#Tord: *emotional repression*
baconcolacan · 1 year
Has Tom tried talking to Edd at all after the incident?
He wanted to, after his fight with Tord, but he knew his status in the Red army would raise flags if he just up and left to go to a (at the time) non-allied country. Besides, despite him and Tord having a tiff, he still did care about him and it would be shitty to leave him while they were mad at each other. Plus its also stubbornness, he wants Tord to reach out first because his actions would matter more, also he wants an apology from his boyfriend for being such a bitch about this.
Eventually, when Tord confessed his fears about it, Tom couldn’t find it in himself to force him to reach out if he really wasn’t ready. Though he would remind him of it, gentler this time.
Later on, Tord did go to England to find Edd, mostly because he was ready, partly because Tom (jokingly) threatened to call off their engagement if he didn’t at least try.
Tom doesn’t really get to talk to Edd again until much later, since his priority would have been 1.) The mental state of his now husband 2.) his kid
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candelwicks · 7 months
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Alove alostor*spinnnnssss*
All y'all bitch asses are now gonna here my info dump of my headcannon on when alastor was alive
Alastor I like to believe through childhood and even adult hood was always been considered "different"(minus his murderus tendasense when older)) from society, he's always feel more comfortable around females and because of that in childhood he's always let the girls in his school make him do girly things Wich made most adults repermand him and his mother for being "homosexual" however due to alastor being completely chill with women alot of jealousy fell through wich caused alot of bullying through first grade and I would say till the end of highschool but even when alastor graduated men still feels threatened by him, what makes it funny is that alastor never felt any sort of attraction tords the girls he just seen most of them as friends or sisters so when he gotten older he started seeing them as different parts and aspects of his deceased mother causing him to grow more of a personal bond with the girls he befriends.During the time as an adult when he has his own radio show there was a lot of woman that has interest with him however alot of the flirting or sexual remarks either fly over his head or make him EXTREMELY uncomfortable he tends to wounder now and then why he's so repulsed and or uncomfortable with the mention of sex and not interested in romance there's times besides being a killer he already felt like he's out of the box when it comes to other people,he finds the concept of romance nice but he never felt interested to be in one himself he just personally like watching people's romances from afar like watching romantic movies it's like a "oh cute! Good for them!" But still never felt interested himself.Rich people and racists are the 2 main people that bothers alastor the most,rich people basically babying him and treating him like some clueless child that knows nothing and the fact that most if not all of the rich pretentious folks are extremely racists calling him a "mutt" for being a mix of two races,the rich forced themselves to include alastor to partys because alastor climbed up the ranks to be on the same if not higher pedistole as them due to his natural charm and charisma he has with folks to the point it doesn't go unnoticed, when alastor was alive not even he was awere about that part of himself but it was indeed clear the woman take quite a found with him Wich during said party caused some of the men to be jealous and Because of that the rich found an excuse to find ways to ridicule, embarrass and bully him during the party full of people, reason why alastor even bothers going is that during that section he's a killer so he just secretly grab the ones who did anything cruel to him especially embarrassing him in public, alastor doesn't come alone in the party's he normally brings in his female friends like his childhood best friends mimzy and Rosie (or there human names for em Madeline and Rosetta that too is also my headcannon))as emotional support (all his female friends know that alastor is a killer and is complete surprisenly chill by it especially the cannibal part))
Repressed memories
Due to a traumatic event at 14 years old he lost his hearing in one ear and his mother due to said traumatic event,it's repressed in his memories (for now)) so he doesn't exactly remember what happened to his mother or his hearing in one ear all he can remember was his mother telling him to hide,and he did but then seeing a dog watching him unknowingly.
After his mother died he was trapped with his father for 4 years until another traumatic event happened and he couldn't remember what happened to him ither however he could care less what happened to his father due to his father being an awful man sense day 0 but luckily his mother's family friend found him and taken really nice care of them however after another traumatic event he ran away he doesn't remember why but he felt like he's some danger to this nice lady
During his human life after the death of his mother his memories kept faultering and faultering and more kept being repressed he doesn't remember anything during 14 through 24 besides some bits and pieces of it like how abusive his father was or the nice lady and his female friends but that's about it
The "soar thumb" at parties
I like to think alastor sticks out during partys being the only one with his curly hair out and a bright red suit, never really hard to spot out during big events,he never does anything huge with his curly hair as a way to keep the last thing that reminded him of his mother so he never felt right changing it,I also feel like poor alastor doesn't understand some of the things people say during said partys especially how they casually insult him in regular conversation,he trys finding ways to make conversation but never works right so he normally just tag with the female friends he brings or talk to other females in the party dispite being a killer at this time I feel like he always felt uncomfortable going to the parties due to how insensitive people can be like casually asking him what happened to his ear when it's personal or asking why his hair is a "recked mess" at the partys even making alot of racist remarks tords him during casually talks as well and just blatantly always managing to say in six syllabus or less on why he doesn't belong here and it's to the point that Rosie and mimzy had to drag poor alastor out for his own sake thinking these rich assholes ain't worth the kill however alastor still kills the rich assholes anyways because ya gotta eat the rich and alastor takes it literally.
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merwynsartblog · 2 months
Other facts about Cam—
1. He isn't even lying when he says he thinks Matt is genuinely the coolest person he's ever known, and means all of his word of praise to him. He doesn't even think of Matt as arrogant, and just thinks he's a really confident guy.
2. In Spares, there was a Cam clone that was EXACTLY like how he was as a kid. Tord hesitated to shoot this clone of him because it reminded him of Past Cam, but Cam came up from behind and proceeded to kill the clone without hesitation, kinda symbolizing the fact that Past Cam really IS gone.
3. He also only started repressing his emotions (at least after leaving town) mostly because he thought it was what Tord would have wanted due to how he always made fun of him for being a crybaby when they were in elementary.
4. Tord called him 'crybaby' as an insult at first, but it slowly became a term of endearment when they finally became friends.
(Stopping so ya can read)
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crossover-enthusiast · 8 months
I think Tom could also help with Cam issues simply because his seriousness would probably just ground Cam enough to finally kind of acknowledge that everything that happened to him was indeed kinda fucked up and very much a big deal.
Cam confessing to Tom that he just straight up repressed his emotions to this day sometimes simply because he saw how others like Tord reacted anytime he showed emotion as a kid and doesn't wanna dissapoint anyone by 'being a crybaby' 👀
Tom is just "dude what the fuck"
Seriously tho Tom helping Cam would be v interesting!
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sunny6677 · 10 months
Ooooo yeah-
"Why the FUCK didn't you say this sooner?!" - Tom to Edd
Cam tries to defend Tord, saying that all of what Tord did (like indirectly causing Cams emotional repression without meaning to of course, and bullying Cam until like 5th grade) is in the past and since then he's forgiven him. But Tom only gets more pissed.
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larkermarker · 2 years
Info dumping about my Eddswhirl AU Matt
This is kind of a mess so apologies if this is confusing to read. Not complete but this is what I have so far. Also things might be weirdly worded agdhsgs.
Goes by he/she/they pronouns
No memory gun shenanigans
They are a very touchy person
He will poke your face
He’ll walk up to you and latch on to your arm and there is nothing you can do about it
Enjoys cuddling and will do it with almost anyone. Even if the other person doesn’t want to.
Has no concept of others personal space
He doesn’t like it when people touch him unannounced (hypocrite)
He makes it clear if you are in his space
Talks with his hands a lot
Kisses the homies goodnight
Went to university (that his mum paid for in full) but does not do anything with her degree
His mum sends him money every month to pay for rent plus extra for spending
She does not want her child to worry about a thing
Outfits do not have a gender. If they look good in it, they look look good in it.
Loves to wear heels
Mostly because of the clacking of the heels when they walk
And the extra height
Is a little insecure that she is shorter than Edd
Spikes hair up to also compensate
Likes outfits that go spinny
Prefers food with lots of different flavors
Used to be a picky eater
Is a wonderful baker but can’t cook for shit
Hates cold foods
Usually refers to their friends with nicknames
Fidgets with anything anything they can get their hands on
Basically always moving around
Can solve a Rubik’s cube quickly
Good at chess
Can play the piano very well
His mum forced him into piano lessons, staring when he was a child. She can’t find the passion to play much anymore from the burnout.
When they are in the mood to play, she’ll drag Tom into joining so the two can play music together
Don’t ask her to help clean around the house, they’ll never do it
Their room is an organized mess, more mess than organized
She will complain about the state of the house and how the other boys live
Never had to clean his room as a kid, the staff in the house did that (yup he grew up a privileged rich kid)
Petty bitch
Holds grudges for a long time
Gets jealous easily
He won't show it because "jealousy is an ugly emotion"
He'll get back at you if you have crossed him, eventually
The intensity of her revenge depends on what you did
Seeks attention and affirmation from the people around him
Whether that be from forcing themselves into a leadership role or bugging his friends
Also seeks to be high status
They have done a lot of repressing to not act on this urge (Wants to be a king but also wants his friends to some what like him. Which is hard to do when they are forced to do whatever you say)
Will manipulate, mansplain, and manslaughter to get what he wants
His desire to be noticed can change drastically
Blame his father for this (they go daddy issues)
Their dad is in jail currently
His dad was involved in the murder of Toms dad
The dad was just a rich asshole involved in some demonic shit
As much as he loves himself, he sometimes tries to get others to see the value in themselves
Well, only people he cares about
When Edd is not around she will try to take the role of leader
The most social out of the 4
Not very good at it though
Sometimes Matt will just hang around someone in silence while they do whatever
He likes the presence of other people when the mood is quiet
Uses a lot of big words to sound smart
Not that he is dumb, he just acts mostly on impulse
But when he does use his head, run
Keeps notes of the important people in his lives
It seems like he only pays attention to himself but he focuses on figuring out how the people around him tick (mostly for manipulative purposes)
They do get satisfaction from helping others or comforting someone, but only from others gratitude towards him.
He holds the romantic relationship him and Tord had very dearly. It ended on good terms but she still craves that relationship again. It hurt when Tord left but he buried those thoughts to focus on himself and Tom.
Got to know Tom more after Tord left. Matt didn't really pay him any mind before that. Even if Tom doesn't like the sudden attention he is getting from Matt.
If he had to rank his house mates it would go Tord (but his current feeling are complicated) Tom, and then Edd
He doesn't hate Edd, just doesn't like how Edd makes fun of him. When he makes fun of Matt, its only to get a rise out of the ginger. At least when Tom insults him, it comes from a genuine place of annoyance.
And how Edd is the one who always gets to play leader.
In the future she marries Tom
Thats all I have for now. There are other parts of Matts personality that I haven't mentioned as I'm either trying to figure out how to word it or still coming up with it. I’m not sure if I translated well what he is like into text.
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imagined-comfort · 5 years
Update: Current Requests
Hello Loves!
I first wish to apologize, again, for being so slow lately with replies. IRL things have kept me busy, and are still continuing to do so, but I promise you, I will get you your notes! 
Here’s what I currently have in the inbox for requests, in the order to be answered:
Percy De Rolo (Critical Role) - Comfort - Life is getting you down and nothing feels like home anymore. You want to disappear, but you’re too scared to make it happen. TW: Suicide Mention
Alucard - Comfort - You’re autistic and suffer from anxiety/depression and have suicidal thoughts. Your parents are telling you to get a job when you turn 18 and everything feels hopeless. TW: Suicide Mention
Noctis - Comfort/Encouragement - You are a university student struggling with depression, and your motivation is low. You just want to lay in bed and sleep.
Lucky and Ralph (Pound Puppies 2010) - Comfort/Advice/Motivation - You’re trying to figure out how to get out of your comfort zone, and learn new things, especially those that don’t hold your focus for long
Leonard “Bones” McCoy - Comfort/Advice - You and your BF are still unsure what to do with your relationship. People tell you to break up for good and the situation is stressful.
Ravus and Prompto - Comfort - Your having a difficult time as your abuser is now out of jail and wants custody of you. Your adoptive parents are trying very hard to fight for you, but..you’ve started cutting again. TW: Self Harm
The Son (Hotline Miami 2) - Comfort/Encouragement - You feel in a rut lately, and with your living situation being as rural as it is getting rides is hard, along with the other stresses that have gone on with your household too.
Issac (Netflix Castlevania) - Comfort - You feel like you’re going through motions, and your unmotivated to do things ... which isn’t like you. You feel like a failure in some ways.
Link (Legend of Zelda) - Comfort - You’ve had to deal with emotional abuse your whole life and you’re soon to be going to college. But with the trauma, you fear you have too much to ‘fix’. TW: Past Abuse
Noctis and Prompto - Comfort - Your two best friends are getting married, and you hate it. You loved him for years, you introduced him to her, and what hurts you most, is she’s just like you, and you wonder if you were a girl, maybe you’d be in her place.
Dante (Devil May Cry) - Comfort - You’re going to be put into after school study because you didn’t do enough math quizzes for the weekly deadline. You asked for leniency cause you need help on the last quiz, and you were home sick, and were told ‘that’s not how this works’. TW: Suicide Mention
Yusuke or Futaba (Persona 5) - Comfort - School has been the BIG SUCK, and it gets way too loud and stuff. You’re just looking for a bit of comfort.
Izaya Orihara (Durarara) - Comfort - You’re feeling pretty bad about yourself and your body image recently.
Ignis and Nyx - Comfort - You just want some words of affirmation that things will be ok. You feel down, for no reason in particular, and you want just a bit of warmth.
Any Character - Comfort - You just want a pick me up because your boyfriend has been acting indifferent lately. Little to no communication and then he’s left you on read. He says he’s fine but, he’s never done that to you before.
Red!Leader Tord (Eddsworld) - Comfort - You’ve recently unlocked some repressed memories. Some pretty deep and dark ones, specially with a pet named Jiji. You feel guilty about what happened. TW: Past Abuse, TW: Animal Abuse
Zevran (Dragon Age Origins) - Comfort - You’ve had a bit of a rough year both with health, and relationships. You’re feeling insecure and sad, and want just a bit of comfort. 
Any of the Chocobros - Comfort - You’ve lost your insurance and your work does not provide a good equivalent. You no longer have access to therapy and meds and you feel a little lost and numb. You feel selfish when you call helplines cause you think you’re taking time away from them when someone else might need help.
V (Devil May Cry) - Comfort - You’ve been working out so that you can feel more comfortable with yourself to cosplay as Nico. But you’re body hurts, and you’re afraid you won’t be able to reach your goal.
Hector and Alucard - You wanted to say thank you, for encouragement for Nanowrimo.
Peridot (Steven Universe) - Comfort - You recently got into your first romantic relationship with your closest friend, and you’re confused. There’s drama from meeting up with old friends and you’re overwhelmed. 
Fenris (Dragon Age 2) - Comfort - Your motivation this time of year always seems to be almost non-existent, and everything seems exhausting. 
Leonard “Bones” McCoy - Comfort - Your bf says to “don’t knock it till you try it” about sex, and part of your brain wants to try sex, part of you doesn’t. Your bf says we’ll know where you stand if you don’t.
I hope to have most of these completed for you soon!
Thank you again, as always for your patience, and for letting me write for you. ♥
Much Love, ~Admin Manda
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qrowpilled · 8 years
oh boy dear evan hanson hit just a little 2 close to home sometimes
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krigsmaskinen · 7 years
Några ord om våld och terror
Det tas alltid upp att "vänstern hade minsann sina terrorister också", och man hänvisar till RAF och RB. Berodde de på vänsteristisk dogmatism? Att de läst för mycket Lenin och idoliserade Che? Varför fick vi då inga terrorgrupper i Sverige, Norge eller Österrike?
Undantag fanns, visst: några mord i Frankrike, några bomber i England och USA. Men det var relativt isolerade individer med litet till inget stöd i en bredare rörelse. Ingenting i jämförelse med högerterrorn som i flera fall fick stöd av underrättelsetjänster. Vad som återstår är som sagt RAF och RB. Tyskland och Italien. De länder som bara ett par decennier tidigare, och fortfarande med fascister i maktpositioner, varit fasciststater och som stora delar av befolkningen - med fog - var rädda skulle återta makten. Enskilda och isolerade tokstollar här och var kommer alltid att finnas. Frågan man bör ställa sig är varför "terrorister" får folkligt stöd på vissa platser men inte andra. Varför Tyskland och Italien? Om man är minsta medveten om samtidshistoria torde det vara uppenbart. RAF och RB hade inte kunnat fortsätta så länge de kunde utan faktiskt stöd av en befolkning som fortfarande hade Kriget i färskt minne. Uppenbarligen är det inte ideologier som skapar terrorister, utan omständigheter. En självklarhet som alla vettiga människor inser snart. En insikt som alla förstår, utom politiker och deras hantlangare som gör allt för att hindra den från att sjunka in genom konstant tjatter. Vi bör vara uppmärksamma på tecken som tyder på att enskilda dras mot terrorn. Vara vaksamma och motarbeta det. Men det är inget som är "inbyggt" i "ideologin" (vilken den är må vara). Terror är desperation som vi bara kan förhindra genom starkare band en gemenskap som fångar upp och riktar, uppmuntrar kreativa lösningar, binder till en intelligent ansats. Terrorn var ett misstag, en återvändsgränd och en avstickare som lät desperationen springa bortom rörelsen. Den var aldrig riktig eller ok. Det var en desperat spasm efter ett nederlag.
Det fråntar oss inte ansvaret. Vi behöver vara medvetna om denna aspekt av vår historia. Vi behöver studera den och förstå den, så att vi kan undvika samma misstag och gå bortom. Det finns fortfarande de som känner behovet att beväpna sig och de som tror på bombens effektivitet. Men de är få och vi måste säga till dem att det är en fälla. I det stora hela tror jag dock att detta är ett litet problem. Vi har sett omfattande och akut alarmerande terror från fiender, men ändå har ingen sk "vänsterterror" återväckts. Det tyder på mognad, att vi lärt oss av historien.
Det för oss till frågan om våld. Inte terroristiskt våld, sådant som drabbar vanliga svensons eller som uppstår utan särskilda omständigheter. Det är uppenbart att ingen kommer undan våldet. Ingen kan välja bort våldet. Man kan välja var man vill att det ska äga rum, men inte att det äger rum. T.o.m liberalen inser nödvändigheten av våld men vill bara delegera det till polisen. Det finns dock de som, av allt för smärtsamma skäl, insett att polisen inte alltid hjälper till eller ens är nära "neutral". Vem skulle inte ställa upp på ordningens uttalade ideal och värderingar, om det inte vore för de faktiska erfarenheterna? "Våldet", det vill säga det nödvändiga fysiska svar på repressionens angrepp, kommer först och främst ur en nödvändighet. Det uppkommer därför att det helt enkelt inte kan väljas bort. När du får batongen över dig och pepparsprejen på dig, då reagerar du instinktivt, fysiskt, biologiskt, det skapar en linje, en gräns, mellan dig och angriparen, mellan dig och fienden. Det uppstår alltid här ett val: dra dig tillbaka eller slå tillbaka. I stundens hetta agerar du kanske instinktivt. Men nu kan vi resonera, samtala och förhoppningsvis förstå grundvalen för varför vissa tydligt och kraftfullt intar konfliktens ståndpunkt. Vi bör igen ta upp vad vi tidigare talade om och klargöra skillnaden mellan konfliktens omständigheter och terrorns. Konflikten är något som den rådande ordningen drivit fram, medan terrorns angrepp är just angrepp, något initierat från enskilda personers eller gruppers situationer, medan konflikten är något som utvecklas så att säga i "det öppna", det är en motsättning dragen till sin spets.
De "öppna" konflikterna har en kvalitet som terrorn inte har: det är uttalade motsättningar som mäts och utkämpas i en konfrontation mellan parter - medan terrorn är det plötsliga, överväldigande eliminerandet av den föreställda fienden - en konflikt som utkämpas, vinns eller förloras. Terrorn är alltid förkrossande, ödeläggande, utan vinnare utom nihilisterna som går vidare till nästa ödeläggning.
Nåväl, tillbaka till ämnet. Våldet, konfrontationen. Den har inget egenvärde. Den kan vara oundviklig, som i det oprovocerade polisangreppet som slås tillbaka (allt för vanligt), eller det o- eller över-mogna angreppet i förekommande av snutens taktiker. Det här är inga värderingsfrågor utan taktiska val utifrån kraftmätningar. Det lär med säkerhet kännas främmande för de som inte varit indragna i dylika konflikter. Då kan vi bara påtala skilda erfarenheter. Du är välkommen att tro på dina illusioner om den neutrala polisen, vi kan bara vänta på att du snart får smaka på batongen och ompröva dina gymnasiala föreställningar.
Vi hävdar inget annat än att vår beredvillighet att konfrontera repressionens krafter (snut, rättsväsende, osv) med illegala medel är "odemokratiska". Det råder det ingen tvekan om. Vi är inga demokrater, åtminstone inte i en sådan liberal mening. Om begreppet "demokrati" ens ska användas så insisterar vi på dess grund i den verkliga rörelsen som uppstår i konflikten mellan arbete och kapital. Det betyder i mer handfasta termer att "demokratin" är något som förverkligas i proletariatets vardagliga aktivitet, den gräsrotsorganisering som utgör det faktiska samhälle vi bebor. I det här sammanhanget får "våld" och "legitimitet" andra måttstockar.
Men ok, du insisterar, "varför dessa våldsmetoder"? Vad är meningen, och framför allt, vad är det som ska uppnås? Bortom de omedelbara konflikterna, är det verkligen något att försvara och pådriva? Nej. Det är det verkligen inte. Medvetet motstånd och ansatser bortom den här skitvärlden varken börjar eller slutar i våld. Det är inget att hylla eller fördöma. Våldet är en realitet att hantera. Om du, om du "objektivt" tar ställning som min fiende, väljer bort våldet, om du vägrar order, inte försvarar sakernas tillstånd, då, låt oss bara passera varandra. Jag hyser ingen hämndlystnad. Jag kan inte garantera att det gäller alla, särskilt inte de mest ofördelade, men jag kommer inte att uppmuntra dem, eller göra allt för att stoppa dem heller. Vi borde ha gjort något åt detta för länge sedan. Hämnden som kommer är olycklig, men ärligt talat.. jag har förlorat sympatin. Ni kan kräva att vi är återhållsamma nu, men... ni kunde ha avhållit er innan det kom till detta. Hursomhelst, jag har tagit ställning. Kanske var det inte vad du väntade dig. Kanske väntade du dig "objektiva" resonemang och klara värderingar. Jag är ledsen. Vad jag har att säga till dig är: det här är ett krig. Inte vilket krig som helst. Ett krig som kommer ur en grundläggande motsättning i det här samhället. Ok, du tycker jag överdriver, tar till begrepp som inte hör hemma i den här diskussionen, osv. Du tycker jag går för långt. Jag förstår. Faktiskt, jag förstår. Det är extremt. Det är det verkligen, och jag vill göra mig förstådd. Det tycks som att vi står så långt ifrån varandra. Du tycker jag går för långt och att det inte finns någon anledning. Jag tycker du är frånvarande, eller i alla fall omedveten om sakernas tillstånd. Det kan vara så att dialogen är ofrånkomligen bruten. Oavsett ska jag försöka igen.
Jag är förbannad. Jag är arg och frustrerad. Jag står inte ut med den här skiten. Jag fattar inte hur det här kan accepteras av någon. Jag förstår att det inte rättfärdigar vad som helst, men jag kan inte, från ett ytligt "medborgerligt" perspektiv acceptera den repression vi möter. Jag kan förstå den, men bara utifrån ett perspektiv som ifrågasätter alla de rättsliga formaliteter ordningen erbjuder. Med andra ord framstår den rådande ordningen som motsägelsefull, som bäst som otillräcklig. I den här situationen framstår inte "våld" och andra illegitima former av motstånd som främmande. Vi förstår terrorn som en återvändsgränd som bäst, och i sina mest desperata uttryck som barbari. Vi förkastar den. Vi fördömer den. Vi försöker förstå den så att den kan motverkas. Istället vill vi ha en rörelse i meningen en gemenskapande aktivitet som drar in människor, något verkligt som stärker, hjälper, och framför allt BESTÅR. Vi vet att terrorn förstör, att Ordningen bryter isär och isolerar. Vårt projekt är något annat, bortom separationen. Vad du kommer att inse, om du står med oss, är att Ordningen inte vill se att vi samlar oss, "organiserar" oss. Gemenskap står alltid emot Ordningen. Det är inget vi kan förklara enkelt med ord, det är något som måste erfaras.
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crossover-enthusiast · 10 months
I just ain't sure how Tord would respond whenever he kinda learnt of Cams emotional repression and attachment issues—
He seems like he'd be concerned but wouldn't know how to show it, or he'd react in a different way not too sure.
Oooo yeah
Welp, time to ignore it! /j
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crossover-enthusiast · 10 months
Also this is more of just inspired by the post you tagged me in earlier—but maybe a hypothetical episode, Edd realizes after something Eduardo says that.. Cam never really has ever told him how he felt about things or any of his secrets and what not. Almost as if he's repressing his emotions. So this sparks Edd into trying to find out why, which somehow leads to the whole him finding out Tord bullied Cam thing (possibly Cam let's something slip about Tord when Edd tries to ask him about his emotions, and that leads to Edd trying to find out what Tord has to do with all this).
Ooooo yeah yeah yeah!! That sounds really cool!
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crossover-enthusiast · 10 months
Ehhh aight I'll try—
Cam and Tords relationship seems the most interesting because of how they both see eachother In their own perspectives. Cam only started to kinda repress his emotions because of how much Tord bullied him for being a 'crybaby' in the past—and 'mellowed out'. Tord doesn't suspect shit since I'd assume it probably wouldn't immediately cross his mind why Cam was acting different, and would just be more confused than anything.
Cam sees Tord as this loveable but chaotic dude who just has a passionate love for violence occasionally, and like with his other friends, he'd basically do anything for Tord considering he sees him as a Saint. But I think it'd be more interesting to see how Tord sees Cam in his own perspective 👀
Ooooo yeah
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