#Tommy's hard earned self confidence and self acceptance
you know what? even if Buck and Tommy aren't endgame and they break up this season or the next, there's nothing (on the show or in the fandom) that can take away from me the euphoria I felt watching their first kiss live. it will live rent free on my mind well into my old age and I'll cherish it forever.
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pigtailedgirl · 4 years
Cobra Kai LOVE
So I finally got to watch all of Cobra Kai after loving the first two free episodes on Youtube but not affording it or having access til Netflix.
Dad and I nostalgia tripped it together and it's so good and it was also a great little family thing to do for us, since we always watched the movies as a family and are missing Mom, and I cried (there were some moments in season 2 especially hard) and laughed and we both loved it and I can't wait for season 3.
What can you say about a show that picks up 30 years after a properties heyday and kills as a tie-in! That honours the themes, and even better the cheese and feelings of the originals. Be it kick-ass karate, 80s style and music, the over the top plotting, and the profound kinda searching for inner life peace mixed with silly karate moves or metaphors and longing for Dad guidance.
I absolutely adore Johnny, who is by no means a perfect person. He's a stunted functional alcoholic who reopens his best part of his life, he tragically peaked in high-school (Christ!), for the best intentioned reasons, not realizing until committing the same mistakes how toxic it was the first go round.
Daniel. Oh you sweet fucking it up-ward man. Every movie was Miyagi having to help you pull your hot head out of your own ass because you were desperate to earn inner acceptance through outer validation and he's not around to do it anymore and you sweet pea think you've got it figured out, that you can give it to kids or protect them from the bullying toxicity of the way that high-school and a loss of place moving to California and Cobra Kai did you in, but you just keep jumping from victim to projecting and anticipating victim-hood and responding against Miyagi's first lesson, learn karate so you don't have to use it to fight.
It's sad and beautiful that these two are twinned and stuck in their pasts. Man-children in their 50s still trying to grow up (And figure out technology in Johnny's case LOL) hurting their future generation.
The teen themes are great.
Teen Breakdown of S1 & S2
The beginning popular crowd being easy and simple bullies. Morphing in Season 2 as both Cobra Kai and Demetri, Robbie and Sam trade off with Hawk and Tory on are we the bullied or the bullies all at once. Free for all high-school fight!
Aisha and Miguel represent the honesty of strength of self and confidence in finding themselves and their voice in Cobra Kai.
Hawk and Demitri, of using a newfound self to bully or staying safe to play victim.
Robbie as the growth from getting respect and guidance from Miyagi karate and Daniel, being the truest student, to the heartbreaking reality it doesn't mean you still don't crave wanting to be declared ultimate right or winner and fuck yourself over with your past issues.
As Miguel does the twin tango with him in having innate respectability and good moral guidance, even passing it to Johnny, but slipping into loss at the karate finals, mentally giving into loss of morality being violent to show his strength and losing himself and his GF, and physically when he's hurt (please be just hurt) defending the good guidance of mercy and stopping fighting.
But yeah, I could do essays on all the teens.
Then there's Sam, Daniel 's daughter. Robbie's mirror student and Aisha should be her foil but I fear based on a rumour and the way of season 2, they went with the easier and show attractive rival GF Tory.  Samantha Larusso is a problem. She is marked good, to be going the way of Robbie to being the child of the former protagonist that leads into a creation of harmony among the two karate's and teachers/families/philosophies. Instead despite the show sympathizing and trying to identify with her as that role, she's straight up a cause of strife and exhibits neither the good traits of Miyagi karate, or a inner self confident bravado of Cobra Kai. She's almost the bizzaro evil version of a teen Ali, and that guy from the third movie. She thinks she's both victim and bad ass and she's just someone who needs a good dose of someone sitting her down to tell her she's owed or earned either status. And Aisha, the friend she wasted for faux status as a popular pretty girl, as well as her adult parents letting her currently skate responsibilities of teenage dramas and violence, and her suitors, whom she waffles unhealthy betwixt so that they all suffer, are the ones to do it. She doesn't need her ass kicked by Tory, who is a one note character, she needs her mindset toggled by realizing her self-wants aren't priority. Basically grow up, and outta the me mentality.
What's fabulous is the show honoring it's roots in teen drama and life so it's not like the drama is too over the top. How their world revolves around them and their perception of the importance of their wants. Romance. Party. Popularity. Identity.
Leading to the teenage version of power posturing. Bullying. (Which even the adults haven't mastered escape from.)
The high-school pettiness and importance of structure and status and coolness. The different norms of today versus the 80's that are still about wealth, the right looks (cultural or physical), and violence being the forever enforcer. Of course kids will break down along the lines of Cobra Kai and Miyagi karate. Brute correctness or passive acceptance?
Seeking strength and refusing to accept weakness of self builds confidence. Using that strength to physically fight in anything but defense brings a cycle of conflict and violence.
Neither the past nor the present generation ignore the other big life influence of the age. There you have the Daddy or parental abandonment angles.
Johnny's step dad failed him in absentee. Kreese used his position as teacher to abuse him. Johnny failed his kid in absentee. Johnny tries to uses his teacher position with Miguel to fix all these errors. Meanwhile Daniel is over there in the opposite corner with lost his father figure, and then Miyagi taught him respect and guidance and Daniel regained one and clung, and now Daniel is a lost or losing father figure to his own son and daughter, the family unit does not respect him or seek his guide. So he entwines his then teaching Sam and Robbie as a fix.
But does karate fix this shit?
So all these kids they drag in are confounded by the lessons because a step would be stop you yokels and talk or acknowledge what really happened in high-school and with All Valley and Ali and Kreese and Miyagi. And move on.
You won 30 years ago Daniel. Miyagi was a great old man and your teacher and like a Dad but you never had to be the best or have the girl to earn him. You got bullied by Kreese & co, were devalued because you weren't rich or popular in high-school. Some people were dicks. Or worse. Tell the world. You don't have to beat them now and forever to hold to knowing that. Be a happy car salesman and focus on your own kids.
Johnny, 30 years have passed my dude. You were okay with defeat when you gave Daniel that trophy and said he was all right. Cling to that guy, not the jerk with a shitty teacher/Dad, pining for a girl you were in conflict with. And stop reliving the mindset you were the loser in those things ending. You missed out on living with your losses and celebrating the moments between and after. Find a GF. Reconcile with your biological son. Admire and mentor your students of now. Take a lesson from your Miguel and be like the young man you clearly are learning from. You will never be a loser to this kid, you will always be the bad ass who defended him.
Also also, I hilariously crack-ship Daniel/Johnny as a love hate bromance. HEAD GAMES vid it!!
Also, Daniel's wife is a treasure with her snark on the childishness of this karate feud. She the MVP.
And I legit cried with my Dad and the Miyagi grave visit. At the Tommy scenes. At the Miguel voicemail. At the Mrs. Larusso Dad on my shoulder scene.
And you can't not laugh at dick billboard.
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markesinwheelchair · 4 years
Scott D’amore receives a medical update on John E Bravo. D’amore informs Tommy Dreamer that he’s in critical but stable condition. Dreamer says he’s launching an investigation to solve the mystery of who shot Bravo!
CARNAGE in Knockouts Championship Rematch! | IMPACT! Highlights Nov 3, 2020Deonna Purrazzo has her sights set on reclaiming the Knockouts Championship from Su Yung, but when her dirty tricks backfire, the proceedings devolve into CARNAGE!SharePlay VideoKnockouts Champion Su Yung vs Deonna Purrazzo w/ Kimber Lee – Knockouts Championship
We kick off IMPACT! with a Bound For Glory Championship rematch as Su Yung defends the Knockouts Title against Deonna Purrazzo. The Virtuosa jumpstarts the match with a bicycle kick in the corner. Deonna targets the arm of Su as she prepares to lock in the Fujiwara Armbar. As Purrazzo is trapped in the Mandible Claw, Kimber Lee slides a steel chair into the ring. Both Knockouts play tug of war with Su gaining possession. Su uses the chair as a weapon and the referee calls for the bell!
Deonna Purrazzo w/ Kimber Lee def Knockouts Champion Su Yung by Disqualification – Knockouts Championship
After the match, Su continues the assault with the steel chair, sending Purrazzo and Lee retreating.
The Knockouts Tag Title Tournament begins in two weeks on IMPACT!
Heath Signs His IMPACT Wrestling Contract
Heath meets with Scott D’amore to sign his IMPACT Wrestling contract but it becomes apparent that Heath’s injury will prevent him from competing anytime in the immediate future. D’amore says that everything Heath requested is in this contract – but he’ll have to wait until he’s healthy to sign it.
Barrister RD Evans confronts Scott D’amore about Deonna Purrazzo’s Knockouts Title rematch ending in disqualification earlier tonight. Evans demands that D’amore makes this right. D’amore informs him that Purrazzo will indeed receive another shot at Su Yung – in the form of a No Disqualification Match at Turning Point on IMPACT Plus!
World Champion Rich Swann and Eddie Edwards prepare to face Eric Young and Sami Callihan in tag team action later tonight but first, they sing Eddie’s theme song!
X-Division FIREWORKS as Chris Bey & Trey Miguel Light It Up! | IMPACT! Highlights Nov 3, 2020The competition level in the X-Division is at an all-time high, and two of its all-stars deliver a WILD performance as Chris Bey battles Trey Miguel!SharePlay VideoChris Bey vs Trey Miguel
Who will pick up the victory in this clash of X-Division stars? Trey is in control when Bey rakes his eyes, followed by a clothesline to the back. Trey builds momentum with a reverse 619. The pace quickens when Trey hits an impressive combination, culminating with a big neckbreaker for two! Bey blocks the Cheeky Nandos Kick in the corner. Bey flies off the top with a cutter to score the victory.
Chris Bey def Trey Miguel
Madison Rayne’s Locker Room Talk w/ Jordynne Grace & Tenille Dashwood
Johnny Swinger returns to co-host Locker Room Talk as Madison welcomes in her guests, Jordynne Grace and Tenille Dashwood. Both Knockouts are looking for a partner ahead of the Knockouts Tag Title tournament which begins in two weeks. Jordynne says that despite her partnership with Alisha not working out last week, she is confident she will find someone else in time. Jordynne admits that Tenille will do whatever it takes to win and proposes that they form a team. Tenille instead asks the former two-time Knockouts Tag Team Champion Madison Rayne to team up! Madison accepts as Jordynne looks on in frustration.
Tommy Dreamer questions referee Brandon Tolle to see if he was the one who shot John E Bravo last week. Dreamer recalls when Bravo berated Tolle after a bad call in the match between Fallah Bahh and Johnny Swinger on IMPACT! Meanwhile, Swinger and Cody Deaner argue over who’s next in line to be questioned because they both have a match next – against each other!
Open Challenge SPOILED by TJP! | IMPACT! Highlights Nov 3, 2020The Deafeat Rohit Challenge is BACK, but TJP shows up to crash the X-Division Champion's party!SharePlay VideoDefeat Rohit Challenge for the X-Division Championship
Rohit Raju is in the ring awaiting his next challenger for the X-Division Championship. TJP comes out but the Defeat Rohit Challenge is only open to those who Rohit has not already defended against. Rohit claims that even though he may not have pinned TJP at Bound For Glory, he still lost in the Six-Way Scramble. TJP reflects on his incredible list of accomplishments in professional wrestling but it’s not enough to persuade Rohit to give him another shot at the title. TJP has had enough and spills his hot tea on the X-Division champion! A brawl breaks out with TJP gaining the upper-hand, sending Rohit retreating.
Backstage, Gia Miller interviews one half of the Motor City Machine Guns, Chris Sabin. Last week, XXXL made a statement when they took out his partner Alex Shelley with a blindside attack. Sabin says that every tag team in IMPACT Wrestling knows they can’t beat the Guns two-on-two and that was the reason for XXXL’s assault. Sabin challenges one member of XXXL to a fight next week!
Scott D’amore announces that Rohit Raju must defend the X-Division Title against TJP next week to determine who the better man is once and for all. This will be TJP’s last chance as long as Rohit is the reigning X-Division Champion.
Champs ON THE RUN as Good Brothers Stand Tall! | IMPACT! Highlights Nov 3, 2020Doc Gallows battles Ethan Page in a clash of heavyweights, but when matters break down, it's The Good Brothers who have the champs on the run!SharePlay VideoTag Team Champion Ethan Page w/ Josh Alexander vs Doc Gallows w/ Karl Anderson
Gallows is in total control from the opening bell as Page throws a tantrum at ringside. Alexander provides a distraction, allowing Page to gain the advantage. Page distracts the referee while Alexander gets physically involved. Page follows up with a DDT for two. Gallows fights back with a series of elbows, then quickens the pace with multiple clotheslines. Gallows sets up in the corner but Alexander hooks his leg. Anderson has seen enough and takes it to Alexander on the floor. Gallows hits a big boot for the three count!
Doc Gallows w/ Karl Anderson def Tag Team Champion Ethan Page w/ Josh Alexander
After the match, The North attack Gallows but Anderson evens the odds and hits Page with the Gun Stun.
Gia Miller interviews Swoggle, who says he feels at home in IMPACT Wrestling. His former friend Brian Myers interrupts and calls him a sideshow attraction, not a professional wrestler. Myers rips Swoggle’s autobiography out of his hands and pushes him to the ground.
Shooting Suspects GO TO WAR! | IMPACT! Highlights Nov 3, 2020Both under firm suspicion in the shooting of John E. Bravo, Johnny Swinger & Cody Deaner collide in an impromptu match to avoid being investigated!SharePlay VideoJohnny Swinger vs Cody Deaner w/ Cousin Jake
Two of the suspects in the shooting of John E Bravo compete in singles action tonight. Swinger calls for a timeout, prompting Deaner to pummel him with boots in the corner. Deaner takes a swig of beer but that gives Swinger the opening he needs as he sends him head-first into the turnbuckle. Deaner hits an inverted Atomic Drop and it’s time to Give’r! Deaner attempts the DDT but Swinger counters and retreats to the outside. Swinger grabs a steel chair but Jake stops him from using it. Instead, Swinger hits Deaner with a loaded fanny pack to steal the victory!
Johnny Swinger def Cody Deaner w/ Cousin JakeMoose Makes VIOLENT Statement! | IMPACT! Highlights Nov 3, 2020Moose feels disrespected and overlooked, and sets out to make an example of Willie Mack when "Chocolate Thunder" interrupts his speech!SharePlay Video
Self-proclaimed TNA World Heavyweight Champion Moose is in the ring. He reflects on his hard-fought victory over EC3 at Bound For Glory. Moose states that no matter what he’s been through over the last several months, people still look at Rich Swann as being the premier champion in IMPACT Wrestling. Last week, Moose sent a message to Swann when he attacked his friend Willie Mack in the parking lot. Moose warns Swann that pain is headed his way when Willie hits the ring and charges at the champ! Willie gets ahead of himself and bumps into the cameraman. This allows Moose to gain the advantage as he chokes Willie out with the camera cable.
Chris Bey congratulates Rich Swann on becoming the new World Champion at Bound For Glory. Bey tells Swann that it’s time for him to go to the management office and request a match against Bey with the title on the line. Swann tells The Ultimate Finesser that if he wants an opportunity, he needs to earn it.
Night 1 of Tommy Dreamer’s investigation into who shot John E Bravo concludes with him narrowing down the suspects to 10 individuals. They are: Johnny Swinger, Havok, Cody Deaner, Fallah Bahh, Brandon Tolle, Hernandez, Larry D, Father James Mitchell, Rosemary and Taya Valkyrie.
Moose will battle Willie Mack on November 14th at Turning Point!
Ken Shamrock ASSAULTS World Champion Rich Swann! | IMPACT! Highlights Nov 3, 2020Ken Shamrock gets involed in the STACKED tag team main event, assaulting IMPACT World Champion Rich Swann to help his partner Sami Callihan!SharePlay VideoSami Callihan & Eric Young vs World Champion Rich Swann & Eddie Edwards
Both Eddie and Swann bring the aerial offense to their opponents in the early going. Back in the ring, Callihan begins to wear Eddie down. Eddie hits Callihan with the Blue Thunder Bomb to create separation. Callihan tags in EY who immediately knocks Swann off the apron, preventing Eddie from making the tag. Eddie hits EY with a huge superplex! Eddie fights free and finally makes the tag to Swann. The champ is on the attack as he picks Callihan off the top with a Hurricanrana. Swann takes out both EY and Callihan with a double handspring cutter! Swann locks in the Sharpshooter on Callihan while Eddie locks in the half Boston Crab on EY. Callihan is about to tap but EY stops his hand from hitting the mat! Ken Shamrock comes down to ringside and sends Swann into the steel ring steps. Meanwhile, Callihan connects with a Piledriver on Eddie to win.
Sami Callihan & Eric Young def World Champion Rich Swann & Eddie Edwards
Sami Callihan, Ken Shamrock and Eric Young stand tall as IMPACT! on AXS TV goes off the air.
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