#Tokyo ghoul match ups
yuri-is-online · 2 months
I hate Thoma from Tokyo debunker
Don't know why but I just hate him not as much as I hate leo but you get it and I needed to get it off my chest
That's it
Thank you for reading my bullshit
Unfortunately, I am in love with him TᴖT I want him so bad it is unfunny, pathetic even. He would laugh, degrade me, and I would fall further because I find that hot for reasons I might want to bring up with my therapist.
I have mentioned I think Tohma might have someone outside of Darkwick he is trying to work towards a better world for. I like to think it's a sibling, maybe a younger sister because I have been reading Tokyo Revengers again- idk I just know he's got some softness in there. He likes taking walks in nature and that's the one thing we know about him. I want to give him flowers-
I am so sorry anon please forgive me for simping
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Which TG character had an animation meme phase as a kid and why is it Seidou
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summer-nights19 · 7 days
Hellooooo <3
I saw your post about Tokyo Debunker and I would like to know your headcanon about guys with a partner who is shy about showing affection (hugs, kisses…,). It can be with the boys you want, although, could you add Rui and Yuri? I'm so curious how that dynamic would work with them, since one literally can't be touched and the other is a complete Tsundere haha
Thank you in advance, many hugs and kisses ✨️
Hi Anon <3 I honestly love this
Characters: Frostheim, Vagastrom, Jabberwock, Hotarubi (+ Rui and Yuri)
Oh God. He loves flustering you (he obviously won't do it in public - he has a reputation to uphold !)
Has you sit on his lap, cups your chin, wraps an arm around your waist ... you name it
Thinks it's adorable how shy you are about physical contact. Although that's something that he won't tell you (at least not at first) he definitely teases you about how easy it is to get you to become a blushing mess
Will find any excuse to hold your hand "to enhance his stigma" (he really just likes seeing how red you get)
He thinks it's so cute that you get that flustered from the slightest
Isn't big on physical contact in public, especially at the start of the relationship, but will "accidentally" brush his arm against your or touch your hand if you're both reaching for the same thing
The most he'll do in public is cup your face or kiss the back of your hand
Acts all innocent afterwards while delighting in how flustered you look
"My, MC, do you feel OK ? You've gone quite red,"
It took him a little while to realise that you got flustered easily - at first, he freaked out because he thought he had done something wrong or you were suddenly feeling unwell
Like the gentleman he is, he'd never deliberately fluster you in public - he hates the idea of embarrassing you by mistake. Honestly, the most he'd do is hold your hand (if you're ok with that), link arms, or kiss the back of your hand when he's greeting you
In private though it's a whole different question
He's very gentle, especially at the start - hugs, kisses on the cheek, hand holding ... but that doesn't mean he finds it any less cute when your cheeks become bright red
Ah yes the boyfailure
You two are a match made in heaven
It takes him a WHILE to notice how flustered you are because while you're freaking out and blushing, he's busy doing the exact same thing
After a lot of talking to each other (and taking it slow) you both begin to relax more about physical affection, though it takes a of encouragement and reassurance for him to reach that stage
As your "knight", he'll try to initiate any physical contact. However, if you decide to initiate anything, especially in the early stages, he will literally combust
A bit wary of touching you at first, just because he's used to putting up so many walls to protect himself, and the idea of being intimate is scary at first
He's also terrified of hurting you by mistake - even if you're pretty tough, he's a ghoul, and one of the strongest ones at that, so he'll still see you as fragile
However, after some time passes, he'd start to initiate things like hand holding or cuddling. Sometimes, he'll even pull you onto his lap
When he first saw you flustered you got, he was worried he'd done something wrong. However, after he understood that you were just a bit shy about physical contact, he found it so sweet
Won't try to fluster you in public, but now he can't keep his hands off of you when you guys are alone <3
He understands why you're blushing straight away and teases you endlessly about it
Will definitely fluster you a bit in public - he secretly loves PDA because it makes him feel like you belong to him
However, most of that is left for when you guys are in private - he'll shower you with praise and kisses
Definitely spoon feeds you your finger sometimes or does the whole "you have something on your lips" thing as an excuse to kiss you
If you're cooking together, he'd 100% hug you from behind while instructing you (not that it's easy to focus with his body and the smell of his cologne that close to you)
He also teases you constantly, but a bit more maliciously about it than Sho
"Oh gross, Honor Roll. Why are you getting all red ? I bumped into you by mistake,"
Even though he won't admit it, he'll try to fluster you subtly because seeing his reaction is a huge ego boost for him (he also finds it adorable, but you'd have to torture that out of him)
It takes Leo a while to become more deliberate about physical contact, but when he does, he's all about PDA - he loves showing you off and seeing you blush when he's doing it
When you guys first become close, his touch starts off very platonic - a hanc in your shoulder, a friendly hug, that kind of thing
However, when he sees how flustered you get after you two start dating and he becomes more intimate, it has a bigger impact on him then he'd thought
Definitely teases you in a good natured way and tries to make you blush if you two are alone
When he's worn out from all his chores, he'll call you yo his room so he can cuddle you
Although he's completely in denial about it, he's also a flustered mess
He's not used to physical affection and is a bit closed off, so it takes him a bit to start exploring that area of your relationship
He'd definitely pretend it's accidental at first- something like your fingers brushing or your legs touching when you're sitting next to each other
When he sees how pink your cheeks become, he grows even more flustered - why are you so adorable
"Wh- Hey MC, what are you staring at ? You're going all red like an idiot,"
Despite his efforts to hide it, you make him just as flustered
Over time, with a lot of patience (mostly on your end) you guys begin to feel more calm about physical affection. However, it'll definitely stay private as Ren is not into PDA at all
Another guy who keeps his hands constantly on you - he's so clingy
Whenever he sees you, he'll hug you hard and for a long period of time.
Since night is the only time you get to hear his voice properly, you two often go out then and fall asleep cuddling under the stars
When he noticed you got flustered, he didn't have much of a reaction to it - he just kissed your cheek before continuing to hug you
As a gentleman, and someone who's quite shy, Subaru doesn't do much physical contact at first, limiting himself to hugging you, holding your hand and giving you brief kisses when you guys are alone
At first, your reaction concerned him that he'd crossed a boundary by mistake. However, it was weirdly comforting for him when he realised you were flustered, because, despite not showing it, he felt exactly the same way
Would never fluster you deliberately, although he thinks you look cute - he's just too much of a gentleman. However, he'll definitely begin showing more physical affection as you both grow more used to it
Despite his charming act, this man loves touching you at every chance he gets. He won't even bother to hide it
Holds your hand everywhere you go and always pats your head/ruffles your hair after hugging you. When he's seated, he definitely loves having you on his lap
He likes PDA, but is also more than OK with only showing physical affection in private - it's ultimately up to you
Teases you a little bit about how much you're blushing, but it's mostly in a flirty way - he honestly thinks you're adorable
Positively beamed when he saw how much you were blushing after he tried to hug you - he finds it so sweet that even the idea of his touch makes you react like that
Although he can't technically touch you yet, he keeps working on it. For now, he just tells you what he'd like to do with you, and he finds it delightful if that's enough to fluster you
He's too much of a gentleman to try to fluster you publicly but he'll definitely do it in private
Gets so clingy if he ever does find a way to touch you
He's super clingy - it's surprising if you manage to leave his side at all
Definitely has you on his lap while he gambles to "act as a lucky charm" (show you off to the casino patrons)
If he's lounging about in his room, he'll definitely want to make out or sleep with you
Finds it cute when you get flustered and goes out 6 his way to make you blush at every chance he gets
Romeo regularly tells him to get a room
If he catches one of the other casino patrons looking at you, that guy will go missing by tomorrow, and your neck will be full of love bites to remind you of who you belong to
Fico Romeo
Romeo finds it endearing when you get so flustered, but he has a reputation to uphold, so he won't be telling you that anytime soon
Although his PDA is pretty limited, he'll still link arms or drape an arm around your waist so the rest of the casino knows you're his
When you're alone, he definitely gets an ego boost from flustering you deliberately (he also gets a lot more handsy - loves when you sit on his lap as he works on his desk)
He'd definitely say something like "Hey, BB ! Come over here," before fusty pulling you into his lap
He'll tease you about how stupid you look when you're going all red, but he actually loves it
Honestly, physical affection isn't really his thing, so it would take ages for him to notice that it flusters you
He smirks slightly when he sees your cheeks going red - you're just adorable
Definitely not one for PDA. He also doesn't show much physical affection in private compared to others, but he does enjoy it when you guys share an intimate moment
The fact that his curse means that he can't touch you is the biggest source of heartbreak in his life, although he doesn't let you see that
He yearns for the day that you're both cured and he can hold you and let his hands explore your body, imaginig how you'd react
His fantasies are spurred on when he realises that you get flustered so easily - he thinks you look so adorable when you blush
In the meantime, he tells you about everything he wants to do to you and showers you with praise. This guy is a massive flirt
If Rui could touch you, he'd enjoy PDA - he'd love showing you off on his arm to the rest of the academy
Yuri would never tell anyone this , but it takes him some time to feel secure enough in your relationship to start exploring physical contact. The very fact that he's considering it is off putting to him - it was just never something he thought he'd want or need
At first, he uses your checkups as an excuse to touch you - he lets his hands linger a bit longer than necessary and helps you put on your patient robe because "you're taking too long"
Seeing how much you're blushing honestly just makes him freak out more - you just look way too cute
Starts insulting you and telling you to stop looking at him like that
However, after passing the early stages of the relationship (and after you show him a lot of patience) you start showing each other proper physical affection in private
He's not really the type to go out of his way to fluster you, but he'll definitely tease you light heartedly
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specialagentlokitty · 10 months
Uta x reader - a bit oblivious
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i saw that ur requests were open… could i please request a tokyo ghoul uta x reader in which uta is hardcore pining for the reader who is totally oblivious?? like we all know uta’s emotionally constipated so just IMAGINE him tryna rizz reader up only for them to not even notice ty!! have a wonderful rest of ur day!! Hope that make sense x - Anon💜
Sitting in the cafe, you happily sipped at your drink as you scrolled through your laptop, looking through what you had been working on.
The chair in front of you moved, and you smiled a little bit.
“Hey Uta.”
He sat down, setting a cup in front of you and a plate with a sandwich on.
“Oh, thanks. What time is it?”
He didn’t reply, instead he leant his back against the wall, and you set your laptop aside so you could eat your food.
“I want to make you a mask.”
“I don’t need one.”
“Perhaps not, but I still want to make you one.”
You smiled at him.
“Still don’t need one Uta.”
He turned to you, resting his chin on his hand, eyes just peering at you under his sunglasses.
“You also don’t like it here.”
“I go out sometimes, when there is something interesting nearby.”
“Oh is it the one eyed boy? I’m doing a story on him, they’re calling him eyepatch.”
Uta lowered his glasses a little at you, staring for a few seconds before he pushed them back up, going back to resting his chin on his hand.
“Intriguing, but not nearly enough. Though he is fun to mess with, very easily scared. Do you get scared easy (Y/N)?”
“I wouldn’t be sat in here if I did.”
He leant forward a little, leaning over the table.
“Do I scare you…?” He whispered.
You glanced around before turning back to him.
“You’re not scary at all.”
He huffed a little, dropping back into his chair.
“Not even a little?” He hummed.
He watched you in silence for a few minutes.
You went back in your laptop, saving the work you had done before closing it, putting it back into your bag before turning back to him.
“Let’s go.”
He picked up your bag and you laughed a little, getting up so you could follow him.
You made sure to say goodbye to everybody before leaving the cafe, and Uta began to lead the way back to his studio.
“Oh! Oh! Can we go to the shopping centre?!”
Uta furrowed his brows at you as he stopped walking.
“There’s this sweater I really want, and it’s for a limited time only. Please Uta?!”
He gestured for you to carry on walking and you grinned at him as you did.
Uta didn’t speak much while you were out, he just followed along behind you, letting you drag him to where you wanted to go before you finally made it to his shop.
He set your bag by his workstation, and he jumped on it, leaning back on his hands as you watched you inspect the masks.
You picked one up, placing it over your face and turned to look at him.
“That isn’t your style.”
“But it’s cute.”
He laid down, reaching over his head he picked one up and held it out to you.
Padding over you picked it up and looked at the carefully placed detail before looking down at him.
“This suits you, it has softer features. It matches your face and personality better.”
“You think?”
He sat up, face inches from yours.
“I know.”
You grinned, sitting next to him as you held it in your hands, still carefully looking at the mask he had given you.
Uta watched you, slight admiration in his eyes.
He had been pining over you for months, and yet everything he did seemed to go right over your head and he didn’t know how else to get your attention.
You were just oblivious to his attempts.
In a way he found it amusing, it was almost like a game to him at this point.
He was in no hurry to let you find out, he was going to let the game carry on because it was fun.
He snapped back into reality when he felt you take his arm, and you began to colour his tattoos in with some markers.
“You need more colour.”
“There’s no fun in that.”
You shrugged, grinning at him.
He said nothing and allowed you to carry on while he simply just sprawled across your lap, his red eyes just watching you.
It wasn’t unusual behaviour by far for him, so you didn’t think twice about it.
And he just liked being near you, this way he knew you weren’t going anywhere anytime soon, and he could just watch
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pinkaditty · 19 days
He Knows
(Subaru Kagami x MC X Haku Kusanagi; Tokyo Debunker)
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omg guess who's back!!!!! im posting porn as per usual. 2day's porn is about tokyo debunkers!! recently started playing that game and WOW haku kusanagi has stolen my heart holy shit man. i picked him and then proceeded 2 watch him jump off a burning ledge it was really something!!! anyways the more of him i saw the more of him i just ended up liking. like when i found out he's left handed i jus melted on impact bro wtf's wrong with me. anyways here have the result of my 72 hour long haku kusanagi brainrot: porn.
summary: haku's been avoiding you. it's because you're with subaru all the damn time. it's only at a party where you're in close proximity that things get... interesting.
a/n: note that the tokyo debunkers characters have no confirmed ages. i am running on the assumption that, since they refer to themselves as adults in the game, drink, smoke, and gamble that they are at least in the college student age range. also, i have never heard of a high school with a chancellor. typically it's universities that have those. i am running on the assumption that all characters are at least 18 years of age. if canon ages come out and turn out to be lower, i will delete this! thank you <3
cw: MINORS DNI, suggestive, no real smut happening but u get kinda close, mostly buildup tbh, self-indulgent (pls like this i spent hours writing it), gn!mc bc mc isn't described physically at all, strongly implied sexual relations, semi-public?, slight cucking if u wanna call it that?, subaru x reader x haku yea
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Casino parties in Sinostra were a lot different from Frostheim parties. 
Where Frostheim parties were the peak of elegance; blue and white and silver, the mood just as frosty as the scenery, the dress code limited to the finest silks and satins, the food limited to the neatest hors d'oeuvres, and the conversation limited to humble whispers; Sinostra parties were the peak of gaucheness; all colors gaudy and neon, the mood joyful and jubilant and raunchy, the dress code ranging from evening dresses to last week’s uniform, the food being whatever was served at the nearest table, and the conversation loud and constantly overlapping. If you asked Haku, he didn’t have a preference. Parties were parties. It didn’t matter what kind.
He was here to have a good time. That was somewhat dampened when he realized he’d have no choice but to hang around you. He’d been avoiding you for a reason, after all.
It had been recently when he realized why his heart thrummed like a drum when you were nearby, the beat loud and monotonous in his ears. It was an unfamiliar feeling, one he’d scarcely felt, and when he realized what it was, he almost didn’t believe it was genuine. Sure, you were attractive, but all his flirting was, at best, to get your attention and to mess with someone cute. Who doesn’t like attention from an attractive person? He blew it off for the longest time, chalking it up to nerves at how you would respond to his brazen flirting, or perhaps surprise when you would talk to him with a sincere glint in your eye. It was crazy, falling for someone who might be doomed to die, but it was like he couldn’t help himself. Something about how you kept going, even despite that, accepting your potential fate but seeking a way to rewrite it all the same—it impressed him. You had the resilience of a ghoul, a will strong enough to devour a curse. So be it. He promised to himself from the moment he saw Taiga attempt to throw you out of the train window that he wouldn’t let you succumb to such horrors just yet. He had thought that, with the mesmer matches, his promise would be fulfilled. But when your eyes shined with recognition upon meeting his gaze again on that train, he knew he’d bitten off far more than he could chew. So be it. His fate was sealed, as it always had been. 
And, of course, like any romance story, you’d gotten quite close with another guy, Subaru. The odd pangs in his heart rang quite clear through his head when he saw the two of you walking together on campus yet again, or sitting together at mealtimes yet again, or when you’d come by Hotarubi to visit him yet again. He felt childish, feeling an odd jealousy bubbling up in him that he immediately tried to tamp down. He didn’t like feeling that way, not at all. He figured he’d have to rid himself of this somehow, so he distanced himself. Yet, the pull towards you was still strong and hard to ignore.
And then he started falling for you, harder, even after he’d implemented distance, completely unplanned. So, yeah, being here with you after weeks of attempting to avoid your presence after such a revelation was something of a downer. And, super awkward. But whatever, he could take it. He didn’t want to walk aimlessly around this party and see something he shouldn’t, so he was stuck with his dormmates, particularly Subaru, who was stuck—albeit, happily—with you. 
The party was going alright so far. The alcohol had given him a light buzz, enough to at least alleviate his nerves, and relax just slightly. He sank into the couch he sat on, adjacent to the bar. Next to him was Subaru, next to Subaru was Zenji, and next to Zenji was you. At least there was some distance, but his eyes met yours in fleeting glances quite often. It was minimally frustrating, but the buzz helped him ignore it. You were engaged in friendly, flamboyant conversation with Zenji, Subaru seemed a little shifty, though that could be chalked up to being in a loud environment, and Haku was leaning back, swirling his drink in his hands. The endless noise of loud voices and gambling wins and losses echoed in his ears as he did all he could to refrain from indulging much more. But your presence wasn’t exactly helping. 
He turned back to you, to give you another fleeting glance, but his eyes landed on Subaru instead. He seemed a little out of it, his skin shining in the low light with a thin layer of sweat, his breathing heavy and laboured, his face flushed a bright pink. Haku stared at him curiously, concern creasing his eyebrows and quirking his lips downwards. He reached a hand out to gently pat Subaru on the shoulder, who flinched suddenly. Haku looked at him quizzically, his eyebrows furrowing further. “You good?” He examined Subaru’s condition further, noticing his bangs beginning to stick to his forehead from the sweat. “Do we need to leave?”
Haku’s mumbled queries gained the attention of Zenji, who glanced over his shoulder. Upon seeing Subaru’s state, he frets, turning towards him and grabbing his chin, tilting his head back and forth. Haku wished he wouldn’t do that, and hoped onlookers assumed Subaru was just shaking his head. Not that anyone would be looking in this direction, anyway. He notices you curiously peering over Zenji’s shoulder. You showed no signs of concern, rather interest.
“Oh my! Are you alright? You’re quite flushed!” Zenji’s voice was pitched with worry, as he further examined Subaru’s face. “Did you perhaps—ah, but you’re not holding anything…” Zenji tapped his fingers to his lips, his eyebrows furrowing with concern. Subaru shook his head at both Zenji and Haku, and waved his hand.
“I’m fine. Don’t worry about me.” Haku heard a slight tremor in Subaru’s voice.
“Are you sure?” Zenji pressed, leaning towards Subaru, his eyes searching his face for any signs of further ailment.
“I’m fine! Please, enjoy yourselves.” To his credit, Subaru hid the tremor this time, but Haku could still sense something was wrong. However, he decided to let it go, assuming that they wouldn’t be here much longer. 
He took note of your lack of concern. He found it odd, but didn’t think on it much. You were close with Subaru, but maybe not as close as he thought. He hated how the thought of the two of you not being as close planted a seed of hope in his heart. Still, wasn’t concern a normal reaction to a friend being ill?
Haku let it go. They’d be out of here soon, anyway. 
Time seems to crawl by and speed up at the same time, the chaotic haze of the party warping his perception of time. Before he knows it, he’s on his second drink, even after internally swearing he wouldn’t overindulge. And before he knows it, he’s lost count of how many times he’s glanced your way, each time holding your gaze longer than the last. His pining was ridiculous. He felt like a teenager. And the drink in his hand was only a reminder of his low self-control, further shaming him. He sighs and places it down on the table in front of the couch, promptly leaning back in his seat. Once he falsely settles in, his finds his eyes drifting to you again. He quickly snaps his gaze away, but not before he spots Subaru’s quivering figure out of the corner of his eye. He turns to him again, concern once again etching itself into his expression. 
Subaru was trembling now, slouching just slightly, which was unlike him. His chest heaved with the effort to breathe normally, and he was sweating more now, more of his bangs stuck to his forehead. Instead of the modest blush pink his face had been before, he was now a bright red, color spreading from his cheeks to his ears and even to his neck. Alright, this was too much. Even Haku knew Subaru was pushing himself too far. He sat upright and gently placed a hand on Subaru’s back, to which he flinched again. Haku’s concern quickly turned to worry, and his hand moved to Subaru’s shoulder instead, leaning closer to him. He could feel the heat radiating off of him. “Hey, Subaru.” Subaru turned to him, still heaving and blinking at him blearily. “...We should go.” Subaru promptly shook his head, despite his body still trembling. The movement alerted Zenji yet again, who turned to Subaru, noticing his trembling form.
“My goodness, look at you!” Zenji grabbed Subaru’s face, squishing his cheeks. “Are you well? Do we need to take you to Montkranken?” Haku sighed as Subaru shook his head again, stubborn as a mule on this.
“N-No, I swear I’m fine, truly.” His voice shook audibly. Haku had half a mind to take him to Montkranken by force, but knew that no good would come of making Subaru any more uncomfortable. 
Zenji hesitantly let go of Subaru’s face, staring at him dubiously. He carefully inspected him, checking his complexion and forehead. As Zenji flitted back and forth around Subaru, Haku found his gaze once again slipping towards you. This time he didn’t stop it, deciding to let it go so he could hold your gaze at least once more before he shifted his full focus to Subaru. However, he notices you aren’t looking at Subaru, or Zenji, or him. You’re staring off to the left, as though watching the people of the party. He’s confused. Why are you so nonchalant about this? Even before, no concern was on your face, mere interest. And now, it’s like you couldn’t care less. It didn’t seem quite like you not to care about one of your friends. It was quite confusing and frustrating, watching you act so nonchalantly, hardly noticing Subaru’s ailment. But, whatever. Maybe you were just distracted. As he turns his gaze back to Subaru, about to gently encourage him to stand so they could leave, he notices your hand moving out of the corner of his eye. Your hand disappears into your pocket and shifts a bit more. Simultaneously, Subaru lurches forward, grunting. His whole body was trembling now, and his fingers dug into his arms as he desperately tried to keep it together. Zenji immediately leans over, placing a hand on Subaru’s back. Haku feels a rush of panic and leans towards him. “Subaru! What’s—”
Haku stops in his tracks. On the side of Subaru’s neck, facing Haku, there were small red and purple bruises. For a moment, Haku’s confused. What are those markings on the side of his neck? And what’s got him so—
Out of nowhere, something clicks. 
As Zenji continues fussing over Subaru, Haku slowly lifts his gaze to you. He finds your gaze boring straight into him. A shock runs down his spine. 
No. No way.
Haku watches as you smirk at him and you pull something out of your pocket, purposely angling the object so only he could see it. It is something very closely resembling a remote. His eyes flick between the remote and your face, your eyes still holding him captive. He tears his gaze away from you and the remote, and turns to Subaru’s trembling form, Zenji fussing over him. He turns back to you, observing the wicked smile on your face. This can’t be real, right?
He watches as your smirk widens, and you press a button on the remote, slipping it back into your pocket. 
Subaru groans, crumpling further forward, immediately pressing a hand to his mouth to muffle his voice. Haku studies him carefully, watching his expression. Subaru’s eyes roll back just once and the corner of his lips turn upwards in a smile, peeking behind his palm pressed tight against his mouth. 
Oh. Oh god.
Something akin to heat pools in Haku’s lower abdomen. He finds himself gripping the cushion of the sofa he’s sitting on so hard his knuckles turn white. Haku swallows thickly, and jerks his gaze back up to you, finding your gaze boring straight into him once again. Subaru’s muffled grunts grow louder, and now that he knows it’s out of pleasure and not pain, Haku feels the urge to squirm. He feels warm all of a sudden, his own body beginning to tremble with nerves and heat. His lips part as he breathes heavily, his gaze flickering from you, to your pocket, to Subaru, and back to you. Maybe it was a bad idea to have so much alcohol. Your gaze, the knowledge of what was really going on, and Subaru’s grunts—which were quickly evolving into moans, further confusing Zenji—all made quite a potent concoction, and with the alcohol running through his system, it really only served to shame him further yet again. 
Shame is all he can think about… Even as a tent forms in his pants.
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a/n: YIPPEE!!!!!!! i finished at long last
also here have this fuckass meme i made thinkging abt all the fics im writing atm:
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i guess i have a niche. my roommate literally asked me as i was telling her abt this fic "is it gonna be cuckold" and i was like "WHATEKSLSJK?!?!?!??!" and then i realized. i write a lot of these fics and call them all self-indulgent. is something wrong with me?
anyways wrapping this up!!!!!!! note that i appreciate likes, reblogs, and comments!!! please, tell me all about how much you enjoyed my work, if you did!!!! i really like when people tell me they loved it bc it encourages me 2 keep going ahhhh!!! until next time, readers!!!!!
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fairy-writes · 2 years
Hello there 👋
I was wondering if you could write a one-shot for Uta?? Something fluffy w/ a shy/sweet human!reader 😊
Thanks in advance! 💜
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Reblogs and Comments are greatly appreciated!!
Fandom(s): Tokyo Ghoul
Pairing(s): Uta x Gender Neutral!Human!Reader
Notes: Songfic with the song “Don’t You Dare (Make Me Fall in Love with You) by Kaden MacKay
When Uta first realized he was in love with you, admittedly, he panicked a little. 
You were a human. He was a ghoul. It wasn’t a relationship that was supposed to work. 
He couldn’t be in love. That was just absurd. He had more exciting things on his plate than love.
Don't you dare make me fall in love with you
Don't you dare enchant me with those eyes
If I fell through your skies,
There's no way you would catch me
There's a tear in my heart,
But your patch wouldn't match me
Uta first met you when he was at Anteiku, and you happened to walk in. It was busy. Most, if not all, of the tables were full, and when you began to approach, he got an idea of what was happening. 
“Can I sit here? Everywhere else is full.” You ask shyly, and he gets the feeling that you’re nervous. Which is understandable with his appearance. He was used to it. 
He nods once, and your expression relaxes as you sit down. The tenseness of your shoulders eases, and you pull out a sketchbook and flip to a new page as Touka brings over your drink. You smile at her and whisper a “thank you.”
You sketch in silence until he feels the need to have a conversation. It’s more of a whim, really, the urge to get to know a human to learn if they’re all like the CCG and Doves. 
“What are you drawing?” He asks, and you jump. But you turn around and show him nonetheless, and he’s blown away. 
It’s rough, with stray lines in some places, but it’s a perfect picture of himself, reclining in the chair and his coffee in hand.
You even got the lettering of his tattoo around his neck right.
The longer he stares, the more fidgety you become. 
“Sorry, I can get rid of it if you want. I know it might be rude to draw other people without permission—” 
“No, no, it’s beautiful. Thank you for choosing me as a model.” He finds himself saying, and his cold heart flutters when you beam. 
You end up gifting him the picture, and after you exchange names, you leave. 
He finds your number hastily scrawled at the bottom of the drawing. 
Being near you still adds to the size of my sighs,
There's still seismic events at hellos and goodbyes,
And I still need reminders of why it's unwise
To stare
So don't you dare
The longer he thinks about it, the more he likes the idea of you becoming friends. You’re shy, but you’re sweet and a brilliant artist. You would be entertaining, at least. 
But he’s likely never to meet you again, so that idea snuffs out like a candle. So he doesn’t text you. 
At least until you walk into his shop. 
You are admiring one of his masks on display when he enters the room from the back. He had heard the door jingle but wanted to finish some of the final stitching of the current mask he was working on. It was for the new half-ghoul Kaneki Ken. But that was beside the point. 
What were you doing here?
Don't you dare make me fall in love with you
Don't you dare do something so cliché
Just get out of my daydreams,
You're an unwelcome guest
And stop making me miss you
'Cause you leaving's for the best
You look up as he comes in, and confusion brightens your eyes. 
“Uta?” You ask, and he nods,
“That’s me. Welcome to HySy ArtMask Studio.” He says, more out of habit than anything. You offer him a smile, and he finds his heart trembling at the sight. 
What was wrong with him?
“I heard there was a mask studio that could offer a lot of inspiration. I didn’t know you owned it.” You comment as you cradle your sketchbook against your chest. Your pencil is stuck behind your ear, and you’re dressed in a thick knit sweater and trousers. Your boots scuff against the floor. 
He finds himself gesturing to the masks. 
“Make yourself at home.” He says, genuinely meaning it. 
'Cause I just couldn't stand having you as my crutch
You're a simmering stovetop I was tempted to touch
If you ever return, it'll burn me too much
To bear
So don't you dare
After the initial text, you are really the only one keeping up the conversation. Sure, Uta replies, but he keeps a certain amount of distance between you two. Mainly for your safety. 
But for whatever reason, you keep coming back. 
Your presence becomes a regular in his shop. You come every Friday, right after your university classes. Even though you are his age, if not a year younger, you say you are working toward your bachelor’s degree in—you guessed it—art. 
You say you want to open your own shop and sell your artwork. 
Much like him. 
And I know it's all so shallow, but a shallow cut still stings
And before my heart becomes Amelia's heir, I need to clip its wings
So don't you dare keep mocking me with those
Thousand little things that I adore
Let me ignore you, don't let me care
He tries to ignore you the closer you two become. 
For your safety. 
At least, that’s what he tells himself. 
And don't you dare leave me still in love with you
Nothing's fair when love is war
And I just can't endure any more of the fight
When the casualties rise with my heart rate each night
At first, Uta thinks he’s dying. Of course, that would explain why you always make his heart race and his blood run hot. 
That would explain why you’re always on his mind. 
Though I know I'm to blame for the glances I'd steal,
For the time I kept spending pretending it's real
And now that it's ending, I still have more feelings to spare
But don't you dare
It takes a talking to from Yomo for him to realize what’s going on. 
Don't you dare
When Uta first realized he was in love with you, admittedly, he panicked a little. 
But he doesn’t hate the idea. 
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locketsvault · 4 months
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pairing: ayato kirishima x gender neutral reader
tags: gender neutral reader, established relationship, first person, no pronouns/afab gender used, fluff
warnings: canon angst, discrimination mentioned, fluff, sfw “nudity”, back massage with no shirt on, kissing, strictly sfw I promise
request: Hii, can i request some fluff with Ayato (tokyo ghoul) with (an investigator) gn reader? (original request found here.)
word count: 835
a/n: this was honestly quite a hard topic to write about, trying to balance a character who’s angsty, usually mows down investigators happily, with an investigator partner and make it fluffy. I hope it’s to your liking, I did my best to make it fluffy!
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You two are a match made in… I can’t say Heaven, that’s a stretch. But you’re definitely a match. How it came to be? That’s a little secret. Some rumors say that you rescued him from being executed, while others say he saved you from being eaten by another ghoul. No matter how though, it was hard to deny you two were a wonderful match.
It was like looking at the black cat and golden retriever trope. It didn’t matter if you were a black cat too, being an investigator made you seem much more lively than a certain emo.
Sadly you two had to keep your relationship a secret from everyone around you, of course with the treat of death on both sides. But after the events of :re you were able to see each other without that threat lingering over your head. And it only made you two closer. You were finally able to move in together, just the two of you in your small apartment near his sisters coffee shop. It was home.
“You’re late.” Ayato stated the second you walked through a door, a false look of annoyance gracing his features.
“Paperwork,” you whined as you took off your coat and shoes. “He’s the worse boss ever, I swear. He makes me write the dumbest reports up, and he always tells me to do it right before I come home.”
“Then quit.” His tone was dead serious, you knew it, and you shot him a light hearted glare for it.
You knew you couldn’t though, you worked so hard to get where you were. He knew how important your job was to you. And he appreciated an open minded investigator among all the well… close minded humans. But he still sometimes wished you quit, for your safety. He also feared having to fight you or accidentally killing you without realizing it was you. That wasn’t fair though, he knew your scent by heart.
You dragged your body to the couch and collapsed onto him with a soft groan. His fake annoyance disappeared, instead replaced with a look of amusement. He can feel your body tense against his, and one touch down your back answered to him exactly why.
“… you were dualing again weren’t you.”
“Yes, but, I didn’t expect to today so I didn’t properly stretch.” You answered as you gave him a guilty smile.
This time he actually gave you a look of annoyance. “Sit up.” He commanded, quiet but affirmative.
“Noooo, I just laid down.” You whined, burying your face into his neck.
All you needed right now was him, to be in his arms, and all the pain would go away. However, that did not work. He huffed and made you both sit up before turning you so your back was facing him. A few sputter and whines later, your shirt was removed and thrown haphazardly on the ground.
“I can practically feel how tense your body is as if it’s my own. No fighting me on this.” The words “let me take care of you” left unspoken but was clearly there.
And how could you say no? So with a faux pout you stayed still as he grabbed some muscle relaxer and started to work it into your soft skin. You couldn’t help but release a hard sigh at the feeling. Your job could be so physical demanding and it wasn’t always easy to take care of your body. Your eyes closed as you took in his touch and warmth. You always cherished soft moments like this with him. He had changed so much since you first met, he had changed for you. You needed this, and you needed some unwinding with him.
“Thank you…” you whispered, breaking the soft silence between you.
You could feel his touch hesitate a bit, still not used to hearing such words in a genuine way. You could hear the almost silent huff and could practically feel the smile he was trying to keep in.
“All done, feel better?” He asked, wiping off his hands before getting up.
You rolled your shoulders and moved around a little. You couldn’t deny, you were feeling much better now. He came back and handed you one of his own shirts, much to your pleasure. You happily put it on and wiggled out of your work pants.
“Thank you my love.” You reached out, pulling him down for a soft kiss.
“You already said that,” he mumbled against your lips before picking you up, “come on, time for bed.”
“Man, my night was just getting started.” You grumbled, rolling your head back.
He rolled his eyes and laid you down, turning off the lights before laying down with you. He pulled you close and caressed your cheek, before kissing you again. It was gentle, more gentle than you were used to from him. He must been feeling extra domestic. You weren’t going to point it out though, it was cute and you loved it.
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nejis-desk · 7 months
Jack Jeanne Complete Collection - Interview with Ishida Sui and Towada Shin Translation
This interview is from the Jack Jeanne Complete Collection art book, it’s available on CDJapan and Amazon jp. You can also purchase a digital only version on bookwalker jp. I encourage anyone reading to purchase the game (if you haven't already) or the art book itself to support Ishida and Towada directly. 💕
This is a VERY long interview so I apologise for any typos or errors I may have missed.
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An interview with Ishida Sui and Towada Shin, who both worked on writing the story of Jack Jeanne. In this interview they reveal what went on behind the scenes during production, rejected story ideas and much more. This interview was conducted remotely on the 9th of February 2021.
Interviewer: Yui Kashima
How did Ishida Sui end up making an otome game?
—How did the production of Jack Jeanne begin?
Ishida: It was sometime around Autumn 2015 I think… On an old personal site that I used to run, I received an email from the company Broccoli to an email address that I no longer use. It was a commission request for character designs.
—In 2015 Tokyo Ghoul was still being serialised wasn’t it?
Ishida: Yes. Usually job offers like that go through Shueisha first, so I contacted my editor asking why this one was sent to my private email…  At the time, in addition to working on Tokyo Ghoul, I was also drawing illustrations for a tear-off calendar and very busy with various other things, so when my editorial department heard about the offer they seemed very shocked like "What!?".
—Why did you decide to accept the offer even though you were so busy?
Ishida: I would often receive offers asking for me to draw manga or illustrations, so I figured that this one was a similar case. However, some words in the email caught my eye. Like ‘Gender Swap’, ‘Takarazuka’ and ‘All Boys Opera'. When I saw these concept ideas, a dream began to swell in my chest and I felt like giving it a try.
I think if it had just been a normal character design job, I would have turned it down. However just from reading the short brief in the email my interest was piqued. While in discussions with the Young Jump editorial department, I also casually mentioned the kind of offer I’d received to Towada-san.
Towada: Yeah, Ishida-san asked me for some advice. I was also drawn to the ‘Gender Swap’ and ‘Opera’ concepts. I could easily visualise the setting of the story. Additionally, it seemed like it would be a story that included many different themes such as gender. When I thought about that, I figured that Ishida-san would be a good fit, since I knew he would be able to draw something that went beyond all genders.
Ishida: I’ve been drawing androgynous characters for a long time, so Towada-san and I talked and wondered if that's what they must be looking for. After that, I created my own proposal and submitted it to Broccoli.
—You created your own proposal, Ishida-san?
Ishida: When I looked at the original proposal that Broccoli had sent me, a lot of it differed from my personal tastes. It was a very upbeat and dazzling story. It would’ve been hard for me to match my art style to that, so in my proposal I noted things like ‘if it were me, I’d do something more like this’. I was interested in this unpolished gem of a story, so I thought it would be a waste to turn it down altogether. I wanted to at least try throwing my own ideas into the ring, so I spent a week creating the six main characters and sent them in.
—At that time, I heard that the game wasn’t titled ‘Jack Jeanne’ yet, but was instead called ‘Jiemarie’.
Ishida: At first, I wanted to try creating a word that doesn’t exist. So using French as a base, I came up with ‘Jiemarie’ as the game's provisional title. But then a month later when I was reconsidering the title, I looked at it again and thought, damn this looks lame. So I hurriedly called Towada-san on Skype and we entered a discussion that lasted about ten hours over what the title should be.
That’s when we decided on ‘Jack Jeanne’. The male roles take the name from the knight, or the ‘Jack’ in a deck of playing cards. And the female roles ‘Jeanne’ take from the word parisienne and Jeanne d’Arc. When these two terms are put together, I feel like you can comprehend what the game is about with a bit of nuance. Plus you can shorten it to ‘JJ’… That’s also the title of a magazine though (lol).
—Taking on another job whilst your manga was being serialised sounds like it would be tough on you both physically and mentally.
Ishida: I think I must’ve been a bit unwell (lol). My body was fine, but being able to work on something other than a serialised manga was a lot easier on me mentally. I may have seen it as a way to escape, so I didn’t feel that working on two projects at the same time was difficult. When it comes to game development, I can only create what I’m capable of, and there was no set release date yet. Of course, I would work on and submit things whenever I could though.
—What kind of things would you submit?
Ishida: I would sketch character designs, discuss and create story elements with Towada-san and try to put Univeils history into chronological order. Then I would share the progress with Broccoli and have meetings and such with them. In the beginning, rather than having to draw anything yet, it was mostly just brainstorming and planning. That’s why I think I was able to do it all concurrently with the serialisation of my manga. 
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How Ishida Sui and Towada Shin know each other
—Do you chat with Towada-san often?
Ishida: Well yeah, she is my older sister after all.
Towada: We talk a lot. When we both have the time we chat over Skype.
Ishida: Once we start the conversation can last up to five or six hours. We mostly talk about things that happened throughout our day. When I’m talking to someone I often bring up something that’s happened to me and ask their opinion on it. She became someone that I could chat with whilst working on my manga. Ever since my student days we’d talk until early morning, I usually told her about storyboards I’d drawn.
—At the Ishida Sui exhibition it was revealed that Towada-san had even given you advice on some of your earliest works.
Ishida: Yeah that’s right. It was a work I’d prepared for a 'bring your own work along' induction course in Tokyo that I attended back in my student days. It was a manga about two characters who eventually became the prototypes for Tsukiyama and Hori Chie in Tokyo Ghoul. It was only about 30 pages long, however when I showed it to Towada-san the day before the presentation, she told me that she thought my linework was too thin.
Towada: Yeah, the overall linework of the manga was thinly drawn. Once I told Ishida-san this thought, he began tracing over his linework and making it thicker. And then when he looked at it again, he said “Yep, I need to redraw the whole thing”.
The linework being too thin was only my personal opinion and the presentation was in Tokyo the next day, so in horror, I began hastily telling him, “You won’t make it in time, stop, stop!”
Ishida: All I could think about was that the lines really were too thin, so I wanted to redraw it. All of the screentones had already been affixed to the panels, but I didn’t want to bring something along with me whilst knowing it wasn’t the best that it could be.
Towada: Ishida-san handled the linework and I helped with redoing the screentones. We worked throughout the night and finished redrawing the whole manuscript. Once it was done, it wasn’t even comparable to the previous version, the lines were powerful and the characters' expressions conveyed a lot. I was seriously worried though (lol), I didn’t know if we’d complete it in time.
Ishida: I couldn’t think about anything other than the lines being too thin, so I wasn’t even worried about whether I had enough time or not.
Towada: I fell asleep halfway through, but you continued and boarded that Tokyo bound flight without having slept a wink, didn’t you?
Ishida: Yeah. I let Towada-san sleep and continued applying the screentones myself right up until the very last minute. I was still applying them whilst on the plane and also after my arrival in Tokyo. I used screentone number 10 a lot, so I remember the scenery around me gradually began to look grainy like the screentone. It felt as though I was hallucinating.
—Sounds like it was a tough manuscript to complete. Towada-san was also the author for the Tokyo Ghoul novels, has your relationship always been one akin to work partners?
Ishida: When it was decided that Tokyo Ghoul would be getting a novelisation, I was given other authors' works to look at. However, none of their styles really clicked with me, and they didn’t seem right for the series. I knew that Towada-san wrote, so I tried reaching out to her.
Although back in the days of Tokyo Ghoul’s serialisation, Towada-san and I didn’t talk as much as we do now. If I had any concerns I would just try and sort them out by myself. We’d always gotten along as brother and sister, however we didn’t really start to have a ‘work partners’ kind of relationship until we started working on Jack Jeanne together.
Towada: That’s true. Back then, we only occasionally conversed regarding the novelisation of Tokyo Ghoul. Before :re we only spoke once every few months over Skype. As Ishida-san said, it wasn’t until I started working on Jack Jeanne that we really started properly talking to one another.
—How often would you contact each other?
Towada: Depending on what stage we were at, we would bounce ideas off each other once every three or so days. Ishida-san would make a request like “I’d be happy if this part of the script was done within the next two weeks.” And then I’d present what I’d written and we’d discuss it and then I’d return to writing again. This process was repeated until Jack Jeanne reached its completion.
—Was Ishida-san the one that reached out to Towada-san to write the script of Jack Janne?
Towada: He didn’t ask me specifically to write the script, early in development he’d ask me to help with some research like “I’d like you to look up some information on this, could you help me?”. I’ve always liked ikusei games and within that genre I also enjoy romance and otome games. So I think that’s why it was easy for Ishida-san to consult me about it. We’ve had a common interest in games ever since we were kids.
Ishida: Back then I played games like ‘Pinnochia no Miru Yume’ and ‘Angelique’. I wanted to try and conquer Marcel in Angelique but it was one difficult game, so it was a tough task. Before I could even raise any flags with him, the training aspect of the game was so hard that no matter how many times I played I never got any good at it.
Towada: I’m the type that loves playing games, so after talking with Ishida-san, I went on to play every popular otome game that had been released around 2015, as well as every Broccoli published otoge. I completed every single character route in those games. I began analysing otome game trends and Broccoli’s brand identity and relayed my findings to Ishida-san. After that, I went along with the Jack Jeanne production team and Makasano Chuuji-san from Shueisha, who was the scriptwriter of the Tokyo Ghoul anime. We all visited the city of Takarazuka for research.
Ishida: I was also supposed to be there for the Takarazuka trip but since I had my manga to worry about, I had Towada-san go and take in the atmosphere in my place.
Towada: I did have to gather material but I think I visited Takarazuka a total of five or six times. From morning I would watch the Takarazuka theatre from afar and simply watch the guests move about, soaking in the atmosphere of the city.
Along with the Takarazuka plays, I also watched student plays, in total I probably went and watched one hundred shows. Theatre shows that are performed by professionals are fully realised and flawless. So getting to see the contrast to student plays, where they progress and improve until the show is complete was a very helpful reference.
I’ve always enjoyed watching plays, so everything I had to research overlapped with my own hobbies. I still shared my own input with Ishida-san though.
Ishida: I’d never formally been asked to write a script before… I felt like a fraud (lol). I think it’s because I’m not very good at being considerate of other people. I don’t think I’d be able to work with anyone other than Towada-san on something.
—Why is that?
Ishida: Well, for one I don’t want to talk to anyone for long periods of time (lol). Because Towada-san understands what aspects of a story are important to me, she’s also able to comprehend what I mean when I talk in abstract concepts. We could save time by not needing to have any pointless discussions.
Towada: Back then Ishida-san was still very busy publishing his manga, so bringing in all sorts of new people to work on the project probably would’ve put quite the burden on him. That’s why I wanted to help him out in some way.
After researching all sorts of things, I ended up participating in a production meeting for Jack Jeanne, but I was not expecting that I myself would end up being in charge of writing the script. Rather, I was more just looking forward to getting to play a game made by Ishida-san. As things progressed though, I was asked to try plotting things out, or to write part of the script to be used temporarily. Eventually I came to think, why don’t I just write the scenario myself?
I’d never written the script for a game before though, so that’s what had been holding me back. Unlike novels, it’s commonplace to not have to write descriptively. Novels are made up of dialogue and descriptions, like describing the setting and characters' expressions or emotions. So I had to spend a lot of time working out how to write to properly convey a story through dialogue alone.
When I first started getting the hang of it, I tried writing a script that still included descriptions but I quickly stopped. Jack Jeanne is about theatre, so I figured that it would be easier to convey the presence and narrative of the story through conversation. I usually write novels, so I was uncertain, but since Jack Jeanne has sprites of the characters on screen, I thought that I could do it. I suppose it’s closer to writing for a manga rather than a novel.
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The rejected character routes
—Before Tokyo Ghoul was completed, what kind of things did you work on?
Ishida: The first two years were mostly spent creating the game’s world and mechanics. Like deciding how many performances there would be, how the plays would be presented. Would it be a dialogue drama? Would there be mini games? Things like that. We also had to decide whether summer break would be included or not, how raising affection would work and how the choices would be presented. Those are the sort of things that were talked about first.
—You got to watch over the entire game’s development then.
Ishida: At first, I got carried away and envisioned a stage play game full of skill mechanics that I personally enjoyed. A busy game full of specs you can raise and improve in mini games, however when I explained these details to a friend of mine, they were like “You’re just imagining a game that you would like, right?”.
They asked me if that’s what the eventual players of Jack Jeanne would be looking for. That same friend said that since it’s a story that deals with the theme of theatre, it would be better if the player could witness the performances themselves. So I took that advice and the prototype of the current Jack Jeanne was created. I told all of this to Towada-san and had her handle the script.
Towada: You can’t write a script without knowing how the game’s system works after all.
Ishida: Now that I think about it, before Tokyo Ghoul was finished, rather than build the game's foundation, all I was really doing was scattering the sand to prepare for said foundation.
When Tokyo Ghoul entered its endgame especially, I really had to concentrate on it, so I took a six month break from Jack Jeanne. Ending a story requires a lot of energy and attention, so I left the practical work of Jack Jeanne to Towada-san and only supervised the music production and attended any important meetings.
—So during serialisation you were making preparations to jump right into it afterwards?
Ishida: Yes exactly. I wasn’t able to do much practical work, so I had Towada-san prepare the script in advance for me. And for the time being, create one character route.
—Which character was it?
Towada: It was Shirota. I wrote about the equivalent length of a short book and it was more or less complete. In the end, we scrapped the entire thing though… Because the atmosphere in the beginning was quite dark.
Ishida: It was dark because I was too used to Tokyo Ghoul. It included issues like a troubled household and severe bullying. Reading something like that wouldn’t put the player in a happy mood.
Despite it being a story about the theatre, my attention drifted to other topics which didn’t fit. And it was me who had asked Towada-san to write something like that… A couple months after the Shirota route had been completed, I read over what Towada-san had written for me once again and realised that it was a bit too gloomy. I’d forgotten what prompt I’d even given to her in the first place (lol).
The first character portraits and CGs that I created were for Shirota too. The reason being that Shirota is the only second year student and he was already a complete individual, so he was easy to create for. As for the third year students, there’s three of them, Fumi, Kai and Neji. Along with Kisa, Suzu and Yonoga are also first years, so continuity and character relationships need to be taken into account in order to create them, so they were a little more complex.
—How did the other characters come to be?
Ishida: At the proposal stage, the first character that I created was Kai. It’s a game where characters will be falling in love and confessing to one another, so first off I wanted a character that was handsome. Then I made Fumi who would be Kai’s partner. After that, I think Shirota was next.
Towada: At first you created the characters by basing them on plays didn’t you?
Ishida: I’m a fan of Yamamoto Shugoro’s work ‘Kikuchiyosho’ so Shirota was created using that as a base. In Shirota's case the genders are swapped, but Kikuchiyosho is a story about a girl who is born into a samurai family and raised as a boy. It has an element of androgyny and portrays the confusion and anger concerning gender quite well.
—How did you select the plays to base the characters on?
Ishida: I chose plays that lots of people are familiar with and would be easy to assign characters to. Kai is ‘The Phantom of the Opera’, Fumi is ‘Salome’, Neji is ‘Faust’ and Yonoga is ‘Shintokumaru’. Kisa and her classmate Ootori are ‘Don Quixote’. Ootori ended up becoming a side character though.
—So Ootori was originally meant to be a main character?
Ishida: Yeah. If I were to compare it to Tokyo Ghoul, Ootori is in the same position as Tsukiyama. I wanted a pompous character like that in Quartz. However I may have made him a little too unique (lol).
I received feedback from Broccoli that they want the main six characters to be an elite group, so a more easy to approach character would be better. So I moved the bright and cheerful character that I had originally made as Onyx’s Jack Ace over. That character was Suzu.
Making the characters personifications of plays started to become difficult to stick with though, so I abandoned the idea entirely halfway through.
—Despite appearing glamorous, the characters are all dealing with their own issues, like certain complexes and family troubles. I think that they’re all conflicts that are easy to sympathise with, how did you decide what the backbone of each character's conflict would be?
Ishida: First I created the character's appearance and then decided what personality would match them. Like with Fumi, when I began to think about making his story about the unique struggles that come with being born into a respected family, if becoming a successor was going to come into question, then he needed to have a brother.
In this way, I worked backwards from the vibe of his appearance and created his home life. I did the same with the other characters too, thinking things like ‘to have a personality like this they must not have parents, or they must struggle with expressing themselves’.
I think that if you let your characters do human-like things, then aspects of them that are easy to sympathise with will be born.
Jealousy, setbacks due to failure, inferiority complexes… Each and every character naturally ended up having some form of theme attached to them.
—I feel as though Kisa had a different sort of personality than that of a typical heroine.
Ishida: To put it simply, I want my protagonists to be fighting something. If they’re not giving it their all, then it’s no good. If they’re just standing around, then you can’t empathise with them.
—There’s times where she draws others towards her or supports those around her. She also has some masculine aspects to her.
Ishida: I think that I’m moved by characters who make me think “This kid’s really admirable”. That’s why I made Kisa a girl who works hard no matter the difficult situation that she’s in. I like Kisa and I’m sure Towada-san feels the same way.
Towada: She’s the result of both of our preferences. While due to the game’s setting, she of course has struggles related to being a girl, but I was careful to write the main thread of her story in a way that transcended gender and instead simply showed her charm as a human being.
—Regarding gender, I was impressed by how neutrally it was portrayed.
Ishida: Yes. Originally, I was going to make Shirota a character with a feminine personality, but I ended up scrapping the idea. In the end, he ended up having more of a masculine mentality. The premise of Jack Jeanne is that boys also play the female roles on stage, but it’s not a metaphor for anything and I didn’t want it to raise any questions. I simply wanted to give it my all creating plays with that setting and create something new and refreshing.
I don’t struggle with any gender related issues myself, so it’s not like I can fully understand what it’s like, but in general I’ve never considered gender to be a very big deal. If someone born male were to tell me “I have the heart of a woman” then I’d just think ‘ok cool’.
To me it feels strange to place so much weight on such an issue. I don't see why others need to be bothered by someone else's gender, I'm not since I myself am not able to speak for such experiences.
Towada: At first, it was possible to take that direction with Shirota but as I continued to write, I came to realise that there was no need to exaggerate any emphasis on his gender identity.
To those looking from an outside perspective, it may seem like a unique identity such as that is a person's defining trait, when in reality it's only just a portion of their whole self. If you consider it to be all they are, then you end up denying the other aspects of that person.
Whilst considering the individually of each character, I kept in mind to write them in a way that seemed natural for them.
—The side character, Tanakamigi Chui of Amber, had a very striking presence. How did you go about creating him?
Ishida: I wanted someone that’s easily understood to be the antagonist, so I went ahead and tried to draw someone who looked like an unstoppable genius. Despite being a second year, it’s as if he controls the school. I wanted an enigmatic and intriguing character like that. Once I named him Tanakamigi Chui I felt as though he was complete and his inclusion in the story was quickly decided on.
—On the flip side, were there any characters that you had a hard time creating?
Ishida: I had to think a little harder about the other members of Amber. They needed to have the aura of the enemy but since they’re only villains in the context of the stage, they’re not actually bad people. So it was hard to find that balance between them.
Visually they’re edgy and have a talented vibe, but they also have their own individual quirks, they’re not all homogeneous. I struggled with Kamiya Utsuri especially, I wanted him to visually look like he could be a Jeanne while also still looking like a boy, so it was difficult to get him right. I didn’t have to do many redesigns though and all the other characters came to be without much trouble.
What I actually had more trouble with, was the fact I made the cast too large. I initially created almost double the amount of first year characters, but when I looked back over the script that Towada-san created, I told her “There’s way too many characters, please cut some of them out.” To which Towada-san replied, “Ishida-san, you’re the one who created them in the first place.” (lol).
Towada: That’s because the cut characters had already appeared in the script (lol).
Ishida: I feel that when there’s too many characters a lot of them get wasted, so just like that I end up creating and scrapping a lot of my characters. I think even Broccoli were surprised by the amount of times I’d suddenly tell them “Oh that character doesn’t exist anymore.”
—Apart from characters, were there any other aspects of the game that were abruptly discarded?
Ishida: The performances I suppose… Originally I had wanted there to be a larger variety of shows, but if you were to put all of them in the script it probably would’ve ended up being three million characters long.
In the beginning of development, I had originally planned for each character's route to have a different final performance. There’s six main characters, and including Kisa’s route, that would total to seven unique shows.
Before that there’s the newcomers, summer, autumn and winter performances, so I arranged to have a script written for each. Basically I wanted to include more shows and increase the amount of sub stories, but that would be confusing to play through and development would never end. The game engine has its limits too, so I decided to keep it simple.
Towada: It would’ve been difficult to play through all that as well (lol). For the final performance, we settled on it being one show and letting the player enjoy it from each character’s perspective instead. And even then, there’s still over 20 different endings to the game, so it still took a long time until everything was fully complete.
—Newcomers, summer, autumn, winter and the final performance, were these five show’s scripts all original?
Towada: Yes. However at first, like the characters, we had planned to base them on famous productions. Like Shakespeare or fairy tales. We figured that players would find it easy to get immersed in plays that they were already familiar with.
Ishida: For the newcomers' performance, I thought we could have a show called ‘House of Biscuits and Candy’ based on Hansel and Gretel. I had also originally planned to use each character's motif to base the plays on.
Towada: Like Shintokumaru, right?
Ishida: Yeah yeah. I even went as far as getting permission to use it, but if the show were to be following a story that already exists, then the script would be bound to it. Once I understood that it would make it difficult to relate the stories to Univeil, we decided to create the plays ourselves.
Since I acquired the permission to adapt Shintokumaru though, maybe I’ll have to make a manga about it someday…
By the way, the one who was saying “Let’s do this” and then changing it to “Nevermind let’s not” was all me. I’ll start on something wholeheartedly thinking that it’s the right choice before realising halfway through that I can’t actually take it anywhere and stop. Jack Jeanne’s development was full of trial and error.
Whenever I’m about to start something, Towada-san will express her concerns with my ideas but I always end up pushing on with them only to ultimately scrap it.
I probably have at least ten books worth of scrapped drafts alone. I had no real knowledge of how to properly craft a story. I hadn’t drawn anything other than Tokyo Ghoul, so even though I had no idea what the fundamentals of storytelling were, I misunderstood that I could write other kinds of stories too. This time around I studied and revised each time… I really learnt a lot.
Towada: You learn things by doing them, so I think I just got used to it (lol). Also, you don’t commonly see stories presented within stories, I thought that it was a rare case for a game especially.
~ ~ ~
The story behind ‘Lyrics: Ishida Sui’
—You also wrote the lyrics for each of the songs used in the performances didn’t you, Ishida-san?
Ishida: Yes, that’s how things ended up. It goes without saying, but no one, including myself, thought that I’d be the one writing the lyrics.
Originally Broccoli brought in several professional lyricists and had me look over what they’d written. However I couldn’t help but feel that they were lyrics I’d heard somewhere before, or they at least didn’t leave a unique impression on me. I did feel the finesse of a professional, and they were beautiful lyrics that fit the story in one way or another… But the words used didn’t touch on the core of the story. 
The songs in Jack Jeanne are stage songs that Neji wrote for the members of Quartz. So unless you’re familiar with the setting and understand how the characters are feeling, then you won’t be able to write lyrics that perfectly fit the scenario.
While I knew that my lyric writing technique would be far from that of a professionals, I thought that no one understands and loves these characters more than me, so I approached Broccoli about it. I’d poured my heart into not only the character designs, but also the story and system of the game, so I didn’t want to compromise on the lyrics and have them pale in comparison.
So, to the best of my ability, I wanted to at least try my hand at writing them. I had Broccoli check whether or not what I’d written was viable and asked them “If there are no problems, then please let me write the lyrics.”
—Did you sing the temporary vocals for the songs too?
Ishida: When I submitted the lyrics to Broccoli, I got the normal response of “Thank you, we’ll leave the temporary vocals to you.” Along with this message they also wrote “You can hire a professional vocalist if you’d like, or you could record the temporary vocals yourself.”
Because of this I started thinking that maybe I should record them myself. Similar to how one wouldn’t be able to write lyrics for the songs without a deep understanding of the story, if you weren’t the one who wrote the lyrics, you wouldn’t know how they’re supposed to be sung either.
So, after deciding that I had to be the one to do it, I made preparations to acquire some audio recording equipment and downloaded some editing software. I divided up the parts and harmonised with myself and over the course of three days, I finished recording the temporary vocals. That’s more or less how I did it.
—When recording yourself singing, being self conscious about it can interfere, can’t it?
Ishida: I don’t think I was possessed by him or anything, but… When I tried to go all out, as expected I felt a bit hesitant, so I began recording whilst imagining I was Neji.
In the game, Neji is the one who writes the scripts, so surely he would also write the lyrics and subdivide the song and do everything himself. So I got through it thinking like that. In that pumped up mental state, I sent in the temporarily recorded songs but all Broccoli said back was “Alright, let us know your upcoming schedule”, I got so carried away that I was somewhat bewildered by the cold response (lol).
~ ~ ~
Recruiting via DM, gathering specifically selected creators
—It appears the creators you gathered to handle things such as the concept art and music are all people whose work you enjoy.
Ishida: Yes. Almost everyone was sent a targeted offer. For example, I’ve always loved the concept artist Lownine-san’s work ever since I was a student. I suppose you could say I was jealous of how high quality their artwork is… They’re someone who I thought I'd never be able to beat in my entire life. Lownine-san is an amazing artist who is especially good at blending characters into their backgrounds.
When we were creating Jack Jeanne, I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to pull something like that off, so I definitely wanted to recruit Lownine-san for the job. After getting permission from Broccoli, I reached out to Lownine-san myself through Twitter DM’s. I had only appreciated Lownine-san’s work from afar, and we’d never actually interacted before, but we did both follow each other. I received a reply that Lownine-san was fully on board to accept the job.
Towards the end of Jack Jeanne’s development, I got the chance to speak with Lownine-san, so I asked them “Could you teach me how to draw?” They gladly accepted this request and taught me how to draw whilst screen sharing over Skype. However, in about 10 minutes, they’d already drawn such an amazing piece that I felt I should just put my pen down (lol).
Towada: You were a little down after that, weren’t you?
—Had you been a fan of Kosemura-san, who was in charge of music, since you were a student as well?
Ishida: Yes, I’ve listened to Kosemura-san’s music a lot since I was a student. When I was brainstorming what kind of music would fit Jack Jeanne, Kosemura-san’s ‘Light Dance’ immediately came to mind, since it fit perfectly. Because I didn’t have any personal connections to Kosemura-san however, I didn’t know how to get in contact with him, so I made the request through Broccoli. I only found out about this recently, but apparently Kosemura-san almost turned the offer down*, I was quite shocked to hear that (lol).
*When the initial request was sent, it was under wraps that the game was being made by Ishida Sui, and since Kosemura-san didn’t have much experience in writing game music, he wasn’t optimistic about the offer. However, later, when he learned that it was a game being made by Ishida Sui, he readily accepted the offer.
—How did Seishiro-san, who was in charge of the choreography, get chosen for the job?
Ishida: A very long time ago I saw the group Tokyo Gegegay appear on a program called DANCE @ HERO JAPAN and I remember thinking ‘this group is crazy good’ and I was immediately charmed by them. After that, whilst I was looking through more videos of Tokyo Gegegay on YouTube, I happened upon a studio workshop video and discovered Seishiro-san.
—What about him caught your eye?
Ishida: Whilst first and foremost his dancing was super sexy, it also had a certain strength to it. I remember thinking that he danced in a way that embraced the best elements of both masculinity and femininity. And that had stayed in my memory ever since. When Seishiro-san was recording motion capture for the game, he allowed me to interrupt and even taught me some of the choreography.
(note: you can watch Seishiro dance here, he is also the choreographer behind this RADWIMPS music video!)
—I hear you’ve known Gyudon-san, who was in charge of making the movies, since your Tokyo Ghoul days. 
Ishida: Yes. Around the time volume 13 of Tokyo Ghoul was set to be released, we held a still image MAD (Music Anime Douga) contest. The grand prize winner of said contest was Gyudon-san, who at the time was still only a student. The way they made a video by manipulating the manga panels to move so fluidly was really cool and stood out from the rest. 
Around when Tokyo Ghoul had ended and :re was about to start, I had Gyudon-san make a minute long video for me. After that, Gyudon-san grew in popularity and became someone whose work is in high demand, so they seemed very busy.
However when Jack Jeanne was announced, we were able to have them create a promotional video for us. Since I’ve known them since Tokyo Ghoul, I figured I couldn’t go wrong entrusting the job to Gyudon-san. They didn’t just deliver their finished work without a word either, Gyudon-san also made a variety of suggestions and worked on the project with a positive attitude. For the videos used in the performances, I was asked to provide materials and became very involved in the process. I think it took about two weeks… Despite the really tight deadline, Gyudon-san allowed me to catch up and was super helpful.
I was also the one who reached out to Touyama Maki-san, who was in charge of creating the in-game chibi characters and the 4koma manga used for promotional purposes. During Tokyo Ghoul’s publication, Touyama-san would draw short comics for the series as a hobby, I thought they were a nice person for doing so. Their art was great too and I was very thankful. So when it was decided that we’d be displaying chibi characters during the game’s lesson segments, I wanted to leave it to Touyama-san and sent them the offer.
(note: this is the MAD that gyudon won the contest with, they now regularly make moving manga CM's for jump titles, they make the Choujin X ones too!)
~ ~ ~
The winter performance moves into Quartz’s ending, and the divergence in the story since the beginning of the year drastically branches off
—The performances, packed full of each of the character’s skills, continue for a year and pass by in the blink of an eye. Once the new year breaks, it feels as though the atmosphere of the game drastically changes. What were your intentions behind this?
Towada: That’s when the character route specific endings begin. So we packed all the needed material to set them up into the winter performance.
Ishida: The winter performance is like an ending for Quartz as a whole, so we packed it full of good lines and scenes without holding back. I may have used up all of my cards but by using them all without compromise, we were able to make the story reach a nice peak. After that, the story switches to focusing on each character's individual ending.
Towada: We used a lot of great material in the winter performance, which meant the final performance would have to be even better still. In a good way, it gave us a higher hurdle that we now needed to overcome.
—So you needed to create even more anticipation heading into March?
Towada: From January to March, each character’s route is completely different. From the new year onwards I needed to create seven different scripts, so it was very challenging. The amount of text for the last three months of the game alone just about eclipses the amount of text from up until the winter performance. There was so much to write that I began to fear I wouldn’t even be able to finish it.
Ishida: Having more choices that drastically change the ending of the game makes the player feel more involved. So, despite it making things tougher on ourselves, around the time we were working on the autumn performance is when we began thinking about how the game’s big branches should work. Along with the main routes, we also planned for there to be the option to deepen your bonds with the side characters.
—How did you go about creating the confession scenes?
Towada: Before the winter performance, to some extent each character has already grown closer to Kisa, so I kept in mind not to disrupt that flow. Since if I didn’t make it a confession that respected both Kisa and her suitor’s feelings, then I felt it would spoil the fun.
—Is that how you approached the ‘realising Kisa’s a girl’ scenes as well?
Towada: Yes, I suppose so. As I was writing the script, I knew that a point was going to come where Kisa would have no choice but to acknowledge the fact that she’s a girl. There’s characters that realise her true gender once their bond deepens and on the flip side, there are some who don’t realise it at all. There’s also the case of Yonaga, who knew Kisa’s situation from the beginning. I guess you could say each reveal followed one of these three patterns. Those who came to realise it, those who didn’t notice anything and those who knew from the start. I think they ended up being nice variations and I put careful consideration into writing them to make sure none of the realisations felt forced.
Also, the beginning half of the story is akin to that of a sports drama about teenagers putting on shows together, so the room for romance to be added is limited. That’s why, when I first started adding romantic elements to the character routes, it felt strange to me, so I discussed it with Ishida-san. I wasn’t able to effortlessly soak the story in romance. I think I had to rewrite Shirota’s ending at least three times…
Ishida: Shirota was who you tried writing an ending for first after all.
Towada: Shirota and Kisa aren’t the sort of people who’d be all flirty, and Shirota’s initial route was already muddy, so it was difficult to pull everything together. However, once I stopped trying to write in a way that forced romance on them and instead wrote them becoming closer as partners, things went more smoothly.
It may not be a stereotypical sort of love, but it was a human love. I thought that the natural way these two would be drawn together wouldn’t be through whispering sweet nothings to one another, but instead by coming to understand one another without having to exchange words at all. Once I’d completed Shirota’s route, to some extent, I continued writing the other routes in a similar way.
Ishida: While it’s true Shirota acts like that, the other characters all act differently. To the point some aren’t even comparable. In contrast to Shirota, Suzu’s route ended up being more of your stereotypical kind of romance. I thought that it would be nice for each character to have their own unique form of love.
Towada-san’s strong suit is writing a love story with your more classic otome guys like Suzu and Kai. I have no idea about that kind of thing, so I left Towada-san to pour her own ideas into their routes. On the flip side, characters like Fumi and Neji were dyed more with my own ideas. Neji’s way of flirting especially were mostly lines that I requested.
Towada: He’d say “Make him say something like ‘Try seduce me!’ Because I want this CG to appear.” (lol).
Neji especially plays with his words a lot, so unless Ishida-san told me what wordplay to write, I wouldn’t have been able to expand on it. Ishida-san has a very unique way of phrasing things, so I asked him for advice a lot to make sure I was making Neji speak in a Neji-like way. I then arranged the lines and created events in order to reach the intended goal. I constructed the route in a way that wouldn’t disrupt the flow of the story. As for Fumi, Ishida-san wrote his route himself.
Ishida: Yes, I wrote it all myself.
—Well isn’t this quite the exciting plot twist?
Ishida: I turned into quite the young maiden myself (lol). Even though I’m clumsy at it… I began wondering why I ended up loving writing it so much. I added some lines that have more of an adult and deeper meaning to them, so when I played the route myself I was like “Woah!”.
Towada: It’s more interesting if at least one character is that way. From the early days of production, I’d quietly wanted Ishida-san to write a character himself, so I was happy. I was unsure how to deal with Fumi too, so it was a big help that Ishida-san took him on. His route ended up being a lot sweeter than I’d been expecting though, it got my heart racing (lol).
Ishida: I was also the main writer for Kisa’s solo route. There’s no romance in it, but it’s an ending where long lasting friendships are born and it ended up being the kind of story you’d see in an uplifting shoujo manga.
Towada: It’s full of Ishida-san’s flair, I loved it.
Ishida: If love is a lie, then how do you face that lie? That’s the sort of thing I thought about. Kisa is lying about her gender and pretending to be a boy, but Neji, Suzu, Fumi, Yonaga and so on, are also hiding lies within themselves.
The fact they’re all hiding their true motives is something that they have in common with Kisa. Whilst hiding, the two grow closer. I think that a confession is a scene where all these lies intersect and burst open. Everyone is lying, and I thought that was like a play, without realising it I think that slowly became the theme of the work. 
As people, we meet others whilst lacking something and some people end up becoming a necessary part for someone else. I wanted to see a drama like that. Despite it being a game with confession scenes, I wanted it to be a story that both women and men alike are able to identify with.
~ ~ ~
From thorns to rounded edges, how the style of work transformed 
—If there was a small novels worth of rejected material, then how many books worth of words made it into the final game?
Towada: In terms of paperback books, probably about twenty volumes worth.
—Because as well as the main scenario, there’s also the sub scenarios and the stage plays?
Ishida: As much as time allowed, I put my all into creating the game. However there was a deadline for things like the voiceline recordings, so I was working both day and night to get things done in time.
Towada: I was only getting around three hours of sleep. I feel like at one point Ishida-san didn’t sleep for four days.
Ishida: I was in a serious pinch so I don’t remember it well, but when I was writing the script I would hole myself up in a manga cafe for around thirty hours at a time. Multiple times a month. Once I felt as though I’d written to a good point, I’d go home only to return to the manga cafe again. Why? Because I was sleeping in the manga cafe. I mays well have been living there…
Towada: Once Ishida-san had finished writing his part of the script, he’d have me check it. So at the same time, I’d have Ishida-san check what I’d written.
Ishida: For a period of time it seemed like Towada-san was always awake. Whenever I would send a check request she always responded right away regardless of the time, so I figured she must not be sleeping.
So that my productivity wouldn’t be affected, I made sure to sleep at a regular time, however I’d be awake for like 30~40 hours at a time and then sleep for 10 and then be awake again for another 40. My sleeping patterns would repeat in this cycle. During Tokyo Ghoul’s serialisation my sleeping patterns were similar, so to some extent I might’ve gotten used to it.
—That’s just like Neji-senpai, isn’t it?
Ishida: Yeah yeah, I worked in a similar way to him. However in Neji’s case, he can complete a script just one day after coming up with the idea for it, so he works way faster than us. It took us around two months to write parts of the script, so Neji really is a genius isn’t he? I was writing whilst wishing I could be like Neji.
After experiencing writing a script, I’ve come to have a lot of respect for authors. Writing is completely different from drawing. When writing I need to really concentrate on it, I can’t multi-task or think about anything else. Whereas with drawing, there are some things that can be done as long as you can move your hand, so I can talk to someone whilst drawing or watch a movie in the background or work whilst thinking about other things. I can’t do that when I’m writing though, I was starting to wonder if I really had to think so deeply about everything I wrote.
—During the production of Jack Jeanne, as you worked on the script or the lyrics etc, did you notice any changes in how you worked?
Ishida: For Tokyo Ghoul, I was always consciously adding things, meaning I would draw everything that I came up with. I thought that it was fine to only put 20% of my output into the characters and dialogue. However, when I was working on Jack Jeanne, I began to think that my method of just adding things was incorrect and that I should also consciously remove things. It’s ok to just be left with what’s necessary. My way of thinking ended up being the exact opposite to before.
—What brought about this change in thinking?
Ishida: It was early in production, when I had asked Towada-san to write Shirota’s route for me, I got concerned about the ‘sharpness’ of the story. As I mentioned earlier, I ordered Towada-san to add this and that and sent her walking on a long journey. Except, what lay completed at the end of that road was such a painful story that even I myself was shocked by it. When I looked down at the world I had created it was as if I’d received a psychological shock. I think I even smelt the faint scent of blood.
—From thorns to rounded edges. I still remember the comment you made during a press conference saying, “I was careful to not kill off any characters”.
Ishida: Stories where characters die are usually fast paced with high stakes, however, the kids at univeil are living a different kind of story. I had to consider the best way to create drama in that kind of setting. I thought about it a lot and it may have only ended up being possible because of the fact it was a game.
—Why is that?
Ishida: Because of the flow of the dialogue, backed by Kosemura-san’s music while it's being read out by all of the voice actors. It all comes together as one… That’s what I think at least. Writing and illustrating are Towada-san and I’s main domain of expertise, but I think that it was thanks to all of the other various creators involved that we were able to create something new.
—Do you think anything about yourself changed, Towada-san?
Towada: It came down to the fact I wanted to create something for Ishida-san whilst there were also things that I wanted to add myself. This dilemma caused me trouble at times, however when I started to consider what components I should add, or which ones I should remove, I began to discover what elements I liked and what my own skillset was. 
The way that Ishida-san and I go about creating stories is different. I came to understand that Ishida-san’s strong point is creating impactful scenes, whilst mine is plotting and world building. Ishida-san being in charge of the pivotal scenes would make things more exciting, so I concentrated on writing everything else whilst keeping the balance in mind. Through working on Jack Jeanne, I’ve become able to say that my strong suit is being able to create a story that flows well.
It may be true that by working with other people, you come to understand more about yourself. Starting with Ishida-san, I also looked at what the other creators were doing and thought ‘so this is how they interpret the story.’ Seeing what they came up with made me notice different approaches that I hadn’t thought of.
I’d write whilst listening to Kosemura-san’s music and decide which way to take a scene. Or I’d watch Seishiro-san dance and think about how I could make the performances more exciting. We were all connected in some way. Novels are usually written alone by one person, so I came to learn the thrill of working on something in a team.
—The way you all came together as gears to create a single work sounds similar to the story of Univeil.
Towada: True. I never thought I’d experience something straight out of my youth again at this age. Being helped by other team members or being supported by them, being motivated by simple phrases like “It was great” or “I like this idea”.
For example, when I was working on the final phases of the story, I was just writing and writing with no end in sight, I couldn’t take it anymore and my pen just stopped moving. During this dire moment so close to the end, my proofreader messaged me saying, “You’re almost done.” And with that simple message alone, it was as if a burst of light appeared before my eyes. Everything had gone pitch black, but they lit everything back up again. Ishida-san also wrote some of the script, so I didn’t feel as alone.
Ishida: At that time I left all my drawings alone and decided to solely focus on the scenario.
Towada: Yeah, because I hit a point where I wasn’t able to write it on my own anymore… When Ishida-san sent me the script he’d written, it was interesting and I let out a breath of relief. I felt the joy of being able to see someone else's work. I was the same as the Univeil students who find joy in performing with others. I definitely wouldn’t have been able to do it if I was alone.
Ishida: You’ve got that right. I think that if anyone was missing from the team, it wouldn’t have worked out. Not to mention that in my case, everyone’s contributions were directed to me, and they were all people that I’d personally gathered.
With manga, even if it comes to the worst case scenario, at the very least it would all just fall on me. However this game isn’t just something I made on my own, I need to contribute as much as I can or the efforts of everyone around me will go to waste as well. There was a moment where I felt afraid of having such a heavy responsibility placed on me. However, if I had tried to do it all on my own, I think I would have given up.
By listening to wonderful music, reading interesting scripts and moving forward together with everyone, I was inspired. Coming together with fellow creators to make one work came with a lot of challenges, but it was fun. It was refreshing being in an environment working alongside other people, and because of it I was able to experience something new.
—Has working alongside other people changed the way you work at all?
Ishida: Right now I’m still in the state immediately after being swept away by the raging waves of a storm, so I’m not sure how I really feel yet. I’m in the phase of just watching what becomes of Jack Jeanne as the waves subside.
Even though the script and illustrations were done, like bonus stages lots and lots of new tasks kept popping up. So I was still busy with work up until the beginning of October last year. When I looked at some of the thoughts people had on the demo version of the game, it felt as though what we’d all been working so hard on had finally taken shape, and I was relieved.
Working on this project I’ve come to learn both the hardships and the fulfilment that comes with creating something with others. So, I suppose I’ve started considering working on something by myself again… I’m not trying to say that it’s in my nature to want to work alone, I think I’m just experiencing some kind of aftershock. I think the waves are returning.
Towada: I’m still working overtime and supervising Jack Jeanne (lol). Like checking content that will be posted on social media, as well as the 4koma manga. Content is still being released and there have been bug reports from some people who played the demo… Meaning that my journey is still not over yet. I think that things should calm down once the game has been released for a while.
Ishida: Yeah, probably after around five months (lol).
—After their final performance, the members of Quartz all threw a party to celebrate. Did you and the rest of the creators do the same upon the game's completion?
Towada: I celebrated with Ishida-san as siblings. And then afterwards we got swamped with work again (lol).
Ishida: Yeah, we didn’t end up meeting with the other developers or the voice cast. Big project after parties aren’t as common these days, but I do want to hear everyone’s stories of any struggles they had.
Towada: There were way too many people involved in total for me to be able to speak with them all, but I’d still love to convey my impressions to them. Like letting them know what I thought was good, or letting them know that a certain thing really helped me out.
Ishida: Ideally I would like to gather everyone and really have it feel that ‘this is the team of people that created Jack Jeanne’ and I’d like to express my gratitude to them all in person. I hope that an opportunity like that will come one day.
~ ~ ~
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sundove88 · 2 months
Introducing Anime Ever After!!
Ever wanted to experience classic fairytales but through the lens of legendary and lesser known anime?
Well, Anime Ever After is for you!!
Synopsis: An anthropology of famous stories from around the world retold through the lens of legendary and lesser known anime, with modern twists, turns, and lessons about. From the depths of the sea in DBZ: Waves of Freedom (The Little Mermaid) to the realm beyond the clouds in One Piece: Beyond The Sky (Jack and The Beanstalk), this ever expanding treasury of tales has something for everyone.
Framing Device: An anime loving teenager is telling classic fairytales to the kids they babysit as bedtime stories- with a twist!
Side Note: Nursery Rhymes being adapted is more for Shrek. So they won’t be here- sorry about that. But they do a good job at it. This anthology is meant for readers 12 and up, due to some of the themes in some of the stories.
Btw, look for the posts that have anime ever after on them as one of their tags. Here’s the list of tales (So Far):
Dragon Ball Z: Waves of Freedom (The Little Mermaid)
My Hero Academia: Heart of Glass (Cinderella)
Attack on Titan: Red Hood (Little Red Riding Hood)
One Piece: Beyond The Sky (Jack and The Beanstalk)
Naruto: Sleeping Shadow (Sleeping Beauty)
Sword Art Online: The Match Player (The Little Match Girl)
FullMetal Alchemist: Iron Wolves (The 3 Little Pigs)
Fairy Tail: Mirrors of Deceit (Snow White)
Inuyasha: Soul of The Beast (Beauty and The Beast)
Bleach: Brushes of Fate (The Magic Paintbrush)
Fruits Basket: The 12 Dancing Zodiacs (12 Dancing Princesses)
Black Clover: The Frog Knight (The Frog Prince)
Hunter X Hunter: Spreading Your Wings (The Ugly Duckling)
Demon Slayer: Demon of The Northern Wind (The Snow Queen)
Black Butler: Beyond The Tower (Rapunzel)
Yu Yu Hakusho: Sweet Temptation (Hansel and Gretel)
Doraemon; Fearless Feline (Puss in Boots)
Gintama: Peachy Keen (Momotaro)
Sailor Moon: Lady of The Waxing Moon (Princess Kaguya)
Haikyuu: Bear-ly Faltering (Snow White and Rose Red)
Railgun: Little Warriors, Big Impacts (Thumbelina)
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All That Glitters (Rumplestiltskin)
Yu Gi Oh: Diamond in The Rough (Aladdin)
Konosuba: The Royal Test (The Princess and The Pea)
Tokyo Ghoul: The Crimson Amulet (The Red Shoes)
Akame Ga Kill: Fashion Gambit (The Emperor’s New Clothes)
Ouran High School Host Club: Wings of Perseverance (The Wild Swans)
Rurouni Kenshin: The Ronin’s Trials (The Steadfast Tin Soldier)
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagan: Cage of Steel, Heart of Platinum (The Nightingale)
Cowboy Bebop: Written in The Stars (The Weaver Girl and The Cowherd)
Death Note: The Golden Pen (King Midas)
Neon Genesis Evangelion: No Strings Attached (Pinocchio)
Fate: The Chosen Sword (King Arthur)
BanG Dream!: Melody of Deceit (The Pied Piper)
Code Geass: The Princess and The Pig Man (The Swineherd)
Jujitsu Kaisen: The Light Within (The Buried Moon)
Blue Exorcist: Blazing Bonds (The Firebird)
Spy X Family: Secret of The Statue (The Happy Prince)
Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic: The Enchanted Key (Alibaba and The 40 Thieves)
Re:Zero: Gilded Feathers (The Golden Goose)
Saint Seiya: Divine Trials and Godly Tribulations (The 12 Labors of Hercules)
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya: Claws of Gold, Hearts of Gold (Goldilocks and The 3 Bears)
One Punch Man: A Hero’s Humility (King Thrushbeard)
Future Diary: Wishful Obsession (The Fisherman and His Wife)
Sket Dance: A Tale of Three Tricksters (The 3 Billy Goats Gruff)
Precure (All seasons): The Sweetest Holiday Ever (The Nutcracker)
Food Wars: A Recipe For Courage (The Brave Little Tailor)
Spice and Wolf: Against All Odds (The Princess on The Glass Hill)
Noragami: Stolen Sun (Amaterasu and The Cave)
Monogatari: Secret Confidants (The Elves and The Shoemaker)
Steins;Gate: Azure Secrets (Bluebeard)
Tokyo Revengers: Neverlanding, Never Faltering (Peter Pan)
The Promised Neverland: Emerald Truths (The Wizard of Oz)
Toriko: Sweet Pursuit (The Gingerbread Man)
Kill La Kill: A Royal Mix Up (The Prince and The Pauper)
World Trigger: The Silent Springtime (The Selfish Giant)
The Seven Deadly Sins: Curse of Shade and Malice (The Shadow)
Cardcaptor Sakura: Salt and Sugar (The Salt Princess/Cap O Rushes)
Assassination Classroom: Honeyed Words (Diamonds and Toads)
Way of The House Husband: Out of The Cage (Jorinda and Joringel)
Danganronpa The Animation (It covers all the games): Makoto in Wonderland (Alice in Wonderland)
D Gray Man: Song of The Sparkling Swan (Swan Lake)
Persona 5 The Animation: Way Down We Go (Hades and Persephone)
Soul Eater: United We Stand (The Six Who Went Far)
Puella Magi Madoka Magica: The 5 Magical Musketeers (The 3 Musketeers)
Aggretsuko: Four Man Band (The Bremen Town Musicians)
Tokyo Godfathers: A Holiday Journey (A Christmas Carol)
Revolutionary Girl Utena: Emotions Set Free (The Princess Who Never Smiled)
Sonic X: True, Blue, and Noble (Hans The Hedgehog)
Magiknight Rayearth: Noble Flame, Changing Tide, and Guiding Wind (The 3 Princesses of Whiteland)
A Silent Voice: Beyond All Boundaries (East of The Sun, West of The Moon)
A Whisker Away: A Feline Fairytale (The White Cat)
Your Name: A Little Bird Told Me (The Singing, Springing, Lark)
Love Live: A Fateful Adventure (Journey to The West)
Captain Tsubasa: Winging It (The Seven Ravens)
The Ancient Magus Bride: Entrapped Beauty (The Lindworm)
Overlord: Seeds of Trust (The Juniper Tree)
Delicious in Dungeon: Cooking Up Trouble (The Magic Porridge Pot)
Medaka Box: The Truth Above All (The Goose Girl)
Chainsaw Man: Demonic Assistance (The Golden Bird)
Taikobo: Legend of The Lost Kingdom (Urashima Taro)
Revue Starlight: Masked Secrets (Phantom of The Opera)
Ginga: Nagareboshi Gin: Path of The Canine (The Boy Who Cried Wolf)
Dr. Stone: Into The Wilderness (The Jungle Book)
Fire Force: The Flames of Charity (Robin Hood)
Shaman King: Mystery of The Marsh (The Marsh King’s Daughter)
Rave Master: Cloak of Secrets (Donkeyskin/Many Furs)
Ranma 1/2: Loyal, Brave, and True (Mulan)
Karakuri Circus: The House Within The Woods (Vasilisa The Brave and Beautiful)
Devilman Crybaby: Three Hairs of Gold (The Devil With 3 Golden Hairs)
The Irregular at Magic High School: Ring of Enchantments (The Bronze Ring)
Bobobo: One Hairy Tale (Prince Hyacinth)
Shakugan No Shana: Three Dogs, Three Heroes (The Tinderbox)
Nisekoi: Yellow With Affection (The Yellow Dwarf)
Kaiju No. 8: Don’t Get Salty (Why The Sea is Salty)
Kinnikuman: A Mission in Patience (The Tortoise and The Hare)
Oshi No Ko: The Price of Stardom (Little Brother and Little Sister)
Case Closed: Stolen Hearts and Stolen Fortunes (The Master Thief)
Pokemon The Series: An Electrifying Rescue (The Lion and The Mouse)
Hyperdimension Neptunia: The Animation: A Tale of a Thousand and One Nights (1,001 Arabian Nights)
Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai: A Ribbiting Adventure (The Frog Princess)
Dr. Slump: A Quacktastic Journey (Drakestail)
Katekyo Hitman Reborn: Windows to The Soul (One Eyes, Two Eyes, Three Eyes)
Kochikame: From Faux to Genuine (Don Quixote)
Yo-Kai Watch: Cat Artist Unknown (The Boy Who Drew Cats)
Kaguya-Sama: Love is War: To Love and To Be Loved (Turandot)
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime: Feathers of Joy (The Blue Bird)
DanMachi: Forgotten Evil Unleashed (Pandora’s Box)
Hellsing Ultimate: Blood Ties (Dracula)
Claymore: The Monster Unleashed (Frankenstein)
Thanks to @sam-rexian and @crystallinedreamsfinelypowdered for helping with some of these!
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agerefandom · 1 year
Agere Writers Masterpost (2023 Edition!)
Helpful reminders: 
all of these blogs are SFW but have their own DNIs, so please remember to check! 
not all of these blogs have open requests, so please read their bios and respect their boundaries! 
please let me know if I should add anyone! to qualify, blogs must take requests for headcanons or fanfiction, have an easily accessible fandom list, be specifically sfw/non-k!nk content, and have posted in the last three months! 
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Holy moly, the list is LONG this year!!! We are still growing and expanding as a community! Because I don’t want to flood anyone’s dashes, the list will be under a ‘keep reading’. 
The list is organized in order of the number of fandoms they write for: with the widest range of fandoms at the top, down to single-fandom blogs at the bottom.
Blogs in italics are folks who don’t match my DNI or vice-versa (but are still sfw agere): I didn’t want to exclude them as many of my followers might have different personal stances than me! However, to respect both of our DNIs, I didn’t want to tag them, so please feel free to explore their blogs in your own time if they’re up your alley! 
@smollwriting​ (She-Ra, Creepypasta, The Good Place, Vampire Knight, BNHA, Undertale, Castlevania, Disney, Marvel, DC, D:BH, Life Is Strange, Resident Evil, Anne With An E, Black Butler, Tokyo Ghoul, Death Note, Assassination Classroom, AoT, Free!, Lucifer, OHSHC, Arcana, Stranger Things, and MANY more) 
@agerefandom​ (Adventure Zone, Animaniacs, ATLA, BNHA, Castlevania, Critical Role, Danganronpa, Death Note, Disney, Doctor Who, DDLC, Glee, Gravity Falls, Hannibal, Harry Potter, Homestuck, Magnus Archives, MCU, POTO, Sandman, Sherlock, Star Wars, Steven Universe, SPN, Twilight, Untamed, WTNV, and more) 
@ember-owlet​ (Encanto, Chainsaw Man, Beastars, Jujutsu Kaisen, Spy x Family, Witch Hat Atelier, Arcane, DHMIS, Killing Eve, MLP, Steven Universe, Owl House, OTGW, Wednesday, Cats, Heathers, Hadestown, POTO, D:BH, DDLC, FNAF, God Of War, RE:VIII, Last of Us, Undertale, and more) 
@writerpey​ (Arcane, ATLA/LOK, BTS, D:BH, Disney, Downton Abbey, GoT, God of War, Marvel, OFMD, Peaky Blinders, RDR2, Sherlock, Shadow and Bone, Star Wars, Stranger Things, The Batman, Last of Us, Uncharted, Wednesday, WWDITS, and more)
@wonderinglullaby​ (DC, Invader Zim, Breaking Bad, MLP, ATLA, SPN, Doctor Who, Invincible, Inside Job, Walking Dead, Carebears, Bojack Horseman, Stranger Things, Umbrella Academy, OTGW, Spiderman, Deadpool, Horror movies, and more)
@deuce-t-agere​ (911 Lone Star, Bluey, Care Bears, Criminal Minds, Critical Role, DC, Ever After High, Disney (esp. Hercules right now), Friday the 13th, Horror, James Bond, Lilo and Stitch, LOTR, Marvel, Monster High, POTO, Star Trek, Star Wars) 
@littlefirefly42​ (Marvel, She-Ra, Riordanverse, Owl House, Adventure Time, Bee and Puppycat, Stranger Things, Heartstopper, Gone, OTGW, DHMIS, Dragon Prince, Goncharov, It, Wednesday, Hamilton, Dear Evan Hansen, HTTYD) 
@paper--moons​ (BNHA, Saiki K, Fairy Tail, Soul Eater, Death Note, FMAB, Dragon Ball, TAZ, Umbrella Academy, Marvel, DC, LOTR/Hobbit, Castlevania, TES, Dragon Age, Stardew Valley, The Witcher) 
@dreamties​ (Saw, The Collector, Black Christmas, Scream, House of Wax, The Boy, Heathers, Candyman, Carrie, Lost Boys, Psycho, Friday The 13th, Child’s Play, Spree, Laid to Rest, Dead by Daylight) 
@lavendermilkbottle​ (The Walking Dead, OFMD, DSMP, Hermitcraft, BNHA, Haikyuu, Star Wars, AFTG, DC, Grey’s Anatomy, Stranger Things, Leverage, White Collar, James Bond, Kingsman, Top Gun) 
@thorin-baby-bear​ (Stranger Things, Critical Role, Ghostbusters, It, Marvel, Ride The Cyclone, Doctor Who, Moon Knight, OFMD, Dead Poets Society, Welcome Home, Ash vs. Evil Dead, Werewolf By Knight, Bullet Train) 
@lains-cyberspace​ (Serial Experiments Lain, Complete Selection Modification, Welcome Home, BNHA, Genshin Impact, PJSK, Obey Me, Kpop, Slipknot, DHMIS, Enstars, TBHK, Danganronpa) 
@tinybeebo​ (Doctor Who, Marvel, X-Men, Moon Knight, Law and Order, Psych, Glee, Be More Chill, Dear Evan Hansen, Greatest Showman, Cobra Kai, Criminal Minds) 
@babiestbubbles​ (ROTTMNT, Daredevil, Spiderman, Stranger Things, Owl House, Bluey, Beyblade Burst, Disney, Harry Potter, DSMP/MCYT, BNHA, Sanders Sides) 
@strawbabys-blog​ (DSMP, Maze Runner, Harry Potter, BNHA, Merlin, Haikyuu, Heartstopper, Yuri on Ice!, Voltron, Hamilton, Marvel) 
@blankie-nest-agere​ (WarioWare, Psychonauts, MLP, Cookie Run, Stardew Valley, Owl House, Gravity Falls, Pokemon, Undertale/Deltarune, Invader Zim, Homestuck) 
@babybutlerarthur​ (Monster High, Danny Phantom, HTTYD, OHSHC, Hetalia, Disney, Welcome Home, SPN, Good Omens, Muppets, Star Trek)
@littlegummyfox​ (Series of Unfortunate Events, Adventure Time, Marvel, Steven Universe, Wednesday, HTTYD, Disney, Trollhunters, Welcome Home, Star Wars)
@mossysmolboy​ (OHSHC, BNHA, FNAF, Black Butler, Yuri On Ice, Stardew Valley, Creepypasta, D:BH, Sally Face, Arcane) 
shinxylullaby (Food Fantasy, Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail, Cookie Run, Ouran, Sanrio Boys, Demon Slayer, BNHA, MXTX, MLP, Obey Me) 
@leos-regression-cove​ (Marvel, Parks and Rec, Good Omens, Bee and Puppycat, WWDITS, OFMD, Abbot Elementary, Ghosts UK/US, Better Call Saul) 
@froggy-clubhouse​ (Mr. Robot, Stranger Things, Teen Wolf, Homestuck, Haikyuu, Lucky Star, DHMIS, FNAF, South Park) 
aew-kun-age-regression (Marvel, SPN, Criminal Minds, Teen Wolf, Last of Us, Walking Dead, Harry Potter, Stranger Things) 
comfybuckets (Idolmaster, Project Sekai, Vast Error, Sanrio, Homestuck, Pokemon, Chrono Trigger, MLP g4) 
berrymoos (Moon Knight, Ninjago, Owl House, BNHA, Demon Slayer, Pokemon, Spiderman, Steven Universe, Stranger Things) 
@pup-writes-agere​ (Naruto, Pokemon, Legend of Zelda, Animal Crossing, Sonic, TMNT, FNAF, Danganronpa)
@sfwregressionfanfictions​ (Supernatural, RPF, Stranger Things, Marvel, Criminal Minds, Harry Potter, Addams Family)
@arcadian-agere​ (TWST, Genshin Impact, Death Note, Enstars, Black Butler, Nu Carnival, Pokemon)
kiddo-characters (Banana Fish, Owari no Seraph, Love Live!, Warrior Cats, sk8 The Infinity, ATLA, Genshin Impact) 
zeiru (Amphibia, ATLA, Disney/Pixar, Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, MLP, Tangled Series, Owl House) 
@dino--boyy​ (Fear Street, Criminal Minds, Stranger Things, Owl House, Scream, Yellowjackets) 
@jjtheresidentbaby​ (Criminal Minds, SPN, Stranger Things, SWAT, Marvel, Teen Wolf)
@azulsgoldfish​ (TWST, PRSK, OHSHC, Persona, Enstars, Pokemon)
@honeybeewritings​ (Marvel, Stranger Things, Harry Potter, Wednesday)
@karaslittlesunshine​ (Supergirl, Marvel, Pitch Perfect, Criminal Minds)
@agere-ena​ (Project Sekai, Pretty Cure, Love Live!, Honkai: Star Rail)
enderlyghost (Ok KO, Encanto, FNAF: SB, MCYT/DSMP)
800-little-space (BNHA, Haikyuu, Assassination Classroom, Harry Potter) 
@tiniestroses​ (Project Sekai, Sonic, TMNT, Undertale)
@agere-fics​ (Marvel, Good Omens, The Mandalorian) 
@angelbaby-fics​ (Marvel, Stranger Things, other Chris Evans characters)
@guppies-daydream​ (Legend of Zelda, Splatoon) 
@gothicmunson​ (Stranger Things, Our Flag Means Death)
@smallboyontheship​ (Just Roll With It) 
@littlemetaknight​ (Kirby) 
@pumpkaboo-princess​ (Project Sekai) 
@prince-honeypaw (BNHA) 
@babs-and-bones​ (Undertale)
@babybones-agere​ (Undertale)
@sleepy-watcher​ (Our Flag Means Death)
@star-struck-wonderland​ (BNHA)
@bnha-crimebabies​ (BNHA)
@bnha-littlespace-things​ (BNHA)
@little-lippie​ (Kpop Girl Groups) 
pyrohrtd (Genshin Impact) 
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kyanitedragon · 4 months
Misc Tokyo Ghoul Headcanons I have:
Hide physically cannot say "I hate you" as a joke to his friends. He knows it'd be a joke, he would clearly say it as a joke, he knows the other party would be able to handle it, but he still can't bring himself to say it. He can take it, but he refuses to ever give it.
Touka says it incredibly often. Insults like that are absolutely her love language. She'll say it harshly, but you can still tell the difference between when she means it versus doesn't really mean it.
Kaneki can and has jokingly said it, although its rare. But he isn't afraid to, as long as the context is clear.
Another one of Touka's love languages is playful aggression. Punching people on the shoulder, shoves, nudges, elbowing, etc.
Hide does this too but it will be the most gentle hit ever, it's basically a tap instead of a punch
Hide has ADHD. He absolutely hyperfixates on stuff, and he can jump from topic to topic between seemingly-unrelated things incredibly easily, ending up in conversations that are so divorced from the original topic in the end
Yoriko has Anxiety. Just read the chapter Bento in Tokyo Ghoul Days and tell me she doesn't
Kaneki is incredibly empathetic but he has really bad emotional recognition. He can either say the sweetest most comforting thing, or accidently say the most careless and disregarding words
I read the book Ender's Game and was really intruiged by the idea of the protagonist being someone who weaponizes his empathy. I think Hide would absolutely be capable of doing the same thing. Being able to analyze, understand, and empathize with someone, and then being able to use that knowledge and connection to destroy them
Touka is empathetic enough but she's pretty bad at emotional recognition and especially comforting people. If someone cries around her, she's very uncomfortable because she has no idea what to do
Yoriko is very empathetic and has extremely good emotional recognition. Somehow she always knows exactly what someone needs.
Yoriko gives compliments to people super easily. If she has any positive thought about a person, then she's going to let them know.
Hide has moments where he drops these well-worded deep thoughts and you just kinda gotta stare at him for a second like "Whoa..."
Nishiki prefers his given name over his surname. There was a line in the chapter Matching of Tokyo Ghoul Past where he told Kimi to call him Nishiki and that everyone called him that. Given that "Nishio" is from a new family register but Nishiki has always been his name, it makes sense that he would be more connected to "Nishiki" over "Nishio".
Eto finds clothes uncomfortable. She's most comfortable in either very baggy clothing, outfits that show a lot of skin, or her iconic bandages.
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foxannethemuffin · 4 months
💜 Le gasp! Small art dump! :0
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First drawing is screenshot redraws of Meryl n’ Milly from Trigun for practice since I plan to make more fanart of them so I wanted to get myself familiar with their designs and see how I can draw them in my style!
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Second drawing was a birthday drawing for my sister in law! I drew some of her favorite characters which were Nifty from Hazbin Hotel, Hatsune Miku(specifically the Cinnamoroll Miku) and Koro senseii from Assassination Classroom!
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Third drawing was a quick drawing I made for my banner on discord, which were lil chibis of Leon n’ Luis from re4, Vash n’ Wolfwood from Trigun and with the addition of my self inserts from each fandom!
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Then the last two are birthday drawings for a friendo so that we could match on discord! I drew some of his favorite characters which were Octane from Apex Legends, Kaneki Ken from Tokyo Ghoul, Aqua from Kingdom Hearts and Leon from re4! Then I drew my favorite characters which were Wattson from Apex Legends, Luis from re4, and Vash n’ Wolfwood from Trigun! So now on discord I have his favorite characters as my pfp n’ he has my favorite characters as his pfp! :D Close up underneath in case anyone wanted to see the characters up close!
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That’s all I have for now though! I’ll try to draw n’ post more frequently from now on but I can’t guarantee that ;-;
Tagging mutuals(if you don’t wanna be tagged then let me know!): @glorbix @lady-wren-of-tella @embarrassedauthornerd @wisecrackingeric-2 @junebug-isunavailable @elis-corner @iphiloupe
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callsigncrash · 2 years
Various Characters with an S/O Who Likes to Draw on Them
Thank you @leleouwu again for your request! You really keep my page going and I really appreciate it! I split your request into 2 parts, I really hope that’s alright. Enjoy!
Tokyo Ghoul
He’s a bit annoyed at first since he likes to keep a clean look going but if you really feel that you “have” to draw on him, then he’ll let you.
He prefers if you doodle on his forearms or upper arms. Hands are a no go for work reasons.
One of the times that he was getting ready to “take care of someone” in his torture room he had a bit of an awkward situation because of it. Essentially, the person in question went from looking mortified to confused as he saw the little doodle on his upper arm from underneath his button up. Obviously this is quickly forgotten when some fingers were taken off but it got him thinking.
He’s used to your doodles that he doesn’t even notice them all too much. That is until one day when he notices a specific one.
He feels oddly proud and happy when he sees it. So, he decides to get it professionally tattooed to surprise you.
He’ll start walking around with his sleeves rolled up and let you draw more. Might even let you draw on his knuckles.
He’s kind of confused at first but once he sees that you’re just doodling cute designs on him, he wholeheartedly encourages it!
He’ll start carrying pens around when you’re together so that you can draw on him. As this goes on he’ll go ahead and get you those tattoo pens so that your designs will last longer.
He knows that the tattoo pens are better to have on your skin but he loves gel pens. He’s got a drawer full of glitter and rainbow gel pens. There’s an endless supply.
After a while he’d ask to start doing the same to you. His drawings are a little crude but the little smiling figures, flowers, hearts, and swirls are just too cute.
Like Yamori, he’d probably ask you to design him a tattoo. I can see Naki getting a sleeve done with your art no matter what it is. It’s your art and he loves it just as much as he loves you.
He’d also ask if y’all could doodle something meaningful on each other and then get matching tattoos that way.
Ice Cream Man/Art Brut
I will be posting this to my side blog @lactoseandsuffering .
It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia
I love Ben and after rewatching the series for the millionth time, have decided to write for him.
Ben (The Solider)
He’s a silly guy, he likes silly things, he wants to see your silly drawings. Better yet, draw on him. That way, he can see them all the time!
He really likes ones with little animals like dogs. If you doodle a simple lizard on his hand or leg, he rocks his jorts and your drawings, he will absolutely love it.
He puts smiley faces on your arm sometimes, he’ll be happy if you do the same.
You might even catch him doodling on himself after a while. Heck, you might’ve kick started a whole hobby!
He loves when y’all can draw on each other or even paint on each other.
The Boys
He scoffs. Just straight up. Does he love you? Yes. Does he want ink all over his “perfect body”? No.
He thinks it’s pointless but he’ll begrudgingly let you when he’s out of his suit. Even then, it’s not very often.
He wants things like eagles, stars, etc. He’d feel a lot of pride if you went ahead and put his name on yourself though.
He’ll start carrying around a small notepad and pen for you when you ask to draw on him. It feels a little hurtful at first but when you open it you see some very reassuring words.
“Draw on this in the meantime, silly goose.”
Black Noir
He doesn’t exactly take off his uniform, plus he also doodles frequently! Y’all will probably go back and forth drawing on random slips of paper, note pads, etc.
After you notice him drawing some specific characters, you start drawing ones of your own along with his!
This makes him absolutely elated!
He got an invisible marker for you to draw stuff on his uniform with. He’s got a beaver on his gauntlet now, nobody has to know about that of course.
His friends told him to draw you a picture after he found out that he was going to be gone for a lot longer than he thought he would.
You woke up to a handmade card of the both of you that said “I’ll miss you!” In cursive. He even made sure to draw a little heart with the both of y’all’s initials on your hand.
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imagineanime2022 · 1 year
Tokyo Ghoul - Meeting Someone Like Tanjiro
Ken Kaneki X Reader, Nishiki Nishio X Reader, Haise Sasaki X Reader, Koutarou Amon X Reader, Juuzou Suzuya X Reader, Ayato Kirishima X Reader, Uta X Reader
Requested: Anon
Request: Hello!!! Can I request how would the Tokyo ghoul characters would react to a so/ tanjiro like his backstory and his skill all that.
I'm quite curious what would there be reaction for all the shit she when throu and still act sane (cuz let's be honest all of them needs therapy) and her being a pure soul♥️ and just the biggest sunshine ball of hope that can kill your ass
And you can add anything else to the plot just a so/ that is like tanjiro(I love him🤭♥️👹)
Your siblings name - (Y/S/N)
You openly explained the reason that you were there, you told him about you going on a trip, you came back to find your family had been killed by a ghoul and your sister barely alive, you took her to the hospital and they used the ‘only’ matching organs they had.
You wanted to protect your sibling so you trained everyday and even stole a weapon, the CCG, the Quinque resembled a katana and had an affinity for water.
No one knew who you or your sister were only that you aligned with no one at the time that your code names were assigned.
You were named Dragonfly and your sibling named Scorpion.
You became known for your fierce protectiveness of each other and the mercy you showed even the fiercest of enemies.
You learned that your sisters Kagune resembled a scorpion and when he blood touched any enemies it tended to burn them.
You yourself have always had a good nose, you always seemed to be able to tell what people were and how they felt just from their scent alone.
Ken Kaneki
☕ Pre-trauma Kaneki was surprised to find that there were any humans in Anteiku, however finding your sibling attached to your leg he could tell immediately that they were a ghoul and that must have been the reason that you were there. ☕ You had ended up wandering into the Anteiku cafe one day and the boss figured out what had happened to you sibling and offered you both a place to stay. ☕ Kaneki felt that you were the closest that he would get to anyone understanding him and you were understanding as well as quick to explain everything and help him understand. ☕ You were nicer than most and your sibling was a breath of fresh air in the world that he seemed to have been thrust into.
You were the first one to get to Kaneki when he stumbled into The Serpent’s hunting ground, your weapon was drawn in seconds as you took the front line “keep him safe (Y/S/N)!” You ordered as you watched The Serpent circle you, you never let him get behind you as you turned to be facing him. “What does this gain you?” “Just a little fun.” He smirked as he dove forward, you knocked him away with the blunt side of your sword. “Fight me!” “I have no reason to fight you.” You declared as you knocked him away again, it was surprising that you had the strength to fight a Ghoul that had been feeding constantly with no help, Kaneki watched in awe as you kept him at bay while not landing a single damaging blow.
It was later that evening when you were sitting with (Y/S/N) they had just fallen asleep and you seemed to be reading something. “Can I ask you something?” Kaneki asked as he stood in front of you. “Course, take a seat.” You prompted as you gestured to the sofa opposite you. “Earlier with Nishiki, you didn’t hurt him, wouldn’t it have been easier if you had fought him properly?” Kaneki asked. “Probably.” You nodded. “Then why didn’t you?” He asked. “He’s hurting too.” You explained. “What?” He asked. “Every person has something in their life worth living for, it’s why they are still breathing, why they keep going, it could be a person, an idea, a dream, a place, it doesn’t matter what it is to them it’s worth fighting for, should I kill someone for doing the same as me?” You asked. “Well I guess not but wouldn’t they just do the same?” Kaneki asked. “To justify by saying they would do the same, is cowardly and selfish, if you don’t believe that it is the right option don’t do it.” You shrugged “look for a different option, it will present itself.” “And when deadly force is the only option?” Kaneki asked. “There will always be times where it’s deserved but even when death is the kindest option it doesn’t have to be painful.” You explained and you looked at him and smiled. “You will be forced to fight but you will learn with experience. And if you even need help I’ll be here to lead you back.”
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Nishiki Nishio
🐍 Nishiki is probably one of the most untrusting Ghouls that you will ever meet, through no fault of his own. 🐍 You were the one that Nishiki didn’t trust, your sibling was the ghoul and honestly given the fact that they were relatively new to the whole thing at the time that you met him he was willing to take them under his wing but he wanted nothing to do with you. 🐍 Obviously they weren’t going to leave you so the offer was never taken but he did tell you about the coffee trick to help you sibling through the day. 🐍 As you started making more of a name for yourselves, he silently rooted for you both, hoping that you would succeed in a place that he had only seen failure.
Nishiki had assumed that you and (Y/S/N) had left the area, he hadn’t seen you in a long time and reports on you had dwindled, he continued as he normally would, it wasn’t like you being there was anything that he worried about, these were his hunting grounds anyway. That is until he stumbles on Kaneki feeding in his ground and attempts to attack and kill him, ultimately leading to a fight that he didn’t know that he couldn’t win. It seemed however that there was someone on his side, that someone was you. Your control with the Qinque had improved since he last saw you, using the water that you manipulated to push away the attacker rather than the blade itself. “Leave Rabbit.” You ordered. “I don’t want to hurt you but your next actions will decide mine.” “He started this fight.” The ghoul known as Rabbit answered. “Maybe but now you're going to walk away.” You ordered as you lifted your katana into a defensive stance, however the Rabbit seemed ready for a fight, she dove forward prompting you to do the same, your Quinque clashed with her Kagune however she was the one who came off injured with the water around you Quinque sharpening to cut into her wings, you saw the flash to your right just before your sibling Kagune clashed with the one that struck at your side, their blood landing on and burning the ghoul causing the Rabbit to fall back to his side. “I’ll give you one last chance to leave.” “Let’s go.” She ordered.
“Why did you help me?” Nishiki asked as you looped his arm over your shoulder and helped him stand. “Why wouldn’t I help you, (Y/S/N) appreciated your help.” You answered as you positioned himself better. “Where do you want me to take you?” “Home is fine.” He answered and you nodded as you started on your way, as he told you which direction to go, by the time that you got there, your sibling was standing at the door with a covered tupperware in their hand. “What is that?” “They’ve brought you a little snack.” You said as he opened the door to the apartment, you helped him in before your sibling placed the tupperware in front of him. “Thank you.” He said softly. “You seem like the kind of person who doesn’t say that very often.” You teased and he rolled his eyes. “How’d you get this?” He asked. “We break into places where there are donor bodies, we take the things that others won’t need.” You explained “I keep some of the small stuff for them to snack on but they’ll have one huge feed every couple of months.” “That works?” He asked. “With the help of the coffee, yeah.” You nodded and looked at your sibling who was standing quietly behind you. “They’re okay?” He asked. “Mmm.” You hummed. “You seem to be doing well.” He finally said. “Yeah, we’re doing well.” You confirmed “just maybe keep yourself out of trouble yeah?” “Yeah, yeah.” He muttered and you smiled before heading out of the door, he didn’t know why you were so nice or even if you were going to extend the kindness again but for now he could be thankful that you extended the help.
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Haise Sasaki
💼 Haise was probably the one that was closest to your through process on the other side of the field, most ghouls held some kind of contempt for humans so you guys would often be on the same page. 💼 You were very rarely called in for missions with him, given your position however you did always come by to see him and make sure that he and the rest of his team were okay. 💼 Haise always worried that his team would upset you in some way but you always made sure that they were okay and protected them all. 💼 Even if Haise did think a lot like you, there were some things that he didn’t understand, he knew of your past and he often wondered how that had led the person that you were.
The CCG found you and your sibling about a week after everything happened. They were surprised that you were even still alive, and that they hadn’t killed you yet. They wanted your skills but at first they had no use for your sibling, you refused to work for them unless they came with you and while you didn’t like it, you agreed for them to have some of their blood to test.
You both became the poster children for the CCG’s new Quinx programme, it took a little while for them to find others that were suitable for the same programme but as more half ghouls were added, you were phased out, you and (Y/S/N) only going on mission where you were needed, you two were the best at your job, you got thing done quickly and quietly in most cases.
Haise and his squad had been called to take out a small group of Ghouls that had been hunting and killing in the city, they had managed to track down and kill most of the group however the very last and most powerful ghoul seemed to be posing a problem after taking out half the squad only Haise and Urie remained in fighting condition and that was when you were called in, you appearance was quiet almost unnoticed until you cut the achilles tendons of the ghoul forcing him to a kneeling position “Why would you kill all of those people, they did not deserve any of the pain that you brought on them.” You glared at the ghoul kneeling in front of you. “They were weak, they should have killed us before we killed them.” He sneered. “They couldn’t have, even if they wanted to.” You said through gritted teeth as you crouched in front of him. “You should suffer for what you did to them.” “And you are going to make m-?” He never finished the question, your Quinque severing his head from his shoulders. “There would be no point in that.” You muttered, flicking his blood off of your Quinque. “Are you sure he deserved such a merciful end?” Urie asked as you looked at him. “No one is given a choice in the way that they are born and I don’t know what led him here but I doubt it was good based on the scent of his emotion, the least I can do is give him a peaceful end.” You answered. “His scent?” Haise asked. “Mmm.” You hummed as you looked at the dead ghoul. “He smelled like fear. I doubt that they were doing it for themselves, it seems like they were giving most of what they got to someone else.” “They still killed people.” Urie argued. “So have we.” You answered as you crouched next to the ghoul “find your family and rest easy. Come on, it's time to get out of here, the rest of your team needs medical attention or at the very least something to eat.”
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Koutarou Amon
🔍 He could not deny that there had been less investigator deaths when they convinced you to join. 🔍 Amon was confused as to why they ever bothered to keep your sibling around, he could not deny that you were a skilled investigator but he saw no use for keeping a pet ghoul. 🔍 That changed after he was spared by Kaneki though, in fact you were the person that he came to after it had happened. 🔍 You were the only person that he felt comfortable asking, hoping that you weren’t going to judge him for his sudden interest and possible change of heart.
You had been given your own office as to keep you sibling away from all the other investigators, most for their safety, you had full confidence in your sibling but most the time they took an attack from the other investigators with no fight back at all, you demanded a place that was safe for them if you were to continue to work with the CCG.
Amon took a deep breath before knocking on the door “Come in Amon!” You called, when he walked in he saw that you were sitting on a sofa in the office, your sibling laying across the rest with their head resting on your lap. “How can I help you?” “I wanted to ask you something.” He said. “Mm.” You hummed, gesturing to one of the other seats in the room. “How did you know that (Y/S/N) could be saved?” He asked. “On the night that I found them, they were hungry, they did jump on me, but they were crying, they recognised me and they didn’t want to hurt me, that was when the CCG found us, it took a lot to get away from the the first time but it’s never happened again.” You explained “there was a place that helped us to figure out some things that could help with hunger and their better now.” “Better?” He asked. “Well they’ve never hurt anyone here have they?” You asked. “I don't think they’ll ever be the same as before but we can get to a better time where we can live together. Why do you ask?” “I had an encounter with a ghoul on my most recent mission.” He started. “Are you okay?” You asked. “I’m fine, actually he didn’t hurt me, my Quinque was broken but he spared me, he could have killed me but he spared me.” He explained. “And you want to know why?” You asked, he was silent and you looked at him and smiled softly. “I don’t know why he did it but I can only assume like you he was fighting to protect someone else, some of them are just trying to live and the moment that we knock down their doors, living turns to surviving. The next time that you see him you’ll have to ask him.” “Ask him?” He asked. “Can we even talk to them?” “Have you tried?” You asked. “I guess not.” He mumbled. “Not all of them will answer but the ones worth saving, protecting they will.” You said softly running your fingers through your siblings' hair with a small smile on your face.
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Juuzou Suzuya
🪡 Juuzou is probably the human that you would have the worst time with considering his view on ghouls and their existence. 🪡 He is very much hit now and asks questions later so you’d find it hard to protect your sibling if you weren’t fighting to kill him. 🪡 He is unlikely to understand anything of the values that you live by and wouldn’t take a second to think about them either, might even mistake you for a ghoul as well. 🪡 You’ve never been one to give in easily and the fact that you kept getting back up was bothering Juuzou to no end.
“(Y/S/N) run!” You yelled, they turned for the exit of alley and you dove into Juuzou’s path to stop him from getting to them, knocking his scythe away and allowing the knife he had thrown to hit your shoulder instead of continuing the path to your siblings head. “Why would you do that?” Juuzou whined “it’s a ghoul, it’ll only end up killing you.” “That’s not true.” You mumbled as you pushed him away, his back hitting the wall as you created some distance, lifting your Quinque, he frowned. “Where did you get that?” He asked. “Stole it, I would do anything to protect them.” You answered as he dove forward swinging the scythe with practised precision, you dodged not once using your Quinque for anything other that blocking a hit you were fast enough to dodge. “I have to get back to them.” You stood steading yourself when you realised that they were not going to be able to convince him that you weren’t here to hurt anyone. You swung your Quinque the water that wrapped around the blade branching out in an attack, Juuzou dodge most of the attacks but a few landed, you lifted the Quinque ready for the finishing blow “I understand that you were only doing your job but would you let me go if I turned away from you now?” “Never.” Juuzou sneered. “As I thought.” You sighed, you pulled back the blade taking in a deep breath. “Stop!” You turned to another CCG officer who was holding your sibling as they kicked and tried to get away, you took the dagger from your shoulder and threw it at the officer. In that second Juuzou kicked your feet out from underneath you using another dagger to stab straight through your hands. The scorpion tail that you had come to know very well made itself known at that moment, easily separating (Y/S/N) from the officer holding her. “Shinohara!” Juuzou yelled as (Y/S/N) took the place in front of you standing with their arm out Kagune at the ready to protect you. You pushed yourself up from your position on the floor, hands still pinned together with the dagger. “Just leave us alone… Please.” You pleaded. “Juuzou it’s time to leave.” The man, Shinohara said. “But-” “Now Juuzou let’s go.” He ordered.
Juuzou met you again later when the CCG took you both in as the first of the Quinx programme “your still alive?” He asked. “No thanks to you.” You said holding your hands to show the scars from your previous encounter. “I’m impressed your pet hasn’t bitten you yet.” He smirked and you glared at me. “They aren’t a pet, they’re my family.” You corrected him. “I don’t understand you.” He murmured as he looked at your sibling who’s Kagune lashed protectively. “I’m more than willing to help you understand if you give us a chance.” You explained. “Well you're here anyway.” He mumbled with a shrug and even if it wasn't an open answer you were looking for it was better than nothing.
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Ayato Kirishima
🐇 Ayato understood the need to protect your sibling, he had done a lot to keep his sister safe after all. 🐇 You both did it in different ways but you both wanted the same result, you however seemed to disregard your own health quite a lot if it meant that your sibling was going to be okay. 🐇 Aogiri Tree wanted your sibling but they didn’t want you, they had been trying to split you both up since learning of their existence. 🐇 When all of the other failed they sent Ayato however he didn’t succeed on the first attempt either.
“Who are you?” You asked. “Me? None of your business, no one needs to get hurt if you just give them over.” Ayato jutted his head in the direction of your sibling. “Would you give over your brother or sister if they asked?” You asked. “What does that matter?” He asked. “You wouldn’t would you?” You shook your head “I can tell.” “What the hell are you talking about?” He asked, you saw his centre of mass shift he was getting ready to attack. “You have a sibling don’t you? You’ve kept them away.” You said and he moved forward you blocked his kick with the flat of your arm, slipping back only slightly as you looked at him. “Don’t worry, I won’t hurt them, I just thought that we could be friends, you know, since we share an interest.” You explained. “Friends? You want to be friends with someone who was sent to kill you?” He asked. “You don’t want to kill me though, do you?” You asked. “How can you be so sure of that?” He asked. “I’ve seen your work, I’d be dead by now if you wanted me dead.” You explained as you pushed him away from you. “I’m not letting you get away from me.” Ayato informed you and you looked at him and nodded. “We know.” You said at the same time that your siblings leg came into contact with the side of his face, knocking him out. You sighed as you crouched in front of him lifting him onto the sofa in the abandoned building, you wrote a quick note before grabbing some of you clothes and leaving with your sibling.
Ayato groaned as he woke up rubbing at his temple, his eyes landing on the note on the table:
I really hope we can be friends, come find me if you change your mind.
He had no idea why you thought that you, a human, thought that you could be friends with him, a ghoul but he wouldn’t be entertaining you… Or so he thought.
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Hideyoshi Nagachika
🚲 Hide loved you both, he saw you as hope for the future that he wanted, for him and Kaneki, you were how he proved to Kaneki that it could work. 🚲 He found out about you when he was working for the CCG but the challenge was finding you, you were very good at hiding yourself and your sibling when the time called for it. 🚲 When he finally found you he pleaded his case with you and you were fast friends especially after he and your sibling became friends. 🚲 You kept a close eye on him where you could and you were there when he needed someone to help him.
You would have been able to smell the blood even if you didn’t have an exceptional sense of smell, you walked into the old sewer system and found Hide and the boy you assumed was Kaneki, you ignored the Ghoul you could tell that he was already healing, your crouching in front of Hide “you're too kind for this world.” You said softly as you lifted him from the floor. “Kaneki…” He said, you looked back at the Ghoul. “He’s not ready to come back yet.” You said “he’ll come home, I know he will but we have to focus on making sure that you are there when he does.” “He’s okay?” Kaneki asked. “He’s healing, he will be fine, what you have done for him will bring him back I promise.” You said as you turned away from the Ghoul to get Hide to someone that you knew could help him.
You waited for him to wake up, he took a while to come around given the injuries no one was surprised “you're still here?” Hide asked. “I remember you saying we were friends, you make sure that your friends are okay, I can leave if you want me to.” You said. “No, that's not what I meant.” He said “it’s just I don’t expect that I look pretty.” “I thought you were cute before and you still are, but past that it doesn’t matter what your body is, it matters what your soul is.” You explained. “I don’t know what to do next.” He admitted. “Well, we’ll be here until you know and I’ll help you wherever I can.” You promised. “You… You will?” He asked. “You believe in me and (Y/S/N), we believe in you and Kaneki and we’re all going to make a world that we can live in together.” You promised, putting your pinky finger out. “Good plan?” “Yeah.” He said, choking out a laugh and you nodded “good then get some rest, you have healing to do so we can get to work changing the world.”
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🎭 You were the one that found Uta, you needed masks for you and your sibling, with the code names that you were given you knew it was only a matter of time before the CCG came looking for you. 🎭 You entered the shop and asked him about the masks while your sibling looked around the room, you were sure that he knew they were a Ghoul and you weren't. He was watching you carefully. 🎭 He had heard about you by now, so he knew about your family and your unique abilities. 🎭 He was convinced that you gained something from keeping your ghoul sibling around, he wasn’t sure what but couldn’t simply believe that you were together for familial love.
“What do you earn from this?” Uta asked as he looked at you. “Um, the CCG doesn’t see my face.” You answered frowning at the question. “Not the mask, keeping your sibling around.” He jutted his head to your sibling who was looking at one of the masks on the shelf. “Gain?” You asked “nothing, they're my family so I’ll protect them with everything that I have.” “Even though they aren’t human anymore and they could kill because they had a bad day?” He asked. “Anyone could kill me for a bad day, we’ve been living like this for months.” You shrugged “I trust them and they trust me.” “Trust them?” He asked with a smirk as he stepped forward his tall stature crowding you, it only took a second for your siblings Kagune to wrap around your shoulder poised to stab him should he move in a way that concerned them. “They protect you the same way that you protect them?” He asked as he turned his attention to your sibling. “You know all it takes is one wrong move and suddenly you won’t have a sister, you’ll be all on your own with no one.” Uta said and you narrowed your eyes, hand falling the Quinque on your hip and he smirked. “You are interesting. You’ll be the talk of the town soon.” “Are you going to make the masks or not?” You asked, “Of course, come back next week the same day, they’ll be ready.” He promised, you stepped away from him. “Come on.” You put your hand out to your younger sibling and as he watched you.
“You came back…” He smiled as he turned his chair so that he was looking at you. “How much do I owe you?” You asked. “On the house.” He waved you off. “Change of heart?” You asked. “Investment in entertainment.” He answered as he handed you the two masks that he had made. “Entertainment?” You asked. “I don’t believe that what you are trying to do will work.” He answered honestly. “The world is too far gone for that but I want to see you try.” “You want to see me fail.” You grumbled. “How about I give you a job here?” He suggested. “Why would you do that?” You asked. “What other job is going to allow you to bring your ghoul to work?” He asked, you both looked over at your sibling and he waved. “I’m sure I can teach her some things about surviving too, make it easier for both of you.” He suggested. “Fine.” You answered “thank you.” “Why are you thanking me? It’s not like it did this out of the goodness of my heart.” He reminded you. “Well you didn’t have to do it at all, so a thank you is due.” You answered “when do I start?” “How about right now?” He asked.
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eviltransswag · 1 year
Evil Trans Swag Competitor List
I'm not posting a bracket because I'm still making it and it's by hand, but here are the characters who are going to be in the tournament! The match-ups will be randomly generated and there are 64 characters. The polls will last a week. Alright enough of that here is the list (in alphabetical order bc yeah)
Thanks everyone for submissions and the voter fraud!!
Akaza (Demon Slayer)
Akechi Goro (Persona 5)
Alexis Meade (Ugly Betty)
Artemis Fowl (Artemis Fowl series)
Ashiok (Magic the Gathering)
Beatrice (Umineko: When They Cry)
Bloodraven (Tales of Dunk and Egg)
Buggy the Clown (One Piece)
Cesar (Big Top Burger)
Sir Crocodile (One Piece)
Dio Brando (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
Dr. Frank-N-Furter (Rocky Horror Picture Show)
Dr. Starline (IDW Sonic)
Dracule Mihawk (One Piece)
Edward Nygma/The Riddler (DC Comics)
Elendira (Trigun)
Envy (Full Metal Alchemist)
Ghirahim (The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword)
Giselle Gewelle (Bleach)
Goblin King Jareth (Labyrinth)
Golden-Winged Peng (LEGO Monkie Kid)
Grelle Sutcliff (Black Butler)
Grima (Fire Emblem)
Heinz Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb)
Henry Cooldown (No More Heroes)
HIM (Powerpuff Girls)
Hubert von Vestra (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Ienaga Kano (Golden Kamuy)
Infinite the Jackal (Sonic the Hedgehog series)
James (Pokemon)
Jessie (Pokemon)
Jester Karture (Fate/Strange Fake)
John Hart (Torchwood)
Joseph Bertrand III (inFAMOUS 2)
Lestat de Lioncourt (The Vampire Chronicles)
Liquid Snake/Eli (Metal Gear Solid)
Loam Arnault (Entropic Float)
Merasmus (Team Fortress 2)
Metal Sonic (Sonic the Hedgehog series)
Millions Knives (Trigun)
Moot Tarbella (Epithet Erased)
Mordred Pendragon (The Mechanisms - High Noon Over Camelot)
Mutsuki Tooru (Tokyo Ghoul)
Neferpitou (Hunter x Hunter)
Orochimaru (Naruto)
Pigma Dengar (Star Fox)
Revolver Ocelot (Metal Gear Solid series)
Scaramouche/Wanderer (Genshin Impact)
Scourge the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog series)
SCP-004-J/Stanley Nichols (SCP Foundation)
Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII)
Serafine Savoy (Lackadaisy)
Shamura (Cult of the Lamb)
Shiromori (Mystery Skulls Animated)
Silver (Pokemon)
Suzuki Emiri (High-Rise Invasion)
Sweet Tooth (Moshi Monsters)
The Leading Light (HLVRV)
Turkey (Dorohedoro)
Tyki Mikk (D. Gray Man)
Uncle Wiley (Hatchetfield)
Vaati (The Legend of Zelda series)
Vegas Theerapanyakul (Kinnporsche: The Series)
Yoshiya "Joshua" Kiryu (The World Ends With You)
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uriekukistan · 6 months
jjk + tg ask because they rotate and swirl 2gether in my head like melted ice cream
favorite ghoul hcs for jjk characters ? whats megumi and his family tree look like in ur minds eye? r they crazy investigators or a fucked up ghoul clan.... (redundant, every ghoul clan is a fucked up ghoul clan)
argh im so glad you asked this bc im actually hoping to write a jjk tg crossover at some point so this gets my mind going >:)
i think the zen’in clan would be a reallly fucked up ghoul clan. the clans put a lot of emphasis on inherited techniques, and in the tokyo ghoul manga it said that the kagunes of ghouls that are related tend to leave 60-70% matching kagune marks, implying some kind of inheritance, so i can see them focusing on that.
ofc there are two inherited techniques in the zen’in clan, the ten shadows that megumi has seeming to be the prized inheritance. i can see that translating into like…a chimera kagune probably, which is what megumi would end up inheriting. in the tg manga banjou is unable to use his kagune, so i think that would be how maki and toji ended up.
but yeah, the zen’in clan is just trying to breed the best kagune…super fucked up about it too.
i would love to see yuuji in a kaneki position because i think their motives are. honestly identical. they want to save everyone and protect the people that matter to them.(although i have my arguments about yuuji not having any cursed energy before eating sukuna’s finger, i think they’re otherwise very similar in storyline)
im also thinking about geto and yuuta because i think their techniques in jjk, curse manipulation and mimicry, would translate to a similar effect in tg, some kind of ability to recreate other’s kagunes. though it would be a different acquisition process, yuuta just needs to see it, while geto needs to eat the kakuhou of other ghouls (ugh he’s doomed to eat nasty tasting things to gain power in every universe ig)
gonna talk about the culling games manga spoilers under the cut
also the culling games being like kanou’s half ghouls? so like tsukimi getting a kagune implanted in her rather than a reincarnated sorcerer. and they have to fight to the death but instead of points they get to eat the losers and gain more strength. i havent fully thought this out though because there’s no veils? so how do they enforce this idk
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