#Tokyo debunker sho
blueberrysquire · 2 months
Listen ok
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I have no excuses, I'm just in love with him.
That's it, that's the post, man.
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tdb boys taking care of pc as a cat? 🫢
Taking care of the purr-fect
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After an accident in class the prefect turns in a cat for a day
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Wc: 670
Note: I'm going to be honest, I just chose four off the top of my head jaja
He swears it's the one time he leaves his room for the week and somehow there is an intruder, a cute cat sleeping on his bed. He grabs you by the scruff and calls Thoma who hurriedly takes it from his hands and smooths its hair explaining the mess during class.
He rolls his eyes at the story of how the ghouls -surely vagastorm punks- asked you to help and you ended in the crossfire with a temporary shapeshifting potion, either way he grabs your back, now properly with a hand under your front paws and under your butt.
His family had a few cats, his dad allowed it if they were purebred as a status symbol, and his mom loved the fluffy things. Maybe that is why his usually soft spot turned softer.
Acting huffing and tsundere like lays down on the bed and lets you cuddle up to him, even covering you with his blankets without worrying much about hair sticking to it.
Every so often he texts things to Thoma ‘the cat is hungry, get them fish ‘jin, canned tuna isn't good for cats.’ ‘There's sushi tuna in the kitchen. Hurry’
The most spoiled cat for the day or so that you turned, ribbons as your collar so nobody mistakes you for a worker cat, cooked meat every meal, hair brushed every night -by thoma- and sleeping under many imported silk blankets.
There was a cat sleeping on Bonnie's seat and, somehow, she wasn't thrashing around for it to get out, quite opposite she seemed to be seeking out sunlight for you. It isn't until he gets closer and you wake up that he recognizes your eyes in the kitty's that he guessed it's you.
He is knocking down on Hyde's office asking about what happened to you and how long it's going to last, Hyde grabs you by the armpits and twists you around before throwing you back to Sho unworried and he guesstimates about a day or two.
He doesn't allow you inside his food truck because he respects food hygiene but you can sleep on the outside tables acting like a mascot, at first Subaru was quite open to touching you in this form until he saw your memories and figured it was you.
He now feeds two mouths, Bonnie and you, sorry Leo, your noodles will have to wait until he finishes the pulled pork bbq sandwich for Bonnie and your cat-friendly oil-free stir fry, die mad about it.
After one of the vagastorm students grabbed you to get you out of a spot on the couch and Sho dared him to meet him at the pit for that, after that nobody really touched you.
Yuri and Jiro
Some general students got called after the accident in class to check out the students who were well except a few scratches, they were called later when the students brought a cat claiming that it was the prefect.
Neither are very worried as it happened before but more interested in how similar your labwork would be to your human one so Yuri is drawing blood, doing ultrasounds to see if everything looks normal or similar to before (if you struggle to much because you are nervous or fear needles and try to scratch him he will make Jiro hold you as you claw at him. At least he doesn't hold it against you when you return to normal)
After that you can hang around mortkraken with a little note stuck on your fur saying ‘dr isami’s patient, do not feed’
Sorry if you like garlic, onions, chives or grapes, the same way they forbade chocolate for Lyca bc he is a wolf those foods aren't entering your mouth soon.
If Yuri is sitting down while writing or reading your test he allows you to lay on his lap and maybe he will rub your belly.
Jiro doesn't mind you climbing him so you can sit on his shoulders while he works and won't tell you anything. He asks teasingly if you wanted to be taller.
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summer-nights19 · 11 days
Hellooooo <3
I saw your post about Tokyo Debunker and I would like to know your headcanon about guys with a partner who is shy about showing affection (hugs, kisses…,). It can be with the boys you want, although, could you add Rui and Yuri? I'm so curious how that dynamic would work with them, since one literally can't be touched and the other is a complete Tsundere haha
Thank you in advance, many hugs and kisses ✨️
Hi Anon <3 I honestly love this
Characters: Frostheim, Vagastrom, Jabberwock, Hotarubi (+ Rui and Yuri)
Oh God. He loves flustering you (he obviously won't do it in public - he has a reputation to uphold !)
Has you sit on his lap, cups your chin, wraps an arm around your waist ... you name it
Thinks it's adorable how shy you are about physical contact. Although that's something that he won't tell you (at least not at first) he definitely teases you about how easy it is to get you to become a blushing mess
Will find any excuse to hold your hand "to enhance his stigma" (he really just likes seeing how red you get)
He thinks it's so cute that you get that flustered from the slightest
Isn't big on physical contact in public, especially at the start of the relationship, but will "accidentally" brush his arm against your or touch your hand if you're both reaching for the same thing
The most he'll do in public is cup your face or kiss the back of your hand
Acts all innocent afterwards while delighting in how flustered you look
"My, MC, do you feel OK ? You've gone quite red,"
It took him a little while to realise that you got flustered easily - at first, he freaked out because he thought he had done something wrong or you were suddenly feeling unwell
Like the gentleman he is, he'd never deliberately fluster you in public - he hates the idea of embarrassing you by mistake. Honestly, the most he'd do is hold your hand (if you're ok with that), link arms, or kiss the back of your hand when he's greeting you
In private though it's a whole different question
He's very gentle, especially at the start - hugs, kisses on the cheek, hand holding ... but that doesn't mean he finds it any less cute when your cheeks become bright red
Ah yes the boyfailure
You two are a match made in heaven
It takes him a WHILE to notice how flustered you are because while you're freaking out and blushing, he's busy doing the exact same thing
After a lot of talking to each other (and taking it slow) you both begin to relax more about physical affection, though it takes a of encouragement and reassurance for him to reach that stage
As your "knight", he'll try to initiate any physical contact. However, if you decide to initiate anything, especially in the early stages, he will literally combust
A bit wary of touching you at first, just because he's used to putting up so many walls to protect himself, and the idea of being intimate is scary at first
He's also terrified of hurting you by mistake - even if you're pretty tough, he's a ghoul, and one of the strongest ones at that, so he'll still see you as fragile
However, after some time passes, he'd start to initiate things like hand holding or cuddling. Sometimes, he'll even pull you onto his lap
When he first saw you flustered you got, he was worried he'd done something wrong. However, after he understood that you were just a bit shy about physical contact, he found it so sweet
Won't try to fluster you in public, but now he can't keep his hands off of you when you guys are alone <3
He understands why you're blushing straight away and teases you endlessly about it
Will definitely fluster you a bit in public - he secretly loves PDA because it makes him feel like you belong to him
However, most of that is left for when you guys are in private - he'll shower you with praise and kisses
Definitely spoon feeds you your finger sometimes or does the whole "you have something on your lips" thing as an excuse to kiss you
If you're cooking together, he'd 100% hug you from behind while instructing you (not that it's easy to focus with his body and the smell of his cologne that close to you)
He also teases you constantly, but a bit more maliciously about it than Sho
"Oh gross, Honor Roll. Why are you getting all red ? I bumped into you by mistake,"
Even though he won't admit it, he'll try to fluster you subtly because seeing his reaction is a huge ego boost for him (he also finds it adorable, but you'd have to torture that out of him)
It takes Leo a while to become more deliberate about physical contact, but when he does, he's all about PDA - he loves showing you off and seeing you blush when he's doing it
When you guys first become close, his touch starts off very platonic - a hanc in your shoulder, a friendly hug, that kind of thing
However, when he sees how flustered you get after you two start dating and he becomes more intimate, it has a bigger impact on him then he'd thought
Definitely teases you in a good natured way and tries to make you blush if you two are alone
When he's worn out from all his chores, he'll call you yo his room so he can cuddle you
Although he's completely in denial about it, he's also a flustered mess
He's not used to physical affection and is a bit closed off, so it takes him a bit to start exploring that area of your relationship
He'd definitely pretend it's accidental at first- something like your fingers brushing or your legs touching when you're sitting next to each other
When he sees how pink your cheeks become, he grows even more flustered - why are you so adorable
"Wh- Hey MC, what are you staring at ? You're going all red like an idiot,"
Despite his efforts to hide it, you make him just as flustered
Over time, with a lot of patience (mostly on your end) you guys begin to feel more calm about physical affection. However, it'll definitely stay private as Ren is not into PDA at all
Another guy who keeps his hands constantly on you - he's so clingy
Whenever he sees you, he'll hug you hard and for a long period of time.
Since night is the only time you get to hear his voice properly, you two often go out then and fall asleep cuddling under the stars
When he noticed you got flustered, he didn't have much of a reaction to it - he just kissed your cheek before continuing to hug you
As a gentleman, and someone who's quite shy, Subaru doesn't do much physical contact at first, limiting himself to hugging you, holding your hand and giving you brief kisses when you guys are alone
At first, your reaction concerned him that he'd crossed a boundary by mistake. However, it was weirdly comforting for him when he realised you were flustered, because, despite not showing it, he felt exactly the same way
Would never fluster you deliberately, although he thinks you look cute - he's just too much of a gentleman. However, he'll definitely begin showing more physical affection as you both grow more used to it
Despite his charming act, this man loves touching you at every chance he gets. He won't even bother to hide it
Holds your hand everywhere you go and always pats your head/ruffles your hair after hugging you. When he's seated, he definitely loves having you on his lap
He likes PDA, but is also more than OK with only showing physical affection in private - it's ultimately up to you
Teases you a little bit about how much you're blushing, but it's mostly in a flirty way - he honestly thinks you're adorable
Positively beamed when he saw how much you were blushing after he tried to hug you - he finds it so sweet that even the idea of his touch makes you react like that
Although he can't technically touch you yet, he keeps working on it. For now, he just tells you what he'd like to do with you, and he finds it delightful if that's enough to fluster you
He's too much of a gentleman to try to fluster you publicly but he'll definitely do it in private
Gets so clingy if he ever does find a way to touch you
He's super clingy - it's surprising if you manage to leave his side at all
Definitely has you on his lap while he gambles to "act as a lucky charm" (show you off to the casino patrons)
If he's lounging about in his room, he'll definitely want to make out or sleep with you
Finds it cute when you get flustered and goes out 6 his way to make you blush at every chance he gets
Romeo regularly tells him to get a room
If he catches one of the other casino patrons looking at you, that guy will go missing by tomorrow, and your neck will be full of love bites to remind you of who you belong to
Fico Romeo
Romeo finds it endearing when you get so flustered, but he has a reputation to uphold, so he won't be telling you that anytime soon
Although his PDA is pretty limited, he'll still link arms or drape an arm around your waist so the rest of the casino knows you're his
When you're alone, he definitely gets an ego boost from flustering you deliberately (he also gets a lot more handsy - loves when you sit on his lap as he works on his desk)
He'd definitely say something like "Hey, BB ! Come over here," before fusty pulling you into his lap
He'll tease you about how stupid you look when you're going all red, but he actually loves it
Honestly, physical affection isn't really his thing, so it would take ages for him to notice that it flusters you
He smirks slightly when he sees your cheeks going red - you're just adorable
Definitely not one for PDA. He also doesn't show much physical affection in private compared to others, but he does enjoy it when you guys share an intimate moment
The fact that his curse means that he can't touch you is the biggest source of heartbreak in his life, although he doesn't let you see that
He yearns for the day that you're both cured and he can hold you and let his hands explore your body, imaginig how you'd react
His fantasies are spurred on when he realises that you get flustered so easily - he thinks you look so adorable when you blush
In the meantime, he tells you about everything he wants to do to you and showers you with praise. This guy is a massive flirt
If Rui could touch you, he'd enjoy PDA - he'd love showing you off on his arm to the rest of the academy
Yuri would never tell anyone this , but it takes him some time to feel secure enough in your relationship to start exploring physical contact. The very fact that he's considering it is off putting to him - it was just never something he thought he'd want or need
At first, he uses your checkups as an excuse to touch you - he lets his hands linger a bit longer than necessary and helps you put on your patient robe because "you're taking too long"
Seeing how much you're blushing honestly just makes him freak out more - you just look way too cute
Starts insulting you and telling you to stop looking at him like that
However, after passing the early stages of the relationship (and after you show him a lot of patience) you start showing each other proper physical affection in private
He's not really the type to go out of his way to fluster you, but he'll definitely tease you light heartedly
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shira-cosmic-star · 1 month
hello! i hope you're doing well 🫶
may I request hcs with vagastrom + Lyca, Jin, Jiro x short s/o please?
i hope I'm not disturbing you 🙏
thank you 😊
Too short to handle
Tags: Fluff, Gender Neutral, Comedy, Romance, Slice of life, Supernatural, and Tokyo debunker headcanons 
Characters: Leo Kurosagi, Sho Haizono, Alan Mido, Lyca Colt, JIn Kamurai, and Jiro Kirisaki. 
Warning: None 
Word count: 2,811
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Mc was in their own room when they decided to decorate it. After saving enough money to buy a few small things. A poster, LED lights, their favorite color window curtains and small room decorations. Though, there is a small problem. They can’t react the places they want too. It also doesn’t help that they only have a step latter and still couldn’t reach. 
Frustrated, they huffed and pouted. “How on earth can I hang this up if I can��t reach!” They stated, angrily. Then, a small “ding” chimed. It was their phone, they placed the item in their hands, right on the bed. Picking up their phone. It was a text from Leo. He needed them so he can use his stigma. MC groaned, “Do you need me now? I’m kind of busy.” 
“Yes, hurry up!” Leo eagerly told them. Leo and MC have been dating for a short while. How? Well, a lot of patience and understand from both parts. Both have their flaws, their moments, and all. Leo, often more than MC. But, after learning why he is the way he is. MC have gotten a better understanding of Leo. Leo, for MC’s sake, had to learn how to break a few bad habits. He’s still learning, but he’s trying.  
As MC heads over to him. They couldn’t help, but flashback to how their relationship was in the past before they started dating.  
“I can’t stand you.” MC told Leo, through tears and their fist balled up. MC have had enough. The mean words, the disgusted face he makes towards them, and now, the lies about MC being his romantic partner. They saw a lot of mean comments of their appearance. How they can’t be worthy enough to stand next him. Or even close to him. It was getting to MC. They have stormed into Vagastrom to tell Leo off. Leo, being Leo brushed it off and told them that they should be grateful that others are jealous of them. Even told Mc that it was just a few trolls, they can handle it.  
Although, what Leo wasn’t expecting was them to tell him off. It actually struck him hard when MC said that. It stuck with him for a while, he actually felt bad. So, he went to make it up to MC. That is when MC began to see another side of him. So, from that point they started to get closer and closer. Of course, MC confessed first. But we all know Leo felt the same way. 
[Flashback ended] 
“What are you dozing off about?” Now sitting on the couch together. Leo looked over to his lover. They have been quiet almost the entire time. 
“Hm? Oh, just how our relationship was in the past before dating.” They told him while holding a smile. They gently rubbed their thumb on the back of his hand. 
“You’re not still mad at me, are you?” He scrunched his face. “I said I was sorry...” Leo then began to pout. 
“I’m not mad, it just something a kind of cherished now. We started off basically enemies to lovers!” MC excitedly worded. 
“Stop reading those kinds of books. They are getting to your head.” Leo told them, MC ignores him and laughs. 
“By the way, you said you were busy earlier. What were you doing?” He looks at MC with his eyes curious as a cat. He was growing bored and spy on Alan got nowhere. 
“I bought a few things for my room. But I can’t reach the places I want...” MC sighed frustratedly. He begins to give them a cheeky smile. More like a devilish smirk. Leo began to laugh lightly. “Because your short~” He teased them. This caused MC to glare at him while pouting. 
“Well excuse me mister, I can’t help it!” Both have now begun to lightly bicker. Leo grabs their hand and pulls them back to MC’s room. He lays down on their bed and plays on his phone. MC, on the other hand went back to placing the lights on their wall. Leo watched; he wore a small smile as he watched them struggled. He then, takes a short video of them. He’ll post it later, but his lover needs help. So, he gets up, takes the lights and hangs in up for them. Leo was standing behind them. When Mc turns around to face him. Leo leans down to steal a kiss. 
“You’re so cute~” He whispers in their ear.  ———————————————————
MC were horribly known to be clumsy. MC’s boyfriend Sho seen it too. He couldn’t help but find it cute. Not only were they clumsy; they were also short. Sho saw they height differences. MC was about 5 something or shorter. Meanwhile, he was a walking 6ft tall. When they held hands, he noticed how small MC’s hands were compared to his. How their arm bend while walking and holding hands with him. When they do the dishes in his truck or kitchen in Vagastorm; he noticed how small they looked. Often, he would place things out of reach. Only to see them reach for it or beg him for help. Some would say it's a power thing. When it’s only because he wants to see them pout cutely as they ask him for help. 
On this day, it was for the same reason. They have woken up in the morning and have planned to make breakfast. It’s going to be pancakes, toast, eggs and bacon. As Sho tells MC the items they need. MC sets off to grab each one. Only problem is, the flour is too high for them to reach. They stretch their arm out to reach but couldn’t. Then they tried again on their tippy toes. No luck, discouraged, they begun to feel annoyed and frustrated.  
They looked over to Sho. His back was turned to them as he sets out the things. He needs to make the food. Mc walks over to him and tugs on his apron lightly.  
“Huh? What up?” He asked, he fought back the grin. Sho knew what they needed but played it off. Mc looks up towards him and held a sulked look. 
“I tried reaching for the flour. But I can’t, it’s too far up...” They pointed to the flour on the high shelf. Sho chuckled and rubbed their head.  
“Don’t worry, I’ll grab it.” He got the flour and sets down on the counter table. After mixing all of the ingredients for the pancakes. Sho asked them to pour small amounts of the onto the pan. While MC was focused on not spilling it. He had come up behind them to help them. His chest pressed against the back of their head, his hands completely covering theirs, and his arms easily reached around them. To Mc, it was like Sho was one giant teddy bear. Though, he wasn’t buffy like Alan. He was still showing off his well-toned muscles. 
It made them feel safe and warm. So, Mc leaned against him, resting their head on his chest. They felt him chuckled, Mc looked up towards him and Sho had leaned down to kiss them. 
This caused them to blush, using their sleeve to hide their blush from him. 
“Too cute to handle” Sho told himself.  ——————————————————-
It took a while for Alan and MC to make it official. Alan is an awkward giant, who is extremely strong. His height alone is enough to intimated just about anyone. Now, that he has a romantic partner. He starts to realize how tiny they were when standing next to him or in front of him. It wasn’t like he noticed that much when he first met them. He towers over most people on campus. Yet, when he pays a lot of attention to his lover. Alan couldn’t help but feel more protective over them.  
Physical touch was hard on Alan. He craved to touch his partner. Not in a sexual intimate way. More in a romantic intimate way. One time they compared hands with one another. MC asked if it would be okay to compare sizes. Confused and cautious, he slowly gave them his hand. MC lay his hand on their thigh with the back of his hand faced down. MC then placed their hand on top of his. Their hand felt soft and soothe compared to his rough working hand. Alan, admired their hand as Mc takes their thumb, gently rubs his palm. They giggled and placed their other thumb on his palm. Both, gently and slowly massaging his palm. 
“Hehehe, I’ll need both to massage your hand.” They told him as they looked into his eyes. Their touch was delicate as a warm embrace. Every time they held hands. His heart beats faster, his face grew warm, and his hands began to feel wet with sweat.  
That’s not the only time his heart beats faster. When they first cuddled together, after watching a movie. They rested next to him with their head on his chest. His arms gently wrapped around them was they snuggled closer to him. In his eyes, it was like a child cuddling next to their favorite giant teddy bear. Alan smiled at the silly, but cute idea. Before his tiredness catches up to him. He whispers softly to MC, “I love you,” and pressed a tender kiss on the crown of their head, then fall into a peaceful slumber.  ——————————————————
MC and Jin have a special type of relationship. This isn’t the typical, shy MC with a cold king type of man. No, these two bicker and tease a lot. What about? Mc’s height and of course MC insults Jin back. Jin loves to tease his partner. It was always about that cute and flustered face they make. Once MC was tasked to reach something from a high shelf. They were asked to get it for Tohma. Jin, so happens to be walking by to see his lover. Up on their tippy toes, trying to reach the book. 
“Need help?” Jin asked as he leans again the wall with his arms crossed. MC looked back over their shoulder to see their boyfriend smirking at them. This irked them, annoyed by that handsomely smirk. They huffed and told him no. 
Jin watched as they struggled to reach the book. MC as stubborn and hot headed as they can be. They started to use the bottom shelf as a stool or latter. They placed their foot on the next one to climb higher. Jin tsked and walked towards them. “Idiot, get down from there.” 
“Almost got it.” They stated as their arm stretched to reach for the book. The shelf began to shake as they move higher and higher to reach. When they got close to grabbing the book. Jin had physically picked them up and set them onto the floor. He grabbed the book for them.  
“Tsk, don’t do that again.” He told them sternly. As he holds out the book to them. He gently bops them in the head with the book.
MC pouted and complained, Jin tsked again and rolled his eyes. Once Mc stopped, the room was quiet, they then walked close to Jin, grabbing him by his tie and pulled him down. Gently placing a sweet kiss on the cheek. Once they were finished, they quickly ran to Tohma to give him the book. 
“Tsk, Idiot you couldn’t give me an actual kiss.” He smirked with his cheeks slightly red.
Lyca isn’t good with human like things. Mainly because he doesn’t understand them. So, to help him understand more. MC decided to show him movies. They were slice of life type of movies. Whenever he had questions, MC would answer. Though, when it comes to romance movies. Lyca was completely lost. Why would anyone do that kind of stuff? The kissing, hugging, holding hands, dancing in the rain, piggyback rides, sleeping next to one another and etc. He didn’t get it; he was told to keep distant from girls. Not because they gross or awful. It's not like cooties were a real thing. Though, he probably believes in them.  
“Because they are making memories Lyca. Sweet and intimate things are often memorizing. They make feel light and free when you are with the right one. They can also make you feel safe. Many people want to feel that way. Loved, cared, admired, protected, safe and warm. Or maybe they want someone who understands them. Someone to be their ride or die. There’re many forms of love, many ways to express it. Maybe one day when you find the one, you’ll get it.” 
Little did Mc know, he knows he found the one, it was them. After watching the movies, Lyca would ask them if they can act out certain scenes. The dancing in the rain, hugging, holding hands, and piggyback rides. 
It started with dancing in the rain. It was at Jabberwock, Towa made it rain but it wasn’t thundering. So, he asked them to dance like in the movies. He was blunt, but shy about it. But they danced, MC taking the lead by slowly moving around while holding his hand and waist. Then it was the piggyback rides. Since MC was tiny compared to him. That makes them lighter to hold. So, they jumped on his back and ran with them on his back. They laughed as his playfully twirl and jumped around. Then they held hand while watching a movie. This time it was a scary movie. They cuddled closely to his side as a scary scene played. One arm wrapped around them easily. Lyca noticed how tiny their hand is, he smiled without them knowing. Pulling them closer to him as if he was protecting them from the scary monster on the screen. 
 Once MC stayed over and Lyca handed a shirt to them. It was his shirt. They put on the shirt and walked out of the bathroom to show him. The shirt swallowed them. It was huge on them, but he found it endearing. As time goes by, they began to act more as a couple. MC shared deep feelings for Lyca, but Lyca fell for them harder. He wanted to act out more of these scenes. But as a real couple.
When Mc was with Jiro.  In this case, they got hurt. While sniffling and pouting they walked up to Jiro and asked for help. Jiro set them down on the table and pulled one of their knee length socks down to uncover the scrap. They had accidently slipped outside and cut their knee on the cement pathway. It had rained prior to that day. So, there he was to prevent germs and dirt from infecting the wound. As they sat on the table. Jiro grabbed the cotton swab, water, carbon peroxide and a band-aid. He bends down to their knee and began to clean the dirt off first. Then he took the cotton swab and dabbed it with the peroxide. He gently soothes them and told them that it’ll sting a bit. 
He began to place the cotton swab on their knee to kill all infection and germs. Once he was finish, he placed a band aid on it. He remains on the ground bent down to their knee. He spoke quietly to them. Telling them that they are okay now. Jiro then picks them up and set them down on the floor. MC has calmed down from the pain. Jiro turns around to grab a sucker for them. Unfortunately, this caused Jiro to elbow them on the forehead. They groan in pain as Jiro didn't realize he what he had done. He heard them groan. But thought it was something else. He turns around and finds them holding their forehead. 
“What’s wrong? Headache?” He asked. MC glared at him as they tell him. 
“You elbowed me in the forehead.” They explained. 
“Oh, sorry about that.” He hands them the sucker and picks them up in his arm. 
“J-Jiro! What are you doing?” They were shocked by his action. He lightly chuckled as he brings them into a kiss to make it up to them. Due to the height differences, it is easier for him to pick them up to give them a kiss. That way, he wouldn’t open up any of his scars when he bends down.  Plus, he gets to see them all red when he picks them up. But when he kisses them, he can feel them melt in his arms. It was a sight to see in his eyes. His cute little lover, sweetly moved by him. 
So sorry this took me a long time. I know I said was going to post this last week. But when I got to the last 3. I couldn't write for them because I didn't want to write the same thing over and over again. So. I was really struggling with ideas. I do, however hoped this is good enough for you all. Please leave a like, comment, or reblog this. Reblogging posts helps a lot. Thank you kindly for your love and support.
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internalscream1ng · 1 month
Get you a man who will cook your meals, chase you if you forgot your forks or food, napkins? Don't worry he got you.
Strong and independent?
Has a motorcycle?
Ladies and gentlemen
Hold onto your hats and hide your boners
It's just Sho failing to fight the male wife allegations.
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internals1ut · 13 days
Subaru smut headcanons?
Crying? 👀
Maybe getting embarrassed
I gotchu~ this was requested for someone in my discord server hello discord ~
18+/nsfw/minors gtfo
So Subaru definitely is the type to be whimpering during sex. He is probably one of the most sensitive when having sex. His body can wear out easily and quickly, so going too rough and too hard can cause this boy to start and tear up at his eyes letting tears roll down, but he will encourage his partner to keep going and he swears he can keep going even though his body is aching in pleasure.
Both Haku and Sho are a little worried about it, but will keep going but will be softer about it than being rough with him. Lyca is soft either way, but in heat he is more rough, and will just go rougher when Subaru cries in pleasure.
Subaru cried the first time Lyca knotted in him by accident. With his ass against the prison bars, having to stand like that as Lyca pretty much EXPANDS inside.. He sobbed, but afterwards he expects it and sniffles a bit when it happens. Sometimes it still catches him off guard and he softly cries when it catches him off guard.
First time he touched Lyca with his ability, before seeing what he saw, he saw him being railed against the bars, drooling and crying, he pulled away and was just shocked and embarrassed thinking these were pervy thoughts and was ashamed, and didn't want to believe what he saw.
When he touched Haku, he was too embarrassed to see him in his eyes. Of course he was hot, but after seeing himself being in bed and fucked by Haku was something that almost made his heart stop.
Sho was on accident, one day he forgot his gloves and went to the food truck for food, his fingers touched Sho and saw something with him being pressed behind the truck near the end of the day when Sho worked late and being fucked behind the truck. He dropped the food and was so apologetic he almost avoided the truck for a week before he came back for the food..... And of course, Sho~
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trivializetriven · 23 days
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I dunno what to make of these...
These are interesting 😆 They're so cute!
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aayakashii · 1 month
How would they react if you received a confession from some random student?
Warning: yandere behavior, possessiveness, A LOT of manipulation etc etc you know the drill
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Gasp! You received a confession! A human student fell for you and confessed that they have had a huge crush on you ever since they saw you in the admission ceremony. They even invited you on a date! You're so excited! But... wait... how will your ghouls react to that...?
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Fuji Kaito
Absolutely distraught.
He knew you first! He was supposed to be your first option!
He doesn't try to hide how desperately jealous he is.
Bombards you with self-deprecating messages that do more harm than good because it gets super annoying after a while.
Stops eating properly and pays even less attention to class, which makes him take even more remedial classes.
Asks you for your help immediately. He's so insistent on you tutoring him, that you end up saying yes just so he'll stop whining.
He happily creates a schedule that eats up most of your time, so you can only see him every single day. After all, he has such a hard time learning! You gotta help him a lot 🥺 and no, Luca isn't an option.
It's almost like he planned this... but nah, that's Kaito we're talking about. He wouldn't do this, right
Lucas Errant
He doesn't really understand what he's feeling at the moment
At first, he has a positive reaction – after all, you're an amazing person! It's only obvious you'd have admirers.
But then he finds himself thinking more and more about it.
Is that person capable of protecting you? Do they possess any type of skill in combat so they can fend off anomalies? Will they pay attention to your needs? Will they hold your hand when they walk you home? Will they actually walk you home when it's late??????
He starts worrying more and more about your safety until he can't brush off his concerns any longer.
He will not approve of this relationship. He's pretty sure that person isn't capable of providing you with all you need and deserve.
At least not like he can. He knows he can protect you. So... stay with him instead, will you?
Ishibashi Tohma
Hm... Really. So you have a little admirer. How cute.
Tohma couldn't be more obvious with the disdain and contempt towards the person who confessed to you.
He always manages to spot you wherever you are, just to steal you away and drag you with him to do something 'important'.
"Why yes, you must come with me to pick up this order of tea leaves I have put on. Of course I can't do this alone, you have to learn the ropes of my work since you're my dear helper."
You better not be thinking about going on dates. Tohma will ruin all your plans by summoning you to his side as soon as you step out of your dorm.
He will control your time and your schedule until you forget entirely about that silly little person who tried to take you away from him.
And when you hear the first whispers of awful rumors about that person, Tohma already has his hands on you, permanently dragging you away from them and their terrible influence.
As if he wasn't the one that spurred the gossip in Frostheim from the very beginning.
Kamurai Jin
No. Just no.
Don't even think about it.
You just aren't allowed any distractions from your work for him. You're his servant.
Actually, sratch that. You're his, period.
The fact that someone would be so bold to try and take you away from him is unbelievable.
And you're CONSIDERING their confession? Are you insane? What do they have to offer you? How can you even begin to think of them as more important than him?
You're crazy if you think he'll just let you go and date some peasant.
Jin WILL bribe the person who confessed to you to make them go away in a heartbeat.
He's convinced that everyone will fold when they're faced with money. Everyone but himself, because he already has it all.
All except you, apparently.
Jin will offer them a life changing amount of money just to keep them away from you.
Don't worry, he'll be right there to see your little heartbroken face when you're walk back to him after all that.
He'll take his sweet time picking up your pieces and putting you back together.
Mido Alan
Alan stuffs his hands inside his pockets and scowls as soon as you let him know about someone confessing to you.
Oh, he despises that idea.
At first, he wonders whether it is because he might see you as a little sibling or... some other platonic thing... that activates his protective instinct.
But then he sees you crack a little smile as you talk about actually going on dates, and the jealousy he feels is simply undeniable.
Alan may be stoic, but he's very well acquainted with his ugliest feelings.
And this jealousy is simply the most hideous thing.
Do you know that person? Do you think they truly care about you? No. They don't. At least not like him.
Alan doesn't say all that openly, but he hangs around you for longer and longer, like a guard dog. Arms crossed and scowling, ready to pounce at anyone crazy enough to invade his space.
And obviously, you're in his space. You're the only one allowed in it. The only one he wants attached at his hip.
He eventually wins by wearing down his competition. After all, no one is brave enough to poke this lion with a short stick.
You're just not worth them risking their lives like that...
Don't worry, Alan is right by your side to pet your little head and comfort you.
He'll always be by your side.
Haizono Sho
Well, look at you. Being popular and shit. Gotta be feeling good, huh?
Kinda upsetting that the one who likes you is a loser that definitely doesn't deserve you.
Who said that.
Sho immediately bans you from eating at his food truck.
If you're gonna play these dumb games, then he has his own cards to play, too.
Even if you have zero intention of making him jealous and genuinely just want to go on a cute date, he WILL see it as a challenge.
He would rather get hit by a car than see you taking some random ass dude to HIS food truck to eat HIS food during a date. You're supposed to eat his food only if you go on dates with HIM.
He's gonna make you choose between him and your stupid new guy as soon as you tell him about the confession.
Are you going to abandon him? Are you really going to choose some dude instead of a friend? Someone who needs your support and ideas? Someone who ACTUALLY cares about you and didn't just randomly appear out of nowhere?
There is a correct answer for his ultimatum, and you better choose wisely.
Kurosagi Leo
Some people do have awful taste, huh.
Cannot fathom why someone would ever fall for you.
You're plain and boring, just a stupid NPC. That person must be just as boring as you, if not worse.
He makes sure to tell you all of this so you know your place.
But then you decide to give that person a chance and begin to ignore his messages.
How fucking dare you answer him only in the end of the day. You're supposed to be at his beck and call. You're supposed to be by his side whenever he needs you, like a good NPC.
He gets antsy. He's bouncing his legs, biting his nails and feeling his stomach flip flop inside him.
Okay he GETS it. You can stop trying to make him jealous now, god. You're so fucking desperate for his attention, aren't you?
Just... answer his fucking texts for once, okay?
Otherwise, he's gonna have to handle that rando that's been glued to your side on his own terms, and you don't want that.
Don't make him do something both of you will regret <3
Sagara Haru
Of course someone would fall for you! Who wouldn't?
You're so sweet, strong, patient, helpful, comforting, and you always do your best to spend time with him so he feels less overworked and...
If you have a s/o, this means you won't be able to help him and spend time by his side, huh...
That is a problem.
Haru needs your company. He needs to know your whereabouts and what you're doing. You won't leave him hanging behind on his own, right?
He knows that you care for the animals and you wouldn't abandon them, but what about him?
Will you really leave him behind?
Haru is busy with everything in Jabberwock, so it's not like he can neglect his job to follow you around, but... Maybe he can keep an eye on you through his little gps.
Whenever he sees you out and about, he'll shoot you the cutest, most heartwrenching message about how he the animals miss you.
It never fails.
After all, you're so sweet. He knows exactly how to tug on your heartstrings until you run back to him.
Otonashi Towa
You're not going to date anyone.
Towa loves romance, yes, but only if it doesn't involve you with someone else.
You're his Dandelion! You're his. You're not going to leave him, ever. Why are you even thinking about someone else? You're so silly, Dandelion.
Towa doesn't try to be subtle. He will threaten the other person and kick them out of your life immediately.
If he needs to strike them down with a dozen lightnings, he will do it. Do not doubt him whatsoever.
Don't be sad, though. If you wanted to go on dates, you should have just said so!
He will take you to every pretty place he finds in Darkwick – cave systems, flower fields, dense woods, and anywhere else you feel like going!
As long as you go with him.
He's not letting anyone steal you from him, ever.
Shiranami Ren
Whines and whines and whines and whines.
He becomes actually insufferable.
"You're actually going to become one of those disgusting people that flaunt their relationship everywhere, aren't you?"
"Ren, I don't even know if I'll accept the date..."
You don't get it, though. He thought you were different. He thought you weren't like everyone else! But you got A CONFESSION?
That's like the most normie thing in the whole world...
And who's gonna watch B-horror movies with him now? Who's gonna play his mobile games and do his dailies with him?
You're gonna be just like those assholes that forget their friends when they start dating, aren't you?
He knew you were just too good to be true. That's on him, though. He was stupid to believe you would stick around.
Wait, no, please don't go. Please don't get mad at him.
He just doesn't want you to spend your time with someone else... but also, he would rather die than straight up tell you that.
Maybe read between the lines of all his whiny ass messages and forget about that other guy, how about it? It's almost time for a raid anyway.
Hoshibami Taiga
Oh honey. I don't know why you think you can even leave Taiga's side for long enough to receive a whole confession.
Although, if someone is crazy enough to mess with TAIGA'S little kitten, they are very brave.
Taiga may let them shoot their shot just to amuse himself and see how the dumbass would try to woo you.
But if they got even a little bit closer, his gun would fire immediately.
It would either end in someone getting terribly traumatized and/or wounded, or in death.
Getting away is just not an option if you're Taiga's.
You're always in his reach. No reason to think about silly little scenarios like "receiving a confession".
Pffft. Don't be stupid.
Romeo Lucci
Are you fucking insane? Shut up and go fetch him a face mask.
Of course he's not letting you date anyone. You're his assistant. You dont have time for shit like that.
What do you mean you don't need permission? Oh that's RICH.
Romeo isn't very patient about this whole situation.
If you try to argue too much, he just pushes you into his secret room and then inside one of his cages until you understand your place.
He's never letting you just walk away and spend your precious time with some broke asshole. Your time is HIS. YOU are his. Don't get any funny ideas.
It doesn't matter if you get mad at him. He will keep you locked up until you're sweet and compliant again. Just the way you're supposed to be.
And if that doesn't work quickly enough, he can always order his men around and beat whoever tries to get too close to you.
No one fucking steals from Romeo. Much less what is the most valuable to him.
Shinjo Ritsu
Ritsu is incredibly confused once you bring up going on dates with someone who confessed to you.
Did you forget you are legally binded to him by the terms of your partnership?
You have no time to go on dates. During working hours you have to be fulfilling your part of the contract right beside him.
It's not his fault that there's so much work to do that you end up needing to work overtime...
Yes, he IS very against unpaid overtime, obviously.
But it's not like you're not getting anything from this! You'll have the best lawyer in Japan always ready to help you.
But you'll only have this rare privilege if you stop being foolish and forget about dating that silly student.
You have to focus. Focus on your partnership.
Focus on him.
Focus on Ritsu alone.
Kusanagi Haku
Oh, so you hesitate to accept his invitations, but you're quick to go on a date with some other random person?
Ouch. Yikes.
Immediately lets you know that the person a very nasty spirit posessing them.
But you'd be a bit silly if you believed what he says because Haku is going to blatantly lie.
If that's what it takes to keep you far from anyone trying to get their hands on you, you BET Haku will try to manipulate you.
"Exorcising them? Nah, can't do it. Too strong of a spirit, you know? Better just keep your distance ;)"
He's honestly shameless. Doesn't stop following you around for a second and always manages to barge into every conversation you have with a general student, even if it's not even the person who confessed to you.
Can't be too careful, you know? After all, you're so sweet, what if more people fall for you?
He hates competition, so it's best to just cull everyone that gets too close to you. Makes things a lot easier for him.
And you know, since you're so eager to go out on a date with someone, why don't you choose him for once?
It's not like he'll ever let you have another option besides himself after all.
Kagami Subaru
Oh, he's guilt tripping you right away. All those years of acting are SHOWING.
Have you watched a kabuki play? There are some SAD ones, you know.
And you best believe Subaru is going to look like you've just ripped his heart apart as soon as you tell him about the confession.
You're the only actual friend he has besides Lyca... Do you really want to leave him in the dust like that? All for some dates? He really thought he mattered more to you than that...
It doesn't matter how much you try to reassure him you won't abandon him, he'll only stop being gloomy once you tell him word for word that you are not going to date anyone else.
And as soon as you do that, it'll be like clouds letting the sun shine again. He'll smile and cling to you like a magnet, gently feeding you the softest daifuku.
All while subtly touching you and checking your memories for the face of whoever dared to confess to you.
His good relationship with Darkwick will definitely come in handy to keep them far away from you.
Kotodama Zenji
He is having such a hard time with this!
He is more than happy to know you're appreciated! You are such a wonderful person! His lovely little human!
However... he can't help but feel awful about it all too. What if you stop talking to him?
After all, besides you, only Haku and Subaru see him. He knows you wouldn't be able to talk to him if you had someone unrelated right next to you. Much less someone who isn't even a ghoul!
His late night visits become more frequent. He stands at the foot of your bed, looking at your sleeping figure, very conflicted.
Is he allowed to be a little selfish, even though he's a spirit?
Soon enough, you stop hearing from the person who confessed to you. It's not that big of a deal, but you ARE curious as to why they up and vanished.
You'll never know how they suddenly got prophetic nightmares about how they shouldn't date you, complete with some bloodied messages on their wall...
Mizuki Rui
He's absolutely distraught. Not only he cannot touch you, now he must be tortured by the sight of you touching someone else?
Even worse: someone else touching YOU?
His days just keep on getting worse.
Will you still please visit him at his bar then? You won't completely starve him of your company, right?
Maybe he should just touch this crush of yours.
Haha, just kidding! He wouldn't do that.
He will, however, hide in the darkness for as much as he needs until he's sure that he approves of that date of yours.
Spoiler: he will never approve of anyone that isn't him.
Rui will bombard you with messages until you understand that his jealousy will never subside unless you reject that person once and for all.
And maybe, for some peace, you should. Because Rui is nothing if not insistent.
From the corner of your eyes, you see the way he lurks in the shadows of every place you visit.
Give yourself a break and mend the shinigami's heart for once, please?
Edward Hart
Oh dear. Who's going to take care of him now 😔
You're heartless, you know. Wasting your finite human time with a pointless date, instead of helping an old man when he needs you... You wound him so...
Ed is the king of emotional blackmail. He will moan and groan on and on about how weak and alone he is (even though Rui does everything for him) and how cruel you are for not spending your days in his room, tending to all his whims.
It doesn't matter if Rui can help him with this malware-riddled website. He wants YOU to help him. His plain but pretty little thing.
Didn't you learn you must respect your elders, love?
Then go lay down on his bed with him, thread your fingers through his hair, and shush him when he's tired and in pain. You're his walking balm, dear.
Don't leave him hanging. That would be so rude of you.
Lyca Colt
No no no no no no no no
You're not gonna date anyone!! You're not going to hang out with anyone else, ever!!!
Lyca is another one that's not subtle.
He'll just cling to you 24/7 and growl at the person who confessed to you until they run away.
He'll NEVER let you spend a single minute longer with some boring human. You have to spend time with him and teach him more about... well, about everything! You're his caretaker, aren't you?
The fact that he used to protest every time someone called you his babysitter does not matter anymore!
He is going to stay by your side and chase everyone away. How dare they try to do those disgusting things with HIS human!
It's overwhelming how clingy and possessive he gets – even more than before.
Lyca won't let you breathe peacefully. He'll be clinging to your arm, your hand, your neck, your shoulders, anywhere he can grab just to show everyone that you belong WITH HIM ALONE.
It's best if you just accept it. They do say it's hard to teach older dogs how to behave, don't they...
Isami Yuri
He didn't expect much from you, but to waste your time with meaningless endeavors... Disappointing!
You better never sleep then! Because he's not letting you off the hook! You're still spending more than half of your day in Mortkranken, under HIS watchful eye!
And if he sees you texting some random guy, well. He'll just have to snatch your phone away from you.
How dare you think of anything else besides your apprenticeship under him?! Him, Isami Yuri, the best doctor in Darkwick. You're so ungrateful!
Yuri will wring you dry. He's so merciless, it'll be honestly best if you just focus on him...
He wants your full attention and focus. If you go on... *retches* dates... your mind won't be into your work.
Stop this insanity, worm, and pay attention to him. Pay attention and praise him. Don't go praising some random, worthless person. They don't deserve it.
But Yuri does. Yuri deserves your praise.
Praise him.
And forget all about anyone else.
Kirisaki Jiro
Hm... will going on dates affect your health positively? Your mental health, maybe? Huh.
Jiro doesn't really understand what he feels about you spending time with someone else.
What he does know is that he likes having you around, as much as he can process how "liking something" feels.
He likes how you take care of him after he showers and how you worry about him, no matter how many times he tells you it's pointless. He likes your reactions and how you try to be helpful. He likes you.
If you spending time with someone else means he won't have you doing all this anymore, or at least not as much as he'd like, he can't say he approves it.
Jiro straight up tells you he doesn't want you to go on dates and why.
It'd be wise to listen to him. Otherwise, he'll try to get his fix of you by following you around.
Not sure you'd want the tallest and strongest man in Darkwick following you around like a shadow... but you do you.
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otometo · 5 months
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✨Beautiful Warding cards for Tokyo Debunker ✨
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blueberrysquire · 1 month
This was so fun to make holy crap
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Look at that cocky fucker. He knows how cute he is.
Thank you to @aayakashii for always tagging me in sho content, my addiction is getting worse by the day 🥰
Refs under the cut <3
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102 notes · View notes
Cats mean like delinquents
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Vagastorm as cats
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Wc: 730
A Maine coon that you found wounded in the street, barely standing up while he fought six other cats. After you scared them away he fell down and put no resistance when you picked him up and brought him home.
At first he is so skittish of touch he attempts to hide under your bed or wardrobe but his size doesn't allow him which makes him nervous so please buy him a box or something so he feels safe, he will come out eventually when he gets attached to you.
First cat you know that willingly sits through cutting his nails, even if you don't know it, that is because once when playing he punctured your skin with his claws enough to draw blood and when he attempted to lick it to make you feel better his paper sand tongue made you recoil away.
Even if he is around Leo most of the time for the sake of reducing possible damages, he seems to have taken a soft spot for Sho choosing him as his usual play fight partner, even if he is so young he gets tired easily while he catches his breath Alan licks any scratches he might have gotten, and teaching him to hunt the multitude of mouse toys
Just like Thoma he also whips the kittens into good behavior but he isn't as fast to swipe at them, preferring to hiss for a nice while. If they don't comply he will bite the scruff if their neck and wrangle them around. Leo is there most of the time. If any of the kittens claw you or bite hard then that is when they face mighty claw punch (it's just swiping a paw at them but given he is a 11kg cat and the kittens are around 1kg so it usually stumbles them off their paws)
Never really a clingy cat but a protective one, if there are guests he hasn't met before and they touch even your shoulder he bites their hand before settling in your lap or between you two until they leave.
A classic English shorthair with a slightly lighter coat than usual.
The most Instagram able cat ever, as soon as he sees a camera he starts acting all cute and innocent. Sometimes he lets you put him in clothes but only enough for the photoshoot.
But just because he is cute doesn't mean he is nice, the littlest shit possible, meowing at any closed doors only to turn around when you open them, step on your laptop and face and chew your clothes.
Won't even look at you if you attempt to play with him, no matter how skillfully you move that feather, don't feel too bad! He almost doesn't play with the other cats too, either.
Makes Sho aid him in his mischief entraining you, his biggest attempted hit was going to be the salmon on your counter but luckily Alan dragged him back down before any paw or teeth touched it.
If you think you can eat anything at night alone, think again. Where Alan and Sho are heavy sleepers Leo seemingly can hear anything inside the house even if he is sleeping on the second floor and you are munching on biscuits. In his eyes you can see him threaten to wake the others unless you give him a treat so you two end up eating together.
A Turkish angora who got rehomed after he started picking fights with his big brother.
When he came home with Leo they were a problematic duo for you and Alan, Sho would entertain you with something while Leo attempted to push things out of the table or be a nuisance.
It's only when Leo is at the vet for eating something he shouldn't or getting glass stuck in his paw (don't feel sorry for him, he threw a glass and accidentally stepped on it) that you can see he is actually a nice kitty who happens to have a bad influence friend.
He really likes getting his hair brushed, and has just enough of it to be put on a ponytail and he will allow you to put accessories but nothing too flashy.
When you cook he stares from the oven, enjoying the warmth and the show.
His new favorite spot is under your bed, he goes there whenever Alan is too tiring and because he is so big can barely poke his head in.
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summer-nights19 · 22 days
Hey, heard you wanted more TDB requests, so I'm here to deliver😊. Could you do the Tokyo debunker boys (you can pick who you want) with an MC that is extremely accident prone, like you take a look away from them for a second and their covered in multiple cuts and bruises, and the cherry on top is that whenever this happens the MC is like "oops". Please and thank you.
Ofc anon ! As someone who falls over all the time, I love this idea
Tokyo debunker guys x klutz MC
Characters: The Frostheim + Vagastrom + Jabberwok guys
He finds it adorable honestly
Because he's not particularly strong as far as ghouls are concerned, he sometimes struggles to live up to the image of your "knight in shining armour", so he 100% would use this as an excuse to catch you in his arms while you fall
Will sometimes tease you about it in a good natured way
Also uses it as a way to get you to agree to hold his hand everywhere "so that you can't fall over"
It doesn't always work - sometimes you both just end up falling over
He worries about your safety so much - you might not think it's a big deal, but what if you fall and injure yourself seriously ?
Walks right next to you everywhere you go to make sure that he can catch you easily if you fall
Unlike Kaito, Luca always catches you successfully. He then proceeds to carry you bridal style the rest of the way "so you can't fall" (not that you're complaining)
Is even more protective of you when you go on missions - will not approve of you going unless he's there to guarantee your safety, and, even then, he doesn't let you leave his sight
Carries a little first aid kit with him so he can patch up any injuries you get from falling
"Oh for God's sake MC, why are you on the floor again ?"
Found it exasperating at first - why did you not manage to stay upright on your own two feet ?
However, some part of him does find it kind of endearing
Cannot keep an eye on you at all times due to his work as vice captain, but when he's around you he definitely tries
I could see him linking arms with you like they did in the olden days to prevent you from falling
If you do fall, expect a gentle lecture as he disinfects any bruises you got
At first, he finds it kind of cute. He definitely teases you about it when you're in private
However, if you're on a mission, his protective side kicks in - what if you fall and he isn't there to help you ? From now on, you are only allowed to go on missions with him or Tohma (preferably him) so they can keep you safe
Would definitely catch you as you were falling and carry you the rest of the wa like Luca
He pretends to be annoyed if you do fall, but in reality he loves taking care of you
Has tried using his stigma on you and telling you "Don't fall" as you hold his hand. This works well ... but only if you hold hands
This shouldn't surprise anyone, but he'd mostly be kind of a dick about it
He teases you about it SO much
Instead of helping you, he'd stand there and tease you or even record you so he can laugh at the video later
"You should have seen yourself, MC ! You fell face first right into that puddle !"
If he ever hurts your feelings he'd feel bad and try to be less mean (with limited success) but he wouldn't outright apologise
However, on a mission it's completely different - he's always by your side and picks you up at lighting speed if you fall
Will help you with any injuries, though he'll grumble about how clumsy you are
He teased you so much about it at first, but when you guys started liking each other, he begun to find it kind of cute (not that he'd ever admit it)
If you do fall, he always picks you up. At first, he's a bit too shy to carry you afterward, but eventually he starts to do it
Is so thorough about treating any injuries you might have
If you're on a mission, he keeps a very close eye on you and catches you immediately if he so much as sees you stumble. Good luck convincing him to let you go on one without him (he never will)
Jokes about giving you piggybacks/carrying you everywhere and low key starts to do it if you're into the idea
If he's not carrying you, then he's holding your hand so that you don't fall
Will physically not let you fall - he always has his eye on you and us ready to catch you
Another one who will only let you do missions with him, because no one else can protect you adequately
If you do still manage to fall, he'll dress all your wounds and kiss them better (if you're in private)
Also, if he discovers anyone giving you shit for your clumsiness, he will not hesitate to drag them into the pit and give them hell for it
Thinks it's absolutely adorable - you move like a baby giraffe !
He would also joke about holding your hand or carrying you everywhere and end up low key doing it
Always keeps a watchful eye on you to make sure you don't fall
If you do end up falling, he gives you a hug as he treats your wounds with the first aid kit he carries everywhere
Would look at you kind of sadly and offer you a hand up if you fall
Tries to catch you but doesn't always succeed
His hugs are honestly the best pain medication
Brings you flowers he found to distract you from your injuries
Won't admit in a million years that he finds it kind of cute and acts like he finds it annoying
At first, he just rolls his eyes at you and tells you to get up, but after some time passes, he starts to offer you a hesitant hand up and allow you to lean on his arm if you're injured after checking that you're ok
If you're in a private place, he'll tend to your injuries
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shira-cosmic-star · 14 days
More spice 🌶
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This all base on my opinion
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danieyells · 3 months
I feel like this is a big ask so for sure don’t feel pressured to! Would it be possible to have a masterpost for the voice lines? I’m trying to go back and find them with no success.
Not really a big ask! I know how to find them so it's not a big deal. I'll make this the masterpost!
Tokyo Debunker Home Screen Lines Masterpost
if a character has '(JP)' next to their link, that post also has the original Japanese in it!
If you want to use the template for something, I've left a blank here.
Jin Kamurai (JP)
Tohma Ishibashi
Kaito Fuji
Lucas Errant
Alan Mido
Leo Kurosagi (JP)
Shohei Haizono (JP)
Haru Sagara
Towa Otonashi
Ren Shiranami
Taiga Hoshibami
Romeo Scorpius Lucci
Ritsu Shinjo
Subaru Kagami
Haku Kusanagi
Zenji Kotodama
Edward Hart
Rui Miziki
Lyca Colt
Yuri Isami
Jiro Kirisaki (JP)
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internals1ut · 13 days
Leo x Sho
18+/nsfw/minors gtfo
So thought of this during Goc last night.
Thinking about a half cat anomoly half human(back in my day, we call them neko cats iykyk) Leo with human Sho and Sho is hitting it from behind while Leo is arched with his ass in the air.
Leo is blinded in pleasure and his tail sways in the air, pretty much hitting Sho in the face so it's hard for Sho to concentrate on what he is doing.
He is just like "this bitch".
Please laugh at this horny thought it was funny
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berrygoodjob · 4 months
Your pervert hc’s will not leave my brain, all I can think about is how the rest of the cast would act, cause I just know Alan and Lucas would both feel so guilty and ashamed of themselves, and I can only think of the word mortified when I think of Ren, Haku, and Sho with this one.
It has me really hoping you’re gonna put a few more of these out for sure, but either way, thanks for the writing you’ve already done, the fandom’s so new there’s so few fics, I’m glad I found this blog!
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MDNI 18+
ft: Alan, Luca, Ren, Sho
Part one part two
Alan Mido
—pervert!Alan who looks away after the first time he accidentally checks you out. He just got so hard he doesn’t even know what to do. Like it was just a quick up and down glance. He has to excuse himself from the room immediately
—pervert!Alan who now can’t stop thinking of what it would feel like to have your hands pumping his dick instead of his own
—pervert!Alan does in fact feel INCREDIBLY guilty for his own thoughts. But even just looking at you while you’re talking about anything or everything he’s just trying to keep himself from imagining your lips around his cock
—pervert!Alan does his best to drown those thoughts, but they always come back to him when he’s alone at night, but it’s better than the thoughts that plagued him before you came along
—pervert!Alan wishes he could taste you, so badly, he needs to more than anything know what it tastes like to make you feel good. He knows if you’d let him, he could sit there and just pleasure you for hours on end like a starved man. He knows he’d take his sweet time and savor every moment, but for now, just having you in his presence is enough for him
Lucas Errant
—pervert!Luca cannot stop thinking about how badly he’d like to rail you. Stuff both his dick and all his stress somewhere deep inside you all at once
—pervert!Luca who peeks down your shirt in class accidentally once, and now ‘accidentally’ will drop pens or papers in hopes that you’ll bend over and pick it up just so he can sneak another peek
—pervert!Luca definitely knows better and feel bad for desiring you so deeply, but also hearing you say his name almost made him bust in his pants once
—pervert!Luca does his best to stop himself from jerking off to the thought of one of his few friends at darkwik, also the fact that you’re cursed makes it so much worse,,, he feels so bad, but cumming to the thought of you feels sooooo good
—pervert!Luca accidentally whimpered once because your hand grazed his hip as you were passing by, he really hopes you didn’t hear….
Ren Shiranami
—pervert!Ren who was totally normal in his feelings about you until he felt you cling to him one time on a mission. There couldn’t have been a worse moment for him to be on rock hard. Worst part is both Haru and Towa noticed too
—pervert!Ren makes sure his doors and windows are locked and covered when he’s jerking it to a photo of you
—pervert!Ren who invites you over to watch the directors cut of his favorite horror movie, and will be sniffing the space you occupied once you leave, just to get a little relief from the raging boner he had the whole time
—pervert!Ren definitely thinks about how badly you’d probably react if he just moved his hand down your chest and felt around a bit…. Surely it wouldn’t be that bad…. Who is he kidding, that’d make him look like as much of a weirdo as the others in a much worse way….
—pervert!Ren who picks movies with sex scene to watch how you react, maybe if he’s lucky you’ll leave a little wet spot from arousal on his bed for him to press his face into later…. He’ll be absolutely mortified by his own depravity doing this, but fuck all hell it feels so good…
Shohei Haizono
—pervert!Sho who was walked in on once by Leo right as he moaned your name, and is now being blackmailed into hanging out with you more (Leo is trying to set them up in the only way he knows how, blackmail)
—pervert!Sho loves taking you out for rides in his bike just to feel your body all pressed up against him
—pervert!Sho curses himself for having such perverted thoughts when you’ve done nothing but show him genuine kindness, but also he just wants to see how your ass would look riding him….. it’s only natural, right?
—pervert!Sho stays a little too close and is always ready to pull you around if youre not paying attention to where you’re walking. He’ll scold you for it, but inside he’s really just thinking about how easily he could pick you up and buck up into you since you’re so light to him (his goulish strength is wild picking up industrial refrigerators and shit)
—pervert!Sho who has a wet dream about you posing naked on his bike and now he has regular fantasies about bending you over and fucking your brains out on it, he keeps it to himself though… and the box of tissues by his bed
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