#Tomomi Inada
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max1461 · 10 months ago
The National Socialist Japanese Workers' Party (国家社会主義日本労働者党, Kokka Shakaishugi Nippon Rōdōsha-Tō) is a small neo-Nazi political party in Japan. It is headed by Kazunari Yamada [ja], who maintains a website and blog which includes praise for Adolf Hitler and the September 11 attacks.[2][3] Pictures of Yamada, a Holocaust-denier, posing with Cabinet minister Sanae Takaichi and LDP policy research chief Tomomi Inada were discovered on the website and became a source of controversy;[4][5] both have denied support for the party.[2][3]
In the 1990s, the group campaigned for the expulsion of visa overstayers in Japan.[6] The NSJAP campaigns against what it believes to be Jewish influence on both the world stage and in Japan's national affairs. The party advocates the abolishment of the monarchy and the restoration of the shōgunate, as it believes that the Imperial House of Japan became subservient to international Jewry following World War II, and believes that the shogunate is the Japanese equivalent of the Führer principle. The NSJAP also campaigns against economic refugees, race mixing, and Freemasonry. The party also campaigns for what it calls "corporatistic autarky".[citation needed] The NSJAP is also Turanist,[1] anti-capitalist, anti-communist, antisemitic, anti-Zionist, anti-Korean, anti-Chinese, and anti-American.[citation needed]
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ken1ymd · 2 years ago
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organisationskoval · 2 years ago
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522) 国家社会主義日本労働者党, Kokka Shakaishugi Nippon Rōdōsha-Tō, National Socialist Japanese Workers' Party, NSJAP, Narodowo-Socjalistyczna Japońska Partia Robotnicza - neonazistowska partia polityczna w Japonii. Na jej czele stoi Kazunari Yamada, który prowadzi stronę internetową i blog zawierający pochwały dla Adolfa Hitlera i ataków z 11 września. Zdjęcia Yamady, negującego holokaust, pozującego z ministrem gabinetu Sanae Takaichi i szefem badań politycznych LDP Tomomi Inada, zostały odkryte na stronie internetowej i stały się źródłem kontrowersji; obaj odmówili poparcia dla partii. W latach 90. grupa prowadziła kampanię na rzecz wydalania osób przekraczających wizę w Japonii. NSJWP prowadzi kampanię przeciwko temu, co uważa za żydowskie wpływy zarówno na scenie światowej, jak i w sprawach narodowych Japonii. Partia opowiada się za zniesieniem monarchii i przywróceniem szogunatu, ponieważ uważa, że Cesarski Dom Japonii podporządkował się międzynarodowemu żydostwu po drugiej wojnie światowej i uważa, że ​​szogunat jest japońskim odpowiednikiem zasady Führera. NSJWP prowadzi również kampanię przeciwko uchodźcom ekonomicznym, mieszaniu ras i masonerii. Partia prowadzi również kampanię na rzecz tego, co nazywa „korporacyjną autarkią”. NSJWP jest także turanistyczna, antykapitalistyczna, antykomunistyczna, antykoreańska, antychińska, antyrosyjska i antyamerykańska.
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whatisonthemoon · 2 years ago
Eight serving vice ministers and former senior government members of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party acknowledged they were asked to sign “policy pacts” by organizations affiliated with the Unification Church in exchange for support in elections.
Of the eight, four admitted to having signed such a document.
The findings are based on an online survey by The Asahi Shimbun of all 711 legislators in the Diet between late October and November.
One lawmaker could not be reached.
There were 656 replies. Fifty-four Diet members did not reply, all but four of them legislators with the LDP.
Lower House Speaker Hiroyuki Hosoda, who spent weeks avoiding comment on his links with the Unification Church before grudgingly admitting that reports on the issue were accurate, also did not give an answer. His post does not allow him to be a member of a political party.
The survey came on the heels of an Asahi report last month that multiple Diet members had signed the policy pact with the church-linked organizations.
The Unification Church is now formally called the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification.
Officials with the church-related groups approached candidates running in elections --in October 2021 for the Lower House and last July for the Upper House--to sign policy agreements titled “Confirmation of Recommendations” in exchange for campaign support.
It later emerged that some senior members of the Kishida government signed the document.
The Asahi’s survey asked lawmakers whether they had been shown such a document or something similar, and if so, how they responded.
Eight acknowledged they were presented with a policy agreement to sign, of whom four affixed their names.
One of them is Masaki Ogushi, the Cabinet Office vice minister overseeing the Consumer Affairs Agency, which is working to introduce legislation to provide relief to people duped into buying expensive goods or making large donations to the church under pressure.
Ogushi told a recent Diet session he was asked to sign a policy pact in exchange for the confirmation of recommendations issued by a church-affiliated organization. He also recalled that a set of policies listed in the pact was similar to the LDP’s policy manifesto, including revision of the war-renouncing Constitution.
Kenji Yamada, a vice minister of the Foreign Ministry, said he signed soon after he addressed a gathering on national politics held at the request of an individual affiliated with the church.
“I was indiscreet in signing without carefully studying the content” of the document, he said.
Hiroaki Saito, a former parliamentary secretary for the internal affairs ministry, and Yoichi Fukazawa, a former parliamentary secretary for the health ministry, both acknowledged they had signed a policy pact.
The four lawmakers, who are all members of the Lower House, denied that their links with the church had influenced their political activities.
When Prime Minister Fumio Kishida reshuffled his Cabinet in August, he said the lineup, including vice ministers and parliamentary secretaries, was comprised of individuals who had pledged to review their relations with organizations affiliated with the church after verifying their own records.
The latest Asahi finding shows that two of the four legislators who signed a policy agreement are vice ministers.
Among the four former senior government members who denied signing were Tomomi Inada, who once held the defense portfolio.
In the survey, eight respondents--all of them members of the LDP--replied that they “do not know” whether they were shown any confirmation of recommendations.
Church-affiliated officials said they asked dozens of candidates across the nation to sign policy pacts in recent national elections.
The LDP, citing its own internal investigation, found that Saito and another lawmaker had received campaign support from the church side.
However, its eight-point checklist did not mention a policy pact.
Kishida recently toned down his earlier vow to investigate further to ascertain the extent of ties between his party and the church side after the earlier Asahi report on the policy pact.
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coochiequeens · 4 years ago
Hong Kong (CNN)Japan's seven-time Olympian turned politician Seiko Hashimoto announced Thursday that she is taking over as head of the Tokyo 2020 Games, following the resignation of her predecessor after sexist remarks he made were leaked to the media.
In a Games executive board meeting, Hashimoto said she would "bear a heavy responsibility as chair of the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics" and was "fully determined" to hold a successful event, set to take place between July 23 and August 8.
Hashimoto, 56, told reporters earlier Thursday that she had handed in her resignation as Olympics Minister to Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga.
"It was a big decision for me to resign as minister," Hashimoto said.
Hashimoto competed in four Winter Olympics as a speed skater and three Summer Olympics as a cyclist. She won bronze -- her only medal -- in the 1,500-meter speed skating at the 1992 Winter Olympics.
Her appointment as the Tokyo 2020 chief comes after Yoshiro Mori, 83, stepped down from the role last week over sexist remarks he made about women.
Mori said at an Olympic board of trustees meeting that "meetings with lots of women take longer" because "women are competitive -- if one member raises their hand to speak, others might think they need to talk too," according to Japanese media reports.
"If you want to increase female membership, you would be in trouble unless you put time limits in place," he is reported to have added.
Mori, a former prime minister, later resigned and offered his "deepest apologies" for his comments adding, "my inappropriate statement has caused a lot of chaos."
New sexism storm
A week after Mori resigned, another male octogenarian leader in Japan attracted ire by spouting misogynistic remarks.
Toshihiro Nikai, secretary general of the country's leading Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), on Tuesday proposed that women lawmakers should be able to observe the party's key meetings -- but not speak in them.
The 82-year-old's plan to allow five female lawmakers to observe the party's main gatherings was a response to criticism that the LDP's board is dominated by men, according to Reuters. On February 15, Tomomi Inada, who was Japan's second female defense minister, had written to Nikai with suggestions on how to promote women within the party and ensure they were more involved in policy making.......click on link for rest of article
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theworldairforce · 5 years ago
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Kōkū Jieitai F2's
Visit by Chief of the Air Staff, Air Chief Marshal Sir Stephen Hillier, Kōkū Jieitai Chief of Staff, General Yoshiyuki Sugiyama, Defence Minister Tomomi Inada and British Ambassador to Japan Tim Hitchens to the RAF and No II (AC) squadron detachment alongside the 3rd Air Wing at Misawa Air Base as part of exercise 'Guardian North' taking place in Aomori prefecture, Japan.
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japoninfos · 7 years ago
Du changement pour le gouvernement japonais
Du #changement pour le #gouvernement japonais
Scandales, rumeurs, perte de popularité, le Premier ministre Shinzô Abe a pris la décision de remanier son gouvernement afin de restaurer une confiance piétinée depuis quelques mois.
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byerr0r · 8 years ago
Japonya Savunma Bakanı Tomomi Inada, istifa etti
Japonya Savunma Bakanı Tomomi Inada, istifa etti
Japonya Başbakanı Shinzo Abe tarafından korunan ve ilerde başbakan olması beklenen 58 yaşındaki bayan Tomomi Inada, başbakanın gelecek hafta yapacağı hükümet değişikliğine imkan tanımak için istifa ettiği belirtti. Başbakan Abe ve yardımcılarının bazı kayırma vakalarına göz yumması sebebiyle kamu oyundaki destek seviyesinin yüzde 30’a düştüğü kaydedildi. Savunma Bakanı Inada’nın istifasından…
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planetarybound · 8 years ago
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newshourbd · 8 years ago
Jim Mattis wrapped up a visit to Japan reaffirming US alliance with Japan
@MadDogMattis wrapped up a visit to Japan reaffirming #US alliance with #Japan
News Hour:
U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis wrapped up a visit to Japan on Saturday reaffirming Washington’s commitment to its defense treaty with Tokyo amid concerns about President Donald Trump’s approach to the region and the alliance.
Mattis reiterated that provocations by North Korea, which is advancing its nuclear weapons and missile programs, as well as China’s growing assertiveness in…
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fandomsandfeminism · 6 years ago
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nippon-com · 8 years ago
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Inada Tomomi steps down as defense minister after being caught in a cover-up scandal concerning the Ground Self-Defense Force’s involvement in a UN peace keeping operation in South Sudan.
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organisationskoval · 2 years ago
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119) National Socialist Japanese Workers' Party, Narodowo-Socjalistyczna Japońska Partia Robotnicza (国家社会主義日本労働者党, Kokka Shakaishugi Nippon Rōdōsha-Tō) - mała neonazistowska partia polityczna w Japonii. Na jej czele stoi Kazunari Yamada, który prowadzi stronę internetową i blog zawierający pochwały dla Adolfa Hitlera i ataków z 11 września. Zdjęcia Yamady, negującego holokaust, pozującego z ministrem gabinetu Sanae Takaichi i szefem badań politycznych LDP Tomomi Inada, zostały odkryte na stronie internetowej i stały się źródłem kontrowersji; obaj odmówili poparcia dla partii. W latach 90. grupa prowadziła kampanię na rzecz wydalania osób przekraczających wizę w Japonii. NSJWP prowadzi kampanię przeciwko temu, co uważa za żydowskie wpływy zarówno na scenie światowej, jak iw sprawach narodowych Japonii. Partia opowiada się za zniesieniem monarchii i przywróceniem szogunatu, ponieważ uważa, że Cesarski Dom Japonii podporządkował się międzynarodowemu żydostwu po drugiej wojnie światowej i uważa, że ​​szogunat jest japońskim odpowiednikiem zasady Führera. NSJWP prowadzi również kampanię przeciwko uchodźcom ekonomicznym, mieszaniu ras i masonerii. Partia prowadzi również kampanię na rzecz tego, co nazywa „korporacyjną autarkią”. NSJWP jest także turańska, antykapitalistyczna, antykomunistyczna, antykoreańska, antychińska, antyrosyjska i antyamerykańska.
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whatisonthemoon · 3 years ago
112 Moonie-Connected Japanese Lawmakers
According to these article in Japanese, at least 112 lawmakers have ties to the Unification Church. For example: Aso Taro, Suga Yoshihide, Kishi Nobuo, Kato Katsunobu, Takaichi Sanae, Hosoda Hiroyuki, Ishiba Shigeru, Inada Tomomi, Yamatani Eriko, Maehara Seiji, Nakatani Gen , etc.
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inadatomomifan · 8 years ago
English Translation of 日本語 wikipedia of Inada Tomomi
Tomomi Inada (Tomomi Izoda, February 20 , 1959 ) is a Japanese politician and a lawyer .  The maiden name is Tsubakihara .  Members of the House of Representatives belonging to LDP (4th term), Minister of Defense ( 15th generation), LDP Fukui prefecture adviser.
 Minister in Charge of Regulatory Reform of the Cabinet Office, Minister in Charge of National Public Service System, Liberal Democratic Party Political Investigation Chairman (56th), and Liberal Democratic Party Fukui Prefectural Chairperson.
 Career as a lawyer
 1959 - Birth as a daughter of Yasuo Tsubakihara in Imachi-cho , Imazu-gun, Fukui Prefecture
 March 1977 - Graduated from Kyoto Prefecture Odori High School
 March 1981 - Graduated from Waseda University Faculty of Law
 1982 - passed the bar exam
 1983 - Judicial apprentices (37th period, in sync with Shingo Nishimura , Kazuo Nakamura , Makoto Anza and husband's Inada Ryukei also synchronized .)
 1985 - Attorney Registration ( Osaka Bar Association , Fukui Bar Association since December 2008 )
 1989 - Marriage with lawyer Inada Ryukei
 1990 - Tax Accountant Registration, Working at Nishi Umeda Law Firm
 2004 - Inauguration of Lawyer corporation Gwangmyeong (Osaka-shi Kita-ku) inauguration
 This representative inauguration was stated in the election gazette at the time of the first prize.  In response to a question from the opposition at the House of Councilors Budget Committee on March 8, 2017 which originated from Morihan Academy 's state-owned issue, he answered, "I have never been a representative."  Then, at the same committee on March 15, Democratic Progressive Party Hidena Sugio asked for contradiction with the description of the election bulletin, "At the beginning of the establishment of the corporation in December 2004, the employee was established with two employees, Because of law enforcement each lawyer is representative of the association, I wrote it as representative. "The election ceremony is not an error," and since I changed my company's articles of incorporation in 2008, my husband was made a representative employee I decided to offer corrections. "  [1]
 History of becoming a politician
 While I was enrolled in law school at Waseda University , I did not have an equal employment opportunity equal law at that time at the time and I had little employment place, so I thought to take a bar exam. After studying for about 16 hours a day and passing the bar exam, becoming a lawyer I mastered the work of law as a hired attorney of a law firm for five years but I stopped being a child.  At that time, the husband was reading " Sankei Shimbun " and "justice" so Inada gradually began to read and eventually began to post such posts as "Current education is strange" and so on.  Later, Mr. Katsuhiko Takeda, a lawyer, can call out "I will not trial with Nanjing case" on the phone. The person himself wrote the feeling at that time as "the Tokyo Shimbun newspaper, the current Mainichi Shimbun wrote in the warfare elevation [of the" hundred slash competition "at the time of the Nanjing incident ] the lie article became the only evidence, the postwar Nanjing Two executives of BC class war criminal of military trial of [ Captain Tsuyoshi Noda and Toshiaki Mukai written as competing] were executed. Totally lying, I think that I can not leave the current situation that it is being disseminated as a true matter as it is taught in textbooks as to hurt the honor of Japan " [2] and Says.  On the day of the final argument, I met Mikai Mukai's second daughter Mukai Chieko , and I am impressed by seeing women fighting alone.  As a result of this, the lost professor Noda and the survivors of the lieutenant Mukai Mukai opposed the " Mainichi Shimbun " " Asahi Shimbun " Honda Katsuichi and others, causing a trial of defamation. Inada said, "I was not interested in politics at all, but I thought that I wanted to manage the situation that Japanese honor was damaged by lies."  Just two weeks before the dissolution of the postal service , the LDP headquarters has the opportunity to give a lecture on the contents that "the 100-man slash competition" is a cookie, which remained in the eyes of Shinzo Abe 's acting secretary general, who was audited, to the politicians It was decided to be scouted [2] .
 Political history
 2005 ( Heisei era 2005 )
 2006 (Heisei era 2006)
 2007 ( September 2007 ) September - Liberal Democratic Party presidential election , Kiyomasa laboratory affiliation Members of the National Assembly affiliated with the Seiwa Laboratory, the eldest son of Fujita Takuo, the founder faction only, supports Association Liberal Father Yasuo Aso instead of Aso [ Required source ]
 2008 ( September 22) September 22 - Liberal Democratic Party presidential election , Aso 's nominator is named [8] .
 2009 (Heisei 21)
 2010 (Heisei 22)
 2012 (Heisei 24 years)
 2014 (Heisei 20 years)
 2016 (Heisei 28)
 On August 18 - Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi requested to run a general election from the Fukui 1 ward as a candidate for " thugus " to Member of the House of Representatives Isao Matsumiya who was opposed to the postal privatization bill at the LDP headquarters , Acceptance ( requested by Shinzo Secretary General Shinzo Abe three days ago) [3] .  Formal announcement of the candidacy on the 21st [4] .
 September 11 - First election at the 44th House of Representatives' Parliamentary Election (Fukui 1st District - Liberal Democratic Party official recognition).  51,242 votes.  It was 373 votes from Rds. Sasaki Ryuzou, the Democratic Party's former job leader . Liberal Democratic Party has adopted a female candidate as a proportional upper preferential treatment in this general election [ Citation needed ] , Inada also was ranked second in rank higher than other overlapping candidates in proportional Hokuriku Shin-etsu block [6] .
 September 20 - served as candidate filing party together with Mr. Matsumoto with his name on the Aso 's nomination list in the LDP presidential election [7] .
 August 30 - Reelected Sasaki in the 45th House of Representatives general election (Fukui 1st district · authorized by the LDP).  72,639 votes [9] .  In this election, only Inada broke the Democratic candidate 's incumbent candidate in the small constituency (1 ward) with the prefectural office's location [ need for verification - note ] [10] .
 April 6 - Liberal Democratic Government Power Committee ( Sagaki Tanigaki ) Cabinet of Shadow Headed by Liberal Democratic Party Governor ) Social Capital · Network Improvement · Information Communication Deputy Supervisor (Abolished September of the same year) [ Required source ]
 September 22 - Liberal Democratic Party Shadow · Cabinet Deputy Minister of Justice [11] .
 September 26 - Liberal Democratic Party presidential election, will be nominated as a nominee for Shinzo Abe .
 December 16 - 3 elections in the 46th House of Representatives' general election (Fukui 1st district / LDP official recognition).  68,027 votes [12] .
 At the same time, administrative reform [13] , civil servant system reform [13] , re-challenge [ 13] , re-challenge [ 13] , cabinet ministerial affairs of the second Abe cabinet , 13] , Cool Japan strategy [13] and so on, respectively .
 May 30 - Minister in charge of the National Public Service System [14] .
 September 3 - 56th Liberal Democratic Party political investigation chairman
 December 14 - Four selections in the 47th House of Representatives' general election (Fukui 1st district / LDP official recognition).  116,855 votes [15] .
 In the ministerial personnel affairs of the 3rd Abe 's second remodeling cabinet , he took office as the Defense Minister [16] .
 Biography as Minister of Defense
 2016 (Heisei 28)
 August 15 - We visited Djibouti in the eastern part of Africa where the SDF is stationed for coping with piracy, encouraged its members, and then President Ismail Omar Gueret , Ali Hasan Burdon ( French version ) We met with defense minister respectively [17] .  This will be the first foreign tour as the Minister of Defense.  In addition, as a result, visits to the Yasukuni Shrine on the war of the end of the war have been postponed due to this excursion [18] .
 October 8 - David Yau Yau ( English version ) Meeting with Deputy Defense Minister of Defense and Ellen Margrette Roy ( English version ) with the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary General and then serve as the captain He inspected South Sudan dispatch facility troops etc. (the tenth staff), exchanged opinions on the living and activities of the men in the field, as well as taking care of the family members who left in Japan We encouraged our members [19] .
 December 29 - Although the worship of the Yasukuni Shrine on the end of the war was being postponed, I worshiped on this day [20] .  In addition, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who had returned from Pearl Harbor visit this day, took a "no comment" on this matter.
 Policy / thought belief
  Tomomi Inada (2016)   History view   Class A war criminal and war responsibility
 The Tokyo Tribunal ( Far East International Military Tribunal ) that regulates Class A war crimes in connection with the Yasukuni Shrine visitation problem is a violation of the international law in a dual sense in violation of the Potsdam Declaration and the principle of modern law (the criminal justice principle) The Tokyo trial states that it is the center of the "occupation policy" and "postwar system" and can not rectify the distortion of the postwar system without overcoming the Tokyo court historical perspective. He also stated that it was not a simple thing that Japan entered a reckless war and was defeated because there was a Class-A war criminal, and that responsibility can not be attributed only to Class A war criminals.  [21] .  In February 2015, he said, "We should have the attitude to verify the authenticity by ourselves" [22] .
 About a 100-man slash competition
 It takes a stand that it did not actually have a competition slashing 100 people [23] .
 In the lawyers' era, the bereaved families of the two former Japanese army executives who executed as a 100-man slash competition sued the Asahi Newspaper , Mainichi Shimbun and Honda Katsuichi , filed lawsuit seeking damages for injury and injunction ( 100 people Participated as one of plaintiff agents on slashing competition # defamation trial ) [24] .  Inada thought that it was able to prove that the 100-man slaughtered as a symbol of the Nanjing massacre is false [24]] , but the plaintiff's claim by the Supreme Court has been dismissed [24] .  By losing a trial, I felt the limits of my activities as a lawyer, and I'd like to work from political places [24] . "We want to protect the honor of bereaved families and the country by properly refuting what is different from the facts, and we can balance our friendship between Japan and China" [24] .
 Yasukuni Shrine
 He insisted that there is no causal relation between the A-class war criminal enshrination at Yasukuni Shrine and Emperor Showa's cancellation of worship.  At the meeting hosted by the Japanese Council at the Yasukuni Shrine on August 15, 2006, he proposed advocating the state protection of the Yasukuni Shrine based on Shinto , saying, " Moral education, education, etc. are to be given to those who are trying to stop the prime minister's visit to Yasukuni He is not qualified to speak. "  " WiLL " issued in the same year states that "Yasukuni Shrine is not a place to pledge unwarranted, but places to swear that" If there is something to the motherland, it will be followed "" [ 25] .  In the spring of 2006 , Yasuhiro Nakasone wrote to New Year 's delegates such as Inada who expect Prime Minister Koizumi's visit to Yasukuni when he was invited as a lecturer at the Conservative Party Tradition and Creation Association led by Inada "Personal creed is also important, The national interest is also important. "  Ever since I became a member of the House of Representatives, I visited the Yasukuni Shrine each year on the day of the end of war (August 15) and the day of the entry into force of the San Francisco Peace Treaty (April 28), but since the end of the war in 2016 that took office as Defense Minister On the day of August 12 to August 16 it was decided not to visit Djibouti 's Self Defense Forces base by public service to visit.  At the same time, the National War dead memorial ceremony on 15th August will be the first absence as defense minister and defense minister [26] .
 Movie "Yasukuni YASUKUNI"
 In February 2008, I learned that public grants were being sponsored by the Japan Arts Culture Promotion Association on the movie " Yasukuni YASUKUNI " supervised by the Chinese living in Japan , and checked whether it meets the grant criteria I asked the pre-screening meeting through the Agency for Cultural Affairs [27] .  Argo Pictures, a distribution company contacted by the agency, accepted a preview for all members of the legislature and was held on March 12th. At this time Inada stated that "I do not intend to censor at all, but I felt some doubt as to whether it was a politically neutral movie, I felt strongly an ideological message " .
Inada claimed that "What made the matter a matter, that the Japan Art and Culture Promotion Organization under the jurisdiction of the Agency for Cultural Affairs made public subsidies of 7.5 million yen, one point." This film is a requirement of subsidy as the director, production supervisor, director, producer of the production company are all Chinese and politiceness is strong as it is based on Yasukuni Shrine
 Being a Japanese movie
 There is no political, religious advertisement intention
 And concluded that there is no validity for expenditure of the grant.  "It is not unreasonable to try to seal politicians' speech under the name of freedom of expression" [27] .
 Inada talks about seeking a preview, "I am not going to restrict the screening with a kind of national investigation right ," but Argo Pictures rebounded as "de facto censored " [29] and others The Film Director Association , Japan Film Director Association , Japan Mass Media Culture Information Workers' Union Conference , Japan Journalist Conference also announced protest statements [30] [31] [32] .
 Later, this movie, as a result of the preview show held in December 2008, the weekly Shincho commented as "an anti-Japanese movie made by the Chinese director", a town declaration car appears in front of the movie theaters scheduled for screening As movie theaters decided to stop screening and so on.  Argo Pictures decided to cancel the screening scheduled on April 12 [33] .
 See also "
Yasukuni YASUKUNI # preliminary screening by parliamentarians
"   Okinawa Battle Group Self-determination Military Force Problem
 Regarding the group self-determination that occurred in the war against Okinawa, Kenzaburo Oe who filed defamation of Oe Kenzaburo and the publisher Iwanami Shotabu , the former Japanese Army local commander and relatives attributed to the command of the military commander, who was the author of "Okinawa Note" · Iwanami Shoten serving as a defense counsel of the plaintiff in the Okinawa battle trial . On the other hand, Oe said the rationale was recognized, and when Oi issued the book, Oe said "reasonable reason to believe it is true It can be said that there was. "It was lost.
 See also "
Oe Kenzaburo / Iwanami Shoten Okinawa Battle Tribunal
"   Comfort women problem   See also "
Comfort women
", "
Resolution of the House of Representatives 121
", and "
 On June 14, 2007, he became a proponent of the full-page advertisement of the historical facts committee " THE FACTS " [34] .  When Tohru Hashimoto, acting president of Japan Reishi's Association in May 2013, said that "At that time, armies of various countries in the world had a comfort women system," the comfort women system is "a serious infringement of women's human rights It is [35] .  On the other hand, the comfort women system also stated that "it was also legitimate during wartime" [36] .  In February 2015, as a personal opinion on " Kono discourse ", the comfort women system states that "there was no compulsion" [37] .
 Expression promotion promotion
 Amendment to the Child Pornography Prohibition Law, which includes investigating the adverse effects of comics , animation , and game software on child prostitution issues and child abuse problems and taking future legal regulations and penalties [38] (Liberal Democratic Party · Komeito Draft ), Submitted to the Diet [ required citation ] .
 Petition to revise the child pornography prohibition law that not only comics, animation, and game software but also adult women and adult men dictate to children under the age of 18 under the age of 18 will be co- ordinated with Shimomi Shimomura , Takaichi Sanae I submitted it to the Diet [39] .
 Legalization issue of selective married couple system
 About the legislation of selective married couple system , "There is no system that could lead to family collapse" [40] , " Monogamy system marriage system destroyed" [41] , " The purpose of "family dismantlement" is "to be claimed" [42] .  In addition, as the promotional group promotes gender equality and women's advances in society often, when opposed to a couple's surnames, they labeled "Owner of an old idea that women are disdainful or try to keep women in their families" etc. Therefore, it is argued that it is troublesome that "there is air that makes it hard to tell the opposite."  Furthermore, in the Democratic Party bill, it is necessary to decide the surname of a child born at the time of submitting a notification of marriage and to submit it, and it is a human rights violation that makes the selection even when a child is not awarded due to age and health circumstances Criticizing deficiencies [ citation needed ] .
 In the survey of 2014 we are opposed to adopt a selective couple surname system again [43] .
Has set a relaxation of the popular name used as a counterproposal, the scene should use the maiden name as "women to social advancement will increase. However, in the house parents and children I to You can not select the same name is desirable. Children. I We are aiming for a society where common names can be used if women desire ", etc. [44] .
 About LGBT
 I participated in LGBT event "Tokyo Rainbow Pride 2016" held in May 2016. About this, Inada said, "I was surprised at the venue when I participated, and when I was considering the LGBT bill aimed at eliminating discrimination of sexual minorities, I said," It is not like the LDP! was or receive the criticism that. "When in my fan is a so-called conservatives to support the .LGBT that some people away from the" Why Inada's say such a thing? ", are you also going to run away people "" It was not a movement of " left wing " but a problem of " human rights " but I had a hard time to understand " [45] .
 Also, since the sexual orientation is irreversible, we should consider the LGBT problem as a human rights issue , "If they are suffering from misunderstandings, we must create a society where we can live our way" declining birthrate and aging population in the proceeds, (LDP), but women have been aimed at the realization of shining society, it has said that people also should be given a chance in the same way "as referred to as the LGBT [46] .
 Same-sex marriage for the, "same-sex marriage. This is Western has become has been carried out intense debate in each country, as in some countries is recognized same-sex marriage. For this problem, opinion is to converge in Japan I do not want the Japanese society to be divided into two in this issue.It is that the origin should not discriminate against the natural circumstances or the physical situation that it was born. As for the ordinance of Shibuya-ku (partnership system), to eliminate the discrimination against minorities , such as the constitutional marriage clause and the family way of thinking, the street name field Death Keredomo, it wo where Made legal similar protection to hand go mosquito Toyuu ancient city nad teeth, the Constitution two Sekiru Yo name very similar big problem name Node regulations Toyuu form out teeth without hand big discussion wo all  It has said that the idea has been ", social conditions from different countries foreign same-sex marriage system and of the partnership system as it is the Japan is skeptical of easy argument that to be introduced in [47] [48] .
 Opposition to Basic Law of Gender Equality Society
 It is opposed to the Basic Law of Gender Equality Society [49] and argues that it should be reviewed [50] . Among them, I would like to ask "I'm sure that he is confident" about the Basic Law of Gender Equality Society "It is nothing but crazy to say that even if the ability is inferior to raise the proportion of women, It states [51] [49] .
 Resurrection of homicide murder provision
"If the value that does not specialize the family spreads, the local community, and eventually the nation, will also become disrespectful, only the individuals who are selfish, disparate, selfish "It will be there to exist", insisting on reviving the rule of homicide killing [52] [49] .
 Nationality Law revision issue   See also "
Nationality Law Revision Problem
 According to the Diet deliberation on 18th November 2008 , "I am in trouble if I am reformed by an irresponsible way of thinking that it is natural to change from the Supreme Court ( judgment comes out)" and " There was a fear of intervention in the legislature by judicial power " [53] .
 Nuclear weaponry
 Japan's nuclear weapons should be considered depending on future international situation [12] .  "We should consider Japan's own nuclear possession as a national strategy rather than mere discussion or psychology" [54] .
 Discrimination Buraku problem
 It is positive for legal regulation of Buraku discrimination [55] .  On November 16, 2015, Inada who participated in the "Human Rights Forum", which was stated as "Wakayama prefectural assembly for the resolution of human rights issues" at the hotel in Hirakawacho , Tokyo said, "Unfair human rights abuses, human rights violations spread through anonymous Internet I think that I can not let go of the situation that I am [55] .
 "Everything is justified now when speaking of" DV ": DV = Victim = Relief and input, something that is even a little doubtful is a mercilessly human being with a lack of human rights exactly. It is DV's way of going out there, there is just like a dog, "he says." If the word DV unfairly walks alone, it could lead to the collapse of the family " [56] [49] .
 On August 29, 2006, in order to solve the NEET problem at the symposium "What do you expect from the new administration?" Sponsored by "Standing Up! Japan" Network (Executive Director, Tetsuo Ito, Director, Japan Policy Research Center ) We argued that a funding system should be implemented [57] .  "The condition of the true elite is that you are ready to devote your life to the country for emergency.Is education to nurture such true elite must be done.You will carry out" farming "to bring young people to agriculture I will solve the NEET problem. "
 In a dialogue with Mr. Sato , "How about the system that all young people once touch the SDF in a form like an educational experience?" "The current men who are said to be" herbivorous "may also be speechless " [54] [49] .  When the above remarks were fulfilled at Fukushima Mizuho at the House of Councilors Budget Committee on October 11, 2016, "Although students are very good at education, I thought that the type of doing things like violating the Constitution, I have not thought of such things " [58] .
"I'm wondering if you are looking at policies for adding day nurseries," I'd really like to work until I trust the baby who is really breastfeeding " [59] [60] .
 Political funds
Prior to the House of Representatives election vote in 2014, it is reported that the LDP First District Branch, where Inada is representative, received a 300,000 yen donation from the Japan Dental Association (Nippon Dental Association) [61] .
 Nationwide Sponsoring Association (Cash Management Group) The president of "Tomomi Group" is Watabe Shinki [62] .
 In the self-introduction of "UBUDAS" that was published at the 83th meeting in March 2006, the question "Do you want to be a prime minister?" Is "Yes. As it became a politician with the goal of rebuilding the homeland, I think that I should aim for it. "  "The person you look up to?" Was answered " Takamori Saigo " to the question.
 On August 1, 2011, I went to Korea as a member of the Liberal Democratic Party Parliamentary Party to inspect Ulleungdo ( Masahisa Sato and Yoshitaka Shindo ), but all from Korea Foreign Affairs as Personas Non Grata ( anti- People who are unwilling to diplomacy) Notice, refusal to enter the country [63] .
 Mr. Masaharu Taniguchi 's " Facts of Life " that on April 30, 2012 "It was succeeded generously from my grandmother who became a big heart support when I was encouraged to pass the bar examination " He gave a lecture at a meeting to learn Professor Masaharu Taniguchi , a part of the " Shiogawa's mainstream movement " [64] [65] .
 The father, Yasuo Tsubakihara is presiding over the "Kyoto publication meeting " in Kyoto in his hometown, and he is also the chairman of the Kyoto headquarters at "Nationwide Action Committee in Japan ".
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giaitritonghop123 · 4 years ago
Những thách thức Nhật đối mặt thời kỳ hậu Abe
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Kinh tế tụt dốc, Covid-19, Olympic bị hoãn, cân bằng mối quan hệ Mỹ - Trung là những thách thức lớn người kế nhiệm Abe sẽ phải đối mặt.
Nền kinh tế Nhật Bản đang chứng kiến bước tụt dốc lịch sử. Covid-19 vẫn hoành hành và có thể khiến Olympic phải hoãn lần thứ hai. Trung Quốc gia tăng các động thái quyết liệt trong khu vực khi Mỹ, đồng minh thân cận nhất của Nhật Bản, đang bận bịu với cuộc bầu cử tổng thống.
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Thủ tướng Nhật Shinzo Abe trong bài phát biểu từ chức ở Tokyo ngày 28/8. Ảnh: AFP.
Đó chỉ là những thách thức trước mắt đối với các chính trị gia đang cạnh tranh để kế nhiệm Thủ tướng Shinzo Abe, người tuyên bố từ chức một năm trước khi hết nhiệm kỳ vì lý do sức khỏe.
Về lâu dài, thủ tướng tiếp theo của Nhật Bản phải thực hiện những lời hứa dang dở của Abe: thúc đẩy vai trò của phụ nữ trong chính trị và nơi làm việc, cải thiện điều kiện làm việc để nam giới có thể giúp vợ làm việc nhà nhiều hơn.
Nhật đang đối mặt với tình trạng thiếu lao động khi dân số ngày càng giảm và tỷ lệ sinh thấp, cũng như khó khăn trong việc đưa lao động nước ngoài tới làm việc. Với tỷ lệ người già cao nhất thế giới, Nhật Bản có thể gặp khó khăn trong việc đáp ứng nghĩa vụ trả lương hưu và cung cấp dịch vụ y tế cho người cao tuổi.
Nhật còn có nguy cơ chịu đựng thêm nhiều thảm họa thiên nhiên do biến đổi khí hậu, phải xoay xở với nguy cơ thiếu hụt điện do nước này đóng cửa các nhà máy điện hạt nhân sau thảm họa Fukushima, mối đe dọa từ tên lửa của Triều Tiên và quan hệ lạnh nhạt với đồng minh Hàn Quốc.
"Điều đó khiến tôi tự hỏi ai muốn làm thủ tướng Nhật cơ chứ", Jeffrey Hornung, nhà phân tích tại RAND Corporation, nói.
Nhưng vẫn có nhiều người muốn ngồi vào vị trí này. Do Thủ tướng Abe còn một năm nhiệm kỳ trước khi Nhật tổ chức tổng tuyển cử vào năm sau, việc lựa chọn chủ tịch đảng được tiến hành trong nội bộ đảng Dân chủ Tự do (LDP) cầm quyền.
LDP sẽ thông báo vào ngày 1/9 liệu họ sẽ tổ chức bỏ phiếu hạn chế giữa các nghị sĩ tại quốc hội và một số đại diện của các tỉnh, hay bầu cử mở rộng với sự tham gia của tất cả một triệu đảng viên để lựa chọn tân chủ tịch đảng thay thế ông Abe.
Những người đã thể hiện mong muốn trở thành thủ tướng bao gồm cựu ngoại trưởng Fumio Kishida, Ngoại trưởng đương nhiệm Toshimitsu Motegi, Bộ trưởng Quốc phòng đương nhiệm Taro Kono, cựu bộ trưởng quốc phòng Shigeru Ishiba, hạ nghị sĩ Seiko Noda và Tomomi Inada, một cựu bộ trưởng quốc phòng khác.
Người kế nhiệm Abe sẽ đối mặt với nhiều thách thức mà không có được "tầm vóc" ông đã xây dựng trong thời gian cầm quyền kỷ lục gần 8 năm.
Về cơ bản, Nhật Bản vẫn là cường quốc hàng đầu khu vực, nhưng vẫn tồn tại những vấn đề "thâm căn cố đế" đến mức ngay cả nhiệm kỳ dài của ông Abe cũng không đủ để khắc phục.
Nỗi nuối tiếc lớn nhất của ông Abe nhiều khả năng là đã không thể sửa đổi hiến pháp hòa bình của Nhật để nâng cao vai trò của quân đội. Sau khi bị đánh bại trong Thế chiến II, Nhật ban hành hiến pháp năm 1947, từ bỏ sử dụng vũ lực trong các xung đột quốc tế và không cho phép quân đội tham chiến ở nước ngoài. Thủ tướng Abe đã nỗ lực thay đổi cách diễn giải hiến pháp, để quân đội Nhật có thể được triển khai ra nước ngoài thực hiện các nhiệm vụ phòng vệ tập thể với đồng minh.
Ngoài ra, Abe còn hối tiếc vì chưa giải quyết triệt để tranh chấp chủ quyền quần đảo Kuril/Chishima với Nga và vấn đề công dân Nhật bị Triều Tiên bắt cóc nhiều thập kỷ trước.
Ưu tiên cấp bách nhất đối với thủ tướng Nhật tiếp theo sẽ là khôi phục nền kinh tế đang bị Covid-19 tàn phá. Nhật Bản có gánh nặng nợ lớn nhất trong số các nước phát triển so với quy mô nền kinh tế và đã chi rất nhiều để kích thích hoạt động kinh tế.
"Đây là gánh nặng lớn trước khi tân lãnh đạo bắt tay vào các vấn đề thay đổi cấu trúc và nhân khẩu học hay những vấn đề lớn khác của Nhật Bản", Sheila A. Smith, chuyên gia từ Hội đồng Quan hệ Đối ngoại ở Washington, nói.
Tuy nhiên, đại dịch tạo cơ hội cho lãnh đạo tương lai thúc đẩy những cải cách xã hội có thể giải quyết một số vấn đề sâu xa, bao gồm những trở ngại khiến phụ nữ đã lập gia đình khó thăng tiến trong sự nghiệp.
Chính phủ tuyên bố tình trạng khẩn cấp vào mùa xuân này và kêu gọi các công ty cho phép nhân viên làm việc tại nhà, nhưng văn hóa công sở dựa nhiều vào giấy tờ ở Nhật đã khiến nhiều người vẫn phải đến cơ quan. Các cuộc khảo sát gần đây cho thấy chỉ 1/5 số nhân viên làm việc tại nhà.
Kathy Matsui, từ chi nhánh Goldman Sachs tại Tokyo, cho biết bà hy vọng thủ tướng tương lai sẽ đề xuất một chiến lược kỹ thuật số mạnh mẽ và thúc giục các công ty áp dụng công nghệ tiên tiến hơn.
Công nghệ cho phép nhiều người làm việc tại nhà hơn cũng có thể giúp ích cho phụ nữ, Barbara G. Holthus, Phó giám đốc Viện Nghiên cứu Nhật Bản ở Tokyo, cho biết. Bà hy vọng lãnh đạo mới sẽ nhắc nhở các công ty và người lao động rằng làm việc từ xa có thể không chỉ giúp ngăn chặn Covid-19 mà còn tạo điều kiện cho các bà mẹ đang làm việc.
Trong khi hai người phụ nữ, bà Noda và bà Inada, đã thể hiện mong muốn trở thành thủ tướng, khả năng Nhật có nữ thủ tướng vẫn còn khá xa vời. Chỉ ba trong số 20 thành viên nội các của ông Abe là phụ nữ và Nhật Bản đứng thứ 165 trong bảng xếp hạng của Liên Hợp Quốc về số lượng nghị sĩ nữ trong quốc hội.
Trên trường quốc tế, một trong những mối quan tâm lớn nhất đối với Nhật Bản là liệu tân thủ tướng có thể nắm giữ quyền lực đủ lâu để có chương trình nghị sự dài hơi hay không. Cả trong nội bộ Nhật Bản và quốc tế đều lo ngại đất nước có thể quay lại với những vòng xoay thay đổi chính sách liên tục, đã khiến nhiều cải tổ bị đình trệ trước khi ông Abe cầm quyền năm 2012.
"Ngay cả ở Washington, bạn có thể nghe thấy những lời phàn nàn 'ôi Chúa ơi, chúng ta sẽ quay lại với thời mỗi năm thay một thủ tướng sao'", bà Smith nói.
Nhờ nắm quyền lâu dài, ông Abe đã có thời gian để phát triển các mối quan hệ ngoại giao, giúp ông thúc đẩy các đồng minh của Nhật Bản tham gia những thỏa thuận thương mại và quan hệ đối tác an ninh.
Takako Hikotani, phó giáo sư khoa học chính trị tại Đại học Columbia, nhận định thế mạnh của Abe là ông là gương mặt thân quen trong các hội nghị thượng đỉnh. "Điều đó có ý nghĩa rất nhiều".
Abe đã tích cực xây dựng mối quan hệ với Tổng thống Mỹ Donald Trump ngay từ những ngày đầu. Ngay khi Trump vừa chiến thắng trong cuộc bầu cử 2016, ông đã bay đến New York để trở thành lãnh đạo nước ngoài đầu tiên gặp Tổng thống Mỹ đắc cử tại Tháp Trump. Ngay cả sau khi Trump rút khỏi Hiệp định Đối tác xuyên Thái Bình Dương (TPP) mà Abe rất coi trọng vì cả lý do kinh tế và chiến lược, ông vẫn duy trì thỏa thuận với các quốc gia còn lại và sau đó đồng ý làm việc với chính quyền Trump để xây dựng một hiệp định song phương riêng biệt, giúp tránh căng thẳng thương mại giữa hai bên.
Khi cuộc bầu cử tổng thống Mỹ sắp tới, lãnh đạo mới của Nhật Bản sẽ phải khéo léo xử lý mối quan hệ với đồng minh lâu năm, gần đây đã rút khỏi vai trò lãnh đạo trên trường quốc tế. Dưới thời ông Abe, Nhật Bản đã "lấp đầy một phần khoảng trống mà Mỹ để lại", Shihoko Goto, chuyên gia về Đông Bắc Á tại Trung tâm Wilson ở Washington, cho biết. Bà không chắc liệu người kế nhiệm tiềm năng nào của Abe có thể đảm nhận vai trò lãnh đạo đa phương trong khu vực hay không.
Nhật cũng phải cân bằng mối quan hệ giữa Mỹ và Trung Quốc - nước láng giềng họ có nhiều ràng buộc về mặt kinh tế. Điều này được thể hiện rõ vào tháng 6, khi chính phủ Nhật Bản bày tỏ quan ngại về hành động của Bắc Kinh ở Hong Kong nhưng không ký tuyên bố chung với Mỹ, Anh, Australia và Canada lên án việc Trung Quốc ban hành luật an ninh Hong Kong.
Nhưng Nhật Bản cũng ngày càng lo ngại về các hành động của Trung Quốc ở Biển Đông và biển Hoa Đông. Nếu lãnh đạo mới thay thế ông Abe không đủ cứng rắn hay không đủ khả năng, "Trung Quốc có thể lấn lướt Nhật Bản", Hornung, nhà phân tích của RAND, nhận định.
Các nhà phân tích hy vọng tân thủ tướng Nhật cũng sẽ nỗ lực giải quyết quan hệ căng thẳng với Hàn Quốc liên quan đến những phụ nữ bị bắt làm nô lệ tình dục trong Thế chiến II cũng như những mâu thuẫn thương mại gần đây.
Căng thẳng Nhật - Hàn càng kéo dài thì "bên chiến thắng duy nhất sẽ là Trung Quốc và Triều Tiên, những nước hưởng lợi từ liên minh suy yếu của các nước khác trong khu vực", Lauren Richardson, giảng viên về quan hệ quốc tế tại Đại học Quốc gia Australia, nói.
Phương Vũ (Theo NYTimes/CNN)
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