#Torquill Eliphas
immanueldid · 7 years
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My name is Force Commander Shepard and DOW2 is my favourite wh40k game.
Ripped from my recordings, so they’re probably not perfect. I’m going to do my best to get others at some point because I wanted these so bad and I couldn’t find them anywhere. 
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An Update: Heresy-Era Eliphas the Inheritor
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space-outlaw-jin · 7 years
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THE STORY On the world of Kronus, deep within the grand realm of Ultramar, Torquill Eliphas of the Word Bearers brings his grand designs to fruition. As part of Lorgar’s Shadow Crusade, the Ark of Testimony Chapter has fought alongside their berserker allies from the World Eaters for many months. But the slaughter of Ultramarines is not their only goal – Eliphas seeks to harness the power of the warp, in the construction of the mighty Templum Daemonarchia..
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ask-jaghatai-khan · 7 years
The Path Beyond
(Homebrew warband I came up with when fluffing an all-investment-in-psychic Tzeentch Daemonkin army, and what kind of servants would likely be the summoning core. I also used it as an opportunity to distill some of my favorite “dark wizard” references.)
“The Warp flows through us, for we walk upon the Path!”
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In the days of the Great Crusade, after the Triumph of Ullanor, the propagation of warrior lodges crept through the ranks of the Legiones Astartes. Secret societies, separate from the titles of legion or rank, appeared amongst the space marines. Most prevalent in those legions who would later turn from the Emperor’s light, the practice was looked down upon by many, and laid the foundation for the later Horus Heresy.
It was by the actions of Chaplain Mori Shi, of the Word Bearers legion, that the lodge known as the “Lodge of the Beyond” would form. Of Terran birth, Mori Shi served within the Ark of Testimony chapter, and at the behest of Chapter Master Torquill Eliphas set about uncovering those pieces of most ancient lore that might give the (now secretly deviant) seventeenth legion insight into the nature of their new gods. It was upon Terra itself, buried in ancient ruins within the irradiated wastes, that he discovered a set of bronze scrolls. In but a few more centuries those lands would have been crushed under the expanding Imperial City, and their dark secrets lost forever.
The scrolls were translated by the scholars of the Word Bearers as the “Path of Ur-Apam”. Contained within was a set of intricate edicts, rituals, and treatises on the nature of the Warp. Realizing the value of such ancient writings, Mori Shi presented the scrolls to close confidents of his amongst several legions—most of all the Thousand Sons, as the sorceries inscribed within were of great power and craftsmanship. The newly forged Lodge of the Beyond would attract psykers from several legions; prominently those of the Thousand Sons, Word Bearers, Sons of Horus, and Alpha Legion, though even elements of the Emperor’s Children, Iron Warriors, Death Guard, Iron Hands, Raven Guard, and White Scars were present. The Path of Ur-Apam was not merely a collection of powerful magics, but a spiritual guide on seeking perfection through the power of the Warp.
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The psykers who had gathered within the lodge soon became preeminent in their legions, though the secret society was not to last in its current form. After the massacre on Isstvan, those astartes of the Iron Hands and Raven Guard were enraged at the betrayal, and had to be put down. The last of the “loyalists”, the White Scars elements, later left of their own accord to be either slain by their former brothers, or take up the mantle of Sagyar Mazan. Those few members of the Death Guard, who had sought acceptance away from the sight of Mortarion, were later claimed by Nurgle, and so lost upon the Path of evolution.
All that remained were the traitors, who—with the failure of the Siege of Terra—fled to the Eye of Terror. It was then, as the traitor legions pulled themselves apart, that the Thousand Sons made their move. As psychic mastery was considered the greatest power of all, and the only true measure of worth, the sons of Magnus sought to purge the gene-seed of the lesser legions from their ranks. They turned the might of their sorceries upon their former allies, obliterating them and scavenging what was left. Mori Shi, of power enough to match even an Exalted Sorcerer, attempted to fight back, but the powers of the Warp clearly favored the Sons, and he was consumed from within by daemons. With this victory, the warband of The Path Beyond rejoined their legion, and fled to Sortiarius.
Now within the realm of Tzeentch, the members of the Path had power beyond comprehension at their hands. Joining their minds, they enacted the greatest sorcery left un-attempted within the scrolls: the summoning of Apam’ra, a daemon prince of incalculable power. Revealing himself, Apam’ra was finally able to guide his new congregation down the true path of enlightenment. It was by his word that the Path assembled itself into the form it holds today. Seeing such opportunities in the realm of Chaos magic, the warband split off from the guidance of Magnus, and were later chased from Sortiarius by their brothers for their increasingly irreverent and maniacal behavior. This was a heavy blow, as set adrift on a nomad fleet the band was beset upon by raiders of the other traitor legions—those whom they had purged and betrayed. With few allies and no home, the warband would regain its power under the military guidance of Exalted Arch-Sorcerer Ukustra, and undertake a journey of the galaxy bourn on Warp-fire and deep madness, allying with numerous parties from the Prodigal Sons to the Black Legion. When Magnus called back his progeny for the chance at revenge against Fenris, the Path Beyond answered, for redemption and a chance to display their wisdom and psychic strength to their gene-father. Now, they are a thrallband of the Thousand Sons, and seek to show enemy and ally alike the true power of the Warp.
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The Path Beyond are named for the philosophy they follow, also known as the Path of Ur-Apam, after its creator: Apam’ra. The Path outlines a belief system centered around the power of the Warp, and embracing Chaos to ascend to daemonhood and gain mastery over all things. As such, psychic power and knowledge on matters of sorcerery are held above all things within the ranks of the Path, with the ways of flesh and steel being matters of necessity at best, or chains of imperfect binding at worst. Daemons are viewed as the ultimate beings of creation, with even minor Warp-spawn being looked upon as more favorable allies than some of the thrallband’s mortal slaves. The thrallband therefor views Tzeentch as the greatest being in existence, and worthy of total devotion for his mastery of the magical arts. Apam’ra, though the creator of the Path, is viewed as a guide, while Tzeentch is the end of the journey itself.
Despite their love of Warp energy, members of the Path do not embrace it in an entirely wanton way. To master the energies of creation, with the end goal of infusing one’s spirit into their very currents, one must first master themselves. Mutations are cultivated carefully, and those who have fallen to their own ambitions are stepped over—for one who is destroyed by that which they seek to master is no master at all. Though for their usual Chaotic back-stabbing tendencies, the Path has managed to establish a warband far more stable than many others. It is believed that those of greater psychic ability should be followed without question, and it is likewise the duty of those in charge to lead their followers to greater power. Disciples are forever wary of signs of weakness in their leaders, and masters are encouraged to maintain dominance with grand displays of mastery, and an intricate web of schemes to monitor their pupils, so that they may remain respected. If a master suffers a failure greater than can be allowed, or loses control of his own ambitions, then he is very quickly and silently deposed and replaced by the next most powerful, minimizing infighting.
While Tzeentch is viewed as the greatest being in existence, and therefor deserving of the mentioned loyal subservience, the God of Change is only worshiped for his ability. Though undoubtedly a Tzeentchian warband, the Path Beyond also pays tribute to Slaanesh, Apam’ra, and Magnus as gods of great power, and to the very force of Chaos itself. Due to the disparate nature of their worship, the mix of the chaotic and orderly within their operation, and their constant embrace of and exposure to the daemonic, sorcerers of the Path are seen as mad and unpredictable by their peers. To be unquestionably loyal for years, only to jump at a new opportunity and cause great collateral, along with a demeanor that swings between wise and diplomatic to superior and destructive, had caused many other Thousand Sons thrallbands to view the Path Beyond as a rogue element that should not be trusted, however powerful. The Path does not care, as they know their position as the (in their mind) most powerful summoners, scholars, and psykers is established, and they have only ever acted according to the edicts of Apam’ra.
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Notable Members
The Oracle — “I hear that which screams in the night. I see what waits in the shadows.” — Lord of Navigation & Conductor of the Choir, Will of the Gods. The Oracle, who bears no personal name upon ascension, is the de-facto leader of the Path. They head the Circle—the high council that convenes on governance of the band—and act as first and final authority. The Oracle is a hideously mutated thing, with twisted armor concealing even more twisted and nebulous flesh. Their head sweeps up into two great prongs that sing with the resonance of the Immaterium, and are inset with multiple eyes that see beyond, even as their face holds naught but a mouth pouring with innumerable prophecies. The Oracle acts as the pathway through which various daemon princes, greater daemons, and even the gods themselves might give orders and strike bargains with the Path. These are then considered by the greater Circle. Each Oracle is selected by the previous one, and when the prospect is ready the two enter the Well of the Irradial Cogitator, in which only the Oracle is allowed. The new Oracle will step forth alone, different but already heavily mutated. It is believed that the process of succession involves the merging of two souls, as each Oracle has all the memories and skills of the previous one. Due to the great mutative strain, the Oracle is always an astartes.
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Exalted Arch-Sorcerer Ukustra — “Now, you will pay the price for your lack of vision!” — Lord of the Exalted Captains, Magister of the War-Coven. In the years after the Ocularis Retribution, the position of Arch-Sorcerer changed hands between many powerful battle-psykers, only for each one to be deposed or overwhelmed by their own ambitions. It was during the years of stability around the First Black Crusade that Ukustra would come to power. A reserved and unassuming sorcerer, little was known of his past before the Heresy, save that he had been a younger legionary. Now, over a millennium later, he had deigned to take up the mantle of Arch-Sorcerer. Ukustra is phlegmatic, demanding total obedience from his followers, and rarely showing any emotion even when spewing forth incalculable amounts of Warp-magic. As Arch-Sorcerer, his duties center around direction of the most elite of the thrallband’s psykers. Some members of the circle have looked upon his position with some derision, seeing him as little more than a walking weapon. In truth, Ukustra is at the center of a web of daemonic and material alliances through which he might enact any strategy he sees fit. He is versed in the powers of deception and might, and has outlasted many of his peers. He also holds a great hatred for the Space Wolves, Death Guard, and Eldar, all for the hidden secrets of their sorceries that he wishes to bring into Tzeentch’s domain. In the past, several Arch-Sorcerers have been mere mortals, but as Ukustra has held the seat for over nine-thousand years, the point is moot.
High Dark Apostle Dracus Los — “If you only knew the power that is CHAOS!” — Master of the Thralls, Voice of Corruption. A position adapted from their former Word Bearers allies, the High Dark Apostle is chief religious officer, and charged with organizing the mobs of acolytes, Tzaangors, and slaves that form the greater backbone of the Path’s auxiliary forces. Additionally, he is the herald of the warband, his magically-enhanced oratory skills inciting defectors and inspiring his allies. In times of “peace” the Apostle is the diplomatic face of the warband to other Chaos forces. Dracus Los has held the position for a relatively short time, but his boundless charisma has earned him great esteem. He is blessed with a visage that is glorious and terrible to look upon, as much beautiful as daemonic. A natural leader, Los will heap great praise and awards upon those who please him, while swiftly purging all those who divert from the true path. The position of High Apostle is often held by an astartes, due to the great danger inherent in the position, and the respect a space marine earns over mortals when confronting rival warbands.
Arch-Heretek Cal-Urgus — “This won’t hurt; we just want to drain your living essence!” — Master of Forms, Dark Fleshshaper. The thrallband’s chief engineer, material scientist, and contact line to the Dark Mechanicus. The Arch-Heretek is viewed with suspicion and resignation, as while the Path teaches the value of the Warp above the base flesh and steel, the hereteks’ support is necessary and invaluable. Bio-enhancement of warriors can serve to expand the mind and hone reflexes; vehicles may be inscribed with runes and bound with daemons; and—perhaps most importantly—the unique medical needs of the astartes sorcerers and high psykers can be managed. The Arch-Heretek may also be called upon to lead the binding of daemon engines—a dark rite that is viewed as a punishment for the daemon in question. As the Arch-Heretek is selected by their own contemporaries, they are always a mad cyborg. Cal-Urgus is but the latest madman in a line of insane scientists stretching back millennia.
The Spymaster Nahash — “Perversio dominatus.” — Master of Serpents, The Long Hand. The Spymaster’s title says all that needs to be said. Due to operating on the word of the Oracle, the Path likes to seed target worlds with cults and sedition before making their move. Due to the small size of the warband, and their reliance on massed rituals for daemonic reinforcements, the Spymaster gives the band the time and information they need. The spymaster also helps gain intelligence on rival Chaos forces, rumors, and intel about other happenings of interest. Nahash is an unsettling creature, appearing completely normal at a table of twisted monsters, though behind his eyes flicker the flames of a telepath, summoner, and webspinner of terrible acuity. Though the first Spymasters of the Path were astartes of the Alpha Legion, modern holders of the chair tend to be unassuming mortals.
Lord High Magister Reah Qasr — “I’m bored. What plaything can you offer me today?” — Logistician-Prefectus, Webweaver. The head of logistics and the management of all crew on the Path’s small warfleet. The Magister is the mathematical backbone of the thrallband, collating each individual daemonic pact in the way a Munitorum adept might collate shipments of ammo. While many underlings view the battle-psykers with awe, and the hereteks and spymasters with fear, it is the Magister who holds the massive and horrible lore that is knowledge of supply and demand. Reah Qasr was once a megalomaniacal Rogue Trader who defected to the Path at the opportunity for the raw power she so desired, and freedom for her restrained psychic abilities. Her vanity gives her an appearance to rival her astartes peers, with opulent cloaks of runic silk and colorful feathers, intricate augmetics, and flesh decorated with scarification and tattoos meant to burn the eyes of any lesser beings who dare look upon her face. The position of High Magister is always held by some manner of crafty mortal.
Apammabzkalahothengenistora — “I know the Path, I am the Path. I was, I am, and I shall be.” — Otherwise known as Apam’ra the Augur, author of the Scrolls of Ur-Apam and true guide upon the Path Beyond. Apam’ra is a daemon prince of time immemorial who has aligned itself with Tzeentch. The Augur is not just a powerful psyker, but a scholar and philosopher of impossible sharpness, who has brought armies to heel with guile and words as much as spells. Apam’ra most often takes the form of a massive cloaked figure, with great wings, and many tendrils of magic that emerge from its shadowy regalia. Four clawed armed enact intricate sorceries, while a hidden head is adorned with an elaborate dress of tentacles, feathers, and horns. Its power is said to be on par with the mightiest Lords of Change. The Augur seeks to grow its power through the devotion of its powerful flock. The most maddening prophecies of the Oracle hint that Apam’ra may seek to merge with Tzeentch, destroying the Materium and bringing all things within the blinding power of Chaos.
Chaplain Mori Shi — “But better than the lies of the Imperium is the secret lore of the Warp.” — Future Dark Apostle and Diabolist, Chaplain Mori Shi of the Word Bearers’ Ark of Testimony chapter was the founder of the Lodge Beyond, and first spiritual guide on the Path. His destruction would come about at his own hands, however, when his own pupils turned against him for his inferior gene-seed, and he was destroyed by the daemons he had already lost the favor of.
Exalted Sorcerer Anuvram — “Such sights are shown to me!” — A diviner of the Prosperine Corvidae Cult, Anuvram was also known as the Gate of Logic, a nickname earned from his time seconded to the Iron Warriors. Anuvram was of a reserved temperament, but razor-keen mind, with as much insight into machines and the mechanical sciences as sorcery. After the death of Mori Shi, and before the summoning of Apam’ra, Anuvram took on the mantle of the first Oracle. His mind was opened to the depths of the Warp, and his soul walked with daemons, becoming as familiar with them as he was with his own brothers. It was under Anuvram’s guidance that the Irradial Cogitator was built, the tradition of the Oracle was started, and the Path started on its way to power and glory.
Exalted Sorcerer Tiamaz — “Only now, at the end, do you understand…” — A great warrior of the Pyrae Cult, Tiamaz took on a flair for perfectionism after his time with the Emperor’s Children. He also earned the moniker of “The Faceless”, for his habit of never removing his elaborate helm. Tiamaz became first Arch-Sorcerer of the Path, and their face upon the battlefield. He went missing during the Ocularis Retribution—that time after their exile from Sortiarius, when the legions had sought revenge for the Path’s purge of the lodge. He was presumed slain, though his armor and gene-seed were never recovered.
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Order of Battle
As the Path Beyond is a very small thrallband, focused on tight operating procedures and elite psychic ability, much of the Path’s “forces” are its allied daemons. Though capable of rapid defence through its combat psykers, the warband much prefers to be on the offensive, planning its invasions sometimes hundreds of years in advance, working its tendrils into the very society of the worlds it wishes to invade. When the word is given, rebellions will arise, rituals will be enacted, and the legions of the Warp will spew forward like a corrupting wave into realspace. Motives for attack tend to be either the desire for resources, slaves, and potential recruits; or as part of an agreement with a powerful daemon. By ripping the veil asunder, the greater daemon or prince who contacted the Oracle will be free to enact whatever dark plan they wish.
Psychic talent and sheer acuity are of tantamount importance in the thrallband, and all leaders must be gifted magicians. Even a Tzaangor Shaman or mutant coven-leader will be afforded greater respect than a non-psychic astartes of another warband. Sorcerers of all divisions will keep with them a close cadre of followers, who mutually feed off each other’s power as a form of amplification. In addition, the warband keeps a steadily replenished contingent of acolytes and thrall-psykers, who may be sacrificed during advanced rituals. Due to the insane nature of their beliefs, many Path Beyond sorcerers will have better allegiances with daemons than other mortals, helped along by the many daemon princes allied with or originating from the Path. Their devotion to the Warp is seen as unhealthy even by other sorcerer-thrallbands, and their use of subversion and spies as further dangers to cooperation.
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The Path Beyond wears the blue and gold of Tzeentch, with violet accents, but such is their sigaldrous power that their leaders are as daemons of deathly enlightenment. The blue panels of their armor are glossy and swim with the currents of the Warp, while runes inset into elegant filigree glow with magical power. Eyes, banners, and the like glow with technicolor flame. Even lesser sorcerers will festoon themselves with parchments copied from ancient tomes, and trinkets and talismans crafted of everything from gems and silk, to bone and mortal hide. Flesh will be inscribed with scars and tattoos, and pierced with jewelry containing yet more enchantments. Most subdued of their raiment are the black robes they wear, inscribed with near-invisible runes of protection and shadow. A popular tactic of Path sorcerers is to enshroud themselves in their dark and unassuming robes until within close range, at which point they will fling open their capes to reveal the swirling and multicolored flame-sigils and seals that burn the minds of enemies and enhance the powers of the wearer. Daemons, when coalescing their forms upon summoning, will even adopt the heraldry of the thrallband, as a sign of the unbelievable solidarity their psykers foster with the warp-spawn. Their symbol is an inward-spiraling Ouroboros, surrounded by the points of the Star of Chaos.
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Notable Battles
The Ocularis Retribution (M31) — Enacted shortly after the Great Scouring and the Path’s exile from Sortiarius; adrift and vulnerable, the warband is attacked by splinter forces of the Iron Warriors, Emperor’s Children, Word Bearers, and Alpha Legion in retribution for their purge at the end of the Horus Heresy. The Path manages to survive by wits and sorcery, but loses near all of its already pitiful supply of Rubricae, many thralls, and Arch-Sorcerer Tiamaz, as well as sustaining heavy damage to its infrastructure. This would first spur the Orcale into the formation of the Circle, basing future operating strategies around a small, elite fighting force.
First Black Crusade (781.M31) — With temporary stability brought to the forces of Chaos by the actions of Abaddon the Despoiler, new Warmaster of Chaos Undivided, the sorcerer known as Ukustra usurps the position of Exalted Arch-Sorcerer—using the body of his mentor, the former Arch-Sorcerer, as a daemonhost for Apam’ra. Ukustra pushes for the support of the Oracle, and pillages many Imperial worlds of artifacts over the course of the Crusade.
The Damnatius Collapse (999.M35) — A centuries-long gambit pays off on the hive-world of Aqunda. The completion of the planetary governor’s palace inadvertently activates a Chaos sigil formed via the lay-lines between the tallest hive spires, the work of the Path’s Spymaster. Warp portals open above the world, summoning the Path Beyond and hordes of daemons. The world falls within a day.
The Prize of Firinne (M37) — The Path allies itself with the Prodigal Sons and sorcerer-champion Ahriman. Warp storms descend on the planet of Firinne and a three-way battle ensues between the forces of the Imperium, Eldar, and Chaos. The Tzeentchian faction emerges victorious, with Ahriman finding a fragment of the Map of Ceo’dainn, while the Path Beyond sacrifices a trove of spirit-stones to Slaanesh. Exalted Ukustra would remark on Ahriman: “He is like Magnus—a true follower of the Path, even as his mind is misguided.”, while Ahriman would refer to Ukustra as “A mad fanatic, who can barely master his own power.” Regardless of differences, the two forces have worked in tandem since then, as exemplars of Tzeentch’s will and might.
Siege of Fenris (999.M41) — After long millennia of wandering, the Path Beyond answers the call of Magnus to seek vengeance on the Space Wolves. Returning at the promise of spoils and glory, the Path seek to demonstrate its might, exchange knowledge with its lost brothers, and gain access to the riches and power of Sortiarius. The Path Beyond is refashioned into a thrallband of the Thousand Sons—an arbitrary distinction, but one that allows it opportunity to work more closely with powerful sorcerers such as the Primarch. During the siege, the Path moves behind the action and enacts multiple rituals that summon innumerable waves of daemonic forces.
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