#Toni Haller
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oldsardens · 7 months ago
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Toni Haller - Blick auf das Matterhorn
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abdulaziz2023 · 7 months ago
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لوحة للرسام توني هالر (نمساوي، 1907 - 1944) - عنوان اللوحة (منظر لجبل ماترهورن)
Toni Haller (Austrian, 1907 - 1944) - A View of the Matterhorn
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richo1915 · 10 months ago
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Roman Empire in Arena
Tony Haller, 1932
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venustapolis · 2 years ago
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Roman Empire. In Arena (Tony Haller, 1937)
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holly-days · 2 months ago
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Winter Landscape with a Creek — Toni Haller (Austrian, 1907-1944)
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mightyflamethrower · 3 months ago
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Toni Haller (Austrian, 1907-1944)
"Winter landscape by the stream" 
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multiverseofseries · 29 days ago
Never Let Go: Halle Barry e un horror dalla prevedibilità disarmante
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I riverberi del lockdown come ispirazione per il nuovo film di Alexandre Aja: se il tono e la location funzionano, la lettura finale è fin troppo esplicita. Facendo perdere attenzione.
Le vibrazioni ci sarebbero pure, così come ci sarebbe l'atmosfera. Niente di nuovo all'orizzonte, sia chiaro, ma l'idea di una casa nel bosco, sperduta e impolverata, in fin dei conti funziona sempre. Dal canto suo, Never Let Go - A un passo dal male, diretto da Alexandre Aja, rispecchia totalmente la nuova onda di quegli horror che si miscelano al thriller, ibridando in essi un tocco survival, senza rinunciare al misticismo e all'allegoria.
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Haller Berry e un'inquietante presenza
Tant'è, che Never Let Go, in parte, sembra figlio di un'inflessione narrativa legata alle restrizioni da Covid, e di quanto le mura casalinghe siano spunto su cui riflettere e, perché no, organizzare un film dell'orrore. Del resto, lo script firmato da Kevin Coughlin e Ryan Grassby (poi prodotto da Shawn Levy) risale all'agosto del 2020, in piena pandemia. Va da sé che il parallelo tracciato è abbastanza palese, anche considerando la perplessità suscitata da uno script che, però, diventa fin troppo prevedibile nelle svolte e nelle operazioni, facendo perdere l'attenzione e, quindi, smarrendo le ottime infatuazioni originali.
Never Let Go, oppure #IoRestoACasa
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Halle Berry insieme a Percy Daggs IV e Anthony B. Jenkins
Perché parliamo di Covid, confinamento, e del restare in casa, costi quel che costi. Fuori, nel mondo di Nolan e Samuel (Percy Daggs IV e Anthony B. Jenkins), che vivono con la loro mamma (Halle Berry) il loro cagnolino Koda (tranquilli, la malsana idea di mamma di ucciderlo per farne del cibo è scongiurata), pare ci sia il Male. Un Male trasfigurato in presenze malefiche, viste però solo dalla mamma. Un evento non meglio specificato ha, infatti, scatenato una pestilenza apocalittica, facendo sì che il Male diventi in qualche modo infettivo. Reclusi in casa, in mezzo ad un bosco delle Smoky Mountain (da sempre luogo mistico e misterioso) possono uscire a procacciarsi cibo solo legati a lunghe corde, restando quindi connessi con l'abitazione. La "corda è l'ancora di salvezza", ricorda la donna ai suoi due figli, comunque sempre più spinti - soprattutto Nolan verso il mondo esterno.
Un horror dal finale troppo prevedibile
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Un momento di condivisione
Una lettura abbastanza chiara, quindi, e un parallelo marcato sul Male infettivo, e sulla casa che diventa tana in cui rifugiarsi (la sindrome delle tana, su cui ci sarebbe molto da riflettere). Tutti elementi accomunati ai concetti vissuti in epoca Covid, con il lockdown, le distanza, le regole da seguire, la paura di sfiorare qualcuno al di fuori del nucleo famigliare domestico. È lampante quindi che le inflessioni siano similari, e certo ispiranti e suggestive a quello che diventa un riverbero cinematografico. Tanto che il profilo della Mamma - non sappiamo il nome - risulta ambiguo, polivalente, arcano nella caratterizzazione che, almeno teoricamente, vorrebbe sembrare sfumata. Con una domanda che aleggia: dov'è la verità? E perché questo Male invisibile si palesa solo a lei, tanto da renderla spesso crudele verso i propri figli (in particolar modo verso Nolan, l'unico lucido in famiglia), costringendoli a mangiare insetti, rane e corteccia?
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I protagonisti di Never Let Go
Purtroppo, se Never Let Go - A un Passo dal Male subisce un'assenza di picchi, procedendo senza zenit, viene meno la tensione cercata, e viene meno calcolando la palese lettura che porta ad un finale ampiamente calcolato, leggibile fin da subito. Non ve lo rivelerò di certo, ma l'ispirazione generale, che proviene da una buona scenografia e dai toni oscuri, inizia a sfilacciarsi sul più bello: quando la vicenda entra nel vivo - scatenata dalla fame dei protagonisti -, il film di Alexandre Aja scivola via via verso la canonicità, senza lasciare traccia e anzi sperperando la cornice efficace e i presupposti migliori.
Una fiaba nerissima dalle sfumature in stile Fratelli Grimm (con tanto di reference ad Hansel e Gretel) per Never Let Go, che si rifà a certe inflessioni conosciute con il Covid (lockdown, distanze, confinamento) per generare un'horror di sensazioni e di apparenza. Peccato che dietro la buona trovata ci sia un film che procede spedito verso un epilogo incredibilmente annunciato, e quindi intervallando e spezzando una tensione mai del tutto risolta.
La location.
Le suggestioni.
L'epilogo telefonato.
Le corde di Halle Berry, spesso non troppo adiacenti allo script.
Poca tensione.
L'horror è solo teorico, e molto sfumato.
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worldsandemanations · 8 months ago
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Toni Haller (Austrian, 1907 - 1944) - A View of the Matterhorn
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qasim-khalifa · 10 months ago
لوحة رسمها الرسام و المؤرخ الألماني Tony Haller عام 1934 م بعنوان ( Roman empire in arena )
تخيل فيها النمور وهي تأكل احد سكان شمال أفريقيا في مدرج ثيسدروس الروماني في مدينة الجم شمال تونس وذلك عقب سقوط امبراطورية قرطاجة .
و كانت من وسائل تسلية الرومان ان يجعلوا سكان شمال أفريقيا من الأقباط و الأمازيغ و الطوارق و التبو.... طعام للنمور و الكواسر..
حتى جاءت الفتوحات الإسلامية من جزيرة العرب و رفعت ظلم الرمان الشنيع عن هذه الشعوب .
هذه هي عظمة الإسلام كان رحمة و منقذا للشعوب من ظلم الروم و الفرس
الحمد لله على نعمة الإسلام
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up-risingrp · 2 years ago
Character Creation
Please register with your character’s name. Duplicates of names are not allowed at this time
Legal names are not required if they go by a different name. For example, Pepper Potts would not need to be registered as Virgina Potts.
Members do not need to create an ooc account. Your first character will act as the main account and your next characters can be linked as subaccounts. 
Please make sure you do not have the same alias as another player already on the site by checking the master claims list.
All characters must be 21+. You may include younger NPC characters that your character might interact with such as children or younger siblings in your application and by brief mention in threads, but no younger characters will be allowed
Adult children of canons will be accepted only if the character is specifically requested by the player playing the parent of the adult child. If the player does not want the adult child to be on the site, we will respect their wishes
For example: David Haller is the adult son of Charles Xavier, but unless David is specifically requested, he will not be allowed onto the site
Additionally please see the banned canon list as many canon children will not be accepted
Unlike other Marvel sites, we will allow the opportunity to create original characters. These may interact with our site canons such as creating a government character or someone working with the street teams or media. 
At this time we will not be allowing OC characters as children of canon characters. If the canon does not have actual children in the comic books or MCU, they will not be allowed
OC characters will not be allowed to have powers as there are many Marvel characters that do have powers. In future, you may be able to have your character be given powers through site events, but at this time any OC will be powerless and not considered a hero
They may work with heroes such as the DODC or Stark Industries or with the street teams as their ‘man in the chair’, but they will not be allowed to be on a hero team at this time and be in the middle of the action. Again, this may change in future site events. 
When taking a wanted ad, you must communicate with the player requesting the character. All characters being taken through wanted ads, including canons, must be approved by the requesting player.
You may not write two characters that are in the same subplot in order to allow others to become involved with the subplot. For example, you may not play two Avengers or two people on either council. This does not mean you cannot create two characters on two different subplots, but be mindful of the interactions that may occur between the two characters.
For example, if you’re already playing Tony Stark, you cannot also play Happy Hogan as these two characters interact significantly.
If you are making changes to your character (such as face claim or history) you must run it by the admins first before the changes will be accepted.
Major canons will be scrutinized more closely when determining acceptance. These are major plot points to the site and as such will be looked at with a much closer eye. The admins may put your character on pending if changes will need to be made. 
Any character not on the canon list such as minor X-men characters or smaller comic characters that have not been in the MCU may be accepted on admin approval. It should be noted however, that the number of potential plots should be taken into account when creating a canon not listed as this may affect your ability to keep the character active.
We currently have a list of adoptable NPCs. Your first character may not be an adoptable NPC, but once at least one of your characters has thirty in-character thread posts, you may reserve an adoptable NPC. Many of our NPCs are adoptable because of either their status in a subplot, or because they have limited character connections, but can still be integrated into the site plot. 
Your first five characters will be free. After that you must have ten in-character thread posts with major canons or ten in-character posts or thirty comm posts with minor canons or OC characters in order to get your next character. We do not yet have a character cap, and leave it up to the player on how many characters they will be able to keep active.
Face Claims
Face claims must be 21+ and with +/-5 years of the character they’re portraying. This will not count against characters 40 or older. For 40 or older characters, you may have your face claim be +/-10 years of the character they’re portraying.
Face claims must be an industry professional including actors, models, or musicians. Sports or social media (including instagram models or tiktok actors) professionals will not be allowed to portray a character. Additionally any deceased person, anyone who has had sexual allegations called against them, or anyone that has asked their face not be used for roleplaying will also not be allowed.
We also ask that you use current pictures of the person you are using as a faceclaim. For example, don’t use pictures of Paul Rudd from the 1990s when he’s currently in his 50s. 
We will not tolerate whitewashing of characters. If the character is canonically a specific race, you must find a faceclaim that matches that ethnicity. We recognize that some characters, especially characters from an indigenous or smaller ethnic group might have difficulty finding a face that best represents their background. We ask that you try your best to find a face that can best match the character’s background.
At this time, all MCU faces will be reserved for canon faces. Should the person playing a canon choose not to use the MCU face, that face will be unreserved and become fair game for anyone.
Uprising utilizes a profile application including a freeform section and shipper section embedded into the profile. All portions of the profile must be filled out prior to admin approval. We expect a minimum of 400 words in the freeform section including your character’s background. In the shipper portion of the application, please include an overview of your character including any potential connections (such as friends, enemies, lovers)
You must check “yes” or “no” to being registered if your character is a metahuman, someone with significant access to weaponry, or someone on a watch list (ex: Frank Castle) 
Additionally, you must choose what registration list your character would fall into. If your character is a metahuman, they would be considered under the “metahuman” registration. If your character is someone who has access to significant weaponry/connections, they would fall under “asset”. If your character is foreign and not a US Citizen (ex. Amara Acquilla) OR the government does not have enough information on the character to consider them an asset, they would be fall under “watch list”. All metahumans with powers will be under the “metahuman” category though.
Any character that is the member group of civilian/media/government would be “n/a” so the additional parts of the profile won’t show up.
All graphics will resize and adjust as needed
Avatar: 220 x 420 (best if you double that for quality tho: 440 x 840)
Square: TBD
3rd TBD
Once you have completed the profile information, freeform, shipper and graphics, please post on the discord in the #submit channel. An admin will look over your application and either accept it or reach out to you about changes that need to be made before approval. This can take between 24 to 48 hours so we humbly ask for your patience.
After acceptance, you must fill out all claims within 24 hours in order to make sure that your character is not taken by another character. If you have difficulty with filling out the claims, please reach out to an admin for help.
If you would like a development board for your character after acceptance, please post in #moderation and an admin will happily create that for you.
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panmikola · 1 month ago
«Розенгартен Св. Киприана» (Горный массив «Розенгартен» в Доломитовых Альпах, вид с Св. Циприана) / "Der Rosengarten von Sankt Cyprian" (Bergamssiv "Rosengarten" in den Dolomiten, gesehen von St. Zyprian aus)
Тони Халлер (Toni Haller, 1907-1944) - австрийский художник.
Масло на холсте, 60 x 80 см.
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charbear177 · 2 months ago
7 Series To Watch This Winter
Winter is almost here, the days are shorter, and you may spend more time indoors and at home. On a chilly day, there is nothing better than curling up with a good book or a binge-worthy show. Of course, there are tons of options of things to watch but choosing can prove tedious and frustrating. Well, I have some pretty good suggestions for you in this blog and I have something for everyone on my list.
I enjoyed and was entertained by the series on this list and think you may also enjoy one or all of them. These shows can be found on Netflix, Hulu, Disney Plus or Apple TV. So here is my list of the five series to watch this fall.
7 Shows To Stream This Winter
Series adaptation of James Patterson novels about the complicated and brilliant detective, Alex Cross. - IMDB
There are more than 30 books in the Alex Cross series and I think I have read them all. This new series is fantastic and does them justice. It’s exciting and much like the books, a page-turner. Great characters and great acting.
You can currently watch the series on Amazon Prime.
Agatha All Along
A spell-bound Agatha Harkness regains freedom thanks to a teen's help. Intrigued by his plea, she embarks on the Witches' Road trials to reclaim her powers and discover the teen's motivations. - IMDB
This was a fun, witchy watch. Although it is Marvel, it doesn’t feel like it, which was nice. It is dark and suspenseful and keeps you asking “what is she up to?”.
You can watch Agatha All Along on Disney+ or Hulu.
Follows Rupert Campbell-Black and Tony Baddingham as they have a longstanding rivalry that comes to a head. - IMDB
I have to be honest, the IMDB description does not do this series justice. Rivals is based on very popular books and is spicy. There is lots of nudity and sex but plenty of plot and intrigue as well. The ending of season one shocked me and I cannot wait for more.
Rivals will return for a second season on Hulu.
A grieving therapist starts to tell his clients exactly what he thinks. Ignoring his training and ethics, he finds himself making huge changes to people's lives - including his own.- IMDB
Shrinking is a great show. It deals with friendships, relationships, and parenting after the loss of a parent. It is funny, sad, and relatable in so many ways. Season two is currently premiering on Apple TV.
The Lincoln Lawyer
Need a lawyer? Call Mickey Haller. He runs his law practice out of his Lincoln, and he's ready to hit the gas. Moving through Los Angeles, he takes cases while balancing a private life that includes being a father and having two ex-wives. - IMDB
The Lincoln Lawyer is a great legal drama from the defense perspective, which we rarely get to see. Each season follows multiple cases Mickey is working on as well as his personal and professional drama. Season 3 recently premiered and ended with a big cliffhanger.
You can watch all three seasons right now on Netflix.
Nobody Wants This
An agnostic sex podcaster and a newly single rabbi fall in love; discovering if their relationship survives their wildly different lives and meddling families. - IMDB
Nobody Wants This is a cute romantic comedy that is easily binge-worthy. You can watch season 1 on Netflix now and it has been picked up for a second season.
Men and women live in a giant silo underground with several regulations which they believe are in place to protect them from the toxic and ruined world on the surface. - IMDB
Silo has become one of my favorite science fiction series. It has layers and layers of mystery. The cast is great and the visuals of the massive silo are breathtaking.
Season 2 is currently showing on Apple TV.
Virgin River
Seeking a fresh start, nurse practitioner Melinda Monroe moves from Los Angeles to a remote Northern California town and is surprised by what and who she finds. - IMDB
Virgin River is a little Hallmark-y but it is nice to watch. There is romance and intrigue and sweet wholesome stories set in the picturesque Northern California. The show is very popular but don’t let that stop you from giving it a try.
Season 6 premieres on December 19th.
You now have plenty of options to choose from for your next binge-worthy show. Any recommendations for me? Let me know. Enjoy!
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ao3feed-fratt · 5 months ago
Unconditional love
Unconditional love https://archiveofourown.org/works/59370574 by Alex89Winchester Para participar en el flufftober 2024 de la página de facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EsDeFanfics Espero que les gueste Words: 1016, Chapters: 1/31, Language: Español Fandoms: Eternals (Movie 2021), X-Men (Alternate Timeline Movies), Daredevil (TV), The Punisher (TV 2017), Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Shadowhunters (TV), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Heartstopper (TV), Chronicles of Narnia (Movies) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Druig (Marvel), Ikaris (Eternals), Remy LeBeau, Alex Summers, Clint Barton, Pietro Maximoff, Billy Kaplan, Nate Richards (Young Avengers), Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, David Haller, Bobby Drake, Nicholas "Nick" Nelson, Charles "Charlie" Spring (Heartstopper), Caspian (Narnia), Edmund Pevensie, Frank Castle, Matt Murdock, Peter Parker, Wade Wilson, Magnus Bane, Alec Lightwood Relationships: Druig/Ikaris (Marvel), Remy LeBeau/Alex Summers, Clint Barton/Pietro Maximoff, Billy Kaplan/Nate Richards, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, David Haller/Bobby Drake, Nicholas "Nick" Nelson/Charles "Charlie" Spring, Caspian/Edmund Pevensie, Frank Castle/Matt Murdock, Peter Parker/Wade Wilson, Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood via AO3 works tagged 'Frank Castle/Matt Murdock' https://archiveofourown.org October 01, 2024 at 05:26PM
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malec-ao3feed · 5 months ago
Unconditional love
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/hoPktQf by Alex89Winchester Para participar en el flufftober 2024 de la página de facebook: https://ift.tt/sD1kbIO Espero que les gueste Words: 1016, Chapters: 1/31, Language: Español Fandoms: Eternals (Movie 2021), X-Men (Alternate Timeline Movies), Daredevil (TV), The Punisher (TV 2017), Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Shadowhunters (TV), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Heartstopper (TV), Chronicles of Narnia (Movies) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Druig (Marvel), Ikaris (Eternals), Remy LeBeau, Alex Summers, Clint Barton, Pietro Maximoff, Billy Kaplan, Nate Richards (Young Avengers), Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, David Haller, Bobby Drake, Nicholas "Nick" Nelson, Charles "Charlie" Spring (Heartstopper), Caspian (Narnia), Edmund Pevensie, Frank Castle, Matt Murdock, Peter Parker, Wade Wilson, Magnus Bane, Alec Lightwood Relationships: Druig/Ikaris (Marvel), Remy LeBeau/Alex Summers, Clint Barton/Pietro Maximoff, Billy Kaplan/Nate Richards, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, David Haller/Bobby Drake, Nicholas "Nick" Nelson/Charles "Charlie" Spring, Caspian/Edmund Pevensie, Frank Castle/Matt Murdock, Peter Parker/Wade Wilson, Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/hoPktQf
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ao3feed-narlie · 5 months ago
Unconditional love
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/R1yQHTz by Alex89Winchester Para participar en el flufftober 2024 de la página de facebook: https://ift.tt/oR8BPXe Espero que les gueste Words: 1016, Chapters: 1/31, Language: Español Fandoms: Eternals (Movie 2021), X-Men (Alternate Timeline Movies), Daredevil (TV), The Punisher (TV 2017), Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Shadowhunters (TV), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Heartstopper (TV), Chronicles of Narnia (Movies) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Druig (Marvel), Ikaris (Eternals), Remy LeBeau, Alex Summers, Clint Barton, Pietro Maximoff, Billy Kaplan, Nate Richards (Young Avengers), Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, David Haller, Bobby Drake, Nicholas "Nick" Nelson, Charles "Charlie" Spring (Heartstopper), Caspian (Narnia), Edmund Pevensie, Frank Castle, Matt Murdock, Peter Parker, Wade Wilson, Magnus Bane, Alec Lightwood Relationships: Druig/Ikaris (Marvel), Remy LeBeau/Alex Summers, Clint Barton/Pietro Maximoff, Billy Kaplan/Nate Richards, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, David Haller/Bobby Drake, Nicholas "Nick" Nelson/Charles "Charlie" Spring, Caspian/Edmund Pevensie, Frank Castle/Matt Murdock, Peter Parker/Wade Wilson, Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/R1yQHTz
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ao3feed-drstrange · 5 months ago
Snippets from Untitled presidential biopic
by silverspirit2005 In all honesty, I was way more invested in these extras shenanigans. Enjoy! Words: 9282, Chapters: 6/?, Language: English Series: Part 2 of The Lehnsherr Presidential Administration Fandoms: X-Men - All Media Types, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Iron Man (Movies), Doctor Strange (Movies), Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M, Multi Characters: Charles Xavier, Raven | Mystique, Erik Lehnsherr, Tony Stark, Stephen Strange, Peter Parker, Harley Keener, Wong (Marvel), James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Wanda Maximoff, David Haller, the rest of the X-Men gang, the rest of the MCU gang Relationships: Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier, Tony Stark/Stephen Strange, Raven | Mystique & Charles Xavier, Harley Keener & Peter Parker, James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark, Stephen Strange & Wong Additional Tags: Crack, Humor, Satire, Alternate Universe - Still Have Powers, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Politics, basically all the character backstory extras, with cats!, Cats via https://ift.tt/ld6s4aI
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