#Tool ~ Vicarious
shadowsdarkrealm1 · 7 months
Tool ~ Vicarious
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oozeandgoo-art · 3 months
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Vicariously, I live while the whole world dies✂ Much better you than I
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medicalunprofessional · 2 months
hello i have a question!!!!!! as a fellow Faust enjoyer, I need to ask: what does your nightmare theater tag mean? it seems very interesting and I wanna know :D
tis just my art tag :) Smile ….. “trainofthought” is my Other Art Tag… most of my tags are actually named after songs!
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desperatecheesecubes · 8 months
As much as Bruce still professes to ‘work alone’ it is true that the bat cave is rarely empty, these days. His children, and the children that are not his but are his responsibility, gather in clusters throughout the cave at all hours. And yet, Bruce finds himself nearly alone this early morning, post patrol. Nearly alone, Bruce thinks over a cup of tea (Alfred has been a tremendous influence on him) because just stepping out of the showers is Jason. And his hair is dripping wet.
He never did take the time to dry it, Bruce muses. It is almost comforting to see that this habit has stuck with him.
When Dick first came to live in Wayne manor Bruce had, semi regularly, helped him towel off after washing. Not because a 9 year old child needed help but because Dick was a very tactile child and because Bruce, largely, was a very non tactile adult. And so it became a habit where Bruce would dry Dick’s hair by playfully attacking his head with a towel until Dick would inevitably and full of laughter beg him to stop. But Bruce would simply kiss his forehead and keep right on doing it because he could, and it was fun, and also because Bruce loved to hear Dick’s joyful laugh.
Jason had come to the manner at an older age than Dick had. Although there were only three years between 9 and 12, developmentally there was a canyon between the two. On top of this Jason was initially very distrustful of Bruce, and by the end their relationship had been strained. But there had been, briefly, a time in between where Bruce would dry his hair after patrol and kiss his second son’s forehead as well.
Hmmmm. Putting the tea cup down Bruce made his way down from the raised platform of the bat computer to where Jason sat taping his knuckles. Jason was using his guns less, it was true, but he seemingly could not be persuaded to stop punching criminals in the face (angrily). And also the cops (delightedly). And also his siblings (usually playfully, Bruce will admit). And also Bruce (definitely not playfully). His hands, Bruce noted, were actually dry.
Grabbing a towel from the shelf stealthily Bruce walked up to Jason. ‘You look like you missed a spot.’ He said, aiming for a conversational tone.
‘Wuh? With my knuckles?’ Jason began in confusion. He half turned towards Bruce, face scrunched up in irritation.
So Bruce threw the towel right over it and cheerfully began attacking his hair from both directions. ‘Your hair isn’t dry.’ He declared, aiming for that slightly higher pitched voice he used when the kids were younger, making sure to smoosh Jason’s face as well as his hair.
‘Bruce what the fuck! Get off of me!’ Jason barked, trying bat Bruce’s hands away. Bruce of course just twisted out of the way and rubbed harder.
‘You can’t be walking around with wet hair Jason, you’ll catch a cold!’ He practically sang. Jason finally got wise and yanked the towel from Bruce’s hands, glaring up at him angrily. Bruce just grinned, expecting this, and tilted Jason’s face up to kiss his forehead.
‘Gah!’ Jason eloquently responded.
Taking advantage of his momentary confusion Bruce grabbed the towel back and resumed his ministrations on Jason’s hair.
‘Oh my god!’ Jason cried. ‘You’ve lost your mind. Stop that!’ He tried to yank the towel away again but Bruce brought the towel up over his face roughly, preventing him. When Jason made to grab Bruce around the hips to knock him over, Bruce whipped the towel off and kissed Jason’s forehead again.
By now Jason was laughing inspite of himself, and Bruce was grinning, feeling more comforted and relaxed than he had in a very long time. The two continued their antics for a while more before Jason finally managed to hook a leg around Bruce’s ankle, tipping him forward.
‘Oof’ Bruce grunted, as Jason’s shoulder caught him in the stomach, but Jason just twisted slightly so that he could bring his arms around Bruce’s waist and lean his head against his chest. ‘I love you, Jason.’ Bruce said, hugging him tightly back.
‘Yeah yeah, you old lug. I can dry my own hair you know!’
‘Clearly not, considering how wet it was.’
‘Oh my god, dad, it’s fine.’
‘Was that jasmine tea you were drinking? Can I have some?’
‘There should be enough for another cup in the pot.’
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limyrten · 1 year
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TOOL - Vicarious // 2009
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arinmoss · 1 year
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M I S E R Y 
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gnuplot-metal · 4 months
wow vicarious is a lot better than i remembered
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my5hiningstars · 23 days
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stasiwife · 2 months
There will never be another band like TOOL and thank God for that.
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bibiana112 · 9 months
What if I become a hachijo tohya stan account am I allowed to have ryukishis self-insert as my blog theme I'm starting to think I want that one yeah the recluse writer who has won every prize and honor except a basic participation medal mean old witch of theathergoing uhum gimme
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krisfreedain · 7 months
Eye on the TV 'Cause tragedy thrills me Whatever flavor it happens to be like Killed by the husband Drowned by the ocean Shot by his own son She used a poison In his tea And kissed him goodbye That's my kind of story It's no fun until someone dies
Don't look at me like I am a monster Frown out your one face But with the other Stare like a junkie Into the TV Stare like a zombie While the mother Holds her child Watches him die Hands to the sky crying "Why, oh why?"
'Cause I need to watch things die From a distance Vicariously I live While the whole world dies You all need it too, don't lie
Why can't we just admit it? Why can't we just admit it? We won't give pause until the blood is flowing Neither the brave nor bold Were writers of the stories told We won't give pause until the blood is flowing
I need to watch things die From a good safe distance Vicariously I live while the whole world dies You all feel the same, so Why can't we just admit it?
Blood like rain come down Drum on grave and ground
Part vampire Part warrior Carnivore and voyeur Stare at the transmittal Sing to the death rattle
La, la, la, la, la, la-la-lie La, la, la, la, la, la-la-lie La, la, la, la, la, la-la-lie La, la, la, la, la, la-la-lie
Credulous at best Your desire to believe in Angels in the hearts of men Pull your head out of your hippie haze And give a listen Shouldn't have to say it all again The universe is hostile, so impersonal Devour to survive, so it is So it's always been
We all feed on tragedy It's like blood to a vampire
Vicariously I Live while the whole world dies Much better you than I
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hibeslty something i also care alot about is music… if you cant tell alot of the blog tags are actually refferneces to songs and albums…….. music influences my art… i could likely name a song i was thinking abt alot abt for alot of the art ive made…
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grimmscythe · 8 months
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ask-sebastian · 1 year
I take it you are a Tool fan. 🤘
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drheartstealer · 2 years
"The universe is hostile, so impersonal, devour to survive, so it is, so it has always been"
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shrimpbisque · 1 year
Holy shit, I just realized something. The songs Dirty Laundry by Don Henley and Vicarious by Tool have the exact same premise.
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