#Tom Beland
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protytwo · 3 months ago
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Saturn Girl by Tom Beland
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nevenkebla · 6 months ago
Mister Fantastic
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Fantastic Four in…Ataque Del M.O.D.O.K.! (2010) #1 Tom Beland (Escritor), Juan Doe (Dibujante)
— Susan Storm: Bueno… Por fin tengo mi última pregunta. Pero sé que no la vas a contestar. — Reed Richards: ¿Ah? ¿Y por qué no? — Susan Storm: Porque es tu secreto más privado. Uno que Ben, Johnny y yo hemos querido descubrir hace años. — Reed Richards: ¿Cuál? — Susan Storm: Me tienes que jurar que contestas mi pregunta. — Reed Richards: Bien. Te lo juro. — Susan Storm: Está bien… Mi última pregunta. ¿Por qué Mister Fantastic? — Reed Richards: ¿Cómo? — Susan Storm: La noche que escogimos nuestros nombres, todos optamos por lo más obvio. Yo había dicho que Ben era una cosa y eso escogió llamarse él. Johnny se hizo una antorcha humana y ese fue su nombre. Y yo era una chica invisible, mi nombre original. Pero tú… Tú te estiras en todas las direcciones… pero no te pusiste “Hombre estirador” o “El chicle”. Escogiste “Mister Fantastic”. Y nos tomó a todos por sorpresa, francamente. — Reed Richards: ¿Y llevas todos estos años preguntándote? — Susan Storm: ¡Sí! ¡Todos nosotros! — Reed Richards: Y tú… Más que ningún otro… ¿Tú no sabes por qué? — Susan Storm: Bueno, te estoy haciendo la pregunta, así que obviamente… — Reed Richards: Está bien, te cuento. Pero esto se queda estrictamente entre nosotros.
— Reed Richards: (Me contaste antes del día que creé tu sistema de sonido, ¿Te acuerdas?) — Susan Storm: Beatles… Abbey Road… “Here comes the Sun.” Dios mío, Reed, ¡Esto me encanta! ¡Es increíble! — Reed Richards: Bueno, no es nada que cualquier nerdo no sería capaz de inventarse. — Susan Storm: ¿Nerdo? Reed, cariño… Cualquier persona que pueda hacer lo que tú acabas de hacer en dos horas… ¡es Mister Fantastic para mí! Probemos con un poco de Elvis… “¡Viva Las Vegas!” — Reed Richards: (Lo dijiste tan casualmente, no me sorprende que no te acuerdes. Pero tuvo un gran efecto sobre mí. Hasta ese momento, todos se burlaban de mi inteligencia. Ben me llamaba ‘Pointdexter’ o ‘Cerebrú’. Otros me decían ‘Nerdo’ o que andaba perdido en un libro. Pero de repente, viniste tú… Una mujer totalmente fuera de mi liga… celebrando mi inteligencia, en vez de reírte. Alguien como tú pensó que yo era Mister Fantastic. Y esa noche que conseguimos nuestros poderes… cuando llegó el momento de escoger nuestros nombres… Yo también opté por lo más obvio.)
— Susan Storm: ¿Eso es verdad? — Reed Richards: Es verdad. — Susan Storm: ¿Lo juras por Dios? — Reed Richards: Lo juro por Dios. — Susan Storm: Eso es posiblemente la cosa más romántica que jamás he oído… en mi vida entera. — Reed Richards: Acuérdate, amor… se queda entre nosotros. Nadie se entera. Especialmente tu hermano. — Susan Storm: Oh, Johnny te destruiría. — Reed Richards: Prefiero que se entere Dr. Doom a que se entere Johnny. En muchos universos he visto cosas sumamente espectaculares. Maravillas que nadie se imaginaría en sus sueños. Pero que alguien como tú se enamore de mí, nunca me deja de fascinar, Susan. — Susan Storm: Ay Dios mío. La próxima vez que Doom te llame Mister Fantastic… ¡Yo me muero!
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thischristianguy · 9 months ago
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A little extra Chicacabra from Tom Beland
Tom has finished Chicacabra and the Monster Island. Image sat on it and Tom is looking for other publishers.
As found on Toms Fb page
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onlylonelylatino · 1 year ago
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Ka-Zar, Spider-Man, Stegron and Sauron by David Hahn
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spacedewey · 11 months ago
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From Spider-Man: Web of Romance, by Tom Beland, Cory Walker, Cliff Rathburn and Matt Milla, 2006.
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fuckyeahalisonblaire · 1 year ago
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 Tom Beland
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lokalokas · 3 months ago
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TARANTULA (não confundir com bandas homônimas da Espanha e de Portugal) foi um grupo de rock norte-americano formado por Tom Grasso e Mike Edelman em Hollywood, California em agosto de 1968. Eles foram fortemente influenciados pela psicodelia da Costa Oeste e pelo trabalho de Frank Zappa & The Mothers Of Invention. O som da Tarantula também tinha um toque de jazz, de pop e de folk-rock. Em outubro de 1968, a banda assinou um contrato de gravação com a A&M Records. A Tarantula era inicialmente um trio formado por Tom Grasso (teclados e vocais), Mike Edelman (flauta elétrica e vocais) e Maury Baker (bateria). Baker saiu logo após a assinatura do contrato e foi substituido por Steve Zwirn. Oz Bach e Thad Maxwell juntaram-se à banda logo depois. Em 1968, eles produziram um álbum e um single para A&M Records O álbum homônimo e o single foram lançados no início de 1969, e foram seus únicos registros. Os destaques da banda ficam por conta da guitarra fuzz de Maxwell, do órgão pesado de Grasso e da flauta amplificada de Edelman um dos poucos músicos de rock, além de Andy Kulberg do Blues Project, a usar o instrumento dessa forma. Suas letras espaçadas e títulos de músicas estranhos ajudaram a aumentar a mistura, mas eles nunca conseguiram alcançar o sucesso e se separaram em 1969. Depois do fim da Tarantula Oz Bach tocou com vários outros grupos, mas nem todos chegaram a gravar discos. Thad Maxwell se tornou o ex-membro mais ativo e visível do Tarantula. Em 1969, ele se juntou a seu ex-colega de banda do One Man's Family, John Beland, como baixista (sucedendo a Eric White) na subestimada banda de country-rock Swampwater. Ele tocou com Arlo Guthrie nos álbuns Hobo's Lullaby, Last of the Brooklyn Cowboys e Amigo, e com seu ex-colega da banda Swampwater, Gib Guilbeau, foi membro da banda de country-rock do final dos anos 70, Sierra. Membros: Oz Bach - vocais, baixo | Thad Maxwell - guitarra, vocais | Tom Grasso - teclados, vocais | Mike Edelman - flauta rlétrica, saxofone, vocais | Steve Swirn - bateria, percussão.
Bandas de rock relíquias
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coverpanelarchive · 4 years ago
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Fantastic Four: ¡Isla   De La Muerte! #1 (2008)
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mjwatson-daily · 5 years ago
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I Heart Marvel: Web of Romance Writer: Tom Beland, Pencils: Cory Walker
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cryptocollectibles · 6 years ago
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I Heart Marvel Web of Romance #1 (April 2006) by Marvel Comics
How can everyone's favorite web-slinging Avenger battle the menacing Mandrill AND the destructive Dragon Man while getting the one gift that will make marvelous Mary Jane's heart purr?? HOW??? Written by Tom Beland, drawn by Cory Walker, cover by Gez Fry.
- Buy this comic book with Bitcoin and many other cryptocurrencies at the Crypto Collectibles store on OpenBazaar -
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tombelandart · 6 years ago
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nevenkebla · 7 months ago
Cada día sería interesante
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Fantastic Four in…Ataque Del M.O.D.O.K.! (2010) #1 Tom Beland (Escritor), Juan Doe (Dibujante)
— Susan Storm: Bueno… Te toca preguntar. — Reed Richards: Pensé que te tocaba a ti. — Susan Storm: No, yo te hice mi pregunta en el Fantasti-Car, ¿Te acuerdas? ¿Quién es tu matemático favorito? — Reed Richards: Ah sí. Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss. Entonces… Me toca a mí… — Susan Storm: Y que sea buena, mi amor. Es la veinte. Tu última pregunta. — Reed Richards: Hmm… Déjame pensar. — Susan Storm: ¿Demasiadas opciones? — Reed Richards: No, ya la tengo. Si estás dispuesta a contestarla, quiero decir. — Susan Storm: Oh, qué poco me conoces. Te contesto cualquier cosa. — Reed Richards: Bien. Aquí está. Es sencilla. ¿Te acuerdas en qué momento supiste que yo era el hombre para ti?
— Susan Storm: ¿El momento exacto? Guau. Qué romántico. Eso salió de la nada. Pensé que me ibas a preguntar sobre cosmología teórica. — Reed Richards: Estoy esperando. — Susan Storm: Ok. ¿De verdad quieres saber? El mes era abril… un jueves. 9:30 de la mañana. Me acababa de mudar a mi primer apartamento. Y Johnny, claro, me abandonó por una pelirroja que acababa de conocer. Y no ensambló mi estéreo como había prometido. Estaba furiosa con él ese día. Tú ofreciste montármelo para que por lo menos pudiera oír música mientras trabajaba. Después de un par de horas, estabas listo para prenderlo.
— Reed Richards: Ok… ¿Estás lista? — Susan Storm: ¿Para qué? ¿Y dónde están mi tocadiscos y mis álbumes? — Reed Richards: Toma. Lee esto. — Susan Storm: Ok… Eh… “Sistema…” — Reed Richards: Un poco más alto. — Susan Storm: “Sistema… toca Rolling Stones… Sympathy for the Devil.” — Reed Richards: Se llama un Analizador de Comandos de Voz. Utiliza el audio de tu voz para activar una acción en el sistema. — Susan Storm: Pero… ¿Dónde están mis discos? — Reed Richards: Digitalizados. Todos. Es un proyectito que tengo con unos amigos en Palo Alto. La música se almacena como un archivo de audio, y después… — Susan Storm: Reed… Esto es… increíble…
— Susan Storm: En ese momento, contemplé lo que sería una vida con alguien como Reed Richards. Que nunca seria aburrida. No con alguien como una mente así. Cada día sería interesante.
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thischristianguy · 1 year ago
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Tom Beland’s long awaited part 2 in his Chicacabra series is releasing 2024.
Signal boost to generate demand
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icfammpodcast · 3 years ago
So first and foremost introductions.
Hello new readers and possibly those who know who is behind these words, its me Henry the Host! Since for those who haven't heard the news, I'm coming out of content creator retirement to create the upcoming sequel podcast series, ICFAMMPOD: THE REVENGE as well as the original webcomic series APEX: A GIANT MONSTER STORY! As we get ready for the release of these projects, I've decided to bring back a segment of ICFAMM I started in season 2 but somewhat faded out. Monster stories in literary work reviews.
So I recently was visiting my local comic book store here in the Asheville area very own Nerd Sanctuary, https://morganscomics.com/ . I've been selling some of my nerd stuff to try and start off 2022 on the right foot and I've come to really enjoy there store and this little didde caught my eye in there selection. So with my most recent visit at Morgan's, I purchased this copy of the IDW Graphic Novel, CHICABRA by Tom Beland.
Why purchase this graphic novel? Well when I first grabbed it and did a flip through, I was already hooked on the premise from what I've gathered from the images: A girl suddenly learns she can turn into the legendary cryptid: THE CHUPACABRA!
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I've now sat down and in one sitting; devoured this graphic novel.
I am honestly surprised that this has passed my radar for so long. I mean granted when it came out I was living in Korea at the time so like...I missed a few American publications but like...HOW IS THIS NOT MORE OF A THING!
Anyways, lets get to chit chatting.
Story: 4.5 out of 5
Almost flawless, this story had me hooked by page three. It features a teenage girl named Izzy as she tries to navigate life post the tragic death of her father and the lost of mind with her mother. While she tries to move on from her feelings and actions from her parent's missing, Izzy gets adventourous and while exploring lost caverns under the Puerto Rican landmark of "El Morro", Izzy finds kinship and literally creates a bond with none other than Puerto Rico's most famous urban legend, El Chupacabra!
From there, the story goes through refreshing twists and turns as Izzy learns to live with the supernatural side of herself that is now CHICACABRA!
The story telling Tom Beland presents in this comic is delightfully organic and compelling. Nothing truly misses a beat as Tom introduces us and the world that Izzy is involved in. While it walks familiar tropes of "teenage youth gains a supernatural side of themselves", those tropes are seen in ways that make one feel like it's the first time seeing it. Tom has to be applauded for telling a tale that explores grief and loss in a way that is real and relatable. The characters react to their situations that make some so life like that you can hear the voices like they are in the room with you. My one true issues with it is the introduction of the Vejigantes, since it feels like their introduction makes me wonder if this is a world of science fiction or one of paranormal supernatural. I will say when I get my hands on the second volume that is "Chicabra: Monster Island", I feel like I will know.
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Characters: 5 out of 5
The characters in this story are real. Which is in this day and age surprisingly hard to do as writers tend to lean in harder on their tropes so they can "tell the story". But with Chicacabra, the world isn't forcing the characters, the characters are forcing the world. The "real world" is one that grounds the characters to not be "special" but relatable. The real highlight is Izzy and Tio Tony navigating their loss while also dealing with the fact Izzy is now a cryptid. I honestly could write for days about the strengths of the characters and how Beland is able to explore these character arch-types in such a way where there are no beats that feel inorganic or overplayed. Big props to introducing a mad scientist character bent to track down the legendary creature not to kill it, but to ask for forgiveness from it.
Izzy by the by, is a fantastic lead character. She talks and walks as one would do in the situation that she is in. And for me personally, her relationship with Chicacabra hits home for me, as she has to learn to be responsible for not just her own actions, but the actions of the chupacabra that now lives within her.
Honestly the most amazing sequence in in Chapter One, when a classmate kills her pet rhinoceros beetle. Her reaction is real where she throws a garbage can at him. Once more is her words while beating the living day lights out of her classmate. One that is just so layered that you can honestly hear Izzy's real honest to goodness voice that shows the character that she has a large heart and a lot of damage she needs to work through.
" To end a life like it was nothing. It was something. It was something."
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Monster Concept: 4 out of 5
I honestly love how the Chupacabra is presented in this. As one of my favorite Cryptids, seeing the Chupacabra be outside their traditional murderous blood sucker is nice. And to be honest, it was kind of exciting that Izzy finds Chicacabra in a lab...not too far from someone else who is locked up in a lab for an upcoming giant monster series that you can read on Webtoon.....
The reason why this isn't a solid five is due to I'm still trying to figure out if this is a science fiction story with magic or a fantasy series with science.
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Monster Design and Execution: 5 out of 5
Chicacabra's design and how she is portrayed as an almost symbiote like character is fantastic. Its elegant and dangerous and I loved the first panel showing the left overs of Chicacabra's first appearance in the modern world. I like that Chicacabra's bond with Izzy helps not just Izzy overcome her grief, but Chicacabras. The kindredness, especially when we learn about Izzy's true reaction to the loss of her parents, between her and Chicacabra is captivating. This monster is a fantastic mirror and I'm looking forward to seeing how this is explored in later stories.
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Overall Enjoyment: 5 out of 5
I already have messaged a few friends while writing this that they need to pick it up. This is by far one of the best stories I've read in recent times and to be frank, I am truly surprised this has taken so long to come across my radar. My hat off to you Tom for writing such a fantastic story. To be honest, the inspiration for the story, Lily Garcia is quoted in saying how she feels about this story as: " Its the greatest comic I've ever read. And I've read the Bible."
Grade: "A"
If you like good characters, cryptids, and fantastic art, go check out this series. To be honest I feel like it could easily be brought to life via animation in the style of works like Craig McCraken's Netflix series "KID COSMIC".
CHICABRA Vol One has been a refreshing graphic novel read and something that I want to hold very close to my heart. This was a graphic novel that I plan to return to, share, and feel inspired by. Its a perfect story for positive feelings and a great way to not feel alone if you have negative ones.
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To check out more of Tom Beland's work, make sure to check him out via these links:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tommybeland/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChicacabroTom
Tumblr: https://tombelandart.tumblr.com/
CHICABRA VOL ONE: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/21814129-chicacabra
Hope you enjoyed this Henry Reader entry. Expect more to come to discuss other entries into the literary worlds of the classic "Creature Features". If you enjoyed this and want to support my own works, make sure to follow us here on tumblr and check out other exciting projects via the link below. Till next readers, catch you on the flip!
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xmxisxforxmaybe · 4 years ago
Representation MATTERS.
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Awesome work by Tom Beland.
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the4thpip · 7 years ago
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A piece I commissioned from Eisner Award nominated comic book artist Tom Beland (True Story Swear to God, I (heart) Mavel: Spider-Man, Chicacabra and more) featuring my favorite soul group, Gladys Knight and the Pips
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