; you're not supposed to be so weak. Your whole job is to protect the weak. 
However, hearing Toshinori call from the other side made the once dampened spark of happiness light up inside you. Testing the waters to gauge his reaction you opened the door. Seeing him have little to no facial reaction and hearing his question made your tense posture slightly relax. He simply wanted to work with you again.
You opened the door wider for him to step in, like all the times before he sat his laptop across from yours and sat oppositely. You slowly took your usual seat body tense. He noticed the way you flinched when bending to sit, you must be bruised elsewhere as well. Instead of bringing up his concerns he chose to ask something else.
“Could you turn the music back on? It sounded nice.” Your eyebrows raised, looking at him for a second before hitting the play button on your phone. Music filled the quiet room. A soft solo with supporting instruments brought a sense of serenity to the air, melting away the thick tension. Toshinori had hoped to hear you hum to the beat, though unfortunately you did not. Truth be told he just wanted to hear your voice, you had yet to say anything to him. However, he did not want to push for anything more, you were clearly under a lot of emotional conflict and stress. He was simply happy to see you again.
Instead, he allowed the swell and flow of the music to fill his mind.
Your throat felt unbearably dry, definitely an improvement from last week but still the burning sensation had you reaching into your desk drawer for another cough drop. Toshinori couldn’t keep his eyes from wandering down at the contents, lozenges, throat sprays, syrups and tea packets overflowed the wooden drawer. Glancing over to the wastebasket, it was filled with handfuls of wrappers, a few used tea bags and crumpled pamphlets.
You caught his eyes, the way they glanced between the drawer, the trash and finally to yourself. Yet, he did not say anything. As if having enough over the counter numbing spray to stock a pharmacy was normal. You squinted at him, analyzing, searching for a reaction to which there was none. Taking a small sticky note out of your pocket you quickly scribbled a message down and slid it over to his side of the desk. 
Looking down at the note Yagi smiled.
‘The name of the song is A time for us - Nina Rota’
Taking his pen he wrote his response and passed it back.
‘The violin solo was pretty. What is the name of the other instrument?’
‘It’s an oboe, a double reeded woodwind instrument.’
He had never heard of such an instrument. The night was spent filing paperwork and passing notes recapping each song that played. A pile of sticky notes now collected on each side. He never questioned aloud your use of notes instead of actual spoken conversation, he was smart enough to put the pieces together. A vocal quirk and that amount of medication must have meant overuse of it results in lack or hindrance in speech. 
Your final report was sent, and with that your last sticky note was sent his way. A small blush dusted your cheeks as you pushed it into his awaiting hand.
‘Walk me home?’ 
After reading the note a large genuine smile stretched up to his hallowed cheek bones. In that moment time felt as though it slowed down, just for a few seconds. With the lack of collagen and much body fat he’d seem somewhat unappealing to some, however taking a genuine look at the man before you, things started popping out like they never had before. The way his messy blond hair framed his prominent sunken cheekbones, you subconsciously wondered if it was as soft as it looked. How deep his cerulean eyes truly went, so much admiration and kindness swam within them as he looked down at you, they almost appeared to be glowing. Did he look at all his friends like this? The note being slid back broke your daze.
‘I’d love to’ You could not help the explosion of blush that spanned from your cheeks to your neck. Quickly gathering your items, you tried to hide from the blond. What has gotten into you? What had provoked such intimate thoughts?
Were you…
Developing a crush?
Nonsense, Toshinori was simply a friend of yours. A friend that you enjoyed spending time with, a friend that did not judge you, a friend that had your palms feeling sweaty and your head airy with just a smile. A friend that you had just wondered if their hair was soft or if they looked at you in a special way… Yeah, just a friend.
Your body betrayed your mind on the walk back to your house. Just like at the coffee shop you found yourself standing closer than usual, absentmindedly seeking him out. Never close enough to accidentally touch, but if either of you wanted to you could easily reach out. Almost but not quite. If he noticed he said nothing, allowing you to walk as close or as far as you wanted.
 When the walk came to a close and he turned to leave, you could not help but reach for him. Toshinori was shocked, your hand was gripping his white sleeve. Unsure of what to say he turned back to face you, head leaned slightly down to study your expression. Wanting to question if you were alright, if there was something wrong, however the words never came to fruition. Eyes locked together in a silent stalemate you felt alive, energetic even, in a bold and impulsive  move you sent yourself forward. Arms outstretched, to embrace the lean man with your head crashing against his chest.
Body overcoming the mind. 
Time felt stagnant in that moment, despite his initial shock his own body took charge, as his longer arms fell around your waist bringing you closer. Craning his neck down to rest atop your head to fully envelope you. He reciprocated the physical affection full heartedly. The scent of your perfume and shampoo nuzzling his senses once again. Oh how he had missed it, the scarf you lent him weeks ago had long since lost the scent. The softness of your hair, the way you fit so perfectly against him, and the overwhelming sense of tranquility was intoxicating.
Hugs did not have to be inherently romantic, as he hugged his adoring fans frequently but this time it felt different. Intimate. Harmonious.
The two remained silent, reveling in the warmth that grew between your met bodies. Emotions ran rampant yet neither felt embarrassed.  
Lifting your heads, eyes again looked into each other, the emotional doors were clearly open for the other to see. Longing, want, and adoration swam in both sets. The distance between slowly decreased, eyes still open, never detaching. No thoughts, only actions.
You both wanted more, to stand with the other a little longer, to allow the space between to completely close. However a buzz from his phone signaled the moment was over. Realizing the situation you both pulled away, faces a glaze and radiating heat. Neither one made apologies, however the air felt bogged down with words unspoken. Closing his eyes he sighed. Relaxing a bit before opening them again he looked back down to you with a smile, cheeks still rosy.
“Goodnight (y/n)” 
“Goodnight Toshi.” Returning the grin you turned on your heels and headed up the driveway. The same guilty feeling from the first night returned. 
Your relationship had changed forever that night.
Was this a good change? You were not sure, but one thing was for certain,  it felt right and You wanted more. Of all the people that bowed at your feet, drooled at your magazine covers and begged for your affection, the one that managed to catch your attention was a quiet man shrouded in mystery and clothing three times his size from the office. 
‘What the hell am I getting myself into?’
That night Toshinori sat atop a roof, peering over the city. He should’ve called it a night long ago however, his mind was in disarray with thoughts. 
‘What am I doing with her?’ 
All the hours of sitting inside your office he had convinced himself he purly wanted a friendship. Just someone to occasionally talk with to quench his selfish need for human interaction. All these feelings were out of concern for a friend, simply being nice. However after tonight his resolve was faltering. Maybe the hug was out of solace, a way for you to find comfort after a rough week. Possibly. However the more he reminisced on his own feelings and the way you looked at him had that solution increasingly incorrect. He recognized the eyes of someone enamored, people looked to him with such eyes daily in his Mighty form daily but, never as his weak regular self. 
The feelings he had not even realized he suppressed bursted out of him. He could deny them no longer. He wanted to be more than a friend with you. But, could he allow himself that? Could he really go through with this? 
Back on patrol you finally felt like your old self again, fully healed and ready to be back in on the action. Taking the information you had gathered from the thugs you set your sights on getting to the bottom of this rabbit hole. The men were simple guards, goons, middle of the food chain. What you wanted was their employer, the top. Based on the information they’d spilled and the matching tattoos on their bodies you were clearly dealing with a deep rooted ring. Well-established and on the rise if they could afford to hire people with half decent quirks and fighting skills. Not to mention this would be the third established branch you’d snuffed out. One man kept mentioning an abandoned building, that must’ve been their headquarters, with a distinctive graffitied symbol the same as their tattoos on the door. Walking down the damp alleyways closer to where you apprehended the suspects you stuck close to the walls and quieted your footsteps. Scoping out the building you find five men standing post outside. 
‘Must’ve stirred the hornet's nest’ you thought. This could be difficult. You had to be strategic about this, fighting five on one was not optimal. As a licensed hero you could not engage unless they were actively committing a crime. Just had to find evidence of illegal activity and another way in. A broken window on the second floor gave you an opening.
Controlling the frequency of your voice you produced an infrasonic sound wave to propel you onto a nearby building. The pitch was far too low for the natural human ear to pick up. Latching onto the wall you waited for the men to turn their backs, just for a second then strategically propelled yourself again, gliding through the air, you aimed yourself for the window. Successfully landing within the confines of the building with a light thud. Sweeping a look at your surroundings you analyzed the situation, luckily no one was on the floor. Hearing loud thumps race up the stairwell you darted out of sight.
“I heard something. Didn’t you?” Two more men emerged, taking a quick profile of them. You determined one was young, far too young to be in a place like this, while the other was far older, perhaps a mentor of some kind. You calmed yourself, huddling closer to the stacks of boxes you took shelter behind.
“Stupid boy, there is nothing here.” The older man swung on the boy, a solid smack to the back of his head had him stumbling forward. Landing right beside your hiding place his face lifted from the creaking wood floor. For a brief second the two of you made eye contact. Wild eyes widening in fear and mouth agape ready to scream you thought on your feet. Breathed in, focusing on the boy you whispered a command.
“Quietly leave” 
The sound waves penetrated his ears as it was made only for them. His mouth shut and eyes glazed over devoid of emotion. In a fugue state he stood up, turned to the older man without acknowledgment and began walking back down the stairs. 
This was your special move, how you got the name Siren in the first place. ‘The command’ as you dubbed it could only be heard by its intended target as you directed the waves directly through their canals forcing their eardrums to verberate. As long as the frequency of the pitch was just right and the subject could understand your words their mind felt compelled to follow. A hypnotized state. Your ultimate trump card to get out of any sticky situation. Though you always paid the price with each use. Your throat felt raw and scratchy. Sighing you pulled out a small bottle of spray from your utility pouch and coated your throat. The medication managed to subdue the burn for now.
Moving down the stairs, the room before you confirmed the suspicion. Tables piled high with stacks of wrapped substances, presumably drugs, with several men including the two from before taking from the stacks to packaging them into small shipping containers and stacking them onto a pallet. Several guards watching the men work, occasional barking orders with threats of punishment should they not comply.
You had to find a way to take them out without destroying too much of the evidence. With the state of your throat it wouldn’t be possible to unleash a full screech without ending up like last time. Knowing this could get sticky you clicked the side of your ear piece. A signal was sent out to other members of the agency. 
All Might’s phone buzzed, looking down to the small device his thick eyebrows furrowed, causing deep creases to shadow over his gaze. 
‘Siren - Stand By - Location Attached. Video Attached’
This was a non-emergency broadcast, a precaution set in place as a ‘just in case’. It was not uncommon for his contracted heroes to send signals like this, in fact it was promoted, should the situation get out of hand back up already had been alerted. However, seeing the signal from you put a bad taste in his mouth. His intuition bell rang. All complicated feelings aside, given your recent accident and being fresh off of recovery, he chose to make his way over.
He’s thankful he did.
The dilapidated building arose with commotion, bursts of flames spewed from the doorway and thunderous yells echoed into the alleyway. Bullets flew freely and ricocheted off the brick.
Unfortunately, you had only managed to take out four guards before being spotted, the ensuing firefight had you pinned against a wall for cover. The workers with heads ducked down and looks of pure terror had scrambled to escape once the battle began. The last guard inside possessed a pyro quirk. His haphazardly thrown fireballs had the shabby wooden wall you hid behind beginning to crumble. Seeing as though most of the evidence was burning to ashes a sound wave could help extinguish and knock out the man. Just had to time it in between attacks and be wary not to over do it again.
Capering out from behind the wall you took in a deep gulp of air, full of ash from the fire the air burned your lungs. Your mouth opened, and a haunting screech howled through the air. The fires extinguished and the man was sent flying through the front door. 
Still cautious of the guards outside you carefully peaked around the doorframe, only to find all five bound together. The man who you’d successfully blasted lay in a groaning heap before them. His head surly buzzed as earrings rang. Stepping outside, the sun had begun dipping below the towering building painting the sky a muted marmalade. Sweeping the area your breath caught in the back of your throat in a gasp despite the ever-growing pain.
All Might stood before you, his smile wide across his chiseled face as he tied the final knot around the men.  The remaining sunlight streaked out from the space between buildings painting the already vibrant man in a brilliance of light. “I’ve dispatched these evil doers. How many more are inside?”
In all the months you had been working at his agency you had yet to meet the man himself. To finally meet him in response to your direct signal had you giddy and awe-inspired. All Might rose to fame while you were in your late teens. You had watched him even in his early days in America as he swiftly became the world's number one hero. A true hero. Your hero. He was who pushed you to try harder in your early years. Through the toughest courses as UA to the years of side kicking he made you truly strive for the top. To push yourself above and beyond ‘Plus Ultra’! 
“All men inside are taken care of” Pushing past the burn in your throat you swallowed back your saliva and mustered a reply through strained vocal cords. 
“Great work Siren! I’ve already alerted the authorities. They should be here soon.” Together the two of you drug out the rest of the thugs from inside. 
Paparazzi, reporters and fans gathered at the alleyway entrance, curious to get a glimpse of the action. With any heroic arrest or commotion they flocked. However, with All Might making an appearance they came in droves. A police barricade pushed the swarm back however sooner or later you’d have to entertain them. 
A million cameras flashed and a thousand questions asked as the two heroes stood together taking the brunt of the media assault. Both you and All Might gave short brief answers to the first few questions until a woman holding a giant lensed camera pushed herself to the front announcing she was from The Musutaful Times, the most prestigious paper around, and would like a photo. 
“Of course!” Before you could think, All Might's muscular arm draped around your shoulders and pulled you against his hulking body. His smile widened and his opposite hand's thumb stuck out. He stole a glance down at you, through your mask you looked at him. Seering cerulean blue locked onto you, even with the barrier it felt as though he could look through it. The moment lasted less than a second, yet it sent a shiver down your spine with a heatwave of blush rushing across your cheeks. A lopsided smile stretched across your own face as the camera flashed. 
In the blinding blitz of it all you had failed to realize the fire-quirked villain had burned through his rope restraints. The rest of his gang had already been loaded up into cars leaving him the last one standing.
“You’ve ruined everything!” In a fit of retaliation, he summoned a blazing ball of fire and launched it directly at you. Quick on your feet you attempted to dodge the attack aimed at your head, however the smoldering projectile managed to graze over your face. Scorching your mask. Shaking off the initial attack you readied yourself to attack. A loud smash and burst of dusty air signaled the fight was once again over. All Might had stopped it, but what he could not stop was the flash of the cameras and the shocked gasps from the crowd as your mask fell into melted pieces. Your face was on full display. Horrified you backed away, terrified of the once adoring crowd. 
“Come on” Strong arms grabbed you from behind. In an instant the ground fell away and became distant.
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paperdice · 3 months
Hi is it possible to have toshinori yagi (all might) x male reader. The reader is a famous doctor who walks with a cane (following an accident). They are married and it's a secret, only a few people know (izuku doesn't know) but a journalist surprises them together and publishes it on the Internet. I'll let you imagine how the fans, Izulu and others will react (sorry if there are spelling mistakes, English is not my mother tongue.
𝐓𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐢 𝐘𝐚𝐠𝐢 (𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭) 𝐱 𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭)
"I will change your name and keep it a secret, cause I love you and you love me."
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⊹₊ ⋆✦ ┆You had quite the title that you lived up to, the infamous doctor that helped develop the study of quirks, finding ways to enhance both others and your own quirk for the greater good. A well respected doctor that whenever mentioned on any platform, it was always about either a great discovery or a great stepping stone for the future.
⊹₊ ⋆✦ ┆Your own quirk was a healing type, a very rare and special ability that you used to use to help others all the time. But due to an accident, for whatever reason, and you can't tell if your age also takes place in this your quirk has been having some difficulty activating. You had already been working on the study of increasing others quirks, hence this accident encouraged you to focus on the study more.
⊹₊ ⋆✦ ┆You weren't seen often outside of work, if you were out cause of some sort of announcement or you were just on the sidelines to observe whatever you needed for research. So when people do meet you in person they always compliment yourself and your work, or sometimes people praise you for helping them due to your older works. You can only imagine how devastated the public was to hear of your incident, it was big for a good while.
⊹₊ ⋆✦ ┆But behind this rather reserved hardworking doctor, there lived a years long hidden secret. The love life between you and Toshinori Yagi, the symbol of peace. The two of you have been happily married for a long duration, carefully hidden under the rug from everyone aside from a few important people in your lives. You both didn't know if there'd be a time to share this to the public anyways, the question was shrugged off.
⊹₊ ⋆✦ ┆Years ago, in the years of both all mights prime and your own, a villain attacked the area you were in. To this age you vaguely remember what happened that day, what you remember is your future husband paying you a visit in the hospital. All might himself was sitting next to your hospital bed for whatever reason, come to find out you were in a coma for about five months.
⊹₊ ⋆✦ ┆Apparently all might asked the doctors to please send a future email of your predicted awakening, if there was any sign of you waking up that is. You already had visits from family but all might?? Well truth be told he felt guilty for 'allowing' you to be so severely injured while he was saving the day. His head looming in disbelief that you had been under his protection and he failed you, a rather important figure in history too! man he messed up, he thought..
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⊹₊ ⋆✦ ┆The relationship was so endearing, you balanced each other out perfectly. Always looking out for one another mentally, physically and emotionally even if being separated for work reasons in a rather long period. The simple things with such earnest thought, Toshi messaging you if you got to work/home safely or him randomly dming you "are you okay?" in the middle of the day. Then freaking out if you take hours to reply.
⊹₊ ⋆✦ ┆All the time you bring work papers home and having to look over them, or just sit in whatever spot you pick and type into computer for some time. If Toshi's home and having his own relaxation in the comfort of the shared home, he'll look over where you're working, just to take in the sight of you being busy. He loves this sight especially, your focused face double checking the pages. Toshi stares so lovingly at you everytime for years on end that you've grown used to it.
⊹₊ ⋆✦ ┆What you've also grown used to is him accidentally falling asleep while admiring you, you try and catch his eyes getting heavier before he knocks out, so you can encourage him to rest. Toshi smiles and quietly chuckles each time you tell him that, agreeing that your probably right but he rather spend the little time he has with you. His dearest husband, how could he leave at this sight of him?
⊹₊ ⋆✦ ┆Stress is common with you two, the cause always being work. So stress checks are too common, if one notices the other is a bit more impatient or anxious than usual they always step in. Though, after so many years spent together it seems like Toshi still isn't all that confident on what is the right thing to do for you. Confident or not, his efforts are always appreciated.
⊹₊ ⋆✦ ┆Dates are often, normally after overworking the whole week causing the many separations. It can get tough trying to have a date outside so you two gotta get creative with the plans. That's why it's extra special, talking about your weeks and sharing sincere words after holding them back to save it for this very moment. Funny how even at the ages y'all held now, you can still feel weakly in love.
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⊹₊ ⋆✦ ┆After working on loads of research on increasing quirks, overtime you felt a guilt dragging you in the mud. You wanted this for the future heroes, for yourself to activate your healing quirk and go out to help again. But to also help Toshi, you see how at times he just wants to go out to aid the civilians or UA students. If you can just help him maintain even just a little of what he has left of his quirk, that'd make you both happy.
⊹₊ ⋆✦ ┆But not much luck lately, you found yourself in a repeated cycle to find answers. Through this cycle guilt found itself attaching to you, all week you were just thinking of helping your husband, determination was turning into desperation. Clearly distracted from your work recently, Toshi thought to pay you a visit at your work place with some snacks and his winning smile.
⊹₊ ⋆✦ ┆This wasn't a huge deal at your work place for him to just show up for you, after all,, your research can help him with his past injury. This was just him checking up on progress that's all, nobody makes a deal of it.
⊹₊ ⋆✦ ┆He finds your work space and asks if you could go outside instead, get some fresh air and have a quick chat, leaving the snacks behind. Now you were standing in the back where nobody could see you two alone. Toshi gets straight to the point after the "how you been" and "hows work", he asks what's been stressing you out so badly.
⊹₊ ⋆✦ ┆Seeing you this wrecked happened rarely, he's concerned. After some poking and reassuring words you spilled, softening his heart in the process. "it's okay, you don't need to worry about that. I just can't help myself when I see an opportunity where I could've- swooped in and saved the day.." Toshi sighs, now holding your left hand, it's bare and alone.. having abandoned the wedding ring at home. His thumb rubs on your ring finger as he continues "I've passed down one for all, even if you did help me it wouldn't go as far as you think. Because I don't have my quirk anymore."
⊹₊ ⋆✦ ┆The truth was.. He was right. And you knew that. It just didn't sit well with your heart, "I love you for trying and thinking of me.. really, I do.." his other hand was now rummaging through his pocket, "ever since you laid out your heart for me, I just- how could I have been so lucky?." he pulls out something in his pocket, but he's still hiding it with his hand.
⊹₊ ⋆✦ ┆"I'm grateful that I married you, secret or not, I'm happy it was you I fell for." confessing his love, he pulled your hand up to his face and kissed your ring finger, the item he pulled out was none other than your wedding ring. Toshi ever so gently puts it on your finger, staring at you with what you sworn you saw was heart eyes. Little did you both know, this sweet moment was going to uncover the hidden secret that was lonesome from the public eyes.
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⊹₊ ⋆✦ ┆About a day later an article was published from a trusted journalist, "Symbol of Peace All might and Infamous Doctor y/n's Hidden Marriage" ...What.
⊹₊ ⋆✦ ┆It was spread like wild fire all over the internet, what made it worse, there was solid proof right there. Toshi holding your hand, kissing it and placing the ring. With another hidden shot of the shared kiss before heading back to work. Worldwide. you couldn't even go to work that day, neither of you could.
⊹₊ ⋆✦ ┆Not because of hate no, just questions about the relationship and how long y'all been together ect ect. There was a mixed of reactions, the people who didn't approve two men dating (homophobia), the group who didn't care and supported, then there was the all might simps left heartbroken that he was taken all along. Fortunately the support was higher than the hate, because why care?
⊹₊ ⋆✦ ┆If you two seemly have been married and kept this secret for an assuming while, why bother hating? You two were happy, there were even theories out that suggested you two had to hide it due to fear of homophobia. All might- Toshinori, has saved so many people and inspired others worldwide, the least they can do is support his love life, it's not like he can control his heart.
⊹₊ ⋆✦ ┆Young Midoriya messaged Toshi with panicking texts, asking the same questions everyone else did, asking why he didn't trust to tell him but it's okay that he didn't and how he's happy for him.
It was a lot.., Toshi was all slumped and apologetic to you about not being careful and "stupid" enough to take you out and do that rather than being in closed doors.
⊹₊ ⋆✦ ┆That's when he felt like he had a good idea of telling the public everything, to make a video. Which you knew it wasn't going to work, you saw how badly he wanted to get it over with that he forgot how awkward he can get on camera plus it would be so cringe. You let him discover this on his own, dozens of restarts later he came to the same conclusion.
⊹₊ ⋆✦ ┆You patted his back with a smile, "how about we do it in person? A conference so we can answer all the questions."
⊹₊ ⋆✦ ┆So that's what you both decided on, Toshi was understandably, a bit nervous. Just for the worries to be washed away with rather respectful asks, very few had made you both uncomfortable but never extreme. It was a relief to see how many people had accepted it so quickly, support on the internet with cute fanart of you two, people saying how you were both lucky catches for one another.
in the end, it was all okay.
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How convenient would you say it is to be needing more information on teenagers quirks that the principal from UA invited you over to observe the hero course students train.
where your husband worked at.
You stood outside the school building, it's rather intimidating height staring down at you. "Hello! I'm down here!" A voiced called, and your already familiar with it. Looking down seeing none other than principal nezu, he's so small and he was waving at you with a smile.
"I'm glad you could you make it, I thought I'd help you with your analysis regarding to better understanding the youths quirks." Nezu's smile never left and his little eyes was just adorable.
You smiled back to the principal, "Could you kindly tell me how will you be aiding me? Am I seeing the students training up close?" Questioning what he meant by his words within his invitation. "Right now they're training in our gym gamma, I'll lead you the way and tell you the details!"--
-Walking in you saw Eraserhead, Ectoplasm and your husband. But currently Eraserhead and Toshi had their backs towards you, it didn't seem like they were waiting for you. Weird..
"Have you two already forgotten who was paying a visit today?" Nezu called them out from behind, his voice perked up their ears as they both turned towards you. Aizawas face was slightly confused but his face relaxed after, meanwhile Toshi's face lit up.
Aizawa questioned Nezu, "Oh, it was today?. Thought it was next week." He rubbed the back of his neck. "W-what, I wasn't told any of this, you were planning on visiting?" It was so cute how flustered he was to see you, you could tell he was holding back excitement. everyone could
While both you and nezu were explaining things, some students noticed you.
"Ouu is All mights boothang came and visited him? So cute!" Mina teased from afar, she was loud enough that a good chuck of the other students heard and looked over.
"Awh, that's sweet, All Might's one lucky guy huh." Jiro smiled looking straight at Toshi. He didn't know what to say, so you had to speak for him, "A visit is part of why I'm here, I just need to gather up some info from you kids quirks then I'm out"
After Aizawa told them not to get distracted, you were then told by nezu to watch the students close one by one and get whatever you needed. So you did, but not before asking to step aside with Toshi first.
Sure you could speak to him after the examination or at home, but you had to cram this into schedule and you knew you'd be staying at work a bit later tonight. So why not chat a bit now?
The whole time as you two spoke you heard all kinds of wingman type of hyping up in the background from the students, some of them at least.
It was getting to Toshi since his face was all pink and he was starting to stumble on words a bit. That went on like that, for the entire time you were there. It was very sweet you can't lie, some asked about the relationship, a handful mentioned about your research and few didn't say anything. And one asked about where you got the sick cane Kaminari.
By the end of it all you did gain some things that you needed but now you also gained a bunch of mini wingmans by your side.
"You know, if we were exposed a bit sooner, I think I'd invite them to our wedding."
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Ahhh I really hope you like it, sorry for the wait I really wanted to nail this one! It was fun writing the ideas and story build, come back and roll again if you're thinking of another request!
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the-anime-enthusiast · 2 months
cuddles with small might? please please🥺💖
(i love when y'all ask me for underrated characters 😌)
Also quick warning pintrest did me NO justice when looking for reference pics so pls forgive 😣
#1 - Him on Top (that sounds bad sry 💀)
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Y'all ever had a partner just come home from work suuuuper sleepy and looking for love and they just plop on top of you without a word? Yeah, he's that partner fs. 🫶
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Literally just the exact same thing or instead of him plopping on top of you after a long day at work he throws himself onto the bed next to you and pulls you over him 💞
#3 - ✨ Combination ✨
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#2 - Partner on Top (again sry 😭)
Bro sticks his face STRAIGHT INTO YOUR NECK ‼️Gets all warm and cozy just breathing you in, pulling you closer with his (HUGE) hands 😌
#4 - Uno Reverse ↩️
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Bro just wants to be held ong 😭 Something Abt his partner being big spoon just makes him so happy 🫶 Loves to be all wrapped up in his partners arm, legs tangled with each other, their nose buried into the back of his neck, HE EATS IT UP ‼️
Like I said I LOVE WHEN YALL ASK ME FOR UNDERRATED CHARACTERS 🫶🫶 It's literally my favorite thing bc MHA UNDERRATED CHARACTERS ARE THE BEST CHARACTERS 🫶 Anyways...So here's the small might one!! One of my fav characters (he's adorable) lemme know what you think and PLS REQUEST CHARACTERS 🫶 I love doing these and don't be afraid to ask for some random obscure characters I literally have a special place in my heart for every. single. MHA character. And when I say all of them I mean all of them 😭 From Selkie to Gang Orca, or even the basics like Hawks and Bakugo I GOT U head cannons are my specialty just DONT BE AFRAID TO ASK‼️
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frickingnerd · 1 year
i'd stop the world for you
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pairing: toshinori yagi / all might x gn!reader
summary: the pro hero number one, all might, confesses to you and you're more than a little startled!
tags: wholesome fluff, reader doubts they're good enough (& all might assures them they are), happy ending, friends to lovers
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"you… love me?"
you looked up surprised at the number one hero. he was smiling at you with that famous 'i am here' smile and you couldn't tell if he was being serious with you. then again, would japan's number one hero really pull a prank like that on one of his colleagues? 
"i do! that's why i said it"
he kept smiling at you, his lips not even twitching for a second. he almost looked like an action figure instead of a real person, standing still and staring at you. 
"why me..?"
for the first time, he stopped smiling. just for a short moment. he looked at you softly, before resting a hand on your shoulder and smiling again. only this time, he looked much more sincere. it wasn't that smile he gave the press when he came to someone's rescue. that smile belonged to toshinori yagi, the person behind the title of japan's number one. 
"why not you?"
you chuckled amused. 
"if you're asking because i could have anyone as the number one hero, then that's my reply" he paused. "but if you truly don't see what's so special about you, then let me tell you that you are the person i trust most. you are not just my ally but my friend. i don't have to pretend when i'm around you. and i know that you like me for myself and not my title"
you looked up at him, eyes widening as he spoke. that's how he viewed your relationship? you were honored and relieved to hear how much he liked and trusted you. 
"in that case, it would only be fair to let you know that i feel the same way about you too, toshi…"
your heart was beating faster as you smiled at the blonde man in front of you. 
"i love you too..!"
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fluff-n-cookies · 11 months
mcdonalds + Platonic (soft) yandere All might = free Happy meals.
that's my equation sir.
know the reason I think this is because All might legit has nothing better to do, and since he spend like 5-15 years in america is has been ENGRAVED into his mind, he's still getting PTSD war flash backs from the first time he went through a mcdonalds drive through.
so now he's getting his neice of whom he loves ever so dearly happy meals cuz' he thinks it's an uncle neice bonding experience.
(it's not your room is covered in happy meals and dad! nighteye is NOT happy about it.)
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