#Top Press Release Submission Sites
bootyful-seventeen · 2 years
Horny svt thots
a.n: had to repost cuz i don’t think i was showing up on the tags on this god forsaken site. & ik its not all the members but i’ll post another part with the rest of the members soon
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Mingyu taking your strap. The sweet little thing will be riding your strap while tears are brimming in his eyes from how good it feels to have your hips meeting his and having the toy press deep inside him. And the sight is truly something to behold with his cock bobbing from his movements and the swollen top drooling precum that your eyes can’t help but keep wandering back to his throbbing cock that’s so close to release that it has the poor boy sobbing from how badly he wants, no needs to cum, that he’s got tears streaming down his cheeks while his hole is clamping down on your strap and his cock is spurting cum over the both of you. And part of me is thinking about Mingyu really liking it when you slap his cock a little after he’s cum to tell him that the night isn’t over for you two yet
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When Jihoon gets in a submissive mood, he gets s u b m i s s i v e okay? And when he’s in the mood he’s going to make the sweetest little whimpers and cries and moans with you barely having to touch him. And the one thing that’s got me running circles is that Jihoon loves to suck on your tits while you give him a handjob. His cheeks and ears are flushed from the tender way you look at him while he sucks and nips at your nipple while his other hand is massaging your free breast. And once you start cooing little praises and compliments to him, his heart would be racing a mile an hour and wouldn’t be able to hold himself back from cumming all over your hand and his stomach from your sweet and lewd words
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Minghao may not look it but dear god does he love risky situations. He can’t stop his cock from throbbing in his pants when you sit him down on the bed and tell him that you want to go out for a while at night with him, but you don’t want him to wear any clothes under his trench coat aside from some red ropes intricately wrapped around his body, and a remote controlled vibrator(s) strapped to his cock. So when you leave for a late night walk with Minghao, he’s trying so hard to act normal but he’s tripping over his feet when you crank up the level of vibrations against him until he’s biting at his lips to hold back his cute little whimpers from a stray jogger running near the two of you. And once you’re alone again, Minghao is shamelessly opening his coat to show you his trembling form and leaking cock for you to inspect and tease him over when you can see he’s just so close to cumming. Tears would freely leak down his cheeks when you drag him just off the path to hide behind some trees and lift up your skirt to show him your exposed pussy, telling him that if he needs to cum then he’s gonna cum in you
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Jeonghan likes to tie you up and put you in your place, but not as much as when you do that to him. It drives him insane to see you standing above him and holding his orgasms in your hands. He especially loves it when you bring out the whips and paddles and get some of his brattiness out without purposely making him cum. Jeonghan puts on a little act of shame when he cums from having his ass and thighs spanked but he is obsessed with the feeling of being so wound up that he cums like that. The feeling of the leather whip trailing over his skin while you tell him he’s a dirty boy from cumming from spanking alone, his softening cock already hardening up again when you grab his cock in your leather gloved hands and degrade him a little on his lasting abilities and if he could make you cum with it just to watch his cock bob with excitement at your words. His moans shamelessly ringing through the room with pleas for more of your touch, and promises that he’ll be your good little fuck toy and that he’ll make you cum as many times as you want because all he wants to be is your good little boy beneath you both literally and figuratively
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Seungkwan is a simple man. A simple man that loves your ass in every way possible. But his most favourite way to eat your ass is when you sit on his face, either just sitting on his face and letting him work his tongue over your tight little hole, or with you bent over and taking his cock down your throat. I can only imagine the type of noises he’d make when he’s got his face buried between your cheeks, especially when you’re riding his face and using him to get yourself off. And yes, praises or degradation, depending on the mood, would have his cock weeping with precum especially (!!!!) when you’re facing him and can grab his hair to pull roughly at the strands to ignite that fire within him that you know would leave your legs trembling for days
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centrally-unplanned · 2 years
I have a particular affection for the ways non-cultural designs & choices can create cultural artifacts. Anyone remember ToHeart2?
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An ero visual novel coming in at the tail end of the VN era Tokimeki Memorial ushered in 1994 and Kanon crystalized in 1999, it was released in December of 2004 and was the ‘it’ game of its genre for the next year. It got an anime release in 2005, spin-off games, OVA’s, drama CD’s, the works. It was really big at Comiket in the next year, selling ‘image CDs’ of risque art, promotional manga, and a…car billboard?
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ToHeart2 did not last though. Its known among visual novel fans for sure, but it's currently ranked #609th on Visual Novel Database in popularity - totally respectable, but no one is recommending it today as the “oh you gotta play this” game and if you aren’t into visual novels it is not coming up in your day-to-day anime-fandom conversations the way Clannad or Doki Doki Literature Club is. It had its era and the fandom moved on, like almost any other property.
But I bet way more people have encountered it than they know, because something else was released pretty much right after ToHeart2 was, in May of 2005 to be precise:
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Oh yeah, this is that kind of essay. Danbooru is the original ‘successor’ to the 2ch-style imageboards that was art-first, non-hierarchical, and easily searchable, making it absolutely perfect for porn. The style quickly swept the competition and for a while Danbooru, and its architecture-clones like Gelbooru, ruled the hentai roost on the internet. If it's the year 2010 and you want some pics of Asuka in a school uniform stepping on you, Danbooru was your very first stop.
How you found those pictures is important here; Danbooru is 99% of the time used via searching for tags. Those who don’t have an account - aka most users - can only search by two tags, so you do the best you can; to take the above prompt you go “soryuu_asuka_langley stepped_on” and bam:
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Only 4 results, are you kidding me?? Jesus get it together ero artists, some low hanging fruit here. Let's go with something more popular:
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There we go, “red_hair school_uniform”, that is more like it. Okay, so sometimes you want Sailor Pluto + Zettai Ryuoiki or bust and you are gonna get what you are gonna get with those search terms, but other times you are exploring, you wanna see what you will find, any red-head will do, and you get this absolute sea of results. What are your options for navigating it?
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Pretty…basic, right? And you can’t easily narrow down your search, you only get two search terms. So you do what comes natural, you look at each page, select out images you like, and hit next. But that is…a lot of pages, you aren’t going to read them all.
A funny thing about UI design is that if a button exists, humans are going to press it. We are just inherently curious, we want to try things. And this UI essentially gives us three buttons: “First”, “Next”, and ….“Last”, in this case Page 43654. So as you are building your stache of auburn-topped white button-ups, you are gonna click Page 1, then Page 2, then Page 3…and at some point your curiosity will get the better of you, and you are gonna click Last
And the posts are organized chronologically by order of submission. You get it now, right?
For large searches, which the two-tag cap encourages users to do, Danbooru’s UI gives you the option of showing you the *latest* posts…and the *first posts ever submitted to Danbooru*. If its 2013 you are not gonna stumble on anything from 2008 without actively looking for it, but there is always a button flashing in your face to show you every post from 2005.
When ToHeart2 was the most popular ero game around.
As you can bet Danbooru on opening day was flooded with ToHeart2 images. It generated so much content applicable to this site concept too - it's a split path harem game! Look at these girls:
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You got your big titty red-head, white-haired soft kuudere, your lolis your genki’s, this is the OVA so it isn’t even all of them; option coverage is the point of these games. And it clocks in at, help me out here VNDB…
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55 hours are you fucking kidding me?! This is the Anna Karenina of visual novels, this work is someone’s magnum opus, my god. Point is it had a lot of art - and you add in the anime, the Comiket CD’s, the promotionals, the manga, the doujin, its a lot. Wait, I don’t have to guess:
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Its 6.2k images worth of ecchi art as of today. Every single ‘basic category’ search term people would commonly use had some ToHeart2 character in it, stored at the back of the history log. Far beyond its popularity as a visual novel, due to the inherent UI design of the site, anime fans got all the ToHeart2 porn they could handle just organically. And as time went on the ‘gap’ in between today and 2005 grew, cementing this little cultural artifact in place. Obviously other works from 2005 got similarly cemented, ToHeart2 is just the most prominent one to me.
I love how some of them have their context just buried in there too, like this one I pulled from the site:
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This is the cover of a Comiket 70 doujin collection - actually a mix of characters, not ToHeart2-specific - by doujin group Spread-Pink, a talented group; something the median non-Japanese searcher saving this to their hard drive would have no clue about. Here is a link to the full doujin, it has Haruhi SOS Brigade propaganda, absolutely choice. This is of course a trait inherent to a lot of the older art on the internet - so much of it was taken, often without attribution or with edits, from random professional-adjacent works and repurposed into the context the internet needed it to be. Today the internet of Japan & the West is way more merged, and tracing back an image is way easier, but in the early days it was anarchy, and so early Danbooru is full of that, in comparison to the modern uploads.
And yes I cropped the image here, but it was for sizing purposes I swear, don’t judge me, the full one is in the link!
I do have one more reveal before I wrap this up, however - I have been lying to you. I doctored that Danbooru screenshot up there, because that isn’t how the search in Danbooru looks today. It looks like this:
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Yup, the Last Page button is gone. I pulled a screenshot from the Wayback Machine for the edit, I am not sure when it vanished but I think it is sometime around 2015? Now this phenomenon lasted longer than that - at that time Danbooru clone Gelbooru had grown to higher popularity due to ease of use but imported all of Danbooru’s content including its chronology meta-data when it was made in 2007, and it kept the button. Gelbooru grew to such sizes that in the late 2010’s however, if you try to hit Last Page on a large enough search, you get:
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Alas, a pagination cut-off (unless you upgrade your account, which is like paying for WinRAR). 
So this isn’t a present cultural artifact, but a past one - a generation of internet users for a decade+ had privileged access to the ToHeart2 Hentai Collection, but in the 2020’s it's gone now, lowered down to equality with every other historical work. Alas ToHeart2, your reign was brief but beautiful, and may we all hope for an elysian future where Danbooru re-implements the Last Page button and your rule is restored.
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bvrbiiee · 2 years
How to Choose the Best SEO Company to Get Good SEO Results
Promoting your online business is a major responsibility of an SEO company. It is important to select the right SEO company to achieve good results, according to current trends in internet marketing. Website design, content writing, SEO optimization, directory submissions and video creation are some of the common responsibilities. Press releases, blog posts, keyword selection, and other tasks may also be required.
 How do you identify a professional SEO firm?
Professional SEO companies are capable of providing the best results for clients. You can improve your website's rankings and online presence by hiring professionals in SEO. The latest SEO techniques are used by experts to rank websites high in search engine results pages.
 For More Info : https://kevinmax.in/best-strategy-to-rank-website/
Before signing a contract with an SEO firm, you need to confirm certain things
·        Credibility - Verify the legitimacy of the SEO company. You must ensure that the SEO firm can provide quality services according to your requirements.
·        Experience – Experience in the field is crucial for delivering high quality output with no errors. To ensure consistency, reliability, and confidentiality, do background research on the company.
·        Affordable SEO Solutions - Compare the prices of various SEO companies to find an affordable and professional company.
·        SEO Techniques - An SEO company that is experienced implements the most recent SEO strategies in order to achieve maximum results for clients' websites.
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The backbone of the company is its skilled workforce. They work hard to meet the company's goals and perform tasks efficiently and accurately. They are often focused on brand awareness and increasing your online revenues by placing your site in the top search engine results. Customer relationship A professional SEO service provider will always prioritize customer care and provide 24/7 customer support. They will keep in touch with you to update you on SEO developments and market trends.
 Client testimonials/feedback - Portfolios of clients help to identify the best service provider out of many. You should also verify the authenticity of testimonials and feedbacks on the website. Get the help of family members or business partners- Ask people who have used search engine optimization services before to make informed decisions.
 Relevance for an SEO company
To improve your website traffic and search engine rankings, you must clearly define your search engine optimization goals. SEO services allow you to integrate your website and social media sites to increase brand recognition. This will help generate leads and increase online sales. You should take the time to find the best SEO Company that will deliver the best SEO results. This will help you avoid wasting money and time.
External Resources
SEO-Link Building-Service Service SEO Local SEO Services Link SEO of Company SEO Service Logo SEO Service List Looking for SEO Service
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topwebdirectorie · 10 days
The power of inbound SEO marketing for businesses
In online business, communication is the main asset of a business, the better the flow of message there’s high chance of quality result based on interaction. Likewise, in search engine optimization link funnel metrics design is the key to drive business results like quality link building, white hat link building practice to drive tons of traffic to websites. Inbound marketing, SEO development is a must if you are a startup looking to strengthen your online portfolio, website authority score to tank your keywords for better position on Google search result page. Let’s uncover the latest updates as per Google’s fresh algorithm, as Google constantly updating its code work regularly to measure various search parameters like quality of backlinks, spam submission, links which are coming from less authority sites. 
We are a talented team of SEO professional based in Adelaide, Australia; we develop latest SEO work for higher search position of Google search with research work, Google local SEO optimization techniques, domain authority improvement techniques, quality content development to super power your search for maximum result based on primary keyword, keyword rich URL structure, header tag and keyword relevance on page body. 
As a top SEO agency in Adelaide we strive towards innovation, hard core link builders, social media managers, PPC talents to explore all metrics for a startup agency for their revenue planning by launching search, display, video marketing and play store app promotion campaigns. Let’s ask our SEO, PPC management expert to know these ten useful practices that every online marketer must study carefully for higher results.
What parameters are required for a website?
Each and every website should have a clean code structure, layout and color appearance for user experience perspective and technically sound like XML, HTML, redirection of pages with proper URL setting to rank on Google organic result.
What is a landing page?
This is the main url with keywords in title, url, description, header tag, where Google catches the attention and helps to cache faster, if you are an e-commerce merchant a creative and colorful page is must to generate conversion, secure page setting.
How Google measures a website?
As per official guidelines Google detects fresh content where crawler reaches and captures new blogs, info-graphics, and attractive videos into Google server.
What is the difference between PPC and organic SEO?
PPC is instant result based on investment as per strategic keyword bids with different ad groups, location and organic SEO required months of sheer hard work, link building for measurable result.
Which type of back linking is best for a startup agency?
To get the top position of Google, blog, forum back link, article backlinks are mostly essential for a brand to drive a massive audience to the website. For startup inbound marketing is must to build the core foundation of an organization for the long run.
Does online video promotion work?
If you have an informative video that brings attention to your website can help to rank better on Google search engine result page, as Google say put more creativity on multimedia ads for stickiness of your site. 
How fast could one get the top 1 position?
As per Google, at least three months of rigorous exercise like blogging, forum, article, press release, link building, anchor cloud is a must if you are dreaming to climb to the top of Google index.
How to boost site authority?
To boost authority quality content design is required to get a higher search position, if your site has low link and less number of inbound links can get low score as per Google authority.
What is the importance of social signals?
It gives more value when your site gets a high number of clicks with more engagement, likes and shares that has a positive signal to lift your search presence organically. 
How to target a local audience?
Google local citation optimization is totally free by Google that helps to rank better on Google map, its three pack optimization strategy, review measurement is a powerful signal to boost your site visibility locally.
How to measure the audience?
Google’s analytics features gives in-depth insights for agencies to look up user flow by inserting tracking code, Google tag manager integration to know where the user comes from to the site landing pages.
How does chatbot help for a brand?
To automate your business and help the audience to answer chatbot integration saves a lot of time and energy to persuade users with their interest, demand and choice of services.
What is the initial cost for SEO?
It’s all about the quality of work over quantity, cost depends as below as hundred dollar to thousand as per service negotiation, lead setup, keyword ranking, customized social media management.
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phunkaar · 12 days
To provide a more specific and accurate comparison, here is a detailed overview of PRWireNow's services and pricing in the context of a startup seeking to raise funds and gain publicity through earned media placements.
PRWireNow Services and Pricing
PRWireNow specializes in press release distribution, offering various packages tailored to different needs and budgets. Here are the typical packages offered by PRWireNow:
1. Basic Package
Price: Around $100 to $300 per press release.
Distribution to a limited number of media outlets.
Basic SEO optimization.
Inclusion in a few online news platforms and smaller media sites.
Basic analytics and reporting.
2. Standard Package
Price: Usually ranges from $300 to $500 per press release.
Broader distribution to a larger number of media outlets.
Enhanced SEO features.
Coverage in more prominent online news platforms and industry-specific sites.
Detailed analytics and reporting.
3. Premium Package
Price: Often priced between $500 to $1,000+ per press release.
Comprehensive distribution to top-tier media outlets and extensive networks.
Advanced SEO and multimedia support (images, videos).
Detailed analytics and tracking.
Priority customer support.
Advantages of Using PRWireNow
Affordable Options: With packages starting as low as $100, PRWireNow offers affordable solutions for startups with limited budgets.
No Long-Term Commitments: Pay-per-release model allows flexibility without long-term financial commitments.
Efficiency and Speed
Quick Turnaround: Press releases can be distributed quickly, ensuring timely coverage.
Automated Distribution: Efficient distribution process to a broad network of media outlets.
Measurable Results
Analytics and Reporting: Detailed reports help track the performance of each press release, providing insights into reach and impact.
User-Friendly Platform: Easy-to-use platform allows for simple submission and tracking of press releases.
Scalable Services: Options to upgrade to more comprehensive packages as the startup grows.
Comparison with Traditional PR Firms
PRWireNow: Total cost for monthly press releases over 6 months ranges from $600 (Basic) to $4,800 (Premium).
Traditional PR Firm: Total cost for a comprehensive 6-month campaign typically ranges from $35,000 to $50,000.
PRWireNow: Focuses on press release distribution with SEO optimization and analytics.
Traditional PR Firm: Provides a full range of PR services including media relations, event management, crisis communication, and strategic planning.
PRWireNow: Offers flexibility with pay-per-release and no long-term commitments.
Traditional PR Firm: Often requires long-term contracts and higher financial commitments.
For startups, especially those seeking cost-effective solutions and quick media exposure, PRWireNow offers significant advantages with its affordable and flexible press release distribution services. It allows startups to gain publicity and drive traffic without the high costs associated with traditional PR firms.
However, if a startup requires a comprehensive and personalized PR strategy, including media relations, event planning, and in-depth strategic communication, a traditional PR firm might be more suitable despite the higher costs.
By leveraging PRWireNow's services, startups can effectively manage their budget while achieving their publicity and fundraising goals through well-distributed press releases.
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seoagencydelhi · 5 months
Boost Your SEO With Free Press Release Submission Sites 2024
 In today’s digital age, where data voyages at the speed of light, getting your company’s news listened to can be an overwhelming errand. Enter the powerful Free Press Release Submission Sites 2024 a newsworthy declaration bundled to provoke media interest and reach a wider group of onlookers. But with countless press release submission sites available, navigating the landscape can be overwhelming. This comprehensive direct reveals the insider facts of maximizing your reach through both free and paid submission stages.
Free Press Release Submission Sites: A Budget-Friendly Boost
Let’s confront it, not everybody features a PR budget that rivals Elon Musk’s rocket fuel. Fortunately, various free press release submission sites offer a cost-effective way to intensify your news. However, quality varies greatly.
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OpenPR: Known for its strict quality control, Open Press Release Submission focuses on technology, business, and health-related news. This ensures your release reaches relevant journalists and readers. PRLog: Boasting a large audience and an easy submission process, PRLog offers basic visibility for your news at no cost. Upgrade options are available for wider distribution. 24-7PressRelease: With instant approval and basic SEO optimization, 24-7PressRelease offers a quick and straightforward platform for free submissions. Press Release Submission: Choose from free and paid options on Press Release Submission, with visibility increasing with your chosen package. The platform also offers valuable analytics to track your release’s performance. Free Press Release Center: This simple yet effective site allows PDF and blog post formatting for your release, further enhancing its reach.
Instant Approval vs. Quality Control: Trade-offs to Consider
While instant approval on free sites is tempting, remember, quality reigns supreme. Sites with stricter editorial guidelines often have higher domain authority (DA), impacting your release’s search engine visibility.
Free Press Release Submission Sites: Investing for Greater Impact
For broader reach and targeted distribution, paid press release submission services offer powerful advantages. Here are some leading players:
Press Release Web: A top choice for comprehensive distribution across media outlets, social media, and search engines. PRWeb offers detailed analytics and reporting to track your release’s impact. Business Wire: Trusted by major corporations and recognized by Google News, Business Wire guarantees high visibility and targeted distribution to relevant media channels. Newswire: With worldwide reach and industry-specific conveyance alternatives, Newswire caters to businesses of all sizes looking for the greatest introduction. GlobeNewswire: Centered on universal exposure, GlobeNewswire offers multilingual dissemination and access to a tremendous range of media outlets around the world. Cision: This comprehensive Press Release Submission program suite goes beyond press releases, offering media-checking, social tuning-in, and influencer outreach apparatuses to open up your message.
Deep Dive: Diving into Niche and Industry-Specific Free Press Release Submission Sites 2024
While the big players in the press release game offer broad reach, sometimes your story needs a more focused audience. This is where niche and industry-specific platforms shine. Let’s jump into this dynamic environment and find how it can supercharge your PR endeavors:
1. Innovation & Development:
Tech.eu: For European tech new businesses and scale-ups, Tech.eu offers focused distribution to relevant writers and speculators.
VentureBeat: A go-to stage for Silicon Valley news, VentureBeat gives exposure to tech devotees and industry movers and shakers.
MobiHealthNews: On the off chance that your news rotates around healthcare technology, MobiHealthNews interfaces you with a devoted audience of healthcare experts and customers.
2. Healthcare & Life Sciences:
BioWorld: Reach key decision-makers and speculators within the biotech and pharma businesses through BioWorld’s focused on conveyance channels.
Medical News Today: Connect with millions of healthcare professionals and patients through Medical News Today’s vast audience.
FiercePharma: For in-depth pharmaceutical industry news and investigation, FiercePharma offers a stage to share your company’s progressions with significant partners.
3. Sustainability & Green Tech:
GreenBiz: Committed to covering cutting-edge supportability arrangements, GreenBiz connects your message with naturally cognizant businesses and customers.
CleanTechnica: Reach an enthusiastic audience of clean vitality devotees and industry specialists through CleanTechnica’s platform.
Triple Intellectual: If your company adjusts with the values of sustainability and social obligation, Triple Pundit offers a centered stage to grandstand your commitment.
4. Financial & Investment Services:
Seeking Alpha: Gain insights and connect with the financial community through Seeking Alpha’s platform for market analysis and financial news.
The Motley Fool: Reach individual investors and financial enthusiasts through The Motley Fool’s engaging and informative platform.
Bloomberg: For impactful exposure in the financial world, consider submitting your press release to Bloomberg’s platform, reaching investors and industry professionals globally.
Beyond Nicheness: Leveraging Specialized Distribution Services
Some platforms take niche targeting even further, offering tailored distribution based on specific topics or interests. Take advantage of services like:
Targetwire: Select from a variety of industry-specific and geographically targeted distribution options.
E-PressRelease: Choose from diverse categories like health, technology, business, and more, for precise audience reach.
PR Newswire’s Industry Groups: Access targeted media outlets and journalists within specific industries through PR Newswire’s targeted distribution options.
Beyond Submission: Optimizing Your Press Release for Success
Keep in mind, basically submitting your press release isn’t sufficient. Here are a few best tips for optimizing your content for maximum effect:
Make compelling features: Get taken note of with clear, brief headlines that precisely pass on your message Collect.
Center on newsworthy content: Publications ought to give real esteem and intrigue to writers and perusers.
Construct messages effectively: Follow a clear format, including quotation marks, contact information, and relevant links.
Optimized for SEO: Include important watchwords and meta portrayals to move forward in search engine visibility.
Talk Up and Select Wisely Press release submission sites can be an effective instrument for businesses of all sizes to reach a more extensive gathering of people and produce a positive reaction. Whether you choose the free or paid route, understanding your context and focusing on quality content will ensure your voice is heard. So, craft your story, choose your platform wisely, and watch your news make waves in the digital ocean.
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What is SEO and why is it important for content creators?
Seo, or SEO for short, is the practice of optimizing your website and its content to rank higher in search engine results pages, such as Google or Bing. The goal of SEO is to increase visibility and traffic to your website through organic, or non-paid, search results.
For content creators, SEO is important because it helps your content get found by people who are actively searching for it. By using SEO best practices in your content creation, you can improve your chances of ranking higher in search engine results pages and increase your chances of being seen by potential readers, viewers, or customers.
In today's digital age, there is a vast amount of content being produced every day. Without SEO, your content may get lost in the sea of information available online. By optimizing your content with keywords, meta descriptions, and other SEO techniques, you can increase your chances of being discovered by the right audience.
Furthermore, SEO can also help you build authority in your niche or industry. By consistently producing high-quality, valuable content that ranks well in search engines, you can establish yourself as an expert and attract a loyal following of readers or customers.
In summary, SEO is important for content creators because it helps your content get found by the right audience, increases your chances of being seen and shared, and can help you establish authority in your industry or niche.
The benefits of using SEO in your content creation strategy
Incorporating SEO into your content creation strategy can provide numerous benefits for your business or brand. Here are some of the key advantages of using SEO:
Increased visibility: By optimizing your content for search engines, you can increase your visibility in search results and attract more traffic to your website.
Better user experience: SEO best practices, such as using clear, concise headlines and meta descriptions, can also improve the user experience of your content. This can lead to more engagement, longer on-site times, and lower bounce rates.
Targeted traffic: SEO helps your content reach the people who are most likely to be interested in it. By using keyword research and other techniques, you can create content that targets specific audiences and topics.
Cost-effective: Unlike paid advertising, SEO is a cost-effective way to drive traffic to your website. While it may take time and effort to optimize your content for search engines, the results can be long-lasting and sustainable.
Brand awareness: Ranking well in search results can also increase brand awareness and credibility. When your content consistently appears at the top of search results, it can help establish your brand as an authority in your industry or niche.
Overall, incorporating SEO into your content creation strategy can help you attract targeted traffic, increase brand awareness, and provide a better user experience for your audience. By optimizing your content for search engines, you can create content that not only resonates with your audience but also drives results for your business or brand.
For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at: Article Writing Services, Content Writing Services, Blog Writing Services, Press Release Submission Services & Press Release Writing.
Please feel free to visit us at: https://webigg.com/
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luxmi-shanker · 6 months
Learn Complete SEO Course in 24 hours | Full SEO Course in Hindi | SEO Tutorial | Part 2 | #114
Complete SEO Course Part 2: https://youtu.be/-eNTpVXgwak
Full SEO Course Playlist in Hindi: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLq3mt7JTwE9GZ3V8KmZFK-R4vm1joy_rX
Welcome back to the second half of our Complete SEO Course! 🚀 In this 12-hour deep dive, we continue our journey into the intricacies of SEO, unveiling advanced strategies to elevate your website's visibility. Here's a glimpse of what awaits you:
Link Building Mastery: Learn the art of diverse backlinks, from Quora to Podcasts. Backlink Strategies: Uncover the power of PR, Media Sites, and more. Demystifying Technical SEO: From Sitemaps to Robots.txt, we've got you covered. Insights into Schema Markup: Understand and implement various schema types. Unveiling Search Intent Optimization: Craft content that aligns with user intent. Decoding Domain Authority & Page Authority: What do these metrics really mean? Navigating the SEO Landscape: SPAM Score, Google Sandbox, and more demystified. Ecommerce SEO Masterclass: Tailored strategies for keyword research, architecture, and on-page optimization.
Image Submission, Quora Submission, Video Submission, Directory Submission, Classified Submission, Profile Backlinks, Broken Link Strategy to Create Backlinks, PPT/PDF Submission Backlinks, PR (Press Release) Backlinks, Backlinks from Media Sites (HARO), What is PBN links What is Tier Link Building Podcast Link Building Strategy What is Link Reclamation in SEO What is Resource Page Link Building What Is Link Roundup Link Building? Difference between Indexing and Caching What Is a Sitemap? How to Create and Submit Sitemap? How to create Sitemap for Ecommerce Website? Robots.txt file-Robots.txt for Ecommerce website-Robots Meta Tag & X Robots Tag Crawl Budget in SEO Naked Links in SEO Canonical Tags What is 301 and 302 redirect in SEO Keyword Cannibalization Google Sandbox Effect Dwell Time in SEO Schema Markup Complete Course Schema Markup-Types, Doubts & Precautions Article Schema, Breadcrumb Schema, Event Schema, Job Posting Schema Data, Logo Schema Data, Local Business Schema, Product Schema, Recipe Schema, Website & Video Schema What is Search Intent in SEO? | How to Optimize for Search Intent Domain Authority & Page Authority (DA & PA) What is SPAM Score? How much time it takes to Rank a New Website? How to Rank a Webpage on Multiple Keywords in Google? | Rank #1 on Google Testing Mobile Friendliness and Responsiveness Top 9 SERP Features | Rank #1 in SERP How to Rank Single Page Website | SEO for Single Page Website Keyword Golden Ratio (KGR) | Rank Quickly With This Technique Ecommerce SEO Complete Course Ecommerce Keyword Research and Website Architecture Mastering On-Page SEO for Category Pages in Ecommerce Websites On-Page SEO for Product Pages in Ecommerce Websites
Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting, this tutorial is your gateway to mastering the art of SEO. 🎓
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@LuxmiShanker Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/luxmi_shanker Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/luxmi.shanker?mibextid=9R9pXO Twitter: https://twitter.com/LuxmiShanker?t=16QtlNhmp_KeEzmuC9Rcjg&s=08 WhatsApp Channel: https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaAxu9JFi8xi71MvUi3x
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eziosolutionsdm · 9 months
What Are Some Good Press Release Submission Sites For Off-Page SEO?
For businesses looking to improve their search engine rankings, off-page SEO is a crucial component of any digital marketing strategy. And among the many off-page SEO tactics available, one that often goes overlooked is press release submission. Press releases are a tried-and-true way to generate quality backlinks, increase brand awareness, and improve online visibility. But with so many press release submission sites out there, it can be hard to know which ones to focus on. In this post, we’ll highlight some of the top press release submission sites for boosting your off-page SEO.
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1. PR Newswire
As one of the oldest and most established press release submission sites, PR Newswire is a must for businesses looking to gain massive exposure. With access to a network of over 4,000 media outlets, your press release could be distributed to major news sites such as ABC News, CNN, and The New York Times. Prices start at $460 per release, but the potential reach is well worth the investment.
2. Business Wire
Business Wire is another highly regarded press release submission site with a vast distribution network. Your press release will be picked up by major news sites, radio and TV stations, and even trade publications. And with a mobile app, you can receive push notifications for when your press release is published.
3. PRWeb
PRWeb offers a variety of packages to suit different needs and budgets, including free and premium options. With a basic package, you can distribute your press release to major search engines, such as Google and Yahoo!, while the premium package offers additional distribution to various media outlets. Plus, with its analytics dashboard, SEO Services in Coimbatore you can track your press release’s performance and see how many views and engagement it is generating.
4. EIN Presswire
EIN Presswire is a budget-friendly option for businesses that still want to enjoy a broad distribution. The site offers global distribution to major news sites, as well as placement on news aggregators and social media platforms. And with its flexible pricing options, you can choose the distribution channels that are most relevant to your business and budget.
Must Read This: How Do You Conduct A Backlink Audit, And Why Is It Important For Your Website's SEO?
5. 24-7 Press Release
24-7 Press Release offers a unique angle by allowing businesses to submit a press release for free, with a $49 upgrade option for additional distribution. While the free option may not have the same level of coverage as the more premium sites, it can still generate valuable organic traffic and backlinks.
Press release submission can be a valuable tool in your off-page SEO toolbox, offering benefits such as better search engine rankings, increased brand exposure, and more web traffic. By choosing a reputable submission site, you can ensure that your press release reaches as many people as possible and generates the results you are looking for. So why not try submitting a press release today and see what kind of impact it can make on your off-page SEO efforts?
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webtechmonster · 11 months
Maximize Exposure: Top Press Release Submission Sites for Your News
Want to spread the word more widely? Find the top press release distribution providers that ensure your announcements receive the most attention possible! These top platforms can help you increase exposure, connect with your target market, and improve your online presence. Strategic press release distribution can be the difference between a successful product launch, corporate update, or game-changing event. Discover how you use PR to attract journalists, bloggers, and new consumers. In order to ensure that your news reaches a wide audience, we have highlighted the tried-and-true platforms that serve a variety of businesses and niches.
Webtech Monster provides a press release submission site list that has helped a lot of people increase traffic to their websites or online businesses. These websites increase your online visibility and assist you in creating quality backlinks to your website. Visit Right Now!
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spoilertv · 11 months
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bestseoservices1 · 11 months
Know the Best SEO Services for Your Needs
You will find a wide range of SEO services online these days. You can find the best SEO services by searching online for different providers. You might be confused about what SEO service to choose if you're looking for it, because so many companies offer them. You might want to think about a few things before choosing an SEO service that is right for you.
Companies bulk SEO service providers
They are companies who have dedicated their services to SEO. These companies may have a pool or writers who are experts in different topics and niches. You will receive bulk orders the same day if they have many writers. SEO Grand Rapids can provide SEO services to any business, whether it is a new one or an established one.
To get more customers, they might need to do extensive marketing. You may also need to post a large number of articles about your business in article directories. You will also require some webpage content and press release articles, since your business is just getting started. You will therefore need to get all the SEO-centric written materials or articles that you can to boost your page ranking to the maximum.
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These bulk SEO services are also available to established businesses who want to expand their market on the internet. They will also put their ranking at the top of the page to attract the most customers.
These SEO companies may offer additional SEO services. These include link building on your website and submission to article directories. Some may offer web design to make your website easy to navigate, along with a sitemap that will help you optimize your site. As they are businesses, you might be charged much higher fees for bulk services.
Freelance SEO Service Providers
These SEO services can be a good option for those who are looking to get SEO articles at a lower cost. Most of these services are suitable for people who only need small orders of articles. Some people may only want to keep their blogs up-to-date with these blog posts or articles. You will get cheaper SEO articles as they may only charge per article and are not under the company. You will find that they are very knowledgeable in writing SEO-centric materials to help you raise your page rank.
You can see that there are many SEO service providers on the market. You will find the right SEO service for you as long as you are aware of your needs.Professional SEO Services do not only focus on giving you advice on how to improve your SEO. These companies can also help you with SEO implementation, by actively creating your SEO. This gives you more time to focus on other important tasks in your personal or business life.
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digimart01 · 1 year
10 key matrics in google analytics for digital marketer
Digital marketer uses google analytics like their main backbone for their industry. Google analytics checks website performance and behavior of visitors in details; it gives some valuable insights to the website owner.Accually google analytics is to provides numerical data analytics of visitors in piechart,hologram and more diagram basis in pictorial data. Digimart In2Inblobal gives an proper idea how to use google analytics and how they have used google analytics in their websites. They are many key matrics for digital marketers that finds relevant evaluating marketing campaign and website performance.
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Digital marketer can uses metrics of goole analytic in a friendly way. These matrics will very easily measures the websites data and overall performance. So without the matrics it will be difficult to judge website insights properly.Here 10 key matrics in google analytics for digital marketers:
1. Users: There are new and unique numbers of visitors for the website for specific time periods. It section calculates the total number of audience/visitor. It will be the best is the number of users increases per session. The activity they do in the website per session per individual.  The process of measuring total number of visitors is known as Pageview.
2.Bounce Rate: Bounce Rate is known as visitor comes and closes the website as a very fast and stay at lesser time minimum 5 secs. The percentage of single-page visits where the user leaves your website without any interaction. They does not do any kind of activity in the website. As they see any problem like irrelevant content, or technical errors like no images and so on. So this increase the number of bounce rate for website. This affects the website a lot.
3. Conversation rate: Conversation rate is the of visitor has done some desired action like purchase,filling out form,and giving feedback and subscription others.The final conversation rate is measured in goals.Digital marketers can find their area of interest can also buy products,filling subscription form and s The formula for finding conversation rate are as follows:
Conversions / total numbers of clicks = Conversion Rate
4. Traffic source: The traffic source is which gives an idea of sources of traffic of visitors in details report. It studies the behavior of visitors from which geographical location they are coming. It  mainly provides in huge search volume. High traffic volume sources makes the more visibility or ranking in top pages in search results. SEO helps to do that to get high traffic sources in free. So there are 4 types of traffic direct traffic, organic traffic and paid traffic.
i)Direct traffic are those which comes come from directly clicking url(unique source locator)  in SERP or even they can book mark the sites for later refferance.One can easily visits url of digimart In2Inglobal websites to get their best digital marketing services. one can check https://digimart.in2inglobal.com
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ii)Referral traffic- Refferal traffic means which comes indirectly from other website those who send traffic. This process can be done using backlinks or hyperlinks. Example inside the blogs referral links are give through alr herf tags. The types of referrals are guest post,press release, Directories submissions and social bookmarking like reddit,pininterest many more.
iii) Organic traffic –Organic traffic means it free mainly is part of SEO. It coming from search engine like google,bing,Facebook Ads, Twitters. Ex- Anjali looks and likes,coments on reels of Instragram post of restuarents of Kolkata like Shiraz Biriyani. Its defines taste of that biriyani and also their services.
iv) Social Media Traffic – Social Media traffics means all major traffics is coming from all social media sites like facebook,twitter,instragram,linkedin and so on. Social post are becoming one of the most major trends or tool in digital marketing industries.
5. Goal conversation: Goal conversation means total number of time specific goals on website.
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blueeyiz702 · 1 year
MoneyRobot Submitter
In this article, we'll be conducting a Money Robot Submitter review, focusing on its effectiveness in SEO, backlinks, and link building. Money Robot Submitter is a comprehensive SEO platform that offers a one-stop solution for creating a genuine link building network to enhance organic Google rankings.
With just a click of a button, Money Robot Submitter automatically posts high-quality content to various Web 2.0 sites, creating a network of backlinks that can propel your website to the top of search engine results. You can watch a brief tutorial video on the website to gain a deeper understanding of its functionalities.
True to its name, Money Robot Submitter takes care of all the submissions for you. With a few simple clicks, it automatically posts articles and links them to your main site. By saving you valuable time, you can focus on other essential tasks to boost your blog or affiliate marketing campaigns.
One of the key advantages of Money Robot Submitter is that it eliminates the need to hire writers. All you need is a sample article and your target keywords. The tool can spin the content multiple times, ensuring quality and uniqueness without the risk of duplication. Rest assured, all articles generated by Money Robot Submitter pass CopyScape's scrutiny. Additionally, the tool can simulate human browsing, effortlessly solving captchas and passing all robot tests.
What sets Money Robot Submitter apart is its "Process Window" feature, which allows you to monitor its activities in real-time. You can observe the entire process as it creates blogs, bookmarks, and social network posts. Another handy feature is the scheduler, which regularly tracks your site's progress, ensuring a steady improvement in Google rankings.
Money Robot Submitter boasts a user-friendly interface, making it a preferred choice among SEO tools.
Private blog networks are crucial for any successful SEO campaign. Money Robot Submitter enables you to create your own PBN with just a click of a button, giving you access to a vast network of links. This capability is one of the main benefits of using Money Robot Submitter.
Here are some noteworthy features of Money Robot Submitter:
Support for unlimited website platforms, including social network posts, social bookmarking, wiki articles, press releases, article directories, and web 2.0 profiles. Automated link submission, simplifying the entire SEO process and enabling you to generate an unlimited number of links to drive more traffic to your site. An easy-to-use interface that allows you to conveniently manage your SEO link building campaigns. You can witness the live creation of each account in real time. Intelligent features that make your job easier, such as high-speed submission, smart submission with automated account creation, and artificial intelligence that simulates human activity and bypasses robot detection tools. Utilization of server resources to search for the best links on the web, while you can focus on other aspects of your campaign. Built-in spinner/rewriter tool that generates hundreds of unique articles based on a sample article and target keywords, without the risk of duplicate content penalties. Backlink monitor to keep track of your links and relevant information, including anchor text keywords, with impressive speed of up to 500 threads per second. Responsive customer service team and an active forum community for support and assistance. Regular updates to the sites list, ensuring you receive new opportunities daily without the hassle of manual searching and scraping. Automatic captcha solving, providing support for all captcha services and saving you time and effort. Money Robot Submitter is recommended for:
Website owners striving for top positions on search engine result pages (SERPs). Internet marketers engaged in affiliate marketing and seeking to monetize their online efforts. SEO companies aiming to improve their clients' website rankings. Media companies requiring efficient content distribution across various platforms, including social media. Individuals or organizations lookingto publish press releases through a wide range of webpages, blogs, social media channels, and press release websites.
Benefits of using Money Robot Submitter for your SEO campaign are plentiful. Since using this link building software, my clients have been consistently satisfied with the results. The tool offers a fully automated process from start to finish, which sets it apart from many other SEO tools on the market. With its spinning and rewriting feature, I can generate hundreds of unique pieces for submission. The artificial intelligence capabilities simulate human browsing and effectively bypass various captcha challenges. Personally, I've built my Private Blog Network with Money Robot Submitter and appreciate the daily provision of fresh lists for submitting my unique articles. Once you experience the tool firsthand, you'll understand why it's an invaluable asset that more than pays for itself.
Getting started with Money Robot Submitter is a breeze, especially with the abundance of tutorial videos available online, including on platforms like YouTube. Many consider it a hidden gem in their SEO arsenal, consistently delivering outstanding results. It receives high scores across the board and is a tool that you'll want to incorporate into your strategy.
Pricing options for Money Robot Submitter include a monthly subscription plan for $67, providing access to all the discussed features. Alternatively, you can opt for a one-time payment of $497 for a lifetime software license. The tool also offers a 7-day trial period and a 7-day money-back guarantee, giving you the opportunity to test it out risk-free. However, we're confident that once you experience the benefits, you'll want to keep using Money Robot Submitter for the long term.
In conclusion, whether you're a website owner striving for top SERP rankings, an affiliate marketer aiming to maximize online earnings, an SEO company looking to enhance client websites, a media company seeking efficient content distribution, or an individual or organization requiring extensive press release publishing, Money Robot Submitter is an essential tool for your SEO campaign. Its automated features, intelligent capabilities, and user-friendly interface make it a valuable asset that streamlines the link building process and helps drive targeted traffic to your site. Don't miss out on the benefits this tool has to offer. Get started with Money Robot Submitter today and witness the positive impact it can have on your SEO efforts.
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farinoishi01 · 1 year
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#SEO #Service #SEO #Expate #BD #LTD
Myself Farin Oishi from the company SEO Expate Bangladesh Ltd. We are basically a Web Design & Web Development providing company based in Bangladesh.
We offer a best and affordable SEO services per month for a 15 keywords package including below outlined monthly services & deliverables:
Keywords Analysis & Research
10 Manually Directory Submissions
1 Article Submissions (1 Articles Submit in 30 Top Directories)
10 Press Release Distributions (1 Press Release submit in 1 Site)
2 Web2.0/Blog postings(Using pre-written articles)
30 Social Bookmarking Submissions
5 Classified Submissions
1 Unique Article Writing (400+ words)
1 Press Release Writing (350+ words)
Keywords Mapping
New Pages Suggestions
Keywords Research
Competitor Analysis
Title Tags Changes Suggestions
Meta Tags Changes Suggestions
Alt Tag Changes Suggestions
HTML Site Map
XML Site Map Setup
Anchor text optimization
Google webmaster setup
Google analytics setup
Weekly Work Report
Monthly Ranking Report
Monthly Full Detailed SEO Work Report in Excel
Note: We send weekly reports to each of our clients so that they can have regular updates on their website. Also, this shows that we work regularly on the website in a very elegant way.
We use only white hat and ethical SEO techniques for websites.
Please do let us know in case you are interested.
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The Benefit of A Blog
The Benefit of A Blog
Obviously, the main benefit is that blog helps drive traffic to your website.
The value of SEO: A blog is a dynamic element of a website. It is updated from time to time and Google recognizes these changes. The contact details or the Legal Notice remain static for a long time and this does not improve the visibility of the top software company.
     For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at: Article Writing Services, Content Writing Services, Blog Writing Services, Press Release Submission Services & Press Release Writing.
Please feel free to visit us at: https://webigg.com/
Traffic driver
This is where digital marketing blog posts come in. Each is an opportunity to incorporate SEO keywords and drive organic traffic to your website. Not only will it appear as a result in search engines, it will also indicate to algorithms that your site is active and should appear higher in search results. The lower it is, the less likely consumers are to access the web. And search engines are responsible for driving much of the traffic to the web. It is necessary to take into account the SEO strategy to increase this visibility and blogging is one of the main means to achieve it.
  Product exposition
The digital marketing blog can be a natural extension of product announcements. By making your service or product the subject of your posts, you can use it as an opportunity to directly inform your prospects of what it offers, how it works, and why they should purchase or contract your services.
  Use these tips to get started with an engaging content strategy on a digital marketing blog:
·         Links – Include several links that take customers to your online store, other publications, or pages on your site to continue accumulating clicks.
·         Keywords – Remember to use them in every blog post. Publish and deliver compelling, clear content for optimal SEO performance and improved organic rankings.
·         Promotion – Highlight new products or use them as a digital portfolio of work done. So potential customers will know what you do without a doubt.
  Long-term benefits
Every post you write is archived on their website. New post content may generate new interest. Its benefits do not have an expiration date since they remain on the web for the life of it. While you can get the most views and leads in the first few days of a post’s life, it will still be in search results.
Your performance will then be ranked in search engines and will allow prospective prospects to access the publication from that point on. Therefore, they are not unique investments but rather stable. Posts that continue to provide value are called composite posts. Timeless content is very likely to become more complex. In fact, a single post can generate six times more traffic than six separate blog posts.
For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at: Article Writing Services, Content Writing Services, Blog Writing Services, Press Release Submission Services & Press Release Writing.
Please feel free to visit us at: https://webigg.com/
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