#Tomi obey me Redesign
minced-mangoes · 6 months
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This is how I envision Lucifer, personally.
I'm a huge believer in third eye Luci and think he should have an extra set of horns.
His wings are much bigger, and he has stumps where his third set of wings were. He ripped off all three sets, only two sets fully regrew.
I'm not sure about the earrings, honestly, they were a take on the pendant on his belt in demon form, but idk, I might make them look closer to that.
Jabot Lucifer real, and Diavolo gifted him the horn adornments, as when he fell Lucifer was not comfortable with his new horns. Having them decorated helped, and solidified his relationship with the Demon Lord.
He does have eye bags, he has tried to remove them, but not even Asmo's skin products can budge this poor guys eye bags. Maybe it would help if he didn't overwork himself. He does wear a lip balm or gloss on occasion, usually only if he's going to an important function or meeting.
Ears. I'm just going to say it. Demon's tend to have ears relating to their sin animal. If the animal doesn't have notable ears, then they have goat ears. Angels on the other hand have lamb ears.
Lucifer's ears grow feathers.
He has little stripey markings on his cheek. Idk why, I just think they look cool. They probably appear on his hands as well, which is why he wears gloves. He doesn't like seeing them.
The ears, wings, horns, markings, and third eye disappear when he uses glamour to shift into a more humanoid form.
The brothers use glamour to look more welcoming to MC, though as they become closer to each other they drop the glamour, and stay in their default demonic form.
That was longer than I wanted it to be... If anyone else is interested in seeing more of my obey me design concepts lmk in the comment/send me an ask saying who you wanna see,,,
If this gets enough notes I might finish the drawing, as well.
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minced-mangoes · 5 months
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It's our favourite Butler's turn to be Tomi-fied.
My last two Headcanons designs were well received, so hopefully y'all will like this as well!
First of all I love his wing horns, some people perceive them as horns, but they look to be the structure of a bat's bones in their wings. Because I love that I gave him some membrane to fill it in slightly.
I like to think a long time ago his horns were actual moving working wings, but as time passed they got so weathered down they are but bones and some torn membrane. He still tends to them with the utmost care, and has embedded jewels into them.
Back again with the jabot agenda, this time with a pendant meaning to represent Diavolo, using his gold and red colour scheme, as well as having protrusions looking like his horns, as well as general demon horns. This is to symbolize his role as the royal butler. Okay. His OG design has that entire shoulder covered in ruffles, and I love ruffles, but it looked a bit off, so I made it smaller and a bit more flared out, with a cute jewel atop it,,,
Talking about ruffles his coat sleeves are similar to his OG design, but higher up on his arm. Underneath he has long sleeves leading up to his gloves, with some cut frills,,,
Corset. Cool? Cool.
You can't see in this halfbody design but on his waist there would be a pocket watch. A bit of obvious symbolism because I love those clock motifs,,,
He has a beauty mark, probably because I have a very strong adoration for beauty marks they are goddamn gorgeous.
His hair hasn't been changed much, except for a lil ahoge and a hair clip on one side, holding his long hair out of his face. I like to think that part of his hair can also be braided, though he prefers to just have it clipped back.
In my head those lines on his tail has always been veins, though they're not full of blood, it's more of an anesthetic, the forked tips of his tail being almost entirely full of it. This is what you see dripping off his tail sometimes, and giving it it's shiny coat. The tail is semi-amphibious, which is why it needs the slimy coating, or else it'd dry out. Still it's highly prehensile, and can be used as an extra set of hands, even if he doesn't do so often due to getting slime everywhere. ew.
He probably has a similar effect on his hands and feet, the limb being black fading up into teal. This is why he wears the gloves, because once again, if he didn't everything he touched would be slimy. Maybe the gloves are hydrophobic and that's why they haven't absorbed the goo?
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Kinda like this??? you see where I'm coming from?
Also! Those aren't nails. They're bones, pushed through his skin, like that one frog. They aren't always out (otherwise his gloves wouldn't fit) but he is entirely capable of pushing his bones out of his hand to make claws.
He also has a forked tongue that matches his tail because I am one of those people.
This one was a bit longer than usual but hey! I have a lot of Barbatos headcanons.
Feel free to comment who you want to see next!
Lucifer | Leviathan
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minced-mangoes · 5 months
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To celebrate Levi's birthday I drew my depiction of him,,,,
Of course, he has fangs and fins. His side is covered by a bunch bioluminesent scales, some of which show up on his horns, tail, and fins.
His eyes seem to produce some sort of thick orange substance, it smells sweet, but is unpleasantly bitter tasting (as reported by Levi who got some in his mouth). These are tears, made of concentrated envy. He's extremely self conscious about it, thinking its absolutely disgusting his sin literally pours out of his eyes I demon form.
I am not a fan of Levi's demon form clothing. It confuses me to no end so he's in a NORMAL SWEATER here. He also keeps his headphones, though the fins over his ears makes it near impossible to use them.
In this form his arms and legs are scaled, with Webbed fingers and toes, and sharp claws. He wears pants, but no shoes. His legs are somewhat digitigrade like this.
His tail tends to think on it's own, and often moves of it's own accord. He doesn't have much control over it, unless he actively focuses on it. It is extremely sharp if you run your hand against the scales, but if you pet in the direction of the scales it's pleasantly smooth.
At the very base of the tail are long spines. It seems he was meant to have fins there as well, but they never really showed up. Yet another thing that he's conscious of.
Happy Birthday Levi you're my favourite girlfailure,,,, I am buying you five Ruri-Chan figurines.
Pathetic sopping wet creature
As before, if this post gets enough notes I'll finish the drawing.
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