#Tomorrow I will race the Schuykill
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“Here is history,” the river whispers. “Do you want to be a part of it?”
This is my third time in Philly and the sight of Boathouse Row still sends a thrill down my spine.
In college Dad Vails was our “championship.” Everything we did, we did with Philly in mind. In January, 1250 meters into a 2k erg test, coach would start describing the grandstand upstream of 3 angels. I grew up as a rower on stories of Vesper and Olympic training camps.
3 years ago I didn’t know how I was going to get myself back on the water. Philly was so impossible, it doesn’t even count as a pipe dream. Yet here I am, watching singles launch from Boathouse Row while I wait for the rest of the team to arrive. The river is calling and finally I get to answer it.
Ready. Ready. Row!
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