#Tokyo debunker spice
shira-cosmic-star · 10 days
More spice 🌶
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This all base on my opinion
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blueberrysquire · 1 month
Sho's Affinity 8 event pt2!
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My heart
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1. Why do I know what Hyde's cologne smells like
And 2.
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Then he tries to cheer you up with food (which is the best way to cheer ME up, honestly) and you get all excited and then he makes the cutest little laugh and I just hdufnwlfnownfkwnfkwnkdkfkskfnksndksmdlmskdkdkkfksodnoqnc
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Avoidance isn’t the answer part 3
The final part
Warning: it does get spicy
Leo meets Xena at hers
She thinks it’ll be a confrontation~he just wants to help distract her
I-I have no excuses this got away from me. This gets very spicy I think the week has got to me.
I have half proof read but the spice shook me a bit like brain go to jail.
There will be a bonus part of just the morning after.
Alan had walked her all the way to the cathedral, they had walked mostly in silence as Xena soaked up all the events of the evening.
She turned around for two seconds facing away from her place as she waved goodbye to a solemn looking Alan, his eyes darted behind her to the cathedral as a small amused smile spread on his face. He shook his head waving one last goodbye to Xena as he hurriedly walked off.
That was weird.
She couldn’t help but think as she spun around ready to crash out after a day of emotional exhaustion.
Instead, she was met with the face of a very smug Leo, he was leaning against her door in his normal clothes. A grey flannel with a white t-shirt and black jeans, he was wearing his usual rectangular earrings and headphones, it was one of her favourite outfits on him despite it being his ‘basic’ look and he knew it was her favourite, she was starting to get a bit suspicious.
“Well well well look what bat dragged in.”
He grinned at her unsettlingly as he folded his arms and stood up a bit straighter as he locked eyes with her. She sighed depleted of all energy, unsure if she’s able to even deal with Leo right now, not ready for the rumble if he tried to confront her about the situation.
“Well I’ve already been dragged through by the bat, now I want to lick my wounds and sleep before the chaos that will most likely ensue in the next few days Leo~”•_•
She walked up to him so now they were face to face as she gazed up at him, exhaustion seeping from her very being as she tried to keep her voice from being too blunt, not that Leo would mind too much but after a day of trying to convince and plead she easily slipped into the sort of customer service voice .
She was too tired to care about her previous desire to avoid him and after her talk with Alan she had decided to stop avoiding anyway but she just wasn’t expecting it to be so soon, but of course he was here, she was gonna give herself at least three more days of hiding and avoidance but instead of hiding she guesses she has no other option but to face him if it meant getting to sleep sooner.
“Hmmm~where’s the fun in sleeping when I can think of more exciting things to do.”
She deadpanned at him as she went to grab her keys and aimed for the door lock, Leo just grinned at her as he put all his weight onto the door.
“Leo can we at least talk inside…”
She assumes he’s here to rip into her for avoiding him-for being an anomaly or for the scene cause by Jin and Ed at her speech; he has a lot to choose from this evening and strangely enough she kind of missed his light banter/bullying the way he would try to find out all the information and obsessed over trying to uncover the mysteries of Darkwick, it was fun helping him with that.
Surprisingly though, he just frowned at her, stepping slightly closer to her as he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
“I’ve come to call my favour in.”
Her eyes widened at the sudden stroke of affection and that quickly changed to a look of concern as she digested what he said.
“I-already? Is tonight really the night to call tha-“
He wrapped an arm around her waist bringing her closer as he brought a hand up to her cheek, he cheekily grinned at her, his eyes brimming with amusement at the girls shock.
“Yep, tonight’s the night XeXe~”
She sighed as she leaned into his touch enjoying the warmth it gave as she allowed herself to get spoiled like this, she hated how easy it was to give in to him but loved how nice it felt to be cared for, they looked a little bit ridiculous to an outsider, Leo know for being a bit of a dick on campus looking endearingly with amusement at Xena as she stared blanked face at him, though Leo could tell she was looking at him with her version of an affectionate gaze but outsiders not so much; He started gently caressing her cheek as he brought her face closer to his.
She let out a low hum as she looked up at him from half lidded eyes.
She silently cursed herself inwardly as she felt herself already cave to his whims, it’s too easy to bend to Leo and she missed him so much this whole time that it pissed her off to the absolute extreme at how easily this cynical bastard has wormed his way into her heart.
“What do you want me to do?”
The question rolled off her tongue so easily and it was hard to ignore how powerful the hammering in her heart was at the sight of his happy smile.
“I’d like to make a bet.”
She stared at him, tired eyes meeting amused ones.
She sighed once more as she wrapped her arms around his neck. If possible he looked even happier in that moment as he wrapped both arms around her waist slightly swaying them about as he waited for her to answer.
“…what’s the bet?”
His face transformed into a cat-like grin as his eyes narrowed at her, his swaying become more enthusiastic as he spun them around.
“Hmmm~how about if we find a cure, you’ll have to dress as a bunny for me?”
He arched his eyebrow at her as she was overcome with a state of flabbergast. His teasing tone mixed with serious eyes told her that this was genuine, this was his response after all this time of knowing.
Her mouth agape as she just stared at him in shock and slight annoyance at the ridiculous bet. She was so out of it trying to process what he said that she didn’t notice how he’d spun them around even more, slightly pressing her against her door as he looked down at her.
He pressed a leg between her thighs and gently tilted her face up, her arms were still wrapped around his neck so their faces were incredibly close. Something she immediately realised as a light brush spread across her face and thoughts of the bet escaped her head; he brushed his thumb gently across her cheek as he leaned in closer.
“Whilst we wait for that bet I think we should make another Xe.”
She hummed softly as she tried to concentrate on what he was saying and not get lost in his citrine eyes or distracted by his lips.
It was incredibly hard.
He let out a light chuckle as he pressed a kiss to her other cheek.
“I bet I can open your door without looking~if I do you have to invite me in!”
There was a sinister tint in his eyes as he laid out his scheme, smiling at Xena who just dumbly nodded at his proposed bet. O_O
He took her face with both of his hands and he delighted in the way she slid her hands down his chest pulling his closer as he softly took her lips into his own, it was a soft and short kiss and Xena let out a sweet sigh as they parted.
Though, they did not part for long, he brought his hand back to her waist squeezing it slightly as he held her face with the other, he was a bit more rougher this time as he sucked and nibbled at her lips to gain access to her mouth, he pressed her up harder against the door she let out a gasp as he slid his tongue into her mouth. The two battling for dominance as her hands ghosted all over him, sliding anywhere she could get too before she slid one through his hair giving it a slight tug to bring him closer as he tilted her face a bit more to get deeper. She groaned against him as she felt his piercing against her tongue.
She felt the door behind her slam open as Leo stumbled forward to push her inside.
The two finally parted as he continued to hold her close, she was heavily breathing as she re-wrapped her arms around his neck, giving him another chaste kiss as he kicked backwards, slamming the door shut.
“I win~”
She let out a giggle as he sang the words out to her. Leo tried to keep his cool as the song like sound echoed into his ears-he’d never heard her laugh like that before, he tried to suppress the grin on his face as she gazed up at him.
“You did all that to win a bet?”
She grinned at him suddenly feeling more wired than she did before in her previously exhausted state.
“Hmmm~I did that to win a bet and get the prize, which means I get to stay here tonight…”
He kissed her again, deepening the kiss as she gripped onto his shirt. She was trying not to moan out loud but as if able to read her mind he snuck a hand under her shirt, grazing his fingers teasingly down her back as he started to suck on her tongue. She let out a soft moan as she tried to return the favour.
He pulled away again, both of them heavily breathing as he traced her bruised lips.
“Who says you’re stayi-“
She let out a squeak as Leo roughly caressed her hip.
“Xena, you’re a lot more sensitive than I thought you’d be…I should’ve been doing this sooner if I knew you’d be like this.”
He murmured as he lightly pressed another kiss to her cheek.
“Hmm like what?”
She looked up at him through her eyelashes, her half lidded eyes full of affection as the rest of her face was flushed as she pressed herself up against him.
“Hmmm not sure if I wanna tell you yet~”
He teasingly pressed another kiss at the top of her neck.
“Wanna take this to bed?”
He murmured against her neck as he started to trail kisses all the way down her neck.
“Wo-ah-h slow down there I don’t think I could-hmm-I could go that far tonight.”
She stammered out, practically melting at Leo’s touch as he repeatedly trailed hands up and down her back, trying to hide his excitement at the fact she said tonight and not never.
He let out a chuckle as he started to suck at a particular sensitive part of her neck, surprisingly her at the sudden change of feeling as she let out a loud moan. She was too tired to feel embarrassed, that wired feeling washing away as a heated feeling set her aflame, she felt like everywhere he touched was being set on fire as low moans started continuously escaping her.
He pulled away suddenly as he remembered he need to reply to her and not just mark her up. She let out a loud whine at the sudden halt and tried to tug him back down so she could kiss him again.
“Hmmm so cute~don’t worry XeXe we won’t do much tonight, I just need to know where I’ll be sleeping that’s all.”
He fluttered his eyelashes feigning innocence as he smiled at her sweetly trying to get her to believe him.
She definitely didn’t believe him.
But also didn’t mind the fact she didn’t believe him.
She pulled away from him and tugged at his sleeve leading up to the upstairs area of where her bed was.
He eagerly let her lead the way as they reached the stairs, they were wooden with splintered pieces of wood sticking out of the banister, he grimaced as he watched her about to grab onto it.
He grabbed her other hand before he could think making xena look up at him from in front.
“You got a problem with my stairs? I guess we could sleep on the pews but the roof is a bit broken over there so you might get weird roof juice dripping on you…”•_•
The horrified look on Leo’s face made Xena grin as he hurriedly dragged them up the stairs seeming offended by her grim cathedral.
“You live in this shithole? I’m surprised they haven’t assigned the cats to fix it?”
He grumbled as he very carefully rushed up the stairs now leading the two of them as he tried to escape the tetanus trap. She just sighed as she clasped their hands properly together, grinning as he let out a small shriek when the stairs beneath him creaked extra loud.
“It’s not that bad~”
She said in a sort of sing song tone as they reached the top.
Leo looked around slightly smirking to himself as he felt Xena tug him toward the bed, she excitedly flopped onto the mattress sighing as she finally reached her targeted destination.
Leo didn’t join her and she looked at him curiously as conflict rose in his eyes.
“Hmmm I don’t know if I’ll be able to sleep like this.”
He cocked his head to the side, leaning on his hand feigning to be in deep thought.
“Ohh? Guess I’ll sleep by myself-goodnight!”
She started to wrap her covers around her in an attempt to cocoon herself before a hasty hand stopped her.
He leaned in kissing her once more, this time it was a lot more deeper than before, Leo taking advantage of the fact she was laying on the bed as he caged her in between his arms, his tongue exploring every inch of her as his hands explored her body.
He pulled away leaving a very out of breath Xena disorientated as he pushed her further up the bed so she was up against the pillows. He grinned down at her looking like the cat who caught the canary as he dived back in to kiss her, their tongues dancing as they fought for dominance once again. Xena clutched onto the front of his shirt as she pulled him closer letting out soft whine.
His hands slid up her skirt slowly as he grazed his fingers along her thighs, he grabbed ahold of them spreading them out as he pressed himself up against her. She let out a small whimper as she tried to grind against him only to be stopped by leo holding her in place, he leaned up licking his lips as a trail of saliva followed him. She was in a daze as she went to pull him back to her only for him to pin her hands above her with one hand as he slowly started kissing down her neck, teasing nips and licks driving her crazy as she continued to try to move her hips, causing Leo to let out a light giggle against her neck.
“XeXe I thought you were tired~”
He nipped a bit harder at her neck as she let out another whimper this time a lot louder than before, Leo started sucking onto that particular spot before biting down hard groaning at the taste as Xena let out of sharp gasp, her head tilting back on the pillow in pure bliss as he kissed and lick at the spot before he started to unbutton her shirt.
She leaned up as she threw her shirt across the room, Leo lightly pushing her back down as he ate up the sight before him.
If she knew that this was going to happen she would’ve wore something nicer, right now it was just a plain black bra and hopefully a matching pair of underwear-although she’s pretty sure it was a detective duck pair which she was inwardly cringing at but that was a problem for later.
Leo gulped as he eyes ate up the sight, a blushing Xena shirtless and flustered with a neck marked up by him. She had her legs spread out and her skirt was hiked up enough that he could see a peek of her underwear which adorably had a duck pattern on it. She was breathing slightly heavily as she gazed adoringly at him, her lips were slightly bruised…
Leo trailed a finger from her neck all the way down enjoying the way she tried to wiggle against him, his hand trailed under the waist band of her skirt before he slowly undid it.
She was completely at his mercy and she has no clue how such a depressing day spiralled into this-or more like she 100% knows but doesn’t want to admit how easy it is to be with Leo, how easy it was to get attached and how awful-
“Oi what is that?!”
He cackled as his hands gripped her hips, she looked down only to see the problem that was meant for later become a now one, he started to lightly trace one of the duck detectives and she couldn’t help but relish in how good it felt as she watched with half lidded eyes as his hands trailed further down lightly grazing just above where she so desperately wanted him to touch, he still had one hand on her hip in an effort to stop her from moving so much.
He trailed his hand back up grabbing onto her chin as he roughly kissed her leaning over as he hastily brought the hand to her back, she arched slightly as she felt him fumble with the clip giggling against his lips as he struggled to undo it. She lightly pushed him back as she sat up, the two continued to kiss as she quickly undid her bra tossing it over Leo’s shoulder and she started sliding her hands under his shirt.
“Why am I the only one getting naked?”
She whispered against his lips as she ‘accidently’ grazed his nipple almost moaning at the feeling of a piercing, she trailed her hand to the other one to find that one was pierced as well.
She started kissing his neck as his hands settled at her waist, his eyes flutter as she rubbed circles around one of his nipples whilst the other made haste in her goal to get his shirt off. She started sucking on the side of his neck and she delighted in the way a slight whimper escaped from Leo’s mouth as his hands started travelling upwards. She finally undid all the buttons of the flannel and leaned back as Leo threw his button up onto the ground, she quickly tugged at his t shirt as he rolled his eyes grinning as he threw that off as well.
She immediately zeroed in on the pierced nips, suckling at one as she massaged the other, she was so lost in the sound of Leo’s sweet moans she failed to realise she had basically climbed onto his lap, he was sitting on his knees and parted his legs slightly as she started to grind herself against him as she concentrated on the pretty piercings, they were just plain silver balls that matched his earrings and they drove her crazy. He looked so hot and she can’t believe he hid these all this time.
She darted to the other side so the other one wouldn’t be so neglected as she started massaging his bulge that had been poking her, he leaned back slightly using his arms as support as he let her have more access. Not being able to stop the moans and whimpers as he balled a fistful of her hair gripping tightly as she let out a loud moan, the vibration almost making him cum as he watched her grind against him.
She looked up at him meeting his fluttering eyes as she moaned at how beautiful he looked. Grey hair tousled from their previous activities, a lovely love bite forming on the side of his neck as a trickle of sweat dripped down his chest as he leaned even further back.
He was so close and she wasn’t even directly touching him yet, as if a mind reader she started hastily trying to unbuckle his belt, she stopped sucking on his nipple making Leo let out a whine as he grabbed at her waist pushing her harder onto his thigh as she struggled to undo the buckle barely able to concentrate.He watched amused, not offering a hand as he used the moment to catch his breath.
He had come with the aim of distracting her from everything, determined to get her to pay attention to him as she had avoided him from the moment she fled his room using the promise of a favour from the one time they were able to briefly meet -but now it seems the tables have turned and she’s now getting all his attention-not that she didn’t have it in the first place.
He gazed at her as she finally got the belt off, he spread his leg a bit more so she had more room to grind against. She was practically straddling his thigh now as she roughly grinded against it trying to keep her moans quiet as she trailed her finger down his length, he was quite big which Xena tried to not be intimidated by,precum leaking from his tip as she leaned over giving it a kitten lick causing a soft moan to escape from Leo.
Wrapping her hand around his dick she started to slowly pump him as she went back to licking his nips,she teasingly nipped at them as she started to rub at his head making Leo let out a broken groan as he closed his eyes trying to keep himself stable as she picked up the pace, she lightly started pecking around his chest and neck as she used her other hand to focus on his base.
Leo gave her hair another harsh tug as both hands now massaged and rubbed at his length, the pace making his eye rolls back as she kept going using his precum as lube as she lightly pushed him down again allowing him to grip his hands into the duvet as she continuously used both hands to jack him off.
She shuffled back as she brought her mouth down, sucking at his base as his loud whines and groans echoed throughout the room.
His hand darted to her hair as he harshly gripped at it, as he started to buck into her hands, he felt as though he was losing his mind as his eyes rolled back once again.
He tried to watch her as she licked a strip all the way up to his head, leaning on his elbow before falling back as she sucked and kissed at it. She started rubbing at the vein underneath and using her other hand to still pump him, he felt like he was on the brink of exploding as he kept one hand on her hair and the other clutching to the duvet for dear life as his face went bright red, as he gasped for air arching his back into the air as she drove him crazy.
All it took was for her to pump him a couple more times before Leo let out a whine as both of hands gripped at her hair keeping her in place as cum spouted all over her face, they were both heaving for air Leo trying to put himself together as he loosened his hold on her.
Once he regained some composure he leaned over the bed grabbing the first clothed item he could find and started using it to wipe the cum off her face. Xena was slightly collapsed on his leg, trying to regain herself as she rubbed soothing circles on Leo’s hips as he gently grabbed a hold of her face, holding it up so he could get a better look at where to wipe.
She leaned into his touch tiredly closing her eyes as he gently wiped it off her.
“You can open your eyes now Xe, I got it all off.”
His voice felt raw as he struggled to get the words out, it came out a bit hoarse. Xena slowly opened her eyes smiling shyly as she flopped backwards onto the bed.
He started to awkwardly get out of jeans, the pair now a bit ruined as it was covered in stains.
He hummed in reply as he managed to get them off, throwing them onto the floor, cheering to himself at his success.
He turned to face her only to see her staring at the cloth he used to wipe st her face.
“I only have two uniform shirts.” •_•
He just grinned at her as he threw that on the floor; leaning into her he kissed her neck again, his tongue traced where he previously bit as he pushed her back down.
“You can just wear mine~”
He started leading his kisses down as she let out a light gasp.
“What are you-?”
She let out another gasp as he sucked on her nipple, she could feel the cold piercing graze across her as she arched into him.
He pulled himself off as he looked up at her throw half lidded eyes.
“It can’t just be me finishing here, not after everything that’s happened today.”
Before He noticed her concentration going fully onto him as she aimed to get him to finish but didn’t continue her own ministrations for herself.
He could be selfish but it has been a lot today, he’d spoil her today.
“Oh-h you don’t have-fuckk-“
She groaned out, Leo stopping her from finishing her sentence as his hands started carressing down her body, boldly spreading her thighs once again as his thumb started stroking against her clothed clit.
She was soaking through her underwear making Leo practically drool as he sucked and nipped at her nipples, relishing in the way Xena’s usually deadpan face contorted into one of pure pleasure as her hands dug into his shoulder, he moaned against her as he felt her nails start to dig in.
He started trailing his kisses down a trail of saliva following him as he messily and hungrily brought himself to his meal.
She was wiggling her hips as she tried to grind against his thumb, moaning uncontrollably, whimpering slightly when Leo pressed a light kiss to her clothed clit.
He started kissing up to her hip bone, groaning as she let out a sharp whine at the loss of contact as she dug her nails into his head trying to guide him back, he gave her clit a slight slap, grinning cruelly in the way she jolted and gasped as her eyes roll back as pleasure rolled through her.
He caught the side of her underwear with his teeth, slowly pulling it down as he torturously kissed and bit at her thighs as he did. Before sitting up; getting slightly impatient as he basically ripped them off, they were an adorable pair as well but he’ll just have to get her new ones, he watched in delight as her eyes widened at his actions blushing deeply at him as he maintained eye contact.
“I liked those.”
She tried to sound mad but she was breathing deeply trying to hold back the moans trying to escape her as Leo spread her legs a bit wider.
He rolled his eyes as he licked a strip of her bare pussy, giving her clit another chaste kiss as he watched her eyes roll back once again as her head hit the bed with a thud.
She couldn’t helping groaning out as he kept pressing kisses to her clit, she wiggled her hips trying to get some other stimulation.
“I’ll make it up to you Xexe.”
His voice came out strained as he kissed it one last time, he could feel himself getting hard again as Xena let out another whimper.
He started licking at her clit, practically making out with it as he continued to hold her legs back, he could hear her moaning hard as she fought to grind against him.
He made sure his tongue piercing kept harshly rubbing against her as he started roughly sucking against her. She let out loud squeals and a mantra of his name as he started grinding against her bed, using her voice to get himself off. He lifted his head slightly spitting into her pussy relishing in the sight of the mixture of his spit and her cum drip down as he mumbled against her clit.
He gave her clit another harsh slap and his eyes widened as she came hard and loud, letting out a sultry moan as her nails dug into his shoulders, the sound was so clear he almost lost it trying not to come on the spot as she looked down at him gasping for air.
He grinned up at her giving it another light tap as he kissed and bit at the inside of her thigh.
“Did I say you could cum yet XeXe?”
His voice was low as he bit hard into her thigh, her eyes widened as she let out a high whine.
He licked up the juices, eyes rolling at the taste as Xena squealed as he sent her into slight overstimulation, he kept going and she didn’t want him to stop, falling into a pit of pleasure as he started to devour her.
He shook his head as he sucked and licked at her clit, groaning as he could hear her moans and whines echo into his ear. She was so close, legs shaking as she begged Leo to let her cum.
“Plea-se Leo please please please I need to I-“
Her hands were in his hair gripping onto him for sanity as he mercilessly continued to eat her out. She was gasping for air as he started fucking her hole with his tongue, his eyes rolling back as he himself was getting close to cumming.
He quickly came back up to her clit as he brought his thumb to circle around her hole, he threw her leg over his shoulder as he used it to leverage himself to dive even deeper, finally letting her grind onto him covering him in her sheen as she cried out practically riding his face. He started fucking her with his finger curling it into her as he almost came at the sound of how wet she was, all he could hear was her and it was driving him slightly mad as he slowly become convinced he wouldn’t be able to stop as he added another finger.
She shook as a hot white feeling overcome her, she pleaded with Leo to let her come, tears spilling from her eyes as Leo groaned into her again.
He could hear what was about to happen to her as her whine and moans got louder and louder, he could feel her tighten around his finger as she shrieked and cried out.
He leaned back to watch her as he added another finger, using his thumb to rubbed circles on her clit as he saw her eyes rolls back.
“Fuc-k cum for me baby it’s okey, it’s okey”
He encouraged her to let go as she babbled at him, completely lost in her orgasm as she let out a loud screech as wave after wave crashed onto her as she gushed all over his finger, he watched in awe as her back arched perfectly as sweat glistened over her body as every part of her shook in pleasure as she squirted hard around his fingers. Her hands gripped the sheets as he fucked her through it, her moans of pleasure shot through him as he felt him choke out a moan as he came in his boxers from the combination of grinding against the bed and listening to Xena.
She heaved her gasps for air as she looked up at him in shock as he gently took his fingers out, sighing in relief as he leaned over kissing her on the lips. She was still shaking as she came down from her high, she wasn’t sure how many times he made her cum tonight, she lost count after the third one and now she felt so discombobulated she wasn’t even sure what to do with herself.
He caressed her legs as he guided them back down, watching in amusement as they flopped at either side of him, she could barely move feeling heavy and overly satisfied as she tried to watch Leo who was helping her come back to normal.
Both were covered in sweat and her bed was basically an unsleepable place now.
Or so he thought but He saw her eyes start to flutter shut as exhaustion hit her hard, he giggled to himself as she basically crashed out cold.
On shaky legs he tumbled his way to where he thought the bathroom was-silently cheering as he saw a decent sized bathtub. He started to fill it up dashing in any bubble bath he could find before returning to her room, scooping up the sleep in Xena and trying not to let his legs give up as he brought them both to the bath.
She woke up completely out of it as he gently placed her in, she looked up at him confused as he got in to join her, using a washcloth to clean her up and himself-she was too tired to question what was going on and trusted leo enough to think he won’t drown her. She leaned her arms up against the side of the bath leaning onto them as she fell back asleep, letting Leo’s humming and soft touches as he cleaned her up sent her drifting away.
He washed himself frowning at the basic scent choices Xena had before getting out to grab his phone.
He texted Sho to get Bonnie and come pick them up as he grimaced at the bed. He grabbed a bag stuffing his old clothes except his flannel into it, before grabbing some of Xena’s clothes- choosing a pair of oversized joggers and one of her favourite hoodies that had a picture of a frowning sunflower on it, they still come up a bit small but not too bad as he took multiple selfies of himself in her favourite hoodie which was definitely now going to be his.he grabbed her some underwear, black cycling shorts and his flannel before going back into the bathroom.
He smiled snapping a quick pic of her crashed out in the bath, as he gently went to wake her up.
He was exhausted and felt slightly bad as Xena seemed to be feeling even worse as she whimpered sadly at being woken up, he somehow got her quickly changed into the shorts and his flannel taking another picture of the both of them immediately sending it to Sho to alert him they’re coming down assuming he’s already there as he scooped her up and rushed down the stairs.
He grinned to himself as the bite mark peeked out from the flannel as she snuggled into his neck, quietly asking where they’re going before wrapping her arms around his neck as he just hummed in response.
Sho was waiting impatiently outside raising an eyebrow at the two as Leo cheekily waved at him.
“I thought she was mad at you?”
“Nope!” •~•
He held onto tightly as Sho just sighed hoping onto Bonnie as he drove them back to the vagastrom dorm, it was way too late in the night to be asking questions and Leo seemed way too happy and shaky to get any straight answers anyway.
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I am truly like a little rat that you fed once and now it is NOT going to go away, I'm so sorry in advance.
If your Match ups are still open, might I request one for myself? 👀
Fandom: Tokyo debunker
Pronouns: any
Zodiac: Scorpio
Sexuality: irl I'm a lesbian but FICTIONAL men are 👉👈 yknow what I mean?
Appearance: I have short, auburn hair that I usually keep in a half-up-half-down hair do or put up in a hair clip if I'm feeling fancy. I'm really bloody short (160cm) and I have freckles basically everywhere on me. I've got a couple tattoos (I just got one today actually!) And a bunch of scars. Some have cool stories (almost lost a finger breaking up a dog fight) and others just have dumb ones (burned my wrist on a panini press because my reflexes are utter dog shit)
Personality: I am either the most bubbly, outgoing, friendly, info-dumping son of a bitch or the calmest, laziest, reserved, most introverted person you'll ever meet. There is literally no in between.
Likes: rain, long drives, dancing/singing go loud music, sharing my very long list of fun facts, sho 👉👈
Dislikes: spicy food, awkward scenes in movies, being in crowded rooms, Romeo >:(
Hobbies: I'm a huge art nerd and if I'm watching something I'm drawing something at the same time. I also do semi-professional(?) voice acting in my spare time and I love to sing but usually not in front of people unless I'm drunk enough to make an ass of myself 👉😎👉
That's it! Sorry for writing so much but I love the way you write and I truly am starved for crumbs so I have 100% latched onto you <3
Hi! It's an honour and a great compliment to have you latch onto me! Thank you for your request! I hope you like your matchup!
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Okay, I know Sho’s your favourite character but I do genuinely think you would be a great couple!
He likes your outgoing and bubbly, yet also laid back attitude. It’s a nice change from the constant intensity that Leo gives out. Sho has to admit, he much prefers your presence.
Sho loves going on long rides on Bonnie with you. He’ll set up your helmet so you two can blast the same music as well.
You two are definitely going to bond over your dislike of spicy food. He’s so glad there’s someone in his life that appreciates food without it needing to be drenched in spice.
I think he would enjoy having you in the kitchen with him while he’s cooking. Whether you’re sitting in companionable silence or info-dumping about your latest interest, he’s happy in your presence.
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