#Top 3 Best-Selling Barbie Shirts Today: Summer Barbie T-Shirt
laughinks · 1 year
Top 3 Best-Selling Barbie Shirts Today: Summer Barbie T-Shirt, Retro Coffee Barbie Shirt, Y2K Barbie T-Shirt for Adults
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From: laughinks.com
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— Laughinks T shirt (@laughinks) July 13, 2023
from Laughinks https://ift.tt/4FAIqC7
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Pretty in Pearls, Chapter 1 (Jankie) - Plastiquedoll
read on ao3 💄
Summary: For as long as she can remember, Jan has been in love with her baseball teammate. The only problem is that he always likes an Angela, a Pamela, a Sandra or a Rita better… As years have gone by, she couldn’t get those feelings behind and as a college freshman, she starts noticing more and more things that set her apart from “the other girls”, the ones her crush seems to prefer. She can’t help but think that “maybe if she was prettier, maybe if she was more like them…” things would be different. However, the more she gets to know those girls she also realizes how wonderful they can be; especially a certain girl named Jackie who works in the copy room and who keeps helping Jan unconditionally.
A/N: hi! this is my second chaptered fic -I wrote a little note on ao3 in case the concept of the story sounds off for anyone- but still, I hope you like it and thanks for reading it <3
When Jan turned ten –to her chagrin- she received a Barbie doll with a lovely dress full of ribbons as her birthday gift. Her older brother -whose birthday had been just two months ago- got a brand new baseball bat and even when she had begged for over a year she could get one, all she got was a plastic lady with blonde hair and pink lips that didn’t look like her at all. It wasn’t fair, she had to play with his worn-out chipping bat with sticky duct tape on the grip when she was way better than her brother. Why couldn’t she get a bat too?
Luckily, Jan being the stubborn she was, had a plan. If her parents weren’t going to gift her a new bat to play baseball, she was going to get it by herself. She spent all summer selling lemonade on her front yard to raise money –hey, if life gives you lemons…- delivering newspapers and doing some other little tasks in exchange for some coins. Even when she worked hard and put her heart into everything she did it wasn’t enough to pay the full. She was about to give up when her grandfather showed up with a late birthday present –a book with a couple of bills hidden inside- not only she could get that new bat, she also got a couple of new balls that had the other kids in the neighborhood green with envy.
Jan had always been the kind of kid that was restless in class, she was a chatterbox and often her teacher had to remind her to be sat during a lesson but in the sports field it was different, she could run, play and win games like no other and she was celebrated for that. She was better than most kids her age and her team had always emerged victorious when she batted, so yeah, baseball was a big deal for her.
It was also around the time she met Nathan.
He was the new kid in school who didn’t talk much with other kids but one afternoon her classmates had asked him to join their team. Jan, who was always picked first with her messy ponytail and bruised knees, didn’t consider that scrawny kid to be a threat. Yet, he proved her wrong as he was the first person to strike her out of a game in ages. Everyone was in disbelief. Jan was competitive and after that humiliating defeat, her new goal was to beat her classmate. The only problem was that he was better than she expected and it took her a while to match his skills.
And with the years, what had started as a rivalry became a friendship. Jan was the only girl in her class that didn’t mind playing in the dirt or hanging out with the boys all day. In high school, the difference was even more noticeable since she never felt she belonged with the other girls, and with her sports passion, she could get a college scholarship if she kept pushing and winning games. During the senior year, she couldn’t care less about proms and fancy dresses when she was just one step ahead of making her dream a reality, playing in varsity.
Nathan was already signed by a few schools as well and whenever he was going, she was going as well. Not only he was her best friend, she had developed a crush on him when they grew older, she knew many things could change in her life but he was a constant and she’d do what it would take to keep it like that. The only problem was that Nathan was a handsome guy and he always liked an Angela, a Pamela, a Sandra or a Rita better.
He couldn’t see that Jan was in love with him, not yet at least.
But if she could still be a part of his life in the years to come, that would be enough for her. She’d stay in the shadows until she got her shot and she knew the day would come. She only needed to be patient. He was going to notice her and he was going to realize she was the one for him, she had always been.
It was a joyful day when she got accepted into the same university with a partial scholarship –her parents could afford the other half- she was ecstatic, the little girl from New Jersey with a bat was now going to play in the girls’ team and even when she wasn’t going to be in the same team than Nathan, she was going to be close enough.
Yes, everything would work out.
College is hell.
That was the first thing she thought the first day of school, even after going through orientation, she didn’t seem to find any of her classes, the classrooms were in different buildings, her schedules were all wrong and on top of all, she hadn’t seen Nathan in all morning.
To make things even worse, around noon she got called by one of the secretaries of the administration center, apparently, there was a problem with her papers, one of her forms got lost in the mail and she needed to present it before the end of the day.
If only she could find the copy room to get that form…
She kept going up and down stairs without complaining until she found the room at the end of a deserted aisle. She got a soda from the vending machine outside and then got inside. It was almost lunchtime so most students were at the cafeteria, only one girl was getting some book pages copied and she was paying by the time Jan walked in.
“Have a nice day.” The person behind the counter greeted her.
It was Jan’s turn now.
“Hi!” She approached the counter. “I- uh, I need this form…” Where was the paper the secretary had given her? “Wait for just a second, I had it here.”
Jan knew she looked like a train wreck, she had her books and notebooks in one hand, the soda can in the other, she had to empty her pockets with a barely free hand and held her phone under her neck.
“Do you need a copy of the form H-23?” The girl from the copier asked.
“Uh… I think so… Yes!” She found the paper. “H-23… that’s the one.” She smiled brightly.
The girl from the copier seemed calm and collected enough to make Jan feel a little better. She had silky brown hair tied in a half-updo, chocolate eyes framed by a pair of glasses, a knitted mustard sweater with a shirt underneath, a platted brick skirt, and high brown boots. She looked like what a college student wants to look like, in full control.
She was also really pretty.
“You’re like the fifth person who came today asking for that form…” She said while pressing some computer keys to set the printer. “Many students had a problem with the mail system for what it seems.”
“Yeah… I got notified just now and I’ve been running around all day.” She put all her things in one hand and stretched the now free hand. “I’m Jan, by the way.”
“Jackie.” The other girl shook her hand. “You can put your stuff here on the counter if you want. It’ll only take a minute.”
“Ah, thank you.” She did as she said.
“Freshman?” Jackie asked raising an eyebrow.
“Is it too obvious?” Jan could feel her cheeks getting colored.
“Just a little… you look like you still have a soul.”
“Is that a bad thing?”
“Oh, no, not at all.” She smiled at Jan.
Jackie’s kindness made her feel warm inside. It had been a rough morning and for the first time that day, someone was being genuinely nice to her.
“Do you study here too?” Jan asked while the brunette stapled her papers.
“Yes, I’m an Art History major. Junior.”
“Oh wow, that sounds sophisticated.”
“Girl… it’s not… there’re a lot of white men and my mother surely would’ve loved me picking something more… profitable. What about you? Have you declared your major yet?”
Jan nodded. “Economics, kind of boring, I know…” She rested her elbows on the counter. “I’m actually here with a sports scholarship.”
“That explains the baseball shirt.” She pointed at Jan’s outfit.
“Right!” Jan instinctively touched the fabric of the shirt. “Go, team!”
Being completely honest, Jan had forgotten she was wearing that. Early in the morning, she was more worried about showing up on time to orientation –clearly in vain since she kept getting lost- and because of that she hadn’t put a lot of thought into her fashion choices, instead, she picked a black tank top, a pair of jeans, sneakers and the baseball jacket with her lucky number –eleven- on it.
“Are you this excited all the time?” Jackie handed her the form.
Jan’s face lost light suddenly. “Is that bad? Because I’ve been said that I can be too much sometimes and-”
“No! I didn’t mean… no.” The brunette moved her hands in the air frantically. “It’s refreshing. I don’t think I’ve met someone like you before.”
“Oh, thank goodness.” She rummaged through her things until she found a couple of coins. “Here, for the form. Thank you so much for your help.”
She beamed and it was dashing enough to compete with the sun.
“T-Thank you.” Jackie stuttered while picking the money.
“I hope you have a nice day.” Jan slid all her things into her backpack.
“You too… see you around.” The brunette waved.
Jan copied the gesture and on her way out of the copy room she almost bumped into someone. It was Nathan.
“Hey!” She felt her pulse racing. “There you are! I haven’t seen you all day.”
“Janie! How are you doing?” He held the door open. “I’ve been around, you know? Getting used to all of this.”
“I know, right? I still can’t believe we’re here!” She couldn’t hide her enthusiasm.
Jackie, in the background, lowered her glasses and observed them in silence.
“I’m sorry I can’t chat right now, I need to get this form for the administration office and it’s a pain in the ass…”
“No way, they lost mine too… it must be New Jersey’s post service.”
“It really sucks. I better hurry up then or the place is going to get crowded.”
“Here.” She extended the paper without hesitation. “You can have mine, I haven’t filled it yet.”
“You don’t mind?”
The girl shook her head. “I can get another one.”
“Whoa, thank you, Janie. Wait, let me pay you.”
“No problem. You can give it back to me later.” She nervously touched her hair.
“Ah, I owe you one. Thank you. I was worried I wouldn’t get in time to have lunch. I just met the most gorgeous girl on campus, she’s stunning, I’m telling you and I was afraid I was going to miss my chance to speak with her because of this. You’re a great friend.” He patted her shoulder. “See you later.”
“Sure…” She mumbled.
He got out and closed the door without looking back.
With her slumped shoulders and drooping head, she looked back to where Jackie was.
“Do you think you could make another copy?”
The brunette who had witnessed the entire scene had her jaw clenched but she nodded and pressed print once again.
Jan shuffled back to the counter, she was grateful that the other girl didn’t say a word.
“Here you have, don’t lose this one.” Jackie smiled at Jan hoping that she could lift her mood a little bit.
“Thank you.” Her tone was barely audible. “I appreciate it.” She gave her some more coins and turned back.
Jackie knew she was going to regret it but she couldn’t let that girl go in that state of sadness. It wasn’t correct, it didn’t feel right.
“You know, I’m about to take my lunch break… would you like to join me?”
Jan looked at her for a moment that felt like an eternity.
“You don’t have to do it just because…”
“No, I don’t have to, I want to.” She assured.
“Okay…” She raised her voice a little. “That’d be nice.”
“Yeah. Nice.” Jackie grabbed her bag and held the keys of the room in her hand. “Let’s go.”
At that moment, a faint smile appeared on Jan’s face and Jackie knew for sure, she was going to regret this.
Freshmen were like little ducklings waddling around, imprinting on the first person who showed them a little affection –that was how they always ended up joining clubs and sororities on day one-, they were naïve, full of fears, expectations, and questions… they surely had a lot of questions. Jackie did her best to avoid them at least for the first couple of weeks. She was over the nervousness, the stutters, and sweaty palms –she had had enough during her first year.
However, this girl…
This one girl.
With her giant puppy eyes, her light brown hair falling all over her face whenever she tried to pick something that fell to the floor, the way she talked fast like she was going to forget what she was going to say if she didn’t say it quickly; she didn’t do it on purpose but a part of her body was continuously moving whether it was her fingers drumming on surfaces or her feet and she had this somehow chirpy personality even when odds weren’t on her favor.
Of course, Jan was straight. Jackie had seen it before, girls like that falling for douchebags and getting their hearts broken in multiple pieces. She saw it in her face on her body language when that guy showed up in the copy room, the way it was painfully obvious she was in love with him, and yet he treated her like a little sister taking advantage of her generosity.
She couldn’t just let her go back into the world like that, devastated.
The words escaped her mouth before she could give it a second thought.
And now she was having lunch with this girl, she kept explaining sports stuff to Jackie as if she had a clue what she was talking about and yet she listened to her because it was mesmerizing to watch.
“…that season was tight but we won within the last minutes even when the other team had their bases loaded.” She took a bite of her macaroni.
Her energies had been renewed the moment she started talking about baseball; she had listened to Jackie attentively when she explained the system of the cafeteria, how to activate and use her student card but the moment she gave her rise to talk about what she did before getting into college, she went directly to that point.
“Am I boring you? I’m sorry I didn’t realize I was talking too much I-”
“No! Please stop apologizing, it’s cool. I think it’s really cool that you’re… so passionate about something.”
“Really? I didn’t mean this to become a monologue, sometimes I get carried away.” She scratched the back of her head. “Anyway…”
Her gaze followed a figure in the cafeteria, it was the guy from before and he was having lunch with a large group of people but his attention was clearly focused on one girl next to him. Jackie noticed Jan taking a deep breath and then faking a smile trying to resume the conversation.
“What’s with that guy? Is he your boyfriend?” She asked, unscrupulous. Her salad was long forgotten in front of her.
“Nathan?!” She was like a deer caught in headlights. “Uh… He’s… he’s a friend from New Jersey. We used to play in the same baseball team until we got separated by boys and girls in high school.” She started blushing gradually until her face turned entirely red. “We’re friends, we have always been friends…”
Jackie arched an eyebrow. Interesting.
“So you like him.”
Now her face turned from red to burgundy.
“What?! No! I don’t… He’s… We’re… That’s ridiculous. I don’t like him he’s… a friend.”
The other girl didn’t say a word.
Jan sighed. “It’s never gonna happen… He just doesn’t think of me that way.” She looked at Jackie, there was something melancholic in her eyes. “I’m happy with being part of his life regardless.”
Something inside Jackie was shattered. She couldn’t help but feel deeply sorry for that girl who was hopelessly devoted.
“Jan, it’s not-”
But she was abruptly interrupted by the voice of another girl.
“Well, Miss Cox you didn’t tell me you were going to be here today.”
She didn’t even have to turn around to recognize who it was.
“Hello, Heidi.” She massaged her temples. “How are you?”
The girl didn’t wait and sat with them in a heartbeat.
“Betrayed, clearly. I just passed by the copy room and you weren’t there.” Her eyes moved to the girl in front of them. “Aren’t you going to introduce me to your new friend?”
“Jan, this is Heidi… Heidi, Jan.”
“Heidi, nice to meet you. Jackie’s friends are my friends.” She extended her hand.
“Hi! I’m Jan.” The girl shook Heidi’s hand vigorously.
“Easy honey, I need that arm.”
Jan shrugged. “Sorry.”
“Jan is a freshman from New Jersey and she plays baseball.”
“Oh, that explains the inhuman super strength.” She moved her arm in circles to readjust it.
Jan giggled. “I don’t know my own strength.”
Heidi gave Jackie a look that the brunette ignored.
“Anyway, Jan, don’t forget to submit your form, the secretary can get really cranky if you find her on a bad day.”
“Oh, right! I still have to fulfill it.” She found a pen somewhere inside her backpack.
“Well, I’m going to leave you, ladies.” Heidi waved goodbye. “Jackie, I’ll drop by later I need some copies for Professor Brown.”
“Sure, my break is over in like ten minutes.”
“Alright. See you around.” She looked at Jan who was still going through the form. “Have a nice first day you…”
“Thank you!” She smiled and with that Heidi was gone. “I think I’m done.” Jan showed her form proudly.
“C’mon then, I’ll walk with you back to the office.”
“Oh my God. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I got lost so many times today.”
“Wait, didn’t you get a map and everything during orientation?”
“Yeah, but still… it’s very confusing.”
“Do you have it with you?”
Jan dug through her backpack once again until she got the binder with the things freshmen were given as their welcome package.
“Okay,” Jackie unfolded the piece of paper until it became five times its size. “give me a pen.”
The younger offered the same pen she was just using.
“You gotta have the important extra information they don’t give you. For example, these stairs…” She drew an x over them. “Are always full of people and if you’re in a hurry, I don’t recommend it… so instead, you get to use these.” She circled the point on the map.
Jan listened to every word she said.
“Now… this is where we’re heading, the administration office. You wanna know where it is because, if there’s any problem with your papers, you have to go there fast… best way to get to this building is passing by next to the library and using the elevator that will take you there directly. Do you get it now?”
“Jackie…” She reached for the brunette’s hands. “You’re the best… I could cry right now.”
“Please don’t…” Jackie said, flushed. She cleared her throat. “Do you think you could lead the way? The copy room is nearby.”
“I’ll definitely try.” Jan was excited.
She put all her things back in her bag and followed Jackie after leaving their trays and throwing the trash. As soon as they reached the hallway, it was Jan’s time to guide them. She took the map and used the cafeteria as their reference point, after that, she traced a route. Jackie had to bite her tongue to refrain from helping her because she knew that was the only way she could learn. In the end, she did a really good job.
“We’re here. This is the administration office and right upstairs is…”
“The copy room.”
“Yay!” She celebrated clapping. “Thank you so much, really… I don’t know what I’d have done without your help today.”
“Don’t even mention it.” Jackie smiled at her.
“Can I go visit you later? After my class…? Maybe I could bring you some snacks for being so nice to me.”
“There’s no need… really.”
“But I want to.”
There was no way Jackie was going to say no to her, that was already established.
“Okay, sure. I like Snickers.”
“Noted… see you later, Jackie.”
“Good luck.”
She started walking away but had a last glimpse of Jan before taking the stairs.
Her heart started beating faster.
Oh for goodness sake… what have you done Jackie Cox?
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