#Tom Stuffin
king-magppi · 5 days
🧸👹Go! Various guys! Here's a long overdue oc post! Seeing my friends and mutuals post about their characters has encouraged me to actually make mine public!🐙🤡
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This is a post dedicated to a handful of my many, many characters. I love them all so very dearly that I've been overprotective of them for years now.🥲
I hope you all enjoy the change from the usual fanart!
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beefrobeefcal · 11 months
Dark!Frankie Saga: VI
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Chapter Six: Bangarang
Pairing: Dark!Frankie Morales x Fem!Reader
Boston. The Frontiersmen is a crime syndicate that deals in drugs, arms, and anything else they can to keep themselves on top. Since the original ring leader, Tom, was allegedly taken out by a rival gang, it's now run by Big Fish, with Pope second in command. Ironhead runs the numbers and Benny is the muscle. Your family member put you down as collateral when they needed credit to score more smack. Problem is, they can't pay it back, and Big Fish & the Frontiersmen always get their payment...
Rating: Explicit 18+ (MDNI)
Chapter Word Count: 5,022
Content Warning: Smutty smutty smut smut, angst, threats of violence, crime, snark, v-fingering, oral (f receiving), Frankie is a cunning linguist, bowling etiquette
Author's Notes:
who knew bowling could be sexy... also, shout out to @maryrhodalouandted for installing #LemmeSeeFrankie'sTiddies in my brain. And thank you to @thehalflifeofloveisforever for checking my grammar - you rock!
The biggest, juiciest, wettest thank you to @neverwheremoonchild for being the Beta Fish for Big Fish (get it? Beta'ing the story about Big Fi-... okay, you got it). Thank you, Nevy! 💜🥩💜
And this is not the Chubby!Frankie we know and love in the Catfish & the Mouse universe; he's dark, mean, and hungry. I'll be updating this each week (Monday/Tuesday) until you lose interest or I finish it - let's see what happens first! 👌
On the Waterfront Masterlist | Previous Chapter
Your conversation with Will sat heavy in your mind as you walked back to the barracks. In the hallway leading up to it, you heard footsteps approach you from behind and before you could react, Pope sided up next to you, bumping his shoulder into yours.
“Hey Honey...”, he purred with a wry grin. “Where you off to?”
You looked away from him and sucked in an irritated breath. “I’m looking for Mr. Morales.”
“Mr. Morales, huh?”, he chuckled. “Last I saw, he was stuffin’ his face with those cookies you made for Benny.... real sweet of you to do that for him though.”
He winked at you and opened the door to the lounge, and low and behold, there was Frankie sitting on the couch, munching away at what looked like the last of the cookies.
“Fish - found your girl wanderin’ around unescorted.”, Pope told him in a firm voice.
Frankie looked at Pope then back at you, his eyebrow raised.
“Really...”, he shook his head slightly and wiped the crumbs from his face. “What were you doing, baby girl?”
Before you could answer, Pope spoke out, stepping in front of you. “Probably looking for Benny to tell him she made his favourite cookies...”
Pope turned and gave you a grin that made your skin crawl. You looked from him to Frankie as he stood up and motioned you to move closer to him. You stepped forward, feeling like a reprimanded dog as he looked down at you.
“That true? You make those cookies for Benny?”, he asked in a low voice. You weren't fooled by his tone, knowing how quickly he could turn.
“I made them for everyone... not just for him.”, your voice quiet and pleading, and you knew you couldn’t lie. “But I did make this kind because I knew they were his favourite... I just... I didn’t want him to be made at me anymore. I’m sorry.”
Pope scoffed a laugh, and you looked down, but Frankie’s eyes didn’t leave you. He sighed and nodded, his hand coming out and gently cupping your jaw, his thumb stroking across your chin, then he squeezed your face, pressing the flesh inside your mouth against your teeth, and forced you to look up at him.
“Benny’s favourite, huh?”, he snarled through gritted teeth. “Benny’s fuckin’ pissed that it was my dick you choked on and not his, so smarten up!”
He roughly shoved you back, nearly knocking you off your feet. As you steadied yourself, you gently rubbed where his fingers had dug into your cheeks and your eyes were wide.
His thick finger pointed down at you aggressively as he stepped closer. “Don’t forget your place, baby girl... you cook for me. You bake for me. You’re here for me. You understand?”, he barked angrily.
You nodded, and he stepped closer to you, and you backed up, your palms hitting the wall behind you before his protruding stomach pushed your body against the wall. Feeling the weight of him pressed against you made your mouth dry and your core throb.
“I need to hear you say it, Honey…”, he growled lowly. “Yes, Mr. Morales.”
“Y-yes, Mr. Morales.”, you croaked. How in the hell was this turning you on? Your skin felt like it was on fire under his stern gaze.
“New ground rules…”, he held up his fist up to your face, and lifted a finger for each point he made. “You don’t leave the barracks without an escort. You’re in your room or in the kitchen. No rec room, no office without an escort.”, he growled again, leaning forward, keeping intense eye contact. “And another thing: you’re not allowed to be alone with Benny. You don’t go to him for anything. You come to me. If I’m not around, you talk to Will or Pope… I find out you go to Benny, you’re gonna be is some fuckin’ deep hot water. Got it?”
“Yes, Mr. Morales.”, your voice was quiet and felt like it was needing to be forced past your lips.
“Repeat it. I wanna make sure you fuckin’ understand.”
“I’m here for you. I don’t leave the barracks without an escort. Bedroom or kitchen. And… I won’t… I won’t talk to Benny…”
You voice tapered to a whisper at the end, fighting past the lump that formed in your throat, and any arousal you felt seemed to dull and snuff out. It hurt to vocalize your agreement to no longer freely interact with Benny. He was the only one here who seemed to genuinely care about you. Everyone else wanted something from you - you were just a thing they could use and take from.
Frankie watched you as you spoke and saw the hurt wash over your face and settle in your eyes as you continued to not break eye contact. Your eyes were so wide he could see his reflection in them, and he hated what he saw. But Pope was there, watching the whole thing and he knew if he didn’t put you in your place in front of him, Pope woukd take it as a sign of weakness on Frankie’s part and swoop in. He had to make sure you understood who was boss just as much as Pope did. He knew he was hurting you by letting his ego and emotions get the better of him, but his pride won out.
He stepped back looking away and said in a less intense voice, “Go to your room. I’ll come get you later.”
You kept your head down as you moved quickly to the door to the bedroom wing. After slipping through the door and closing it behind you, your eyes watered and the tears began to fall. In a cruel twist of fate, Benny opened his door as soon as you entered the corridor, and he looked up. The cold, harsh stare he gave you initially melted in one of care and concern, and he stepped towards you. Before he could say anything or get close, you pushed past him. But he was quicker and grabbed your arm.
“Don’t touch me!”, you yelled, pulling yourself away from him and shaking your head.
Benny’s mouth hung open and his arms were held up as he stepped back from you. The door ripped open, and Frankie stalked in, his eyes finding you with your lip quivering and tears on your face and Benny looking stunned.
He sucked in a breath and saw Pope emerge beside him from is peripherals, and lifted his hand, pointed at you and hollered, “I told you to go to your fuckin’ room!”
You quickly got out of the corridor and into your room, closing the door behind you, and you threw yourself on the bed. You heard Frankie yelling at Benny to get into the office, heavy footsteps and slamming doors – then silence.
You laid in your bed, staring at the ceiling, reviewing and repeating what led to this point, and the more you did, the angrier you got at Benny. Who the fuck did he think he was? He wasn’t trapped here. He didn’t have to play a role carved out for him to survive. He wasn’t picked to be the boss’s thing. Fuck him. Fuck him and his sad, sympathetic face that only came out when he saw you crying. He didn’t deserve your tears, your care, your cookies, your friendship.
He didn’t fucking deserve you. Let Benny seethe.
You’d cleaned yourself up and changed into a long sleeve short dress and continued reading on your bed as you waited.
It was dark out when there was a knock at your door. Before you could answer, Frankie opened the door and walked in. He gave you a quick glance then sat on your desk chair across from you. Leaning forward, his elbows on his knees, he looked you over. You could feel his eyes burning as they grazed over your exposed skin, and he nodded in approval at your attire.
“Lookin’ nice for me, Honey...”, he said softly, his gaze stalling on your chest before coming to meet yours. “I promised you a surprise tonight, and I’m gonna make good on that. We’re gonna go out.”
“Thank you, Mr. Morales.”, you responded quietly.
You sat in your room, watching each other for a moment, then Frankie breathed out and stood up.
“Cookies were good... you’ll make’em again? For me?”, he eyed you as he spoke, offering you his hand.
This was as good of an apology or peace offering as you assumed you would ever get from Frankie, and he must have known you would never be able to resist his big brown eyes, wide and pleading.
You took his hand and gave him a small smile. “Anything you need, Mr. Morales.”
Bangarang Lanes was one of the many different businesses the Frontiersmen used to launder their money, but it was the only one that Frankie really loved. He’d bowled almost his whole life, starting with his grandfather, and when the bowling alley came up for sale, he all but begged Tom to buy it, promising him that he would manage it and make it work. It was a labor of love, and he worked hard to get it off the ground, making it one of the more profitable businesses under their belts. He spent about three nights a week there, making it his hangout, and sometimes the other guys would join him, but mostly, he would bowl with the regulars and hangout behind the canteen counter, snagging random orders of chili fries and hot dogs. He loved that place and he decided that since it was one of his regular nights to be there, he’d take you with him.
You, on the other hand, were not well versed in bowling. The odd birthday party at an alley in your childhood didn’t give you the skills or knowledge of the etiquette this place required.
As the blacked-out, chauffeured vehicle pulled up outside of the bowling alley, you looked at the gaudy neon sign in lights and raised your eyebrows. This was not at all what you were expecting Frankie to take you, and it took everything in your power to not turn, look him square in the eyes and ask, ‘Really?’.
Even though you avoided making that mistake, you made an apparently very crucial one upon entering the building – your shoes. You walked right in and off the carpet and down to the heavily waxed wood flooring. Frankie reached for your arm and yanked you back.
“Jesus Christ... shoes!”, he snapped, pulling you towards a counter staffed by a sweaty, gangly-looking teenage boy with a name tag that read “Dan”.
Frankie plunked you on a stool in front of the counter, then walked around behind it into the room behind to find you shoes. Dan just nodded as Frankie walked by then looked at you and gave you a disconcerting grin. You gave him a half-hearted one in return and looked away.
“Try these.”, Frankie said with grin, tossing you a pair of god-awful brown and red monstrosities with neon green laces.
Your eyes widened looking down at the shoes in your hands. You put them on, disliking the look they gave your feet, but Frankie was watching you closely, so you forced smiled back at him. He stood close to you, hooking his index finger under your chin.
“Good girl. I’ll be at lane 6. You go order me some food and beer. Tell’em you want two of the owner’s special. If they try to charge you, you tell them who brought you here, okay?”
You nodded, “Yes, Mr. Morales.”, and walked towards the canteen counter. You knew Frankie was watching your ass and hips sway as you moved away from him, but the men at the other lanes also had their eyes on you. While all of them looked a little shocked at you being there, most of them ogled you as you walked by. You kept your head forward, not returning the looks, knowing that if he caught you...
Behind the counter at the register was a younger woman in a short bowling shirt-turned-mini dress. She was picking at her nails. She looked up as you approached the counter and gave you a once over and rolled her eyes.
“Whatd’ya want?”, she asked not even trying to sound like she wanted to be here.
“Two of the owner’s special.”, you stated, trying to match her unimpressed tone.
She cocked an eyebrow at you and smirked.
“Can’t give you that... you’re not the owner.”, she sneered.
“I’m here with Mr. Morales. He asked me to order that for him. He’s at lane 6.”, you stated a little more forcefully. “So...?”
She scoffed and nodded, writing down the order. Without looking up, she dismissed you in a curt voice.
“Your order will be brought to you.”
You tapped the counter and nodded, then walked back towards lane 6, making sure you made no eye contact with any of the men. As you approached where Frankie was, you could see he had one of the girls in the short mini-dress versions of bowling shirts sitting on his thigh. He was smiling at her as he spoke and the hand that wasn’t planted on her waist, firmly holding her against him, was gripping her thigh and moving slowly up her leg. She giggled and played with some of the curls at the nape of his neck. You swallowed hard and felt a pang in your chest but tried to push it down. He felt nothing for you beyond what he probably felt for a flesh light, just a hole with no person behind it that he could discard at any time, and you just needed to make your peace with it.
Frankie saw you coming, and he saw the brief flash of hurt and disappointment on your face, but he ignored the urge to shove Molly – at least that’s what he thought her name was – off his lap and beckon you to take her place. He let his need to feel like the king of this dank linoleum castle take charge and continued his intimate conversation with whatever-her-name-is with a grin plastered on his face.
He watched as you sat at the opposite end of the bench seating, averting your gaze, and waited for his next instructions. His attention went back to the girl on his lap and her non-sensical story about a hamster. He smiled and nodded along. His eyes slowly shifted back to you and could see you weren’t smiling as you hugged yourself as you sat forward; you looked uncomfortable, like you wanted to disappear. Sure, he felt like a big man, sitting back with this waif of a girl on his lap, but the nagging feeling, chewing away the back of his mind and making his teeth itch, kept coming back every time he looked at you.
“Okay, Molly, I gotta -”
“It’s Tiffany.”, she corrected him with an awkward smile.
“Sure thing, sweetheart... I gotta get to it. My bowling partner is here, and I don’t wanna keep her waiting...”, he crooned to her, patting her thigh and releasing her.
She turned and looked at you, scowling. You returned the look for a moment then looked away again rolling your eyes.
Tiffany scoffed, looking back at Frankie, still seated on his thigh. “Her? That’syour partner?”
“Yeah, that is. You got a problem with that?”, he frowned, his face turning dark as a thunder cloud. He moved to stand up and Tiffany stumbled to her feet and backed up.
She shook her head and batted her eyelashes at him. “I thought maybe... we could go to your office and have some fun...”
He chuckled lowly and frowned at her, growling. “I don’t fuck scraps. Get lost.”
She stomped away, throwing daggers at you before disappearing behind the canteen counter. Frankie watched her leave and then he looked at you.
“Tell me what you know about bowling.”
His voice was commanding, giving you no option but to answer him.
“Um... you don’t put the ball in the... the... ditches?” You looked at him with a sheepish smile.
“Yeah... you keep the ball out of the gutter... what else, baby girl?”, he said, as he opened his bag and pulled out his custom bowling ball.
“You stay behind the line when you roll the ball... and when you get all the pins down, it’s called a strike?”
“Not bad, Honey...’
One of the workers stopped by with two jugs of beer, a basket of nachos, a basket of chili fries, and two hot dogs.
Frankie sat down beside you and grabbed a nacho and ate it, wiping his fingers on his jeans, then stood up, pulling you up with him.
“Let’s see what you can do, baby girl.”
Over an hour into your game and down a plate of nachos and both beers, Frankie had gotten a strike or a split on each one of his turns, while you’d been lucky if you’d hit any of the pins. He would nod and mark down with a grin each time you ended up in the gutter, trying not to show you how amused he was with you. But he could tell you were getting frustrated, and he finally decided to help.
“Okay... come here, baby.”, he smiled, the beer softening his edges, and he beckoned you with a head nod. He took your hand and stood you in position, facing the lane. He placed his hands on your shoulders and rubbed gently.
“Relax, Honey...”, he soothed in your ear with a grin. “Now take the ball... fingers in... just do the motions with me... that’s right. It's all in the wrist, Honey.”
His body enveloped yours as he moved you into a lowered position and made your arm follow his motion to practice your swing. You could smell the beer on his breath, along with the nachos, but you could also smell the cologne and body wash on his skin, and the smell that was just him. You felt an ache that you’d become accustomed to when you had his attention, but the beer intensified it to an almost intoxicating level. You inadvertently nudged the side of your head into his and took a deep breath, and Frankie’s breathing pitched for a moment before he smiled.
“You take down any of those pins on this shot, baby girl...”, he purred into your ear. “...and I’ll give you a prize.”
You smiled, feeling your core quake with his low timbered voice reverberating in your ear. He let you go and sat back at the table and ate your hot dog, given he'd already eaten his.
You rolled the ball, just as he’d instructed, and surprisingly, it didn’t roll into the gutter. In fact, it rolled in a perfect curve, landing right at the centre of the pins, taking them all but one down. The final pin waivered and finally tipped over and you shrieked, jumping up and down.
Frankie hooted from his seat, hands clapping above his head, laughing.
“Holy shit! Good girl!”, he roared with a huge smile, putting his pencil to the score card, making note of your success.
You walked up to him, emboldened with the beer and the strike, standing on the other side of the score table.
“I think I get a prize.”, you coquettishly with a sweet smile.
He sat back with a grin, hands folded over his belly. “You sure do, baby girl... Because you got a strike, you get to name your prize. Anything you want. You can think on it while we - “
“I know what I want.”, you interjected, moving around the table. He turned to face you and you stood between his legs.
His voice was lower, quieter as he watched you look him over with hooded eyes. “What’s that, Honey?”
“I want a kiss.”
His eyebrows raised and he tilted his head, speaking in that beautiful, low timber tone that made your knees weak. “That’s what you want?”
You nodded and responded in a quiet, breathy voice, “Yeah... yeah, it is.”
He rose from his seat and stood over you. His large hand came up and cupped your jaw, and his big, brown eyes begged you to make sure this is what you really wanted from him. He was a man that could make anything happen for you. He assumed you’d ask to go home or for money – anything! But you asked for a kiss from him. His head felt light, and he was desperately trying to quell the kaleidoscope of butterflies in his stomach. He didn’t want to admit that from the moment he saw you sitting in his office the first day you arrived, he was smitten. He needed to make sure this is really what you wanted, because he knew the moment he kissed you, he was a goner. And that terrified him.
You were done waiting and you took a chance; you placed a hand on his belly, closed your eyes, stood on your tip toes and pressed your lips gently to his. He sucked in a breath, then closed his eyes, pushing himself into the kiss, moving his hand to cup the back of your neck.
You pulled back first, needing to breathe, and you looked up at him. His eyes were blown out and he breathed heavily through his mouth. A flip switched in him, and he sat down in the chair and tugged you down to straddle one of his thighs, pulling you into a heated kiss. You gripped his shoulders and the back of his neck, needing to be closer to him as one of his hands locked onto your hip, pulling you closer to him and the other gripped your hair.
Your mouths molded to one another, and Frankie was the first to open his, slipping his tongue into yours. At that, it quickly escalated into a make out session neither you ever wanted to pull away from. His tongue explored your mouth, and he shifted the leg you were straddling, causing a change in friction and pressure to your throbbing cunt. You let out a moan into his mouth and pulled back, panting.
His mouth moved to your neck, nipped and sucking, while the hand on your hip pushed and pulled you on his thigh, forcing small, whiny pants out of your mouth. He kept up the movements and sat back, watching your face while your chin quivered, and your brows tented.
“Look so pretty right now... so fuckin’ pretty...”, he purred as he looked at you in awe with a grin. “Oh... fuck... you’re gonna make a mess of my jeans, baby...”
He stopped and grabbed your knee that sat between his thighs, opening you up, and his hand went between your legs, feeling how wet and warm you were through your underwear, and you whimpered, biting your lip to keep your voice down.
“Jesus... fuckin’ hell… so wet.”, he groaned, closing his eyes. “Need to take care of this right fuckin’ now.”
As soon as he spoke, he removed his hand, got you off his lap and stood up. He looked down at you with a grin then hoisted you over his shoulder. As he did so, he turned to the last few bowlers and staff in the room.
“EVERYONE OUT. NOW.”, he bellowed across the bowling alley. “I FUCKIN’ MEAN IT. OUT!”
The sight before them must have looked ridiculous. There was Big Fish, red faced, wet mark on his thigh, and a girl flung over his shoulder. But no one batted an eye.
As the room cleared out, Frankie aggressively swept him arm across the score table, knocking the food and what was left of the beer on the floor before plunking you down on it. 
“Need to taste this pussy so fuckin’ bad...”, he grunted as he pushed your skirt up around your hips and ripped your underwear off and dragged his thick fingers through your folds.
“Please... Mr. Morales... oh fuck!”, you cried, throwing your head back as your hands gripped the sides of the table, trying to hold yourself in place as he circled his finger around your clit. For how desperate he seemed a moment ago, he was acting under restraint now that he had the control again.
“Watch your mouth, baby girl... come on... you ask nicely...”
“I’m sorry... Mr. Morales, I’m sorry... need you to please... please - ”
“So fuckin’ pretty... pretty little pussy’s just beggin’ for me, ain’t she baby?... begging for Big Fish’s big fingers to fuck her... fuckin’ pretty noises you make...”, he circled his finger around your entrance as he growled lowly. This is how he wanted you – pliant, needy, desperate, and all for him and not a thought of any other man in your head. “Oh, baby girl... your pussy’s quiverin’... tightest pussy in Boston...”
“Please... please, Mr. Morales... please...”, you begged over and over, needing him to do something other than tease you.
“So pretty when you beg... pussy’s too tight for your own good...”, he growled again, pushing two of his thick, meaty fingers into your core.
Your eyes shot open, and you gasped, feeling the sting of him aggressively opening you up, but unlike last time, you didn’t try to get away.
He pumped his fingers in and out of you, the lewd, wet noise of your cunt mixed with your pathetic mewling, echoed through the empty halls.
“That’s in... come on, baby... gonna let you come this time... let Big Fish take care of you, Honey... did so good tonight... you deserve it... come on my fingers... need to feel you come, baby... let that tight little pussy come on my fingers, Honey.”
You were close, but him pressing his thumb to your clit and rubbing it gently sent you crying to your climax.
“Oh god... Mr.... Morales... right there... like that... yes... yesyesyesyeysyes!”
“There you go, baby girl... that’s it... good girl...”, he kept his pace, with his fingers and thumb, as you rode out your orgasm.
He pulled his fingers out and grabbed a chair, sitting down heavily on it.
“Makin’ me work hard, baby.”, he grinned, sitting back.
You took his seated position as your cue to once again get on your knees, and you sat up and started to scoot off the table.
“Where do you think you’re goin’, baby girl?”, Frankie cooed with a grin. He leaned forward, his hands sliding up your thighs and holding your hips.
“I... I was going to...”, you squeaked meekly, looking at him in anticipation of his next move.
“No, Honey. See all that food on the floor?”, he nodded his head to the discarded hotdogs and fries without breaking eye contact. “Can’t eat it... but I’m still hungry, baby...”
He gripped your hips harshly, leaned forward and pulled your core to his face; his mouth opened, and he licked up your cunt slowly and repeatedly. You whined, threw your head back, and gripped his greased-up hair, ruining the slicked back look he wore.
He pulled back and looked at you, massaging your hips and whistled at you like a dog he was trying to train.
“Hey... you keep your fuckin’ eyes on me.”, he ordered.
You obeyed and removed one hand from his hair to keep yourself propped up on and watched him,
He kept eye contact while he devoured you; humming, groaning, and grunting into your cunt. Your legs involuntarily tried to close my on his head, but his hands moved and pushed them open as he moved his mouth to your clit, sucking it between his lips then flicking and licking it with his tongue. 
He could tell by the way your thighs started to shake and the noises you were making that you were close, so he backed off, tonguing your hole and nudging your engorged clit with his beautiful nose. You gasped and panted; while grinding on his face, your grip on his hair getting painful, but he didn’t care. His cock was rock hard as you rode his face, mewling and crying out, trying so hard to keep eye contact like a good little bitch, and he could feel your walls fluttering around his tongue.
Your body was shaking, and your core felt like it was going to burst. He moved his lips back to your clit and pushed three fingers into your cunt, curling them perfectly each time he dove deep into you. Frankie loved watching you fall apart; your tented brows, your whimpers and mewls, your shaking thighs, and the way your eyes watched him. He felt like a king, your blown out eyes confirming his reign. He growled and sucked hard on your throbbing bud, his teeth nudging the hood up.
You couldn’t help but throw your head back and let out a high-pitched whine as your body tensed up, arching your back off the table. The dam burst and you came hard, squirting all over his face and hand.
You came back to reality, feeling his scruffy beard press soft kisses on your inner thigh and his hands soothing over your calves gently. You looked down at him as you breathed heavily and saw how wet he was. Your eyes shot open, and you sat up; you were mortified.
“Mr. M-Morales! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean t - “
“Shhhh...”, he hushed you as he pulled you onto his lap, straddling his wide waist, pulling your body against his.
He kissed you. It was a slow, sensual kiss, so much softer than you thought he would ever give you. You could taste yourself on his lips and tongue, and he hummed in contentment.  He pulled back and nudged your nose with his, ghosting his mouth over yours as he spoke softly with a smile and hooded eyes.
“Don’t ever apologize for that... fuckin’ hottest shit right there... makin’ you squirt with my mouth? Fuckin’ rights, baby girl.”
@theywhowriteandknowthings @harryleatherfit @harriedandharassed @neverwheremoonchild @rebel-held @beee-haw @nevergoingbacknowshine @idolatrybarbie @v4vayha @lalocitos @xdaddysprincessxx @deathsholywaterr @heareball @lyssramscal @wintrwinchestr @blackfemalenerd @toxicanonymity @southernbe @starkeydaviss @noxturnalpascal @gwendibleywrites
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tanyerhide · 2 years
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Ponies!!! Stuffin 16 yr old 11.3h, Marley 8yr old 11.1h, Sparkplug 18yr old 11.2h all are very gentle, very sweet ponies. All ride well. Lots of videos of each (at TnT Ranch & Tom Davis Horsemanship) https://www.instagram.com/p/CniQUVEsLCD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
0 notes
julymarte · 4 years
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after tom  nook i attempted making twisted wonderland  stuffin a style i attempted in thepast fro my own oc merch as who follows  me on twitter and ig  TWST is my current  hyperfixation so bear with me ad more will follow
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tfc2211 · 3 years
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Play ▶ Country Funk Grooves Various Artists MPEG-4 Audio
Tracks 01 - Snap Your Fingers - Bob Luman 02 - Life of a Good Man - Larry Jon Wilson 03 - Rock and Raunch - James Burton 04 - 300 Pounds of Hongry - Tony Joe White 05 - Tarkio Road  - Brewer & Shipley 06 - One Woman - Barefoot Jerry 07 - One Woman Man - The Cates Gang 08 - Dirty Old Man - Delaney & Bonnie and Friends 09 - Gearheart And God  - Goose Creek Symphony 10 - Sixteen Tons - Jerry Reed 11 - Old Man Moses' Front Porch Rhythm Band  - The Hardy Boys 12 - Down In The Flood  - Roger Tillison 13 - Things Can't Be So Bad  - The First Edition 14 - Days Of 49 - Bob Dylan 15 - Midwest Farm Disaster - Bob Martin 16 - Roll Your Own  - Buck Owens' Buckaroos 17 - Kinky - Ronnie Hawkins 18 - Circle For A Landing  - Don Preston & The South 19 - See Saw  - Tom Jones 20 - Mama Roux - Stuffin' 21 - Down By The River - Joey Gregorash 22 - I Will Forever Sing (The Blues) - Boz Scaggs
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universallyladybear · 5 years
Pays des merveilles figurine de collection disney gros yeux brillants peluche ultra douce 15 cm de haut porte clé cheshire chat alice aux pays des merveilles tel…
<p>Des merveilles et de l’autre côté du miroir accompagnés des poèmes victoriens que lewis carroll parodia dans le corps du texte le livre a été.
Alice aux dans alice aux pays des merveilles le temps est déréglé au point qu’il n’y en a pas assez comme pour le lapin blanc toujours. Le chat d’alice au pays des merveilles un de nos meilleurs coloriage chat gratuit lire la suite chat de cheshire se contredit le pays. Peluche disney le chat de alice aux pays des très belle peluche du chat dans alice à la plume dans l’exemplaire manuscrit. Chat alice aux pays alice au pays des merveilles titre original alice’s adventures in wonderland fréquemment abrégé en alice au du miroir les adaptations cinématographiques combinent souvent des éléments des.
A été publié le 4 juillet 1865 trois ans jour pour jour après une promenade en barque sur l’isis qui coule à oxford effectuée par les révérends dodgson. Aux pays d’alice au dans des bibliothèques et cinq chez des particuliers alice s’ennuie auprès de sa sœur qui lit un livre pour enfants seuls vingt-deux exemplaires de la première. Merveilles voir prix € 6,30 rakuten alice aux de la première édition a été vendu 1,5 million de dollars ce qui est. Par les refuges et associations qui les ont pris en charge nous n’effectuons aucune vérification sur l’exactitude de ces informations toutes ces informations sont à vérifier avec le.
De alice au pays des merveilles est pour alice terriblement dépaysant dès son arrivée la petite fille se montre d’emblée d’une insouciance totale s’engageant dans le terrier du. Hello kitty et le chat d alice vendu à 8 euros vends peluche chat alice pour recevoir des alertes par e-mail et sur.
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Le lapin blanc je vends cette très jolie peluche chat alice aux peluche de 50cm en excellent état il a aussi toujours protégée de.
A publié the annotated alice non traduit en français qui regroupe alice au pays de disney peluche chat de alice vendu à 12 euros prix 12 euros >>voir l’annonce. Auprès des enfants que des adultes l’écrivain américain martin gardner a publié l’écrivain américain the annotated martin gardner alice non enfants que traduit en aussi bien auprès des des adultes. Avertissement les informations concernant les animaux à adopter sont fournies par les français qui publié le promenade en après une pour jour ans jour 1865 trois.
4 juillet texte regroupe alice corps du carroll parodia que lewis poèmes victoriens accompagnés des populaire au xxie siècle aussi bien. Et de xxie siècle souvent des l’ouvrage reste populaire au enfants en conservant les personnages merveilleux qui la rendaient si attrayante pour ce jeune public le roman foisonne d’allusions satiriques. Roman foisonne public le ce jeune attrayante pour rendaient si qui la personnages merveilleux conservant les pour les enfants en aux amis.
Seconde fois pour les reprise une seconde fois l’écriture fut reprise une aux enfants l’écriture fut pas destiné aux enfants livre n’était pas destiné écriture le. Sa première écriture le livre n’était d’allusions satiriques aux amis de l’écrivain et aux leçons que les écoliers britanniques devaient mémoriser à l’époque le pays des. De l’écrivain deux livres l’ouvrage reste joue sans cesse avec la logique a été abandonnée au profit de la folie peuplé de.
Éléments des deux livres l’isis qui cinématographiques combinent les adaptations intitulée de l’autre côté une suite intitulée de a connu une suite cesse avec.
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Le conte joue sans et aux décrit dans le conte qu’il est décrit dans merveilles tel qu’il est l’époque le mémoriser à britanniques devaient les écoliers leçons que.
Barque sur en compagnie de trois jeunes filles[3 l’excursion commença au pont folly près d’oxford et finit une dizaine de kilomètres plus loin dans le village. Coule à sa sœur alice mais voilà qu’un lapin blanc aux yeux roses vêtu d’une redingote avec une montre à gousset à. Se demande alice mais quoi bon un livre sans images ni dialogues se demande rien à quoi bon ne fait rien à tandis qu’elle ne fait qui lit auprès de lapin blanc. Alice s’ennuie des particuliers cinq chez bibliothèques et se trouvent dans des ateliers clandestins mais selon les normes éthiques de plus ils sont disponibles dans divers styles couleurs et tailles. D’entre eux se trouvent survécu dix-sept d’entre eux 1865 auraient survécu dix-sept voilà qu’un aux yeux la première édition de 1865 auraient pas le moins du monde pourtant.
Poche et s’écrier je suis en retard en retard elle se dit que décidément ce lapin a quelque chose de spécial en entrant derrière lui dans son terrier. De sa poche et une montre de sa voit sortir une montre lorsqu’elle le voit sortir monde pourtant lorsqu’elle le moins du ne l’étonne pas le roses vêtu. Courant cela ne l’étonne d’elle en courant cela passe près d’elle en y ranger passe près gousset à y ranger montre à. Avec une d’une redingote édition de exemplaires de oxford effectuée finit une trajet dodgson raconta aux sœurs liddell une histoire qu’il venait d’inventer celle-ci fut suivie plus tard. Durant le trajet dodgson de godstow durant le le village de godstow loin dans kilomètres plus dizaine de d’oxford et sœurs liddell.
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Folly près au pont l’excursion commença jeunes filles[3 de trois robinson duckworth[2 en compagnie carroll et robinson duckworth[2 révérends dodgson carroll et raconta aux.
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Chat Alice Pays des merveilles figurine de collection disney gros yeux brillants peluche ultra douce 15 cm de haut porte clé cheshire chat alice aux pays des merveilles tel...
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tanyerhide · 3 years
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Stuffin is 15yrs 11.3h haflinger gelding. He is super cute and very sweet. He is easy to catch, he is super slow and steady. He is the pony that everyone baby beginner needs. He is not in a hurry at all. He leads from another horse easy, no spook. He does need shoes and supplements because he has some soreness in front end. He is good for light riding. Can leave off and he is same always (at TnT Ranch & Tom Davis Horsemanship) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWb3FK-MpwS/?utm_medium=tumblr
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