#Toph-(blushing) shut up. >:(
victorianbatman · 6 months
ATLA/LOK incorrect quotes
F, M & GN reader | every scenario without the readers gender being specified is Gender Neutral.
Bolin, on the phone with Mako: Mako, I need you to come pick me up.
Mako: Why?
Bolin: Y/n is busy passive-aggressively doing the dishes they asked me to do 6 hours ago.
Bolin: This house is not safe anymore.
Mako: Hey, whats for dinner?
Bolin: I cant tell you, its a soup-rise.
Mako: Is it soup?
Y/n: We soup-ose is could be.
Mako: Enough with the soup puns you two.
Bolin: Aww, you never soup-port our jokes.
[Five minutes later]
Mako: It was fucking tacos.
Mako: The stars look really pretty tonight.
Y/n: Yeah, they do.
Mako: You know who else looks pretty tonight?
Y/n: Asami.
Mako, at the same time: Korra.
Y/n: What?
Mako: What?
Toph: Do you do anything other than whine like a little bitch?
Y/n: Sometimes I whine like a BIG bitch.
Mako, not looking up from his book: What did she(Kuvira) do now?
Mako: At you?
Y/n: No, at her dumb friends, but she looks like an angel.
Mako: Go away, Y/n.
Y/n: Shut up, I watched you pine after Korra while in a relationship with Asami.
Mako: Go on.
Korra: We can bake these cookies at 400 degrees for 10 minutes or 4,000 degrees for 1 minute.
Lin: That’s not how you make cookies.
Bolin: How about 4,000,000 degrees for 1 second?
Y/n&Bolin: DO IT!
Lin: NO-
Korra: I’m small, but knowing.
Tall!Y/n: You dont be knowing what the top of a shelf looks like though.
Korra: …
Tall!Y/n: …
Korra: Bitch.
Bolin and Mako watching Y/n from a distance chase a squirrel.
Bolin: Thats the person I see myself married to in the future.
Bolin: Thoughts?
Mako: …
Bolin: …
Mako: ..and prayers, bro.
Y/n: My autistic friend(book 1 zuko) is my favourite person on the planet. I asked if he would still be friends with me if I got a mullet and without looking up he said “we are not friends” like ok bestie.
Korra: Theres only one thing worse than losing.
[Tips over paper saying ‘losing Y/n’]
Y/n: Me.
Korra: No-
Y/n: Are you sure you’re ok?
Zuko, crying: Yeah, it’s just these onions, man.
Y/n: …
Zuko: …
Y/n: Those are potatoes.
[Asami, puts on chapstick]
Y/n: What flavour is that?
Asami: oh its [chapstick flavour].
Y/n: Lemme taste.
Asami: Sure.
[hands chapstick]
Y/n, kisses Asami
Y/n: Shit it does actually taste like [Chapstick flavour].
[Asami blushing like crazy]
Y/n: Aang, why do good people die young?
Aang: When you are in a garden full of flowers, which one do you pick?
Y/n: The ugly ones.
Aang: Exactly- wait wait what, why?
Y/n: Because ugly bitches dont belong in my garden.
Toph: Hi, im your doctor today, I’ll be drawing your blood as soon as I’m done with my capri sun.
[Misses the hole four times before finally getting the straw in]
[Y/n, sweats profusely]
Sokka: I have the sharpest memory, name one time I forgot something.
Y/n: You forgot me and Suki back in the fire nation 3 weeks ago.
Sokka: I did that on purpose, try again.
Y/n: Listen to me, love is a scam.
Bolin: You’re making a valentines card for Mako right now.
Y/n, points glue gun at him: You’re on thin fuckin ice.
Zuko: Whats with the napkin on the glass door?
Y/n: Aang keeps walking into the glass door, so I thought this might help.
Aang: Oh cool, a floating napkin!
[Walks into glass door]
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thepublishingpress · 7 months
In The Midnight
It all started when Katara and Aang decided to play match maker.
“Hey, Sokka, why don’t you tell Zuko about your crush?” Aang said teasingly.
“Oh, yes,” Katara agreed, grinning, “We all know about him! At least let Zuko in on the secret.”
Sokka turned bright red. Zuko (aka said object of admiration) tilted his head curiously at Sokka. Oh, no. Absolutely not. “I-I do not have a crush on him!” Sokka instantly denied. “It’s just admiration for a capable fighter!”
Toph smirked. Dread instantly filled Sokka. “Oh, really, Snoozles? Your heart rate says something entirely different…”
“Shut up, Toph!” Sokka shrieked.
“Uh, you know,” Zuko said, “It’s kinda confusing not knowing what’s going on.”
Sokka coughed. “Uh, sorry, Zuko, but we’re talking about… er…” Oh, Yue save him, how is Sokka supposed to say they were talking about Zuko?
Toph rolled her eyes. “Since Sokka won’t say it, I’ll fill it in for him,” She offered. When Zuko nodded, she continued, much to Sokka’s horror. “Who we’re talking about is the Blue Spirit.”
“Who I most definitely do not have a crush on!” Sokka hastily added.
Zuko blinked, his cheeks reddening a little bit. Sokka wanted to scream. “O-oh…” He said. This just made the rest of team’s grins widen. 
Oh, how he regretted ever confiding in them about the Blue Spirit.
“So, Zuko, what do you think? Does Sokka have a shot?” Katara asked him, raising eyebrow. Sokka glared at her.
The Fire Lord glanced away, still blushing. “Well, he can like who he likes, I suppose. It's an… interesting crush…?”
“It's not a crush!” Sokka shrieked, though he definitely noted how Zuko didn't seem too disapproving about Sokka’s admiration (and only admiration!) for him. 
Toph scoffed at Sokka’s weak denial. “Yeah, we totally believe that.”
Sokka was writing in his diary, bemoaning his predicament to it, when he suddenly flinched from a knock on his window. He slowly stood up and walked over to the curtains.
And when he drew them back, he nearly screamed.
Right there in front of him was a blue mask with white accents, dao blades strapped to his back. Sokka had to proccess for a moment before realizing it was in fact the Blue Spirit.
Also known as Zuko.
Zuko knocked on the window again. Sokka hurriedly opened them, fumbling a little bit in his haste. 
“What are you doing here?” Sokka whispered, confused.
Zuko said nothing, simply extending his hand out to Sokka. Come with me, he seemed to say.
Sokka reached out and clasped his hand with Zuko’s.
It was exhilarating, jumping on rooftop to rooftop, air gushing against Sokka’s face. Also, he was still in shock that Zuko had got through all the trouble to get up in his costume and mask paired with the dao blades just to get Sokka on a da- NO. Sokka meant a trip. Yeah. Like the Boiling Rock.
“Where are you taking me?” Sokka asked Zuko. Zuko didn’t answer, stubbornly sticking to the “silent” bit of silent warrior, instead using one of his dao blades to point to a rooftop with some glowing lanterns.
Tui and La and all the other spirits, did Zuko set this all up?
Sokka was rather flattered.
Unfortunately, they had to make a big jump to reach it. (Sokka may or may not have yelped a little bit like a kicked seal-puppy.) He tried his best to not cling to Zuko too tightly.
They landed peacefully with a small thud.
Zuko sat down cross-legged on the roof, Sokka following suit. 
It was nice and quiet.
Sokka was feeling a bit more bold at this point. So, reaching his hand out, Sokka placed it on top of Zuko’s.
Zuko’s head turned to face Sokka, and Sokka smiled at him.
“You can talk, you know,” He told Zuko. “Or take off your mask. I know it’s you, Zuko.”
There was silence for a few moments. Sokka’s heart raced, wondering if he’d made the wrong move.
Then, Zuko said, “Okay.” His left hand reached up to take of the Blue Spirit’s mask off. “Have you–” Zuko paused. “Have you always known?”
“When you first tried to join our team,” Sokka said. “Aang told us you were the Blue Spirit.”
“And that– and that doesn't change anything?” Zuko asked in a small voice, as if Zuko being the Blue Spirit would ruin everything for Sokka. 
Cursing Ozai in his head, Sokka immediately said, “Oh, Zuko, it doesn't change anything– except for the fact that it might’ve made me like you more.”
Zuko managed a smile. “I got you to say it.” He said. 
Sokka looked at him questioningly. “Say what?” 
“That you like me.”
Sokka jokingly threw his hands up in defeat. “Curses! Foiled again!”
Zuko laughed. Sokka grinned, glad to be able to make him laugh, but there was one question on his mind and he had to ask it. “Do you like me too?”
Zuko stared and stared. Then he burst out laughing even harder. “I set up all of this for you, dress up as my abandoned persona, and you have the audacity to ask me if I like you?”
Sokka glowed red, but he managed to say, “So… we’re together now?”
Zuko nodded, and that was all the confirmation Sokka needed. 
honestly screw ozai i hate him
anyway i hate some of the changes natla made to avatar and it makes me mad just thinking about it and i think ive made my parents think ive gone insane
but do i still want a second season because i want to suffer through the changes just to see toph? yes, absolutely
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yandere-avatar · 1 year
Hello!, I hope your day/night is going well!, I thought of something to request and just wanted to shoot my shot lol!
- How about some headcanons of possessive yandere ty Lee?
- // oh and I just wanted to ask this in case your comfy with writing team up yandere scenario's if not I totally understand!-//
-Maybe a scenario where the fire nation squad/ zuko, Azula, mei and ty Lee are all yandere for the reader?
/ I totally understand if you don't vibe with these requests! No pressure to do them just wanted to stress that hgbgb, anyways have a lovely day/night :) /
I write Polygamous stuff, but I don't know if it's the best, but I can always try. This has been in the drafts since: July 14, 2022 [Almost a full year... I'm so sorry. You've probably forgot you requested this because it's been so long] (3rd oldest draft and oldest ask)
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[Possessive] Ty Lee
She doesn't understand why you get so mad that she only wants you to pay attention to her
Granted multiple people flirt with her, but she always shuts them down
She watches you and uses her abilities to get to high places to see you
If you're a bender, she uses her Chi Block on you
She's very giddy and loves being with you
She loves partying w/ you and taking you places
She doesn't want you to meet her sisters, in fear of you comparing them to each other
She wants to be herself with you
She's ecstatic and always energized
She always defends you when someone tries to make you look dumb
Unlike Mai, she would trade the other nations if they kidnapped you, because she loves you more than anything else in the world
Though, she is like Mai in the sense she'll betray Azula, because she loves you more than she fears her
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Azula, Mai, Ty Lee, and Zuko
You were at first with Ty Lee
Though, you two were never official
You two just bonded better than the rest of them
Zuko and Mai became protective over you, seeing you repeatedly get hurt
Azula just saw you as stupid and she liked humiliating you
Zuko saw himself in you and wanted to protect you from Azula
^Mai was jealous at first, but soon realized you weren't enemies, but friends. You deserved to be protected from the monster that is Azula
You love Azula, because you've realized that she's never really had love in her life [It's more out of pity]
You go with them everywhere, though this gets you a lot hurt
They always get you, but then Azula becomes a little more anxious about letting you come
Azula would never tell you, but she loves you more than anything in the world and that scares her
Ty Lee just thinks your fun, but she doesn't really form a complex feeling for you. She just likes that you're fun
Mai and Zuko see themselves as your protector, especially against Azula. They kind of act like your parents, but they're both distant emotionally, but you definitely open them up
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The GAang [Katara, Sokka, Aang, and Toph]
Katara was the first to fall for you, but not the first to tell you her feelings
It's probably Sokka who tells you
But you don't take it seriously, because he's a flirter
Toph is mean to you and is kind of like a big bully
Aang is nice and treats you like he's known you forever
You both just click so well
When Toph and Katara fight, you are brought into their fights, because they want you to be on their side
"I think Sokka is calling me-"
You don't want to catch that smoke
You're probably the most scared of Katara, she reminds you of a scary mother, but don't tell her, because she wants you to see her as a lover not a mother
It took you the longest to get close to Toph, because she has walls up and it's hard to get them down
You bring up her being blind and she get super angry and you quickly blush in embarrassment
^ You do try and watch it and be more considerate of her, but she also doesn't want you to treat her different. Just treat her like the rest. Once you do, she'll let you in
Aang and Sokka make fools themselves in front of you, because they're not good with crushes, no matter how smooth Sokka is
Though you do all get along better than the relationship with the fire nation group [Ty Lee, Azula, Zuko, and Mai]
You're very close and it's hard to break you apart
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roththeprimordial · 2 years
Sokka: Alright, Zuko, Toph, your characters march through the mountains and into a cave. When you walk in, you see a mountain of treasure! As you get closer, a GIANT DRAGON comes out of the dark cave and looks down on you. What do you do?
(Sokka, Toph, Zuko, and Azula are sitting around a round table with a D&D table top game, figure miniatures, and more. With Sokka being the Dungeon Master)
Zuko: Hmm, what kind of dragon is it again?
Sokka: Red Dragon. Fire breathing and immune to flames.
Zuko: Hmm, that's gonna be tough. My character has nothing but fire type attacks and spells.
Toph: Okay then, I'll use my war hammer to smash the dragon in the head!
Azula: Are you kidding me? Zuko, you said you were going to do something fun with your friends!
Zuko: This IS fun.
Azula: I didn't expect you to drag me into a den of nerds!
Sokka: Hey! We are not nerds!
Toph: Don't you have a custom collection of action figures that you don't even take out of the box?
Sokka: It keeps them in mint condition and makes them valuable!
Azula: I'm outta here.
(Before Azula leaves, Aang bursts through the door)
Aang: Sorry I'm late, guys. Oh, Azula! I'm happy to see you here! Do you wanna play with us? I bet it's gonna be even better now that your here!
(Azula blushes with a frustrated look and sits down)
Azula: ... *Sigh* Just give me a damn character sheet already...
Sokka: Oh yeah, by the way, you'll need to buy your own dice. Not so boring now that lover boy showed up, huh?
Azula: Shut up or I'll kick you in the dice.
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theowritesfiction · 2 years
'Sokka's Master'
Have we ever had a Sokka episode on this show before this? I can't remember one. Such disrespect to our boi. It's about time he got some spotlight.
It's interesting how even though Sokka has on some occasions displayed defensiveness about being the only bender in the group, this is the first time where we see him actually feeling down because of it. Perhaps it is because of the increasing power of the group's benders that Sokka feels more and more left behind. And that's understandable because the way Katara, Toph and Aang worked together to put out the meteor caused fire was very impressive.
Katara knowing just how to cheer up her brother really does make her the best sister ever. I can't stop gushing about how amazing she is to suggest this shopping trip to Sokka. Also, I can't get over how shopping is Sokka's favorite hobby. I love the Water siblings. <3
I'm trying to think of something meaningful to say about Sokka's training with Piandao, but all I can really think about is Sokka's endearing and infectious enthusiasm. Sokka approaching Piandao's tasks from his own unique Sokka angle... yeah, that's our boy. Unorthodox is the word for it. Even Piandao quickly warms up to him.
I like the touch on how the rest of Gaang really miss Sokka and just feel incomplete without him. Katara trying to be funny will never stop being funny to me. <3 And shut up, Aang, it's not like you've ever made me laugh, you have no room to criticize Katara. 10 Jerk Points. The Gaang rushing Sokka and hugging him, and Katara being so affectionate and even Toph blushing - it's just nice to see that Sokka is so appreciated.
Swole Iroh? Yeah, okay, whatever. I don't know what to say about it, other than that it's a thing. I really wish we'd have a more clear perspective of where Iroh's mindset is at, and what exactly is he working towards. It is clear that from the very start of the show, he has had the ability to interfere in the events more directly and make a difference, but instead he has made this decision not to do so. And because I have to guess at his motivations, one of the unflattering explanations is that he relies on teenagers to fight his battles. Is Iroh that much of a sucker for this obnoxious 'destiny' trope? Is this really the 'you're a wizard, Harry' moment? I mean... probably?
I don't know how to feel about Sokka confessing being Water Tribe to Piandao. Isn't he the big 'keep your mind on the mission' guy? This seemed like putting his feelings above the mission moment, but also like... I get you, Sokka. Just go easy on Katara when it's her time for a side-adventure.
So, the White Lotus way of teaching is to put kids into dangerous and deadly situations, I guess. But fair enough - Piandao isn't Bumi. I think he was in control of the situation, even if Sokka was scared shitless. Does Piandao deserve some Jerk Points for this? Eh... I don't know. I don't feel like going quite that far. I still don't like the White Lotus, though.
Jerk Points for Book 3:
Zuko - 290 Aang – 90   Hide - 80 Sokka, King Kuei - 60
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starry-nights12 · 4 years
As teens,Toph always teasing Katara about how her heart always beat really fast around Zuko.
But t h e n
When they're older;
Katara noticed how Toph smiles around Aang more,laughing with him,hitting his arm more than anyone else in the gaang,and even b l u s h i n g around him a few times.
Katara crossed her arms with a smirk.
"I can feel you staring at me,Sugar Queen. What do you want?"
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Edit: Added more here
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Imagine the Ember Island Players creating a romance between you and Zuko which hits a little too close to home
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You sat beside Katara and noticed how Zuko sat on the other side of her. Aang faltered, obviously wanting to sit there and you smirked as Zuko obliviously missed Aang’s look. Zuko had been with the group a few weeks now but his social skills still weren’t very good and you found it made for some very interesting interactions. His attempt at telling jokes alone made you smile every time you saw him for a full week afterwards and you found Zuko did a lot of things that amused you but apparently not so much the others. “I was going to sit there” Aang whined and Zuko shrugged “so? Just sit next to me”. Aang pouted and you laughed to yourself “here” you said standing up “take my seat Aang” and you moved so he could sit beside Katara. Katara was oblivious and you sat on the other side of Zuko chuckling at Aang’s blush. “What was that all about?” Zuko asked and you smiled “ow nothing you just almost ruined Aang’s evening”. Zuko frowned and went to ask what you meant when the lights dimmed so you knocked his arm shaking your head “i’ll tell you later now shhh”. Zuko folded his arm huffily but stopped talking. The play was wonderfully awful. As you hadn’t joined the gang straight away you knew you had time to just enjoy the first few acts and make fun of the way they portrayed all your friends. Plus what could they do to your character? You didn’t have any old flames like Katara or Sokka and you didn’t have an emotional backstory like Zuko or Aang. So you relaxed arms spread over the back of the bench and waited for *yourself* to make an appearance.
The second your actress walked on stage you knew it wouldn’t be good. They had your character all wrong! Your actress flirted with everyone and acted like a lovesick idiot. You didn’t think it could get much worse and then your character met Zuko’s.
“I’ll save you from the pirates” Zuko’s character purred to yours and you spluttered. “That...that wasn’t even me! That was Katara!” you whispered angrily. You looked to Zuko for confirmation who nodded “yeah I didn’t say that to you...and I certainly didn’t tie you up while staring at you like that”. “And I did not flirt with you like that either”. You both glared as your characters bonded and they actually invented Zuko letting you go voluntarily. As Zuko’s character stared off into the distance and said your name you heard Sokka and Suki wheezing from laughter while you simmered with anger and embarrassment. “I didn’t do that!” Zuko cried and you saw he was blushing vividly. That made you blush too and crossed your arms tightly “they better not stick with this theme”.
Of course they did. By the time act 3 had ended you and Zuko were living a star crossed lovers lifestyle in Ba Sing Sei. They again got you mixed up with Katara and said Azula kidnapped you to lure Zuko to the Earth King’s palace. The act ended with Zuko charging in to save you, offering his own life in exchange for yours, but Azula outmanoeuvred him and arrested him too. As the lights went up for intermission you and Zuko paused before exploding.
“That never even happened!”.
“I knew he was in Ba Sing Sei but we never went on a date”.
“Yeah that was a different girl”.
“And you did not fight with Jet over me”.
“I didn’t even know you knew Jet!” Zuko agreed and you both paused for air.
The gang all looked at each other before bursting into laughter. “What is so funny?” you cried and Sokka smiled. “We all know none of that stuff happened, we were there too remember?”. “Yeah so...can’t we rant?” you asked. “Well yeah but why get so mad about it? Are you trying to convince us or yourselves that the idea the two you flirted is so impossible?”. You and Zuko exploded again at the thought and Sokka and the others burst into laughter again. “All i’m saying is this is a lot of emotion to come from nowhere” Sokka smiled “now i’m going backstage so yell at each other or something” and he disappeared with Suki. Katara and Toph left for snacks and Aang went to the toilet leaving the two of you alone. “But i mean it is ridiculous” you muttered and Zuko nodded “utterly ridiculous”. “Sure we ended up together a few times” you shrugged “but that was completely by chance, it wasn’t like you were hyper-aware of me or vice versa”. “Yeah not at all” Zuko agreed but he wasn’t looking you in the eye for some reason. You stared at him confused and noticed his neck looked slightly red as if he was blushing. “Wait did you?” you asked suddenly “notice me more?”. Zuko looked up and he was indeed blushing deeply “what I....of course not! I never...I mean I did learn your name before anyone else’s but that’s because we spent that time together when I helped the pirates kidnap you and you wouldn’t shut up the whole night”. “Then why are you blushing so much?” you asked and Zuko shrugged “I don’t know I...it’s just them insinuating I like you. I’ve had it a lot”. “You have?” you asked amazed and Zuko nodded “when my uncle heard you’d seen me in Ba Sing Sei and that we’d reached a deal not to tell on one another he had this annoying smirk like i’d done it for any other reason besides the fact it was mutually beneficial. Then when I went back home Azula made it seem like me and you had a thing and Mai got jealous and started asking about you and I had to explain all our interactions and it was very awkward...she wanted me to reassure her by putting you down and making the idea seem impossible but I must have failed because she didn’t believe me. So I guess that’s why it makes me feel weird, everyone keeps telling me I act differently with you and I suppose I do but I have no idea if that’s because everyone keeps saying it or if I always have”. You nodded your head but were unsure what to say. “Well which one do you think it is?” you asked eventually and Zuko paused “what?”. “If you had to guess, would you say you act differently around me because of what people say about us or have you just always acted that way”. Zuko thought, staring at the ground and basically anywhere but at you, “i’m not sure but I guess maybe the second? They must have got it from somewhere I suppose”. “The second?” you asked surprised and Zuko’s blush returned vividly “I’m only guessing, I honestly don’t know”. You nodded your head and went to speak when the others returned which stopped you right in your tracks.  
The second half of the play began of course with you and Zuko reuniting in the prison under Ba Sing Sei. You and Zuko did end up there together but you definitely did less staring at one another. You rolled your eyes as your characters began to passionately speak to one another stepping closer and closer. They finally reached one another and you laughed when your character began yelling at Zuko’s. “Ha maybe they got some things right!” you whispered to Zuko who nodded “you did yell at me a lot”. You smirked and went to apologise when Zuko’s character kissed yours. You and Zuko abruptly shot away from each other. “That is not even close to what happened!” you cried at the others who were all laughing. Zuko nodded “this is just slander! They didn’t even bother to try to get our characters right and anyone with half a brain would realise that!”. Someone shushed Zuko and he glared “shush yourself” he cried before storming from the room. He didn’t return for the rest of the play and honestly you thought that was probably wise. It got worse and worse. They still kept in Zuko’s betrayal of Iroh but changed it making you at the centre of Zuko’s struggle. He chose the crown and they made you react dramatically (even getting a love ballad moment). They then skipped forwards to Zuko at the palace, who got his own song when he realised he’d made the wrong choice. Your characters reunited not long after and promptly confessed their love for one another. Then you were both murdered by Ozai very much in line with the tragic forbidden lovers style.
“I mean I’m just glad she’s dead” you shrugged on your way out “anything to end that romance”. The others smirked when Aang paused “do you think Zuko went back home to the villa?” looking around for the angry fire prince. “No he knows we don’t know this place well, he’s probably just sat outside somewhere” you replied looking around but you couldn’t see him brooding anywhere either. When you walked out the front door and still didn’t spot him Aang frowned “okay everyone split up and look for him, meet back here in five minutes”.
You returned five minutes later to see Katara, Suki, Sokka and Toph all hadn’t found him either. “I wonder where he is” Katara frowned and you shrugged “he’ll be fine, that boy has nine lives”. “He didn’t in that play” Toph commented and you nodded. “True but that play was a mess and there’s one thing I still can’t get over. Zuko said his family and friends thought he liked me that’s where his side of this rumour started but in the play they acted like I encouraged him! Where on earth did they get that idea?”. The group all went quiet and you paused “what?”. “Well...I mean you kinda do encourage him” Sokka frowned and your jaw dropped “I DO NOT! When have I ever...”. “When we got kidnapped by the pirates you teased Zuko constantly and refused to be quiet until he spoke to you” Katara pointed out. “Yes but that was to annoy him not flirt with him!”. “Okay how about when June asked if you were his girlfriend and you replied he wishes instead of no?”. “I was joking” you shrugged and Toph smirked “or how about when I was sneaking out to see Zuko at the Western Air Temple and found you already on your way to see him? What were you popping in to see Zuko for huh y/n? Nice date by the campfire?”. “I was doing the same thing as you! I was going to see if he would tell the truth and given that I knew him best I thought I....”. The gang all erupted and you paused “what?”. “You know him best?” Sokka asked smirking and you nodded “that doesn’t mean anything it’s a fact”. “Ow is it?” Sokka asked and you nodded “It is! Fine if I don’t know him best what was his fake name in Ba Sing Sei?”. Everyone went quiet and you nodded “or how about how long ago he was banished from the fire nation? Better yet just tell me his parent’s names!” you cried. When nobody replied you smirked folding your arms victoriously “told you I know him best”. “Yeah you’ve definitely proved how much you know about Zuko” Suki smirked looking past you. You frowned before you heard someone behind you. You turned to see Aang had found Zuko and by the look on his face he’d heard everything. You blushed and looked down “Zuko we were...”. “Having a competition to see who knows me best?” Zuko asked mildly amused and you paused “well sort of...Sokka started it”. “No I didn’t” Sokka retorted “you declared you knew Zuko the best and when I asked if you were sure you started spouting your favourite facts about him”. “They’re not my favourite facts about him” you snapped and Sokka’s smirk just grew “whatever y/n” and he turned leading the way home. The others all followed and purposefully made it so you and Zuko were at the back. “Why were you talking about me anyway?” Zuko asked and you paused “ow nothing I was just er...trying to work out why the Ember Island Players thought I had a thing for you but the gang was not helpful”. “They couldn’t think of a reason?” Zuko asked innocently and you frowned “no they could actually think of lots of reasons, it appears similar to your family they were also under the impression I held a flame for you as it were”. “Ow really?” Zuko asked. He kept his voice flat but you could swear he was smirking slightly. “Stop enjoying this” you whined pushing him “it’s not funny, it’s embarrassing”. “Liking me is embarrassing?” Zuko asked and you paused “no I didn’t mean that, I just meant having all your friends claim you like someone when you can’t see it”. “You really can’t see where they’re coming from?” Zuko asked and you shook your head “nope not at all”. Zuko looked away and you frowned “I saw that, what did that look mean?”. “Nothing...” Zuko trailed off but you sighed grabbing him by the arm to make him look at you “I’m sick of everyone saying things about me for once just say it to my face!”. Zuko sighed “fine, I just think i’ve been honest with you but you’re not being honest with yourself”. “Not being honest?”. Zuko nodded “Yes, I admitted I could see where my family were coming from and how the rumours started but you’re acting as if they plucked them out of thin air!”. “Well maybe they did! I don’t see how any of our interactions could be interpreted as romantic”. Zuko didn’t look convinced. “You don’t think there’s some truth to what the Ember Island Players said? That maybe there is something here?” Zuko asked gesturing to the small gap between you. “No of course not! Do you?”. “No” Zuko yelled back and you nodded “fine! You are the most infuriating...” you started when Zuko grabbed you kissing you. You initially tensed at the sensation but soon melted into it. Zuko seemed to be trying to prove a point by kissing you passionately and not wanting him to win you kissed him back matching his intensity. Finally Zuko pulled away for air and stared at you “still not want to admit there’s something here?”. You stared at Zuko torn between admitting he was right and your pride. You were annoyed, frustrated, excited and exhilarated all at once. You were breathing rapidly, your cheeks bright red as were Zuko’s and neither of you made to move away. “I...” you started eventually “that was a good kiss”. Zuko nodded, his frustration melting away “it was, I enjoyed it...I’ve been wondering what it would feel like to kiss you for a while now”. “You have?” you asked and Zuko nodded “as annoying as it is to admit my family and friends were right, I like you and I have for a while”. You smiled despite yourself at how adorable Zuko looked all bashful and embarrassed. “I tried ignoring it for a while but then when I joined the group your friends all saw it straight away. Then tonight...the play was bad but I was frustrated that everyone seemed to see it apart from you the person I actually wanted to see it...you”. You looked down wondering how to reply “I’m sorry I bet that was really frustrating”. Zuko nodded “It was and I figured this was just one-sided but that...did you feel it too?”. Zuko looked so unsure and unlike himself it was endearing and gave you confidence. “Yes” you said shakily “after that kiss I can tell you it is definitely not one-sided. I like you too Zuko and probably have since the start”. “Probably?” Zuko asked and you sighed “I’m not good with my emotions, I can be oblivious to them so I can’t with certainty tell you it’s been going on as long as the play made it out to be but I know I like you. Right now in this moment...I hope that’s enough, I know it’s a shit confession and you probably wanted something more solid but I...”. Zuko began laughing and you paused “what’s so funny?”. “Something more solid? Y/n I’m on the run from the Firelord who is my father, my sister is hunting me to kill me and I could very likely be imprisoned for the rest of my life if Aang fails and that’s if i’m lucky...I’m not even sure if I have a future so trust me all I need is the present. To know in this moment right here you like me back” Zuko blushed but he stepped closer and took your hands “that’s more than enough for me”. “It is?” you asked and Zuko nodded “yes and if by some chance it becomes more long-term I’ll be very happy but for now I just want to enjoy this time with you”. You smiled and leant in to kiss Zuko again when someone coughed. “Hey what are you two doing?” Sokka called. Apparently the others had finally realised the two of you were no longer with the group and walked back to find the two of you as you currently were. Luckily it was dark so you moved away from Zuko but still held his hand. “Yeah we thought you’d gotten lost are you okay?” Katara called. Zuko sighed and you smirked at his expression. “We’re fine” you smiled “we were just talking and Zuko’s going to show me this beach he went to a lot as a kid”. Zuko’s eyes shot up to yours and he smiled. “You are?” Aang asked and Zuko nodded “yep, it’s not far from here so we won’t be long. You guys head back to the villa and we’ll meet you there” and with that Zuko tugged you away from the others. You smiled at Zuko and he smiled back at you “quick thinking, I didn’t think we’d get out of there so easily”. “You can thank me later” you replied when you heard Sokka gasp “wait are they holding hands? Y/n are you holding hands?”. “Run!” Zuko cried and you laughed but did as he said. You kept running even after Sokka’s voice trailed off and only stopped when you reached a sandy beach. You both collapsed on the ground and you turned to look at Zuko “did you know this was here or did you get lucky?”. “Totally the former” he smiled and you shook your head “you’re lucky I like you”. “I really am” Zuko agreed and he stared at your face tenderly. His fingers brushed your cheek and you smiled “what are you waiting for?��. “I have no idea” Zuko admitted and he leant in to reclaim the lost kiss from earlier. This time you weren’t interrupted.
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unfriedough · 3 years
Hey there! I’ve seen your blog and really like your writing, so I wanted to make a request for Zuko, but it’s ok if you don’t want to write it (:
So, could you please write reader being parte of the gaang and being captured by zuko, and arrested in his ship, but instead of to using her as bait he tries to use the information she would have about the avatar, except reader has none and now he couldn’t just let she leave and they end up befriending while traveling? Thank you (and sorry if this is too specific)
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‘Hot head' - Zuko x female!reader
Masterlist <3
An: GOOD DAY FRIENDS. Missed me? Also this requst was perfect thank you anon. <3 new aesthetic who dis 😼 (I like this better idk 🤷‍♀️)
See request bestie <3
Warnings: reader gets captured, violence (I mean the show is legit about war I-)
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Maybe you should've gone with Sokka fishing, or with Aang, Katara and Toph to the market. But no, you were an idiot. You decided to sleep in, just this once. And boy was that a mistake. See, as one of the older members of the group, you had so many responsibilities in this misfit family, and if you were being honest, you were burnt out.
And that’s exactly how you ended up here, in the enemy's ship, talking to the rather attractive enemy.
“What is the avatar’s plan?” he slammed the table.
You flinched slightly,
“Number 1. I don’t take orders from a man, number 2. I don’t know anything, I just started travelling with them, ponytail.”
“Number 1. I don’t take orders from a man, number 2. I don’t know anything, I just started travelling with them, ponytail.”
He left the room angrily, but you could hear a quiet laughter - presumably from the crew.
This is how every single meeting went, he’d come to your cell, you’d bully him, he’d strom out.
Until one day, general Iroh came in.
You eyed him carefully as he entered the small cell, followed by ponytail himself. Iroh slowly unchained you, and you rubbed your free wrist as the cold air hit it.
He placed a tray of tea, jasmine to be specific, in front of him.
You nodded, and thanked him as he handed you a warm cup.
Your fingers drummed on the plastic cup, anticipating the questions.
“If you're here for information about the avatar, I’m sorry but I don’t have anything valuable.” you shrugged.
“But were you not travelling with him?”
“I was, but, I was fairly new to the group so, I don’t really know them well,”
“So what are you gonna do now?”
“KILL YOU.” Zuko yelled.
“You wish, princess.”
Iroh snorted at this, while Zuko fumed, storming towards you. You stood up and backed away towards the wall, a nervous smile on your face. He pushed you up against the wall, one of your hands pinned above your head and the other on your stomach.
Your breath hitched, your heart beating louder than ever.
“You will do as I say.”
“Or what?” you smirked.
“I’ll kill you,”
You thought carefully about your response, before deciding to say what was on your mind.
“Okay, pretty boy.”
He shot back immediately, a crimson blush coating his pale face.
“Shut up.”
You giggled in the background.
Only then had Zuko realised his uncle left - that sneaky hag.
“What? Am I flustering you?” you poked at him.
He ignored you.
“Oh, looks like I left him speechless.”
The pure embarrassment took over, and Zuko shot fire at you. You managed to doge the impact, with the skin of your teeth. He smirked, before leaving the room.
You sat on the ground, completely dazed, before the annoyment kicked in. You’d just have to get better at dodging, just in case, that was too close.
But we could deduce one thing.
The prince was a hothead.
The scarred boy sighed for what felt like the 700th time, “Please, anything?”
Your legs hung over the armrest of the ‘interrogation’ chair, swinging mindlessly.
You shrugged nonchalantly, “Listen, I don’t even know if those people like me, I mean, who would leave their friend on a fire nation boat, with a super attractive prince? Something doesn’t add up.” Sure it hurt that your ‘friends’ didn’t come to save you - but you were no damsel in distress. In fact, you had been concocting an escape plan for a while now, and definitely not staying just for the boy your heart oh so longed for. Yep, definitely not.
“That makes sens- wait you think I’m attractive?” it came off as a genuine question, the blush rising in his cheeks proved that.
“I mean yeah,” you sat properly in your chair, before leaning forwards, “Maybe if you put down your hair, and ditched the ponytail, ponytail.”
He seemed to contemplate that.
“What’s your name prince?“ you smirked.
Your mouth formed an ‘o’, had he just actually given you his name? Instead of shooting you with his flames? What?
“It suits you, pretty boy.”
And this time he smiled. A genuine, childish smile.
“Shut up,” he said, averting his gaze.
And one thing progressed into the next, and now, Zuko was nice to you. Sure, it may have been the pity, or maybe underlying bad intentions, but hey, it made you feel less lonely, so, bask in the sun while it’s still out?
Of course, you had been present when Zuko had his temper tantrum with Zhao, and stormed off into the woods, leaving only you on the ship. You hummed quietly to yourself, as you tapped your feet along the metal. Then suddenly, an explosion.
White. A blinding shade of white overcame your vision, as you felt your body get blasted into a wall, before a block of metal slammed into your head.
Then you saw black. Nothingness. Void.
And then you saw blue. Then green. Then a blurry face. You blinked a few more times, regaining your vision. The prince was holding you on the ground.
You groaned as you felt the throbbing in your head, Zuko sighing as he looked down at your limp figure.
“You’re okay,” he sighed in relief.
He leaned back and You sat up slowly and surveyed your surroundings, before a hand on your forehead returned your attention.
“C’mon, it’s not safe here,” he helped you up.
You stood up, wobbling, using the very flustered boy next to you as a cane. The trip to the camp was a blur, as you focused on moving your shaking legs. He set you into the tent, and as soon as your head touched the pillow, you were out like a light.
You jolted awake at sunset, supposedly, and carefully made your way out of the enclosement.
Zuko stared into the bonfire, his eyes void of a soul.
“You okay there bud.”
The firebender looked at you, before quickly getting up to support you to the log. You both sat side by side in a comfortable silence.
“Feeling better?”
“Not really, my insides feel like they're on fire.”
“Can’t you like? Heal?”
“Too weak right now prince.”
“You can just call me Zuko,” he looked back at the flames.
“Okay, zuko,” you said, resting your head on his shoulder.
“We need to get you fixed up,”
“I know,” you sighed when he got up and grabbed a first aid kit, already missing his warmth.
Extracting a bandage, he carefully cupped your face, and begane wrapping it.
“Aren’t you supposed to like it? Shave my head or something?”
“You want me to?”
You both laughed slightly, before returning to the task. When he finished, he leaned back slightly, examining it. And then he looked back to your face - and his breath hitched.
Your eyes were glowing due to the flames, your face warm, and lips glossy. He could just - no. But he shouldn’t, you don’t like him like tha-
His train of thought cut short as you grabbed his collar, pulling him towards you. He took over all over your senses, from smelling like ash, to tasting like berries. It was all Zuko.
When you pulled away, you stared at him, Zuko doing the same.
“You're beautiful,” you said, running your thumb across the area of his scar. He leaned into your touch, brown eyes shutting.
“Thank you,” a shy voice sounded, barely audible.
And from that night on, you and Zuko became a duo, doing everything together. From sleeping, to joining the avatar (again), to become the fire lord and Lady.
So yes the prince is a hothead, but he’s your hothead.
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An: Adding gen z humour every once in a while was so fun, and I REALLY enjoyed writing this. As always, hope you enjoyed this story, SEE YA! <3
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muselessscribbles · 3 years
Toph Beifong X Fem!Reader- Intimacy
Word Count-1800
Warnings-NSFW Themes, nothing explicit
Characters are aged up in this just incase you were worried about reading further after the warnings!
Hope you enjoy!
Toph was well aware of the drawbacks of being blind, not that she ever let them get to her though. The girl had helped saved the world from guaranteed destruction at the young age of twelve, yet none of that could prepare her for the challenges she would face as she grew older and her emotions developed further.
When the blind girl had turned sixteen it was as if something awoke in her that her craving a relationship, craving the intimacy that came with having someone be her person and vice versa. At first it was a struggle, suitors approaching her based on achievements with team avatar mainly hoping to meet the avatar closely. It was easy to sift through those that held exterior motives, their heart beat pounding through the stone beneath their feet. The men that seemed to be interested in her also had flaws, some would treat her like porcelain as if she was delicate as a freshly bloomed flower, others were interested in further intimacy much too quickly for the young woman.
It was to the point that Toph had all but accepted that she would simply have to try again later in life when she would attract a more mature crowd, someone willing to wait for her to be ready for the things she currently wasn’t, while not trying to act as a protective buffer from the simplest of obstacles. As the young woman wandered the city, head deep in her thoughts, cursing herself for feeling so devastated over something she would mock as a child, which led her to a small restaurant deep within the city, her feet leading her there for a reason she wasn’t quite sure of yet.
There wasn’t many people in the restaurant, it seemed to just be the staff and one customer sitting in the corner. “Welcome to Lon Ho’s Soup and Stews, how can I help you?” The voice directly behind the counter spoke, leaning over slightly to hear whatever the response would be. There was something in that voice that had Toph perk up, the longer the young woman stayed quiet the more the person’s behind the counter heart rate rose, thumping heavily into the floor, “are you okay? Why are you so nervous?” Toph asked, it was a rather rough question but she couldn’t help it, heart rate was an indication of something especially if it spiked so quickly.
“Oh uh, you’re just really pretty I’m sorry, I don’t mean to bother you, I get nervous around pretty people, I should probably shut up I’m sorry” the voice rambled, an unseen blush forming on their cheeks. Now while normally Toph would get annoyed at this nervousness, it was childish, beauty shouldn’t make someone so nervous, yet all she could do was blush, her foot subconsciously shuffling in her own nerves. Little did either of them know that a bowl of soup would be first of many things they shared together.
At age 17 they held hands for the first time.
Y/N had asked the earthbender out for a picnic, promising a good time and good food, it was something that Toph couldn’t pass up, so the pair ventured off into the wood, waiting to find the perfect spot, it was a near hour journey, talking mindlessly about their days and events that they deemed worthy of sharing, before they both stopped abruptly and Y/N said that this was the perfect spot, and Toph didn’t argue, not sure if it was the fact that she could feel the familiar patter of the other girls heartbeat that signaled excitement or if she really did like this spot herself. The pair went about setting up their place, Toph shooting away bothersome rocks and Y/N unpacking the basket, laying down a thick blanket, and holding the plate of food in her hands before noticing that her date stood on the blanket, an uncomfortable look on her face. “Oh shit I’m sorry Toph give me a second” she all but yelped before scrambling over to move the blanket, discarding it to the side. Toph hummed softly, worried that she had ruined the mood, before she felt a plate being placed on the ground, a body following suit, and Toph hesitantly sat down, feeling Y/N’s hand upon the earth, she shyly moved her own until their fingers interlaced, blushes glowing on both girls cheek, “it’s okay Y/N, thank you for understanding” she spoke in a gentle even tone, and the pair stayed intertwined until they had to part ways to return to their homes.
At age 18, they shared their first kiss.
Y/N was obsessed with cooking, she was that way ever since she was a child. The girl had only fallen more in love with the craft after believing that the bowl of soup she had shared with the blind girl on their first meeting had sealed their fate together. For the two years they had been together the girl had saved every dollar she made with her dream of opening up her own restaurant where she could have culinary freedom. Venue shopping was stressful for the girl, dream places just out of her financial reach, the ones that were within the range she could afford didn’t feel right.
“I’m really feeling it today toph, I think we’re going to find the one” she said to the earthbender as they walked hand in hand through the city to meet with the city official. Toph had begrudgingly agreed to come along as a token of good luck, a favor for her partner that seemed to be so stressed it was as if her footsteps were heavier. There weren’t many options left, Y/N had seen most of them already by her self, yet the girl had hope. The couple spent hours looking at places, all of which seemed to fall short of being “the one” as Y/N described in hushed whispers against Toph’s ear. The sun was setting behind them as they walked into the last one on the list for today, and Toph stood to the side as Y/N explored the location, the further her partner got from her the harder she felt her heart beating in her feet, this must be “the one” Toph thought with a small smile forming on her lips. Foot steps bounded over to her in rapid succession, “can you feel it? This is the one, is it just or can you feel it too?” Y/N questioned swaying on the balls of her feet in front of the earthbender, who reached up and cupped the girl’s face, gently locking their lips together, for just a few seconds, although both swear it lasted an eternity before they broke apart and Toph whispered against her girlfriends lips, “this is the one”.
At 19 they moved in together.
A silent night in Toph’s house became a common occasion after the opening of the restaurant that Y/N poured her soul into everyday. The Earthbenders home was much closer of a travel for the tired young woman, who would walk delicately step around the house, gingerly sitting and using things as if scared of punishment. One night, where she was especially beat, the pair laid on a warm rock bed hands clenched together as Y/N laid her head on Toph’s chest, “I’m sorry I keep crashing here, I hope this isn’t like making you want distance or anything like that” she said softly, knowing that Toph liked to take things slowly when it came to their relationship. Toph rolled her thumb over the back of her girlfriend’s hand, “you know” she started, swallowing a lump in her throat, “you could just move in, would save you some money on rent and we could spend more time together when you’re not tired” she offered nervously, such a big step for her felt as if she stepped off a cliff, no longer grounded properly, she awaited a response nervously, breathes held in her throat and nervous sweat beads forming on her forehead.
“Really?” Was the only thing that came from the lips of the smaller woman, before there was that familiar beat of excitement pumping through her heart, and it made Toph let out of a sigh of relief, “I’m guessing that’s a yes?” She offered with a laugh and received a soft slap to her shoulder and a mumbled about how it was no fair that her emotions could be read so easily.
At the age of 20, things got a bit steamy for the pair for the first.
“I mean we’ve been together for four years, do you think she might be like tired of waiting?” Toph asked in a concerned tone, sitting across from Katara, the pair had met for lunch after Toph had suddenly become very aware of the fact that neither of the two had ever been naked around the other. “Toph she waited two years until you guys kissed, the girl is deeply in love with you, I promise you two will be okay no how long it takes.” The older girl reassured her, what she said was true, the bond the two shared was inseparable, she had never seen Toph instinctively reach for a hand as much as she did when Y/N was near by.
That night Toph was determined for it to happen, a warmth within her stomach had been building all day, as she paced around the house, cleaning random spots and tidying herself up. When Y/N came home her heart beat was even, as if today was an easy day at the restaurant, greeting her with a kiss Toph lead her to the bathroom, hands resting on her hips gently, “is this okay?” She asked nervously about the scene in front of them. A warm bath had been ran and Y/N nodded as she slipped out of attire, watching as Toph did the same. “How do I look?” She asked with a nervous smile, “like a goddess” Y/N shot back quickly, stepping forward shyly and grabbed Toph’s hand, placing it on her bare waist, “I want you to see me too” she muttered as she allowed Toph’s calloused hands to explore across her body, heart beating in that same patter that let Toph know that Y/N was enjoying this, which made the blind girl quickly place a kiss on her lips, “was this worth the wait?” She asked, “I would’ve waited until you were ready no matter what” Y/N reassured her before stepping closer into her, their legs pressing against each other, the tub in the back of the room no longer a thought as the bath room door slide open, and the pair stumbled around their house, giggles and soft hums escaping their lips, before they reached their bedroom.
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raewritez · 3 years
take care of you
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summary: Your worry about the future and are used to taking care of your friends. Luckily, Zuko is there to take care of you.
a/n: i don’t realllyyy ship Zutara but one of the aspects i love about their relationship is that Zuko is virtually the only person that Katara doesn’t have to act as a mother to, so I was largely inspired by that dynamic.
requested?: nope!
Your fingers ran shakily through your hair, air escaping your lips in uneven breaths. You shut the heavy door behind you, coming to sit upon the air temple’s sturdy bed that rested in the center of your given bedroom. You had been fine until a few minutes ago, you had been enjoying the crispness of the air and warmth of the sun until the words of quiet voices had floated to your ears. Whispers of Aang and his destiny, of death and murder and war. The other people, they expected Aang to be able to kill the Firelord just like that, to abandon his childhood and sense of self in a split moment of violence. You knew he couldn’t do that, you loved him like a brother and if there was one thing you knew for sure it was that Aang’s heart of gold was impenetrable. You had glanced down to wear he stood with Zuko, arms raised in an aggressive stance, the fire that spouted from his palms betraying his lighthearted nature. The image had left you breathless, your protective side alighted against the cruel expectations of this twelve-year-old boy, of your dear friend.
You were upset, and you knew there was nothing you could do about it. Killing the Firelord was Aang’s destiny, and it couldn’t be altered by simple adoration or protectiveness. It shouldn’t be Aang, the weight of the world shouldn’t fall on the back of this war-born child, but it was. Your head rested in your hands, mind swimming with attempts to ward off images of death and fire and the ideas of fate and destiny. You felt silly being so affected by the muttered words of children while your friends were out there training and fighting their own battles. You were disrupted from your emotional state by the creaking of a door and the appearance of a shaggy head of black hair.
You lifted your head, plastering on a smile. “Hey, Zuko. What’s up?”
He stepped in quietly, closing the door behind him. “Hey, Y/n, I just...” his eyes darted between the walls, his hand raising to rake through his hair. “Well, I saw you leaving, and you seemed upset. So I thought I would just...come check on you.”
A genuine grin made its way to your face, worries muted and heart softened at the boy’s thoughtfulness. “Thanks, Zuko. That’s nice of you. You don’t need to worry about me, though, I just...got a little upset is all.”
His amber eyes flashed with concern, and you questioned why he cared so much for how you were feeling. You certainly cared about him, caring about people was basically your job after all, acting as the protector of the group and the only one that Katara would allow to take care of her. You cared for him, truthfully maybe more than you should, but you weren’t aware of the extent of his care for you. 
His feet brought him closer, seating himself before you at the edge of the bed. “Why are you upset?” he questioned, sincerity pouring from his voice. “Did someone do something? Or did something happen? If it did, I can-”
“Nothing happened, Zuko,” you cut him off, lifting your fingers to shyly play with the strands of your hair. “Nothing happened, really, it’s just...” he gazed at you with imploring eyes. You sighed. “It’s just that I’m upset about everything going on, all the stuff with Aang and what he has to do, and it’s stupid. I shouldn’t be upset, I mean, I’m obviously used to everything by now, but...I’m just worried about him.”
He searched his mind, he was never good at comforting people. You were always good at that, always listening to him and reassuring him in ways no-one had ever managed to. He wanted to repay the favor, to make you happy like you made him, but he didn’t possess the talent of assurance and comfort. Instead, with a certain boldness to his movement, he grasped your hand from its place in your hair with his own. 
“He’ll be okay, Y/n. He's a talented kid,” his thumb stoked your knuckles. “The comet is weeks away and he’ll be ready. He’ll be ready.”
Your eyes were glued to the spot his hand met yours, unable to focus on anything but the heat emanating from his palm. You nodded softly with appreciation, lifting your fingers to reciprocate his caring touch. Your lips parted and you found it difficult to breathe, your stomach and lungs occupied by swarms of butterflies. Your eyes met his, and you found yourself captivated by the intensity in his stare.
You stayed locked in that position, his eyes glued to yours and your hands interlocked. He lifted your arm, playing with your fingers and pressing a kiss to the inside of your wrist. “You worry too much.”
You ignored the blush rising to your cheeks. “I think I worry just the right amount. Someone has to.”
He shook his head. “You shouldn’t have to. Someone needs to take care of you every once in a while.” 
“Oh yeah?” you questioned breathlessly. “Like who?”
His eyes met yours and you could’ve sworn you saw him lean forward before the silence was broken by knocking against your door.
“Y/n! Sokka screwed up dinner and we need your help before Katara kills us.”
You recognized Toph’s voice and pulled out of Zuko’s grasp.
“Sounds serious,” you chuckled. “I’ll be right there.”
You sighed softly, averting your gaze from Zuko’s as awkward silence filled the atmosphere. “I should probably go help them.”
He nodded, masking his slight disappointment as he rose to allow you an exit. Your shoulder brushed his as you passed, and the two of you ignored the electricity as you emerged from the confines of the small room.
“Appa, yip yip!”
The smell of charred wood filled the air, fire flinging past your face as the soldiers advanced. Aang was lifting off, fleeing the onslaught of flames as you crumbled the earth surrounding the men to allow them an escape.
He glanced back, alarm filling his face at the sight of you. “Y/n, come on!” he yelled, looking at you with worry.
You grunted as you threw rock after rock at your persecutors. “It’s ok, Aang, just go! I’ll be fine!”
“What?! No! Y/n, just-” he cut himself off as a figure dressed in red jumped from Appa, landing on the edge of the cliffside.
“Get out of here, Aang,” Zuko spoke. “I’ll take care of her.”
Aang glanced back in worry before yanking Appa’s reigns and flying off the other way.
Zuko turned, running towards you as you fended off the soldiers with concaving ground and heavy boulders. He intercepted the fire of the remaining men, channeling it and striking towards them. As they stumbled back from the impact Zuko grabbed your arm and sped into the refuge of the forest, shielding your body from possible incoming attacks.
He pulled you along through the winding trees, twigs snapping under your feet as you did your best to catch your breath. When he slowed down you lifted your eyes to find the entrance of a small cave nestled between the rocks. 
“Guess this is home for the night.” Zuko tilted his head to glance at you, taking note of your furrowed brows and flushed face. “You ok?”
You quickly nodded your head. “Yeah, I’m fine. Thanks for coming back.”
“I wouldn’t leave you behind,” he smiled.
You looked at him gratefully before raising your arms to maneuver the stone around the entrance of the cave. Once the hole was deemed large enough the two of you crawled inside, Zuko’s hands protectively supporting your waist as go ensure you wouldn’t fall.
The inside was dreary, uneven walls forming to shelter the small patch of ground while the light of the sun was blocked out as you ventured further. Your feet ached, legs bruised and hair messed from the abrupt attacks. Zuko kept sneaking glances, worried by the tiredness of your movement and the absence of your usual optimism and cheerfulness. You made your way over to the edge of the cave, sitting down and resting your back against the sturdy wall. Zuko crept over beside you, lowering himself close to your body and staring warily at the cave’s entrance. 
You picked at your nails. “Do you think they’ll be ok?”
He snapped towards you in disbelief. You were seriously worried about that right now? “They’ll be fine, Y/n. They’re long gone by now and Aang will be back for us in the morning.”
You agreed hesitantly before leaning your head against the wall. You peered through the hole of the cave, catching sight of the sky beginning to fade to reds and purples. “Maybe we should get some sleep. If the soldiers come back we’ll need our energy.”
Zuko nodded, moving to lie down while putting a respectable amount of space between the two of you. You drifted off to the sound of Zuko’s even breathing and the warmth that was carried from his body to yours.
You jolted awake to wind swirling inside the cave, the coldness piercing your skin like a knife. Your lips were tinted blue, the tips of your fingers aching and nose freezing to the touch. You pushed yourself off the hard ground, lifting your knees to your chest and curling in on yourself. Zuko was beside you, sleeping peacefully, seemingly unbothered by the chilliness of the night.
You stood up, walking around in attempt to warm yourself up and find a more sheltered part of the tiny cave. Zuko woke up to your shuffling, bleary eyes latching onto your shivering figure.
“Y/n?” he questioned in a raspy voice. “What's going on?”
“Oh, sorry Zuko,” you said sheepishly. “It’s just a little chilly.”
He assumed a pensive demeanor, eyes shifting mindfully before speaking.
“Come here.”
“You’re cold and I can warm you up. Come here.”
You made your way awkwardly over to him, trying to ignore the blush that rose to your face at his implication.
You sat down next to him, sitting in silence before his arm hesitantly wrapped around your shoulders, bringing you closer. You sighed, he did feel warm. You subconsciously nuzzled closer to the sanctuary of your friend’s embrace until minutes later you were practically on top of him. You rested comfortably against his torso, his lean arms cradling you to his chest.
He breathed into your hair, careful not to accidentally light it on fire with his nervousness. He closed his eyes, relishing in your presence.
“Thanks, Zuko,” you whispered.
He smiled. “No problem.”
You raised your head to look at him, unsaid words lingering on your tongue. He stared at you questioningly as you searched for your voice, becoming distracted by the way your eyelashes danced across your cheeks and your lip was pulled between your teeth. 
“What is it?”
You swallowed. “It’s nothing...never mind.”
He raised an eyebrow, slowly linking his fingers with yours. “You can tell me, if you want to.”
“I know I can, but it’s silly. I’m just thinking too much.”
He lifted your hand, fingers tracing over the scars and lines, thumb stroking fondly against your skin. “If it’s about the group, they’re fine. They know what they're doing, and they can take care of themselves.”
You chuckled. “Most of them. I don’t know about Sokka though. He needed help rolling up his sleeping bag this morning.”
Zuko laughed lightly, reaching to brush away the hair that had fallen into your face. “Yeah, maybe not Sokka. But Katara’ll keep him in line. You can take a break from taking care of them...” he trailed off, amber eyes moving to yours. “Just let me take care of you for now.”
You felt your heartbeat quicken at his gaze, skin set alight by the way his fingers traced over it. He held nothing but sincerity and tenderness in his voice, and his eyes conveyed a deep fondness. You couldn’t help it when your eyes trailed to the curve of his nose, the splashes of freckles, and down to his lips. He raised your hand, pressing a kiss to the inside of your wrist. In a burst of courage you moved your palm to cup his cheek, fingertips ghosting against the rugged edge of his scar. 
His own eyes felt heavy, pulled down by some magnetic force that drew him closer to you. At your caring touch, he moved his hand to the back of your neck and tilted your chin towards his. His lips met yours, eyelids slipping closed as you moved your own against his. He pulled you impossibly closer, handling you with such gentleness and affection that you wondered if you would implode. You ran your fingers through his hair, the soft stands filtering through them like water. He grasped your hips, lifting his mouth to meet yours in a seemingly never-ending heavenly embrace. You broke apart with a smile, the long-overdue kiss lightening your heart and sending butterflies through your stomach.
He grinned against you, stroking his thumb against your cheek before pulling your head to nestle in the crook of his neck. He breathed into your hair, pressing  his lips against the crown of your head. He nuzzled into you, his hair tickling your face as you felt yourself surrounded by him. You felt reassured, your friends would be fine and you felt relieved by the fact that you didn’t really need to worry about Zuko. He would take care of you, after all.
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umbrum77 · 2 years
Toph: I'm the best nothing can top me
Tylee: I can.
Toph(blushing): shut up....
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So I Wait for You Chapter 3
not for Kataang week, just during Kataang week...
Water closed over her head and Katara welcomed its embrace, diving down to touch the bottom of the pool. Reaching it, she pushed off and cut through the water as though she'd been born to it. Which, actually, she supposed her waterbender status meant she had. Her dolphin kick propelled her through the water and she switched to flutter kicks when she broke the surface. She shook off all thought and merely shot through the water, lap after lap.
“Hey Sugar Queen, you're going to grow gills! Get out of the pool and come talk to me.” The voice was so unexpected that it took Katara a moment to put a name to it.
Toph? Why was Toph in the natatorium? She hated water and, so far as Katara knew, didn't even know how to swim.
Katara swam to the coping, savoring the caress of water sliding across her skin for one final breath before pulling herself out and bending the water off her and back to the pool. She yanked off her rubber swim cap and let her hair fall free.
“Yeah, yeah, you are hot and have long beautiful hair. Get some clothes on and come talk to me on the way to the quad. Everyone's meeting at that new food truck by the undergraduate library. Hope we don't get food poisoning.” Toph chivvied her along all the way to the dressing rooms.
Katara quickly changed out of her swimsuit and into what she thought of as her knocking-around-campus clothes, jeans and a swim team sweatshirt. Toph sighed impatiently when Katara picked up her hairbrush, so Katara pulled her unbrushed hair into a ponytail and picked up her bag.
“Ready,” she announced.
“Walk and talk.” Toph commanded, demonstrating the need for haste by giving Katara a little push toward the door via tilted tiles under her heels. “We have ten minutes to get to the other side of campus, which should be enough time for my interrogation.”
“Ugh,” Katara muttered, “are you sure you're pre-law and not criminal justice?”
Toph grinned slyly. “Yep, I'm much more interested in getting around laws than in making people follow them. But that's beside the point, which is why are you leaving Aang on read?”
Katara stopped walking to gape at Toph. She stole a glance toward Toph's feet. Bare. Of course. Taking a deep breath, Katara willed the sudden blush out of her cheeks. They burned even hotter. Since Meng showed her that video two weeks ago, any mention of Aang made her pulse race and her skin heat.
Disregarding Toph's bare feet, she tried prevaricating. “It wasn't on purpose or anything. I'm just busy. Aang...” she hesistated, loving the feel of his name on her lips. “Well, it's not like I'm avoiding him or anything.”
Toph looked supremely unimpressed. “Lie” was all she said.
“It's nothing,” Katara bit out.
At this, Toph's face scrunched in disgust. “Lie. You know you can't lie to me, Katara, so please stop insulting my intelligence.”
“I can't tell you. And I won't tell you, so just. Drop. It. Toph.” Katara punctuated each of these last words with a small pause.
Worried about what she might unwittingly reveal, Katara clamped her mouth shut. There was no way she was confessing her complicated emotions to one of Aang's closest friends. Even if she'd known how to explain what she was feeling, Toph was more Aang's friend than hers and would be one of the last people she'd talk to about him.
Her brain went into the same spiral it had been traveling for weeks now. How did this new awareness of Aang affect their friendship? And this new thing she was feeling, was it simply lust? Surely not, because it was Aang and she loved him. But did that mean she was in love with him? If you loved someone and wanted to jump their bones, did that mean you were in love? Maybe Mom could have shed some light on the situation for her, but there was no one she could talk to about this other than Meng. And Meng's “you should tap that” was less than helpful advice. Though she couldn't deny that one part of her brain spiral involved exactly that proposition.
Shaking her head to clear the image of Aang's bare chest that had appeared as soon as her mind started to wander that road, she glared futilely at Toph, who she was feeling less friendly toward by the moment. Even if Toph's blindness insulated her from the glower, directing it at her made Katara feel a bit better. They continued walking toward the quad, Katara's strides lengthening with her irritation. She wished momentarily that she were wearing hard-soled shoes that would ring against the pavement with her annoyed steps. Alas, her sneakers made only an unsatisfying scuffling noise. Each step carried her a bit further from her sudden anger, though, and shame began to replace that hot emotion.
At last she could bear no more of the tense silence between them and she spoke up. “I'm sorry, Toph. I'm taking out my frustration on you and you don't deserve it.” She paused, waiting to see if the other woman would respond. When only further silence greeted her apology, she huffed “but I'm still not talking about what's going on.”
Toph made no answer, but the set of her shoulders relaxed infinitesimally. They walked on, wordless. Katara took note of her surroundings finally and was surprised to see the storm clouds on the horizon. She could sense the weight of all that water, poised for release. The air already smelled of rain and crackled with latent energy.
When they reached the edge of the quad, Toph halted and faced Katara. “I won't bring it up again, but I have figured out what's crawled up your butt.” Toph smirked as she spoke the truth Katara had been fighting. “You finally realized you're in love with Aang. Good luck with that.”
She walked away toward the food-truck after dropping that verbal bomb, leaving Katara rooted to the spot. Spirits, Toph was right. Katara was in love with Aang. She didn't need anyone else's analysis. Her heart had been trying to tell her that for a long, long time.
“Come on” Sokka pleaded, “you have to come to this party! You've done nothing but mope and study for weeks now. You need to get out of this house and party off those blues!”
Even Suki weighed in. “Please, Katara? I don't think it's good for you to keep stewing over whatever is bothering you. Come out with us, get out of your head for a little while. Also, don't you want to face down those bigots who tried to keep you off the team because you're a waterbender?” Suki chuckled before continuing “you could wear all the medals you won this season to rub their faces in how good you are even without bending.”
Katara allowed herself a satisfied smirk. She'd been incensed when the coaches told her she couldn't be on the team because her bending gave her an 'unfair advantage.' She'd brought her case to the dean and, eventually, to the board of trustees. Ultimately it was only after Suki suggested that any waterbenders on the team be chi-blocked so they couldn't bend that they had acquiesced to her demands. While she resented the implication that she couldn't be trusted not to cheat, she'd agreed to the condition after the other waterbending swimmers convinced her that they just wanted to compete and didn't mind the requirement.
“Okay, okay, I'll go the the party with you.” Aiming a pleading look at Suki, she wheedled, “If you help me decide what to wear.”
Katara tugged at the short dress Suki had picked out for her. It covered a bit less of her than she was accustomed to, but she'd fallen in love with the autumnal hues when she saw it in the shop window. The colors reminded her of Gyatso and Aang's ceremonial robes, which brought such a sense of comfort and happiness that she'd bought the dress without even trying it on. And she had to admit it did a great job of showing off her legs. As did the tall strappy heels she'd donned. It had been a while since she'd worn anything other than sneakers, and the shoes caused the occasional wobble in her step. Well, they were at the party and it was too late for a wardrobe change no matter how off balance she felt.
In front of her, Sokka led the way down the path to the student center holding Suki's hand and chatting animatedly with her about a movie they'd seen the night before. When he opened the double doors she saw that the party was already jammed full of people and noise. There were only 40 people on the swim team, but it looked like every one of them must have brought 5 or 6 friends. Pounding drum beats drowned out the melody of whatever music rattled the windows.
Suki reached a hand back toward her as she and Sokka squeezed between people. They seemed to know where to go, so Katara grabbed hold of her hand and allowed herself to be towed deeper into the crowd. She reached for Meng and hauled her along, a chain of people winding through the mob. Teammates yelled greetings and compliments as she slipped past.
“Hey Katara, great season!”
“Katara! Looking hot!”
“Water Tribe in the house!”
Katara smiled and acknowledged everyone, but didn't linger. Finally they broke through the crush of people and shuffled under soaring stone archways into the open air courtyard. Folding doors that could seal off the space in inclement weather were fully open. Muggy night air washed over her, doing nothing to cool the heat generated by passing through the press of bodies. The stormclouds that had threatened over lunch had blown away, leaving a clear view of the full moon and a lingering humidity. But they were a bit further from the source of the music here, and the noise level was much more tolerable.
Sokka pulled out his phone and stared at it in concentration for a moment. He grinned and turned the screen to Suki, but hid it quickly when Katara tried to see. With an irritated huff, she looped her arm through Meng's and led her away, leaving Suki and Sokka near the archway.
In the center of the courtyard, an ancient tree spread branches over a circle of benches. Fairy lights wound through the leaves, casting flickering light. Katara stopped when they reached the edge of the giant tree's canopy. She and Meng turned their backs toward the trunk and examined the scene.
Most of the courtyard was covered with a short dense grass that looked soft and velvety in the dim light. Strings of paper lanterns criss-crossed the sky, strung from the second story of the building. The fountain in the center of the patio splashed musically, jets of water shooting skyward. Small groups of people clustered in the most well-lit areas, talking and laughing. A few people danced on the stone pavers surrounding the fountain. In some of the dimmer corners, they could make out the shadowed shapes of entwined couples.
Katara thought of drawing Aang into the shadows and into her arms. Imagining the softness of his mouth against her neck made her pulse race. Her face flamed and she could feel her heartbeat thundering. Taking a deep breath, she forced him out of her thoughts. Again.
Meng nudged her shoulder. She pointed to the other end the courtyard, then stood on her tiptoes and waved to catch someone's attention. “Look, it's Haru” she said with a wide smile and a twinkle in her eyes.
Katara spotted him standing next to a large raised cooler filled with drinks on ice. When he saw Meng he smiled and dug around in the ice until he brought out three bottles. Smile widening, he walked toward them. Katara squinted at him. What was on his face? It was difficult to see clearly in the mixed moonlight and lantern glow, but it looked like he'd grown a mustache since the last swim meet.
Horrified, she glanced toward Meng and voiced the question. “What is on his face??”
Meng shared a disgusted look with Katara. “I know, I know. That mustache is a tragedy. I'm working on it.” She shuddered and added sotto voce “I told him I wouldn't kiss him again until he shaves it off.”
Whoa! What? Katara elbowed Meng hard. Her mouth dropped open in surprise and she stared blankly at Haru, shaking her head slowly, before asking “What do you mean, again?!? When did you and Haru kiss?”
“Shh,” Meng hissed, “he's almost here. Tell you later.”
“Hey Meng. Katara” Haru greeted them with a grin that would've been appealing if it weren't for the dead caterpillar perched under his nose. Holding the bottles toward the girls, he added “Soju? I grabbed plum, grapefruit, and apple. Which do you want?”
“Oooh, plum!” Meng squealed, grabbing one of the bottles.
Haru laughed, winked at Meng, then held the other two toward Katara. “Grapefruit or apple?” he asked.
“Thank you, Haru” Katara said loudly as she took the grapefruit soju, trying in vain to spark similar good manners in her roommate.
Meng was too busy fighting the cap of her drink to pay Katara's hint any mind. With a grunt, she finally wrestled the cap free and took a long swig of the drink, sighing in satisfaction. Katara had similar difficulty opening hers. The metal rim securing it finally snapped after way more pressure was applied than Katara thought strictly necessary.
Haru held out an open palm “Caps? I'll bring them to the bin for you.”
Meng aimed her brightest smile at him, flushing with pleasure and maybe the drink. The expression brought out her dimples and made her eyes sparkle. Haru stared dumbly for a moment, dazzled, before clearing his throat and turning away to dispose of their trash. Katara narrowed her eyes at her friend.
“Oh. Ohhhh.” she gasped once he'd moved out of earshot, “You really like him. I mean really really.”
Meng blushed darker, expression softening as she watched him walk away. She sighed “Yeah. Yeah, I do.” She cut her eyes toward Katara “maybe as much as you like your Aang.”
Happiness for her friend made her own smile almost as large as Meng's. “Aww. I love that for you. Haru's one of the good ones.” Her smile dimmed a bit when the thought intruded that Aang didn't return her feelings as Haru clearly did Meng's.
Katara rolled the sweating bottle between her hands, trying again to stop thinking of Aang. When Haru rejoined them and slung an arm around Meng, Katara had to force down a wave of jealousy. She lifted her soju to her mouth and took a long swallow.
The grapefruit flavor was light and refreshing and the alcohol nearly undetectable. Katara held the bottle up to the light and read the label more carefully. Fresh grapefruit meets morning dew for the best flavor. ABV 13% She didn't drink much, and hadn't at all during swim season, of course. Thirteen percent didn't seem very high, though. She downed another gulp.
“Take it easy, Katara, soju packs a wallop,” Haru warned. “Why don't we dance for a bit?” Though he'd invited them both, he looked only at Meng when he asked.
Deciding to let them have some alone time, Katara laughed “in these shoes?” She lifted one foot to show off her glittery heels. “I think I'll sit on this bench and people watch instead. You two should dance, though.” She added an encouraging pushing motion and eased down onto one of the ornately carved stone benches.
Meng aimed a concerned look at her. “Are you sure?” she asked.
Katara nodded vigorously and repeated her shooing motion. With a few curious backward glances, Haru and Meng headed toward the improvised dance floor, hands clasped together. After a loud exhale, Katara tipped her bottle up and drained it.
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beifongsss · 4 years
blush [zuko]
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Pairing: Zuko x reader
Summary: Requested by anon “ Zuko x reader where she meets uncle iroh for the first time!!! Zuko has only talked to reader about him but she finally meets him”. Takes place when they find Iroh and the Order of the White Lotus right before Sozin’s Comet.
It had been a few weeks since Zuko had joined your group. And in those weeks, you had found yourself becoming a stuttering, blushing mess whenever he wandered anywhere near you. 
You had always thought that the prince was attractive but you kept those thoughts bottled away deep, deep inside your mind. He was the enemy. You shouldn’t have been fawning over his looks. However, now that he had had a change of heart and wanted to teach Aang firebending, a part of you couldn’t help but think that technically, your feelings weren’t forbidden anymore. 
Zuko and Aang spent most of their time training in the courtyard, which was a good thing seeing as how you spent most of your time there with either Sokka or Katara. It was quite a sight to see, the avatar being trained by the very person that used to be his sworn enemy. Their movements were strong and fierce, almost hypnotizing. It also didn’t hurt that Zuko had the tendency to lose his shirt halfway through their training sessions. 
Surprisingly, it was Sokka who had eventually caught on to your feelings instead of Katara. It hadn’t been hard considering that you were always bright red whenever Zuko was within twenty feet of you. Instead of confronting you and teasing you about it, he went to Zuko instead. 
Aang had scrambled off immediately after training, wanting to go for a ride on Appa. Shaking his head as Aang ran off, Zuko bent down to pick up his shirt, pulling it on before turning and coming face-to-face with Sokka.
“Agh!” Zuko exclaimed stumbling backwards at the water tribe boy’s sudden appearance before scowling. “What do you want?”
Sokka smiled widely, leaning on the pillar next to him. “Nothing. Just thought you should know that our very own (Y/N/N) has a crush on you. Although to tell you the truth, I don’t know what she sees in you buddy.”
Zuko’s scowl disappeared as he turned to glance at you. Sokka followed his line of sight, his smile becoming impossibly wider as he noticed Zuko’s puzzled expression. “N-No, there’s no way she likes me.”
“Believe me or don’t,” Sokka said, once again earning a scowl from the scarred prince. “But a girl like that? You’re one lucky guy.”
Sokka and Zuko stood in silence as they watched you talk to Katara, You had said something to her, causing her to bend a stream of water out of the fountain and splash you with it. You threw your head back as you laughed, unaware of the two boys watching you from a distance. 
Zuko’s chest tightened uncomfortably as he looked at you, a large smile still on your face as you splashed Katara with your foot. He had always thought that you were pretty, but his main concern had always been capturing the Avatar. Now that Aang’s capture wasn’t his concern, he could start to live his life as normally as he possibly could while in the midst of a giant war. And so, it was in that moment that he figured out that he had feelings for you as well. 
And of course, Sokka noticed and decided to take matters into his own hands.
It started off small. Sokka would make sure to call you and Zuko last for dinner so you’d end up sitting next to each other, he’d clean the sleeping hall and put your sleeping bags back next to one another, he would ask you to go hunt or get water together. It wasn’t anything out of the ordinary, just Sokka being Sokka. 
Eventually, Aang and Toph caught on and things became more obvious. Their manner of approaching things was more direct, and it usually ended up with you stumbling into Zuko. One time, Aang had sent a gust of wind into a door you had just stepped through, causing it to slam into you and throw you into Zuko, who had been walking past at that particular moment. 
Another incident was when Zuko was making his way over to an empty seat and Toph had suddenly caused the ground to become uneven. Zuko had tripped, falling against you and bringing you down to the ground with him. Everyone had gone silent at the scene before them. Zuko was hovering above you, his arms on either side of your head as he tried not to crush you under him. You were staring at him, wide-eyed. Your chests brushed softly with every breath you took and in that moment, as you looked into each other’s eyes, it felt as though it was only the two of you in the Western Air Temple. 
Katara was the one to break the silence, clearing her throat and asking if the two of you were alright. Zuko had scrambled up, stumbling over his words as he assured everyone he was fine before extending a hand to you. He had underestimated his strength however, and pulled you up harder than he meant to, sending you crashing against him. Your free hand was pressed against his chest as you regained your balance, cheeks blazing bright red as you made eye contact with him. After a bunch of stuttered assurances that you were both fine, the two of you departed from the courtyard with Zuko heading into the nearby forest to release some of his pent-up emotions and you heading to the sleeping hall to think about what had just happened. 
By the end of the night, everyone knew how the two of you felt about each other. Even if the two of you were still unaware. 
After the incident Toph had caused, Zuko had begun to approach you more often. Everyone had been surprised, assuming that the incident would’ve just embarrassed Zuko to the point of no return and that he would simply avoid you. 
And so, a friendship blossomed between you and the prince. 
After seeing the way the two of you interacted, everyone had decided to stop trying to push you together. It was much more interesting to see you blush profusely and Zuko stutter for a ridiculously long time whenever your hands brushed against each other. Not to mention the way Zuko would be rendered speechless whenever your eyes sparkled as you talked about something important to you.
Teasing the two of you became the new normal and you often found yourselves going for walks in the woods to avoid everyone and converse without interruptions. The two of you opened up to each other fairly quickly, talking about everything and nothing. When you learned about how he had gotten his scar, you had hugged him tightly, making sure that he knew it wasn’t his fault and that he didn’t deserve what Ozai had put him through.
It was after this that he began to talk to you about his uncle Iroh and how he had been the only person who had ever truly loved him, other than his mother. He spoke about Iroh with great love and respect and you could feel your heart break at the pain Zuko felt after betraying Iroh.
“He hates me now,” Zuko said roughly, bowing his head as his eyes filled with tears. You approached him slowly, placing your fingers under his chin to lift his gaze towards yours. Your heart ached at the pain that was visible in his striking gold irises. 
“He doesn’t hate you,” you whispered, not breaking eye contact. “The way you talk about him, he’s like a father to you.”
“More of a father than Ozai ever was,” Zuko muttered softly, avoiding your gaze.
“He loves you,” you insisted. “He will forgive you. I know it.”
You engulfed Zuko in a hug to which he responded by pulling you close and finally allowing himself to cry. After that, your relationship was only strengthened and when you walked back into the Air Temple, everyone could tell. 
A while later, you all found yourselves back in the Earth Kingdom, looking for the woman (June, Zuko had called her) that Zuko had once employed to hunt you all down. After proclaiming that Aang was just gone from the physical world, Zuko had gotten desperate and attempted one last thing to try and gain an advantage over the Fire Lord. 
And that is how you found yourself sitting next to a visibly anxious Zuko as Appa followed the shirshu, who was tracking Iroh’s scent. You eventually found yourselves back in Ba Sing Se, June telling you that this was where Iroh was. You all traveled a little further before Zuko came to a stop.
“It’s been a long day,” he stated, pausing slightly. “Let's camp and start our search again at dawn.”
You helped Sokka set up camp, shooting worried glances at Zuko every once in a while. 
“So,” Sokka drawled as he nudged your shoulder, a wicked smirk appearing on his face. “How long is it gonna be before you and Prince Pouty over there are smooching?”
You straightened up, blushing at his words. “Sokka! Shut up. There is nothing going on between me and Zuko.”
Sokka scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Sure there isn’t.”
The conversation ended as you walked off to your sleeping bag, curling up in it as you avoided Sokka’s teasing glances. You were beginning to drift off to sleep when you heard a familiar voice.
“Well look who’s here!”
You all shot up out of bed, with Toph shouting in the process. “What’s going on? We’re surrounded by old people!”
You felt Zuko holding onto your wrist, bringing you slightly behind him as you looked around. You felt a smile grow on your face as you recognized the people around you. “Bumi!”
Zuko’s expression changed into one of confusion as you ran forwards, stopping in front of each man to bow to them. 
“They aren’t just any old people,” Katara said, talking to Toph. “These are great masters and friends of ours.”
Zuko approached slowly, bowing to Jeong Jeong when Katara introduced him as Aang’s first firebending teacher. Sokka bowed to Piandao before Suki broke the silence. “So wait, how do you all know each other?”
“All old people know each other,” Bumi snorted. “Don’t you know that?”
“We're all part of the same ancient secret society,” Piandao explained, looking at everyone. “A group that transcends the divisions of the four nations.”
“The Order of the White Lotus,” Zuko breathed, realizing that Iroh was much closer than he thought. 
“That’s the one,” Bumi confirmed, still chuckling. 
“The White Lotus has always been about philosophy and beauty and truth,” Jeong Jeong said. “But about a month ago, a call went out that we were needed for something important.”
“It came from a Grand Lotus,” Pakku continued, turning to face Zuko. “Your uncle, Iroh of the Fire Nation.”
Zuko smiled softly, Toph coming up behind him to speak. “Well that’s who we’re looking for!”
“Then we’ll take you to him,” Piandao stated, a nervous look overtaking Zuko’s face.
“Are you okay?” you asked softly, sitting next to Zuko as the masters led you to their camp.
“Yes,” Zuko spoke sharply before glancing at you, his tone softening. “No. I don’t know. What will I say when I see him?”
“You’ll figure it out Zuko,” you replied. “And he’ll forgive you, because that’s what people who love you do.”
Zuko didn’t reply, instead choosing to reach down and intertwine your hands. You were both glad that it was dark out so that no one would notice the blush dusting your cheeks. 
You reached the camp far more quickly than expected. Zuko felt his heart race as you came to a stop in the middle of the camp, facing Piandao when he addressed him. 
“Your uncle is in there Prince Zuko,” he said, pointing to a white tent standing across from the spot you were standing in before walking away. 
You made a move to walk over to Katara and Sokka when Zuko’s hand tightened around yours, “Please stay with me.”
You hesitated slightly before nodding, following him to the entrance of the tent.
“Are you ready?” you asked softly, squeezing his hand. Zuko nodded before moving forward, his hand squeezing yours desperately.  
“Uncle?” Zuko asked quietly, entering the tent. He stopped in his tracks, a soft smile appearing when he saw his uncle snoring softly on a cot. Silently, he sat down, pulling you with him as he curled up on the mat. You took a seat beside him, his head landing on your lap as he laid down. You leaned against a crate that sat next to you, your hands running through Zuko’s hair until his breathing evened out and he fell asleep. It was only then that you closed your eyes as well.
Zuko awoke when he heard a slight chuckle, and sat up to face his uncle. Immediately, Zuko threw himself forward onto his knees, his eyes not meeting Iroh’s as he remembered what you had told him about apologizing. “Uncle, I know you must have mixed feelings about seeing me. But I want you to know, I am so, so, sorry, Uncle. I am so sorry and ashamed of what I did. I don't know how I can ever make it up to you. But I'll- “
Zuko’s rambling was cut off as Iroh knelt down in front of him and embraced him. His eyes began watering, tears spilling as he hugged his Uncle. “How can you forgive me so easily? I thought you would be furious with me.”
“I was never angry with you,” Iroh said. “I was sad because I was afraid you lost your way.”
“I did lose my way,” Zuko mumbled. 
“But you found it again,” Iroh said, pulling back from the embrace and motioning towards you. “And something tells me she had something to do with it.”
Zuko didn’t reply, his face going bright red as Iroh chuckled. He had nothing to say, knowing that his uncle was right.
“Tell her how you feel soon, Prince Zuko,” Iroh said, smiling softly. “Do not let her get away.”
You emerged from the empty tent a while later to find everyone sitting around a fire. Quickly noticing the man sitting next to Zuko, you proceeded to bow down to him. 
“General Iroh!” you said. “It is an honor to be in your presence. I’ve heard a lot about you.”
Iroh chuckled before waving you over to the empty seat next to him. “No need for the formalities Miss (Y/N). And it is I who am honored to be here with you. I have heard much about you from my nephew and I must thank you for taking care of him while I was gone.”
You missed the blush on Zuko’s face that appeared at Iroh’s words, too distracted by the cup of tea that the once-general had handed you. You took a sip, your eyes widening in wonder as you looked at Iroh once more.
“This tea is amazing! Ginseng tea is my favorite,” you exclaimed, taking another sip. Iroh smiled at you before sending a teasing glance at Zuko.
“It is my favorite as well,” Iroh chuckled. “I am glad to see that my nephew has such great taste in women.”
A silence followed, only made awkward by Zuko’s stuttering. 
“Uncle!” Zuko hissed, glaring at the jolly old man who simply took another sip of tea. 
Neither one of you had a chance to reply as the conversation soon turned serious. With Aang gone, you all needed to think of a plan just in case he didn’t return in time. It was then decided that Zuko and Katara would head to the palace to fight Azula while you, Sokka, Suki, and Toph would stop the airship fleet. It wasn’t until you were gathering your tools and weapons that Zuko managed to pull you aside. 
“Look (Y/N),” he began, fidgeting nervously. “Just in case something happens-”
“Nothing’s going to happen,” you cut him off, placing your hand over his to stop it from shaking. “We’re all going to be fine.”
“Just in case,” Zuko stressed. “I need you to know...”
“What Zuko?” you questioned, ducking your head to catch his gaze. He stared at you for a few seconds, causing you to shift under his gaze. “What is i-”
You were cut off as Zuko leaned forwards, connecting his lips to yours. You gasped softly before returning the kiss eagerly. You stayed like that for a few seconds before being broken apart by Sokka’s voice.
“Hey!” Sokka cried. “As glad as I am that you and Prince Pouty are finally smooching, we really do have to save the world right now.”
Chuckling softly, Zuko pressed another kiss to your lips before pulling away. 
“Stay safe,” you breathed, embracing him one last time. 
“Trust me, I will,” Zuko whispered into your ear. “Now I have someone worth fighting for.”
You watched him walk away, only looking away when you felt something hit your head. Turning, you found yourself facing an impatient Sokka, motioning for you to climb onto the eel hound. “Are you done? let’s go.”
Grinning, you grabbed his hand, sliding onto the eel hound behind him. You were ready to fight, knowing that Zuko would be waiting for you when this was all over. 
so the sokka fic will be out soon but for now here is this zuko fic. i hope its alright its my first time writing for him. hope you all enjoy :)
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authorjoydragon · 3 years
Modern AU ideas- ATLA high school edition (sukka, zutara, Azulaang, jetlee) Brought to you by the multishippers chaotic discord!
Zuko and Azula are theatre nerds.
Sokka flirts with literally every girl but nobody takes him seriously.
Toph gives off a nonchalant vibe but she’s one of the top students thanks to all her private tudors.
Azula competed for the president position on the robotics club. Sokka would have beat her if he wasn’t so bad at public speaking. She’s also president of the debate club.
Aang isn’t the most studious, but he has pretty good grades. He’s a total jock, even record breaks at a ton of swim meets. He loves to play in most sports and goof around with his buddies. The teachers love him though so he hardly ever gets in trouble.
Sokka aces tests but doesn’t do any homework and therefore doesn’t have the best grades. Katara berates him for not trying harder. She strives to be top of her class, of course.
In fact, Katara and Azula are both teacher’s pets. They compete for the #1 academic rank and are arch rivals.
Zuko studies his ass off but still has bad grades and Azula likes to shove her 110% scores in his face. She teases him to ask Katara for tudoring lessons.
Aang is the most popular kid in school, he’s so charismatic everyone loves him. He gets secret admirer letters in his locker daily. (He has a crush on Katara, but knows that she likes Zuko…)
Sokka and Suki are rival team captains for several different sports teams throughout the year— basketball, volleyball and soccer. They make bets and tease each other and everyone wishes they would just shut up and date already.
Toph is in the wrestling club and is buff as hell. She likes to lift weights and show off. She frequently challenges the guys to a weight-lifting contests (and wins).
Katara is captain of the swim team. She is in just about every club and extracurricular because it’ll look good on college applications. (She also receives a lot of love letters.)
Azula does not like team sports because she doesn’t play well with others. She does her martial arts alone. The ONE pairing sport she will play is beach volleyball pairs with Suki— only because Suki won’t mess her up.
The one time they lost is because Aang made her a giant sign and cheered for her. Azula got so flustered she kept messing up. (Katara dared Aang to do it… Aang can’t help but notice how cute Azula is when she blushes.)
Jet is the quarterback. He has an on and off relationship with the head cheer leader, Ty Lee.
Mai is in a sharpshooter club. She dated Zuko for a while before realizing she was a lesbian. There’s no hard feelings between them, and Mai even helps Katara and Zuko get together.
Aang and Azula are both naturally good at everything they try and they get super frustrated when somebody else is better at it.
Zuko loves his art classes but if anyone tries to make fun of him for it they’ll be dealing with his little sister.
Toph and Aang cause a lot of chaos and have prank wars. Sokka is usually at the end of these pranks.
(Feel free to add on in reblogs!)
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Truth or Dare
“I don’t want to,” Mai said as she straightened a bouquet.
“But everyone’s gonna be there, Mai!” Ty Lee implored. “It’s gonna be fun.”
“I don’t like fun.”
“What’s going on?”
The two girls turned and their eyes fell upon Tom Tom.
Ty Lee replied,"Aang, Katara, Toph and Sokka are visiting. They want Mai to come too since they won't be staying very long."
Tom Tom looked at his sister, doing his 'polar bear puppy eyes' thing.
"Please, can we go, Mai? I want to see Aang's air marble trick again!"
Mai frowned at her brother. "I'm willing to drop you off but I'm not coming."
"It would be so much better if you came, though," Ty Lee interjected. "We'd love to have you there."
Mai sighed out of frustration. It wasn't that she didn't like going to the palace. No, she just didn't want to meet Zuko.
Ever since their 'make up', Mai was unclear on what to do. She was sure she liked him liked him in the I-don't-hate-you kind of way, but she was still hesitant to be in a relationship again. When she had told Zuko this, he had cupped her cheek and told her he'd wait as long as she'd wanted.
And Mai had been thinking about his words. She just wasn't ready to face him yet.
Ty Lee's voice shook her out of her thoughts. The knife thrower looked at the chi blocker.
"You don't have to come if you don't want to," She said.
"No, no, I'll come," Mai said. She smiled at her oldest friend. "It'll be nice to reconnect with some old friends."
When Mai and Tom Tom arrived at the Royal Palace the next day, they found Ty Lee waiting for them. Tom Tom waved at her.
"You didn't have to wait," Mai said. Ty Lee looked up from where she had been doing a handstand, her legs arched and almost touching her head.
"I wanted to," She replied. She bent out of her handstand to survey her friends.
"You look tired, Mai. Is everything okay?"
"I'm fine. Tom just woke me up early." Mai frowned at the seven year old, and he shot her a sheepish grin. Mai sighed and shook her head.
"Let's go," She said. Together, the trio walked inside.
Mai opened the door to the sitting room. Inside, she found Team Avatar and Kiyi. Suki sat on the carpet covered floor. Kiyi sat on an armchair which looked too big for her. Aang and Katara sat together on a fainting couch. Sokka sat on a settee. Toph was lying down on the settee and had her feet propped up on Sokka's lap. The Water Tribesman didn't seem to mind.
Zuko sat at the foot of Kiyi's armchair. When he saw Mai, he smiled at her. Mai returned her more subdued smile. Tom Tom managed to squeeze in the armchair with Kiyi. Mai and Ty Lee took seats on the floor.
"Okay, is everyone here?" Sokka asked. They all nodded.
"What will we be playing?" Tom Tom asked Sokka. Sokka grinned.
"Truth or Dare, kiddo," He said. There was a mischievous glint in his eyes that Mai didn't like.
"Okay, who'll go first?" Sokka asked enthusiastically.
"Ooh, me!" Said Ty Lee.
"Okay, truth or dare?"
"Well," Sokka placed a hand on his chin. "Who's one person you can't live without?" He asked.
"I'd say...the Kyoshi Warriors, you guys and my family," Ty Lee finished. Sokka nodded. He turned to Toph.
"Toph, truth or dare?"
"Eh, truth," She said carelessly.
"Have you ever lost an Earth Rumble tournament?" Said Sokka.
"No. Other than the one with Twinkletoes I haven't lost to anybody else."
"Katara, truth or dare?"
"Dare," The waterbender answered.
"Okay," Toph said."I dare you to drink that bottle of extra spicy peanut sauce." Toph looked at her smugly. Katara spluttered.
"What - drink that?! Are you out of your mind?" Katara shrieked.
"Yeah, Sweetness, drink that bottle of extra spicy peanut sauce. You can have water after."
Katara looked like she was about to protest, but she defiantly walked across the room and grabbed the bottle of sauce. She stared at it for a few moments before opening it and taking a long sip.
As soon as the bottle was away from her lips, she gasped. Her face was flushed. Lips pressed together, she walked over to the table where the water was, grabbed a cup and took another long swig.
After draining the glass, Katara walked back to Aang and glared at Toph. The others laughed.
"One point to Katara," Suki said.
The game went on for another two hours. Suki was dared to kiss Sokka while holding a handstand, Aang was dared to walk around the palace and explain the rules of Pai Sho to random people. Mai was dared to throw a knife on an apple placed on Zuko's head while blindfolded. Thankfully, the tasks turned out well.
Finally, it was Zuko's turn. He'd been withdrawn for the most part and he agreed to a dare.
"Zuko," Sokka said. "I dare you to announce who the prettiest girl in the room is and kiss them."
There was silence at Sokka's words. Zuko's eyes widened and his cheeks flamed. The others put a hand to their mouths to hide their smiles. Zuko glared at Sokka.
"Couldn't you have given me anything else?" He exclaimed.
"You asked for a dare," Sokka said. "Here it is."
Sokka smiled at him innocently. Zuko bit his lip. Mai could almost see a plan to escape forming in his mind.
Finally, he announced in a strangely strangled voice, "Suki."
Everyone laughed. Toph had a cocky look on her face. "I can tell when people are lying, Hothead. And we all know it isn't Suki."
Zuko went even redder. Mai was sure that something in the room might be set on fire. But why was he so flustered? He just had to announce the prettiest person in the room and kiss them. It wasn't an uncommon thing to ask during Truth or Dare.
She felt like she was missing something, a vital piece of the puzzle. She felt like she should know who he was about to kiss. But she didn't.
His eyes kept flickering to her, his face turning redder. He ran a hand through his hair and kept glancing in her direction and.....oh.
Mai understood. The others' smirks made sense. Zuko's fluster made sense.
She bit her lip and stared at her lap. She could feel everyone's gaze on her.
"Are you going to do it or not, Jerkbender?" Sokka asked teasingly. Zuko glared again.
"Fine," He said.
He cautiously approached her. Mai looked up a him. Zuko looked nervous, uncertain.
He stared at her furtively for a few seconds, before dipping his head down and kissed her. They broke apart within seconds and even though it was barely a brush of the lips, it left Mai's heart racing.
Zuko moved away from her. The others booed good naturedly. Mai could hear Tom Tom make retching noises.
"Oh, come on, that wasn't even a proper kiss!" Sokka protested. There were murmurs of agreement among the others.
Zuko shot him an icy glare but that didn't have an effect on them.
"You asked for us to kiss. We kissed. End of story." He said.
"It was barely a kiss and it still made your heart do somersaults," Toph said. "You've got it bad."
"Toph!" Zuko said angrily.
"What? I'm just stating facts."
Mai sighed. She knew their friends weren't going to leave them alone after this.
"We'll do it," She announced.
She walked over to him and knelt down. He looked at her, nervous and uncertain.
"Do you want to do this?" He whispered.
"Let's just get this over with."
His lips were soft. He kissed her gently, his hand cupped her cheek, while the other linked their fingers. Mai rested her hand on his forearm.
Mai had missed feeling like that. The feeling of his hand in hers. The feeling of his lips against hers. She felt warm, both inside and out. They broke apart and Mai glanced at Zuko.
His face was flushed. He stared right back at her, trying to control his breathing.
She heard someone wolf whistle and there was an outbreak of awkward giggling. Mai and Zuko disentangled themselves from each other and resolved to siting in their usual positions near Ty Lee and Suki.
Their friends slowly began to trickle out after that. Finally, when only Mai and Zuko were remaining, Zuko plopped down next to her. They sat in silence. It wasn't awkward but it wasn't comfortable either.
"I'm sorry," Zuko said.
Mai looked at him. "For what?" She asked, confused.
"For - well, I don't know what I'm apologizing for but I feel like I may have crossed a line," Zuko said.
"You didn't cross any lines. There isn't anything to apologize for," Mai said.
"There isn't? I didn't make you uncomfortable or anything?" Zuko asked.
Mai sighed. She knew they were going to have this conversation sooner or later. Might as well be sooner.
"I know I said I needed time," She began. "I think about your offer a lot, Zuko. To be honest, I didn't want to come today because it would mean meeting you but I'm glad I came. I felt like this gave me a push I needed."
Zuko smiled at her. "So, you're okay with us being a thing again?" He asked.
Mai returned his smile. "We'll practice opening up about our feelings and problems. If the Spirits are on our side, we could probably make it work."
Zuko took her hand. "We don't need the Spirits on our side. I already have you."
Mai blushed. "You're so cheesy."
But she was smiling too, and Zuko felt his heart soar.
He leaned his forehead against hers. Mai placed a hand on either side of his face. He knew what was coming and his eyes slid shut.
He smiled against her lips and could feel that she was smiling too.
They kissed slowly and then they broke apart. Mai's cheeks were dusted with a pink blush. His smile grew wider as Mai rested their foreheads together once more. He knew they ought to head back to their friends, but right now.....he was happy right where he was.
Story is also cross posted on Fanfiction.net and AO3.
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theowritesfiction · 2 years
'Lake Laogai'
I think this is the first episode where Sokka's artistic 'skills' are really addressed. Okay, I'll admit, it's a genuinely funny comic relief Sokka moment.
I'm a bit upset at Iroh for having zero loyalty to the man who hired him and Zuko, two refugees off the street. Not saying he shouldn't have accepted the Upper Ring offer, but he was kind of a dick about it. 10 Jerk Points.
I'm really curious about the game Katara and Sokka were playing. I wonder if anyone knows what it was.
I get that Aang is frustrated about being stymied by the Dai Li and their bureaucracy, but Toph lashing out and destroying a part of the house is just... dumb? You live there, dumbass. Just destroy someone else's house. 20 Jerk Points.
Long Feng is a clever villain, despite his eventual demise. Him acknowledging that he can't confront the Avatar directly is a smart strategic realization. Misdirecting the Gaang to leave Ba Sing Se and go all the way back to South Pole to look for Appa is a great plan, actually. He couldn't have known about Jet's connection to Smellerbee and Longshot.
Guess who's back? Back again? Jet is back. Tell Katara... who is more violent than I remembered her being, but you know what, good for her. I wonder about her blush there. Was it all just from anger? I like to think it was the memory of her crush on Jet. I think it's all but confirmed by Katara's reaction to Toph calling out her lies of having feelings for Jet.
Sokka is pretty clever to realize that Jet has been brainwashed by the Dai Li, although I have to wonder... how did he know that brainwashing even is a thing that exists? There are a lot of interesting little details in the scenes with the Gaang trying to break Jet's conditioning. Aang not liking Sokka's idea that Katara should kiss Jet, whatever, shut up Aang. I had completely missed the detail that it was Mongke and Rough Rhinos who burned down Jet's village. They're Iroh's old buddies, I shouldn't be surprised. Also, I love Katara still deciding to soothe Jet's mind with her bending even if she's deeply mistrustful of him.
The secret HQ of the Dai Li is a scary place. The training of Joo Dee's... what a creepy scene. The Dai Li agents hanging from the cavern ceilings like some kind of creepy bats, that was pretty awesome. You have to admit that Jet is a badass when it comes to a fight. I also like how Long Feng being a very different kind of villain comes across in this scene. As soon as the battle starts to turn, he makes the calculated move to flee.
Iroh confronting Zuko in the catacombs was an interesting scene. Iroh finally has his golden ticket of having an Upper Ring teahouse of his own. He's got it made. He's not going to let his nephew's bullshit ruin his dream, so it's time for some tough love.
Comparing Zuko trying to steal Appa with his kidnapping of Aang at the North Pole was very on point. They are both the worst examples of Zuko's plans. Zuko tries to brush it off as if doing stupid shit has something to do with his 'destiny'.  But I also think Iroh's point about Zuko trying to follow someone else's idea of his destiny would come across better if Iroh himself wasn't pushing the destiny of Zuko serving tea onto his nephew. There really is a huge disconnect between the life that Iroh wants for Zuko and the life Zuko himself wants. Can anyone here see Zuko being happy serving tea? I can't. Iroh seems to be the only one.
Also, doesn't Iroh later embrace Zuko's destiny of becoming the Fire Lord anyway?
I have said that I'm not a big fan of Jetara, absolutely not as endgame, but I still think the way some of Jet's thoughts that helped him break Long Feng's mind control focused on his feelings for Katara was very tragically romantic. Anyway... I have very mixed feelings about Jet's death. No, actually I hate it. We've seen Katara heal some pretty bad injuries, and Jet didn't look that badly hurt? A part of me is now left thinking that if Longshot and Bee hadn't asked Katara to leave maybe she could have still saved him? Also, uh, she had the spirit water... I wrote an entire 70 chapter story about Katara using it on Zuko in Crystal Catacombs, and being unable to save Aang. It would have made ten times more sense if Katara had used it on Jet, and ugh, I now wish I had written that scenario instead. Honestly, it would have been far more in character for Katara to stay and save Jet. Also, check out the shot of Katara as they fly away. She had real and strong feelings for Jet. I haven't sensed anything remotely strong (romantically) towards Aang up to this point of the story.
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Anyway, Appa returns and wipes the floor with the Dai Li. I guess it's something positive at the end of a depressing episode. For mind-controlling Jet and killing him, Long Feng gets 350 Jerk Points.
Jerk Points for Book 2:
Iroh, Long Feng - 560 Azulon - 300 Ursa, General Fong  - 200 Aang - 160 Zuko, Toph - 120 Ozai - 100 Sokka - 70 Bumi, Lao Beifong, King Kuei - 50 Pakku - 30
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