#Tom hiddleston x reader insert
lokiforever · 1 year
New teachers at school!!!!
Chapter 10
Series Masterlist
A/N: Greetings,midgardians!So,my lovely mortals as many of you know, following the results of the poll JK's role is now officially switched to a student. Tom will be teaching History and English.....
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Y/N : Stay, please!
You said in a low, meek voice. His heart clenched at the sight of you so sad and troubled.
Tom : I'm right here, sweetheart.
He said and sat back down on the bed and once he was one hundred percent sure that you're back in your slumber , he got up and laid on the couch in the room . Just in case you get another nightmare, though he sincerely hoped you don't .
He had to admit ,this nightmare got him wondering that what so bad happened to you because of which you get those awful nightmares. He was pretty sure about the fact that they're connected.
You woke up by your mobile alarm, only to find ,Tom, peacefully sleeping on the couch. Always a gentleman. You didn't exactly remember what happened last night....but he was there with you,that much you could recall. You felt a bit bashful, now that you think of it ....he was your professor afterall 🤷🏻.
There was a text from Y/B/F/N....
" Hey!! I'll be staying at Jungkook's ..."
"Hey! Amazing!Sorry for replying late, At Tom's ..... 😅". You replied
You got up , as quietly as you could, didn't want to wake your professor up from his deep, peaceful slumber . As you tip-toed your way towards the door, you decided to make some breakfast for you two . So, you went down to the kitchen and started cooking.
You decided to make a proper English Breakfast with a cup of Earl grey. Humming a tune to yourself , you started cooking.
*After 20 minutes*
You felt a pair of hands on your waist and if it wasn't for the fact that you could recognise him just by his scent you'd have beaten the man up . 😅 Just a reflex after that incident because of which you get the nightmares.
"Good morning, darling!" You heard Tom's angelic voice, it sounded deeper as he just woke up.
He placed a kiss on your neck which made you smile.
"Good morning, sweetheart! Breakfast is almost done!"
His heart skipped a beat at the name , you never call him that.
"Mmmm.....I can already smell the delicacy you're whipping up ! What's on the menu?" " Classic english breakfast with a cup of your favourite Earl Grey tea !" you replied. "That sounds wonderful!! Let me help you set the table!" he offered politely. "Sure, thanks!"
As he helped you set the table up, you plated the breakfast.
"Bon appétit !!"
A contented moan escaped his lips as he took the first bite and hell if you wouldn't kill to hear that sound again....
" Mmmm ....you are an amazing cook , darling!! It's the best breakfast I've ever had! Scrumptious!!" He praised you with a heart warming smile.
" I'm glad you like it, Tom !! But hey - you yourself are a great cook !" you said . "Not as good as you!" He protested "Oh, come on!" you chuckled , a blush rising up your cheeks.
"Holy Shit!!! WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE !!!!!" you said as you looked at the time. "Late to what, darling?" He said, totally clueless. "COLLEGE!" You replied. For some reason, he started laughing. " Why . Are. You. Laughing. Tom !!????" Somehow, this made him laugh even harder. " You didn't check the emails , did you?? " He said.
As you picked up the phone, you saw an email from your college informing that all the classes are cancelled for this week. "Ohh.......... sorry" you said , completely crimson from blushing. "It's perfectly fine, dear! Plus, do you know that you look cute when you're angry?"
This made you blush even harder, if that was possible......."Come on !!!" you said.."I'm merely stating what's true" said he . This made you chuckle, "Thank you, sweetheart!"
*After the breakfast*
"Y/N ??" He said while you were making a presentation on your laptop for a project ...so, you hummed in response. "Uhh.... If you don't mind me asking......" he trailed off, so you looked him in the eye and asked - " What is it that's bothering you, Tom ?" " It's just.....last night......as you were having that nightmare, you were asking me to tell someone to stay away....... who's that ?" he inquired, his voice full of concern.
You felt like your heart has stopped beating, your face went pale and you started sweating. "Uhh..........unmm...I-I .......i-it....." you tried to say something but failed as you felt a lump in your throat.
"Hey - Hey , it's fine, darling! You don't need to tell me if it troubles you ! " He got up and brought some water for you . "Here, have some water " ......
"I'm so sorry for the sudden outburst..... it's just - " you tried to explain, only to be interrupted by him "It's okay sweetheart, you don't need to explain!" He softly stated. "Wanna watch a movie?" he asked to distract you from that grief of the nightmare.
"Sure!" you said. Both of you then proceed towards the home theatre he had.
"Choose the genre, dear " he said. "Umm ....... what about a thriller or maybe even horror?" you suggested. "Up for a thrill , are we ?" said he .
You guys decided to go with "The Shining" a classic. He even made some popcorn and got a few cans of cold-drinks .
*Sometime into the movie*
You clutched onto Tom for dear life and hid your face against him as one of the scariest scenes came . The fact that you were watching it for the first time didn't help at all . "Do you want me to put something else?" He cooed slowly. "No, it's fine, thank you for asking!'
*After the movie*
"Good Lord , that was amazing, awfully scary.... but amazing!" You chimed in to which he chuckled, "I'm glad you like it, darling!" He said and kissed you on the cheeks which made you blush. You did not see that coming.
"Oh my ! It's 12:30pm !! I must go now!" you exclaimed. "Please stay for lunch..." said Tom. "Trust me, Tom ... I'd love to but I really have to go..." ofcourse, he did try to make you stay but you had to go .... " ........fine ! Let me drop you, at least!" "That would be a great help!" you said. " Oh come on, darling!"
*After the he dropped you off*
You were still sitting in his car , in front of your apartment...... which was apparently locked . Y/B/F/N must still be with JK.....
"Tom?" "Yes, darling.." "Would like to join me for lunch, please?" "I'd love to, darling, but as you know the weather conditions are rather.... harsh. I better get going before it gets worse." He said refering to the windy weather.. "But-" you were interrupted by his lips on yours ...."Some other day, darling, I promise" he said.
"Okay......." you said, not fully agreed. "Come on, like I said, it's a promise!" he said and chuckled. "Fine. I must go, then..." you replied. "What if you grab your essentials and stay at mine?" he suggested.
Chuckling, you said, "Tom, I..umm...you know, I....I can't...plus Y/B/F/N would be alone if I do so.... thanks though " you smiled ... "Okay......but text me if you need anything, no need to go out in this wheather" 'Okay, so it's official. He is the sweetest man in the universe.' you thought.
"You're so sweet !!!!!!!" you said, placing a kiss on his cheeks and you could swear you saw him blush. 'and the cutest too' you continued your previous thought.
"I'll get going, now . Bye, Tom" "Goodbye , darling!" You opened the gate of his car and stepped out, waving to him one last time before making your way towards the door of your apartment.
After a few minutes your best friend also returned.
"Y/N , I'm home !" she called out . "Oh, hey !! How did it go ?" you said. "AMAZING!!!!" She exclaimed. "Well, that's great. But I need the whole story" you said and chuckled. "Done!" said your best friend, chuckling.
The next few days went normally.
Time skip......
You were qurrently getting ready for the classes and the first one was English.
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Outfit of the day👆🏻
You paired your dress with a black overcoat as it was cold outside.
"Let's go, shall we?" you asked your best friend. "Totally" she replied.
On your way, you guys grabbed a cup of coffee and headed towards your destination...
English Lecture
You sitting on one of the front benches with your best friend. You both were a bit early so no one else was there yet .....as you took a sip of your coffee, you heard the door open and what you saw made you choke on your drink.....
"Good morning, professor" said your best friend. "Good morning, Miss Carter. Um, Y/N you okay?"
You could almost sense a smirk on his face at your obvious reaction.
Okay!? The man literally changed his hair colour and then he's asking you if you're 'okay' ? As if he wasn't already enough he had to change his hair to Black didn't he? And the cherry on top was the outfit he chose.....a blue knitted sweater with a pair of black slacks.
( they could've been a bit less 'tight')
Holy Fuck.
" Y-yes I'm good, thanks!" you reply not so 'swiftly' . "Oh, that's better"....
"Mornin', d- Miss Y/L/N" he said after a slightly awkward stop....and you could tell that Y/B/F/N was trying her best not to laugh, roll her eyes or even grin.
"Good morning, professor!" you said blushing
You couldn't have been more grateful for the lack of audience .
As the students started entering and the class begun, you tired your best to not be distracted by the new change.
*Later in Tom's office*
"You seem to like this, huh?" he said refering to his new hair colour which was totally unexpected as he was the ever subtle one.
"I-I.....uhh...." you were more blushing than talking, earning a chuckle from him.
"Don't worry darling, I won't bite...... unless you ask me to, ofcourse" he said with a smirk and you could swear he winked.
Ok, so now it's official. He is acting a bit different today. You quite liked it, tbh.
You gulped. You just gulped.
"Anyways, my beloved what are your plans for Christmas?" he asked switching the topic like a light switch. "Uh....umm..well, Y/B/F/N is going out with her family so I guess I'll have to either go with her or spend it alone"
"You're not spending it with your family?" he asked "I never met my actual parents.....my aunt brought me up and she too passed a few years ago" you said, tears welling in your eyes but you quickly hide them. "...... I'm so sorry...... What if you stay with me?For Christmas?" he asked "Um...I beg your pardon"
"How about you spend Christmas with me?"
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A/N : Hey mortals!! I know this chapter is a bit short.... sorry....I have a news for you guys,I won't be writing or posting anything for the next one month as I have a lot to work on...... again, I apologise.
Taglist: @holdmytesseract @dishahaldar @lotsoflokilove23 @jennyggggrrr @imlokisgloriouspurpose
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simplyholl · 3 months
The Bet
Summary: Loki has an interesting punishment when you lose a bet.
Pairing: Loki x F. Reader
Warnings: Smut. 18+ Only. Minors DNI. Vibrating panties.
A/N: Inspired by that scene in The Ugly Truth.
See my Masterlist Here
“You can’t be serious.” You take the garment from Loki, wishing you could smack the smirk off his face. “You lost the game. So you have to wear them.” He explains, crossing his arms as he leans against your doorway.
“I’ve never lost a game of Uno in my life. You were cheating.” You exaggerate, trying to talk your way out of it. “Put them on. I’ll know if you don’t.” He walks away, leaving you alone.
You and Loki were always competitive with each other, placing stupid bets on frivolous games. Two days ago, you were playing Uno when Loki wanted to make the game interesting. You had beaten him three times already, so you thought you had it in the bag.
If you win Loki had to spend an entire day doing your chores naked. He hated menial tasks, oftentimes he would pay someone else to do his cleaning and laundry. So you knew he would hate it. As for the naked part, you had eyes. You might not get along all the time, but Loki was beautiful.
You had let your dishes pile up, your laundry basket was overflowing, your floors were sticky. You had been busy with missions and Nick Fury made you attend meetings all week so you were behind.
Loki smirked when you told him what you wanted if you won. “If you want to see me naked, you only have to ask.” The devilish smile that accompanied his quip made your skin heat up from the top of your head to the tips of your toes.
“If I win, you will wear the clothing of my choosing to the meeting on Friday.” You accepted, he would probably make you wear a burlap sack or a silly costume. You weren’t easily embarrassed, so whatever he picked wouldn’t be an issue. Fury would be mad with your theatrics, but you had been doing his bidding all week. He owed you.
The game had been going well. You had three draw four cards in your possession, using them strategically. Then the unthinkable happened. Loki won, placing a red card with a number two on top of your card. He had to have cheated somehow. He didn’t even know how to play until a few days prior when Steve taught him.
With only seconds to spare, you slid your panties down your legs replacing them with the pair Loki gave you. They were black and lacy. You were a little unsure why he wanted you to wear these specific panties. He had to be up to something. He wasn’t the God of Mischief for nothing.
You put them on, feeling something hard under the fabric. You straighten your sun dress and fluff your hair. You look at your phone, you were already late. You didn’t have time to take them off and inspect them. You weren’t a sore loser either, so you would wear them to the meeting.
You rushed down the hall to the elevator. You get on with three others, from their white coats you could tell they worked in the labs. You waited impatiently as the elevator stopped on the tenth floor letting them off. You were five minutes late now. You dreaded whatever smart ass remark Fury would have for you.
Finally, the elevator stopped on the sixth floor. You rushed out, running down the hall to the conference room. Fury stopped speaking to turn and greet you. “It’s about damn time.” He said, returning his attention to the smart board behind him.
You looked around the table for Natasha. She always saved a seat for you. But on her left sat Thor and Loki was on her right. The only empty seat was beside him. You curse him in your head as you walk around the table to take your seat. You wonder how he got Thor to switch from his usual seat beside Steve.
Fury starts talking again, calling on Tony to explain some new technology he was working on for all of you. You try to hide your yawn behind your hand. This stuff was always so boring. Why did you have to be here while they discussed how cool they thought this was?
You try to keep your eyes from fluttering shut, afraid you would fall asleep. A small vibration from your panties knocked the tiredness right out of you. It caught you off guard, but it was tolerable. You turn your head to look at Loki who is staring straight ahead, completely focused on Fury.
That little shit. You wouldn’t let him get the best of you, so you raised your hand asking a question and pretending you couldn’t feel yourself growing wetter. You sneak another glance at him, his prominent nose scrunching as he keeps his eyes forward. The vibration speeds up once, twice, three times. You ball your hands into fists, nails digging into your palm.
The device rolls in waves against you, brushing your clit. You bite your lip until you taste blood to keep from making a sound. It hums rhythmically, each pulse bringing you closer to orgasm. You can’t hear what Bruce says when he stands to pass out folders filled with the layout of Tony’s design.
He hands it to you, expecting you to take it from him. But you can’t, one hand is wrapped around the side of your chair, the other is clawing at Loki’s leg silently pleading with him to stop this madness. When you don’t reach for the folder, Bruce looks you over, taking in your frazzled appearance and the bead of sweat sliding down your neck. He mouths “You okay?” You nod a little too quickly and he sets the folder in front of you.
Loki opened your folder, bringing out the page Fury was discussing. His gaze lingers on your face for a second, and you think he’s finally satisfied and going to turn it off. The glimmer of mischief shines in his eyes as he returns his full attention to Fury. It takes every ounce of concentration you have to not yell in frustration. Then you realize his momentary kindness was only to distract you.
The vibration hits its peak, and you lose control. Your fist slams on the table. All eyes are on you. “Do you have something you’d like to add?” Fury asks, assuming your interruption was about the stupid technology you had no idea about. The ripples flutter against your clit, your lower stomach clenching with the onset of orgasm.
“Yes!” You stand up surprising yourself and Loki who lifts a brow. You can’t think clearly so you hope walking will help. You pace the area behind Natasha, every lift of your leg moves your panties, causing the vibe to reach new angles. “I love this! I love it! I lo-ove it!” Your voice raises a few octaves. Tony smiles, excited someone is showing interest in his hard work besides Bruce and Fury.
“This is the kind of enthusiasm I expect from the rest of you.” He says pointing an accusing finger at the others. “What do you love about it?” He prompts you. You stop behind Loki’s chair, he turns to watch the show you were putting on. You clutch the top of his chair, as the vibration sends you over the edge.
“It’s the best! God, the best!” You look in Loki’s eyes as your legs tremble. “Oh fuck! It’s incredible!” Tony is beaming, hands coming together to clap. “Thank you! This is the kind of reaction I was wanting.” The vibration finally stops, as you wobble a few steps to your chair. Loki gives you his hand to help you sit down. You reluctantly take it, settling back in.
The meeting was finally over five minutes later. Everyone rushed to leave except for you and Loki. “Asshole.” You playfully slap his arm. He stands, gathering his phone and folder. “If you need assistance cleaning up that mess you made” He gestures to your legs, “I’d be happy to help.” He flashes that irresistible smile before leaving you to recover in the conference room.
@cindylynn @wheredafandomat @multifandom-worlds @lokisgoodgirl @wolfsmom1 @loz-3 @lokischambermaid @kats72 @crimson25 @litaloni @zombiesnips-blog @gruftiela @mochie85 @cakesandtom @eleniblue @violethaze @lokidokieokie @buttercupcookies-blog @mjsthrillernp @chantsdemarins @lulubelle814 @anukulee @theallknown213 @alexakeyloveloki @tmilover1993 @fandxmslxt69 @artemis-13 @fictive-sl0th @nomajdetective @goblingirlsarah @foxherder @kathren1sky-blog @javagirl328 @kcd15 @asgards-princess-of-mischief @soggylampshade0 @weirdothatwritess @silver-tongue-taken-to-bed @mischief2sarawr @ozymdias @freegardenbanananeck @lamentis-10 @jainaeatsstars @aoirohi @mushycore @marygoddessofmischief @queenshu @jasmine-pudding @kcd15 @jiyascepter @daddieslut1 @macnbriee @sammichdog
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flightlessangelwings · 10 months
Right Where We Belong
Loki x gn!reader
Word count- 3.7k
Dialogue prompt- “ you underestimate how much you mean to me. i wasn’t about to let them hurt you. and i certainly wasn’t about to let them even consider killing you. “ Action prompt-[ SECRET ]: sender, having been secretly following the receiver, saves their life from an immediate threat while remaining hidden from the receiver.
Warnings- s.mut (18+ ONLY!), protective!Loki, mutual pining, harassment, kidnapping, minor character death offscreen, feelings, romantic s.ex, praise, takes place mostly in a woodsy/forest area but I left it open as to where in the world it is, pet names (lovely, darling), no use of y/n
Notes- For my Year of Protectiveness @yearofcreation2023 . I've actually had a rough idea of this story in my head for about a year it just took some time to flesh it out and get it right. For that reason too, there's no series spoilers and is ambiguous as to where it fits on the timeline so you can imagine whenever.
This can be read as a prequel to In My Arms (Over and Over Again) but it can be read on its own. That fic is one of my pride and joys though so I recommend reading it after this one! Enjoy!
@flightlessangelwings-updates is my update blog so feel free to also follow that and turn on post notifs to stay up to date on when I post new stuff!
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Midgard… Earth. It was the last place Loki ever expected to find himself, let alone willingly. Yet, it was the last place anyone would ever think to look for him. So it’s where he found himself when he wanted to be alone, unbothered by any pressures that surrounded him.
Loki had no idea where on the planet he was, but it didn’t matter. The trees of the forest surrounded him and created a shelter of peace where he would just breathe. The warmth of the sun hit his skin, and the fresh air from the trees filled his lungs. It was refreshing. It was peaceful. It was everything he needed.
But, as he made his way through the forest with his eyes closed, listening to the sound of the birds around him, another sound made his eyes shoot open. The roar of a large animal snapped any notion of peace out of Loki’s mind as he found himself nearly face to face with bared, sharp teeth. He wasn’t worried, though, and he smirked as he brandished his dagger in his hand.
Just as Loki was about to attack, however, a voice from behind him made him freeze.
Loki paused.
The voice continued, “It’s not aggressive, not really,” you were calm as you spoke, “Keep eye contact and back away slowly and it’ll leave you alone. There’s no need to kill it.”
Loki pondered his options. He could easily kill the beast and be done with it. But, there was something about your voice that swayed him, so he did as you instructed. Slowly, he stepped back, putting more distance between himself and the wild animal until it stopped growling and turned away. As it did so, Loki let out a deep breath. 
You also let out a sigh of relief as the tall stranger with black hair got closer to you, “She’s just defending herself,” you explained, “Must be a den or a nest around here somewhere. I bet she just had babies too.”
A smirk lit up Loki’s face, “Would you give that benefit of a doubt to anyone?” he asked as he turned to face you, revealing his face to you.
You gasped as you brought your hands to your face, “You’re…” your body tensed as you clearly recognized who you found in the woods, “Loki…”
“Would you have said the same thing if you knew who I was?” Loki challenged, yet no malice was heard in his voice, “Would you grant me the same courtesy?”
Silence filled the air between the two of you for several moments, the tension palpable. But, you exhaled, releasing the tension in your body as you did so, “I guess I would be a hypocrite if I said no, huh?” you said, trying to ease the tension.
Somehow, it worked, and it made Loki let out a genuine laugh. Something he hadn’t done in so long, and if he had to admit, felt nice. “What is your name?” he asked.
You told him. 
“Lovely,” Loki said genuinely.
It all blossomed from there. You and Loki fell into conversation easily and naturally, as if you had known each other for a lifetime. And the more time you spent in his presence, the more at ease you felt, not that you were scared of him in the first place. Nervous, yes, but Loki had a calming air about him, and something told you it was ok. And Loki, for one reason or another, felt comfortable around you. You had the same calming aura about you that Loki felt drawn to, and he found he actually wanted to stay and talk to you longer.
That never happened with anyone before… Loki wondered why that was. 
Before you knew it, the sun started to set, and you looked up with a gasp, “It’s getting late,” you breathed, “I…” you paused as you stared into Loki’s eyes, “I should go.”
Loki bid you farewell with a nod and watched you leave. And he already decided he was going to keep an eye on you until you were safe. He wasn’t going to let you know, though, and he stayed in the shadows, keeping watch over you from afar. And as he did, he couldn’t help but notice the new feeling in his chest. Sure, Loki had bedded princes and princesses, lords and ladies, and common men and women. But, you… you were different. And he couldn’t help the feeling of fondness towards you.
You seemed to know the path well, and you made your way to the clearing at the edge of the woods in no time. Behind you was the fantasy world, the forest, the place where your life just changed forever. In front of you was the real world, civilization, the daily grind. Taking a deep breath, you took the first step back into reality. 
But, as you started to leave, you suddenly found that you were not alone. A chill ran up your spine as a group of men whistled at you, and closed in on you quickly.
“Hey there sweetheart,” one of them grinned darkly.
You didn’t reply, but your hands shook as you looked around for an escape plan.
“Oh come on, don’t be like that,” another chimed in, “We just want to talk to you.”
A whimper escaped your lips as you hated the helpless feeling that came over you. But, a growl in the distance called all your attention, and everyone snapped over and saw a shadowy creature. All that was visible were glowing eyes and sharp teeth, but it was enough to scare the men away. You, on the other hand, backed away and tried to make yourself smaller in hopes that whatever it was would chase them, and you let out a heavy breath when you felt a rush of wind past you and heard a roar in the distance where the men ran off to.
You stood still for several moments as you processed what happened. For some time, you didn’t dare move, yet something within said you were safe. There was a familiar feeling around the air, as if you were being watched. Yet, you didn’t feel threatened like with the men who approached you. Looking around, you took one tentative step away from where you stood  in hopes of finding someone, yet you were alone. After letting out a deep breath, you turned and left, smirking to yourself; you had a hunch who was responsible for the shadowy creature that saved your life. After all, you did notice that the shadowy creature had bright green eyes.
In the shadows, Loki smiled with satisfaction.
One week to the day later, you found yourself back at the same spot. You weren't sure why or what you were expecting, yet you couldn’t help but find your way back there. The sun shone through the trees, warming your skin, and you felt at peace here.
“Well, it looks as if you and I had similar ideas, darling,” a voice chimed through the trees.
“Loki,” you breathed as you turned around and met his gaze. The tension you momentarily held in your shoulders melted away and you grinned widely, “Were you stalking me?” you asked cheekily.
“Never,” Loki replied, “It seems mere coincidence that we both came back to this spot on the same day.”
You gave him a pointed look, but the smirk never left your face, keeping the tone light.
“I promise,” Loki raised his hands in mock surrender, “I’ll never lie to you, my lovely.”
Your breath caught in your throat as the world around you suddenly felt hot, “I.. Uhhh,” you stumbled over your words, unsure of how to respond, “Thanks,” you decided on in a low mumble.
Loki returned the grin you gave him earlier, “Shall we sit, darling?” 
It turned into a routine for the two of you. Every week on the same day at the same time, you and Loki met in the woods. It was your escape from the world for both of you. It became a comfort for each of you to seek solace in the other. Although neither of you ever officially made plans, or said you’d be back the next week, you always were. 
For you, it was an escape from your life, from your stresses, to meet with Loki. And though you never thought you’d make friends with a Norse god, you were grateful for him. You tried to ignore the way your heart fluttered when you realized tomorrow was your meeting day, and you forced your heart to calm its wild beating as you stood in the woods waiting for him.
And as for Loki, he felt the same way. He never expected to find peace and solidarity on earth, and he certainly didn’t expect to fall… Loki laughed at himself, for so long he chastised his brother for loving someone from earth and here he was… They have more in common than Loki cared to admit. And he wasn’t ready to fully admit his feelings for you yet. They were there though.
Loki paced around the forest; it was unusual for you to not be there waiting for him. It was rare he felt nervous, but Loki couldn’t help the sinking feeling in his gut. Everything in him screamed that something was wrong, and after he waited long enough, Loki decided he was going to look for you.
And may the gods help if anyone hurt you…
You groaned as your body ached. The last thing you remembered was that you were on your way to meet Loki for your weekly rendezvous when you bumped into a group of men who looked like they were up to go good. You gasped and tried to run, but one of them grabbed you. You tried to scream, but no one heard you, and the last thing you heard before a cloth covered your face was, “Wrong place wrong time, sweetheart.”
And that was how you found yourself in a locked room tied to a chair, blindfolded and gagged. You wiggled in your binds as much as you could, but it was no use. They were tied too tight, and you had no idea where you were anyway even if you could break free. You didn’t even know what time or what day it was. And you whimpered softly when you realized that you would most likely never see Loki again…
Or so you thought.
Gunshots and screams from a distance called your attention and you snapped up to strain to listen. You faced where the source of the sound was, even if you couldn’t see anything. You didn’t dare move, however, since you had no idea what was happening. Were you going to be safe with whoever attacked the men who kidnapped you? Or would it be worse? You held your breath, pressing your lips together as you tried to calm your trembling hands.
The screaming went on for what felt like hours, and you could only imagine what the men were fighting in their last moments. Part of you didn’t want to dwell on it, but part of you had to have hope that whoever it was would be your savior. You never, however, expected to hear your name after the screaming stopped.
“Loki?” you whispered. When his voice called your name again, you shouted back, “Loki!”
The door burst open, and you heard Loki breathe your name in relief as he rushed over and untied you, “You’re alright, it’s me.”
“Loki?” tears filled your eyes as you were filled with disbelief that he was actually here. He actually came. For you. “You…?”
“I’m here,” he cupped your face, “Are you hurt?”
You shook your head as you felt your body tremble, “A little sore, but I’m ok,” you froze as you looked into his eyes and your heart skipped a beat at the look on his face, “Loki… You… You came for me?” your voice was shaky. 
Loki grinned, “Darling… You underestimate how much you mean to me. I wasn't about to let them hurt you. and I certainly wasn’t about to let them even consider killing you.”
Before you could stop yourself, you lunged forward and kissed him deeply. Your bodies smashed together as you pushed everything you had into him, clinging to him hard. You trembled as your emotions overwhelmed you and for a moment, you lost yourself into the feeling of Loki’s lips. It brought a comfort unlike anything you were expecting, and a lone tear fell down your cheek. But, then you realized what you did.
“I’m sorry,” you breathed as you tried to pull away, “I don’t know what came over me.”
Loki just mumbled your name as he cupped your chin and gently turned you so you met his gaze. There was a sure look in his eyes, and it told you everything you needed to know. This time, it was Loki who closed the gap between your faces, kissing you once more. His kiss was more tender, but very purposeful, and Loki wasted no time in darting his tongue past your lips.
You moaned into the kiss as you lost yourself in the emotions once more. For a moment, you forgot where you were as Loki became your entire world. Nothing existed beyond him and his kiss. And the taste of him was immediately intoxicating.
But, neither of you could stay like that forever, and after one last peck on your lips, Loki broke away. He stayed close to you, however, and his voice stayed low and soft and comforting, “Let’s get you out of here.”
Without a word, you nodded.
“Sorry it’s not much,” you stood nervously at your front door as you let Loki inside your place, “It must be completely different than what you’re used to…”
Loki caressed you as he reassured you, “It’s wonderful, darling,” he purred. Truthfully, he wasn’t even paying much attention to your place; Loki couldn’t take his eyes off of you.
Feeling his heavy gaze on you, you turned back from where your eyes wandered around the living space and you felt a tingle up your spine at the way Loki eyed you, “Loki…” you whispered. 
Time felt like it stopped as you stared into each other’s eyes. Your breath caught in your chest as you felt your heart pound. Between the way his hands cradled your form and the way he looked at you with those dark eyes, you knew exactly what Loki was thinking. And before you lost your nerve, you made your move.
You crashed yourself into him as you pressed your lips into his. Loki immediately yanked your close, his hands roaming up and down your sides as he deepened the kiss. Both of you moaned into each other as you savored the taste of the other. Heat rose in the room as passions erupted, and there was only one thing on both of your minds.
“Bedroom is this way,” you murmured, your tone low, “You want to…?”
“I thought you’d never ask, my lovely,” Loki smirked.
Sliding your hand in his, you led the way, and Loki kept a cheeky grin on his face as he waved his hand the moment you crossed into the bedroom. Suddenly, all your clothes were piled neatly on the dresser, his next to yours. Before you could react to his antic, Loki pounced on you, crashing both your bodies onto the bed.
You landed on your back with Loki overtop of you. You gasped as you found yourself in such a vulnerable position, yet you weren’t scared. You could never be scared of Loki. No, there was a different feeling that pulsed through your veins, and it made your body warm at the thought of what was to come. 
Loki hovered over you, his hands on either side of your body. As he trailed up and down your figure with his eyes, Loki felt his cock harden and his heartbeat quicken, “You are absolutely lovely,” he purred, “A decadence of perfection.”
All you could do was whimper as your mind went blank. No one ever whispered such sweet and beautiful words to you, or about you, before. Your hands roamed all over Loki’s bare chest, and you felt a rush of need between your legs as he groaned at your touch. “Please, Loki,” you whispered, “Don’t tease me right now.”
He smiled down at you as he caressed the side of your head, “Don’t worry, darling,” Loki’s tone was just as low as yours, “Let me show you how a god makes love.”
The moan you let out echoed in the room as Loki leaned in and attached his lips to your skin. With expert precision, he nibbled and licked and sucked at every spot that made you mewl, as if he had touched you a thousand times before. Loki groaned into your skin as he kissed his way across your chest before latching onto your nipple.
You arched your back, allowing Loki more access to your body as you dug into his shoulders. Your mind swam in pleasure as he swirled his tongue around your nipple, driving you wild. Bucking your hips into his, you murmured his name once more, begging him for more.
“I’ve got you, darling,” Loki hummed as he kissed his way back up your body, “Exquisite,” his voice was a low rumble that went right to your core. Loki noticed of course, “You like that, darling?” he asked, amused.
He didn’t give you the chance to properly answer as he rocked his hips against yours, dragging his cock between your legs. The action made you moan even louder and you dropped your head down onto the mattress. “Fuck… Loki…”
He exhaled sharply with a grin as he did it again, feeling a tingle up his down spine as he rocked himself against your body. But, as much as Loki wanted to prolong this, the way you cried out, and especially moaned his name, made him more impatient than usual. “Are you ready, darling?” he asked as he reached between your bodies and lined his cock up with your entrance.
“Yes,” you replied immediately, “Please, Loki.”
Loki groaned as he slowly pushed himself inside you, feeling your warmth engulf him. Both of you gasped loudly as he filled you inch by inch. You cried out as he pushed deeper inside you, and you wrapped your arms and legs around him as much as you could, holding him tightly.
Once Loki’s hips met yours, he immediately started a slow yet harsh pace. Skin slapped against skin as Loki drove his cock into you over and over again. Your mouth dropped open as the moans and cries flowed freely- music to his ears.
“That’s it, darling,” Loki purred, “So beautiful…” he mourned your name as he lost himself in you.
As Loki’s cock hit that one spot deep inside you, your eyes shot open and you screamed louder, “Loki! Fuck! Yes!”
He growled as he picked up his pace, aiming for that spot every time, “I’m close too, darling,” he groaned, “Fuck, you’re so lovely.”
“Loki…” you whimpered as you saw stars and felt your skin tingle.
It only took a few more thrusts for you to completely fall apart and you came with a loud scream. Your nails dug into his skin as your entire body trembled. Never in your life had you felt a pleasure like this, and it brought fresh tears to your eyes from the overwhelming sensations.
Loki groaned as he watched the spectacle you put on just for him. His arms trembled as he fought to keep himself overtop of you, not wanting to miss a moment of your climax. Although you couldn’t hear over your screams, Loki mumbled soft praises as you came on his cock. And he had never seen anything in the nine realms more beautiful than you were right there in that moment.
And that was when Loki couldn’t hold back any more. He came hard, his own orgasm overtaking his entire body. And Loki did something he had never done before in bed- he moaned your name as he spilled himself deep inside you. Tears of his own formed in the corners of his eyes as he gave one last thrust before he fell forward.
Heavy breaths filled the room as you both came down from your highs. Loki placed a series of feather light kisses on your skin wherever he could reach as he caressed your body tenderly. Once he gathered his strength, he carefully pulled out of you, kissing the side of your head as you gasped. Loki didn’t go far, though, and he settled in your bed with you gathered safely and secretly in his arms. Together, the two of you laid like that for several moments in a comfortable silence.
Until you broke it with a question that had been on your mind for some time, “Why me?” you asked. 
Loki grinned, “Remember the day we first met?” he paused as you nodded, “You can see beyond what’s in front of you, and that, my lovely, is a rare occurrence in the universe,” Loki cradled you in his arms as you let out a deep breath, “Sleep now. I’ll watch over you. You’re always safe with me.” He placed a feather light kiss on your head.
“I know I am,” you yawned contently, “Loki I…” you fell asleep mid thought.
Loki watched you for some time as he whispered to your sleeping form, “I’ll protect you, darling. No one will ever harm you again, I’ll make sure of it.” 
As Loki watched you sleep, he noticed that the beat of your heart was the exact same rhythm that drew him to earth time and time again. It was like a siren song that called out to him although neither if you were aware of it. Was it soulmates, as your people would call it? Perhaps… but Loki was never one to believe such fables… until now. He smirked to himself before he fell asleep in the last place he expected. But it was right where he belonged. And you were right where you belonged: safely in his arms.
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siconetribal · 4 months
Beyond the Bookshelves (1)
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Warnings: Some swearing, work stress, impossible tasks
Summary: You're a Resource Management Specialist at S.H.I.E.L.D. normally referred to as “The Librarian”. You've been assigned the nightmarish task of digitizing all the physical resources currently owned by the agency, with a few new computers and one extra helper.
A/N: I honestly do not know where this is going and why I even started this. It was an idea that sort of popped into my head while at work. I hope you enjoy it! Please comment/like/reblog. If you'd like to be tagged moving forward, please let me know!
The lovely banners used in this fic are from @cafekitsune.
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Papers fluttered to the ground around Loki as stared down at the young woman who ran into him. He cocked an eyebrow as he heard a low hiss of pain come from her gritted teeth. The impact could not have been that painful, but how was he to know? He was minding his own business, walking down the fairly empty hallway reading a book when something had come crashing into him. It was not the first time he had been assaulted, but it was certainly the first time to be tackled in the middle of an empty hallway. Glancing around, he noticed there were a few people lingering about, watching to see what he would do or see what transpired.
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going.” Her voice drew his attention back down to the ground to see her on her knees trying to gather the scattered sheets of paper. He slid his right foot back as she reached for one near it.
“You are excused,” he responded in a level tone that held little emotion, if any at all. She looked up at him in wide-eyed shock which had him raise an eyebrow yet again at her. He hesitated for a moment to speak, feeling the eyes on them.
“Is there something else you wish to say?”
“Huh? Oh, no, just surprised to hear you say anything. I’ve never heard you speak before, so I thought that maybe you couldn’t.” She admitted, tapping the bottom edge of the sheets to make the pile more uniform. “You have a nice voice.” She added, carefully inspecting the surrounding area, oblivious to the bewildered look of the prince before her. “Ah-ha!” She grinned, crawling forward and reaching between his feet. Startled by her actions, Loki quickly took a few steps backward, leaving a noticeable shoe print on the paper she had been reaching for. “Thank you, this was the last one I needed.” She smiled at him, though when she saw the print, her lips quickly curled downwards into a noticeable frown. “That’s not good, Fury’s not gonna be happy.” She mumbled, carefully placing the dirtied sheet on the top as she stood up with her sizable stack of folders and binders in her arms. “Well, it was a pleasure speaking to you, Mr. Loki, I hope you enjoy the rest of your day.”
He watched as she casually resumed her walk down the hallway, unperturbed by the fact that she had just walked straight into him, Loki, the monster that had wreaked havoc in the world and destroyed their precious city. The very city they were currently in now. What an odd Midgardian, but I suppose this would be the place to find plenty of odd ones. He turned to look at some spectators and watched them visibly flinch or stumble as they met his gaze, scrambling to leave the vicinity and get away from here, away from him. Opening his book once more, he continued on his way towards his destination.
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Just as she had anticipated, Fury was not pleased with the surprise print on one of the report pages. He looked between it and her in silence, sliding the packet across his desk in her direction as he leaned back and turned his chair slightly.
“Mind telling me why you suddenly decided to decorate such a vital report with a shoe?”
“It was an accident, sir. While on my way here, I was reviewing the content and ended up crashing into someone on the way. They unintentionally stepped on the sheet while trying to avoid the others. I didn’t have time to reprint the documents prior to this meeting. I will be submitting a clean copy into the record and have this one shredded.”
“I’ll let it slide this time only. Next time, watch where you’re walking and leave reviewing for when you’re at a desk. Everything looks to be in order, reprint and file it.”
“Thank you sir, I’ll have it done right away.” She bowed her head and picked up the report.
“Don’t let this happen again.” He sternly remarked. “The next time it does, you’ll have to deal with the consequences. Do I make myself clear?”
“Crystal, sir.” Y/N nodded. “The next item for discussion is the transition of all physical resources into digital. I do understand that many have requested that all resources be scanned and made digital, but that task is a lot larger than many realize. Also, not all of our sources are safe to scan due to age or they need to be translated and checked prior to scanning. It is not impossible, but a sizable team would be needed in order to have it completed. I propose that the physical sources we have are properly cataloged and organized so they are easier to be found. We can have them scanned in the process, but again, we run into the issues of needing to translate and verify that the translations are correct.”
“Y/N, just get to the fucking point. Can it be done?” Fury cut her off, looking at her pointedly with his good eye.
“In an ideal situation, yes.” She let out a small sigh.
“And what is an ‘ideal situation’?” 
“A team of at least five agents per letter, several translators for the various languages we have to make sure we have them properly translated, and a warehouse filled with scanners and computers to scan, name, and upload. With such a team and ideal conditions always, it could take about five to ten years to complete.”
“Oh just that?” His voice was dripping with sarcasm, his frown more pronounced than usual. Y/N knew he was not pleased with her answer, but there was no use in trying to make it lighter than it really was. They had an extensive library in house and warehouses of delicate and confidential artifacts, which included tomes and scrolls. She was the head librarian and managed all of this with only a handful of others spread across the various locations.
“Ideally, yes.”
“And if it wasn’t ideal?”
“Depends on what factors are not present, but without those minimum requirements it could take decades.”
“But it can be done.” He flatly responded, sitting forward in his seat and resting his elbows on the desk. “We won’t destroy any of the physical resources, but you’ll have to make do with what you get. We don’t have the luxury of just handing over a slew of agents for this. We need boots on the ground globally to keep an eye out on things out there bigger than us.” A weight suddenly dropped in the pit of her stomach. Though she was not expecting anything close to what she listed as an ideal, there was something in his tone that screamed out that she was going to hear the worst case scenario.
“And what would I get to work with?” She managed to keep her voice steady.
“State-of-the-art technology per library staff member per location and a god.”
Silence fell over them as she stood there, slowly blinking at her superior. This had to be some sort of sick joke. She knew the organization could not give what was needed, but this? This was hardly anything at all.
“I’m sorry, did you just say new computers and a god?”
“That’s what I said.” He nodded his head.
“You must be joking, right? This task would take more than just decades to do, and what does ‘a god’ even mean? A ‘god’ per person or location, or just one god? And what sort of ‘god’ Do you just have deities on demand or something? Are they just going to snap their fingers and things will be done magically? What can they do for me and this lifelong assignment I have now been tasked with?” She paced in front of his desk, muttering to herself on how this could work and what sort of person this ‘god’ was. He cannot be serious, right? But Fury isn’t the type to just say shit or joke around. She turned and looked at her boss. No, not a joker. She frowned.
“Y/N, calm down. We’ve got two Asgardian gods that have a knack for understanding all languages. You don’t need a team of translators when they can do it on the spot just like that.” His sharp tone made her stop and turn to face him. “So that whole crap can be cut, and you can work with one of them to get all this done faster with fewer people and just get to organizing shit. You’re getting what you get, end of discussion. Anything else?”
“No sir,” she sighed and shook her head.
“Good, I’ll get Agent Hill to talk to them and reach out to you. You’re dismissed.”
“Yes sir.” She slightly bowed her head and left the office, her shoulders dropping the moment the door closed behind her. This was not going to be easy.
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Tag list: @vbecker10
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vbecker10 · 6 months
Loki's Silent Sentry (Part 1)
Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7
Pairing: Loki x female reader (y/n)
Summary: You are not just a soldier in Asgard's Royal Army, you are Lieutenant Y/L/N, Prince Loki's personal guard, his sentry and you are not supposed to fall in love with him. If you followed your training properly, you should never have even spoken to him. As a sentry, you are expected to remain silent and invisible as you shadow your appointed member of the royal family or member of the court protectively throughout their daily tasks.
Rumors (that happen to be true) begin to circulate through the palace that you serve the younger prince of Asgard both outside and inside his chambers. There is little you can do once word of your off duty activities spread through every maid, cook, gardener and seamstress in the palace. You soon find even the soldiers in your own company are now questioning how exactly you had come to earn your seemingly quick rise to lieutenant.
As the annual Winter Solstice Ball approaches, you come to the heartbreaking realization that your relationship with Loki must come to an end if you are both to fulfill your duties.
Warnings: Angst, arguing, Thor being an absolute ass, Odin being a terrible father
A/N: I did some googling quickly for military terms and ranks (since I have no previous knowledge of them) as well as some basic information about the royal guards in England. I took some of what I found interesting and then made up most of the rest to fit what I needed for my story so there will be some similarities. Also... I haven't written anything in like a year (maybe longer) so be nice please 💚💚
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You stand at constant attention in silence outside of Prince Loki's private office. You listen to the birds singing through the open window across the hall from where you are posted and wonder how long you could go without making a sound. You have been trained by the Royal Army for years to remain silent, vigilant, always listening and watching your surroundings for anything dangerous or out of the ordinary. You are always on guard, ready to protect Prince Loki should the need arise. Not that someone with his fighting skills or magic would need protection from a simple soldier like you. You were assigned this post purely because it was customary for each member of the royal family to have a sentry, whether they actually need one or not.
Your attention is drawn to the sound of footsteps approaching from your left. You are unable to determine how many people are coming but judging by their pace and heavy boots, they are most likely all soldiers. Commandant Thorn, the soldier in charge of your company, makes his way down the hall at a steady pace. He is followed by your captain, Captain Skye who is holding a leather bound book containing the names of all the sentries and their current posts. Trailing the two older men, are four low ranking soldiers you can't remember the names of.
The group of soldiers comes to a stop in front of you and your fellow guard and you both salute your commanding officers. "Lieutenant Y/L/N," Captain Skye says, opening his book for a moment. He closes it and looks up at you, "Prince Loki will of course be attending the Winter Solstice Ball. You will be required to escort him to the ballroom and remain on guard there until he dismisses you for the evening."
You nod in response, carefully hiding the heavy emotions you have surrounding the upcoming ball. The soldiers move on and you are left alone with the other guard again. She says nothing to you and even if you were allowed to speak, you know Sergeant Sands wouldn't talk to you. She is not your friend, none of the members of the Royal Guard are your friends. It wasn't always this way though, it is only since you were promoted to the rank of lieutenant that the guards you work with began to distance themselves from you.
You had been assigned to Prince Loki for three months when you were promoted from sergeant to lieutenant. Your fellow soldiers immediately assumed the young prince had a hand in it as he did little to hide how he favored you over the other guards who were previously assigned to him. The rumors about you spending the night in Loki's chamber instead of guarding it flowed through the palace soon after. You adamantly denied these rumors and any favoritism from the prince but it was a wasted effort. It also happened that the rumors were true to a point.
The door to Loki's office opens and you stand at attention as the court accountant exits, holding several rolls of paper and mumbling to himself. Sargeant Sands follows him without any orders needed, she is his sentry and will go where he goes. As she walks past by, she glances at you with what can only be described as a look of disgust. You look down at your boots, fully aware of what she is thinking.
You wait quietly for Loki to open the door again but you know him, he will want to read through all of his notes from today before he finalizes his meeting schedule for tomorrow. You have roughly half an hour until he will be done, half an hour to stand here and think about the dreaded Winter Solstice Ball.
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Another half an hour later, as expected, Loki opens the door and walks out. Waving his hand towards the door, he uses his magic to seal the room. He smiles warmly at you and you smile back at him for the first time today. This was your favorite part, the part where the sun goes down and Loki frees you from your constant silence.
He touches your cheek softly and leans in to kiss you. You kiss him back but pull away quickly as you hear footsteps approaching. You step away from Loki and stand at attention as Prince Thor comes around a corner. You keep your eyes straight ahead but you can feel Loki stiffening next to you, he and his brother get along much better when they are at court than they do in private.
The brothers greet each other politely and you silently wish the older prince would simply continue on his way but it doesn't seem likely. Your attention shifts to the window across the hall from you again, you can just barely glimpse the sunset over the tall evergreen trees in the distance. You know Loki will tell you if he and Thor discuss anything interesting so there is no need for you to listen to their conversation. The two of them continue for several long minutes before you realize Thor has said something to you.
"Lieutenant Y/L/N?" Thor says and you shake your head as you shift your focus.
"I'm sorry your highness, I was unaware you were speaking to me," you apologize. He had never spoken to you before and you were unsure why he would start now. Loki folds his arms across his chest and you feel uneasy at how annoyed he seems.
Thor laughs which does nothing to make you feel better. "I was wondering what it was about you that made you my brother's favorite," he says. "You must truly be special, a sentry's post typically only lasts three months, perhaps six at the most. You have been with Loki for how long now?"
You think for a moment before replying. You had been assigned to Loki for only a month before he first spoke to you and you had quickly become close friends. Three months after becoming friends with the prince, you slowly became more until you were completely in love with him.
"Fourteen months," you answer him in as few words as possible.
Thor looks at his younger brother with a smirk, "Fourteen?" Loki remains silent and you can tell his older brother is not even close to letting you leave soon. He turns his attention to you again, "So is it true then?"
"Is what true your highness?" you ask quietly.
"That you follow my brother's orders when you are wearing your armor and when you are not?" he laughs and his sentry smiles then looks towards the ground. "I could use a sentry like that, I grow tired of being followed by these shadows."
Loki's fist clenches but he answers Thor calmly. "Maybe if you learned your sentries name and weren't so insufferable to be around, they would remain at your service for longer than a month at a time," Loki says. "And you are the last person I would expect to listen to palace rumors. According to the most recent ones I've heard, you've slept with nearly half of the kitchen staff this month alone."
Thor smiles, proud of himself. You and Loki realize the stories you had overheard were true, if not understated. He explains, "That is why I assume the rumors of you and your little pet are true as well."
You find yourself in that brief moment wishing Loki would confirm everyone's suspensions. Not necessarily that you were sleeping together, that you were in love and wanted to be together. You know wishing for this is as useful as wishing it would rain gold. Once again you remind yourself that this is the way it will always be, until he marries a woman of high status and you are forgotten.
Instead of responding, Loki turns from his brother and walks down the hall towards the stairwell that leads to the royal family's chambers. You follow him silently, staying a few steps behind as always.
"Come now brother, I was merely joking," Thor calls from behind you but neither of you stop walking.
The two of you continue on in silence until you reach the top of the stairs and Loki's pace slows so he is walking next to you. His hand finds yours, his thumb gently stroking your knuckles. As soon as you feel his touch, you begin to relax.
"I'm sorry about my brother," he says quietly.
"His behavior isn't your fault," you reply. "And he is far from the first person to corner me about our relationship. I am used to denying the truth."
He stops, causing you to turn back towards him, your hand still holding his. He then takes a few small steps, closing the distance between you. Loki touches your cheek gently with his other hand. "I'm sorry Y/N," he tells you again. "I wish we didn't have to hide but you know there are some rules even I cannot break so openly. Maybe I should have hid my favoritism towards you better but I couldn't bear to have you reassigned. You mean too much to me."
You smile, "So I am your favorite sentry?"
He lets out a laugh, "You are my favorite person in the nine realms." You giggle at his answer and his fingers trail down your cheek until his thumb gently runs across your lips. He leans down to kiss you but just as his lips touch yours, you feel your heart jumps in your chest.
You hear several sets of footsteps and separate yourself from Loki in an instant. He looks down the hall as his mother, two of her maids and one guard come into view. She smiles brightly at both of you as she comes closer and you bow to the queen in respect. You find it hard to miss the side eye from her sentry or the whispers shared between her maids. Loki gives his mother a hug and wishes her a goodnight. She tells him to have a goodnight as well and continues on her way.
You and Loki walk off in the opposite direction towards his chambers and once you are alone again, Loki moves to take your hand but you flinch away. He looks hurt by your momentary rejection but he doesn't say anything. He knows how nervous you are about being seen touching him or speaking to him. You round the next corner and are flooded with relief as Loki's door finally comes into view. You fight the urge to smile, holding onto your composure as you've been trained.
Loki opens the door and steps inside, you follow him as you always do and he closes the door. He flicks his wrists towards you without a word and the heavy armor you wear over your clothing instantly settles itself neatly into a large chest. You take a few deep breaths, feeling as if most of the weight you have been carrying leaves you, but not all.
"Thank you your highness," you say out of habit.
"Please, never call me that in here," he reminds you gently. "In here I'm not a prince, I'm just Loki." He walks towards you and you don't realize you are moving away from him until your back hits the door and his body comes flush to yours. One hand settles on your hip while his other hand lifts your chin, causing you to look up at him. He continues, "And you are not Lieutenant Y/L/N, you are Y/N. The woman I am so deeply in love with." He smiles and you can't help but smile back at his words. All your worries vanish the instant his lips meet yours.
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You lay in Loki's arms watching the sunlight fill his room through the sheer curtains. You try to memorize the sound of his slow, steady breathing and the feel of his heart beat against your back as he holds you even in his sleep. You inhale deeply and focus on deciphering every herb and oil Loki uses to keep his hair soft. Closing your eyes, you use your senses to bring an image of Loki's face into your mind and try to hold it there.
"What are you thinking about my love?" he asks in a sleepy voice. You open your eyes and shift closer to him, pulling his arms tighter around your body. "Y/N, what's wrong?" he asks, now much more awake.
You swallow hard, trying to find the words. You had been thinking about what you needed to do most of the night but now that it was time, you weren't sure you would be able to do it.
"I've told you, you can speak freely here," he says softly, urging you gently as always to speak your mind when you were with him. His fingers move slowly up and down your arm as he tries to comfort you without knowing what is causing your distress.
"I need to transfer to a new post," you tell him. You hear him inhale sharply as his fingers suddenly go still.
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You stand outside Loki's office with Thor's new guard and two others in silence waiting for a very long meeting to conclude. You stifle a yawn and shift uncomfortably on your feet before regaining your composure. The tall guard standing across from you rolls his eyes while the woman next to him mumbles something that can only be about you.
It has been two days since you told Loki you wanted to transfer and you hadn't heard anything from your commanding officer. In the meantime, you decided to go back to sleeping in your assigned room at the soldiers quarters. You had forgotten how much you hated it there. The common areas are loud and there is little privacy, everyone is in everyone else's business. You barely leave your room, which is a surprise to no one. They wouldn't speak to you even if you did. You live in a world of utter silence surrounded by never ending noise.
You feel as if you are shattering from the inside out and you try to remind yourself that it needs to be this way. The two of you hid in his chambers as if it protected your relationship but it could never be real. How could it be when he could barely acknowledge your presence when in public. He is a prince and you are a soldier as were your parents, you were not high born. Loki is destined to marry the daughter of a council member and you will guard them and their children.
The door to Loki's office opens, you and the three guards stand at attention. Prince Thor walks out first, followed by two council members. They walk off in different directions, shadowed closely by their sentries but you remain, as always, at Loki's door.
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You stare at the wall in front of you for what feels like eternity. Your mind wanders between your favorite memories from your brief time with Loki and the crushing weight of your current reality. You stand up straighter when you hear the door swing open and Loki steps out.
"Lieutenant Y/L/N," he says, "I need to speak with you."
You nod and follow him into his office, closing the door behind you. You stand motionless, taking in his office and how much it feels like him. The dark wood bookshelves crowded with leather bound books, the chair pulled close to the window so he can see the garden below when drinking his afternoon tea, the green and gold accents on various pieces of furniture.
You sigh to yourself as you follow him to his desk. He takes a seat and you stand across from him with your arms behind your back, waiting for him to speak first.
"Y/N," he says informally but you don't relax. "Your transfer to a new post was not approved."
"Can I ask why your highness?" you keep the formalities as you've been trained.
"The Winter Solstice Ball is in less then a week," he answers as if you could forget. "The Royal Guard seems to be too busy tightening security and preparing for everyone's arrival to complete your paper work at this time."
"Understood, your highness," you say. "I should return to my post." You turn to head back outside of his office.
"Wait," he calls and you freeze just before you reach the door. You hear him get up from his seat and walk around the desk. "Please stay, talk to me Y/N. I miss you so much it hurts."
"I can't," you say almost in a whisper
He touches your arm and you turn to face him, seeing the pain in his eyes. "I miss the way your laughter filled my chambers. I miss hearing you hum to yourself when you think I can't hear you. I miss the sound of your voice and how easy it is to talk to you," he says and you force down a smile and the urge to hold him tightly.
"I can't bear to be without you," he tells you and you want to tell him you can't be apart from him either but you remain silent for fear you'll lose your resolve completely. He strokes your cheek gently and you close your eyes as you lean into his touch. "I love you," he says.
"I love you too," you tell him, seeing a spark of hope light his eyes. You shake your head and take a step away from him, "But I can't do this. I'm sorry." Before he can say anything else you tell him, "It will only hurt more the longer we wait to end this."
"We don't have to end this, now or ever," he insists as he steps towards you. "I promise I will find a way for you to be mine, not just when we are hidden away, but always. You believe me, don't you?"
"I want to," you tell him truthfully. Loki had promised several times to find a way to marry you but you thought it was false hope. "But this isn't a fairytale my prince, we don't always get a happy ending."
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You want to disappear into the marble floor, to be sucked into the wall behind you or simply vanish into thin air but you can't. Instead, you must stand perfectly still and silent as you watch the dancing and merriment around you. You momentarily wish you would go back to a time when you didn't feel an ache in your chest at the mere thought of another woman being in Prince Loki's arms. Shaking your head just slightly, you chase away the thought. As much as this hurts, you will always cherish the limited time you shared with him.
The music changes tempo as the first of seven courses comes to an end. Couples begin to take to the open floor in the center of the ballroom. Prince Thor and Prince Loki make their way to the group of single, eligible women awaiting them, each at a different pace. The older prince seems to now exactly which woman he would like to spend time with first. He offers his arm to her and declares her the most beautiful woman at the ball, causing her to blush and giggle. The younger prince takes his time walking to the crowd and simply takes the hand of the closest woman without so much as glancing at her. His lack of interest does little to dampen her excitement however.
The dozen or so women who were not chosen move away from the dance area and you have to hold back a groan as they gather directly in front of you to wait for a chance with one of the princes. You can't help but listen to them discuss which prince they think is better looking or who they would prefer picked them. The first song ends and the two princes each select another dance partner. Again, Prince Thor takes little time deciding who he wants while Prince Loki simply offers his hand to the first woman he sees. You can practically hear him sigh as she holds his arm and walks quickly to the dance floor.
As the second song begins, one of the women briefly looks at you over her shoulder before motioning towards you to her friends. Your ears go red with embarrassment as she tells them the rumors of your past relationship with Loki just loud enough that she knows you will hear. Of course she gets the ending wrong. She assumes, like everyone else, that the prince grew tired of you and banished you from his bed chambers. You had to admit, it seemed a far more likely story than the truth.
You shift your attention to the ceiling for a moment, hoping that counting the candles in the chandeliers will distract you from their stares and comments. You only count to twenty seven before the sound of a glass shattering draws your gaze back to the guests. A council member laughs loudly, clearly drunk already, as a servant cleans the wine glass from the dance floor.
Your eyes scan the room and easily find Loki at the center of the crowd, a third woman in his arms. Your drawn to his face, studying his features. He smiles at the woman as he twirls her and she giggles but she doesn't know him like you do. She doesn't know that's the smile he uses at court, not the smile he shows you. Showed you, you correct yourself. He glances away, not holding eye contact with her as they move effortlessly across the dance floor.
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After the final course is served, the dance floor fills for the last time and you sigh with relief that the night is almost over. You shift on your feet, looking down for a moment when the chatter of the women in front of you begins again. Why must they stand here to wait, you think to yourself.
The princes once again make their way to their potential dance partners and Thor makes his pick quickly. Loki stands in front of the women for a moment and your eyes lock with his as he looks between them.
"Pardon me," he says politely to the crowd as he moves forward, slipping past the confused women. He makes his way towards you and your breath catches in your throat. He stands in front of you and holds out his hand. You look at him, stunned by his actions. He smiles when you don't move, "Will you dance with me, my love?" Still you remain silent, looking past Loki to see how much attention his actions have drawn. "Don't look at them," he says, touching your cheek softly as you look at him again.
You steady your nerves and place your hand in his. The moment his fingers close around yours, you are surrounded by a light cloud of green, shimmery smoke. When Loki's magic fades, you are wearing a flowing emerald green gown with golden trim, perfectly matching his dress uniform. Your hair has been restyled to hold a small gold tiara with short horns, mirroring the helmet he had worn during his entrance.
"Gods, you look gorgeous in my colors," he says with a wide smile, causing you to blush. "To be fair, you are always beautiful but now it is clear to everyone here that you are mine." You feel as if your heart might burst when he calls you his, he had said it before but only when you were hidden away.
Loki keeps his fingers interlaced with yours as he leads you to the dance floor, straight through the group of now very angry women. Some cross their arms, others give you dirty looks and several make rude comments as you pass. You pause before stepping onto the dance floor, the chatter and stares coming from the guests near you holding you back. He senses your hesitation and leans down to place a kiss gently on your cheek.
Your mind can barely begin to process what is happening as he takes you straight to the middle of the dance floor. He places one hand on your hip and you place your hand on his shoulder as you had done so many times over the last few months. You and Loki shared several secret dances in his chambers and his office, he found it difficult to listen to music sitting still.
He holds you close, his eyes never leaving yours while you dance between the other guests. You focus on how amazing it feels to be back in his arms, ignoring the strange looks and whispers that surround you. He twirls you gracefully and you spin back into him, giggling as you final feel at ease. As the song draws to a close, Loki spins you one final time. When he pulls you back to him, he leans down slightly and your lips meet his.
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You smile up at him, hoping this isn't a dream when you see his mother approaching you. You take a step away from Loki but he keeps his hand on your waist, not letting you go too far. You bow to the queen and she says, "I think it is my turn to dance with my son."
You nod quickly in agreement and Loki let's go of you, his magic fading instantly as your armor reappears. You walk through the crowd with your head down and return to your post, once again wishing you were invisible. The women watch you, gossiping wildly as you pass again. You can only imagine what they are saying but they are not your biggest concern at the moment.
Anxiously, you watch Queen Frigga and her son move across the dance floor. You can't hear what they are saying of course, but you can tell by her expression that there will be consequences for his actions. As the song ends you see your captain approach you and your stomach drops. Loki will not be the only one to be punished for choosing you.
"The king had summoned you to the throne room," he says in a stern voice. You nod in acknowledgement and when you look back towards the dance floor, Loki and his mother are gone.
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I'm almost done with the second part so please let me know if you would like to be tagged! I hope you liked it and if you did, please like, share and comment 💚💚
@soubi001 @michelleleewise @harlequin-hangout @ace-of-gay @xorpsbane @mochie85 @sheris532 @lokiswife-dark-fox-queen @kkdvkyya @animnerd @peaches1958 @peachyjinx @theaudacitytowrite @lokiandbuckysdoll @winterfrostlovetriangle @high-functioning-lokipath @winniewings @pics-and-fanfics @cabingrlandrandomcrap @icytrickster17 @lokisgoodgirl @mischief2sarawr @stupidthoughtsinwriting @mjsthrillernp @holdmytesseract @holymultiplefandomsbatman @lulubelle814 @crimson25 @goblingirlsarah @janineb86 @chantsdemarins
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softestqueeen · 6 months
✧*̥˚ fic recs *̥˚✧
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here are some of my favourite fics! here are all of the fics i regularly re-read and go back to!
i will be updating this list as i go!
if you see your works here and want them removed, please reach out to me!
disclaimer: they are ALL x reader *heavy sigh*
last update: 30/06/24
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✧*̥˚ marvel/mcu *̥˚✧
loki laufeyson
burning words by @lokiprompts (angst/fluff)
the ceremony by @smolvenger (smut)
i want you by @lokigodofmyheart (angsty fluff)
statues by @sassypossumm (fluff)
enchanted by @fqreverwinter (fluff)
my attention by @seriiousgiirl (fluff/smut)
love story by @averagewriter-inthedark (headcanon/ fluff)
you can wrap me round your finger by @spookyrea (fluff)
lokis little witch by @vbecker10 (smutty fluff)
training blues by @jiyascepter (hurt/comfort)
running into trouble by @vbecker10 (angsty hurt/comfort)
gossip by @lokigodofmyheart (smut)
like a queen by @lokisgoodgirl (smut)
blue christmas by @mochie85 (smut)
what makes a princess by @muddyorbsblr (fluff)
lace and beads by @sarahscribbles (smut)
bucky barnes
breeding kink blurb by @buckyalpine (smut)
pick me by @buckyalpine (angst & hurt/comfort; fluff)
drabble by @buckyalpine (smut)
please can i hold you? by @itsthewritergal (hurt/comfort)
one shot by @buckyalpine (angsty fluff)
a forbidden invitation by @thevillainswhore (smut)
wanda maximoff
good morning ࿏ wm by @themidnightcrimson (smut)
natasha romanoff
one for the road by @elaci (fluff/smutty)
stephen strange
my doctor by @withalittlehoney (fluff)
good girl by @futureplayboibunnie (smut)
his medicine by @ironstrange1991 (fluff/smut)
the goatee problem by @ironstrange1991 (fluffy drabble)
you're my comfort by @ironstrange1991 (fluff)
bucky barnes & steve rogers
accidents happen by @myfictionaldreams (fluff, smut, hurt/comfort)
adventures of amy series by @girlygirl14534
miguel o'hara
all brawn by @luvrxbunny (smut)
hot and bothered by @spiderlyla (fluffy smut)
bruce banner
cuddles are the cure by @late-to-the-party-81 (fluff/comfort)
steve rogers
tomorrow by @writtenfangirl (fluff)
here for you by @elixirfromthestars (hurt/comfort)
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✧*̥˚ bbc sherlock *̥˚✧
sherlock holmes
sidewalks of london by @french-vanilla-in-the-clouds (fluff)
the london eye by @french-vanilla-in-the-clouds (fluff)
hold me by @fallingforunrealisticromance (fluff)
brother dearest by @starks-hero (fluff)
a single touch by @bakerstreethound (smut)
safe in your arms by @classickook (fluff)
too good to be true by @teigo-the-explorer (fluff)
let the light in by @starssaroundmyscarssblog (fluff)
dear jealousy by @french-vanilla-in-the-clouds (fluff)
a case of mistletoe and presents by @bakerstreethound (smutty)
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✧*̥˚ call of duty *̥˚✧
sugar daddy!könig by @yawnderu (smut)
pornstar!könig by @yawnderu (smut)
simon "ghost" riley
soft-tummy simon riley by @lovelyghst (fluff)
pornstar!Ghost by @shotmrmiller (smut)
drabble by @xiamentshoneypot (fluff)
wife of ghost by @august126 (smut)
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✧*̥˚ harry potter *̥˚✧ *heavy sigh* i know
george weasley
the stolen sweater by @mayraki (fluff)
put your head on my shoulder by @weelittleweasley (fluff)
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✧*̥˚ actors/actresses*̥˚✧
tom hiddleston
in too deep by @thefaefiction (smut)
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✧*̥˚ criminal mind*̥˚✧
spencer reid
be my angel by @nereidprinc3ss (angsty fluff)
smut imagine by @minswriting
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✧*̥˚ authors*̥˚✧
here are some of the authors i love to read and i always go back to!
@ironstrange1991 (stephen strange) her masterlist
@buckyalpine (bucky barnes) her masterlist
@luvrxbunny (bucky barnes, miguel o'hara, moon knight, joel miller) her masterlist
@fettuccin-e (oscar isaac & pedro pascal characters) her masterlist
@bakerstreethound (sherlock holmes) their masterlist their masterlist 2.0
@withalittlehoney (stephen strange) her masterlist
@melodygatesauthor (moon knight & miguel o'hara) her masterlist
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donaweasley · 1 year
Sway With Me
Pairing: Loki x Fem!Plus-sized!Reader
Time changes several things, including a person’s appearance. The reader was once fit and confident about her physique but recent changes in her lifestyle has made her bloated. Ashamed of her current body, she shuns away from Loki, and keeps him at bay whenever he tries to get close to her. That was until our Silvertongue decides to erase her insecurities once and for all.
Warnings: Body issues.
Read time: ~6 mins
Note: The song mentioned in the story is “For All You Give” by The Paper Kites.
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I wanna take you everywhere I go
Have you by my side
Take a walk round in every town
Drive across state lines
Like the sun sends a golden stream
Into our front room
I could be the same old light for you
“Come on, dance with me,” Loki pulled her out of the couch and flush to his body.
“You mean ‘sway’ with me,” she giggled.
“Whatever you would like to call it,” he rested his cheek against hers.
“I love this song!” She hummed.
“So do I.”
The lyrics floated through the room, and rippled with the movements of the two bodies swaying to the whims of the accompanying music.
Like the morning is always new
Give it back to you
Like the rain, it just passes through
For all you give
I'll give it back to you
“You know I love you, right?” Loki murmured on the skin of her shoulder.
“Then why do you say things that hurt me?”
An exhausted sigh left her. She pulled herself away ever so slightly, just enough to be able to look into his green eyes.
“I never wanted to hurt you, Loki. It’s true, isn’t it, that I don’t look as I used to. I don’t like this version of me.”
His eyes looked deep into her soul. There was a command in them, as a king would hold while addressing his subject. But it was softened by a reverence and an equally unparalleled love.
I think about it like a man in need
Every time I'm gone
Wait to see you like a mile-long train
Is passing by your door
And my life is set around you now
Tangled up the same
And I'll be the one who calls your name
“But I still love you,” Loki declared. “You. How you look has never mattered to me.” 
She raised a playful brow at the statement.
The trickster let out a soft laugh. “I mean, I love the way you look. Any time. In any form. You have always mesmerized me, love.”
“But I disappoint myself,” tears had begun to form at the corners of her eyes.
“Why do you let your looks define you?” Loki slipped a slender finger beneath her chin and held it up. “You are a queen! It is not your looks but your attitude and your work that should define you.”
“Easy for you to say, god!”
Loki sighed in defeat. There seemed to be no way he could convince her with his words.
“Come here.” He took her by the hand, and walked to their bedroom.
“Love, I get it. I get your point,” she chuckled, assuming Loki’s “intentions”.
“No, you do not. You say that you have understood, and then I see you hating yourself all over again. Were you not the one who had taught me to love myself no matter what the world says? Were you not the one to tell me to look past my faults, and find the light inside? I did. And I found you. I found us!”
“I still love myself,” she tried to reason, “I just...it’s this mirror that I don’t like.”
“And this is exactly the reason why I need you to look at it.”
Loki positioned them to stand in front of the mirror, with her facing it while he stood behind her.
“What do you see?” He asked her reflection.
“A gorgeous god with a bag of fat,” she laughed, knowing the reaction she’d receive from him.
“You know what I see?”
“A humble god with a ravishing woman?” She jested.
“Partially correct. The woman is ravishing, yes. But the god is gorgeous, too.”
“Narcissist!” She smacked his arm playfully.
“What? One should always appreciate oneself! You are the one who has taught me that.”
“Hmm,” she hummed in agreement, letting a stubborn smile take over her features.
“But I also see a gracious amount of soft skin hidden behind this ugly piece of cloth,” Loki pulled at her t-shirt.
“Don’t you call my baggy tee ugly, mister!” She laughed.
“Shut up. It is ugly because it does not allow me to feel the warmth of your skin. Do you have any idea how much your touch soothes me? How I crave for your skin...any part of it whenever I am feeling anxious?”
“I know,” she whispered.
“Then? I see this ugly thing again, not hugging but clumsily falling over your beautiful, curvy waist,” his hands gently squeezed her waist. “You know how much I love these curves of yours. But did you know that now there is a lot more room for me to dig my fingers into as I make love to you?”
The way he was purring into her ears, and the manner in which his long fingers were slowly gripping her, made her giggle and squirm.
“Ticklish...just the way I like it. See, you do not even allow me to tickle you anymore.”
The more she wiggled under his hold, the more he continued his mischief. Their laughter filled the room until she was panting and begging him to stop.
He kissed her neck before speaking, “And these?”
His palms had now snaked up her body, stopping only when they came to rest on her breasts.
“Do you have any, any idea how much I love these?”
“I guess, I do,” she replied through ragged breaths. Either his hands were exuding magic or she must have lost her senses during the whole tickle-fight, she thought.
“No, you do not,” he breathed in her ear. Yes, it was him and not her, she was sure now.
“If you knew,” his mouth continued with the words while his hands continued with something else, “you would not have left me craving for days.”
“(Y/N)?” He turned her around to face him, “Why are you depriving me of things that I love? Things that I need for survival? I need you. All of you - the good and the bad. Although there is nothing ‘bad’ about your body but only about the way you look at it. Look at yourself the way I look at you. And then you shall see what a marvellous creation you are!”
A tear ran down her cheek. Wiping it off, she tried to laugh but almost choked on her emotions. “I still don’t understand how you can love me so much. You, a god!”
“I am,” Loki kissed her face, “but a simple man with a heart that beats for you. And yes, the most charming man in the entire universe!”
His mischievous smirk made her laugh. Loki stole the moment to pull her flush to him.
“You are my queen,” he ran a hand over her head and down her neck, “my angel. You are…the most beautiful creation that can ever exist. And never ever will you doubt yourself.” He leaned down to whisper in her ear, “Or else I shall punish you.”
A pleasant shiver ran up her spine. “Is that a threat from a god?” She whispered back.
“It is a promise from a god,” his breath warmed the shell of her ear, “and a god always keeps his promise.”
@huntress-artemiss @evelyn-kingsley@dryyoursaltyoceantears@modestlyabsurd
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Autumn Equinox
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Fandom: Tom Hiddleston's Loki
Type: One Shot
Pairing: Asgard!Loki x F!Reader
Summaries: Blissful Autumnal Equinox with your most beloved, Loki.
Content : Establishing Relationship.
Warning: Consuming of Alcohol. Smut Language (from second half part). My English (is my second language).
Rate: T to M
Words: 1,337 (Finally, I can go back on writing more than 1,000 words!)
A/N: Actually, my hiatus is about sorting which fandom I truly love. Tom Hiddleston's Loki has always been. Also, I've met the amazing @lokisgoodgirl. She writes super grande and magnifique Loki's contents, her mini-series made me in tears. No kidding. Annnnnnnndddd, happy Autumnal Equinox! 😊🍂🍁
🌹Click to My AO3
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When you have passed through the frame of the high carved golden door of the banquet hall, when the first music note hits your ears, and the completely decorated colossus hall presents ahead. All the honourable guests – not only from Asgard; the allied Realms, too.
Few attendants, carrying trays with glasses of refreshment and sliced-fruits, walk toward you, offering you these appetizers before the feast begins. You pick a glass of deep red liquid and a bowl of sliced berries as a matter of courtesy. With polite deportment, as it is official; you are the second Prince of Asgard, prince Loki’s lover right now.  
Speaking of your graceful grandeur and lover, you expect him to stand beside Queen Frigga, otherwise hanging out with Thor and friends, or mingling with the guests. Since, he has always been a remarkable entertainer, in almost every feast and banquet.
You look around this great hall with keen sight, yet he appears not, even his very own shadow under golden and silver glittering.
You make your way across the hall, searching throughout the crowd thoroughly. Loki still does not stand in presence anywhere or hides amongst them, though.
Sighing despondently, you stroll near the terrace and hope he might appear later due to the present; King Odin and Prince Thor are nowhere to be seen like Loki.
The large terrace outside, the guests did not loiter and linger on that much. You see only a group of young women gathering together to comfort a woman, who was crying and babbling about how her intended had remorselessly refused to dance with her; four, perhaps five courtiers arguing over advanced scientific theory; and a tall figure leaning over a big column at the dim far side.
You smile. Even in such hazy light, no, much darker place one can barely see, you do always remember your only beloved.
Loki is standing alone. He leans on the column with a book in his hand, that pair of symmetry brows knit together, jawline gritted tightly and did not stand the full length of all his elegance and finery; he was still beautiful. Or more, as small brightness, from a few torches, has glowing on his tall figure and ravenous black sleek locks and hair.
Tonight, he dresses in shining ceremonial attire; armour, breastplate, black and green appearance – adoring with golden rims and lines – with an emerald cape that flies behind along the gentle breeze. A glass of high spirit golden liquor sat on the nearest small table.
If you must verbally describe his appearance right now, you could never complete that task and lose yourself all over him, as always, every single time – no matter who has asked.
While you approach closer to him, a tiny soft smile tugged on his lips, before averting his gaze from that book.
“I know what you're thinking.” His smile gets wider, “Come here, my moon.”
He places a book on the table, extends his arm and hand to catch your free hand. Yours and those slender fingers intertwine together, when another pulling you close to him.
“Don’t you have to entertain the guests, both from Asgard and other realms? Leaving your mother alone with her lady-in-waiting, without King Odin and Thor to nowhere avail on significant festivity, likewise?”
“My mother is more than capable to entertain and get this banquet going on, don’t worry and don’t mind them.”
“But if I do mind…?”
You lift an eyebrow, place a glass and a bowl on the same table, as the corner of your mouth is raising. He chuckles delightedly.
“Eager to acknowledge everything and anything as usual…such a perfect queen for me.”
“Oh, you’re praising me.”
You pretend to be surprised, sliding an index finger onto Loki’s chin; up to his jaw, to his cheekbone.
“You haven’t told me yet.” Now your finger is on his pointy nose. “Concerning All-Father Odin and Prince Thor.”
Loki removes your finger down to his chest instead, holds your hand while kissing your temple.
“Also, I’m suddenly and immediately desire to acknowledge the matter you’ve just read.”
“Then you shall.”
His magic brings you both out of the terrace, disappearing from the feast. Currently, you both are standing on the balcony of his bedchamber.
A deep emerald velvet chaise, along with silk blanket, and big pillows are placed together on a golden trimming carpet – facing the vision below and ahead. Besides, is a carved marble and unknown material table; a jar of fine liquor and two delicate – but gorgeous glasses, more luxurious fruits and desserts than everything at the feast – on the very exquisite silver tray, and other pretty ornaments.
Loki pulls you to sit next to him, skilful fingers undid your elegant hairdo and remove a satin shawl out, before holding you closer. You also notice his cape and ceremonial armour pieces have vanished, leaving only black leather attire on, but now your attention is the view before your eyes.
The scenery from this specific point is remarkable and splendid, much more than the usual state you have seen about a hundred times: ten thousand lights illuminate the city below on Equinox’s night and the Bifrost, as glowing and sparkling as numerous stars and the crescent moon above the dark purple sky.
“So, what preoccupies your father and brother?”
You lean your head on Loki’s shoulder, his large – yet soft – hand circling and rubbing your exposed skin, tenderly and fondly. You close your eyes and let a quiet moan slip out of your mouth, feel the blissfulness and enjoyment gradually creeping inside.
“Thor’s Midgardian lover. Seems like she is unnecessary to All-Father’s will and the feast.” He ceases manoeuvring your bare shoulder, sliding down to snake his arm around your waist.
“Why is your father even bothered and upset? She’s a scientist, despite her knowledge compared to ours, she surely wants to see the equinox from Asgard when the great opportunity is right before her.”
“Indeed, she is.” He starts pressing his nose on your hair. “Now you have your answer, haven’t you?”
Loki’s huskily whispers into your ear, his other hand tilting your head away from the view in front of you both to face him.
“Summer is totally gone, but how can you smell like peony?”
You purr and sigh with contentment, for Loki's nose and lips press at the crook of your neck. Goosebumps arise and send chills down to your spine. And, too, sense his personal scent into your nostrils; rose mixing with balsam poplar – his favourite oils when bathing.
These pleasant fragrances remind you of previous intimate and sensual countless times with Loki, especially while you are positioned under his body. All the memories are clearly and vividly playing in your mind. Curiosity of what he read before has been ignored totally, absolutely, and completely.
Nevertheless, albeit you know he needs to get you lying down – as well as you – still, you desire to indulge yourself with a breathtaking night in his embrace, and your dress on a little longer… Before he throws it away later.
Thus, you signal by grabbing his wrist, to halt him from kissing down and downward; telling him with your smooth voice. Loki irritably huffs in his throat.
“If you hold me any longer, before the moon crosses its current cusp, note this…” He bites your earlobe, as light as a feather. You try to suppress your moan, unfortunately, it fails. “You aren’t going to be allowed to leave my chamber until the day after tomorrow…”
Loki presses your back against an upholstery. Your moan changes into a high-pitched squeak, as he crashes his lips on yours, altogether, unlacing the knots behind your dress in slow rhythm. 
Your breath is hitching – you can barely catch it, wherein Loki twirls his lower lip from yours; dragging down along your chin, base of your neck, your collarbone, and above your breast, respectively. As you feel his clothed length upon your thigh and his invisible smirk over the valley of your cleavage. 
“Too late, my dearest.”
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tylerxrbtwhp · 5 months
7 Minutes in Heaven - Loki
A/N: Reposting on Tumblr from Wattpad. Warnings: Swearing, Intense scenes (only kissing)
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It was a day off for everyone in the compound. Tony runs to the living room. "Friday, call everyone." He says to the AI. "Calling everyone" A minute or two later some people start coming, "Why did you call Tony?" Natasha asks. "This better be important, Tony." Y/N sighs. "Oh it is! Trust me." Tony says. "Can't trust you outside work Stark." Y/N says. That's when the vent broke and Clint fall from it. "AH!-" Clint falls. "I'm okay-" He stands up like nothing happened and dusts off his clothes. Natasha and you sigh. Then Thor booms into the room, Steve and Bruce following behind. "Did something happened?!-" Thor was saying more like yelling when he noticed everything is okay. "Oh." Bruce comes in. "I was at the Lab when Friday called me, what's the problem Tony?" Bruce asked with his normal voice. He'd be quieter if he was unfamiliar with us. "Oh, wait for everyone to come here Jollygreen." As Tony said this Bucky and Loki's presence was in the room. "What now?" Bucky said, quite grumpy. "We still need two more people." Tony says. "Even though I don't want to invite one of them." Tony sighs as he dials a number. "Beep... beep... beep.. What the fuck do you want old man?" The voice said from the other side. "Not older then your boyfriend." Tony said rolling his eyes. "What do you want Tony?" The voice sighs and asks. "You."  "Be serious." The voice said. "Well, bring yourself and the Wizard to the compound, were playing a game." "Bet." The phone goes off. "There we go. They will be here in a moment." Tony says and looks at the team. "Did you seriously called Tyler and Strange? Both of them have a lot of work-" Y/N said
Orange sparks were seen in the room then it turned into a portal. Tyler was seen to drag Strange by his ear through the portal. "I don't want to go." Strange said. "There is no choice Doc." Tyler said and closed the portal. "So. Were here. Which game are we playing?" "Wait a game? You seriously brought us here for a fucking game?!" Bucky said getting annoyed. "Language." Steve said. "Well, I'm playing since Y/N is here, I wouldn't if it was only you uneducated mortals." He smirks. Tyler looks at Y/N and sees Loki flirting. "Oh god." Tyler whispers.  "Alright, alright! Enough everyone! Let's start the game." Tony said getting everyone's attention. "Sit in a circle." Tony said. "I don't want to play Tyler." Strange said looking at Tyler. "You'll manage dear." Tyler smirks. |------_______/=\_______------|
Everyone sat in a circle. "So, the game were playing is 7 minutes in heaven. There is going to be a box with everyone's things that symbols them. Pick a thing from the box and see what you got. Whoever's stuff you got, you will need to spend 7 minutes with that person in a room." Tony explains.  Steve nods then reassures Bucky that it'll be fun and Bucky said 'Fine.' Loki, Y/N and Strange looked bored, Bruce was looking shy, Tony looked quite excited so was Clint. Tyler was also excited. Natasha had a little motivation to play the game because everyone was playing.
"So who goes first?" Tyler asked. "I'll do it." Y/N said and pushed her hand in the box that was in the middle of all of them. She picked up.. Space stone. "What the fuck? Is this the real space stone?" Y/N asked. "Of course not Firecracker. It's the copy of the stone." Tony said with a eye roll. "Also that's for Loki." Y/N's head shot up. "I'm not going in there with him." Y/N said. "Rules are rules Y/N." Clint said. Y/N looked at Loki who winked at her. "Come on, let's go darling." Loki said. Tyler and Natasha got up and dragged Y/N to the room and closed the door but before that, Thor said something in asgardian language and Loki replied with a 'Shut up oaf.'
"Okay so what do we do?" Y/N asked annoyed but her heart inside was beating fast. "What do you suggest love?" Loki asked teasingly as he got infront of Y/N. Y/N started to become red but that's when the lights went out.  Loki placed his index and middle finger under Y/N's chin and his thumb on Y/N's chin holding her chin as he rised her head up. Loki placed his thumb on Y/N's bottom lip. Y/N on the other hand, pulled a bold move and took his finger in her mouth. "Your going to make me lose it Y/N" Loki said as his breath falled on Y/N's face. "Lose it then Loki." Y/N said letting his thumb out of her mouth. "Your going to regret it." Loki said quietly but still sounded like a growl. "I'd rather regret it then not." Loki holded Y/N's cheek as he pulled he into a aggressive kiss. He pushed Y/N on the wall and trapped her in between both of his arms. "I love you." Tyler said. "Are you sure you want me to be your lover?" Loki asked. He sounded like he's not proud of himself. "I would choose you over anyone Lokes." Y/N placed her hand on Loki's chest. "Then I love you too darling." He grins then pulls you into a more aggressive kiss, showing who's the more dominant one. Y/N moaned into Loki's mouth when he place his palm on Y/N's breasts and Loki took the chance and pushed his tongue inside Y/N's mouth. Y/N holded Loki for dear life and wrapped her legs across his hips. Loki placed his hands on Y/N's ass to balance the both of them. Y/N wrapped her hands on Loki's neck as they finally break the kiss, breathless and panting. "You look ravishing as always darling." He says. Y/N rolled her eyes.  Loki started kissing Y/N's neck and then the door opens. "Oh damn." Tony says. Y/N gets off Loki, flustered and red while Loki rolled his eyes. "The next time you interrupt us, your going to hell and experience my wrath." Loki says. "Not like you can kill me." Tony says. |Vibes and nostalgia of The Avengers| Tony and Loki come back with a very red Y/N. "Did they kiss?!" Thor, Tyler and Clint asked. Tony smirked, "They did more then just kissing." [He assumed]
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sebastianstanisahotmf · 10 months
Hi love 🖤
I want to start by congratulating you on reaching 100 followers; you deserve every single one! 🥳
Second of all, I would love to make a request for your celebration, and this one will be for none other than our most wonderful God of Mischief, Loki! 💚
This story can be as either a regular or best friend or partner, whichever you think fits best with this story! But since Loki is of course the God of Mischief, what would a prank war with him look like?
Him and Reader pranking each other in a lot of different ways, all with the goal of making everyone laugh of course, we don't want anyone to intentionally get hurt during this!
I can't wait to see where you're going to take this idea, and once again, congratulations on reaching this wonderful milestone 🖤
Loki x Reader
A/N Firstly, I want to say thanks for your support xoxo. Secondly, thanks for the ask and I was very excited when I first saw it. I hope I write Loki's character right since I love him but have never written for him before. I also decided to make Loki and the reader a couple and I only used he/him pronouns for Loki but I am aware that Loki is genderfluid so next time I write a fic I will make sure to include that. This is a part of my 100 followers celebration and likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated.
Warnings Fluff
Loki was the God of mischief. There was no doubt about that and he even carried his mischievous tendencies into your relationship. That was why there was an unnofficial prank war going on between both of you. 
It all started when Loki set up a flour bomb but used his powers to mask it which made it invisible. 
You were thinking of a way to trick Loki and decided on hiding all his books. 
“Do you know where my books are darling?” Loki asked you.
“No babe,” you responded, trying to stop yourself from smiling.
“Ok,” he replied.
A few minutes later, he walked back into the room, “Are you sure you don’t know where any of my books are my love?” he asked, crossing his arms.
“I told you I don’t know, you must have misplaced them,” you shrugged.
“I can’t have misplaced seven books darling,” he told you with his right eyebrows raised.
He looked around everywhere in the living room and walked back out in search of his ‘misplaced books’.
Once you knew he had gone, you took the books out from under the couch and placed them in a pile on the coffee table.
“My love, where on this god forsaken planet have you put my books,” Loki asked, walking back into the room.
“They’re on the coffee table love,” you said, desperately trying to hold in your laugh.
Loki huffed and looked at the coffee table where his books were.
“I can assure you my love, the books weren’t there earlier,” he stated, crossing his arms again but this time he had a smile on his face.
This made your facade crack and you burst out laughing.
“Do you think this is funny darling?” he questioned, walking over to you on the couch.
He leaned over and started to tickle you, “I won’t stop until you apoligose my love.” 
“I-I’m sorry b-babe,” you weezed out.
Loki stopped tickling you and gave you a chassed kiss.
“It was payback for the flour bomb,” you told him.
“So does that mean you declare a war,” he proposed.
“Yes. I am declaring a prank war,” you said, crossing your arms and sitting up straight.
“You’re going to regret this love. You’re messing with the God of Mischeif,” he said matter-of-factly.
“I can take you,” you declared.
“It’s official then,” Loki announced.
“I think we need to officially seal it though,” you said.
“How do you suppose we do that?” Loki inquired.
“I think we should kiss to seal the deal.” 
“That sound fair.” 
You kissed Loki and then he picked his books up and left the room. 
It had been a few days since you had declared a prank war on Loki and you both haddn’t made a move yet. That was until today.
Loki knew you enjoyed baking on the weekends so he decided to prank you today.
He grabbed the carton of six eggs and took them out of the fridge. He filled a pan with water and put it on the hob he turned on a few minutes prior. Then, he put the eggs in when the water was boiling and waited until he knew they were hard-boiled. 
Although Loki was unskilled in the kitchen due to his upbringing, he was still taught some basic skills and one of them happened to be boiling eggs.
Loki took the eggs out of the pan and waited for them to cool down before putting them back in the carton. 
He cleared his tracks and started to make coffee and pancakes for both of you.
As he was halfway through flipping pancakes, you walked into the kitchen and wrapped your arms around him. 
You kissed his back before saying, “good morning babe.” 
“Good morning love, how did you sleep?” 
“It was alright, and you?” you grabbed your coffee and sat down at the kitchen table.
“I always sleep well when you’re in bed,” his response was a little too kind compared to his usual responses.
Loki wasn’t mean to you -he was far from it- but he usually pulled that line out if he felt particularly cuddly or if you went to sleep mad at each other (which was an infrequent occurrence), making it seem more out of place.
You just shrugged it off and carried on with your morning as usual.
At around 12 o’clock, you turned to Loki on the couch and asked if you had any eggs he responded that you did so you decided to bake a cake for the two of you.
Loki had been acting weird all morning but you couldn’t put your finger on it. You concluded that he wasn’t feeling too good (mentally or physically) so baking would allow you to give him space and make him something he enjoys.
You got all the ingredients out and started to measure them. Once that was done, you mixed the butter and sugar together before reaching over to the eggs. You grabbed the first one and tried to crack it on the side of the bowl. 
You were extremely confused when only the shell cracked. Without thinking, you reached for another egg but the same thing happened. You looked a little closer and peeled the shell off. 
That’s when you realised why Loki had been acting strange all morning.
You walked into the living room with the two eggs and saw Loki reading a book. You strolled over and grabbed the book out of his hand which made Loki smirk. 
“So you found my little surprise my darling.”
“Yeah I did,” you retorted, putting both hands on your hips, “Do we actually have any eggs or have you boiled them all?” 
“Theres a spare carton of eggs hidden behind the cheese and yoghurts.”
“I’m gonna get you back for this,” you assured him.
“Oh, I’m sure you will love,” he almost whispered, to which you responded by putting your middle finger up at him as you walked out the room.
I’m considering doing part two because I have a few different prank ideas, but I don’t want to make this fic too long. Idk about you guys but I have a shit attention span which means I struggle to read longer fics but if that is what you want then comment below and I will make fics longer in the future.
If you want to be tagged whenever I post a fic then click on the link
If you want to see what I repost, my other account is @sebastianstanisahotmf-reblogs
Taglist:@nicoline1998enilocin, @hisredheadedgoddess28, @kandis-mom, @nekoannie-chan
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ladythornofrivia · 9 months
Thinking about writing Loki. Okay, I’m back with my Loki era. I thought it’s over and done, but it’s not. But I don’t mind, actually. 😍😭😂👍🥵😩😈🙏🛐
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lokiforever · 1 year
New teachers at school!!!!
Chapter 7
A/N : Matthew is a new comer in as Y/N's class
Matthew : Would you mind a dance?
Y/N : Uhhhhhh....
(You could sense the flirty vibes from him plus you barely knew him though you can easily defend yourself but still)
Matthew : Please just one dance!
Y/N : Maybe some other day.......
Matthew : Ok.... What about a drink?
Y/N : Fine.
( free drinks - that's why)
While the waiter was bringing your drinks you saw a familiar pair of eyes- Tom. He was looked at you and smiled and you returned the gesture .
Tom's POV
(Today, as he had no other work to complete he decided to go to the club.)
I was sitting on the couch in the club when I saw Y/N. I have to admit that I liked her since the beginning cuz she was a bright student but since she's been my teaching assistant, the things were quite different. I started liking her but more than as a student. And at the annual feast, Lord! She was looking absolutely breathtaking and the dance, it was just amazing.
She'll probably hate me if she knew how much I like her and not as a student but much more than that . Although I have seen the spark in her eyes whenever we talk or meet and the way her cheeks go crimson whenever I compliment her......
When I saw her today, my jaw dropped, she was looking exquisite . But wait a minute. She is with a guy. Matthew Cameron. Jealousy rose inside me which I know wasn't fair as she's just my student and I have no right of stopping her from meeting anyone.
Our eyes met and I smiled and so did she.
By the look in her eyes I could tell that she wasn't really enjoying it being with Matthew. He on the other hand had a 'please be my girlfriend' look in his eyes. One of the reasons why I like her, she had a 'not gonna happen' one in hers.
Waiter : Here's your drink!
Matthew : Thanks.
When you both finished your drinks you stood up.
He kept his hands on your cheeks and leaned in. You pushed him away but he did it again. By the time you could, from the corner of your eyes, see Tom standing up and coming towards your direction. He was fuming. That was when you kicked Matthew in the stomach, grabbed his collar, smacked him on the bar counter, took out your dagger and kept it on his throat.
Y/N : Do. Not. Even. Try.
Matthew :W-what is wrong with you?
Y/N : What has gotten into me, you say?! It's you who is a creep!
You felt a pair of hands on your shoulders. Tom.
Tom : It's enough for today, dear! Just look at the poor thing!
He gently whispered in your ear.
Y/N *to Matthew * : If you dare do anything like that again you'll face brutal consequences.
You let go of his collar and he stands up.
Matthew : P-Professor Hiddleston?!
Tom : Mr Cameron, in my office! Tomorrow. After class.
Matthew : O-okay, p-professor..
Y/N : Matthew, don't you think you're missing something?
Matthew : I-I'm s-sorry....
He said looking down.
Y/N : That's better!!
He immediately ran out of the club.
You let out a long exhale.
Tom : Oh Lord! You got some serious skills, Y/N!
He says chuckling.
Y/N :Thanks! You see, it's important when your classmates are jerks!
You laugh.
Tom : By the way, you are looking ravishing as always, darling!
God, this man!!!! He's probably the only one who can make you blush so easily and the word 'darling' from his tongue is like............soooooooo much more than brilliant!
Y/N *blushing* : Thanks!
Tom : You never told me that you know how to use daggers too.
Y/N : I'm not very good at it....
Tom : Then, my dear, I can teach you!
Y/N : Wait a minute.........you know how to use daggers?
Tom : Mmhmm!
Y/N : Is there something good which you can't do?!
You say jokingly. He laughs.
Y/N :Were you serious when you said that you'll teach me?
Tom : Absolutely!
Y/N : Really?!!!! When do we start?!
Tom : From Monday i.e tomorrow. After school at my place, if you are okay with it.
Y/N : Great! And yes I'm completely fine with it.
Tom : Now, I hope you saved me a dance!
Y/N : Obviously!
Then you guys dance and you could easily feel the difference between the one with Matthew and this one. With Tom it was relaxing, safe and comfortable.
Y/N : Well, I just realized that your dance is a trillion times better than Matthew's.
You both were still dancing when you whispered in his ear, chuckling.
Tom : Ehehehe! I'm honored!
You guys dance for a while and then stopped.
Y/N : I must get going! We have class tomorrow!
Tom : Right! Do you want me to drop you?
Y/N : It's fine I can drive myself home. Thanks though!
Tom : You're welcome!
You guys got out of the club and went to your cars
Tom : Bye Bye, darling!
He said placing a formal kiss at the back of your hand. You blushed.
Y/N : Bye Bye, Tom!
*At your apartment*
Knock Knock
Your best friend opens the door and smiles widely as she sees you.
Y/B/F/N : Heyyyy!
Y/N : Hiii!!!!
Y/B/F/N : Did you meet someone in the club?!
Y/N : I might have...
Y/B/F/N : Come in, quickly and tell me everything!
You chuckled and went inside.
Y/N : Uhhh..... So when I entered the club, I met a guy named Matthew and he asked me for a dance and I disagreed...
Y/B/F/N : Really?! Did anything happen?!
Y/N : Not really..... After the dance rejection he insisted on buying me a drink and between that I saw....
Y/B/F/N : Professor Hiddleston?!
Y/N : Exactly! And after that he tried to kiss me and I pushed him away -
Y/B/F/N : Professor Hiddleston tried to kiss you and you pushed him away?!!!
Y/N : Oh, no, not at all! Professor Hiddleston didn't try to kiss me! Matthew did!
Y/B/F/N : Oh.......okay..
Y/N : Matthew was stubborn enough to try again.
Y/B/F/N : Tut - tut. Poor guy, I can imagine what you did.
Y/N : hehehe, yes I know you can! Then I did you know what. It was when I felt Tom's hands on my shoulders.........
You told her the rest of the story.
Y/B/F/N : Okay............so, from tomorrow you'll be taking defense classes from professor Hiddleston!
Y/N : Not defense classes, exactly.. but,yeah sort of.
Y/B/F/N : That's great!
Y/N : Now it's your turn! Tell all about the movie!
You guys talked for about half an hour and then went to sleep.
*In the morning *
~~~Buzz ~~~
You groaned as your alarm buzzed . "I hate waking up early !" you sleepily mumbled to yourself.
After a few minutes you woke up, took a bath and brushed your teeth.
Y/N : Wake up, y/b/f/n or else you'll get us late!!
Y/B/F/N : Argh! Fine, I'm up!
You wore a simple black denim skirt with a baggy white sweater, tights and black boots. And as it was a bit chilly outside you took your black overcoat.
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Y/N : Let's go!
Y/B/F/N : Just give me a few minutes!
Y/N : Sure, but please be quick, our first class is Maths and I have a reputation to maintain in front of professor Downey!
You chuckle.
Y/B/F/N : Sure, why not?
She laughed and so did you.
*In the school*
You and your best friend got out of your car and rushed towards the corridor.
That was when you bumped into a strong chest. By the cologne itself you could tell it was Tom. Your cheeks went crimson immediately.
Y/N : Morning', professor Hiddleston! I'm so sorry.....
Y/B/F/N : Morning', professor!
Tom : Good morning and it's totally fine, miss Y/L/N. But if I may ask, why are you going that side? The hall is on the opposite side.
You looked at him confused and then to your friend.
Y/N : The hall?! But we are going towards the class.
Tom : The headmaster asked all the students and teachers to gather in the hall.
( Your former headmistress was ill so you had a new headmaster, Mr. Nick Fury)
Y/N : Oh..... I didn't know! Sorry.
Tom : There's no need to say sorry! Now, let's go we are getting late!
You all entered the hall and saw professor Jungkook which made your best friend smile. You both nodded towards him and joined the rest of the students.
Headmaster : Good morning, students! I requested your presence here today to make an important announcement. Professor Downey will be on a leave for a few months and hence, Mrs. Tessa Grace will now be teaching you mathematics, temporarily.
You get a bit emotional when you listen that one of your favorite professors will not be teaching you for a few months. Professor Downey was always nice to you and was proud of you as you were one of the brightest students in his class. You respected him very much and he was always there when you needed a word of advice.
Professor Fury :Please go back to your respective classrooms and you all can wish professor Downey your goodbyes afterwards as he will be here for today.
Y/B/F/N : Y/N?
Y/N : Hmm....
Y/B/F/N : It's okay it's only a matter of few months don't be sad.
Y/N : Yeah, but....
Mostly all of the students were already gone except a few who were saying goodbye to professor Downey and those too were outside the hall so you two were practically the only ones inside.
Tom : Students, please go back to your- Miss Y/L/N?! Miss Carter?
Y/B/F/N : Oh, sorry professor we were just going.
Tom: It's okay but first tell me what happened?!
Y/N : *sniffles* Nothing.....I'm fine.
Tom : There's definitely something.
Y/N : Not really.....
Tom : We will talk about it in my office after your class.
You just nod and go to your classroom. You enter the classroom quietly when you notice that the teacher is already there.
Professor Grace : Thank you, for finally deciding to join us in the classroom.
She says, more like a sarcasm.
Y/N and Y/B/F/N: Sorry, professor.
Professor Grace : What are your names?!
Each of you told her your names.
Professor Grace : Go sit!
You go to your seats and sit beside each other.
The class was moving oh, so slowly. It felt like hours and still half of the class was left.
Y/B/F/N : As far as I could recall, professor Fury said professor Downey would be here for today....
Y/N : He did, but not for teaching for telling this stupid *points towards Tessa Grace* the work and schedule.
Y/B/F/N : Hmm...
After a few more torturing minutes.
Y/N : Umm, excuse me Mrs Grace!
She simply turned toward your direction and hummed in an arrogant way.
Y/N : The answer to that question isn't 25 is should be 32.
Mrs Grace : Oh, really?! Then why don't you come and solve it if you're so smart?
Y/N : Ok.
You go towards the board and solve the question.
Y/N : Done!
She checks the sum from the solution that lazy woman had taken out from Google.
Mrs. Grace : It is.......correct. Nice. Now, go back to your seat.
She says like somebody has kept a knife on her throat to force that out from her.
*After the class *
Y/N : Ok.......so our new maths teacher is a witch with a b.
Y/B/F/N : She is.
It was time for english class which means professor Hiddleston. You both head towards the English classroom.
Class starts.
Tom : Good morning, class! Today will be studying one of Shakespeare's most known play Romeo and Juliet. So, I have decided that I will call a few of you here for a few main roles and all you have to do is narrate the lines of the characters. But I will call those who know about Shakespeare only. I will be reciting Romeo's lines.
All the students agree and a few girls wish that he chooses them for the lines of Juliet.
Tom : Mr. Will you will be doing the lines of Juliet's father and Miss Y/L/N, you the role of Juliet....
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simplyholl · 5 months
Loki Oneshots
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18+ Only. Minors DNI.
Snowed In
A Christmas Wish
Titles and Temptations
New Year’s Eve
A Moonlit Picnic
The Sex Tape
The Birthday Gift ft Bucky
All Eyes On Me
A Big Tip
Be A Good Girl For Daddy
Bad Idea, Right?
The President’s Pet
Frozen Stiff
Birthday Girl
A Gift For A God
Three’s Company ft Bucky
Truly Desperate
Buckle Up
Happily Never After Pt 1
The Bet
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mistress-ofmagic · 2 years
Around the Realms in 80 days- Chapter 18
Pairing: Reader x Loki
Story summary: You have fallen through a portal during the convergence into Asgard and come face to face with Thor, and his brother Loki. With no way to return, you must travel with the two men and their hoard of asgardian soldiers to get back home. Things get from bad to worse when you have to share a tent with the god of mischief himself.
Notes: Oh hi there! Welcome to another chapter (this Is pretty good timing for me, two chapters in a month? Who says I don't feed you! This was a fun chapter to write, I did a lil bit of breaking the 4th wall here lol! I know a lot of you hated Latte to begin with because she was a lil nervy and didn’t always stick up for herself (Im only going off on what I would be like guys lmao some of us are very soft and not at all brave or heroic) and I know she’s a bit of a reluctant hero or an anti-hero, she'd much rather be chilling somewhere with her coffee than faced with this shit! 
Anyway, enjoy!
Read this story on a03!
find all parts to this story on Tumblr here
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Jesus Christ…” You muttered under your breath as you stormed off, leaving Stark Towers behind you. 
You span round to face Oliver, who was having to do a fast pace walk to catch up with you.
“What?” You asked rather sharper than you intended. 
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry, that’s so embarrassing. It’s been…”
“Stressful morning?” Oliver grinned good-naturedly.
You sighed. “Kind of.” 
“I can’t imagine. Where do you want to go?” 
“Honestly I don’t know the city at all.” You forced a smile, trying to forget L-O-K-I and enjoy the rest of your day. 
“Where would you recommend?” 
Oliver smiled again. He was a smiley person, you noticed. Unlike he-who-shall-not-be-named who usually looked unimpressed at best, especially when you were around. He looked cute again today; it felt strange seeing him without his lab coat on, as if he was missing something somehow. He was wearing jeans and a graphic tee-shirt, his brown hair tousled again as if he constantly runs his hands through it, and his hazel eyes seemed to light up when he smiled. His face was open and sincere, again unlike Loki who was closed and harsh. Maybe there was something to be said of their life experiences though; while you didn’t know much about Oliver and his life, you doubted he had ever tried to take over an entire planet and been defeated and imprisoned. 
Still…suppose you can never be too careful. Enough tinder dates had taught you that.
You realised you had been staring at him and hadn’t listened at all to his response. 
“Sorry, what did you say?” You asked sheepishly. 
He laughed, “I suggested we could go to the museum of modern art? Or if you would prefer to just see some sights we could go to times square…?”
“Museum sounds good. Sorry, I’m a little distracted.” 
He chucked as you started heading off in the direction of the museum together. The day continued to be pleasant enough and you actually began to enjoy your stroll despite the way the morning had gone. 
Oliver broke the cordial silence.
“So then, I guess the number one question…how did you get landed with the task of being Loki’s…companion?” 
“Companion?” You screwed your face up. 
Oliver laughed, “well, whatever you’d call your relationship.”
“I try not to call it anything.” You muttered under your breath.
You begin to explain the situation to Oliver, and the rollercoaster that was yours and Loki’s so called “relationship”. 
Oliver gave a low whistle after you finally finished regaling him with your sorry tale of woe.
“Man…that’s heavy.” 
“Horrible isn’t it.” You sighed glumly. 
“I can’t believe you got kidnapped!”
“Kidnapped, bullied by trolls, meeting Loki, it’s been the worst of times.” 
He laughed and you scowled at him.
“It’s not funny, my life is a Shakespearen tragedy.”
“No no, of course not, I’m sorry. Is meeting Loki really as bad as being attacked by trolls?”
“Far, far worse.”
For some reason, Oliver seemed to think you were joking and laughed. 
 But…you do seem to find yourself in some scrapes don’t you.”
“Scrapes find me, I am merely a passive entity to which disaster finds.”
“I find that a little difficult to believe, given that by the sounds of it you basically begged to stay here.” Olivers eyes twinkled with good-hearted mirth. 
“That’s…that’s beside the point.” 
“Of course, of course. You know…I’m not so sure though.” 
“About what?”
“If I didn’t know any better, and despite all your complaining, I’d say you rather enjoy traveling around with Loki.”
You spluttered, “What? What are you trying to say?” 
“Loki this, Loki that. I’m just saying, for someone who hates him so, you do enjoy talking about him.”
You stared at him, horrified. An awful though suddenly appeared…over the past few weeks had you managed to pass the Bechdel test? 
“That’s not…” The words got stuck in your throat. 
Maybe Oliver could tell how nauseated you were because he said gently,
“I’m joking Latte. It sounds like you’ve been through hell and back. You’ve been so brave I’m not sure many people could do what you have done.” 
You blushed and stuttered for a different reason.
“I’m sure that’s not true. Besides I didn’t really have a choice. Sink or swim I guess. I was pretty cowardly to begin with, I let Loki scare the shit out of me. I’m not…a brave person, I’m not particularly tough.” 
“I would disagree, the story you just told me would suggest otherwise. Jesus knows I couldn’t have done half the things you did, I would have laid in the corner and cried.”
You snorted.
“Arguably, that’s pretty much what I’ve been doing.”
“You’re the hero, you have to go through some sort of journey.” Oliver winked at you. 
“Oh please, I’m definitely the anti-hero, the people at home watching the inevitable film of my life will be screaming at the tv I’m sure.” 
“Well, anti-hero or not, I’d watch that movie.”
You really wanted to make a snide comment about that making Loki the villain in this particular story, but you kept your mouth shut given that Oliver seemed to think you were infatuated with the Asgardian God. Definitely not true, by the way. 
“Sure, ‘my life as the worlds worst avenger’ coming to cinemas soon.”
“I think I’d prefer ‘How to train your fire demon.’” Oliver joined in. 
“Or, ‘Asgardian Psycho.”  You snorted, thinking back to Loki.
“What about ‘An Earthling in Asgard?”
You grinned, “it’s good, but a little on the nose, plus I’m not just in Asgard anymore, I’m quite the realm traveler.” 
“Fine then, how about ‘Around the Realms in 80 days.” 
You laughed, “That’s not bad, you never know with the rate things are going I might end up doing just that.”
“How are you feeling about your upcoming trip?” 
You sighed, a little wave of anxiety settling into your stomach. 
“Pretty nervous. I’m not sure who I think I’m kidding being here in the first place, and now apparently I’m traveling to a dangerous realm of fire and brimstone, where I’ll probably get myself killed no doubt.” You paused,
“Sorry, I don’t mean to offload! It can’t be much worse than the current state of things anyway.” 
“Please, don’t feel bad!” 
“Maybe some modern art will cheer me up. Hey, actually, how did you find out my stupid nickname?” You asked, realising he had been calling you your misnomer. 
Oliver laughed sheepishly,  
“Well, I heard Thor call you that when he was talking to Stark yesterday.”
“Oh god, what did he say?”
“Only good things!” Oliver hurried to reassure you. “Just discussing your amazing performance with the demon in the cell.” 
“Hm, I don’t believe you but for the sake of my self-esteem I won’t press further.”
After a short walk, you made it to the museum and followed Oliver inside. You insisted on paying for your own ticket, of course. 
You had just about settled into an enjoyable afternoon, wandering around the exhibits when your phone starting beeping. You ignored it at first and then your phone started ringing. 
You stared at it and blinked twice as Loki’s named popped up on your phone. It had also been him texting you apparently. The message flashed on your screen.
                   Loki: There’s an emergency 
“Is everything okay? You look ill.” Oliver asked. 
“This can’t be good.” You sighed. “Let me take this.” 
You walked over to the entrance of the exhibit as to not disturb everyone there. 
“Hello little mortal, enjoying yourself on your, what do the young midgardians call it, A date?” Loki spoke lazily.
“Its not a date!” You hissed loudly into the phone, raising some eyebrows around you.
“It’s not a date.” You repeated again quietly as you turned your back. 
“I think the lady doth protest too much.”
“Seriously what is wrong with you?”
“Not much, what’s up with you?” 
You could basically feel Loki’s irritating grin through the phone.
“God you give me whiplash. What do you want Loki I’m busy.”
“Not too busy to pick up the phone I see.” You could hear a smug tone to his voice.
“I only picked it up because you said it was an emergency.” 
“What emergency could I possibly need your help with.”
“Okay, goodbye Loki.” 
“Wait, actually there is an emergency.”  
You sighed and rubbed your forehead. Man, this god was going to turn you grey. 
“What?” You snapped. You were in no doubt there was no emergency and Loki was ringing you to just mess with you. 
There was a pause on the phone. You considered hanging up before he finally continued, 
“Stark has arranged for a movie night tonight and we all have to attend.” In his defence Loki sounded very glum, as if something horrible had truly happened. 
“That’s not an emergency Loki. Now excuse me while I go back to my not date.”
“Where are you?” He asked.
Your eyes narrowed suspiciously, and you looked around you, scared incase he popped up from behind a statue or something. 
“Were in the museum of modern art. Why?” 
“No need to sound so distrustful.” Loki sounded amused, “I had no idea you were such a connoisseur of fine art, you never struck me as the type.” 
You bristled at his insinuation that you were not sophisticated enough to enjoy art. 
“I actually love going to museums. Just because I don’t walk around acting like I’m the dogs bollocks doesn’t mean I’m not cultured.” 
“Do you have to use such crass language when we speak?”
“Do we have to speak at all?” You retorted back, still scanning the room slightly just incase he showed up. 
“I visited your planet with Odin and Thor when I was a child and we visited a place called Rome, they had a great number of many museums.”
“Oh? Was this when Julius Caesar was still in power?”
Loki ignored your comment, 
“Of course, not as many as we have on Asgard. Since you are so interested in museums I can visit together the next time we visit.” He spoke lightly.
You paused, was Loki asking you out? And not just because he had to because of the whole babysitting thing?
“Uh, yeah. I guess I didn’t think that I would go back though, to Asgard. Odin wasn’t mighty pleased I was there in the first place.”
“Odin is not usually mighty pleased about anything, especially if I’m involved.” He kept his voice light and humorous, but there was something deeper underneath. 
The admission came as a surprise, you weren’t that used to Loki speaking about his feelings (kind of) so easily and you were stumped for a response. 
“Well New York has plenty of museums too.” You offered, unsure of what else to say. 
The phone went quiet again. It really was unsettling how quickly the two of you seemed to go from arguing to tolerating each other, and even more unsettling, the occasional moments of companionship with a hint of friendship. 
Not that you were sure he would put you in that category with  the way he had recently snapped at you; when you’d tried to enquire about his parenthood and just before you came on this not date. Although he had also magicked your up a new wardrobe and seemed to get very upset when he thought you were dying so that had to count for something, right?  
Come to think of it, you never actually really addressed the whole “friendship” thing after that long talk the other night on the balcony, where Loki had finally stopped acting like a dick for long enough as to apologise for his actions and have a serious conversation about where you stood with him. He had really opened up then, about how he felt about getting close to mortals. You supposed you couldn’t really be too shocked then, when he seemed to distance himself from you a little the last few days. 
The hot and cold act was not enjoyable but was almost understandable if you saw things from his perspective. You just had to be careful not to get burnt or frozen in the process. 
Not that anyone wants to look at things from Lokis perspective for too long, they’d get a migraine. 
Look at you being all mature and shit! 
You thought back to those nights of sharing a tent with Loki, it felt so long ago now despite not being long ago at all. You had been so scared of him then, so unsure of how he would react next. 
Now? Well he was still a mystery and could still be a complete arse, but perhaps he was opening up to you, slowly. You needed to be patient but only to an extent right, he was obviously a complex guy; not that that gave him a right of passage to be a knob. 
“What are you up to then now?” You asked.
To your surprise, Loki played along. 
“Well now you’re gone I get to enjoy some peace and quiet for once, reading my books.” 
You almost hit back with “so that’s why you called me then, is it?” But stopped yourself. You realised then that Loki was bored. That’s why he’d been so annoyed that you had spent the afternoon with Oliver. Probably. 
I mean, aside from you and Thor, it’s not like he had a lot of friends from what you had seen. Another thing the two of you actually had in common. You didn’t have a lot of friends here either. 
You bit down on your nails, an old habit you had whenever you felt anxious about something.
“Stop that dreadful noise or I shall put the phone down.”
Only paying half attention, you stepped back into someone and banged your side pretty hard. 
“Ow, dickhead.” You muttered as they shot you a dirty look and walked off. 
“What? What’s happening?” Loki barked. 
“Oh nothing, just this asshole walking into me.” 
“Was it that Midgardian boy?”
“What midgardian boy?” You asked absent-mindedly. “Oh shit, Oliver.” You suddenly remembered your not-date probably wondering what the hell you were doing. 
“Anyway, I should get back to…I’ll see you later.”
 “yes.” Loki said stiffly “I’d hate to keep you from your beau.”
“Nobody says beau anymore by the way. S’later.”
“Goodbye mortal.”
You hung up your phone and quickly went to rejoin Oliver. 
“Hey, sorry I took so long.”
“Everything okay?” 
“Literally fine, he just wanted to complain about Tonys movie night or something.” 
“Look at you, movie nights with the Avengers!”
“I know, I’m going up in the world. Careful what you say to me now, I’ve got the force of Earths defenders on my side.” 
Oliver chuckled and held his hands up. 
“I see that. Remind me not to get on the wrong side of you.” 
You turned back to the photography exhibit, wondering what it would actually be like to visit a museum with Loki one day. 
You wandered back into the towers later that evening. After the museum, you had gone for a few drinks with Oliver and, as it was, you were feeling rather tipsy. 
Actually, this was the second time you had been tipsy in the last few days, you reminded yourself, better not make it a habit. 
Still, Oliver was cute, right?
Not rip-my-clothes-off-and-take-me cute, but cute all the same. 
He was very sweet and funny too and although you maybe saw him as friend-material at the moment, that didn’t mean something couldn’t happen in the future. Plus it was nice to have a friend that wasn’t a hundred year plus old god. 
You could get used to the city living, although there was a part of you that missed the Asgardian country side too.
The atrium into Stark Towers took your breath away, you felt far too unsophisticated to be staying there. It was not the sort of place you’d ever particularly imagined yourself but you were going to enjoy your time for as long as you had. Grinning, probably overly familiarly in your slightly drunken state, at the security and receptionists on the ground floor you made your way over to the lift, preparing to stand there for all of eternity due to the many floors. You decided to turn your phone back on to check for any messages you missed after turning your phone off earlier to save battery. 
Two missed calls and a few texts from Loki?
Loki: When are you retuning mortal it is nearly dark?
Loki: Mortal?
Loki: Answer my calls right this instance or there will be consequences.
Loki: Loki, Prince of Asgard. 
You snorted and replied.
You: Why did you text me your own name, weirdo. What’s up?
And for the fun of it, you sent him a little gif of the “wazup” scene in Scary Movie.
Making your way up the many floors in Starks state of the art lift, you waited for Loki to reply. 
Loki: How dare you not answer me when I asked you to. Clearly, you needed reminding of who I am. Secondly, what, in all of the nine realms is that?
You: Firstly, I’m not just at your beck and call Loki, I was a bit busy. Secondly, It’s a gif. It’s just like a moving picture that you send to be funny.
Loki: Busy? With that midgardian boy? Disgusting. I didn’t find the moving picture particularly amusing. Please don’t send me one again. 
You: Get your mind out of the gutter. 
You were hit with a sudden inspiration. You quickly searched for the gif you wanted and found it. Who knew there were so many Loki gifs. The particular one you were after was Loki shouting “kneel” to the ground in Stuttgart during his last soiree to Earth. 
Loki: ?
Loki: It is imperative that you tell me how you acquired this.
You laughed out loud to yourself, as you put your phone away wishing you could see Loki’s face as you had send that gif. 
You figured, given the time, that Stark would have already started the film night, so you headed towards the most likely lounge areas on the penultimate floor. Your guess was right, and you could see through the glass doors the Avengers sat around watching what you were pretty sure was Kill Bill. 
The sight made you giggle, and you remembered you needed to try very hard at not being a little bit drunk. You were pretty sure the Avengers all thought you were slightly strange to begin with, you needed to change their mind. 
You shushed yourself aloud, and prepared to enter quietly and normally. Quietly and normally. Quietly and normally.
You pushed the door slightly and entered. So far so good, no one had particularly noticed you entering. Quiet and normal. Excellent. You scanned the room, looking for an empty seat. Your long distance eye sight wasn’t great as it is thanks to years of starting at screens and it was pretty dark, but you thought there was one free near Thor so you headed over silently.
That was, until, someone very rudely had put a pouff right in your way and you tripped up, slamming your knees into the side of a sofa. 
“Shit” You yelled, rather loudly. 
All the Avengers in the room turned and started at you. 
“Nice of you to join us Wonderland, please come in.” Stark said, dryly. 
You grinned wildly, deciding it best not to say anything, and took the closest seat. 
“Mortal.” A low voice spoke to your left.
“Oh for gods sake” You muttered and glared at Loki for the audacity of sitting where you were now forced to sit. 
Loki seemed amused by this reaction and smirked at you irritatingly. You glared even harder and then faced the TV. 
“You’re back very late.” Loki spoke softly next to you, with a note of contention in his voice.
You decided to ignore him, and tried to focus on the film. You’d never actually seen Kill Bill all the way through and coming in half way was pretty confusing. Loki tried again. 
“I hope you haven’t been fraternising with your mortal boy?”
“Stop accusing me of fraternising every three seconds, and it’s none of your business even if I was." You huffed out of the corner of your mouth, as to not disturb the rest of them. 
Loki looked annoyingly happy that you had risen to the bait.
“I’m going to get popcorn.” You mumbled, and stood up to head towards the back of the room where the snacks and were. 
You stood up too quickly and had to grab the sofa and a blink a couple of times until the black dots stopped floating in front of you. You suppressed the need to giggle and made your way over to the back, being very careful to watch where you placed your feet. 
The lights were on towards the back and you squinted to get used to the light change. You hummed about the snack bar; Stark, or more likely someone who worked for him, had thought of literally every snack you might need to watch a film.
Pick and Mix, chocolate, popcorn, and plenty of treats you’d never even seen before. 
“What are these?” A voice spoke behind you.
You jumped in the air, very nearly spilling the popcorn you had picked up.
“Jesus Loki.”
You looked around to see if anyone had noticed, but you were pretty far back and out of ear shot around this area. 
“Can you not?”
“Not what? He asked, with a fake innocence.
“Not…do whatever you’re doing now.”
“I’m merely standing here.”
“And here I was thinking you had better things to do than stand and talk to Midgardians.” You repeated his words from earlier back at him.
Loki rolled his eyes at you. 
“You surely know how to hold a grudge.”
“I surely do bitch.” 
He didn’t find this very funny and shot you a displeased look. 
“You are drunk again.” 
You tutted and made double sure no one was listening.
“I’m not drunk Low-key.” You elongated his name as you helped yourself to some more sweets “I am a little tipsy maybe. Also you make it sound like all I do is constantly drink.”
“Well you have been drunk twice in barely as many days.”
“That was your brothers fault remember?” 
He let out a long suffering sigh, as if he didn’t particularly want to remember. 
“What are you eating?” He crinkled his nose up as you scuffed another gobful of popcorn. 
“Popcorn.” You said, with your mouth half full.
“Are mortals taught any table manners at all?” He asked, disapprovingly. 
“Do you not have popcorn on Asgard.”
He looked down at the spread of snacks. 
“No.” He said carefully.
“Well what do you eat for sweets then?”
“I suppose we have nuts and grapes.”
“Some nuts and grapes? Christ no wonder you’re so highly strung.”
You gathered a plate up for him with selection of all the amazing confectionary Earth had to offer. “Here, try these.” 
You stared at him in excitement as he ate a handful of Haribos. 
“Hm. I’m not sure I enjoy this texture.”  
“Try this next!” You very nearly shoved some popcorn into his mouth  in your excitement and then realised that would probably get you killed, which would have been messy in Starks fancy lounge; so you just pointed to it instead. 
Watching Loki try new things was surprisingly very entertaining to you. It was unusual to see Loki look so unsure of himself, as normally he swanned around cocky as anything. 
You sighed, thinking back once again to the other night on the balcony. Loki was very good at brushing over any moments of vulnerability, even though he occasionally showed it in moments like this.
With his slightly furrowed forehead and quizzical expression as he tried earthly sweets was the epitome of vulnerable. 
Loki made eye contact with you while you stared at him and swallowed his sweets down. 
“Why are you looking at me like that mortal?” He asked, suspiciously. 
“Nothing.” You smiled to yourself
“Now you are smiling like a loon. I hope you are not loosing your mind over that boy. We have a mission to complete, or have you forgotten?” He frowned at you, disgruntled.
“How could I forget the fact I’m heading to a burning wasteland soon.” You said sadly, thinking of your up and coming trip which, at best, ends in your death. 
“There is no reason to be nervous. You have proved yourself rather difficult to maim.” Loki stated, deliberately.
“Physically maybe but I’m going to need a hell of a lot of therapy when this is over.” You muttered. “Suppose I should enjoy this last moment of calm before the storm.” 
“What storm?” Loki asked cautiously. 
“It’s just a figure of speech.”
“Hm.” Loki made a non committal humming noise. 
“Let’s go finish off the film, I need the escapism.” 
You sat back down together and tried to refocus on the film. You mind kept wandering however and  you remained restless. 
Were things between you and Loki changing? How many Loki gifs could you send of himself before he murdered you in your sleep? 
And, most importantly, what fresh hell awaited you in the realm of fire? 
A/N: Who enjoyed my fourth wall break (kinda?) haha! Also keep tuned folks for some more plot (finally) after a couple of plot-less chapters!
@creationsbyme  @kikster606  @slytherinintj13  @th0rswh0res  @huntress-artemiss  @jannieka394 @stefffrs  @misswimberly @thedistractedagglomeration  @yoongissidebitchh  @purplekitten30 @mischief2sarawr  @johnmurphys-sass 
@lonadane  @imalovernotahater @lokisgoodgirl  @laliceee @dlwrish  @paetonnn
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siconetribal · 3 months
Thank you @vbecker10 , for sharing this impish photo that inspired this little quotes. (I've never done one of these before, but here we go!)
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Loki: *gives the look*
Loki: *keeps look*
Y/N: *tries to not look but fails* Dear God, just, fine! Here! Stop THAT! *hands over CC to buy more books*
Loki: Thank you, darling. *smirks and takes CC*
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(Look below at your own risk!🤣🤣)
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153 notes · View notes
vbecker10 · 6 months
Loki's Silent Sentry (Part 4)
Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7
Pairing: Loki x female reader (ofc)
Summary: You are not just a soldier in Asgard's Royal Army, you are Lieutenant Y/L/N, Prince Loki's personal guard, his sentry and you are not supposed to fall in love with him. If you followed your training properly, you should never have even spoken to him. As a sentry, you are expected to remain silent and invisible as you shadow your appointed member of the royal family or member of the court protectively throughout their daily tasks.
Rumors (that happen to be true) begin to circulate through the palace that you serve the younger prince of Asgard both outside and inside his chambers. There is little you can do once word of your off duty activities spread through every maid, cook, gardener and seamstress in the palace. You soon find even the soldiers in your own company are now questioning how exactly you had come to earn your seemingly quick rise to lieutenant.
As the annual Winter Solstice Ball approaches, you come to the heartbreaking realization that your relationship with Loki must come to an end if you are both to fulfill your duties.
Warnings: Angst, arguing, Thor trying to be a better brother, Odin being a terrible father... I lied about the fluff... it's not in this part lol but it's coming I swear 💚 I know this part is short but it was getting way too long so I keep breaking it up
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"No! He can't do this," you think angrily. Your mind is spinning and your heart races. How could he take this away from his own son.
"You dare to tell me what I can and can not do!?" the king asks in a booming voice and you suddenly freeze.
You look at Loki, his eyes filled with fear and realize you didn't think that, you said it out loud. Odin slowly takes a step forward and you fight the urge to turn and run.
The only sounds you can hear in the crowded room are Odin's heavy footsteps as he decends the stairs and the pounding of your heart. Loki slips his hand free from yours as his father comes closer, he moves to stand in front of you protectively. It does nothing to stop the king, however, his eyes are fixed on you.
The king glares at you and says, "This does not concern you."
You don't know what gives you the strength or courage but you find yourself taking a step forward so you are next to Loki. He glances at you and you can tell he is obviously worried but you stand tall in front of the king and the whole council. You take Loki's hand again and answer Odin, "This concerns me because your ruling effects Loki's future and I care about him, unlike you or would seem."
Loki pulls you closer to him and further from his father but neither of you back away from the king.
"It is now becoming even clearer why we need to update the marriage law," Odin states, looking at the members of the council. He looks directly at Loki, "The prince does not understand his duty to this kingdom and that marriage is not to be taken lightly." Then he looks at you, "And you do not know your place."
"My place is with your son," you tell him.
"And my place is with Y/N," Loki adds in agreement.
A council member to your right says, "Prince Loki, you may think your place is with this soldier but you have a responsibility to follow the king's orders, as do we all."
"Is this really about my obligations as a prince?" he asks the council, "Or do you simply not think Y/N is worthy of my hand in marriage?"
You feel your chest tighten, you already know the answer to that question. You had spent many nights wondering if you were good enough for Loki.
"Lieutenant is barely an officer," an older woman says.
"If we take into account her family's years of service and the ranks they reached, we can easily assume she will at least rise to major like her parents before her," a younger man counters.
"Not for many, many years," another man responds.
"The law only states that a soldier must be a captain, that's clearly an obtainable rank," a woman you barely recognize defends you.
"But she is not yet a captain," someone argues. The chatter and disagreements begin to mix together and become louder as each person fights to have their opinion heard.
You keep your hand in Loki's, holding onto him to keep your bearings as you try to follow the numerous conversations. He squeezes your hand gently and you look up at him. He tries to give you a reassuring smile but you can clearly see he is as nervous as you are. None of this has gone the way he had planned and you are both terrified of what could happen.
"Enough of this!" Odin raises his voice, causing the room to go quiet in an instant. "I have made my decision."
"Father, please. Don't do this to us," Loki begs his father but the king seems unphased by how much he is hurting his son.
"Your highness-" you start but can't finish your thought.
"One more word from you..." he threatens and you become quiet, moving closer to Loki.
The queen moves forward, you had almost forgotten she was in the throne room as she sat quietly and observed the arguments. You and Loki both look at her with a mixture of hope and desperation. Is she going to overrule the king as she had when he wanted to send you away? Does she have a clever suggestion to keep you together? Is she going to agree with her husband? Your mind races as you wait for her to speak.
"I wish to hear what Lieutenant Y/L/N has to say," she says calmly.
Odin turns to look at his wife and something in his demeanor changes. You can't tell if he loves his wife but you can see he respects her enough to not challenge her in front of the council. He looks back at you and waves his hand slightly, "Very well, but these will be your final words in my presence."
You swallow hard and Loki squeezes your hand again to make sure you know you have his support.
"I love Asgard and I have dedicated my life to serving the crown and this kingdom," you begin, unsure of where you are going. "I admit, I am at a loss to discover that this means little to you. I have fought to protect the Bifrost, I have shed blood defending our outposts, I am willing to die in place of the royal family as a sworn sentry. Does this truly make me less worthy of marrying Loki than a woman who was born into one of the council families purly by chance?"
The members of the council begin to whisper again, discussing the question you posed but your attention turns to Loki. You keep your eyes locked on his and tell him, "I don't know what will happen but I need you to know that I will never stop loving you, even if they pull us apart."
"I will never let them take you from me, I promise," he says and you believe him with your whole heart.
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The queen nods when you look back towards her but she looks heartbroken for her son and you fear she won't interfere again.
"Now, let us put this nonsense behind us and-" the king begins.
"Wait," Thor interrupts him as gasps spread through the crowd. Now it is Thor who approaches the edge of the throne. Odin glares at his oldest son but says nothing, allowing him to continue.
"I think it would be wise to explain why you truly want to disregard the existing law," he says.
"I have made my opinion on the matter perfectly clear and above all else, it is simply outdated," Odin answers but you can tell the council members are not sure that is the whole truth.
"If you do not tell them," Thor threatens calmly, "I will."
"What are you talking about brother?" Loki asks, his voice full of confusion.
Before Thor can respond, Odin says, "You will do no such thing."
Thor pauses for a moment as if weighting the pros and cons of disobeying his father and you hold your breath while he decides. He avoids Odin's stare and looks at you and Loki. "Loki," he starts.
"Stop this now," Odin commands.
Thor doesn't stop, "We knew about this law, we have for years."
"What?" Loki takes a small step back in shock. "You knew and you said nothing? Even after you knew how I felt about Y/N?"
"Yes but there was nothing to be done," his brother explains. "Even if I had told you, you would still never be allowed to marry her."
"Why not? Why are we being punished?" Loki asks desperately looking from his brother to his father and back at Thor.
"You are not being punished, you are being used as a pawn," Thor says, looking down as if he is ashamed to admit the truth. The queen looks to Odin, her eyes full of questions. The council begins to whisper again as they attempt to figure out if anyone knows what Thor is referring to.
"A pawn," Loki repeats, his eyes unfocused as he stares at the floor. You hold him tightly, hoping to bring his attention back to you.
"Everyone out!" Odin orders the council to clear the throne room but no one moves.
"What is Prince Thor saying?" one person asks. "A pawn in what game?" asks another. Dozens of questions fly through the air until Loki finally looks up again.
"Brother," he says and the room goes silent. "Please, tell me what you mean? That I am to be used?"
"I'm sorry Loki," he says and your heart pounds faster. "You can't marry Y/N, because you have been promised to another."
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